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Weekly Home Learning Plan 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :1
Section : CARRICK Quarter :1 Date: October 5-16, 2020
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication 1. Explains the functions, nature and process of ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday communication Topic 1.1: Nature, Elements and Process of Communication ●Personal
to Thursday Topic 1.2:Functions of Communication
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
2. Answer the two (2) SAQs for week1.1 and three (3) SAQs for week 1.2.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.

4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the SAQ
to TRY in a Learner's Activity and Assessment Sheets provided after
each SLM.

9:00 - 10:00 am Komunikasyon at Natutukoy and mga kahulugan at kabuluhan ng mga Topic 1.1 : Konsepto ng Wika: Wika, Katangian ng Wika at ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday Pananaliksik sa Wika at konseptong pangwika Sitwasyong Pangwika ●Personal
to Thursday Kulturang Pilipino. submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
1. Read and study the ARALIN NATIN.

2. Answer the two (2) Pagtatasa ng Pagkakatuto.

3. Answer the questions in the Sanayin Natin.

4. Answer the questions in the TANDAAN. Write your answers from
Pagtatasa ng Pagkakatuto to Tandaan in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Literature from Identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic Topic 1.1 : Precolonial Literature of the Philippines ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to the Philippines and the dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre- Topic 2.2: Philippine
Literature during the Spanish Period ●Personal
Thursday World. colonial to the contemporary. submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
2.1: List the different forms 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
introduced during the American Occupation; state how
work becomes a literary canon; and empathize with a 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week1.1 and
character from a literary text. two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 1.2.
2.2: Discuss social realism as a theme of contemporary
Philippine literature and interpret a representative text 3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
of literature of circumvention.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to
TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of ABM 1 1. define accounting ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
2. Introduction to Accounting ●Personal
Monday to 3. Uders of Accounting Topic: Acocunting Concepts and Principles
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday Information
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions.
3. Answer the Let's Practice. Match the accounting principles and
assumptions with the statements which briefly explains it.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to
TRY part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Development 1. Explain that knowing oneself can make a person Topic: Knowing Oneself ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
accept his/her strengths and limitations and dealing ●Personal
Monday to with others better. 2. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday Share his/her unique characteristics, habits and 2. Answer the Activity 1 in the Let's Practice.
3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to
2:00 to 3:00 pm General Mathematics 1.The learner represents real-life situations using TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/paper if there's no learner's ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to functions, including piece-wise functions activity1.1.
2. Topic andtoassessment sheetasprovided.
1.4 Functions a representation of real- life situations ●Personal
Thursday The learner evaluates a function submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
3. The learner performs addition, substraction,
multiplication, division, and composition of 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
functions 2. Answer the questions in the Let's Practice.
4. The learner solves problmes involving
functions 3. Answer the questions in the TRY. Write all your answers in a one (1)
whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity
and assessment sheet provided.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science 1. Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday planet in the solar system with properties necessary Topic: 1.1 The Living Planet ●Personal
to Thursday to support life. 2.Expalin that Topic: 1.2. Earth's Four Subsystems Topic: submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose 1.3. Rock-forming Minerals: Their Physical and Chemical Properties
boundaries matter and energy flow
3. Identify common
rock-forming minerals using their physical and
chemical properties 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.

2. Answer the five (5) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 1.1 and
eight (8) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 1.2. and six (6) Self
Assessment Question (SAQs) for week 1.3
3. Answer the questions in the Let's Practice.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from the
SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if
there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Discuss the mearning and function of management Topic: Nature and Concept of Management ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday Management ●Personal
to Thursday submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.

2. Answer the Five (5) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).

3. Fill in the blanks in the "Let's Practice" part.

4. Answer Assessment 1 and 2 in the "TRY . Write all of your answers

from the SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education and Health Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF), status, Topic: Basic Concept of Physical Fitness ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Friday barriers to physical activity assessment ●Personal submission
participation and one’s diet. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
by the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the five (5) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).
3. Answer the questions in the Let's Practice.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to
TRY in the learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :2

Section : CARRICK Quarter :1 Date: October 19-30,2020
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral 2.3: Identify the different models of communication; Describe Topic 2.3: The Communication Models ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday Communication each model of commuincation: and Examine the use of Topic 2.4: Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown module
to Thursday commuincation models. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
2.4: Identify the barriers in 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
teacher in school.
communication breakdown in each situaion; and Appreciate the 2. Answer the three (3) SAQs for week2.1 and two (2) SAQs for week 2.2.
use of different startegies in order to avoid commuincation
breakdown. 3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.

9:00 - 10:00 am Komunikasyon at 2.1. Naiuugnay ang mga konseptong pangwika sa mga Topic 2.1: Konsepto ng Wika ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Pananaliksik sa napakinggan/napanood na sitwasyong pangkomunkasyon sa module
Monday to Wika at Kulturang radio, talumpati, mga panayam at telebisyon 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday Pilipino. 2. Answer the three (3) SAQs for week2.1 and seven (7) SAQs for week 2.2. teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers from SAQ to TRY in a
one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity
and assessment sheet provided.
10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Topic 2.1: The Birth of Philippine Literature in English ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Literature from the Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to the Topic 2.2: Philippine Literature in the module
Thursday Philippines and the contemporary. Contemporary Times ●Personal submission by the parent to the
World. 2.1: List the different forms introduced during the American 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
Occupation; state how work becomes a literary canon; and teacher in school.
empathize with a character from a literary text. 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week2.1 and two (2)
2.2: Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 2.2.
Discuss social realism as a theme of contemporary Philippine 3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
literature and interpret a representative text of literature of
circumvention. 4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in
a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.
11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of 1. Explain the varied accounting concepts and principles Topic: Acocunting Concepts and Principles ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
ABM 1 2. Solve exercises on accounting principles module
Monday to as applied in various cases 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions. teacher in school.
3. Answer the "Let's Practice" part. Match the accounting principles and
assumptions with the statements which briefly explains it.

4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY
part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal 1. Evaluate his or her thoughts or behavior Topic 2.1: Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Development 2. Show the connections between Topic 2.2: The Connections of Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior in Actual module
Monday to thoughts, feelings and behaviors in actual life situations Life Situations ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday teacher in school.
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
2. Answer the Activity 1 and 2 in the "Let's Practice" part in a
yellow/intermediate paper.
3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in
a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
2:00 to 3:00 pm General 2.1: The learner represents real-life situations using rational Topic 2.1, 2.3 & 2.4: Rational Functions ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Mathematics function. 2.2: The learner Topic 2.2: Rational Functions, Rational Equations, and Rational module
Thursday distinguishes rational function, rational equation, and rational Inequalities ●Personal submission by the parent to the
inequality; and the learner solves rational equations and teacher in school.
2.3: The learner represents a rational function through 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
its: (a) table of values, (b) graph, and (c) equation. 2. Answer the two(3) Sel Assessment Questions per week.
2.4: The learner
finds the domain and range of a rational function. 3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the TRY. Write all your answers in a one (1) whole
sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life 2.1.Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.. Topic 2.1: Earth Materials and Processes ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday Science 2.2. Explain how the Topic 2.2: Exogenic Processes (Erosion and module
to Thursday products of weathering are carried away by erosion and Deposition) ●Personal submission by the parent to the
deopsited elsewhere. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. teacher in school.
2. Answer the three (3) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week2.1 and seven
(7) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 2.2.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from the SAQ to the
TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.
4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Explain the functions, roles and skills of a manager Topic: Basic Concepts and Theories of Management ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday Management module
to Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the Eight (8) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).
teacher in school.
3. Fill in the blanks in the "Let's Practice" part.

4. Match Column A with Column B in the "TRY p Assessment 1 and Choose the
best answer from the Multiple Choices given in Assesssment 2. Write all of your
answers from the SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF), status, barriers to Topic: Basic Function of Energy System ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Friday and Health physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet. module
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the seven (7) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).
teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in
a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity
and assessment sheet provided.

1:00-3:00 pm
Friday Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :3

Section : CARRICK Quarter :1 Date: November 2-20, 2020
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication Demonstrate sensitivity to the socio cultural dimension of Topic : 3.5 Intercultural Communication ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Monday communication situation Topic: 3.6 Oral Communication Activities the module
to Thursday ●Personal submission by the
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the four (4) Self Assessment Questions in Week 3.5 and two (2) SAQ in
Week 3.6. the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part
3. Answer
in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity
and assessment sheet provided.

9:00 - 10:00 am Komunikasyon at Nagagamit ang kaalaman sa modernong teknolohiya Topic: Pagkilala sa gamit ng wika sa lipunan ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Pananaliksik sa Wika at (facebook, google, at iba pa) sa pag-unawa sa mga the module
Monday to Kulturang Pilipino. konseptong pangwika, at nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga 1. Read and study the ARALIN NATIN.
●Personal submission by the
Thursday komunikatibong gamit ng wika sa lipunan 2. Answer the two (2) Pagtatasa ng Pagkatuto (SAQs). parent to the teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Sanayin Natin" (Lets Practice)
4. Answer the Multiple Choice Questions in the "Subukin Natin". Write all of your
answers from the SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Literature Identify representative texts and authors from each region Topic: A Reading from Luzon ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Monday to from the Philippines (e.g. engage in oral history research with focus on key the module
Thursday and the World. personalities from the student's region/province/town.) 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions. parent to the teacher in school.
3. Answer the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part
in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity
and assessment sheet provided.
11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of ABM1 1. Illustrate the accounting equation Topic: The Accounting Equation ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
2. Perform operations involving simple cases with the use the module
Monday to of accounting equation. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the
Thursday 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions.
parent to the teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the SAQ to TRY in a
one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity
and assessment sheet provided.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Development 1. Classify various development tasks according to Topic: Knowing Oneself ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
development stages 2. Evaluate one's development through the module
Monday to the help of significant people around him/her (peers, 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the
Thursday parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders 2. Answer the Activity 1 and 2 for Week 3.1 and Week 3.2 in the "Let's Practice" parent to the teacher in school.
part in a yellow/intermediate
3. Answer paper.
the multiple choice questions in week 3.1 and Part 1 & 2 Activities in
week 3.2 of "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet
of yellow/paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
2:00 to 3:00 pm General Mathematics The learner performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, Topic: Function as representation of real-life situation ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Monday to division and composition of functions the module
Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the
3. Answer the Activity 1, 2 and 3 questions in the "Let's Practice" part. parent to the teacher in school.
4. Answer the Assessment 1, 2 and 3 questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers
from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science 1. Describe where the earth's internal heat comes from Topic : 3.1 Earth's Internal Heat ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Monday 2. Describe how magma is formed Topic: 3.2 Earth Materials and Processes: Magmatism the module
to Thursday (magmatism) ●Personal submission by the
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the Six (6) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 3.1 and three (3)
Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 3.2.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the Crossword Puzzle in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to
TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.
4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Analyze various forces/elements influencing local and Topic: The Role of Business in the Environment and how the environment ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Monday Management international business environment using PEST and SWOT affects the firm the module
to Thursday strategies ●Personal submission by the
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the six (6) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.

