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Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726

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PEM fuel cell testing by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

Carmelo Brunetto a , Antonino Moschetto b,1 , Giuseppe Tina b,
Terna SpA, Via Arno 64, 00198 Rome, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e dei Sistemi, Universit di Catania,
Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95129 Catania, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nowadays, proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) are candidate as middle term power sources for
Received 10 February 2007 automotive, stationary generation and portable power applications. In order to introduce these devices
Received in revised form 22 February 2008 into the market an improvement in their performances seems necessary, as well as the development of
Accepted 15 May 2008
an effective control system able to nd their optimal operating conditions. This paper deals with elec-
Available online 14 July 2008
trochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) using an effective tool, where a cost-effective measurement
hardware has been developed creating a software to analyze the results. Both single fuel cells and stacks
have been tested in various operating conditions. This experimental approach allows to highlight varia-
Circuit modelling
Fuel cells
tions of model parameters and to perform a further analysis of the processes occurring in a fuel cell through
Impedance electrical circuit models. A special attention is given to the experimental results, in order to address fuel
System diagnostics cell malfunctions using the EIS approach as an effective diagnostic method.
Electrochemistry 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stationary generation

1. Introduction for stationary plants) as well as in cost effectiveness have to be

reached prior to their wide diffusion. Moreover, a basic step is to
Fuel cells are devices that convert chemical energy directly into t properly the stack with a power conditioning unit and a fuel cell
electrical and thermal energy. They consist of two electrodes sep- control system [3].
arated by an electrolyte. With the aid of electrocatalysts, hydrogen In order to meet these requirements, it is essential to make an
and oxygen are combined to produce electricity. On the anode in-depth study of fuel cell inner phenomena and analyse both its
side hydrogen oxidation takes place while the reduction of oxygen steady-state and transient behaviour. Electrochemical impedance
occurs on the cathode side. In PEMFCs the electrolyte is made up spectroscopy (EIS) is an experimental technique, which is useful
of a thin ion-conducting polymeric membrane that let the protons both in modelling fuel cell with electrical circuits and detecting
move from the anode to the cathode (see Appendix A). Electrons are malfunctions and low performances. This method is used to per-
forced through the external load (Fig. 1). In order to reach power form impedance measurements at various frequencies for different
enough to satisfy the load, various cells are stacked together, obtain- DC power generation devices.
ing the so-called fuel cell stack [2]. The experimental EIS can be translated into general failure pat-
PEMFC suit several applications well such as automotive, terns or into industrial and commercial standards, quality control
small-scale power generation and portable power applications. protocols, maintenance procedures, safety regulations, and recy-
Low operating temperature (70100 C), high specic power cling or disposal mechanisms. Such a development could reduce
(0.7 kW/kg), efciency (4045%) and low environmental impact the amount of time and money required during fuel cell system
are determining features that make PEMFC attractive among other design [4].
types of fuel cells. Various studies have dealt with parameters identication and
Signicant improvements in operating lifetime (targeted life- diagnostics of PEMFC, in [5], the proposed method is based on a
time is about 5000 h for automotive application, and at least 40,000 particular excitation waveform, but this model is reduced to a sim-
ple one to assess fuel cell behaviour only in two different operating
points [6]. Presents a good sensitivity investigation of fuel cell stack
parameters, although it uses a model with a single constant time
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 095 7382337; fax: +39 095 330793.
E-mail addresses:, (C. Brunetto), (A. Moschetto), (G. Tina). In this paper a useful EIS tool has been developed. Single PEM
Tel.: +39 095 7382337; fax: +39 095 330793. fuel cells and PEM stacks have been tested in various operating

0378-7796/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
18 C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726

