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Khushboo Kumari

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A Project Report
Recruitment and Selection Process

In the Partial fulfilment of the requirement of MBA programme under

the Faculty of Management Studies

Submitted By-



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I, Khushboo Kumari, Student of III Semester (MBA), Narayana

Academy of Managerial Excellence, Jamuhar, Bihar declare that the project
on “Recruitment and Selection Process in Business Advisory Firm” is the
result of my own efforts and it is based on data collected and guidance
given to me.

I have prepared it during my Summer Internship from 22nd February

2021 and the project was completed on 8 th April 2021. This report is correct
to best of my knowledge and so far, has not been published anywhere else.

Khushboo Kumari
MBA 3rd Semester
Roll No. 19MBA057
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In any kind of organization, recruitment and selection processes are

considered useful, because they help in finding the most suitable
candidates for the jobs. Recruitment and selection are important operations
in human resource management, designed to make best use of employee
strength in order to meet the strategic goals and objectives of the
employers and of the organization as a whole. It is a process of screening,
sourcing, shortlisting, and selecting the right candidates for the vacant
positions. The employers put into practice recruitment strategies and
methods that would be the most beneficial to achieve organizational goals
and objectives. The main purpose of this research paper is to understand
recruitment and selection procedures. The main areas that have been taken
into account include, significance of recruitment and selection, principles
of recruitment and selection, factors affecting recruitment and selection,
posting vacancies, recruitment and selection process, types of recruitment
and types of interviews.

Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Candidates, Organizations, Jobs,

Factors, Interview

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This project has been a great learning experience for me & I would like
to express my sincere gratitude to all the people who guide me through the
project and without the valuable guidance and suggestions of these people
this project would not have been completely successful. I took the
opportunity to do my internship in a Business Advisory Firm ‘BARNWAL

I owe enormous intellectual debt towards my Company Mentor Mr.

NISHANT, Professor, Narayana Academy of Managerial Excellence,
Jamuhar, Bihar for their continuous support & cooperation throughout my
project without which the present work would not have been possible.

I would like to thank all the respondents whom I interacted during my

project & all the employees for their cooperation without this I may not
able to complete it successfully.

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Chapter 1 Page
 Executive Summary 06-07
 Introduction 08-09
 Literature Review 10-11
Chapter 2
 Factors affecting Recruitment & Selection 12-14
 Significance of Recruitment & Selection 14-17
Chapter 3
 Recruitment Process 18-22
Chapter 4
 Types of Recruitment 23-27

 Type of Interviews 28-31

 Company Profile 32-35

 Data Analysis & Interpretation 36-45

 Research Methodology 46-50
 Findings & Interpretation 51-52
 Conclusion 53
 Questionnaire 54-56

 Bibliography 57

I opted for this particular topic named “Recruitment & Selection” because
recruitment and selection procedures have taken a dramatic change in the industry.
Human resource is responsible for giving birth to human embalmers. The core
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function of an organization is Recruitment and Selection because the organization

doesn’t want to be a bad recruiter by selecting manpower that might have the
potential to spoil the long-earned goodwill or corporate image and also incur heavy
recruitment costs on them.

Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting

qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. For some components of the
recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations often retain professional
recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. It is the process
to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to
employ effective measures for attracting that man power in adequate numbers to
facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. The main objective of the
recruitment process is to expedite the selection process. Selection on the other hand,
is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in
an organization. The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate
who would meet the requirements of the job in an organization best, to find out
which job applicant will be successful, if hired. To meet this goal, the company
obtains and assesses information about the applicants in terms of age, qualifications,
skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are matched with the profile of candidates.
However, Recruitment is an important part of an organization’s human resource
planning and their competitive strength. Competent human resources at the right
positions in the organization are a vital resource and can be a core competency or a
strategic advantage for it. The objective of the recruitment process is to obtain the
number and quality of employees that can be selected in order to help the
organization to achieve its goals and objectives. With the same objective, recruitment
helps to create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the
management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. I have
also applied few research tools in the project such as the questionnaire, interview
method to obtain views of the respondents and thereby, have analysed the factor by
applying columnar, bar & pie charts. However, I faced a few limitations --- such as
sample constraint, time constraint, respondents didn’t take the questionnaire
method seriously and so were very reluctant in answering the questions. Thus, I
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would like to conclude that from my project I have definitely understood that
employee recruitment & selection is the basics of an organization.

Recruitment is the process of identifying, screening, shortlisting
and hiring of the potential human resources for the purpose of filling up
the positions within the organizations. It is the central function of human
resource management. Recruitment is the process of selecting the right
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person, for the right position at the right time. The educational
qualifications, experience, abilities and skills of the individuals need to be
taken into consideration when recruitment takes place. It is the process of
attracting, selecting and appointing potential candidates to meet the needs
and requirements of the organizations. Recruitment takes place internally,
i.e. within the organization and externally, i.e. from the usage of external
sources. Internal factors include, the size of the organization, recruiting
policy, image of organization and image of job. External factors include,
demographic factors, labour market, unemployment rate, labour laws,
legal considerations and competitors. Efficiency in the recruitment
processes generates productivity and builds a good working environment
and good relations between the employees.
Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate,
who is most suitable for the job. It is the process of interviewing the
candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are necessary for a specific
job and then selection of the candidates is made for the right positions. The
selection of right candidates for the right positions will help the
organization to achieve its desired goals and objectives. When selection of
the employees takes place, it is vital to ensure that they possess the desired
qualifications, skills and abilities that are required to perform the job duties
in a well-organized manner.
Recruitment is called a positive process with its approach of
attracting as many candidates as possible for the vacant positions. It is the
process of identifying and making potential candidates to apply for the
jobs. On the other hand, selection is called a negative process with the
elimination of many candidates as possible. There are numerous
individuals, who apply for the jobs, but selection is made only of those
individuals, who are qualified and proficient. Selection is important, the
reason being, hiring of good resources can help in increasing the overall
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performance of the organization. Both the processes of recruitment and

selection are considered important for the effective functioning of the
organizations and they take place simultaneously. They are imperative for
growth and development of the organization.