4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your answers
from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF), status, barriers to Topic: Basic Function of Energy System ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Friday physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet. the module
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the
2. Answer the seven (7) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs). parent to the teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in a
one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity
and assessment sheet provided.

1:00-3:00 pm
Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :4
Section : CARRICK Quarter :1 Date: Nov. 23-Dec. 4, 2020
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication 4.7. Ascertain the verbal and non-verbal cues that each Topic 4.7: Verbal and Non-verbal Communication ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
speaker uses to achieve his/her purpose Topic 4.8: Types of Oral Texts module
Monday to 4.8 Comprehend types of oral texts ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. teacher in school.
2. Answer the Self Assessment Question 2 in Week 4.7 and SAQ1 in Week 4.8.
3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a
one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
9:00 - 10:00 am Komunikasyon at Natutukoy and iba't ibang gamit ng wika sa lipunan sa Topic: Instrumento ng Wika ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Pananaliksik sa Wika pamamagitan ng napanood na palabas sa telebisyon at module
Monday to at Kulturang Pilipino. pelikula. 1. Read and study the ARALIN NATIN. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the two (2) Pagtatasa ng Pagkatuto (SAQs). teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Sanayin Natin" (Lets Practice)
4. Answer the Multiple Choice Questions in the "Subukin Natin". Write all of your
answers from the SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper
if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Identify representative texts and authors from each Topic: A Reading from Mindanao ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Literature from the region (e.g. engage in oral history research with focus module
Thursday Philippines and the on key personalities from the student's 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
World. region/province/town.) 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions.
teacher in school.
3. Answer the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a
one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of 1. Discuss the five major accounts Topic: The Major Accounts ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
ABM1 2. Prepare the chart of accounts module
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Monday to 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions. teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the Assessment 1 to 3 in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the SAQ to TRY
in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal 1. Identify ways that help one become capable and Topic: Knowing Oneself ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Development responsible adolescent prepared for adult life module
Monday to 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the Activity 1 and 2 for Week 4.1 in the "Let's Practice" part. teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1)
whole sheet of yellow/paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet

2:00 to 3:00 pm General Mathematics The learner solves problems involving functions Topic: Functions as representation of real-life situation ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday module
to Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
3. Answer the Activity 1 and 2 questions in the "Let's Practice" part. teacher in school.
4. Answer the Assessment 1, 2 and 3 questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science Describe the physical and chemical changes in rocks Topic : 4.1 Endogenic Processes Topic: ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
due to changes in pressure and temperature 4.2 The Different Types of Igneous Rocks module
Monday to (metmorphism) ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
teacher in school.
2. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
3. Answer the Crossword Puzzle in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in
a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Analyze the forms and economic roles of business Topic: The role of business in the environment and how the environment affects ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Management organization the firm module
Monday to 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs). teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your answers from SAQ
to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.
8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF), status, Topic: Basic Function of Energy System ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
barriers to physical activity assessment participation module
Friday and one’s diet. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the seven (7) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs). teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in a one
(1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
1:00-3:00 pm
Friday Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :5

Section : CARRICK Quarter :1 Date: December 7-18, 2020
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication Code: EN11/12OC-lbe-11 Identifies strategies used by ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Week 5.9 Topic Strategies to Improve Public Speaking Skills
each speaker to convey his/her ideas ●Personal
Monday to Week 5.10 Topic Effective Oral Communication
effectively submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday Code:EN11/12OC Ibe-14 Evaluates the effectiveness of 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
an oral communication 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 5.9 and two (2) SAQ in Topic 5.10.
activity 3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole
sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

Linggo 1 Paksa Gamit ng Wika: Iba’t ibang sitwasyon sa lipunan

9:00 - 10:00 am Komunikasyon at Nakapagsasaliksik ng mga halimbawang sitwasyon na ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Pananaliksik sa Wika at nagpapakita ng gamit ng ●Personal
Monday to Kulturang Pilipino. wika sa lipunan 1. Read and study the ARALIN NATIN. submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the two (2) Pagtatasa ng Pagkatuto (SAQs).
3. Answer the questions in the "Sanayin Natin" (Lets Practice)
4. Answer the Multiple Choice Questions in the "Subukin Natin". Write all of your answers from the
SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Literature from Code: EN12Lit-Id-25 Compare and contrast 21st Century Week 5 Topic Literary Genres of the 21st Century ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to the Philippines and the World. literary genres and the ones from the earlier genres/periods ●Personal
Thursday citing their elements, structures and traditions. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions.
3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole
sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of ABM1 1. Illustrate the formatof general and special journals. Topic: Book of Accounts ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
2. Illustrate the format of a general and subsidiary ●Personal
Monday to ledger. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the Assessment 1 to 3 in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the SAQ to TRY in a one
(1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Development Week 5.1 Topic What is stress and how can adolescents manage it?
Identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Week 5.2 Topic What are the
EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.2 ●Personal
Monday to ways on how to cope with stress?
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 4.1 and two (2) SAQ in Topic 4.2 .
Demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and 3.
maintain mental health Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole sheet
EsP-PD11/12CS-Ig-5.3 of yellow/intermediate
Week paperasif athere's
5.1 Topic Functions no learner'sofactivity
representation and
real life assessment sheet provided.
2:00 to 3:00 pm General Mathematics Solve problems involving inverse function. M11GM-Ie-2 Week 5.2 Topic INVERSE ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Thursday submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
The learner solves 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
problems involving inverse function.(M11GM-Ie-2) 2. Answer the Self Assessment Questions and Activity part.
The learner represents real-life situations using
3. Answer the Assessment 1-5 questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers from SAQ to TRY in a one
exponential functions.
(1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet
(M11GM-Ie-3) The learner distinguishes between
exponential function, exponential equation and
exponential inequalities.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science 10.Explain how the movement of plates leads to the Week 5.1 Topic Formation of Folds and Faults ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
formation of folds and faults (S11/12ES-Id-22) Week 5.2 Topic Layers of rocks (stratified rocks)/ ●Personal
Monday to Age of stratified rocks submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday 11. Describe how layers of
rocks (stratified rocks) are formed. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
(S11/12ES-Ie-25) 2. Answer the three (3) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 5.1 and two (2) SAQ in Topic 5.2 .
12.Describe the different methods (relative and absolute)
3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole
to determine the age of stratified rocks. (S11/12ES-Ie-26)
sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Management Discuss the nature and level of planning types of plans Topic: The importance of planning concepts in business success ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in
a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.
8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education PEH11FH-lg-i-6 Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF) Week 2 BASIC FUNCTION OF ENERGY SYSTEM ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Friday status, barriers to physical activity assessment ●Personal
participation and one’s diet. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the three (3) SAQs for week2.1 and two (2) SAQs for week 2.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the SAQ to TRY in
a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet

1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :6

Section : CARRICK Quarter :1 Date: January 4-15, 2021

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication Code: 6.11 Types of Speech Context ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
EN11/12OC-Ifj-15 module
Monday to Identifies the various types of speech context 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday Objectives: 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 6.11 and two (2)
Define speech context, SAQ in Topic teacher in school.
3. Answer the6.12 .
questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to
Describe the various types of speech context TRY part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
Identify the speech context conveyed in a given situations
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

9:00 - 10:00 am Komunikasyon at Natutukoy ang mga pinagdaanang pangyayari/kaganapan tungo sa Paksa: Kasaysayan ng ng Wikang Pambansa: ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Pananaliksik sa Wika at pagkabuo at pag-unlad ng Wikang Pambansa; at module
Monday to Kulturang Pilipino. Nasusuri ang mga pananaw ng iba’t ibang awtor sa isinulat na 1. Read and study the ARALIN NATIN.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday kasaysayan ng wika F11PS – Ig - 88 2. Answer the two (2) Pagtatasa ng Pagkatuto (SAQs). teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Sanayin Natin" (Lets Practice)

4. Answer the Multiple Choice Questions in the "Subukin Natin". Write all of
your answers from the SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.
10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Literature from Explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and socioculturalcontexts Literary Reading through a Biographical Context ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to the Philippines and the and discuss how they enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the module
Thursday World. reader’s understanding. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
Objectives:∗ Define biographical context as an approach to 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 4.7 and two (2)
understanding the meaning of a literary text; and ∗ draw inspiration SAQ in Topic teacher in school.
3. Answer the4.8 .
questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to
from the life of a literary artist. Code: TRY part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
EN12Lit-Ie-28 learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of ABM1 1. Analyze common business transactions using the rules of debit and Topic: Debit and Credit ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
credit. 2. Solve simple module
Monday to problems and exercises in the analysis of business transaction. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions. teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the Assessment 1 to 3 in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Development Discuss that understanding the different parts of 6.1 THE POWERS OF THE MIND ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
the brain, processes and functions may help in module
Monday to improving thoughts, behaviour and feelings. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday EXPLORE WAYS ON HOW 2. Answer the 5 Items Quick Quiz. teacher in school.
FUNCTIONS 3. Answer the 2 activities for Let's Practice and answer the questions in the
"TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.

