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Using The Adkar Model As A Structured Approach For Change Management

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 1


Applications of ADKAR Research Study

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 2


Introduction 3

Using ADKAR as a Structured Approach for

Change Management 4

Why Participants Used ADKAR as

a Structured Approach to Change
Management 5

How Participants Used ADKAR as a

Structured Approach 6

The Impact of Using ADKAR as a Structured

Approach to Change Management 8

Impacts on Communciations, Resistance and

Go-Live 11

Conclusion 16

Success Story: Canadian Bank Embraces a

Structured Approach to Change 17

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 3


A structured approach to managing change contributes to a smoother transition and enables

higher adoption and usage amongst impacted groups. Organizations of all sizes across industries
have adopted change management because they want to succeed at changes more efficiently and
reliably. These organizations look for ways to instill a formalized, reliable and repeatable process
to change management.

Many organizations use the Prosci ADKAR® 97% OF PARTICIPANTS SAID

Model (ADKAR) to support, supplement and THAT ADKAR WAS EITHER
reinforce their structured change management SOMEWHAT OR EXTREMELY
approach. ADKAR’s ease of use, scalability and EFFECTIVE AS A STRUCTURED
simple language make it a model that can be
quickly deployed throughout an organization.
ADKAR provides a means of understanding and
talking about the change process in a way each
individual in an organization understands.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 4


Over three-fourths of study participants Effectiveness of the ADKAR Model as a
reported they used ADKAR as a structured Structured Approach to Change Management
approach to change management, and 3%
nearly all of these participants said that Extremely effective
ADKAR was effective for this particular use.
Somewhat effective
Neither effective nor

Percent of Study Respondents Who Used ADKAR as a structured change management approach

Leverage a structured approach and methodology 78%

Facilitate individual change 45%

Measure change outcomes 31%

Create a common language for change 35%

Integrate with project management 34%

Empower managers 32%

Adopt the ADKAR model 31%

Equip senior leaders 25%

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 5


Those participants who were involved in selecting ADKAR as a structured approach to change
management revealed three primary reasons for its selection:

1 ADKAR is simple and easy to use

ADKAR was seen as capturing the most basic

and yet critically important concepts necessary [ADKAR] aligns with individual
to help participants manage change effectively. change and transition and
Participants stressed the small amount of time
provides authentic ways of
needed to learn the fundamentals and become
supporting people.
proficient in using the model.

2 ADKAR focuses on user adoption

The model’s focus on driving project outcomes

and enabling successful adoption and usage of
solutions made ADKAR the obvious choice and
easier to sell to the organization. Participants were
looking for a model that goes beyond theory and
provides actionable steps and clear, measurable
outcomes to increasing adoption and usage on a

3 ADKAR has a strong reputation.

ADKAR has a strong reputation for being

simple, easy to use and impactful in the change
management industry. Organizations were able
to see ADKAR successfully deployed in a variety
of industries and regions; which in turn made
leaders feel confident they would be able to
deploy it in their organization.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 6



In addition to asking participants why they selected ADKAR as their structured approach to
change management, this study also explored what steps participants took to begin using ADKAR
as their structured approach to change management.

Informed and intentional planning

to integrate ADKAR as a structured

Participants reported spending a large amount

of time planning exactly how ADKAR would
come to life as a structured approach to
change management in their organization. The
majority of participants planned to use ADKAR
behind the scenes to ensure that each change
management activity was driving individual
transitions. In this way, ADKAR was used mostly
by change managers and rarely encountered
by front-end employees. Some participants
used the model as a guide for their overall
approach, moving through each of the ADKAR
phases on each change management project.
Other participants planned to use the model to
specifically structure their change management

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 7

Integrating ADKAR into the project


Participants aligned and integrated ADKAR

into their project management plans. This
integration often included laying out the ADKAR
phases across a project timeline and ensuring
the project plan addressed each phase before it
moved on to another.

Educating the organization on


Participants focused on educating the

organization on ADKAR. While the methods of
education differed, participants stressed the
importance of a concerted education program
with multiple parts and ways to engage and
learn about ADKAR.

Iterative assessements

Participants reported consistently evaluating

their organization’s uses of ADKAR. This was
different than assessing the organization
against ADKAR phases, as this focused
specifically on the use of ADKAR by different
groups and departments. Participants would
use the data from these assessments to
evaluate if more training or education on
ADKAR was needed.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 8



Participants were asked to reflect on and identify the impacts that they had seen in their
organization when ADKAR was used as a structured approach to change management.
Participants reported on broad impacts and project-specific impacts.

Broad Impacts:

1 More effective and efficient planning

The most frequently experienced impact was an

increase in the effectiveness of project planning.
By leveraging ADKAR, participants reported they Deployment packages are
were able to identify where individual users more consistent with higher
were in their change journey. This enabled quality.
participants to cater their plans and activities to
address where individuals and groups were in
their transition.

