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Antioxidant Responses of Pomegranate Due To Oxidative Stress Caused by ROS

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Antioxidant Responses of Pomegranate Due to

Oxidative Stress Caused By ROS
Mamoona Aslam1
Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
M. Phil Biochemistry from Government College University Faisalabad
Working on SNP analysis of specific disease patients of Pakistan’s Population

Abstract:- Pomegranate plant has wide usage because of progression of numerous pathological disturbances, such as
its biologically active compounds with different atherosclerosis [8], brain dysfunctions [9] and cancer [10]. It
biological activities, being present in different parts of was found that polyphenols from peel of pomegranate
plants. In this review, the point of focus is on antioxidant inhibit the proliferation and induced apoptosis of human
responses of this plant under conditions of oxidative prostate cancer cells [11]. Anti-inflammatory activity of
stress due to reactive oxygen species. In pomegranate, pomegranate peel is due to gallagyldilacton, gallic acid,
ROS cause oxidative stress due to different biotic and granatin B [12], [13]. Antioxidant activities of peel are due
abiotic stresses, some of them causing elevation of to Tannins like punicalin, punicalagin, pedunculagin, gallic
antioxidant level and some stresses cause decline in acid and casuarinin [13]-[15]. It was found that the peel
antioxidant level. But plant has ROS scavenging extract has tannins that made it effective virucidal agent
mechanism that is antioxidant defense system which can [123] in opposition to genital herpes virus [16]. Numerous
be enzymatic and non-enzymatic preventing damage flavonoids in peel show antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant,
caused by reactive oxygen species. By evaluating level of anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic bioactivities. These
antioxidants in different parts of plant, we can decide flavonoids are catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin-3-
about its therapeutic and commercial usage; this gallate, flavan-3-ol, kaempferol, kaempferolerol-3-O-
evaluation also acknowledges about its agricultural glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoglycoside, luteolin,
plantation at specific areas under specific stress luteolin 7-O-glucoside, Naringin, pelargonidin,
conditions. Owing to more antioxidant activities in peel prodelphindin, quercetin and rutin [4], [17]-[19].
part, it can be used in prevention of food spoilage by
enhancing the shelf life. Hydroxyl, carbonyl, and aromatic groups are also
present in peel among significant amount of punicalagin
Keywords:- Biologically Active Constituents, Defense [29], punicalin [14], granatin A [20], maleic acid [21], gallic
mechanism, Oxidative, Stress Pomegranate, ROS. acid [122], ursolic acid [26], and antioxidant constituents [5]
and efficient constitutive chemical groups in the structure of
I. INTRODUCTION these constituents could exhibit corrosion inhibition
functioning. Phytochemicals are frequently mentioned to
A. Introduction to Pomegranate non-nutritive compounds assumed to be formed by plants,
Pomegranate plant belongs to botanical family providing defense against harmful ultraviolet radiation,
Punicaceae [1]. The worldwide production of pomegranate pathogens and herbivorous predators. Phytochemicals are of
is approximately 1,500,000 tons [2]. Pomegranate (Punica utmost significance for having prospective human health
granatum L.) is introduced from South East Asia. It is benefits and are valued for their biological and free radical
planted in Turkey, Iran, the USA, the Middle East, and scavenging actions. Peel of pomegranate has phenolic
Mediterranean and Arabic countries, as one of the compounds, including flavonoids, anthocyanins and tannins
significant fruits [3]. Pomegranate peel is taken into account that are the chief group of antioxidant phytochemicals [6].
as an agro-waste but it is a powerful source of compounds Pomegranate fruit peel can be used as natural dye source for
giving human health aids. Peel accounts for about 60 % of unmordanted fabrics. So, use of pomegranate peel in dyeing
weight of pomegranate fruit [4]. Total Phenolic contents and fabrics removes use of metallic mordants that have effect on
antioxidant activity of pomegranate peel is greater than pulp color efficiency in process of mordanting. Unmordanted
[5]. Antioxidant activity of peel is also higher than flower, fabrics when dyed with pomegranate peel, show
leaf and seed [6]. considerable antimicrobial activity [22]. One of the studies
conducted in rats whose liver was made damaged due to
B. Biological Activities of Pomegranate Peel CCl4 showed that pretreatment with PPE boosts or preserves
Peel contains substantial amounts of polyphenols such the action of hepatic enzymes superoxide dismutase,
as ellagic tannins, ellagic acid and gallic acid [7]. Recently, peroxidase and catalase. These enzymes have ability to
addition of polyphenols to foods and biological systems scavenge free radicals, preventing their deleterious effects.
remained point of focus. Polyphenols have ability to PPE decreases lipid peroxidation to 54%. PPE cause
scavenge free radicals, i. e. antioxidant power. The considerable hypoglycemic effect by increasing insulin
generation of free radicals plays an important role in the levels and renewal of pancreatic beta cells [23]. Blood