1. The study is limited to the information given by the employees.

2. Meeting some of the top management associates in the senior
cadre was difficult.
3. The study has been limited due to time constraint.

4. The study is limited based on the rules and regulations of the


 To judge the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment and selection
procedure in BARNWAL & BARNWAL CO.

 To know about the sources of recruitment.

 To gain knowledge of the selection procedure adopted.

 To understand the internal recruitment process in organization.

 To find out better process of recruitment.

Most employers recognized the fact that their staff is their greatest asset,
and the right recruitment and induction processes are vital in ensuring that
the new employee becomes effective in the shortest time. The success of an
organisation depends on having the right no. of staff, with the right skills
and abilities. Organisations may have dedicated personnel/human
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resource function over seeing this process or they may devolve these
responsibilities to line manager and supervisor. Many people may be
involved, and all should be aware of the principles of good practice. Even
it is essential to involve others in the task of recruitment and selection.

Ms. Ambika Verma (2009) in their survey research on the use

technologies in recruiting, screening and selection process for job
candidates conducted in dimension group found that most organisation
implemented technology-based recruitment and selection tools to improve
efficiency, reduce cost and expand the applicant pool.

The meta-analysis of the research conducted by chapman, uggersler,

Carroll, paisentin and Jones (2005) concluded that timely response from
HR managers was linked to greater applicant attraction to a job within an

According to Robins, in his study revealed that, “the ideal recruitment

effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who will take the
job if it is offered. So recruiting is a process of discovering the potential
candidates for actual organizational vacancies”.

Robert (2005), in his study titled, “Strategic HR Review,2004,” states

that successful recruitment and selection can improve organization

Bowen, et al (1991), in his study examined, “that integrated recruitment

and selection process helps recruiters to choose the candidates to fit the
characteristics of an organization culture.”
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Beardwell, et al (2003), in his study examined that, “selection is carried

out by organization as a means of candidate’s potential and actual
performance and the intake of employees will make the most appropriate
contribution to organisation-now and in future.”


The factors affecting recruitment and selection are organized into the
internal and the external categories. The internal factors have been stated as

 Size of the Organization - The size of the organization is one of the

most important factors affecting the recruitment process. To develop
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business, recruitment planning is mandatory for hiring more resources,

which will be crucial in the management of future operations.
 Recruitment Policy - Recruitment policy of an organization, includes
hiring from the internal or external sources of organization. It is an
important factor, which affects the recruitment process. It identifies the
objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for the
implementation of recruitment programs.
 Image of the Organizations - Organizations having a good positive
image in the market can easily attract competent and proficient
resources. Maintaining good public relations, providing public services,
and leading to goodwill of the organizations, definitely helps an
organization in improving its reputation in the market, and thereby
draw the best possible human resources.
 Image of Jobs - Just like the image of the organization, the image of jobs
contributes a critical role in the recruitment and selection processes.
Jobs having a positive image in terms of better remuneration,
promotions, recognition, and amiable working environment with career
development opportunities are considered as the characteristics to
arouse interest and enthusiasm within qualified candidates.

The external factors have been stated as follows:

 Demographic Factors - Demographic factors are related to the

characteristics of potential employees such as, their age, religion,
educational qualifications, gender, occupation, economic status, and
place of location.
 Labour market – Labour market exercises control on the demand and
supply of labour. For example, if the supply of people having specific
skills and abilities is less than the demand, then the hiring will require
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more efforts. On the other hand, if the demand is less than the supply,
then hiring will be relatively more manageable.
 Unemployment rate – If the unemployment rate is high in a specific
area, hiring of human resources will be simple and manageable, as there
will be an increase in the number of applicants. For various job
positions in all types of organizations, large number of applications are
received. In contrast, if the unemployment rate is low, then recruiting
tends to be difficult due to lesser number of resources.
 Labour laws – Labour laws reflect the social and political environment
of the market, which are created by the central and the state
governments. These laws dictate the compensation, working
environment, safety and health regulations, and the job duties of the
workforce, for different types of employments. As the governments
undergo transformations, there are transformations that come about in
the labour laws.
 Legal considerations – Job reservations for different castes such as
Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, and Other Backward Classes are
the best examples of legal considerations. These considerations, passed
by government, will have a positive or negative impact on the
recruitment policies of the organizations.
 Competitors – When organizations in the same industry are competing
for the best qualified resources, there is a need to analyse the
competition and make provision of the resources packages that are
finest in terms of the industry standards.
 Equal Opportunity – When recruitment and selection of the employees
take place, then it is vital to take into consideration, equal employment
opportunities for the individuals. Equal opportunity results when all
the applicants are treated on an equal basis and consistently at every
stage of recruitment. There should not be any discrimination against
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anybody on the basis of factors, such as, caste, creed, race, religion,
ethnicity, gender and socio-economic background. Fairness and justness
are of principal significance in the recruitment and the selection


