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Design and Analysis of A Compact Planar Dualband-Notched Uwb Antenna

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December, 2015 Microwave Review

Design and Analysis of a Compact Planar

DualBand-notched UWB Antenna
Sanjiv Tomar, Ajay Kumar

Abstract In this paper a compact planar Ultra-wideband the UWB antenna may increase the complexity and cost of
(UWB) antenna with double band-notched characteristics has manufacturing [2], a simpler way is to use antenna filtering
been presented. The design consists of a unique lamp post shaped technique which is simple and inexpensive since the antenna
radiator fed through a microstrip feedline with one U-shaped slot size itself is quite small. Till now a number of methods have
and a C-shaped slot etched on the radiator and a slotted ground
plane. The proposed antenna has been successfully simulated and
been reported for band notched functions which includes
fabricated. The proposed antenna of size 30 mm x 30 mm printed etching C shaped [3,4], T shaped [5], L shaped [6,7], Pi
on 1.6 mm FR4 substrate reports a large bandwidth from 2.6 shaped [8], H and U shaped [9], and E shaped [10] slots and
GHz to 10.7 GHz with VSWR 2 over the entire range except at also circular slots on the radiating patch [11], ground plane or
two notched bands for WiMax systems at 3.3-3.7 GHz and feedline. Other methods involve embedding stubs of different
WLAN systems at 5.15-5.85 GHz. The gain of the antenna shapes or resonating strips near the feedline or near ground
increases steadily rom 2 dBi to 5.5 dbi over the entire impedance plane [12-14] and split ring resonator (SRR) or stepped
bandwidth except at notched bands where a sharp dip in gain is impedance resonator (SIR) close to feedline [15,16].Use of
noticed. The proposed antenna exhibits nearly omni-directional above mentioned techniques in different combinations can
radiation pattern and a stable gain over the entire impedance
bandwidth except for the two notched bands.
yield single notched band [17-18 ] double notched band [19-
20 ] or triple notched band [21-23] capability.
Keywords Ultra-wideband (UWB), dual band-notched A large number of such antennas have been reported in
antenna, planar UWB antenna, slotted ground plane, C-shaped various research works till now. However, the size of the
slot, U-shaped slot, WLAN, WiMax. antennas is relatively large and the notched bands are quite
wide in terms of bandwidth and the useable bandwidth is
I. INTRODUCTION reduced to a large percentage. As a result, intense simulation
is needed to make the structure compatible having low profile,
Since the time Federal Communications Commission stable gain and radiation pattern. This paper is based on
(FCC) in Mar 2002 approved [1] the release of S11 -10 dB simulation and fabrication of a novel design of a dual notched
un -licencened bandwidth of 7.5 GHz ranging from 3.1 to 10.6 band antenna having a unique lamp post shaped structure
GHz with an effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) using CST Microwave Studio. The double band-notched
spectral density of -41.3 dBm/MHz for commercial use in characteristics have been achieved by making use of one
radio communication, intense research in the field of UWB inverted U slot and one C slot etched on the radiating patch.
communication has been witnessed all over the world to make The length of the slot is taken to be one half of the guided
use of this bandwidth for enhanced data rate and variety of wavelength of the centre frequency of the respective notched
other purposes. The interest of researchers in UWB bands. The length of the each slot can be calculated using the
communication also emanates from the inherent advantage of expression (1) as under:
small size, low power consumption, simple structure and ease
of integration together with high transmission rate and (1)
relatively good omni-direction property.
While this bandwidth of 7.5 GHz is the core motivation for
developing high data rate devices, there exist other
narrowband services which may potentially interfere with
UWB communication such as WiMax communication at 3.5
GHz (3.3 to 3.7 GHz) and WLAN IEEE 802.11/a operating at
5.2 GHz (5.15 to 5.35 GHz and 5.725 to 5.875 GHz) . where fnotch is the centre frequency of the notch band, Lslot is
Antenna being an essential component of UWB the length of the slot, eff is the effective dielectric constant
communication, it is thus desired to design the same having and c is the velocity of light in free space.
band notched function to avoid interference with the existing The position and dimensions of each slot can be altered
wireless network technologies. While integrating filters with independently and optimized. The proposed antenna is
compact in size having LxW as 30 x 30 mm2 with -10 dB
impedance bandwidth of more than 7.5 GHz with two notched
Sanjiv Tomar and Ajay Kumar are with Department of Electronics bands for avoiding interference from respective narrow band
and Communication Engineering, Manipal University, Jaipur, India, services.
E-mails: and

Mikrotalasna revija Decembar 2015.


