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prospectus 2022/23

BOS ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation
Re li koankoetla
Tsa Botho University
Re tlile mona
Ho ipabola

We will stand and wave our flag
As we shout our name in a chant of victory
It is a life changing experience
Do more with Botho University

We are the stars

Of Botho University
We will take
The world by storm

We will stand and wave our flag
As we shout our name a chant of victory
It is a life changing experience
Do more with Botho University
Table of Contents

About Us 4

Studying in Lesotho 6
Our Infrastructure 10
Our Programmes 11

Faculty of Health and Education 12 A
........................................................................................ C
Faculty of Business & Accounting 13 U
Botho Education
is “the” dif- is “the” difference.....
Faculty of Engineering And Technology 19 I
Botho University - Quality is our core.
June 2013 marked a day in history when Botho University was awarded the BOS ISO 9001:2008 certification by the acting Managing Director
wana Bureau of Standards (BOBS), Mr Keeper Morgan. The ISO 9001:2008 certification is considered “hard to obtain and difficult to maintain”
me of its recipients. Representatives from the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education Council and Botswana Training Authority were present
ness this achievement. The certification was preceded by the launch of the educational institution transforming to a full fledged university.
These two milestones in the same year are testament to Botho University’s guarantee of excellence, leadership and innovation.

General Admissions Information

Mrs Sheela Raja Ram, Vice Chancellor & Managing
Director, Botho University and Mr. Osborn Mbaiwa

of Quali Quest together celebrate BOS ISO 9001:
2008 Certificate awarded to Botho University. They
display the certificate for public viewing.

Employability and Our Graduates 27

Botho University Board Members, Executive Man-
agement, Managers, and BOBS Acting Director Mr.

Quality & Accolades 29

Keeper Morgan display the BOBS iSO 9001: 2008
Flag that Botho is now authorised to fly high in all
its existing campuses.

ennye gives a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Sheela Raja Ram and Mrs Kate Sennye, Botho Mrs. Sheela Raja Ram, Vice Chancellor and Man- BOBS acting Director Mr. Keeper Morgan congratu-
ho had made the BOS ISO certification University Board Member and Advisory Council aging Director of Botho University receives the BOS lating Botho University for successfully achieving
fficial launch possible. Member enjoy a moment of victory together and ISO 9001: 2008 certificate from BOBS Acting Direc- the BOS ISO 9001: 2008 Certification. He encour-
display the BOS ISO 9001: 2008 Certificate for the tor, Mr. Keeper Morgan. aged Botho to work hard in order to keep the cer-
public to see. tification.

OS ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organisation.

uality is critical for all higher education institutions. ISO 9001:2008 is an international Quality Management System
andard that effectively improves products and service quality around the world in various sectors including
gher education. Within the Botho University context, ISO 9001:2008 certification has meant promotion of quality
wareness and quality assurance. Having undergone a rigorous screening of their processes and systems over the
ast 1 ½ years, Botho University received this prestigious certificate for its Quality Management System from the
tswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS). The BOS ISO 9001:2008 certification for Botho University has promoted high
uality education for the students, instilled self confidence, passion and commitment, resulting in the attainment
the best results academically and in the world of work.


borone Campus Francistown Campus Maun Campus IV


Box 501564 P/Bag F451 P.O. Box 20157

ho Education Park, Barclays Plaza, Opp. Maun Technical College,
borone Blue Jacket Street, Boseja,
+267 391 9999 Francistown Maun
+267 391 9666 Tel: +267 244 0686 Tel: +267 686 5404
+267 318 7858 Fax: +267 244 0685 Fax: +267 686 5035
BOS ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organisation
About Us

Botho University was established in 1997 and BU currently offers qualifications from
has rapidly evolved over the years to become certificate level to master’s degree level with
a leading multidisciplinary high-quality tertiary plans in place for doctoral programmes. With
education provider. Botho University was one over 3500 students and almost 350 staff
of the first local tertiary institutions in Botswana members and growing, Botho University is
to be accredited by the Human Resources a dynamic and exciting place to be. (refer
Development Council (HRDC). All programmes to specific campus prospectus for details or
offered by Botho University are approved by the visit for the latest
Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA), the updated information on programmes)
Council on Higher Education (CHE) in Lesotho
and the Namibian Qualifications Authority
(NQA). Botho University currently offers Botho University also offers a diverse range of
programmes through four faculties namely programmes for in-service professionals and
Faculty of Business & Accounting, Faculty of organizations. Under the Corporate Training
Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Health Department, there are over 200 short-term
and Education and Faculty of Hospitality and professional development programmes,
Sustainable Tourism. From January 2021, which can be customized to meet the client’s
the Faculty of Computing and the Faculty requirements.
of Engineering and Applied Sciences were
merged to form a new Faculty of Engineering BU programmes are offered via fully online
and Technology. The new Faculty will chart Distance Learning Campus and as well as our
forward Botho University’s strategy of building physical campuses located in Botswana (Gab
strong, industry-focused Science-Technology- orone),Lesotho(Maseru),Namibia(Windhoek)
Engineering-Mathematics (STEM) programmes, and Eswatini (Manzini). Botho University is
which are critical to the development of all our

4 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



About Us (continued)

one of the only Southern African institutions access using their smart phones or tablets.
to have established international campuses Blackboard provides access to learning
successfully operating outside Botswana materials and activities online. It has a plethora
producing all rounded, globally employable of features and functionality that provides an
graduates. unparalleled level of student engagement such
as discussion forums, wikis, blogs and journals
OUR LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS and advanced content management features
As a modern university, Botho University is that allow for textual, audio, visual and pictorial
a technology driven institution. This is the content. In addition, Blackboard provides
strength which Botho University prides itself powerful assessment features that allow
with from inception. The COVID 19 pandemic plagiarism checking as well as comprehensive
in 2020 had helped BU to demonstrate strength reporting and analytics that allow for easy
when the team migrated from classroom identification of “at-risk” students.
teaching and learning with ease, thanks to its
already well established Blended & Distance Apart from Blackboard, BU also has an industry
Learning infrastructure. Faculty and students leading anti-plagiarism check tool called
from various campuses were able to adapt “Turnitin” making its assessment activities
easily when the University fully moved to stringent and of international quality.
“non-contact” teaching. This proved a higher
interaction level in comparison to the classroom Blackboard also allows easy and full access to
learning environment. During the COVID-19 e-Library facilities. With this, we confirm that
pandemic, Botho University deployed high- end all our students and Lecturers will be able to
technology to ensure that learning and teaching access the Both University E-Library, which
continues in spite of the restrictions that leads to the following Databases; Emerald,
posed a threat to many educational institutions Ebscohost, Proquest, Dawsonera, Jstor and
dependent on teaching in physical campuses. BU Repository, for access of all the E-Books,
E–Journals, theses, dissertations, case studies
Botho University has invested in a robust and many more resources.
state- of-the art Mobile Learning and e-Learning
infrastructure called Blackboard that has been CORPORATE TRAINING DEPARTMENT
the backbone of its online distance learning Botho University has been involved in
programmes. All Botho University students providing corporate training services since
and staff, including those in conventional 1997. Our Corporate Training Department
learning, have been using Blackboard Learn works with companies and individuals, helping
and its Mobile application in a blended mode to them to develop crucial competencies and
enhance teaching and learning (combination of empowering employees at all levels to become
classroom and online learning). more competitive. We develop professional
development programmes designed to
Blackboard Learn is the Botho University measurably improve productivity, performance,
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is an and profitability.
online campus that supports teaching and
learning, allowing students to access their
course materials online. Blackboard App and
Blackboard Instructor App are the mobile
versions of Blackboard which students can

