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Some Sample Essays For All Forms

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Winners of

2013 – 2014


“Happy Birthday” to FLSS 1B Choi Feng Yu

“Happy Birthday, FLSS!” You are celebrating your 50th anniversary this year. Congratulations!
You have suffered through a lot of wind and rain, but you still impart knowledge to us. So I also
want to say “thank you”.

FLSS, you are great; you are beautiful; and you are warm. Whenever I go to school, I have a
feeling of being at home. I have had many great and happy times, and I feel very fortunate that
my school offers me so many opportunities in addition to the regular lessons. We have many
extra-curricular activities, so I can learn more than just academics. There is a basketball court,
so we can play basketball after class. There is a big library, so we can read lots of great books.
And, there is a table-tennis table in the canteen as well, so we can play table-tennis in our spare

I hope FLSS will continue to become stronger than before. I like FLSS; I like my teachers and
classmates. They are very friendly and helpful. I became a part of the school, and the school
also became a part of me. I know many more things than when I first came to FLSS, such as
how to study effectively and do better in my classes.

Finally, I want to say once again “Happy birthday and thank you FLSS!” For you have given me
a warm and happy environment to study in, as well as helped me improve my knowledge on
many things, and I am grateful for everything that you have done for me!

“Happy Birthday” to FLSS 1B Choi Fung Kai

Look! This is my school. This year we’ll celebrate FLSS’s 50th anniversary. We’ll cheer and say
“thank you, FLSS”. You have given us so many happy memories.

When we go to school, teachers will say “Good Morning”. The teachers here are very nice and
all students have with them are fun and interesting lessons. In class, I’m a student and they’re
the teacher, but after class we are friends and we can share everything.

My school has many extra-curricular activities. I have made many new friends and have an
amazing time after school. FLSS thank you, you have given me nice teachers, so I can gain lots
of new knowledge. You give me extra-curricular activities, so I can run in the playground and
play baseball. You give me a happy family – class 1B. We study together comfortably at school.
FLSS, you give me friends. We play together and learn together.

One thing you have taught me is that ‘nothing is impossible’!

FLSS is a promising start. FLSS is a beautiful school. We love our school, and the people there
love us back. “Happy Birthday” to FLSS. You are a modern school. I’m very glad to be a student
here. I like my school very much!

Back to 1964 1C Chan Sze Lok

After lunch, while the other students were chatting in the classroom or playground, I was by
myself in the library finishing the photos of the 50th anniversary celebration.

As I had eaten too much at lunch time, I felt a little bit sleepy. Suddenly I saw a flash of light, and
I was alone in the library. I got up and walked towards the exit, and came to a small hall. There,
a strange sight greeted me: the hall was hung with a banner that read “Opening Ceremony

I met a student and asked her what day it was today, and she had replied that it was the 1st of
September, 1964, I did not believe her, but her uniform and the condition of the hall looked
precisely like the photo I had seen of the opening day on this exact day, and the principal who
was sitting on the stage, looked just like the one who had retired, Mr. Y. W. Chan. I was
surprised with the mood around me as I walked through the school. I wanted to go to my
classroom but it had not yet been built in 1964, so I could not go there. Suddenly the school bell
rang and I heard, “Wake up! You should go back to your classroom now!” I got up, gently
rubbing my eyes, I was not sure whether it had been a dream or not.

Back in the classroom, I told the story to my classmate. She said that if it was true, then the
student I had met in the hall would be 60 years old and an old woman by now.

It’s a small city 2B Au Hoi Hei

FLSS is like a mini city.

This city has a large capacity.
The size of FLSS is like a university.
The botanical garden is a big park,
Where the dog outside surprises me with a loud bark.

Classrooms here are like districts.

When we go to another district,
We will line up, standing straight,
And get to the other classroom before it is too late.
When the teacher is speaking,
We will prick up our ears and listen to her squeaking!
The lift is like the subway,
For teachers it’s a perfect gateway!
The football field is like a stadium,
Which can fit as many people as an auditorium

FLSS is more than a school,

It is a small town, and,
The staffroom is usually the downtown!

Magical Journey 3B Lo Pui Seng

It was a hot and sunny day, and Megan was having a PE lesson. “Even ants would rather jump
into a pool of water instead of working in such scorching weather. I don’t want to run. Maybe I
should hide some place and take a rest.” Megan thought to herself.

She ran into the staircase near the school hall, where she saw a door with a sign marked

“I have been studying in this school for five years and I hadn’t seen this door before. Wait… I’m
just finding a place to hide. As this place is forbidden, normally people won’t go in, and therefore
it should be the safest place to hide!” Then Megan opened the door and went in.

There was a tunnel inside the room. Megan continued walking; she saw the colour of the sky
change from dark brown to blue, then to white, and this pattern kept repeating.” It’s such a
strange place.” Megan said. Suddenly, the world began to turn and twirl. After a few turns, a
door looking exactly like the one she came through appeared at the end of the tunnel. She ran
up and opened it and went through, yet, she didn’t know she was time travelling.

After getting out of the room, she saw that the whole school had changed. From a grand
high-tech school, to a dilapidated place.

“Hey! Why are you still here? You should be studying in the classroom now! Also, why are you
wearing casual wear to school? Go and get your PE clothing and get changed now. I don’t want
you to be punished by the discipline teacher. I don’t want you to get into trouble!” a girl shouted.
Megan looked at her clothing, she was wearing a different school uniform but with the same
school logo.

“Okay. Just give me some time to make things clear. What year is it now?” replied Megan.

“It’s 1964. Is there something wrong with you? You’re so strange. You should have gone to

class by now, but you didn’t” the girl replied.

“Alright. It’s obvious I don’t belong to this place, not in this era. I come from 2014 and the school
campus is completely different from now. I want to explore the campus, can I?” Megan asked,
the girl was shocked but still nodded and left her on her own.

The school campus was totally different without the D Hall and the new classroom building. A
soccer pitch was located where the D Hall was later built. The buildings were lower and there
was more greenery around the school. There was even an observatory located on the campus.

“Our school must have been updated since it opened.” Megan thought to herself.

The light above the door which Megan had time-travelled through suddenly was illuminated,
now sparkling and producing a whizzing sound. Megan reckoned it was a sign calling her back,
therefore she ran to the door and went through it once again. Inside the door there was a tunnel,
which looked exactly the same as the one she had first gone through. It turned and swirled. The
sky kept changing colour, and finally she found a way to leave 1964.

“That place was so much fun! I’d love to ask my best friends to come along with me next time!”
Megan exclaimed.

“Well Megan, I’m afraid your wish cannot be granted.” A man’s voice could be heard in the
background. Megan knew she was in trouble and didn’t have the courage to look up. She only
saw a man who was slightly chubby standing in front of her.

“You mustn’t go into that room ever again.” After hearing this, Meghan found herself back at the
staircase near the school hall, but the door with the sign marked ‘FORBIDDEN’ was no longer
there. She no longer dared to mention about this incident to anyone, as she knew no one would
believe her.

The memory that I love most 3C Lee Ho Man

I have been studying in Fanling Lutheran Secondary School for three years and I have a lot of
unforgettable memories. Among all of them, my most impressive memory is of our former
principal Mr. Simon Chan.

Last year, after the first exam, our English teacher was not satisfied when he found out our
English examination results, he thought the results were unacceptable. Therefore, our Principal,
Mr. Chan, came to our classroom and studied with us during the English lessons.

During the lesson, he walked around and helped the students when they didn’t understand the
material. He also taught us how to avoid some common spelling, grammatical and
pronunciation mistakes that we usually make.

After the lessons, he spent his lunch time helping us improve our class learning atmosphere,
because he knew we were bad at English simply because we didn’t work hard enough.

I talked to him frequently when he was still in the school about a wide range of subjects, and I
felt happy because I had found an excellent partner to discuss some social issues, or the future
of Hong Kong. He helped improve my English a lot and for this I should thank him. The positive
result of his effort was finally revealed in our exam results.

I admire Mr. Chan because he not only taught me some useful exam skills but also some
interesting English sayings and proverbs. His retirement was a loss for our school but
fortunately I can still meet him at the alumni banquets. He will always be my favorite principal
and I love him!

Things I would love to tell you about my school

3D Wu Long Ching
There is a special occasion coming up,
It is our school’s 50th anniversary.
Believe me, it’s something cool and rare,
It’s even better than receiving a teddy bear!

There is Christmas and Halloween, and Valentine’s Day too,

It all carries the memories of me and you.
It comes by once a year,
Bringing everyone so close and so near.

FLSS is a great place for you and me,

There are many things for us to discover and see!
There are flowers, plants and trees,
It’s a place where you can feel the gentle breeze.

There are a few teachers I HAVE to mention,

Who come into our classroom and immediately steal my attention.
Kind and nice and super sexy,
Wearing heels and drinking Pepsi.

FLSS is like the Sun,

Bringing the joy and lots of fun!
Almost 50 years of great success,
Let’s work hard and do our best!

That’s all I have to say,

It’s our school’s birthday.
Hip hip hooray!

Our happy memories in FLSS 4A Ho Sze Ming

I have lots of happy things to share now,

And I am going to say it out loud,
Enjoying school every day,
With plenty of fun things to say.

Playing together and telling jokes at school,

Which we think are really cool.
Laughter filled our classroom,
Fighting together with a broom.

When we hear the bell ring,

We get all the things we need to bring.
When the teacher finally came,
We still have to tell him our name.

We always look at the clock waiting for lunch,

Going to the tuck shop just for a crunch.
Sometimes going out to McDonald’s,
Calling my best friend Donald.

Spending our time with friends happily,

Helping with their work very easily.
Having fun with the teachers,
These are FLSS’s best features.

When we talk in class very softly,

Our teacher will stare at us angrily.
But we still find this funny,
Because all we have are our memories.

My passion for study 4C Cheng Chung Hin

Time flies and it’s my 4th year studying in FLSS. Looking back to the early years, a time when I
was still in junior school, I didn’t have any awareness as to my connection to our society and I
was a TV game addict, immersing myself in the virtual world. But now, I have undergone a
revolution and turned from a ‘caveman’ into a person who is willing to embrace new ideas in
hopes of becoming better educated. This is attributed to my teachers in FLSS, who possess not
only brilliant teaching skills but also an ardent passion for teaching.

The most stimulating and inspiring year I had was in Form 3. We had two lessons of philosophy
a week. This really helped me widen my horizons and helped me learn to think more critically
and more wisely. I never thought that there would be a movie review course before. The
knowledge I gained was impressive and it has transformed my values and insights into an
appreciation for art.

As for other lessons, I have never taken a nap because the teachers don’t simply cram us with
excess materials and grammar rules. They teach in a lively manner, no matter whether it is
History, Science, or Literature.

The best thing I’ve ever learnt in this school, is not about the structures of a sentence, the
composition of chemicals, nor the logic of Mathematics. It is the principle that ‘School isn’t a
place of assessment but a place where we ignite the fire in our youthful mind’.

More than a school 4E Luo Ya Wen

I have been in FLSS for about a year. During my studies here, I came to realize that FLSS has
become my second home. The people here are like my family, and they are really kind to me. I
have not only learned a lot but also made many good friends. Whenever I need help, they are
always there to give me a hand.

I am a recent immigrant to Hong Kong from Shenzhen. Although Shenzhen is next to Hong
Kong, there are many significant differences between the two cities. I have had to learn
Cantonese and adapt to the fast pace of life here. Honestly, in the beginning, I was frustrated
and confused, because I was afraid that the students and teachers here would look down upon
me, and I was terrified of being discriminated against. Luckily, I have gotten into a good school
where I can gradually get used to my new city life.

Life in FLSS is rich and colorful. In my first encounter with FLSS, I found the teachers gentle,
helpful and responsible. The atmosphere is harmonious and they talked to one another in a
friendly way. I felt relieved as I saw this. As I started my journey in this school, I had lots of
questions, especially questions regarding Cantonese. When I had problems with my homework,
my classmates would teach me patiently, as if they were my brothers and sisters. Sometimes,
when I got depressed because of having poor academic results, they would console and
encourage me at the same time. I was deeply touched by this display of kindness and I love my
new ‘brothers and sisters’ so much.

As for the teachers in FLSS, they are amiable and supportive. They always ask me about my
studies and offer help when needed. When I got sick, my homeroom teacher would call me and
ask how I was doing. Also, they are really good at educating their students. Not only are they
good at teaching, but eager to inculcate proper values into our minds. I appreciate them a lot.
Thank you, my dear teachers.

To show you my love in return, I will strive for excellence in my personal growth as well as my
academic studies.

A Diary Entry: More than a school 5A Yau Lo Meng

Dear Diary,

Do you still remember what I experienced when I entered FLSS on the first day? It was just like
a volunteer center rather than a school. Once I went into the front building, I saw staff smiling
and waving at me, and soon a lady came and talked with me in a kind tone. She was Mrs. Liu,
who wasn’t like a teacher but an earnest volunteer who talked with me about my family, my
Cantonese, as well as my academic results. From her point of view, a blissful family can nurture
an excellent child with more care and love. We believe that a school which doesn’t only put
emphasis on academic performance is one with a well-rounded development policy. It’s so nice
to be a student of FLSS, I thought in secret at that moment.

What happened in FLSS after that was unexpected. Learning is not the only aim of FLSS.
There were Sports Days, School Trips and the Cleaning Competition. At the Cleaning
Competition, everyone in the class had an assigned task so that we learned how to be
responsible people. On Sports Day, students took part in sports events with teachers. We
screamed and laughed together. It’s like we were a family, having fun together on family day. It
made us not only be active but sociable at the same time. On our School Trips, we had
barbecue with our class teachers and classmates happily. During the trip, we talked in detail
about our life after school, and share tips on how to study more efficiently. Academic
performance therefore is not the only thing that FLSS attaches importance to. It is not simply a
school but far more.

Being a student at FLSS for two years, not only did I find their objectives went beyond simple
academics, but also the teachers there are very heartwarming. There are many enthusiastic
teachers such as Miss Yip and Mr. Poon. They spend most of their time on imparting knowledge
to their students, comprehending students’ family life, as well as sharing their own opinions
about different social issues. It reflects two sides on the notion; for one thing, they would like to
ensure that we have learned and adopted proper values, particularly in a city like Hong Kong,
with its freedom of speech and easy access to diverse information. For another, they treat us

just like friends with whom they can express their opinions.

Dear Diary... You know? Learning in such a fabulous school getting along with the teachers
there, is a great pleasure in my life!

Guess what! 2014 is the 50th birthday of FLSS and it is so nice that I can celebrate its birthday
while I’m still a student there. I hope the school will continue to grow as a family and with its
mission of well-rounded student development, and keeping on giving love and warmth to
everyone at the school. I believe more and more students will join this big family!

Happy birthday to my dear school in Hong Kong – FLSS!

Our happy memories in FLSS 5B Cheung Wai Yan

Happy birthday to you, FLSS.

And I hope you will continue to flourish.
Praise your persistence of education and sincerity.
The perfect match of your garden and the new building.
You had given all of us many unforgettable memories.

Magic changes of my 'Knowledge Box' at a young age,

Energetic learning with my friends in classrooms.
Make me really enjoy the atmosphere of studying.
Outdoor activities broaden my horizon a lot.
Rest hard, play hard, work hard.
Instruct me to walk in a brilliant way.
Extra words of gratitude I want to say.
Special thanks to you, FLSS.

More than a school 5B Tsoi Ka Ngo

FLSS has been there for 50 years and nurtured tens of thousands of students to be a part of our
society. For many people, FLSS is a school with lots of grass and the school campus is very
large, but for me, FLSS is sure more than just a school.

