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Office of Community College Research and Leadership

Issue 2 — September 2010


by Stephanie Kalchik and Kathleen Marie Oertle


Contextualized Teaching and Learning (CTL), also known as Contextualized Instruction, is defined as a “diverse
family of instructional strategies designed to more seamlessly link the learning of foundational skills and academic or
occupational content by focusing teaching and learning squarely on concrete applications in a specific context that is
of interest to the student” (Mazzeo, 2008, p. 3; see also Medrich, Calderon, & Hoachlander, 2003). In other words,
CTL is a process built on the recognition that some students learn more effectively when they are taught in a hands-on,
real-world context rather than in an abstract manner (Baker, Hope, & Karandjeff, 2009; Bond, 2004; Predmore, 2005).
The primary goal of CTL is to utilize the “context supported by traditional academics to drive instruction” thus engag-
ing students in active learning to assist them in making meaning (N. N. Badway, personal communication, August 1,

Bond (2004) outlines the characteristics of CTL, as opposed to traditional academic models:
• Focuses on concrete skills and knowledge needed in work and life
• Combines academic learning with workplace applications
• Personalizes instruction for each student
• Presents abstract ideas through the senses
• Indicates utility or usefulness of information
• Provides factual information during hands-on experiences so that it immediately makes sense
• Presents information in small increments instead of large chunks or thick books
Cross-curriculum integration is an important part of CTL that connects academic and career and technical education
(CTE). An example of cross-curriculum integration is when academic teachers, CTE teachers, and representatives of
business and industry form teams to create projects involving an intersection between academic content and career-
technical or workforce competencies. The primary benefit of this strategy is that “students experience the subject mat-
ter as connected and reinforcing, rather than separate and unrelated” (Chernus & Fowler, 2009, p. 6).


Successful CTL engages teachers and students in active classroom
activities, insuring that learning is student-centered and engaging.
Thus, CTL is based on a constructivist educational theory, which is “a
conceptual framework that asserts that learners are constantly updating
their memory based on ongoing experience” (Baker et al., 2009, p. 8).
Constructivism relies on the notion that students create their own mean-
ing of concepts when they learn through experience, which furthers an
innate motivation and desire to learn. Supporters of CTL assert that it
can motivate many students more effectively than traditional classroom
pedagogy (Baker et al., 2009; Perin & Hare, 2010).

Baker et al. (2009) outline several other psychological and educational

theories and research that have implications for CTL:
• Motivation Theory. Motivation theory focuses on students’ perceived
value of the mode of instruction and development of self-efficacy, which
is a key component of CTL. Students are encouraged to reflect on their
own ideas and the experiences in which the instruction and materials are
imbedded. Predmore (2005) shows that thinking about content within
real-world experience is important in CTL because “once [students] can
see the real-world relevance of what they’re learning, they become inter-
ested and motivated” (Putting it Into Context, The Success, para. 6).
• Problem-Centered Learning. This style of learning activity requires
students to work in teams to progress through a network of intercon-
nected problems that lead to a relevant conclusion. This CTL approach
helps students to see the usefulness of certain skills because they are
connected to a real-life problem-solving situation.
• Social Learning Theory. Social learning theory emphasizes a shift away from solitary studying and passive listen-
ing and toward collaboration with peers. Students are encouraged to create and understand their own learning within
a social situation associated with CTL. The social context of collaborative learning also often emulates what students
can expect in a future work environment.
• Learning Styles. Students have different prior knowledge and experience, motivational factors, and personalities.
These elements affect the ways in which students learn most effectively. CTL reaches a variety of learning styles in
the classroom because the instructor can use different approaches within the experiential context, such as hands-on
learning and collaborative learning.
• Brain Research. Emotion, practice, experience, and the environment can shape learning because “the human brain
is highly responsive to association and sensory experience” (Baker et al., 2009, p. 15). Brain research is important to
CTL because it demonstrates that the brain can develop through connections between experience, sensory information
and learning new concepts.


