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Audi 1.8t ULEV Turbo Gasoline Engine

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The document discusses how Audi developed the first turbocharged gasoline engine to meet stringent ULEV emission standards in the US through extensive optimization of engine components and management systems.

Audi optimized pistons, injectors, intake camshaft adjustment, and implemented a cascade catalytic converter along with extensive engine management system measures to reduce untreated emissions and meet ULEV standards.

Audi conducted long-term testing of vehicles up to 200,000 miles to demonstrate compliance over 100,000 miles as required by law. They also carefully coordinated emission-relevant parameters between the engine and management systems with the cascade catalyst.

2001- 01-1350

First ULEV Turbo Gasoline Engine

- The Audi 1.8 l 125 kW 5-Valve Turbo

Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Pfalzgraf Audi AG
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Fitzen Audi AG
Dipl.-Ing. Johann Siebler Audi AG
Dr.-Ing. Horst-Dieter Erdmann Audi AG

Copyright © 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

ABSTRACT for the "tier 0" which applied before 1995, to a current
0.07 g/mile (NMOG) for the 2001 model year.
In an age when there is growing tension between To attain these fleet averages, vehicle manufacturers
customer expectations of high engine performance, low are encouraged to offer vehicles with emissions
fuel consumption and compliance with the legal conforming to the stringent limit for Ultra Low Emission
requirements on the emission of airborne pollution, the Vehicles (ULEV) over a distance of 50,000 miles.
ability of a vehicle to meet the most stringent emission
standards is becoming an increasingly important aspect
of its market appeal.
The 1.8 l, 5-valve turbo engine which Audi launched in
1994 represented an emissions concept which, thanks to
its innovative close-coupled catalytic converter, provided
an ideal basis for further development to an engine
meeting the US ULEV emission standard, as the current
engine does [1].
Its configuration as a ULEV concept necessitated the
blanket optimisation of all components which influence
the exhaust emissions. The pistons and injectors were
improved in order to reduce untreated emissions. The
main potential was tapped by incorporating intake
Figure 1: Development of the USA exhaust emission limits
camshaft adjustment and a cascade catalytic converter
for emissions aftertreatment, together with extensive
measures for the engine management system. Since mid-2000, the first vehicle with a turbocharged
The overall concept has enabled Audi to become the gasoline engine that satisfies this ULEV standard has
first car manufacturer to offer an exhaust-gas been available on the US market, in the guise of the
turbocharged gasoline engine that meets the US ULEV Audi A4 1.8 T. Both the manual and automatic versions
emission standard. of this car, whether with front-wheel or quattro drive,
conform to the standard. On the basis of the 1.8 l 5-valve
turbo engine with one main close-coupled catalytic
converter, as first developed in 1994, this engine
1. Introduction impressively extends the downsizing strategy – the
power and torque of a larger engine with fuel
consumption that is in practice close to that of a 1.8 l
Since the mid-1980s, US legislation has required
naturally-aspirated engine – to the field of advanced
vehicles with gasoline engines to meet exhaust emission
emissions technology. The space requirements for
limits. The State of California in particular has specified a
improved emissions control that were inherent to the
gradual reduction in HC and NOx emissions. The
Audi A4's vehicle package and engine design from the
legislation requirements for unburned hydrocarbons
very outset facilitated the implementation of this concept.
specified as the average for all vehicles sold in a given
Growing popularity, with over 300,000 1.8 l turbo
model year have fallen from an initial 0.41 g/mile (THC)
engines built for the VW Group in 1999 and the receipt
of the Top 10 awards "Best Engines of 1997" from the
trade periodical Wards Auto World for the Audi A4 1.8 T 2. Engine-based measures to attain the
and "Best Engines of 1998" for the VW Passat 1.8 T ULEV standard
serve to endorse this concept.
To satisfy the ULEV standard, the engine was further The key challenge in developing a ULEV engine is to
developed on the basis of the LEV engine that has been reduce hydrocarbon emissions, which need to be
available since 1998 and uses the same fundamental virtually halved compared with the LEV standard.
concept. The secondary air system already incorporated Components and the engine management are optimised
into this earlier version, together with engine with the result that exhaust-gas heat brings the catalytic
management with electronic throttle control, were converter to light-off as rapidly as possible.
adopted in modified form. A close-coupled catalytic converter position is essential
At no change to the fuel consumption values, the in order to minimise the heat storage capacities between
maximum power output was raised by 15 kW to 125 kW the engine and the catalytic converter. The heat sink
and the peak torque increased by 15 Nm to 225 Nm created by the interposed turbine is a particular
(between 1950 rpm and 5000 rpm). challenge to the engine developers in the case of this
engine concept.