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 5

About Us (continued)

The CTD curriculum and programme materials OUR QUALITY

go through a stringent quality process. At the Botho University is driven by the core values
end of every training, participant’s feedback is of integrity, excellence, and inclusiveness and
collected to evaluate and measure performance aims to produce well-rounded, entrepreneurial,
which help assist in our future service delivery. and globally employable graduates with the
attitude, knowledge, skills, and competencies
Learning online with Botho university allows to create value and drive productivity increases
clients to take part in discussion on virtual needed to catalyse sustainable economic
classrooms guided by the lecturers. This growth. The focus on quality has resulted in
collaborative approach enables students to Botho University becoming the only university
demonstrate an understanding of the subject, in Botswana with a BOS ISO 9001:2015
while also learning and sharing knowledge with certification. With an impeccable reputation
peers from all over. for quality in the market, Botho University
graduates are leading the way in transforming
FUTURE PLANS the economy.
Botho University’s strategic focus is to
increase student diversity by attracting BLENDED AND DISTANCE LEARNING
international students. Apart from Botswana, PROGRAMMES
Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini,BU campuses The Blended and Distance Learning Campus, is
(including physical & distance learning campus) driven by high levels of integrity, excellence and
attracts several students across Africa. BU’s inclusiveness which are also the core values
vibrant community includes students from of the institution. These values are coupled
South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, with state of the art teaching infrastructure,
Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia to qualified staff and accredited industry
name a few and the list is continuously growing specific programmes offering the learner an
as Botho expands its wings through its Distance employable, entrepreneurial and well rounded
Learning programmes. learning experience.

BOTHO’S PARTNERSHIPS The University through distance learning offer

Botho University also has several partnerships many cross-disciplinary courses that are unique
with well-known regional and international and designed to suit the upcoming market.
institutions such as University of Venda-RSA, With the advent of internet technology, it brings
KTH Royal Institute of Technology-Sweden, the best convenient method of learning with
Black Hills State University-USA, University Accounting, Computing, Business, Hospitality,
of Louisville-USA, Indian School of Mines- Education and Information Technology
India, Manipal University in India and recently programmes Blended and distance learning
World Tourism Forum Lucerne-Switzerland. provides online support through emails,
Students studying with Botho University have discussion forums on Blackboard as well as
an immense opportunity to take advantage scheduled meetings between student and
of these international partnerships through lecturer via Skype.
student exchange programmes. BU students
have had internship programmes in India, USA,
UK and Sweden amongst others, thus giving
them incredible international exposure.

6 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



About Us (continued)

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 7

About Us (continued)

Studying in Lesotho degrees south and between 27 and 30 degrees

east, Lesotho lies entirely outside the tropics,
The kingdom of Lesotho is a Parliamentary and at a considerable height above sea level, and is
Constitutional democracy, with a population thus free of bilharzia and malaria. It has a land
of roughly 2.2 million people, which has the area of approximately 30, 555 km2, making it
distinction of being surrounded by another similar in size to Belgium or a little larger than
country, the Republic of South Africa. It is one the State of Maryland in the USA.
of the few remaining monarchies in Africa.
Lesotho is a conducive study environment and
Botho University Lesotho campus is in Maseru, adventure awaits you in the Mountain Kingdom
which is the country’s capital and the largest with a range of activities on land, on the snow
city. The name ‘Lesotho’ loosely translates into and in the water. Lesotho is famous for its
“the land of the people who speak Sesotho.” spectacular scenic beauty branded by breath-
The official languages of Lesotho are Sesotho taking mountain ranges, towering peaks, a rich
and English. Sesotho is closely related to variety of flora and fauna, crystal clear streams,
Setswana which is the most widely spoken & surging waterfalls, diverse culture and a snow
indigenous language in Botswana. blanket seen high in the mountains across the
country in winter.
The local currency is the Lesotho loti,
plural maloti (LSL). 1 USD = 13.25 LSL A land of mountains, Lesotho is the only
(approximately). Situated between 28 and 31 country in the world which has all its land

8 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



About Us (continued)

lying at altitudes more than 1500m above sea- Lesotho Top attaractions:
level; it is a land of heights and extremes. The
highest mountain in Southern Africa, Thabana- • Tséhlanyane National Park
Ntlenyana, is in Lesotho, with a height of 3, • Maletsunyane Falls, Semonkong
482m, while the highest single drop falls in • Liphofung National Park
Southern Africa, Maletsunyane, is also found • Sehlabathebe National Park
there, with a height of 192m. Finally, Lesotho • Kome Nature Reserve
also has the highest abseiling cliff in the world • Sani Top
at 204m. • Katse Dam
• AfriSki.
Often referred to as the “Switzerland of
Africa”, it is blessed with a beautiful, often
snow-capped range of mountains, the Maloti.
The Kingdom’s central position in the heart of
Africa’s second largest economy, South Africa,
which means residents are well served by air,
rail, and road links. Lesotho is only one hour
by air or four hours by road from South Africa’s
largest city, Johannesburg.

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 9


10 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus






HIM - 8BH - 13 BSc (Hons) in Health Information Management



Accounting Programmes
ACC - 8BH - 17 BSc (Hons) in Accounting
FIN - 8BH - 17 BSc (Hons) in Finance
BRM - 8BO - 20 Bachelor of Commerce in Risk Management

Business Programmes
BMA - 8BH - 17 BSc (Hons) in Business Management



COM - 8BH - 11 BSc (Hons) in Computing

MCO - 8BO - 13 BSc (Hons) in Mobile Computing
CON - 8BO - 20 Bsc in Computer Networking

*Please contact the Admissions Department to find out which programmes are available in your choice
campus of study.
*Check our website for the latest updates on Campus Learning programmes and Distance Learning
programmes by visiting