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
glucose level decreases due to components of pomegranate punicalagin [25]. One of the studies demonstrated PPE as to
with known anti-diabetic activity. These components are promote wound healing in skin by boosting up collagen
ellagic, gallic, ursolic acids, uallic and oleanolic acids. synthesis, and also having antibacterial activity for wound
Ellagic, gallic and ursolic acids are present in PPE [24]. bacteria comprising strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E.
coli, S. aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae),
Pomegranate has many flavonoids but only Streptococcus pneumoniae, Salmonella Anatum, S.
punicalagin has been identified to show inhibitory effect Typhimurium [25]. Detailed description of bioactivity of
towards influenza virus. So, pomegranate extract may active complements in peel of pomegranate is given in
inhibit the viruses transmitted in our body. So, it can be (Table-I) as follows:
concluded that PPE can be used for this purpose as having

Table-I: Biological activity of major tannins owing to its particular biologically active compounds (Sushil et al., 2013)
Compound Bioactivity
Casuarinin Antiviral, antioxidant
Corilagin Antihypertensive, antineoplastic
Ellagic acid [EA] Antineoplastic, skin whitening
Gallic acid Antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant
Methyl gallate Antioxidant
Granatin A Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
Granatin B Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
Pedunculagin Antineoplastic, antioxidant
Punicalagin Antioxidant, antihypertensive, anti-hyperglycemic
Punicalin Antioxidant, anti-HIV, anti-hyperglycemic

Table-II: Biological activities of major flavonoids and alkaloids owing to particular active constituents (Sushil et al., 2013)
Compound Bioactivity
Catechin Antineoplastic, antioxidant
Cyanidin Antioxidant
Epicatechin Antineoplastic
Epigallocatechin 3-gallate Antineoplastic
Flavan-3-ol Antineoplastic
Kaempferol Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
Kaempferol-3-0-glucoside Antioxidant
Luteolin Antioxidant, antioxidant
Luteolin-7-0-glucoside Antioxidant
Quercetin Antiviral, antioxidant, antineoplastic
Naringin Antiviral, antibacterial
Major alkaloids of pomegranate peel
Pelletierine Antioxidant
Valoneic acid dilactone Antidiabetic

C. Biological Activities of Pomegranate Fruit, Seeds, II. REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES IN

Leaves and Juice POMEGRANATE
Seeds, leaves and juices of pomegranate show
antioxidant activities. Its fruit rind, flower and leaves exhibit A. ROS
anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities. Fruit of ROS (reactive oxygen species) are free radicals such
pomegranate also show anti-inflammatory activity. as hydroxyl radical (•OH), superoxide anion (O2• −).
Leaves show antidiabetic, hypolipidemic and anti-obesity Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is also ROS but non-radical
activities [121]. Principle constituents in juice of molecule which is plentiful and more reactive in higher
pomegranate are as: simple sugars aliphatic organic acids, plants [27]. Each of ROS has distinct properties like half-life
gallic acid, ellagic acid, quinic acid, flavonols, amino acids, and mobility, mode of action, cellular sources. Scavenging
minerals, ascorbic acid [4]. Carbohydrates, reducing sugars, system for each ROS is also distinct [28]. Following figure 1
sterols, saponins, flavanoids, tannins, piperidine alkaloids, shows the mechanism of ROS generation by energy transfer.
flavone, glycoside, and Ellagitannins, all of these are
constituents of pomegranate leaves [14], [15].

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Dual Role of ROS
ROS play dual role, beneficial and deleterious
depending on their concentration in plants. Beneficial
effects are as, at lower concentration ROS act as signaling
molecule and at higher concentration causes deleterious
effects like ultimate death of cell [36], [37]. In plants ROS
have dual behavior due to balance between ROS production
and elimination, so act as signaling molecules at lower
concentrations, regulating many physiological and
developmental processes and perform damaging activity at
higher concentration [38].