2:00 - 3:00 pm General Mathematics The learner ... Exponential Function ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
• Solve exponential equations and inequalities. M11GM–Ie–f–1 module
Monday to • Represent an exponential function through its: (a) table of 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday values, (b) graph, and (c) equation. M11GM-If-2 3. Answer the SAQ with 1-5 questions and 1-3 Activity part.
• Find the domain and range of an exponential function. teacher in school.
M11GM-If-3 4. Answer the Assessment 1-5 questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers
• Determine the intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of an from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if
exponential function. M11GM-If-4 there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science 13. Explain how relative and absolute dating were used to determine 6.1 Dating Methods and Geologic Time Scale ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
the 6.2 Geologic Processes and Hazards module
Monday to subdivisions of geologic time. (S11/12ES-Ie-27) ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday 14. Describe how the Earth’s history can be interpreted from the 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
geologic teacher in school.
time scale. (S11/12ES-Ie-29) 2. Answer the Four (4) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 6.1 and
15. Describe the various hazards that may happen in the three (3) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 6.2.
event of
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides (S11/12ES-If-30) 3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the Crossword Puzzle in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Apply appropriate planning techniques and tools in business decision Topic: The importance of planning concepts in business succes ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Management making module
Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs). teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.

4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your

answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

Physical Education Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at
8:00-9:00 am least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and
Friday PERFORMANCE module
out-of school ●Personal submission by the parent to the
CODE: PEH11FH-Ia-t-8 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. teacher in school.
2. Answer the three (3) SAQs
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write
your answers from the SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.

1:00-3:00 pm
Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :7

Section : CARRICK Quarter :1 Date: Jan. 18 -29, 2021
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication Code: Types of Speeches and Speech Style ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday EN11/12OC-lfj-17 module
to Thursday Distinguishes types of speeches and speech style 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 7.13 and two (2) teacher in school.
Objectives: SAQ in Topic 7.14 .
Define speech and speech style 3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY
Respond to behaviour signalled in communication style part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
Classify considerable level of speech styles in activity and assessment sheet provided.
communication situations

9:00 - 10:00 am Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa F11PN - If - 87 Nakapagbibigay ng opinyon o pananaw Paksa: Pagbibigay Opinyon o Pananaw sa mga napakinggang Pagtalakay ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday Wika at Kulturang Pilipino. kaugnay sa mga napakinggang pagtalakay sa wikang sa Wikang pambansa module
to Thursday pambansa. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
1. Read and study the ARALIN NATIN. teacher in school.
2. Answer the two (2) Pagtatasa ng Pagkatuto (SAQs).
3. Answer the questions in the "Sanayin Natin" (Lets Practice)
4. Answer the Multiple Choice Questions in the "Subukin Natin". Write all of
your answers from the SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.
10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Literature from the Explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and Filipino Society and Culture in Literature ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Philippines and the World. sociocultural
contexts and discuss how they enhance the text’s module
Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
meaning ●Personal submission by the parent to the
enrich theand
reader’s understanding. 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 4.7 and two (2) SAQ teacher in school.
Code: in Topic 4.8
3. Answer . questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY
EN12Lit-Ie-28 part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.
11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of ABM1 1. Describe the nature of transactions in a service Topic: Accounting Cycle of a Service Business ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
business. module
Monday to 2. Record transactions of a service business in the 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday general journal. 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions. teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
4. Answer the Assessment 1 to 3 in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Development Discuss that understanding the intensity and ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday differentiation of emotions may help in communicating 7.1-7.2 Emotional Intelligence
to Thursday emotional expressions. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
(EsP-PD11/12EI-Ii-j-8.1 ) 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
teacher in school.
2. Answer the 5 Items Quick Quiz.
Explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how
one 3. Answer the 2 activities for Let's Practice and answer the questions in the
expresses or hides them "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole sheet of
(EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.2 yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.

2:00 - 3:00 pm General Mathematics The learner solves problems involving exponential functions Exponential Functions and Equations ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday and module
to Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
exponential equations. (M11GM-Ig-2) ●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the SAQ with 1-5 questions and 1-3 Activity part. teacher in school.
3. Answer the Assessment questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science 16. Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to hazards 7.1 Geologic Hazard Maps ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday brought 7.2 Human Activities that Speed up or Trigger Landslide module
to Thursday about by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides ●Personal submission by the parent to the
(S11/12ES-If-31) 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
teacher in school.
17.Identify `human activities that
speed up or trigger landslide 2. Answer the Four (4) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 7.1 and
(S11/12ES-If-33) three (3) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 7.2.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the Crossword Puzzle in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Management 1. Discuss the nature of organization 2. Topic: Organizing ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday Distinquish the various types of organization structures module
to Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs). teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your
answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

8:00-9:00 am Physical Education Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate TYPES OF FITNESS ACTIVITY ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Friday of perceived module
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
and/or adjust 2. Answer the three (3) SAQs for week2.1 and two (2) SAQs for week 2. teacher in school.
participation or effort 3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
CODE: PEH11FH-Ik-t-9 4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'.
Write your answers from the SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.

1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :8
Section : CARRICK Quarter :1 Date: February 1 -10, 2021
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication 18.Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to hazards brought about 8.1 The Philippine Hazard Map ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday by tropical cyclones, monsoons, floods, or ipo - ipo 8.2 Marine & Coastal Processes & Their Effects module
to Thursday (S11/12ES-Ig-36) ●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
19.Describe how coastal processes result in coastal 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
in school.
submersion, and saltwater intrusion (S11/12ES-lh-38) 2. Answer the Four (4) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 8.1 and
20.Cite ways to prevent or mitigate the impact of land development, three (3) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 8.2.
waste disposal, and construction of structures on control coastal
processes (S11/12ES-li-41) 3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the Crossword Puzzle in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
Linggo 1 Paksa Gamit ng Wika: Iba’t ibang sitwasyon sa lipunan
9:00 - 10:00 am Komunikasyon at Nakapagsasaliksik ng mga halimbawang sitwasyon na nagpapakita ng gamit ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Pananaliksik sa ng module
Monday to Wika at Kulturang wika sa lipunan 1. Read and study the ARALIN NATIN.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
Thursday Pilipino. 2. Answer the two (2) Pagtatasa ng Pagkatuto (SAQs). in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Sanayin Natin" (Lets Practice)

4. Answer the Multiple Choice Questions in the "Subukin Natin". Write all of your
answers from the SAQ to the TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary text. Creative Multimedia Adaptation of a Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Literature from the Objectives: ∗ List different multimedia forms of literary text module
Thursday Philippines and the interpretation; and 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
World. ∗ appreciate a sample multimedia form of a literary text.Codes: 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 4.7 and two (2) SAQ in school.
EN12Lit-Ie- in Topic 4.8
3. Answer . questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY
31.1 EN12Lit-Ie- 31.3 part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of 1. Posts transactions in the ledger. Topic: Accounting Cycle of a Service Business ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
ABM1 2. Prepare a trial balance module
Monday to 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
Thursday 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions. in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
4. Answer the Assessment 1 to 3 in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how one 8.1-8.2 Emotional Intelligence ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Development expresses or hides them module
Monday to (EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.2 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
Thursday Demonstrate and create ways to manage various 2. Answer the 5 Items Quick Quiz.
emotions. in school.
(EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.3) 3. Answer the 2 activities for Let's Practice and answer the questions in the
"TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.

2:00 - 3:00 pm General The learner represents real-life situations using logarithmic functions. Logarithmic Function ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday Mathematics (M11GM-Ih-1) module
to Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
The learner distinguishes logarithmic function, logarithmic equation and ●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
logarithmic inequality. (M11GM-Ih-2) 3. Answer the SAQ with 1-5 questions and 1-3 Activity part. in school.
The learner solves logarithmic equations and inequalities. (M11GM-Ih-i-1) 4. Answer the Assessment questions in the "TRY'. Write your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
The no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
learner solves problems involving inverse function.(M11GM-Ie-2)
The learner represents real-life situations using exponential functions.
(M11GM-Ie-3) The learner distinguishes between exponential function,
exponential equation and exponential inequalities.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life 18.Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to hazards brought about 8.1 The Philippine Hazard Map ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday Science by tropical cyclones, monsoons, floods, or ipo - ipo 8.2 Marine & Coastal Processes & Their Effects module
to Thursday (S11/12ES-Ig-36) ●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
19.Describe how coastal processes result in coastal 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
in school.
erosion, 2. Answer the Four (4) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 8.1 and
submersion, and saltwater intrusion (S11/12ES-lh-38) three (3) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) for week 8.2.
20.Cite ways to prevent or mitigate the impact of land development,
waste disposal, and construction of structures on control coastal 3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
processes (S11/12ES-li-41) 4. Answer the Crossword Puzzle in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Apply organization theories for effective business management. Topic: Basic Concepts and Theories of Management ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Management module
Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs). in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your
answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

8:00-9:00 am Physical Education Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived TYPES OF FITNESS ACTIVITY ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Friday exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust module
participation or effort 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
CODE: PEH11FH-Ik-t-9 2. Answer the three (3) SAQs for week2.1 and two (2) SAQs for week 2. in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'.
Write your answers from the SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment
sheet provided.
1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :1

Section : CARRICK Quarter :2 Date: February 15 -19, 2021
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication Employ various communicative strategies in different situations. Topic: Various communication strategies ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
1. Read the module the module
Monday to ●Personal submission by the
Thursday 2. Answer 8 activities and 1 Assessment in the module in one yellow/intermediate
paper. parent to the teacher in school.

