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Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) : New Approach For Multiphysics Energetic Flows Modelling

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Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR): New approach for multiphysics

energetic flows modelling

K.S Agbli*,**, D. Hissel*, M-C. Péra*, Issa Doumbia**

*University of Franche-Comte, FEMTO-ST, UMR CNRS 6174, Belfort, France.

(e-mail: /
**University of Cocody-Abidjan, Signals and Systems laboratory, 01 BP V34 Abidjan 01, Ivory Coast.}

Abstract: Developed in 2000 to analyse and control electromechanical systems, Energetic Macroscopic
Representation (EMR) has been extended over the years to cover other energetic domains by using
kinetic and potential variables based on action-reaction principle; so that the product of these variables is
homogeneous to the power unit. The necessity of more than two variables for some multiphysics energetic
flows modelling has led to specific EMR with three and four ports, going away from the basic principle,
particularly in thermo-pneumatic and thermo-fluidic domains. The contribution of this paper is to
propose a new approach of EMR modelling for the multi-variable energetic flows to comply with the
basic action-reaction principle whose two variables product is homogeneous to the power unit.
Keywords: EMR formalism, multiports EMR, multiphysics modelling, graphical modeling tool.

Applied to the fuel cell systems, since 2006, within the

1. INTRODUCTION framework of the FEMTO-ST laboratory researches, EMR
pictograms has been redefined to be able to model these
The researcher’s community using EMR as graphical multiphysics systems because of multi-domain interactions
modelling and control tool is increasingly considerable at the within the fuel cell stack such as electrical, electrochemical,
worldwide scale. As it was recalled at the 2011 EMR summer thermal, fluidic and thermodynamic domains. From this
school (EPF Lausanne, Switzerland), several countries are extended EMR, several models and controls, around the fuel
covered by the EMR users: academic users as well as cell applications, have been achieved. It can be recalled some
industries ones. Beyond France, it can be at least mentioned of these applications by referring to the fuel cell and super-
Italy, Denmark, Spain, UK, Switzerland, Canada, China and capacitor coupling (Boulon et al. 2007), the PEMFC (Proton
Austria. Moreover, EMR has been successfully spread in Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell) control using EMR (Boulon
significant international universities namely University of et al. 2010), and electrical hybrid vehicle applications
Québec à Trois Rivières (Canada), the EPF Lausanne powered by fuel cell coupled with both the batteries and the
(Switzerland), the University of Tsinghua and Harbin super-capacitors (Boulon 2009).
Institute of Technology (China), the University Carlos III of However, the energetic flow modelling in strongly coupled
Madrid (Spain), the University of Modena & Reggio, (Italy), physical domains namely thermal domain and pneumatic
the University of Aalborg (Denmark). In this context it can be ones led to the multiports EMR representation (Chrenko et al.
referred to some of the published works in the electrical 2009) going away from the basic principle of the power flow
vehicle application (Grossi et al. 2009) (Cheng et al. 2010), modelling. This further EMR extension has been fulfilled in
the energy storage field (Rufer et al. 2004) and the EMR the framework of the fuel cell system fed by hydrocarbons
formalism applied to winder tension control applications work performed by Chrenko (2008). The gas flows being
(Djani et al. 2006). described by the ideal gas law, three variables (pressure,
temperature and mass flow) are retained instead of four
At the beginning, the Energetic Macroscopic Representation variables (pressure, temperature, mass flow or volume flow
(EMR) was aimed to analyse and control systems with and enthalpy flow) for three ports EMR representation
several electrical machines; so that electro-mechanical (Chrenko et al. 2009). Subsequently, the four ports EMR
domain systems modelling have been the first goal of the representation introduced by Chrenko et al. (2009) has been
EMR. It has been very useful for different electromechanical applied to describe liquid flow (water flow) feeding the PEM
systems modelling and control such as multi-machine electrolyser (Agbli et al. 2011a).
systems as presented by Bouscayrol et al. (2000), wind
energy conversion system control (Delarue et al. 2003) and In order to comply with the specific principle to describe
other applications like micro hydropower station (Ansel & power flow based on action-reaction principle for control
Robyns 2006). purpose, the goal of this paper is to propose a new EMR
modelling approach closer to the previously recalled basic
The EMR formalism relevance to properly describe the principles.
physical phenomena in the control purpose led it to be
extended to other physical domains beyond the initial ones.
After recalling the initial EMR context by pointing out the ES
basic EMR principle, the EMR first step extension from the
electro-mechanical domain to the multi-domain will be Energy Source
Multi-physical Mono-physical
presented. Afterwards, the frame of the multiports EMR conversion conversion
representation will be introduced and finally the helpful
proposition to come back to the initial power flow modelling
based on action-reaction principle will be developed. Energy
accumulation Multi-physical Mono-physical

