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Minerals Engineering: Daniel J. Lane, Nigel J. Cook, Stephen R. Grano, Kathy Ehrig

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Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121

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Selective leaching of penalty elements from copper concentrates: A

Daniel J. Lane a,b,⇑, Nigel J. Cook a,b, Stephen R. Grano a, Kathy Ehrig c
Institute for Minerals and Energy Resources, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia
School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia
BHP Billiton Olympic Dam, 55 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Custom copper smelters impose substantial financial penalties for the presence of deleterious impurity
Received 4 May 2016 elements in copper concentrates and can outright reject concentrates which contain impurity elements
Revised 30 July 2016 in concentrations that exceed specified values. Hence, there is strong motivation to remove penalised
Accepted 3 August 2016
impurity elements from copper concentrates at the mine site before shipping to custom smelters. A num-
ber of leach systems have been developed for the selective extraction of penalty elements from copper
concentrates, including: alkaline sulphide leaching (ASL); hypochlorite leaching; dilute sulphuric acid
leaching with aluminium sulphate; and combined pressure oxidation (POX) leaching with copper precip-
Copper concentrate
Penalty elements
itation leaching. This paper reviews these four systems with emphasis on the leaching behaviour of pen-
Selective leaching alty elements. ASL has previously been employed in industry for the selective extraction of As and Sb
Alkaline sulphide from tetrahedrite-rich copper concentrates. Sodium sulphide solution leaches As, Sb, and Hg from a large
Hypochlorite range of minerals, however, does not leach arsenopyrite, a mineral which often contains a significant por-
Radionuclides tion of the total As in copper concentrates. Hypochlorite leaching extracts As associated with enargite
minerals. This leach system benefits from superior rates of As extraction when compared with ASL,
and for this reason, has gained recent interest within the research community. Two major issues have
been identified with hypochlorite leaching of copper concentrates. These are poor reagent selectivity
towards As-bearing minerals and high levels of hypochlorite consumption. Unless these two issues are
resolved it is unlikely that hypochlorite leaching will be employed in commercial processes. Dilute sul-
phuric acid leaching with aluminium sulphate is used to extract F associated with fluorite. This leach sys-
tem also extracts F associated with apatite and chlorite. Laboratory-scale experiments and extensive
operating experience have indicated that fluorite can be substantially leached from copper concentrates
without addition of aluminium sulphate provided that the concentration of sulphuric acid in the leach
solution is sufficiently high (at least 40 g L1). POX/copper precipitation leach systems have potential
to extract a large number of penalty elements from copper sulphide concentrates while simultaneously
upgrading the concentration of copper in the concentrate. Two patented POX/copper precipitation leach
processes have been specifically developed for the deportment of penalty elements. These two processes
are reviewed in detail.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
2. Alkaline sulphide leaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
2.1. The Sunshine process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
2.2. The Equity process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
2.3. The Melt process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
3. Hypochlorite leaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4. Dilute sulphuric acid leaching with aluminium sulphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

⇑ Corresponding author at: Institute for Minerals and Energy Resources, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia.
E-mail address: (D.J. Lane).
0892-6875/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121 111

5. Pressure oxidation/copper precipitation leaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

5.1. The Cominco process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.2. The OMC process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

1. Introduction ment has imposed upper limits on several impurity elements in

copper concentrates imported into China (Fountain, 2013). These
Some deposits of copper ore contain deleterious impurity ele- limits are presented in Table 2. Impurity elements which have
ments which occur as inclusions, or are intimately intergrown with restrictions or incur financial penalties are collectively referred to
the economic copper minerals. Comminution and flotation pro- as ‘‘penalty elements”.
cesses do not always provide complete separation of these ele- Penalty element charges can largely influence the negotiated
ments from copper, and consequently, the impurity elements price for the sale of copper concentrate. In general, the price of cop-
often report to flotation concentrates during processing. The pres- per concentrate will depend on: the market price for London Metal
ence of certain impurity elements adds to the cost of copper con- Exchange (LME) Grade A copper cathode; the payable copper con-
centrate smelting and refining operations, can substantially tent in the concentrate; treatment and refining charges; credits for
reduce the market value, and in some cases, even prevent the valuable metals in the concentrate other than Cu (e.g., Au and Ag);
saleability of copper concentrates. and deductions for penalty elements (Hansen, 2013). The payable
Refining of copper concentrates at the mine site itself requires copper content depends on the grade of copper in the concentrate
significant capital. For this reason most producers of copper con- and is typically 95–97% of the contained copper content for con-
centrate will sell to large custom smelters instead (Fountain centrates with copper grades between 20 and 30 wt% (Hansen,
et al., 2008), despite the increased costs associated with transport. 2013; Söderström, 2008). Treatment and refining charges are
The majority of custom copper smelters are located in China, Japan, imposed to account for costs associated with smelting and refining
and Europe (Fountain, 2013). These smelters typically impose respectively. A typical treatment charge is US$45/dry metric tonne
financial penalties if certain impurity elements are present in the (DMT) of concentrate. A typical refining charge is 4.5US¢/lb of pay-
copper concentrate at concentrations which exceed stipulated lim- able copper (Söderström, 2008), which approximately equates to
its. Financial penalties imposed by a Japanese copper smelter are US$23/DMT of concentrate, for concentrate with a Cu grade of
shown in Table 1 for a range of deleterious impurity elements. 24 wt%. The average market price for LME grade A copper cath-
There is a general structure for the charging of penalties ode in June 2016 was US$4630/DMT (London Metal Exchange,
(Larouche, 2001). Below a certain concentration there is no charge At this price,
for the impurity element. This threshold value is referred to as the it is estimated that copper concentrate with a grade of 24 wt%,
‘‘no charge maximum” (NCM). An incremental charge applies for would sell for approximately $US990/DMT. Note that this estimate
impurity element concentrations above the NCM. Certain smelters does not take into account credits for payable metals and deduc-
may outright reject the copper concentrate if the concentration of tions for penalty elements. This value may be significantly reduced
an impurity element exceeds a certain value. The Chinese govern- once deductions have been made for penalty elements. For exam-
ple, if the concentrate contains 4 wt% As and 1 wt% Sb, a penalty of
US$140/DMT would be charged according to the penalty element
rates presented in Table 1. This deduction reduces the net value
Table 1
Penalty element charges imposed by a Japanese copper smelter. Data from Fountain
of the concentrate to $US850/DMT (14% reduction in price).
(2013). Penalty elements bear financial charges for a number of rea-
sons. Some penalty elements are detrimental to the environment
Element NCMa (wt% or ppm in feed) Penalty (US$/DMTb of concentrate)
and to human health when present in concentrations which are
As 0.2 wt% $2.50/0.1% above NCM greater than which they occur naturally. Arsenic, Cd, Hg, Pb, and
Bi 0.05 wt% $0.30/0.01% above NCM
Sb all fit this category (Alloway, 2013). These elements tend to
Cl 0.05 wt% $0.50/0.01% above NCM
F 330 ppm $0.10/10 ppm above NCM be highly volatile in thermal processes (Fountain, 2013;
Hg 10 ppm $0.20/1 ppm above NCM Larouche, 2001) and risk being emitted into the atmosphere during
Pb 1 wt% $1.50/1.0% above NCM smelting. Expensive off-gas cleaning measures (e.g., scrubbing for
Sb 0.1 wt% $0.50/0.01% above NCM
Hg and bag filters or electrostatic precipitators for As, Cd, Pb, and
Zn 3.0 wt% $1.50/1.0% above NCM
Ni + Co 0.5 wt% $0.30/0.1% above NCM
Sb) are needed to prevent their emission. Some penalty elements
cause equipment damage. The halogens, F and Cl, for example,
NCM = no charge maximum. are intimately connected with corrosion and fouling problems in
DMT = dry metric tonne.
smelters and in downstream gas cleaning systems (Fountain,
2013). High concentrations of Zn can reduce the recovery of copper
Table 2 in smelting processes by increasing slag viscosity (Fountain, 2013).
Upper concentration limits on penalty elements for importing copper concentrates Certain penalty elements are difficult to separate during smelting
into China (Fountain, 2013).
and refining and may be carried through to the final product. This
Penalty element Upper limit, % can have an adverse impact on the quality of the produced copper
Pb 6.0 cathode. International standards on the purity of copper cathodes
As 0.5 generally require the concentrations of penalty elements to be
F 0.1 below certain levels. Upper limits for impurity element concentra-
Cd 0.005
tions in LME Grade A copper cathode are presented in Table 3. It is
Hg 0.01
noted that the lowest limits are on the concentrations of Bi, Se, and
112 D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121