5 years ago when I first entered the school, I thought my school life would be miserable
because I was not good at communication and I didn’t know how to respect others. In junior
form, I often offended teachers and students with my disrespectful attitude and sloppy behavior.
I was late for school so many times that I had to get several detention at once. Yet, the teachers
never gave up on me, they taught me with patience and they have taught me so much more
than academic knowledge. They have taught me things that are useful for my whole life. Now, I
wouldn’t say I’m a very remarkable student, but I’m sure I can say I am a person with good

FLSS also brought me lots of friends. I was not from Fanling so when I first entered the school, I
did not have many friends. But then, I met some amazing people and we share the same
interest and similar goals. I also met some amazing teachers who I can call friends. They taught
me not to only focus on my academic achievement, but also on what’s happening in our society.
I remember Mr. Yeung, who always offered amazing talks or dramas to students. I have learnt
so much from the opportunities offered and the information that he had given me.

Last but not least, FLSS’s environment is the best you can find in Fanling. With a big lawn and
an enormous campus which provides a perfect environment for studying. When I was in form 3,
I always played ball games in front of my classroom, we had a blast and it was truly an
unforgettable experience.

To me, FLSS is more than just a school. It’s like my home where I can find shelter, laughter and
protection. Here, I wish that FLSS can continue to be a home for me and my present and my
future schoolmates.


A diary entry 1A Mak Yee Kiu

Sunny Monday 6th January 2014

I really enjoyed singing in the choir at school today. Our first performance was at our school
Christmas party! First, we had a practice session. We needed to practise two songs: the first
was "Joy to the World" and the second the famous song that we always sing at Christmas "We
Wish You a Merry Christmas". Our choir teacher is Miss Tang. She taught us how to sing these
songs beautifully.

Later, we went to the stage in the assembly hall and sang the songs loudly. We wanted to make
all our classmates happy at this special time of the year. After we finished "Joy to the World",
two Santa Clauses and all the teachers also came to the stage and we all sang "We Wish You a
Merry Christmas". Although there were too many people on the stage, we all felt overjoyed with
how well the performance went.

At the end of the performance, Santa Claus gave each of us a bunch of candies and a
Christmas gift. I opened my gift and in the box was a tiny Christmas tree. I felt very happy when
I saw this gift. At last, we all shouted "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" to everyone.

I am delighted that I was able to experience all of this today at this special time of the year,
because there were not activities of this kind last year. I hope that in the future I can continue to
sing in the choir and take part in many more performances.

A Letter to Cindy 1B Karlam Yip

20th November 2013

Dear Cindy,

Thank you for your letter. It sounds like you’re really enjoying your new school.

I want to tell you about my school. It’s called Fanling Lutheran Secondary School. There are 41
students in my class, and they are all very nice. There is a library, art rooms, music rooms,
science labs, basketball courts and a volleyball court.

There’s also a beautiful green garden. What is more, there are two meeting halls. The smaller
and older one is called Hall A and the bigger and larger one is called Hall D. Moreover, there are
lots of clubs to join. There’s a Drama Club, Animation and Comics Club and English Society.

The basketball court is my favourite place because I love exercising very much. I love
swimming so much that I have joined the school swimming team. I have so much fun studying
at this school.

It was great to hear from you! I hope you continue to enjoy your time at your new school.



A Letter to My Idol 1B Ngai Ming Tung

Dear Wan Wan,

Hello, I’m Vivian Ngai from Hong Kong. I’m 12 years old and I study in Fanling Lutheran
Secondary School. I’m a big fan of yours and I like reading your books very much.

Your books are extremely interesting. There are a lot pictures which help me understand the
stories easily. Therefore, I’m impressed. In my mind, you’re the best writer and cartoonist in the
world. You have a lot of great ideas and illustrations in your books. The reader is always
surprised by your great ideas.

You’re very famous in my class, and most of my classmates are also members of your fan club.
We always talk about your new books. Moreover, we also collect the posters of your comics and
the free gifts that are attached.

I admire you so much and I would like to ask you some questions:

Do you live in Taiwan?

Do you like listening to classical music?
How do you come up with all these creative ideas?

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,


A trip to Hong Kong Wetland Park 1B Lau Ka Yan

Our trip to Hong Kong Wetland Park was on the 18th of November, 2013 .On that day, I went to
the park with my classmates and science teacher Mr. Chan. The weather was really great – it
was sunny and warm. We went there by coach and when we arrived, we organized ourselves
into groups. Mandy, Kimberley, Mato and Sherry were in my group. Mr. Chan told us that when
we got back to school after the trip we needed to do a project about the animals we saw. Then
we went into the park and started our field trip.

There were a lot of animals. We could see birds in the sky and fish in the sea. We also saw the
cage for the crocodile named Pui Pui, but she hid behind a stone and we couldn't see her clearly.
In addition, we saw many birds such as egrets and ducks, and we saw mudskippers too. They
were all very lovely.

Mr. Chan had told us to note down some important points about the animals we saw for our
project on the trip, so Kimberley, Mandy and Sherry Law were responsible for taking notes,
whilst Mato and I took photographs of many of the animals and plants. We were all very happy!

After the visit, I found out that many animals are endangered and need to be protected by
humans. They cannot speak and they are often not able to protect themselves. If we do not
protect them they may disappear from the world. So, from now on, we all must work together to
protect the environment and preserve the magnificent wildlife that lives there.

Give and Take 2A Tony Man

I give you oxygen

You give me carbon dioxide
I give you open grass fields
You give me glass buildings

I give you pure water

You give me dirty rivers
I give you cute animals
You give me cold blooded tree cutters

I give you life

You give me death
I give you light in your road
You give me a path without hope

A Reply Letter to a Shopaholic Friend 2B Liu Chun But

Dear Julia,

Hi! This is Gordon. How are you? I would like to talk to you about your shopping behaviour. I know
that you love shopping very much and you always buy things when there is a discount or things are on
sale. However, this is becoming a really big problem.

Shopping is not a bad habit but I think you do it much too often. I will give you some advice to stop this
craze. You can still keep your shopping behaviour if you really want to.

First, you must not buy everything that a salesperson tries to promote to you. There will always be a lot
of promotions shown on TV, in the street and in the department stores; and you can’t possibly buy

Second, you must cut all of your credit cards to prevent your crazy shopping behaviour. If you only have
cash, the amount of clothes or jewellery you buy may be reduced. Also, without shopping, you can
spend more time on doing other activities such as painting, playing ball games and jogging.

If you follow my advice, you will not spend all of your money just on shopping and you know, I just
want to help you.


A Reply Letter to a Shopaholic Friend 2B Yuen Tsz Ki

Dear Julia,

Hey, Julia, I’m so worried about you becoming a shopaholic.

Although all the products on sale are fascinating, being addicted to shopping is not good for you. Let me
give you some advice and tell you the disadvantages of being a shopaholic. You may change your mind

Don’t buy things you don’t need. It’s only wasting your money. It is not wise to do that. You should not
spend all the time and money on shopping only. Instead, yoga, volleyball, playing the piano… are all
good things you can do in your spare time. Besides, you should do something meaningful like spending
your money on donations to help those who need our care.

Lastly, let me remind you to stop using your credit cards because you are already in debt. Only you can
help yourself! Wake UP!

I’m your BFF and I will never give you up. Addiction to shopping only brings negative impacts. If you
need help, I’m here for you.


A Poem (Quatrain Poetry) 2B Chiu Hing Man

I am thankful for our friendship

I am thankful for our friendship.

It made our souls grow mature and pure,
And gave me a lot of meaningful memories.
I won’t forget our memories in the old days.

I am thankful to you for being beside me.

I shared the happy moments with you,
And the sad moments with you too.
Please don’t ever leave me alone.

I am thankful to you for bringing me happiness.

Your smile is like a sunshine which
Gives me warmth all day long.
I won’t forget the days we played and laughed together.

I am thankful to God.
I am glad friendship doesn’t come with a price tag.
If it did,
I’d never afford someone as great as you.

We are the best of friends for over 10 years.

We didn’t give up on our friendship.
Although we always quarrel,
We will remain as best friends forever.

Flight accidents 2B Au Hoi Hei

Jacky was angry. He asked the flight attendant to help him clean up the clothes and give him a new meal
after a minor accident on the flight.

As soon as he arrived at the airport, he went to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) to
complain about the badly-designed seat. He recommended the plane not to use reclining seats. NTSB
then referred the complaint to the manufacturer, but there was no reply.

After a few days, a plane flew from Macau to New York. When it was landing in New York, the captain
turned the plane towards the left, but had somehow lost control of the plane and ended up crashing into
one of the buildings.

A few weeks later, another plane flew from Japan to France. When it was flying, one of the toilets was
found to be leaking and the plane had run out of fuel along the way. The pilot had no choice but to land
at sea, but the landing did not go smoothly and the plane ended up crashing into the sea surface.

The two plane crashes killed 400 people in total. The investigator found that the two planes were of the
same model. A surveyor said the people couldn’t escape immediately, since the aisle was too narrow.
Also, the first case was due to the locked rudder. The major airplanes should have the round-air turbine
for backing up, but that plane didn’t have it installed. For the second case it was most likely due to fuel
mismanagement during the pre-flight check, one being the fact there was not enough fuel in the fuel

After the series of accidents, the NTSB commanded the company to correct all faults before any of their
airplanes could ever fly again.

Jacky was furious about the fact that the faulty design and fuel mismanagement had killed 400 people,
but he was glad that the issue was finally solved.

Should we remove Mid-Autumn Festival? 2B Li Hoi Sen

Dear Editor,

I am writing to share my feelings about removing the Mid-Autumn Festival.

First of all, I think we should not remove any traditional festivals celebrated in China. I think we both
know that every Chinese festival has its own story, and the stories are all interesting and meaningful. So,
I think every Chinese should respect the festivals and stories behind them.

Then, let me tell you why I like the Mid-Autumn Festival so much. At this festival, I can light up
candles, play with lanterns and appreciate the view of the moon while having some traditional moon
cakes. Most importantly, I can have a family reunion dinner with all my family members. All the
above-mentioned activities let me enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival very much. I think a lot of people
agree with me on this fact, so why should we remove the festival?

Also, I remember that in the past, people called Mid-Autumn Festival “harvest festival”. It was the day
when people got to rest after harvesting. Nowadays, even though there aren’t as many farmers as back
then, a lot of us still need a day to rest as every citizen works hard at work or at school and a day off is
very valuable to us, so how can the government remove it?

We must cherish the Chinese festivals and respect the tradition!

Yours faithfully,

Give and Take 2B Au Hoi Hei

I give you a bottle of water

You give me a huge waterfall
I give you a bottle of sand
You give me Dubai

I give you a tree

You give me gardens by the bay
I give you a plane model
You give me an airport

I give you a paper airplane

You give me a real airplane
I give you a book
You give me a library

A letter to the Editor 2C Chan Ching

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern about the environmental problems in FLSS.

One major environmental problem in my school is that there is too much rubbish around the school
areas! We should educate everyone to throw their rubbish into the rubbish bin, and not on the floor.

Another environmental problem in my school is that my schoolmates create too much solid waste, like
paper, plastic bottles and cans. I believe that many students here have never used the recycling bins. I
think we should put more recycling bins around our school and ask the students to use them more often.

To deal with the above problems, we should take action immediately. Students create too much rubbish
and most of the solid waste thrown away will end up in the three landfills situated in Hong Kong which
incur a huge maintenance cost and will sooner or later become full. We can help solve these problems by
creating a “Clean Up Day” when every student and teacher can help to clean the school to make it a
comfortable learning environment. Also, we should educate everyone to reduce the amount of things
they throw away by recycling them instead!

To keep our city clean, we need the help and support from everyone in the society. Take action now!

Yours faithfully,
Jasmine Chan

My loving parents 2C Chan Ching

My parents have never told me how old they are; they said it is a secret. I think they are around
forty years old. They are tall and a little fat because they like eating very much. My mum is a clerk and
my dad is a businessman. They always work very hard. They have lived in Sheung Shui for over fifteen
years and before that, they lived in Sha Tin. I spend over five hours with them every day.

I am quite close with them. I talk to them after school every day. Last month, when I got sick, they
took me to the hospital at dawn and they took good care of me. Since I got sick, we ate congee
together during lunch and dinner. This to me was an unforgettable experience.

Mom and dad, I really want to express my thanks to you because you always give unconditioned
love and care to me. When I am wrong, you seldom shout at me but instead, you teach me patiently. I am
really thankful to you for always being there for me and listening to me when I am unhappy. I love you
both very much.

My Loving Parents 2C Chan Hiu Tung

My parents have already been married for twenty years. My father is 50 years old. He has short brown
hair and is a little bit fat. He is a businessman, so he is always busy. My mother is 44 years old. She is a
housewife. She always cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner for my brother and me. Before they got
married, my father lived in Hong Kong and my mother was not living in Hong Kong. When I come back
home after school, I always see my mother at home. However, as my father is busy, he can’t come back
home after work every day. Therefore, I can only see him once a month.

I always talk to my mother before I go to school and after school. I feel very happy when talking to my
mother because she is such a nice and open-hearted person. I can share my secrets with her. Although
my father is busy, we always find some time to chat or send each other messages on the phone.

Last year, my father came back to Hong Kong on 15th October which was my birthday. He came back
that day since he knew that I really wanted to be with all my family members on my birthday. So they
prepared a surprise party for me. It was my best birthday party ever and the memory will remain with
me forever.

Mom and Dad, I really want to express my thanks to both of you. Dad, when there is a festival, you
really want to be there to celebrate with us but you could only talk with us on the phone instead. In the
future, we must find some time to get together as a family. Mom, whenever I get sick, you always take
good care of me. You always need to get up early in the morning to cook breakfast for me. I am really
thankful to have you both as my parents and I love you both very much.

A letter to the Editor 2C Hau Monica

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concerns about the environmental problems in my school.

First, one of the problems is that many students just leave their food on the table and never clean up after
the recess.

The second environmental problem is that many students do not use both sides of a paper to write or
print on, which wastes a lot of paper.

The third environmental problem concerns the number of students leaving their rubbish such as, plastic
bottles, plastic bags and drink cartons on our school lawn, instead of throwing them in the rubbish bins.
Sometimes students do not switch off the lights before they leave the classroom.

To deal with the above environmental problems, the school should start a team called the
“Environmental Team’’. This team can help teach the students around the school about the
environmental problems. They can also teach them how to recycle, reuse and reduce all the rubbish they
tend to throw away or leave aside. I think it will help our school a lot in solving these environmental

To create a clean and healthy school, we need the support of everyone in our school, including the

Yours faithfully,
Monica Hau

My Loving Parents 2C Ko Sze Wai

My loving parents are my dad and my mom. My dad is quite chubby; he works as an auto mechanic, and
is very good at his job in fixing cars. He returns home very late at night, so I only get to see him at the
weekends. My mom is tall and thin. She works in Tai Po, so she can get back home early. Compared to
my dad, I get to see her every day.

My relationship with my parents is quite good. Although I don’t get to see my dad every day, I still call
him every day when he is free. I often talk to them about what I do or see at school.

I remember all the unforgettable experiences I had with them. When I was five years old, I was sick, so I
had to go to the hospital. At that time, I was scared. In the morning, my dad took care of me, and at night,
my mom stayed at the hospital to sleep together with me, until my dad came in the morning again.

Mom and Dad, I really want to express my thanks to both of you because you have done so much for me
when I was ill or unhappy. I will do the same for both of you. Even when you become old, I will still
take good care of you both. I won’t ever forget what you have done for me.

Thank you Mom and Dad!

A letter to the Editor 2C Lee Chun Kwong

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concerns about the environmental problems in school.

One major environmental problem in my school is that our tuck shop has a lot of rubbish piled up. This
is because when the students buy some food to eat, they either throw the food packaging on the floor or
leave them on the tables. This habit will make our school very dirty. When people come to visit our
school, they will see how dirty our school is and may start to have a bad impression of our school.