TO MULTIPHYSICS SYSTEMS MODELLING Fig. 1 . EMR basic pictograms extended to other domains
2. 1 Initial aim of the EMR formalism In order to extend the EMR application domain , Fig. 2 points
out an example of an energetic conversion from electrical
Based on action-reaction principle like Bond-Graph (BG), domain (current and voltage as action-reaction variables) to
EMR is endowed with physical causality principle contrary to electrochemical domain (molar flow and free enthalpy as
BG (Bouscayrol et al. 2005a). Furthermore, beyond these action-reaction variables) (Hissel et al. (2008)). It can be seen
strengths for being able to describe electro-mechanical another example onto Fig. 3 referring to energy conversion
systems according to both action-reaction and causal from electrical domain to thermal domain in which action-
principles, EMR further feature is control ability namely reaction variables are highlighted by current and overvoltage
Maximum Control Structure (MCS) which is deduced from for the electrical domain and for the thermal domain: entropy
the EMR of the modelled system by applying inversion rules. flow and temperature.
In fact, a complex system of several energy sources and Electrical domain Electrochemical
several energy conversion units can be accurately modelled
I n&
by the EMR tool more synthetically with a clear readability
V ∆G
in the macroscopic point of view compared to other graphical
modelling tools. Moreover, EMR can be easily grasped by Fig. 2: Multi-domain conversion: energetic flow from
experts who haven’t even got used to this modelling electrical domain to electrochemical domain
formalism allowing communication facility between different
research fields. Electrical domain Thermal domain

At the begening, some pictograms were used to model I ∆S qη

different step of the power flow conversion into the electro- η (I ) T
mechanical systems. The energy source and energy sink are
modelled with a light green oval with dark green rim. Fig. 3: Multi-domain conversion: energetic flow from
However, to modelled the power flow and to highlight electrical domain to thermal domain
action-reaction principle, each conversion element, has two
variables pairs (action variable and reaction variable which
are both kinetic and potential variables) upstream and Until now, within this EMR extension frame, several works
dowrnstream (Chrenko et al. 2009). have been achieved. From Hissel et al. (2008) model, hybrid
systems applications, around fuel cell systems, have been
Thanks to the EMR formalism, several electro-mechanical performed in the control purpose as recalled in the
complex systems have been modelled and controlled. For introduction of this paper. The PhD thesis of Zhou (2009) can
instance, power strategies performed for wind energy also be referred to.
conversion system with a synchronous machine (Bouscayrol
et al. 2005b), also the EMR analysis applied to the polyphase Though the EMR has been extended to all other physical
synchronous machine (Semail et al. 2003) can be recalled. domains, the specific modelling features represent some new
issues for the multiphysics modelling particularly for
2.2 EMR extended to other physical domains energetic flow described by multivariable in specific
In close cooperation between both FEMTO-ST laboratory conditions.
and L2EP laboratory, Hissel et al. (2008) has developed the
first EMR model of a fuel cell. Beyond the initial physical 3. FROM POWER FLOW EMR TO MULTIPORTS EMR
domains related to the EMR namely electrical,
electromechanical and mechanical domains, because of the
further physical domains involved in this modelling like In order to carry out the EMR model of a diesel fuel
thermal, fluidic, electrochemical and thermodynamic ones, processing unit for PEMFC feeding, facing to the difficulty to
EMR pictograms have been redefined as indicated on Fig. 1. decouple strong linked domains describing the modelled
This new definition has been officialised at the 2011 summer energetic flow, specific multiport EMR has been introduced
school in Switzerland (EPFL Lausanne). by Chrenko et al. (2009).
3.1 Thermo-pneumatic energetic flow: multiports EMR possibility of both mass and thermal balances during the
water flow process, the previous analysis introduced by
To properly describe the energetic state of the diesel fuel Chrenko et al. (2008) allowing modelling the coupling
flow along the processing unit, two basic principles are between thermal and fluidic domains by four EMR variables
simultaneously used: mass and energy balances (Chrenko et is needed ( Fig. 5).
al. (2009)). Thus, the EMR of the energetic flow modelled •
m1 m2