voltage oscillations remain less than or equal to 30 mV, consider-

ing a PEMFC operating temperature of about 80 C. It can be shown
that the differential equations governing system response become
essentially linear provided that the amplitude of the applied pertur-
bation is smaller than the so-called thermal voltage VT , considering
the operating temperature of the fuel cell under test (80 C) it is
possible to nd the correct upper bound of the linear region, as it
is reported in the following equation:
VT = 30 mV at 80 C (1)
Fig. 1. Fuel cell reactions and electrodes. F
where T is the cell absolute temperature (K), R is the gas
conditions. Some experimental results are analysed in order to constant (8.314 J K1 mol1 ) (V) and F is the Faraday constant
highlight signicant variations of model parameters and to address (F = 96,485 C/mol1 ).
their link with the main fuel cell physical variables. Thereby, the response can be considered linear and there are
This approach is meaningful to detect the optimal fuel cell work- not harmonics of the excitation frequency. With regard to the EIS
ing points in order to increase and maintain its performances during measurements they are meaningful only for situations where the
its lifetime. overall system response is approximately linear. In particular for
a non-linear system, like the fuel cell, a great perturbation gives a
2. Impedance measurement system warped response, that consists in several harmonics of the excita-
tion frequency with a not negligible amplitude. The Fourier analysis
Among the different measurement approaches the voltage (Fig. 3) conrms that during experiments the response mainly con-
current characteristic represents a simple and efcient method to sists of the excitation frequency input while the other harmonics
estimate and to compare a specic fuel cell (see Appendix A). In are negligible [1].
particular the FC static behaviour, as previously modeled, can be The measurement system acquires voltage and current wave-
addressed with the polarization measurement (IV characteristics) forms in time domain and transfers them, via GPIB link (General
as it is presented in Fig. 2. Purpose Interface Bus), to a personal computer, where they are
However the physical and chemical mechanisms that limit the stored and processed. Therefore a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algo-
cell voltage for different current densities, cannot be completely rithm is applied to get voltage and current in frequency domain.
assessed by this method, because different phenomena overlap and Then, simply dividing the transformed voltage by the transformed
are difcult to separate [9]. current, complex impedance at the input frequencies is obtained.
The main advantage of EIS is the possibility to resolve in An outline of the employed measurement system is reported in
frequency domain, with a FC dynamic model, the individual con- Fig. 4.
tributions that affected the overall PEMFC performance under load The Electronic Load sets the DC operating point and superim-
conditions. Such a separation provides useful information both for poses the desired signal, built into the Function Generator, on the
the FC design and for the selection of the optimal operating condi- fuel cell current. The whole experimental process is supervised by
tions. a PC where, for a better automation of EIS experiments, a dedicated
A method to perform impedance measurements for fuel cells, as software has been implemented using LabVIEWTM programming
well as for another device that is producing DC current, consists of language.
applying it to a low level current waveform, then measuring both As input perturbation, besides the single-sine technique,
the stimulating current and the resultant ac voltage (galvanostatic multi-sine technique have been implemented. Instead of a simple
EIS). It is very important to employ a small perturbation, so that the sinusoidal waveform, Fig. 5, it is possible to add some harmonics,

Fig. 2. PEM fuel cell polarization characteristics.

C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726 19

Fig. 3. Fourier analysis of the FC voltage response for a sinusoidal excitation waveform having a frequency of 3.8 Hz.

Fig. 4. Experimental EIS measurement system.

Fig. 5. Plots of normalized voltage and current waveforms with single-sine technique.
20 C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726

Fig. 6. Plots of voltage and current waveforms with multi-sine technique (ve harmonics).

Fig. 6, thus obtaining a less time-consuming measure and mini- trochemical systems where, with long time measurement, the fuel
mizing system perturbation. These features make multi-sine more cell electrodes change slightly their characteristics. In particular
suitable especially in diagnostic applications. also the excitation waveform contributes to this, especially consid-
The analysis of the fuel cell impedance spectra is performed ering the fact that the RMS value of the multi-sine perturbation
inside a distinct module of the same measurement software is lower than the single-sine for the same peak amplitude. There-
through the non-linear tting algorithm of LevenbergMarquardt. fore with the multi-sine waveform the system is less altered by the
Each spectrum can be tted into a specic electrical circuit, whose measurement signal.
impedance transfer function is set in the graphical user interface
(front panel). By adjusting seed values in order to reduce tting
error, the software itself provides the values of the electrical circuit 3. Experimental details
parameters that best t the experimental data to the chosen model
[10]. The EIS measurements were performed at the Institute of
A comparison between single-sine and multi-sine technique is Advanced Technology for Energy (ITAE-CNR), Messina, Italy.
reported in Fig. 7, where it is possible to see only a slight differ- In the impedance experiments a PEMFC, Fig. 8, which was
ence in the low frequency region. This is due to the hysteresis entirely assembled at ITAE, has been employed. It has the following
phenomenon that occurs in this kind of experiments with elec- features:

Fig. 7. Plot of fuel cell impedance modulus with multi-sine technique (ve harmonics) and single-sine.
C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726 21

Fig. 9. Randles equivalent FC impedance.

