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Hidrometallurgy Delta

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MlRL Report No.



Process Development
P. Dharma Rao, Editor

Mineral lndustry Research Laboratory

School of Mineral Industry University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-1180

August, 1988

MlRL Report No. 81



Process Development
P. Dharma Rao, Editor

Mineral Industry Research Laboratory School of Mineral Industry University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-1180

August, 1988
(Reprinted August, 1991)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction .............................................. 1 Hydrometallurgy of the Delta Sulfide Ores: First Stage Research, F. Letowski, K.T. Chou and P.D. Rao. ............................ 2 Hydrometallurgy of the Delta Sulfide O r e s :Second Stage Research, F. Letowski and P.D. Rao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Hydrometallurgy of the Delta Sulfide Ores: Third Stage Research, F.LetowskiandP.D.Rao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Ferric Chloride Leaching of the Delta Sulfide Ores and Gold Extraction from the Leaching Residue, H.K. Lin and P.D. Rao .................. 106 Engineering Study of Fast Hydrometallurgical Processes, F.Letowski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 1
Extensiveexploration has resulted in delineation of a massive sulfidedistrict on the north flank of the east-centralAlaska range. The district covers approximately 400 square miles and contains numerous stratiform, transposed and some replacement type sulfide occurrences ranging in size from less than one million tons to over 20 milltion tons within a thick sequence of rift related metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks comprising the Delta schist belt. Nerco Minerals Co. of Vancouver,Wa., controls a large block of claims, nearly 150square miles of land, in the Delta district. The base and precious metal bearing massive sulfides are hosted by Devonian Age metavolcanics. In 1984,Nerco Minerals Co. signed acooperativeagreementwith the University of Alaska to conduct hydrometallurgical research. The principal objective of the agreement was to conduct bench scale research to study the problems of leaching the sulfideore and the recovery of its valuable metals. Nerco has provided funding on an annualbasis. Information contained in this publication is a result of this research. Within the research program, complex sulfide ores are treated by ferric chloride leaching to dissolve zinc, lead, copper and silver. Leach residue is treated for gold recovery and the resulting leach liquor is directed to lead, copper, silver and zinc recovery steps. Lead chloride crystallization, solvent extractionand electrowinning of copper and zinc, and zinc powder i l l be applied to the metal recovery process. Thebarren solutionisregenerated cementation are the major technologies which w with chlorine gas produced in the electrowinning skp and the regenerated solution is circulated back to the leaching step to complete the solution circuit, The use of ferric sulfate leaching has also been investigated. This hydrometallurgy program is very important for Alaska for several reasons. 1. Alaska has numerous stratifom ores that are too finely disseminated to be amenable t o standard physical beneficiation methods. Sulfur in the ore is recovered as elemental sulfur, thus eliminating atmospheric pollution. 2. 3. Hydrometallurgy results in a final metal product for domestic use or export, rather than a sulfide concentrate. 4. Hydrometallurgy permits construction of smaller scale installations than are possible with pyrometallurgy. 5. Alaska i s blessed with numerous lode gold ores that would require cyanidation for gold recovery. Success of the hydrometallurgy program is attributable to the vision of Lawrence E. Heiner, President, Nerco Mineral Co., who is responsible for initiating and funding the program, and to Chancellor O'Rourke, who has signed cooperative agreements with Nerco with a strong commitment for continuation of the hydrometallurgy research program. Special appreciation is due Dr. Donald J. Cook for his support of the program. The execution of the program is done under the constant vigil and guidance of Mr. Barry Hoffmann, Vice President, Nerco Minerals Co.. Dr. Raymond Price has been most helpful in guiding our solvent extraction research, during our meeting at Fairbanks, as well as through regular dialog. The help of Mr. Dan Walsh in the mineral processing portion of the program and in editing manuscripts is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks are due Mrs, Cathy Farmer and Ms, Carol Wells for typing the manuscript.

Chapter 2
First Stage Research
F. Letowski. K.T. Chou and P.D. Rao

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction .................................................... Chemical Characteristics of Ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tests of Ore Leaching with Ferric Sulfate Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tests of Ore Leaching with Ferric Chloride Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tests of Leaching-Flotation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chloride kaching of Flotation Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SulfurRecovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GoldExuaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iron Oxidation by Oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SummaryResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Recommendation for Future Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conception of Hydrometallurgical Processing of Delta Ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preliminary Economic Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical Conception of the Delta Ore Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 4

8 16 19 27 31 31 33 34 35 36 42


This report presents the results of hydrometallurgical research carried out from September 16, 1985 to June 30,1986 on metals recovery from complex sulfide ores from the Delta deposit near Tok, Alaska. The leaching characteristics performed for 6 different ore samples indicate that the most valuable components form the following order: Zn > Au > Pb

> Ag > Cu > So. Further study demonstrates hat direct leaching of the ore is effective both in chloride as well as in sulfate
oxidizing solutions coupled with separating of leached solid components by flotation. Three variants of the ore processing with ferric chloride or ferric sulfate leaching are analyzed: one flowsheet with direct ore leaching in ferric chloride solution followed by leaching-flotation step, with subsequent zinc separation in a solvent extraction step and electrolysis in chloride solution; and two flowsheets of direct ore leaching with ferric sulfate solution followed by a leaching-flotation step, with zinc sulfate electrolysisand other metalsrecovery in chloride leaching steps. In two last flowsheets silver is recovered during the chlorideleaching steps and gold fromflotation products during the cyanide leaching. Preliminaryeconomic and technical evaluation is presented. The engineering study on apparatus for the fast leaching- flotation processing and on better accumulation of gold and silver in one semi-product are concluded for the next year of research.

2 . 1 'Introduction
Most nonconventional hydrometallurgical methods of the processing of complex sulfide ores are based on metals extraction from bulk flotation concentrates (2.11-2,111. The recovery of zinc, lead and copper by froth flotation, even as a relatively rich concentrate, presents today a rather routine problem. However, gold and silver, which are often associated with pyrite, can be rejected to tho tailings during flotation. If the value of the rejected precious metals is high, additional leaching of tailings for their recovery (Figure 2.1,a) must be applied [2.12,2,13].
Pyrltlc zn-Pb-Cu O r -

. )


Pyrltlc Zn-Pb-Cu 01.


- llqu~dlaollo

Figure 2.1. a) b)

Hydrometallurgy of complex sulfide ores (gold and sllver are associated with pyritlc matrix): Classical concept of hydrometallurgical processing of concentrate (example of chloride leaching) Leaching-Flotatlon processing of ore (example of sulfate leaching).

Just such a situation occurs with the pyritic deposit of complex saxde ores found near Tok. Alaska (2.141. The gold and silver are predominamly associated with pyrite and their recovery in flotation concentrate is very low. Because their loss is not acceptable from an economic point of view, another possibility for processing the ore has been studied by the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory (MJRL) of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. D u r i n g initial investigations, three possible scenarios of hydrometallurgical processing of the Delta sulfide ores were discussed:

Bulk flotation concentrate production and their hydrometallurgical treatment;

Direct hydrametallurgical treatment of ore; and Activation of pyrite by thermal shock and quasi-instantaneous leaching.



The conclusion of the preliminary analysis was that the second scenario is most favorable. Gold and silver remaining in solid residues after leaching of the Delta ores can be concentrated by flotation in a separate fraction. Such a flotation associated with leaching in the ferric sulfate solution [2.15] allows for:

selective extraction of zinc as soluble zinc sulfate;

separation of insoluble lead sulfate, formed during galena oxidation by femc sulfate solution, in the non-flotable fraction:

separation of other unreacted sulfides and sulfur in the flotable fraction; regeneration of the leaching agent under elevated oxygen pressure (30-120 psi) with simultaneous precipitation of iron excess in the form of goethite and its separation in the non-flotable fraction:

Extraction of zinc, the principal valuable component of the complex sulfide ores, with the simultaneous separation of lead sulfate during direct ore processing and possible accumulation of precious metals dispersed in sulfide matrix, will be probably advantageous if technical problems were resolved. A simplified sketch of such processing is shown in Figure 2.1,b. The possibility of separating by differential flotation valuable elements contained in residues after complex sulfide ore leaching, is also referred by Morin et al. [2.16]. Fuglebcrg et al. [2.17] describes the direct leaching and flotation of a black schist ore (Ni, Zn, Cu, Co sulfides) . Wakamatsu et al. [2.18] presents a study on complex sulfide concentrate leaching with 60% (vol.) sulfuric acid. This allows for a near total zinc dissolution (99% of recovery) while chalcopyrite remains at all in the solid residue. After filtration, the insoluble lead sulfate is separated from chalcopyrite by routine differential l . [2.19] presents a paper on oxidative leaching and flotation of nickelifenous pyrrhotite flotation. Also Mantsevich et a concentrates. None of these publications,nor any recently published paper addresses the application of a leaching-flotation process for recovering or concentrating precious metals.

During 1986, research initiated by MlRL to study the recovery of metals from the Delta sulfide ores has been comprised of the following tasks:
1 .

A study of the ore leaching kinetics with chloride and sulfate solutions. A laboratory study of the leaching-flotation process. An engineering study of an iron oxidation processes,
A general study of proposed process-flowsheets.



Results of the above research are presented in this report,

2.2 Chemical Characteristics of Ore

Six bulk samples of ore were collected fiom the Delta Massive Sulfide belt [2.14]. The concentration of metals and sulfur in the samples is presented in Table 2.1.

The chemical characteristic of the ore samples is presented in Table 2.2, It is based on metals and sulfur content and on reactivity of the ore samples during digestion in three different solutions:

aqua regia, at temp. 90-95C; sulhic acid. conc. lo%, at SO-90C; hydrochloric acid, conc. lo%, at 70-80C.

Because the ore samples are characterized with respect to their chemical reactivity only, the chemical symbols of substances do not necessarily correspond to their mineralogical formations and the quantitative characteristicspresented in Table 2.2 differ slightly from the mineralogical description of the ore samples presented previously in the Research Grant Proposal [2.20]. In the tests of chemical reactivity, 1-3 grams samples of ore were digested in aqua regia (conc. HNO,: conc. HCl as

Table 2.1. Elemental composition of Delta ore samples

Tod Sample No.

Descrip tion

Quant. Ibs

Zn %

Pb %








2 3

LPUpper . LPLower


6 . 6 3 7.34 0.16 7.50 2 . 6 8 8.63


0.38 0.40 0.80 1 . 3 5 1 . 5 0 1.18

3.48 2.61 0.75

92.7 102.9 8 . 1 118.8 34.5

0.56 0 . 9 1 0.02 6.99 0.73 0.02




0.06 7,30 1.20 0.08


DD South

47.33 41.58 25.03 27.52

DD N o r t h

226 160


43.07 41.73 44.20 31.07



Tabk 2 L Contents of sulfides and other components in the ore samples

Weight percent






CuFeS2 FeAsS



Insoluble Residue

Total I&iSed





1 . 5 4 1.97 38.5 2 . 3 6 23.01


1 . 1 0 1 . 1 6 2.31

1 . 2 2
1 . 9 7 0.03 15.14 1.58 0.03

55.86 56.11 47.93 32.75 56.20 11.50

4.52 3 . 7 1

0.35 0.74 0.03 4.35



92.92 93.57 94.0 84.67




10.94 3.45 0.34 0.07 11.18 8 . 4 2

13.52 4.79 4.67 1 . 7 6


1 . 9 1
0 . 4 4


4.33 3 . 4 1



1 . 3 9 0.10





1:3), 10-20gsamples i n 10%-sulfuric acid and log samples w e r e digested in 10% hydrochloric acid.