Table 3 Table 4
Impurity element limits for LME Grade A copper cathode (London Metal Exchange, Leach systems for the selective extraction of penalty elements from copper concentrates.
Leach system Penalty elements leached
Element Composition, % maximum
Alkaline sulphide leach As, Sb, Hg, Bib, Teb
Ag 0.0025 Hypochlorite leach As, Teb
As 0.0005a Dilute sulphuric acid leach with F
Bi 0.00020b aluminium sulphate
Cd –a POXa leach/copper precipitation Bi, Cd, Co, Ni, Pb, Te, Tl, Zn, 238
U, 230
Co –c leach 226
Ra, 210Pb, 210Po
Cr –a a
Fe 0.0010c POX = pressure oxidative.
Mn –a No leaching data was found for these elements.
Ni –c
P –a
Pb 0.0005 recovery of copper (Fountain, 2013). Safe disposal of the radioac-
S 0.0015d tivity enriched flue dusts can be both complex and expensive.
Sb 0.0004a
It is clear that there is strong motivation to remove penalty ele-
Se 0.00020b
Si –c ments from copper concentrates at the mine site before shipping to
Sn –c custom smelters. One way to achieve this is to selectively leach
Te 0.00020b penalty elements from the copper concentrate. A number of leach
Zn –c
systems have been developed for the selective leaching of penalty
Sum of elements listed 0.0065
elements (see Table 4), however, published literature on these sys-
(As + Cd + Cr + Mn + P + Sb) maximum 0.0015%. tems tends to focus on the leaching behaviour of just one penalty
(Bi + Se + Te) maximum 0.0003%, of which (Se + Te) maximum 0.00030%. element from one type of mineral (e.g., the leaching of Sb from
(Co + Fe + Ni + Si + Sn + Zn) maximum 0.0020%.
The sulphur content shall be determined on a cast table.
tetrahedrite), without considering the behaviour of other penalty
elements which may be simultaneously leached from the concen-
trate. This paper reviews the four leach systems listed in Table 4. It
Te. These elements are highly insoluble in copper and conse- was an aim of the paper to encompass the leaching behaviour of as
quently even small amounts of these elements make copper cath- many penalty elements for which literature is available.
ode brittle (Fountain, 2013). Bismuth can be particularly
problematic during electrorefining since it largely dissolves in
the electrolyte (Schlesinger et al., 2011). Dissolved Bi can co- 2. Alkaline sulphide leaching
deposit with Cu onto the cathode if present in the electrolyte in
high enough concentrations (Wang, 2004). Expensive control mea- Alkaline sulphide leaching (ASL) is highly selective and for this
sures (e.g., bleeding of electrolyte followed by electrowinning) are reason has been the main leach system employed for the extrac-
often required to prevent accumulation of Bi in the electrolyte tion of As and Sb from copper concentrates. The behaviour of As
(Wang, 2004; Wang et al., 2011). Se and Te are generally of lesser and Sb in ASL depends on the mineral speciation of these elements
concern during electrorefining since typically only a small fraction in the concentrate. Sodium sulphide (Na2S) is known to dissolve As
(2%) of these elements report to the electrolyte (the majority when As occurs in the following mineral forms: enargite (Cu3AsS4),
reports to the anode slimes) (Schlesinger et al., 2011). The low tol- tennantite [Cu10(Fe,Zn)2As4S13], realgar (a-As2S2), orpiment
erance for Bi in copper cathode and the need to prevent its accu- (As2S3), and arsenic trioxide (As2O3) (Anderson et al., 2014; Baláž
mulation in the electrolyte during electrorefining is reflected by and Achimovičová, 2006; Delfini et al., 2003). Similarly, sodium
the heavy penalty imposed for this element (Fountain, 2013; sulphide is known to dissolve Sb when Sb occurs in the following
Larouche, 2001; Zanetell, 2007). Larouche (2001) points out that mineral forms: tetrahedrite [Cu10(Fe,Zn)2Sb4S13], stibnite (Sb2S3),
the NCM for Bi is typically an order of magnitude lower than the and jamesonite (Pb4FeSb6S14) (Baláž, 2000b; Baláž and
NCMs for As and Sb, and two orders of magnitude lower than the Achimovičová, 2006; Baláž et al., 1998). The chemical reactions
NCM for Pb. which take place between sodium sulphide and these As- and
An important class of penalty elements which is not shown in Sb-bearing minerals are presented in Table 5. It can be seen that
Table 1 is the naturally occurring radionuclides. Copper ore depos- As and Sb are both converted to sodium thio-anions. A number
its with associated uranium, such as the Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag of studies (Baláž, 2000b; Dayton, 1982; Edwards, 1985; Filippou
deposit, South Australia (Ehrig et al., 2012), contain 238U decay ser- et al., 2007) have reported that sodium sulphide does not leach
ies radionuclides. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) As when As occurs in the form of arsenopyrite (FeAsS). The distri-
publishes internationally recognised safety protocols for the han- bution of arsenic between arsenopyrite and soluble forms is
dling of radioactive materials (IAEA, 2012). Copper concentrates thought to place an upper limit on the extraction of As in practical
containing 238U decay series radionuclides in secular equilibrium ASL systems (Edwards, 1985). More problematic are cases where
are exempt from regulation if the activity concentrations of 238U the penalty elements do not occur as discrete minerals, but rather
and each of its 13 radioactive daughters are less than 1 Bq g1. If incorporated, at concentrations of hundreds or thousands of parts
on the other hand, the activity concentrations of the individual per million into the lattice of common sulphides (e.g., Bi within
radionuclides exceed this threshold value then costly control mea- bornite or chalcocite group phases; Cook et al., 2011).
sures may be needed during shipping for radiation protection. The Many investigators have highlighted that sodium sulphide is
radionuclides can cause additional handling issues at the site of the also an effective lixivant for the extraction of Hg, however only a
smelter. During smelting the radionuclides partition themselves few studies (Anderson, 2003; Baláž et al., 1998; Baláž and
between the various product streams (i.e. matte, slag, flue dust, Dutková, 2009) present data. Baláž and Dutková (2009) reported
and off-gas) and can become enriched within a particular stream. only minor extraction (<10%) of Hg from a tetrahedrite-rich copper
Pb and 210Po for instance, are known to substantially concen- concentrate from Rožňava, Slovakia, in their mechano-chemical
trate in flue dusts (BHP Billiton, 2009; Schreck, 1999; Weiss leaching process, which involves integrated milling and ASL of
et al., 1997), particularly when the flue dusts are recycled for the concentrate within the same step (Baláž, 2000b). They attribu-
D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121 113

