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Danse Macabre An OWbN Guide To Sabbat Status 2016

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The OWBN Sabbat Status and Position Packet

Written 2003 by the Sabbat Coordinator's Office

Revised 2004 by the Sabbat Coordinator's Office
Revised 2010 by the Sabbat Coordinator’s Office
Revised 2013 by the Sabbat Coordinator’s Office

A Note to the Reader

In some places, this document will list current Traits or Abilities differently than they
appear in the various MET books. This is done purposefully. This document's intent is to clarify
the social structure of the Sabbat and foster a gaming environment that is compatible with a long-
running organization of networked chronicles.
Please, do not regard this document as a conclusive or definitive guide on all things
social within the Sabbat. We highly encourage everyone to read the MET Sabbat Guide and
Table Top Guide to the Sabbat (especially the descriptions of the Code of Milan, positions,
factions, and Ritae) to gain insight into the social workings of the Sabbat.

Table of Contents:
Sabbat Status
List of Sabbat Status Traits
Sabbat Positions
Who Out Ranks Who
Status-Related Merits and Flaws
War Parties, Wild-Hunts, and Status Outside the Sect
Crimes and Punishments
For Camarilla Storytellers and Players
Appendix: Reputational Status Cheat Sheet

Why Does the Sabbat have Status?

An IC Rationale:

The Sabbat maintains a status system for a variety of reasons. While the Sabbat is quick
to espouse the freedom it offers, the sect uses status to delineate the established Elders from the
Neonates and shovelheads. It’s also a useful tool for the Sabbat establishment to maintain its
power structures, offering those in power a chance to recognize which members perform and
single out those whose performance is lacking. While any Bishop is quick to assure his or her
diocese that they are all free Sabbat, with that comes the understanding that there are those who
contribute to the cause of freedom more than others. And those individuals, it follows, are
deserving of their respect.
Sabbat status places more of an emphasis on what you’ve done, rather than how you’re
necessarily perceived. Unlike Camarilla status, measures of standing based on accomplishment
are earned for specific acts, and once awarded, cannot be removed. Specifically, if a Cainite
earns one of the recognized Accomplishment Statuses, that measure of standing is not subject to
removal unless the act itself is found to be invalid (see Laws of the Night: Revised, p 222).
Status derived from reputation is more impermanent.
And whereas the Sabbat is quick to decry the Camarilla’s seemingly arbitrary system,
wherein someone can be recognized simply for being Cherished or Adored, the Sabbat
recognizes those who are efficient killers, known diablerists, or powerful thaumaturges. It’s
natural, therefore, that the Sabbat would espouse its own status system while making fun of the

An OOC rationale:

From a game design perspective, status touches upon themes of decadence and vanity,
which are especially relevant to Vampire. Ultimately, the rules and mechanics in this packet
should work for you, allowing you to laud your accomplishments, embarrass your enemies, and
manipulate others.
So have fun with it! Feel proud that your PC earned that status from Sascha Vykos, and
make it a point to interject it into casual conversation. If you come across someone who’s
Infamous, ask them just how it was they managed to get blood hunted in three Camarilla
domains. Tell everyone how YOU were there during the final battle of the Year of Fire, and that
you’ve got the status to prove it. And PLEASE, stop challenging everyone to Monomacy!
Vampires live forever, and most would be willing to accept an enemy’s loss of face over a fight
to the death.
Sabbat Status

I. Types of Status Traits

Sabbat Status is divided into three categories: Positional, Reputational, and Negative.

 Positional Status Traits - Gained through service to the sect in some official capacity.
The number and specifics of Status Traits are based upon position(s) held.
 Reputational Status Traits - Your reputational status is gained and lost based upon how
others view you, particularly your pack and your diocese. They are earned and lost as
others praise your deeds and condemn your slights.
 Negative Status Traits - These are Traits that represent a failure or shortcoming you
possess. They are gained (and removed) based on how others view you.

II. Maximum Status Traits

1. The Max Status a character may claim is a total of 5 Reputational Traits, plus any Traits
gained for position(s) held within the sect or Pack. (This maximum does not include
Merits, Clan Advantages, etc)

2. The absolute max a member of the Sabbat may claim is 14, for the Regent holds 14 status
[5 Reputational + 9 positional (5 Regent, 1 True Sabbat , 1 Pack Ductus, 2 Faction

3. A character may have up to 2 Negative Status Traits. If a character gains a “third”

Negative Status Trait, it replaces the older of the current Negative Status Traits (LotN:S, p
160). Note: Negative Status Traits do count towards a character's maximum Status cap, so
a character with a negative status trait, has their cap reduced until the negative status trait is

III. Gaining and Losing Status

Awarding and Removing Status

Status rewards and removals are typically are typically rendered as part of a public
address, along with recount of how the brother or sister has succeeded or fouled up. The means
through which this is done, however, is subjective, and may vary between dioceses. An
especially spiritually inclined Ultra Conservative Archbishop may opt to only award status
during a city-wide Vaulderie, dedicating the ritus to those who have performed well. A more
casually minded Moderate Bishop may send a memo to the diocese he or she oversees, and a
Loyalist Ductus may shout the change in status at the top of his lungs the next time she enters the
room. Players are encouraged to add their own special flavor of ritual and ceremony to create an
experience that’s unique to their game.
Initiation - Before a character may gain any Sabbat Status they must hold the sect position of
“True Sabbat.”

 The first Status Trait gained by any Sabbat character must be Initiated (much akin to
how the first Status Trait gained by Camarilla characters must be Acknowledged). The
Trait of Initiated is the prerequisite for acquiring any and all other Sabbat Status.
This trait is always awarded through the Creation Rites or, in the case of converts, after a
formal declaration (and public acceptance) of allegiance.
 Should a Cainite have his Initiated status removed by a Bishop or higher, that individual
is subject to immediate destruction (LotN:S, p. 164). Note that unlike the Camarilla, this
does not necessitate the removal of the individual’s other status first.

Gaining (and Losing) Reputational Status - Reputational Status Traits are gained and
lost in the following ways (unless noted specifically in the Status Trait’s description):

 Some positions are granted the power to expend a Temporary Status Trait
to grant a single trait to another for an accomplishment. These positions
may also remove standing the same way.
 A single influential Cainite or a likeminded if less powerful group of
individuals can grant and remove Status, even if they are not in the same
pack. The individual must expend at least twice as many temporary
Status Traits as the individual’s new permanent Status Traits. (This can be
done with loaned Status).

Resting of Your Laurels

 The nature of Status in the Sabbat is that newer deeds replace the old. Those
who rest on the deeds of the past are often ridiculed by those who do not.
This is the driving dynamic of the aspect of Sabbat genre of Old vs. Young.
As such, uses of the Politics ability will allow a member of the Sabbat know
when each Status trait of a Sabbat member was awarded. Any Reputational
Status Trait that is a year or more old may be removed by a Bishop and above,
regardless if the trait could not be normally removed or not. This falls under
the powers of Bishops and above in regards to removing Status. Please
consult the positions and their abilities below for further information.

Temporary and Permanent Status

 Those actions which require the expenditure of a permanent status may
only be done through an expenditure of a Reputational Status.
 Those actions which require the expenditure of a temporary status may be
done through a temporary expenditure of a Reputational status.
 For online games, temporary status is refreshed at the 1st of every month.
Status Mechanics
Status has a variety of mechanical applications in addition to social ones. Within the Sabbat,
Status Traits can be used as detailed below:

1. Unless a Sabbat member has the Positional Status of Initiated, he/she may NOT do any
of the following:
o Bid Status Traits instead of regular Traits (in applicable social challenges).
o Add Status Traits to his social Traits (though Negative Status Traits are still
subtracted), for comparing Traits on ties in applicable social challenges.
o Bid Negative Status Traits against another individual.
o Hold a sect level position.

2. You may bid a Status Trait instead of a regular Trait in any applicable social challenge.
You MUST tell the opposing party that you wish to use your Status Traits in the
3. Your Status Traits may be used to add to your Social Traits during an applicable social
challenge. You MUST tell the opposing party that you wish to use your Status Traits in
the challenge.
4. If an individual wishes to use their Status Traits in a social challenge, you may choose to
ignore their Status. This, of course, prevents you from using your own Status in said
challenge and the following apply:
o In the case that they bid a Status Trait for the challenge, they must bid another
Trait (though, they do not risk losing the temporary Status Trait).
o In the case of comparing Trait totals, neither individual may add their Status
o You may not use your own Status in any social challenge or bid others’ Negative
Status Traits against them (for the rest of the evening). You also run the risk the
wrath of the individual to whom you have shown disrespect.
 However, others may still bid your Negative Status Traits against you, and
you must still subtract them from your total social Traits on ties.
5. Negative Status Traits may not be bid instead of regular Traits in applicable Social
6. Rather than adding to Social Traits on applicable Social Challenges for purposes of ties,
Negative Status Traits subtract from the total Social Traits.
7. Negative Status Traits may be bid against you, as if they were Negative Social Traits.
8. Status may be added to all Ritae Challenges to perform and execute them. Meaning that
you gain a number of Bonus Social Traits equal to your Status in the Static to perform
Ritae; NOT that all War Parties gain additional bonus traits equal to your status to kill
someone. Bonus from Status Traits ONLY applies in the Static challenge to perform

Roleplay Uses for Status

Vampires are haughty, decadent creatures. It is not enough that they are elevated above
the mortals; in the Sword of Caine, there is great competition to be the first among equals. Status,
therefore, is observed in a variety of situations, both social and formal, and is often a determining
factor in resolving disputes. Consider the following examples of when status matters, but bear in
mind that these scenarios should not be used to limit other equally valid uses:

 When performing ritae at any gathering involving two or more priests, it’s expected that
the right of first refusal will go to the priest in attendance with the most standing. Though
it’s not uncommon for a well-established priest to defer the honor to lesser ranking priest,
to perform ritae without conferring one’s spiritual betters is considered a slap in the face.

 In performance of the Vaulderie, it is traditional that the presiding priest offer the chalice
first to the highest ranking Cainite in attendance. “It is the privilege of the pack leader or
vampire of the highest rank to put in the highest number of Traits, to exceed the number
of participants” (LotN:R, p. 225). As taking a leading role in the sect’s most important
ritus allows for a clear demonstration of power, those Cainites with greater standing are
motivated to ensure they’re given their due.

 In a diocese, packs with status are within their rights to demand better territory and more
favorable roles during warfare than those packs whose members lack their status.

