Over Current Relay
Over Current Relay
Over Current Relay
Unit type schemes protect a specific area of the system, i.e., a transformer,
transmission line, generator or bus bar.
The unit protection schemes is based on Kirchhoff’s Current Law – the sum of
the currents entering an area of the system must be zero.
Any deviation from this must indicate an abnormal current path. In these
schemes, the effects of any disturbance or operating condition outside the area of
interest are totally ignored and the protection must be designed to be stable above
the maximum possible fault current that could flow through the protected area.
The non-unit schemes, while also intended to protect specific areas, have no fixed
boundaries. As well as protecting their own designated areas, the protective zones
can overlap into other areas. While this can be very beneficial for backup purposes,
there can be a tendency for too great an area to be isolated if a fault is detected by
different non unit schemes.
The most simple of these schemes measures current and incorporates an inverse
time characteristic into the protection operation to allow protection nearer to the
fault to operate first.
This is the simplest of the ways to protect a line and therefore widely used.
It owes its application from the fact that in the event of fault the current would
increase to a value several times greater than maximum load current. It has a
limitation that it can be applied only to simple and non costly equipments.
Use time, current and a combination of both time and current are three ways to
discriminate adjacent overcurrent relays.
1. Phase faults
2. Earth faults
3. Winding faults
Short-circuit currents are generally several times (5 to 20) full load current.
Hence fast fault clearance is always desirable on short circuits.
The protection should not operate for starting currents, permissible overcurrent,
current surges. To achieve this, the time delay is provided (in case of inverse
The protection should be co-ordinate with neighboring overcurrent protection.
If the interrupting rating is not properly selected, a serious hazard for equipment
and personnel will exist.
The overcurrent protection is a bigger concept So that the overload protection can
be considered as a subset of overcurrent protection.
The overcurrent relay can be used as overload (thermal) protection when protects
the resistive loads, etc., however, for motor loads, the overcurrent relay cannot
serve as overload protection Overload relays usually have a longer time setting
than the overcurrent relays.
Types of Overcurrent Relay
These are the types of overcurrent relay:
1. Instantaneous Overcurrent (Define Current) Relay
2. Define Time Overcurrent Relay
3. Inverse Time Overcurrent Relay ( IDMT Relay)
Moderately Inverse
Very Inverse Time
Extremely Inverse
2. Directional overcurrent Relay
In this type, two conditions must be satisfied for operation (tripping), current must
exceed the setting value and the fault must be continuous at least a time equal to
time setting of the relay.
Modern relays may contain more than one stage of protection each stage includes
each own current and time setting.
1. The continuity in the supply cannot be maintained at the load end in the
event of fault.
2. Time lag is provided which is not desirable in on short circuits.
3. It is difficult to co-ordinate and requires changes with the addition of load.
4. It is not suitable for long distance transmission lines where rapid fault
clearance is necessary for stability.
5. Relay have difficulties in distinguishing between Fault currents at one point
or another when fault impedances between these points are small, thus poor
In this type of relays, operating time is inversely changed with current. So, high
current will operate overcurrent relay faster than lower ones. There are standard
inverse, very inverse and extremely inverse types.
Inverse Time relays are also referred to as Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT)
Inverse types
The accuracy of the operating time may range from 5 to 7.5% of the nominal
operating time as specified in the relevant norms. The uncertainty of the operating
time and the necessary operating time may require a grading margin of 0.4 to 0.5
It’s used when Fault Current is dependent on generation of fault not fault location.
Normal inverse time Overcurrent Relay is relatively small change in time per unit of
change of current.
Most frequently used in utility and industrial circuits. especially applicable where
the fault magnitude is mainly dependent on the system generating capacity at the
time of fault.
It has more inverse characteristics than that of IDMT and very inverse
overcurrent relay.
Suitable for the protection of machines against overheating.
The operating time of a time overcurrent relay with an extremely inverse
time-current characteristic is approximately inversely proportional to the
square of the current
The use of extremely inverse overcurrent relays makes it possible to use a
short time delay in spite of high switching-in currents.
Used when Fault current is dependent on fault location
Used when Fault current independent of normal changes in generating
Suitable for protection of distribution feeders with peak currents on switching
in (refrigerators, pumps, water heaters and so on).
Particular suitable for grading and coordinates with fuses and re closes
For the protection of alternators, transformers. Expensive cables, etc.
The main application of long time overcurrent relays is as backup earth fault
When the power system is not radial (source on one side of the line), an
overcurrent relay may not be able to provide adequate protection. This type of relay
operates in on direction of current flow and blocks in the opposite direction.
Three conditions must be satisfied for its operation: current magnitude, time delay
and directionality. The directionality of current flow can be identified using voltage
as a reference of direction.
Reference: http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/types-and-applications-of-overcurrent-relay-1