C. ROS Generation
These are produced in mitochondria, chloroplast and
peroxisomes of plant cells [30]. ROS are also produced in
other sites such as cytosol, cell wall and cytoplasm.

a.ROS generation in peroxisomes

Fig.1. ROS generation by energy transfer ROS are generated in membrane and matrix of
peroxisomes [39]. Peroxisome is membrane-bound
During energy transfer and electron transfer reactions subcellular organelle, present in nearly all eukaryotic cells
ROS are produced from O2. These reactions at initial require and is major site of H2O2 production. Peroxisome has
input of energy whereas next steps occur spontaneously as catalase and H2O2-producing flavin oxidase. Similar to
are exothermic [30], [31]. Under normal conditions in plant glyoxysome, it has high concentration of catalase. Usually,
cells, there is equilibrium between ROS creation and peroxisomal respiratory pathway produce H2O2. Different
elimination, but in case of any stress condition, this balance flavin oxidases are involved in pathway. Following figure 3
is upset in plants [28]. Molecular O2 accumulate in shows the mechanism by which ROS are produced n
atmosphere of earth due to which O2 is used as terminal chloroplast.
electron acceptor in aerobic organisms during process of
cellular respiration [32]. Molecular O2 is relatively
unreactive, when reduced giving H2O and ROS during
normal metabolic activity of cell [30], [31], [33]. Extremely
responsive ROS are produced due to O2 reduction, when
electron transport system not functions properly in stress
condition [34]. ROS are overproduced by environmental
factors like high light intensity, salinity, heat, chilling,
wounding, ozone, heavy metals [28]. ROS have damaging
effects to DNA, proteins, lipids and dysfunction metabolic
activity in such a way that is irreversible causing cell death
[35]. Figure 2 concludes the environmental factors which
play role in ROS generation.

Fig.3. ROS generation and prevention in peroxisomes

In matrix, XOD catalyze oxidation of xanthin into uric

acid. Super oxide radicals O2. – are converted to H2O2.
Glycolate oxidase by oxidation of glycolate in process of
photorespiration in peroxisome produce majority of H2O2.
By beta oxidation of fatty acid, H2O2 also produced [28].
Electrons slip from PSI to PSII of peroxisome reacts with
O2, giving Super oxide radicals O2. – is converted to
Hydroperoxyl radical which ultimately converted to H2O2

b. ROS generation in Mitochondria

Mitochondria is known as major site where ROS like
H2O2 are generated and is also considered as main site for
Fig. 2. Environmental factors causing ROS production ROS target [40]. In mitochondria, ROS are generated when

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
O2 is reduced by electrons that are present in ETC of produced when electrons get leakage at sides like QA, QB
mitochondria having sufficient free energy and this is (acceptor sides of ETC in PS II) reaching the O2 (M.
known as primary source of ROS production in Takahashi, 1988). Natural byproduct of photosynthesis is
mitochondria [41]. When respiratory conditions are normal O2 that is being formed during situation of low-light [50].
ROS are being generated, but their concentration reaches to On dismutation of O2. – by Cu-Zn SOD, H2O2 generated at
high during biotic and abiotic stress conditions. In ETC of external membrane surface of stroma [51]. Mechanism of
mitochondria, O2. - are generated at sites of complex I and ROS generation and prevention in chloroplast is shown in
complex III, this O2. - is dismutated by SOD into H2O2 [42]- Figure 5 as follows:
[45]. About 1-5 % O2 of mitochondria on consumption
generate H2O2 [44]. Highly toxic OH. is generated when
H2O2 make reaction with Fe2+ and Cu+ (both are reduced
forms), OH. generated has no charge and is capable of
penetrating membranes leaving mitochondria [41],[45]-
[46]. ROS production may be controlled through energy
dissipating systems in mitochondria [47]. Figure 4 shows
how ROS are produced and scavenged in mitochondria.

