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OWBN Changeling 20th Anniversary

MET LARP Translations

Image by Patricia Leonardo
One World By Night Changeling 20th Anniversary Edition MET LARP Mechanics

Basic Character Creation: 2
Arts: 17
Realms: 48
Tempers: 51
Appendix: 53
Other Cross Genre Elements: 57
House Rules: 58
Realm Creativity: 58
Temper Management: 59
Throwbacks to First Edition: 59
Future Plans: 60

One World By Night Changeling 20th Anniversary Edition MET LARP Mechanics

Notes on presentation: The goal of the translations in this packet is to work with the Changeling: 20th
anniversary edition, not to provide the text of the original document, as that would violate copyright
law. The best way to think of it is that we are writing the ‘MET’ sections for these arts, akin to the MET
write ups following tabletop mechanics for gifts in the various Tribebooks. Changeling 20th Anniversary
is required to run a changeling game.

A big thanks goes out to David N for co-authoring this document, as well as our dozen plus reviewers,
editors and playtesters.

Basic Character Construction:

Like all games, the first step is inventing a concept. In changeling, this means both coming up with a
character idea, but also a general type of dream or collection of dreams they are spawned from. A troll
might be spawned from toy soldiers or sidhe might be inspired by the new style of liberated, in-
command Disney princesses. It’s also useful to have in mind some ideas about their mortal identity, the
guise in which they hide day to day.

Changeling character construction works like most other MET character building. Changelings being with
7/5/3 in their attribute categories, have 5 abilities, 5 backgrounds as well as 3 levels of Arts and 5 levels
of Realms. They select a Kith (best thought of as similar to Clan or Tradition) and a Seeming (Childling,
Wilder or Grump), as well as a Court (seelie or unseelie) and Legacies (one each of seelie and unseelie,
these replace Nature and Demeanor): see C20 for descriptions of individual Legacies. All changelings
begin with 4 traits of Glamour, 4 traits of Willpower and 3 traits of Banality. Childings gain a bonus
Glamour at char gen, Grumps gain a bonus Willpower and Wilders may choose either. Changelings begin
with 5 ‘freebie’ points and may take merits and flaws as normal.

A character next notes their Seeming’s Banality Trigger: Failing to pursue wonder (childling), failure to
pursue adventure (wilder) or failing to provide for your charges (grump) and selects an individual
Antithesis, which is a Banality Trigger unique to the character (a Satyr who is dreamed into existence by
dreams of athleticism might be Triggered if she is beaten in a race). Optionally, characters with Title may
choose a house, though non-sidhe are rarely welcome outside of House Fiona or House Liam.

XP Costs:

Attributes: 1

Abilities: 1

Backgrounds: 1

Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Arts: 3/6/9

Realms: 2

Willpower: 3

Glamour: 3

Banality: 1


Attributes: 10+ one half Glamour (round down)

Abilities: 5

Backgrounds: 5

Glamour: 10

Willpower: 10

Banality: 10


Changelings can take any of the following backgrounds which are found in other MET sources: Influence,
Contacts, Allies, Resources, Mentor and Fame. STs may also consider allowing certain changelings
(particularly nunnehi) to take Totem. As well, with ST approval, some other backgrounds may also
appropriate, such as Past Lives.

Changelings also have access to several unique backgrounds as well, including Trod, Title and Retinue.
Because these do not require translations, they are not translated here: see C20 for more information.
STs should carefully review any requests for Holdings (freeholds are rare), the power levels of Treasures
or Chimera, and any Title Background. Dreamers should allow the gaining of glamour if needed during

game. However, a quick abstraction would be that each level of Dreamers can provide/restore one level
of Glamour per Session.


Kiths are described in depth in C20, including important elements such as their Affinity (a Realm which
the Kith is particularly suited to giving them +1 Grade of Success or +1 to Cantrips cast using that Realm),
Unleashing style and several other things. Listed here are only translations of their Birthrights and
Frailties, which are the only elements of a kith which require translation. Birthrights typically are allowed
to exceed normal attribute and ability caps.


Craftwork: Boggans may accomplish any physical labor or craftsmanship in 1/3rd of the usual time so
long as only other boggans are present. They also begin with a free level of Crafts.

Social Dynamics: The boggan may make a mental challenge (retest Empathy or Subterfuge) to figure out
the social dynamics of a given social group or event with a difficulty ranging from 5 to 9. Doing so gives
them insights into the social dealings of the group and puts them one trait up on social challenges with
that group for the session.

Call of the Needy: Boggans must make a Willpower challenge (difficulty 8) to avoid helping someone in
need unless the person is a sworn enemy or currently hostile.


Twinkling of an Eye: Unless bound with Cold Iron, a Clurichaun may, once per Scene, vanish from a given
room or area and appear out of line of sight, earning Fair Escape in most cases. Doing so when bound or
held requires her to spend a Glamour.

Fighting Words: Once per scene a Clurichaun may force an individual to start a fight with either
themselves or another with just a few choice words. The subject must make a difficulty 8 Willpower
Challenge or initiate combat with the Clurichaun’s choice of individuals. While this need not be a lethal
attack, it must be an actual one: a firm punch to the face will do, a shotgun blast is not required (though
it’s certainly allowed!).

Hoard: The Clurichaun must pick something to hoard and value it greatly. Any time they spend more
than a week away from their hoard they suffer a Banality Trigger.


Serendipity: The eshu cannot ever lose their way when traveling to a location. This does not mean they
know how to get everywhere: they cannot, for example, start walking to the location of a missing friend
and automatically get there. But any location they could reasonably have a rough idea where it is can be
arrived at unerringly. Even supernatural means of deterring them or causing them to get lost merely
require the expenditure of a Glamour to overcome.

Talecraft: At the end of any sizable adventure, the Eshu gains one additional bonus XP, not to exceed the
normal cap on XP. Games which opt to max XP routinely should instead allow the Eshu to learn an
Ability related to the adventure without needing a specific teacher. Further, they gain a free level of
Performance and Empathy.

Reckless: Turning down a challenge, bet or dare, explicit or implied, causes a Banality Trigger for the


Make it Work: A nocker may create a crude version of a chimerical machine or tool with very limited
resources and very fuzzy science. This requires a Mental Challenge, retest Crafts, against a difficulty set
by the ST and 1-3 Glamour depending on the complexity. Items made in such a way may never be higher
than Crafts 3. The process is quick, but STs should be reasonable about what can be created: a working
spacesuit is fine, a working space ship is probably not.

Fix It: The Nocker may make a broken device, real or chimerical, work again even if it has no real
capacity to do so, such as making a laptop work with the processor destroyed by a gunshot. This
requires a Mental Challenge (retest Repair) or a Social Challenge (retest Intimidation) against a difficulty
of 5-9 traits set by the ST.

Perfect is the Enemy of Done: All creations, quick, real, chimerical or mundane, made by a Nocker have
some sort of minor flaw which can never be truly fixed. Nockers are master craftsman and this flaw
should not impede the real function or efficacy of a device. Shoes made by Nockers might always come
untied once during the day, every day, at 5 PM, but they do not randomly explode.


Nimble: The character gains a Nimble physical trait.

Blending In: A piskie always looks like they belong, changing skin tone, mannerisms, accents and even
aura (at ST’s discretion). Anyone wishing to discern that a piskie does not belong must beat him in a
Mental Challenge (Retest Kenning).

Light-Fingers: If a piskie sees something interesting, desirable or just plain neat, they must make an
effort to steal it unless they spend a Willpower or succeed in a Willpower challenge, difficulty 8. If
exposed to rooms full of people wielding dozens of fetishes or something similar, STs should limit the
trigger of this frailty to once per scene or session. If caught or stopped, the piskie need not persist.


Shapechanging: A pooka can assume their animal form, though they must spend a Glamour if they do so
in front of Enchanted individuals or Changelings. They may not transform in the sight of mortals. They
may change back whenever they wish. Mechanics are as per the cantrip Thousandskins with up to 5
Grades of Success (the abilities granted should properly reflect the form, not go above and beyond) and
an infinite duration and with the limitation they may only turn into their own personal animal form.
Note that pooka may only take extant animal forms, usually ‘cute’: no T-rex or Griffon pooka as a
general rule.

Confidante: Pooka are very talented at getting people to open up when they did not expect or desire to.
When engaged in a normal conversation the Pooka may trick an individual into answering a particular
question honestly and fully (the exact question may be specified ooc) by spending a Glamour and
defeating the target in a Social Challenge, Retest Subterfuge. The target may spend a Willpower to
retest this as normal. The target is not aware of the supernatural effect.

Untruths: All pooka must speak in a fashion which is exaggerated, misleading, sarcastic or otherwise not
straightforward. If they should wish to answer a direct question in a direct fashion, they must spend a
Willpower and make a Willpower challenge, difficulty 8.


Dark Appetite: Redcaps can eat anything they can put their mouth on and, by spending a Glamour, they
may ingest toxic or unnatural materials, destroying them. They may also chew down almost anything
which could not fit into their mouths given enough time. In combat, they may bite as if they had a +3
trait weapon inflicting a base of 3 aggravated damage. They may make called shots to eat off limbs and
need only succeed in one follow up to do so if they already have the target grappled.

Bully Browbeat: Redcaps gain +2 to all Intimidation-related challenges and have a free level of the
Intimidation ability.

Bad Attitude: Redcaps are untrusted and frequently thought of as the culprit of nearly any crime. They
are at -2 on all non-intimidation related Social Challenges.


Gift of Pan: A satyr may engage in an act of passion, ranging from partying to sex to acts of creativity.
Should the satyr employ this birthright while doing so, all around her must make a Willpower challenge,
difficulty 8, to avoid losing all inhibitions towards that kind of act and taking time to indulge in it if
appropriate. Good taste should be observed OOC.

Physical Prowess: Satyrs gain a free Tireless trait and a free level of the Athletics ability.

Passion’s Curse: Satyrs are prone to violent outbursts of emotion and feel more strongly than most. Fits
of tears, passion, fury and joy are all common. Satyrs gain a negative Unstable trait and experience a
Banality Trigger if they ever try to resist temptation.


Seal’s Beauty: Selkies gain one free Gorgeous and and one free Charismatic trait.

Ocean’s Grace: Selkies may freely transform into a seal by donning their seal coat. Treat this as a
Thousandskins cantrip cast with 5 Grades of Success and an unlimited duration, which may be dismissed
at any time. Selkies can hold their breath for hours, never have difficulty swimming and have +2 traits on
all Dexterity challenges in water.

Seal Coat: A selkie deprived of her seal coat loses all of her magic. If a selkie’s seal coat is destroyed, her
fairy soul is as well. Destroying a seal coat is very difficult: it has 10 health levels, reduces all damage it
takes by 3 and must be specifically targeted in combat. Only powerful fires or cold iron can destroy it
utterly, and it will heal other damage over time.


Unearthly Beauty: Sidhe gain a free Dignified trait and a free Gorgeous trait. When they call upon the
Wyrd, it inspired awe in those around her. All of those save those whom the sidhe deliberately excludes
must make a Willpower challenge, Difficulty 8, or do nothing but stare at her in awe for a number of
rounds equal to her appearance related traits (maximum 5), though they may still bid traits in defense.

Noble Bearing: Magic cannot be used to make a sidhe look foolish, though it can still do very unpleasant
things to her. In addition, she gains a free level of Etiquette and a free level of Politics.

Banality’s Curse (Arcadian Sidhe): Each time a sidhe gains temporary banality, she gains one additional
temporary banality.

Adoration (Autumn Sidhe): Each time a sidhe enchants or successfully makes a social challenge against a
mortal, the mortal must make a Willpower challenge with a difficulty of the sidhe’s Glamour or become
deeply interested in the sidhe, remembering all interactions save those hidden by the mists. They will
seek to interact further with the sidhe, treating them as an individual of great significance, a crush or a
role model. This may also affect supernatural creatures to a lesser extent, if the ST wishes. This will fade
in time, but can be very inconvenient. Some mortals are particularly susceptible and may turn to
stalking, obsession or unhealthy jealousy.


Squirm: The sluagh can escape any bonds and perform other acts of unnatural contortion by making a
Physical Challenge, retest Athletics, with a difficulty ranging from 6 to 9. Cold Iron bonds impede this.

Sharpened Senses: Slaugh have heightened senses, similar to that of many other supernaturals and gain
a free Retest on all perception-related tests.. They may always test to peirce invisibility or illusions if
they spend a Willpower (this effect lasts the scene) and making the appropriate challenge (usually
mental retest Investigation). Finally, the sluagh may see into the Shadowlands by making a difficulty 7
Mental Challenge (retest Awareness) and even speak to wraiths by spending a Glamour.

Curse of Silence: Sluagh must always whisper. The have a -2 trait penalty on all social challenges except
with other sluagh.


Titan’s Power: Trolls gain an extra Brawny trait and an extra Bruised Health level. Should they currently
be under at least two Oaths, they gain two further Brawny traits and two further Bruised Health levels.

Strong of Will and Body: Trolls gain +2 bonus traits on any challenge which would dissuade them from a
cause, including supernatural mind control. They also gain a free level of both Athletics and Alertness.

Bond of Duty: If a troll breaks an oath or sworn contract, she loses all benefits of Titan’s Power until she
makes a new appropriate oath or atones for her failing. Trolls also do not tolerate betrayal: should she
be suffer betrayal, she must make a Willpower Challenge, difficulty 8, or attack the individual who
conducted the betrayal. She may repeat this challenge after a number of turns equal to her Glamour
rating if she fails. She may also calmed down if restrained from her fury.