Programs of Study (POS) are sequences of courses that begin in secondary education and continue through postsec-
ondary education. POS incorporate academic and CTE courses and are based on Career Clusters and Career Pathways
(Jankowski, Kirby, Bragg, Taylor, & Oertle, 2009; State’s Career Clusters Initiative, 2010; Taylor et al., 2009). Career
Clusters allow students to gain fundamental academic knowledge while exploring a variety of career interests. Career
Pathways provide students with the opportunity to develop specialized skills while learning how to apply those same
skills to career options within each Career Cluster. Career Pathways are also flexible in that they help students con-
nect current learning with future opportunities in continuing education and career development. For students who seek
education primarily to gain access to more advanced jobs, “career pathways are only effective if they seamlessly link
students to courses, programs, and good jobs” (National Council for Workforce Education [NCWE], 2010, p. 1.12).
One significant way of addressing this job-focused motivation is to implement CTL strategies through POS and Career
Pathways to make learning relevant to specific occupations. Furthermore, “contextualization provides an immediate
application of learning to [students’] career and education goals, which can help students remain motivated to continue
their studies” (NCWE, 2010, p. 2.13).

The intersection of academic and CTE instruction through POS provides a framework for CTL. Baker et al. (2009)
emphasize the importance of the development of transferrable skills in programs that utilize CTL, reflecting the notion
that “the student has developed into a better learner by becoming more aware and self-directed as well as increasingly
capable of constructing more effective inquiry transferring that knowledge to other fields” (p. 16, see also Chernus &
Fowler, 2009). Promoting students’ ability to generalize knowledge is essential in connecting CTL to POS because
one central goal of the POS Career Pathway structure is to provide students with skills they need to move between dif-
ferent career and educational options.

Although CTL has strong advocates and a growing foundation of theoretical and practical applications, its proponents
may encounter challenges when implementing this strategy, especially implementing from the instructor perspective.
Some possible challenges include:
• Difficulties obtaining additional funding for hands-on courses (Baker et al., 2009).
• Developing on a continual basis creative and effective teaching and learning strategies and finding ways to apply
abstract material to concrete experiences (Predmore, 2005).
• Working with state curricula that emphasize high-stakes testing, leaving little time for active learning applications
in the classroom (Predmore, 2005).
• Helping students adjust to a type of instruction that differs from traditional instruction to which they are accus-
tomed (Predmore, 2005).
• Adjusting to the high energy levels required for managing a louder and more active classroom (Predmore, 2005).

Despite the potential challenges, many instructors have implemented CTL in their courses. CTL is a flexible process
for both instructors and students, so there is no single way to implement such instruction. Developing an effective CTL
classroom requires patience, open-mindedness, and flexibility because CTL is very different from traditional instruc-
tion. Instructors may need to adjust to the learner-centered approach that is integral to CTL if they are accustomed to
teaching in a traditional classroom. Various authors provide insight as to how instructors and their colleagues can suc-
cessfully implement CTL in their classrooms.
• Collaborate with other instructors and colleagues.
For Further Reading
Many effective CTL courses are interdisciplinary,
so forming teams with other instructors, workplace Baker, E. D., Hope, L., & Karandieff, K. (2009,
representatives, and experts on specific subjects can October). Contextualized teaching and learning:
create a well-rounded instructional base from which A promising approach to basic skills instruction.
students can apply what they are learning to concrete Center for Student Success, The Research and
Planning Group for California Community
experience (Baker et al., 2009; Chernus & Fowler,
Colleges. Retrieved from
2009; Predmore, 2005). default/files/CTL%20Brief.pdf
• Obtain or develop relevant materials. Instructors and Berns, R. G., & Erickson, P. M. (2001). Contextual
their collaborators can create their own instructional teaching and learning: preparing students for the
materials based on resources from industry partners new economy. The Highlight Zone: Research
or student experience with such partners (Baker et al., @ Work, 5, 1–8. Retrieved from http://www.
2009). Or, instructors can locate commercial materi-
als since publishing companies are increasingly pro- ContextualTeachingLearning.pdf
viding CTL materials (Predmore, 2005). Gillespie, M. K. (2002). EFF research principle:
• Seek professional development. Many instructors A contextualized approach to curriculum and
need training in order to learn how to teach effective- instruction. EFF Research to Practice Note
3. Retrieved from
ly under a CTL model (Finkelstein, Hanson, Huang,
Hirschman, & Huang, 2010; Predmore, 2005). To
improve and maintain the quality of instruction and Jenkins, D. (2003). The potential of community
student outcomes in CTL classrooms, professional colleges as bridges to opportunity for the
development can help instructors to “clarify the learn- disadvantaged: Can it be achieved on a large
scale? Paper presented at the Seminar on Access
ing outcomes afforded by an integrated curriculum,”
and Equity, Community College Research Center,
reach greater understanding of how to develop CTL Teachers College, Columbia University.
content, and “teach in a contextualized manner”
(Baker et al., 2009, p. 20). National Council for Workforce Education (2010).
Breaking through: Contextualization toolkit
(Spring). Jobs for the Future.

