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Ties That Bind

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Mr Muruko

(0736 122 249)

-the play She nolonger weeps by Tsitsi Dangarembga is an inarguably feministic play that unravels a
conservative and patriarchal society.

-it is a post colonial play bringing out the need for societal redress on gender imbalance.

-through effective dramatic techniques and comprehensive plot, Dangarembga reviews the violent and
unjust nature of a patriarchal society which reduces women to subhumans.Freddy is the antagonist
force who torments Martha till 'she could nolonger weep'.

-although he appears an extremist in his quest to control and humiliate Martha ***he still enjoys the
protection of the society which sadly chooses to be indifferent and largely is hypocritical in dealing with
the plight of women .For Freddy the *prerogative* of woman is to obey and take whatever is dished by
man with an open heart.

*NB* it is this strange setup that Martha ,the protagonist refuses to grapple with, thus she begins to
shape her own destiny through defying the status quo.

-what infuriates Martha is the way society, in the person of he parents chooses to side with a tyranny
like Freddy who even punches her wen she was pregnant .

****her father couldn't value his daughter's life against abusive marriage.

****he kills Martha's hope by forcibly making his daughter get into a loveless marriage. -
*Ironically* he bemoans his 'tarnished' image/status by Martha's refusal to go back to Freddy who also
had a hand in killing Martha's hope.

****It is the arrogance of Martha's father who give womens' abuse a fertile ground to thrive on .His
position was very strategic to denounce unfair treatment of women in the society. A pastor as he was
,he ironically supports a system of injustice and yet he claims to support a just a God.

-To make matters worse Martha's father uses scriptures to support his views.

****Martha doesn't totally criminalize a patriarchal society as she acknowledges the peace and
laughter she grew up in although

***Martha doesn't totally criminalize a patriarchal society as she acknowledges the peace and laughter
she grew up in although her father controlled everything. She however calls for review of system as it
was too open to abuse especially by lunatics like Freddy.

-in light with this, Dangarembga echoes her sentiment that they must be a *cultural resolution as well
as the abandonment of beliefs and practices which are no longer compatible with the progressive
modern world.*

*NB*she Nolonger weeps shows that the violence of a patriarchal society is a double edged sword as it
leaves both men and women as men it consumes dignity as Martha tries to show her
defiance when she said she sees a little boy's eyes in Freddy . *in actual fact she sees male domination
and signs of weakness ,a child seeking for attention .

Freddy is intimidated by Martha's education as it exposes his false muncho of power apart from
responsibility hence guilty n shame drive him to physical force .

*In this instance Martha has no savior as the society's justice system is run by the very same men who
can't accept women as equal citizens of the society*

Martha suggests that education is one of the tools tht women must equip them with * it is through
education that Martha is able to disentangle herself from the grip and hold of the men's world
.Evidently she sees lack of economic power as a force compelling women to bow down to men like her

*-*NB*religious escapism is therefore brought out as women end up seeking comfort from religious
principles which are largely manipulated and often end up as a reflection of men's own definition of

*** according to Dangarembga the fight against gender imbalance is far from over as men still view
educated women as troublesome (Joe).


All in all,even though the the play parades the dehumanizing aspects of patriarchal society, the
playwright still suggest solutions but doesn't impose .Martha also craves for privi


Mr Muruko

(0736 122 249)

-the play She nolonger weeps by Tsitsi Dangarembga is an inarguably feministic play that unravels a
conservative and patriarchal society.

-it is a post colonial play bringing out the need for societal redress on gender imbalance.

-through effective dramatic techniques and comprehensive plot, Dangarembga reviews the violent and
unjust nature of a patriarchal society which reduces women to subhumans.Freddy is the antagonist
force who torments Martha till 'she could nolonger weep'.

-although he appears an extremist in his quest to control and humiliate Martha ***he still enjoys the
protection of the society which sadly chooses to be indifferent and largely is hypocritical in dealing with
the plight of women .For Freddy the *prerogative* of woman is to obey and take whatever is dished by
man with an open heart.