 Status matters in challenges of Monomacy. Those Cainites who seek to challenge their
betters in the Sword of Caine should not always expect those they challenge to
condescend to accept.

When challenged “the defender doesn’t have to accept just because the priest approves.
Declining involves some loss of status... [but] the defender encounters fewer hassles if
the challenger is of much lower rank. Leaders can brush off even genuinely serious
claims as just another case of a youngster being uppity” (Laws of the Night: Sabbat
Guide, p. 148). While an individual PC is always free to determine their own reaction, the
perception in the Sabbat as a whole tends to adhere to the following:

Difference in Status Cost of Declining


Defender has less, equal, or one more status than challenger Loss of 1 Permanent Status

Defender has less, equal, or one more status than challenger, and Gain of 1 Negative Status
no status to forfeit Trait

Defender has two more status than challenger Loss of 1 Temporary Status

Defender has three more status than challenger Can decline without
Using Status
It’s important to remember that in the Sabbat, there are no Harpies. In lieu of that, it is
beholden upon individual PCs to expect deference from those PCs who hold less standing than
they, and to bring the dispute to a priest should an issue ensue. While bowing and other displays
of obedience are considered out of place in the Sabbat between those of equal rank, those who
carry greater standing walk a little prouder and stand a little taller than those who lack it. After
all, they’ve earned it. Let those who have yet to prove themselves take care of dangerous or
arbitrary tasks such as recon or body disposal, or doing the grunt work to set up games of
instinct. Should a Cainite in the Sword of Caine desire something, whether it’s a coveted role in
a War Party, preferred feeding territory for his pack, or the opportunity to speak at an important
event, his or her status is the pretext with which to ask.
Those who enjoy positions in the Sabbat are able to use the status system to great effect,
drawing upon a variety of tools with which to reward or punish those beneath them. An
Archbishop may use the granting of status to establish the pecking order of the Bishops who
report to him, delineating the chain of command in clear manner. Those ranking Cainites who
have Templar in their employ may do the same for their Templar, establishing a hierarchy
between their subordinates.
However, it’s just as important to give respect in order to receive it. Those Brothers and
Sisters who are disrespectful of their fellows and social betters can expect to be singled out and
made an example of. As Cainites are prideful creatures, simply the threat of humiliation is
enough to motivate most Sabbat to adhere to the majority of social norms. And as the Sabbat
tends to reward those with a knack for martial prowess, stepping out of line carries the risk of
provoking the ire of a very powerful enemy.
List of Sabbat Status Traits

List of Reputational Status Traits

Physical Distinctions

Your were injured while fighting on behalf of the Sabbat. The sect recognizes your dedication
and fortitude.
Requirement: The Cainite awarded was Wounded or Incapacitated while fighting enemies of
the Sabbat.
Awarded by: Pack Priest or higher
Removal: None
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 159

You have killed another Cainite in (what passes for) a fair fight. The sect honors your victory.
Requirement: The Cainite awarded has slain another vampire or relative power level in fair
Awarded by: Pack Priest or higher
Removal: None
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 159

Your success in battle is noteworthy, having emerged victorious on numerous occasions. Most
observers would consider you a favorite in a Monomacy challenge.
Requirement: The Cainite awarded has killed three other vampires of relative power level in
fair combat.
Awarded by: Bishop or higher
Removal: None
Source: OWbN

Your fighting record is the model of domination. You’ve yet to lose a fight you’ve had a chance
in. Only a fool would challenge you to Monomacy.
Requirement: The Cainite awarded has killed in at least five fair fights and/or Monomacies.
Awarded by: Archbishop or higher
Removal: The loss of any fair fight or Monomacy, outside of overwhelming odds that force
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 159

You have endured one of the two (or both) great vampiric threats, either sunlight or fight, while
in service to the Sabbat. Suitable tasks include daylight operations or arson on a grand scale, but
not fire dancing or sun dancing. Your courage under fire has earned you the sect’s respect.
Requirement: The Cainite has passed a courage check with a difficulty of 5 while working to
further the sect.
Awarded by: Bishop or higher
Removal: None
Source: OWbN

You have claimed the blood of another Cainite, possibly increasing your own generation. The
sect respects your prowess as a hunter
Requirement: The Cainite successfully performed diablerie in accordance with sect practices.
Awarded by: Pack Priest or higher
Removal: None
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 159

You have consumed the blood of a powerful enemy Cainite, claiming their blood for the glory of
the Sabbat. The sect respects you as a true predator. Cainites are likely to give you a wide berth.
Requirement: The Cainite successfully performed diablerie in accordance with sect practices.
This trait is only granted if the victim was either a sect defector, or a position-holder of an enemy
Awarded by: Bishop or higher
Removal: None
Source: OWbN

You have slaked your predator’s thirst on the potent blood of a Camarilla Prince, strengthening
your vitae with their heart’s blood. The sect respects you as an apex predator, and even Cainites
of note may think twice about crossing you.
Requirement: The Cainite successfully performed diablerie in accordance with sect practices.
This trait is only granted if the victim was a praxis holder in the Camarilla.
Awarded by: Archbishop or higher
Removal: None
Source: OWbN

Spiritual Distinctions
Your progress towards enlightenment has been noted by your fellow Cainites. You are well on
your way to a true understanding of your path of enlightenment. When two levels of non-
Humanity morality are earned by a Vampire, he may be given the Trait Blessed.
Requirement: A path rating of two on any non-heretical Path of Enlightment
Awarded by: Pack Priest or higher
Removal: Subject to removal should the Cainite’s Path rating slip below two.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, pp. 159, 162
Your dedication towards your chosen path is merit-worthy in the eyes of the Sabbat. You are on
the cusp of a deep and meaningful understanding of the Cainite condition. When three levels of
non-Humanity morality are earned by a Vampire, he may be given the Trait Devoted.
Requirement: A path rating of three on any non-heretical Path of Enlightment
Awarded by: Pack Priest or higher
Removal: Subject to removal should the Cainite’s Path rating slip below three.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, pp. 159, 162

Your adherence is impressive to even non-followers of your path. Your moral grounding is deep-
rooted and spiritual. When four levels of non-Humanity morality are earned by a Vampire, he
may be given the Trait Enlightened.
Requirement: A path rating of four on any non-heretical Path of Enlightment
Awarded by: Pack Priest or higher
Removal: Subject to removal should the Cainite’s Path rating slip below four.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, pp. 159, 162

You are a paragon of your path of enlightenment, having mastered its every teaching.
Enlightenment to this degree is a rarity in the Sabbat; you are sought by others for your advice
and guidance. When five levels of non-Humanity morality are earned by a Vampire, he may be
given the Trait Sanctified.
Requirement: A path rating of five on any non-heretical Path of Enlightment
Awarded by: Luminary of the Path (rating of 5 or higher)
Removal: Subject to removal should the Cainite’s Path rating slip below five.
Source: OWbN

Having been trained in Ritae to the satisfaction of the Clergy, you have been formally ordained
and are given license to practice the sect’s sacred ritae.
Requirement: Granted IC by a member of the clergy. Ordination is typically not granted to
those who have fewer than 3 levels of the Rituals ability.
Awarded by: Bishop or Higher
Removal: Subject to removal by an Archbishop when an individual is placed on the Blacklist.
Source: OWbN

Diplomatic Distinctions
Faction Membership (faction specific)
Those who commit themselves towards a faction are typically granted a status to denote their
membership. Those who which to flaunt their membership are sure to include it among their

Chosen: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Black Hand.
Purifier: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Inquisition
Firebrand: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Loyalist Faction.
Bolshevik: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Moderates Faction.
Architect: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Status Quo Faction.
Soldier: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Ultra-Conservative Faction.
Fanatic: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Pander Movement Faction.
Witch: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Occult Underground Faction.
Preacher: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Order of St. Blaise Faction.
Devil’s Advocate: Any Sabbat member who is a known member of the Children of the Dracon

Requirement: Membership in any of the non-heretical factions

Awarded by: Regionally Important or equivalent thereof, or higher
Removal: Subject to removal should the Cainite leave the faction, possibly due to ejection.
Source: OWbN

You have gained the support of a friendly, and possibly well-respected pack. The pack’s ductus
has granted you the group’s support in the form of a special status. Cainites understand that
messing with you is likely to incur the pack’s disfavor.
Requirement: Subject to the discretion of the issuing Ductus
Awarded by: Ductus
Removal: Subject to removal from the issuing Ducus, possibly during a crucial or even at a
potentially embarrassing moment.... Should the pack behind this status perish or be disbanded,
this status is lost.
Source: OWbN

You enjoy the protection of a well-established Cainite. A member of the clergy or perhaps a
Priscus has granted you this status to make all aware of her interest in you. Cainites would do
well to take heed; causing you any harm is certain to bring about retribution.
Requirement: Subject to the discretion of the issuing party, who must be ranked Bishop or
Awarded by: Bishop, Archbishop, or Priscus
Removal: Subject to removal from the issuing party, at their pleasure. Should the issuing
Cainite meet the final death, or be removed from office, this status is lost.
Source: OWbN

You have ascended to the height of the social ladder, enjoying the favor of a Cardinal, or perhaps
the Regent himself. You are the envy of a great number of ambitious up-and-comers and would-
be sycophants, but likely disdained by the Loyalists.
Requirement: Subject to the discretion of the Regent, whose criteria is always subject to
Awarded by: Cardinal, Regent of the Sabbat
Removal: Subject to removal by the regent at any time, should your fortune change. Should
the issuer be killed or removed from office, this status is lost.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 166, modified

Distinctions of Infamy and Respect

Your infamy has earned the attention of the Camarilla Prince, who has enacted the Lex Talionis
against you. In the Camarilla, you’re to be hunted on site. In the Sabbat, you’re to be respected
for your brazenness.
Requirement: The Cainite is bloodhunted in a Camarilla domain.
Awarded by: Bishop or higher
Removal: Subject to removal should the Blood Hunt be lifted. A removal of this sort should be
extremely rare.
Source: OWbN

Your efforts have earned the ire of a number of Princes, having left a crime spree across multiple
domain lines. The Camarilla reviles you, but the Sabbat is in awe of your destructive power. You
may be on your way to being redlisted.
Requirement: The Cainite is blood hunted in three or more Camarilla domains.
Awarded by: Archbishop or higher
Removal: Subject to removal should the total number of Blood Hunts fall below three. A
removal of this sort should be extremely rare.
Source: OWbN