must be able to highlight this linkage. For thermo-pneumatic P1 P2

domain, this goal can be fulfilled by the help of both the T1 T2

perfect gas law and the enthalpy flow (“1” and “2”). H 1 H 2

PV = n& RT (1) Fig. 5: EMR multiports (four ports) for mono physical
domain conversion
P [Pa] pressure
T [K] Temperature This representation has been chosen for liquid flow, like
3 water in the electrolyser case, because contrary to the
V [m ] volume pneumatic domain allowing perfect gas law, the only
H& = m& c p T (2) modelling equation linking the fluidic and the thermal
domain is as follows (Agbli et al. 2011b):
H& Enthalpy flow
-1 -1
H& = m& c p T + P / ρ + ρ v 2 / 2 ) (3)
c p [J kg K ] specific isobar heat capacity -3
ρ [kg m ] the fluid density
That led to four energetic variables ( ( H& ) , ( P ) , (T ) , (m& ) ) -1
v [m s ] the fluid speed
because the describing equations cannot be separated into the
two energetic domains like thermal and pneumatic domains. Contrary to Chrenko et al. (2009) the four variables cannot be
Moreover, considering the independent variables allowing an reduced and the Fig. 5 pictogram has been retained (Agbli et
accurate description, the number of ports can be reduced to al. 2011b).
three EMR variables ( ( P ) , (T ) , (m& ) ) for the gaseous fuel Fig.6 summarises the three ports EMR pictograms needed for
flow modelling (Chrenko et al. 2009) as shown onto Fig. 4. modelling into the thermo-pneumatic domain. Regarding the
• • two pictograms in the last column , the potential coupling
m1 m2
P1 P2
between the multiports EMR and the formal power flow
T1 T2 EMR is pointed out: two ports formal EMR and three ports
Fig. 4: Multiports EMR (three ports) for mono physical ES
domain conversion
Energy Source Mono-physical
Multi-physical Mono-physical
This three port approach has been applied to the different conversion conversion coupling

kind of energy conversions, distributions and also to the

energy accumulation pictograms. Based on this new EMR
orientation, although going away from the power flow Energy
principle obtained by the product of the action-reaction accumulation Multi-physical
variables producing power unit value, the issue to model the
Fig. 6: basic pictograms for thermo-pneumatic domain
strongly linked multidomains energetic flows, has been
solved. Several works have consequently been performed
thanks to this multiports EMR approach namely Chrenko et The thermo-fluidic four ports EMR pictograms are presented
al. (2008), Chrenko et al. (2009) and Chrenko et al. (2010) on Fig.7. The potential coupling between the multiports EMR
for instance. and the power flow EMR is likewise highlighted by the two
pictograms of the last column of Fig.7. Some of these
However, beyond the thermo-pneumatic domain, the
pictograms are used in the PEM electrolyser model
energetic independent variables number being able to
performed by Agbli et al. (2011b).
accurately describe the system is not necessarily the same
from one physical domain to another. Therefore, in the ES

thermo-hydraulic domain in which the hydraulic and the

thermal domain are strongly linked, this EMR of three Energy Source
Multi-physical Mono-physical Mono-physical
variables doesn’t provide modelling satisfaction. conversion conversion coupling