9:00-10:00 am Komunikasyon at (F11PN-IIa-88) Natutukoy ang iba't-ibang paggamit ng wika sa mga Paksa: Pagtukoy sa paggamit ng wika sa iba't-ibang sitwasyon. ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Monday to Pananaliksik sa Wika napakinngang pahayag mula sa mga panayam at balita sa radio at the module
Thursday at Kulturang Pilipino. telebisyon. 1. Basahin ang module
●Personal submission by the
(F11PB-IIa-96) 1. Gawin ang Gawain 1 Plakard ng Nakaraan at Gawain 2 Ang malaking katanungan. parent to the teacher in school.
Natutukoy ang iba't-ibang paggamit ng wika sa nabasang pahayag mula 2. Basahin at gawin ang mga gawain sa Suriin.
sa mga blog, social media posts at iba pa. 3. Gawin ang mga gawain sa Pagyamanin, Isaisip at Isagawa.

4. Sagutin ang mga katanungan sa Tayahin at isulat ang sagot sa inyong sagutang papel.

10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary Creative Multimedia Adaptation of a Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Monday to Literature from the text. the module
Thursday Philippines and the Objectives: ∗ List different multimedia forms of literary text 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the
World. interpretation; and 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 4.7 and two (2) SAQ in
Topic 4.8 . parent to the teacher in school.
∗ appreciate a sample multimedia form of a literary text.Codes:
31.1 EN12Lit-Ie- 31.3 3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part
in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity
and assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of 1. Posts transactions in the ledger. Topic: Accounting Cycle of a Service Business ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
ABM1 2. Prepare a trial balance the module
Monday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the
to Thursday 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions. parent to the teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the Assessment 1 to 3 in the "TRY'. Write your answers from the SAQ to
TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how one 8.1-8.2 Emotional Intelligence ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Development expresses or hides them 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. the module
Monday to (EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.2 ●Personal submission by the
Thursday Demonstrate and create ways to manage various 2. Answer the 5 Items Quick Quiz.
parent to the teacher in school.
emotions. 3. Answer the 2 activities for Let's Practice and answer the questions in the "TRY'.
(EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.3) Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet

2:00 - 3:00 pm General Mathematics 1. illustrate simple interest Topic: Simple Interest ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
2. compute interest,maturity value, future value, and present value in 1. Read the modules the module
Monday to simple interest environment ●Personal submission by the
Thursday 3. solve problems involving 2. Answer the 7 Activities and 1 Assessment parent to the teacher in school.
simple interest. Write all your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if
there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of Topic: Introduction to Life Science ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
evidence. the module
Monday to (S11/12LT-lla-1) 1. Read the modules
●Personal submission by the
Thursday 2. Answer the 5 Activities and 1 Assessment parent to the teacher in school.
Write all your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if
there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Apply organization theories for effective business management. Topic: Basic Concepts and Theories of Management ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
Management the module
Monday to 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent
Thursday to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education 1. define etiquette; Topic: Proper Etiquette and Safety in the Use of Facilities and Equipment ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement
2. identify different rules and protocols before/while the module
Friday and after doing physical fitness activities and exercise; and 1. Read the modules
●Personal submission by the
3. familiarize with different facilities and 2. Answer What I Know and What's In
equipment used in physical fitness and exercise. (PEH11Fh-1a-o-13) parent to the teacher in school.
3. Read What's New and What is It
4. Answer What's More, What I have Learned, What Can I Do and Assessment
Note: Wrtie all answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
1:00-3:00 pm
Friday Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :2

Section : CARRICK Quarter :2 Date: February 22 -26, 2021
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication Employ various communicative strategies in Topic: Various communication strategies ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
different situations. ●Personal submission by the parent to
Monday to 1. Read the modules
the teacher in school.
Thursday 2. Answer 7 activities and 2 Assessment in the module in a one whole
sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
9:00-10:00 am Komunikasyon at (F11PU-IIc-87) Nakasusulat ng mga tekstong Paksa:Register at mga Varayti ng Wika ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Pananaliksik sa Wika at nagpapakita ng mga kalagayang pangwika sa ●Personal submission by the parent to
Thursday Kulturang Pilipino. 1. Basahin ang module
kulturang pilipino. the teacher in school.
2. Gawin ang Gawain A. Kilalanin mo.
3. Basahin at gawin ang mga Gawainng napaloob sa Suriin.
(F11WG-IIc-87) 4. Sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Pagyamanin at Isaisip.
Natutukoy ang iba't-ibang register at varayti ng wika
na ginagamit sa iba't-ibang sitwasyon.
5. Sagutin ang mga katanungan sa Tayahin at isulat ito sa inyong
sagutang papel.

10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Literature Choose an appropriate multimedia format in Creative Multimedia Adaptation of a Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to from the Philippines and interpreting a literary text. ●Personal submission by the parent to
Thursday the World. Objectives: ∗ List different multimedia forms of 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
the teacher in school.
literary text interpretation; and 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 4.7 and two
∗ appreciate a sample multimedia form of a literary (2) SAQ in Topic 4.8 .
text.Codes: EN12Lit-Ie-
31.1 EN12Lit-Ie- 31.3 3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to
TRY part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of ABM1 1. Posts transactions in the ledger. ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
2. Prepare a trial Topic: Accounting Cycle of a Service Business
●Personal submission by the parent to
Monday balance the teacher in school.
to Thursday 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

4. Answer the Assessment 1 to 3 in the "TRY'. Write your answers from

the SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if
there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Development Explore one’s positive and negative emotions and 8.1-8.2 Emotional Intelligence ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
how one ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Monday to expresses or hides them 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. teacher in school.
Thursday (EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.2
Demonstrate and 2. Answer the 5 Items Quick Quiz.
create ways to manage various emotions. 3. Answer the 2 activities for Let's Practice and answer the questions in
(EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.3) the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole
sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.

2:00 - 3:00 pm General Mathematics 1.illustrate compound interest Topic: Compound Interest ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
2. compute interest,maturity value,future value,and ●Personal submission by the parent to
Monday to presents value in compound interest 1. Read the modules the teacher in school.
Thursday Environment 2. Answer the 6 Activities and 1 Assessment
3. solve problems involving compound interest.
Write all your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science Describe how unifying themes (e.g., structure and Topic: The unifying themes in the study of life ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
function, evolution,and ecosystem)show the 1. Read the modules ●Personal submission by the parent to
Monday to connections among living things and how they interact the teacher in school.
Thursday with each other and with their environment 2. Answer the 6 Activities and 1 Assessment
(S11/12LT-lla-3) Write all your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Apply organization theories for effective business Topic: Basic Concepts and Theories of Management ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Management management. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Monday to 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
teacher in school.
Thursday 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).

3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.

4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your

answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education 1. participate in an organizaed event that address Topic: Facilities and Equipment Used in Physical Fitness and ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
health/fitness issues and concerns; Exercise ●Personal submission by the parent to
Friday 2. the teacher in school.
recognize the value of optimising one's health 1. Read the module
through participaton in physical activity 2. Answer What I Know , What's In, What's More, What I have Learned,
assessment; and What Can I Do and Assessment. Write all answers in a one whole sheet of
3. familiarize with different facilities and yellow/white paper.
equipment used in physical fitness and exercise.

1:00-3:00 pm
Friday Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :3
Section : CARRICK Quarter :2 Date: March 1 -5, 2021
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral Communication the important concepts of speech context,speech Topic: Shift in speech elements ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
style,speech act and communicative strategies module
Monday to 2.explain that a change in speech context,speech style,speech act and 1. Read the modules
●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday communicative strategies affect the duration 2. Answer 7 activities and 2 Assessment in the module in a one whole sheet of
of interaction,relationship of speaker, role and responsibilities of the yellow/intermediate paper. teacher in school.
speaker ,message,and delivery and;
3.exhibit understanding on how the shift in speech context,speech
style,speech act and communicative strategies affects the elements
mentioned by providing examples

9:00-10:00 am Komunikasyon at (F11EP-Iid-33) Nakagagawa ng isang pag-aaral gamit ang social ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Pananaliksik sa Wika at media sa pagsusuri at pagsusulat ng mga tekstong nagpapakita ng Paksa: Pagsuri ng Teksto ng mga sitwasyong Pangwika
Thursday Kulturang Pilipino. iba't-ibang sitwasyon ng paggamit ng wika. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
(F11-PN-IId-89) Natutukoy 1. Basahin ang module
teacher in school.
ang angkop na mga salita , pangungusap ayon sa konteksto ng 2.Sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Tuklasin.
paksang napakinggan sa mga balita sa radio at telebisyon.
Naipaliliwanag ang gamit ng wika sa lipunan sa pamamagitan ng mga 3. Basahin ang Suriin at sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Pagyamanin.
pagbibigay ng halimbawa. 4. Sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Isaisip at Isagawa.
5. Sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Tayahin at isulat ang mga sagot sa
inyong sagutang papel.
10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Literature Choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary Creative Multimedia Adaptation of a Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to from the Philippines and text. module
Thursday the World. Objectives: ∗ List different multimedia forms of literary text 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
interpretation; and 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 4.7 and two (2) SAQ in Topic teacher in school.
∗ appreciate a sample multimedia form of a literary text.Codes: 4.8 .
31.1 EN12Lit-Ie- 31.3 3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a
one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn
Fundamentals of ABM1 1. Prepare the worksheet. ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
2. Present financial statements 3. Topic: Accounting Cycle of a Service Business (Completing the Accounting Cycle) module
Monday journalize and post adjusting entries and closing entries ●Personal submission by the parent to the
to Thursday 4. prepare closing trial balance 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
teacher in school.
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" and check if your answer is correct
based on the Answer Key attached to the capslet.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
4. Answer TRY in a 10 column worksheet. Write your answers from the SAQ to TRY in a
one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Development Explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how one 8.1-8.2 Emotional Intelligence ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
expresses or hides them module
Monday to (EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.2 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday Demonstrate and create ways to manage various
emotions. 2. Answer the 5 Items Quick Quiz. teacher in school.
(EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.3) 3. Answer the 2 activities for Let's Practice and answer the questions in the "TRY'.
Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet

2:00 - 3:00 pm General Mathematics 1.define annuity payment Topic: Simple Annuity ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
2.identify different types of annuity module
Monday to 3.find the future value and present value of simple annuities 1. Read the modules
●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday 2. Answer the 4 Activities and 1 Assessment teacher in school.
Write all your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life Science 1.Determine the structure of DNA.(S11/12LT-llej-17) Topic: Genetic Engineering ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
2.Describe the process of genetic engineering(S11/12LT-llej-19) 1. Read the modules module
Monday to 3.Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMO’s ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday 2. Answer the 8 Activities and 1 Assessment teacher in school.
Write all your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper
4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Apply organization theories for effective business management. Topic: Basic Concepts and Theories of Management ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Management module
Monday to 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs). teacher in school.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.