Only in the case of sample #3 (DDS) the balance of total iron is negative. 1.3% of iron is lacking for equilibrating its total concentration with concentration of copper as CuFeS,, arsenic as FeAsS and iron "soluble" in 10% HC1- identified as FeS.
In other samples an excess of 0.4 to 4.5% of iron was not equilibrated with sulfidic sulfur. This iron excess is arbitrarily identified as a non-sulfidic iron, probably in oxide or carbonate form (Table 2.2). Relatively high concentration of calcium probably from carbonaceous rock was found in sample #4 (TRIO) 4.35% Ca and #5 (DDN) - 6.10% Ca. The highest

percent of insoluble residue after aqua regia digestion was found in sample #1 (LPLJ) - 15.2% and #2 (LPL) - 13.52%. Mass balance of the identified components (last column in Table 2.2) range from at 84.7% for sample #4 (TRIO) to 98.8% for #5 (DDN). In the case of the sample #5, this is probably too large a value since when oxidized iron and total calcium occur as carbonates, the mass balance for the sample sums to 108.4%.

The loss of weight for the samples during the digestion tests in aqua regia, HC1 and %SO, solutions as well as during 4 hour-leaching in ferric chloride and ferricsulfate solutions is shown schematically in Figure 2.2. For the sample #1 (LPW and #2 (LF'L) the loss of weight is a function of the following order:
Aqua regia >> FeCl, > Fe,(SOJ, > HCl > %SO,

The higher dissolution of components in samples 3,5, and 6 in reductive (HCl) or nonoxidative R S O J than in oxidative (FeCl,, Fe,(SO,)J conditions can be explained by the high concentration of iron sulfideFeS in the ore samples. This sulfide is easy to decompose with the evolution of gaseous hydrogen sulfide (YS).

Sample #4 (TRIO) is characterized by a higher loss of weight in chloride solution than in sulfate solution. In the sulfate solution galena is transformed to insoluble lead sulfate and in the chloride solution total lead forms soluble chloridecomplex.
The metals extraction from the ore samples during leaching with sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, ferric chloride and fenic sulfate solutions presented in Table 2.3 is a supplementary iilusmtion of chemical properties of raw material.

Aqua Regia





of O r e




Figure 2.2.

Loss of weight of the ore samples during digestion in different solutions. Test conditions see Table 2.3.

Table 2 . 3 . Metal extraction from the ore samples by different solutions: 10% H2S04 at 80-90C; 10% HCl at 70-80C; Fq(SO4)3 1.2M at 90C;FeC13 1.8M at 90C
Extraction degree, % *)
. . . .. - -- -- --~

.. - - - --- -- ---

Metal Exmted













HC1 WC13

96.8 96.2

158.1 96.7

Total 92.2 1.1 3.0 37.7

56.9 62.6




11.9 37 45.5
39.9 33-0



HCl F~(s0413 FeC13

H2so4 HCl Fa(s0.413 FeC13

4.5 75 61.2

7.5 3.9 22 n.i.

1 . 2 34 1 5 . 5

118.9 77.8 54 80


3 . 0

6 . 1 5

1 . 5 2


47 n.i.


HCl FeC13





18.5 60

1 2 . 1

84.9 86.7


9 after 8h of digestion with excess of the solution n.i . not identified

2.3 Tests of Ore Leaching with Ferric Sulfate Solution

The following tests of ferric sulfate leaching were performed at laboratory scale:

a long-time, static-bed leaching test, of ore sample #1 (LPU), hction size 10-14mesh;
tests of zinc extraction horn different size fractions of ore sample #1 (LPU):
60 150 mesh 150 270 mesh 270 400 mesh 325 400 mesh < 400 mesh

a three-step leaching test of the 325-400 mesh fraction of ore sample #1 (LPU);

tests of zinc, copper and iron exWaction from the fraction 325-400 mesh of the six investigated ore samples.

The long-time leaching test in astatic bed condition was carried out in a glass column (24 inch height, 314 inch diameter) filled with 314.lg of ore sample #I, fraction 10-14 mesh. 4L of acidic ferric sulfate solution, initially containing 23.8 g/ L Fe in 7.5% H2S0, was continuously circulated upwards the column during 27 days, with average flow rate of 0.4-0.6 L/h. The temperature of the column was kept at 20-23C. Concentrations of zinc, copper, and iron were analyzed and pH was measured in 10 rnl samples of solution taken during the experiment. The results of the test are shown in Figure 2.3.
To determine the degree of transformation of galena PbS, to insoluble lead sulfate PbSO,, additional chloride leachng of the ore bed was performed after completing the 27 day sulfate leaching test 1.58 liter of leaching solution containing 240 g/L CaC1, and 1% HCI was used. The chloride leaching test was conducted during 24 hours in the same conditions of circulation as the sulfate leaching test. These results are also shown in Figure 2.3.

2 7 - D a y Ferrlc Sulfate Leaching


24-HOY1 Calcium Chloride Leaching


Figure 2.3.

Extractton of metals in the column-leaching test in ferric sulfate sulfuric acid solution and in calcium chloride h drochlorlc acid solution at temp. 20-22C; rn zinc, copper, A iron, A lead. (Other conHions in tne t e a ,

After both tests the bed of ore was washed in the column by water and the conceniration of metals found in the washwater was taken into account during mass balance calculations.
Other tests of leaching were carried out in a 1 liter Corning-glass reactor with a cover and other standard equipment under steady state hydrodynamic conditions (mixing) at constant temperature. Results of zinc extraction from different size fractions of sample #1 are shown in Figure 2.4 and specfic conditions of these leaching tests are collected in Table 2.4. The results of the 3-step leaching e x p r n e n t carried out on the fme fraction (325-400 mesh) of sample $1 are presented in Figure 2.5 and in Table 2.5.

The concentration of ferrous ions was calculated from a standardized Fe3+]/[Fe2+] = f(potentia1, mV) graph or calculated from the balance of sulfidic sulfur oxidation during leaching,
Results of the tests on metal extraction from the fine fractions (325-400 mesh) of the six investigated ore samples are presented in Figures 2.6-2.12.

1 5 0 - 2 7 0 mesh

Figure 2.4.

Effect of size fraction of the ore on zinc extraction. Ore sample #1 (LPU). Conditions of leaching see Table 2.4.

Table 2.4, Leaching conditions of different fractions of ore sample #1. Temperature 90QC, stirrer rotation 250-300 min-1. L o s s of weight of ore sample after 4 h of leaching is presented in the last column.

Size fraction of ore (mesh)

Initial solid/liquid ratio

---------------------------------~ e ~ ) Zn

Initial concentrationsl)

Loss of




Cu (g/L)




1) Conc. in solutions after regeneration under oxygen pressure (see p. 34) 2) Total iron concentration, with [ ~ e ~< +10% l of total iron

3 4 T i m e , hours

Figure 2.5.

Metals extraction during 3-step ferric sulfate leaching of the fine fraction of ore sample #1: zinc, tl copper, arsenic, A iron.


Table 2.5. Some conditions and results of 3-step leaching of the frne fraction (325-400 mesh)of sample #l. Kinetic of leaching and other conditions are shown in Fig. 25.


step of Leaching

Concentrations (g/L)

Extraction (70)

Loss of weight

F &
Initial* Final ~nitial* Final


24.1 40.5 24.1


Z n



5 12


4 0 . 7
79.2 77.0



1 4 . 6


1.18 1.20



3 d

~nitial* 129.6 Final 126






in 1% H2SO4 solution

Figure 2.6.

Ferric sulfate leaching of ore sample #I,; weight o f sample 30 g; solution 0.7L; initial concentratlon: Fe3+46.lglL, Fa2+25.3g/L, Zn 18.9g/L, Cu 0.45glS H,SO, 1%. Loss of the sample weight durlng leaching 17.07%.

311-400 moan Temp. 00.C


Figure 2.7.

Ferric sulfate leaching of ore sample #2; solid/liquld 50 g10.7 L; Initial concentration: Fe3*40.9g/Ly Fe2+26.7g/L, Zn 13.45g1Ly Cu 0.38g/L, H,SO, 1%. Loss of the sample weight during leaching 20.56%.


Temp. 00.C

Figure 2.8.

Ferric sulfate leaching of ore sample #3; solid/liquid r 50 g10.7 L; lnltial concentration: Fe3+46.0glL, Fe2+23.2g/L, Zn 13.56g/L, Cu 0.04gIL, H,SO, 1%. Loss of the sample weight during leaching 25.09%.

Figure 2.9.

Ferric sulfate leaching of ore sample #4; solidlllquid = 50 g10.7 L; initial concentration: Fe3* 20.2g/L, H,SO, 5%, Loss of the sample weight during leaching 40%.

Figure 2.10. Ferric sulfate leaching of ore sample #4; solid/llquid = SO gl0.7 L; initial concentration: Fe3*106.0g/L, Fez+30.4g/L1 Zn 16.72g/L,Cu 0.512g/L1 H,SO, ~0.5%. Loss of the sample weight during leaching 20.06%.

Figure 2.1 1. Ferric sulfate leaching of ore sample #5; solidlllquid = 50 gl0.7 L; Initial concentration: Fe3+99.2g/L, Fez+29.0g/L, Zn 15.9g/L, Cu 0.526g/L, H,SO, 1%. Loss of the sample weight during leaching 16.0%.

Figure 2.12. Ferric sulfate leaching of ore sample #6; &lid/liquld = 50 g10.7L; initial concentration: Fe3+113.8glL, Fe2+30.4g/L, Zn 16.6g/L, Cu 0.57g/L, H,SO, 1%. Loss of sample weight during leaching 34.8%.

Pure ferric sulfate solution in 5% sulfuric acid was applied as a leaching agent only in the tests carried out on sample
#4 (Figure 2.9). In other cases, the leaching tests were performed with solutions containing elevated concentration of zinc

sulfate and ferrous sulfate, and not higher than 1%concentration of sulfuric acid. The tests conducted with a low acid concentration are characterizedby a decreaseof copper extraction rate or by hydrolytic copper precipitationfrom the solution during the fist hour of leaching. At 90C this phenomenon is a function of iron concentration and pH of solution and occurs even when the copper concentration in solution is below 1 g/L (Figure 2.13).


Ferric sulfate leaching of ore sample #2. Effect of iron(lll) concentration and pH solution on copper extraction from 3 different size fractions of the ore at 90C. Solid/liquid = 50 g10.7L


Secondly,hydrolytic iron precipitation was observed during leaching of samples #5 and 6 with solution containing high concenttation of femc ions. Iron concentration in solution increases much more because of the fast decomposition of iron sulfide FeS (Figures 2.1 1 and 2.12). Another cause of iron precipitation during the leaching of sample #4 might be its high arsenopyrite - FeAsS concentration (Figures 2,9 and 2.10), Arsenates of iron(I1) and iron(II1) can be easily precipitated from low acidily solutions (Figure 2.10). In the case of sample #3, high concentration of iron sulfide FeS (see Table 2.2), caused fast and total reduction of ferric sulfate long befom leaching was completed. Under the test conditions (Figure 2.9) only fifty percent of the FeS was decomposed due to the lack of leaching agent

2.4 Tests of Ore Leaching with Ferric Chloride Solution

The leaching of complex sulfide ores with ferric chloride solution leads to dissolution of lead together with zinc and copper.
Ferric chloride leaching tests were conducted in a 1 L Corning-glass reactor under the same operational conditions as for sulfate leaching. D u r i n g some initial experiments the temperature was kept at 80C.
The high concentration of chloride ions necessary to keep the extracted metals in soluble form, w a s achieved by calcium chloride and magnesium chloride addition. Total chlaride ions concentration supplied from these sources was 2.54 moll L. The leaching tests were performed on the size fraction of 140-270 mesh of the six ore samples (Figures 2.14-2.19).