3.2 Fluidic energetic flow: multiports EMR

Considering the modelling of a PEM electrolyser, a accumulation Multi-physical
singularity has been encountered by describing the feeding
Fig.7: basic pictograms for thermo-fluidic domain modelling
water process by Agbli et al. (2011b). Having to maintain the
As already expressed, if multiport EMR is helpful in the This approach is applied to the Fig. 8a three port EMR. The
analysis and the control of energetic mutliphysics systems in carrier domain energetic variables are deemed to be “a” and
a macroscopic point of view, keeping the initial power flow “b”, where “a” represents the action variable and “b” the
modelling purpose would be more suitable if this approach reaction variable. “c” being an action variable related to the
could take into account the different multi-physic system carried domain, it is represented as a subscript of the global
features to avoid multiports EMR. Thereby, EMR readability action variable as depicted onto Fig. 8b. The carried domain
and simplicity wouldn’t be lost. energetic process can be subsequently decoupled as shown by
the Fig. 8b.
In the following section, a new approach for multi-physics
energetic flow EMR being able to respect intrinsic P[W ] = a .b (4)
multiphysic characteristic and readability is introduced.
Linked physical Physical domain Linked physical Physical domain
domains X-Y X or Y domains X-Y X or Y
a or c c
d d
c a (a) c
b b
c b
Linked physical Linked physical
For being as generic as possible, the principle of the new domains X-Y domains X-Y
approach is applied to the two kind of multiports EMR. (a) (b)
Fig. 8: (a) Multivariable (three variables) current EMR; (b)
4.1 New EMR approach describing multivariable Simplified EMR proposed
energetic flow
This approach can be applied to the linked physical domains
It is considered an energetic flow described by three energetic with four variables (Fig. 9a) and more. The proposed new
variables “a”, “b” and “c” linking two physical domains X action-reaction variable is given by Fig. 9b.
and Y; it is expected to decouple these two domains during
Linked physical Physical domain Linked physical Physical domain
the conversion in order to deduce another energetic domains X-Y X or Y domains X-Y X or Y
a or c c
conversion process different from the initial linked domains a e e
b ( a) c
and referring to one of them. According to the current three c
a (a) c
b (b) d
ports EMR, the decoupling leading to a new energetic c
d (b) d
process emphasising upon one of the initial linked domain is Linked physical Linked physical
domains X-Y domains X-Y
shown on Fig. 8a. (a) (b )

However, in order to come back to the initial power flow Fig. 9: Multivariable (four variables) current EMR; (b)
modelling based on the action-reaction principle, it is Simplified EMR proposed
possible to enunciate the domains linkage by expressing it in
a way that the physical link between domains and the power
flow principle can be together highlighted. Therefore, two of 4.2 New EMR approach describing multivariable
the three energetic variables whose product is homogeneous energetic flow: thermo-pneumatic and thermo-
to the power unit can be chosen. Consequently, the last fluidic domains
unchosen variable must be shown up in order to avoid hiding
the physical domain from which it is related to. Thus, the two The three and the four ports EMR describing the thermo-
action-reaction variables choice is made by considering the pneumatic and the thermo-fluidic domains respectively can
main physical domain carrying the described energetic flow be anew rewritten within the new frame introduced
(“carrier domain”) so that, the underlying physical domain previously. By considering the linear relationship between
(“carried domain”) will be described by the last variable. molar flow and volume flow, the thermo-pneumatic domain
Having thereby, for the multidomain-multivariable energetic three ports EMR modelling the decoupling of the thermal
flow, a carrier domain with its action-reaction variables and domain is done onto the Fig.10a and the related new
the carried domain (or domains) with its (or their) own approach onto Fig.10b.
action-reaction variables. Then, the initial action reaction Given the previous definition regarding this new approach,
principle based on power flow modelling is maintained by the carrier domain in the thermo-pneumatic domain (gas
properly defining and expressing the action-reaction flow) is the pneumatic domain and the carried domain is the
variables. Hence, the global action variable is defined by thermal domain. Hence, the representation complies with the
considering in parenthesis the carrier domain action variable power flow modelling:
and as its subscript the action variable (or variables separated
by a comma) related to the carried domain (or domains). Ppneumatic [W ] = P ⋅ V& (5)
Also, the global reaction variable is defined by considering in
parenthesis the carrier domain reaction variable and as its Pthermal [W ] = T ⋅ ∆ S q (6)
subscript the reaction variable (or variables separated by a
comma) related to the carried domain (or domains). V& Volume flow
∆ S q Entropic flow
Thermo-pneumatic Thermal domain Thermo-pneumatic Thermal domain
domain domain
Developed twelve years ago, EMR has been extended beyond
V& ∆Sq ∆S q its initial physical domains like electrical, mechanical and
P (V& )T
V& (V& )
electromechanical domain. Because of its relevance to
T P properly describe, in the analysis and control frame, the
Thermo-pneumatic Thermo-pneumatic
domain domain multi-physics energetic tools, EMR modelling fields have
Fig.10: (a)(a)Thermo-pneumatic domain:(bThe
) current three been expanded to other physical domains such as thermal,
EMR ports model; (b) The new approach electrochemical, thermodynamic, fluidic, pneumatic and so
on. Initially based on the modelling of power flow according
By the same way, from the thermo-fluidic domain is to action-reaction principle, multiports EMR has been
generated a thermal domain process. The current considered in order to suitably describe the strongly coupled
representation and the proposed one are given onto the Fig. domain like thermo-pneumatic and thermo-fluidic domains,
11a and the Fig. 11b. The four variables are the volume flow, going away from the initial power flow modelling purpose.
the pressure, the temperature and the enthalpy flow.
This paper proposes a new EMR approach for the modelling
Thermo-fluidic Thermal domain Thermo-fluidic Thermal domain
of the multidomain-multivariable energetic flows in order to
domain domain
T come back to the first EMR principle complying with the
V& T
P ∆S q
& (V& ) T ∆S q power flow modelling based on the action-reaction principle.
P (V& )
H& T ( P ) H& T

