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(A Model) : A Policy of The (AGENCY) On Equal Opportunity Principle in The Four (4) Core Areas of PRIME-HRM

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(A Model)

A Policy of the [AGENCY] on Equal Opportunity Principle in The Four (4) Core

Areas of PRIME-HRM


The Agency commits to provide a safe and inclusive workplace that is free from all forms of discrimination
and harassment regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,
economic and social status, and physical disability. It shall foster a work environment that encourages
meaningful engagement and participation of all officials, employees, and clients including marginalized,
underprivileged, or vulnerable groups.

It shall ensure the adoption of Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) policy in the implementation of processes
for the four (4) areas of human resource management, namely: Recruitment, Selection and Placement
(RSP), Learning and Development (L&D), Performance Management (PM), and Rewards and Recognition

Specifically, equal opportunity shall be afforded to all officials, employees, and clients including those in the
marginalized, underprivileged or vulnerable group of individuals who require special need or consideration,
such as but not limited to the following:
a. Pregnant women
b. Solo parents
c. Senior citizens
d. Persons with Disabilities
e. Indigenous People
f. People with different religious affiliations and denominations
g. People from any sexual orientation and gender identity and expression

Toward this end, this EOP policy is adopted for guidance and compliance of all concerned.


The Agency is guided by the following legal imperatives in implementing these guidelines: Universal
Declaration of Human Rights; 1987 Constitution; Magna Carta for Women (RA 9710); Magna Carta for
Persons with Disability (RA 10524 amending RA 7277); Indigenous People’s Rights Act of 1997 (RA
8371); Solo Parent Welfare Act of 2000 (RA 8972); Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (RA 7877);
Paternity Leave Act of 1996 (RA 8187); and other applicable laws and issuances.
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This Policy on Equal Opportunity Principles is hereby adopted in compliance with Republic Act No.
10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its implementing Rules and Regulations, and other relevant
policies. The Agency respects and values data privacy rights and makes sure that all personal data
collected in connection with this policy will be processed in adherence to the general principles of the
said law. Further, it shall guarantee the safety and security of any personal data that may be gathered
and will ensure that it shall be used only for the purpose as stated and as consented to by the persons




1. To uphold equality in the recruitment, selection, and placement processes, thereby, eradicating
discrimination, prejudice, and impartiality with regards to age, sex, gender, sexual orientation,
ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and physical disability.

2. To employ people belonging to the marginalized, underprivileged, or vulnerable groups,

particularly differently-abled persons.

3. To guide applicants from the marginalized, underprivileged, or vulnerable groups on the proper
procedure of applying for a job in the Agency without feeling discriminated, by ensuring that
these applicants are not at any substantial disadvantage compared to other applicants.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Publication and Posting of Vacancies

a. The Agency shall comply with the provisions of RA 7041 (Publication Law), RA 7160 (Local
Government Code of 1991), and the 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other
Human Resource Actions, as amended, particularly Rule VII (Publication and Posting of
Vacant Positions).

b. In the publication and posting of vacant positions, the Agency shall adhere to the EOP
Policy. A statement that “the Agency encourages all interested and qualified applicants
regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,

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economic and social status, and physical disability” shall be included in the publication and
posting of vacant positions.

c. All job vacancy advertisements and job descriptions shall not discourage people from the
marginalized, underprivileged, and vulnerable groups to apply to any post. As much as
possible, applicants of diverse backgrounds shall be encouraged, acknowledged, and

d. Job vacancies shall also be posted in the Local Social Welfare and Development Office,
social media, and other areas accessible to marginalized, underprivileged, and vulnerable
groups such as physically challenged or differently-abled people, members of indigenous

2. Initial Assessment of Applicants

a. The initial assessment shall not give other considerations outside the qualifications of the
applicant such as age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,
economic and social status, and physical disability.

b. Job applicants who are not included in the short-listed roster of qualified applicants per initial
assessment/evaluation of the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) shall be
informed in writing of the result of the assessment in connection with the qualification
requirements in terms of education, experience, training, and eligibility. The disqualification
should not be on account of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political
affiliation, economic and social status, and physical disability.

3. Written Examination, if applicable

a. The examination shall incorporate Gender, Equity, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI)
principles and perspectives.

b. The following considerations shall be provided to applicants with special needs such as:

 Accessible and comfortable venue with auxiliary aids provided, whichever is required
based on need.
 A half-hour or thirty minutes’ extension for the duration of the written examination.

4. Behavioral Event Interview (BEI)

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a. The interview shall be conducted by the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection
Board (HRMPSB) members at a venue where confidentiality of the proceedings is taken into
consideration in addition to other attributes that will not cause discomfort and uneasiness to
the applicant.

b. Appropriate language shall be used by the HRMPSB members. The HRMPSB members
shall only ask questions related to the position applied for and any questions to clarify any
ambiguous areas about the applicants’ qualifications and competencies and on matters
related to the selection criteria. Questions leading to discrimination in the principles of merit
and fitness for the job and EOP policy must not be permitted. Moreover, questions shall not
pertain to age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,
economic and social status, and physical disability.

c. During the interview, any reasonable and necessary adjustment shall be made to ensure
that a differently-abled applicant is not at any substantial disadvantage compared to other
applicants. This shall include ensuring that accessories and auxiliary aids/devices are
available for applicants with vision and hearing difficulties/impairments.

d. In case the Agency has no available accessories and auxiliary aids/devices, it shall enter
into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) or Department of Education (DepEd) for this purpose.