The recruitment and selection of the individuals within the

organizations result from a thorough and a systematic process. The employees
need to possess complete knowledge of the strategies and methods that are
required to get implemented for recruitment and selection. Legislation and
good practice and the range of recruitment sources and selection methods as
well as possessing the skills and abilities in interviewing and evaluating
potential employees highlight the significance of recruitment and selection.
The areas that highlight the significance of recruitment and selection have
been stated as follows:
When job vacancies arise within the organizations, then the employers
give due consideration to the recruitment and selection processes. These
processes enable the employers to identify and analyse the positions that are
required to get filled in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives.
Vacant positions within the organizations signify the lack of human resources
and these are regarded as barriers within the course of implementation of
tasks and in the achievement of goals and objectives. Thus, whether it may
take place on an immediate basis or may be a time-consuming process,
importance of these processes is recognized during the time of job vacancies.
Resources are considered as the most important asset of any
organization, hence, hiring the personnel with appropriate skills and abilities
is important. The patterns of recruitment and selection differ from one
company to another. When machines, equipment and devices are made use of
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to enhance productivity, then it is the human resources that operate them. The
machines, devices and other equipment are made use of in an effective way,
when they are put into operation by skilled and proficient personnel. It is vital
that individuals should possess complete knowledge regarding how to make
use of machines and enhance productivity. In some cases, this job may be
manageable, whereas in others it may be tedious and demanding. Therefore,
recruitment and selection are considered as important aspects in any
organization and should be made of appropriate personnel.
The significance of recruitment is recognized by the fact that
organization gets satisfied with more productive employees. It not only
enhances productivity and profitability, but also encourages good
relationships among the employers and the employees. It contributes towards
growth and development of the organization. It determines the current and
future job requirements. It helps in increasing the success rate of selecting the
right candidates, who are able to make efficient use of their skills and abilities
in leading to growth and development. It helps in evaluating the effectiveness
of various recruitment methods. It determines the present future requirements
of the organizations and formulate plans accordingly. Recruitment strategies
contribute in the implementation of managerial functions in an operative
The significance of selection is recognized, because it helps in choosing
the most suitable and qualified candidates, who can meet the requirements of
the jobs within an organization. For meeting the goals and objectives of the
organization, it is vital to evaluate the various attributes of each candidate,
such as their qualifications, skills, abilities, experiences, personality, nature
and overall attitude. The other candidates, who have not found to be suitable
to carry out the job duties are eliminated. The organization is required to
follow appropriate selection processes, the reason being, if the selection is not
carried out in an appropriate manner, then it would impose unfavourable
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effects upon the organization and loss would be incurred to the employer in
terms of money, time, and efforts.

Figure 1: HR Recruiting & Selection Process Chart

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It is important that the job announcements should be made available to
all the employees. Satisfactory job postings can ensure that minority workers
and other individuals belonging to disadvantaged groups and economically
weaker sections of the society are aware of the opportunities within the
organization. The weakness to the job positing is employee pessimism that
occurs when jobs are posted as open, but in reality, the organization has
already selected a strong internal candidate. Such practices generate antipathy
and disbelief among employees, when they believe the job posting is just a
formality with less real opportunity for advancement.

The elements in the recruitment and selection processes have

imperative contributions to make in helping find most suitable candidates for
the given posts. The elements have been stated as follows:

A. Job Vacancy – The first step is when vacancy arises within the
organization. One should be aware of the vacant positions and by when
they should get filled with capable employees. Job vacancy enables the
individuals to determine the factors, such as, redesigning, or initiating
part time employment opportunities for the individuals. In some cases,
vacant positions may get filled with qualified candidates rapidly,
whereas in others, it may be a time-consuming process. One should
implement measures to reduce the risks associated with recruitment.
The existing employees should see that there is a potential career path
within the organization, which may motivate them to stay longer.

B. Job Analysis – Two main factors need to be taken into consideration

regarding job analysis. First is expectation of the employers from their
employees, within the organization, the employers have certain
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expectations from their employees regarding performance of job duties,

and they expect them to inculcate the traits of regularity, diligence,
resourcefulness, conscientiousness and creativity. The other areas that
need to be taken into consideration are the characteristics of the job.
These include, training, work experience, skills and knowledge,
physical attributes, personality traits, communication skills and
personal circumstances. Development and utilization of well-structured
questions based on the profile of the employees will help in getting the
better insight of the true personality of the candidate.

C. Attracting Candidates – In attracting candidates for the jobs, there are

two important sources that need to be taken into consideration, internal
recruitment and external recruitment. In the case of internal
recruitment, the following advantages are, it reduces recruitment costs,
internal employees are already familiar with all the aspects of the
organization, its goals, objectives etc. It can act as a motivating factor for
others in the business by displaying that it is possible to acquire
promotional opportunities and the employers are already familiar with
the person, within the organization. Sources of external recruitment
includes, websites, advertisements in newspapers, journals, magazines,
recruitment agencies, consultants, employment fairs, and seminars.

D. Screening Candidates – The purpose of the screening process is to

narrow down the field, so that one is able to spend more time with the
candidates for formal interviews. Large numbers of applications are
received for the positions, and all the applicants are not called for the
interviews, hence, it is vital for the employers to screen the candidates
to select the most suitable ones for the interviews. In the number of
applications received, screening is done on the basis of factors such as,
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educational qualifications, experience, skills, and so forth. When this

process has been effectively implemented, only then the screening
process takes place. After the screening process is implemented in an
adequate manner, then interviews are organized for the candidates.

E. Interviewing Candidates – The important aspects that need to be taken

into account for interviewing candidates include, ensuring that proper
notice is given regarding the date and time of the interview, ensuring
that the candidates are aware that they should reach the premises on
time, ensuring that they are clear where to go and whom they should
contact on arrival and ensuring that they are aware of the documents
that need to be brought along in the interview. These aspects contribute
in preparing the candidates on the complete basis for the interview. The
employers or the interviewers need to review the resume and all the job
applications before interviewing the candidates. It is vital to implement
time management skills for the interview processes, so that they can be
completed on time.