• Ask questions of students. Instructors should try to anticipate the students’ view of which instructional approaches
work best. Instructors and their collaborators can participate in students’ classroom conversations in order to better
understand their problem-solving thought processes and to guide discussion as students create their own questions
and understandings (The Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1990; Predmore, 2005).

With the above recommendations in mind, instructors and their collaborators can create an environment in which stu-
dents can explore academic and CTE material through a contextualized approach.

CTL Resources
Career Ladders Project
Videos illustrating students’ experiences with and perspectives of CTL courses.

Contextualized Teaching and Learning Project
Instructional strategies for teaching basic skills in a context that is meaningful and relevant to students' lives, including
career preparation, community service and social justice.

CORD Contextualized Teaching and Learning Resources
Links and descriptions of CTL publications through the Center for Occupational Research and Development; publications
emphasize strategies that instructors can employ in CTL classrooms.

Downloadable sample curriculum maps embedding math into the following CTE courses: Agriculture, Automotive,
Business and Marketing, Health, and Information Technology. From the National Research Center for Career and
Technical Education.

Descriptions of CTL strategies and links to information about the relationship of CTL to workplace and community


Baker, E.L., Hope, L., & Karandjeff, K. (2009). Contextualized teaching and learning: A faculty primer. The RP Group Center for Student
Success. Retrieved from
Bond, L.P. (2004). Using contextual instruction to make abstract learning concrete. ACTE: Techniques. Retrieved from
Chernus, K., & Fowler, D. (2009). Integrating curriculum: Lessons for adult education from career and technical education. National Institute
for Literacy, Technical Assistance for Program Planning.
Finkelstein, N., Hanson, T., Huang, C.-W., Hirschman, B., & Huang, M. (2010). Effects of problem based economics on high school economics
instruction. (NCEE 2010-4002). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of
Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from
Jankowski, N.A., Kirby, C.L., Bragg, D.D., Taylor, J.L., & Oertle, K.M. (2009). Illinois’ career cluster model. Urbana-Champaign, IL:
OCCRL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Mazzeo, C. (2008). Supporting student success at California community colleges: A white paper. Prepared for the Bay Area Workforce Funding
Collaborative Career by the Career Ladders Project for California Community Colleges.
Medrich, E., Calderon, S., & Hoachlander, G. (2003). Contextual teaching and learning strategies in high schools: Developing a vision for
support and evaluation. In B. Brand (Ed.), Essentials of high school reform: New forms of assessment and contextual teaching and learning
(pp. 35–71). Washington, DC: American Youth Policy Forum.
National Council for Workforce Education (2010). Breaking through: The Breaking Through practice guide (Spring). Jobs for the Future.
Perin, D., & Hare, R. (2010, June). A contextualized reading-writing intervention for community college students (CCRC Brief No. 44). New
York, NY: Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Predmore, S.R. (2005). Putting it into context. ACTE: Techniques. Retrieved from
States’ Career Clusters Initiative. (2010). States’ Career Clusters. Retrieved from
Taylor, J.L., Kirby, C.L., Bragg, D.D., Oertle, K.M., Jankowski, N.A., & Khan, S.S. (2009, July). Illinois programs of study guide. Champaign,
IL: Office of Community College Research and Leadership, University of Illinois.
The Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt. (1990). Anchored instruction and its relationship to situated cognition. Educational
Researcher, 19(6), 2–10.