where ftst is the test frequency; fBin the bin frequency; ftst min the
minimum test frequency; ftst max the maximum test frequency; N
the number of samples; fs the sampling frequency; n is the wave-
Fig. 8. Employed PEMFC (ITAE-CNR). form periods.
In order to apply the FFT algorithm the number of samples (N)
have been chosen equal to 4096 [1].
combined parallel/serpentine ow elds arrangement;
electrode area, 50 cm2 ; 4. Fuel cell dynamic modeling
Naon 115 membrane;
triple layer electrodes: backing in carbon cloth (300 m), diffu- In fuel cell testing, the voltagecurrent characteristics (polariza-
sive layer (6080 m), catalytic layer with a platinum load of tion curve) show the steady-state behaviour. With EIS approach an
0.25 mg/cm2 ; electrical circuit can be used to model the FC dynamical behaviour.
copper current collectors. The basic model representative of a FC is the Randles circuit [8],
Moreover a pre-commercial PEM stack, with the following and it is shown in Fig. 9.
main features, has been tested: Where one resistance is considered for the electrolyte behaviour
16 cells; (Rs ), and a net made of a capacitance and a resistance models the
electrode area of 200 cm2 ; charge transfer at the electrodeelectrolyte interface (Rp Cdl acti-
nominal power of 1 kW. vation time constant). This simple model highlights at the highest
frequencies the behaviour of the electrolyte (Rs ), since the dou-
ble layer capacitance (Cdl ) shorts the polarization resistance (Rp ),
Both single cell and stack operate with humidied hydrogen and whereas, at the lowest frequencies, the capacitor acts as an open
air as reactants. An adjustable and reliable reactants hydration is circuit, so the overall impedance is the combined resistance of the
assured using an external humidifying system, by feeding the gases two series resistors. With these excitation frequencies it is possible
through bubblers, held at a constant temperature by an electric to assess the interfacial phenomena because Rp  Rs . However in
heater. this circuit there are no element that take into account the con-
The EIS tests were performed in various operating conditions centration loss. This phenomenon is strictly connected with the
changing reactants water content (relative humidity), reactants ux lowest frequency and causes an increase of the impedance modulus
and electrical load. (Warburg) [11].
The EIS measurements were taken after 5 h of it working con- In comparison with Randles, an extra net formed by a capaci-
tinuously with the same operating conditions, owing to its slow tance and a resistance is added in the presented electrical circuit,
dynamics. A long relaxation time is needed especially for the fuel Fig. 10 (diffusion time constant). Thus the mass transport effect
cell stack to maintain the operating DC point. Thus the experimen- at the interface among electrode, electrolyte and gas phase (con-
tal results are more reliable and less inuenced by the typical drift centration loss) is included, especially at high currents or at low
of the working point. It is very important to measure a stabilized reactants ux. In [12], also a net for the electrolyte is considered,
system in order to compare its response to different kinds of input but only with high frequency tests it is possible to properly address
waveforms. Usually the time needed for the operating point stabil- this phenomenon only for deep electrochemical studies.
ity depends on the device under test. It can range from a minimum Where a net formed by a capacitance (Cd ) and a resistance (Rd )
of 3 to a maximum of 48 h (e.g. the employed stack needs about takes into account the mass transport effect (Rp Cdl diffusion time
34 h, while the fuel cell needs 8 h). constant).
The frequency range in the impedance spectrum goes from With Randles equivalent impedance, after introducing the
7.6 mHz to 10 kHz, and there are 10 frequencies taken for each expression of its modulus as reported in Appendix A (Eq. (A5)),
decade with single-sine technique. One complete measurement the tting algorithm tries to nd the best t values of coefcients
takes about 16 min, using the single-sine technique, less than 5 min (,,). From these numbers it is possible to obtain the electrical
with multi-sine input perturbation.
In order to assess the right test frequency (according to the
NyquistShannon sampling theorem) the following expressions
have been considered both for the single-sine technique and for
the multi-sine one:

n N
ftst = nfBin = fs with 1 n (2)
N 2

ftst min ftst ftst max (3) Fig. 10. Equivalent FC impedance for experimental tting.
22 C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726

Fig. 11. Plots of PEMFC impedance modulus at variable humidity of reactant gases. Dotted line (experimental data) and solid line (tting).

circuit parameters: 5. Experimental results

2 +  2 f 2 In order to highlight the fuel cell behaviour through electrical
|Z| = (4) parameters, different EIS measurements have been taken from a
1 + 2 f 2
single PEMFC as well as from a stack.

where = Rp + Rs ; = 2Cdl Rp ;  = 2Cdl Rp Rs .