Your wake of destruction has earned you world-wide attention. The Sabbat looks to you as a
role-model, whereas the Camarilla seeks to kill you on sight. You’re the center of attention at
any Esbat, but know better than to be caught at an Elysium.
Requirement: The Cainite is globally bloodhunted.
Awarded by: Cardinal or higher
Removal: Subject to removal should the global Blood Hunt be lifted. A removal of this sort
should be extremely rare.
Source: OWbN

The Camarilla has listed you amongst their most hated of enemies, offering a substantial price
for your destruction. Your adventures are legendary among the Sabbat, earning you great
celebrity. Traveling in any Camarilla domain is extremely perilous, but your voice carries
immense weight in the Sword of Caine.
Requirement: The Cainite is a member of the Camarilla’s Red List.
Awarded by: Regent of the Sabbat
Removal: None. Once you’ve achieved notoriety of this sort, your reputation will endure even
if your place on the Red List is reassigned, or expires.
Source: OWbN
You were one of those chosen to represent the Sword of Caine at the Convention of Fire. Having
conducted negotiations to the satisfaction of the Consistory, they have recognized you with a
special distinction.
Requirement: The Cainite was seated at the negotiation table at the Convention of Fire. This
award cannot be awarded as part of a background.
Awarded by: Priscus Sascha Vykos, on behalf of the Consistory
Removal: None.
Source: OWbN

You fought bravely during the Sabbat’s assault on the Baali stronghold of Chorazin. While your
very survival is admirable, the Regent of the Sabbat has honored the veterans of that terrible
battle for their service to the Sword of Caine..
Requirement: The Cainite fought during the battle at Chorazin, which took place at
Midwinter 2012. This award cannot be awarded as part of a background.
Awarded by: Regent Venere Carbone, the Daemon Maestro
Removal: None.
Source: OWbN

Each Festivo dello Estinto, the Cardinal of a region runs a Game of Instinct which allows for
multiple pack participation. Each member of the winning Pack receives the Glorified Status
Trait, which they hold until the next year and the next "Great Game of Instinct."
Requirement: Your pack won the last Great Game of Instinct.
Awarded by: Cardinal
Removal: Automatic at the next Festivo dello Estinto.
Source: OWbN

At the conclusion of a War Party, member of the winning Pack receive this Status Trait as
reward for bringing down the quarry. While noteworthy, the Sabbat does not care for those who
rest on their laurels. This Trait is automatically lost at the next War Party, Palle Grande, Festivo
dello Estinto, or the Binding.
Requirement: Yours was the pack which completed the War Party.
Awarded by: Bishop or higher; specifically, the one who enacted the ritae
Removal: Automatic at the next end of the next War Party, Palle Grande, Festivo dello
Estinto, or Binding.
Source: OWbN

With the untimely passing of the Tremere Antitribu, those blood magicians who still remain in
the Sword of Caine are especially needed. While the Sabbat recognizes those Cainites who
possess magical aptitude, a subtle magus may wish to downplay their ability by not listing this
status among their accolades.
Requirement: The Cainite has demonstrated their ability in a paradigm of blood magic
towards some end useful to the Sword of Caine
Awarded by: Pack Priest or higher
Removal: None
Source: OWbN

Distinctions of Lineage
Clan Status - Assamite Antitribu
The Angels of Caine are given a wide berth in the Sabbat, widely respected for their skill at
arms. Cainites of the Assamite Antitribu automatically gain the status trait Feared, which may
never be lost.
Requirement: The Cainite is a member of the Assamite Antitribu clan.
Awarded by: Given for free at character creation, or upon conversion.
Removal: Subject to removal should the individual defect or renounce his parent clan.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 30

Clan Status - Lasombra

Deeply entrenched with the Sabbat since its inception, Clan Lasombra has successfully carved
out a niche as respected leaders and Cainites of distinction. Members of Clan Lasombra gain a
status trait which they may never lose, chosen upon creation or conversion.
Requirement: The Cainite is a member of the Lasombra clan.
Awarded by: Given for free at character creation, or upon conversion.
Removal: Subject to removal should the individual defect or renounce his parent clan.
Source: Laws of the Night, p. 43

Clan Status - Ventrue Antitribu

Zealous and fanatical, the Ventrue Antitribu have fought hard in the war against the ancients,
earning respect in the eyes of the Sabbat in spite of the heritage of their parent clan. Ventrue
Antitribu may choose a status of Respected, Righteous, Passionate, or Feared for themselves
which they may never lose.
Requirement: The Cainite is a member of the Ventrue Antitribu clan.
Awarded by: Given for free at character creation, or upon conversion.
Removal: Subject to removal should the individual defect or renounce his parent clan.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 56

Distinctions of Renown
Awarded to a character that is extremely proficient at a certain skill or ability. Normally, the skill
follows the Trait in the listing. For example: Adept at Ritae, or Adept at Finances. Note that this
is an in-character statement of how adept a character is, and does not necessarily correspond to
how many levels of a certain ability the character has on his/her sheet.
Requirement: The Cainite must repeatedly demonstrate their excellence for whatever task they
are known to be Adept in. In addition this demonstration must be beyond a simple pack level,
but to that of a diocese as a whole.
Awarded by: Bishop or higher
Removal: Only if the Cainite has failed repeatedly at the task he known for.
Source: OWbN

Others view the Cainite as determined to uphold or protect something, whether it is a cause, a
person of high station, or otherwise. Such possible objects of your dedication might be tangible
(such as the bishop of your city) or intangible (like the loyalist movement).
Requirement: Must have declared a public cause the Cainite follows.
Awarded by: Ductus or higher
Removal: The Cainite has acted in opposite of his declared dedication. This can then be
removed by the Cainite’s Ductus or higher.
Source: OWbN

Others fear the vampire. It's that simple.
Requirement: Others fear you.
Awarded by: Ductus or Higher
Removal: When others cease to fear you, this standing may be removed by your Ductus or
Source: OWbN

A Cainite who is viewed as uncompromising in their loyalty to the sect or their Pack (depending
on who grants it). This is often given to infiltrators to the Camarilla, after their return to the
Requirement: Proven dedicated loyalty to the Sabbat or your pack. Usually given to those who
Infiltrate other sects.
Awarded by: For pack loyalty, Ductus. For sect loyalty, Bishop or higher.
Removal: You have proven to be disloyal, then by your Pack Ductus (for Pack Loyalty) or
Bishop or higher (for sect loyalty)
Source: OWbN

The vampire is known for their combative ability and willingness to use it.
Requirement: Repeated demonstration of one’s combat prowess. This isn’t raw power, but
also includes the use of tactics and strategy.
Awarded by: Bishop or Higher
Removal: May only be removed if the Cainite turns from being a warrior. Should that occur, it
may be removed by a Bishop or higher.
Source: OWbN

A vampire who has a reputation for being very feared and respected. Members of the Black
Hand often hold this Trait.
Requirement: The Cainite must be feared more than in his own diocese.
Awarded by: Bishop or Higher
Removal: The Cainite is no longer feared; the removal is done by a Bishop or Higher.
Source: OWbN for non positional version/page 102 MET Sabbat Guide

Usually granted at large Sabbat holidays, when one individual stands out beyond the rest in the
Requirement: A Cainite must perform amazing acts during a sect holiday that causes him stand
out above all others.
Awarded by: Bishop or Higher
Removal: None/This status is automatically removed when another cainite from the same
diocese gains it.
Source: OWbN.

A Cainite with this Trait is viewed as willing to succeed at all costs.
Requirement: The Cainite must display on numerous occasions that their will cannot be
Awarded by: Bishop or Higher
Removal: Open displays of the Cainite’s will being broken, such as giving in to a fear frenzy. It
is then removed by a Bishop or higher.
Source: OWbN

A vampire who has won the respect of his or her packmates and others, through non-physical
Requirement: The Cainite must perform acts that earn him the respect of his peers.
Awarded by: Bishop and Higher
Removal: The Cainite has lost the respect of his peers. It is then removed by a Bishop or
Source: OWbN

A Sabbat who has earned the respect of their Pack and/or the Sabbat, time and time again.
Requirement: The Cainite must have obtained the Respected status at least three times to earn
Awarded by: Bishop or Higher
Removal: The Cainite has lost the respect of his peers. It is then removed by a Bishop or
Source: OWbN

4. Negative Status
Status can also be used to denote a particular failing of the brother or sister. This is Negative
Status, a stain upon the reputation of a Cainite until such a time as they are able to demonstrate
they’ve learned from their mistakes. Negative status can be earned for a variety of reasons,
subject to the specific status. Once incurred, “a Vampire may earn the removal of [a negative
status] by twice successfully completing whatever task it was he [or she] failed at to earn the
negative Trait in the first place. A failed priest removes Untrustworthy by performing rites
correctly twice; a Dangerous vampire goes on two hunts without making trouble for packmates
and so on...” (LotN:S, p 160).

While the memory of their failure is likely to endure even longer, a Cainite may have up to two
negative traits at a given time (Lot:N:S, p 160). Newly earned negative traits replace the oldest
one, and so on. The exceptions to this are the status of Hunted, and Unreliable, both of which
can only be removed by an Archbishop or higher, and will endure regardless of additional
negative status. Woe to the Cainite who earns such notoriety.

A Cainite must bid an additional trait in any challenge where their negative status is called
correctly against them. In the case of performing a ritae, priests must automatically bid an
additional trait for each measure of negative status they possess.