Another environmental problem in my school is how dirty our classrooms are. During recess, students
will buy food to eat in the classroom. Yet, the majority of them do not throw their rubbish into the
rubbish bins. Our classrooms will end up with so much left-over and packages on the floor and on the

To deal with the above environmental problems, we can have a fun way to teach the students how to
clean up the school and how to recycle, reuse and reduce any waste they produce.

To create a clean and healthy school, we need the support of everyone in the school! We need your
support. Take action now!

Yours faithfully,
Roger Lee

A Letter to the Editor 2C Liu Pak Shun

Dear Editor,

I’m writing to express my concern about the environmental problems in my housing estate.

One major problem in my housing estate is how many residents leave their rubbish on the stairs. It is
smelly and can attract rats and cockroaches, which can also spread diseases. I got sick because of the
rubbish! I have seen my mum’s friend, who lives next to us, throw his rubbish in the playground at

Another environmental problem in the building I live in is how most of the residents almost never use
the recycling bins! I would think that this is because of the lack of education in Hong Kong in teaching
the public that they can recycle things like plastic and glass bottles. People need to know that not
everything has to be thrown away and sent to the landfills.

To deal with the above environmental problems, I think we should organize a lesson in our
neighbourhood to educate people about how we can reduce solid waste. Besides, it’s also important to
teach the public how to use the recycling bins properly. It is good for us to recycle the things that can be
used again.

To create a clean and healthy city, we need the support of everyone in the society! We need everyone’s
help to protect the environment. Take action now!

Yours faithfully,
Steve Liu

My Loving Parents 2C Liu Pak Shun

My mum, who is 39 years old, is a housewife. She always takes care of my homework and does all the
housework by herself. My dad, who is 43 years old, works as a mechanic, so most of the time I can only
see him at the weekends. I spend my time with my parents almost every day. My mum looks so young
that she doesn’t look like her age but my dad always looks tired.

In fact, I am close with mum and spend time with her every day, but I love my dad more than my mum,
and would like to share my school life with him. However we rarely get to see each other since he has
changed to his new job.

Although we rarely get to see each other, I still have many good memories with my dad. On my 12th
birthday, he gave me a mobile phone as my birthday gift, and took me to many places such as Ocean
Park and Victoria Park. Those memories will remain with me forever.

Overall, Mum and Dad, I really want to thank you both for doing so much for me, including taking care
of my health, helping me find a good school to study in, and helping me with my homework. You have
given me so many unforgettable memories, and have treated me so well with your unconditional love. I
just hope that I can spend more time with you which will make me much happier!

My singing contest experience 2D Kwong Tsz Shing

Hello, I am Herman, the winner of the singing contest. I am going to share my experience with you,
including how it feels like to be the winner of the contest.

At first, I actually never thought of joining the contest. I love singing, but I personally thought I wasn’t
good enough for entering the competition. However, my parents and my friends think my singing is very
good. They wanted me to join the contest. If it wasn’t for my parents and friends, I would have never
known I had so much potential!

For those who were not able to view the singing contest, I chose to sing Justin Bieber’s “Baby”. Justin
Bieber’s songs were what inspired me to sing in the first place, when I was a teenager. He is my role
model and I wish to be like him when I grow up.

Before the contest, my parents wanted me to practise a lot and my friends kept talking about the contest
itself. Of course I wasn’t very interested in the prizes as it wasn’t my idea in the first place.

Now that I’ve won the singing contest, I finally understand what it feels like to be a winner. I feel
excited to use my singing potential at its fullest extent, and I also gained faith in myself. Now, I look
forward to more singing contests in the future to improve myself and my abilities.

Thanks for reading.

A horror story: The Ninety—ninth 3A Fan Pui Man

There was a young man working in a convenience store. He was on the night shift. So he always felt
very tired after work. A few days ago, the man moved to a flat which was close to the convenience store,
though it was a creepy old flat.

The building had six floors and the man lived on the fifth floor. One day on his way back home he found
something strange. When the man climbed up the last step of the stairs, he found a woman with beautiful
long hair skipping next to his door. The woman was counting, ‘First, second…ninety—ninth.’ She was
continually counting the numbers with her depressing voice and stopping at ninety—ninth and then
starting all over again. The man found it odd and said, ‘Hey, there! Why do you stop counting until
ninety-ninth?’ The woman didn’t answer him. The young man was embarrassed and said, ‘It’s the
hundredth after ninety-ninth.’ The strange woman was still counting the numbers in her way. ‘Maybe I’ll
talk to you again next time. Bye!’ The man quickly opened the door and went into his flat.

The next day, the man found the woman skipping on the fourth floor. When the woman saw the man, she
said, ‘Hello, young man, I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. Forgive me.’ A strange smile crept
up on her face. The man nodded and quickly ran away from her. The following days, he found that the
woman was standing on different floors, skipping and skipping.

On the sixth day, the young man found that the beautiful lady was skipping on the ground floor. She was
still counting ‘First, second…ninety—ninth.’ When the man wanted to walk past her, she stopped. The
strange smile appeared on her face again, ‘Young man. You are the hundredth one, aren’t you?’ The lady
said with her unusual voice. Suddenly, the man lost balance and he found that he could not move. His
blood was bleeding from the wounds. He tried to move his body. He wanted to get away from her. The
woman smiled and looked at him crawling like a worm. She enjoyed watching this. The man tried to
speak, but no words came out. He was very scared. The woman laughed and walked near the man, and
then she lifted her hands and punched the man’s neck. ‘I hate men. I want to kill every single one of
you!’ She screamed. Her tone of voice was full of anger. She was crying but one of her eyes disappeared.
Her tears changed into blood. Her skin was lost and blood was streaming down to the floor. The man
could even see some of her broken bones. ‘No! Go away!’ The man cried. He found that one of his
hands was eaten by the woman. The man was still alive until the woman ate all of him.

The woman’s skin and eyes appeared again. Her blood disappeared too. She licked her lips and smiled.
She began to skip again. ‘First, second...ninety—ninth, hundredth.’ The building was flooded with her
voice. She was waiting for the next man, to become her victim.

A Horror Story: A visit to the eighteenth-floor of hell 3A Li Qing
There once was a legend in Ma Lee Ma Lee Home hospital. They say you could not take the lift at
twelve o’clock at night, if you do, you will drop to the eighteenth-floor of hell.

May had a traffic accident. She had to stay at Ma Lee Ma Lee Home Hospital. Her friends Peter and
Tom visited her at twelve o’clock. Although they were very frightened, they did not say anything, even
when they got onto the lift. May lived on the seventeenth floor of the building. When the lift arrived on
the seventeenth floor, it suddenly dropped to the eighteenth-floor of hell.

The eighteenth floor of hell was very dark. Peter and Tom closed the lift and tried to press for the
seventeenth floor. But the lift did not move. Peter and Tom walked out of the lift slowly. Peter used his
lighter to scan his environment. The area of the eighteenth floor of hell was very big, so it was easy for
them to lose their way. Tom followed Peter closely. He regretted visiting May.

They walked and walked but couldn’t see anything. They became a bit more relaxed at that moment.
‘It’s safe here. Let me find the lift to get us out of here,’ Tom said. ‘The lift was broken a while ago!’
said Peter. They continued moving but they could not find the lift. ‘What should we do? I’m scared. I
want to go back home, ’said Tom. ’Calm down! I think we’ve gotten lost,’ said Peter. All of a sudden,
both of them heard some strange noise. It was a ghost!

They tried to escape and went into a room that smelt strange. It was very cold and there were many
frozen dead bodies. Tom was freezing and accidentally hugged one of the dead bodies. Suddenly, the
body got hold of Tom’s neck. Tom shouted and all the ghosts could hear it. They all ran into the room.
Tom and Peter were so frightened that they fainted. They didn’t know what happened next.

The next day, Tom and Peter woke up mysteriously. They found out that their legs had disappeared on
the seventeenth floor of the hospital.

A Letter of advice 3B Chan Lok Tung
Dear Tracy,

I am very happy to receive a letter from you. I have already read your letter and I’m sorry to hear that
you have all those problems. Don’t worry too much. I am going to give you some advice. I hope my
advice will help you.

Your first problem is how your boyfriend asks you to take drugs with him and his friends. I suggest you
break up with your boyfriend because taking drugs is very bad for you, and it may cause many problems
to your health. Also, your boyfriend has already become a drug addict, so it is very dangerous for you to
keep going out with him, as you’ll never know what he would do. I know you are very sad about this,
but it is the best way for you to stay away from drugs and being tempted to take them. You still have a
beautiful future, but if you end up taking drugs with him, you may lose all the things you have. So you’d
be better off by saying no to drugs and breaking up with your current boyfriend.

The second problem you’re currently having is about the relationship you have with your boyfriend and
family. Putting the relationship you have with your boyfriend aside, as I have already addressed this in
your first problem. You should put your family as a priority and try to get along with them, as your
family members are those who will be there to help you whenever you are in need of help or in need of
someone to talk to, whereas your current boyfriend won’t.

Your third problem is about how you are being bullied by Tom at school. I think bullying is a serious
problem in many schools and societies nowadays. You should seek help from your teachers or talk to the
Discipline Head Teacher, about how you’ve been bullied by Tom at school for a long period of time.
Talking to the teachers will be the best solution to stop him from bullying you. Although I know you are
afraid that Tom may still continue bullying you again and again, with the teacher paying attention to
what he does at school, he will receive a big punishment in return if he was to bully you again.

I hope your problems could be solved after reading my letter. If you still have any problems, you can
write a letter to me again, or seek help from your teachers!

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Green

Things you like about school 3B Lin Hei Tung
Good morning, I’m Rachel. Today I would like to talk about the things I like about the school I attend. I
think my school is really fabulous because of four reasons.

First of all, I think my school is really big. There are three buildings that are linked together so we can
walk freely between them. Also, there is an old building which is a historical relic. And there are so
many legends about it, so I find it very mysterious! Moreover, my school has a large lawn. Although
there are a lot of insects, I still like looking at the greenery.

The second reason is that my school has lots of facilities and some of them are quite special. There are
two halls and one of them has a Home Economics Room. In addition, there is a library, basketball court
and an art room. The school even has a garden! When you walk inside, you’ll feel amazed by the
scenery. I like sitting there and enjoying the view.

The third reason is how my school provides many extra-curricular activities for students to choose from
such as joining the school football team, basketball team or even the school choir. I joined the school
choir and really enjoy it! Last year we had a performance and we needed to sing songs to celebrate F.6
students’ graduation. Through all the practices we had for this performance, I learnt how to sing better
and also made some new friends. It gave me an unforgettable and joyful experience! After school we
have an activity called ‘A life and one art’, where we are able to have some classes such as archery and

The final reason why I like the school I attend, so much, is because of the teachers and friends I have
here. All the teachers are funny and they always make the lessons very interesting. Even if some of us
don’t understand a particular topic the teachers will still stop, and take us through the topic again
patiently, until all of us thoroughly understand what it means. The most important part of school for me
is my friends! They are all kind and generous, and I enjoy having lunch with them because they always
make me laugh. When we feel that the lessons are a little boring, we talk about something silly and make
the lesson fun. I feel happy and joyful whenever I am with my friends! Sometimes when I feel upset, I’ll
find my friends or teachers to talk to, they won’t find me annoying and will always try to comfort me.

Finally, I want to say that I consider my school my second home. The teachers and friends I have there
are my families! I make a lot of wonderful memories with them. They brighten up my school life. I hope
that we can remain this way forever, and that we will be able to make more memories together! I love
them all very much!

Using song lyrics to write a story 3B Lin Hei Tung
Song chosen: White Horse
Kelly and Peter were lovers who loved each other very much. However, one day Kelly’s friend asked
Sammi to tell a secret about Peter to Kelly. And she found out that there’s another girl Peter was dating.
She was dumbfounded about this. She didn’t know what to do. At last, she thought the suitable solution
was breaking up with him.

She gave Peter a call. ‘All I want is you. Do you love me?’ Peter asked her. ‘Yes.’ Kelly said, as he
replied in a low voice. ‘Can you give me another chance?’ Whilst there’s a silence in the air, she gives a
final ‘No.’ She still decided to break up with him, as she cut off the phone, she cried for the rest of the
The days without Peter were really difficult for Kelly. She couldn’t sleep at night. But one evening a
beautiful fairy suddenly came in through her bedroom window. She found that it was Sammi and was
quite surprised. ‘Do you want to be in love with Peter again?’ Sammi asked.’ ‘Of course!’ Kelly
answered. ‘Ok! Let’s go back to the past!’ Therefore they went back in time using a time machine, back
to when Peter had met the girl.

When they arrived, they found that they were at Kelly’s house. Peter was about to go to the café. If he
hadn’t gone to the café, he wouldn’t have met the girl! So to prevent their meeting Kelly stopped Peter
and said ‘Peter, please don’t go out.’‘Why honey?’ Peter asked. ‘I just want to stay here and spend the
rest of the day with you.’ she answered. ‘Um..ok.’ Peter answered. Kelly had stopped him from going to
the café successfully!

‘Kelly, although you have stopped their meeting, Peter will still love other girls.’ Sammi warned Kelly.
After listening to Sammi, Kelly’s heart was in pain, she didn’t want to have to go through any of that
again. ‘Do you have any solution? ‘Kelly asked.’ Here’s a medicine called “only you”. If Peter drinks it,
he’ll only love you forever.’ Sammi said. ‘Oh! That would be wonderful!’ Kelly said happily.

Then they found a way to get Peter to drink ‘only you’. After that they went back to the present time.
Kelly looked everywhere for Peter but she couldn’t find him. ‘Hey, Kelly! Look over there!’ Sammi
pointed across the road. There’s a boy who’s mounting a white horse to come around! And on his hand,
was a diamond ring.

A mysterious adventure 3B Lo Pui Sang

Once upon a time, Joe and John were setting up a campsite when all of a sudden it started to rain. “If I
had known it would rain, we would have chosen another day to go camping. Urgh…it’s raining heavier
than before! I think we should go find shelter, shouldn’t we?” John said to Joe. They saw a house a few
miles away from the campsite and decided to go there.

“But, what if the owner doesn’t let us stay? What if there is no one inside? Or what if…”Joe kept
murmuring yet John decided to give it a try. “Hello? Is there anyone there? “John said while he was
knocking on the door. A few seconds later the owner of the house opened the door, and as soon as he
saw Joe and John he said “Oh, you poor things, come in and stay for the night!”, then he invited them
both in. John and Joe were very thankful that the owner would let them in and stay at his place for the
night, but they did not know anything about this place nor about the owner. They chatted for a while
before John and Joe returned to their room.

While John was taking a bath, Joe decided to explore the room and went to the bedroom closet. When he
opened it he saw a headless girl, who had a key on her leg, sitting inside. Joe was startled, but then he
thought it was just an illusion because he was too tired, so he ignored it and slept.

On the next day, when they went to the owner’s bedroom to say goodbye before they left, they saw a
rotten skeleton laying there in the owner’s room with spider webs all over the body, and when they
stepped on the bedroom floor it made creaking sounds as if it was about to break, they were so shocked.
What’s more, they realized their surroundings were beginning to change. “What happened? This house
was luxurious and huge yesterday! What had happened to it? Now it’s just an old cottage. This is
unbelievable, the house is haunted! Let’s leave this place now! “John exclaimed.

They ran to the door at once, but, it was locked. “Where’s the key? Oh no! We are going to die here! No
way! I don’t want to die! Not in this place!” shouted John. Suddenly, the picture of the headless girl
appeared in Joe’s mind, he knew it’s the only way to leave the house. “I know how to get out of this
place! Stay here for a moment!” said Joe.