In the same way the impedance modulus for the circuit with 5.1. Fuel cell
two time constants is represented by the following equation:
The fuel cell EIS testing was performed in various operating con-
2 f f
ditions. Through the measurement software it is possible to change
|Z| = + + + + (5) only the electrical variables. For variables, such as pressure, rela-
1 + 2 f 2 1 + 2 f 2 1 + 2 f 2 1 + 2 f 2
tive humidity, operating temperature and ux stoichiometry, it is
necessary to set a specic value in the control panel of the test
where = 2Cd Rd ; = 2Cdl Rp ;  = Rs ; = Rp ;  = Rd . station. Throughout the following tests the current density is held
The experimental data has been tted using the two-time constant.
constants circuit because it encompasses also the diffusion over- With the available instrumentation, the fuel cell hydration and
potential. the reactant uxes have been varied:

Fig. 12. Experimental Rs with its tting for various humidifying temperature.
C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726 23

Fig. 13. Plots of impedance modulus at variable uxes of reactant gases in a PEMFC.

Table 1 the fuel cell water management is better [11]. The other resistances
Electrical parameters at variable hydration of reactant gases
behave in the same way, whereas double layer capacitance and dif-
T. Hum ( C) Rs (m) Rp (m) Cdl (F) Rd (m) Cd (F) fusion capacitance have a very different behaviour. However, it is
75/70 11.83 28.87 0.075 19.81 6.6867
important to notice that activation time constant ( act = Rp Cdl ) is
80/75 8.67 13.46 0.084 6.79 33.428 quite similar in the different hydration measurements, while diffu-
85/80 5.00 9.25 0.376 3.61 0.1079 sion time constant ( dif = Rd Cd ) suddenly becomes very low when
90/85 4.95 6.18 0.608 4.31 0.1186 the water content increases, as a consequence of the improved reac-
tant transport. Therefore for the last two measures, with a better
Reactants humidity: adjusting the operating temperature of the water management, also the Randles model that does not take into
humidifying bubblers from 70 C to 85 C for the air humidier account the concentration losses is suitable.
and from 75 C to 90 C for the hydrogen one (IFC = 200 mA/cm2 ). In order to empirically evaluate the behaviour of Rs for different
Reactants uxes: setting the reactants stoichiometric coefcients membrane water content, the experimental EIS data has been tted
in the mass ow controllers from 2 to 5.3 for the air, while 1.5 to into Eq. (6) where the electrolyte resistance is a quadratic function
4 for the hydrogen (IFC = 500 mA/cm2 ). of the humidifying bubbler temperature TH2 :

In Fig. 11 the impedance spectrum for a fuel cell with different RS = aTH2 + bTH2 + c (m) (6)
conditions of membrane hydration is reported.
Table 1 shows the electrical parameters of the model. The data where a = 0.031, b = 5.6 and c = 259, during variable hydration tests.
analysis conrms an increase of the electrolyte resistance when Experimental and tted data are reported in Fig. 12.

Fig. 14. Experimental Rs with its tting for various incoming reactants uxes.
24 C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726

Fig. 15. Plots of impedance modulus with normal and low hydrogen ux for a PEMFC stack.

Fig. 16. Plots of multi-sine voltage transients with normal and low hydrogen ux for a PEMFC stack.

In Fig. 13, the impedance spectrum for a fuel cell with different the other resistances decrease showing an improvement in reac-
conditions of reactant uxes is reported. tion kinetics and in mass transport. Considering the diffusion
Table 2 shows the electrical parameters of the model. An anal- time constant ( dif = Rd Cd ) when the reactants uxes increase, dif
ysis of this data is very useful in assessing the correct values of becomes smaller (because there is) due to plenty of hydrogen
reactants ux in order to obtain good fuel cell performances. In and air. It is important to underline that assessing the cor-
particular, the electrolyte resistance has a slight increase, while rect stoichiometric coefcients is a trade-off between additional
costs (more reactants ux) and better performances. EIS mea-
surements conrm that assuming SH2 = 3 and SAir = 4 (i.e. H2 ,
Table 2
520 sccm; air 1750 sccm) for the fuel cell tested is a good choice in
Electrical parameters at variable uxes of reactant gases
practice [13].

