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Multiple Intelligences - Tri Cantika Putri (f1021191001)

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THEORY of language
MI theory was originally proposed by Gardner (1993) as a contribution
to cognitive science.
MI is not only as peripheral skills for everyone, but also belongs their
own whole life.
Language is considered to be integrated with music, bodily activities,
interpersonal relationships, and so on.
Language is not only seen limited to a "linguistic", but also included as
all aspects of communication.

note: Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary, scientific study of the mind and its processes. It examines the nature, the tasks, and the functions of cognition (in a broad sense).
“Peripheral skills,” which are skills not immediately critical to your profession but do tend to set you apart. peripheral skills, namely the ability not to think cognitively to evaluate
messages and process information from these messages.
theory of learning
Language learning and its use are closely related on linguistic intelligence.
Language learning has a relationship with life through the senses which it
provides meaning and purpose on what messages conveyed.
Intelligence can be described as the ability to deal with cognitive complexity.

Cognitive complexity (CC), the ability to differentiate and integrate in a dynamic environment which is In psychology, cognitive
complexity is how well people perceive things. It has to do with how a person looks at events, structures, or experiences and how
correctly an individual analyzes based on how complex their cognition, or thinking, structures have become.
Linguistic intelligence: 'involves the sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to
use language to accomplish certain goals

MI (Multiple Intelligence) Pedagogy focuses on
the language class as a scope of additional
reference for teaching and learning.

It aims to make students better at having their

own experiences in learning languages.

It also aims to make students as people who can

use a second language better.

note: Pedagogy the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.
There is no syllabus as such, either prescribed or recommended, inrespect to MI-based
language teaching. However, there is a basic develop-mental sequence that has been
proposed (Lazear 1991) as an alternativeto what we have elsewhere considered as a
type of “syllabus” design. The sequence consists of four stages

1. Awaken The Intelligence

Through multisensory experiences
(touching, smelling, tasting, seeing, and so on –
learners can be sensitized to the many properties
of objects and events in the world that surrounds

2. Strengthen Intelligence
Students develop and improve the
volunteering objects and events of their own choosing
3. Teach with/for the intelligence
It is linked to the focus of the class
This is done via worksheets and small-group
projects and discussion.

4. Transfer the intelligence

Students reflect on the learning
experiences of the previous three

(Crossword, newspaper,internet,
(puzzles, timelines, analogies, patterns, formulas, abstract
biographies, autobiographies, books) symbols, diagrams, mind maps, computer games. )

(Artwork, photographs, posters,
(Background music, raps, jingles, tone patterns,
charts, illustration, cartoons, props trios/quartet, choirs, cheers )
for plays, videos, morals, sculptures )

(Games, experiments, pantomiming,
(journals, readings, self evaluation)
presentations, dances, aerobics )

(movies, team-computer games,
(Elements found in nature)
wrap-around, conversation,
conferences )

r o l e s
teacher roles student roles material roles
Teachers are expected to understand, master, and be Learners are encouraged to see their goals in Lesson organization,
committed to the MI model. these broader terms. Multi-sensory activity planning, and
Teachers are expected to be curriculum developers, lesson Learners are typically expected to take an MI In using realia.
designers and analysts, activity finders or inventors. inventory and to develop their own MI profiles
Teachers are encouraged to administer an MI inventory on based on theinventory.
them-selves All of this is to enable learners to benefit from
Teachers are not only focused as language teacher but also instructional approaches by reflecting on their
they have to become major which means they need to give own learning.
attention overall development student intelligences.

note: MI inven-tory is a short checklist that enables users to create their own MI profilesand use these as a guide to designing and reflecting upon their learningexperiences
[Christison 1997]).
In education, realia are objects from real life used in classroom instruction. In teaching vocabulary, realia is teaching media used to present vocabulary by bringing actual objects
of items or something represent it which used in classroom to illustrate and teach vocabulary.
Multisensory instruction is a way of teaching that engages more than one sense at a time. Using sight, hearing, movement, and touch gives kids more than one way to connect
with what they are learning.
Lesson organization or learning organization is a concept in which the organization is considered capable of continuously carrying out the process of self-learning (self-learning)
so that the organization has a 'speed of thought and action' in responding to the various changes that arise.
The teacher brings many different objects to class.
Students experience feeling things that are soft, rough, cold,
smooth, and so on. They might taste things that are sweet,
salty,sour, spicy, and so on. Experiences like this help
activate and make learners aware of the sensory bases of

The teacher makes larger sections of the lesson

to strengthen and emphasize the multi-sensory
and linguistic experiences that these experiences
include. Students work in groups, perhaps
completing worksheets

Students are asked to bring objects to class or to use

something in their possession. Teams of students
describe each object attending to the five physical senses.
They com-plete a worksheet including the information they
have observed and discussed

Application of the intelligence to daily living.

Students are asked to reflect on both the content
of the lesson and its operational procedures
(working in groups, completing tables, etc.).

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 1986, Theodore S. Rodgers, Jack C. Richards
IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY USING REALIA, Ratih Purnamasari, ReginaRegina, Eni Rosnija, › jpdpb › article

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