Fig.5 Generation and scavenge of reactive oxygen species in


D. ROS Scavenging Mechanism in Pomegranate

Plants have natural defense mechanism due to which
they show tolerance to stress. These involve antioxidant
defense system that may be enzymatic and non-enzymatic.
When ROS are produced under steady state, they are
Fig.4. Production and prevention of reactive oxygen species prevented from performing their damaging effects by
in mitochondria antioxidant defense system [52], [53]. Superoxide dismutase
(SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate
d. ROS generation in chloroplast peroxidase (APX); all comprise enzymatic antioxidant
In chloroplast, O2. – produced when electrons are defense system. Non-enzymatic antioxidant system
accepted by O2 that is produced during photosynthesis. Sites comprises ascorbate (ASA), glutathione (GSH), α-
of ROS production in chloroplast are chl. and ETC of PS I tocopherol, carotenoids and phenolic compound that are
and PS II. Due to these sites, chloroplast is believed to be a non-enzymatic low molecular metabolites [54], [38] and
major site where ROS are generated such as O2. –, O2 and [55]. Antioxidants have ability to scavenge free radicals.
H2O2. When electrons from photosystem centers are directed
towards NADP+, then reduces it into NADPH which reduces III. ENZYMATIC DEFENSE MECHANISM
CO2 (final electron acceptor) on entering the Calvin cycle
and this happens under normal conditions. Through Mehler Types of antioxidants that are enzymatic in nature with
reaction, O2. – are generated when electrons reduce O2 as their subcellular location are given in concise form in Table-
flow of electrons gets diverted from ferredoxin to O2, this III as follows:
happens when ETC is overloaded [48], [49]. O2. – are also

Table-III Enzymatic antioxidants with subcellular localization (Kaushik et al., 2014)

Enzymatic antioxidants Subcellular location
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) Peroxisome, Mitochondria, Cytosol and Chloroplast
Catalase (CAT) Peroxisome and Mitochondria
Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) Peroxisome, Mitochondria, Cytosol and Chloroplast
Monodehydrascorbate reductase (MDHAR) Mitochondria, Cytoplasm and Chloroplast
Dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) Mitochondria, Cytoplasm and Chloroplast
Glutathione reductase (GR) Mitochondria, Cytoplasm and Chloroplast
Guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) Mitochondria, Cytoplasm, Chloroplast and ER

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
A. CAT provided defense against salt stress with limited protection.
This is also named as H2O2 oxidoreductase [28]. This The trend, about SOD activity in leaves of pomegranate,
enzymatic antioxidant was firstly found and characterized. was as firstly increased then decreased [61]. One of study
This enzyme has heme-group and is ubiquitous tetrameric. concluded that CAT activity increased under water stress in
For H2O2, catalase is highly specific but against organic different species of pomegranate, except in one of them
peroxides this enzyme displays weak activity. Reducing [62].
equivalents of cell are not required for catalase; therefore
enzymes are unique in degrading H2O2 than other several B. SOD
types of H2O2-degrading enzymes. Rate of turnover is very A metalloenzyme existing in all aerobic organisms,
quick in CAT, but it’s affinity for H2O2 is much lower than and subcellular components that are prone to oxidative
APX. Peroxisome has high concentration of CAT. This stress, also contain it [63]-[65]. Numerous mechanisms can
enzyme is present in all aerobic eukaryotes, dismutating trigger O2. When electronic configuration of O2 is altered,
H2O2 into H2O and O2. Basically, it acts as an antioxidative then highly reactive 1O2 (singlet oxygen) are created [28]. In
enzyme that scavenges toxic level of H2O2 that is produced all aerobic organisms, SOD mainly function in providing
in peroxisome by oxidase of different metabolic oxidation defense against oxidative stress [66]. SOD catalyzes
reactions and also produced during oxidative stress. During dismutation O2. – to H2O and O2 as refer (2) as follows:
stresses, peroxisome proliferates helping in removal of H2O2
[56]. O2. – + O2. – + 2H+ 2H2O + O2 (2)

H2O2 has ability to cross plant membranes. During As a result of classification of SOD on basis of metal
photo respiratory oxidation, beta-oxidation of fatty acids and cofactor, there are three types: (1) Fe-SOD that is contained
other enzymatic systems for example an enzyme system in in chloroplast, (2) Mn-SOD being located in mitochondria,
which XOD coupled to SOD, H2O2 are generated and CAT (3) Third type is Cu-SOD contained in chloroplast,
scavenges these H2O2 [57], [58]. Cytosol, chloroplast and peroxisome and cytosol [67], [68]. Its structure differs from
mitochondria all contain CAT but substantial CAT activity others two on basis of structure. It means that SOD has three
is no more pronounced in these organelles [59]. Subcellular isozymes, each having its own sensitivity level to H2O.
localization of CAT is peroxisome, glyoxisome and Nucleus encodes all forms of SOD and then through an
mitochondria [28]. CAT is classified on basis of expression amino terminal targeting sequence, these isoforms target
profile of genes of tobacco [60]. Light regulates class I CAT specific subcellular compartments [212]. Cu/Zn-SOD exists
and expression of these CAT happens in photosynthetic as a dimer and is sensitive to cyanide in eukaryotes, but
tissues. Expression of class II CAT happens on vascular other two isoforms (Mn-SOD and Fe-SOD) are not sensitive
tissues with this expression occurring at high levels. to cyanide and existing as dimer or tetramer [66], [69].
Whereas in seedy and young seedlings, there is abundance Mechanism by which ROS are generated and prevented by
of class III CAT. It is shown in figure6 how ROS generation SOS is shown in figure 7 as follows:
is prevented. Equation (1) shows the function of CAT as