H& ( P ) H& By developing a relevance phenomenological description, the

Thermo-fluidic Thermo-fluidic linked physical domains useful to model the energetic flow
domain domain
(a ) (b )
must be brought out. By introducing the concepts of the
Fig. 11: (a) Thermo-fluidic domain: The current four EMR “carrier domain” and the “carried domain(s)”, the global
ports model; (b) The new approach action-reaction between two variables related to the defined
carrier domain is enunciated. To avoid hiding the carried
For a given energetic flow modelling, the identification of domain(s), its (their) action-reaction variables are indicated
carrier and carried domains can be made by considering as as subscript respectively of the global action variable or the
carrier domain the physical domain being responsible to the global reaction variable.
physical motion of the power flow. For instance, the gas flow The new proposed EMR approach, being close to the formal
motion being a pneumatic phenomenon; it can be seen as the EMR formalism aims to analyse and control multiphysics
carrier domain. The Tab. 1 brings out the carrier domain and power flows. A first example has been provided on a PEM
the carried one by applying this basic identification criterion electrolyser device.
to the gas flow and the water flow. In this paper, the proposals are as generic as possible thus the
Tab. 1: Carrier and carried domains identification modelling process, according to the modelling purpose
pursued, can be applied to any power plant or power system.
Matter quantity flow Carrier domain Carried domain
Physical domain Action-reaction variables Physical domain Action-reaction variables
Water flow Fluidic domain Pressure Thermal domain Temperature REFERENCES
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I EL n • •
nH2 V H2

E ∆G T GH 2

nH2 SH2 •

T •

n O2 S O2
nO2 V O2

n H 2O S H 2 O GO 2
nH 2O
VEL I EL ∆SqηTotal

η(IEL) T T Tamb ∆S q −conv Thermal losses
∆Sq _ H2O _ outAC ∆S q−conv TH 2O
within the atmospere

T H 2O _ T
∆S q _ O2 T
∆Sq _ H 2O _ outA ∆Sq _ H2O _ Mem,H2 T (V& )
O2 T

(V& )
H2O_in T
H2O _ A
(V& )
H2O_in T
(V& )
H2O_in T

H2O (P ) (P )

(P ) (V& )
H2O_ ∆ina H&

Anodic tank
H2O_in H& H2O_in H& H2O H&

(P& ) (V& ) •
(P& )
H2Oa T
H2O_out HH O

Anodic thermo-hydraulic circuit model (P& ) (V& ) (V& )
H2O_out H&
H2O _out
Anodic tank
H2Oa T H2O_out H&

(P )
H2Oc H&
(V& H2O_MemT) H2O

(V& )
H2O_out HH O

(P& ) (Pout)T H2O _out Cathodic tank
(V& )
H2O_∆inc T
(P& )
H2Oc T
H2Oc T

(V& ) (V& )
(P )H2Oc H&
(V& )
H2O_out H&
H2O_out H&
H2 T

Cathodic thermo-hydraulic circuit model Pout


Fig. 12: PEM electrolyser EMR model adapted in the thermo-pneumatic and the thermo-fluidic domains Agbli et al. (2011b)

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