Custom Kiths: There are more dreams than could ever be possible to enumerate in this or any other
document. Most concepts can be made into one of the classic kiths, even if it is a variation on the
theme. For example, a Snegushka (a Snow Maiden of Russian folklore) could be very well represented as
a Varich Sidhe with the right combination of Arts and Merits and a troll could readily serve as a
Scandinavian Frost Giant. But sometimes, something doesn’t quite fit right. The core book details how to
adapt new kiths to the game, and this is perfectly acceptable if nothing quite fits right. Whether it is a
‘sub race’ of another kith (perhaps even with the same birthright but a different, comparable frailty) or a
whole new creation, such things are possible. STs should work with the Changeling coord and the PC to
develop such a new Kith, which might then be played by others if the idea is good one. However, STs
should avoid any ‘super kiths’: No ktih should be stronger than a troll or prettier than a sidhe, for
example, nor should a kith be as strong as a troll and as pretty as a sidhe.


Houses are ancient clans of nobility. While they previously were exclusively sidhe, modern times have
seen some commoners join them, though rarely outside of the most liberal Houses of Fiona and Liam.
The RP and history of Houses is listed in the book, with updates in the Changeling Genre Packet. Below
are only the Boons and Flaws. Unlike custom Kiths, customs Houses should not be allowed, as the
sudden appearance of half a dozen new Unseelie houses would have a dramatic impact on fae politics.
Though uncommon, there are seelie members of unseelie houses and vice versa.


Beaumayn: Boon: Gains prophetic powers similar to the Oracular Ability merit, a free Alert trait, a free
level of the Kenning ability and have +1 trait on all Kenning challenges (+2 if targeting Thalain). Flaw:
Shadow Court easily sense and desire to bring misfortune to members of this house. They may sense a
member of the House nearby with a difficulty 7 mental challenge (retest kenning). This amounts to the
equal of a 3 point Enemy flaw.

Dougal: Boon: Once per session, the Dougal may convert Glamour to Willpower one for one by engaging
in strenuous activity. Once per session, they may spend a Glamour to gain +2 traits on any Crafting
project. Games which use a system of bonuses based on Crafts should take this bonus into
consideration. Flaw: A Dougal’s creations become part of them over time. For each level of Title they
have, a Dougal replaces one part of their body with a fully functional artificial one, such a stained glass
heart or hair made of fiber optics. Every 2 such features (round down) inflicts a -1 penalty on Empathy,
Animal Ken and Subterfuge challenges. Further, these replacements cease to function when touched by
cold iron.

Eilunid: Boon: Eilunid can easily identify and fully understand any Cantrip or Unleashing cast or in place
within their perception with a static Mental Challenge (retest Kenning) with a difficulty of 8. They may
also learn the identity of the caster or some significant clue about them if they have never met the
caster. With ST permission and the appropriate Lores, this might apply other magic as well. Eilunid begin
with a free level of Greymere. If using the optional Counterweaving rules, Eilunid are 1 trait up to use
and defend against Coutnerweaving. Flaw: If the opportunity presents itself to investigate a mystery or
uncover a secret, the Eilunid must do so or gain a point of Nightmare.

Fiona: Boon: Fiona are immune to all forms of fear, supernatural or otherwise, except those which
threaten their romantic partners. Flaw: A Fiona loses a point of Willpower if they ever refuse to enter a
challenge, even just an implied one.

Gwydion: Boon: Gwydion may sense the truth of someone’s words with a Mental Challenge (retest
Kenning for the Gwydion and Subterfuge for the target) unless the target is House Eilunid. Flaw: If a
Gwydion or her house is insulted, she must take revenge appropriate for the insult by the next sunrise or
suffer a Banality Trigger.

Liam: Boon: A member of this house may touch a mortal (not supernatural) and reduce their permanent
Banality by 1 by spending a Glamour (to a minimum of 3 over time, no more than 1 reduction per
month). They may also spend a Glamour to reduce another Changeling’s Nightmare by 1 (no more than
once per Session per Changeling). Flaw: Liam start with 1 extra permanent Banality.

Scathach: Boon: Scathach gain a level of Stealth as well as +1 to all Stealth challenges, and are utterly
silent when fighting unless they choose not to be. They also gain +1 to all Melee, Martial Arts and Brawl
challenges. Flaw: Commoner and Autumn Sidhe Scathach suffer a -2 penalty on Social challenges with
other nobles not of House Liam or Danaan and cannot ever learn Sovereign. Arcadian sidhe Scathach
cannot retreat from battle unless they make a Willpower challenge, difficulty 7.


Aesin: Boon: Aesin can speak with animals by making a Mental Challenge, difficulty 8 (retest Empathy).
Flaw: Aesin cannot Rapture. They also view humans as servants.

Ailil: Boon: Ailil gain a +1 trait on any manipulation-related social challenge. They gain a free level of
both Subterfuge and Politics. Flaw: An Ailil must make a Willpower challenge, difficulty 8, to admit being
wrong or letting someone win an argument. If forced to lose face, the suffer a -1 trait penalty on all
social challenges and cannot regain Willpower until they somehow get revenge, regain face, or just
abuse those below them enough to feel good again.

Balor: Boon: Balor may hold cold iron without losing glamour and lose no glamour when struck by it.
They may even bid stamina traits to defend against it, but at a -2 penalty. Flaw: Balor have some manner
of strange and sinister deformity, such as barbed tails or serpent’s tongues, though these make Balor
sidhe no less beautiful (only frightening). These traits carry over in a mundane form to their mortal
selves, making their appearance distinctive: individuals seeking to find them by asking around have a +2
bonus to do so. They may also not have a permanent Willpower score above 6.

Danaan: Boon: Danaan gain one bonus traits on all challenges related to trods and navigating the
Dreaming. As well, they never suffer Bedlam for remaining within the Dreaming. They may spend a
Glamour and 1 minute in order to locate the closest way to the Silver Path. Once per Session, the
Danaan may invoke the Oath of the Dragon by spending a point of Glamour. Their bonuses from title
now apply to all chimera and other dwellers in the dreaming and such individuals may not attack the
Danaan. The Danaan may communicate with any such creature freely during this time. This effect lasts a
scene. Any violence or aggression on the part of the Danaan breaks this effect permanently. Flaw:
Danaan frequently forget things about the mortal world. Anytime they need to remember an important
detail, such as where they left their keys or their girlfriend’s name, the ST may require a Willpower
challenge, difficulty 8 (though they may modify this as they like). If they fail, they have forgotten and
must make two follow up chops. If they lose, they have permanently forgotten. They may gain a
temporary point of Banality to add their Banality rating to the challenge.

Daireann: Boon: Daireann are 1 trait up on all challenges related to protecting someone under their
hospitality or punishing someone who has violated it. Flaw: Daireann cannot turn away someone
seeking asylum or shelter, unless that person has violated hospitality before.

Leanhaun: Boon: Leanhaun gain a Charismatic social trait and choose one person in any given Scene to
gain +1 to all social challenges against. Flaw: Leanhaun age 1 year for every week they are not exposed
to mortal Glamour (STs may wish to change this to every month in the case of games which run less
often) unless they are in the Dreaming or in a Freehold. Reverie and Rapture reverse this aging at the
rate of 1 year per 5 points, Ravaging on a 1 for 1 basis and Rhapsody on a 5 for 1 basis.

Varich: Boon: If they can observe a foe ahead of time, a Varich may may a static Mental Challenge
(retest Kenning). If successful, they have +1 to all challenges made against that foe. Flaw: Varich cannot
swear oaths of love (this is a big deal for the fae and runs more deeply than just the lack of formal
commitment) and suffer a -1 penalty to all Empathy challenges.

Changeling Magic

Casting Cantrips:

First a character must choose which Realms they are using in a cantrip, which determines the target, as
well as the Glamour invested. Each Realm beyond the first costs 1 additional Glamour, as does each
realm the character wishes to use but does not have. Finally the character may spend one, and only one,
Glamour for a single extra Grade of Success.

Next, a character creates or is provided a bunk. Each level of the bunk generates an extra Grade of
Success, to a maximum of 5 Grades of Success. If the bunk traits would carry over 5 Grades, they are
instead added to the cantrip challenge. Numerous conditions for, and examples of, bunks are listed in
Changeling 20 and should be used. STs have the final say on the value of a bunk.

The character then performs the cantrip challenge. The character’s traits for the challenge are equal to
equal to her permanent glamour + the realm appropriate to the target + her level in the art with a -1
penalty for each Realm used beyond the first. Thus a satyr casting Hopscotch on herself will have a pool
equal to her glamour (7 in her case), plus her level of Fae (3 in her case) plus her level in Wayfare (3 in
her case) for a total of 13. If she also cast it on her motley by adding Scene, she would only bid 12. The
difficulty is equal to the subject’s Banality+Willpower. If a game uses fae frequently, individuals should
be assigned a banality. Otherwise, a default of 7 is assumed (with optional modifiers on the table listed).
Inanimate objects and willing subjects employ only their banality, which defaults to 7, though can be
modified by the ST.

While the defensive attribute does involve willpower, it is not a willpower challenge, does not allow
the spending of a willpower to retest and cannot be influenced by powers that typically influence
willpower challenges.

Cantrip challenges may only be retested, offensively and defensively by ‘universal’ retests, including
Luck and overbids. Changelings may only retest cantrips with such retests or by taking on a point of
Nightmare, drawing themselves closer to bedlam (see more on Nightmares below). Should a changeling
fail a cantrip, no glamour is spent, though their action is wasted. Cantrips with a difficulty capable of
overbidding the changeling are botched on a failure: the glamour spent on them is lost and the
changeling gains a point of temporary banality.

Some Cantrips are always Wyrd (listed in their descriptions in C20) while others are Chimerical.
Chimerical cantrips only affect the Dreaming world and not the physical world: they could set a chimera

or changeling on fire, but not an unenchanted human. Wyrd cantrips affect both the Dreaming world
and the real world. Any Chimerical cantrip can be made Wyrd by spending an extra Glamour.

Grades of Success:

Successfully casting a cantrip: 1 Grade of Success

Per level of Bunk: 1 Grade of Success

Spent an extra glamour: 1 Grade of Success

Affinity for the Realm: 1 Grade of success (or +1 to the challenge)

Banality Guidelines Chart for non-Changelings:

Base Banality: 7 (max 10)

Vampire: +1 (except for listed clans)

Child Flaw: -1

Fairy Affinity Merit: -1

Technocratic Tradition: +2

Virtual Adept, Son of Ether, Glasswalker, Ananasi: +1

Malkavian, Ravnos, Fianna, Black Spiral Dancer, Uktena, Dreamspeaker, Cult of Ecstasy: -1

Kiasyd, Ceilican: -2

Marauders: Banality score of 1

Generation: +1 for 9th or lower, +2 for 7th or lower.

At least one Perform or Expression ability at 5: -1

15 or more levels in Bureaucracy, Finance, Legal or Health influences or abilities: +1

Currently drunk/high sufficient to warrant at least a non-negated -2 penalty on all challenges: -1

Married to a Changeling: -1

Most spirits and animals: Banality Score of 4

Banality Chart for Places/Things:

Office buildings, banks, DMVs. Tax forms: 10

Walmart, traffic jams, factories, Elysium. Money: 9

Police departments, fast food places, slums/trailer parks. Homework: 8

Default for most places and objects: 7

Public pools, strip clubs, graveyards, parks, museums, concerts. Toys, expressive clothes: 6

Birthday parties, murder scenes, weak caerns, deep forests. Journals, musical instruments, swords: 5

Moderate caerns, weak freeholds, the Umbra, places of historical importance. Blood, family heirlooms,
minor fetishes or wonders: 4.

Powerful caerns, moderate freeholds, the Near Dreaming, the Deep Umbra, Stonehenge. Powerful
fetishes or wonders, minor treasures, the crown jewels: 3

Most of the Dreaming, the Arcadian Gateway, Powerful Freeholds. Powerful treasures, unique items: 1-

Invoking the Wyrd: When a changeling calls upon the Wyrd, they manifest as their full fae selves for all
the world to see. Their powers increase as the Dreaming protects them and all of their chimera become
real and tangible. It costs both a glamour and a willpower to invoke the Wyrd, and requires a test of
Glamour vs the banality of the area (retest Glamour) or vs personal banality if it is higher than the area.
If failed a follow up challenge is required: on a flat loss, 1 temp banality is gained. Should they succeed
the effect lasts for a scene and grants all of the following benefits:

● Glamour infuses all of their actions and they may turn destiny to their favor: the fae may spend
a Glamour to retest any challenge, as they would with the Luck merit. Only one such retest per
challenge is allowed.

● All cantrips automatically become Wyrd and do not require an extra glamour to be spent.

● All treasures and chimera become fully real. Chimerical armor can stop bullets and chimerical
weapons will generally inflict aggravated damage.

● Changelings become as resilient as other supernatural creatures like garou or vampires. They
may heal their health levels one for one by spending glamour.

● Invoking the Wyrd calls the Mists to action, erasing all memories of the things the changeling did
while it was evoked. This does *not* erase memories of an entire scene, only the specifics of the
changeling’s actions.


Unleashing is the act of calling upon the raw, chaotic power of the Dreaming without the filters of
practiced Cantrips and Realms. It is dangerous at the best of times and should never become mundane
or risk free, no matter how powerful the fae involved. When a changeling Unleashes, they pick an Art
they know (though not any specific level) and a simple statement of the effect they wish to have: “I
invoke the power of Primal to save us!” or “I channel the power of Winter to put out the fire!” are both
appropriate, while “I call upon the power of the Dragon’s Ire to grant me +10 traits, 10 health levels and
the bomb” or “I summon the dreams of Soothsay to tell me where my rival is keeping his favorite
harmonica, what is guarding it and how to get to it” are not. Likewise, some Arts are far more
appropriate to some tasks than others: Primal might be able to summon a mighty stone wall if asked to
‘protect me’ but it will be of limited help if asked to ‘make him love me’.