Joe ran to the room, and saw the girl still sitting there inside the closet with the key on her leg. He tried
to get it, but the girl refused to let him take it. “Unless you help me to bury the old man, I won’t give the
key to you.” John and Joe then buried the old man. The girl kept her promise and handed Joe the key.
The two boys ran out of the house immediately.

Few days later John saw the headline on the newspaper. “YOUNG MAN MYSTERIOUSLY KILLED
IN COTTAGE”. He tried to call Joe to tell him about this, but he never answered, he never did, and
never will be able to.

Terrific Hong Kong Food Trip 3B Lo Pui Sang
Day 1


We went to Tai Mo Shan, the highest mountain in Hong Kong, to yum cha. There’s a traditional Chinese
restaurant in Tai Mo Shan, where you can enjoy the fresh air there with a nice cup of tea, along with
some delicious prawn dumplings. We can also get a few cartons of fresh milk in a local farm on our way
to the next destination.


We arrive at the Big Buddha in Lantau Island, to have our first lunch in Hong Kong. There’s a famous
restaurant where you can try some splendid vegetarian food. It’s worth giving it a try even if you’re not
a vegetarian. There was some free time afterwards to explore Lantau Island.


It’s finally tea time! We go to Festival Walk to have something sweet to lighten up our journey .The café
“Simply Life” is definitely a winner at serving afternoon tea. It serves terrific desserts at a reasonable
price. After that, you can shop for some goodies in Festival Walk.


We go to Mongkok to have our first dinner, but we are not going to any restaurant, instead we are going
to enjoy some of the street food. We can try different kinds of local food in this way at a cheap price,
such as stinky tofu, fishballs, braised brisket, waffles and egg puffs. At night, Mongkok is similar to the
night markets in Taiwan, you can eat, drink, shop and even watch some amazing street performances.
Afterwards we headed back to the hotel.

Day two


We arrive at the Mido Café in Yau Ma Tei for breakfast. It’s a historic Chinese Café which has been
operated for a few decades already. The atmosphere and environment shows how Hong Kong was back
in the old days. Hong Kong style milk tea and the baked pork chop rice are the must-haves in the Mido


We go to Lau Fau Shan to eat sea food. The price of the seafood isn’t as expensive as Sai Kung’s, but
the quality is definitely as good as the ones in Sai Kung. You may also get some jars of prawn sauce in
Lau Fau Shan as souvenirs.


Last, we go to Sham Tseng to try a famous Hong Kong cuisine, the “Yue Kee Charcoal Roasted Goose”.
The Yue Kee Charcoal Roasted Goose Restaurant has been operating for more than fifty years, and is
popularized in Asian and Chinese communities all over the world because of its traditional method of
broiling and roasting geese.

Using song lyrics to write a story 3B Lo Pui Sang
Song chosen: Talking to the Moon
“There’s a guy living next to our house, every night staying up late and talking to himself. He’s such a
weirdo; I wish I had a normal neighbour. ” said Jane.

“I think it’s interesting, isn’t it? I’ll talk to you later, bye!” Janice replied and cut the call. She thought
there must be a story behind this.

Janice kept thinking of the man’s behavior, and decided to stay up late, trying to understand his thoughts.
She stood by the chimney, staring at the moon. Suddenly, a voice came into her mind, “No baby, please
don’t leave me alone, I’m willing to sacrifice everything for you…”, she was trying to follow where the
voice came from, and the voice led her to a pub, where there’s only one man sitting at the table, drinking
a can of beer. Janice believed she went there for a reason, so she asked, “Hello, I’m here because…”
“Why are you here? It’s because you are the only person in this world who cares about me. Let me tell
you a story.” He interrupted.

“Kelly and I had been together for seven years. We met each other when we were in college. We started
dating after two months and things turned out to be very great. After graduation, we went to a nice
company and worked there together. Even though we had to live in a small flat and had to work till two
in the morning every day, we were still satisfied with our life. A few years later, she got promoted and
became the manager of the company while I stayed in the same position. She had more chances to go on
business trips, and got paid a higher salary, while I was only receiving the basic amount of salary.
Eventually, we communicated less with each other and our relationship was falling apart. Our values
clashed and we often argued with each other. Soon, we mutually agreed that we were not suitable for
each other and decided to break up. While I was packing up my things, I saw the gift she had given me
on our first anniversary. Memories were brought back. At the moment I realized I was wrong, a phone
call came from the hospital. Kelly had got into a huge car accident and was sent to the hospital. By the
time I arrived, she had already passed away; my heart broke at that moment. She used to tell me that
people became stars when they die, that’s why I look up at the sky every night.”

A sudden breeze blew and woke Janice up. She found herself sleeping on her bed, but is this a dream, or

Terrific Hong Kong Food Trip 3B Ng Lut Ying
Time: 09: 15-15: 00
We go to" Ngong Ping 360" and take the cable car because Ngong Ping Cable Car offers a bird’s eye
view tour over the lush peaks of Lantau and the glistening South China Sea. When we reach the top of
the mountain, we can also go to see the Tian Tan Buddha, one of the biggest of its kind in the world!

Time: 15: 15-17: 15

We have lunch in a canteen and try the "Steamed Hai Nam Chicken with Spring Onion" or the "Beef
Brisket Noodles", which tastes great!

Time: 17: 30-19: 00

We went to see Hong Kong city’s skyline, from Victoria Peak. It’s a signature attraction of Hong
Kong. The city has many skyscrapers surrounding the waters of Victoria Harbour on Hong Kong Island,
and is a jaw-dropping sight to see, during the day and at night, when it plays host to the Symphony of
Lights laser and light show.

Time: 10: 00-13: 30
We went to have breakfast in the Sheung Shui Market, the “Pork Liver and Kidney Porridge” is the
most famous breakfast to have in Hong Kong! Many elderly citizens and children love to eat this. It’s
delicious and you don’t need to add any seasoning to it.

Time: 14: 00-18: 30

We take a ferry from the ferry terminal, and head for Lamma Island to spend the day doing some
outdoor activities there. We can cycle around the beautiful beach, go for a swim, fly the kite or even
bask in the sun, and take a breath of fresh air.

Time: 19: 00-20: 00

At the end of our trip, we had dinner at Lamma Island. There are many seafood restaurants for us to
choose from. Afterwards we will have dessert. I recommend having the "Yeung Chi Kam Lo”, chilled
mango puree with sago and pomelo! It’s quite a refreshing dessert and I would recommend everyone to
try it!

A letter of advice 3B Yang Ping Yi
Dear Tracy,

Thanks for sharing the problems you’re experiencing with me. I'm sorry to hear that you’re currently
experiencing these problems. I really hope my advice today would help you.

First, let's talk about the problem of taking drugs. You must not take drugs no matter who tells you to do
so. Taking drugs is a very serious problem as it will cause a lot of harm to you and your body. You'd
better also tell your boyfriend to quit taking drugs too. If he doesn't listen to you, I suggest you call the
police for help. Maybe you think calling the police to seek help isn't a good way to solve this problem,
as your boyfriend might go to jail because of this, but you are actually helping him by doing so. You
should make a sensible decision by yourself on what’s the best thing to do.

Next, let's focus on your relationship with your boyfriend. If I were you, I would break up with him. You
see, if he really loves you, he won't be tempting you into taking drugs. I know you really love him and
you don't want to ruin the relationship between the both of you, but he is currently having a bad
influence on you. He's not worth your love, you should think about this carefully.

Lastly, we'll try to solve the problem of the big bully, Tom. I see that he has done many harmful things to
you, and you’re becoming really scared of him, but I think you should talk to someone about this, maybe
your teachers or your parents. They will help you to stop Tom from continuously bullying you! As
bullying anyone is a very bad thing to do in the first place, everyone feels the same way about this, and
I’m sure Tom won't want others to treat him the same way too! He shouldn't be allowed to do this to you.
Don't be afraid that he might harm you more, after you tell the teachers or your parents. I'm sure they
will keep an eye on you and Tom, so that it never happens again!

I hope this helps, and don't feel unhappy all the time, think positively! Everything's going to be okay.
Please write back and tell me how you get on.

Yours sincerely,

Using song lyrics to write a story 3B Yeung Yin Shan
Song chosen: When you’re gone
Once upon a time, Sherman and Danson met each other during their trip in Vietnam. They joined the
same tour organized by the same travel agency. Sherman and Danson started chatting with each other
about everything during the whole length of the trip, and found that each of them were very nice to talk
to and had a lovely personality. They fell in love with each other soon after because they thought they
were meant for each other!

After the trip, they went back to the city where they lived in. They met each other again at the airport,
and on their way back home, Sherman and Danson found out that they lived very close to each other. It
was just a village nearby!

“My sweety, I love you very much. We have been together for three years. I want to live with you
forever and make you the happiest woman in the world! Will you marry me, Sherman?” Danson asked
as he suddenly knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring. Sherman was very touched by this and said,
“Yes, I will!” They got married to each other soon afterwards.

However, after two months Danson was called to join the war in Vietnam, where they met each other for
the first time. Sherman cried that day and begged Danson not to leave her, but Danson was a soldier and
he needed to join the war.

Sherman cried every day since and missed Danson very much. She always thought the days felt like
years when she was alone. Dhe felt that she could never feel happy again without Danson by her side.

“Vietnam War is getting worse, many people have been killed in the battlefield,” the TV reporter said
slowly. Sherman didn’t know what to do and was afraid that her husband would never return home.

The war finally ended and to Sherman’s surprise, Danson was luckily safe! He went back home as fast
as he could and was finally able to see his beloved wife. They hugged each other as they cried.

“We were meant for each other! I missed you so much!” Their feeling was beyond words.

“When you walk away, I count the steps that you take. Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you’re gone…” the music was repeated several times on the radio. Sherman and Danson had been
far apart for too long, but no longer, and they lived happily ever after!

Story – Silvery 3B Yeung Yin Shan
Once upon a time, Stephen and Ronald went camping at a campsite for three days. They were excited, as
it was their summer holiday! They went to a big forest. The scenery was beautiful and the air felt cleaner
there. It made them feel happy and relaxed. However, when they finished setting everything up, it
suddenly started pouring down with rain. They felt disappointed, as they ran to find shelter and
somewhere to stay for the night.

After one hour, they found a house that looked like a castle. When they walked in, they were welcomed
by the owner of the house who was a very nice person. The owner greets Stephen and Ronald as he said
“Hello, welcome to my home! Look, how wet you two are, come in quickly to dry yourselves, wouldn’t
want to catch a cold now would we.” After saying this, the owner showed Stephen and Ronald to the
bedroom, and told them that they could sleep at his place for the night, to take shelter from the rain.
Stephen and Ronald were very grateful and said “Thanks a lot! You’re our saviour.”

After they cleaned their bodies, the man told them “I’ll sleep here tonight in the living room. You can
sleep anywhere you want. I won’t mind.” Stephen replied “Thank you, good night and sweet dreams!”
They two returned to the bedroom and fell asleep they were very tired after they had been running for a
whole day.

“Good morning, Stephen.”, “Good morning, Ronald.”, “How about we eat breakfast with the nice man
before we leave?” Ronald said. “Good idea! Let’s go.” Stephen replied as he got up from his bed. They
went to the living room together and walked towards the man.

“Ahh…oh…my…goddd…” Ronald shouted. Stephen stood there feeling very scared as well. With such
an unbelievable sight in front of them, they saw a dead body lying on the sofa, where the man had slept
last night! The dead body was covered in black and there was a dagger with a few drops of blood on the

For a few minutes Stephen and Ronald stood there shocked and not knowing what to do before they ran
and ran and ran, until they got out of the ‘castle’. “Ahh…oh…what… ghost!” Ronald shouted again, as
he saw the old man walking towards them. But the man looked confused he didn’t know what they were
scared about “Hey, good morning. Did you two sleep well?” “Why…why are you standing here…here?”
Stephen stuttered. “Oh…haha…I think now I know why you two are scared now.” The man led them
back into the house. “You must be talking about this!” as he pointed towards the dead body. “It’s my art
work, don’t worry…haha…it looks real doesn’t it!” Stephen and Ronald were astonished when they
found out the truth of the dead body; they looked at the owner as he said, “What…that was it…Now we
both feel really stupid!” They all laughed at the thought of what happened and finally went to have
breakfast together.

A letter of complaint 4A Lam Yu Tung
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express how displeased I am about your restaurant.

I came to try out the food at your restaurant with a group of my friends for the first time, and the first
thing we saw when we walked into the restaurant was a tank full of dead fish. This already showed how
poor your ingredients were, and that you are not meeting customers’ requirements. When customers
order any kind of fish at a seafood restaurant, they expect it to be freshly cut and cooked. Yet, that was
not the case what we experienced. The taste of the food was very bad and revolting.

My next complaint concerns your chef. Your chef was seen smoking in the kitchen. He was smoking
whilst cooking at the same time. Smoking in the kitchen is prohibited in the first place, and if your staff
were to smoke whilst cooking, could you ensure that the food is safe for us to eat?

Finally, I must complain about the waiter at your restaurant. The waiter was very rude to us. When we
told him that the food tasted very bad, and asked if we could change to another dish instead, he told us to
get out. How can a worker at a restaurant talk back to customers and tell them to leave at the same time?
Is a customer not always right? I suggest that you dismiss this worker of yours immediately.

Also, I would like you to send me a letter of apology, with compensation for the loss we suffered, if not,
I will forward this letter of complaint to the relevant government department and let them handle this

I hope you will take all my advice above into consideration, and start thinking about how you can
improve your restaurant and the workers working there. Otherwise, do not ever expect any people to
come to your restaurant to eat anymore.

Yours faithfully,
L. Tse

A letter to Tom 4A Pang Sze Ching
Dear Tom,

How's life going for you and your wife? I hope everything's fine. Do you remember the girl that I had
mentioned to you before? She is called Pat. I really hate this girl. She thinks of herself as a princess and
even thinks that I have a crush on her. Recently, I spent a day hanging out with her and it was a disaster.

One day, I woke up as usual and had my morning cup of coffee. I felt refreshed and happy at that
moment, until noon when the disaster struck. Pat had brought her new Taylor Swift music album when
she came over to visit that day, and wanted me to listen to it with her. As you know, I'm a big fan of
Taylor Swift, so I agreed, and we listened to it together using my computer. Suddenly, I felt Pat getting
closer to me. I moved to the left, but Pat still followed. Luckily, with the sound of my dog breaking the
bedside table lamp she jumped aside from the sudden noise. Yet, she did not give up. She told me that
the lamp was broken because of her, so she wanted to buy me a new one.

She had arranged for us to pick out a new lamp together at a nearby shopping mall. However, that day
we did not shop for any kind of lamp. Instead we went shopping for clothes, for her! She kept on
asking me "Do I look pretty?" "Which clothes do you like?" We walked around the shopping mall for an
entire 5 hours without even stopping to have lunch. When I told her I was hungry, she did not care, and
just continued shopping. Have you ever gone shopping with your wife for 5 hours without stopping to
rest or eat?

Afterwards, we went to the Kowloon Walled City Park. When I thought I could finally sit down to have
a rest, Pat ordered me to take a photo of her. Although I didn't mind doing it, she didn’t only want to take
one photo, she took hundreds of them. When Neil Armstrong went to the moon, he only took 5 photos.
As I thought my day couldn’t get any worse, it suddenly started raining cats and dogs. So, we ran to the
pavilion to take shelter and wait for the rain to stop. While we sat under the pavilion, Pat gossiped about
a lot of people. Honestly, I’ve already forgotten what she talked about that day. The only thing I know is
that in Pat’s eyes, no girl is worthy enough to be beside her, which is probably the main reason why
everyone hates her so much, since she always looks down on others and doesn’t care about how anyone

My day did not end there. Pat dragged me to watch the Symphony of lights show with her at the Avenue
of Stars. The show wasn’t really entertaining for me and there were many tourists at the location, so it
was really crowded. I hate crowded places as it makes me feel anxious. I was finally able to head back
home after the show had ended. I felt really exhausted. I have decided that sometime soon I will
definitely tell Pat how I don't like her and ask her to stay away from me. I don’t wish to see her again
after all that had happened.