2.1 Reducing untreated emissions

Independently of this, the untreated emissions need to

be optimised, as they significantly influence the test
result in the first phase of the American FTP-75
emissions test until an adequate degree of conversion is
attained by the catalytic converter.
The main portion of the overall emissions in the FTP-75
test are emitted in the very first idling phase. It is also
necessary to exploit this potential for cutting emissions in
order to meet the exhaust gas legislation over life-time,
as these measures are not subject to service-life related

2.1.1 Pistons

One of the sources of hydrocarbons in the exhaust gas

are the gas recesses in the cylinder, into which the
Figure 2: Performance and torque curve mixture but not the combustion flame reaches (wall
. quenching effect). The top land recess between the
upper edge of the piston, the first piston ring and the
cylinder wall is particularly affected by this. The dead
volumes could be significantly cut by reducing the height
of the fire land on the ULEV engine's new piston by 2.3
mm to 6 mm.
This measure brings noticeable benefits, especially in
phase 1 (bag 1) of the FTP test, the cold-running stage.
A comparison of HC emissions between the previous
production piston and the new piston with a 6 mm fire
land reveals how it was possible to cut the crude
emissions in phase 1 by 6 %.
Related to the overall test procedure, the improvement is
4 %, which is tantamount to a 4 % reduction in overall
emissions after passing through the catalytic converter.
In addition to the emission-relevant reduction in the fire
land's height, this engine is the first to have cast pistons
instead of the forged pistons that have conventionally
been used in turbo charged engines. Thanks to the
greater design freedom compared with the forged
version, it was possible to reduce the weight of the cast
version by 5 %. In conjunction with a trapezoidal
Figure 3: Technical data connecting rod and a weight-reduced piston pin, the
oscillating masses of the crankshaft drive were cut by
10 % [2].
The new piston therefore brings significant benefits in The flow in the vicinity of the intake valves is critical
terms of emissions, costs and convenience. when analysing the movement of the mixture. The
conditions in the intake manifold and combustion
chamber are adapted such that the intake stream is
2.1.2 Injectors simulated realistically. It is not necessary for the mixture
to be burned. For all the injector variants selected, the
The emissions in the starting and post-starting phase are fuel carried into the intake port and combustion chamber
determined by a complex interplay of the injected was visualised by means of an endoscopic system.
amount of fuel, the point of injection and the mixture Specific assessment criteria here were:
formation during cold-starting. This offers a great deal of • The quality of the delivered droplets when the intake
scope for further optimising the injection spray. The new valve opens
injection geometry and strategy for the ULEV engine • The uniformity of the delivered droplets in the
was developed in conjunction with the designated combustion chamber
system supplier of the injectors for this engine, Robert • Wetting of the spark plugs and roof of the
Bosch GmbH. combustion chamber.
The configuration process involved several stages: with In the next step, the configuration of the spray and
the aid of 3D CAD data for the intake ports, the intake measurements for influencing the correction angle were
manifold and the injectors' position, the parameters jet examined on the stationary engine test rig. The
bend, jet cone and spread angle (split) between the two emissions behaviour for a ULEV concept must be
jets were geometrically optimised. considered in "cold-running conditions" with coolant
The assessment criteria were: temperatures of 20°C and at the significant operating
• Wall impact points of the post-starting phase. The comparison of HC
• Wetted area emissions at various ends of injection with the LEV and
• Secondary droplets resulting from wall rebound the optimised ULEV injector clearly reveals the influence
• Wetting of the port's base, roof and sides of the spray's geometry on the level of emissions.
• Evenness of distribution of the fuel in front of the 3
intake valves
This initial configuration indicated that the Bosch-EV6
with a split angle of 15°, bend angle of 10° and cone
angle of 7° was the best variant and thus the best basis
for further investigations