Despite these limitations, Unleashing is quite open-ended and can accomplish many different feats.
Because it is complicated, PCs are encouraged to avoid using it inside of combat as it requires extensive
adjudication: indeed, STs may forbid it entirely in these circumstances if it is too disruptive. Unleashing is
most ideally suited to situations which feel like they could be solved by an Art, but when the constraints
of the Cantrips in that Art are too specific. For example, if an Eshu wishes to summon a sandstorm, this
is quite well suited to the weather-controlling Art of Skycraft, though there is no specific level which
allows such. Such would be readily in the realm of Unleashing. Likewise a changeling calling upon Spring
to “Heal this land” could Unleash new life into a polluted lake that would put any normal Rite of
Cleansing to shame.

Though powerful, Unleashings should not be allowed to circumvent the general power levels of arts, but
instead allow the art to act freely, unhindered by typical constraints of specific Cantrips. Even though
Dragon’s Ire is appropriate to violence, PCs Unleashing it to “Kill that Elder Vampire” or “Kill everyone in
the city”, should not expect that those things are within the power of Dragon’s Ire (though it might try
it’s best and damage the vampire or kill a number of people in the city). As well, Naming is appropriate
to “Break this Ancient Curse” but simply might not be powerful enough; it might, however, provide a

clue as to how to break the Ancient Curse. STs should look to the cantrips in a given art for guidelines as
to how powerful the effects are. Unleashing the Dragon’s Ire to ‘Give me strength’ might affect the
changeling as per Burning Thew and Tipping the Ire, though it should not give them access to power
equivalent to Elder Potence. Again, Unleashing is best suited to RP and plot situations, rather than

System: To Unleash a character first spends two points of Glamour and gains a trait of Nightmare. They
then engage in a challenge of their Glamour plus (Current) Nightmare plus Art level against the Banality
of the area/object or the Banality plus Willpower of a sentient subject. This may not be retested by any

On a loss:

The player makes a simple follow up challenge. On a win the Unleashing simply fails and she cannot use
the Art for the remainder of the Scene. On a loss or tie she loses control of the Art entirely, gains an
Imbalance, as well as allowing the Art to run wildly and dangerously around for one turn; the next turn
she suffers a Banality Trigger, the Unleashing ends and she cannot use Arts or spend Glamour for the
remainder of the Scene.

On a win:,
The player makes a follow up challenge. If she wins or ties the follow up challenge, she may narrate her
desired effects, though the ST has final say over what may be narrated and control over all associated
mechanics. If she loses, her general desire still takes effect, but has an unintended negative
consequence or unpleasant trick associated with it, as assigned by the ST.

Unleashings automatically evoke the Wyrd, ignore Realms (though do not include modifier Realms) and
last for 1 turn per level of Glamour the changeling has, though they may extend it to last for the Scene, if
appropriate, by spending a Willpower. See the individual Art descriptions in C20 for more information
on specific Unleashings possible with each individual Art.

**Under no circumstances should STs simply allow players to dictate reality and mechanics. The ST has
final say over any effects requested**



Creeping Shadows: The realm determines who or what casts the shadows manipulated by this Art.
When this Art is used to terrify, it provides a Creeping Shadows retest on all Intimidation Challenges; if
the Art is used to conceal, it provides a Creeping Shadows retest on all Stealth Challenges. In either
case, the Art lasts for one scene, and the caster may describe the exact contortions and movements of
the shadows in question.

Autumn Eyes: The realm determines who or what the caster may scrutinize with this Art. When used on
another character, the caster may determine the general state of an individual’s health; the Storyteller
should give an amount of information proportionate to the caster’s Medicine ability. Alternately, the
caster may find an opponent’s vulnerabilities, adding the grades of success gained in casting this cantrip
as additional damage on the next attack the caster makes on their target during this scene. Object’s
weak points may be found and exploited in the same way, allowing the caster to shatter, break, or
destroy their target with ease (the amount of damage it takes to destroy something is up to the
Storyteller). If the target of Autumn Eyes is the subject of some curse, debilitating magic or impending
doom (Dark Fate, Cursed, etc), this fact is revealed with three or more grades of success on the casting,
along with the nature of the doom.

The Poisoned Apple: The realm determines who or what is poisoned. This cantrip inflicts Lethal Damage
equal to 3 + grades of success gained in casting which ignores armor. The challenge is thrown with the
subject when they eat the object.

The Withering: The realm determines who or what is withered. Used on a mundane object, the effects
are permanent; otherwise, grades of success must be split between duration and severity. Each grade
of success dedicated to severity ages the target by one decade; for every decade, a living target gains a
Decrepit negative Physical Trait which may be bid against them normally. This does not affect individuals
with Fae Eternity, Blood of Rivers or who are otherwise immortal respective to age, such as vampires.


0 Successes - Caster’s Glamour in Rounds

1 Success - One Scene

2 Successes - One Day

3 Successes - Caster’s Glamour in Days

4 Successes - Twice Caster’s Glamour in Days

5 Successes - Thrice Caster’s Glamour in Days

Shivers: The realm used determines who or what is haunted. The haunting lasts for a number of days
equal to the grades of success gained in casting, multiplied by the caster’s Glamour. The exact effects
are determined by the Storyteller, but may include:

● Walls drip with blood or other distractions, requiring those affected to bid an additional Trait on
all challenges.
● Haunted Dreams prevent those affected from regaining Willpower.
● Shroud lowered by 2 levels
● Any Wraith using an Arcanoi on the target receives +2 Traits on the challenge
● Any Wraith gaining Pathos from the target receives one more Pathos than usual


Note: Chicanery employs the power of the Mists, a supernatural force which alters memory and
perception in all things. It does not simply alter the mind, but ensorcelles the subject(s) with a willful
force, manipulating memory, data and psyche alike.

Trick of the Light: The realm described the subject being manipulated. You alter its appearance in a
subtle but significant fashion, such as making a wolf pass for a dog or a person to look nondescript for
individuals searching through a crowd. The illusion lasts one turn per grade of success. Individuals
closely scrutinizing the illusion (taking a full action to do so) may see through it by beating the caster in a
mental challenge (retest Occult).

Veiled Eyes: This power summons the Mists to make the world ignore the presence of the target
described by the realm: people pass by them, cameras don’t think they are worth recording, adoring
fans don’t see their faces. The character should use the crossed arms sign for invisibility. This power can
be seen through by individuals possessing Kenning or any variation of Heightened Senses (mental

challenge, retest better of Kenning or Investigation) if they are specifically looking for it. Attacking
causes the Mists to become cleared after initial surprise, but only for the individual being attacked. You
may add extra realms to make exceptions to the invisibility, such as using prop to allow machines to still
sense the target. The grades of success determine how long this power lasts per the following chart:

1 success One turn

2 successes One minute

3 successes One hour

4 successes One scene

5 successes One day

Dream Logic: This power puts someone in a semi-hypnotized state. They are at -3 traits on all mental
and social challenges. They generally respond to the suggestions of the caster and have a relaxed ease
regarding them. Attempting to command beyond general agreeability requires a mental challenge
(retest Subterfuge). If a command would put the individual in mortal danger or cause them to defy their
nature, they may spend a Willpower to end the cantrip. The Grades of Success determine how long this
power lasts per the following chart:

1 success One turn

2 successes One minute

3 successes One hour

4 successes One scene

5 successes One day

Veiled Mind: This power removes all memories of the target from the world. Their families do not
remember them, nor their friends nor their societies and will resist any attempts to be convinced
otherwise (these are the Mists, after all). Supernatural creatures given good reason to remember the
target may make a single attempt at a mental challenge against the caster (Investigation vs Subterfuge)
to overcome the effect. If this fails the person remains a stranger to them for the duration. STs should
carefully enforce this roleplay. The Grades of Success determine how long this power lasts per the
following chart:

1 success One hour

2 successes One scene

3 successes One day

4 successes One week

5 successes One month

Lost in the Mists: This power causes an individual to forget who they are, as if struck by profound
amnesia. Alternatively, if additional realms are used, the individual may be made to think they are
something else altogether as defined by the extra realm, such as using actor and nature to make a
werewolf believe it is a normal wolf. Even if the cantrip is successful, the character is entitled to a single
mental challenge (retest kenning) against the caster to try to partially retain the sense that something is
wrong. If they succeed, they may make a willpower challenge any given round (difficulty 8) to recover
their proper memories for that round or spend a willpower to resist the cantrip for an entire scene. The
Grades of Success determine how long the amnesia remains pervasive or the individual remains
convinced they are another sort of entity per the following chart:

1 success One hour

2 successes One scene

3 successes One day

4 successes One week

5 successes One month


Backward Glance: This power allows an individual to look back in time at the events surrounding a
person, place or object described by the Realm. The Grades of Success determine how far the caster can
look and they may specify the general type of event they are seeking to examine. Use the following

1 success Up to one hour

2 successes Up to one day

3 successes Up to one week

4 successes Up to one month

5 successes Up to one year

Effect and Cause: This effect causes perceptions of the target to be distorted by having events
surrounding them occur outside of chronological order, such as finishing a cup of tea before it was done
brewing. This effect is highly confusing and makes normal interactions or conversation nearly
impossible. It also imposes a -3 penalty to all challenges to target or interact with that individual: it’s
hard to shoot someone if in your mind they are already lying dead on the floor. The duration of the
cantrip is determined by Grades of Success as follows:

1 success One turn

2 successes One minute

3 successes One hour

4 successes One scene

5 successes One day

Set in Stone: This cantrip allows for the subject described by the realm to stop moving forward. While
not literally frozen, the changeling determines some quality which remains constant for the duration. A
pair of socks might be washed for hours and not become clean, a childling’s friend may be stopped from
ever growing up, or a bowl of portage may never cool. With sufficient realms, a fae may be able to
influence magical effects as well, but STs should be careful with such interactions, are absolutely free to
alter the times involved, and should not allow for indefinite or very long term beneficial magic (beyond
that already allowed by the Time realm) as this would upset game balance. Long lasting curses, on the
other hand, are very appropriate….Grades of Success determine duration as follows:

1 success One day

2 successes One week

3 successes One month

4 successes One year

5 successes One decade

Deja vu: This power allows the target, described by the realm, to slip back in time a few minutes armed
with the knowledge of what has happened. In combat, this is limited to one round per Grade of Success.
The subject is rendered unable to act for the first round upon arrival and is 3 traits down for a number of
rounds equal to Grades of Success. Because this power is fantastically difficult to adjudicate in larger
LARP combats, and is potentially unbalancing, STs may instead opt to grant one “Foreknowledge” free
retest per Grade of Success, to be used on any challenge in that combat, but to grant no other effects of
this power. Each use of this power in a given session increases the difficulty by 1. As well, as soon as the
changeling alters anything of the past, all future results become uncertain. Excessive use of this power
may cause the intervention of certain interested parties (prodigal Mages sometimes speak of an
individual named Wrinkle….).

Time Dilation: This power ages a target at a profound rate, based on Grades of Success as per the chart
below. Mortals targeted with this power who exceed their natural lifespans simply die. Vampires,
Mummies, Wraiths and changelings in a Freehold or with the Fae Eternity or Blood of Rivers merits are
not meaningfully affected. Other Changelings, Shifters and Mages suffer the loss of one permanent
physical trait and one level of Aggravated damage, which cannot be reduced by conventional armor, per
Grade of Success gained, as well as any other effects the storyteller desires:

1 success Up to one week

2 successes Up to one month

3 successes Up to one year

4 successes Up to one decade

5 successes Up to one century


Done Deal: The realm(s) used determined the binding element(s) of the Oath which is made. If the
caster does not have the Actor or Fae realms to bind the Oath to the characters who take it, the caster
may instead bind the Oath to a location or Object using a different Realm. Done Deal sanctifies an
agreement in which the caster participates, or an agreement which the participants have agreed the
caster will act as a witness for. When a character breaks an agreement sanctified by this Cantrip, they
must inform a Storyteller. The Storyteller then may declare the Oathbreaker to automatically fail any
challenge at any time; the Storyteller may do this once for each grade of success gained in the casting of
Done Deal. If a location has been used as a binding element, then for a number of scenes equal to the
grades of success of this cantrip, the Oathbreaker suffers a forced Done Deal retest on all successful
challenges. If an object is used as a binding element, all attempts to use that object are penalized in the
same manner as listed for a location above; furthermore, all attempts by another character to use that
object against the Oathbreaker gain a number of Bonus Traits equal to the grades of success gained in
casting. It is recommended that this cantrip, and all uses of Contract, be recorded on the character
sheets of all characters involved at the time of casting, complete with the grades of success gained,
realms used, etc.

Liar’s Bell: This Cantrip modifies Done Deal, and does not need to be cast separately. It tells the caster
when an Oath or Contract is broken, Liar’s Bell also reduces the difficulty and Glamour cost of any
Cantrips, by 1 per Grade of Success gained in the casting of Done Deal, used to locate or travel to the
Oathbreaker's location for a number of days equal to the caster’s Glamour Rating, or until the caster
next is physically in the same scene as the Oathbreaker, whichever comes first. Once this level of
Contract is purchased, it is automatically applied to any castings of Done Deal permanently thereafter.

Castigate: This cantrip modifies Liar’s Bell, automatically creating a one way connection between the
changeling and the oathbreaker at the moment a contract is violated. The changeling may reflexively
target the oathbreaker with any one cantrip she knows in that moment, as though they stood before
her, even if she lacks the Fae or Actor Realms; she may target her cantrip through whatever Realm she
used to sanctify the oath.