4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education 1. Set frequency intensity time type (FITT) goals based on training Topic: Developing Home Based Family Workout and Evaluation ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
principles to achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF); module
Friday and ●Personal submission by the parent to
2. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at 1. Answer What I Know and What's In the teacher in school.
least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in-and-
out of school . (PEH11Fh-1a-t-8) 2. Read What's New and What is It

3. Answer What's More, What I have Learned, What Can I Do and Assessment
Note: Wrtie all answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
1:00-3:00 pm
Friday Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :4

Section : CARRICK Quarter :2 Date: March 8 -12, 2021
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Oral the important concepts of speech context,speech Topic: Speech Delivery in Different Situations ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Communication style,speech act and communicative strategies ●Personal submission by
Monday to 2.explain that a change in speech context,speech style,speech 1. Read the module
the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday act and communicative strategies affect the duration 2. Answer 8 activities and 1 Assessment in the module in a one whole sheet of
of interaction,relationship of speaker, role and responsibilities yellow/intermediate paper
of the speaker ,message,and delivery and;
3.exhibit understanding on how the shift in speech
context,speech style,speech act and communicative strategies
affects the elements mentioned by providing examples

9:00-10:00 am Komunikasyon at (F11EP-Iid-33) Nakagagawa ng isang pag-aaral gamit ang Paksa: Pagsuri ng Teksto ng mga sitwasyong Pangwika ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Pananaliksik sa social media sa pagsusuri at pagsusulat ng mga tekstong ●Personal submission by
Thursday Wika at Kulturang nagpapakita ng iba't-ibang sitwasyon ng paggamit ng wika. 1.Sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Tuklasin. the parent to the teacher in school.
(F11-PN-IId-89) Natutukoy ang angkop na mga salita , 2. Basahin ang Suriin at sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Pagyamanin.
pangungusap ayon sa konteksto ng paksang napakinggan sa
mga balita sa radio at telebisyon. 3. Sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Isaisip at Isagawa.
Naipaliliwanag ang gamit ng wika sa lipunan sa pamamagitan ng
mga pagbibigay ng halimbawa. 4. Sagutin ang mga katanungan na napapaloob sa Tayahin at isulat ang mga sagot sa
inyong sagutang papel.

10:00-11:00 am 21st Century Choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a Creative Multimedia Adaptation of a Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Literature from the literary text. ●Personal submission by
Thursday Philippines and the Objectives: ∗ List different multimedia forms of literary text 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
the parent to the teacher in school.
World. interpretation; and 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions in Topic 4.7 and two (2) SAQ in Topic
∗ appreciate a sample multimedia form of a literary text.Codes: 4.8 .
EN12Lit-Ie- 3. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a
31.1 EN12Lit-Ie- 31.3 one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
11:00 - 12:00 nn Fundamentals of 1. Prepare the worksheet. ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
ABM1 2. Present financial statements Topic: Accounting Cycle of a Service Business (Completing the Accounting Cycle)
●Personal submission by
3. journalize and post adjusting entries and closing the parent to the teacher in school.
Monday to entries 4. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
Thursday prepare closing trial balance 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions.
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" and check if your answer is correct based
on the Answer Key attached to the capslet.
●Personal submission by
the parent to the teacher in school.

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

4. Answer TRY in a 10 column worksheet. Write your answers from the SAQ to TRY in a
one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
1:00 - 2:00 pm Personal Explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how one 8.1-8.2 Emotional Intelligence ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Development expresses or hides them ●Personal submission by the
Monday to (EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.2 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday Demonstrate and create ways to manage
various emotions. 2. Answer the 5 Items Quick Quiz.
3. Answer the 2 activities for Let's Practice and answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write
all your answers from SAQ to TRY part in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
2:00 - 3:00 pm General 1.define annuity payment Topic: Simple Annuity ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Mathematics 2.identify different types of annuity ●Personal submission by
Monday to 3.find the future value and present value of simple annuities 1. Read the modules
the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday 2. Answer the 4 Activities and 1 Assessment
Write all your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Earth and Life 1.Determine the structure of DNA.(S11/12LT-llej-17) Topic: Genetic Engineering ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Science 2.Describe the process of genetic engineering(S11/12LT-llej-19) 1. Read the modules ●Personal submission by
Monday to 3.Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMO’s the parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday 2. Answer the 8 Activities and 1 Assessment
Write all your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper
4:00 - 5:00 pm Organization and Apply organization theories for effective business management. Topic: Basic Concepts and Theories of Management ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Management ●Personal submission by the
Monday to 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
parent to the teacher in school.
Thursday 2. Answer the two (2) Self Assessment Questions (SAQs).
3. Answer the questions in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY' Assessment 1 to 3. Write all your answers from
SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.

8:00 - 9:00 am Physical Education 1. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) Topic: Developing Home Based Family Workout and Evaluation ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
for at leaset 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of ●Personal submission by
Friday settign in-and out-of school.. (PEH11Fh-1a-t-8) 1. Answer What I Know and What's In the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Read What's New and What is It
3. Answer What's More, What I have Learned, What Can I Do and Assessment
Note: Wrtie all answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
1:00-3:00 pm
Friday Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :1

Section : CARRICK Quarter :3 Date: April 19-30, 2021
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 am Reading and Writing Apply the techniques in selecting and organizing information Topic: Techniques in Selecting and Organizing Information ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to module
Thursday ●Students may submit their work through the
1. Answer WHAT I KNOW
googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
2. Read Techniques in Selecting and Organizing Information
3. Answer WHAT'S IN, WHAT'S NEW, WHAT'S MORE Activity 1 to submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
4, WHAT I CAN DO Assessment

9:00 - 10:00 am Filipino 1. Natutukoy and paksang tinalakay sa iba't ibang tekstong Topic: Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Ibat Ibang Uri ng Teksto ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to binasa. (F11PB-IIIa-98) module
Thursday 2.Natutukoy ang kahulugan at katangian ng mahahalagang 1. Sagutin ang BALIKAN
●Students may submit their work through the
salitang ginamit ng iba't ibang tekstong binasa (F11PB-IIIa-88) googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
2. Basahin at Sagutan ang ARALIN 1, Tuklasin, Suriin, ●Personal
Pagyamanin, Gawain A at B, Tayain at Karagdagan Gawain submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

10:00 - 11:00 pm Statistics and Probability 1. Illustrates a random variable Topic: Random Variables ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to 2.Distinguishes between a discrete and continuous module
Thursday variable 3.Finds 1. Read UNDERSTAND part.
●Students may submit their work through the
the possible values of a random variable 2. Answer SAQ 1 and 2, Lets Practice Activity 1 and TRY googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
4. Illustrate probabilitydistribution for a discrete Assessment 1,2 and 3
random variable and its property. ●Personal
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

11:00 - 12:00 am Principle of Marketing 1. Define marketing Topic: Basic Marketing Principles ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Thursday 2. Differentiate the different marketing module
conceptual frameworks 1. Read UNDERSTAND part
●Students may submit their work through the
3. Analyze the importance of the marketing mix 2. Answer SAQ 1 and 2, Lets Practice and TRY Assessment 1 and googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

1:00 - 2:00 nn Monday Practical Research 1. Share research experiences and knowledge Topic: Research Experiences and Knowledge ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
to Thursday 2. Explain the importance of research Importance of Research in Daily Life module
in daily life ●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
1. Answer WHAT I KNOW
in school.
1:00 - 2:00 nn Monday ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
to Thursday module
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks ●Personal submission
Mode by the parent to the teacher
of Delivery
in school.
2. Read and understand LESSON 1 and LESSON 2 WHAT IS IT
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

3. Answer WHAT'S IN, WHAT'S NEW, WHAT'S MORE Activity 1 to

3, WHAT I CAN DO Assessment

2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment Technologies 1. Improve thei understanding regarding the current state of ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Thursday ICT; 2. Topic: Information and Communication Technology (Part I)
construct a comprehensive description (both similarities and ●Students may submit their work through the
difference of the chosen topic from the lesson through Venn 1. Read the module
googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
Diagram; and 2. Answer the Pre-test, Activities and Post Test in a one whole
3. justify what they realize/value regarding the current state ●Personal
sheet of yellow/intermediate paper. submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
and improvements in ICT

3:00 - 4:00 pm Physical Science 1. explain stellar nucleosynthesis; ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to 2. describe the different stages of life cycle of stars; Topic: Formation of Heavy Elements
Thursday 3. cite the different heavy elements formed in each stages of star ●Students may submit their work through the
cycle; 1. Ready the What I Need To Know
googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
4. describe how heavier elements formed during stellar 2. Try to answer the What I Know part
nucleosynthesis and evolution. ●Personal
3. Read the What’s In submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
4. Fill in the blanks in What’s New using the clues given
5. Answer the questions in What is It
6. Match column A and B in What’s More
7. Fill in the blanks in What I Have Learned

8. Write a story in What I Can Do; base on the rubrics provided

9. Answer the Assessment and Additional Activities

10. Write all of your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
4:00 - 5:00 pm Business Math 1. Expresses fraction to decimal and percent form. Topic: Fractions, Decimal, Percentages ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday 2. Expresses decimal to fraction and percent form module
to Thursday 1. Read UNDERSTAND part.
3. Expresses percent to decimal and fraction form ●Students may submit their work through the
2. Answer Lets Practice Activity 1&2 and TRY Assessment 1,2 googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
and 3
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