Figure 5: HC emissions over varied injection timing with LEV

and ULEV fuel-injectors

In zones where the fuel was genuinely pre-injected, HC

emissions could be virtually halved. The behaviour
during the transition to injection into the open intake
valve differs considerably, and the emissions are
approximately the same. The LEV configuration
consequently necessitated an end of delivery closer to
Figure 4: Layout of the fuel-injection geometry when the intake valve is open, whereas the optimum for
the ULEV is genuine pre-injection. For the newly
developed injector, in steady-state conditions the HC
With the aid of endoscopy, the actual mixture values are almost halved compared with fuel injection
preparation process was visualised on a test rig in near- into the open intake valve on the LEV engine.
real engine conditions. Here, a transient gas flow was The parameters in the engine management system must
passed through the cylinder head of the turbo engine be adapted individually for transfer to the vehicle and for
through operation of the intake and exhaust valves, by purposes of evaluation in the exhaust gas test:
applying a partial vacuum to the combustion chamber.
• Optimisation of initial injected amounts
• Adjustment of the fuel amount during starting-up,
and of injection timing, taking account of the fuel's
flight time
• Adjustment of the transient functions (wall film
Only when these parameters have been optimised on
the new version and on the original injector, using the
same criteria in each case, different spray configurations
can be plausibly compared in the exhaust gas test.
In phase 1 of the FTP-75 test, the emissions can thus be
reduced by approx. 20 %, confirming the results
obtained on the steady-state engine test rig. The
improvement for the overall test is around 9 %.
Figure 6: HC emissions in relation of camshaft position and
ignition timing

A hydraulic two-point camshaft adjuster with integral

2.1.3 Variable camshaft adjustment chain tensioning device, as already found on the Audi
1.8 l and 2.8 l naturally aspirated engines, is used as the
In particular immediately after the engine has been adjusting element.
started from cold, the untreated emissions can be A hydraulically pressurised piston, energised by a
reduced considerably by warming up the intake ports solenoid valve, alters the position of the chain sliding
and the cylinder fill. The intensified evaporation of the blocks and thus the length of the chain's centre between
fuel results in improved mixture preparation. This can be the exhaust camshaft driven by the timing belt and the
achieved without additional input by specifically diverting intake camshaft. IO (basic position 18° CS after TDC) is
hot exhaust gas back into the intake port (internal adjusted by 22° CS after IO, to 4° CS before TDC (in
exhaust gas re-circulation). This is done by advancing each case with a valve stroke of 1 mm).
intake-valve opening (IO) when the engine is cold. The In the "advanced" position, the effective valve opening
control times of the unadjusted valve gear, with ramp, overlap is thus 62° CS.
produce an effective valve opening overlap of 40° The valve overlap area is greater than the basic position
crankshaft (CS). For steady-state measurement of the by a factor of 5.
untreated emissions, the intake camshaft was adjusted The theoretical 50 % reduction in HC deduced from the
in six stages between zero and 28° towards advanced test-rig results cannot be transferred in full to the starting
closing of the intake valve. The investigation was and post-starting conditions in the FTP test. In the first
conducted at operating points which are reached in the 125 seconds of the FTP-75 test, untreated emissions are
exhaust-gas test cycle FTP-75 in the starting and post- nevertheless reduced by 30 percent.
starting phase. The engine temperature was held at a
constant 20°C.
With increasing advance of the intake control times, the
HC emissions decrease noticeably. At the same time,
the engine's smoothness deteriorates due to the higher
residual gas in the cylinder caused by the greater valve
opening overlap. The standard deviation of the indicated
mean pressure σpmi, which consequently rises, serves as
a measure of this.
The development objective is to achieve an optimum
balance between maximum introduction of heat and
acceptable smoothness. A deterioration in smoothness
can be counteracted by advancing the ignition point.
The optimum balance between reducing untreated
emissions and smoothness was found to be at a
camshaft timing angle of 22° and an ignition point
advanced by 6° CS. The overall flow of heat available to
the catalytic converter remains unchanged.
A reduction in HC emissions of 50% can thus be
achieved. Figure 7: Comparison of cumulative engine-out-emissions in
the FTP-75 test, with and without camshaft adjustment
After the catalytic converter, the value for this period is The profile of the cumulative HC engine-out-emissions
likewise of the same magnitude. The reduction for the from the 1.8 l 5-valve turbo engine reveals that the ULEV
overall test reaches a notable 21 %. limit is exceeded only 24 seconds after a cold start
(figure 9).
On the basis of the LEV engine, the following reductions
can be assumed to apply for the individual measures

4% Reduction in height of piston top land

9% Optimisation of injection spray:

21% Variable camshaft adjustment:

The results given here show only the influence of each

measure individually; it is of course not permissible to
add them together.
Figure 9: Engine-out-emissions and temperature behaviour as
criteria for catalyst light-off

The derivative development target is thus to achieve an

HC conversion rate of 50 % (light-off) within less than 12
seconds after cold-start. This target is based on the
assumption of a linear increase of the conversion rate
and a 100 % conversion rate from 12 seconds after cold
start on. Together with the existing profile of engine-out
emissions a HC-emission result of approx. 40 % of the
ULEV emission standard can be achieved.