Metals extraction and loss of weight of the samples after 4 hours of leaching is compared in Table 2.6.
Two stage leaching tests were performed on sample#1 and 2 (Figures 2.14 and 2.15). Results indicate that prolongation of leaching time for an extra 2-4 hours raises the yield of metals extraction.

Figure 2.14. 2-stage ferric chloride leaching of ore sample #l; solidlliquld = 75 g10.6L (1st stage) and 56.5 gl0.6L (2nd stage); initial concentrations: [CaCI,] = 58glLy[MgCI,] r 79glL, [HCI] = 0.4g/L, [Fe3*]= 99.8gIL (1st stage) and 64glL (2nd stage).

Figure 2.15. 2-stage ferric chloride leaching of ore sample #2; solldlliquid = 55 gl0.6L (1st stage) and 42 g10.6L (2nd stage); initial concentrations: [CaCI,] = 58g/L, [MgCI,] = 79glL, [HCI] = O.4g/L, [Fe3+]= 64glL.

Figure 2.16. Ferric chloride leaching of ore sample #3;solidl llquid = SO g10.64 L; initial concentrations: [CaCI2]=58g/L, [MgCI,]=79g/L, [Fe3+]=90g/L,[HCI] = 4glL .

Figure 2.17. Ferric chloride leaching of ore sample W;solld/ liquid = 50 g10.6 L; initial concentrations: [CaC12]=58glL, [MgC12]=79glL, [Fe3+]=90glL,[HCI] = 4g/L

Figure 2.18. Ferric chloride leaching of ore sample #!i;solidl liquid = SO gIO.6 L; initial concentrations: [CaC12]=58g/L, [MgCI,]=79g/L, [Fe3*]=90glL,[HCI] = 4g/L .

Figure 2.19. Ferric chloride leaching of ore sample #6;solid/ liquid = 20 gl0.6 L; initial concentrations: [CaC12]=58g/L, [MgC12]=79g/L,[Fe3+]=94g/L,[HCI] = 4glL

Table 26. Metals extraction and loss of the samples weight after 4 hours of leaching. Fraction 140-270 meh. Other conditions: see Figures 2.14-2.19.


Metals E x a t i o n (%)

Loss of

1 . 5 2


96.19 96.70

61.16 80.00



- I2u1)


#2 - LPL~)

-9.g2) 7.6 0 . 0

8 8 . 7 5

83.16 60.00 24.19 86.67 75.00


#3 - DDS

97.01 100.00 96.88

41.20 1 5 . 7 0 46.80

- TRIO #5 - DDN #6 - DDN

1 5 . 5 0 45,47 28.26

85.07 74.32


1) All results after Zstep leaching 2) Percent of iron precipitated born solution as an excess in relation to the initial content of iron in the ore sample

The results of lead extraction from sample #3 differ from that in other cases (Figure 2.16). This anomalous course of leaching is difficult to explain. The most probably reason is that the detection level during lead analysis by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) technique is below the low Pb concentration in the sample (see Table 2.1). Iron extractionis very low or somepart of iron precipitates from solutiofl at low acid concentration (Table 2.6). However, when pH 5 0,iron dissolved from the solid sample remains in solution. Such a situation characterizes the test with sample #6, when hydrochloric acid concenmtion was 14 gR.HCl and about 80% of total iron in sample occurs as "soluble" FeS. Silver extraction is high. It fluctuates from 24% (sample #4) to 83-87%for the samples #1,2 and 5 (Table 2.6). Some regularity with copper extraction is observed.

2.5 Test. of the Leaching-Flotation Process

The leaching-flotation tests were carried out on sample #1 (LPU)and #4 ( ' I R I O ) .Several characteristicsof the samples were described in Section 22. The quantitative compositions of the samples werepresented in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 and the leachability of the samples in ferric sulfate solution is described i n Section 2.3.
The leaching-flotation tests were conducted i n the same typical laboratory Pyrex-glass reactors (volume 1 or 2L) as were used in the leaching tests (see Sections 2.3 and 2.4).

The leaching tests were easy to shift into the leaching-flotation tests by introducing air or oxygen into the reactor and dispersing it in leaching suspension. The laboratory reactor equipped for the leaching-flotation tests is presented schematically in Figure 2.20.

The froth of the flotable fraction of solids was transported through glass tube-connector to the next step-reactor or was collected in a Biichner funnel, filtered and prepared for analysis. The non-flotable fraction was retained in the form of suspension in the lower part of the reactor or sedimented at thereactor bottom. This fraction could be transported to another reactor using a peristaltic pump. The simplified flowsheet of a 3-step leaching-flotation tests is shown in Figure 2.21.

Pulp of O r e Non-Flotnble



Figure 2.20. Laboratory reactor for leaching-flotation tests: 1. Glass reactor 2. Heater 3. Stirrer 4. Gas dispersion tube (medium porosity) 5. Outlet of foam (flotable fraction) 6. Outlet of non-flotable fraction 7. Inlet of ore pulp

In these experiments the pulp of ore in the leaching solution was transported continuously to the first reacror. From the 1st reactor only flotable fraction was transported in a froth flow formed by dispersed in solution oxygen, to the second reactor and afterwards in the same manner fiom second to the third reactor. At the same time, the non-flotable fraction was transported as a suspension in the leaching solution from the third reactor to the second and subsequently to the first reactor by means of peristaltic pumps.
Three leaching-flotation (L-F) tests were carried out w i t h ore sample #1 (LPU) and two w i t h ore sample #4 (TRIO), The lst, 2nd and 5th L-Ftest followed the initial sulfate leaching step (Figure 2.22). The 3rd and 4th L-F tests were followed
Comolmx lultldm Or-



Hon-''ot'8k Fraatlon



-Clotatlon I

Pl0tObh - F l o t a t i o n II


- P l o t a t l o n Ill

Flotmblv Ftlctlon

Figure 2.21. Simplified flowsheet of 3-step leaching-flotatlon test.

L C L C ~ ~ ~ O




Fsrrous Sultaie o~iaatlon

Figure 2.22. Arrangement of the lst, 2nd and 5th L-F tests. Leaching-flotation steps follow initial sulfate leaching step.

by sulfate leaching of the flotable fractions and by chloride leaching of the nonflotable fractions (Figure 2.23).
General conditions of the leaching-flotation tests are presented in Table 2.7. The 1st and 5th experiments were performed with small solid samples in the one, 1L volume unit (Figure 2.20). The flotation products were cleaned in additional flotation steps, according to schematic flowsheet shown in Figure 2.24. The intermediary fractions were collected together as a "MIXED" fraction.

Results and other conditions of the tests are summarized in Tables 2.8 and 2.9.

The direct,leaching-flotation treatment of the ore was applied in the 3rd and 4th experiments. During the 2-hour 3rd experiment, 79% of the zinc and 33.5% of the copper were extracted from the ore sample #1 to the solution and 77.5% of the lead was found in the nonflotable fraction. The copper remaining in solid phase was collected in the flotable fraction together with 82%of the total iron, 90% of the silver and 96.6% of the elemental sulfur.

Laaching Solution with Fa,(80,),




Figure 2.23. Arrangement of the 3rd and 4th L-F test. Sulfate leaching follows leaching-flotation step.

Figure 2.24. Scheme of the leaching-flotation batch experiments.

Table 2.7,

General conditions of the leaching-flotation (L-F) tests in ferric sulfate solution at 90C


w (TRIO)



Initial weight of =ple(g)

Sample weight before L-Sstep*) (g)

Size fraction (mesh)




T o t a l volume of
solution (L)

Initial concentration (I&&) and pH in solution

Z n

Time of experiment

20 rnin

1 hr

1 hr

30 min


Calculated;only 500 g of solid was directed to L-Sstep horn 712 g of the total sample weight before leaching (seer e m a r k : 5).
See remark 5



0.5 L of solution i0.3 L of wash water 1.0 L of solution 4 . 8 L of wash water A - according to scheme in Fig. 2.22 B - according to scheme in Fig. 2.23 1 - bath process, according to Fig. 2.24 2 - 3-step continuous process, according to Fig. 2.21


Table 2.8. Leaching-flotation tests of sample #I (LPU):

a) Mass distribution and metal concentrations in the flotation fractions and leach solution
Fraction dishbution (46) 100 9.8

-------------------------------------------------Z i n c
1.02 0.25

Concenuation (%)I) Iron 35.65 3.12


Copper 0.21 0.12

~ u l f d ) Silver 4.3 1.61 106pprn 138ppm 45ppm 106ppm

Gold 3.42ppm 0.17ppm

Y) '
( 3

Raw ~aterial3) Non notable Fraction (NF) MixedFraction

3.23 18.55



F ) Fraction (



50.50 From 54.6 to 59.5 gfL





From 4.80 11.6~) to 6.11 gR.


2 Solution m

. _

From 14 12.06~) to 35 g/L

From 760

1270 mgR.

b) Metals partitionamong flotation fractions and solution (%).

Non Flotable Fmction (NF) Mixed Fraction



0.3 1.4 48.1


0.8 2.7 96.5




49.6 0.3

" x

Florable Fraction (F)


1.6 84.2



. +

1 Solution
I) 2) 3) 4)




Recious metals concentration is expressed in ppm. Elemental sulfur After sulfate leaching before L-Fstep (setTable 2.7 - Experimenral arrangement case A) Loss of sample weight during L-F process 5) Metal extraction in the L-F step only(%)/cummulativeexuaction after L+Fstep (sulfate leaching and L- F step(%)) 6) Cummulative exuaction s 102.8% excess in relation t o the initial content of 7) Iron precipitation Erom solution during L-F step, a iron in the raw material rd Notdelennmd

Table 2.9. Leaching flotation test of sample #4 (TRIO)

a) Mass distribution and metal concentrations in the flotation fractions and leach ~olution
Fraction Disaibution, % 100 60.9 1.5 37.5

-----Zinc Lead 7.50 7.3 4.04 8.9 5 . 1 4 11.6 9.8 3.1 From 5.2 to -

Concentration (%) Copper 1.35 0.5

---- --- - - - - ---------- ---Iron 25.0 27.7 2 2 . 3 40.2

Conc. (ppm)


~ u l f d - ) Silver

3.98 3.04


rd nd nd


soiution Raw



0 . 6 2.7 From 0.19


118.8 55.5 96,5 . 232



n3 100

r d
31.4 0.16 rd rd 3.7 gn*

5.8 gn
0.03 12.83

7.3 0.5 (3.2) 18.4

207.3 (167.4) 127.6 4.0 5.3

0.29 g/L

Ei 'E1 NF

0.04 rd 0.46 0.07

g M

wXF 5 Solution
I n

23.12 12.74 51.91 12.214)

nd 2.5

nd rd

r x l
1.18 1.26


b) Metals partition among flotation fractions and solution (in weight percent)

5 F


55.0 7.9

83.7 2.7 18.1 -

24.0 0.8 83.8 6.9

52.9 1.0 47.3


rd rd nd

32.1 1.4 82.9 23.0 10.2 31.8




5 ~n


0.6 65.48 ( 6 . (21.29) 36.1 13.23 56.7192.75) -

0.5 0.11 (4.9) rd 13.3 x i 81.3~) 8.4

1.1 (4.1) 94.8

rd IKI



Notes 2-6 as in Table 2.8 Values in paranthesis are balanced to 100% NF - Non Flotable Eraction; M - Intermediate (Mixte) fraction; F - Flotable fraction; nd - not determined

R e s u l t s of the 4th experiment, conducted with sample #4, was significantly different. Extraction of zinc and copper during the L-F process was very low - 7.9% for zinc and 6.9% for copper. Relatively high accumulation of copper and silver, higher than 80%, was found in the flotable fraction. Lead remained predominantly in the non-flotable fraction.
Other L-Fexperiments were preceded by the sulfate leaching step. Because acceptable zinc extraction requires several hours of leaching, the continuous and simultaneous action of much faster flotation is troublesome. The continuous flotation causes too fast removal of nomeacted sulfides from the reactive medium. This is exactly the reason that in the lst, 2nd and 5th experiment, the L-F process followed the 2-4 hour sulfate leaching step, without simultaneous flotation. In the 1st and 2nd experiment, total zinc extraction w a s about 96%, while copper 50.7% and 84.1% respectively. As in previous experiments, the "nonsoluble copper" was easy to concentrate in the florable fraction and lead in the nonflotable fraction. The result from the 1st experiment, where partition of lead between principal fractions was equilibrated, is exceptional. The

5th L-Fexperiment was also proceeded by sulfate leaching and the resulting distribution of zinc, lead, copper and sulfur were similar to those of other L-Fexperiments.

