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College of Computer Studies

Project Management



Submitted by:

Olajay , Prince Romwel M.

Antiado , Alexander G.
Narbonita , Weo Lorenzo M.
Naraja , Jann Alvin
Almocera , Samboy M.

JUNE 29, 2021

College of Computer Studies
Project Management

Table of Contents

Introduction <Midterm Output>

A. Background of the study
B. Objectives

Project Scope <Midterm Output>

Schedule Management Plan <Activity 1>

A. Schedule Baseline and Work Breakdown Structure
B. Milestone List

Cost Management Plan <Activity 2>

A. Cost Baseline

Quality Management Plan <Activity 3>

A. Quality Baseline

Communications Management Plan <Sample on the next page>

Risk Management Plan <Sample on the next page>


A. Project Charter <Midterm Assignment 2>

B. Wireframe
College of Computer Studies
Project Management


A. Background of the study

Company Description

 Company History - Our project was inspired by the desire to assist our security
department in performing their duties more efficiently by utilizing a monitoring
system that will replace any paperwork while also preserving the data.

 Mission Statement - The purpose of this project is to replace the manual

entering of data and registration and replace the paperwork with online using
online data that is easier to access and locate when it is needed anytime.

 Products and Services - Our goal is to reach out to security departments that
are still collecting data manually when entering infrastructure and offer them a
better, more efficient solution that is simple to learn and use.

 Current Status - Our project will be implemented using a web-based platform

to create the registration website as well as to generate the qr codes.

B. Objectives

 The objective of the Vehicle Monitoring system is to reduce the time that is
consumed when information is taken manually. Unlike the manual process, an
online system easily helps management to analyze the vehicle details as per
requirement. We want to provide a tool that will make data more accessible,
manageable, and easy to use online, allowing for faster work.

Project Scope

 The primary scope of this project is to track vehicles entering and exiting a specific
location.This project will help the security of the university for anonymous vehicles
and maintain the traffic inside the university. By using the QR code, we send
information for traffic control to the vehicle owners about the rules and regulations
inside the university roads. Unregisterd Vehicles should register online and give
the valid requirements needed by the univeristy.
College of Computer Studies
Project Management

Schedule Management Plan

A. Schedule Baseline and Work Breakdown Structure

 Gantt Chart

 PERT Diagram
College of Computer Studies
Project Management

A. Work Breakdown Structure

B. Milestone List

Milestone Description Date

Complete Preliminary All requirements for Web-based 5/18/21
Planning and data vehicle Monitoring System must be
gathering requirements determined to base design upon
Complete Web interface This is the software's user interface, 5/31/21
Design as well as the project's functionality.
Complete Monitoring All coding has been finished, and a 6/5/21
System Coding and software prototype has been created.
Complete Web-based Any functionality has been tested, and 6/21/21
Vehicle monitoring all faults have been resolved.
System Testing and
Complete Deployment Software and documentation for the 7/1/21
of project project's development have been
College of Computer Studies
Project Management

Cost Management Plan

A. Cost Baseline

Project Phase Budgeted Total Comments

Preliminary Planning ₱10,000 Includes all project team
members' labor hours for
gathering requirements
and preparing the
Web Interface Design ₱15,000 Work hours for all
members of the project
team working on the
Web-based Vehicle
Monitoring System
Interface design are
Coding ₱10,000 All hours spent coding
the Web-based
Vehicle Monitoring
System are
System Testing ₱6,000 All testing (including beta
testing) hours for the
Web- based Vehicle
Monitoring System are
Transition and ₱5,000 All work hours for the
Deployment Closeout
transition to operations
and project closeout are
College of Computer Studies
Project Management

Quality Management Plan

A. Quality Baseline

Item Acceptable Level Comments

QR code Scanner At least 98 percent Use a specific QR code design
recognition rate, with no
more than 2% mistakes
User Profile At least 98 percent Fast data retrieval of users
recognition rate on user
profile, with no more then
2% mistakes
Compatibility There are no problems while Compatible with many
using. versions of devices

Online Website At least 98 percent Corresponsive User Interface

responsive rate on website, and User Experience
with no more then 2%
Notification At least 98 percent Alertness Fast informing of information
rate, with no more then 2%
Project Documentation Beta testing new users to run
setup and execute software
functions had a failure rate of
less than 1%.
College of Computer Studies
Project Management

Communications Management Plan

Communications Matrix
Communicat Description Frequen Format Participants/ Delivera Owner
ion Type cy Distribution ble
Introduce the
project team
and the
project, Project
Review Adviser,
Startoff call or Status Project
project/ Goals Weekly Project Team
Meeting Google Report Manager
and objectives and
whilst Stakeholders
Review weekly
status of the Project
project with Leader
Project Team Google Minutes
the team. Weekly Project Team
Meeting meet
Review last Document
week Strategist
Discuss and
go through
urgent points. Technical
Develop Designer Team Lead
Design Google
technical Monthly
Meetings meet Meeting
design Project Leader Project
solutions for Leader
the project and
Report the
status of the
Project Project
project, Project Team
status Leader
report Project
Project Status activities, As Google Project
Report progress, Needed meet Adviser
costs and
Schedul Digital
issues. and Stakeholder
e Strategist
kickoff next
College of Computer Studies
Project Management

Project Team Directory

Name Title Email Mobile Number

Prince Romwel M. Project 09284229476
Olajay Manager
Alexander G. Antiado Data Analyst 09273433512
Jann Alvin D. Naraja Web Developer 09658204927
Samboy M. Almocera Coder 09276355424
Weo Lorenzo M.
Researcher 09950898764


Defining the risk management purpose, objectives, responsibilities, and scope for this
specific project. When establishing risk duties, keep the project management team and
other important stakeholders in mind .

The risk management scope is also essential because it explains the bounds of risk
management and, by extension, what parts of risk will need to be handled by others to
support the risk management strategy.


A. Project Charter

General Information
Project Title Date
Web-based Vehicle Monitoring System 5/22/2021
Project Manager Phone Email
Prince Romwel M. Olajay 09284229476
Executive Sponsor Phone Email

Document Version Updated Date

1.0 5/22/2021

Project Scope
Situation / Problem / Opportunity
The current monitoring functionality is limited , takes significant amount of paper , printed
documents can be easily lost, mishandeld or damaged. A good monitoring system can
College of Computer Studies
Project Management

communicate efficiently, resulting in more efficient data entry and data collection with
less wasted time and increased protection.
Project Goals
The Goal of the Web-based Vehicle Monitoring system is to minimize the amount of time
spent manually collecting data. Unlike a manual process, an online system allows
management to quickly review vehicle data to meet their needs. We want to create a tool
that makes data more available, manageable, and easy to use on the internet, allowing for
more efficient work.
In Scope / Out of Scope
In Scope:

 Collection data fromvehicles that is entering and exiting the location with QR Code.
 Online data-entry using online platform
 Online Registration of vehicles
 Online Notification for University School Traffic Information

Out of Scope:

 Unregisterd Vehicles needs to register and comply the valid requirements needed
 Online Client Support is not available during this phase

B. Wireframe

 Client
College of Computer Studies
Project Management

 Administrator

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