This ensures that the emissions in new condition are

significantly below half the permitted emission standard.

Figure 8: Contribution of individual measures to the ULEV 3.1 Configuration of the catalytic converter
3.1.1. Cold start

The basic idea behind the configuration of the new

3. Emissions aftertreatment measures catalytic converter concept was to develop a modular
system that will also serve to meet European emission
The existing LEV concept, with close-coupled main standards. The previous outer package dimensions as
catalytic converter, already constituted a very good well as the flange position of the LEV concept were to be
starting point for optimisation with a view to meeting low strictly adhered to.
emissions limits.
In addition to a conversion rate of almost 100 % at Manifold and exhaust turbo-charger were to be
normal operating temperature, the advantages include integrated into the ULEV concept without any changes.
above all a very short light-off time after the engine has The improvement of the light-off behaviour was to be
been started. To this end, the exhaust gas temperature achieved primarily by the optimisation of the catalytic
is raised after a cold start by means of suitable ignition system.
and mixture preparation measures, in conjunction with
secondary-air injection. The most important configuration criteria were:
This process is hindered by the thermal masses, located • Cold-start (light-off)
in front of the catalytic converter, which draw heat from
• Overall effectiveness
the exhaust gas particularly during the cold-starting and
• Pressure-loss
post-starting phase. In this instance a turbocharged
• Long-term stability
engine, with the additional mass of the exhaust
To derive optimum benefit from the energy present in the
turbocharger, places very high demands on the exhaust-
exhaust gas and therefore to heat up the catalytic
gas aftertreatment system.
converter as rapidly as possible, the support must The evaluation number is the
combine minimum thermal capacity (c p) with maximum
catalytic surface area (GSA). In order to evaluate the effectiveness factor = GSA / dh
various different systems, the
Higher cell densities mean improved effectiveness in
cold-start factor = GSA / cp respect of all pollutants. The improved mass transfer
from the flow of exhaust gas to the substrate wall and
was used [3]. The cold-start factor depends on the cell into the pores of the wash coat is responsible for this.
density and wall thickness of the material, which the However, the catalytic advantage is achieved at the
support is made of. expense of a higher pressure loss. This has a direct
On the basis of calculations with the finite-element tool effect on the engine's power output and fuel
KATPROG a number of different catalytic converters consumption, with the result that a suitable compromise
with metal substrate were examined. Figure 10 shows once again had to be found.
cumulated HC emissions in the cold start phase of the The second stage of the cascade was defined taking into
FTP-test with various 1-brick and 2-brick systems. account the above-mentioned requirements. A metal
Modally measured exhaust-gas components, the catalytic converter with a diameter of 110 mm, a length
exhaust-gas mass flow rate and the temperature in front of 110 mm (volume 1.05 l) and a cell density of 800 cpsi
of the catalytic converter served as the input data. was chosen.
HC-Emissions [g]



0.2 Engine Out Emissions

Ø 85 x 50.8 mm / 600 cpsi/ 40µm Figure 11: The cascade of catalytic converters for ULEV
+ Ø 110 x 110 mm / 800 cpsi/ 30µm
Ø 110 x 110 mm / 800 cpsi/ 30µm
0.1 To achieve optimum catalytic efficiency throughout the
Ø 70 x 74.5 mm / 600 cpsi/ 40µm
+ Ø 110 x 110 mm / 800 cpsi/ 30µm operating period, the thermal and mechanical durability
Ø 110 x 110 mm / 500 TS / 40µm LEV as well as flow distribution were also critical in choosing
0 the most suitable version.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Flow distribution was measured in using a static flow test
Time [s] bench with a Reynolds number of 60.000 and open as
well as closed wastegate. Figure 12 shows the flow
Figure 10: Accumulated HC-emissions of various 1- and 2- distribution behind the first brick of the cascade catalyst
brick systems during the FTP-cold start
with closed turbocharger wastegate.
It came up very early that a cascade-type arrangement
of two different sizes of catalysts (a smaller catalyst 8,1-8,55
diameter followed by a larger one) produces very good 7,2-7,65