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 11


Recommended full-time study path

BSc (Hons) in Health (4½ years):
Semester 1:
Information Management
Programme details:
• C5 - ICO - 11, B5 - BM1 - 13, D5 - CS1
- 13
The programme consists of core (required) and elective
modules as follows. Some modules may have pre- Semester 2:
requisites (i.e. may require the student to pass another • D5 - HB1 - 13, D5 - MDB - 13, D5 - CS2
module or set of modules first). Some modules may - 13
be co-requisite (i.e. such modules are required to be Semester 3:
taken together). The number at the end of the module
in parenthesis indicates the credit load of the module.
• A5 - IFA - 13, D6 - HB2 - 13, D6 - CHA
1 credit is equal to 10 hours of learning (guided, in-class - 13
and independent combined); therefore a 10-credit Semester 4:
module requires on average 100 hours of learning from • D6 - HET - 13, D6 - EPI - 13, B6 - MKT
the student. - 13
Core modules: Semester 5:
• C5 - ICO - 11 Introduction to Computing (20) • D7 - HI1 - 13, D7 - MT1 - 13, Elective
• B5 - BM1 - 13 Business Management 1 (20) (one of B7 - OPM - 13, B7 - MTR - 13)
• D5 - CS1 - 13 Communication Study Skills 1 (20) Semester 6:
• D5 - HB1 - 13 Human Biology 1 (Anatomy and • D7 - DCO - 13, D7 - MST - 13, Elective
Physiology) (20)
• D5 - MDB - 13 Medical Databases (20) (one of D7 - HI2 - 13, B7 - PRM - 13)
• D5 - CS2 - 13 Communication Study Skills 2 (20) Semester 7:
• A5 - IFA - 13 Introduction to Financial Accounting • D7 - PPR - 13
(20) Semester 8:
• D6 - HB2 - 13 Human Biology 2 (Pharmacology and • D8 - PHI - 13, D8 - MT2 - 13,Elective
Pathology) (20)
• D6 - CHA - 13 Computing in Health Administration (one of D8 - FHI - 13, B8 - HRM - 13)
(20) Semester 9:
• D6 - HET - 13 Health Ethics (20) • D8 - PRO - 13, Elective (one of B8 -
• D6 - EPI - 13 Epidemiology (20) ENT - 13,E8-ISD-18,D8-ERG-21)
• B6 - MKT - 13 Marketing Management (20)
• D7 - HI1 - 13 Health Information 1 (20) Admissions Criteria
• D7 - MT1 - 13 Medical Terminology 1 (20)
• D7 - DCO - 13 Disease Coding (20) 1) Applicants are expected to have
• D7 - MST - 13 Medical Statistics (20) successfully completed secondary
• D7 - PPR - 13 Professional Practice (60) schooling. The typical entry requirement
• D8 - PHI - 13 Public Health Information
Management (20) is LGCSE or other equivalent secondary
• D8 - MT2 - 13 Medical Terminology 2 (20) school qualification.
• D8 - PRO - 13 Project (40)
2) LGCSE/equivalent with minimum
Elective modules:
Select one from the following: Pass (D) in 5 subjects including
• B7 - OPM - 13 Operations Management (20) English,Mathetics and Biology.
• D7 - MTR - 13 Medical Transcription (20)
Select one from the following: 3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma
• D7 - HI2 - 13 Health Information 2 (20)
• B7 - PRM - 13 Project Management (20) or Higher Diploma in related field may be
Select one from the following: given exemptions based on the credit
• D8 - FHI -13 Fundamentals of Health Insurance (20) point equivalency
• B8 - HRM - 13 Human Resources Management
Select one from the following: 4) For enquiries and more information
• B8 - ENT - 13 Essentials of Entrepreneurship (20) please visit our website: www.
• E8-ISD-18:Innovation for Sustainable
• D8-ERG-21- Ergonomics for Challenge Driven

12 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



Faculty Of Business & Accounting

• A6 - FA2 - 17: Financial Accounting 2 (10)

BSc (Hons) in Accounting • B7 - CGV - 13: Corporate Governance
• B5 - BS2 - 17: Business Mathematics &
Statistics 2 (10)
• B6 - MAE - 17: Macroeconomics (10)
Programme details: • A7 - CFI -13: Corporate Finance (20)
The programme consists of core (required) and • A8 - AFR - 17: Advanced Financial Reporting
elective modules as follows. Some modules may (20)
have pre-requisites (i.e. may require the student • A6 - CDA - 17: Computerised Accounting (20)
to pass another module or set of modules first).
Some modules may be co-requisite (i.e. such Elective Modules
modules are required to be taken together). The Select one from the following:
number at the end of the module in parenthesis • A7 - PSF - 17: Public Sector Financial Reporting
indicates the credit load of the module. 1 credit (10)
is equal to 10 hours of learning (guided, in- • A7 - COL - 17: Company Law (10)
class and independent combined); therefore a Select one from the following:
10-credit module requires on average 100 hours • A8 - ADT - 17: Advanced Taxation (10)
of learning from the student. • B8 - STM - 17: Strategic Management (10)
• A8 - AAA - 17: Advanced Audit and Assurance
Core modules: (10)

• C5 - ICO - 11: Introduction to Computers (20) Recommended full-time study path (4½
• A5 - FBF - 13: Fundamentals of Business and years):
Finance (20)
• D5 - CS1 - 17: Communication and Study Semester 1:
Skills 1 (10) C5 - ICO - 11, A5 - FBF - 13, D5 - CS1 - 17,
• A5 - IFA - 13: Introduction to Financial B5 - BS1 - 17
Accounting (20) Semester 2:
• B5 - LAB - 13: Legal Aspects of Business A5 - IFA - 13, B5 - LAB - 13, D5 - CS2 - 17,
(20) B5 - BS2 - 17
• D5 - CS2 - 17: Communication & Study Skills 2 Semester 3:
(10) A6 - PEA - 13, A6 - FA1 - 17, B6 - MIE - 17,
• A6 - PEA - 13: Principles of Ethics and Assurance A6 - CDA - 17
(20) Semester 4:
• A7 - MAC - 17: Management Accounting (20) A6 - FA2 - 17, A6 - POT - 13, B6 - MAE - 17,
• B5 - BS1 - 17: Business Mathematics & Statistics A6 - COA - 17
1 (10) Semester 5:
• A6 - FA1 - 17: Financial Accounting (10) A7 - TAX - 17, A7 - MAC - 17, A7 - FRI - 17
• A6 - POT - 13: Principles of Taxation (20) Semester 6:
• A7 - TAX - 17: Taxation (20) A7 - CFI - 13, A7 - AAS - 17, A7 - FR2 - 17
• A7 - AAS - 17: Audit and Assurance (20) Elective (one of A7 - PSF - 17, A7 - COL - 17)
• A7 - FR1 - 17: Financial Reporting 1 (20) Semester 7:
• A6 - COA - 17: Cost Accounting (20) A7 - PPA - 17
• A7 - FR2 - 17: Financial Reporting 2 (10) Semester 8:
• A7 - PRA - 17: Professional Practice in A8 - AFR - 17, B7 - CGV - 13 Elective (two of
Accounting (60) A8 - ADT - 17, A8 - AAA - 17, B8 - STM - 17)
• B8 - ENT - 13: Essentials of Entrepreneurship Semester 9:
(20) B8 - ENT - 13, A8 - PRO - 13
• A8 - PRO - 13: Project (40)
• B6 - MIE - 17: Microeconomics (10)