Casual Contract: This cantrip permanently modifies Done Deal, allowing the caster to use it to sanctify
careless commitments, overstatements, random boasts, idle threats, and even sarcasm.

Sanctified Words: When the caster uses Done Deal, they may use their grades of success to purchase
enhancements from the list below. Doing this does not remove those grades of success from

functioning as detailed under Done Deal. The confines of the Oath should be reasonably restrictive to
gain the benefits: an oath to guard a specific changeling lord is acceptable, but one to protect all life or
fight evil is much too broad.

Favor of the Mists: The Oathbound character(s) may add the grades of success allocated to this
enhancement to all challenges made to directly uphold the Oath sanctified by this cantrip.

Fortified Will: The Oathbound gain a pool of additional Willpower points each session equal to
the grades of success allocated to this enhancement; these points of Willpower may only be
spent to directly uphold the Oath.

Questing Token: (1 success) The Oathbound gains a chimerical token, seal or or sigil they may
display as proof of their Oath. All beings of the Dreaming (Changelings, Chimera, etc) who see
such an item automatically understand its meaning.

Bond of Glamour: The Oathbound gains one point of Glamour for every two grades of success
allocated to this enhancement which may be spent to directly uphold their Oath. These
Glamour points refresh at sunrise if the Oathbound is Seelie, and sunset if Unseelie. Obviously
this only applies to beings with native Glamour.

Arcadian Inspiration: (Two successes) Once per month, the Oathbound may call upon their Oath
for a path, clue, or inspiration that may help to lead them toward fulfilling their Oath. The
nature of this inspiration is up to the Storyteller.

Bestowment: (Three Successes) The Oathbound gains a single Bestowment so long as they
uphold their Oath.

Vindication: (Three Successes) At the moment the Oathbound completes their Oath, they lose a
permanent Banality. No character may ever benefit from this more than a single time.

Dragon’s Ire:

Burning Thew: If targeting an item, which should be a weapon of some sort, this cantrip allows the
caster to add 1 level of lethal or chimerical damage per two Grades of Success (round up) to the
weapon’s damage. If targeting an individual, this cantrip grants 1 additional Brawny trait per grade of
success. This cantrip lasts 1 round, but the caster may spend Grades of Success to increase the duration
by one round per Grade, though doing so means those grades do not count towards the bonuses

Confounding Coils: All attacks of any kind directed against the target must be retested. The total number
of attacks which may be retested in this fashion equals Grades of Success gained in the casting. This
cantrip lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Grades of Success gained.

Dragonscales: All attacks directed against the target deal 2 fewer levels of damage unless made with
cold iron. This cantrip lasts a number of rounds equal to the grades of success gained.

Holly-Strike: This cantrip has a range of (Willpower x10 in yards) and deals damage (aggravated or
chimerical) equal to 3+the grades of success gained. Note: This level of damage represented a
substantial decrease from book damage. Games which involve higher levels of damage, such as cross-
genre interaction with werewolf were intermediate gifts can inflict 10 agg and sometimes melee
swings can do even more should instead use a formula more in line with the book: Damage is equal to
(the average Glamour and Willpower) plus Grades of Success

Tripping the Ire: The changeling gains a pool of Ire traits equal to their Grades of Success. On any given
turn, they may choose to spend an Ire trait and select aggressive challenges or defensive challenges.
They win on ties for the relevant challenges for that turn. This power may only be evoked once per
scene. Note: games with low trait limits (PCs rarely, if ever, bidding above 25) and which do not allow
ties powers should instead count the Ire traits as bonus traits to all combat challenges, which can be bid
as normal and degrade one per round they are used in.


Ensnare: The Realm determines the target to be slowed or stopped; the target moves at half their
normal speed (usually two steps per action instead of three) and gains a Clumsy negative Physical Trait
for the duration of the Cantrip, which may be bid against them normally on all Physical Challenges. This
lasts a number of rounds equal to the Grades of Success gained in the casting.

Mooch: The Realm does not describe the object in question, but rather the current owner, holder, or
container. Furthermore, the caster need not see the object in question, but must know it is present. If
an item is simply left unattended with no holder, owner or container, Mooch will not function on it. If
the item is in the possession of a character (rather than left in a bank vault), that character may make an

opposed mental challenge with the caster to notice it is missing. Otherwise, they won’t notice until they
check the vault.

Effigy: The Realm used described what the caster wishes to copy; the copy may be created anywhere
within the caster’s line of sight. Compare grades of success to the chart below to determine how long
the copy lasts before it dissolves into nothingness.

1 success: 1 turn

2 successes: 1 minute

3 successes: 10 minutes

4 successes: 1 hour

5 successes: 1 scene, which may exceed an hour in length

Gimmix: The Realm determines the target; the caster may either focus this cantrip into a single,
powerful movement or maintain a more precise control over a longer duration. In either case, the
caster used their (Legerdemain + Realm) x3 in place of Physical Traits for any challenges involved.

For a sudden, single movement, the caster controls the target for only one Action. If they use this action
to make an attack by throwing an object, the damage inflicted should be determined by the Storyteller
based on the type of object thrown (usually 1-3 bashing or lethal), and adding the grades of success
gained in casting. When using Gimmix for precision, over a more prolonged period, this cantrip stays in
effect for one turn per grade of success gained.

If used to grasp and hold, move, or attack another character, an opposed physical challenge is required,
using the trait pool outlined above. This challenge is in addition to the casting challenge, but does not
take an additional action.

Smoke and Mirrors: The Realms determine the illusion creating, but everything which is a part of the
Illusion must be covered by Realms (though, in this case, Realms other than Scene and Time used
beyond the first do not cost additional Glamour). The illusion affect the senses of sight, hearing and
smell, but have no actual physical substance and cannot be touched (or tasted). Grades of success
determine the base duration, but in the case of this particular Cantrip the caster may choose to continue
throwing challenges over successive turns, at the cost of one Glamour per additional challenge, to

continue accumulating Grades of Success on the chart below, to a maximum of five. Scene is required
for illusions larger than a room.

1 success: 1 turn

2 successes: 1 minute

3 successes: 10 minutes

4 successes: 1 hour

5 successes: 1 scene


Art Note: Many powers in this art grant bonuses based on physical transformations. Such bonuses do
not stack with each other, but differing bonuses may apply. You could become a lion for +3 traits to
attack, but could not then also be a partially transformed wolf for another +3 strength related traits.
However, you could become a lion with a turtle shell and have +3 traits to attack and +2 health levels.

Sparrows and Nightingales: This power transforms a person, creature or object into something similar
but different in some way, such as making a flounder into a tuna, a male into a female or a quarter into
a dime. The thing must generally stay the same type of thing (still a fish, still a person, etc) and must be a
realistic version of that thing (horses cannot become unicorns). The realm determines the type of things
affected. Grades of Success determine the duration as follows. The changeling may set a condition to
end this effect prematurely (ex: ‘you will once more become a man once you understand the indignities
women face’) :

1 success One scene

2 successes One day

3 successes Changeling’s Glamour in days

4 successes One month

5 successes A year and a day

Worms and Giants: This power causes you to grow or shrink. Every 2 Successes gained to shrink grant +1
bonus traits to dodge challenges (round up). Every 2 Successes gained to grow grant +1 health levels
(round up). Unlike most cantrips, this cantrip may stack (within reason, ST discretion), though only for
the purposes of size changes, not statistical bonuses. STs adjudicate other effects (a klaive shrunk to
1/16th size likely cannot be used in combat, an extra large pizza tripled in size will feed many, etc.).
Grades of Success determine the size, the effect lasts 1 scene:

1 success Shrink to 3/4th of normal size or grow to 1 ½ times normal size.

2 successes Shrink to 1/2 normal size or grow to 2 times normal size.

3 successes Shrink to 1/4th of normal size or grow to 2 ½ times normal size.

4 successes Shrink to 1/8th of normal size or grow to 3 times normal size.

5 successes Shrink to 1/16th of normal size or grow to 3 ½ times normal size.

Thousandskins: This is the art of turning people or things into animals. While the possibilities are
extensive, this gift generally grants +3 traits to a task appropriate to the form (hiding for rabbits, fighting
for lions). Forms with natural weapons inflict 1 lethal damage, or 2 lethal if 3 or more Grades of Success
are spent on severity. Fae and intelligent creatures may still speak, but only to those who can perceive
the Dreaming. Supernatural creatures generally retain their powers, but may be at a -3 trait penalty to
use certain ones, while others might not be functional at all (Dread Gazing when you’re a guinea pig just
doesn’t work as well). You may not change an unwilling target into a form which would kill them, such as
a fish on land or anything smaller than a frog. Grades of Success must be split between duration and
severity as follows:

0 successes The transformation lasts for the caster’s Glamour in turns.

1 success The transformation lasts for one scene.

2 successes The transformation lasts for one day.

3 successes The transformation lasts for the caster’s Glamour in days.

4 successes The transformation lasts for twice the caster’s Glamour in days.

5 successes The transformation lasts for thrice the caster’s Glamour in days.

Meanwhile, the more successes allocated to severity, the more extreme the possible transformation:

0 successes The target may only be transformed into a creature of roughly the same size, with no
extraordinary capabilities (such as flight, breathing underwater, poison, superhuman senses, etc.).

1 success The target may be transformed into a creature of roughly the same size, with no more than
one extraordinary gift.

2 successes The target may be transformed into a creature up to half its size, or half again its size, with
one extraordinary gift.

3 successes The target may be transformed into a creature up to one-fifth its size, or twice its size, with
one extraordinary gift, or one of similar size to itself with two exceptional capabilities.

4 successes As with three successes, but the target may either completely ignore size restrictions or may
have an unlimited number of special capabilities.

5 successes The target may be transformed into any animal the changeling desires, from a buzzing fly to
a mighty elephant.

Beastskin: This power allows for partial transformations, gaining some abilities of an animal without
sacrificing the benefits of a thing’s base form. Wings grant flight (6 steps in combat, 40 mph outside of
combat), gills would allow underwater breathing and sonar would negate darkness penalties. Protective
adaptations grant 2 bonus health levels, natural weapons inflict 2 lethal (or chimerical) damage and
various physical adaptations grant 3 traits (a falcon’s eyes for perception or a bull’s strength for strength
traits). While multiple castings may grant different features, you may not enhance a given category
more than once (you may not be both swift as a cheetah for +3 dex traits and strong as a gorilla for +3
strength traits). Swords which are envenomed or clubs with are given biting maws generally increase
damage by 1 level. Comparable negatives are also possible (a certain fairy lord did once give someone a
donkey head worth 3 Obnoxious negative traits) Other possibilities should be adjudicated by the ST. This
effect may be ended prematurely as Sparrows and Nightingales above. Grades of Success determine
duration as follows:

0 successes The caster’s Glamour in turns.

1 success One scene.

2 successes One day.

3 successes The caster’s Glamour in days.

4 successes Twice the caster’s Glamour in days.

5 successes Thrice the caster’s Glamour in days.

Chimerical Exultation: Similar to Thousandskins, save that this power allows transformation into
mythical creatures. Each Grade of Success gained grants a special power appropriate to the form. The
following guidelines cover most possibilities: A special attack (fire breath, eye rays) which deal 5 agg
with a physical challenge (but cannot be further enhanced), a set of natural weapons which deal 3 agg,
great physical attributes (+4 traits), great beauty or social abilities (+4 traits), extraordinary toughness
(+3 health levels) or Flight (6 steps in combat, 80 mph outside). Abilities which grant traits selected more
than once do not stack. Other possibilities are permitted with ST consultation, preferably outside of
combat. Players should create forms which make sense, predetermined if at all possible. In the case of
inanimate objects turned into creatures, assume the inanimate object has a base of 12 in all attributes, 3
in any relevant abilities to the new form and standard health levels and is nominally cooperative with
the caster. This power lasts for the caster’s glamour in minutes, but may be extended automatically by
spending a glamour each time the duration would end.


Between the Lines: Casting this cantrip grants the changeling the ability to understand the secrets
locked or hidden in subject described by the Realm. They automatically can understand unknown
languages or cyphers. They may also detect hidden truths, see through lies, and comprehend riddles or
interpret visions with ease. As well, they are up a number of traits on any such challenge equal to their
Grades of Success.

Nickname: This power gives the subject a moniker which reality bends to make appropriate. A
changeling might assign a British pie shop the dubious title of “The Worst Pies in London” and the
quality of their baked good may indeed decline (or at least, prove poorly suited to everyone’s tastes).
The effects of these powers are usually subtle rather than overt (you could not call someone ‘Corpse
Pete’ and expect them to die), but can be very impactful. STs should carefully adjudicate this power to
make certain the effects are meaningful, though mechanics will not typically be required. Sentient
beings cursed in such a fashion may only regain Willpower if they act sincerely and consistently in accord
with their new Nickname (it is temporarily part of their True Name, after all), which they must be
informed of for this power to function. The power has a duration based on Grades of Success according
to the following chart:

1 success One scene

2 successes One day

3 successes One week

4 successes One month

5 successes One year

Saining: This is the art of uncovering a subject’s true name. While objects are simple enough, sentient
beings are far more challenging. Typically, multiple castings are required to uncover a True Name and a
caster must accumulate Grades of Success equal to three times the target’s Willpower score over the
course of these castings. Each casting requires the target’s presence or some unique link to them (a
different link must be used for each casting). Once the target’s True Name is known, they are five traits
down to use any supernatural powers against the caster and on all challenges to resist the caster’s
magic. The ST may convey other effects as well.