The geometry of the proposed UWB antenna is shown in
Fig. 1. The dimension of the proposed antenna is 30 x 30
mm2. It has been prototyped on FR4 substrate of 1.6 mm
thickness with dielectric constant r as 4.4 and loss tangent of (a) (b)
0.02. The antenna is fed through a 50 microstrip feedline Fig. 3. Geometry of (a) Slot S1, (b) Slot S2
having a rectangular ground plane. An inverted U shaped slot
and a C shaped slot has been etched on the radiating patch III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
while the ground plane has a square slot to increase the
impedance bandwidth. The fabricated antenna is shown in The prototype of the compact planar monopole antenna as
Fig. 2. An initial estimation of the slot dimension was done shown in Fig. 1 was fabricated and measurements carried out
using the expression (1). using Agilent PNA-L N5231A Network Analyzer. The
measurements were undertaken in ambient laboratory
environment. Fig. 4 shows the simulated and measured
VSWR curve of the fabricated antenna. The measured
impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 2.6 - 10.7
GHz for VSWR<2 with two stop bands centred at 3.5 and 5.5
GHz. As a result the antenna is able to avoid interference with
narrowband services of WiMax and WLAN. The bandwidth
of each slot can be independently adjusted by changing the
length and location of the corresponding slot. The measured
results are in good agreement with the simulated ones with
very little variation. The variation in measured and simulated
response is lesss than 10% over the entire bandwidth of
interest which is primarily due to fabrication errors, soldering
Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed compact planar UWB antenna
of SMA connector or the ambient environment in which the
measurements are carried out.

Fig. 2. Photograph of the fabricated compact planar UWB antenna

The inverted U-shaped slot S1 is designed to notch the

frequency band covering 3.3 to 3.7 GHz with centre frequency
at 3.5 GHz. The second C-shaped slot S2 is designed for Fig. 4. VSWR of compact planar UWB antenna
frequency band 5.15 to 5.85 GHz with centre frequency of 5.5
GHz. The optimized parameters of the antenna are as follows: In order to analyze the mutual coupling of the slots,
L = 30 mm, W= 30 mm, Lg = 12 mm, R = 8.3 mm, W1 = 8 parametric analysis is carried out by changing one parameter
mm, W2 =3 mm, W3 =2 mm, W4 =2 mm, L1 =9.5 mm, L2 = 1 at a time and keeping the other parameters fixed. For
mm, g = 0.4 mm, L3 = 2 mm, W5 = 2.8 mm. simplicity, only the parameter L4 and L5 are studied and
The dimensions of the two slots have been initially simulation carried out. As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, the first,
estimated based on the expression (1) and later optimized and second notched band shifts to lower frequencies as the
through simulation. The design of the slots is given in Fig. 3 slot length is increased while decrease in overall length shifts
and dimensions of the slots after optimization process are as the centre frequency to higher frequency. It is primarily due to
follows: W6=13.5 mm, W7=0.75 mm, L4= 5 mm, W8= 2.5 change in resonance frequency of the slot when its length is
mm, W9= 7 mm, W10= 0.65 mm, L5= 4.45 mm. either increased or decreased. It is seen that the variation in
the physical length of one slot leading to shift in the centre
frequency of the notched band does not affect the other

December, 2015 Microwave Review

notched bands. It is due to the fact that the etched slots are
located at different location and coupling between them is
quite weak. It can therefore be inferred that the notched band
can be controlled individually by controlling the dimension
and location of the slots. Dimension of gap g is also changed
to study its effect on VSWR. As seen in Fig. 7 that on
increasing the dimension of gap g between lower edge of
radiator patch and upper edge of ground plane, the notched
bands cantered at 3.5 GHz and 5.5 GHz shifts to lower
frequency while decrease in gap dimension shifts the centre
frequency to higher ones.