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 13

Faculty Of Business & Accounting

Admissions Criteria • A6 - PA2 - 17: Principles of Accounting-II

1) Applicants are expected to have • A6 - FEC - 15: Financial Economics (20)
successfully completed secondary • A6 - PEA - 13: Principles of Ethics and
schooling. The typical entry requirement
Assurance (20)
is LGCSE or other equivalent secondary
school qualification. • A6 - POT - 13: Principles of Taxation (20)
• A6 - STF - 15: Statistics for Finance (20)
• A6 - CAF - 17: Computerised Accounting
2) LGCSE/equivalent with minimum Pass (10)
(D) in 5 subjects including English and • A7 - CFM - 15: Corporate Financial
minimum Credit (C) in Mathematics. Management (20)
• A7 - RMI - 15: Principles of Risk
3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma
or Higher Diploma in related field may be Management and Insurance (20)
given exemptions based on the credit • A7 - SPM - 15: Security Analysis and
point equivalency Portfolio Management (20)
• A7 - INM - 15: Investment
4) For enquiries and more information Management(20)
please visit our website: www. • A7 - FIA - 15: Fixed Income Analysis (20)
• A7 - PRF - 17: Professional Practice in
Finance (60)
• A8 - IFM - 15: International Financial
Management (20)
BSc (Hons) in Finance • A8 - PRF - 15: Project Finance (20)
• B7 - CGV - 13: Corporate Governance
Programme Details: (20)
The programme consists of core (required) and • A8 - FPR -17: Finance Project (40)
elective modules. Some modules may have pre- • B5 - LAB - 13: Legal Aspects of Business
requisites (i.e. may require the students to pass
another module or set of modules first). The
number at the end of the module in parenthesis • B8 - BCT - 20: Blockchain
indicates the credit load of the module. One Technologies(10)
credit is equal to 10 hours of learning (guided in • C5 - ICO - 11: Introduction to Computers
class and independent combined); therefore 10- (20)
credit module requires on average 100 hours of •D5 - CSS - 14: Communication and Study
learning from the students. Skills (20)
Core modules:
• A5 - FFI - 14: Fundamentals of Finance (20)
Elective modules:
• A5 - PA1 - 14: Principles of Accounting 1 (20)
• A5 - FMT - 15: Financial Markets (20) Select one from the following:
• A6 - FFM - 15: Fundamentals of Financial • A7 - VCF - 15: Venture Capital
Management (20) Financing(20)
• A6 - PA2 - 17: Principles of Accounting-II (10) • A7 - CFR - 15: Corporate Financial
• A6 - FEC - 15: Financial Economics (20)

14 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



Faculty Of Business & Accounting

Reporting (20) is LGCSE or other equivalent secondary

• Select one from the following: school qualification.
• B8 - ENT - 13: Essentials of
Entrepreneurship (20) 2) LGCSE/equivalent with minimum Pass
(D) in 5 subjects including English and
• A8 - BOS - 15: Banking Operations and minimum Credit (C) in Mathematics.
Services (20)
• A8 - IMS - 15: Introduction to 3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma
Management or Higher Diploma in related field may be
Science (20) given exemptions based on the credit
Recommended full-time study path point equivalency
(41⁄2 years):
4) For enquiries and more information
please visit our website: www.
Semester 1:
• C5 - ICO - 11, A5 - FFI - 14, A5 - PA1 - 14
Semester 2:
• A5 - FMT - 15, B5 - LAB - 13, D5 - CSS BSc (Hons) in Business
- 14 Management
Semester 3:
• A6 - FFM - 15, A6 - PA2 - 15, A6 - FEC - Programme details:
15, A6 - CAF - 17 The programme consists of core (required) and
elective modules as follows. Some modules may
Semester 4:
have pre-requisites (i.e. may require the student
• A6 - PEA - 13, A6 - POT - 13, A6 - STF - 15 to pass another module or set of modules first).
Semester 5: Some modules may be co-requisite (i.e. such
• A7 - CFM - 15, A7 - RMI - 15, A7 - SPM modules are required to be taken together). The
- 15 number at the end of the module in parenthesis
indicates the credit load of the module. 1 credit
Semester 6:
is equal to 10 hours of learning (guided, in-
• A7 - INM - 15, A7 - FIA - 15, Elective (one class and independent combined); therefore a
of A7 - VCF - 15, A7 - CFR - 15) 10-credit module requires on average 100 hours
Semester 7: of learning from the student.
• A7 - PRF - 17
Semester 8: Core Modules
• A5 - IFA - 13: Introduction to Financial
• A8 - IFM - 15, B8 - BCT -20, B7 - CGV-
Accounting (20)
20, Elective (one of A8 - BOS -15, A8 - PFR • A6 - COA - 17: Cost Accounting
-17, A8 - IMS -15) • B5 - BM1 - 13: Business Management 1(20)
Semester 9: • B5 - BM2 - 13: Business Management 2 (20)
• B8 - ENT - 15, A8 - FPR - 17 • B5 - LAB - 13: Legal Aspects of Business (20)
• B5 - BS2 - 17: Business Mathematics &
Statistics 2 (10)
Admissions Criteria
• B5 - MIE - 17: Mircoeconomics (10)
• B6 - MAE - 17: Macroeconomics (10)
1) Applicants are expected to have • B6 - OBE - 13: Organisational Behaviour (20)
successfully completed secondary • B6 - MKT - 13: Marketing Management (20)
schooling. The typical entry requirement • B6 - SBM - 17: Small Business Management (20)

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 15

Faculty Of Business & Accounting

• B7 - OPM - 13: Operations Management • B6 - MAE - 17, B6 - OBE - 13, A5 - IFA - 13,
(20) D5 - CS2 - 17
• B7 - CF1 - 13: Corporate Finance (20) Semester 4:
• B7 - EBS - 13: E-Business (20) • A6 - COA - 17, B6 - MKT - 13, B6 - SBM - 17
• B7 - PPB - 13: Professional Practice in Semester 5:
Business (60) • B7 - OPM - 13, B7 - FFM - 17 Elective
• B7 - FFM - 17: Fundamentals of Financial one from B7 - CGV - 13, B7 - SMK - 13
Management (20) Semester 6:
• B8 - BRM - 13: Business Research • B7 - CF1 - 13, B7 - EBS - 13, and one
Methods (20) elective from B7 - PRM - 13, B7 - CHM
• B8 - STM - 13: Strategic Management - 13
(20) Semester 7:
• B8 - ENT - 13: Essentials of • B7 - PPR - 13
Entrepreneurship (20) Semester 8:
• B8 - PRO - 13: Project (40) • B8 - BRM - 13, B8 - STM -13, B8 - BCT -
• B8-BCT - 20: Blockchain Technologies 20 , and one elective from B8 - HRM - 20,
(10) B8 - IEM - 20
• C5 - ICO - 13: Introduction to Computers Semester 9:
(20) • B8 - ENT - 13, B8 - PRO - 13
• D5 - CS2 - 17: Communication & Study Skills
2 (10) Admissions Criteria