Table 5
Simplified chemical reactions which take place during ASL of copper concentrates.

Host mineral Reaction(s) Reference

As-bearing minerals
Enargite (Cu3AsS4) 2Cu3 AsS4 ðsÞ þ 3Na2 SðaqÞ ! 3Cu2 SðsÞ þ 2Na3 AsS4 ðaqÞ (1) Baláž and Achimovičová (2006)
Realgar (AsS) 2AsSðsÞ þ Na2 SðaqÞ ! Na2 As2 S3 ðaqÞ (2) (Delfini et al. (2003)
Orpiment (As2S3) As2 S3 ðsÞ þ Na2 SðaqÞ ! 2NaAsS2 ðaqÞ (3) (Anderson et al. (2014)
NaAsS2 ðaqÞ þ Na2 SðaqÞ ! Na3 AsS3 ðaqÞ (4) Anderson et al. (2014)
Arsenic trioxide (As2O3) As2 O3 ðsÞ þ 4Na2 SðaqÞ þ 3H2 O ! 2NaAsS2 ðaqÞ þ 6NaOHðaqÞ (5) Anderson et al. (2014)
NaAsS2 ðaqÞ þ Na2 SðaqÞ ! Na3 AsS3 ðaqÞ (6) Anderson et al. (2014)
Sb-bearing minerals
Tetrahedrite [Cu10(Fe,Zn)2Sb4S13] Cu12 Sb4 S13 ðsÞ þ 2Na2 SðaqÞ ! 5Cu2 SðsÞ þ 2CuSðsÞ þ 4NaSbS2 ðaqÞ (7) Awe et al. (2013)
NaSbS2 ðaqÞ þ Na2 SðaqÞ ! Na3 SbS3 ðaqÞ (8) Awe et al. (2013)
Stibnite (Sb2S3) Sb2 S3 ðsÞ þ 2Na2 SðaqÞ ! Na4 Sb2 S5 ðaqÞ (9) Baláž (2000b)
Sb2 S3 ðsÞ þ 2Na2 SðaqÞ ! 2Na3 SbS3 ðaqÞ (10) Baláž (2000b)
Jamesonite (Pb4FeSb6S14) FePb4 Sb6 S14 ðsÞ þ 3Na2 SðaqÞ ! FeSðsÞ þ 4PbSðsÞ þ 6NaSbS2 ðaqÞ (11) Baláž and Achimovičová (2006)
Hg-bearing minerals
Cinnabar (HgS) HgSðsÞ þ Na2 SðaqÞ ! Na2 ½HgS2 ðaqÞ (12) Baláž et al. (1998)

ted the low extraction of Hg to electrochemical effects caused by new species of copper sulphide such as Cu1.5S (Awe and
interactions between the iron balls used for milling and the process Sandström, 2010; Curreli et al., 2009).
feed (Baláž and Dutková, 2009). Mercury was substantially A number of ASL technologies have been developed for the
extracted (>90%) from the concentrate when the same leaching treatment of industrial copper concentrates. Three of the most
process was applied to the concentrate but without milling established technologies are: the Sunshine process, the Equity pro-
(Baláž and Dutková, 2009). This result is consistent with a separate cess, and the Melt process. These technologies are reviewed below.
study by Anderson (2003), who reported 95% extraction of Hg after
12 h of ASL. According to Anderson (2003) the Hg in the copper ore 2.1. The Sunshine process
deposit at Rožňava, Slovakia is associated with the copper sulphide
mineral, tetrahedrite. A number of elements, including Hg, are The longest standing industrial application of ASL was at the
stable in the crystal structure of tetrahedrite (King, 2001). The gen- Sunshine Mine in Idaho, USA. The Sunshine process is based on
eral chemical formula for tetrahedrite-tennantite type minerals is patented technology by Holmes (1943). It was designed to leach
A10B2C4, where A = Cu or Ag, B = Fe, Zn, Mn, Cd, Cu, or Hg, and Sb from a tetrahedrite-rich copper concentrate containing approx-
C = As, Sb, Bi, or Te (Awe, 2010; Hobson et al., 2006). Mercury imately 19 wt% Sb so that the Sb content was reduced to below
can also occur separately to Cu in copper concentrates such as in 1 wt%. The leach solution consisted of: elemental sulphur; sodium
the minerals cinnabar and metacinnabar (HgS) (Anderson, 2003). hydroxide; sodium carbonate; and an alkaline-sulphide-rich elec-
According to Baláž et al. (1998), Hg is leached from cinnabar trolyte solution, which was recycled from a downstream elec-
according to Reaction 12 (see Table 5). The product of this reaction, trowinning circuit used to recover Sb from the leach solution.
Na2[HgS2], is a complex salt that requires a base such as sodium Elemental sulphur was used as a reagent since it was in ready sup-
hydroxide (NaOH) to prevent its precipitation (Baláž et al., 1998). ply from a downstream silver refinery. The sulphur reacts with
Sodium hydroxide is added to most practical ASL processes in sodium hydroxide to form sodium sulphide, sodium polysulphide
order to prevent the hydrolysis of sodium sulphide to sodium (Na2Sx, where x = 2–5), and sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) accord-
hydrosulphide (NaHS), which is understood to inhibit the dissolu- ing to Reactions 13 and 14 (Anderson, 2012). Anderson and Krys
tion Sb (Anderson and Krys, 1993). (1993) reported results from an experimental investigation into
Anderson (2005) reported extractions for various metals after the influence of the initial concentrations of these species on the
leaching a range of As- and Sb-containing materials in an alkaline extraction of Sb in the Sunshine process. Increasing the concentra-
sulphide solution for 6 h at 105 °C. The leach media was prepared tion of sulphide from 75 to 150 g L1 enhanced both the rate and
by adding elemental sulphur and sodium hydroxide to water extent of leaching of Sb. Increasing the concentration of thiosul-
(100 g of S and 25 g of OH per litre). The added S reacts with phate from 0 to 100 g L1 also enhanced the rate and extent of
sodium hydroxide to form sodium sulphides (including Na2S) leaching of Sb. The rate of leaching of Sb decreased with increasing
and sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) (Anderson et al., 1991). Extrac- polysulphide concentration. The total extent of leaching reached a
tions of Sb and As were >95% for all materials tested. Gold was par- maximum when polysulphide accounted for 20% of the initial sul-
tially extracted from all materials, including an enargite-rich phide content in the leach solution. Increasing the proportion of
copper concentrate (14% extraction). Anderson (2016) proposed polysulphide above this value caused substantial reductions in
that the leaching of Au is a result of polysulphide oxidation and the extent of leaching of Sb.
sulphide complexation. Extractions were negligible (<1%) for the
following metals: Ag, Co, Cu, Cd, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Zn. It has been 4S0 ðsÞ þ 6NaOHðaqÞ ! 2Na2 SðaqÞ þ Na2 S2 O3 ðaqÞ þ 3H2 OðlÞ ð13Þ
reported that ASL is effective for the extraction of Bi (Ruiz et al.,
2013) and Te (Anderson et al., 2014), however, no data has been ðx  1ÞS0 þ Na2 SðaqÞ ! Na2 Sx ðaqÞ; where x ¼ 2  5 ð14Þ
found for these two elements.
In most studies on the ASL of copper concentrates (e.g., 2.2. The Equity process
Anderson, 2003; Torres, 2011) Cu is more or less completely
retained (>99%) in the solid leach residue. Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) Equity Silver Mines Ltd. developed their own ASL process in Bri-
has been shown to be inert in ASL systems (Awe and Sandström, tish Columbia, Canada, in order to leach Sb and As from a concen-
2010). The Cu associated with enargite, tennantite, and tetra- trate rich in Cu, Au, and Ag. The Equity process was initially
hedrite is predominately converted to covellite (CuS) and chal- operated to reduce the As and Sb contents in the concentrate from
cocite (Cu2S) (see Table 5), however, can also be transformed to around 7 wt% Sb and 4 wt% As to 0.3 wt% Sb and 1.5 wt% As
114 D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121