results with respect to the flow distribution and cold- 6,75-7,2


starting effectiveness [4]. 5,85-6,3

The specific dimensions of the primary catalytic 4,95-5,4
converter were determined using additional simulation 4,05-4,5
calculations of the heat-up behaviour. 3,15-3,6
A catalyst with a diameter of 85 mm, length of 50.8 mm 2,25-2,7
(volume 0.29 l) and a cell density of 600 cpsi was 1,35-1,8
selected as a practicable version. 0,45-0,9
Velocity [m/s] 0-0,45
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Figure 12: Flow distribution downstream of the first brick,

measured with closed turbocharger wastegate
3.1.2 Warm operating condition

In a warm operating condition, the catalytic effectiveness The Uniformity Index [5] as a number equivalent to the
is limited only by the transport of mass, assuming quality of the flow distribution amounted to 0,937. The
optimum lambda control in the simulation. This is used portion of the inlet surface area amounts to 91,3 %
influenced primarily by the hydraulic diameter (dh) of the and is therefore quite satisfactory.
The decisive factors in respect of mechanical durability Sufficiently swift catalytic light-off characteristics in the
are the stability of the catalysts and the bond they form emission test can then no longer be guaranteed. In view
with the mantle and the canning. The high level of of their transient occurrence, these phenomena can
material expansion as a result of the high component scarcely be resolved with conventional temperature-
temperatures, as well as the oscillation of the engine and sensing technology. The use of rapid HC exhaust-gas
the pulsation of the exhaust gas, place extreme sensing techniques in the vehicle, in conjunction with
demands on the catalytic converter in the case of close- highly responsive temperature sensing technology,
coupled concepts. Engines with an exhaust turbocharger made it possible to identify the causes of temperature
are at an advantage thanks to their lower peak-pressure peaks. In this concept, a constant lambda control which
and temperature loads. is capable of establishing specified lambda values
Vibration analyses were carried out for different foil rapidly and accurately means that non-critical exhaust
winding concepts and complete catalytic systems. gas temperatures are assured in all engine operating
A distinction needs to be made between the absolute states.
forces of acceleration and the frequency spectrum in
which the acceleration occurs. The natural resonance A metal support with SM-shaped winding technology,
frequencies of the complete catalytic converter system manufactured by Emitec, has been chosen as the most
must be greater than the highest excitation frequencies suitable catalytic converter support for both the first and
occurring during vehicle operation. the second brick. A comparison of coatings revealed that
The acceleration frequencies were recorded by means coating JM 405 by Johnson Matthey is the best version
of an three-dimensional acceleration transducer up to a in terms of long-term stability and light-off behaviour.
maximum frequency of 6 kHz during full-load engine
start-up from 1000 to 6000 rpm. Figure 13 shows the
acceleration load as a function of frequency. The 4. Results of the exhaust-gas test (FTP-75)
maximum excitation frequency of 4000 Hz is still below
the critical resonance frequency of the selected catalyst
beds and does not lead to any problems. The total In addition to the bag emission results for measurements
acceleration load amounts to 90 g. in the vehicle, exhaust-gas emissions of comprehensive
tests were recorded second-by-second on a dynamic
Amplitude [(m/s2)/Hz] dynamometer were, in order to obtain a better picture of
40 40
the cold-start behaviour in particular. Additional
X-Direction thermocouples were installed ahead of the catalytic
converter, behind the first monolith and behind the
30 30 catalytic converter, to determine the temperature of the
The recorded temperatures show that light-off
20 20 temperature is achieved about 12 seconds after the
engine is started, as intended.