(H2 air) Rs (m) Rp (m) Cdl (F) Rd (m) Cd (F) In order to empirically evaluate the behaviour of Rs for different
1.52 5.56 11.87 0.227 15.60 6.75 reactant uxes, the experimental EIS data has been tted into Eq. (7)
22.66 5.63 12.12 0.338 8.499 17.6 where the electrolyte resistance is a linear function of the hydrogen
2.53.3 5.68 12.21 0.226 8.943 14.6 stoichiometric ratio SH2 :
34 5.81 10.75 0.323 7.60 14.7
3.54.66 6.60 9.05 0.348 5.305 20.8
45.3 6.48 8.65 0.281 4.02 19.4 RS = SH2 + (m) (7)
C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726 25

where = 0.44 and = 4.8, during variable reactants ux tests. the increases of impedance in the high frequency region, while the
Experimental and tted data are reported in Fig. 14. second phenomenon is related mainly to the low frequency region.
Therefore these data about the FC impedance can be used to make
5.2. B. Stack control loops in order to maintain the operating point stable or
prevent the cells failure.
The input multi-sine waveform has been applied to a stack, This technique is mainly focused on the end use and main-
whose experimental operating conditions were the following: tenance product environments, but these results are very useful
for the fuel cell system design. Especially it is important to have in
cell temperature, 6567 C; a simulation a simple and effective model reecting the fuel cell
reactant temperature: air 65 C (humidied), hydrogen ambient behaviour, without considering other complex models with sev-
eral physical parameters. This analysis is useful for fuel cell system
temperature (dry);
reactant uxes: air 56 l/min, hydrogen dead-ended; integration into power system (e.g. distributed generation) where
reactant pressure: air 0.3 bar gauge, hydrogen 0 bar gauge; a complete electrical circuit concerning with the fuel cell plus its
current density: 450 mA/cm2 . power conditioning unit is needed.

Appendix A
The impedance spectrum for the stack is reported in Fig. 15 and
two voltage transient in time domain in Fig. 16.
A.1. Chemical reactions of a PEMFC
A comparison between two measure at 450 mA/cm2 with nor-
mal (black) and with low (blue) hydrogen ux shows a signicant
The basic reactions of the PEMFC can be described as follows:
increase in high frequency impedance that reects bad water trans-
at the anode the molecular hydrogen gas is split into electrons and
port due to an insufcient electro-osmotic drag [14]. Moreover, the
low frequency region shows a big drop in impedance spectrum,
caused by a discontinuity in hydrogen ux. 2H2 4H+ + 4e (A1)
The same instability can be seen in time domain, where a volt-
During this reaction energy is released. At the cathode the
age multi-sine signal is showed both in low frequency (upper plot)
molecular oxygen reacts with electrons and protons forming water:
and in medium frequency (bottom plot). As far as the latter is con-
cerned, the voltage response completely follows the drop, therefore O2 + 4e + 4H+ 2H2 O (A2)
the system can be clearly considered in an unstable operating point.
The electrode reactions and charge ow for an acid electrolyte,
like PEMFC, are presented in Fig. 1.
6. Conclusion The output voltage of a single fuel cell, is expressed by the fol-
lowing equation:
This paper deals with PEMFC testing and modelling. In particu-
lar EIS technique has been employed, since it is a very suitable and VFC = Erev int act ohm conc (A3)
useful method. Moreover, adopting a low-cost equipment, a soft- where Erev represents the fuel cell reversible voltage. It is the
ware able to carry out these experiments and analyse their data maximum achievable voltage and depends on the thermody-
results has been created. namic conditions (i.e. pressure, temperature). int (internal loss), is
Concerning the test requirements, it is possible to choose related to the wasted fuel that passes through the membrane (fuel
between single and multi-sine input waveform. Thus, with a less crossover) and, to a lesser extent, to the electron conduction of the
time consuming approach a lot of EIS tests can be performed during membrane. This loss is equivalent to an internal current, that is con-
fuel cell operation (on-line diagnostics). This tool can be employed stant also when the circuit is open. act (activation loss), concerns
in fuel cell research and development in order to increase its pen- the kinetics of the chemical reaction that occurs at the electrodes. To
etration in the generation market. achieve a self-sustaining reaction, especially at the cathode, hydro-
However the hardware and techniques for on-line diagnosis gen and oxygen must attach to the surface, but this process takes
(e.g. onboard a vehicle, house power generation set) must comply time and limits current ow. ohm (ohmic loss), is due to the resis-
with very stringent constraints (cost and size reduction, minimal tance of the membrane to proton ow. This loss also includes the
response time, structural simplication, etc.). On this regard, future electrical resistance originating from the non-ideal electrodes and
research efforts will be dedicated to optimal design and standard- their electrical interconnections. conc (concentration or diffusion
ization of this test equipment. loss), is caused by a reduction of the reactant concentration. In
Owing to the tting software module an electrical circuit model practice the diffusion of ions through the electrolyte results in a
that comprises also diffusion phenomenon has been introduced to build-up of concentration gradients between the gas input and the
analyze the experimental data. In the same module there is the pos- ow channels, thereby decreasing the rate of transport especially
sibility to study the effectiveness of different electrical equivalent at high current density.
circuit. Each individual term of (1), apart from int whose contribution
With several measurements taken from single fuel cells and is included into act , is dened as follows [8]:
stacks, a sensitivity analysis of some fuel cell parameters (elec-
trolyte resistance, activation and diffusion time constant) has been Erev = 1.229 8.45 104 (T 298.15) + 4.31 105 T ln
evaluated. In particular water content and reactants ux have been 
changed in order to link electrical model parameters with inter- PH2
nal fuel cell phenomena, and to nd optimal operating conditions 1/2
4.76 PAir
(i.e. hydration, reactants ux, fuel cell temperature). In particular
the evaluation of impedance during the FC power system lifetime, I + I 
FC n
using a proper equipment for the EIS measurements, is a useful act = A ln (A5)
approach to recognise if the stack is dehydrated or ooded (water
management). The rst phenomenon can be analyzed looking at ohm = rIFC (A6)
26 C. Brunetto et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 1726