The partitioning of silver and gold was not uniform over all experiments. Silver was concentrated in the flotable fraction as well as in the nonflotable fraction. Nor was any regularity of gold distribution observed. Perhaps this irregularity is caused by the limited accuracy in analyzing for the low concentration of silver and gold. The mass balances of silver and gold based on G A S analyses and presented in Tables 2.8 and 2.9 show an excess of about 15%of these metals in comparison to their concentration in the ore samples. In order to explain the cause of this behavior exhibited by silver and gold, additional L-Ftests, as well as sulfate or chloride leaching tests, were performed on the separated "bulk" fractions after the 1st and 4th L-F experiments. Precious metals distributions over these multistage leaching-flotation tests are presented in Figures 2.25 and 2.26.
Based on these results it is dX~cult to state the best conditions for the concentration of precious metals and for their accumulation into one product of the leaching-flotation process. One valuable observation is that silver is accumulated in the flotable fraction rather than in the "heavy" nonflotable fraction, which contains the nonflotable portion of pyrite. Additional sulfateleaching tests carried out with the flotable &tion of sample#land with the nonflotablefraction of sample #4, after the L-F step, are described in Chapter 2.6.

The flotable fraction from the 3rd experiment (Tables 2.7 and 2.8) was leached with the solution f r o m the L-F step. after the solution had been regenerated under elevated oxygen pfessure.The resulting zinc and copper extractions are

F NF 19.84 g AB roo. P P (14.2%)' ~ AU 0.17 ppm ( 6 . 6 % )

~g 306. P P (83.7%) ~ AU 4.09 ppm (99.5%)

Figure 2.25. Multistage leaching-flotation test. Precious metals concentration and partition in the flotation products. Other metals distribution in 1st L-F step see 1st experiment in Table 2.8.

presented together in Figure 2.27, along w i t h those of the preceding L-F process, described earlier. 80% of zinc and 45% of copper were extracted after two hours of the L-F process. After four additional hours of leaching with the regenerated solution, total zinc recovery reached 96% and copper 577%.After an additional four hours, 99% of zinc and 65% of copper were recovered. A strong acceleration of zinc extraction can be achieved during leachingunder oxygen pressure. Results of such leaching following the L-F process are also indicated in Figure 2.27 by the dashed lines. After two hours 98.5% of total zinc and 64% of total copper were recovered.
Ore Sample

Flgure 2.26. Multistage leaching-flotation test. Silver and gold concentrations (ppm) and distribution (%). Mher metal distribution in 1st L-F step sea 4th experiment in Table 2.9.

Time, hours

Figure 2.27.

Zinc and copper extraction during Ieachlng-flotation and leaching tests. Dashed Ilne: pressure
leaching test (other conditions see text and Tables 2.7 and 2.8).

The nonflotable fraction from the 4th experiment (Tables 2.7 and 2,9) was leached with 20% sulfuric acid. The reason this leaching test was conducted was because a secondary precipitation of solution components was observed during one of the sulfate leaching tests (Figure 2.10). Since during L-F processing the same phenomenon can occur, it was of interest to determine the composition of the nonflotable fraction. Results of the sulfuric acid leaching are presented in Figure 2.28 together with results of the chloride leaching that followed.
In consequence, 88%of the solid sample was dissolved during two leachings; 75.5%during sulfate leaching and 12.5% during chloride leaching. Analysis of the results indicate that the "white" nonflotable fraction (Figure 2.28) was composed of basic sulfatesof iron(III), zinc and copper, =senates of calcium, iron(I1) and iron(III), lead sulfate,calcium sulfatehydrate (gypsum) and nonsoluble gangue minerals. Zinc, copper and lead were totally extracted into solution. 87% of the iron and 10%of the arsenic were extracted. During the calcium chloride leaching about 50% of silver was extracted to solution

t m (Figure 2.28).

T i m e , min Figure 2.28. Metal extraction from "white" non-flotable fraction during sulfate and chloride leachlng tests. Ore sample #4 (TRIO) after 4th L-F experiment. Solid/liquld = 40gI0.7L. Initial contents of metals in solid: Zn 0.4%, Pb 9.7%, Cu 0.1%, Fe 22.4%, As 6.3%, Ca 5.7%, Ag 28 ppm, Au 2.9 ppm.

2.6 Chloride Leaching of Flotation Products

Non-Flotable Fractions Nonoxidative chloride leaching was applied for lead extraction from the nonflotablefractionsproduced in L-F process. Lead sulfate is easily dissolved in concentrated solution of soluble chlorides (ACl,, CaC1, MgCJ. NaCl, K C I ) . Dissolution of galena PbS requires acidic or oxidative conditions. Where a calcium chloride is applied the concentration of sulfate ions in the solution is controlled by crystallization of scarcely soluble gypsum CaSO;2yO:

Lead extraction, by calcium chloride solution, from the "white" and the "heavy" nonflotable fractions is presented in Figure 2.29. Both fractions were separated from the bulk nonflorable fraction obtained from sample #1 during the 3rd LF experiment (Table 2.8 and Figure 2.25), Reaction (2,4) is very fast and after a few minutes more than 99% of the lead was extracted from the "white" fraction. Extraction of lead from the "heavy" fraction was slower, Finally, after 2 hours of leaching, it was completed with high recovery of lead.

The chloride leaching tests on the "white" fraction from sample #4, after the 4th L-Fexperiment (Table 2.9 and Figure 2.26), were carried out in four different solutions:

sodium chloride (234 gR. NaC1) calcium chloride (220 g/L CaClJ calcium chloride with hydrochloric acid (166 g/L CaCJ and 37 g/L HCI) ferric chloride with hydrochloric acid (290 g,L FeCl, and 5 g/L HCI)

As described earlier, this "white" fraction was probably composed of the products of hydrolysis of the sulfate solution, whose solubility is strongly pH dependant, and from other scarcely soluble sulfates and arsenates. The results presented in Figure 2.30 indicate that only 20 to 40% of the lead is extracted to neutral calcium chloride or sodium chloride solutions. Total lead extraction is observed in acidified solutions of calcium chloride or ferric chloride. Zinc is dissolved only with ferric chloride solution, indicating that it was probably in sulfide form.
Results of ferric chloride leaching of the "heavy" nonflotable fraction of sample #4 after the 4th L-F experiment (Table n Figure 2.31. 2.9 and Figure 226) are presented i After 60-80 min of leaching more than 90%of the investigated nonferrous metals are extracted to the solution containing only 20.2 g/L of iron(IlI).

Flotable Fractions Resuh of ferric chlorideleaching of the flotablefraction of sample #1 are shown in Figures 2.32 and 2.33, and of sample #4 i n Figure 2.34.

The rapid extraction of silver and lead reaches 80-96% for Ag and more than 96% for Pb after 2-4 hours of leaching. The extraction of zinc was higher than 98% after 3 hours of leaching. The kinetics of copper extraction have a near linear character. T h i s is typical for reactions with a high energy of activation. Prolongation of the leaching time will undoubtedly increase the yield of copper extraction.



Flgure 2.29. Lead extraction by calcium chlorlde solution from two non-flotable fractions: o "heavy" fraction.

- "white" fraction,

Figure 2.30. Lead and zinc extractlon from "white" nonflotable fractian after 4th L-F experlrnent (Table 2.9 and Flgure 2-26), during chloride leaching tests. Llquid/solld = 10g10.31 Temp. 90C. a) lead extraction in: sodium chloride 234gIL, calcium chloride 220g/L, calcium chloride 166g/L, with hydrochlorlc acid 37glL, ferric chloride 290g/L, with hydrochloric acid .SgIL; and b) zinc extraction with ferric chloride solution 290glL and 5gIL HCI.



Figure 31.

Ferric chloride leaching of "heavy" nonflotable fraction after 4th L-F experiment (Table 2.4). metal concentration In solid fraction: Fe 31.76%, Zn 7.35%, Pb 5.84%, Cu 1.29%, As 6.72%, Ag 91.4 ppm, Au 3.26 ppm. SIL = 30g10.7L Initial composition of solution: NaCl 164g/L, HCI 9g/L, Fe3*20.2glL Temp. 90C.


Time, h

Flgure 2.32. Ferric chloride leaching of flotablo fraction after 3rd L-F experiment (Table 2.8> lnitial metals concentration In solid: Fe 35.70/., Zn 0.38%, Pb 1.15%, Cu 0.19%, Ag 96 ppm. SlL=30Og/lL lnltlai composition of solution: CaCI, 220g/L, HCI 44glL, Fe 48gIL, Z n 2.8g/L1 Pb 4glL, Cu 340mglL, Ag 96mg/L

Time, h

Figure 2.33. Ferric chloride leaching of fiotable fraction after 2nd L-F experiment (Table 2.8). Initial metals and sulfur concentration in solld: Fe 43.2%, Zn 2.45%, Pb 1.33%, Cu 0.33%, Ag 176ppm, S" 7.2%. SIL = 2SOglL. Initial composition of solution: CaCI, 220g/L, Fe3* 74g/L, pH 0.7.

Initial Conc. In,Solld: 2.50 % Zn 1.18 % Ag 0.128% Cu 0 . 2 5 % Pb

I n i t i a l Conc. of Solution: CaCIz HCl FOCIj 180911 31911 124pll


Sample +4(TRlO)








Figure 2.34. Ferric chloride leaching of the flotable fraction after 5th L-F experiment (Table 2.9). S/L 50g10.7L pH 0.2. Temp. 90%.

2.7 Sulfur Recovery

Only a small portion of the t o t . sulfidic sulfur is transformed to its elemental form during leaching. The maximum amount of elemental sulfur that can be generated corresponds to the total concentration of decomposed sulfides in oxidative conditions appliedin our tests. Theoreticalamounts of elemental sulfur that can be formed,calculatedfrom the compositions of the ore samples, are compared in Table 2.10 to actual sulfuryield from sulfate leaching and leaching-flotation tests (Tables 2.8 and 2.9). As indicated in Table 2.10, the concentration of elemental sulfur in the solid residues after ferric chloride leaching is only slightly higher than the elemental sulfur generated during sulfate leaching and leaching-flotation steps. Elemental sulfur was extracted by xylene from the solid residue after ferric chloride leaching of the flotable fraction from the 2nd L-F experiment. The yield of extraction was about 96%. The remaining solid residue, after sulfur extraction, was then directed to gold leaching by cyanide or thiourea solution.