List of Negative Status Traits

Vampires who endanger packmates for stupid reasons, particularly while on a hunt or other
combat-related mission., often find themselves labeled as Dangerous While the criteria varies
between packs, most will only issue it for extremely impractical behavior. However, strict packs
may issue this status those who take any actions which endangers the group.
Requirement: The Cainite has acted dangerously while on a hunt or combat operation.
Issued by: Ductus or Pack Priest within a pack, Bishop or higher in a diocese
Removal: The Cainite must participate in two hunts or combat operations without risky
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 160

While all Sabbat are free, those who forget what the Sabbat means are often targeted for special
ridicule. Sometimes used as a teaching tool, sometimes as humiliation, this status is inflicted
upon those who fail to remember essential Sabbat tenets, such as the Code of Milan, or the war
against the Antediluvians.
Requirement: The Cainite has made an embarrassing faux pas, forgetting an essential tenet of
the Sabbat and its mission.
Issued by: Ductus or Pack Priest within a pack, Bishop or higher in a diocese
Removal: The Cainite must demonstrate that they’ve learned from their formerly ignorant
behavior on two separate occasions.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 160

For a race which readily espouses its superiority over the kine, losing any contest of speed to a
mortal is especially embarrassing. Cainites who fail to outrace or outwit the mortal populace are
typically scorned with the status of Slow.
Requirement: The Cainite has failed to elude humans, whether on foot or in a vehicle
Issued by: Ductus or Pack Priest within a pack, Bishop or higher in a diocese
Removal: The Cainite must make some demonstration of their agile superiority over the kine
on two separate occasions
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 160

Cainites who hold position in the Sabbat are expected to more than simply sit and look pretty.
Whether it’s the performance of sacred ritae, or keeping the group haven stocked with vessels,
members of the Sword of Caine are expected to execute their duties faithfully and with some
degree of competence. Those who fail are subject to the negative status of Untrustworthy.
Requirement: The Cainite has failed at an essential function of their office
Issued by: Any Cainite to another beneath their chain of command
Removal: The Cainite must successfully execute of the duties of their office on two separate
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 160

While Cainites are predisposed to pride, members of the Sword of Caine should be more careful
than to be boastful in ways their actions can’t support. Those who talk a big game but go on to
spectacularly fail are subject to the Vain status, also known as Cocky, Full of Himself, etc.
Requirement: The Cainite has bragged about their talents in a particular area, and then failed
in a spectacular way
Issued by: Any Cainite to another beneath their chain of command
Removal: The Cainite must make a successful demonstration of their talent in a manner
consistent with their bragging on two separate occasions.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 160

Priests of the sect who fail the ritae often have a crisis of faith, and there names are tarnished by
it. As it is difficult to perform large gatherings of ritae, it is a risk many priests take. Those who
fail in their faith often have the side effect of that failing spreading to those who saw it.
Requirement: The Priest has failed two simple tests after a failed ritae challenge
Issued by: Automatic after the two failed tests
Removal: The Cainite must successfully perform two auctoritas ritae
Source: OWbN

An Archbishop of the Sabbat has a number of tools at her disposal to keep the rabble priests in
line, one of which is the negative status of Questionable. Considered the first and only warning
before being granted the status of Unreliable and placed upon the Black List, the wise Priest is
encouraged to get his act together in good order.
Requirement: The Cainite has failed or misused the Sabbat’s ritae
Issued by: Archbishop
Removal: Archbishop or higher. Those who remove a Questionable status inflicted by another
Archbishop are sure to incur the disdain of the original issuer.
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 165

Those Priests who truly fail at their duties are subject to extreme punishment by the Archbishop.
Those with the status Unreliable are forbidden from performing riate of any sort, and added to
the Black List. Cainites on the Black List cannot be promoted until this status is removed.
Requirement: The Cainite has grossly failed in their duties as Priest.
Issued by: Archbishop
Removal: Archbishop or higher, with good reason
Source: LotN: Sabbat Guide, p. 165, modified for OWbN

While all Cainites struggle with the beast, the Sword of Caine is not often tolerant of those who
fall victim to it during a crucial moment. Those who fail to maintain control when their courage
is challenged are often labeled with the status Cowardly as a reminder of their failure. Note this
does not apply to those under the influence of a supernatural power, such as Presence,
Animalism or Dominate.
Requirement: The Cainite has failed a Courage check in a hunt or combat operation.
Issued by: Any Cainite to another beneath their chain of command
Removal: The Cainite succeeds in Courage checks in two separate hunts or combat operations.
Source: OWbN

While Monomacy allows the settling of disputes between Cainites, the Sabbat does not look
favorably upon those who make overtures of challenges, but fail to see them through. Any
Cainite who backs out of an issued challenge can be stricken with the status of Froggy to denote
their bellicose tendencies.
Requirement: The Cainite has withdrawn or failed to make good on a threat to challenge
someone to Monomacy.
Issued by: The Pack Priest of the Cainite challenged to Monomacy
Removal: The Cainite participates in two Monomacy challenges. Challenges where the
challenged refuses Monomacy or backs down still count towards this total.
Source: OWbN

Modern technology has brought about a number of benefits, including the ability for Cainites to
communicate with one another outside of an event or Esbat. For some, it affords an opportunity
to keep in contact, exchange ideas, and to coordinate strategically. For others, it’s a captive
audience for their negativity. Those who fail to contribute meaningfully and who act negatively
and divisively are labeled as a Troll, and their opinions given little consideration.
Requirement: The Cainite has consistently acted in a negative or divisive manner in a group
Issued by: Any Cainite of three or more standing than the offending party
Removal: The Cainite contributes meaningfully to two separate group discussions as
determined by their Pack Priest.
Source: OWbN

Sabbat Positions
I. Introduction
In general, Sabbat positions can be divided into two categories: 1) Pack Positions and 2) Sect
Positions. The following general rules apply to positions within the Sabbat:

1. An individual can have only one position in their Pack at any given time.
2. An individual can have only one position in the Sect at any time, with the exception of
the following positions: True Sabbat, Consistory Member, and Faction Leaders (all of
which are special cases).
3. When an individual willingly and amiably leaves a position, their replacement will often
give the one abdicating their position a Reputational Status that reflects the Positional
Status that their position had afforded them.
4. Until an individual has the Positional Status Trait of Initiated, they may not hold a Sect-
level position.

II. The Hierarchy of the Sabbat

The following is a list of available positions within the Sabbat and their definitions and duties
within the Sect and the Pack.

True Sabbat
The character has undergone the Creation Rites. They can participate and contribute to Sabbat
Ritae and possess Sabbat Status. A Pack’s Priest or member of the Sabbat Clergy awards this
position after the Cainite has went through the Creation Rites. Note that this does not necessarily
occur upon the Embrace. Some Packs require the Cainite to prove a familiarity with the proper
behavior during Ritae, with the sect's goals (as presented by that Pack), or some other criterion.

Those who have become True Sabbat have the following apply:
1. The Cainite gains the Initiated Status Trait.
2. Only a Bishop or higher may remove this position from a member.
3. This position does not prevent a character from holding any other positions.
4. Without this position, the vampire is considered "false" Sabbat (or not Sabbat at all) and
cannot participate in Ritae, or possess any Sabbat Status.

The Abbot is the caretaker of the Pack's communal haven and the individual who ensures the
Pack has a steady food source. This is a Pack Position and does not prevent you from holding
other positions within the Sect.

Those who are Abbots have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Loyal Status Trait. As long as the character holds the position, this
Trait cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Abbot can ignore one Status held by a packmate whose actions jeopardize the haven.
(This applies only to immediate threats upon the haven.)
3. The Abbot may expend a Status Trait in a hunting challenge for a retest (your pack is
counting on you!). This may not be done more than once a night.

Pack Priest
The Pack Priest is the Pack’s spiritual guide and shepherd. While there may be other Priests
within the Pack to assist them, it is the task of the Pack Priest to lead the Ritae and chart the
spiritual progression of his/her packmates. In addition, the Pack Priest often acts as the
intermediary between the Pack and the members of the Sabbat Clergy. This is a Pack Position
and does not prevent you from holding other positions within the Sect.

Those who are Pack Priests have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Enlightened Status Trait. As long as the character holds the
position, this Trait cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Pack Priest can grant and remove the Blessed Reputational Status Trait, to members
of his Pack (at the cost of one temporary Status Trait each). This is done to signify an
individual’s rise onto a Path of Enlightenment.
3. The Pack Priest is responsible for running the Pack's Ritae. It is their ability to do so that
determines the effects of the Ritae. (See page 140 in the MET Sabbat Guide for futher
details on Ritae.)
4. A Pack Priest can act as an acolyte and assist a Bishop (or someone ranked higher in the
Priesthood) to perform a Ritae. Each assisting Priest grants 2 bonus traits to the
challenge. (See page 140 in the MET Sabbat Guide for further details on Ritae.)
5. A former Pack Priest is allowed to continue to practice Ritae within the Sect. This
position is known as “Ordained Priest.” This Status trait must be awarded by a Bishop or
higher within the Clergy.
 An Ordained Priest is allowed to keep his Enlightened Status Trait as a
Reputational Trait, as well as continue to practice the Ritae (though he/she is not
to teach the Ritae to others outside of the Priesthood or members of the Clergy).
 However, should the Ordained Priest be deemed to have dragged the name of the
priesthood into the mud, then 3 or more Pack Priests may come together and
spend 1 temporary Status (each) to permanently remove an Ordained Priest.
6. Once per Night a Pack Priest may spend a Status Trait to retest a Ritae challenge. Only
Pack Priests gain this ability, Ordained Priests do not.

Pack Priests of the Sabbat are the “base level” of the Priesthood in the Sabbat. They are the
starting level for any Sabbat member who wishes to practice the Ritae. A Priest (either Ordained
or Pack) is allowed to learn (and perform) the Ritae without fear of scrutiny from the Sabbat's
clergy (i.e., other priests, Bishops, Archbishops, etc).

The Ductus is the Pack's leader. Depending on the Pack, this individual may be the strongest or
the most charismatic person in the Pack. Most importantly though, when push comes to shove,
the Ductus is the one considered to have authority over the Pack. In matters of extreme
importance, this individual is who is "more equal" than everyone else. This is a Pack Position
and does not prevent you from holding other positions within the sect.

Those who are Ducti have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Feared Status Trait. As long as the character holds the position,
this Trait cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Ductus can grant and remove permanent Reputational and Negative Status from
members of his/her Pack at the cost of one temporary Status Trait each. Any permanent
Status Trait, after the third, costs the Ductus a permanent Trait (each).
3. The Ductus appoints all other positions within a Pack.
4. A Ductus is awe inspiring when he/ she leads his pack. It is the duty of a Ductus to pull
his packmates from the jaws of defeat and give them hope when everything seems lost.
Once per night a Ductus may expend a Status Trait to refresh a spent Willpower trait of
one of their packmates.

Templars are the aides, lackeys, and strong-arms of the Sabbat Clergy. There are some Bishops
who prefer their Templars to be called Paladins. While there is no rule against this, it is best that
such a Templar not flaunt the title, lest a Cardinal's Paladin take notice. Templar PCs and NPCs
to Cardinals, Prisci, Consistory Members, or the Regent are Sabbat Coordinator Approval.