I will keep you updated on this matter. Hope to hear back from you soon.


Reflective Journal: School Life 4B Ip Ho Sze

Youth is a possession for everyone but it does not exist eternally.

Since the first moment that I passed through the school gate, ‘youth’ has been synonymous with
‘Fanling Lutheran Secondary School’. Yet, I don’t find myself having a particularly fantastic school life.

There was a Golden Jubilee Writing Competition that was taking place and I heard that many of my
classmates wrote about their fond memories in FLSS which included love, friendship, achievements
made and awards received in different competitions. They can easily talk about their remarkable
experiences at school, ranging from the daily activities to special occasions at school. Then, I ask myself,
‘how about me?’

When I forced myself to think about what I should write on my school life in FLSS, only negative
emotions and a sense of emptiness came to my mind. These feelings kept lingering in my mind as I
thought about how I would always panic when it came to preparing for the DSE exams, as I am really
afraid that I won’t be able to get into a university. Sometimes, I even think that it is a good idea to repeat
S5 in order to prepare for my DSE exam. Other than that, I would ask myself what I have been doing.
Yet, I couldn’t answer that question myself. Although it sounds unbelievable, it is true. Originally I had
planned to be like my other classmates and write about how I have many great memories of my school
life in FLSS, but in the end I didn’t, as making up fake stories to me is meaningless. After all, this piece
of writing is intended to help everyone express their true feelings about their life at school.

Although my life may sound very negative so far, I keep reminding myself to look forward to my senior
secondary school life.

A letter of advice 4C Lam Nga Mei

Dear Andy,

I am sorry to hear about the problems you are experiencing. However, don’t worry as I am going to give
some advice to you today that will hopefully help you.

I understand that it has been hard for you to adapt to life at your new school, especially since there’s
been a group of students who have been teasing you because of how you’re overweight. You should
either just ignore these students, or, lose some weight to get back in shape. Then they will have no more
excuse to tease you anymore. It will be better for you to eat healthy and do some exercise to get back in
shape anyway, as it will help strengthen your body and build your confidence.

You shouldn’t stick with these people who judge you by your appearance, but find some true friends
who will like you for who you are, as you are a good person and have a nice personality. You can try to
meet some new people at different parties held by your school or make some friends at the school
football team you have recently joined.

Last but not least, you can seek help from the social workers at your school! I can ensure you that they
will be willing to help you with your problem and they’re very professional. When I was in F1 and was
experiencing similar problems, I went to talk to the social workers at my school and they lent me a hand
by giving me a lot of advice on how to deal with the problems I was having. You can do the same too.

I hope my advice will help you. If the problem still persists, you can write to me again. I am always here
for you!

Your loving brother,


In search of inspiration 4C Cheng Chung Hin

Phil was a writer in his fifties. One day, he found himself running short of ideas for his writing piece and
hence decided to take his car out for a ride in search for some inspiration. He had driven for 5 miles until
he reached a forest. He had already packed all the necessities he needed for this long journey, as he
wanted to write a fictional horror story this time and had heard about how this forest was full of
mysteries from other people. He decided to spend a week there to see whether this rumor was true and if
he could come up with any new ideas.

He began setting up his tent when the sky turned dark and it began to drizzle. The drizzle quickly
changed to a downpour of rain, so he decided to leave the tent and get back into his car to take shelter. ‘I
never expected it would rain today especially since the weather forecast said it was going to be fine and
clear for the rest of the week.’ He reckoned that something might happen, so he decided to drive to a
town nearby to avoid any dangers. However, when he reversed his car, the tyres got stuck in the mud
and his car wouldn’t move!

‘BOOM!’ All of a sudden, a tree toppled over and crushed his car, before he knew it he had lost
consciousness. When he woke up, he found himself lying on a bed in a house, covered in bandages.
‘Someone must have saved me from the forest and treated my wounds! But then, there was scarcely
anyone in that forest at the time.’

A while later, a nurse paid him a visit and asked how he felt. ‘Where am I?’ Phil asked.

‘This is Paradise,’ the nurse responded.

Phil got out of his bed and started to head for the entrance. When he went outside, he noticed that he was
neither in the forest or a town that he knew. He was in a small village, with an organized community.
The houses were only two-storey high. There were no vehicles and no roads. Yet, the people in the
community could take care of themselves well as everything they needed was provided for them in the
stores free of charge.

People there could eat their favourite food, read their favourite literature books, go to watch a movie at
the cinema, and share their joy with their neighbours all over the town. There was no rank and no
politics. Phil was surprised that he hadn’t heard of this place before.

As Phil discovered more, the villagers became aware of his existence. They held one another’s hands
and started dancing around him. They looked glad as they had a new member in the community.
Everyone was curious about how the world was like outside. Phil talked to the villagers about it for the
whole day until later in the evening. He seemed to have already forgotten about the accident that he had.

Phil wanted to go back home and bring his wife and son to this peaceful place, so that they wouldn’t

have to worry about the bills piling up anymore, and the couple wouldn’t have to fight or argue over
money a lot of the time.

‘I think that my family should move to this place. I’m going home to bring my family here. See you in
one week!’ Phil told the villagers.

‘Our door will always be open for you, but only you. We all really think that you should live here. But
remember! Don’t tell anyone about this place and only come back here by yourself.’

After the villagers warned Phil, he got on the car and started to head back home. Before he knew it he
found himself back at the exact place where he had lost consciousness. The only difference was that the
car was intact. ‘These people are so sweet,’ he thought. He recalled the warning the villagers gave him
about not bringing other people there, but he decided to ignore the warning as he thought to himself,
‘They will be happy to see my family.’

He went home and told his wife the whole story of what happened, and as expected, his wife didn’t
believe what he was saying. ‘Start packing and a week later, you’ll know that I’m telling the truth!’ Phil
said to his wife in a convincing tone.

A week later, Phil’s family took the car and headed towards the forest. Phil parked the car at the exact
same place where he had the accident. Yet, he noticed that the broken tree had already returned to how it
was like before, like nothing happened. He couldn’t explain why that was the case. He looked
everywhere for the entrance to the outside world, but he couldn’t find it.

‘It doesn’t make sense!’ Phil said. ‘They told me to walk along the path for 15 minutes and that I’ll
eventually reach the entrance to the world of Paradise.’ His son dared not say anything, and his wife
thought he had gone insane. However, one thing for sure was that he couldn’t explain the phenomenon,
though he truly believed the existence of Paradise.

A Letter of Advice 4C Lam Kiu Fung

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your letter. You asked for some advice on what to bring, what to look out for and what to
eat when you come to visit Hong Kong in April. I’ll help you today by answering those questions.

First you asked me what the weather’s like in April in Hong Kong, and what kind of clothes you and
your friends should bring. I would suggest you and your friends bring some long-sleeve shirts, as well as
some T-shirts, when you come to Hong Kong, as the weather can sometimes be quite chilly. Although it
is mostly warm and sunny, there are also occasional cloudy and rainy days, so I suggest you bring an
umbrella or raincoat before you come as well, to be prepared.

You also asked me whether Hong Kong people bow when they greet people from other Asian countries.
I think that a handshake and smile would do when you meet your host families at the airport. You can
ask them, “How are you?” This is the way most Hong Kong people greet each other when they meet, as
they do not like to be too open-minded. So they only do simple gestures, unlike people in some Western
countries who may give others a kiss on the cheek.

Finally, in the letter you also asked me where you can try some local dishes. I suggest going to the
Chinese cuisine stall in Yuen Long. The signature dish there is Hainanese chicken rice. You can dip the
chicken in soy sauce before eating it. Apart from Hainanese chicken rice, there is also a wide selection
of other local dishes for you to try. They are all very delicious and I highly recommend you try them out.

I hope my advice today has helped you and your friends, and hope you all have a nice trip in Hong


A Personal Letter 4C Chui Wing Yee
3rd October, 2013

Dear Mandy,

How are you doing? It seems like it’s been such a long time since your last visit.

Today, I spent the day together with my friend Pat. I started heading for Pat’s house at half past eight in
the morning, and arrived at nine. I was greeted by her cute little brown dog. We were watching a funny
film together in her bedroom, which I thought was very interesting, when all of a sudden it went dark.
We found out that it was because while Pat’s dog tried to climb up onto the furniture, it had knocked the
lamp over and broke it. The dog was scared that it would be punished for what it had done, but Pat just
said, ‘Don’t be scared. I won’t get mad at you, just don’t do it ever again.’

Afterwards, we went to Sha Tin Shopping Mall, where there was a variety of things we could buy
including clothes and food. Pat went into one of the clothes shops to buy some clothes. She spent almost
one hour in that shop. I started feeling hungry and saw that there was a food court near the shop, so I
suggested having lunch there first. We ate Japanese curry and pork, it was not spicy at all and tasted very

After lunch, we went to Kowloon Walled City Park. We went there to look at some of the flowers and
birds which were all very beautiful. All of a sudden it started raining, so we went to the Centre to take
shelter and waited for the rain to stop.

At night, we went to the Avenue of Stars, and walked by the sea. It was very relaxing. They were having
a firework show, which was an amazing sight for me, as I haven’t seen fireworks before. I had a really
great day spending time and going to many different places with my friend Pat.

I hope to hear from you soon, telling me all about how you are currently doing and what you’ve been up


A letter from me in the future 4C Lam Ching Ngai
Dear Tiffany,

I know you’re currently feeling very doubtful about yourself, but let me tell you something to cheer you
up. Many interesting things will happen to you in the upcoming 10 years. You will be studying at
Chinese University, which is one of your dream universities to get into! You will also start learning more
about fashion design, as one day you will become a fashion designer who makes beautiful clothes for
other people to wear, and would find your job very wonderful.

After you have finished all your studies, you will be travelling around the world to visit places such as
Japan, Korea and New Zealand, to enjoy their spectacular views at some of their destinations and try all
their different cuisines. You may also learn how to cook some of them.

Sometimes, you may be uncertain about your abilities, but that will change. You’ll become a more
confident and mature person. You’ll marry your beloved sweetheart, and have two children of your own,
including a son called Sam and a lovely daughter called Michaela. You’ll decide to buy a dog which
you’ll be playing with every day along with your kids. On Sundays, you will go picnicking together with
your family. There are a lot of great memories to make ahead of you.

Your life can be challenging sometimes, but don’t lose heart! Maybe your English is not good right now,
but that doesn’t matter, as you will soon become very good at it. Believe in yourself. You can do it!
Don’t feel depressed or too worried!

I wish I could tell you more, but I have to stop here. Stay positive and live in the moment!

Your Future Self

A letter of advice 4C Ng Wing Han

Dear Martin,

Thank you for your letter. I am sorry to hear about the financial difficulties you and your family are
facing. I totally understand how you feel in this situation. If I were you, I would get myself a part-time
job to do. However, I think you should not do part-time work, until you can manage your time properly
between work and your school life, otherwise even if you can earn some money, you will just be wasting
your time.

If you insist on doing some part-time work, you should balance your time between work and resting
when needed. If not, you will just end up overworking yourself. Also, try to decrease the amount of
money you spend on buying unnecessary things. It is a good idea for you to start saving your money
instead. I think you should also take part in some courses about financial management to learn more
about how you can save money for future use.

I hope that my advice today could help. If there is anything else that I can do for you, just let me know.
You will always have my full support. Hope to hear from you soon, telling me how things turn out.

Best wishes,

Flag Day 4E Luo Ya Wen

It was my first time experiencing selling flags today. To be honest, I felt really exhausted afterwards, but
I also enjoyed it very much. Not only did I help the children in need raise funds, but I also gained a lot
of insightful experiences today.

At the beginning, I wasn’t brave enough to walk up to the pedestrians to ask for a donation, as I was
afraid they’d either be in a hurry, or not willing to donate some money to charity. Also, I wasn’t sure
what I should say or do in this kind of situation. Fortunately, my classmates were there to help me; they
taught me how to encourage people to buy flags and took me to a place where there was a huge crowd of
people so that the chance of people coming up to me to buy flags would be higher. I made my first
attempt at walking up to a passerby, and encouraging her to buy a flag. I was amazed when she had
agreed. It had helped boost my confidence. I became more proactive and enthusiastic, and selling flags
became an easier task for me.

However, I felt rather frustrated when it came to the people who were reluctant to buy flags. To me, they
were selfish people, and some of them even said mean things to me. Others told me to just leave and go
home. How could they not appreciate the fact that I was only volunteering to offer help at a charitable
organization which provides help for the people in need? I couldn’t help but glared at them as they left. I
felt furious at that moment, but quickly calmed myself down and continued with my duties. I told myself
that those people may have their own difficulties and perhaps that was the reason why they were unable
to donate, even though it was still rude of them to say mean things to me.

Overall, I still enjoyed my job today, and would like to thank everyone who has given a helping hand for
the people in need.

A letter from the future me 4E Leung Chui Kuen

Dear Vivian,

How are you? I know that you’re currently in S4 and always feel very pessimistic about a lot of things,
but let me tell you something today that will hopefully brighten up your day.

It may be hard to believe but many unexpected things will happen to you in the upcoming 10 years. Not
only will you eventually study in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which is one of the dream
universities you want to get into, but you will also become a policewoman, which has been your dream
job since you were young. You will learn how to take good care of other people, and learn how to
express yourself better. You will find your job interesting, because you will make a lot of new friends
there, who will give you lots of support and encouragement.

After you finish your studies, for a period of time you will relax and enjoy your life. You will then begin
working as a policewoman, and you will go to many places to join some international competitions. Also,
besides working as a policewoman, you will also become a part-time zoo-keeper, and you’ll be able to
take care of a lot of animals that you love very much daily.

Sometimes, you are unhappy about your performance, but you’ll become stronger. You will find your
partner who you will eventually marry, and you’ll do a lot of daily activities with him. You will come to
enjoy life because of him.

Life can be challenging for you sometimes, but don’t lost heart! You can do far better than you can
imagine, and you will be able to achieve your “personal best” in running one day!

I wish I could tell you more, but I have to stop here. Don’t worry too much! You can do it!

Your Future Self

A Letter from the future me 4E Leung Chun Kit

Dear Paco,

How are you? I know that you have become a very handsome school boy who likes to help people out,
when they are in trouble. Let me tell you something today about your future!

Many unusual things will happen to you in the next ten years. Not only will you study PE at university,
you will also become a PE teacher. PE is currently your favourite subject at the moment, and you will
become more interested in it. Whilst studying at university, you will learn all the necessary things on
how to teach your students well in the future.

After you finish your studies, you will travel around the world. Because of how you will eventually
learn how to make investments, you will make a lot of money out of it and become a millionaire! You
will learn how to make good use of the money and enjoy life with others. You will find life to be very
interesting and exciting.

Sometimes, you are uncertain about your future, but you will become more mature and confident about
yourself. You will have seven members in your family in the future, including a loving wife and six
lovely children, who you will love deeply and spend a lot of your time with, making special memories

I wish I could tell you more, but I have to stop here. Don’t worry too much about your future, just live in
the moment!

Your Future Self

A letter to the Editor 5A Man Hin Ki and 5A Yau Lo Mung
Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my views on food hawkers, which has long been a controversial issue in Hong
Kong. Some people may support their businesses, while others disapprove of them. After considering
the benefits that it can bring to the society, it is certain that we should preserve this local food culture.