Elective Modules: 1) Applicants are expected to have

Select one from the following: successfully completed secondary
• B7 - CGV - 13: Corporate Governance (20) schooling. The typical entry requirement
• B7 - SMK - 13: Strategic Marketing (20) is LGCSE or other equivalent secondary
• B7 - PRM - 13: Project Management (20) school qualification.
• B7 - CHM - 13: Change Management (20)
• B8 - HRM - 20: Human Resources 2) LGCSE/equivalent with minimum Pass
Management (10) (D) in 5 subjects including English and
• B8 - IEM - 20: Import and Export minimum Credit (C) in Mathematics.
Management (10)
3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma
or Higher Diploma in related field may be
Recommended full-time study path given exemptions based on the credit
(4½ years): point equivalency

Semester 1:
4) For enquiries and more information
please visit our website: www.
• B5 - BM1 - 13, D5 - CS1 - 17, C5 - ICO - 13,
B5 - BS1 - 17
Semester 2:
• B5 - BM2 - 17, B5 - LAB - 13, B5 - BS2 - 17 ,
B5 - MIE - 17
Semester 3:

16 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



Faculty Of Business & Accounting

Bachelor of Commerce in
• A6-COA-20: Cost Accounting (10)
• A6-LTI-20: Long Term Insurance (10)
Risk Management • A6-ICO-20: Insurance Company
Operations (10)
Programme details: • A6-TAX-20: Taxation (10)
The programme consists of core (required) and
elective modules as follows. Some modules
• A6-FM1-20: Financial Management
may have pre-requisites (i.e. may require
the student to pass another module or set of • A6-RGC-20: Risk Governance &
modules first). Some modules may be co- Culture (10)
requisite (i.e. suchmodules are required to be • A6-FA2-17: Financial Accounting 2 (10)
taken together). The number at the end of the • A6-EMP-20: Employee Benefits
module in parenthesis indicates the credit load Management (10)
of the module. 1 credit is equal to 10 hours • A7-PLR-20: property & Liability
of learning (guided, in-class and independent
Risk Management (20)
combined); therefore a 10-credit module
requires on average 100 hours of learning from • A7-CLI-20: Commercial Lines Insurance
the student. (10)
• A7-WMG-20: Wealth Management (10)
Admission criteria • A7-HIA-20: Health Insurance and
Administration (20)
1) Applicants are expected to have successfully
completed secondary schooling. The typical • A7-RAD-20: Risk Analysis &
entry requirement is LGCSE or other equivalent Decision Making (20)
secondary school qualification. • A7-CRM-20: Credit Risk Management
2) LGCSE/equivalent with minimum Pass (D)
• A7-RP1-20: Research Project 1:
in 5 subjects including English and minimum Proposal Writing (10)
Credit (C) in Mathematics. • A7-REI-20: Reinsurance (10)
• A7-PRA-20: Professional Practice in
3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma or Accounting (40)
Higher Diploma in related field may be given ex- • B5-LAB-20: Legal Aspects of Business
emptions based on the credit point equivalency (10)
4) For enquiries and more information please-
• A5-RM1-20: Risk Management 1 (10)
visit our website:
• B5- PMK-20: Principles of Marketing
Core modules: • B5-BM1- 20: Business Management
1 (10)
• A6-FA1-17: Financial Accounting 1 (10) • B5-BS2-17: Business Mathematics
• A6-RM2-20: Risk Management 2 (10) & Statistics 1 (10)
• A6-STI-10: Short Term Insurance: Personal • B5-BS1-17: Business Mathematics
Lines (10) Statistics 1 (10)
• A6-CAF-17: Computerised Accounting (10)
• B6-MAE-17: Macroeconomics (10)
• A6-RAT-20: Risk Assessment & Treatment
(10) • B6-MIE-17: Microeconomics (10)

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 17

Faculty Of Business & Accounting

• B7-RMB-20: Research Methods for

Business (10) Semester 6
• B7-RP2- 20: Research Project 2: • A7-HIA-20; B7-RBM-20; A7-CRM-20
Dissertation (20) & One elective from: A7-PAI-20;
• B8-ENI-20: Entrepreneurship and A7-INF-20
Innovation (20)
• C5-IMO-20: Introduction to MS Office Semester 7
(10) • B8-ENI-20; A7-REI-20; A7-RP1-20
• D5-AWB-20: Academic Writing for & Two electives from A7-RIF-20;
Business (10) A7-FIM-20; A7-FRM-20

Electives Semester 8
• A7-PRA-20; A7-RP2- 20
• A7-PIA-20: Portfolio Management and
Investment Analysis (10)
• A7-INF-20: International Finance (10)
• A7-RIF-20: Risk Financing (10)
• A7-FIM-20: Financial Modeling (10)
• A7-FRM-20: Financial Risk
Management (10)

Recommended Full-Time Study Path

(4 years)

Semester 1:
• B5-BS1-17; C5-IMO-20; D5-AWB-20;
B5-LAB-20; A5- RM1-20; B5- BM1- 20

Semester 2:
• B5-PMK-20; B5-BS2-17; A6-FA1-17; A6-
RM2-20; A6-STI-20

Semester 3:
• A6-CAF-17; A6-RAT-20; B5-MIE-17; A6-
COA-20; A6-LTI-20; A6-ICO-20
Semester 4:
• B6-MAE-17; A6-TAX-20; A6-FM1-20;
A6-RGC-20; A6-FA2-17; A6-EMP-20

Semester 5:
• A7-RAD-20; A7-PLR-20; A7-CLI-20;