Those who are Templars have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Respected and Ominous Status Traits. As long as the character
holds the position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Templar can disobey an order from an officer who is lower-ranked than the one
whom the Templar serves, so long as his or her disobedience is “in the line of duty.” For
example, if the Templar's liege refuses to support him/her, then normal Sabbat justice
takes its course.

Paladin are the elite Templars of the Cardinals. By tradition, for every Cardinal, there is a table
of 12 Paladins. This is based on “One for each of Charlemagne's paladins” or “each of the
apostles” (depending on whom you ask). These individuals tend to be quite old, and view a mark
of dishonor on one Paladin to be a mark on them all. Because of this, Paladins tend to be very
protective of their title and do not look highly on Templars who would call themselves Paladins,
lest they soil the title for them all. As Paladins are the elite of a Cardinal's Templars, it is possible
that a Cardinal may have regular Templars, as well. This Position is Sabbat Coordinator
Approval for PCs and NPCs.

Those who are Paladin have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Respected, Proven, and Ominous Status Traits. As long as the
character holds the position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Paladin can disobey an order from an officer lower-ranked than the one whom the
Paladin serves, so long as his or her disobedience is “in the line of duty.” For example, if
the Paladin’s liege refuses to support him/her, then normal Sabbat justice takes its course.
The Bishops are the local leaders of the Sabbat. Often responsible for a medium sized metropolis
area, it is possible that a city may have no archbishop and only several bishops, or even an
Archbishop and several assisting Bishops. Unless directly serving an Archbishop, the Bishops
answer directly to the Cardinals. Like other members of the Sabbat Clergy, Bishops will delegate
responsibilities to Templars, Ducti, Priests, and chosen war leaders. However, delegating too
much power may be taken as a sign of weakness.

To become a Bishop you must be appointed by your area’s Archbishop or (in the case of no
Archbishop for your area) the Cardinal of your area. This Position is approved In-Character in
this manner, as well as through storyteller permission.

Those who are Bishops have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Feared and Proven Status Traits. As long as the character holds the
position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Bishop can appoint and remove Ducti and Priests to the Packs within their
3. The Bishop can appoint (and remove) their own Templars.
 To promote an individual to Templar, the Bishop must spend a temporary Status
 The Bishop must likewise spend a temporary Status Trait to dismiss their own
 The Bishop can choose to lead the Ritae in which they participate (they must assign a
surrogate if they decline to lead the Ritae). Once a night, a Bishop may expend a
Status Trait for a free retest on any one Ritae challenge.

A Bishop can grant and remove permanent Reputational and Negative Status to other members
of the Sabbat at the cost of one temporary Status Trait each. Any permanent Trait, after the
third, costs the Bishop a permanent Trait (each).

Bishop can strip an individual of their position as a True Sabbat. This is done in response to
serious violations to the Sabbat’s governing code by members.
 This ability requires the Bishop spend a temporary Status Trait for anyone below the
Rank of Bishop that they wish to strip the position from.
 This ability costs the Bishop a permanent Status Trait to use on another Bishop, as well
as needing the approval of an Archbishop or Higher.
 This ability cannot be used on Archbishops, Prisci, Cardinals, Consistory Members, or
the Regent.
 Using this ability on high-ranking individuals outside the clergy without a VERY good
reason may result in the Bishop's own demise.

A Bishop can set the terms on which nomadic Packs may enter his/her jurisdiction, though they
cannot refuse passage to a Pack that acknowledges his/her authority and takes part in Ritae.
Simply, a Bishop can restrict a Pack’s ability to act independently while residing in the area that
is under the Bishop’s jurisdiction.
Where the Bishops rule a metropolitan area, Archbishops rule over an entire city and its outlying
suburbs (at least that’s the idea). In practice, Archbishops control much larger areas (such as
entire counties or tri-county areas) or a large section of the true metropolises of the world. While
rarely does it happen that an individual becomes an Archbishop without first being a Bishop,
those rare few who do are surely pressured to be trained as a member of the Priesthood.
Archbishops will often delegate some responsibilities to Bishops, Templars, Ducti, Priests, and
chosen war leaders. But delegating too much power may be taken as a sign of weakness.

To become an Archbishop you must have the support of a Priscus and the Approval of your
area's Cardinal. This Position is approved In-Character in this manner and through storyteller

Those who are Archbishops have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Feared, Proven, and Relentless Status Traits. As long as the
character holds the position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Archbishop can appoint and remove Bishops within his/her jurisdiction. They may
also appoint and remove other, lesser offices but often task such jobs to the Bishops
below them.
3. The Archbishop can appoint (and remove) their own Templars. These actions cost the
archbishop nothing.
4. The Archbishop can choose to lead the Ritae in which they participate (they must assign
a surrogate if they decline to lead the Ritae).
 An Archbishop may expend a Status Trait to win a Ritae performance challenge
with no test once per night
5. An Archbishop can grant and remove permanent Reputational and Negative Status to
other members of the Sabbat at the cost of one temporary Status Trait each. Any
permanent Trait, after the third, costs the Archbishop a permanent Trait (each).
6. The Archbishop can strip an individual of their position as a True Sabbat. This is done in
response to serious violations to the Sabbat’s governing code.
 This ability requires the Archbishop spend a temporary Status Trait for anyone
who is below his/her rank.
 This ability costs the Archbishop a permanent Status Trait to use on another
Archbishop, as well as requiring the approval of the area's Cardinal.
 This ability cannot be used on the Prisci, Cardinals, Consistory Members, or the
 Using this ability on high-ranking individuals outside the Clergy without a very
good reason could result in the Archbishop finding his or herself the subject of
similar treatment.

In smaller jurisdictions, an Archbishop can set the terms in which nomadic Packs may enter
his/her jurisdiction, though he/she cannot refuse passage to a Pack that acknowledges his/her
authority and takes part in Ritae. Simply, they may restrict a Pack’s ability to act independently
while residing in the area. In larger jurisdictions, this is often tasked to Bishops.
An Archbishop can strip a member of the Sabbat under his/her command of one or more
temporary Reputational Status Traits, for inappropriate performance of the Ritae. This costs the
archbishop nothing for the first three Traits, and a temporary Status Trait for each Trait beyond
the third.

 In the case of gross deviations of the Ritae, the Archbishop can Black List the Priest or
other participants.
 No Cainite who has been Black Listed by an Archbishop can move up the ranks of the
Clergy (and often other positions) without getting an Archbishop or superior to remove
them from the Black List.
 In cases where the Black-Listing Archbishop is disgraced, their successor will generally
remove the Black Listing upon taking office.

An Archbishop may expend a Status Trait to win a Ritae performance challenge with no test
once per night.

The Prisci are the advisers to the Regent, Cardinals, Archbishops, and Councils of Bishops (and
occasionally others). Generally, these individuals hold vast power... in the form of physical
prowess, mental acumen, or favors owed. They will, at times, act on their own. In general
though, they act as mentors for younger Cainites. This Position is Sabbat Coordinator Approval
for NPCs and not allowed for PCs.

Those who are Prisci have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Confirmed, Feared, and Infamous Status Traits. As long as the
character holds the position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. Only a Priscus can appoint or remove another vampire as Priscus.
 This costs the Priscus one temporary Status Trait and usually only happens after
all the Priscus in a given area agree to the appointment or removal.
 Once awarded the position, the new Priscus is assigned to a particular Sabbat
leader. This affiliation is not fixed and it can change with time.
3. The Priscus can spend a temporary Status Trait to ignore any single order given by any
vampire of lower station than the one the Priscus serves.
4. Priscus can use his/her Status Traits for retests in Mental Challenges directly related to
advice he's giving to his leader (e.g., testing an infiltration plan, or scouting out a
5. A Priscus can appoint (and remove) their own Templars. These actions cost the Priscus
6. The Priscus can strip a member Sabbat of one or more permanent Reputational Status
Traits, for inappropriate performance of the Ritae. This costs the Priscus nothing for the
first three Traits, and a temporary Status Trait for each beyond the third.
7. In the case of gross deviations of the Ritae, the Priscus can Black List the Priest or other
 No Cainite who has been Black Listed by a Priscus may move up the ranks of
other positions without getting a Cardinal, Priscus, or The Regent to remove them
from the Black List.
 In cases where the Black Listing Prisci is disgraced, their successor will generally
remove the Black Listing upon taking office.

What Archbishops do for cities, Cardinals do for whole states (and sometimes even whole
countries). They bear personal responsibility for the crusades in their jurisdiction. But even with
their great power, they must delegate some of their authority to the Bishops and Archbishops.
After all, it is a big job organizing a war for the souls of the Cainite race. These individuals will
rarely come to power without first rising through the ranks of the Clergy (should such a thing
ever happen, such an individual would ritually be promoted through the ranks of the Clergy
before taking the position of Cardinal). This Position is Sabbat Coordinator NPC only.

The following applies to Cardinals:

1. Gains the Feared, Proven, Relentless, and Ominous Status Traits. As long as the
character holds the position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Cardinal can appoint and remove Archbishops within their jurisdiction. This costs
the Cardinal one temporary Status Trait for every Archbishop they wish to remove. They
can also appoint and remove other (lesser) offices within their jurisdiction at no cost.
3. A Cardinal can appoint (and remove) their own Templars. These actions cost the
cardinal nothing. They can appoint (and remove) their own Paladins. This costs the
cardinal a temporary Status Trait for every Paladin they either appoint or remove.
4. The Cardinal can choose to lead the Ritae in which they participate (they must assign a
surrogate if they decline to lead the Ritae). A Cardinal may spend a Status trait to win a
Ritae performance challenge with no test.
5. Cardinals can grant and remove permanent Reputational and Negative Status to other
members of the Sabbat at the cost of one temporary Status Trait each. Any permanent
Trait, after the third, costs the Cardinal a permanent Trait. They can grant the special
Trait of Favored (see the List of Reputational Statuses for more information).
6. A Cardinal can strip an individual of their position as a True Sabbat. This is done in
response to serious violations to the Sabbat’s governing code. This ability costs the
Cardinal nothing.
 This ability cannot be used on the Prisci, Consistory members, or the Regent.
7. A Cardinal can strip a member of the Sabbat under his command of one or more
permanent Reputational Status Traits, for inappropriate performance of the Ritae.
 This costs the Cardinal nothing for the first three Traits, and a temporary Status
Trait for each beyond the third.
 In the case of gross deviations of the Ritae, the Cardinal can Black List the Priest,
or other participants.
 No Cainite who has been Black Listed by a Cardinal may move up the ranks of
other positions without getting a Cardinal or The Regent to remove them from the
Black List.
 In cases where the Black Listing Cardinal is disgraced, his/her successor will
generally remove the Black Listing upon taking office.
The Sabbat Consistory is made up of select Prisci, Cardinals, the Regent of the Sabbat, and the
Seraphim of the Black Hand. It is the job of the Consistory to appoint a new Regent, as well as
decide Sabbat policy and laws. Being a member of the Consistory is an addition to whatever
other position a member may have. Thus, one can be a regular Priscus or a Priscus who is also a
member of the Consistory. This Position is Sabbat Coordinator NPC only.