2.8 Gold Extraction

Gold extraction tests were performed using cyanide and thiourea solutions on ore sample #1 and on three solid residues after different steps of treatment. The leaching conditions were as follows:

Thiourea leaching: [Th] = 50 Fe2(S0$3] = 25 g/L, IH,SO,] = 40 g/L, pH = 1.15, temp. 25C solid/liquid = 70 to 100 g/O.ZL, t i m e of leaching - 20 h;


Cyanide leaching:
= 48 h.

[NaCNj = 1g/L,INaOHl= 2 g L , temp. 25'C. solidiliquid= 70 to 90 g/0.3L, time of leaching

Results of the tests are summarized in Table 2.11.

Table 2.10. Maximum of elemental sulfur that can be generated during ferric sulfate and ferric chloride leaching in experimental conditions and amounts of elemental sulfur found in solids after sulfate leaching and leaching-flotationtests. Maximum So generated during leaching*)
after sulfate leaching


So found after L-S step (96)




chloride leaching

#1 LPU
#2 #4 #5


#3 DDS


#6 DDN

4.94 5.56 5,25 10.01 11.71 24.90

14.22 15.63 12.62 36.8 28.1 80,l





* Calculated ** According Table 2.8 and 2.9; only for ore samples #1 and #4
rd not determined

Table 2.11. Gold concentration at differentstages of tested flowsheet.

Solid Samples

Concentration of gold in sample O m )

Lmching Agent




Residue after sulfate leaching Residue after ferric chloride leaching Residue after sulfur exmction

3.48 3.72
4.48 4.52

Aqua Regia Thiourea

Thiourea Cyanide

Total 70.7%

71.4% 88.7%

2.9 Iron Oxidation by Oxygen

Iron oxidation of spent leach solutions accomplishes three goals:

regeneration of the leach solution:

2FeZt + 112 0, + 2Ht = 2F&+ + KO

precipitation of excess iron accumulated in the solution during leaching, i.e. 2FeCJ

+ 3Ca0 + %O

= 2FeOOH + 3CaCI,

purification of zinc sulfate solution prior to electrolysis:

2F:eS04+ 112 0, + 3qO = 2FeOOH + 2E5S0,

Such oxidation is very fast when oxygen is dispersed in solution under elevated pressure. Oxidation of ferrous chloride solution is easier than that of ferrous sulfate and can be conducted at lower pressure and temperature. The high corrosiviey of chloride solutions presents engineering problems and at this stage ofresearch only the oxidation of ferrous sulfate could be conducted at MIRL. Oxidation of ferrous sulfate solution under a pressure of 40-140 psi was carried out in a Zliter stainless-steel Parrautoclave equipped with the following: a pyrex liner, a stirrer, a system for continuous feeding and dispersion of oxygen under pressure, a heating system, a temperature and a pressure control, and regulation systems. Regeneration of the leaching agent can be coupled with precipitation of excess iron in one operation carried out under relatively low oxygen pressure 40-140 psi and at low temperature 70-90C.

The kinetics of such an oxidation are shown in Figure 2.35 and typical conditions are described briefly in Table 2.12. For the most part, solutions applied in the sulfate leaching and leaching-flotation experiments were regenerated using this technique.

Temp. 80-90'c

Po2 1 4 0 p l i



Figure 2.35. Typical characteristics of ferrous sulfate oxidation by oxygen with partial precipitation of iron as FeOOH.

Table 2.12. Regeneration of the leach solution by oxygen with partial precipitation of iron. Conditions: temperature 80-90C; oxygen pressure 140 psi, double stirrer rotation 30 see1. Total time of experiment: 30 min. Concentration, mom Before regeneration1)

After regenerationa)

f t e r leaching-flotation step 1) A 2) Directed to the sulfate leaching step 3) 11%of iron (III) was precipitated after 20 min of oxidation when pH reached 2.2

2 . 1 0 . Summary Results
The results of metals extraction from ore sample #1 (LPU)and W (TRIO) are summarized below. Metals extractions from the other ore samples during routine leaching tests were presented in Tables 2.3,2.5 and 2.6.

Direct nonoxidative leaching with HCl solution:


D i r e c t oxidative leaching with FeCl, solution (2-step):

Direct oxidative leaching with Fe2(S0,), solution (2-step): with a subsequent leaching-flotation step:


D i t leaching-flotation processing: with subsequent leaching by Fe2(S04),(1 step,4h): or with subsequent leaching by Fe,(SO,), (2 steps$h): or with subsequent oxygen pressure leaching (2 h):

Direct oxidative leaching with FeCJ salution(2 steps):

Direct oxidative leaching with Fe,(SO,), solution(1 step, 4h): or (2 steps, 2 x 4h): 81.4% or with subsequent leaching-flotation step: Direct leaching-flotation processing: with subsequent leaching by Fe,(SO,), (1 step, 4h): or with subsequent leaching by Fe2(S0J, (2 step,8h): or with subsequent oxygen pRssure leaching (2h): and with subsequent FeC1,leaching of the flotable fraction: and with additional recovery of copper from the nonflotable fractions (simultaneous with lead extraction):

61%b1)2) 51-758


65% (3% 72-92% 74-96%

M U i
Direct nonoxidative leaching with HC1 solution: Direct oxidative leaching with FeCJ solution: Leaching of the nonflotable fractions with CaCL, + HCI solution: with additional recovery of lead from the flotable fraction during FeC1, leaching (simultaneous with copper and silver recovery:

Extraction 96.8-99.9%
9f1-97%~) 52-79%



Direct oxidative leaching with FeCL, solution: Leaching of the flotable fraction with FeCI, solution: with additional silver recovery from the nonflotable fractions during CaCI, - HCl leaching (simultaneous with lead extraction): and with additional recovery during cyanide or thiouea leaching for gold recovery:

85%l)z2) 70-86%') 84-91% 86-96%3)

Cyanide or thiourea leaching of the solid residue after FeC1, leaching of flotable fractions: Cyanide or thiourea leaching of the solid residue after sulfur extraction: with additional gold recovery from the selected "heavy" nonflotable fraction:


7 1.4%3)-4)

88.7%')04) -90-92%~~"')

Extraction with xylene from solid residue of the flotable fraction after FeCI, leaching: 14%6)

Notes: 1) From sample #1only; 2) From the 140-170 mesh size fraction. All other cases: 32.5-400 mesh size fraction; 3) With experimental accuracy about 14%;4) Without gold recovery from nonflotable fractions; 5) Theoretical estimation, no experimental confirmation; 6)Percent of total sulfidic sulfur in sample #1, including FeS,.

2.11 General Recommendations for Future Research

The general r~cornmendations for futurc research are comprised in 3 following tasks:


It is necessary to continue laboratory research to define a better separation of lead in the leachng-flotation step. A more distinct concentration of precious metals in the ore flotation fraction should also be researched,

2 . A study on precious metals association with other sulfides in terms of their hydrometallurgical properties, must
be continued on samples representative for economic part of the Delta deposit.

The very low concentrations of gold and silver in the ore and the multiple transformation of the solid material during successive processing, up to the point of precious metals extractions, makes their accurate determination extremely difficult at the present small laboratory scale. Research must be continued at larger, several-pound scale which will allow for accumulation of the solid semi-products directed to precious metals recovery.

2.12 Conception of HydrometalIurgical Processing of Delta-Ores

The mass balances for the three flowsheets of a direct ore processing are calculated on the basis of laboratory results:

direct ore leaching with ferric chloride solution followed by a leaching-flotation step, with subsequent zinc separation in a solvent extraction step and electrolysis in chloride solution;
direct ore leaching with ferric sulfate solution followed by a leaching-flotation step, with zinc sulfate electrolysis and other metals recovery in chloride leaching steps; direct ore treatment by leaching-flotation steps coupled with leaching with ferric sulfate solution, followed by with zinc sulfate electrolysis and other metals recovery in chloride leaching steps.

In all flowsheetssilver is recoveredduring the chlorideleaching steps and gold from flotationproducts during the cyanide leaching.
In the first flowsheet (Figure 2.36) ore. is leached with concentrate solution of calcium and magnesium chlorides. containing femc chloride. The principal objective of this operation is to supply a solution with minimum concentration of femc chloride to solution rreatment steps. Only about 30% of total "soluble" sulfides are decomposed in the 1st leaching

Figure 2.36. Flowsheet of the ore treatment with direct ferric chloride leaching. Only the main components of solution are indicated.

step during nearly total transformation of ferric chloride to ferrous chloride, Then about 60% of the dissolved lead is crystallized as crystalline lead chloride PbC1, from the solution which is subsequently directed to capper cementation by iron followed by zinc separation in the solvent extraction steps and electrolysis in diaphragm-electrolyzers. The stripped solution, enriched in hydrochloric acid after solvent extraction and electrolysis, is oxidized by chlorine gas from electrolysis and by oxygen under elevated pressure. In this manner 30% of the iron is precipitated from solution as goethite FeOOH, while 70% of the ferrous ions are oxidized to ferric ions. This strong oxidative solution containing FeC1, is for the second time contacted with the partially leached ore in a leaching-flotation step. The general task of this step is the maximum extraction of metals from the ore, and solution leaving this step has enough of nonreduced ferric chloride to dissolve about 30% of the "soluble" sulfides in the first leaching step. The best conditions for total metal extraction during L-Fprecessing will probably be better when oxygen necessary to regenerate iron(m), will be supplied under an elevated pressure. Two solid flotation products are separated during the L-F step: the nonflotable fraction containing gangue minerals, depressed pyrite and other oxidized solid phases, and the flotable hction containingsulfur and the incompletely decomposed"soluble" sulfides. Nor the secondary flotation of the nonflotable fraction producing the "heavy" pyritic fraction and the gangue minerals fraction, nor the cyanide leaching of gold from the "heavy" pyritic fraction are shown in flowsheet in Figure 2.36. These possibilities are evident in the light of laboratory results. Consumption of reagents and other anticipated data for the treatment of 1 t of the ore are presented briefly in Table 2.13. In the remaining two flowsheets the general base of processing is the same. Leaching steps are coupled with leachingfloration steps according to the different path of liquid and solid (Figures 2.37 and 2.38). The same processes are applied for purification of the zinc sulfatesolutiondirected to electrolysis and the same leachingprocesses are applied to leadrecovery from the nonflatable fractions, copper and silver from the flotable fractions, and gold with residual silver from the "heavy"

Table 2.W. Consumption of chemical reagents and electricity in electrolysis, amounts of winning products per 1 t of ore and composition o f solid residue after treatment. Ore Sample #1 (LPU), accordhg to flowsheet presented in F i e 236




Comoosition. % FeS2 FeAsS

Other Sulfides Water (humidity)


for elecrrolysis only, 2.33 kWh/kg Zn r2.211


Smm~le. LPU+l.LPL+?


r rlgll




Zn < O B ~ / I Fe 4911

n2sac w v ~




02 ~ ~ ~ ( 8 0 , ,) ~ ZnaO,,.


c.~o, 2n,0

cu 31011

I + 2spll

Cu 4 0 ~ 1 1 Pe 4011



Oxldatlon C.CI2








rooon 3 s
C1804 2H10 34% 08mue 0 3 s

~yr(to RO~LOUO



IOU F w A ~ 10%

Figure 2.37. Flowsheet of the 1st variant of the ore treatment with leaching-flotation step sulfate solutlon. Only the main components of solution are indicated.