Runic Imprint: The caster must know a subject’s True Name. Once she does, she may grant the subject
Attributes or take them away, up to a maximum number equal to the Grades of Success earned. No one
category may be affected more than once simultaneously by this power, nor may the caster use it on
themselves. Objects which lack attributes may be made to function better or worse in some meaningful
way. This power costs an extra Glamour beyond any and all other expenditures to use. Duration is
determined by Grades of Success per the following table:

1 success One minute

2 successes One scene

3 successes One day

4 successes One week

5 successes One month

Reweaving: This power changes the target’s true name and, thus, any number of aspects of their nature.
There are limits: the dead cannot be made to live, characters may not exceed their typical trait caps (if

the effect is permanent, that is), supernatural creatures may not be turned into other supernatural
creatures, vampirism cannot be cured and significant power cannot be generated from nothing (a fork
cannot be turned into a legendary treasure). But beyond those things, there are few other limitations: a
fish may be turned into a shark, an omelet into a chicken, lead into gold or an abandoned house into a
jewelry store. This cantrip automatically costs an extra glamour. Further, unlike most cantrips, up to five
extra glamour, instead of one, may be spent for Grades of Success, each such expenditure taking a full
turn. STs have the final say on any transformations and should disallow any which unbalance the game
or grant long term extra powers with no comparable cost. Grades of Success are split between changes
and duration per the following tables:


1 success Minor change: tastes or habits; remove or replace an addiction; change a barbershop into a
beauty salon.

2 successes Moderate change: modify interests or moods; a tiger transforms into a lion; an avid football
fan starts rooting for the other team.

3 successes Major change: inner nature. Switch Courts; rewrite a gun into a toy; transform a bank
branch into a food pantry.

4 successes Total change: change Legacies; abandon or adopt religious faith; turn a museum into a
bowling alley.

5 successes Fundamental change: the player can rewrite a character sheet (XP and creature type, clan
etc, remain the same); transform a werewolf into a puppy; turn a sword into a flower.


1 success One day

2 successes One week

3 successes One month

4 successes One year

5 successes Permanent


Dream Walk: The Realm determines the creature whose dreams the caster enters, which means it will
usually be Actor, Fae, or Nature. The first time a character casts the cantrip on a target, the caster must
be able to see the character they are targeting; after successfully casting this cantrip, the caster may
spend a point of Willpower to forge a connection which will allow this art to be used on that character
from anywhere in the future (This should be recorded on both sheets and logged with Staff). The caster
brings nothing with them when entering the dream (clothing is ok, but no item cards) and reappears
when this cantrip ends in the same spot they were in when they originally cast. The dreamer
remembers their dreams and the interaction within those dreams clearly, so this can be used to pass
messages; finally, casting all other levels of Oneiromancy require the caster first successfully cast Dream
Walk on their target, and be in their target’s dreams at the time of further magic.

Dream Craft: Dream Craft can only be used as when using Dream Walk in a target’s dreams; the Realms
used determine what the caster may shape within the target’s dreams. Using these Realms, the caster
sets Triggers which either inspire or terrify the target when they wake. If the dream was pleasant, the
target gains an additional point of Willpower from sleeping and +2 Traits to any one challenge during a
scene in which they encounter a Trigger in the waking world. If the dream was bad or frightening, the
target does not gain the normal point of Willpower from sleeping, but instead loses a point of
Willpower; furthermore, in any scene in which they encounter a trigger in the waking world, they must
bid an additional Trait on the next challenge they make. This Cantrip lasts for one day per grade of
success, which means that a target may slowly be leached of Willpower over the course of several days.

Dream Portal: Dream Portal must be used in conjunction with Dream Walk. The Realms determine what
the caster can transport through the target’s dreams, while each Grade of Success allows mass or
volume equivalent to an adult human being. When casting this Cantrip, the caster may choose to
continue making challenges to cast over successive rounds to add Grades of Success; each additional
challenge costs a point of Glamour. The Cantrip ends when the subject wakes and the targets return to
their original position, unless they were Chimera, then they remain until brought out or somehow killed
in the dream.

Manifest: Manifest must be used in conjunction with Dream Walk. The Realms determine what
transfers from the dream world into chimerical reality; by default, the transferred chimerical creature or
object will disappear when the person who dreamed it falls asleep next; if the caster wishes it to remain
for longer, they must infuse it with a point of Glamour each day. It is also possible, at the time of
casting, to make the transferred Chimera real in the Autumn World; to do so, the caster must spend a

point of Willpower, and this cantrip becomes Wyrd, with all associated costs and modifications. A
chimera brought into the waking world in this way lasts for only a scene, and this duration may not be
extended with additional Glamour. The Grades of Success determine the power level of the chimera:

1 success: No real power or intelligence, built with up to 5 chimera points, inanimate and non-sentient.

2 successes: Minor chimera, equivalent to a simple crafted item or simple chimera, built with up to 10
chimera points; may be animate, but may not be sentient.

3 successes: Advanced crafted chimera; built with up to 20 chimera points and may be both animate
and sentient.

4 successes: Complex crafted chimera, built with up to 35 chimera points.

5 successes: Master crafted chimera, built with up to 50 chimera points.

Dream Puppet: The same realm used for the initial Dream Walk must be used again for Dream Puppet;
the caster must spend a point of Willpower to cast on any target with at least human-level intelligence,
and the grades of success determine how long the caster may keep the target asleep and remain in
control of the body. The victim experiences a vague perception of what is happening around their body
as part of their dreams; once this cantrip begins, the target may attempt a Mental Challenge against the
caster (retest Kenning) to realize their dreams have been invaded. If they succeed, the target may then
attempt a single Willpower Challenge against the caster to regain control of their body, though they do
not necessarily know who the caster was.

While using Dream Puppet, the caster uses the Physical Traits of their target, but their own Social and
Mental Traits, Abilities, Arts, Glamour and Realms; they gain no access to any special abilities of the
target save those which the ST rules are intuitive. The caster may even use Dream Walk again to ‘jump’
from person to person.


Willow Whisper: The Realm determines what the caster may speak to the natural world regarding, so
when asking a rock if their mortal daughter passed by, the changeling would use Actor. The caster may
ask a single question per grade of success.

Eldritch Prime: The Realm determines where the element (air, earth, fire, water or wood) appears; if
used to attack another character, Actor or Fae is needed. This cantrip inflicts Lethal Damage equal to
the grades of success; for non-damaging effects, the extent and duration of the element’s appearance
increases with more grades of success.

Oakenshield: The Realm determines who or what gets bonus health levels and each grade of success
adds a Bruised Health Level, which last until destroyed or until the end of the scene. Multiple castings of
this cantrip are not cumulative.

Elder-Form: The Realm determines who or what is imbued with elemental essence; the grades of
success determine duration.

1 success: Caster’s Glamour in turns

2 successes: Caster’s Glamour in minutes

3 successes: Five minutes per dot of Caster’s Glamour

4 successes: 30 minutes per dot of Caster’s Glamour

5 successes: One hour per dot of Caster’s Glamour

Air: Target becomes invisible and may float through the air at 3 steps / round. If they attack a target,
they remain invisible, and the person fighting them does so using the Blindness Rules.

Earth: Target becomes visibly made of stone; reduces all incoming damage by two levels; moves at only
2 steps/round, and must bid an additional Trait to Dodge.

Fire: Target becomes sculpted of living fire; immune to fire damage, and inflict +1 Lethal Fire damage
with all brawling attacks, as well as 1 Lethal Fire damage to anyone hitting them with a Brawl attack.

Water: Target becomes slick, slippery and fluid, gaining Dextrous x1, and +2 Traits to squeeze through
tight spaces, escape from handcuffs, and the like. They may exist underwater without penalty or the
need for air.

Wood: Target becomes rooted in place and cannot be moved from where they stand by any force; they
regenerate 1 Bashing Damage per minute and 1 Lethal Damage per five minutes. They become supple
as a reed, and may call an Elder Form retest on any challenge to dodge or soak an incoming attack.

Dance of the Five Kings: The Realm determines what the elements may be commanded to do; Actor and
Fae may be employed to attack enemies, inflicting Lethal Damage equal to the grades of success gained
in casting, or to hamper an enemy, imposing a penalty to their next action equal to the grades of
success. Prop and Nature allow the elements to be shaped into fitting forms: thrones, flowers,
weapons, etc. For games using Crafts rules, the fae’s Crafts for this cantrip equals the average of their
levels of Primal and the Realm used, round up.


Kindle: If cast on an inanimate object, this causes it to be influenced as of by heat approximately as

strong as a typical oven. If cast on a person, it is distracting, inflicting a -1 trait difficulty on all challenges
and causing them to become sweaty and feverish. Cast on a person, the effect lasts a number of rounds
equal to the Grades of Success. Cast on an object, it lasts roughly a scene, though some effects are
permanent (food remains cooked, for example).

Illuminate: This is cast on an object or person which then sheds a magical light. This only extends a few
feet unless enhanced by the scene realm. Not only is the area illuminated, but any illusion, darkness or
power of invisibility of a level less than the caster’s Grades of Success is dispelled. In the case of equal
levels a simple contest of Glamour vs Willpower (no retests) is made. At the storyteller’s discretion,
changing breeds may use their rank and mages their arete as a measure of the power of their invisibility.
All attempts to lie, hide or deceive in the area are at a penalty equal to the Grades of Success gained (a
storyteller may also rule this to take the form of a comparable bonus to challenges to uncover
deception). This effect lasts one scene, though the caster may end it prematurely.

Purify: When used on objects, this cantrip removes negative traits or other impurities. When used on
individuals, it cures poisons, curses, diseases and other ill effects. At ST’s discretion, it may also remove
‘wyrm’ or other forms of taint, though it is likely not possible to remove deep seeded taint such as that
possessed by BSDs. Blood bonds and possession are also possible examples, but only with ST permission.
Grades of Success determine the strength of the effect which can be removed.

Engulf: If used offensively against a target, this power engulfs them in fire, dealing one level of
aggravated damage per turn. If used defensively, anyone touching or striking the target in melee range
suffers one level of aggravated damage, as does anyone the subject strikes with natural weapons.
Finally, if used on a weapon, the weapon inflicts an additional level of aggravated damage. Each Grade
of Success allows this power to last for 1 round.

Phoenix Song: When cast on a subject, this power lasts for one scene or until triggered. When the object
would be broken or the subject would take fatal damage or otherwise be killed, they instead are turned
into a mystical flame which cannot be extinguished or affected. Likewise, the individual is a flame and
cannot act in any way. They then return with all health levels and tempers restored after a time dictated
by the chart below. Already dead things, such as vampires, are not affected by this power. Someone
may only benefit from this power once a day.

1 success Burns for one day and then returns

2 successes Burns for one scene and then returns

3 successes Burns for one hour and then returns

4 successes Burns for one minute and then returns

5 successes Burns for one turn and then returns


Howling Gale: When casting this cantrip the changeling picks a target for one of three effects. In the
first, the winds hamper their movement, reducing it by one ‘step’ per grade of success (if reduced to less
than 1 step, the target may only move 1 step every other action, etc.). In the second, it is reversed and
enhances their move by one ‘step’ per grade of success. Finally they may cast winds outward from a
target, meaning all who approach the target suffer the reduced movement described above. The caster
may also simply whip up the winds if they nave Nature 3 or higher, increasing or decreasing wind speed
for up to 10 minutes or 10 MPH per grade of success, divided between the two (such as increasing it by
30 MPH for 20 extra minutes for 5 grades of success). At base, this cantrip lasts for the caster’s glamour
in minutes.

Electric Gremlins: When casting this cantrip, the changeling picks a target with their realm. If it is an
electronic device or computer it is rendered useless, malfunctions or is functionally destroyed (caster’s
choice). If cast on a living target, it gives the target an ‘aura’ of electric gremlins, leaving them unharmed
but causing the effects listed above to occur regarding all electronic devices within their reach within a
few feet of proximity. Supernatural technology is 5 traits up to resist this effect. The power lasts as
follows (though devices destroyed remain so).

1 success The gremlins lurk about for one scene.

2 successes The gremlins plague the target for one day.

3 successes The gremlins persist for the caster’s Glamour in days.

4 successes The gremlins last for twice the caster’s Glamour in days.

5 successes The gremlins harass their target for thrice the caster’s Glamour in days.

Hurricane Speed: Each success when casting this cantrip on an object halves its weight and doubles the
distance it moves when when propelled by some means. When cast on a person, it grants 1 Quick
physical trait per two successes (round up). It also grants +1 to initiative scores per success. Games using
Alacrity as part of their rules should instead allow the beneficiary to move on the Alacrity/Preempt
portion of the turn, using their levels in Skycraft, if needed, for initiative comparisons with levels of
Celerity (i.e., someone with Skycraft 4 would go after someone with Fleetness). This cantrip lasts for the
caster’s glamour in rounds.

Storm Shroud: The realm determines the target. Beneficiaries of this power are infused with electricity.
Anyone striking the object or person targeted by this power in melee range suffers 3 levels of bashing
damage. The caster is always immune to this effect and thus may enchant weapons or other such items
to be able to inflict this damage along with its normal damage. This power lasts a number of rounds
equal to the caster’s permanent glamour total.

Lord of Levin: This cantrip inflicts 3 levels of lethal damage plus one level per grade of success. It also
causes the subject struck to have a 2 trait penalty on all challenges until the end of the next round.


Omen: This is cast as per the book, with each greater level of detail revealed about the target requiring
one additional Grade of Success.