8:00 to 9:00 am Physical Education and Health Describe the role of physical activity assessments in managing Topic: Sports: A Way in Managing Stress ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Friday one's stress. 1. Read the module module
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher
2.Answer WHATS IN in school.
DO and Assessment

1:00 to 3:00 pm
Friday Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Phili
Region IX, Zamboanga
Divisoria, Zamboang


Grade Level : 11
Section : CARRICK
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency
8:00 - 9:00 am Reading and Writing 1. Identify common patterns of development used in written
Monday to works; and
Thursday 2. Determine the correct use of transitional devices

9:00 - 10:00 am Filipino 1. Natutukoy and paksang tinalakay sa iba't ibang tekstong
Monday to binasa. (F11PB-IIIa-98)
Thursday 2.Natutukoy ang kahulugan at katangian ng mahahalagang
salitang ginamit ng iba't ibang tekstong binasa (F11PB-IIIa-88)

10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and Probability 2.1. The learner constructs the probability mass function of a
Monday to discrete random variable and its corresponding histogram.
Thursday (M11/12SP-IIIa-5)
2.2 The learner computes probabilities corresponding to a
given random variable. (M11/M12SP – IIIa – 6)
2.3. The learner illustrates the mean and variance of a discrete
random variable. (M11/12SP-IIIb – 1)
2.4. The learner calculates the mean and the variance of a
discrete random variable. (M11/12SP-IIIb-2)

11:00 - 12:00 nn Principle of Marketing 1. Identify the marketing strategies

2. Analyze the relationship of marketing and the
Monday to Thursday economy 3. Differentiate marketing and
sales management

1:00 - 2:00 nn Practical Research 1. Share research experiences and knowledge

Monday to Thursday 2. Explain the importance of research
in daily life

2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment 1. Improve thei understanding regarding the current state of

Monday Technologies ICT; 2.
to Thursday construct a comprehensive description (both similarities and
difference of the chosen topic from the lesson through Venn
Diagram; and
3. justify what they realize/value regarding the current state
and improvements in ICT
2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment 1. Improve thei understanding regarding the current state of
Monday Technologies ICT; 2.
to Thursday construct a comprehensive description (both similarities and
difference of the chosen topic from the lesson through Venn
Diagram; and
3. justify what they realize/value regarding the current state
and improvements in ICT

3:00 - 4:00 pm Physical Science 1. explain how the concept of atomic number led to the
Monday to synthesis of new elements in the laboratory;
Thursday 2. identify the different elements formed after the process of
3. realize the importance of the atomic number in identifying
the new
elements identity in the periodic table.

4:00 - 5:00 pm Business Math 1. Expresses fraction to decimal and percent form.
Monday 2. Expresses decimal to fraction and percent form
to Thursday 3. Expresses percent to decimal and fraction

8:00 to 9:00 am Physical Education and Describe the role of physical activity assessments in managing
Friday Health one's stress.

1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheet

Republic of the Philippines
egion IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Week :2
Quarter :3
Learning Tasks
Topic: Patterns of Written Text
1. Read the module
2. Answer all of the activities and Assessment in the module in a one whole
sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
Topic: Katangian at Kalikasan ng Ibat Ibang Uri ng Teksto
1. Basahin ang module
2. Sagutin ang lahat ng mga gawain sa module sa isang buong
yellow/intermediate paper.
Topic: Random Variables and Probability Distributions.
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
2. Answer the 2 Self Assessment Questions.
3. Answer the Activities in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ
to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

Topic: Basic Marketing Strategies

1. Read UNDERSTAND part
2. Answer SAQ 1 and 2, Lets Practice and TRY Assessment 1 and 2.

Topic: Research Experiences and Knowledge Importance of

Research in Daily Life
1. Answer WHAT I KNOW
2. Read and understand LESSON 1 and LESSON 2 WHAT IS IT
3. Answer WHAT'S IN, WHAT'S NEW, WHAT'S MORE Activity 1 to 3, WHAT I
CAN DO Assessment
Topic: Information and Communication Technology (Part I)
1. Read the module
2. Answer the Pre-test, Activities and Post Test in a one whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper.
Topic: Concept of Atomic Number Led to the Synthesis of New Elements
in the Laboratory
1. Ready the What I Need To Know
2. Try to answer the What I Know part
3. Read the What’s In
4. Make your own periodic table in What’s New using the clues given
5. Read and take note of the key points in What is It
6. Write nuclear reactions in What’s More
7. Answer the questions in What I Have Learned; base on the rubrics
8. Write a Short Essay in What I Can Do
9. Answer the Assessment and Additional Activities

10. Write all of your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
paper if there's no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

Topic: Fractions, Decimal, Percentages

1. Read UNDERSTAND part.
2. Answer Lets Practice Activity 1&2 and TRY Assessment 1,2 and 3

Topic: Sports: A Way in Managing Stress

1.Answer WHATS IN

modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Date: May 3-14, 2021

Mode of Delivery
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom created
by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom created
by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Personal submission by
the parent to the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom created
by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

he following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :3

Section : CARRICK Quarter :3 Date: May 15-30, 2021

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 am Reading and Writing 1. Identify common patterns of development used in written Topic: Patterns of Written Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to works; and ●Students may submit their work through the
Thursday 2. Determine the correct use of transitional devices 1. Read the module googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
2. Answer all of the activities and Assessment in the module in ●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper. school.
9:00 - 10:00 am Filipino Nagagamit ang mga cohesive device sa pagsulat ng sariling ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to halimbawang teksto PAGGAMIT NG COHESIVE DEVICE
●Students may submit their work through the
Thursday F11WG-IIIc-90 googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
1. Sagutin ang dalawang katanungan sa Balikan.
2. Basahin ang teksto sa tuklasin at sagutin ang limang ●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
katanungan. school.
3. Basahin ang teksto sa suriin at gawin ang mga pagsasanay
sa Pagyamanin, Gawain, at Isaisp.
10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and Probability 2.1. The learner constructs the probability mass function of a Sagutin
Topic: Random
ang mga Variables
katanungan and Probability Distributions.
sa Tayahin. ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to discrete random variable and its corresponding histogram. ●Students may submit their work through the
Thursday (M11/12SP-IIIa-5) 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part. googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
2.2 The learner computes probabilities corresponding to a ●Personal
given random variable. (M11/M12SP – IIIa – 6) 2. Answer the 2 Self Assessment Questions.
2.3. The learner illustrates the mean and variance of a submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
3. Answer the Activities in the "Let's Practice" part.
discrete random variable. (M11/12SP-IIIb – 1) 4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'.
2.4. The learner calculates the mean and the variance of a Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole
discrete random variable. (M11/12SP-IIIb-2) sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Principle of Marketing Define relationship marketing Topic: Relationship Marketing ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
●Students may submit their work through the
Monday to 1. Read UNDERSTAND part googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
Thursday ●Personal
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
11:00 - 12:00 nn Principle of Marketing Define relationship marketing ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
●Students may submit their work through the
Monday to googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
Thursday ●Personal
2. Answer SAQ 1, 2, and 3, Lets Practice and TRY Assessment submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
1 and 2.
1:00 - 2:00 nn Practical Research 1. Share research experiences and knowledge Topic: Research Experiences and Knowledge ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Thursday 2. Explain the importance of Importance of Research in Daily Life ●Personal submission by the parent to the
research in daily life teacher in school.
1. Answer WHAT I KNOW
2. Read and understand LESSON 1 and LESSON 2 WHAT IS IT
3. Answer WHAT'S IN, WHAT'S NEW, WHAT'S MORE Activity
1 to 3, WHAT I CAN DO Assessment
2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment 1. Improve thei understanding regarding the current state of Topic: Information and Communication Technology (Part ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Technologies ICT; II) ●Students may submit their work through the
Monday to Thursday 2. construct a comprehensive description (both similarities googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
and difference of the chosen topic from the lesson through 1. Read the module
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
Venn Diagram; and 2. Answer the Pre-test, Activities and Post Test in a one whole school.
3. justify what they realize/value regarding the sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
current state and improvements in ICT

3:00 - 4:00 pm Physical Science 1. differentiatepolarandnonpolarbonds; Topic: Polarity of Molecules ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to 2. determine the polarity of chemical bonds between atoms 1. Ready the What I Need To Know ●Personal submission by the parent to the
Thursday using the concept of teacher in school.
electronegativity; 2. Try to answer the What I Know part
3. familiarize with the different molecular shapes; 3. Read the What’s In
4. explain how polarity of bonds and molecular geometry
affects the polarity of 4. Conduct the Polarity Experiment What’s New
molecules 5. Read and understand the What is It part
6. Answer the What’s More
7. Answer the questions in What I Have Learned and What I
Can Do
8. Answer the Assessment and Additional Activities
9. Write all of your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.
4:00 - 5:00 pm Business Math Identifies the different kinds of proportions and write examples Topic: Ratio and Proportion ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
of real-life situations for each. ●Students may submit their work through the
Monday to Thursday googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
1. Read UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
2. Answer SAQ 1 &2 and TRY Assessment 1,2 and 3 school.
8:00 to 9:00 am Physical Education and Describe the role of physical activity assessments in Topic: Sports: A Way in Managing Stress ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Friday Health managing one's stress. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
1.Answer WHATS IN teacher in school.


CAN DO and Assessment

1:00-3:00 pm
Friday Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsul
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11
Section : CARRICK

Day & Time Learning Area

8:00 - 9:00 am Reading and Writing

Monday to Thursday

9:00 - 10:00 am Filipino

Monday to Thursday

10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and Probability

Monday to Thursday

11:00 - 12:00 nn Principle of Marketing

Monday to
1:00 - 2:00 nn Monday to Practical Research

2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment Technologies

Monday to Thursday

3:00 - 4:00 pm Physical Science

Monday to Thursday

4:00 - 5:00 pm Business Math

Monday to Thursday

8:00 to 9:00 am Physical Education and Health


1:00-3:00 pm
Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for th
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Week :4
Quarter :3

Learning Competency Learning Tasks

1. Identify common patterns of development used in Topic: Patterns of Written Text

written works; and
2. Determine the correct use of 1. Read the module
transitional devices
2. Answer all of the activities and Assessment in
the module in a one whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper.