(Dayton, 1982). In-house tests on the Equity process showed a is an order of magnitude lower than the retention times in the Sun-
non-linear correlation between the extent of leaching of Sb and shine process and Equity process. This can be attributed to superior
reagent consumption (Edwards, 1985). According to Edwards leaching kinetics in the Melt process. Reagent consumption in the
(1985), reductions in the residual content of Sb below 0.5 wt% Sunshine process is lower than that in the Melt process. The differ-
required exponentially increasing amounts of reagent. The targets ence in reagent requirements is likely due to recycle of sulphide-
for Sb and As extraction were later relaxed to 0.8 wt% Sb and 2 wt% rich electrolyte solution (produced in an electrowinning circuit
As in order to reduce reagent consumption (Edwards, 1985). The used to recover Sb) in the Sunshine process.
potential for extraction of As in the Equity process was largely lim- The Sunshine process and Equity process are no longer used in
ited by the amount of insoluble arsenopyrite in the concentrate industry. The Melt process was only ever operated at pilot scale.
feed (Edwards, 1985). Sodium hydrosulphide and sodium hydrox- Indophil Resources NL recently reported the use of an ASL process
ide were used as reagents in the Equity process. Sodium hydrosul- to selectively extract As from a copper-gold concentrate in a pre-
phide reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium sulphide feasibility study on the mining of copper and gold at the Tampakan
according to Reaction 15. Attempts to recycle sodium sulphide mine in the Philippines (Indophil Resources NL, http://www.
from a downstream arsenic precipitation circuit were unsuccessful Details of this process were not released.
(Edwards, 1985). Instead, sodium sulphide was oxidised and crys-
tallised to form high purity sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) (Edwards,
1985, 1991) which was sold to paper mills (Filippou et al., 2007).
3. Hypochlorite leaching
NaHSðaqÞ þ NaOHðaqÞ ! Na2 SðaqÞ þ H2 OðlÞ ð15Þ
Hypochlorite leaching is another leach system developed for the
selective extraction of As from copper concentrates (Curreli et al.,
2.3. The Melt process 2005; Mihajlovic et al., 2007; Viñals et al., 2003). In most studies
hypochlorite leaching is carried out at atmospheric pressure, at rel-
The Melt (mechano-chemical leaching of tetrahedrites) process atively low temperatures (20–60 °C), and at alkaline pH (pH 12–
was developed at pilot scale in Krompachy, Slovakia, in order to 12.5). Sodium hydroxide is generally added to the leach solution
leach Sb and As from a tetrahedrite-rich copper concentrate from to maintain alkaline conditions (Viñals et al., 2003).
the Maria Rožňava Mine. In the Melt process milling of concentrate The majority of research on hypochlorite leaching of copper
particles and ASL are integrated into one step (Baláž, 2000b). Dur- concentrates has focused on the extraction of As from enargite-
ing milling crystal structures become temporarily disordered and group minerals (Mihajlovic et al., 2007; Musu et al., 2009; Viñals
are theoretically more susceptible to leaching (Baláž and et al., 2003), or from enargite-rich copper concentrates (Curreli
Achimovičová, 2006). These effects are not always stable and can et al., 2005; Mitovski et al., 2015). There is general consensus in
have short relaxation times (<10 s) (Baláž and Achimovičová, the literature that sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) reacts with enar-
2006). The concept behind mechano-chemical leaching is that gite according to Reaction 16. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning
leaching occurs immediately after milling, before the crystals have electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS)
time to relax from their disordered state (Baláž and Achimovičová, analyses of enargite leach residues have confirmed the formation
2006). Experiments have shown mechano-chemical leaching to of insoluble tenorite (CuO) (Curreli et al., 2005; Mihajlovic et al.,
substantially improve the kinetics of Sb and As leaching from 2007; Musu et al., 2009). Laboratory-scale experiments (Viñals
tetrahedrite-tennantite group minerals (Baláž, 2000a). Maximum et al., 2003) have shown high conversions of enargite (>95%)
extraction of Sb and As is achieved within 30–40 min in the Melt within less than 1 h of leaching at reaction temperatures in the
process (Baláž, 2000a). range 40–60 °C. In these experiments the concentrations of
The operating parameters used in the Sunshine process, Equity hypochlorite and hydroxide were maintained at 0.13 M and
process, and Melt process are compared in Table 6. All three pro- 0.03 M, respectively (Viñals et al., 2003). According to Curreli
cesses operate at atmospheric pressure and close to the boiling et al. (2005) the optimum pH for the extraction of As from enargite
temperature of the slurry. The residence time in the Melt process is 12.5. The rate of extraction of As is reduced at lower values of pH

Table 6
Summary of operating parameters used in ASL technologies.