2 Increased organizational change


Participants who reported using ADKAR on multiple

projects throughout their organization also
reported seeing an increased capacity for change
and a higher level of change management maturity
through every level of their organization. Specific
examples included: the development of a common
language for talking about change, the ability to use
ADKAR to help customize plans, and the collection
of ADKAR data via assessments and surveys being
used to influence change management activities.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 9

3 More effective progress tracking

ADKAR allowed participants to track project

adoption and usage and monitor individual
transitions more effectively. Participants reported
having a variety of tools and procedures for
tracking the technical aspects of a project or
measuring a project against a budget and
timeline, but they lacked a tool for measuring
individual adoption and usage. ADKAR allowed
participants to track the people-side outcomes on
projects in a meaningful and actionable way.

Project Impacts:

1 Increased consistency on project WHEN ASKED HOW

Participants reported an increase in project MADE FEWER MISTAKES.”
delivery consistency when ADKAR was used as
a structured change management approach.
ADKAR acted as a ‘binding’ methodology that
could be used to encourage projects to hit
specific milestones and implement specific
activities that positively impacted the people
side of a project. Since projects had a consistent
approach to address the people side change, the
internal project-to-project consistency increased.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 10

2 Provided a way of talking about change

Participants consistently used ADKAR language

to talk about change in any context. ADKAR was
used as common terminology to enable everyone
to speak the same vocabulary. This was seen
as a major benefit when organizing change
management activities to aid individual and
group transitions through a change. This allowed
participants to easily engage with and talk about
change across a variety of projects.

3 Integrated with project management

Participants reported that technical aspects of

ADKAR were easily integrated with the project
management approach. The ease of integration
allowed participants to embed ADKAR on each
project in their organization, ensuring that each
project addressed change management concerns.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 11

Participants also identified the impact of using ADKAR as a structured change management
approach on communication, resistance management and go-live.

Percent who used ADKAR to structure their communication

Over three-fourths of participants used ADKAR to structure their communication efforts.

Percent who used ADKAR to structure their communication




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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 12

Successful practices using ADKAR to structure communication

Participants used ADKAR to structure communication in the following ways:

1 To identify stakeholders

A large majority of participants reported they

used ADKAR to identify the stakeholders for Communication throughout
targeted communication. Some participants the project and not just during
used ADKAR to identify broad stakeholder
groups while others used ADKAR to differentiate
select times. It also helped to
between audiences within stakeholder groups. identify times when follow-up
Once stakeholders were identified, participants or reinforcement of messages
were able to focus their communication to would be needed.
address each group, leading to more effective

2 To craft goal-oriented communication

Participants reported using ADKAR to ensure

that every communication had a clearly defined
goal related to each ADKAR phase. Participants
reported deciding up front what the goal of
specific communications would be and drafting
communication in a way that met or progressed
towards that goal. Participants felt this allowed
them to be more proactive in managing the

3 To focus on awareness and desire

Participants reported using ADKAR to craft more

communications that focused on awareness
and desire. Participants felt these parts of the
model were often the most neglected and were
having the greatest impact on their change
initiative. Participants felt ADKAR allowed them to
focus on both awareness and desire messaging
in their communication and enabled them to
demonstrate to others that these areas needed
additional emphasis.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 13

Using ADKAR to identify the root cause of resistance

More than two-thirds of participants reported using ADKAR to identify the root cause of resistance.
Of those who used ADKAR to identify the root cause of resistance, 90% reported that it was
effective or very effective for this purpose.

Used ADKAR as a tool to identify the root cause of resistance


Effectiveness of ADKAR as a tool to identify the root cause of resistance


Extremely effective

35% 35%
Somewhat effective

Neither effective nor


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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 14

Using ADKAR as criteria for evaluating project go-live readiness

Almost half of the participants in the study reported using ADKAR as criteria for evaluating go-live
readiness on a project.

Used ADKAR as a tool for evaluating project go-live readiness

47% Yes

Those participants who reported they used ADKAR as a criteria for evaluating project go-live
readiness provided details of how they used ADKAR in this way:

1 As go/no go measures throughout a


The most frequently reported approach was using

the five ADKAR elements as project milestones
that must be achieved for a project to progress
to future stages. This was done by creating
expectations for where in the model individuals
needed to be to continue the project. This
process began early and continued throughout
the project, often after key communications,
trainings and even post go-live.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 15

2 In readiness assessments to
determine go-live

The second most common use of ADKAR in Before the go-live date, we
determining project go-live readiness was the need to have 40% to 50% of
creation of a readiness assessment. While most the workforce [through] the
participants reported creating an expectation of desired stage of ADKAR.
where they wanted the organization to be prior
to go-live, those expectations varied. Examples of
how participants determined go-live are listed on
the right.

