Játékok Betű-Hang Tanításhoz
Játékok Betű-Hang Tanításhoz
Játékok Betű-Hang Tanításhoz
Many games can be played that support the consolidation of learning and
memorising consonants and vowels, and it is essential that children who are
learning as second language speakers become actively involved and enjoy learning
the letters.
If there are children who are not keeping up for any reason, the teacher needs to be
aware and find ways to help them at this early stage when it is easier to deal with
than later on. These children may need some extra help, going back to the stories
that introduced each letter, and helping them to make the connections with the
sound consciously.
It is also important that the teacher builds up a very thorough approach that supports
the children to learn the letters with ease. It is far better to work more slowly and
thoroughly at this stage, before the split comes between those children that can read
and those who cannot.
Choose a word e.g. man and children must change the first
letter to form another word. See how many words can be found. You can even allow
nonsense words just for fun. E.g. man, can, ban, tan, lan, Dan, pan, etc.
. The teacher says a word e.g. ‘fish’ and the children must
tell her the first sound and then the last sound.
. The teacher can ask the children to find words that begin with a
particular letter. The children can also find groups of words that end with a letter. The
teacher needs to give examples from words the children already know and perhaps
even help the children to guess certain words by asking leading questions. She may
even ask two children to help each other find words as the children often learn new
words from their friends. By repeating the exercise daily the children improve and feel
good about the number of words they know.
. The teacher says a word e.g. ‘dog’ and the children must tell
her the Angel Letter (vowel sound) that they hear.
. The teacher begins by saying “I spy (or see), with my little eye, something big
(or small) beginning with the sound ‘b’. Answer: bush. Whoever guesses the object
correctly has the next turn. OR On our walk I saw something beginning with the sound
‘p’. Answer: pig. Later the teacher can also use consonant blends e.g. ‘sh’ Answer:
The teacher needs to make Flash Cards of all the letters with the story-picture
related to the letter on the back of the card. S/he shows a card, and the class (or
the boys or girls, or the front row, next row, or a particular child) answers by making
the sound of the letter. In this way s/he can practise regular recognition of the
Usually the teacher draws a picture image that includes the letter and places it
above the board in the classroom so that the children can see the whole alphabet
and refer to these beautiful images at any time.
Once the letters are well established, the teacher can make flash cards with words,
which the children have already learnt, on them.
Each child should have an envelope containing individual letters on cards for
recognition of letters and word-building. Each child can then build his or her own
In addition to the activities already mentioned, games involving Letter Cards for both
letters and words can be used, allowing the children to work with a partner and test
each other.
Games such as Memory involve having two sets cards mixed together, so there are
two cards of the same letter (for all the letters). All the cards are placed face down
and the children take turns. As a child turns over a card, they must name the letter
that they see and then try and find the other card with the same letter. If they
succeed they get another turn. If they do not get it right, it is the other child’s turn.
Snap can also be played. Each child has a set of cards with letters. They take
turns to turn over a card and whenever they turn over the same card, the one who
says Snap first wins the whole pile on the table. A simple Scrabble can be done in
Grade 2 and upwards where they learn to build up words using one of the letters
from the word that is already there as a base.
It is important to remember that teaching a letter with a beautiful story is not enough.
The teacher must continually refer back to the letter and the story from which
it came, repeating activities that involve using letters learnt previously in
different ways. These games to practise the letters should be played daily so
that the children continually revise those letters they have learnt.