Seer’s Wisps: This power conjures a small ball of light which leads the way to a target, lasting for 1 hour
per point of Permanent Glamour the caster has. Realm determines the target to be found and the caster
must have some idea of who is to be found or a sympathetic link of some kind. Simply ‘lead me to the
assassin’ is not enough without the assassin’s name, an image of their face, the knife which did the deed
or the receipt for the contract killing. Higher Grades of success allow for faster, safer or more direct
travel: one might allow pursuit at walking speed, three while driving or five to keep up as quick as the
fae can move. No target may be subject to this power more than once per Story. Low banality mortals
can sometimes see the wisp.

Tattletale: This cantrip enchants a focus of some kind with the power to scry on distant places or people.
The Realm describes the subject, not the focus itself, which is usually a reflective surface. The changeling
may scry on any place she has been, as well as anyone or thing which meet the qualifications listed
above in Seer’s Wisp. Additionally, once per casting, she may use one information-gathering Art through
the Scrying. The focus may be used a number of times equal to the Grades of Success gained in the

Augury: This cantrip allows the caster to gain an important insight into a puzzle, find a way to the subject
of a quest or any other general information the storyteller wishes to allow. Realm determines target.
Each Grade of Success enhances the quality of the information. No single target or subject may be asked
after more than once per Story.

Fate Fire: This cantrip when cast either portends a great blessing or great curse. When cast as a blessing,
the caster denotes one specific event which is to come to pass during which great fortune will come to
the target. On the round the event occurs, and for one additional round per Grade of Success, the target
gains a Fate retest on any failed challenge. A curse works similarly, forcing the target to retest Fate on
any successful challenge. When targeting a sentient being, the event must come to pass within one
Story. When targeting an object, the duration is indefinite but tends to trigger on an event in which the
object is somehow used. Storytellers should feel free to allow this Cantrip to work in non-mechanical
ways as well, or to modify the effects to reasonably suit a blessing, so long as the general level of power
already allowed is not exceeded. Blessing someone that they might live through the next battle despite
all odds might allow them to ignore the first successful attack each round for rounds equal to Grades of
Success instead of gaining retests as described. Remember that ultimately the Storyteller chooses the
appropriate moment for this power to activate, not the PC.


Art Note: This power, while not unheard of among commoners, is primarily the domain of the sidhe (and
commoner nobles, to a lesser extent). STs should limit it, make it difficult or forbid it to commoner fae,
as well more esoteric beings like gallain. Using this power on someone in a greater position of social
authority in the current circumstance causes the caster to be down 1 trait. Using this power on someone
with higher Title entitles that person to spend a Willpower to ignore your cantrip and will have serious

Protocol: This causes a scene to be protected against interruption and disorder. Most will be strongly
inclined to follow the appropriate rules of decorum for the event. Anyone choosing to violate this suffers
a trait penalty to all challenges equal to the grades of success gained in the casting.

Grandeur: The subject of this cantrip becomes a figure of awe. RP directed towards them should reflect
reverence, a lack of hostility and a desire to please them. Anyone wishing to take aggressive action
against the subject must spend a point of Willpower each time they do so. Further, the subject gains a
single bonus Dignified Trait or one free social retest per Grade of Success (caster’s choice, can mix and
match). This power lasts one scene. This power cancels, and is cancelled by, Majesty and similar effects.

Guest List: The realm determined the target of the cantrip, which cannot be interacted with by others
without uttering an appropriate password set by the creator or satisfying some other special condition.
If cast on a place, the place cannot be entered, if cast on a person, the person may not be interacted
with, if cast on an object, the object may not be employed or taken and so on. Full supernaturals may
seek to overcome this prohibition by spending a Willpower trait and making a Willpower challenge
against a difficulty of 8. Success allows them to take a single action forbidden by this power, such as
entering a forbidden area. In the case of a protected place or item, only one such attempt may be made
per scene. Unless enhanced with Scene, this power protects one subject, room or portal. Grades of
Success determine the duration of the cantrip per the following table, though this cantrip becomes
permanent if maintained for a year:

1 success One hour

2 successes One scene

3 successes One day

4 successes One week

5 successes One month

Dictum: This cantrip causes the subject, animate or inanimate, to obey a straightforward command to its
spirit, described in no more than a sentence or two. Inanimate objects can only do what might be
considered in their idiom: rain could stop, a door could lock, a sword could not draw blood, but a house
could not be asked to get up and move to the next neighborhood nor could a gun be asked to do your
math homework. Individuals must carry out the command, which should not last more than a day,
though a scene is more common. If an act would cause mortal danger or seriously violate a target’s
Nature, they may make a Willpower challenge, difficulty 9, to resist it but must spend an entire turn
doing so. Supernatural creatures may delay obeying a Dictum for 1 action by spending a point of
Willpower. Killing or knocking out a caster breaks this cantrip.

Geas: This cantrip, which must be spoken allowed, demands a task or prevents an action from the
target. Inanimate targets are restricted as above in Dictum. Nearly any task or prohibition can be
created, with a few exceptions. The task must be physically possible, however unlikely or difficult:
demanding someone pick every apple in New England is acceptable, but demanding they do so in the
next 20 minutes is not. The task must also not cause them to directly attack themselves or a loved one
(such as a someone who they are blood bonded to or spouse, but not including mere friends or
tribemates). The task may certainly be lethal, however: asking someone to fall on their sword literally is
not acceptable, asking them to shoot every supernatural creature they meet with no explanation is.
When cast on a sentient being, this power also requires there to be a consequence for failure. When
casting this cantrip on a sentient being, the caster spends extra points of Glamour, Willpower or a
combination of the two to determine how potent the geas is. The following table has examples:

3 points of Willpower and/or Glamour:

A simple Geas with a minor curse (do not speak until sunrise or all of your clothes will refuse to stay on

5 points of Willpower and/or Glamour:

A moderate Geas with a significant curse (retrieve the mystic red solo cup or vomit up everything you
drink that isn’t alcoholic).

7 points of Willpower and/or Glamour:

A difficult Geas with a severe curse (Leave this city forever or everyone in it will despise you utterly).

10 points of Willpower and/or Glamour:

A daunting Geas with a powerful curse (Never fight again or lose all ability to harm others).

1 permanent point of Willpower or Glamour

A legendary Geas with a fatal (or worse) curse (Bring me the True Cross within twelve days or you will be
turned into a tree forever).


Awaken: The Realm determines the target which is given renewal; things which were sleeping, literally
or metaphorically, are restored with new vigor and life. The Grades of Success determine the effect;
one will start a broken cellphone with no battery, five will bring a vampire out of torpor.

Verdant Reclamation: The Realm determines the focus of the Cantrip, which becomes the center of an
explosive growth of plants. This foliage lasts for the scene, after which it gradually withers and dies. If
this cantrip targets a machine or object, it becomes unuseable until someone removes cuts away all of
the plants;; a living target can’t act until they win a physical challenge (retest Athletics) against the

Well of Life: The Realm determines the source of the healing; simply being in the proximity of this focus
point restores a level of Bashing, Chimerical or Lethal Damage to all characters in the scene. Touching
the focus point restores a level of Bashing, Chimerical or Lethal Damage each turn, and consuming all or
part of the focus restores all Bashing, Chimerical or Lethal Damage on the target, as well as a single level
of Aggravated Damage. Spending an extended time near this focus can heal other maladies like poisons,
corruption or sickness at the ST’s discretion (high Grades of Success can heal worse effects). The Grades
of success gained determine the duration of the cantrip:

1 success: One minute

2 successes: One hour

3 successes: One scene

4 successes: One day. Consuming the source heals up to 2 Agg.

5 successes: One week. Consuming the source heals up to 3 Agg.

Faerie Ring: The bunk for this cantrip must involve a circle of some natural (non-magical) substance that
defines the protected area; the Realm determines who or what may be protected inside. Anyone and
anything so protected inside the ring becomes invisible to those outside, and protected from hostile
magic: they gain bonus Traits equal to the grades of success gained in casting against any attempts to
detect them or target them with any sort of hostile magic. Furthermore, the grades of success
determine the strength of the curse which afflicts anyone who violates the circle; this curse lasts until
the next full moon. There is no challenge to suffer the curse; crossing is relenting, but those seeking to
cross will sense something bad will happen, though not the specifics. Guidelines for curses:

1 success: Minor curse, uncomfortable, -2 traits on all challenges.

2 successes: Significant curse. Unable to speak coherently, total loss of all levels of up to 3 Abilities.

3 successes: Severe Curse: Gain up to 4 points in Flaws or Negative traits of caster’s choosing.

4 successes: Powerful Curse: Gain up to 7 points in Flaws or Negative traits, lose all access to Abilities.

5 successes: Legendary Curse: Lose access to all supernatural powers and abilities, suffer total incurable
amnesia, lose access to all Tempers, all allies despise and want to kill you, etc.

Renewal: The Realm determines the target returned to life; the caster must spend a point of Willpower
in addition to any other costs. Each grade of success restores life for a single scene, lasting no longer
than until sunrise. This cantrip may not be cast on the same target more than once per lunar month (28
days). Because of the brief duration of this resurrection, characters so returned to life do not gain
experience, nor may they spend experience. Learning or using this power requires coordinator approval:
see the changeling character bylaws.


Flicker-flies: The Realm determines who or what the flicker-flies gather around; they provide as much
chimerical light as a torch for the rest of the scene. The caster chooses an emotion when casting this
cantrip; all those touched by the light enjoy +1 trait to all Challenges that take advantage of that
emotional resonance.

Enkindle: The realm determines the target of the cantrip; if a mechanical effect is desired by staff,
beyond the roleplaying that should accompany a heightened emotion, an appropriate negative Mental
or Social Trait may be assigned. When used on a character directly, this cantrip lasts one minute per
grade of success; if used on an object, it lasts one hour per grade of success. The effects should be

Aphrodesia: The Realm used dictates who or what becomes desirable; this Cantrip lasts for one scene,
and it affects all individuals with a Willpower equal to or lower than the Grades of Success+Realm Level.
The caster may opt to exclude individuals if they so wish, if perhaps they only wish one person to desire
them. The effects should be roleplayed properly.

Vesta’s Blessing: The realm used determines a centerpoint of the secured area; the caster must establish
some kind of shelter around this spot. The cantrip lasts either until sunrise, or until this focal point
leaves the defined space. Anyone in the space who is welcomed by the caster restores an amount of
Glamour and Willpower based on their Grades of Success, provided they stay overnight; the caster is
also aware of anyone who is not invited that approaches or enters the space. STs may allow this to also
restore Pathos, Chi, Mana, Gnosis or Quintessence if they so desire.

1 success: One point of Glamour

2 successes: One point of Willpower and one point of Glamour

3 successes: One point of Willpower and two points of Glamour

4 successes: Five points of Willpower and/or Glamour in any combination

5 successes: Completely restore all Glamour and Willpower

The Beltane Blade: The Realm determines the target of the cantrip; if it is cast successfully, it inflicts
Lethal Damage equal to the grades of successes gained in casting. If five Grades of Success are gained in
casting, the damage becomes Aggravated instead, and the target loses one Permanent point of Banality
if they are a Changeling.



The realm determines who or what is jumping. Individuals may be forced to jump or empowered on
their next jump at the caster’s will. Items move, but do so with wild inaccuracy; you may jump a car onto
a building but not a quarter into a vending machine. Individuals who hold an object being moved are
entitled to a physical challenge (retest brawl) against a difficulty equal to the cantrip’s traits to keep hold
of an item. The following table determines how far the hopscotch goes:

1 success One story straight up; 30-foot broad jump.

2 successes Two stories straight up; 60-foot broad jump.

3 successes Five stories straight up; 150-foot broad jump.

4 successes 10 stories straight up; 300-foot broad jump.

5 successes The changeling can leap as far as the eye can see,

even onto the wing of a passing plane or across

the mighty Mississippi River.


When cast on an individual this cantrip either doubles the target’s speed or grants them an extra action
on the next turn. Each doubling of speed or extra action costs one Grade of Success. If cast on an object
it either doubles speed for things such as vehicles or grants a bonus level of damage to missile weapons.
Each doubling of speed costs one extra Grade of Success and each bonus level of damage costs 2 (round
up). For balance reasons, this power may not be combined with scene. STs should feel free to limit the
number of grades of success used to grant extra actions if they find this power unbalancing (such as in
games with strong limits on rage actions).

Portal Passage: This cantrip creates a door in up to 10 feet of any material large enough for the
changeling to pass through. The Realm used determines who can open the door, if used with Actor or

Fae, or what material or object the door appears in, if used with Prop or Nature. Doors created by Prop
and Nature can be used by anyone capable of perceiving things of the Dreaming, while only the
individuals targeted at activation can use Actor or Fae doors. The door created persists for one minute
per Grade of Success. This power can also open paths into the near dreaming per page 308 of
Changeling 20th anniversary edition.

Wind Runner: This power allows flight, at the rate of 3 steps in combat per Grade of Success earned and
20 mph per Grade of Success earned. It lasts for the following duration, also determined by Grades of

1 success Changeling’s Glamour in turns.

2 successes Changeling’s Glamour in minutes.

3 successes Five minutes per dot of Glamour.

4 successes 30 minutes per dot of Glamour.

5 successes One hour per dot of Glamour.

Flickerflash: This cantrip teleports an individual to a place the caster can see, knows or possesses some
piece of. Intelligent subjects must be willing. The teleportation takes five turns minus Grades of Success
to take effect, becoming instant at 5 grades of success.


Chill: The Realm used determines the target that is cooled; the caster has precise control as to the
degree of chilling, and Staff should arbitrate the effects based on the caster’s intent. When used to
distract or slow another character, this power inflicts a Clumsy negative trait for a number of turns equal
to the Grades of Success gained.