*NB* it is this strange setup that Martha ,the protagonist refuses to grapple with, thus she begins to
shape her own destiny through defying the status quo.

-what infuriates Martha is the way society, in the person of he parents chooses to side with a tyranny
like Freddy who even punches her wen she was pregnant .

****her father couldn't value his daughter's life against abusive marriage.

****he kills Martha's hope by forcibly making his daughter get into a loveless marriage. -

*Ironically* he bemoans his 'tarnished' image/status by Martha's refusal to go back to Freddy who also
had a hand in killing Martha's hope.

****It is the arrogance of Martha's father who give womens' abuse a fertile ground to thrive on .His
position was very strategic to denounce unfair treatment of women in the society. A pastor as he was
,he ironically supports a system of injustice and yet he claims to support a just a God.

-To make matters worse Martha's father uses scriptures to support his views.

****Martha doesn't totally criminalize a patriarchal society as she acknowledges the peace and
laughter she grew up in although


All in all,even though the the play parades the dehumanizing aspects of patriarchal society, the
playwright still suggest solutions but doesn't impose .Martha also craves for privileges like beer which
she was not suppose to take because she was pregnant ,her temper n mood makes her character as a
heroin questionable.

Dangarembga therefore calls for a society to have an introspection on gender relations , balance n
respect. One might argue n say the societies sabotages hope of seeing a society that see men n women
as equal citizens.


*0736 122 249*



All in all,even though the the play parades the dehumanizing aspects of patriarchal society, the
playwright still suggest solutions but doesn't impose .Martha also craves for privileges like beer which
she was not suppose to take because she was pregnant ,her temper n mood makes her character as a
heroin questionable.

Dangarembga therefore calls for a society to have an introspection on gender relations , balance n
respect. One might argue n say the societies sabotages hope of seeing a society that see men n women
as equal citizens.


*0736 122 249*



*ACT II* (scene1)

** Cultural tendencies are portrayed by Martha's mother who strongly believes that a woman is there to
protect a man. Ironically its women who need protection from these abusive men.
*NB* Through Martha's mother men are portrayed as childish, irresponsible and incapable of being
rational "...they need to be controlled just like children...".

- Escapism from reality has been portrayed as a shield against male shovenism and oppression. Women
have been portrayed as hopeless to their fate "... If God is whiling ,her time will come".

- The rammed that has been brought forward by Martha's mother it that a woman should be strong
,patient and bear her life strongly.

* Martha's mother strongly believes that they is a reward for being abused and oppressed by men"...
even you,you will get a reward for barring burden for this man".

*√*NB* Act II scene 1 shows the resoluteness and firmness of Martha as she challenges her mother that
their worlds were now different. Martha speaks out for herself "... I'm not the same person as you we are not afraid to let it be known we are flesh and blood we must fight".

*ACT II* (scene 2)

* Dangarembga ,though Martha's mother brings out the view that most people were not prepared to
accept ,embrace and move along and change. Martha's mother further confesses that they lacked the
four sight to see far ahead of them "... Someone whose so further than the most of use are prepared to
look ".

* Through Martha's mother Dangarembga is able to convey the view that not all women are victims as
some choose to be in their oppressive situations"... most choose not to suffer ,but some cannot avoid it
because of their way they are made by that same God who created us all".

- The dawn of enlightenment is seen through Martha's mother when she begins to see sense in
Martha's views.

- Religious escapism is at its height as Martha's father tries to run away from reality through prayer "...


*ACT II* (scene1)

** Cultural tendencies are portrayed by Martha's mother who strongly believes that a woman is there to
protect a man. Ironically its women who need protection from these abusive men.
*NB* Through Martha's mother men are portrayed as childish, irresponsible and incapable of being
rational "...they need to be controlled just like children...".

- Escapism from reality has been portrayed as a shield against male shovenism and oppression. Women
have been portrayed as hopeless to their fate "... If God is whiling ,her time will come".

- The rammed that has been brought forward by Martha's mother it that a woman should be strong
,patient and bear her life strongly.