Members of the Consistory have the following apply:

1. Members gain the Devout Status Trait. As long as the character holds membership, this
Trait cannot be permanently removed.
2. Only the Consistory may appoint new members to the Consistory. This is done by a vote
of the Council.
3. The Consistory decides all Sabbat Policy, from the laws to what sieges are approved to
take place.
4. While the Regent has the final word of who he makes Cardinals, he still requires the
support of the Consistory to appoint Cardinals.
5. Members of the Consistory can change or alter any Sabbat law, policy, or method on a
Sect-wide level by a vote of the Consistory.
6. As a whole, the Consistory appoints the Regent of the Sabbat by vote.

The Regent
In theory, the Regent has supreme power over the Sect. In practice, subordinates distort or quite
simply "lose" orders that they refuse to accept. The result? The Regent's power depends on
his/her personal base of support. The Regent is inevitably an old vampire, who has been selected
from within the ranks of the Consistory. And with a Sect as large as the Sabbat, power at this
level must be delegated for anything to get done. This position is Sabbat Coordinator NPC only.

The following apply to the Regent:

1. The Cainite gains the Feared, Proven, Relentless, Ominous, and Supreme Status Traits.
As long as the character holds the position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Regent can appoint and remove Cardinals. This costs the Regent one temporary
Status Trait and also requires the support of the Consistory. They may also appoint and
remove other (lesser) offices at no cost.
3. The Regent can appoint (and remove) their own Templars. They can appoint (and
remove) their own Paladins. These actions cost the Regent nothing.
4. The Regent can choose to lead the Ritae in which they participate (he/she must assign a
surrogate if he/she declines to lead the Ritae). The Regents wins all Ritae performance
challenges without need for a test.
5. The Regent can grant and remove permanent Reputational and Negative Status to other
members of the Sabbat at the cost of one temporary Status Trait each. Any permanent
Trait, after the third, costs the Regent a permanent Trait. They can grant the special Trait
of Favored (see the List of Reputational Satus Traits for more information).
6. The Regent can strip an individual of their position as a True Sabbat. This is done in
response to serious violations to the Sabbat’s governing. This ability costs the Regent
nothing and may be done to anyone the Regent sees fit to do unto.
7. The Regent can strip a member of the Sabbat of one or more permanent Reputational
Status Traits, for inappropriate performance of the Ritae.
 This costs the Regent nothing for the first three Traits and a temporary Status
Trait for each beyond the third.
 In the case of gross deviations of the Ritae, the Regent can Black List the Priest,
or other participants.
 No Cainite who has been Black Listed by the Regent may move up the ranks of
the Clergy (and often any other positions) without getting the Regent to remove
them from the Black List.
 In cases where the Regent is disgraced, their successor will generally removes the
Black Listing upon taking office.
8. The Regent can use temporary Status Traits for retests in mental challenges related to
his/her role as the Sect’s leader (for example, detecting plots against him/her, giving
instructions to members of the Sabbat, and so on).

III. Special Cases

The following are three “special cases.” Each are positions outside of the normal Sabbat
Hierarchy, but are of great power within the Sect.

The thirty individuals who run the Sabbat Inquisition are called “Inquisitors.” This position is
Sabbat Coordinator Approval for PCs and NPCs.

Those who are Inquisitors have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Confirmed, Feared, and Ominous Status Traits. As long as the
character holds the position these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. An Inquisitor has the ability to appoint (and dismiss) their own Templars at the cost of
one temporary Status Trait each. They can appoint (and remove) their own Paladins.
This costs the cardinal a temporary Status Trait each.
3. An Inquisitor has the authority to move and accuse, as they will.
4. Those who play Inquisitors must talk to the Sabbat Coordinator about specific duties and
social obligations, since Inquisitors have the authority to depose Ducti and Priests alike
(even the Archbishops and Cardinals are not safe from the Inquisition).
5. Inquisitors may hold no other Sabbat position besides Pack Positions and being True
Sabbat while they serve as Inquisitors.
6. An Inquisitor may only be removed from the position by the Grand Inquisitor or the

The Seraphim are the acting generals for the Black Hand. While they serve the Regent directly,
they also sit on the Consistory with Prisci and Cardinals. They are the leaders of the Black Hand.
This Position is Sabbat Coordinator NPC only.

Those who are Seraphim have the following apply:

1. Each Seraphim gains the Branded, Enforced, Engaged, and Feared Status Traits. As long
as the character holds the position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. The Seraphim serve the Regent of the Sabbat directly. When on service to the Regent,
they may carry any weight or authority given to them by the Regent.
3. Seraphim may hold no other Sabbat position besides Pack Positions, True Sabbat, and
Members of the Consistory while they serve as Seraphim.

Faction Leader
These are the nominal, recognized heads of the Sabbat Factions. While not an official position
within the Sect, these Cainites hold a great deal of status, positions, and sway within the Sabbat
itself. Faction leaders may hold other positions in the sect in addition to this, and enjoy benefits
from both. This position is Sabbat Coordinator NPC only.

Faction Leaders have the following apply:

1. Each Faction Leader gains the Feared and Respected Status Traits. As long as the
character holds the position, these Traits cannot be permanently removed.
2. The leaders of the Sabbat Factions have final say on Faction Policy and direction. Many
will listen instead of dictate policy of the faction, but this is not always the case.
 As such, Faction Leaders may remove any Sabbat Vampire from their respective
Faction (with the expenditure of a temporary Status Trait).
 This is usually done only when the vampire has betrayed the Faction, in some
 A vampire so ejected from his Faction may not rejoin his former faction (though
he could, in theory, join another) until such time as the Faction Leader allows him
to return.
3. Faction Leaders may only hold one other Sabbat position in addition to this one.

The position of Consul is a new one to the Sabbat. However, the position itself is not exclusive
to the Sabbat. Indeed the Consul position may be found in all sects of Vampires. It is
understood at times there is need for diplomatic relations; even if it is with the enemy. As such
the Consul serves this purpose for the Sabbat. They are expected to be emissaries to outsiders to
the sect when called upon to do so by their leaders. See V20 Companion page 32 for further

Those who are Consul’s to the Sabbat have the following apply:

1. The Cainite gains the Diplomatic Positional Status Trait. As long as the character
holds the position this Trait cannot be permanently removed.
2. Only Sabbat Cainites of positional rank of Archbishop or higher may appoint a Sabbat
Consul and award this position. Only one Consul may be appointed in this manner.
Additionally the Cainite that appointed the Consul may remove the position from them
at will.
3. Sabbat Consul’s enjoy a sort of diplomatic immunity in regards to Interactions with
Vampires outside of the Sabbat. As long as the Consul acts within his position of
emissary of the Sabbat to outsiders, they may not be punished for said interactions with
those outside of the sect.
4. Should a Consul be harmed or killed while serving in his duties by a vampire outside
of the Sabbat, it is understood the vampire or vampires responsible will be considered
enemies of the Sabbat and pursued unto death.
Who Outranks Who?
What follows is in no way absolute [e.g., there are Prisci who are not held in as high regard, and
there are inquisitors who can command the respect (and animosity) of the Seraphim]. Also,
unless the Black Hand is activated many Ducti simply ignore the Black Hand. Templars and
Paladins can command greater authority when acting with the authority of their liege.

This list is simply to give a new Sabbat player some idea of where all the titles fall in terms of
rank, generally. We used an Organograma to help showcase this flow; as it is not linear. Those
in red signify both military and religious power decision. Those is Green reflect just Religious
positions. Finally those in Blue reflect just Military positions.
Status-Related Merits and Flaws
I. Merits
The Following Merits now function as following, within the Sabbat.

Reputation: This merit simply allows for you to have a title that informs others what your
character is known for (or “has a reputation for”). Examples include: Ezekiel “Lord of
Montreal,” Venere Carboni “The Daemon Maestro,” Sascha Vykos “Caine’s Angel.” This
reputation does not factor into the Status system. It simply allows others to know your PC is
known for doing something (the “X” being the cause for your title). As such, this merit does not
require Sabbat Coordinator Approval; just the permission of your Storyteller.
Prestigious Sire: Like the Reputation Merit, this simply allows you to inform others that your
Sire is a famous member of the Sabbat. Others may choose to allow some form of respect or
expect much of you as an heir to such famous blood (and in some cases, both!). This merit, in
and of itself, does not require Sabbat Coordinator Approval, unless you are the childe of a White
Wolf Canon Sabbat NPC.

Prestigious Lineage: Works as the Merit “Prestigious Sire” but requires a direct line of three
sires in order for the lineage to qualify for the Merit. If it is deemed to apply, each member of the
lineage may purchase the merit. No character may possess both of the “Prestigious Sire” and
“Prestigious Lineage” merits.

II. Flaws
The Following Flaws now function as following, within the Sabbat.

Infamous Sire: This Flaw functions as the exact opposite of Prestigious Sire Merit.

Notoriety: This flaw functions as the exact opposite of the Reputation Merit. Converts are
considered to have this flaw for their first year of membership with the Sabbat

Probationary Sect Member: You may hold no Status in the Sabbat and are not considered True
Sabbat. You are a shovelhead.

Special Responsibility This flaw covers some sort of punishment given out for a crime against
the sect. It can come in the form of providing vitae for the city or serving as a source of vitae for
blood feasts.
Only Sabbat vampires may use this ability to gain the Status of Sabbat vampires. With each
expenditure of this ability, a vampire may ask what the Status of the vampire is within the Sabbat
and what (if any) Faction the vampire is known as a member (if a membership in a faction is
unknown then this information is not given).

Lore: Sabbat:
The higher this ability, the more likely one is to know more obscure members of the Sabbat.
With a successful test using this ability, a vampire may learn what a Sabbat vampire’s Status is
(not the actual number of different traits, just their general rough “ranking” within the Sabbat).