F. Selecting and Appointing Candidates – The methods of selecting and

appointing candidates are different in various organizations. The
procedures generally include the steps, such as, the selection of the
candidate, verbal communication of his or her appointment, medical
completed if appropriate, sending of appointment letters and signing
the contract. Selecting and appointing candidates depend upon the
urgency of getting the vacancy filled. When job vacancies are to be
urgently filled, then selecting and appointing of candidates may take
place immediately after the interviews. In some organizations,
candidates are appointed on an immediate basis, after their selection
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and other formalities, such as giving appointment letters or signing the


G. Induction and Training – Induction is the process of receiving and

welcoming of the employees, after they have been selected and
providing them the required training needed to settle down adequately.
Induction has three aims, to smooth the early stages, when everything is
likely to be extraordinary and unfamiliar to the new employees. To
establish a positive attitude of the organization within the mind-sets of
the employees, so that they are likely to stay for a long term and to
obtain effective output from new employees in short period of time.
Training is referred to making use of methods and strategies to enhance
the awareness, knowledge and information among the employees.
Various training methods include, role plays, vestibule training, field
visits, and lectures. The employees should receive on the job and off the
job training to generate information regarding history, personnel, goals
and performance of job duties. The main purpose of training is to
balance the needs and requirements of the organizations and human

H. Employee Evaluation – Monitoring the performance of the employees

is an essential aspect within the organization. It is necessary to evaluate
the employees from time to time in order to monitor enhancement of
productivity and their performance. The methods of employee
evaluation help in identifying the limitations and the measures that are
required to get implemented to improve them. Monitoring the
performance of the employees is stated as an on-going activity and new
employees can be trained in a better way to enhance productivity. The
evaluation process can tell whether the recruitment process is working
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efficiently or are there any changes and transformations that need to be

brought about. The main purpose is to ensure that the quality of the
employees get enhanced that are recruited within the organizations.
This is imperative to improve employee productivity and to achieve the
organizational goals and objectives.

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Types of recruitment are broadly classified into two different categories.

These are the internal sources and the external sources. Internal sources of
recruitment refer to the hiring of employees within the organization
internally. In this case, applicants are seeking different positions and are those
who are currently employed within the same organization. At the time of
recruitment of employees, main consideration is given to those employees,
who are currently working within the organization. This is an important
source of recruitment, which provides the opportunities for progress and use
of the existing resources within the organization. Internal sources of
recruitment are the finest and the stress-free way of selecting human resources
as their work performance and other qualities are already known to the
organization. The internal sources have been stated as follows:
1. Promotions - Promotion refers to advancement of the employees
by evaluating their job performance. When the employers,
managers and supervisors feel satisfied with the performance of
the employees, they promote them to an upper level within the
organization and it leads to an increase in pay and benefits. It is
the process of shifting an employee from a lower position to a
higher position with more responsibilities, remuneration,
facilities, and status. Internally, many organizations fill the vacant
positions at higher levels with the process of promotions.
2. Transfers – Transfer refers to the process of interchanging from
one job to another without any change in the designation and
responsibilities. It can also be the shifting of the employees from
one department to another department or from one location to
another, depending upon the requirement of the position.
Transfers are normally based on the job requirements and the
capabilities of the employees. If the organization has two
branches, then it may take place between two branches. The
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internal shifting of the employee from one branch to another is

known as transfer.
3. Recruitment of Former Employees – Recruitment of former
employees is a process of internal sources of recruitment, wherein
the ex-employees are called back, depending upon the
requirement of the positions. This process is cost effective and
saves plenty of time and money. The other major benefit of
recruiting former employees is that they are well aware of the
organization, the roles and responsibilities of the job and
personnel. The employers are well versed with their personality
traits and approaches and the organization is not required to
undertake much stress regarding their training and development.
4. Internal Advertisements or Job Postings - Internal
advertisements are referred to as the processes of posting and
advertising jobs within the organization. These job postings are
an open invitation to all the employees within the organization,
where they can apply for the vacant positions. It makes provision
of equal opportunities to all the employees. Hence, the
recruitment will be carried out from within the organization and
it involves less expenses.
5. Employee Referrals - Employee referrals is an operative way of
sourcing the right candidates at a low cost. It is the process of
hiring new capitals through the references of the employees, who
are currently employed within the organization. In this process,
the present employees can refer their friends and relatives for
filling up the vacant positions. Organizations inspire employee
referrals, the reason being, it is lucrative and saves time as
compared to hiring candidates from external sources. In most
cases, employees are stimulated and motivated towards the
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performance of job duties, by giving them benefits, incentives and

rewards for their performance.
6. Previous Applicants – In this case, the hiring team examines the
profiles of previous applicants from the organizational
recruitment database. These applicants are those, who have
applied for jobs in the past. These individuals can be easily
contacted and the response will be positive in most cases. It saves
cost and employees are well aware of all the features of the
organization and the performance of their job duties. It is also an
economical way of filling up the vacant positions.
External sources of recruitment refer to hiring of the employees outside
the organization externally. In other words, the applicants seeking job
opportunities in this case are those, who are external to the organization.
External employees bring innovativeness, resourcefulness, creativity and new
thoughts and ideas to the organization. Although hiring through external
sources is an expensive and a difficult process, it has great potential of driving
the organization towards the achievement of goals and objectives. The
external sources have been stated as follows:
7. Direct Recruitment - Direct recruitment refers to the external
source of recruitment, where the recruitment of qualified
candidates is carried out by putting a notice regarding job
vacancy on the notice board of the organization. This method of
sourcing is also called as factory gate recruitment. This is in most
cases used to recruit blue collar and technical workers.
8. Employment Exchanges - As per the law, for certain job
vacancies, it is compulsory that the organization provides details
to the employment exchange. Employment exchange is a
government entity, where the details of the job seekers are
deposited and given to the employers for filling the vacant
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positions. This source of external recruitment is accommodating