In the first place, allowing food hawkers to work openly can benefit our economy. Nowadays, most of
the chain shops belong to huge corporations, implying the fact that more and more traditional shops like
snack shops, have been shut down because of fierce competition and the highly monopolized market.
Huge corporations have stronger financial power which allows them to control the prices and supply of
products. On the contrary, because of the pricy rents and low profits from selling snacks, snack shop
owners are universally unable to stand the costly rents. If the government permits food hawkers to work
legally, they will be able to operate the stall at a lower cost without paying steep rents. Therefore, they
can compete with huge corporations in the market and turn the homogenized economy into a diverse one.
Not only will those food hawkers earn their living by having a safe place for trading, we as customers
will also enjoy a wider selection of food or snacks at an affordable price.

Apart from the benefits to our economy, permitting food hawkers to operate can also help preserve our
local food culture, which is indeed unique and invaluable. Imagine that there were no more food
hawkers on the street, we would not be able to enjoy the mouth-watering fish balls as well as the unique
smell of tofu. It would be a big loss to Hong Kong local food culture. Besides, food hawking also
attracts tourists to visit Hong Kong, since their home-made or signature snacks are part of our heritage.
In fact, many hawkers like “Uncle Egg-Waffle” by Mr. Ng mentioned in the newspaper, do have some
traditional food recipes they have spent decades perfecting. The familiar smell and taste of their
“trademark products”, and the human touch between hawkers and the customers, are what we Hong
Kong people value and take pride in. We should never let those food recipes vanish gradually, and make
those self-sufficient hawkers become jobless. If the government lets them work as hawkers, they will be
able to run their own feature food stalls without investing too much capital. Hence, the traditional food
culture can be preserved for our future generations.
Despite the above benefits mentioned, frankly speaking, allowing them to work as food hawkers may

produce some potential problems such as poor hygiene, noisy streets and even food poisoning.
Nevertheless, I believe we can solve these problems with a sound license system. The government has
already set up a license system, but the fact is that, it is very hard to become a legal vendor as the
authority does not issue new hawker licenses under normal circumstances. The government should be
pliable when reviewing its policies and issuing licenses to eligible hawkers. At the same time, it can
supervise the operation of hawkers like having random checks to make sure the food is clean and up to
standard. Besides, it is essential to set up areas like food hawking streets, to ensure that the noise level is
under control. If the food hawkers violate the regulations, the authority can suspend or refuse to renew
the license with the hawkers. I believe it will be a “win-win” situation to all stakeholders.

In conclusion, I strongly support the idea of allowing food hawkers’ trade to be legal in Hong Kong.
What we really need is a fair, sensible license system which helps to keep this culture alive without
causing nuisance and inconvenience to other citizens.

Yours faithfully,
Mon & Emily

A Boost of Asian Stars 5A Ho Hung Hung
If you visit any western cities, like New York City, it is easy to see the faces of Asian famous superstars
like Psy in his popular ‘horse-dance’ music video. Asian popular culture has been admired by westerners
lately, especially K-pop. Many westerners have been trying to copy the dance moves or song lyrics of
famous K-pop singers. The films or movies some of them appear in with other famous actors have also
created a storm of hype. After seeing this trend, numerous people will start asking why Asian singers or
movie stars can become so famous amongst so many people around the world. Here in this article, some
factors contributing to their growing popularity will be examined.

First of all, Asian singers give a ‘cultural shock’ to westerners as they have innovative images or
choreographies. For instance, the most-viewed music video on Youtube, “Fantastic Baby”, produced by
the popular K-pop band - Big Bang, had up to 75 million views by the end of 2012. In the music videos;
the members, wore weird, wild, exaggerated outfits, like long red highlighted hair, over-sized shoes and
animal costumes. Taeyang and G-Dragon, who are members of Big Bang, are seen as fashion icons.
Some even depict them as “global fashionistas” and a “style icon”. Their very fashionable styles have
been known all over the world, and recently they were invited as guests at the prestigious fashion event
‘Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2014 Menswear Collection’. Their stylish clothing becomes
another attraction in their music videos. As well as their smart or peculiar images and excellent
choreographies, all help in assisting them to obtain a lot of popularity. For example, Girls Generation or
Super Junior, their choreographies are very well- organized and easy for the audience to follow. Super
Junior’s “washing-hand dance” in the “Sorry Sorry” music video, was even prevalent for quite a while in
western countries. All these factors help K-pop singers and actors stand on the international spotlight.

Our world is an ever-evolving one. In this new technological era, electronic gadgets or the existence of
the Internet means easy access to Asian popular culture. Media like the Internet are serving as various
platforms to spread the news of new music videos, produced by different Asian singers or the different
shows or movies they appear in, with popular actors. For instance, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are
free-of-charge for anyone to showcase their masterworks. Once you set up a channel and upload your
video, your talent will soon appear on people’s smart phones or Facebook. Plus, it can be uploaded
readily. By subscribing to a certain singer or movie stars’ channel, or the channel for the company they
work for, you will receive a notification on your smart phone or computer telling you when they do

upload something on the Internet. People can also leave comments or film reaction videos as feedback to
the video itself.

Take Korean singer Psy as a concrete example. His viral video ‘Gangnam Style’ was released on
YouTube and it had reached its one-billion-views in no more than six months. With such a free, easy and
popular tool, the boundaries and barriers of distance between countries are eliminated. With such a
helpful promotion, the Internet surely helps pave the way of success for these Asian Superstars.

Last but not least, one should not overlook the entertainment companies or the hard work artists put into
anything they do, when examining their reasons for success. Entertainment companies such as; S.M.
Entertainment, JYP Entertainment and YG Entertainment, are three of the well-known record labels and
talent agencies, they provide training courses for their artists before their debut. The training takes an
average of 2-5 years to complete. Jo Kwon, who is the leader of the boy band – 2AM, had been training
for seven years before his debut. Besides entertainment companies’ effort, artists’ talent is also
significant to their career. Jay Chou, one of the well-known artists in Taiwan, worked hard in order to
approach the Hollywood movie industry; he even employed a private English tutor to study and practice
English. Plus, he is very multi-talented as he can write songs, and direct his own music videos or movies,
such as “Secret”, which he played a part in as well. Hence, foreigners recognized his hard work and
talent, as he finally enrolled on ‘The Green Hornet”, a Hollywood action comedy film, released in 2011.
With the collaboration of many stakeholders in the entertainment industry, Asian singers and movie stars
are indeed well-known amongst many people around the world.

In conclusion, it is predictable that these superstars will keep thriving in the future with their amazing
talent, fashionable styles, excellent choreographies, and most of all good looks.

A letter to the Editor 5A Ho Hung Hung

Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my viewpoints on the newly introduced music festival, which has been proposed
by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. There is no doubt that the festival will bring benefits
to Hong Kong, but meanwhile, as a resident who is living near the suggested venue, there are some
potential problems that the government should take into account as well.

First of all, the proposal provides “a medication” for people who are fed up with the social and working
environment in Hong Kong. This high-quality entertainment can help reduce their outrage to the Hong
Kong Government, or help reduce their stress levels from heavy workload. By inviting world-famous
musicians to Hong Kong, we can appreciate their talent and release our stress through watching their
professional performances, along with listening to their stunning voices. As there is tremendous anger in
Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Government can use this opportunity to comfort everyone and show that
they are willing to support the entertainment industry. If the festival can be held, the public outrage to
the Hong Kong Government should be diminished, as music is a great medication to help heal or relax
people, especially those who feel stressed or angry. I strongly believe that the festival can bring joy to

The proposal also gives a communicative platform to local singers and foreign singers. Local singers
have long been criticized and doubted their ability in the music industry. Imagine that if the proposal can
be staged, the local singers and foreign singers can take this chance to showcase their techniques in
singing. Foreign singers can also teach local singers some techniques in singing through the exchange of
ideas and appreciation of each other’s works. Also, local singers can share some of their experiences
with them. The festival can help both of them learn something from each other, and make improvements
on their singing and performing.

Although there are benefits to most stakeholders, there are some potential problems that the Government
should be aware of.

There will be problems with noise pollution round the venue with the instruments and the audience. As

one of the residents who live near the venue, I have heard a lot of concerns over the festival, mainly to
do with the noise pollution that can make it very difficult for people to work or sleep. If the noise
produced during the show is too loud, it may cause intolerable disturbance to the rest of us. We may not
be able to sleep well or concentrate on work. For the sake of the people who live nearby, I advise that
the Government should enforce noise regulations, by setting a time limit for the music festival. For
example the festival can start at 7p.m. and end before 10p.m. I believe that there is enough time for the
singers to finish their performances and for the audience to admire as many performances as they would

Another underlying problem relates to the audiences’ safety, which may be caused by overcrowding.
Imagine there are more than 1000 people standing in the same place during the concert, audiences may
become overexcited and decide to put their hands in the air, or wave their light sticks around. Under
these circumstances, any possible accidents can happen, such as someone being hit by the light sticks
accidentally. At the end of the concert, the scene will become a mess when everyone leaves at the same
time. They may push each other, tread on each other’s toes or fall over, etc. To prevent all these possible
scenarios, the government should arrange some security guards or police to be there to help disperse the
crowd when the performance finishes. A first aid team should also stand by in case of any injuries during
the festival.

The festival can have both positive and negative impacts on the people in Hong Kong, but I hope that
the Government can take the problems into account and make the necessary arrangements in order to run
the festival smoothly and successfully.

Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

A letter to the Editor 5A Lau Yuk Cheung

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my views regarding the hot topic of teenage obesity. When it comes to the
question why Hong Kong teenagers are becoming fatter or overweight, people’s answers are
unanimous-----a lack of exercise. Yet, is there only one factor resulting in this situation? Probably not. In
this letter, I will give reasons for this phenomenon and suggest ways to alleviate the problem. But first,
we should focus on the causes of it.

To commence with, the negative effect of marketing strategies of the fast food chains is a catalyst for
this issue. Teenagers are more prone to be affected by different marketing strategies, as they are not as
mature as adults when viewing fast food commercial advertisements. Some food advertisements attempt
to make big profits, so they regard students who like to eat a lot of food as their major targets. We can
see lots of discounts for students in restaurants, especially in KFC. Lured by the attractive prices or
some trendy gifts, students may tend to eat unhealthy food and absorb a great deal of trans fats; on top of
lack of exercise, this will consequently lead to the problem of teenage obesity. Also, lots of
advertisements use magnetic pictures and logos to make their food products irresistible to teenagers.
Some students may then eat too much fast food and eventually become overweight.

Apart from these food chain companies, our current education system is also a reason why many
teenagers are becoming obese. Teenagers are mostly students, who place a lot of emphasis on public
exams, like the HKDSE. It is understandable that some may ignore their own health and fitness.
Students and teachers are all facing the big public examinations, so they cannot spend a lot of time doing
exercise. Although, it is common sense that exercise makes our body healthier, fitter and stronger.
However, at most schools, there are only a few PE lessons on school days; there is only a lesson once a
week in some schools. How can we prevent teenage obesity if students aren’t able to get their daily
amount of exercise? Also, many schools put much emphasis on students’ sports performances but not the
process. They want to do well at each sport game and win it if possible, so they mainly select those who
are talented to take part in sports clubs or activities. Therefore, general students may be indifferent
towards sports because they are not chosen. Our education system is indeed making lots of students lose
their motivation for sports and exercising in general, which is an indirect factor to teenage obesity.

Aside from schools, the Government should also be responsible for this issue. The lack of sport
amenities is also a reason for teen’s reluctance to exercise. In fact, many schools in Hong Kong lack
sport facilities or do not have enough room for students to do exercises. Students have no choice but to
go to community centres in order to exercise instead, as there are not a lot of public sport grounds
around Hong Kong. For example, we can even hardly find a soccer field in Tin Sui Wai. Students may
then become less motivated in doing sports and eventually become unhealthy and obese. Our
Government does put numerous resources on fostering sport talents, but yet again it is just for some

selected members of the society, not for all. It is thus not hard to see some students become apathetic
towards sports.

After considering the above-mentioned reasons, it is essential for us to do something in order to prevent
this unhealthy issue.

First of all, the Government should take the lead in ruling companies. The Government can set
restrictions on companies selling snacks and food containing trans fats. For example, the Government
can set regulations so that food chain companies will have to clearly show all unhealthy or artificial
chemicals in the ingredient tabulation. This can let youngsters know whether it is unhealthy for the body,
or how much of the product they should intake. For instance, in some European countries, children
under 8 years old are not permitted to take excess sugar and parents have to control it. The Hong Kong
Government can set a reference line for parents to follow; in order to control their children’s diets, health
education should start at an early age. Only by doing so, teenagers’ eating habit can be cultivated.

Also, the Government should put more resources into sport amenities. It can provide more choices for
teenagers to choose what exercise they want to do, and it can lure students to do exercise more
frequently. Although we cannot change the education system in Hong Kong, we can still use other ways
to attract youngsters to do sports, like providing more facilities in both communities and schools, such as
football fields and tennis courts. When students have more opportunities to take up sports, they tend to
do more exercise. Also, the Government can hold more sports events, like East Asian Games. More
sports stars will then come to Hong Kong and motivate students to become more interested in doing
Students and teenagers are pillars in Hong Kong. We have to make sure that they have a healthy body.
As the saying goes “Many hands make light work”. Let our students, their parents and the Government
solve the problem of teenage obesity together.

Yours faithfully
Chris Wong

A letter to the Editor 5A Man Hin Ki

Dear Editor,

Teenage obesity has become a hot topic in the society. A recent survey revealed that the number of
overweight teenagers is increasing drastically. As a teenager, I therefore take the responsibility to discuss
the reasons to the phenomenon and suggest ways to reduce the number of overweight teens in the city.

To begin with, one of the major reasons of the increasing number of overweight teenagers is their
unhealthy lifestyle. Let us face the reality and take a look at the busy life of a Hong Kong teenager. In
order to save time, they tend to sacrifice their breakfast time to obtain more sleep instead. However, they
do not understand that a fruitful breakfast is vital for us to be an energetic person. They starve
themselves till it is lunchtime, in which they always flock to McDonalds to buy hamburgers and a fizzy
drink for lunch. Having a fat and salty lunch without fruits and vegetables, it is easy to become obese.
After school, they always buy some snacks such as potato chips and candies to eat whilst chatting with
their friends. Moreover, it is worse that they always stay up late at night to use their mobile phones and
play computer games. Sleeping at midnight, the organs cannot take a good rest. As a result, teenagers
easily get sick and suffer from different kinds of diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.

Apart from the unhealthy lifestyle, the education system is also a culprit that poses the problem of
overweight teenagers. At school, teachers are paying too much emphasis on their studies. The school
curriculum is completely designed for the preparation of public exams. Plenty of extra exercises and
notes are distributed to the students for them to complete. However, there are no extra physical
education lessons for students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Both teachers and students feel stressed whilst
preparing for these exams every day. Nevertheless, it is not enough for them to strive for a place in the
university. After having the eight lessons at school, they need to join other extra-curricular activities and
tutorial classes to gain other learning experiences. After joining the activities and classes, the students
will need to finish their homework or do some revision for the upcoming tests at night. By following this
routine almost every day, teenagers are extremely tired. They do not have the time or energy to go
jogging or even have a walk in the park. It is crystal clear that the Hong Kong education system is
making students exam-oriented. Therefore, the weekly or even bi-weekly Physical Education (P.E.)

lesson has become very valuable to students, although, it is completely inadequate for them.

Based on the above two main reasons, solutions should be given out to help reduce the number of
overweight youngsters in the city. Different stakeholders take their responsibility to tackle the

For schools, other than P.E. lessons, students should be offered more chances to do exercise in the
morning or at lunchtime. It takes only 15 to 20 minutes every day and it will not affect the normal school
lessons. Apart from that, schools can offer more healthy lunches with more vegetables and less meat.
Furthermore, they can talk with the tuck shop by asking them to sell more fruits and salad, and fewer
snacks like potato chips and biscuits.