Sunshine process Equity process Melt process

Ackerman et al. (1993), Dayton (1982), Edwards Baláž (2000b, 2003), Baláž and
Anderson et al. (1991) (1985, 1991) Achimovičová (2006), Baláž and
Dutková (2009)
Commercial (C)/pilot plant (PP) C (1940s–2001) C (1981–1994) PP (1990s)
Mode of operation Batch Batch Continuous
Production 20 tonne day1 90 tonne day1 0.5 tonne day1
Retention/residence time 8–12 h 8h 1h
Temperature 104 °C 107 °C 88–105 °C
Pressure Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric
Minerals in feed Tetrahedrite, pyrite, galena, bornite Tetrahedrite, tennantite, Tetrahedrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite,
chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, siderite, quartz
galena, arsenopyrite
Slurry density 200 g L1 Up to 600 g L1 300 g L1
Initial particle size 70% <200 mesh nda 60% <200 mesh
Reagent additions: Na2S: 100 g L1 (equivalent)b NaHSc Na2S: 300 g L1
NaOH: 15 g L1 NaOH: nd NaOH: 50 g L1
Na2CO3: 25 g L1
nd = no data.
Elemental sulphur is dissolved in NaOH to produce Na2S.
Addition of NaHS is adjusted according to the concentrations of Sb and As in the feed. The molar ratio of S2/(Sb + As) was set to 2.
D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121 115

(Curreli et al., 2005). At higher values of pH, sodium hypochlorite (1) Sodium hypochlorite has relatively poor selectivity for As.
rapidly decomposes (Curreli et al., 2005). Copper sulphide minerals which do not contain As, particu-
larly covellite, react to a significant extent during hypochlo-
rite leaching (Filippou et al., 2007; Mihajlovic et al., 2007).
2Cu3 AsS4 ðsÞ þ 35NaClOðaqÞ þ 22NaOHðaqÞ (2) High additions of hypochlorite (typically 250–740 g ClO per
! 6CuOðsÞ þ 2Na3 AsO4 ðaqÞ þ 8Na2 SO4 ðaqÞ þ 35NaClðaqÞ kg of concentrate (Filippou et al., 2007)) are needed for effec-
tive extraction of As. This may partially be attributed to the
þ 11H2 OðlÞ ð16Þ poor selectivity of hypochlorite for As but also to reaction
Studies which address hypochlorite leaching of penalty ele- stoichiometry. Complete conversion of one mole of enargite
ments from minerals other than enargite are scarce. According to requires 17.5 mol of sodium hypochlorite (see Reaction 16).
Filippou et al. (2007), As associated with realgar, orpiment, tennan-
tite, and luzonite (Cu3AsS4) are readily dissolved during hypochlo- 4. Dilute sulphuric acid leaching with aluminium sulphate
rite leaching. It has also been reported that Te associated with gold
tellurides is extracted (Filippou et al., 2007) and that Sb is not Fluorine is selectively extracted from metal ore concentrates by
extracted to any appreciable extent during hypochlorite leaching leaching with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) in the presence of aluminium
of copper concentrates (Ruiz et al., 2013), however no published sulphate (Al2(SO4)3). Jomoto and Hughes (1995) present a general
data has been found to support these claims. Mihajlovic et al. equation for this leach system (Reaction 17). According to these
(2007) studied the selectivity of hypochlorite leaching by individ- two authors and to Torrisi (2001), two soluble species of alu-
ually leaching the following copper sulphide minerals in a solution minium fluoride are formed, AlF2+ and AlF+2, as well as several spe-
containing 0.3 M of NaClO and 5 g L1 of NaOH: enargite, realgar, cies of aluminium fluoride which are either insoluble or are only
covellite, chalcocite, and chalcopyrite. Analysis of the leach resi- sparingly soluble, including AlF3, AlF 2 3
4 , AlF5, and AlF6. Leaching is
dues indicated that 99% of the enargite, 97% of the realgar, 32% typically carried out at atmospheric pressure and at ambient to
of the covellite, 5% of the chalcocite, and 16% of the chalcopyrite slightly elevated temperatures (60 °C).
had reacted. This result implies poor selectivity of hypochlorite

for As-bearing minerals. mineral  F þ Al $ mineral
When compared with ASL, hypochlorite leaching is typically n
þ ðAlFÞ ; where n is an integer ð17Þ
much faster. Rates of extraction of As in hypochlorite leaching pro-
cesses are generally an order of magnitude higher than rates of The role of sulphuric acid is to control the pH of the leach solu-
extraction of As in ASL processes. Nevertheless, hypochlorite leach- tion. The optimum pH for the extraction of F is thought to be some-
ing has been largely limited to laboratory-scale studies and unlike where between pH 3.0 and 4.3 (Jomoto and Hughes, 1995; Torrisi,
ASL, has not been employed on an industrial scale. Two key issues 2001). Below this range, fluoride ions react with hydrogen ions to
have been identified with the use of hypochlorite leaching for the form undissociated hydrogen fluoride, which reduces the availabil-
treatment of industrial copper concentrates: ity of fluoride ions for reaction with Al3+ and may slow the rate of

Fig. 1. Distribution of F between different mineral forms before and after leaching a zinc concentrate with dilute sulphuric acid and aluminium sulphate. All data from Torrisi
116 D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121