This ability works in a “reverse manner,” of sorts. As such, the chart below provides you with
what level of the ability you are required to have to know the corresponding status level. The
Status Level listed on the chart is the minimum status required to throw the challenge. If the
status is higher then the requirement, you may also throw the challenge. Rule of Thumb: the
higher the status, the more likely you are to have heard of the vampire. The lower the status, the
more obscure they are (and thus require more Sabbat Lore to recognize).

Lore: Sabbat Level Status Level

1 6+

2 5

3 4

4 3

5 2
War Parties, Wild Hunts and Status Outside the sect
1. The Sabbat does not give Status or Prestige to those who are not members of the sect.
2. If a Sabbat member is the subject of a Wild Hunt, they may not use their Status for ANY
purpose. Follow all of the rules for a character that does not have the Initiated Status
Trait (for the subject of a Wild Hunt). The individual in question may still choose to
ignore another Status, and thus gain those benefits and draw backs.
3. If a Sabbat is the subject of a War Party, they may not use their Status for ANY purpose.
Follow all of the rules, as if the character subject to the War Party is ignoring Status.
Additionally, Negative Status Traits cannot be bid against an individual who has a War
Party called against them.
Crimes and Punishments
Sabbat justice generally does not follow a uniform process like the Camarilla, nor does the
process duplicate itself exactly in each instance. Some Cardinals, for example, could simply kill
a full member of the Sabbat outside of Monomacy and suffer no repercussion for this. The
argument is largely, if you are famous enough, important enough, and can get away with it…you
get away with it. Remember this is still Vampire. A Quorum of Prisci used to judge crimes
committed in the sect is NOT the standard, or even the correct course for most disputes. This
confusion often comes from Code of Milan itself, particularly Article 15 (All Sabbat possess the
right to call a council of their peers and their immediate leaders.) and Article 16 (All Sabbat shall
act against Sect members who use the powers and authority the Sabbat has given them for
personal gain at the expense of the Sabbat. Action shall be taken only through accepted means,
approved by a quorum of Prisci.). Again, roleplay, argument, and support allow for alternate
interpretations of the Code. You CAN kill people outside of Monomacy IF you can get away
with it, ie. if you have the support and reputation to back the action. We provide no mechanics
intentionally, as punishment is something that should involve roleplay. As a guide, these
suggested forms of punishment appear on page 45 of the Table Top Guide to the Sabbat:

Crime Punishment
Treason Against the Sect Torture and dismemberment, in whatever
poetic fashion the “judge” decides (includes
being thrown off buildings, being drawn and
quartered, having limbs removed, etc)
Murdering a fellow Sabbat Diablerie at the hands of the murdered
vampire’s pack (or a pack of an elder’s choice,
should the victim have been an elder.)
Deceiving Sabbat leaders Burning or flaying
Revealing a Sabbat Secret to one outside the Death by Fire, or a Wild Hunt
Failure to respond to a leader’s call Branding or mutilation (often the vampire
loses a hand)
Striking a vampire of greater station Blinding, mutilation (often the vampire suffers
several broken bones)
Associating with Camarilla vampires First Offense: Censure
Second Offense: Flogging
Third Offense: Staking or Death
Failure to accomplish an important mission “Spite” punishment, generally of a humiliating
assigned by leaders nature (such as cutting off the vampire’s nose,
branding his forehead with an “F”, dashing out
his teeth, etc)
Displays of cowardice Blood Feast for fellow pack members, though
the vampire is usually left undead to atone for
A Comparison of Camarilla and Sabbat Status Systems
The following is a discussion of the differences between Sabbat and Camarilla Status, in
application and outlook.

Although Sabbat and Camarilla Status are in many ways both similar and different, what it all
boils down to is this: within the Camarilla genre, characters are attempting to maintain their
Humanity, while struggling within the Camarilla political system to gain as much power through
Status and Prestation as possible. Status for the Camarilla is both a means and an end. Within the
Sabbat genre, however, characters are attempting to maintain their lives, and increase their non-
Human spirituality, all while racing against time and ignorance to prepare for Gehenna. For the
Sabbat (at least on the surface level), it is much more accurate to say that Status is not the end
nor the means; it is merely a side effect.

In some ways, Status matters more in the Sabbat, and (in other ways) it matters less. On the
surface, Status in the Sabbat is less a guide to your age and political savvy, and more a guide to
your sheer power. However, looking deeper, one can see just as many (if not more) politics
present behind Status in the Sabbat than there are in the Camarilla. An Archbishop could keep
his enemy close to him, and underfoot--by appointing him Templar and thereby commanding his
every move. Or a Bishop could take note that a sect member holds much Accomplishment
Status, none granted by the individual’s Ductus, and ask questions.

Likewise, the Status of the Sabbat has spiritual aspect as well, as individuals are recognized for
their non-Humanity Paths. At times it appears to be less a system of currying favor, and more a
system of recognizing actual, definitive actions, in comparison to the Status system of the
Camarilla. To become Enriched or Blooded for example, specific criterion must be fulfilled.
And yet, although one is technically entitled to the Status once one has fulfilled the
prerequisites, the Trait still has to be recognized and awarded by the appropriate authorities.
While it is true that a wider range of people, either individually or together, might award the
Trait, they risk angering the immediate superior of the individual who has chosen to not award
the Trait for some reason (if that is the case).

In many ways, it is also harder to lose Status in the Sabbat than in the Camarilla. Many actions
that the Camarilla would punish with removal of Status, the Sabbat punish with physical
violence (insubordination of a superior, for example). In addition, many of the Sabbat Status, as
stated in their specific descriptions above, cannot be removed unless it can be proven they were
falsely gained. One cannot lose Enriched unless it can be proven that the individual did not
successfully diablerize in compliance with the Sect’s practices.

Because of things like this, Status is both more and less important in the Sabbat than it is in the
Camarilla. It is less important because it’s easy to accrue, and hard to lose. It’s more important
because it’s a genuine measure of what you’ve done, and a genuine measure of the respect
you’re worth within the Sect. However, just like Camarilla Status, where it came from and how
it came to you affects the value others perceive your status.
On a final note, the Sabbat is both more and less accepting of new members. Any newly created
Cainite that’s been put through the Creation Rites is given Initiated, the technical equivalent of
the Camarilla Acknowledgment. There is no Accounting period, in many cases. Being Sabbat
without the Initiated standing (i.e. a Shovelhead) is in many ways similar to being under the
Accounting (or perhaps more similar to having the Probationary Sect Member Flaw).
Q. What happened to Path Status?
A. The Status Traits for being a path are still there; however, your path no longer factors into the
maximum status you may now posses. Additionally, the Status Traits that one can gain for being
on a path are not required to be taken; you may select others you meet the requirements for
instead. It’s simply a matter of what you wish to be known for.

Q. Where is Ordained Priest?

A. Ordained Priest was a fabricated position in the previous Sabbat Status Packet. It does not
appear anywhere in written Sabbat genre as all Sabbat Priests are Pack Priests, Former Pack
Priests, or higher ranking positions in the sect. This packet has been altered to correct this and
make it more in line with genre. Ordained Priests are simply “former Pack Priests who are still
allowed to practice ritae.” This was done to encourage PCs to rise in the ranks of the Hierarchy.

Q. What happened to all the Black Hand Status?

A. The Sabbat does not know the inner workings of the Black Hand, nor does it care to know. As
such, having status for positions held in the Black Hand made no sense to the whole of the
Sabbat. Like all Factions, Black Hand members gain a status trait for declaring their faction.

Q. Where is the Proven Status Trait?

A. The Proven status system has been removed, as it was not compatible with live action
roleplay. The previous version was another fabricated addition to the packet. It caused a lot of
confusion among players and storytellers. As such, that entire system has been removed and
“Proven” has simply become another possible reputation status and that is all it is.

Q. So what does Status mean exactly?

A. Besides the systems represented above, Status allows you to properly gauge how much
someone’s voice matters in the Sabbat. While a 1 Status Trait, newly-made Sabbat has little
ground to stand on compared to the veteran 8 Status Bishop, it does not mean she/he can’t say
his/her piece. It simply means he is less likely to be taken seriously or have more authority than
that Bishop. Think of it more as a gauge to tell how you should be role-playing with another
person in terms of respect.

Q. Who are the Faction Leaders?

A. The Recognized leaders of the Sabbat Factions are as follows:
 Loyalist: Vasantasena
 Moderates: Dominique
 Status Quo: Venere Carboni
 Ultra-Conservatives: Charles VI
 Pander Movement: Joseph Pander
 Order of St. Blaise: Bishop Josephus
 Children of the Dracon: The Jackal
 Black Hand: Dastur Anosh
 Inquisition: Maria Sandoza
 Occult Underground: Esteban Del Aguay Tierra

Q. Who are the Cardinals?

A. The current list of Cardinal are as follows:
 Fransico Domingo de Polonia, Cardinal of the Eastern Seaboard
 Count Radu Bistri, Cardinal of the Midwest, USA
 Angelica the Canonicus, Cardinal of the West Coast, USA
 Anka the Priestess of Thorns, Cardinal of the South, USA
 Velya the Vivisectionist, Cardinal of the Carpathians
 Eleiser de Polanco, Envoy of Mother Spain, Cardinal of Spain
 Kyle Strathcona, Cardinal of Canada
 Liseta Iluminada, Cardinal of Brazil
 Andrew of Normandy, Cardinal of Argentina
 Monty Coven, Cardinal of the Middle East
 Caelestius, Cardinal of Venezuela
 Hugh Marston, Cardinal of Colombia
 Adolana, Cardinal of Ecuador
 Nikita, Cardinal of Peru
 St. Lys, Cardinal of Bolivia
 Felice de Berengary, Cardinal of Paraguay
 Ranulph, Cardinal of Chile
 Barbelo, Cardinal of Uruguay
 Greyhound, Cardinal of Scandinavia
 Menuven, Cardinal of Portugal
 Mysancta, Cardinal of Sicily
 Timofiev, Cardinal of Italy
 Huroff, Cardinal of the Netherlands
 Dominic, Brute Patriarch, Cardinal of Ireland
 Bruce de Guy, Cardinal of Central America
 Gisele Hemmet, Cardinal of the Caribbean
 Anges, Cardinal of North Africa
 Dark Selina, Cardinal of Switzerland

Q. Who is the Regent?

A. The current Regent of the Sabbat is Venere Carboni, a Toreador Antitribu of the Status Quo.
For more information on Venere Carboni, please consult Mexico City by Night.

