Lecture 18 - Parking Study
Lecture 18 - Parking Study
Lecture 18 - Parking Study
Parking Study
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
For land to be productively used, it must be accessible. Although
public transportation can be a major part of providing accessibility
in dense urban areas, for the most part, accessibility depends on the
supply, convenience, and cost of parking facilities. Major activity
centers, from regional shopping malls to sports facilities to airports,
rely on significant parking supply to provide site accessibility.
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
related to parking and other forms of access. Parking supply must be
balanced with other forms of access (public transportation), the
traffic conditions created by such access, and the general
environment of the activity center. Although economic viability is
most directly related to the availability of parking, the
environmental impacts of generated traffic may have negative effects
Parking system
1- On street parking
On street parking means the vehicles are parked on the sides of the
street itself. This will be usually controlled by government agencies
itself. Common types of on-street parking are as listed below. This
classification is based on the angle in which the vehicles are parked
with respect to the road alignment. 3
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
parked along the length of the
road. Here there is no backward
movement involved while parking
or unparking the vehicle. Hence, it
is the most safest parking from the
accident perspective. However, it
30◦ with respect to the road alignment. In this case, more
vehicles can be parked compared to parallel parking.
thirty degree parking, more number of vehicles can be
accommodated in this type of parking.
4. 60◦ parking : The vehicles are parked at 60◦ to the direction of road.
More number of vehicles can be accommodated in this parking type
Fig. 2 : Illustration of 60° Parking Spaces
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are parked perpendicular to the direction of the road. Although
it consumes maximum width curb length required is very little.
In this type of parking, the vehicles need complex maneuvering
and this may cause severe accidents. This arrangement causes
obstruction to the road traffic particularly if the road width is
less. However, it an accommodate maximum number of vehicles
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
Fig. 3 : Illustration of 90° Parking Spaces
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
In many urban centers, some areas are exclusively allotted for
parking which will be at some distance away from the main
stream of traffic. Such a parking is referred to as off-street
parking. They may be operated by either public agencies or
private firms. A typical layout of an off-street parking is shown in
figure 4.
Before discussing the different methods for conducting a parking
study, it is necessary to define some terms commonly used in parking
studies including space-hour, parking volume, parking accumulation,
parking load, parking duration, and parking turnover.
space-hours used during the specified period of time.
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(1) inventory of existing parking facilities,
(2) collection of data on parking accumulation, parking turnover
and parking duration,
(3) identification of parking generators, and
(4) collection of information on. parking demand.
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
location and all other relevant characteristics of each legal parking
facility, private and public, in the study area. The inventory includes
both on- and off-street facilities. The relevant characteristics usually
listed include the following:
• Type and number of parking spaces at each parking facility
• Times of operation and limit on duration of parking, if any
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is useful both to the traffic engineer and to public agencies, such
as zoning commissions and planning departments. The inventory
should be updated at regular intervals of about four to five
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zone is included, checks should
be made during the times when
retail shops are open, which may
include periods up to 9:30 p.m.
on some days. On the other
hand, at truck stops, the highest.
usually obtained by collecting data on a sample of parking spaces in a
given block. This is done by recording the license plate of the vehicle
parked on each parking space in the sample at the ends of fixed
intervals during the study period. The length of the fixed intervals
depends on the maximum permissible duration. For example, if the
maximum permissible duration of parking at a curb face is 1 hour, a
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
Although the manual collection of parking data is still commonly
used, it is now possible for all parking data to be collected
electronically. Some of these electronic systems use wireless sensors
to detect the arrival and departure of a vehicle at a parking space
and the information sent to a central location through the internet.
An example of this is the Spark Parking Inc. system. In addition to
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
3. Parking Demand
Information on parking demand is obtained by interviewing drivers
at the various parking facilities listed during the inventory. An effort
should be made to interview all drivers using the parking facilities
on a typical weekday between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Required
information should include (1) trip origin, (2) purpose of trip, and
(3) driver’s destination after parking. The interviewer must also note
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
3. Parking Demand
Parking interviews also can be carried out using the postcard
technique, in which stamped postcards bearing the appropriate
questions and a return address are handed to drivers or placed
under windshield wipers. When this technique is used, usually only
about 30 to 50 percent of the cards distributed are returned. It is
therefore necessary to record the time and the number of cards
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
Analysis of parking data includes summarizing, coding, and
interpreting the data so that the relevant information required for
decision making can be obtained. The relevant information includes
the following:
• Number and duration for vehicles legally parked
• Number and duration for vehicles illegally parked
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D = space vehicle-hours demand for a specific period of time
N = number of classes of parking duration ranges
ti =mid parking duration of the ith class
ni = number of vehicles parked for the ith duration range
S = practical number of space-hours of supply for a specific period of
N = number of parking spaces available
ti = total length of time in hours when the ith space can be legally 23
parked on during the specific period
f = efficiency factor
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The efficiency factor f is used to correct for time lost in each turnover.
It is determined on the basis of the best performance a parking
facility is expected to produce.
Efficiency factors therefore should be determined for different types
of parking facilities—for example, surface lots, curb parking, and
garages. Efficiency factors for curb parking, during highest demand,
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
Example :
The owner of a parking garage located in a CBD has observed that
20% of those wishing to park are turned back every day during the
open hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. because of lack of parking spaces. An
analysis of data collected at the garage indicates that 60% of those
who park are commuters, with an average parking duration of 9 hr,
and the remaining are shoppers,. whose average parking duration is 2
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.
• Calculate the space-hours of demand using Eq. 1