Nakakakuha ng angkop na datos upang mapaunlad

ang sariling tekstong isinulat; F11EP-IIId-36 Ang Mga Datos sa Pangangalap ng
Naiiugnay ang mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa tekstong
binasa sa sarili, pamilya, komunidad, bansa at 1. Sagutin ang dalawang katanungan sa Balikan.
2. Basahin ang teksto sa tuklasin at sagutin ang
limang katanungan.
3. Basahin ang teksto sa suriin at gawin ang mga
pagsasanay sa Pagyamanin, Gawain, at Isaisip.
4.1. The learner identifies regions under the normal 4. Sagutin
Topic: Areas Under the Normal Curve ang mga
curve corresponding to different standard normal katanungan sa Tayahin.
values. 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
4.2. The learner converts a normal random variable 2. Answer the 2 Self Assessment Questions.
to a standard normal variable and vice versa.
4.3 The learner computes probabilities using the 3. Answer the Activities in the "Let's Practice"
standard normal table. (M11/12SP-IIIc-d1) part. 4.
Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your
answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet
of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.
Explain the value of customers Topic: Consumer Behavior and Consumer Value
1. Read UNDERSTAND part
2. Answer SAQ 1,2 and 3, Lets Practice and TRY
Assessment 1 and 2.
1. Share research experiences and knowledge
2. Explain the Topic: Research Experiences and Knowledge
importance of research in daily life Importance of Research in Daily Life

1. Answer WHAT I KNOW

2. Read and understand LESSON 1 and LESSON 2


MORE Activity 1 to 3, WHAT I CAN DO Assessment

1. Improve thei understanding regarding the current Topic: Information and Communication
state of ICT; Technology (Part II)
2. construct a comprehensive
description (both similarities and difference of the 1. Read the module
chosen topic from the lesson through Venn Diagram;
and 2. Answer the Pre-test, Activities and Post Test in
3. justify what they realize/value regarding the a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
current state and improvements in ICT

1. Give evidence for and describe the fromation of Topic: Formation of Heavier Elements during
heavier elements during star formation and evolution Star Formation and Evolution
1. Read the UNDERSTAND part
2. Answer the 2 SAQs, Lets Practice A and B and
TRYin a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate

Solves problems involving direct, inverse, and partitive Topic: Ratio and Proportion
proportion 1. Read UNDERSTAND part.
2. Answer SAQ 1 &2, Lets Practice Activity 1&2
and TRY Assessment 1 and 2
Describe the role of physical activity assessments in Topic: Sports: A Way in Managing Stress
managing one's stress.
1.Answer WHATS IN
LEARNED, WHAT I CAN DO and Assessment

Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Date: May 31-June 4, 2021

Mode of Delivery

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom
created by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom
created by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom
created by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom
created by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
teacher in school.
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom
created by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom
created by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may
submit their work through the googleclassroom
created by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.

to be used for the following week.

Republic of the Philippin
Region IX, Zamboanga Pen
Divisoria, Zamboanga C


Grade Level : 11
Section : CARRICK

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency

8:00 - 9:00 am Reading and Writing 1. Identify common patterns of development used
Monday to Thursday in written works; and
2. Determine the correct
use of transitional devices

9:00 - 10:00 am Filipino Naipapaliwanag ang mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa

Monday to Thursday tekstong binasa F11PS-IIIf-92

10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and Probability 5.1. The learner illustrates random sampling.
Monday to Thursday (M11/12SP-IIId-2)
5.2. The learner distinguishes between parameter
and statistic. (M11/12SP-IIId-3)
5.3. The learner identifies sample distributions of
statistics(sample mean). (M11/12SP-IIId-4)

11:00 - 12:00 nn Principle of Marketing Explain the value of customers

to Thursday
1:00 - 2:00 nn Monday to Practical Research 1. Share research experiences and knowledge
Thursday 2. Explain
the importance of research in daily life

2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment Technologies 1. Differentiate the malwares and cybercrime in

Monday to the Internet; 2.
Thursday Name the tyoes of malware using the image;
3. Illustrate an
editorial sketch of your chosen cybercrime that
happened during the pandemic; and
4. Plan their own set
of rules to avoid these Internet threats.

3:00 - 4:00 pm Physical Science 1. Give evidence for and describe the fromation of
Monday to Thursday heavier elements during star formation and

4:00 - 5:00 pm Business Math Differentiate mark-on, mark down and mark-up.
Monday to

8:00 to 9:00 am Physical Education and Health Describe the role of physical activity assessments
Friday in managing one's stress.

1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets fo

epublic of the Philippines
on IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
visoria, Zamboanga City


Week :5
Quarter :3

Learning Tasks

Topic: Patterns of Written Text

1. Read the module

2. Answer all of the activities and Assessment in the

module in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.

Uri ng Teksto

1. Sagutin ang dalawang katanungan sa Balikan.

2. Basahin ang teksto sa tuklasin at sagutin ang limang
3. Basahin ang teksto sa suriin at gawin ang mga
pagsasanay sa Pagyamanin, Gawain, at Isaisp.
4. Sagutin ang mga katanungan sa Tayahin.


1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.

2. Answer the 2 Self Assessment Questions.
3. Answer the Activities in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the
"TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1)
whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's no
learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

Topic: Consumer Behavior and Consumer Value

1. Read UNDERSTAND part
2. Answer SAQ 1,2 and 3, Lets Practice and TRY
Assessment 1 and 2.
Topic: Research Experiences and Knowledge
Importance of Research in Daily Life

1. Answer WHAT I KNOW

2. Read and understand LESSON 1 and LESSON 2 WHAT IS


Activity 1 to 3, WHAT I CAN DO Assessment

Topic: Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and Etiquettes:

Internet Threats
1. Read the module

2. Answer the Pre-test, Activities and Post Test in a one

whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.

Topic: Formation of Heavier Elements during Star

Formation and Evolution
1. Read the UNDERSTAND part

2. Answer the 2 SAQs, Lets Practice A and B and TRYin a

one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.

Topic: Buying and Selling

1. Read UNDERSTAND part.
2. Answer SAQ 1&2, Lets Practice Activity 1 and TRY
Assessment 1,2 and 3
Topic: Sports: A Way in Managing Stress

1.Answer WHATS IN


I CAN DO and Assessment

odules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Date: June 5-11, 2021

Mode of Delivery

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Personal submission by the parent to
the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Personal submission by the parent to
the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Students may submit their work
through the googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the
parent to the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Personal submission by the parent to
the teacher in school.
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
●Personal submission by the parent to
the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Personal submission by the parent to
the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Personal submission by the parent to the
teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Personal submission by the parent to
the teacher in school.

●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module

●Personal submission by the parent
to the teacher in school.

s to be used for the following week.

Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :6

Section : CARRICK Quarter :3 Date: June 12-18, 2021

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 am Reading and Writing 1. Identify common patterns of development Topic: Patterns of Written Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Thursday used in written works; and module
2. Determine 1. Read the module ●Personal submission by the parent to the
the correct use of transitional devices teacher in school.
2. Answer all of the activities and Assessment in the module in a
one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
9:00 - 10:00 am Filipino Nagagamit ang mabisang paraan ng Mabisang Paraan ng Pagpapahayag: ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Thursday pagpapahayag: kalinawan, Kaisahan, Kalinawan at Bisa module
kaugnayan, bisa sa reaksyong papel na isinusulat. ●Personal submission by the parent to the
F11PU-IIId-36 1. Sagutin ang dalawang katanungan sa Balikan. teacher in school.
2. Basahin ang teksto sa tuklasin at sagutin ang limang
3. Basahin ang teksto sa suriin at gawin ang mga pagsasanay sa
Pagyamanin, Gawain, at Isaisp.
4. Sagutin
ang mga katanungan sa Tayahin.
10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and Probability 6.1. The learner finds the mean and variance of ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Thursday the sampling distribution of the sample mean. Topic: SAMPLING DISTRIBUTION OF THE SAMPLE MEAN module
(M11/12SP-IIId-5) ●Students may submit their work through the
6.1. The learner defines the sampling 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
distribution of the sample mean for normal
population when the variance is (a) known (b) ●Personal
unknown. (M11/12SP-IIIe-1) submission by the parent to the teacher in
10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and Probability 6.1. The learner finds the mean and variance of ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Thursday the sampling distribution of the sample mean. module
(M11/12SP-IIId-5) ●Students may submit their work through the
6.1. The learner defines the sampling googleclassroom created by the subject teacher.
distribution of the sample mean for normal
population when the variance is (a) known (b) 2. Answer the 2 Self Assessment Questions. ●Personal
unknown. (M11/12SP-IIIe-1) submission by the parent to the teacher in
3. Answer the Activities in the "Let's Practice" part.
4. Answer the questions in the "TRY'. Write school.
all your answers from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's activity and
assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Principle of Marketing Distinguish between strategic and marketing Topic: Strategic and Market Planning ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to planning in terms of objectives and processes module
Thursday 1. Read UNDERSTAND part
●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer Lets Practice and TRY Assessment 1 and 2. teacher in school.