P y r ~ t l cRaalauo


mcovary 97.~3-

(17% F*$Z.IO% F ~ A S S )




811.DI 71.0*(18%

4u S'

Figure 2.38. Flowsheet of the 2nd variant of the ore treatment with leaching-flotation steps in ferric sulfate solution. Only the main components of solution are indicated. Numbers in circle correspond to the unit processes numbers in Table 2.16.

pyritic fractions. The process presented in Figure 2.37 is easier to carry out and to control, especially during the leaching and leaching-flotation steps. However, the dissemination of pyrite into both the nonflotable and flotable fractions requires an additional separation of pyrite in the "heavy" fraction prior to the gold recovery step. The flowsheet presented in Figure 2.38 has a more complicated path of solid and liquid during leaching and leaching-flotation steps, but it is expected that this configuration will allow for the total accumulation of pyrite in the flotable fraction. Both flowsheets are calculated for a hypothetical feed material containing 25% of ore sample #1 (LPU), 25% of sample #2 (LPL) and 50% of sample #4 (TRIO). All three ore samples have high concentration of precious metals and other nonferrous metals. Ore #4 contains a larger percentage of readily decomposable iron sulfide FeS and cannot be used for iron hydrolytic precipitation from the zinc sulfate solution.

As shown in Figure 2.37 two raw material paths are joined into one flow following two different initial operations. Ore #4 is directed to initial sulfate leaching conducted under low oxygen pressure. In this stage all easily "soluble" sulfides (PbS, FeS and partially ZnS) are decomposed. Fast dissolution of FeS supplies iron to solution. This iron is oxidized by oxygen and plays a principal role in leaching:

The sulfuric acid consumed in these reactions is supplied by spent electrolyte after zinc electrolysis (Figure 2.37). The second portion of the ore is used as a neutralizer for iron precipitation from zinc sulfate solution. In this reaction oxygen under elevated pressure participates in reaction of precipitation of goethite FeOOH:

Total precipitation of iron requires neutralization or other removal of the sulfuricacid produced in this reaction. The excess acid is here consumed in the reaction of sulfides dissolution:



[ZnS04(aq) PbSOq(s) 1


A part of iron precipitated in the hydrolysis step is afterwards dissolved during the leaching-flotationprocessing. The undissolved part of iron accumulates as FeOOH in the nonflotable fraction which is directed to the lead extraction step by the calcium chloride solution. In an additional flotation step the "heavy" pyritic fraction is separated from the "white" nonflotable fraction containing goethite FeOOH, gypsum CaS0;230 and insolublegangue minerals. The flotable fraction, after leaching-flotationin sulfate solution,is directed to the ferric chloride leaching step where nearly total copper and silver are recovered. Then, during a routine flotation step sulfur is separated from a depressed pyritic fraction and is recovered by one of the known processes. The remaining pyntic fraction and a portion of other nonreacted sulfides after the sulfur extraction step, join with the "heavy" pyntic fraction and are together directed to gold recovery in the cyanide leaching step, Returning to the middle of Figure 2.37, the sulfate solution (filtrate after the solid flotation product separating), can be oxidized prior to the hydrolysis step to induce a partial iron precipitation, if the iron concentration in solution is too high to be neutralized by the raw sulfides in the hydrolysis step. Supplementary operation of copper cementation with zinc can be considered too if the capper concentration in sulfate solution is too high. This is shown in the second "sulfate" flowsheet (Figure 2.38). The removal of excess iron and other components contaminating chloride solutions is also shown in Figure 2.38. Consumption of reagents and other anticipated data for the treatment of 1 t of mixte ore are presented in Table 2.14. The mass balances calculated for these simplified flowsheets considers only chemical reactions and does not take into account many ~echnical operations such as liquid/solid separation, washing, liquid evaporation etc. Moreover the mass balance calculated for the "sulfate" flowsheets are used for an initial evaluation of proposed flowsheets.

Table 2.14. Some anticipated data for ore treatment according to the 1st and 2nd simplif~ed "sulfate" flmheets: a) consumption of chemical reagents and electricity for zinc electrolysis per 1ton of raw material containing 25 5 % of the ore sample #1,25 % #2 and 50% #4 Reagent Consumption tons per 1 t of ore
Unit price $It


Chemicals cost $Itof ore

f l o wsheet Oxygen
Sulfuric Acid

2nd2) flowsheet

0.054 0.098

(96%) Hydrochloric 0.025 Acid (36%) Zinc Iron 0.01 1 Calcium Chloride 0.010 Cyanide 0.001 NaOH 0.004 CaO 0.030 Organic (Xylene) 0.005 Gold sorption approximative cost 3, ~1e.c tricig) 227.2 kwh
Chemicals & electricity total cost



b) Metal and sulfur production from 1t of the same raw material

Zn (electrolytic) Pb So Cu
Ag Au

per 1 t of ore5)
0.07 1 0.048 0.046 0.0085 0.1048 kg 0.003015 kg

Unit price

849 428 142 1448 159/kg 10824/kg

Value $ from 1 t of ore

Winning metals & sulfur total value

1) After Fig. 2,37


2) 3) 4) 5)

After Fig. 2.38 Assumed cost, about 2% of recovered gold value Average 3.2 kWh/kg Zn, in electrolysis only The same recovery for 1st and 2nd flowsheet

2.13 Preliminary Economic Evaluation

The cost of the reagents and electricity consumed according to the 1st sulfate flowsheet (Figure 2.37) is 38,60 $/t of the ore, and 4 2 3 $It for the 2nd flowsheet (Figure 2.38). The value of the recovered metals is for both flowsheets the same and at this time amounts 148.95 $/t of the ore. 26% to 28% of this sum is making cost of the reagents and elecuicity (in electrolysis, only). The engineering design of the plant cannot be determined on the actual results of research and no precise economic estimation can be made. Only a comparison of value of metals and sulfur in the investigated ore samples is presented in Table 2.15.

Sample #4 (TRJO) has the highest metals and sulfur values (192.74$/t). Values of sample #I, #2 and #6 are nearly equal. Samples #3 and #5 have the lowest value.

2.14 Technical Conception of the Delta Ore Treatment

The economic success of all new processes is a function of both the technical possibilities and the engineering concepts for industrial plants. For this reason, a trial of the technical characteristics of the proposed "sulfate" process flowsheets was made, based upon present levels of knowledge.
This analysis is presented in the form of a table (Table 2.16) in which the unit processes are characterized by specific conditions and parameters and by the type of apparatus desirable or required. Further information about these unit processes may be obtained f r o m the references and by undertaking other studies recommended by the authors,
An illustration of the authors' idea, a simplified flowsheet of a plant corresponding to flowsheet presented in Figure 2.38 is shown in Figure 2.39. The ore (14th) is fed simultaneously into a 3-phase reactor (1) and a leaching-flotation multi-

Table 215. Values of metals and sulfur in 1 t of the investigated ore samples.
??rice $/t (June 1986)


Values of metals and sulfur ($/t ore)

#5 DDN



#2 LPL





(a) ~ o t a l ~ )
(b) Sulfur




187.85 4.8



as H ~ s o ~ ~ )80


1) Only elemental sulfur generated during leaching 2) Theoretical value, to recovery on the hydrometallurgical way 3) Sulfur as H2SO4 from pyritic residue

Table 2 . 1 6 . Level of knowledge and some specific conditions, parameters and the most important apparatus for the processing of 100,000 tons of ore per year. Flowsheet with direct leaching-flotationprocessing in ferric sulfate solution (Fig. 2.38 and 239).
- -


tion No.

Unit P m s

Principal Reaction No.


Reference t o the of




-------Indus- Oher

Lab. Pilot
Precipitation of total iron; Fast Fe final conc. below 200 m a ; Temp. 80-9O0C; pH-W@=5@ 100pS' Continuous gasfliquid/solid pressure reactor. mixing by injecting oxygen; initial S L separation with cyclone Continuous,gas/ liquid/~olid pressure flotation column,with centrifugal sepation of liquid/solicU oxygen suspension; . minimum 4 mixing/ flotation units in one column Continuous,gas/ liquid/solid
Lab. (2.21) 2.24 Study 2.22d2.25)




2.8, 2.9, 2.1 1

Eng. Study



M g Rotation

2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5. 2.7,

Two sreps of L-F pr@xsSin ferric

sulfate solution; Temp. 80-90C, P@=50-100 psi, pH = 1-2


Made m

2.15(2.26) 2.27

Eng. Study




2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.10

Two steps of L-F process in ferric sulfate solution: Temp. 80-90C P~=50-100 psi pH = 0-1


Lab. Study
Eng Study

(2.26) 2.27

presun flotation column,with centrifugal sep aration of suspcnsion with higher capacity than for operation 2 & 3, Min. 6 mixinglflotation units in one column
Vuy Slow


F i e particles of goethite, gypsum and inrroiuble gangue mineral, Prcssure 40-90psi temp. 70-80C Coarse flotablc &tion of sulfur and not reacted &k. plcssura 40-90 psi tcrnp. 70-80C; Separationof Oxygen V

High surface
pressllca filter




with water washing


Pressure Ftlter;
Made m

goodfilmtion: waterwashing neccssary,oxygen collected must be cmprrsscd of about 20 psi and under prc~sure 60120 psi turned back t o proms
Standard thickener

Eng. Study Constr. Pmj.



Cementation 2.12~) Cementation of coppet by zinc from purZed zinc sulfate solution with solid panicles sedimentation






Table 16. (cont.)

Opera- Unit Printion Process cipal No. Reaction No.

a r d Paramem


Riue of

Apparatus type, Materials, Equipment

study2) Required

Reference t o the nowl ledge hve13)

lndus- Other Lab. Pilot try Rmks

Electrolysi$ 2.135) Zinc elecuolysis; [Zn] from 110 @

t o 60






elechulyzers Typical vesselmctorwith mechanical mixing moderate chloride cornsion

Crystallizer with continuous sqamtions of cryby cyclone or centrifuge: m h t e corrosion by chlorides


Calcium chloride leaching


Concentme solution of CaC12 (200-220 gL):pH=O, lead conc. 10-18a; Temp. 80-9OoC Crysrallization about 30%of Pb in form of PbC12 crystals, by cwlr o m 80-90 to ing f 50-60C







Test Lab.





k i p i t a t i o n of

iron excess by
CaO; Temp 80-70C Probably with slow oxidation by oxygen undcr m o s PWC


Typical, not ~wiml .

Test Lab.

(2.21) 2.24 2.72,(225)


Ferric chloride leaching

2 . 1 4 ~ )FeC13 and HCI in concentrateCaCI2 Modand MgCl2 soh. uate [Fe(m)]=3@7Og& HC1]=2-20gL: ~Caa2l=6LTSOg~L; FlgC1d=60-80~; Temp. 80-90C 2.12~) Cementarion of copper and silver by iron orscrap

Typical vesscl

reactors, thickenerandbeftfilter, smng corrosion by

Constr. 2.7- 2.11 Proj. 2.9





Column system w i t h fmed bed of iron pellets GazLiquidlSolid low pressure

~ c t owith r



Eng. Study Test (2.21) 2.24 I.ab 2.22,(2.25) Consu. 2.23 Proj.