Q. Is there anyone else important I should know about?

A. Below, you will find a list of other famous members of the Sabbat. For a good idea of who is
important in the Sabbat, please consult the book Children of the Night.
 Sascha Vykos, Priscus (See Children of the Night and Clanbook Tzimisce for more
 Jalan-Aajav, Seraphim of the Black Hand (See Children of the Night and Caine’s
Chosen for more information.)
 Lambach Ruthven, Priscus (See Children of the Inquisition and Clan Book Tzimisce
for more information.)
 Tally the Hound, Templar to the Sabbat (See the Clan Novels for more information.)
 Szechenyi Jolan, Mother of Horrors and Priscus of Mexico City (See Mexico City by
Night for more information.)
 Alferd Benzzari, Judge Inquisitor (See Montreal by Night and Nights of Prophecy for
more information.)
 Ezekiel, Lord of Montreal and Archbishop of Montreal (See Montreal by Night and
Nights of Prophecy for more information.)

Q. How does the Free Status Trait Assamites, Ventrue and Lasombra get work under this
A. The Free Status Trait granted by a clan advantage are treated as positional status. Characters
who have been exiled from their clan within the Sabbat, or who renounced their clan ties, lose
this advantage.

Q. I’m confused. What is the difference between True Sabbat versus someone who isn’t?
A. True Sabbat are the actual members of the sect. They are protected by the Code of Milan, are
considered equal in the Sect, can rise to any political position, and may perform and partake in
the Vaulderie (and other Ritae). A True Sabbat member is actually someone who is part of the
sect. A Shovelhead, or non-Initiated member of the sect, is a vampire who one day hopes to fully
join the sect. These vampires enjoy none of the benefits listed above that True Sabbat do... so
much so that a Shovelhead can be killed by any True Sabbat, for any reason. A Shovelhead’s
best hope is to be taken in by a Pack and given the Ignoblis Ritae of Allegiance. Shovelheads
who are under the Allegiance Ritae are generally less likely to be killed as a Pack has staked its
claim on the individual. Needless to say, either a vampire is Sabbat or he/she just isn’t. There is
no middle ground.

Q. What is the Sabbat Clergy?

A. The Sabbat Clergy are members of the Sabbat who practice and perform the Ritae. The
primary position that does this is the Pack Priest. The positions that are considered members of
the clergy are as follows: Pack Priest (Including Ordained Priest), Bishop, Archbishop, Priscus,
Cardinal, members of the Consistory (this includes the Seraphim) and the Regent. These
Cainites are the ones considered to be the teachers, practitioners, and leaders of the Ritae and all
matters spiritual within the sect (including the Paths of Enlightenment).

Q. Do Sabbat vampires on Heretical Paths of Enlightenment get status for them?

A. If a Sabbat vampire is known to be on a heretical Path of Enlightenment, they do not gain
Status from those Paths. However, if the vampire is lying In-Character about what Path he is on,
he may gain the appropriate status traits... until he is caught.

Q. What are the Heretical Paths of Enlightenment in the Sabbat?

A. The following Paths (and variations thereof) are considered heresy in the Sword of Caine. It
should be noted that Path of the Hive would be considered heresy, but it is a virtually unknown
path In-Character:
 Path of Blood
 Path of Lilith
 Path of Revelations
 Path of Typhon
 Path of Harmony
 Road of Sin (and its paths)
 Path of Bones

Q. What happened to Accomplishment Status?

A. In this revision of the Status Packet we removed the distinction between Reputation and
Accomplishment Status. This was done to simplify the system and clarify a lot of things. All the
old Accomplishment status traits are still here, they simply are defined as Reputational Status
now, as there are now only two categories of status; Reputation and Position.
Another labor of love from Team Sabbat. This packet in particular was an interesting
one to revise. Many people have many different ideas and opinions on status in general (not just
Sabbat). We as a Team took a lot of the feedback we received and tried to keep the mood and
theme of Sabbat Status in mind when we worked on this project. We know that it won’t satisfy
everyone; that’s impossible. Rather we hope this more simplified and clear packet helps
promote the status system within the Sabbat genre. Besides the whole team, I would like to thank
Jimmy R and Lex L in development and work on this revision.

~Adam Sartori
2010-2013 Sabbat Coordinator
Appendix: Reputational Status Cheat Sheet
Physical Distinctions

Status Awarded by Requirement Removal

Battle- Pack Priest or Wounded or Incapacitated in service to the Sabbat None
Scarred higher

Blooded Pack Priest or Killed another Cainite in fair combat None


Triumphant Bishop or higher Killed three Cainites in fair combat None

Undefeated Archbishop or Killed five Cainites in fair combat without losing None

Charred Bishop or higher Passed a Courage check at rating 5 from a fire source while None
serving the Sabbat

Scorched Bishop or higher Passed a Courage check at rating 5 from a sunlight source while None
serving the Sabbat

Enriched Pack Priest or Succeeded in diablerie None


Fortified Bishop or higher Succeeded in diablerie against an enemy position holder None

Invigorated Archbishop or Succeeded in diablerie against a Prince of the Camarilla None


Spiritual Distinctions

Status Awarded by Requirement Removal

Blessed Pack Priest or higher Path rating of 2 or higher in a non-heretical Loss of path
path rating

Devoted Pack Priest or higher Path rating of 3 or higher in a non-heretical Loss of path
path rating

Enlightened Pack Priest or higher Path rating of 4 or higher in a non-heretical Loss of path
path rating

Sanctified Luminary of the path (rating Path rating of 5 or higher in a non-heretical Loss of path
5) path rating

Ordained Bishop or higher IC, typically Rituals x3 Archbishop

Diplomatic Distinctions

Status Awarded by Requirement Removal

Chosen Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Black Hand faction Upon leaving the
faction member faction

Purifier Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Inquisition faction Upon leaving the
faction member faction

Firebrand Regionally Important Cainitie is a member of the Loyalist faction Upon leaving the
faction member faction

Bolshevik Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Moderates faction Upon leaving the
faction member faction

Architect Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Status Quo faction Upon leaving the
faction member faction

Soldier Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Ultra Conservative Upon leaving the
faction member faction faction

Fanatic Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Pander Movement Upon leaving the
faction member faction faction

Witch Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Occult Underground Upon leaving the
faction member faction faction

Preacher Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Order of St. Blaise Upon leaving the
faction member faction faction

Devil Regionally Important Cainite is a member of the Children of Dracon Upon leaving the
faction member faction faction

Supported Ductus Cainite has earned the support of a pack Yes

Protected Bishop, Archbishop, or Cainite has earned the protection of a Cainite of Yes
Priscus note

Favored Cardinal, Regent of the Cainite has earned the favor of the a Cardinal or Yes
Sabbat the Regent of the Sabbat
Distinctions of Infamy and Respect

Status Awarded by Requirement Removal

Notorious Bishop Cainite is bloodhunted in a domain Rare*

Infamous Archbishop Cainite is bloodhunted across 3 domains Rare*

Nefarious Cardinal Cainite is bloodhunted globally Rare*

Anathema Regent of the Sabbat Cainite has been placed on the Camarilla’s Red List None

Patriarch Sascha Vykos on behalf Cainite represented the Sabbat at the negotiating table at None
of the Consistory the Convention of Fire

Vanquisher Regent of the Sabbat Cainite was present and fought during the Assault on None
Chorazin at Midwinter 2012

Glorified Cardinal Cainite was a member of the victorious pack during a Automatic
Grand Game of Instinct held at Festivo dello Estino

Martial Bishop or higher who Cainite was a member of the pack who succeeded in the Automatic
enacted the ritae Wild Hunt

Gifted Pack Priest or higher Cainite has used their magical ability in service to the None

Distinctions of Lineage

Status Awarded by Requirement Removal

Clan Status - Automatic at creation or Cainite is a member of the Defection or renunciation
Assamite Antitribu conversion Assamite Antitribu clan of parent clan

Clan Status - Automatic at creation or Cainite is a member of the Defection or renunciation

Lasombra conversion Lasombra Clan of parent clan

Clan Status - Ventrue Automatic at creation or Cainite is a member of the Defection or renunciation
Antitribu conversion Ventrue Antitribu Clan of parent clan
Distinctions of Renown

Status Awarded by Requirement Removal

Adept Bishop or Higher The Cainite must if the Cainite has failed
repeatedly demonstrate repeatedly at the task he is
their excellence for Adept for
whatever task they are
known to be Adept in. In
addition this
demonstration must be
beyond a simple pack
level, but to that of a
diocese as a whole.

Dedicated Ductus or Higher have declared a public The Cainite has acted in
cause the Cainite follows. opposite of his declared
dedication. This can then
be removed by the
Cainite’s Ductus or higher.

Feared Ductus of Higher Others Fear You When you are no longer
feared, then by your
Ductus or Higher.

Loyal For pack loyalty, Ductus. Proven dedicated loyalty You have proven to be
For sect loyalty, Bishop or to the Sabbat or your pack. disloyal, then by your
higher Usually given to those Pack Ductus (for Pack
who Infiltrate other sects. Loyalty) or Bishop or
higher (for sect loyalty)

Militant Bishop or Higher Repeated demonstration of May only be removed if

one’s combat prowess. the Cainite turns from the
This isn’t raw power, but path of being a warrior.
also includes the use of Should that occur, it may
tactics and strategy. be removed by a Bishop.

Ominous Bishop or Higher The Cainite must have Cainite is no longer feared;
gained the Feared status at the removal is done by a
least three times. Bishop or Higher.

Recognized Bishop or Higher A Cainite must perform None/This status is

amazing acts during a sect automatically removed
holiday that causes him when another cainite from
stand out above all others. the same diocese gains it.

Relentless Bishop or Higher The Cainite must display Open displays of the
on numerous occasions Cainites will being broken,
that their will cannot be such as Fear Frenzy. It is
broken. then removed by a Bishop
or higher.
Respected Bishop or Higher The Cainite must perform The Cainite has lost the
act that earn him the respect of his peers. It is
respect of his peers. then removed by a Bishop
or Higher.

Proven Bishop or Higher The Cainite must have The Cainite has lost the
obtained the Respected respect of his peers. It is
status at least three times then removed by a Bishop
to earn this. or higher.
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© 2013. This document was written by Adam Sartori for use in One World by Night. For this
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