Hardened Heart: The Realm determines the target, which then becomes unfeeling and resistant to
emotional manipulation. The target may not spend Willpower for the duration of the cantrip; this
cantrip may be used to resist obeying a command from powers such as Dictum, or to cancel emotion
affecting powers such as Dread Gaze, but should not generally be permitted to cancel powers of above
Intermediate level. The grades of success determine the duration:

1 success: One turn

2 successes: One minute

3 successes: One hour

4 successes: One scene

5 successes: One day

Terror of the Long Night: The Realm determines the target, which feels profound fear; the target must
spend a point of Willpower each time they wish to take any action other than run, hide, or cower, for
the rest of the scene. Supernatural creatures may instead resist this Cantrip by spending one Willpower
and winning a Willpower challenge against the level of the caster’s Winter + Grades of Success scored in

Sculpt: The Realm determines what is sculpted by the cantrip; creating a weapon or armor requires
Prop, for instance. The caster may create and form ice anywhere within their line of sight; once the
cantrip is cast, the ice begins to form at the rate of one cubic foot per turn. The caster need not
continue to concentrate during this process, but it may take some time for particularly large sculptures
to be completed. Objects created in this way are never animate; the Grades of Success determine how
long the sculpture lasts for.

1 success: One turn

2 successes: One minute

3 successes: One hour

4 successes: One scene

5 successes: One day

Stasis: The Realm determines the target; supernatural targets may attempt to resist this cantrip by
spending a point of Willpower and defeating the caster in a physical challenge (retest Survival). Once
the Stasis is in place, however, the affected character cannot act, cannot think, use powers, does not
suffer damage, and becomes completely inert. It is possible for supernatural powers or magic to thaw
the magical frost, but no mundane heat or force will break it. Attempting to undo the cantrip with

another supernatural power requires a static challenge (appropriate to the power being used) against a
difficulty of (grades of success x5). The grades of success determines the duration of this cantrip.

1 success: One scene

2 successes: One day

3 successes: One week

4 successes: One month

5 successes: One year


Changeling magic is unique in that each cantrip must be accompanied by a Realm. Realms determine
what the target of the Cantrip is to be. There are two realms, Time and Scene, which do not select
targets but instead add additional area or duration of effect. If a fae wishes to affect a target they do not
know the Realm for, they may spend an additional Glamour to do so. However, this only allows them to
use the Realm in question, it does not provide bonuses to the challenge to cast the Cantrip in the way
actually knowing the Realm does. The Realms are as follows. For more detailed descriptions, see C20:

Actor: This realm covers humans as well as supernatural and semi-supernatural beings not listed in
other Realms (ghouls, garou, mummies, etc). The level is based on the individual’s relationship to the
caster of the Cantrip.

True Friend: A close confidant or ally. You buy them gifts on their birthday.

Personal Contact: A well known individual, but not a close friend. You’d get drinks with them.

Familiar Face: Someone whose name you’ve heard but can’t remember. You recognize them from

Dire Enemy: A person you are presently or generally in opposition too. They wouldn’t like what you’re
up to.

Complete Stranger: Someone you’ve never met before, but who you can still specify/identify. The guy in
the yellow jacket over there is fine, the person who didn’t flush isn’t.

Fae: This covers things of the Dreaming world.

Hearty Commoner: Any non-titled changeling

Lofty Noble: Any titled changeling.

Manifold Chimera: Any chimerical creature or object.

Elusive Gallain: Other creatures of the Dreaming which are not chimera or changelings, including
inanime, dauntain, nunnehi, hisen, thallain and others. This also includes bodiless supernaturals such as
wraiths and spirits.

Dweomer of Glamour: Treasures, Arts, Glamour, Dross, Freeholds and anything else of pure or great
magic of the Dreaming. In games with heavily mixed genres, STs may allow this to also affect
comparable magics of other genres, such as Sphere effects, Moonbridges or Fetishes.

Nature: This covers things of the natural world.

Base Element: Any of the four classic elements.

Raw Material: Any non-living organic material which has been unworked or minimally worked.

Verdant Forest: Plants of all sorts.

Feral Animal: Animals of all sorts.

Natural Phenomenon: All other natural occurrences or things such as sunlight, earthquakes and


Ornate Garb: Clothing, tattoos and other body coverings or decorations.

Crafted Tool: A manufactured object which has no moving parts.

Mechanical Device: A manufactured object with moving parts that does not require a power source.

Complex Machine: A manufactured object with a power source, so long as its functionality is relatively
easy to understand.

Arcane Artifact: Truly wondrous objects of very modern or even futuristic design such as computers or
MRI machines. Actual magical items are covered with the Fae realm.

Scene: Scene is a modifier realm and allows a cantrip to affect a number of individuals at once.
However, each type of target must be defined by other Realms. Scene Cantrips require a successful test
against all targets. Remember that each Realm beyond the first inflicts a -1 penalty to the challenge and
costs an extra Glamour. Scene is among the most powerful differences between changelings and other
supernaturals and STs wishing to control such impact may limit the number of targets to one per level of

Chamber: All within a discrete enclosed area, such as a room or the inside of a car.

Cottage: All within a small contiguous building like a house.

Lonely Lane: All within a road or pathway and everything adjacent to it as far as the eye can see.

Glen: All within in an easily defined outdoor area such as a city park.

Castle: All within a large building or structure.

Time: As with Scene, Time is a modifier realm which allows a cantrip to last for longer or go off later.
Time is always an additional Realm and inflicts a -1 trait penalty and costs an extra Glamour. Time, in
particular the Fateful Trigger level, can be very powerful. STs who wish to control such an impact are
advised to limit the number of hung Cantrips to one per level of the Time realm and require they be
recast each month.

Three-Fold: The duration of a Cantrip is tripled.

Suspended Sands: The Cantrip will activate at a specific time set by the caster, up to a year and a day in
the future.

Fateful Trigger: This allows the caster to ‘hang’ a Cantrip, specifying conditions under which it will be
triggered. The caster must include any needed Realms in the original casting, not when it is triggered.
The caster may not have the same cantrip hung more than once, though see Bright Echoes below.

Bright Echoes: This causes the cantrip to repeat once its duration is completed, using the same Realms
and targets. This second casting requires a new challenge and is always treated as having only a single
Grade of Success.

Glorious Renewal: This causes a Cantrip to be recast at every instance of a particularly significant event,
such as on the equinox or on someone’s birthday. This should occur no more often than once per


Willpower: Changeling WP functions much like it does for any other supernatural. It can be spend to
retest a defensive social or mental challenge, use an Ability one does not have any dots in, ignore wound
penalties for one round or to refresh one category of traits. As well, certain uses of power require a
Willpower, such as calling on the Wyrd. Changelings regain a point of Willpower by fulfilling their Legacy
or by getting a good night’s sleep.

Glamour: Glamour is spent in a variety of ways, chiefly in the casting of Cantrips, evoking the Wyrd,
Unleashing and Enchanting mortals. Glamour is regained through a variety of means, including spending
time in a freehold and undergoing Epiphany with a Dreamer. See C20 260-264 for more details on
Epiphanies. A point of Glamour is also gained when an Imbalance is gained. Finally, there is a form of
crystalized Glamour called Dross which exists throughout the world in items of wonder such as beautiful
natural objects, rare collectable cards, precious teddy bears and well-loved cast iron pans which
grandmothers use to make pancakes every Sunday.

Banality: Banality is the opposition to all dreams and all things chimerical. It is a bane to changelings, but
also protects against their magic. Higher banality individuals, both changeling and not, are harder to
impact with Arts. Changelings can gain temporary banality in a variety of ways, from being struck by cold
iron, to having to do their taxes to being told someone doesn’t believe in love, if the ST feels such is
appropriate. Finally, whenever a changeling is exposed to one of their Banality Triggers, or one of the
universal Banality Triggers, they gain a temporary point of Banality if they cannot win a Glamour
challenge against 8 traits. Each 10 points of temporary Banality gained becomes a point of permanent
Banality. One point of Temporary Banality may be removed by choosing to do so instead of gaining a
Glamour. For information on removing permanent Banality, see Quests in C20. If a changeling ever
reaches 10 permanent Banality, they forget themselves and are no longer changelings.

Invoking the Autumn: A special use of Banality, a changeling may seek to Invoke the Autumn. They
spend a Willpower and, for one turn, their eyes close to the Dreaming world. They become immune to
all Chimerical effects and ignore all Chimera and Chimerical damage. This then acts as a Banality Trigger
(see above).

Nightmare and Imbalance: Nightmare represents the opposite of Banality in many ways, as it is the
intrusion of wild uncontrolled dreamstuffs and madness into the changeling. Whenever a changeling
unsuccessfully casts a Cantrip, they may opt to take a point of Nightmare to retest it (one of the only

ways to do so). Changelings can also gain Nightmare through Unleashings and at other points if the ST
wishes to assign it. When her Nightmare rating reaches 10, it is immediately reduced to 0 and one of her
points of Willpower becomes Imbalanced. STs may choose whether they wish this to be a fae’s first
point of Willpower or not, depending on how much the chronicle wishes to deal with Bedlam. Whenever
the fae spends a point of Imbalanced Willpower, she immediately suffers a Bedlam Trigger for a number
of scenes equal to the number of Imbalanced Willpower she has. Examples of Bedlam triggers are
presented on 294-295 of C20. Many do not require translation. Most others involve a penalty to certain
Attribute categories: these should be simulated by putting the changeling down 1 trait on appropriate
challenges per Imbalanced Willpower. Should all of a changeling’s Willpower traits become Imbalanced,
they go permanently mad and slip off into the Dreaming at best and become walking manifestations of
uncontrolled energy at worst.

Changelings can remove an Imbalance (but not Nightmare) by forgoing all Glamour earned during an
Epiphany. Because many games will handle Epiphany off-screen as a part of routine temper
management, it is recommended that a Changeling be allowed to forgo half of their starting Glamour for
a given session, round up, to remove a single Imbalance. STs who feel that Nightmare and Bedlam are
not posing enough of a concern in their games might require a challenge to remove Imbalances or
perhaps limit how often they can be removed.

Health Levels: Changelings have 7 health levels, just like all other MET characters. However, they have
an additional set of health levels and an additional type of damage called Chimerical. This represents
harm from purely Dreaming based weapons or attacks, which banal people would call ‘imaginary’.
Chimerical health levels work exactly like real health levels and have all the same impacts on the fae. To
determine wound penalties, take the worse penalty of their chimerical health levels and their physical
health levels and apply it. If a fae is killed with Chimerical damage, she suffers the effects of the Mists as
if she had no Glamour. She will return to her fae self after a period of time corresponding to her banality
rating on the following chart. STs may increase this time if she is not exposed to a good source of
Glamour, such as her Dreamers or a Freehold:

0 One Minute
1 One Hour
2 Six Hours
3 12 Hours
4 One Day
5 Three Days
6 One Week
7 Two Weeks

8 One Month
9 Four Months
10 N/A

Changelings die normally if killed by lethal damage, their fae souls reincarnating into their next life or
returning to the Dreaming. Fae take Aggravated damage from cold (wrought) iron. Should a fae die to
the wrath of cold iron, her fairy soul is destroyed and does not reincarnate.


This section does not contain direct translations from C20, but instead includes helpful suggestions,
miscellaneous mechanics and other elements.

Treasures: Treasures represent among the most difficult elements of changeling to properly balance, as
the power of magic items varies considerably from game to game. STs should first and foremost
compare Treasures to other magic items in their area and make certain the abilities are not unbalancing.

At their base, treasures should be designed based on levels of an Art (or multiple lower level arts) equal
to their level. While the Art does not require realms, its Grades of Success should be determined ahead
of time. The Art can, of course, be modified to fit with the treasure’s theme, however, any major
improvements in the Art should be taken into account by either meaningful limitations or by lowering
the total level of Arts an item may have. Some treasures may require an activation challenge (a Glamour
challenge by the user against a fixed difficulty of twice the Treasure’s level) or might require a Glamour
cost. Treasures may store up to 10 Glamour, but this Glamour may only be used to activate its powers,
unless storing magic is the main power of the Treasure.

STs should be cautious in what powers they allow a Treasure to have: simply allowing a copy of
Thousandskins in the form of a magic ring whole cloth means a changeling is paying 3 XP for a power
that costs 6 XP and requires other purchases to use properly. However, a ring that turns the user into a
wolf for a scene by spending one of the ring’s stored glamour is far more reasonable for a level 3
treasure. Likewise, a magic sword which always burns with fire and always deals two additional damage
with no downsides is more than a level 1 Treasure, even though Burning Thew can accomplish this for a
short period with a high number of Grades of Success. Such a sword should also not be able to then also
benefit again (‘stack’) with the Art it is based on!

Items may possess powers based on the stories around them rather than, or in addition to, powers
based on levels of Arts. Consulting other sources, such as Werewolf Fetishes, for ideas, though not
carbon-copy mechanics, may be of use. Either way, these should be taken into account when
determining the level of the treasure.

It is very flavourful to impose disadvantages or limitations on a Treasure. Doing so might serve as a good
balance to enhancing an Art in the weapon or allowing it to be used more freely. Any disadvantage
should be meaningful: saying a sword works only in the hands of trolls isn’t much of a limitation if a troll
PC owns it. Similarly even a disadvantage such as ‘only works at night’ might be thematic, but if the
power is ‘deals agg to vampires’, that isn’t really much of a limit. However, genuine limitations, such as
an ice sword which puts the bearer down 3 traits on social challenges while he owns it or a crown which
forces its owner to always tell the truth could very well allow an item to have extra or enhanced powers.