Precipitation of 33% of iron f r o m solution under elevated oxygen pnssure5Q100psi Temp 7040%


cyclone separation and firal wilh
plessurc film

Strong corrosion by chlnides

1) Very fasf. fasf modeme.. slow 2) E S T LAB. - Process is known. needs control tests on the representative ore sample only. LAB.STUDY - Study on the kinetics reactions required s p e c e and process conception required. ENG. STUDY - Study on the engineering a CONSTR. PROJ. - Process is sufficiently known t o undertake construction projects IND.PROJ. - Standard technology and apparatus consauction needs only project on the industrial plant. 3) Items in paranthesis concern other similar processes or unit operation 4) Zn + CuS04 = ZnSOp c Cu (2.12) 5) ZnS04 + H20 = Hz504 + Zn (2.13) 6) CuFeS2 + 4FeC13 = CuC12 + SFeC12 + 2s (2.14)


Figure 2.39. Concept of the ore treatment plant according to the 2nd variant with leaching-flotation steps in ferric sulfate solution. Numbers In circle correspond to the unit process numbers in Table 2.16.

step reactor (2)/(3). In reactor (1)nearly total iron is precipitated from zinc sulfate solution by reaction w i t h easy to dissolve sulfides other than FeS,(ore sample #1& 2) under elevated pressure of oxygen. In the L-F reactor (2)/(3) the nonflotable fraction of the reacted pulp of ore #4 and the solid from reactor (1) is separated kom a "bulk" flotable fraction and directed to the calcium chloride leaching step (10). The "bulk" flotable fraction is directed to a second leaching-flotation multistep reactor (4)/(5). From here the separated flotablefraction is directed after filtration in (7) to the ferric chloride leaching step (13). The "sulfate" solution from the leaching-flotation reactors is supplied horn filters (6) and (7) to the reactor (1). The solution from (I), after reacting with ore #1and 2 and separating frpm solids, is directed to final purification (8) and zinc sulfate electrolysis (9). The total volume of L-Freactors will probably be below 80 m3,for processing 100,000tons of ore per year. This figure is based on the kinetics of zinc extraction from the investigated ore samples.


J.H. Reimers "Processing of Complex Sulfides. An Overview of Current and Proposed Processes", in Zundel, Boorman, Morris, and Wesely (Editors) "Complex Sulfides Processing of ores, Concentrates and By Products" p. 747, the Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Pa. 1985.


G. Barbery, A.W. Fletcher, L.L. Sirois - "Exploitatian of Complex Sulfide Deposits: A Review of Process Options from Ore to Metals", in M.J. Jones (Editor) Complex Sulfide Ores, Rome 81, p. 135, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London 1981.

2.3, 2.4. 2.5.


F.P. Haver, W.M. Wong - 'Terric Chloride-Brine Leaching of Galena Concentrate, USBM R18105, 1976.

G.L.Bolton, N. Zubryckyj, H. Velunan - "Pressure Leaching Process for Complex Zinc-Lead Concentrates", in J. Laskowski (Editor) M i n d Processing, p. 993, Elsevier Publ. Co,, New York 1981.
G.E. Atwood, C.H. Curtis - "Hydrometallurgical Process for the Production of Copper", U.S. Pat. 3,785,944 (Jan. 15, 1974) and 3,879,272 (March 16, 1975).
J.M. Demarthe, A. Georgeaux- "HydrometallurgicalTreatmentofComplex Sulfides", in MJ.Jones (Editor) Complex Metallurgy 78 p.113, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London 1978.


E.Anderson, G.A. Boe, T.Danielssen, P.M. Finne - "Production of Base Metals from Complex Sulfide Concentrates by the Ferric Chloride Route in a Small Continuous Pilot-Plant", in M.J. Jones (Editor) "Complex Sulfide Ores" p. 187, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London 1980.

2.8. 2.9.

B.H. Lucas, D.Y. Shimano - 'Two StageFemc Chloride Leaching of aPyriticZn-Pb-Cu-Ag Bulk Concentrate" Proc. of International Symposium on Complex SuEdes, Nov. 10-13, 1985, San Diego, Ca.
E.D. Nogueira, L.A. Suarez - Infanzon, P. Cosmen - "The ZINCLOR Prccess: SimultaneousProduction of Zinc and
Chlorine" Roc. of ZINC '83 '22nd Annual Conference of Metallurgists", August 21-24 1983, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

2.10. E.G. Parker, D.R. McKay, H .Salomon - De - Friedberg - "Zinc Pressure Leaching at Cominco's Trial Operation", . D . Miller (Editors) "Hydrometallurgy - Research, Development and Plant Practice, p. 927, in K.Osseo-Asare and J The Metallurgical Society of AME, Warrendale, P a 1982.
2.11. E.D.Nogueira, J.M. Regiie, A.L. Redondo "Advances in the Development of the Cornprex Process for Treating Complex Sulfides of the Spanish Pyrite Belt", in Zundel, Booman, Moms and Wesely (Editors) "Complex Sulfides, r e s ,Concentrates and By-Products", p. 566, Metallurgical Society of AME, Warrendale, Pa. 1985. Processing of O

2.12. G. Sokalska, F. Letowski - "Hydrometallurgical Exfraction of Silver and Copper rom Secondary Materials and Tailings", Pol. Pat. 80092 (OCL25, 1973). 2.13, A. Block-Bolten, M.S. Daita, A.E. Torrna, R. Steensman - 'Wew Possibilities in the Extraction of Gold and Silver from Zinc and Lead Sufide Flotation Wastes", in Zundel, Boorman, Morris, Wesely (Editors) "Complex Sulfides, Processing of Ores, Concentrates and By-Products" p. 149. The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Pa. 1985. 2.14. C.R. Nauman, N.A. Duke - "Alteration Accompanying Massive Sulfide Mineralization in the Delta District, East Central Alaska: Implications for Exploration", J. Geochem. Exploration, March 1986, p. 254. 2.15. F. Letowski, R.Bloise, G. Barbery - "Hydrometallurgical methods for recovery of valuable dements, FR Demande, FR 2,526,045 (Wv. 04, 1983).
2.16. D. Morin, A. Georgeaux, P. Conil, H. Bruvier, R. Bloise - Optimisation de la valorisation de minerais complexes par lixiviation selective. In: XVth International Mineral Processing Congress, Cannes, 2-9 June 1985, Volume 111, p. 234. Edition GEDIM. St-Etienne (France) 1985.

2.17. S. Fugleberg, E. Nermes, S. Heimala, V. Hintikka, S.E.Hultholm, 5. Jaminen, A. Lilja, B. Nyman, J. Poijarvi, L. Rosenback, M. Saari - Processing of a black schist ore by leaching and flotation. In: XVth International Mineral

Processing Congress, Cannes, 2-9 June 1985. Volume 1 1 1 , p. 258. Edition GEDIM, St Etienne (France) 1985.

2.18. T. Wakamatsu, Y. Nakahiro, D. Atmowidjojo - A study on treatment of complex sulfide ore from Rumanga Mine, Sulawesi, Indonesia, by sulfation-flotation method. In: XVth International Mineral Processing Congress, Cannes, 2-9 June 1985, Volume 111, p. 293. Edition GEDIM, St-Etienne (France) 1985.
2.19. M.I. Mantsevich, V.A. Shcherbakov, G.P.Ponomaryov, AZ. Sirkis - Industrial introduction of a process for hydrometallurgical treatment and flotation of nickeliferous pyrrhotite concentrates. In: XVth International Mineral Processing Congress. Cannes, 2-9 June 1985. Volume 111, p. 465. Edition GEDIM. St-Etienne (France) 1985,

2.20. Research Grant Proposal, MIRL, University of Alaska, Fairbanks (unpublished data - P.D. Rao and F.Letowski) January 1986.
2.21. E.Dutrizac - Jarosite - Type Compounds and their Application in the Metallurgical Industry. In: K.Osseo-Asare, J.D. Miller (Editors), Hydrometallurgy, Research, Development and Plant Practice, p. 531. The Metallurgical Society of AIME,Warrendale (Pa) 1982.

2.22. CJ. Haigh - The hydrolysis of iron in acid solutions, Proc. Aust. Inst. Min. Met., Sept. 1967, p*49.
2.23. 0. Klinghoffer, T. Chmielewski, F*Letowski - Pressure oxidation of iron in sulphuric acid solution, Rudy Met. Niezelaz, (Pol.), 21, 1976, p. 63.
2.24. F. Letowski - Acid hydrometallurgical wining of copper and other metals from complex Polish sulfide concentrates. In: Laskowski, J. (Ed.), Mineral Processing, Part A, Polish Scientific Publ., Elsevier, Warsaw, 1981, p. 825 2.25. I.G. Matthew, CJ.Haigh. R.V,Pammenter - InitialPilot Plant Evaluation of the Low-Contaminant Jarosite Process. In: K. Osseo-Asare, J.D. Miller (Editors), Hydrometallurgy, Research, Development and Plant Practice, p. 553. The Memllurgical Society of AIME,Warrendale (Pa) 1982.
2.26. D.A. Dahlstrom - Thickening, Filtering, Drying. In: N.L.Weiss (Ed). SME Mineral Processing Jihndbook, Section 9. The Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, New Yark, N.Y., 1985,

2.27. CL. Mantell - Electrochemical Engineering 4th Ed., McGraw Hill, New Y ork 1960.

2.28. W.P. Wilson - Evaporation and Crystallization. In: N.L. Weiss (Ed), SME Mineral Processing Handbook, Section 13-67, The Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, New York. N.Y., 1985.

Chapter 3


Second Stage Research
F .Letowski and P.D. Rao



3.3 3.4 3.5


.................................................. Inmduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplementary Tests on the LPU 0re.sample .............................. Sulfate Leaching under Oxygen Pressure ................................. Fluidized-Bed Leaching in Chloride Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplementary Tests on the Mixed Chloride/Sulfate Leaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sulfur and Gold Extraction from Residues after FBL Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary and Conclusions ........................................... 3.7.1 Leachability of the LP Ore-samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.2 Fluidized-Bed Leaching (F'BL) reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.3 FBL-Process application in the sulfate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.4 FE!L-Process in the chloride systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.5 Zinc-chloride leaching process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



55 67
73 73


75 75
76 76 78 78

This report contains results of the Fluidized-BedLeaching (FBL) initially adapted to improve Leaching-Flotation(LE) processing of Delta ores in sulfate solution. The research carried out in the continuouslabomtory installation show, however,
that the new, 3-phase (solid-liquid-gaseous)reactor also performs satisfactorily in other leaching systems. A new process
of pyritic matrix destruction for precious metals recovery in the FBL reactor, and a new process for recovery of zinc and

other m e t a l s in a chloride system are proposed on the basis of laboratory results.



The general research program on hydrometallurgy of Delta ores conducted for the Nerco Minerals Company in 19861 87 was divided into two parallel investigations:
1st - research on femc chloride leaching, conducted by Dr. Hsing Kuang Lin, and 2nd supplementary research on the Leaching-Flotation (LF) process in sulfate solution under elevated pressure of oxygen, conducted by Dr. F. Letowski.

This report contains results of the supplementary research but they are not necessarily limited to sulfate leaching. The Fluidized-Bed Leaching (FBL) system initially adapted only for improving the LF process in sulfate solution was tested for mixed sulfate/chloride and different chloride systems also.

Results of the following research are described:


Experiments on Leaching-Flotation processing of the old (1985) LPU ore-sample. The tests were carried out to confirm results described in Chapter 2. Fluidized-BedLeaching and Flotation tests conducted on the new (1986) LP ore-sample, under elevated oxygen pressure in sulfate solution. The tests, carried out in acontinuous laboratory installation were extended by chloride leaching of lead and silver immediately following sulfate leaching in the same installation. Fluidized-Bed Leaching tests on the LP-86 new ore-samplein ferric chloride and cupric chloride solutions under oxygen pressure. Supplemenraryinvestigation of Delta ore processing with mixed sulfate/chlorideand other chloridesystems. This investigationwas done as a consequence of features of theFluidized-BedLeachigsystem that allow considerably f metals from ore. improved recovery o Gold and sulfur extraction from residues after FBL processing. Study of FBL adapration to existing and new processes.





r s . Wendy Atencio. H e r The research described in this report was performed with active participation from M contribution, apart from the routine chemical analysis, was as follows:
Carrying out the non-pressure experimentson the leaching and leaching-flotation processes, includingcalculations and graphical representation of the results, and participating in the final analyses of experimental data and find preparation of the report.