18 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus




• C7 - SEN - 11: Software Engineering

BSc (Hons) in Computing • C8 - IDE - 11: Interaction Design (20)
• C8 - LNA - 11: Linux Network
Administration (20)
Programme details: • C8 - NH2 - 11: Managing Network
The programme consists of core (required) and Hardware 2 (20)
elective modules as follow. Some modules
may have pre-requisites (i.e. may require
• C8 - WN2 - 11: Windows Network
the student to pass another module or set of Administration 2 (20)
modules first). The number at the end of the • C8 - PRO - 11: Project (40)
module in parenthesis indicates the credit load Elective modules:
of the module. 1 credit is equal to 10 hours • C7 - PN1 - 11: Programming using .Net
of learning (guided, in-class and independent 1 (20)
combined); therefore a 10-credit module
requires on average 100 hours of learning from • C7 - CP1 - 11: Designing Creative
the student. B.Sc. (Hons) in Computing has Publications 1(20)
three specialisation areas including: Software • C7 - MD2 - 11: Managing Business
Engineering (SE), Network & Infrastructure Desktops(20)
Management (NW&IM) and General. • C8 - MAD - 11: Mobile
Core modules: ApplicationDevelopment (20)
• C6-DMA-19: Discrete Mathematics (20) • C8 - 3DA - 14: 3D Design and
• D5-CSS-14: Communication and Study Skills Animation (20)
(20) • C8 - AIN - 19 : Artificial Intelligence (20)
• C5 - ICO - 11: Introduction to Computers (20) • C8 - CP2 - 11: Designing Creative
• C5 - MAT - 11: Mathematics for Computing
(20) Publications 2 (20)
• C5 - CSA - 11: Computer System Architecture • C8 - PN2 - 11: Programming using .Net
(20) 2 (20)
• C5 - OSH - 11: Operating Systems & Hardware • C8 - CLC - 19: Cloud Computing (20)
• C6 - QMD - 11: Querying and Managing
Databases (40) Elective for Semester - 9:
• C6 - IPC - 11: Introduction to Programming Select one from the following:
using C++ (20) • B8 - ENT -13: Essentials of
• C6 - DMO - 11: Database Management using Entrepreneurship
Oracle (20)
• C6 - LIE - 19: Linux Essentials (20) (20)
• C6 - WDD - 11: Web Design and • E8 - ISD - 18: Innovation for Sustainable
Development (20) Development (20)
• C7 - JAV - 11: Programming using Java (20) • C8 - APD -20 : Analytical Product
• C7 - MD2 - 11: Managing Business Desktops Design
2 (20)
• C7 - ITP - 11: IT Project Management (20) Recommended full-time study path for
• C7 - DSA - 11: Data Structures and Algorithms Software Engineering specialisation
(4½ years):
• C7 - ADJ - 11: Advanced Java (20)
• C7 - NH1 - 11: Managing Network Hardware Semester 1:
1 (20)
• C7 - WN1 - 11: Windows Network Administration Semester 2:
1 (20) • C5 - CSA - 11, C5 - OSH - 11, C6 -
• C7-PPR-11: Professional Practice (60) DMA - 19

Botho University 2021/22 Prospectus 19


Semester 3: • C7 - PPR - 11
• C6 - QMD - 11, C6 - IPC - 11 Semester 8:
Semester 4: • C8 - LNA - 11, C8 - WN2 - 11
• C6 - DMO - 11, C6 - LIE - 19, C6 - WDD Elective: Select any one: (C8 - AIN - 19,
-19 C8 - CLC -19)
Semester 5: Semester 9:
• C7 - JAV - 11, C7 - SEN - 11, Elective: • C8 - PRO - 11, Elective (one of B8 - ENT -
Select any one C7 - PN1 / C7 - CP1) 13,E8 - ISD -18, C8 - APD -20)
Semester 6: Recommended full-time study path for
• C7 - ITP - 11, C7 - DSA - 11, C7 - ADJ General specialisation (4½ years):
- 11
Semester 7: Semester 1:
• C7 - PPR - 11 • C5 - ICO - 11, C5 - MAT - 11, D5 - CS5
Semester 8: - 14
• C8 - IDE - 11, First Elective: Select Semester 2:
any one (C8 -AIN - 19/C8 - MAD - 11/ • C5 - CSA - 11, C5 - OSH - 11, C6 -
C8 - 3DA - 14), Second Elective: Select DMA -19
any one (C8 - CP2 - 11/C8 - PN2 - 11/ Semester 3:
C8 - CLC - 19) • C6 - QMD - 11, C6 - IPC - 11
Semester 9: Semester 4:
• C8 - PRO-11 • C6 - DMO - 11, C6 - LIE - 11, C6 - WDD
Elective: Select any one - 19
(B8 - ENT - 13, E8 - ISD - 18 Semester 5:
C8 - APD -20) • C7 - JAV - 11, C7 - SEN - 11 Select
one from Software (C7 - PN1-11/C7-
Recommended full-time study path for
CP1-11) Networking (C7 - MD2 -11/
Network & Infrastructure Management
specialisation (4½ years):
Semester 6:
Semester 1:
• C7 - ITP - 11, Select one from Software
(C7 - DSA - 11/C7 - ADJ - 11) , Select
• C5 - ICO - 11, C5 - MAT - 11, D5 - CSS
one from Networking (C8-NH2-11/C7-
- 14
Semester 2: WN1-11)
• C5 - CSA - 11, C5 - OSH - 11, C6 - Semester 7:
DMA - 19 • C7 - PPR - 11
Semester 3: Semester 8:
• C6 - QMD - 11, C6 - IPC - 11 • C8 - IDE - 11, Select one from Software
Semester 4: (C8 -
• C6 - DMO - 11, C6 - LIE - 19, C6 - WDD MAD - 11/C8 - 3DA - 14/ C8 - CP2 - 11/
- 19 C8 - PN2
Semester 5: - 11) and Select one from Networking (C8
• C7 - JAV - 11, C7 - NH1 - 11, C7 - MD2 - AIN - 19/C8 - CLC - 19/ C8 - LNA - 1/C8
- 11 - WN2-11)
Semester 6: Semester 9:
• C7 - ITP - 11, C8 - NH2 - 11, C7 - WN1 • C8 - PRO - 11, Elective (one of E8 - ISD
- 11 - 18, B8 - ENT - 13, C8 - APD -20)
Semester 7:

20 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus




Admissions Criteria Computing(20)

• D5 - CSS - 14: Communication Study
1) Applicants are expected to have Skills 1 (20)
successfully completed secondary • C5 - CSA - 11: Computer Systems
schooling. The typical entry requirement Architecture (20)
is BGCSE or IGCSE (in Botswana), LGCSE • C5 - OSH - 11: Operating Systems and
(in Lesotho) or other equivalent secondary Hardware (20)
school qualification.
• C6-DMA-19: Discreet Mathematics
2) LGCSE/equivalent with minimum Pass
(D) in 5 subjects including English and • C6 - QMD - 11: Querying and
Mathematics. Managing Databases (40)
• C6-DCN-19: Data Communications and
3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma Data Networking (20)
or Higher Diploma in related field may be • C6-LIE-19 :Linux Essentials (20)
given exemptions based on the credit • C6 - IPC - 11: Introduction to
point equivalency. Programming using C++ (20)
• C6-WDD-19 : Web Design and
4) For enquiries and more information Development (20)
please visit our website: www. • C6 - MDC - 13: Mobile Communications (20)
• C7 - JAV - 11: Programming Using Java
BSc (Hons) in Mobile • C7-MDC-19 : Mobile Data
Computing Communications (20)
• C7 - MOS - 13: Mobile Operating
Programme details: Systems (20)
The programme consists of core (required) • C7 - WNM - 13: Wireless Networks
and elective modules as follows. Some and Mobile System Architecture (20)
modules may have pre-requisites (i.e. • C7 - MDP - 13: Mobile Device
may require the student to pass another Programming (20)
module or set of modules first). Some • C7-MTE-13: Mobile Technologies(20)
modules may be co-requisite (i.e. such • C7 - PPR - 11: Professional Practice in
modules are required to be taken Computing (60)
together). The number at the end of the • C8 - MID - 13: Mobile Interaction
module in parenthesis indicates the credit Design (20)
load of the module. 1 credit is equal to • C8-WMS-19: Wireless and Mobile
10 hours of learning (guided, in-class Network Security(20)
and independent combined); therefore a • C8 - PRO - 11: Project (40)
10-credit module requires on average 100
hours of learning from the student. Elective modules:
Select Two from the following:
Core modules: • C8 - DIS - 13: Distributed Systems (20)
• C5 - ICO - 11: Introduction to • C8- MIA- 13: Mobile INternet
Computers (20) Applications and Services
• C5-MAT-11: Mathematics for
Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 21