H2O2 H2O + (1/2) O2 (1)

Fig. 7. Prevention of ROS by SOD

It has been reported that when plants are exposed to

Fig. 6. Scavenging of ROS by catalase various environmental stresses including drought and metal
toxicity, activity of SOD increases [70], [71]. It has been
It was concluded from one of study that there was reported that SOD overproduction enhances tolerance of
decrease in CAT activity in pomegranate, in case of high plants against oxidative stress [72]. When activity of SOD is
salinity and decline in CAT activity indicated that CAT increased, then plants more tolerate environmental stresses

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
[73]. It was concluded from one of study that there was trapped for conversion into H2O2. Then membrane-bound
decrease in SOD activity in pomegranate, in case of high APX scavenge H2O2 [28].
salinity and decline in SOD activity indicated that SOD
provided defense against salt stress with limited protection. b. Monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR)
The trend, about SOD activity in leaves of pomegranate, In reaction catalyzed by APX, MDHA radical is
was as firstly increased then decreased [74]. One of study generated having decreased lifespan. AsA and DHA are
concluded that SOD activity increased significantly under generated on disproportionation of MDHA radical, this
water stress in different species of pomegranate, except in occurs when MDHA radical is not reduced rapidly [82].
one of them [62]. AsA is regenerated from MDHA radical and this AsA
regeneration is catalyzed by MDHAR, along with the usage
C. Guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) of NAD(P)H as an electron donor. With H2O2, Horseredish
GPX is considered as one of the important enzymes. peroxidase generates phenoxyl radicals, MDHAR has ability
GPX is a protein having heme-group. When excess to reduce these radicals; and MDHAR uses MDA that is
peroxides are produced during normal metabolism and also organic radical, as a substrate [83].
in stress situation, then GPX prevent cells from this excess
of peroxide by oxidizing substrates, it usually oxidizes 2MDHA + NADH 2AA + NAD (5)
ascorbate. At the expenditure of H2O2, oxidation of substrate
happens. Guaiacol is used as electron donor by GPX. It Equation (5) shows the function of MDHAR as shown
scavenges H2O2 generated in cytosol, vacuole and cell wall above. Several cellular compartments contain isozymes of
as well in extracellular space [28]. Equation (3) shows the MDHAR such as chloroplast, cytosol, mitochondria and
Functioning of GPX as follows: peroxisomes all containing them [84]. Two physiological
functions are performed by MDHAR in chloroplast: firstly,
H2O2 + DHA 2H2O2 + GSSG (3) it regenerate AsA from MDHA, and secondly, when MDHA
substrate is not present, then photo reduction of dioxygen to
D. Enzymes of Ascorbate-Glutathione Cycle O2.- is mediated by MDHAR [85].

a. Ascorbate peroxidase c. Dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR)