[Before go-live] 75% of

3 To integrate with project
employees [must] respond
management positively to ‘I have the
knowledge I need to do my job
While many participants created tangible in the new environment on day
expectations for where their organization should
1’ on the readiness survey.
be prior to go-live, others reported simply
integrating ADKAR into their project management
methodology, focusing on individual transitions
throughout the planning and design phases, then
overlaying the ADKAR elements across the project
timeline. In this way, participants could ensure
that a project was ready for go-live without
assessing it.

4 To assess pilot groups

Participants created mock scenarios and pilot

programs to test go-live readiness. By creating We set a threshold level for all
a tangible realistic experience of the expected points in the ADKAR spectrum,
future state, project teams were able to use
ADKAR to evaluate potential barriers in the
and once we achieved them,
pilot group and then use the ADKAR framework we knew it was time to go.
to address the identified gaps and potential
areas of resistance in their planning. In this way
participants were able to assess project go-live
readiness in a controlled environment.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 16


Research has shown that having a structured approach to change management is a key factor in
having a successful change management initiative. Participants in this study demonstrated how
ADKAR can be a key part of a structured and successful change management approach: acting
as an assessment tool, providing guidelines and other foundational elements for structuring
key parts of a change management program, and facilitating important conversations about the
change throughout the organization. ADKAR is an important part of a structured approach to
managing change in an organization.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 17


Banks are busy during the holidays. As people increase spending and banking activity during this
season, fraudulent activity rises sharply as well. Because of this, bank managers and team leads
can be understandably resistant to implementing any new system or process during this time of
year. For one bank in Canada, not only did the busyness of the holiday season tie up resources
necessary to a successful launch, but there was also an expectation throughout the organization
that every large-scale project would be fraught with stress, pain and long nights with no guarantee
of success.

That grim reality is no longer the case. Now, frontline leaders are able and willing to take on new
product, process and system launches during even the busiest times. By the time a change is
underway in their branches, they are bought in for both the business and personal reasons for the
change and are equipped with the knowledge and ability to implement it. What has changed from
just a few years ago? The application of ADKAR is now done ahead of time on projects.

As with other large and geographically dispersed organizations, this Canadian bank strives to unify
and streamline customer experience across its branches to better serve its millions of customers.
To do this, leadership is consistently refining and improving their customer experience by pushing
out new processes and procedures to its branches. These projects are the definition of people-
dependent projects as the customer experience comes to life primarily in the interaction between
employees and clients.

Like many other organizations are experiencing today, this bank saw a series of project failures
not due to any technical issues or project management failures but from lack of adoption by
frontline employees. These failures created an environment where managers and employees were
fearful of change. There was an expectation that something would go wrong on every project, and
many resources were applied post-launch to address these issues. It became clear that a larger
investment needed to be made to increase adoption and usage, and so the bank began investing
more in its change management competency.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 18

An original framework was purchased and, though it acted as a good first step down the path of
growing and eventually instilling a change management competency, it was internally inconsistent
and did not go far enough in providing a structured framework and common language for change.
From this first purchase, leadership found they needed something that could provide them with
guide posts for a change project and help them collect information to prioritize their resources
and efforts on individual projects. They needed a robust tool that was easy to use, accessible and
could be explained to someone who lacked a change management background. They found that
ADKAR, combined with their internally developed change management methodology, met those

ADKAR has become an ingrained part of the

organization. ADKAR metrics are baked into
each project, and change management learning, The first step was to change
including ADKAR, is part of onboarding eLearning manage ADKAR into our
for every project manager. organization.

Through a combination of reinforcement

conversations with project managers and
employees and intentional internal efforts to
increase the desire for and awareness of ADKAR, the bank saw the model take root. However,
it was not enough to have the model sit on the shelf; leadership needed it implemented across
their organization. To that end, managers are required to show that the “ADKAR work is getting
done” when they are implementing a project, including outlining specific places where they have
applied the ADKAR framework on individual projects. With awareness and desire messages backed
by performance-based requirements, the bank has seen a broad and eager adoption of change
management throughout the organization.

People are clear about what their expectations are on the change management side of
things rather than having us come in and say, ‘I hope you thought about this concept
or theory.’ People like knowing what change management is, and ADKAR allows them to
understand what skillsets they need to be successful in it.

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The ADKAR Model as a Structured Approach to Change Management 19

Change management and ADKAR has allowed the bank to do “more change with less noise.”
The organization has seen an increase in consistency and predictability on projects as well as
faster adoption and proactive engagement with changes. Leaders feel they can proactively and
impactfully help their people through change rather than trying to force them through it. Project
managers are able to ramp up readiness pieces in advance of launches, and change happens
faster because each person in the organization knows what they need to do in advance of the

People can read ADKAR and dismiss it. You need to get them to actively do it to see the
benefits and impacts it has on their organization. Make it mandatory, measure it, take it
from the theoretical and put it into practical, actionable steps for them. It will be more
difficult than you think, but you can do a lot with it, and the benefits will be long lasting
and impactful.

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