• B8-ENT-11: Essentials of
Entreprenuership (20) For enquiries and more information please
• E8 - ISD - 17: Innovation for sustainable visit our website: www.bothouniversity.
development (20) com
Recommended full-time study path (4½
years): Bachelor of Science in
Computer Networking
Semester 1:
• C5 - ICO - 11, C5 - MAT - 11, D5 - CSS Programme details:
- 14 This programme consists of core modules
Semester 2: (required) which are combination of 10 credit
• C5 - CSA - 11, C5 - OSH - 11,C5- and 20 credit modules, Elective modules
DMA-19 and some modules may have pre-requisites
(i.e. may require the student to pass another
Semester 3: module or set of modules first). Some modules
• C6 - QMD - 11, C6 - IPC - 11 may be core requisite (i.e. such modules are
Semester 4: required to be taken together). 1 credit is equal
• C6 - DCN- 19, C6 - LIE - 19, C6 - WDD to 10 hours of learning (guided, in-class and
- 19 independent combined); therefore a 10-credit
module requires on average 50 hours of
Semester 5: learning from the student.
• C7 - JAV - 11, C7 - MDC - 19, C7 -
MOS - 13 Core modules:
Semester 6: • C5-CE1-20: Computer and its Essentials 1
• C7 - WNM - 13, C7 - MDP - 13, C7 - (10)
• C5-PLD-20: Programming Logic and Design
MTE - 13 (10)
Semester 7: • C5-MAT-20: Mathematics (10)
• C7 - PPR - 11 • C6-PIE-20: Professional Issues and Ethics
Semester 8: (10)
• C8 - MID - 13,C8-WMS-19 Select one • C5-OSH-11: Operating Systems and
from (C8 - DIS - 13,C8-MIA-13) Hardware (20)
Semester 9:
• C6-NEF-20: Networking Fundamentals (20)
• C6-DBC-20: Database Concepts (10)
• C8 - PRO - 11, Elective (B8 - ENT - 11, E8 • D6-AWS-20: Academic Writing for STEM (10)
- ISD - 17) • C6-CE2-20: Computer and its Essentials 2
Admissions Criteria • C6-CSA-20: Computer System Architecture
1) Applicants are expected to have • C6-MDW-20: Managing Business Desktops
successfully completed secondary using Windows (10)
schooling. The typical entry requirement • C6-PUC-20: Programming using C++ (20)
is LGCSE or other equivalent secondary
• C6-NSE-20: Network Security (10)
• C6-RSW-20: Routing and Switching (10)
school qualification. • C6-RSL-20: Routing and Switching Lab (10)
• C6-WDD-20 : Web Design and Development
2) LGCSE/equivalent with minimum Pass (10)
(D) in 5 subjects including English and
• C6-WDP-20 : Web Design Practice Lab (10)
• C6-EOL-20: Essentials of Linux (10)
Mathematics. • C6-DSA-20: Data Structures and Algorithm
3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma • C6-SCN-20: Scaling Networks (20)
or Higher Diploma in related field may
• C7-LWD-20: LAN and WAN design (10)
• C7-LWL-20: LAN and WAN design Lab– 1
be given exemptions based on the credit (10)
point equivalency. • C7-WNS-20: Wireless Networks (10)

22 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus




• C7-ITM-20: IT Infrastructure Semester 5:

Management (10) • C7-LWD-20, C7-LWL-20, C7-WNS-20,
• C7-PNA-20: Principles of Network C7-ITM-20, C7-PNA-20
Administration (20) Semester 6:
• C7-RMS- 20: Research Methods for • C7-RMS- 20, C7-IPR-20, C7-ISM-20,
STEM (10) C7-DAS-20, Select one from (C7-
• C7-IPR-20: Implementing IP Routing EIN-20, C7-CCS-20, C7-SDE-20)
(10) Semester 7:
• C7-ISM-20: IT Service Management • B8-ENI-20, C7-ISN-20, C7-RP1-20, C7-
(10) SDN-20, Select one from( C8-MAS-20,
• C7-DAS-20: Database Administration C8-CYO-20, C8-TRS-20 ),
and Security (20) Semester 8:
• B8-ENI-20: Entrepreneurship and
• C7-PPC-20, C8-RP2-20
Innovation (20)
• C7-ISN-20: IP Switched Networks (10)
• C7-RP1-20: Research Project 1 : Admissions Criteria
Proposal Writing (10)
• C7-SDN-20: Software Defined Network 1) Applicants are expected to have
Engineering (10) successfully completed secondary
• C7-PPC-20 : Professional Practice in schooling. The typical entry requirement
Computing (40) is LGCSE or other equivalent secondary
• C8-RP2-20 : Research Project 2: school qualification.
Dissertation (20)
2) LGCSE/equivalent with minimum Pass
Elective modules:
(D) in 5 subjects including English and
Select one from the following:
•C7-EIN-20: Enterprise and ISP Network Mathematics.
Solutions (10)
•C7-CCS-20: Cloud Computing and 3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma
Security (10) or Higher Diploma in related field may be
•C7-SDE-20: Security by Design (10) given exemptions based on the credit
Select one from the following: point equivalency.
• C8-MAS-20: Media and Storage (10)
• C8-CYO-20: Cybersecurity Operations 4) For enquiries and more information
(10) please visit our website: www.
• C8-TRS-20: Troubleshooting Routing
and Switching (10)

Recommended full-time study path

Semester 1:
• C5-CE1-20, C5-PLD-20, C5-MAT-20, C6-
Semester 2:
• C6-NEF-20, C6-DBC-20, D6-AWS-20,
C6-CE2-20, C6-CSA-20
Semester 3:
• C6-MDW-20, C6-PUC-20, C6-NSE-20,
C6-RSW-20, .C6-RSL-20
Semester 4:
• C6-WDD-20, C6-WDP-20, C6-EOL-20,
C6-DSA-20, C6-SCN-20

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 23





1. Applying to Botho University

Before applying to Botho University, students are encouraged to take time out to familiarise themselves
with all the programmes on offer. Applicants must meet all the relevant minimum requirements for
the programme of study they wish to study. It is also important for applicants to assess whether the
programme they choose interests them and that they want to make a career out of it. Our friendly
Admission Team Counsellors will provide information needed about the programmes and assist
applicants to make informed choices. Details on programmes are available on our website:

24 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



Blended and distance
learning Campus

BU also offers high quality distance learning education using cutting edge learning management
tools such as Black Board providing you with superior learning experience at an affordable cost.

