Dagna Agro Bumi CP
Dagna Agro Bumi CP
Dagna Agro Bumi CP
DAGNA AGRO BUMI has gained immense expertise in supplying & trading of arabica
roasted and green coffee, herbal tea, beeswax candle and natural soap. The supplier
company is located in Bali, Indonesia and is one of the leading sellers with the best
quality and service of listed products.
Kintamani Coffee comes from an area In other words, the Kintamani farmers take
that’s located in the northern highlands of this concept to heart and essentially
Bali. This is a place that has all the factors refrain from the use of pesticides,
needed for that perfect coffee production insecticides, and other harmful chemicals
process, including a highly favourable to produce coffee beans in a natural,
climate and rich volcanic soil. organic way that’s eco-friendly.
The Balinese brew is a 100% Arabica, The first thing that hits you is the citrusy,
single-origin specialty coffee with an full-bodied aroma which can be attributed
incredibly smooth body. to the fact that most of the plantations
grow their coffee together with citrus fruits,
The coffee farmers in the Kintamani region and this in turn results in a drink that’s fruity
use a ‘Subak Abian’ farming system. The with a sweet, almost syrupy aftertaste.
Subak Abian refers to a way of farming,
and it is based on the ‘Tri Hita Karana’ Don’t worry about downing a cup of
philosophy, which has its roots in Kintamani during tea time and losing sleep
Hinduism. ‘Tri Hita Karana’ translates to at night – the brew’s caffeine levels are
“the three sources of prosperity”, and the naturally low, making it a good afternoon
belief focuses on the significance of a pick-me-up.
healthy, harmonic relationship between
man and God, man and fellow man, as well Harvesting Period: May - July
as man and the environment. Export Period: August – October
We create exquisite natural body care Our Artisan Soap is handmade through a
products using the purest natural cold process retaining raw ingredients and
ingredients available. Our products are maintaining valuable benefits of the pure
made from simple yet wholesome recipes essential oils. This process also preserves
developed to the highest standards and the naturally occurring high glycerin
are intended to give pleasure to daily life. content. Feel the difference in and out of
Many of our hand made products begin the shower with fragrant aroma therapy &
with fresh, whole, organic plants that like moisture rich ingredients.
whole foods, contain a wide spectrum of
nourishing compounds. Soap Variant :
Our natural body care collections are Coffee
inspired by traditional and contemporary Lemongrass
herbal wisdom, and formulated with deep Rice Bran
appreciation for the healing potential of the Papaya
natural world. Carbon
Branch Office :
Jalan Telaga Waja No. 23, Denpasar
Bali - Indonesia 80226
p. +6285936136936
e. maharani@dagnaagrobumi.com
USA Representative :
Engelina Leihitu
12221 Pender Creek Circle Apt H, Fairfax, VA 22033
p. +1( 808 )755 8650
e. engelinaleihitu@gmail.com