in hiring of the unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled workers.
9. Employment Agencies – Employment agencies are external
sources of recruitment. They are functioned by various sectors,
such as private, public and government. It provides, unskilled,
semi-skilled and skilled resources in accordance to the needs and
requirements of the organizations. The job seekers usually
register themselves with employment agencies and in this way,
they have a database of qualified candidates and organizations
can use their services at the time of requirement.
10. Advertisements - Advertisements are the most prevalent and
common external sources of recruitment. The job vacancy is
displayed through various print and electronic media with a
specific job description and specifications of the requirements.
Advertisements regarding jobs are displayed in newspapers,
magazines and on the websites. Making use of advertisements is
the best way to source candidates in a short span and it provides
an efficient way of screening the specific requirements of the
11. Professional Associations - Professional associations can help the
organizations in hiring professional, technical, and managerial
personnel, however, they focus on sourcing mid-level and top-
level resources. There are many professional associations that
perform the roles of facilitators between the organizations and
the job-seekers.
12. Campus Recruitment - Campus recruitment is an external source
of recruitment, where the educational institutions such as,
colleges and universities make provision of information to the
students regarding employment opportunities. It is when
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opportunities are made available for hiring students. In this

process, the organizations visit technical, management, and
professional institutions for recruiting students directly for new
13. Word of Mouth Advertising - Word of mouth is an imperceptible
way of sourcing the candidates for filling up the vacant positions.
There are many reputed organizations with good image in the
market. Such organizations only need a word-of-mouth
advertising regarding a job vacancy to arouse interest and
enthusiasm among large number of candidates.

An interview is a determined exchange of notions, the answering of
questions and communication between two or more persons. Normally, an
interview is a process of private conversation between people, where
questions are asked and answers are obtained. The main purpose of the
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interviews is to acquire information about qualities, attitudes, prospectus and

so forth. In various types of interviews, interviewers examine the behaviour
and communication abilities of the candidates. An interview refers to a
discussion with one or more persons acting as the role of an interviewer, who
ask questions and the person, who answers the questions acts as the role of an
interviewee. The primary purpose of an interview is to transfer information
from interviewee to interviewer. Interviews can be either formal or informal,
structured or unstructured. Interviews can be carried out on a one to one basis
or in groups, they can be conducted over telephone or through video

The ten different types of interviews have been stated as follows:

a) Structured Interview - In this type, the interview is planned,
designed and detailed in advance. A structured interview is pre-
planned, precise, and reliable in hiring the candidates.
b) Unstructured Interview - This type of interview is an unexpected
one, where the interview questionnaire is not prepared. The
interviewers are not well prepared regarding the questions that
are to be asked and in obtaining accurate answers. Here, the
usefulness of the interview is less and there is a waste of time and
effort of both the interviewer and the interviewee to a large
c) Group Interview - In this type of interview, all the candidates or
a group of candidates are interviewed together. Group interviews
are conducted to save time, when there are large number of
applications received for limited job vacancies. In this case, a
subject will be given to the candidates to get engaged in group
discussions and the interviewer judges the innovativeness and
behaviour of each candidate within the group.
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d) Depth Interview - Depth interview is a semi-structured

interview, where the candidates have to give detailed
information about their educational qualifications, work
experience, special interests, skills, aptitude and so forth. In this
case, all the information about the candidate is known first and
then the interviewer takes a depth interview and begins
analysing the expertise and proficiency of the candidate. This
interview enables the interviewer to acquire detailed information,
so that the selection process becomes more manageable.
e) Stress Interview - Stress interviews are conducted to ascertain
how a candidate would react during the time of stress and cope
up with problems. In this type of interview, the interviewer will
come to know whether the candidate can deal in an effective
manner with the demands and needs of a complicated job. The
candidate, who maintains his self-control during a stress
interview is normally the right person to handle a stressful job.
f) Individual Interview - In an individual interview, the interview
takes place on a one-to-one basis. In this case, there will be a
verbal and a visual interaction between two people, an
interviewer and a candidate. This is a two-way communication
interview, which helps in finding the right candidate for a vacant
job position. In this case, an interviewer may make use of open-
ended and close-ended questions. Open-ended questions may
involve elaborate explanations of the answers and close-ended
questions involve one-word answers, such as yes, no etc.
g) Informal Interview - Such interviews are conducted in an
informal way, i.e., the interview will be stable without any
written communication and can be arranged at any place. There
are not any proper procedures of asking questions in this type of
P a g e | 30

interview and it is not adequately structured. It is more like an

informal conversation between the individuals and takes place in
a friendly manner.
h) Formal Interview - A formal interview is organized in an
informal manner, i.e., the candidate will be aware about the dates
and timings of the interview well in advance and the interviewer
plans and prepares the questions for the interview. This is also
called as a planned interview. In this case, the interviewee is
supposed to provide accurate answers to all the questions asked
by the interviewer.
i) Panel Interview - Panel interview, as the name indicates, is being
conducted by a group of people. In this type of interview, three to
five members of the selection committee will be asking questions
to the candidates on various concepts. The final decision of
selection of the candidates will be taken by all the members of the
panel collectively.
j) Exit Interview - Exit interviews are conducted for those
employees, who want to leave the organization. The significance
of the exit interview is to ascertain the reasons behind leaving the
job. There are several reasons for which the employees leave jobs,
such as, transfer to another location, health problems,
promotional opportunities in other organizations, availability of
rewards and incentives in other organizations, family issues and
so forth.
P a g e | 31


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P a g e | 32

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P a g e | 33

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P a g e | 34

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Values they hold –

a. Integrity:

They believe in being straight, honest and fair with their clients, their
people and their suppliers.

b. Dedication:
P a g e | 35

More attention; more commitment; more energy. They always strive to

achieve the highest standards in everything they do.

c. Curiosity:

They’re always curious. They listen. Because they believe that the only way
to generate new ideas is to have an open mind. They are never satisfied with
the status quo as there is always a better way.

d. Innovation:

It lies at the heart of everything they do. And they use it judiciously to
respond to the consumers changing needs. They are always searching for an
outstanding business building idea.

e. Rapidity:

They believe that today time is more valuable than money. And their
approach to business stands testament to this belief. Rapid decision making
and flexibility go hand in hand when it comes to advertising industry.

