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Now, we will also discuss in further detail that which is guilt. Earlier, we talked
about how the Anti- Christ traps you in PAST- GUILT ORIENTATION as a way
in which to rob you of the NOW or present Moment of LIFE. We will first define
guilt: “1. The fact or condition of having committed a legal or moral offense. 2.
A feeling of remorse arising from a real or imagined commission of an
offense. 3. Guilty conduct. GUILTY defined as, “1. Deserving of blame for
some offense. 2. Convicted of some offense. 3. Involving, pertaining to, or
showing guilt.”

The first thing you must realiz e is that to FEEL guilt about some past thought,
word or deed does not always necessarily mean you are GUILTY of a
“wrong” against YOUR SPIRIT WITHIN. The “wrong” to the Spirit Within occurs
when you assume unworthiness or blame upon self and thus punish self by
self- condemning thoughts and actions. You must always ask yourselves: do
you feel “guilt” because someone else has offered it or imposed it upon you
and you have accepted or allowed them to blame you for some action or
occurrence which you KNOW you are really not “guilty” of? Let us give you
an example of a response of “false” guilt which many of you ones will relate
with in experience within your “modern” western civiliz ation.

Let us say you are a girl child of eleven- years- old. Up to this age you have
enjoyed relative childhood security, love and dependence with your Mother
and Father. Then, suddenly, you are told by your parents that THEY no
longer love one another and cannot live together and will become
DIVORCED. Please understand this carefully, precious ones; IN MOST ALL
CASES of separation of parents, the child or children BLAME THEMSELVES.
You see, the child often believes that, “If mommy and daddy can stop loving
each other, they can stop loving me, too.” We would suggest to you ones that
if a couple says they STOPPED loving one another, they most likely NEVER
truly loved. Do you see how confusing this sort of drastic change and
separation is to a child? Now in our hypothetical case, let us continue with the
story in which similar circumstances have occurred with many. The Mother
retains “custody” of the little girl. The father leaves town, he says, for other
work challenges and opportunities. The child seldom sees him anymore; he
is always so busy. The child’s Mother must go to work, let us say for the first
time since she became married to the child’s Father.

Do you begin to see what this looks and feels like to the little girl? She feels
she has been rejected, she begins to feel unloved and unworthy because
she blames herself for her parent’s divorce by perhaps not being a “good”
enough little girl. Her mother works and comes home irritable, resentful and
angry at the little girl’s father, which only adds to the little girl’s soul- anguish
and feelings of unworthiness. The two people she loved, trusted and even
idoliz ed the most no longer exist for her. She is alone. Do you ones realiz e
that ALL most of you truly want is to be sincerely always LOVED exactly the
way you are without conditions?

So the little girl begins to punish herself. She begins to seek LOVE and
acceptance outside herself which she feels she no longer has at home.
Throughout her teen years she walks the path of victim by self- destructive
actions and by continuous rejection by others. You see, like so many of you
even now in adult state, she only want to BE LOVED, but because she feels
UNWORTHY of the true LOVE she pines for, she continues to sabotage
herself by choosing relationships which dishonor her as she dishonors
herself. She may become angry toward “male” humans, because she is
angry with her Father “for leaving her”. She may not only punish self but also
seek to punish all “men” who represent her Father. Eventually her heart is so
hardened she feels nothing, no joy, no love, no caring. It is her against the
world and she feels alone and bitter.

Now God, our Father, is most distressed when one of HIS become lost in
“negative” response to his/her manifested experience. HE in His mercy will
send help to the child or young woman to help her recogniz e that there are
those WHO do love and care for her. He will send her “signs” of HIS LOVE so
that she may forgive and heal the dis- ease within self. Will she recogniz e
THE LOVE OF OUR FATHER presented to her? It is her choice, for God will
never force any. He will, though, wisely choose the one/ones who will
manifest HIS LOVE FOR HER, which He deems will be most acceptable to
her. It will then depend upon her soul integrity how well she will recogniz e,
forgive and overcome her self- imposed “guilt”.

Many of you ones who NOW serve faithfully within HIS service, have
manifested for yourselves very difficult circumstances in your growing years
in which you had to ultimately understand, forgive and overcome in order to
serve HIS WILL as willingly as you do now. WHY? Mostly you ones have
simply asked for difficult “testing” in order to gain the compassion and
understanding of how and why your brethren have been so crippled,
deceived and so lost for so long, so that you can “relate” with the
circumstances of the deceived and thereby be the most effective in helping
them see “THE LIGHT” of GODLY TRUTH WITHIN THEM! Be most grateful
for the lessons offered, learned and overcome, chelas; you are spiritually
MUCH stronger because of them.

Now we will discuss Past- Guilt Orientation a bit more. If you feel guilty for
some past deed, you must determine WHY the guilt is felt. If you recogniz e
an error against another, then by understanding and learning the lesson and
then self- forgiveness, you will have released GUILT. Many of you instead
wallow around in the “horrible” situation and wish only to feel sorry for
yourselves so that you think you are not responsible for the “error”.
Recogniz e your responsibility, learn the lesson, forgive AND RELEASE it. IT is
done and you further the transgression against you SPIRIT by “relieving” the
“dastardly” deed in your mind and not LIVING your moment NOW in fullness.
This is PUNISHMENT of self and is not of GOD, but of the ANTI- Christ. Do
you see? You walk around saying, “I SHOULD have”…well, you DIDN’T and
it is over. The next time a similar situation presents itself, and it will, you will
know how best to respond with GODLY integrity, right?


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