conc = m exp(nIFC ) (A7) [10] Electrochemical instrument group, Basics of electrochemical impedance spec-
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Degree of Bachelor of Engineering, University of technology, Sydney, 2002.
Giuseppe M. Tina (M97) received his M.Sc. (1988) and the Ph.D. degree (1992) both in
[1] C. Brunetto, G. Tina, G. Squadrito, A. Moschetto, PEMFC diagnostics and mod- Electrical Engineering from the University of Catania. He joined Agip Reneries and
elling by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, in: Proceedings of the 12th ST Microelectronics (Italy) where he worked as Electrical Engineer. He is now Asso-
IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical, Vol. 3, 2004, pp. 10451050. ciate Professor in the Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering at the
[2] W. Friede, S. Ral, B. Davat, Mathematical model and characterization of the University of Catania. His research interests include planning and operation of dis-
transient behaviour of a PEM fuel cell, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics tribution networks, renewable generation systems, Dispersed Generation Systems,
19 (2004) 12341241. reactive power and voltage control ancillary services market.
[3] T. Romero-Castanon, L.G. Arriaga, U. Cano-Castillo, Impedance spectroscopy as
a tool in the evaluation of MEAs, Journal of Power Sources 118 (2003) 179182. Carmelo Brunetto was born in Catania Italy, on July 20, 1979. He received his M.Sc.
[4] C. Brunetto, G. Tina, S. Micali, G. Squadrito, A. Moschetto, PEM fuel cell and stack (2003) and the Ph.D. degree (2007) from the University of Catania in Electrical
characterization by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, in: Proceedings Engineering. His employment experience includes the Italian Transmission Sys-
of the University Power Engineering Conferences, Cork, Ireland, 2005. tem Operator (Terna SpA) where he is responsible for the economic assessment
[5] A. Forrai, H. Funato, Y. Yanagita, Y. Kato, Fuel-cell parameter estimation and of the ancillary Italian services market. His special elds of interest include fuel cell,
diagnostics, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 20 (2005) 668675. renewable generation systems and their penetration in energy electricity markets
[6] J.M. Correa, F.A. Farret, V.A. Popov, M.G. Simes, Sensitivity analysis of the mod- as well.
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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 20 (2005) 211218. Antonino Moschetto received his M Sc. in Electrical Engineering (2000) from the
[7] W. Choi, J.B. Howze e, P. Enjeti P, Development of an equivalent circuit model of University of Catania. Until 2005 he collaborated to research activities at Institute
a fuel cell to evaluate the effects of inverter ripple current, Journal of the Power of Advanced Energy Technologies of the National Council of Research (CNR ITAE -
Sources 158 (2006) 13241332.
Messina, Italy). At the present he is PhD student with Electrical, Electronics and
[8] J.E. Larminie, A. Dicks, Fuel Cell Systems Explained, Wiley, New York, 2000.
System Engineering Department of University of Catania (UNICT-DIEES). His spe-
[9] B. Andreaus, G. Scherer, Interpretation of current-voltage characteristics of
cial elds of interest include hydrogen systems and renewable systems testing and
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