Fig. 7. Optimization of gap g

Further analysis of the band notched characteristics is

carried out by analyzing the surface current distribution at
pass band and stop band frequencies. The simulated current
distribution at pass band frequency of 3 GHz and 9.5 GHz is
shown in Fig. 8. It is seen that the current is evenly distributed
at the radiator surface therefore, the two slots have negligible
effect at pass band frequency. However, at notched frequency
of 3.5 and 5.5 GHz, the two slots have considerable current
concentration around the slots which acts as resonators. The
current in radiator patch is quite small and hence, it does not
radiate. At the same time, the ground plane has large surface
current flowing through it which the antenna to be non
responsive at that frequency. The resulting structure poses an
impedance mismatch thereby leading to increase in return loss
at respective notched band and decrease in radiation
efficiency and gain of antenna.
Fig. 5. Optimization of slot L4

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 8. Surface current distribution. (a) Pass band frequency of 3
GHz. (b) Pass band frequency of 9.5 GHz. (c) Stop band frequency
of 3.5 GHz. (d) Stop band frequency of 5.5 GHz
Fig. 6. Optimization of slot L5
The radiation pattern and gain of compact antenna is
measured using standard Horn antenna. The normalized
radiation pattern at 3 GHz, 6.5 GHz and, 9.5 GHz in the E-
plane and H-plane are shown in Fig. 9. The measured
radiation pattern at the pass band frequencies shows that the

Mikrotalasna revija Decembar 2015.

antenna is able to retain its omni-directional behavior in H-

plane at lower frequencies while there is little variation at
higher frequencies compared to simulated response. The E-
plane radiation pattern is bi-directional in nature at lower
frequencies, however, there is slight variation at higher
frequencies in comparison to simulated response. The overall
response of antenna is in agreement with a conventional
monopole antenna. The radiation pattern at higher frequencies
deteriorates because the equivalent radiating area changes
with frequency over UWB [30].

Fig. 10. Measured and simulated gain of proposed compact

monopole UWB antenna

Time domain characteristics of the antenna are also

investigated as flat group delay and small signal distortion is a
primary requisite for UWB communication system [31].Time
domain characteristics of the proposed antenna are obtained
by using a pair of similar antennas and carrying out the
measurements by placing them in face-to-face configuration at
a distance of 50 cm, using two ports of network analyzer. Fig.
11 shows the magnitude of the transfer function (S21). It is
observed that the magnitude of the transfer function is flat in
UWB region of 3.1 to 10.6 GHz except at notched bands. The
discrepancy in the simulation and measured results is
attributed to the fact that the measurements were undertaken
in ambient laboratory environment and also errors caused due
to fabrication of antenna.

Fig. 9. Simulated and measured radiation pattern in E and H-plane.

(a) E-plane at 3 GHz, (b) H-plane at 3 GHz, (c) E-plane at 6.5 GHz,
(d) H-plane at 6.5 GHz, (e) E-plane at 9.5 GHz, and (f) H-plane at
9.5 GHz Fig. 11. Simulated and Measured transfer function of proposed
compact UWB antenna

The measured gain vs simulated gain of the antenna is The group delay of the antenna is shown in Fig. 12. It is
shown in Fig. 10. The gain pattern indicates that the antenna seen that the group delay is constant over the entire operating
has a stable gain over the entire UWB except at notched bands band except at the notched frequencies where the group delay
where sharp dips are observed. The measured gain of the is around 2 ns. The antenna establishes a good linear phase
antenna ranges from 3 dBi to 5 dBi and significant drop in its response except at notched bands. Good phase linearity
magnitude is observed at two notched bands. coupled with low dispersion indicates that the antenna is able
to retain UWB pulse preserving capability and thus is able to

December, 2015 Microwave Review

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