* Martha's mother strongly believes that they is a reward for being abused and oppressed by men"...
even you,you will get a reward for barring burden for this man".

*√*NB* Act II scene 1 shows the resoluteness and firmness of Martha as she challenges her mother that
their worlds were now different. Martha speaks out for herself "... I'm not the same person as you we are not afraid to let it be known we are flesh and blood we must fight".

*ACT II* (scene 2)

* Dangarembga ,though Martha's mother brings out the view that most people were not prepared to
accept ,embrace and move along and change. Martha's mother further confesses that they lacked the
four sight to see far ahead of them "... Someone whose so further than the most of use are prepared to
look ".

* Through Martha's mother Dangarembga is able to convey the view that not all women are victims as
some choose to be in their oppressive situations"... most choose not to suffer ,but some cannot avoid it
because of their way they are made by that same God who created us all".

- The dawn of enlightenment is seen through Martha's mother when she begins to see sense in
Martha's views.

- Religious escapism is at its height as Martha's father tries to run away from reality through prayer "...

*ACT II* (scene 2)

* Dangarembga ,though Martha's mother brings out the view that most people were not prepared to
accept ,embrace and move along and change. Martha's mother further confesses that they lacked the
four sight to see far ahead of them "... Someone whose so further than the most of use are prepared to
look ".
* Through Martha's mother Dangarembga is able to convey the view that not all women are victims as
some choose to be in their oppressive situations"... most choose not to suffer ,but some cannot avoid it
because of their way they are made by that same God who created us all".

- The dawn of enlightenment is seen through Martha's mother when she begins to see sense in
Martha's views.

- Religious escapism is at its height as Martha's father tries to run away from reality through prayer "...
Come let us pray to drive away such evil thoughts..".

- Dictatorial tendencies from the father are depicted "... Martha must be gone by end of the week". He is
protecting his image which makes him as a selfish father.

- The rigidity of the of the societal structure and tradition are the very source of the disfunctional
families and broken families .






Verbal abuse


Religious escapism

Emancipation of women




Iimmaturity of men

Vulnerability of women
Love and affection



Marriage as an oppressive tool


Rejection of victimhood of women

Men as a stumbling block to emancipation of wome

Oppression of women


Sisterhood concept






Pain and suffering of women


Inferiority of women and superiority of men



Master servant relationship

Mother and daughter relationship


Independence of women( emancipation of women)

*Thank you*





Verbal abuse


Religious escapism

Emancipation of women




Iimmaturity of men

Vulnerability of women

Love and affection



Marriage as an oppressive tool


Rejection of victimhood of women

Men as a stumbling block to emancipation of wome

Oppression of women

Sisterhood concept






Pain and suffering of women


Inferiority of women and superiority of men



Master servant relationship

Mother and daughter relationship


Independence of women( emancipation of women)

*Thank you*


1. Considering what happens in the story, how appropriate I the tittle SNLW

2. Using the text SNLW what is Tsitsi 's advocacy

3. Comment on the role played by Joe in SNLW

3. The play she SNLW is an attack on Patriarchy. Discuss

4. The play SNLW end on a very unconvincing note. The conclusion fails to address the many questions
that are raised in the play. To what extent do you find an apt criticism of the play 's end
6. The play raises some pertinent and relevant issues that our maiden society grapple with on a daily
basis. How useful is this evaluation of the play

7. SNLW is a criticism of life? Discuss

8. Discuss Tsitsi's thermatic concerns in SNLW

9. To what extent were the wishes and aspiration of the female characters frustrated by the demands of
the patriarchal society

10. Religion is a cancer that is eating most women in Zimbabwe. Discuss this connection to SNLW

11. Discuss TsiTsi Dangarembga's use of language and style inSNLW

12. Critically assess the characterization of Martha the heroine in SNLW

13. TsiTsi's play is an embodiment of patriarchal values and attitude. Discuss

14. List down all Patriarchal values in the society, linking them to Freddy

15. Men are hypocritical and manipulative., is this a fair judgment on men

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