10 10

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 13: Acceleration load of the 1,8l Turbo catalyst as a

function of frequency

In the case of close-coupled concept, particular attention

needs to be paid to the thermal loads in dynamic
processes, in order to prevent the premature ageing of
the catalytic coating. Driving manoeuvres in high
load/speed ranges, such as gear-changing at full load in Figure 15: Temperature behaviour of the ULEV-catalyst in the
the case of an automatic transmission or fuel cut-off, FTP-75 test
can, if improperly tuned, cause a sharp rise in the
amount of unburned hydrocarbons reacting with oxygen
in the catalytic converter. These reactions result in At this point, the catalytic converter inlet temperature is
extreme local and temporal temperature gradients for over 300°C. The first metalit, approximately 20 % of the
the catalytic coating and catalytic converter, potentially entire catalytic converter's volume, is heated up entirely
impairing the effect of its catalytically active coating. after 25 seconds; at this moment, the temperature at the
outlet of the front metalit is 650°C. After 60 seconds, the emission concept. Over the legally required 100,000
entire catalytically active surface of the two cascades miles, some vehicles from the fleet were driven further,
has reached operating temperature. to a total distance of more than 200,000 miles. Using the
The use of the cascade converter reduces the HC- measurements for these vehicles, the long-term stability
emissions in bag 1 of the FTP-75 test by 37 % compared of and compliance with the ULEV standard can be
to 1-brick solution. impressively substantiated, even after a high mileage
(see figure 17).

4.1 Compliance with the ULEV standard – in

new condition

As part of the US Low Emission Vehicle Program,

various emission standards have been specified by law
for a mileage of up to 50,000 miles and up to 100,000
miles. From a mileage of 50,000 miles, the vehicle may
emit 0.055 g/mile NMOG (compared with 0.04 g/mile
when new). Compliance with this long-term standard is
checked on a regular basis by the CARB governmental
body, with customer vehicles chosen at random.

By combining the individual engine-related measures

described and carefully co-ordinating the emission-
relevant parameters in the engine management system
Figure 17: Exhaust emission results in endurance road test
in conjunction with the cascade catalyst, emissions
over 200.000 miles
being less than 50 % of the ULEV standard achieved
with new vehicles. Using the 2-brick cascade solution,
the reduction in overall HC emissions after the cascade
catalytic converter is 51 percent compared with the LEV 5.Summary
concept (see figure 16).
By systematically refining key components of the basic
concept of the 1.8 l turbo engine with close-coupled
catalytic converter, complying with the LEV emission
standard, the world's first series-production turbo
gasoline engine to comply with the stringent ULEV
standard was created for the Audi A4 1.8 T. This
consequently once again demonstrates that there is no
inherent contradiction between a downsizing concept
with exhaust-driven turbocharger and the realisation of
pioneering exhaust emissions technology. As the
measurements indicate, this exhaust emissions concept
is notable for its stable emissions and durability.

Figure 16: Contribution of individual measures to the ULEV


4.2 Compliance with the ULEV standard - after a

distance of 200,000 miles

To assure the emissions required by law over 100,000

miles, a fleet of vehicles was driven on US roads
according to customer driving profiles. Exhaust gas
emissions tests were conducted at regular intervals, to
determine the pattern of deterioration in the exhaust
6. References

1. Fitzen, M.; Endres, H.; Königstedt, J.; Maly, C.: “Der

1,8l –5V-Turbomotor von Audi - die konsequente
Weiterentwicklung zum ULEV-Konzept” (Audi's 1.8 l,
5-valve turbo engine – its systematic refinement into
a ULEV concept), Aachen Engines Symposium,
Aachen, 2000
2. Cerulla, S.; Königstedt; J.; Unselt, F.; Zeilbeck, A.:
“Der neue abgas- und verbrauchsoptimierte Audi
1,8l-5V-Tubomotor für die A-Plattform” (The new
exhaust-emissions and consumption optimised Audi
1.8 l, 5-valve turbo engine for the A platform), lecture
at Haus der Technik, Munich, 2000
3. Maus, W.; Brück, R.; Maly, G.:
“Zukünftige Abgasnachbehandlungstechnologien für
Ottomotoren; Die nächste Generation
Niedrigstemissionsfahrzeuge” (Future exhaust-gas
aftertreatment technologies for petrol engines; The
next generation of ultra-low emissions vehicles);
Engine & Environment Conference; Graz, 1999
4. Faltermeier,G.; Pfalzgraf, B.; Brück, R.; Donnerstag,
A.: “Design and Optimisation of a Close-Coupled
Catalyst Concept for Audi 4-Cylinder Engines”
SAE Technical paper series, No 980417, 1998
5. Weltens, H; Bressler, H. Terres, F.; Neumaier, H.;
Rammoser,D.: “ Optimiation of Catalytic Converter
Gas Flow Distribution by CFD Predicition”, SAE
Technical paper series, No. 930780,1993

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