Q1) Is there a well-defined Recruitment Policy in your organization?

S.No. Options No. %

1. Strongly agree 20 50
2. Moderately agree 10 25
3. Strongly disagree 5 12.5
4. Moderately disagree 3 7.5

5. Can’t say 2 5
P a g e | 36

Strongly agree

An organization must have a well-defined recruitment policy corresponding
to the company and vacancy requirements. Existing employees can give a fair
feedback on the suitability of the policy. Responding to it 30 out of 40
employees (75%) told that there is a sound recruitment policy in organization
that can be evaluated by comparing skills and knowledge of new recruits and
existing employees. 8 out of 40 employees (20%) feel that the organization’s
recruitment policy is not properly defined. And rest 2 could not say about the
recruitment policy. Majority of employees felt that policy was well defined
which is a great morale victory on the part of management; still there are
chances of its improvement as 20% employees have negative opinion about
the policy.

Q2) Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and

given more priority?
P a g e | 37

Job Posting 25

Employee Referrals 25

Internal Promotion 50

0 10 20 30 40 50 60


Internal Recruitment seeks applicants for positions from those who are
currently employed. Responding to above asked question, 50% employees tell
that company prefers internal promotion as internal source of recruitments.
25% employees tell that Employee referrals are given due priority and rest
P a g e | 38

25% say that Job posting is preferred. Majority of employees actually thinks
that internal promotion is given priority and followed by company as internal
source of recruitment.

Q3) Which external source of recruitment is followed by the company and

given more priority?

S.No. Options No. %

1. Campus Interview - -

2. Advertisement 3 7.5

3. Online Job Portals 2 5

4. Walk-in Interview 35 87.5

5. Agencies/ Consultancies - -

6. Employment Exchanges - -

Agencies/ Consultancies 0

Walk-in Interview 87.5

Online Job Portals 5

Advertisement 7.5

Campus Interview 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

P a g e | 39

External Sources of recruitment lie inside the organization.35 out of 40

employees (87.5%) feel that company prefer online Job Portals for hiring from
outside. 5% employees (appx.) think that company prefers Advertisement as
external source of recruitment. 7.5 say that Campus Interviews and
Consultancies hiring from outside did not prefer by the Organization.
Analysis shows that more than 87% employees tell that preferred External
Source of Hiring and finds these recruiting cheaper, faster and potentially
more effective.
S.No. Options No. %
1. Internal 4 10 Q4) which source of
2. External 36 90 recruitment is replied
upon when immediate
requirement arises?



Internal External

P a g e | 40

Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its
recruitment processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external

Responding to recruitment source question, almost all the employees tell that
External sources are relied upon when there is any immediate manpower
requirement in company.

S.No. Options No. % Analysis clearly represents that

1. Patterned 20 50 36 out of 40 employees (90%)
2. Stress 5 12.5 show that External sources are
3. Depth 10 25
prefer for immediate opening
4. Others 5 12.5
in organization but my study
suggests that internal hiring
would be better option for immediate opening in organization in which
company can have sufficient knowledge about the internal candidate and it is
less costly.

Q5) what type of interview is taken while selection?

P a g e | 41

40 25
30 12.5 12.5
Patterned Stress Depth Others


The PATTERNED INTERVIEW format has a structure to it. There is a set of

pre-determined questions that will be asked from each candidate for a
position. The STRESS INTERVIEW is the interview in which the interviewers
try to 'discomfort' the candidates in various ways and observe how they react
to various difficult situations. An IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW is a qualitative
research technique that allows person to person discussion. It can lead to
increased insight into people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviour on important
issues. This type of interview is often unstructured.

Responding to the type of interview 20 out of 40 employees think that

patterned interviews are generally taken. 25% employees have the opinion
that depth interviews are often used. Rest believes that stress or any other
type of interview is being taken.

Q6) The recruitment and selection process of company meets the current and
legal requirements?
P a g e | 42

S.No. Options No. %

1. Agree 20 50

2. Disagree 5 12.5

3. Moderately 10 25

4. No opinion 5 12.5


Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its
recruitment processes. In this research most employees responded positively
to this question. They feel that the company follows different recruitment
process for different positions.

Analysis clearly represents that 25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) show that

maximum employees are agree with this process whereas 10 out of 40
employees (25%) did not like the current recruitment process whereas 12.5%
were unable to answer.

Q7) Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company?
P a g e | 43

Sn. Options No. %

1. Yes 20 50

2. No 10 25

3. Can’t Say 10 25



30 25 25 %
10 The basic focus of
0 every organization is
Yes No Can’t Say
to satisfy the
employees with its own compensation plan. In this research most employees
responded positively that they are satisfied with their salary. They feel that
the company has good compensation plan for their employees.
Analysis clearly represents that 20 out of 40 employees (50%) show that
maximum employees are satisfied with their Salary 10 out of 40 employees
(25%) did not like their current salary whereas 12.5% were unable to answer.
Q8) what were the sources of recruiting the candidates for your current client?