The Government also shares the responsibility to change the phenomenon. The Government can produce
advertisements to promote the importance of having a healthy diet and working out every day since
education is always the best way to change people’s bad habits. In addition, sponsoring students to have
an annual medical checkup is another effective way to solve the problem, as the experienced doctors and
nurses will give useful and professional advice to teens, and help them to have a healthy lifestyle.

Last but not least, parents also take an important role. If parents have spare time, they should cook at
home and avoid dining outside since the food outside is mostly unhealthy with plenty of oil, salt as well
as sugar. Furthermore, parents can do outdoor activities with their children at weekends, such as going
hiking and running together. It is not a good idea to stay at home and play games all the time. Going out
to do some exercise whilst breathing the fresh air can help teens lead a healthy lifestyle. Finally, parents
should set a good example to their children. They should eat healthily, have proper rest and do regular

I believe the phenomenon can be changed. It is beneficial to our next generations if all the stakeholders
can cooperatively take corresponding action.

Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

Not distributing paper---- saving or wasting resources at school? 5A Yau Lo Mung
It has long been a controversial issue whether we should stop distributing paper in schools, when paper
is distributed daily and the planet is calling for help under the alarming conditions of global warming.
Some might support the suggestion while others disapprove of it. I believe it is essential to look at both
the pros and cons of not distributing paper before making any decisions.

One advantage of not distributing paper in schools is that it can help save natural resources. Hundreds
and thousands of paper are distributed to students and thrown away quickly every day in schools. For
example, the notices for parents or parental consent forms are a big waste of paper as they are used once
only. It is common knowledge that paper is made of wood pulp which is another form of trees. If we
stop distributing paper, but make electronic copies available instead, we will absolutely be able to
protect trees from being cut down and help preserve rainforests.

Another advantage of not distributing paper is the convenience of it. If we make electronic copies
available, teachers can save a lot of time on printing out and distributing handouts like worksheets, notes,
etc. What we need to do is only to turn on the computers and it can save us a lot of time spent on the
complicated procedure. Also, hasty parents will not have to go home earlier in order to read the notices
for their children, whilst feeling very tired. They will only need to click into the websites of schools,
using their personal computer or smart phones and they will be able to access the information there. This
suggestion therefore benefits both teachers and parents.

Although there are myriads of benefits of not distributing paper in schools, we cannot turn a blind eye to
the disadvantages.

What worries the public most is the adverse impact on the users’ health, including physical health and
mental health. Overusing computers can hurt our eyes, when sitting in front of the computer for a
prolonged period of time, intangible radiation will go directly into our eyes, resulting in possible eye
diseases such as Dry eye syndrome. As for the latter, mental health problems are also closely related to
the number of hours we spend in front of computers. Scientists discovered to their dismay that the more
time a person uses a computer, the higher risk the person will fall victim to mental diseases such as
depression, anxiety disorder and stress. Hence, not distributing paper in schools may lead to some

negative effects on the health of teachers and students who have to face computers very frequently
because of their heavy workload.

Apart from the health concern, the implementation of the suggestion is also a big challenge. Although
the electricity supply is relatively stable in the city, there are still a lot of problems to take into account,
for example, not everyone, especially parents, knows how to use a computer. Also, not every family is
able to afford the price of computers, Internet fee, and software upgrade fee. Worse still, it is hard to
judge whether the homework is really finished by the appointed person, because so far it is impossible
for teachers to check whether students indeed did their homework by themselves. Therefore,
implementation of the suggestion can be a huge problem to many of us.

After weighing the benefits and potential problems mentioned above, I believe the most feasible
suggestion is to impose a sensible system in schools. Worksheet, notes and exam papers should remain
in their original form as teachers and students need to deal with them for a long time, which may lead to
health problems if they use the computers instead of paper, day and night. At the same time, we can
change the form of notices and academic results into electrical forms because they are mainly used to
deliver information to parents, and they are mostly thrown away quickly after being read. By imposing
the above suggestions, it can both help make our school become more eco-friendly and prevent students
and staff from suffering from the diseases and problems induced by overusing computers.

All in all, as one of the stakeholders on this issue, I strongly believe that only by setting up an
appropriate distributing system in school, can we strike a balance between the benefits and setbacks of
not distributing paper.

Should shark fin soup be banned in Hong Kong? 5B Chan Yunn Kiu

Shark fin is the most expensive dried seafood product sold in Asia, but it means much more than just a
cuisine in Chinese culture. It is a traditional luxury item which is usually served at weddings and
banquets, processed in an extremely cruel way. Hong Kong people love eating shark fin soup. It is
served at most of the weddings we attend, only a small number of couples do not serve it as they are
aware of the consequences shark finning brings. As one of the Chinese members in the society, I
strongly condemn eating shark fin soup.

Firstly, shark finning is brutal, inhumane and barbaric. Some people might wrangle that eating other
flesh is cruel as well, since we take away their lives and slice them off, so shark finning isn’t a problem.
However, the process of shark finning is nothing similar to how we process meat like pork or beef; it
might be one of the most savage ways to process food. Sharks’ fins are sliced off while the sharks are
still alive, then the sharks are thrown back to the ocean without their fins. Days later, some of them die
by starving or drowning, sinking to the bottom of the sea or slowly eaten by other fish. Shark finning
claims between 26 million & 73 million sharks annually. However, the process of acquiring meat from
other animals do not require them to go through an agonizing death, shark finning shows the uncivilized
and wicked parts of human culture, millions of years later we are still treating animals like how the
barbarians did.

Secondly, shark finning severely upsets the oceanic ecosystem. As all of us know, sharks can be a cruel
type of fish. However, sharks aren’t simply predators, they are critical partners, cleaning and balancing
agents in the ocean. Sharks are secondary consumers that hunt prey such as rays and shell fish. When the
number of sharks decreases, the number of the sharks’ quarries rises; this causes an imbalanced
ecosystem where starvations, extinctions and proliferations might occur.

Lastly, some people think that it is important to serve guests with shark fin soup to show respect. It’s a
tradition in Chinese communities. However, it’s only an old-fashioned tradition, with no construction to
our Chinese culture which values moral and sagacity. Tradition isn’t something that should never be
changed. Why can’t shark finning be stopped? Traditions aren’t valuable simply because of hundreds or
thousands of years of practice, it’s because they show vital values such as filial piety, civility and

sagacity…But shark finning shows no value to us. Shark fin soup is only one of the cuisines which can
always be replaced by another. Nowadays, more and more couples give up shark fin soup as a cuisine in
their weddings. Does this break our social harmony or cause conflicts claiming they are not respectful?
The answer is definitely ‘NO’. In fact, this tradition isn’t as important as people think.

All in all, shark finning is unacceptable and meaningless. It brings disservices to us with no contribution
to our traditional culture. We should stop eating shark fin soup and promote the idea of ‘stopping shark

A letter of complaint 5B Tsoi Ka Ngo
Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the poor conditions of your amusement park. I paid a
visit to your park last weekend and I was very disappointed about the experience I had.

Firstly, I was horrified by the hygiene of your park. When I entered your park, there was trash
everywhere. Wrapping paper, used food containers and left-over food could be found all over the place. I
also saw people littering and spitting on the floor. This unhygienic environment had induced a terrible
smell and attracted flies that could spread diseases. It can also injure visitors easily as I was almost
tripped over by a bottle.

Secondly, I would like to complain about the food store in the park. There were no employees to serve
me and I was appalled by the prices of the food. A hamburger cost $80 which is a very unreasonable
price. The price of a soft drink was also very expensive. A can of coke cost $45 which entirely took my
desire of having lunch there away.

Thirdly, my next complaint concerns the facilities of your park. It was a weekend, and half of your rides
were closed, resulting in a very long queue outside every functioning ride. I had waited for half an hour,
and I was only able to have a glimpse of the ticket counter. During the wait, I saw some of the visitors
standing up and screaming in the middle of the rides. That was extremely dangerous. It could cause
severe injuries and it would certainly ruin your park’s reputation.

I hope that you will consider these complaints seriously and make improvement on the hygiene, services
and facilities at your amusement park immediately. I demand a written apology and a full refund, to
cover the costs of our tickets, or else I will have no choice but to write to the department concerned.

Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

A letter to the Editor 5D Ng Man Ching

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to Natalie Lee’s case on 30th September, 2013. I am writing to show my
concern about the situation of pushing their children too hard.

The first point I would like to make here is that every child deserves a sweet childhood memory. When
they are two or three years old, they are not ready to have intensive classes, like joining a tutorial class
or learn different languages. The ridiculous part of the current parenting approach is how parents arrange
a packed schedule for their children, which actually ruins their child’s childhood memories and their

Apart from the physical aspect, we should pay more attention to the students’ mental well-being. As
perennial over-concentration on learning will deteriorate one’s health, so I suggest parents bring their
children out to have fun once in a while. For instance, joining a family farm is a good choice, as it can
help improve the relationship between parents and children, and they can have unforgettable memories
and experiences there. Nowadays, most mothers and fathers need to go out for work and earn money for
their children, but they ignore the child’s feelings, all of them want to spend more time with their parents.
For instance, many of them hope that their parents will take them to theme parks or the zoo. It shows
how parents should pay more attention to their children and take care of their mental health.

Finally, I sincerely hope that parents would not stop their children’s interest in learning by pushing their
children too hard, but take some time to have some fun with them instead.

Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

Should I switch my job as an HR assistant? 6A Chow Kwan Fung

Dear Jason,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re dissatisfied with your new job. I understand it’s upsetting for you, as a top
university graduate, to work at a small-scale firm and merely take charge of some trivial tasks. However,
it seems to me that switching your current job is not a sensible way to cope with the situation. Changing
your attitude towards working should be your top priority.

Working in a small-scale company is not a misfortune. There are in fact countless advantages of being a
member of the company. For example, the relationship between colleagues will be much closer and
harmonious, as the intense competition for grabbing a promotion opportunity is hardly seen. People will
seldom take advantage of others so as to achieve their ‘desires’ at the workplace. I bet you have
experienced this peaceful work environment in these three months, right? What’s more, people working
in a large-scale company need to bear lots of pressure owing to the fiercely competitive work
environment and heavy workload. It is definitely not worthwhile to pursue your career at a large scale
company and affect your health through all the stress and pressure. Why not acquire more experience at
your firm first before considering switching your job? This is why I advise you to stay at the company
you’re working for, but not to switch your job at this stage.

Besides, I’m sure that those seemingly insignificant tasks are assigned to you reasonably. University
graduates, who have little or even no work experience, are unlikely to handle some important and
complicated tasks well. Imagine that those projects are arranged for you without guidelines. It would not
only confuse you but also lower your sense of achievement if you fail to accomplish those tasks.
Therefore, in order to let you adapt to the office operations and build up your confidence, it makes sense
to assign those ‘unimportant’ tasks to you. Moreover, you’d be able to cultivate different useful skills
when you’re performing those tasks. For example, you’ll become more patient, detail-minded and
well-organized after finishing a series of clerical duties on time; learn how to get along well with your
seniors and colleagues, etc. All these skills are essential for you to realize how to overcome some
career-related difficulties in the future. Hence, don’t be discouraged when you’re asked to do a relatively
insignificant task.

What you need now is to reflect on your expectations and attitude. In a lecture regarding teenage
workers I took part in recently, the lecturer reminded us of the importance of being optimistic. Indeed,
we’re bound to encounter a number of obstacles in our career, like failing to cope with office politics
well or finding it hard to interact with seniors, etc. We may then easily feel incapable and want to switch
our job without gaining any accomplishment or progress. In view of this, it’s crucial for us to be
optimistic so that we can become motivated enough to solve the problem. What’s more, persistence is
also one of the attitudes needed. At the beginning, since we aren’t used to the working environment and
the routine of the company, pressure and mistakes are inevitable. Yet, if we persist, we can achieve a lot
in the foreseeable future.

I hope that you will consider my suggestions. However, no matter what, whether you choose to switch
your job or not, I’ll support you as always. Please let me know how things turn out. Feel free to ask me
for advice if you have any more problems.

Yours sincerely,

Should North East NT be developed? 6B Leung Sin Ting

One of the most controversial issues these days is whether the North East New Territories should be
developed; indeed, most of the Hong Kong citizens criticized it a lot. The Government only told people
its advantages and how it is worth it if the development is really carried out. Unfortunately, the Hong
Kong Government seems to have neglected the following points.

Most people don’t think Hong Kong really needs this development because the Government always uses
those lands inappropriately and they couldn’t manage the housing developers well. So Hong Kong has
become even more populated as a consequence. If the Government can show their rationale and
negotiate with the developers well, there is no urgent need to develop the North East New Territories.
The current housing storage should be enough for the demand.

Is it necessary to develop this area? It is a huge greenbelt. People living there enjoy their peaceful
country life. This area adds some more greenery to Hong Kong. There are many beautiful country parks
and most Hong Kong people need those heavenly places to add spice to their life. In reality, we have had
enough of the crowdedness in Hong Kong. Can’t we have some space, some green areas to take a deep
breath of the fresh air instead?

Developing this area also means putting a huge financial burden on all Hong Kong people. Building up
infrastructure and houses is a huge expense, let alone the adverse effects caused, like different kinds of
pollution and other social costs.

The government may warn us that there is a huge demand on housing and that this is the only way to
solve the housing problem. However, why doesn’t the government take stronger action to limit the
number of immigrants from the mainland? Why doesn’t the government promote a more sensible
population plan?

We can develop more housing estates but not in the North East New Territories.

Why do we speak foul language? 6B Mo Chun Sun

Over the past few months, there was a great storm in our society due to the swear words spoken by a
primary school teacher, Ms. Lam Wai Si, and the discussion of whether speaking foul language is just a
kind of expression, which is not bad at all, is overwhelming the city.

The critics emphasize that swearing is showing no respect to the listeners. No one would deny that foul
language is a low-class wording in everyday language. People, who use it to put blame on another
person, regard it as a kind of humiliation, which should be prohibited in our harmonious society.

Apart from the adverse consequences on our interpersonal relationship, speaking foul languages can
have negative influence on our self-image as well. As mentioned above, it is a lower-class wording;
speaking foul languages reflects our personality and education level. People who always swear are
usually, rude, impatient and selfish. In general, people regard those people as bad.

However, those who regard speaking foul languages to be not bad at all have their points which we
should not turn a blind eye to.

An obvious rationale behind their standpoint is that swearing is the most direct way to express oneself.
Let’s look back to the case of Ms. Lam Wai Si. She used foul language in order to show her anger about
the lopsided and unfair judgment of the police. Under the circumstances, with no helping hand, she can
only express herself in that way. After all, it is not a big deal. Why bother?

A more significant reason among the defenders is that foul language, to a great extent, is a symbol of
every single culture. A well-known columnist of Hong Kong, To Kit, once said that foul language is a
treasure accumulated form previous generations. Different cultures create different languages and
different languages develop different foul words, which are unique and only play a very small role in our
heart. Therefore, swearing, putting it in a different perspective, is conserving our own language culture.

For me, speaking foul language is not bad at all. If we do it in order to hurt somebody on purpose, I will
say that it is wrong to do so. But if you swear for justice, like Ms. Lam, or just for ‘a break’, like what
you and I do every day, why can’t we?

Mother-tongue education 6D Ho Ka Ching

Mother-tongue education has been launched for almost 15 years. As time goes by, its effectiveness has
aroused public concern. Some compliment that it aids the absorption of knowledge of students while
some complain that it attenuates the English standard of Hong Kong people. In order to examine this
policy, its merits and drawbacks are worth our scrutiny.

Incontrovertibly, mother-tongue education places a positive effect on students and tourism.