1:00 - 2:00 nn Monday to Practical Research 1. Share research experiences and knowledge Topic: Research Experiences and Knowledge ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Thursday 2. Importance of Research in Daily Life module
Explain the importance of research in daily life ●Personal submission by the parent to the
1. Answer WHAT I KNOW
teacher in school.
2. Read and understand LESSON 1 and LESSON 2 WHAT IS IT

3. Answer WHAT'S IN, WHAT'S NEW, WHAT'S MORE Activity 1

to 3, WHAT I CAN DO Assessment
2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment Technologies 1. Differentiate the malwares and cybercrime in Topic: Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and Etiquettes: ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to the Internet; Internet Threats module
Thursday 2. Name the tyoes of malware using the image; ●Personal submission by the parent to the
3. 1. Read the module
Illustrate an editorial sketch of your chosen teacher in school.
2. Answer the Pre-test, Activities and Post Test in a one whole
cybercrime that happened during the sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.
pandemic; and
4. Plan their own set of rules to avoid
these Internet threats.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Physical Science 1. Give evidence for and describe the fromation Topic: Formation of Heavier Elements during Star ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to Thursday of heavier elements during star formation and Formation and Evolution module
evolution ●Personal submission by the parent to the
1. Read the UNDERSTAND part
teacher in school.
2. Answer the 2 SAQs, Lets Practice A and B and TRYin a one
whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.

4:00 - 5:00 pm Business Math Differentiates mark-up from margins Topic: Mark-ups and Margins ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Monday to module
Thursday 1. Read UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Answer SAQ 1&2, Lets Practice Activity 1 and TRY teacher in school.
Assessment 1 and 2
8:00 to 9:00 am Physical Education and Health Describe the role of physical activity Topic: Sports: A Way in Managing Stress ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the
Friday assessments in managing one's stress. module
1.Answer WHATS IN
●Personal submission by the parent to the
2. Read WHATS NEW and WHAT IS IT teacher in school.
CAN DO and Assessment

1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11 Week :7

Section : CARRICK Quarter :3 Date: June 21-27, 2021

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 am Reading and Writing 1. Identify common patterns of development used in written Topic: Patterns of Written Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Thursday works; and ●Personal
2. Determine the correct use of transitional devices 1. Read the module
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer all of the activities and Assessment in
the module in a one whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper.
9:00 - 10:00 am Filipino Nakakasulat ng payak na reaksyong papel batay sa mga binasang Pagbuo ng Reaksyong Papel ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to teksto ayon sa katangian at kabuluhan nito sa a. pamilya, b. ●Personal
Thursday Komunidad c. bansa at d. daigdig. F11EP-IIIj-37 submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
1. Sagutin ang dalawang katanungan sa Balikan.
2. Basahin ang teksto sa tuklasin at sagutin ang
limang katanungan.
3. Basahin ang teksto sa suriin at gawin ang mga
pagsasanay sa Pagyamanin, Gawain, at Isaisp.

4. Sagutin ang mga

10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and 7.1. The learner illustrates the Central Limit Theorem. katanungan sa Tayahin. ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Thursday Probability (M11/12SP-IIIe-2). Topic: The Central Limit Theorem ●Students may
7.2. The learner defines the sampling distribution of the submit their work through the googleclassroom created
sample mean using the Central Limit Theorem. (M11/12SP- by the subject teacher.
III-3) 1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and 7.1. The learner illustrates the Central Limit Theorem. ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Thursday Probability (M11/12SP-IIIe-2). ●Students may
7.2. The learner defines the sampling distribution of the submit their work through the googleclassroom created
sample mean using the Central Limit Theorem. (M11/12SP- by the subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
2. Answer the 2 Self Assessment Questions. school.

3. Answer the Activities in the "Let's Practice"

part. 4. Answer
the questions in the "TRY'. Write all your answers
from SAQ to TRY in a one (1) whole sheet of
yellow/intermediate paper if there's no learner's
activity and assessment sheet provided.

11:00 - 12:00 nn Principle of 1. Identify the marketing strategies Topic: Exploring Marketing Environment, Conduc●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Marketing 2. Analyze the relationship of marketing and the ●Personal
Monday to Thursday economy 3. Differentiate marketing and 1. Read UNDERSTAND part submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
sales management 2. Answer SAQ 1 and 2, Lets Practice and TRY
Assessment 1.

1:00 - 2:00 nn Monday to Practical Research 1. Share research experiences and knowledge ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Thursday 2. Explain the importance of Topic: Research Experiences and Knowledge ●Personal
research in daily life Importance of Research in Daily Life
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
1. Answer WHAT I KNOW
2. Read and understand LESSON 1 and LESSON 2


MORE Activity 1 to 3, WHAT I CAN DO Assessment

2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment 1. Differentiate the malwares and cybercrime in the Internet; Topic: Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Technologies 2. Name the tyoes of Etiquettes: Internet Threats ●Personal
Thursday malware using the image; submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
3. Illustrate an editorial sketch of your chosen cybercrime 1. Read the module
that happened during the pandemic; and
4. Plan their own set of rules to avoid 2. Answer the Pre-test, Activities and Post Test in
these Internet threats. a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.

3:00 - 4:00 pm Physical Science 1. Give evidence for and describe the fromation of heavier Topic: Formation of Heavier Elements during ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to Thursday elements during star formation and evolution Star Formation and Evolution ●Personal submission by
1. Read the UNDERSTAND part the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the 2 SAQs, Lets Practice A and B and
TRYin a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
the parent to the teacher in school.

4:00 - 5:00 pm Business Math Computes single trade discounts and discount series Topic: Trade Discounts ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Monday to ●Personal
Thursday 1. Read UNDERSTAND part.
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer SAQ 1&2, Lets Practice Activity 1&2
and TRY Assessment 1 and 2
8:00 to 9:00 am Physical Education Describe the role of physical activity assessments in Topic: Sports: A Way in Managing Stress ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Friday and Health managing one's stress. ●Personal
1.Answer WHATS IN
submission by the parent to the teacher in school.
LEARNED, WHAT I CAN DO and Assessment

1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Grade Level : 11
Section : CARRICK

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency

8:00 - 9:00 am Reading and Writing 1. Identify common patterns of development used in
Monday to written works; and
Thursday 2. Determine the correct use of
transitional devices

9:00 - 10:00 am Filipino Nakakasulat ng payak na reaksyong papel batay sa mga

Monday to binasang
Thursday teksto ayon sa katangian at kabuluhan nito sa a. pamilya,
Komunidad c. bansa at d. daigdig. F11EP-IIIj-37

10:00 - 11:00 am Statistics and The learner illustrates the z-distribution. (M11/12SP-
Monday to Probability IIIg-2)

11:00 - 12:00 nn Principle of Marketing 1. Identify the marketing strategies

2. Analyze the relationship of
Monday to marketing and the economy
Thursday 3. Differentiate marketing and sales

1:00 - 2:00 nn Practical Research 1. Share research experiences and knowledge

Monday to Thursday 2. Explain the
importance of research in daily life
1:00 - 2:00 nn Practical Research 1. Share research experiences and knowledge
Monday to Thursday 2. Explain the
importance of research in daily life

2:00-3:00 pm Empowerment 1. Differentiate the malwares and cybercrime in the

Technologies Internet;
Monday to Thursday 2. Name the tyoes of malware using the image;
3. Illustrate an
editorial sketch of your chosen cybercrime that
happened during the pandemic; and
4. Plan their own set of rules
to avoid these Internet threats.

3:00 - 4:00 pm Physical Science 1. Give evidence for and describe the fromation of
Monday to heavier elements during star formation and evolution

4:00 - 5:00 pm Business Math 1. Differentiates profit from loss

2. Illustrate how profit is obtained and how to avoid
Monday to Thursday loss in a given situation. 3.
Determines break-even point. 4.
Solves problems involving buying and selling products.

8:00 to 9:00 am Physical Education and Describe the role of physical activity assessments in
Friday Health managing one's stress.

1:00-3:00 pm Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week an
Republic of the Philippines
gion IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Divisoria, Zamboanga City


Week :8
Quarter :3 Date: June 28- July 2, 2021

Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Topic: Patterns of Written Text ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
1. Read the module ●Personal submission by
the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer all of the activities and Assessment in the
module in a one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Pagbuo ng Reaksyong Papel
●Personal submission by
1. Sagutin ang dalawang katanungan sa Balikan. the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Basahin ang teksto sa tuklasin at sagutin ang limang
3. Basahin ang teksto sa suriin at gawin ang mga
pagsasanay sa Pagyamanin, Gawain, at Isaisp.
4. Sagutin ang mga katanungan sa Tayahin.
Topic: Z-distribution ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
●Students may submit
1. Read and study the UNDERSTAND part.
their work through the googleclassroom created by the
2. Answer the 2 Self Assessment Questions. subject teacher.
●Personal submission by the parent to the teacher in
3. Answer the Activities in the "Let's Practice" part. school.
4. Answer the questions in the
"TRY'. Write all your answers from SAQ to TRY in a one
(1) whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper if there's
no learner's activity and assessment sheet provided.

Topic: Basic Marketing Strategies ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
1. Read UNDERSTAND part ●Personal submission by
the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer SAQ 1 and 2, Lets Practice and TRY
Assessment 1 and 2.

Topic: Research Experiences and Knowledge ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Importance of Research in Daily Life ●Personal submission by
1. Answer WHAT I KNOW the parent to the teacher in school.
●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
●Personal submission by
the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Read and understand LESSON 1 and LESSON 2 WHAT
Activity 1 to 3, WHAT I CAN DO Assessment
Topic: Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and Etiquettes: ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Internet Threats ●Personal submission by
1. Read the module the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the Pre-test, Activities and Post Test in a one
whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.

Topic: Formation of Heavier Elements during Star ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Formation and Evolution ●Personal submission by the
1. Read the UNDERSTAND part parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer the 2 SAQs, Lets Practice A and B and TRYin a
one whole sheet of yellow/intermediate paper.

Topic: Buying and Selling: Profit, Loss, Break even ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
Point ●Personal submission by
1. Read UNDERSTAND part. the parent to the teacher in school.
2. Answer SAQ 1,2 and 3, and TRY Assessment 1

Topic: Sports: A Way in Managing Stress ●Group Chat Discussion to supplement the module
1.Answer WHATS IN ●Personal submission by
the parent to the teacher in school.
WHAT I CAN DO and Assessment

odules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.

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