Table 7 absence of aluminium sulphate is greater than that needed in the

Operating parameters recommended for sulphuric acid leaching of flotation concen- presence of aluminium sulphate.
trates with aluminium sulphate. All data from Jomoto and Hughes (1995).
Dilute sulphuric acid is also an effective lixivant for the extrac-
Reagents Al2(SO4)3, H2SO4 tion of U. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Particle size 90% < 37 lm Organisation (CSIRO) studied the extraction of U in dilute sulphuric
Al:F ratio (molar) At least 1:1 acid from copper concentrates with two distinct types of copper
Solids density 20–60% mineralogy: bornite-chalcopyrite mineralogy (Ragozzini et al.,
pH 2.8–3.8
Oxidation redox potential 200 to +100 mV
1986); and chalcocite-bornite mineralogy (Ragozzini and
Temperature 25–60 °C Sparrow, 1987). Uraninite (UO2) was the principal U-bearing min-
Residence time 2h eral in both concentrates. High extractions of U (>90%) were
reported for both types of concentrate after leaching for 24 h at ini-
tial sulphuric acid concentrations above 40 g L1. The authors con-
cluded that the differences in copper mineralogy had little effect on
extraction of F from the concentrate (Jomoto and Hughes, 1995). the extraction of U.
Above this range, aluminium precipitates from solution as alu- The extraction of U in dilute sulphuric acid may reduce the level
minium hydroxide (Torrisi, 2001). of radioactivity (associated with the 238U decay series) in the
The zinc and lead concentrates produced at South32’s Canning- upgraded copper concentrate. In order to effectively remove
ton mine in Queensland are acid leached with aluminium sulphate radioactivity from copper concentrates only the moderate- to
at atmospheric pressure in order to remove F (Torrisi, 2001). Torrisi long-lived radionuclides in the 238U decay series (238U, 234U,
(2001) compared the distribution of F among the main F-bearing Th, 226Ra, 210Pb, and 210Po) need to be leached. The short-lived
minerals in the zinc concentrate with that in the leach residue. radionuclides with half-lives smaller than a few days (e.g., 234Pa)
The results from the analyses are presented in Fig. 1. The F in the will decay to negligible levels within a small period of time. Pub-
zinc concentrate was found to be associated with fluorite, apatite, lished literature on the behaviour of the moderate- to long-lived
and various silicate minerals including: talc, chlorite, and ferropy- radionuclides in copper concentrate leaching processes is scarce.
rosmalite. Fluorine associated with fluorite and apatite was more It may be that some radionuclides are located in the same sites
or less completely leached. Fluorine associated with chlorite was in the copper concentrate as the parent uranium and that these
partially leached. Fluorine associated with talc and ferropyros- species are extracted along with U during leaching. Fundamental
malite was insoluble. The majority of the residual F was associated research is needed to firstly understand the occurrence modes
with these two silicate minerals. (both spatial distribution and chemical bonding) of these radionu-
The zinc concentrate produced at Cannington is leached with an clides in copper concentrates, and then, to determine the partition-
Al:F ratio (molar) of 0.5–1.0 (Torrisi, 2001). This range is just above ing of these species between the different product streams in dilute
the theoretical minimum amount of Al needed for complete disso- sulphuric acid leaching processes, as well as in other selective
lution of F in fluorite, the main F-bearing mineral in the concen- leaching processes used to treat copper concentrates with high
trate (see Fig. 1). According to Torrisi (2001), the theoretical levels of radioactivity. In the case that the radionuclides are lea-
minimum Al:F ratio is 0.5. Maximum extraction of F from fluorite ched to different extents, concentrate shipping and handling pro-
is approached within 2 h of leaching in the Cannington process cedures may need to be revised since different regulations apply
(Torrisi, 2001). The kinetics of leaching of chlorite has not been for- for radioactive materials which are not in secular equilibrium.
mally investigated in the Cannington process. Bench-scale leaching
experiments by Tan et al. (2009) have indicated that chlorite is lea- 5. Pressure oxidation/copper precipitation leaching
ched by different mechanism to fluorite.
Although there are no known cases in industry where sulphuric There are a large number of patented processes (e.g., Collier
acid leaching with aluminium sulphate has been used for the treat- et al., 2004; Dunn and Bartsch, 2008; Dunn et al., 2014;
ment of copper concentrates, the process is considered suitable for McGauley et al., 1951; McKay and Parker, 1977) which are based
the selective extraction of F from copper concentrates according to on the combination of pressure oxidation (POX) leaching and cop-
international patent WO 95/01460 (Jomoto and Hughes, 1995). The per precipitation leaching of chalcopyrite-rich copper
operating parameters recommended in this patent are summarised concentrates.
in Table 7. POX leaching is used to remove gangue material (e.g., pyrite)
Copper concentrate produced at BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam but also to partially dissolve copper sulphide minerals, including
mine in South Australia is leached in dilute sulphuric acid without chalcopyrite. The dissolved copper plays an important role in cop-
addition of aluminium sulphate. Ragozzini et al. (1986) studied the per precipitation leaching. Chalcopyrite is generally refractory at
extraction of F in this process. The principal F-bearing mineral in ambient temperatures and at atmospheric pressure (Schlesinger
the copper ore deposit at Olympic Dam is fluorite (Reeve et al., et al., 2011). Elevated temperatures and pressures are needed to
1990). Fluorite enriched regions can contain as much as 1–2 wt% release copper from this mineral into solution. POX leaching is usu-
F (Reeve et al., 1990). High extractions of F (>90%) were reported ally carried out in sulphuric acid media (Abed, 1999) but can also
after leaching for 24 h at temperatures in the range 30–60 °C and be carried out in other acids such as HCl (Habashi and Toor,
with an initial sulphuric acid concentration in the range 40– 1979; Mizoguchi and Habashi, 1981). An oxygen-bearing gas
98 g L1. The extent of extraction of F decreased to around 15– (e.g., air) is generally used to create oxidising conditions but some-
20% when the initial concentration of sulphuric acid was reduced times a chemical oxidant (e.g., ferric iron) is used instead. The gen-
to 9.8 g L1. Importantly, leaching with dilute sulphuric acid eral equation for POX leaching of chalcopyrite in sulphuric acid
(<98 g L1) did not extract appreciable quantities of copper from media is shown below (Reaction 18) (Harvey and Yen, 1998). The
the concentrate. The results from this study demonstrate that flu- Cu and Fe in chalcopyrite are converted to soluble sulphates. The
orite can be effectively leached from copper concentrate without S is converted to elemental form.
addition of aluminium sulphate provided that the concentration
CuFeS2 ðsÞ þ 2H2 SO4 ðaqÞ þ O2 ðgÞ
of sulphuric acid is sufficiently high (above 40 g L1). It is noted
that the amount of sulphuric acid needed to extract F in the ! CuSO4 ðaqÞ þ FeSO4 ðaqÞ þ 2S0 ðsÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ ð18Þ
D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121 117