First and foremost, it bolsters students’ absorption of knowledge, consolidating their base of learning.
Knowing that textbooks adopting mother-tongue language and concepts being interpreted in Chinese,
students will no longer need to spend time on checking the dictionary every time they find a word they
don’t understand, or have to memorize some complicated foreign terms, it will help them save a lot of
time overall. Apart from it, as the mastery of the knowledge becomes easier, the interest of students in
studying the subject increases with the boost in confidence they gain. Under such circumstances, it is of
no doubt that mother tongue education helps with students’ academic performance.

Secondly, mother-tongue education elevates the Chinese standard of Hong Kong people, resulting in the
facilitation of various industries. Considering the fact that Hong Kong’s economy greatly depends on the
consumption of the mainlanders, the Chinese language and the communication skills involved are of
utmost significance in the business field. Consequently, mother-tongue education, in which students
interpret, discuss and do exercises in Chinese, can brace the Chinese communication skills of Hong
Kong people. Various industries benefited from the mainland visitors including tourism, retailing and the
hotel industry, could all be promoted.

Nevertheless, notwithstanding the above advantages mentioned, mother-tongue education is still

contentious on the grounds of is negative effects it prompts.

To commence with, it tarnishes the image of Hong Kong, owing to people’s worsening English standard.
It is commonly conceived that a city placing utter emphasis on English, which is an international
language, incorporates diversified cultures and pervades images of prosperity and advancement.
Unfortunately, due to the rare usage of English language amongst students under mother-tongue

education, it is conceivable that students’ English standard would gradually attenuate. In this way, the
image people have of Hong Kong will gradually worsen.

Moreover, mother-tongue education causes a surge in teaching difficulties for teachers, leading to an
increase in stress levels. Before mother-tongue education, resources and specific terms in most subjects
are shown only in English. Yet today, Chinese is an available language in public examinations. It is
necessary for teachers to look for limited Chinese resources for teaching, like Chinese past papers and
Chinese question banks. In addition, teachers are required to explain those foreign terms in Chinese. All
these obstacles exert much stress on teachers nowadays.

In order to improve this policy, I suggest the Government invests more resources, either in finance or
human power.

A letter to Jacky 6D Ho Ka Ching

Dear Jacky,

How have you been in Canada? I’m happy to receive your letter and I’m dying to share with you the
things that have happened to me in the past year.

One of the hot issues is the dismal handling of the Philippines’ Government over the hostage incident.
The bone of contention has always been the discrepancy in notion on who is responsible for the incident.
Up till now, the Philippine Government credits all responsibilities to the killer while the public in Hong
Kong tends to denounce the performance of the police forces. Recently, the persistent ambivalence has
been aggravated by the execrable response of the Philippine Government. For instance, Hong Kong
journalists were forfeited interview lighting when asking the president about the incident. What’s more,
the seating treatment of the latest Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (also known as APEC) is unequal,
which is deleterious to the shoot for victim’s interests of the Hong Kong Government. Worse still, the
Philippine president strongly rejected to give neither an apology nor compensation to the victims.

The reason for the popularity of this issue is the tremendous sense of belonging of Hong Kong people.
The popularity of this issue can be shown clearly by the drastic public concern, which is tolerably
attributed to the strong recognition of national identity. For example, some press and citizens manifest
their dissatisfaction in articles or through a parade where they gave their views - striving for justice.
Moreover, some councilors even used multiple measures, like prohibiting Philippine goods from
importing to Hong Kong, with intent to force the Philippine Government to bear the responsibilities.

As far as I am concerned, I am furious about the arrogant attitude of the Philippine Government on this
matter. Even though he was not the culprit of the incident, he is still partially responsible for the incident.
On the grounds of respecting the victims and in order to uphold justice, it is of utmost necessity for the
Government to issue an apology and give compensation at the expense of its prestige.

On top of the above topic, this is another issue that has always been on everyone’s lips lately.

The death of kindergarten seats in the New Territories also arouses public concern. Knowing that more

and more doubly non-permanent resident’s(DNR) children have reached school age, the demand for
kindergarten seats in districts near the border incontrovertibly increases. Yet, as the Hong Kong
Government didn’t introduce any measures to anticipate the problem of tight seat supply over the past
few years, the situation has become unprecedentedly dire. This year, myriads of parents have to line up
outside the kindergarten all-night for the sake of an enrolment application form. Some parents, including
both native and mainlanders, are apprehensive about the possibility of cross-district enrolment of their
children. This prompts the huge social discontent amongst parents, which is shown in recent parades or

To the best of my belief, I am disappointed about the administrative performance of the Hong Kong
Government. The sense of crisis of the Government is insufficient that they fail to formulate measures in
synchronization with the social changes. In spite of the multiple measures launched afterwards, like ‘one
person, one seat’, or distributing application forms through the internet etc., the detrimental effects
prompted by severe lack of kindergarten seats have infiltrated into those affected students and the
society. The cross-district students may suffer from physical fatigue due to travelling long distances. As
for the society, as this issue involves DNR children, the ambivalence between Hong Kong people and
the mainlanders may deteriorate. Owing to the irreversibility of some influences, it is advisable for the
Government to ameliorate its administrative sensitiveness in future.

These are some other hot topics I want to share with you, but I will leave it till next time. I hope to hear
back from you soon, telling me about any particular things that have happened to you or around you this
past year.


Free newspapers 6D Pang Tsz Sing

The distribution of free newspapers is very common nowadays among the society. As a columnist of the
school, I would like to express my opinion on the phenomenon.

The distribution of free newspapers often happens in the morning at some busy places such as train
stations, bus-stops and any other crowded places. They’re given out at these busy places so that more
people can gain access to it. Although the distribution of newspapers is free, it does not imply that they
bring no disadvantages. After all, everything has its shortcomings.

To begin with, there are some considerable advantages about the distribution of free newspapers. For
example citizens can get more instant information on what is going on around the world, and they can
find updates on available jobs, as the papers are given out daily and fresh in the morning. As they are
given out free, most people would tend to take one. For those that don’t care much about the society, it
can raise their initiative to become aware of our social issues as they would read the newspaper and
know more about it.

Moreover, as the unemployment rate is on the rise, the distribution of free newspapers can create more
job opportunities as much manpower is needed to produce and distribute the newspapers. It will
somehow lead to an ease on the unemployment phenomenon. Paper distribution happens almost
everywhere at busy places in the morning, I’m sure many job opportunities would emerge.

However, these advantages don’t come without any problems. As I have mentioned, everything has its
flaws and the distribution of free newspaper is no exception.

Here are a few disadvantages of the distribution of free newspapers. To begin with, the distribution of
free newspapers may not be environmentally friendly, as they are given out every day in the morning to
a lot of people. But only a few of those people choose to recycle the newspapers. As time flies, it would
become a burden to the landfill. To make matters worse, some are not even read by anyone before being
thrown away, and the whole pile would go straight to the landfill.

Apart from that, these newspapers are often distributed during peak hours at some main footbridges and

roads. It blocks the road and makes it even more crowded than before. It causes inconvenience to users
and it should be avoided. Many accidents could happen, especially on some bad weather occasions.

Furthermore, to ensure the profitability to the newspaper companies, free newspapers often have a great
amount of advertisements in them. It may even contain some contents which are not suitable for
youngsters. These commercials and indecent contents may create bad influence on youngsters, which is
harmful in any way.

In conclusion, the distribution of free newspapers still has its place in the society. But there are some
changes that should be done in order to reduce the problems caused by the distribution of free
newspapers. First of all, the amount of free newspapers printed each day should be monitored and
limited. It should be adjusted over time until the amount provided is the same as the amount being given
out. No more piles of newspaper should be left behind.

Secondly, special counters should be set up to prevent the distribution of papers from taking too much
space at the location during peak hours. Accidents could be avoided and the roads could be safer.

Thirdly, these free newspapers should be checked occasionally for any sort of inappropriate commercials
or indecent contents that should be eliminated. These actions ought to be done by the Government or the
company itself.

The above solutions ought to get rid of the bad influences caused by the distribution of free newspapers.
I hope that this phenomenon will continue, however with improvements made.

Pros and cons of social networking websites 6D Wong Ching Yiu

Nowadays, if you look up, what you can see will not be the faces of others, but their hair or even the
tops of their heads, no matter when you are on the street or in a restaurant. When you wonder why, just
follow their lines of sight and there will be a smart phone on their hands. This scene is common and
these people are called “Smartphone Addicts”. Just as you are curious about what they are doing, most
of them are visiting social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. These sites feature famous
stars and are concerned by their fans, mostly teenagers. To them, those sites may be as attractive as their
own lovers.

Then what are the attractions of spending an immense amount of time on social networking sites? One
of these is that they can get the latest news of their friends. People can share their feelings or upload
their photos on these sites and their friends will be able to write a comment or “like” their posts. Also,
the more comments and “likes” they get, the more pride they gain. They will think that lots of people are
concerned about them, so as to let themselves think that they are not alone. Thus, they will be glad and
satisfied by using social networking sites.

The achievement they get from the social networking sites is also one of the attractions. There are many
flash games or web games on social networking sites, and all of these games have their ranking tables.
When the users get a higher score and the rank goes up, they will feel like they have made an
achievement. They will keep visiting the sites and playing the games, so that their ranks will not fall.
Those social networking sites catch the interest of these people who love to chase for the fame and pride.
That is why people spend a lot of time on those sites.

Furthermore, the practicality also attributes to the popularity of these social networking sites. People can
find their old friends, such as their primary and secondary school classmates. Besides, it is not unusual
to find out that the social networking sites are playing an important role in finding the long-lost family
members. Many people might know about it and it is free of charge, it plugs the loopholes that
advertisements and newspaper articles have, and hence becomes a better substitute. This is the benefit
and attraction of social networking sites.

It seems that the social networking sites can make us feel happy and successful, and help us to find the
one we want to meet. No one will argue about these benefits. Nevertheless, there are some possible
drawbacks if we spend too much time on them.

First and foremost, the ability of communication will be reduced. People use typed words to
communicate with others, instead of talking with them face-to-face. The more time they spend on those
sites, the less time they get to communicate with others verbally. As a result, they will lose the
opportunity to brush up their communication skills and they will find it hard to communicate with others
or they will become afraid of talking to other people little by little. It is bad for their social competence.

Moreover, for the school students, their academic results will worsen. As they always spend too much
time on social networking sites, together with their bad time management skills, they may even forget to
do their homework or do revision for a test or an exam that is coming up. Meanwhile, some of them visit
the sites during lesson time and they won’t be able to pay attention to lessons. Hence, they won’t
understand the topic and eventually their academic results will worsen.

In addition, for those who visit those sites by smartphones, the health risk is raised. Neck injuries are
common to smartphone users as they bend their heads for a long period of time and do not do any
stretching exercise in between. It is also detrimental to eyesight as it will increase the degrees for
shortsightedness and astigmatism if people stare at their smartphones for a long period of time. It may
even cause muscle strain to fingers too. Therefore, it is bad for one’s health if we spend too much time
on social networking sites by using our smartphones without any rest.

Last but not least, people’s language standard will decrease. People often use the short form of words
such as “thx”, “btw”, or “ttyl”. As the usage of these words is not uncommon, it becomes people’s habit.
It is a grave problem because no one will correct them and just let them use those words. Finally,
people’s language standard will deteriorate and the normal everyday words will be replaced by their
short forms which are incorrect to use.

Overall, there is nothing wrong to visit social networking sites. The core of the problem is not the sites,
but the users. If the users can set a time limit and behave well with particular care of the use of words
they use when visiting those sites, there is no harm spending their free time on these social networking

A diary entry 6E Lai Sin Ying

Dear Diary,

It is the first time for me to be a director. Yesterday, I held the first rehearsal. God knows how nervous I
was. But I had waited for this day to come for a long time. I put all of my enthusiasm into this job and
this play.

I was the first one who arrived to the place of rehearsal. I checked everything carefully, the lighting
equipment, the stage props, and even the surrounding environment. I guess no one would be as
dedicated as me when it comes to being a director.

At 9am, it was the appointed time for our staff to arrive. Luckily, they arrived on time. After I greeted
the staff members, they started to check all of the equipment, which I had already done so. Then they
started working and putting the equipment in the correct positions. It began to look as if everything was
going smoothly. I relaxed a little, and was not as nervous as I had been before.

After half an hour, our protagonists were supposed to arrive. But only the male protagonist showed up. I
talked to him and asked him whether he knew where the female protagonist, Nicole was. He didn’t have
any idea.

Another half an hour, Nicole finally appeared. Thank God! I thought she would give me an explanation
on why she was late, but in fact, I was totally wrong. She asked me who I was!

Okay, forget about Nicole. Just as I thought my day couldn’t get any worse. I was suddenly asked by the
male leading actor, Lester, for a toilet break. I had accepted, by ten minutes later, one of the staff
members told me that he wasn’t feeling well, and that he had trouble with diarrhea. At that point, I didn’t
know whether to laugh or cry.

So, what was I supposed to do? Then, Yao Ming, the understudy of Lester, came into my mind. But there
was a problem, Yao Ming was too tall. Nicole may have become very tired during the rehearsal. But then,
the whole process just progressed fluently. However, things did not end there, when Yao Ming went into

a room, as he was too tall, he hit the light on the ceiling, and as you may guess already, the light, which
was quite large in size, dropped onto the floor! Luckily no one was hurt in the process, when we heard
the noise; we rushed to the room where Yao Ming was just standing like a statue.

After the chaos, I was exhausted. I almost cried out loud. What happened to me yesterday! Apart from
those turbulences, I found out that there were three or four staff members who didn’t like to follow my

Tomorrow we will be having the second rehearsal. But obviously, I am very afraid of facing what will
happen tomorrow.

A speech 6E Tse Man Wai

Good morning, Principal, teachers and students.

Have you ever heard the following titles such as the first speaker or the best debater, etc.? Today, we are
gathering here to have a deeper understanding about our school’s Debating Club.

Starting from 2010, our debating club has organized a lot of activities. For instance, the Annual School
Debating Competition which has been held lately. It was very successful. I think you still remember the
exciting atmosphere and brilliant arguments from our debaters. I believe that the most strained part is the
free debating. The speakers raised and argued for the questions continuously and fiercely. They tried
their best to consolidate their points and persuade the judges. No matter which team won, it gave
students a great reflection. This reaches our aim, which is to raise your awareness and interest in
debating from watching our debaters' performance. Apart from this, we will hold some inter-school
competitions and organize some visits to develop students’ potentials.

Yes, I am convincing you to join our club. But some of you may ask, why? What benefits can you get
from being a member of our club? Frankly, there are numerous advantages. First of all, you can gain the
opportunity in learning some debating skills. It helps you a lot in your daily communication and
eloquence skills.

Next, we have invited a famous lecturer Tom Leung, to have a mini-lecture each Friday. Tom is a very
nice person and I can ensure you that you will have an enjoyable learning experience with him.

Also, you can have many chances to watch international debating competitions. It is not only a valuable
chance, but also can help enrich your knowledge and thinking. Furthermore, you can improve your skills
by comparing yourself with their performances, and absorbing their strategies.

By listening to my introduction, you may ask how a good debater adapts to life and what is its
importance? Let me tell you the answer. During preparation, your team needs to search for information
which is relevant to the preparation for these competitions. In this process, you can master the ability to
find and choose useful data; it helps you find data more accurately and quickly. Also, analyzing the

collected data facilitates your critical and comprehensive thinking. Gradually, you will study thoroughly
and think widely. We have observed that all of our members have improved significantly; they change
from feeling stressed to feeling confident about themselves.

To summarize, joining our school's Debating Club is definitely beneficial to you. I hope you can develop
your potential and find it interesting. If you have any questions, you are welcome to talk to me at the end
of today’s session. Thank you.


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