Assignment Module 4
Assignment Module 4
Assignment Module 4
Name :Saqba Amin, Roll number: D18294
Question # 1
Cut out all the 10 shapes of metal insets on tough chart paper and make creative
designs of all levels as described on the book pace the insert papers carrying out your
designs to your assignment.
Name :Saqba Amin,Roll number:D18294
Question # 2
Explain how word building is introduced to children using Moveable Alphabets and
Alphabets Boxes at Pink, Blue and Green Levels.
When the child has learnt the phonetic sounds of the alphabets and has develop the ability to
identify them or contrast. The directress starts by spreading a mat out on the floor. She open
the box of LMA, allowing children to observe the alphabets as she pronounces alphabets by
sounds and task them to build to the find the pronounced letter. When a child successfully
doses so, the letter is placed on the mat and exercises repaired of all the alphabets ensuring
maximum student preparation
At this level, word activates involve three lettered CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) and
two lettered phonetic words. All the alphabets used in this level should give their sounds.
Pink Level Segmentation:
Exercise: Material required for this exercise are pink boxes containing small objects whose
names are three letter phonetic words. For Example. Cat, box, cup, pin, bat etc. The
directress spread out a mat on the floor. The alphabet box is opened with the lid seaside. The
shows the child how to take an object and put it under the first one and build its name beside
it, and then take another object and put it under the first one and build its name. As soon as
the child has understood the exercise, he works alone. He puts the object down one at time
on the mat and builds their names. The child can use any of the pink boxes in the same way
Pink level blending (beginning phonetic reading)
Exercise: Materials required are pink colour coded box, containing objects with three lettered
names. Words including middle level graphemes can be included such as ball, moon etc.
Name cards of the entire object should be light pink paper card or laminated cardboard. The
teacher takes out all the objects one by one, asking their names or telling them herself and
placing them on the table. She then takes out the name’s car done by one, placing them in
front of the child, pronouncing individual letters one by one, pronouncing the whole words
and asking id the child if he could match the name card with the object. Finally, she allows
them to do the same independently.
After the child has successfuly reading three letterphonetic words, he is ready o begin word
building and reading four or more letter phonetic words on the blue level.
Blue Level Segmentation:
Name:Saqba Amin, Roll number:D18294
Exercise: For this exercise, materials required are large moveable box and blue boxes containing small
objects with names that are longer phonetic words. The teacher places the LMA and the blue box on the
mat, allowing children to name the objects in the blue box. The teacher takes one object, builds the name
sing LMA, and pronounces it. Finally, she allows the child to do the same.
Blue level Blending (beginning phonetic reading):
Exercise: Materials required for this exercise are the same as for the exercise above. Now
the teaching aim is for the children to learn how to read the phonetic words and give them
ample practice through use of phonetic booklets, secret boxes, sentence strips word list,
picture cards etc.
The child is finally introduced to the level comprised of phonograms after the successful
completion of the pink and blue level. In this level, phonetic words with the phonograms are
used. For example, while teaching the phonograms
“sh” the teacher introduces the child to words like brush, shell, shoe, ship, cash etc. Less
phonogram is only introduced o the child as when he comes across them.
Exercise: First off, green boxes containing green coded picture and word cards containing
phonetic words with only one phonogram are arranged. Phonograms themselves are inred
while the rest alphabets are in black. The phonogram is written on the top of thebox. Each
phonogram has a different box dedicated to it. She spreads the picture card sand piles the
word cards on the table. Then shows the word cards to the student turn by turn, asking him to
pronounce each word and then place it beside the corresponding picture
Question # 3
Write a comprehensive note on exercises of Oral Language?
Exercises of Oral Language Exercises:
Before entering the Montessori, most of the children have started construction words and
sentences. This is, done by them unconsciously, Montessori equip the child with the tools
required for language development.
There are two groups in Montessori for teaching correct oral language to the child.1.
1. The enrichment of vocabulary
2. Language training.
Following are the main purpose of these exercises:
a. Speech clarity
b. . Vocabulary expansion.
c. Familiarize with different aspects of language.
d. Develop appreciation and enjoyment towards language e.
Prepare for writing work and reading.
To the child correct oral language, Montessori divided the learning experience into two
1. The Enrichment of Vocabulary and Language Training
Most of the children already have command over spoken language at the time of entering a
Montessori school. At about 3 years of age the child can consciously begin to explore
language. Previously he
has been constructing language skills unconsciously, but now is time to consolidate all the pr
evious andupcoming language knowledge consciously. This is perfect time for the child to
equip himself with the necessary language tools. Following oral motor exercises are also
important as preparation for speaking.