In AsA-GSH cycle, APX is a central component. To DHAR is a thiol with monomeric form and dry seeds,
control levels of intracellular ROS, APX performs an roots and etiolated as well as green shoots contain
important function. H2O2 is reduced by APX with usage of abundance of this enzyme. DHAR reduces DHA to AsA,
two molecules of AsA, along with two molecules of MDHA and GSH is used as reducing substrate [86]. So, maintaining
are generated. Class I superfamily of heme peroxidases has reduced form of AsA is important function of DHAR. When
APX as its family member [75]. H2O2 and redox signal AsA oxidation occurs in leaves and other tissues, some
regulate APX [76]. APX has five isoenzymes, basing on DHA is generated. DHA is a chemical having short lifetime,
amino acid sequence; these are distinct chemically and it can be hydrolyzed to 2, 3-diketogulonic acid in
enzymatically. Higher plants contain these isoenzymes of irreversible way or can be recycled by DHAR to AsA. It has
APX at different subcellular localization. These isoforms of been reported that DHAR has important role in determining
APX are present in cytosol, stroma, thylakoids, AsA pool size [87]. Equation (6) shows functioning of
mitochondria and peroxisome [77]-[78]. It’s one another DHAR as follows:
form is bounded to membrane with role in scavenging of
H2O2 and in controlling transport of electron in ascorbate- DHA + 2GSH AA + GSSG (6)
glutathione cycle. Equation (4) shows the function of APX
as follows: d. Glutathione reductase (GR)
Almost all cells contain GR as low molecular weight thiol
H2O2 + AA 2H2O2 + DHA (4) compound and it is a ubiquitous tripeptide GSH that reduces
disulphide thus protecting the enzymatic thiol groups. GR
APX is present in soluble form and is bound to present in chloroplast, cytosol, mitochondria and
thalakoids. H2O2 produced in organelles is scavenged by peroxisomes. In the photosynthetic tissues, isoforms in
APX in these organelles, H2O2 that is produced in cytosol, chloroplast accounts for 80 % of GR activity [88]. H2O2
apoplast or that diffused from organelles are eliminated by produced by Mehler reaction is detoxified by GSH and GR
cytosolic APX [79]. APX isoforms that are produced in in chloroplast. GR reacts with 1O2 and H2O2, also causes the
cytoplasm and cytosol act as electron donor [80]. Under regeneration of ascorbate. In GSSG, disulphide bond is
stressful conditions, APXs are efficient scavengers of H2O2 formed and this depends upon NADPH with enzyme
and APX isoforms having greater affinity for H2O2 than catalyzing the reaction, is GR. In this way, reduced pool of
CAT. APX is an antioxidant enzyme having wide GSH is maintained vitally by GR. GR and GSH have role in
distribution in plant cells [81]. It means that APX scavenging H2O2 [89]. Equation (7) shows the functioning
breakdown H2O2 into H2O and MDHA of GR is as follows:
(monodehydroascorbate), when uses ascorbate as H-donor
and 2 cytosolic forms of APX perform function in defensive GSSG + NADPH 2GSH + NADP+ (7)
mechanism. At surface of membrane, O2. – is produced and

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
In plants, GSH gets accumulate with increased activity group is contained in GR, and GR belongs to a group of
of GR and finally plants are conferred stress tolerance [28]. flavoenzymes [90]. The mechanism of catalysis involves
In enzymic as well as non-enzymic oxidation-reduction two steps: firstly, NADPH reduces flavin moiety, then
cycles, GSSG by oxidation of GSH is generated and in such oxidation of flavin occurs, and then a thiolate anion and a
cycles, GR participate being as an antioxidant. In AsA-GSH cysteine are generated on reduction of a redox active
cycle, DHAR catalyzes the reaction in which oxidation of disulfide. Through disulfide interchange reactions, GSSG is
GSH happens. GSSG is reduced to GSH by GR that is reduced in second step [90]. Reduced enzyme can be
NAD(P)H – dependent enzyme, thus ratio of GSH / GSSG reversibly inactivated if GSSG reoxidation not happens.
is maintained at high levels in cell. An essential disulfide


Type of non-enzymatic antioxidants with their particular function and subcellular localization are given in concise form in
Table-IV as follows:

Table-IV: Non-enzymatic antioxidants with their subcellular localization (Kaushik et al., 2014)
Non-enzymatic antioxidants Function Subcellular location
Ascorbic acid Detoxifies H2O2 via APX Cytosol, Chloroplast, Mitochondria,
Peroxisomes, Vacuole and apoplast
Glutathione Act as detoxifying co-substrate for enzyme like Cytosol, Chloroplast, Peroxisome,
peroxidases and GR Vacuole and Apoplast
Alpha tocopherols Guards against and detoxifies the products of Mostly in membrane
membrane LPO
Flavonoids Direct scavenge of H2O2, Vacuole
O2 and OH.