Copper precipitation leaching of Cu-Fe-sulphides involves the the reaction temperature and oxygen partial pressure significantly
exchange of Fe and S in the Cu-Fe-sulphide minerals for copper reduced the extraction of Zn. The influence of mineralogical com-
ions dissolved in the leach solution. During this exchange dissolved position on the extraction of Zn was studied by leaching concen-
copper ions are precipitated and Fe and some S are dissolved. The trate mixtures with varying proportions of sphalerite (0–100%),
exchange reactions are referred to as ‘‘metathesis reactions” and chalcopyrite (0–75%), pyrite (0–75%), and galena (0–75%). Pyrite
occur in both non-oxidising and reducing environments. Under additions up to 10% improved selectivity by increasing the extrac-
non-oxidising conditions bornite is converted to covellite and to tion of zinc and reducing the extraction of copper. The reduced
chalcocite according to Reaction 19 (Abed, 1999). Chalcopyrite is extraction of copper was attributed to the formation of ferrous sul-
converted to covellite according to Reaction 20 (Abed, 1999). The phate, which retards the dissolution of chalcopyrite. Pyrite addi-
formed covellite may further react to form digenite (Cu1.8S) accord- tions above 10% had the opposite effect on selectivity. The
ing to Reaction 21 (Abed, 1999). Similar reactions describe the con- increased dissolution of copper at pyrite additions above 10%
version of chalcopyrite to Fe- and S-depleted copper sulphides was attributed to the formation of high levels of free acid. The
under reducing conditions (Dreisinger and Abed, 2002; Hiskey addition of galena inhibited the extraction of Zn. According to
and Wadsworth, 1975). Chemical metathesis results in enrichment Harvey and Yen (1998), galena competes with sphalerite for oxy-
of copper in the concentrate by rejection of Fe and S from copper gen, and can therefore reduce the extent of oxidation of sphalerite
sulphide minerals as well as recovery of dissolved Cu (generated to soluble zinc sulphate. The formation of insoluble, zinc-bearing
during POX leaching) from the leach solution. plumbojarosites is also thought to account for the reduced extrac-
tion of zinc (Harvey and Yen, 1998).
Cu5 FeS4 ðsÞ þ CuSO4 ðaqÞ ! 2Cu2 SðsÞ þ 2CuSðsÞ þ FeSO4 ðaqÞ ð19Þ Anode slimes produced during the electrorefining of copper
often contain commercial quantities of Cu, Au, Ag, Se, and Te
(Cooper, 1990), and are sometimes subject to POX leaching in sul-
CuFeS2 ðsÞ þ CuSO4 ðaqÞ ! 2CuSðsÞ þ FeSO4 ðaqÞ ð20Þ phuric acid media in order to recover the Cu and Te. Former mining
company, Noranda Mines Ltd., claimed virtually complete extrac-
6CuSðsÞ þ 3CuSO4 ðaqÞ þ 4H2 OðlÞ tion of copper and at least 75% extraction of Te from anode slimes
in their POX process (Morrison, 1977). Newmont Mining also
! 5Cu1:8 SðsÞ þ 4H2 SO4 ðaqÞ ð21Þ
claimed substantial extraction of Cu, however, claimed a lower
POX/copper precipitation leaching processes tend to be opti- extraction for Te (30%) in their POX process (Yannopoulos and
mised for the enrichment of copper rather than for the deportment Borham, 1978).
of penalty elements. Many studies have focused on the behaviour There are two patented processes which deal specifically with
of Cu in both POX leaching (Dreisinger, 2006; Hackl et al., 1995; the deportment of penalty elements in combined POX/copper pre-
McDonald and Muir, 2007a, 2007b) and in copper precipitation cipitation leaching processes. One of these processes (McKay and
leaching (Bartlett, 1992; Dreisinger and Abed, 2002; Fuentes Parker, 1977) was patented by former mining company Cominco
et al., 2009a; Sequeira et al., 2008). Much less research has been Ltd. and the other (Dunn et al., 2014) by metallurgy consulting
done to understand the leaching behaviour of penalty elements company Orway Minerals Consultants (OMC). These two processes
in these processes. (hereafter referred to as the ‘‘Cominco process” and the ‘‘OMC pro-
Fuentes et al. (2009b) studied the influence of leaching temper- cess”) are reviewed below.
ature and concentration of Cu2+ ions on the extraction of ten pen-
alty elements (As, Bi, Cd, Hg, Mo, Pb, Sb, Te, Tl, Zn) during copper 5.1. The Cominco process
precipitation leaching of copper concentrates produced at the
Chuquicamata mine in Chile. Possible host sites for the penalty ele- The Cominco process was developed to separate Co, Ni, Zn, and
ments were enargite, sphalerite (ZnS), galena (PbS), and molybden- Pb from chalcopyrite-rich copper concentrates (McKay and Parker,
ite (MoS2). These minerals were identified in XRD, reflected-light 1977). Cobalt, Ni, and Zn are all dissolved in the Cominco process.
microscopy, and SEM/EDS analyses of the concentrate samples. Lead is not dissolved but is converted to a form (lead sulphate)
The following elements were substantially extracted (80%) at a which facilitates its separation from Cu by flotation. Leaching is
reaction temperature of 225 °C: Bi, Cd, Tl, and Zn. Extractions were carried out in two consecutive stages: POX leaching and then cop-
moderate (40–70%) for Pb and Te and were the lowest (20–40%) for per precipitation leaching. The products (both solid and liquid)
As, Hg, Mo, and Sb. Decreasing the reaction temperature signifi- from the copper precipitation leach are subject to differential flota-
cantly reduced extractions for all penalty elements over the range tion in order to separate the formed lead sulphate from copper
150–225 °C. The concentration of Cu2+ ions had negligible effect on sulphides.
the extraction of penalty elements over the range 1–85 g L1. A schematic of the Cominco process is shown in Fig. 2. Impure
Viñals et al. (2004) studied the dissolution of pure sphalerite in copper concentrate is fed to the POX reactor with sulphuric acid,
acidic solutions containing different concentrations of copper sul- copper sulphate (CuSO4), and an oxygen-bearing gas. Lead con-
phate. The concentration of soluble Cu2+ ions had minimal impact tained in galena reacts to form insoluble lead sulphate, presumably
on the rate of dissolution of Zn over the range 1–10 g L1. This find- according to Reaction 22 (Harvey and Yen, 1998). Cobalt, Ni, and Zn
ing is consistent with results reported by Fuentes et al. (2009b). which are present as sulphides are primarily converted to soluble
SEM/EDS analyses of partially reacted sphalerite particles revealed sulphates. Covellite, chalcocite, and bornite dissolve, forming sol-
the formation of an outer layer of copper-sulphide around a shrink- uble copper sulphate. Chalcopyrite dissolves only to a minor
ing core of sphalerite. Based on these results Viñals et al. (2004) extent. The concentration of free sulphuric acid is carefully con-
proposed that the rate of sphalerite dissolution during copper pre- trolled (10–70 g L1) in order to minimise the dissolution of chal-
cipitation leaching is controlled by diffusion of Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions copyrite. It is claimed that no more than 20% of the total Cu
through the layer of solid copper sulphide. reacts during POX leaching (McKay and Parker, 1977). A small por-
Harvey and Yen (1998) studied the extraction of zinc from arti- tion of the Cu, Zn, Fe, and Pb in the concentrate react to form insol-
ficial concentrate samples during POX leaching in sulphuric acid uble jarosites.
media. A high extraction (>90%) of Zn was reported from pure
sphalerite after 240 min of leaching at a reaction temperature of PbSðsÞ þ H2 SO4 ðaqÞ þ O2 ! PbSO4 ðsÞ þ S0 ðsÞ þ H2 OðlÞ ð22Þ
210 °C and at an oxygen partial pressure of 689 kPa. Lowering
118 D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121

Fig. 2. Simplified schematic of the Cominco process.

Fig. 3. Simplified schematic of the OMC process.

The products from the POX leach are fed directly to the copper 5.2. The OMC process
precipitation leach. Copper precipitation leaching is carried out at
a higher temperature than used in the POX leach, in an oxygen- The OMC process was developed for the removal of radionu-
free gas atmosphere, and at autogenous pressure. Insoluble jarosite clides from the 238U decay series, specifically 238U, 230Th, 226Ra,
compounds formed in the POX leach decompose. The lead and cop- Pb, and 210Po, from copper sulphide concentrates which contain
per associated with jarosites are converted to insoluble lead sul- export limiting levels of radioactivity. According to the inventors
phate and insoluble copper sulphides. Dissolved copper sulphate (Dunn et al., 2014), Co, Ni, and Zn are also removed in the OMC
reacts with part of the residual chalcopyrite to form insoluble cop- process, however, no claims are made regarding the deportment
per sulphides and aqueous ferrous sulphate (see Reactions 20 and of these elements. A simplified schematic of the OMC process is
21). These reactions lead to rejection of Fe from chalcopyrite and shown in Fig. 3. The impure copper concentrate is first fed to the
therefore result in an upgrade in the copper content of the concen- copper precipitation leach rather than to the POX leach. The pro-
trate. Virtually all of the copper is recovered (>99%) in the leach duct from the copper sulphate leach is separated by physical pro-
residue. The Co, Ni, and Zn remain dissolved in the leach medium. cesses (including, but not limited to sedimentation and filtration)
It is claimed that 85–95% of the total Co and Ni are extracted in into a predominately liquid phase stream and a concentrated
the Cominco process. No claims are made regarding the extraction slurry which contains the upgraded copper concentrate. An
of Zn. unspecified portion of the upgraded copper concentrate is washed
D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121 119