5. Selection by the Appointing Authority

a. Decisions on appointment shall be based on merit, fitness, and suitability of the candidates,
the need of the Agency, and the office/unit concerned. The appointing authority shall be
guided by the report of the HRMPSB’s assessment of candidates.

b. In case a differently-abled candidate/applicant is chosen for appointment, he/she is

recommended to undergo Pre-Employment Health Screening, for the Agency to determine
necessary adjustments to the work environment.

c. The decision of the appointing authority not to appoint an applicant belonging to a

marginalized, underprivileged, and vulnerable group shall not be treated as a violation of the
EOP policy unless there is a display of blatant discrimination and abuse of discretion.


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1. The Agency is committed to provide an open and transparent mechanism in the Learning
and Development processes and uphold equality in the selection of delegates/participants to
attend in any intervention (external or internal) free from discrimination, unfair treatment, and
impartiality with regards to age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political
affiliation, economic and social status, and physical disability.

2. The Agency is committed to adopt and promote the EOP policy in providing learning and
development interventions. Officials and employees are selected and recommended for
training and their career development based on their training needs, competence, and
performance regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political
affiliation, economic and social status, and physical disability.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Qualifications and Selection of Learners

a. Profile of participants shall be prepared and provided by the concerned staff of the L&D
implementer to the Learning Service Provider (LSP) for his/her reference. The profile
shall include useful information such as, but not limited to: name, nickname, sex, age,
disability, date of birth, contact information, position title, salary grade, years in
government service, status of employment, and Agency where the participant came
from. (see attached template).

b. Participants with special needs shall be identified to ensure access to L&D interventions
and full learning opportunity for them.

2. Equity and Access to Learning and Development Interventions

a. No one shall be discriminated against joining and accessing L&D interventions on

account of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,
economic and social status, and physical disability.

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b. The conduct of L&D programs shall ensure equal, adequate, and safe participation of
women and men, and individuals or groups with special needs taking into consideration
the following:
 developmental needs as the basis for provision and access to L&D;
 use of gender-fair and bias-free language, examples, and illustrations in all learning
materials, and ;
 non-discrimination based on appearance or attire during trainings
 appropriateness of logistical arrangements such as :
- accessibility, size, and capacity of venues
- availability of lactation room/breastfeeding facility
- child-minding center for infants and toddlers
- prayer room
- accommodation for PWD assistants
- reserved seats for PWDs, senior citizens, pregnant women
and those with special needs
- dietary restrictions due to health condition and/or religious affiliation

c. The L&D implementers shall ensure gender balance and equity among participants and
learners, as far as practicable.

3. Selection of Learning Service Provider (LSP)

a) LSPs who are GAD advocates and knowledgeable in social inclusion shall be considered
aside from their education, expertise, competence, experience, and integrity.

4. Safe Learning and Development Environment

a. All L&D implementers shall set-up a safe, comfortable, and learning-conducive

environment focused on fostering positive relationships among learners, trainers, and
HRMO staff by encouraging participation and active involvement during training and
other development interventions.

b. Sexual harassment, bullying, any act of showing contemptuous imitation, mockery,

intimidation, and making fun of any participant in any verbal or non-verbal manner shall
not be tolerated. If such incident occurs, a report shall be made immediately by the
concerned training staff to the Head of the L&D implementer who shall then take the
necessary and appropriate action within three (3) days from receipt of the report or

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c. Protection from hazards and promotion of a sustainable learning environment shall be
ensured. This includes the availability of safety regulations and First Aid at the L&D
venue and the provision of assistance to vulnerable groups or groups with special needs.


1. To ensure that in the implementation of the EOP policy on performance management,
objectivity shall always be observed and that there shall be no discrimination on account
of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic
and social status, and physical disability or other similar personal circumstances which
run counter with the principle of merit and fitness and equal employment opportunity.

2. To support equality in the performance management processes of the Agency, thereby,

eradicating discrimination, prejudice, and impartiality with regards to age, sex, gender,
sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and
physical disability in the assignment and distribution of tasks.

3. To ensure that assessments are carried out of the scope of reasonable adjustments,
personnel with disabilities are considered for promotion according to their aptitudes,
competence, and qualifications.

4. To ensure the safety of work areas for all officials and employees, accessibility, mobility,
and comfort of employees who are pregnant, physically challenged, or differently-abled
should be given due consideration to enhance their productivity and effectiveness.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Performance Planning and Commitment Setting

a. All officials and employees regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation,
ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and physical
disability shall participate in performance planning and target-setting on the
targeted output of a particular official or employee.