A. Ascorbate (AsA) critical macromolecules is prevented due to AsA [94]. When

AsA exist in plenty with having low molecular weight physiological conditions are normal, in chloroplast most of
and playing important role in case of enhanced level of ROS AsA exist in reduced form and violaxanthin de-epoxidase is
that cause oxidative stress. Number of enzymatic and non- an enzyme there, for which AsA function as a cofactor,
enzymatic reactions receives electrons by AsA due to which therefore dissipation of extra excitation energy is maintained
AsA is taken into consider as a potent antioxidant. In by AsA [95]. AsA directly reacts with O2•− and H2O2 due to
addition to many physiological processes, growth, which membranes are protected and also from tocopheroxyl
differentiation and metabolism are also such processes in radical, alpha tocopherol is regenerated and enzymes that
which AsA display key function. Smirnoff-Wheeler have ions of transition metal ions as prosthetic groups their
pathway proceeds through GDP-D-mannose, L-galactose, activities are continued [89]. H2O2 are removed through
GDP-galactose and L-galactone-1,4-lactone. This pathway AsA-GSH cycle in which AsA play important function for
also called as D-mannose / L-galactose, which provide bulk its removal [96]. AsA oxidation is accomplished in two
of AsA in plant. D-galacturonic acid is one of the steps, firstly (MDHA) is produced, DHA is generated next
intermediate of uronic acid which also synthesizes AsA to it. In AsA-GSH cycle, H2O2 is reduced to H2O through
[91]. Galacturonic acid reductase reduces D-galacturonic utilization of two molecules of AsA by APX along with
acid into L-galacturonic acid. L-galacturonic acid futher MDHA production. Life time of MDHA is brief, as it is a
converts into L-galctono-1,4-lactone [92]. By oxidation of radical. So, DHA and AsA are resulted due to impulsive (or
L-galactono-1,4-lactone, AsA is formed, enzyme catalyzing spontaneous) dismutation of MDHA or NADP(H)
this oxidation reaction is L-galactono-1,4-lactone dependent enzyme MDHAR reduces MDHA into AsA [97].
dehydrogenase (GALDH). So, GALDH synthesize AsA To prevent cleavage of DHA into tartarate and oxalate at
with this synthesis taking place in mitochondria. After its more than 6.0 pH values [89], enzyme DHAR reduces DHA
synthesis, transportation of AsA happens by the proton into AsA. It has been reported that level of AsA modifies
electrochemical gradient or facilitated diffusion to other during several stress conditions [71], [80] and [98]-[100].
components of cell. Enzyme that synthesizes AsA, when overexpressed confers
tolerance in plants to abiotic stress conditions. When two
It has been detected that majority of cell types of members of GME gene family are overexpressed, then
plants; organelles and apoplast in plants [93] have AsA and buildup of ascorbate increases causing improved tolerance
also found that photosynthetic tissues are plenty in AsA. to biotic stress conditions in tomato plants [101]. When D-
Cytoplasm has almost more than 90% of AsA. To the galacturonic acid reductase, which reduces D-galacturonic
apoplast, significant portion of AsA is transported with acid to L-galactonic acid and taking part in biosynthetic
millimolar concentration existing there. This is a discrete pathway of AsA, is overexpressed then AsA buildup giving
feature of AsA from other soluble antioxidants. AsA enhanced tolerance to abiotic stresses in potato plants [102].
provides actual defense mechanism against external In Arabidopsis, when AsA level is increased, then it
oxidants with damaging capability. Oxidative damage to provides tolerance to oxidative stress [103].

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B. Glutathione (GSH) phytylbenzoquinol methyltransferase (VTE3). But bypass
GSH is one of the vital non-enzymatic antioxidants pathway that involve synthesis and utilization of phytyl-tail
having low molecular weight and is non-protein thiol. It is not included in tocopherol synthesis [107]. Due to
performs key function in by providing intracellular defense chemical reactions of tocopherols with O2 in chloroplast,
mechanism against oxidative damage triggered by ROS. lipids and other membrane constituents are sheltered and
Compartments of nearly all cells like cytosol, chloroplast, also structure and function of PSII are protected [108]. AsA,
mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and vacuoles contain GSH [109] or Coenzyme Q [110] is capable of regenerating
this antioxidant. Biosynthesis of GSH happens in cytosol oxidized form of tocopherol back to reduced form of
and chloroplast of plant cells. Isoforms of gema-glutamyl- tocopherol.
cysteinyl synthetase that is specific to compartment of cell
in plants and glutathione synthetase (GS) are actually It has been shown that in different species of plants,
involved in biosynthesis of GSH. To maintain redox state tolerance to salinity, chilling and water deficit is induced;
cell, it is important that there should be balance between when alpha-tocopherol get accumulated [111],[ 112].
GSH and glutathione disulfide (GSSG). GSH has key During the oxidation of PUFA; RO., ROO. and ROO* are
function in biological processes because of having reducing generated, alpha-tocopherol reacts with these lipid radicals.
potential and these biological processes include cell growth, At interface of membrane-water, alpha-tocopherols and lipid
or cell division, sulfate transport regulation, protein and radical both react with each other and during their reaction
nucleic acid synthesis, enzyme regulation, metabolites hydrogen atom is donated to lipid radicals by alpha-
conjugation, signal transduction, phytochelatin synthesis for tocopherol resulting the formation of TOH.. Recycling of
metal chelation, expression of genes that response to stress; TOH. back to alpha-tocopherol occurs, when TOH. reacts
and xenobiotics detoxification [104]. By various ways, GSH with AA or another antioxidant [113]. Reduced form of
can function as an antioxidant. It can directly scavenge free alpha-tocopherol is regenerated from TOH. Through GSH
radicals by chemically reacting radicals for instance O2• −, and AA. Alpha-tocopherol scavenge ROS especially 1O2