Table 8 Alkaline sulphide leaching (ASL) has previously been employed

Operating parameters specified for the Cominco process (McKay and Parker, 1977) in industry for the extraction of As and Sb from tetrahedrite-rich
and OMC process (Dunn et al., 2014). Simplified schematics of the Cominco process
and OMC process are provided in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively.
copper concentrates. This leach system is characterised by almost
complete recovery of Cu into the solid leach residues. Most
Cominco OMC process research into ASL has focused on the leaching behaviour of As
and Sb. A large number of As- and Sb-bearing minerals dissolve,
Feed properties including: enargite, tennantite, realgar, orpiment, arsenic trioxide,
Slurry density (g L1) 670 nsa
Feed particle size d90 < 44 lm ns
tetrahedrite, stibnite, and jamesonite. Arsenopyrite is highly insol-
Reagents: H2SO4: 10– H2SO4: 1– uble in ASL. The extent of extraction of As in industrial ASL pro-
70 g L1 50 g L1 cesses is limited to the distribution of As between arsenopyrite
CuSO4: 20– Cl: ns and soluble forms. Experimental investigations have shown ASL
80 g L1
to extract Hg associated with tetrahedrite-tennantite type miner-
Pressure oxidation (POX) leach als. Other penalty elements may also be extracted from copper
Temperature (°C) 90–115 140–180
concentrates during ASL, including Bi and Te, however further
Partial pressure of O2 (kPa) 689–1379 200–1000
Retention time (h) 1–5 0.25–6 research is needed to better understand the behaviour of these
Copper precipitation leach
Temperature (°C) 150–180 160–240 Arsenic associated with enargite minerals is extracted from
Total pressure (kPa) Autogenous 0.5–3.5 copper concentrates by leaching with sodium hypochlorite. The
Oxidising redox potential (mV, Ag/AgCl Non-oxidisingb 200–450 rate of As leaching is generally much higher in hypochlorite leach-
3.8 M KCl) ing processes than in ASL processes. The leaching characteristics of
Retention time (h) 1–5 0.5–8
penalty elements associated with minerals other than enargite
ns = not specified. during hypochlorite leaching are not well understood. Two main
Precise values are not specified. drawbacks have been identified with hypochlorite leaching of cop-
per concentrates: poor selectivity of the reagent for As (i.e. miner-
als which do not contain As also react to an appreciable extent) and
with freshwater and then recycled to the POX reactor. Controlled
high reagent consumption for effective extraction of As. Applica-
additions of sulphuric acid are made to the POX reactor so that
tions of hypochlorite leaching have so far been limited to
the free acid concentration is maintained within the range 1–
laboratory-scale studies.
50 g L1. The product from the POX reactor is fed directly into
Dilute sulphuric acid leaching with aluminium sulphate is used
the copper precipitation leach reactor without cooling. The
in industry for the extraction of F from zinc and lead concentrates.
oxidation-redox potential is controlled (200–450 mV, Ag/AgCl
Fluorine associated with fluorite, apatite, and chlorite is soluble in
3.8 M KCl) during copper precipitation leaching by limiting the
this leach system. Mineralogical analyses of leach residues indicate
feed of oxygen-bearing gas to the reactor or by adding small quan-
that F associated with talc and ferropyrosmalite is refractory. Lab-
tities of chemical oxidants. It is reported that the lixivant used in
oratory experiments and operating experience have shown that it
the copper precipitation leach contains chloride ions. It is not clear
is possible to selectively leach fluorite from copper concentrates
what role the chloride ions play in the copper precipitation leach or
without addition of aluminium sulphate to the leach medium, pro-
where and in what quantities the chloride ions are introduced to
vided that the concentration of sulphuric acid is sufficiently high
the process.
(at least 40 g L1).
It is claimed that there is above 90% extraction of U and Th, and
Leaching processes based on the combination of pressure oxida-
at least 30% extraction of Ra, Pb, and Po in the OMC process (Dunn
tion (POX) leaching and copper precipitation leaching have
et al., 2014). No claims are made regarding the recovery of Cu in
received a large amount of commercial interest. Such leach sys-
the OMC process other than that the product from the copper pre-
tems not only extract penalty elements from copper concentrates
cipitation leach contains no more than 50 g L1 of soluble copper.
but also result in significant upgrade in the copper content of the
The OMC process is more complex than the Cominco process in
concentrate by dissolving major gangue minerals and rejecting Fe
that it involves recycle of solids between the POX leach and copper
and S from Cu-Fe-sulphide minerals. Two POX/copper precipitation
precipitation leach. The operating parameters used in the OMC
leaching processes have been developed specifically for the deport-
process are compared with those used in the Cominco process in
ment of penalty elements from copper sulphide concentrates. One
Table 8. It is difficult to compare sulphuric acid consumption in
of these processes was patented by Cominco Ltd. and the other by
the two processes since such a broad range of acid additions (1–
Orway Mineral Consultants (OMC). In the Cominco process, Co, Ni,
50 g L1) has been specified for the OMC process. Copper sulphate
and Zn are leached from a chalcopyrite-rich copper concentrate.
solution is added to the Cominco process (20–80 g L1) but not to
Lead is not leached in the Cominco process but is converted to a
the OMC process. The reason for adding copper sulphate in the
form which facilitates its separation from copper sulphides in
Cominco process is to enhance the dissolution of Co and Ni during
flotation processes. In the OMC process, radionuclides from the
POX leaching. It is reported that the total extraction of these two 238
U decay series are leached from a copper sulphide concentrate
penalty elements increases from 70–85% to 85–95% with the addi-
which contains export limiting levels of radioactivity. High extrac-
tion of copper sulphate (McKay and Parker, 1977). The ranges of
tions are claimed for U and Th (minimum of 90%). Lower minimum
operating temperatures used in the OMC process are higher than
extractions (30%) are claimed for Ra, Pb, and Po. Other separation
those used in the Cominco process for both the POX and copper
techniques may be needed to reduce the activity concentrations
precipitation leach. Ranges of retention times specified for the
of 226Ra, 210Pb, and 210Po to acceptable levels.
OMC process and Cominco process are similar for both the POX
The performance of a given leach system, in terms of its ability
leach and the copper precipitation leach.
to selectively remove penalty elements from a copper concentrate,
is largely determined by the chemical and physical properties of
6. Conclusions the concentrate, especially the concentrations and mineral specia-
tion of the penalty elements. The feasibility of employing the
Several leach systems have been developed for the selective reviewed leach systems in commercial processes will ultimately
extraction of penalty elements from copper concentrates. depend not only on their performance but also on a number of
120 D.J. Lane et al. / Minerals Engineering 98 (2016) 110–121

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