Sn. Options No. %

1. Direct Walk In 15 37.5

2. Existing Database 5 12.5

3. Reference 10 25

4. Internal Movement 5 12.5

5. Others 5 12.5
P a g e | 44

Others 12.5

Internal Movement 12.5

Reference 25

Existing Database 12.5

Direct Walk In 37.5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Every organization follows various sources of recruitment to acquire a
good talent for their organization. In this research I could find the various
degrees of various sources of recruitment.
Analysis clearly represents that 15 out of 40 employees (37.5%) show that
recruitment is done through Direct Walk Ins, 5 out of 40 employees (12.5%)
show that recruitment is done through Existing Database, 10 out of 40
employees (25%) show that recruitment is done through Employee Referrals
and 5 out of 40 employees (12.5%) show that recruitment is done through
Internal Movement whereas 5 employees show that recruitment is done
through other sources.
Q9) How do you think about Recruitment and selection procedure in your

Sn. Options No. %

1. Satisfactory 25 62.5

2. Unsatisfactory 10 25

3. Can’t Say 5 12.5

P a g e | 45

Can’t Say 12.5

Unsatisfactory 25

Satisfactory 62.5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its
recruitment processes. In this research most employees responded positively
to this question. They feel that the company follows a good recruitment and
selection procedure.
Analysis clearly represents that25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) shows that
maximum employees are satisfied with this procedure whereas 10 out of 40
employees (25%) are not satisfied with the current recruitment and selection
procedure and 12.5% were unable to answer.
Q10) Is any training session apart from the domain training provided?
P a g e | 46

30 25 %

Yes No Can’t Say

Sn. Options No. %

1. Yes 25 62.5

2. No 10 25

3. Can’t Say 5 12.5

Every organization tries to enable their employees for their offered job
position along with a good compensation plan for which the organization
provides Training. In this research most employees agreed positively that
they are provided training sessions apart from the domain training. They
feel that the company has good Training programs for their employees.
P a g e | 47

Analysis clearly represents that 25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) show

that maximum employees are satisfied with the training program offered
to them. 10 out of 40 employees (25%) did not agree on the training
programs offered to them whereas 12.5% were unable to answer.

Definition of Research

Research is an organized and systematic way of finding answers to questions.

SYSTEMATIC because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which

you will follow. There are certain things in the research process which are
always done in order to get the most accurate results.

ORGANIZED because there is a structure or method in going about the

research. It is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and
limited to a specific scope.

FINDING ANSWERS is the end of all research. Whether it is the answer to

a hypothesis or even a simple question, research is successful when we find
answers. Sometimes the answer is no, but it is still an answer.

QUESTIONS are central to research. If there is no question, then the

answer is of no use. Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important
questions. Without a question, research has no focus, drive, or purpose.

Source of data:
P a g e | 48

Primary data: Data has been collected through questionnaire, telephonic

interviews and field surveys.

Secondary data: Data has been collected from the company in the form of

Data Sample:

Sample size: 100

80 = surveys through questionnaire market survey

20 = surveys through telephonic interviews

Sample unit:

Manufacturing company, Shipping Corporation, Trading Company,

Chemical Company and Service Sector.

Sampling area:

• Certain area of Kolkata such as Park Street, Garia, Beleghata, Salt Lake,
Metropolitan, Tollygunge, New Town, Beckbagan,Dalhousie, Camac Street.

Sampling Technique:

Random sampling and Convenience sampling

Milestones for Primary research:

1. Signoff on the questionnaire

2. Completion of the administration of the questionnaire

3. Completion of data analysis based on the survey inputs

Methods to be used:

Data collected by telephonic interviews, personal interviews and through

structured questionnaire.
P a g e | 49


• Cold calls

• Mail

• Personal Interactions


 To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into

it – Exploratory or Formulative Research.
 To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual,
situation or a group – Descriptive Research.
 To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with
which it is associated with something else – Diagnostic Research.
 To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables –
Hypothesis-Testing Research.


 Research is directed towards the solution of a problem.

 Research is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence.
 Research demands accurate observation and description.
 Research involves gathering new data from primary sources or using
existing data for a new purpose.
 Research activities are characterized by carefully designed procedures.
 Research requires expertise i.e., skill necessary to carryout investigation,
search the related literature and to understand and analyse the data
P a g e | 50

 Research is objective and logical – applying every possible test to

validate the data collected and conclusions reached.
 Research involves the quest for answers to unsolved problems.
 Research requires courage.
 Research is characterized by patient and unhurried activity.
 Research is carefully recorded and reported.

Research design can be thought of as the structure of research -- it is the
"glue" that holds all of the elements in a research project together. The
elements of a research design include:

 Observations or Measures: These are symbolized by an 'O' in design

notation. An O can refer to a single measure (e.g., a measure of body
weight), a single instrument with multiple items (e.g., a 10-item self-
esteem scale), a complex multi-part instrument (e.g., a survey), or a
whole battery of tests or measures given out on one occasion. If you
need to distinguish among specific measures, you can use subscripts
with the O, as in O1, O2, and so on.
 Treatments or Programs: These are symbolized with an 'X' in design
notations. The X can refer to a simple intervention (e.g., a one-time
surgical technique) or to a complex hodgepodge program (e.g., an
employment training program). Usually, a no treatment control or
comparison group has no symbol for the treatment (some researchers
use X+ and X- to indicate the treatment and control respectively). As
with observations, you can use subscripts to distinguish different
programs or program variations.
P a g e | 51

 Groups: Each group in a design is given its own line in the design
structure. if the design notation has three lines, there are three groups in
the design.
 Assignment to Group: Assignment to group is designated by a letter at
the beginning of each line (i.e., group) that describes how the group was
assigned. The major types of assignment are:
 R = random assignment
 N = non-equivalent groups
 C = assignment by cut-off
 Time: Time moves from left to right. Elements that are listed on the left
occur before elements that are listed on the right.

Steps in the Research Design Process

The steps in the design process interact and often occur simultaneously.
For example, the design of a measurement instrument is influenced by the
type of analysis that will be conducted. However, the type of analysis is also
influenced by the specific characteristics of the measurement instrument.

Step 1: Define the Research Problem: Problem definition is the most

critical part of the research process. Research problem definition involves
specifying the information needed by management. Unless the problem is
properly defined, the information produced by the research process is
unlikely to have any value. The basis goal of problem clarification is to
ensure that the decision maker’s initial description of the management
decision is accurate and reflects the appropriate area of concern for
research. If the wrong management problem is translated into a research
problem, the probability of providing management with useful
information is low.