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b. Officials or employees regardless of age, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,
economic and social status, and physical disability who are scheduled for
retirement and female officials or employees who are expecting to give birth
within a specific performance rating period shall have their performance targets
adjusted taking into consideration the retirement date or period of maternity
leave. Pregnant officials or employees should not be given tasks that may
endanger their lives as well as the unborn baby.

c. Officials and employees with a disability shall be given targets commensurate to

their respective aptitudes and competence. They shall be provided the necessary
accommodation so they can perform efficiently and effectively to meet their

d. All officials and employees regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation,
ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and physical
disability shall not be forced to perform or deliver targets that are inconsistent
with their religious beliefs or practices.

2. Performance Monitoring and Coaching

a. Performance monitoring shall take into consideration the agreed targets.

b. Supervisors shall ensure that no subordinate regardless of age, sex, gender,

sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic and social
status, and physical disability is unduly favored or unfavored in terms of

c. Coaching session/s conducted by the supervisor should be geared towards

improving performance and shall not take into consideration personal attributes
such as age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,
economic and social status, and physical disability.

3. Performance Evaluation

a. Objectivity shall always be observed in performance evaluation.

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b. The distribution of tasks/assignments of officials and employees regardless of age, sex,
gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic and social
status, and physical disability shall be discussed by the supervisor to his/her staff before
the start of the rating period so that there will be an agreement for the
commitment/targets of the Office or Division.

c. Assignment of tasks shall consider the needs of officials and employees belonging to
specialized groups such as those recuperating from life-threatening illnesses,
undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, or medical surgery, and the like.

d. Officials and employees regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity,
religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and physical disability shall be
given the opportunity for self-rating of their performance in a specific rating period.

e. The official and employee regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity,
religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and physical disability shall be
informed of the performance rating obtained in a specific performance rating period.

f. Officials and employees regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity,
religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and physical disability shall be
allowed to discuss with the supervisor the performance rating obtained in a specific
rating period.

g. Performance rating shall not become final unless agreed by the official or employee
regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,
economic and social status, and physical disability and the supervisor and this should be
done thru the accomplishment of the OPCR/IPCR.

4. Performance Rewarding and Development Planning.

a. Performance Rewarding and Development Planning shall be based on an equal

opportunity, merit, and performance of the official and employee and shall not be
based on consideration of personal attributes such as age, sex, gender, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and
physical disability.

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1. To provide an open and transparent mechanism in the rewards and recognition

processes of the Agency devoid of discrimination, unfair treatment, and impartiality on
account of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation,
economic and social status, and physical disability.

2. Consistent with the EOP policy, the provision of awards, incentives, and other forms of
recognition shall be based mainly on merit, outstanding performance and
accomplishments, and exemplary behavior. All officials and employees of the Agency
shall be given equal opportunities to qualify for the conferment of rewards and
recognition regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political
affiliation, economic and social status, and physical disability.

Specific Guidelines:


a. The Agency shall provide a working environment that promotes, recognizes, and
rewards those demonstrating exemplary performance, high ethical standards, and
positive values in the performance of their task including the application of innovative
skills and technical expertise developed over time from age, sex, gender, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, economic and social status, and
physical disability.

b. During the nomination, deliberation, selection process up to awarding, reasonable and

necessary adjustments shall be made to ensure that differently-abled or indigenous
nominees are not at any substantial disadvantage compared to other nominees. This
shall include ensuring that the deliberation room up to the event place or the recognition
is accessible to wheelchairs and that auxiliary aids and accessories are available for
visually and hearing-impaired nominees/awardees.

c. The Agency shall ensure that all nominees for reward and recognition shall be treated
fairly and without discrimination.

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a. The Agency shall not tolerate any act of showing disrespectful imitation, mockery, or
making fun of differently-abled nominees due to their impairment or disability or
nominees from LGBTQI and other ethnic community, whether in verbal or non-writing,
as well as the use of defamatory or insulting words or statements that may result to lose
loss of self-esteem of the nominees.


 The Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) is responsible for the dissemination
of these guidelines and this should be properly documented. The documentation and
implementation of the EOP policy shall be subject to inspection and audit of the Civil
Service Commission.

 Department Heads and supervisors are responsible for implementing the EOP policy
within each department/unit.

 All officials and employees of the Agency are enjoined to comply and promote EOP
policy in the agency.

 To institutionalize this EOP policy, the same shall be submitted to the Local
Sangguniang for confirmation through a Local Sanggunian Resolution.


 This EOP policy shall take effect immediately.


 The Agency commits to implement the EOP policy in the four (4) core systems of human
resource management, namely: Recruitment Selection and Placement (RSP), Learning
and Development (L&D), Performance Management (PM), and Rewards and
Recognition (R&R) and attain the objectives set forth through the collaborative effort of
the entire workforce of this Agency.

[DATE], [Address]

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[Head of Agency]

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