The authors would like to extend their thanks to several individuals whose comments and contributions made produc-
tion of this document possible. Our gratitude goes to Debra Bragg, Dora Welker, Scott Edgar, Norena Norton Badway,
Elaine Baker, Chris Mazzeo, Robert Mahlman, Linda Iliff, Cathy Kirby, and Jason Taylor. Thank you!

About the Authors

Stephanie Kalchik is a graduate research assistant for the Office of Community College Research and Leadership and
can be reached at

Kathleen Oertle is a post-doctoral researcher for the Office of Community College Research and Leadership and can
be reached at

CTL In Action
According to the Vocational Instructional Materials Laboratory (VIML, 1999), CTL lessons are designed with the expectation that students
will develop specific skills that employers seek, such as the ability to “initiate action on their own…assess problems and situations, anticipate
what might happen next, and continuously search for creative solutions” (VIML, 1999, p. 10).

A sample CTL lesson from the VIML consists of a scenario and guiding questions for students to read and follow:

You are among a team of architects hired to plan the revitalization of a deteriorating historic area in your community. In spite of a rich ethnic
history and residents who are committed to seeing the area thrive, the neighborhood is plagued by inadequate housing, abandoned buildings,
lack of transportation, crime, and declining businesses. The City Planning Commission is prepared to provide resources to encourage
economic development, recreation areas, and better housing. Create a design for the neighborhood and present your plans to the commission
for their approval.

Guiding Questions:

What alternative uses should be considered for the land to best meet the needs of the community and its citizens?

What historic and current economic, social, and environmental factors should be considered in the creation of the plan?

What data regarding the needs and concerns of citizens and businesses in the community would inform the design of the neighborhood? How
should this data [sic] be collected, analyzed, and presented?

The goal of the above VIML sample CTL lesson is to help students develop the following competencies, which combine academic and work-
related skills:
1. Solve problems and make decisions in work-related situations
2. Read for information and understanding
3. Use observation skills to analyze work-related situations
4. Apply mathematical processes
5. Apply measurement and spatial skills
6. Apply statistical analysis skills
7. Analyze critical data to guide work activities
8. Utilize scheduling techniques to ensure that jobs are completed by the stated due date
9. Demonstrate knowledge of the economy and how it functions as a whole
10. Demonstrate knowledge of the economy as a framework within which decisions are made by individuals and groups

Source: Core ITAC for Career-focused Education, The Center on Education and Training for Employment, The Ohio State University.
Copyright 1999. Used with permission.

The Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) was established in 1989 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign. Our primary mission is to provide research, leadership, and service and assist in improving the quality of education in the
Illinois Community College System. Projects of this office are supported by the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and the Il-
linois State Board of Education (ISBE), along with other state, federal, and private and not-for-profit organizations. The contents of our
publications do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of our sponsors or the University of Illinois. Comments or inquiries
about our publications are welcome and should be directed to This issue can be found on the web at: http://occrl.

This publication was prepared pursuant to a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education and printed by the Authority of the State of
Illinois, September, 2010 (ISBE Grant Agreement Number 11-472001-09-010-5450-51).

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

College of Education
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217-244-9390 . Fax: 217-244-0851

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