For more information refer to:

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 25

Information (Continued)

3. Important points to remember when applying:

• All students can apply in person or using the online application form available on the website.
Please read the “Steps to Apply” document available on the application portal before

• Clear certified copies of all relevant educational certificates.

• Clear certified copies of passport/identity card.

• Please read the Fee Structure and Policy document available on the website before applying.

26 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



Employability and Our Graduates

Botho University offers quality support

services and programmes that advance
student access to learning, welfare, wellness
and talent development through Student and
Alumni Affairs Department (SAAD).

Services offered by the various units of the with graduates, geared towards lifelong learning
department include: for alumni. Services rendered by this unit include:
• Career Development Support
Career and Counselling Services • Lifelong learning
The unit is available to provide students with • Opportunity to mentor university students
psycho-social support, career counselling and • Alumni Community Impact Programmes
academic advising, to further students’ personal • Stay connected facility
and professional development. • Career Fairs

Special Needs Support Health and Wellness

The Special Needs Unit is responsible for managing The unit manages the health and wellness of
the welfare of students with special learning needs. students and staff. It manages the operations of the
The services provided include but are not limited to: University clinic, HIV and AIDS policy, and medical
emergency evacuations. Some of the services
• Special accommodation during exams provided include:
• Classroom support
• Resource Lab/Centre • Assistance with minor illness
• Individual Education Plan (IEP) • Referrals to major clinics and hospitals
• Management of HIV and AIDS interventions
Internships and Placement and campaigns.
The Placement and Internship Unit deals with • Wellness programmes
connecting students with appropriate internship
opportunities and assisting graduates in seeking

Alumni Relations
The Alumni Relations Unit aims to foster a lifelong
relationship between the university and its
graduates. Its intention is to build strong networks

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 27

Employability and Our Graduates

Personal Development
This unit is mandated to teach students life skills.
These skills will enable students to cope with tertiary
life and life beyond the university. The Personal
Development Unit manages and administrates the

• Personal Development
• First Year Experience
• Mentorship
• Development Workshops
• Motivation Sessions
• Entrepreneurship Development
• Leadership Programme

Community Engagement
Botho University is committed to the improvement of
people’s lives in various communities through skills
development, entrepreneurship and community
empowerment. This division encourages students
to interact with communities in planning and
implementing programmes and/or activities aimed
at addressing the current demands and situations
they are facing. The purpose of this partnership
with communities is to improve the lives of people,
empower communities to be self-reliant and to
develop entrepreneurship skills. The division has an
emphasis on instilling the values of volunteerism,
Botho, spirit of giving and compassion.

Sports, Culture and Recreation

The unit seeks to contribute to academic
performance and personal success by promoting
welfare and wellness through talent enhancement
and management. This unit has a variety of sporting
and non-sporting clubs which seek to contribute to
the development of each student in relation to the
Botho Graduate Profile.

28 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus



Quality & Accolades

Registered Institution in the Kingdom of Lesotho

Registered with Ministry of Education and Training and approved by Council on Higher
Education, Kingdom of Lesotho

SADC AWARD for Service of the Year 2018

In the category of small and medium enterprise

Lesotho Quality Award for service of the year for years 2015-2016 and 2017-2018
In the category of small and medium enterprise.

BQA Registered and Accredited Institution

Registered and Accredited as an Education & Training provider by Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA)

HRDC Registered Institution

Botho University is registered with the Human Resource Development Advisory Council (HRDC)
of Botswana.

BOS ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation

We are the only University in Botswana to be BOS ISO 9001:2015 certified - a clear indicator
of our passion and commitment to quality. The BOS ISO 9001:2015 certification is considered
“hard to obtain and difficult to maintain” by some of its recipients.

PMR Africa Diamond Arrow Award 2015

Winner of the PMR Africa “Diamond Arrow Award” for excellence under the tertiary institutions
category in Botswana as rated by organisations across Botswana.

ACCA Gold Partner

Botho University has been awarded “Gold” status by the Association of
Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK.

AAT Best International Training Provider of the Year 2014 & 2018
Botho University is the only institution in Botswana to be nominated and also to win this award.

Rated by African Quality Rating Mechanism (AQRM)

Botho University’s quality at programme level is rated “Good Quality” by the African Quality
Rating Mechanism (AQRM), an initiative of the Commission of the African Union (AUC) to
establish an African quality assurance system for higher education institutions.

Registered Institution in the Republic of Namibia

Registered with the National Council for Higher Education in Namibia

Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 29


30 Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus




Botho University 2022/23 Prospectus 31


The Botho Graduate Profile (BGP) is a

list of qualities that all Botho University
graduates are encouraged to learn and
imbibe before they graduate.



Having expertise in at least one Having unquestionable integrity RESPONSIBLE:
area, with a broad understanding and accountability. Committed to bettering one’s own
of other disciplines. community and society at large.
HARDWORKING: Being friendly, optimistic and ENVIRONMENTALLY
Motivated, result driven and resilient, and having high self- RESPONSIBLE:
committed to delivering work esteem with an ability to take Committed to conserving
of the highest quality both decisions. resources and protecting the
independently and in a team. environment.
ARTICULATE: Considerate of and able to work
Able to communicate information and communicate effectively with
eloquently, effectively and teams of people from different
appropriately to a given audience. social and cultural backgrounds.


ENTREPRENEURIAL: Having the curiosity and
Able to identify opportunities open-mindedness to acquire
and take measured risk to new knowledge by analysing,
develop new and improved ideas, reflecting on and evaluating
processes and products that information.
create value..

GABORONE CAMPUS: Botho Education Park, Kgale, Gaborone, Botswana | Tel: +267 363 5421 / 422 / 446
MASERU CAMPUS: West Wing, Thetsane, Maseru, Lesotho | Tel: +266 22247500
ONGWEDIVA CAMPUS: Mandume Ndemufayo street, Maroela mall Ongwediva, Namibia | Tel: +264 8120499172 / 8107423
ESWATINI CAMPUS: Plot No 1206, Riverstone Mall, Manzini, Eswatini | Tel: +268 2505 2288

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