Step 2: Estimate the Value of the Information: A decision maker normally

approaches a problem with some information. If the problem is, say,
P a g e | 52

whether a new product should be introduced, enough information will

normally have been accumulated through past experience with other
decisions concerning the introduction of new products and from various
other sources to allow some preliminary judgments to be formed about the
desirability of introducing the product in question. There will rarely be
sufficient confidence in these judgments that additional information
relevant to the decision would not be accepted if it were available without
cost or delay. There might be enough confidence, however, that there
would be an unwillingness to pay very much or wait very long for the
added information.

Step 3: Select the Data Collection Approach: There are three basic data
collection approaches in marketing research: (1) secondary data, (2) survey
data, and (3) experimental data. Secondary data were collected for some
purpose other than helping to solve the current problem, whereas primary
data are collected expressly to help solve the problem at hand.

Step 4: Select the Measurement Technique: There are four basic

measurement techniques used in marketing research: (1) questionnaires,
(2) attitude scales, (3) observation, and (4) depth interviews and projective
P a g e | 53

After a thorough study and discussion on the company’s recruitment &
selection policy, to know its effectiveness in the organization a self-designed
questionnaire has been prepared to gather the views of employees.
The questionnaire contains 16 questions related to recruitment &
selection topic. The questionnaire has been distributed to 50 employees from
various departments (HOD, Marketing, Legal (SCM), PNS, and Finance &
Logistic) and asked them to answer the questions by selection the given
The responses of all the questions were summed up from all the answered
questionnaires. These summed up responses were calculated to derive the
P a g e | 54

percentages to make the interpretation more meaningful, being represented in

the form of pie chart.
These are the findings:

1. The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the

company is helpful to meet the company's manpower requirement to
some extent.
2. The recruitment & selection policy of company is clearly stated but no
updation according to the company's objective.
3. Company is highly dependent on employee's referral for higher
position and for lower posts company prefers job portals and
4. Company is recruiting right candidate for right job but some
respondents are disagreed so selection process needs improvement and
proper verification of recruitee.
5. Candidates are not timely informed for their selection and also for their
6. Too much time taken by the HOD in recruiting some important urgent
7. Some respondents are satisfied with the external source of recruitment,
it is observed that most of the candidates are recruited through
“Reference” or other internal source and about 50% have no opinion the
external sources like job portals, consultancies.
8. After analysis it is better to get the manpower by internal source as they
are aware about that candidate skill and behaviour but sometimes
company will not get right candidate.
P a g e | 55

Human resources are stated to be an integral part of any organization.
The jobs, functions, tasks and operations can be adequately performed by
proficient and skilled personnel. Therefore, within the organizational
structure, it is vital to implement effective recruitment strategies and selection
processes. When the members of the organization are aware of proper
recruitment and selection processes, then they are able to make selection of
human resources in an appropriate manner. There are numerous job duties
P a g e | 56

and functions within the organization and performance of all kinds of tasks
and operations require skills and abilities, which can be honed by making
provision of adequate training to the personnel.

The individuals hired may be experienced and knowledgeable, but they

do experience changes and transformations within the organizations
regarding various aspects, such as, the working environmental conditions,
performance of job duties, attitudes and behavioural traits of the employers,
methods to enhance productivity, utilization of innovative techniques and
methods and so forth. When the employees are selected, it is important that
they should be loyal and dedicated towards the organizations. They should be
committed towards the performance of job duties and possess the traits of
resourcefulness, diligence, and conscientiousness. Finally, it can be stated that
organizations are required to put into practice recruitment and selection
processes with accuracy, precision and truthfulness.


1. Identify the source from where you came to know about the job?

a) Advertisement b) Consultant c) Personal reference d) Campus

e) E- recruitment f) Others

2. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process by which you are

a) Yes b) No
P a g e | 57

3. What are the sources for recruitment and selection?

a) Internal b) External c) Both

4. How was the approach of management during the recruitment?

a) Serious & Positive

b) Casual
c) Negative

5. What impression/ image you were having of Barnwal & Barnwal Co.
before getting Recruitment?

a) Satisfactory
b) Average
c) Unsatisfactory

6. Are you satisfied with salary package?

a) Satisfied
b) Good
c) Average
d) Unsatisfied

7. Are you satisfied with your current job?

a) Yes b) No

8. Since how many years have you been working with this organisation?

a) 0-5 years
b) 5-10 years
c) 10 to 15 years
d) More than 15 years

9. Is the organisation doing timeliness recruitment and selection process.

a) Yes b) No
P a g e | 58

10. How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment

and Selection?

a) Poor
b) Adequate
c) Excellent

11. Do you think organisation looks for experienced employees in selection


a) Yes b) No

12. Which is the most important quality the organization looks for in a

a) Knowledge
b) Past Experience
c) Optimistic Nature
d) Discipline
e) Team work ability
f) Other

13. Do you think organization is using satisfactory methods of interview?

a) Yes b) No

14. Is the resume screening and shortlisting method used by the

organization is satisfactory?

a) Yes b) No

15. How do you rate the selection policy of the organization?

a) Good
b) Average
c) Poor
P a g e | 59

16. Which method should be used for recruitment?

a) Structured
b) unstructured
c) problem question
d) case study question
e) others


Chapter 5. (2010). Recruitment and Selection. Retrieved November 21, 2017


Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the Right Person.

Society for

Human Resource Management. Retrieved November 21, 2017 from
Klug, D. (2017). Recruitment and Selection Handbook for University Staff
P a g e | 60

Arizona State University. Retrieved November 21, 2017 from
Recruitment and Selection. (2016). Tutorials Point. Retrieved November 21,
2017 from
Recruitment and Selection. (2013). Failte Ireland. Retrieved November 21, 2017

Richardson, M.A. (n.d.). Recruitment Strategies. Managing/Effecting the


Process. Retrieved November 21, 2017 from

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