Oral Motor Exercises – Preparation of Speaking:
the child uses a mirror for doing the following exercises
• Facial exercises
1. Puff up cheeks. Hold air for 5 seconds, then blow out.
2. Suck in cheeks and then relax
3. Puff up cheeks with air, move air from one side to other side without letting air out.
4. Raise your eyebrows, wrinkle forehead.
5. Close eyes tightly and winkle with one and then the other eye
• Jaw exercises
1. Open mouth widely and close tightly.
2. Drop jaw down as far as possible. Don’t
move head backward.
3. Move jaw from side to side and forward to
4. Utter these sounds with movement of jaws;
Whee! Why! Whao! Wah!
• Lip exercises
1. Say “OO” pushing lips as far forward as
2. Say “ee” pushing lips as backward as
3. Tuck lips in as if blotting lips.
4. Alternate pout/ smile.
5. Pucker and then move lips side to side.
Wide open mouth and then pucker with it.
• Tongue Exercises:
1. Point tongue.
2. Bring tongue in and take it out with speed.
3. Fold Both sides of tongue.
4. Try to touch nose with tongue. Hold it to farthest point.
5. Lower tongue towards the chin. Hold it to farthest point.
6. Make a circle with tongue around outside of month. Reverse direction
The Sensorial Materials:
The teacher uses three period lessons to introduce nouns and adjectives related to the
sensorial material. Language lessons on the Sensorial Materials. The child is, given the
language lessons after he has mastered the material, and is at a point where he has start
losing interest in the material.
Exercise 3:
Classified Cards
A set of labelled or unlabelled picture cards representing a class of things. E.g. animals,
plants, kitchen tools, cleaning tools, furniture etc.
Presentation 1
Three Period Lessons):
1. Chose on set of cards and invite one child or a small group of children to work with
2. . Introduce the cards conversationally.
3. Show the child the classification cards, and discuss what he sees on the card.
4. Go through all of the cards and separates the cards he knows the cards he does not
5. Teach the child the name of the cards he does not know by doing a Three Period
Lesson with three cards at a time.
6. When child is sure o all the names, ix the cards he first did not know with the card she
7. Lay out all the cards on the table in a column from top to bottom and say the names
you do so.
8. Mix them again and invite the child to lay them out, and ask him to say the names of
the objects on the cards as he do so.
9. Do a second three period lesson with the entire set.
10. Put the entire set back into the box.
Exercise 1:
Telling and Reading Stories:
Make the children sit in semi circle for the clarity of view, if you are reading / telling the
story to more than one child. This is important to keep the interest of the children alive, and
make your gesture and facial expressions visible, which helps children understand the story
When reading a story, don’t show the images or pictures too often to the child, so that
The child can make his own images in his mind. Also give credit to the author and the
illustrator. Encourage children to sometimes share their own stories, or the stories they have
heard from you. Once the story has been read to the children, it can go to the Book Corer
where the children can look at it whenever they like.
Exercise 2
Poetry, Rhymes, Jingles and Songs:
Poetry is made of self expression and communication that attracts young children. The
directress should take special care while selecting a poem so as to make sure it does contain
any explicit content or convey any negative influence. She should start with the shorter poem
that is easier to memorise, reading them aloud and asking the children to repeat after her,
until they have learned it by heart. She may do the same
With children’s; songs, rhymes and jingles to bring variety.
Exercise 3:
News Time:
By sharing news, we develop the child’s confidence and provide him practice in self
Expression. Sharing news is a brilliant way to express oneself, and it is an important moment
for the child. The directress should listen to the child with interest when he is sharing news,
whether the news is big or small without postponing. Later on, the directress can ask the
child to share the same news with the whole class during the news time if he so wishes.
The directress can pose intelligent questions to introvert and shy children, requiring more
description of the news they want to share.
Exercise 4:
Asking Question Game
These are games which help children think more deeply and exercise their brains in fun way,
played in groups or even individually. An example of this would be asking questions about
the lunch a child brought to school, for example cookies The directress Could ask a series of
relevant questions like, “What is this cookies made of” “Where do the ingredients come
from?” “What colour are they?” etc. The directress should repeat These exercises regularly
Question # 4
Prepare a complete set of Montessori language material to be used at Pink Blue and
Green levels.
Pink Phonetic Object Boxes With LMA
Pink Phonetic Object Boxes With written cards
Jet car
Pen Lid
Six Pictures Cards
Pink Level Secret Box / Basket
Pink Level Phonetic Booklet
is on the
to she at
Phrasal and Sentence Strips Pink Level
Blue Level Word Work
Exercise 1
Blue Phonetic Object Boxes and LMA
Reading Exercise 4
Blue Level Secret Box/ Basket
Blue Level Phonetic Booklet
Blue Sentence Strips
Green Level Word Work
Reading Exercise 1
Green Picture Boxes and Written Cards
Green Sentences Strips (Story Starters)
Reading Exercise 3
Green List of Words 2