Example Treasure Creation: The player of a sidhe knight wishes to design a powerful magical spear for
their character to use. They purchase Treasure 5 and sit down with their ST to design the item. First the
spear should always return to the wielder when thrown: this is simple enough. The treasure is assigned
Hopscotch (Wayfare 1), with the reasonable limitations that it only targets the spear and only to return
it to the thrower’s hand. This is far more narrow than the typical applications of Hopscotch, so the ST
and player agree this power is always on and requires no expenditures or chops. The player also wishes
for the spear to do extra damage: two levels if he can manage it, as it blazes with bright white light.
While this is within the power of Burning Thew (Dragon’s Ire 1), it would be very short lasting if cast as a
cantrip and would require 4 grades of success. The ST decides to allow it but at a steep cost: each round
the power is active, it costs a Glamour (though this can come from the Glamour that can be stored in the
spear). Finally, he wishes spear to pass through the defenses of his enemies. While certain applications
of Portal Passage (Wayfare 3) might allow this, simply allowing a weapon to always strike true would be
potent indeed. After some discussion, the ST and the PC agree that a follow up challenge may be
allowed on every successful hit: On a win, the damage from the spear ignores magical defenses. On a
tie, the spear ignores mundane armor. On a loss no benefit is gained. Finally, as this weapon has been
used by fae heroes to battle evil across several lifetimes, it is determined that it should be able to deal
aggravated damage to ‘evil’ foes: typically defined as thalain, nightmares, wyrm-tainted things and many

The ST and PC look back and feel the weapon is quite powerful, though it’s total levels of arts total 5. It
returns to its users hand, deals aggravated wounds against many foes, deals extra damage (if sufficient
glamour is spent) and can bypass significant defenses. They decide that, even at level 5, the spear should
have an additional limitation. Given its theme of purity, they decide that it dislikes it when the owner
lies: every time he tells a lie, one of the spear’s powers ceases to function for a month. Finally and most
importantly, the ST evaluates if this spear fits with the power level of their game/region. As their game
operates on a mid-to-high power level, with bonus damage on weapons being relatively common, they
decide it is alright for their game. Now, the PC says, about my magic armor….

Counterweaving (Just say no):

Counterweaving, or the ability of changelings to negate arts, has appeared in previous editions but was
not updated for C20. If STs wish to continue using this feature, they may run it as follows. In order to
counterweave, a changeling must have an action ready and must ‘hold’ their action. They may then
directly counterweave a cantrip which they themselves know by making a contest against the caster of
Realm + Art plus Grades of Success (ties to the original caster). Success disrupts the cantrip but gives the
caster a temporary Banality.

Changelings may also use more brute force methods if they do not know the appropriate art. Using Fae
5 they may attack the cantrip directly with magic such as Hollystrike. Though able to counter any
cantrip, this form is less effective: the person attempting to counterweave in this way must make *two*
challenges: one successful casting of the attacking cantrip and then a Counterweave challenge as above,
using their attacking Art + Realm.

This method is primarily for countering Cantrips being cast or ones with very short durations: long
lasting Cantrips like Guest List or Fairy Ring should be much harder to counter and only one attempt
should be possible per lunar cycle.

Crossover Mechanical Concerns (Changelings are OP!):

Changeling is a challenging genre for crossover mechanics principally because changelings are so well
adapted to using their powers to benefit others. While a werewolf gift or a vampire discipline will rarely
benefit anyone other than the person who bought it, a changeling with the right realms can give
everything from bonus traits, to bonus damage to extra actions to flight (the list goes on) to their allies.
The other major difference is that they can do so to not one ally, but potentially all allies. Thus, it is
entirely possible for a changeling to grant all the werewolves in a 30 person mass combat 5 extra
actions: Very few powers can match what 150 extra werewolf actions can do. This is particularly true at
large special event games, where crossover is most common.

The Scene realm is, perhaps, the largest culprit here. It allows a changeling to spend an extra Glamour to
affect large swaths of people. While this is potent for offensive actions, it allows each of their ‘buff’
powers to affect large numbers of characters, which can be very unbalancing. Further, Unleashing,
which allows a broad variety of effects and careful adjudication (comparable to Dynamic Magic used by
Mages), can be very difficult for an ST unfamiliar with changeling to run (and prone to abuse by PCs who
are less scrupulous).

With crossover games (event games in particular in mind), this packet offers the following potential sets
of limitations to be imposed on changelings in these situations. It is recommended to use at least the
modest or moderate controls, and changelings will still have considerable power even if using the
Restrictive guidelines:


Changelings may not use Scene when affecting non-changelings with the following cantrips: Tripping the
Ire, Quicksilver, Dragonscales, Phoenix Song and Elderform.

Changelings using Scene to cast beneficial effects may only affect one extra target per level of Scene.

Changelings may only hang a number of cantrips with Time equal to twice their level of Time.


Changelings may not cast the following cantrips on non-changelings: Tripping the Ire, Quicksilver,
Dragonscales, Phoenix Song and Elderform.

Changelings may not use Scene when affecting non-changelings with enduring beneficial effects.

Scene may only affect a number of additional targets equal to the changeling’s level in Scene
(exceptions may be made for ‘mooks’).

Changelings may only hang a number of cantrips with Time equal to their level of Time.

Changelings may not use Unleashing inside of combat.


Changelings may not use enduring beneficial powers on targets other than themselves. This includes
everything from Quicksilver to all levels of Dragon’s Ire other than Hollystrike and several other arts.

Changelings may not use the Scene realm or the Time Realm.

Changelings may not use Unleashing (if a game doesn’t allow Dynamic Magic, this is reasonable).

Other Cross Genre Elements:

Treasures: It is advised that other genres not be able to employ changeling magic items in any way.

Mages: Mages and Changelings may Counterweave each other’s effects. In both cases, the individual
must have an action held and sufficient Lore (Fairy or Mage Lore 3). Mages must spend a point of
Willpower to attempt to Counterweave an Art, and must have an appropriate Sphere (ST call), where as
a changeling must gain a point of Banality and have an appropriate Art (ST call). In either case the Art or
Sphere must be possessed at a level of at least 1 lower than the caster’s Art or Sphere to work. A
challenge is then made of Arete x2 vs Glamour. Ties go to the person casting the effect. This is primarily
designed to work on instantaneous effects; enduring powers such as Guest List or Fairy Ring should be
much harder to counter, and should only allow for one attempt per lunar cycle. Chimera may be
influenced by uses of the Spirit Sphere, but all such attempts should be at a considerable penalty due to
the considerable differences involved.

Changing Breeds: Theurges (or their fera equivalents) with extensive knowledge of the fae (Fairy Lore
x4) may attempt to employ some of their Gifts to influence Chimera at the ST’s discretion. Command
Spirit, Spirit Ward and Exorcism may all be used, but are at a -5 trait penalty. The garou must also be
Enchanted or the Chimera have been made Wyrd. Changelings generally come up to Sense Wyld, though
highly Unseelie changelings may smell somewhat of the Wyrm.

Vampires: Vampires are highly banal creatures and do not mix well with changelings. Ghouled
changelings suffer a point of temporary banality per day they are ghouled, with a minimum of one
Permanent banality earned a month. None of these may be removed until the changeling is free from
the ghouling. Further, vampires should have minimum ability to benefit from changeling abilities.
Changeling blood causes vivid hallucinations for vampires.

Traveling to the Dreaming: There is no written ability in changeling for non-changelings to travel to the
Dreaming. While it may, in theory, be possible, it should be very dangerous unless the individual has
undergone the Ritual of Parted Mists, and the Mists would be sure to wipe all memory of it. Certainly
such should require the aid of the fae, but is not recommended in any case: the Dreaming is a realm for

Traveling to the Umbra: Changelings should not generally be able to travel to the Umbra alone.
However, as many other genres are capable of doing so, not just Changing Breeds, it may be possible for
determined changelings. If (and only if) an ST wishes to allow it, a changeling must have knowledge of
Fae 5, Nature 5 and Wayfare 3 and make a successful casting against the Gauntlet x2.

House Rules:

Like all other genres, changeling can benefit from house rules to suit a local game’s personal needs.
Some common suggestions are as follows:

Damage Caps: As presented, changelings are able to inflict quite high levels of damage, both with direct
arts and with enhanced physical attacks. If your game typically sees damage from attacks closer to 3-5,
several powers will require toning down. Samples could include limiting cantrips to inflicting no more
than 5 or 7 levels of damage and/or limiting bonus damage from cantrips to not stack with other bonus
damage from cantrips (or perhaps only allowing a few such powers to stack).

Traits: With enough Glamour, XP and preparation, it is possible for changelings to bid traits in the mid
30s or even higher depending on other house rules. This is often limiting because of how expensive it is
in Glamour, but STs could consider limiting how many effects can stack.

Hung Effects: One of the more potent abilities changelings have is the ability to ‘power up’ large cantrips
with high Grades of Success and then hang them with Time 3 to cast at their leisure, likely without an
action. These triggers can even be set to reactive conditions, such as using Oakenshield ‘if anyone
attacks me’. STs should consider limiting the number of cantrips which can be hung in this fashion: it is
recommended no more than the changeling’s level in the Time realm may be hung.

Scene: While one of the most iconic abilities of changelings is their ability to use their arts on large
groups of people, it is also one of the most powerful. STs wishing to limit this power may restrict
changelings to only being able to target one extra individual per level of Scene.

More Glamour!: Some STs, wishing to run high-magic games, may find that their PCs run out of Glamour
very quickly, which can be quite disappointing. Some of this can be solved with Dross (see below), but
STs may also wish to use other methods. One possible method, which will also encourage role play, is to
allow Revelry (pg 263) to be performed once per Session rather than once per Story.

Realm Creativity or “How I Learned to Portal Passage Through Aegis”:

The most complicated part of adjudicating changeling mechanics can also be the most rewarding one for
players: creative use of Realms. Can a player use Hopscotch and Fae 5, a cantrip which allows for
‘jumping’ to have a casting of Oakenshield ‘jump’ from their enemy onto them? What about the same
thing for a use of Luna’s Armor? The answer to that is complicated (and Mooch would be a better idea
anyway). Certainly it is a creative idea, but it also poses serious balance concerns as ‘stealing’ buffs from
other characters is a very powerful effect (equal to an advanced gift). This is but one example of many.
Other gems include what happens if you make a computer fall in love with you, or can you use
Hollystrike to attack the Shroud, or can you turn the Lure of Flames fires Engulfing you into a fish? All of
these effects are certainly possible, with certain interpretations of mechanics, but they are by no means

the strictest interpretations. Ultimately, however, STs are encouraged to only allow what they feel
comfortable with: those without backgrounds in Changeling should require their players to stick to only
the most obvious and rigid uses of Arts, while STs more comfortable with changeling should be a bit
freer. In either case, however, STs shouldn’t worry too much about ruling one way in a given scene and
changing their ruling on a ‘creative’ realm use in another: the Dreaming being fickle is entirely in genre.
Always keep in mind game balance and give more leeway to fun creative solutions for story rather than
fun creative new ways to kill people. As an additional guideline, however, if a Cantrip which doesn’t
typically is used to cause harm, a good guideline is for it to deal Grades of Success in damage levels.

Temper Management:

Changelings vary considerably in power depending on how much Glamour they have access to. While 15
points is not uncommon (many changelings will likely buy Glamour 10 and have 5 Dreamers), much
higher totals are possible with high amounts of Dross or Treasures which store Glamour. Dross is
crystallized Glamour, which can be easily used just like Tass, Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion beads or
Spirit’s Brew. How much Dross is reasonable for a changeling to have? That will depend strongly on your
game. If your game has a typical adren garou who has 7 rage and 7 gnosis, but also has access to a spirit
familiar (5 more), a heart of the spirit (9 more) and perhaps some spirit brews, that means he already
has access to some 30+ levels of tempers. If Silver Claws are run by the book in your chronicle, the
werewolf may have nigh-infinite rage. In a vampire game, access to large stores of Principal Focus of
Vitae Infusion beads, health influence, herd, the Ritae Blood Feast or even just a lack of ethical qualms in
getting new blood common to Sabbat vampires could readily result in access to 40+ blood per game.
Mage periapts can hold as many as 50 stored Quintessence. If these are things you would allow in your
game, having changelings carry 30+ Dross should not be seen as unreasonable. However, if tempers are
rarer in your game, modify your allowable amount accordingly. Keep in mind that for many changelings
(for whom Ravaging is unacceptable) ‘refilling’ Glamour in-game is not realistic due to the time involved.

Throwbacks to First Edition:

Where did xyz art or cantrip go?! Well, C20 represents a new slate of powers for changeling, with many
new and exciting opportunities. Some powers (like Kryos and Aphrodisia) were changed and merged
into other powers, while others were removed. For the most part, STs are strongly discouraged from
trying to bring old powers to be used in combination with new powers. This is an updated system and,
while it requires some adaptation, it is overall much better thought out and realized than the old one.

There are, however, a few specific powers left out without much in the way of similar replacements.
Specifically, Infusion, Talecraft and Spirit Link, as well as some Shadow Court and Dauntain Arts, are the
biggest Arts which nothing comparable has been written for. STs wishing to continue to use these arts
may, replacing the casting system as appropriate and replacing all instances of a power being limited by
bunk traits to being instead limited with “Grades of Success”.

Future Plans:

Nunnehi, inanime, hisen, denizens, the new kiths and other elements from the C20 book will be
published in a companion packet sometime within 6 months to 1 year of this packet. Merits and Flaws
will also be translated at this time, though the vast majority of them already have translations from the
previous mechanics packet, which can be found on the OWbN website.

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