OH and H2O2. In glutathiolation process GSH react with and also through change transfer mechanism alpha-
electrophile and directly form adducts or GSH yield GSSG tocopherol deactivate 1O2 physically. There is finding that
by acting as proton donor for ROS or organic free radicals. membrane fluidity is modified by alpha-tocopherol and for
Due to adduct formation and proton donor capabilities of glucose and proton, the permeability of digalactosyldiacyl
GSH, macromolecules are protected [105]. Though AsA- glycerol (DGDG) vesicles is changed. Membrane structures
GSH cycle, antioxidant AsA is regenerated and GSH is are prevented from damaging effects of TOC’s as TOC form
takes part in this regeneration. From oxidized form to complexes with FFA and lysophopholopids. In higher
reduced form AsA is recycled by GSH, and enzyme plants, genes that are responsible for synthesis of alpha-
involved in is DHAR [106]. At pH more than 7, DHA is TOC, their expression via oxidative stress is triggered [28].
reduced non-enzymatically through GSH with more than Lipid peroxy radicals, oxygen free radicals, and 1O2 are
1Mm concentration of GSH. When light is present, in scavenged by tocopherols [114]. During redox interaction
chloroplast this may be an important pathway in which there with 1O2, benzoquinone ring of tocopherol which is fully
is high GSH concentration as 5 mM, with pH approximately substituted and phytyl chain of tocopherol that is fully
8. Enzyme glutathione synthetase synthesizes GSH and reduced, both these acts as antioxidants [115], [116]. In
GSH level is not affected by overexpression of this enzyme vitro, up to 220 molecules of 1O2 are neutralized by a single
and also was not enough for enhancement in ozone tolerance molecule of alpha-tocopherol, so tocopherol more capably
[105]. quench 1O2 oxygen molecule [87].

C. Tocopherols D. Phenolics
TOCs are lipophilic antioxidants that are effective in Are secondary metabolites that are abundant in tissues
trapping free radical as in lipid autoxidation there is a step- of plants with also having diversity and include flavonoids,
in which chain propagation happens, tocopherols prevent tannins, lignin and hydroxycinnamate esters. All of these
this step. All plants synthesize these antioxidants and also have properties of antioxidants [117]. Biological activity
biological membranes contain these antioxidants as their such as antioxidant activity of polyphenols is due to -OH or
vital constituents [120]. Oxidizing radicals are repaired OCH3 substituents that are present in aromatic rings of
directly by tocopherol, and prevent chain propagation steps, polyphenols. It has been shown in in vitro antioxidant assays
so are known as chain-breaking antioxidant. In their polar that polyphenols are highly capable of donating electrons or
head structure, phenolic rings present to which methyl hydrogen atoms, therefore are more effective antioxidants
groups are attached, due to pattern of attached methyl than AsA and alpha-tocopherol. Phenolics contain properties
groups. Only green parts of plants have tocopherols and also of antioxidants due to following factors such as phenolics
only photosynthetic organisms synthesize these are highly reactive as donating electrons. Unpaired electrons
antioxidants. Two compounds homogenetistic acid (HGA) are stabilized and delocalized due to ability of polyphenol-
and phytyl diphosphate (PDP) act as precursors in pathway derived radical; it means that they have role in chain-
synthesizing tocopherols. Five enzymes synthesizing breaking. Also transition metal ions are chelated by
tocopherols are as 4-hydroxyphenyl-pyruvate dioxygenase polyphenols. For scavenging of free radicals, polyphenols
(HPPD), homogentisate phytyl transferase (VTE2), have perfect chemistry of structure and active oxygen
tocopherol cyclase (VTE1), gamma-tocopherol species directly scavenged by polyphenols; these trap alkoxy
methyltransferase (VTE4), and 2-methyl-6- radical so inhibiting lipid peroxidation. Kinetics of

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