PMK T 10010
PMK T 10010
PMK T 10010
12/2015 Page 1 of 4
...the people who care !
Main Features
Carrier – Main Features
The PAUS PMKT 10010 is a compact, maneuverable, powerful, highly productive and reliable machine with a
max. payload of 22 t. The PMKT is designed for small and medium size mines and tunneling worksites. The dump
truck convinces by its compact design, powerful engine and high power to weight ratio for excellent performance
in ramp operations. The Paus PMKT is keeping the development costs down due to high capacity and short turn-
ing radius and high speed performance.
The machine is equipped with a Caterpillar C9 ACERT water-cooled diesel engine with max. power of 224 kW
complied with COM III.
The Paus PMKT 10010 is a highly productive dump truck designed for rough and tough conditions. The drive
compartment is designed with a bi-directional seat with two steering wheels for both driving directions. Due to this
design feature the operator can drive the dump truck in both directions with max. speed; it also shortens the cycle
Fast dumping – New dump box:
The new dump box is made for clean and fast dumping especially for sticky material. The used radius of the body
shape is made in a smoother way to avoid cackings in the box. The box is reinforced for LHD operation to guaran-
tee a higher lifetime and higher productivity.
Technical Data
Rear dump box made of Hardox 400 wear plate Two working lights each at the front and rear, 1
Automatically opening tailgate during tipping pro- working light, yellow flashlight,
cess Lighting in the engine compartment for mainte-
Dump box volume: nance work
Level: 10.0 m³
SAE Heaped: 11.5 m³ TRACTION DRIVE
Payload: 22,000 kg Hydrodynamic “full power shift”
Discharging time: 20 sec 4 gears forward/reverse
Dump box support for repair works Single stage converter with lock-up (C5000) and
automatic supervision, electrically operated
Automatic lockup APC 120
Empty weight 20,000 kg
All-wheel drive 4 x 4
Payload 22,000 kg
Total weight 42,000 kg DRIVING PERFORMANCES
Permissible axle load front: 22,000 kg 1 gear 4 km/h
rear: 23,000 kg 2 gear 8 km/h
CHASSIS 3 gear 15 km/h
Articulated chassis with oscillating axle +/- 10° 4 gear 25 km/h
Front axle hydro-pneumatically suspended AXLES
Central lubrication bar for all inaccessible lubrica- Planetary rigid axles with oil-immersed multiple
tion points disc brakes (Posi-Stop)
DIESEL-ENGINE Type: Kessler D81P 489
Caterpillar diesel engine, type C9, water-cooled TYRES
Power rating @ 2,200 RPM 224 kW/300 PS 16.00 R25 (EV3+4S)
Anti-freeze “Standard” Mining tyres
Cold start help BRAKES
Temperature-controlled cooling system Service brakes are designed as spring ap-
ENGINE SUPERVISION SYSTEM plied/hydraulically released, liquid cooled multiple-
Engine supervision system with acoustic and opti- disc brakes, system Posi-Stop
cal indication in case of malfunctions Parking brake/auxiliary brake effective on the liq-
(temperature and oil indication analogous) uid cooled multiple-disc brakes of the service
EXHAUST SYSTEM brake, Posi-Stop-system
Catalytic purifier with spiral silencer Hand pump to release the brake for haul drive
Dry-air filter incl. safety cartridge and cyclone Hydraulic articulated steering with two double act-
FUEL SYSTEM ing hydraulic cylinders. Hydraulic steering by
Fuel tank capacity 350 ltrs steering wheel, steering orbitrol
Fuel pre-filter with fine filter and water separator Steering angle ±42°
Hydraulic tank capacity 270 ltrs Driver’s canopy acc. to ROPS/FOPS, entrance at
Return filter mash size 10 µ the side, secured by half door
JIC 37° fittings
Driver’s seat turntable by 180°, with safety belt
Operating voltage 24 V Comfortable driver’s seat with safety belt, hydrau-
Alternator 50 A lically damped, adjustable
Batteries 2 x 180 Ah ACCESSORIES
Electric system, switch box and cable insertion Hand-fire extinguisher
protected against humidity Tool kit
Cable in mining approved design DOCUMENTATION
Acoustic back-up alarm Operational instructions
Spare parts list