3 . 2 Supplementary Tests on the LPU Ore

The supplementary tests of ferric sulfate leaching were performed in the same general conditions as the test described in the 1st stage report (1986) but with concentration of ferric sulfate halved. Initial iron concentration was diminished from a h u t 60 g Fe/l in previous tests, to 34 g Fell in this test,
Two LPU ore-samples were leached according to the 2-step flowsheet presented in Figure 3.1. The fust sample was leached by new solution in steps LS-93 and LS-95. The second sample was leached in the fmt step U-94 by the spent solution after LS-93, and in the second step LS-96 by the new solution. Solid residua from flows (4) and (7) were directed to the three-step Leaching-Flotation processing LF-97-99 in the spent solution from the previous leaching.

Figure 3.1 Experiments flowsheet carried out with the old ore sample LPU (1985). LS-93 to LS-96:ferric sulfate leaching under atmospheric pressure; LF-97to LP-99:3-step flotation under atmospheric pressure in the ferric sulfate solution; LC-102: calcium chloride leaching; LC-103: ferric chloride leaching; NF nonflotable fraction; FF notable fraction, M mixed fraction. The numbers identify flows according to Table 3.1 and 3.2.

Three fractions were collected after LF processing: non-flotable 0, mixed (M) and flotable fraction (FF). Fraction NF was leached in calcium chloridesolution (LC-102) and fraction FF in femc chloride solution (LC-103). The mass balance
for the experiments, calculated f r o m metal concentrationin solids, is presented in Table 3.1. Metal concentrationin solutions are shown in Table 3.2.

Metals extraction at different stages of processing. calculated from the mass balance in solids, is presented in Table 3.3 and extraction progress during the leaching steps is shown in Figure 3.2. Kinetic characteristicof the Leaching-Flotation
step was not controlled. 'Ihe time required for this step was not longer than 30 minutes. The metals partition among the solution and the different solid fractions after the LF step are presented in Table 3.4.

General results of these tests confirm the data presented earlier in the 1st stage report (1986). Even with only half the iron(II1) concentration in the leaching solution, the final copper extraction (after femc sulfate and subsequent chloride leaching) exceeds 90%. The silver extraction exceeds 85%(Table 3.3). However, for zinc leaching in femc sulfate solution only, the yield strongly depends on the leaching solution properties. The best zinc recovery was observed during leaching LS-93 andLS-96 (Figure 3.3). The 2nd steps of leaching LS-95 and LS-96produce relatively high femc ion concentrations. During LS-95about 45% of the total uon in solution is in ferric form; during L.S-96 about 30% is in ferric form. During 1 step-leaching &S-93), the ferric ion concentration drops from an initial concentration of 0.46 mow to 0.12 mom after the fust hour. This corresponds to about 20% of the total iron concentration remaining in the oxidized form, Fe3+.

During 1st step leaching (LS-94),LPU we is contacted with the solution from LS-93which contains only 20% of total iron in oxidized form, (6.7 g Fek/l). After some minutes of leaching, inspite of drastic diminishing of the oxidation potential,

Table 3.1. Leaching-Flulationproeessing uf the LPUare sample ( 3 2 5 4mesh ). M w bahnce of the experiments in sulhle and chlvide solutitm accurding Lo R o w s h ~ in t Figure 3.1.

1st Steps of Leaching

NO*) 1 2 3 4
5 6 7

Weight Grams

1.52 0.76 0.33 0.117

G m s in Solids (Ag: milligrams)


129 64.5 59.3 56.1 64.5 60.5 49.8


11.32 5.66



Total Initx Inlet to LS-93

After LS-93 to LS-95 Afm LS-95 Inlet to LS-94

180.29 169.68
194.84 1 6 .:: M7.44


26.52 13.26 4.79 0.51 13.26 11.46 4.21

5.66 n.a. 5.15

37.08 18.54 n.a. 19.59 18.54 n.a. 20.06

< -

--- ----LeachingFlotation Steps

I -

0.76 1.58 0.322

-------- --Chloride Solutions


Inlet to LF-97 Non-Flotable fraction from LF-99 Mixed Fraction f r o m LF-99 Hotable Fraction fmrnLF-98

8 12 13 14

60.63 26.05 240.90

47.50 225.82

Emal residue after LC-102 Final residue after LC-103

15 16

*) Identificalion numbers of the flows according to the flowsheet (Figure 3.1).


M e d s concenmlions in LPU-ore sample: Cu - 0.36%. Fe - 32.25%.Z n 6.63% W - 2.83%. Ag 92.7 ppm, Ca - 0.35%.

T~ble 3.2. Leaching-Flotation processing of the LPU ore samplt, Concentration and volumes of solutions ured in experiments according to flowsheat in Figure 3.1.
Concenlralion, &/I (Ag: mg,)



+ - - - -








Luching solution inleting to LS-93 Lesching solution inleting to LS-95 h b g solution inleling
to LS-%


Solution from LS-93

Lerching solution lo LS-94

20 21

S~lurion fran LS-94 Solution Gom LS-95 Solution fmm LS-%


23 24
25 26
27 28

1.54 1.51 1.57 1.23 1.21 1.0 (1.5) 1.05 0.99 1.14 1.23

0.8 0.8

0.7 1.7
0.52 (0.44)

35.5 35.5 37.2 33.9 35.0

35.7 (34.7)

17.1 17.1 17.5 13.5 18.4

--------------0.90 6.96


0.91 0.89

0.77 0.66 0.72


Soluti~ hlethg to LF-97 Solution fmm LF-97-9g2) Solutirm ialaing to LC-1023)


8.3 (6.4)


0.017 0.003 1.47


+ * + -

Solution in la in^ b LC-103

Solulion fmm LC-103






-- ---- - -32.6 ~.a. 13.20 31.8 n.a. -- ------------. -0.001 1.036

28.2 30.1

. . n ma.

n.a. 1) 2) 3)

- not analyzed

Identifimiod numbas of the flows in Figure 3.1.

Volume9 of wash w W are not included.

Laok of W volume MCI coacenbtions =timated from the balance ia the solick (Table 3.1).
Rccdculn~ f m experiment crvried out on 37.35g NF99 sample to the real weight of flow 12, i.a. 60.63&

Figure 3 . 2 Progress of zinc, copper, lead and silver extraction during experiments carried out according to the flowsheet presented in Figure 3.1. Temperature 90-95C.
both sulfides - PbS and ZnS, decomposed and %S evolved. During this period of leaching, total copper was precipitated from the solution in the form of CuS (Figure 3.2).
Such behavior of the reactive medias during these experimentsis clear in light of basic bibliographicatdata, and indicates the chemically-controlledrateof the zinc sulfidedecomposition. A temporary precipitation of zinc from the solutionobserved during the first 30 minutes of LS-95leaching did not seem to have any importance during this kind of leaching. Extraction of lead and silver from the non-flotable fraction by calcium chloride leaching, and from the flotable fraction by ferric chloride leaching, is fast and easy (Figure 3.4). However, both cases confirmed secondary precipitation of lead and silver that would probably also occur during prolonged leaching.

The general conclusions after supplementary research on the LPU ore leaching are as follows: 1 .
2. Effective leaching with lower concentration femc sulfate solution can be conducted with simultaneousreoxidation of ferrous ions to ferric ions.

Zinc extraction from LPU ore-sample using the above solution is about 96%dter 5 to 8 hours of leaching. Shorttime (1 hour) leaching in chloride solution increases the totaJ zinc extraction to 99%.

Table 3.3.

Metals extraction during Leaching-Flotation processing of the LPU

ore sample (325-400 mesh) calculated from metals content in solids, according to the flowsheet in Figure 3.1.
Extraction % Specification

------------ ---------Sulfate Leaching 1st Stcp

Leaching 2nd Step



Z n 76.92 13.57



Aftcr leeching LS-93 A f ~lcaching r LS-94 Cumulsllive after LS-93 and LS-95 Cumulativeafter LS-54 and LS-%

56.57 -60.51)

8.56 6.20


Curnularive after leaching LS-93.U-95 and Flotation and LF-97-99


-------------------. Fmm non-flotable (NF)



fraction after CaCl2 leaching LC-102 From flotable EWUML (FF) after FeCI3 leaching LC.103 91.3 19.14 99.54 89.96 85.25

Chloride Leaching

Sulfate and Total curnmulative extraction after chloride leaching

d 1 1 d *

*) Precipitation From solution expressed as excess to tolal initial concentration in solids. **) Calculated as 1-(15+16)/(1-13)where (I), (13). (Is), and (16) ate silver amount in flows 1,

13, IS. and 16

Table 3.4. Leaching-Flotation processing or LPU (old) ore sample. Metals partition among Notation rfaaions and

solution (in weight percent).

--------Weight m s

Per cent --------- ----- ---------

79.74 0.46


86.25 0.22 1.24 12.29



Sulfa$ solution

Non-flotable fraction Mixed fraction Flotable Fraction

18.12*) 15.15 6.51



28*40 0.83 6.37 64.39


11.49 8.70 79.81


*) Loss of sample weight during leaching.


The degree of silver extraction from solid residues after "sulfate treatment" by leaching with chloride solution is about 85%.

The degree of copper extraction from the same residues in the same conditions is about 90%.
From the metals remaining in solid residues 90% of iron, 88% of zinc, 88% of copper, 80% of silver and 70% of gold are accumulated in the flotable fraction, while 74% of lead is collected in the non-flotable fraction.


2 T i m * Ih)

Figure 33. Zinc behavior during the leaching tests LS-93 to LS-96.

Figure 3.4. Behavior of silver leaching during the leaching test.LC-101(CaC12 soln.) and LC-103 (FeCL, soln.). Temp. 90-9PC, other conditions and results: Table 3.1 and 3.2.

3.3 Sulfate Leaching Under Oxygen Pressure

Process description The laboratory installation built from Coming glass elements and schematically shown in Figure 3.5 is a mini-copy of the leaching section of the ore treatment plant suggested earlier (Chapter 2).
The scale of this mini-pilot installation is 1 : 6 3 , 0 0 0and the retention time of ore in the leaching reactor (R,) is about 4 hours. Unfortunately, this glass-built installation while excellent for direct visual observation did not allow for experimentation under pressure higher than 50 psi. The oxygen pressure, necessary for rapid ferrous ion reoxidation in sulfate solution with low cupric ion concentration is about 150 psi. One conclusion was that the initial concept of the Leaching-Flotation process needs modification. The acceptable zinc exuaction (96%) requires several hours of leaching. Meanwhile, the continuous, simultaneous, much faster flotation causes too early removal of non-reacted sulfides from the leaching solution. Of course the possibility of zinc extraction from the ore particles suspended in the flotation froth is evident, especially under elevated oxygen pressure, but initial investigations carried out during fall,l986 were not sufficient for any quantitative conclusion. In spite of these difficulties, the following operational modifications were carried out:

The oxygen supply to the 1st leaching reactor (R,) had to be stopped for a time sufficient for nearly total zinc extraction from the ore. Ore pulp had to be fed from the pulp preparation beaker (B) to the 1streactor (R,) while the solution is recirculated upward through the reactor at a rate allowing for the ore particles suspended in the leaching solution to have the retention time necessary for zinc extraction. Such a process was named Fluidized-Bed Leaching (FBL). Solution from the 1streactor had to be transported to the second reactor @,) while oxygen, dispersed by porous


Figure 3.5. Laboratory Corning-glass installation for the continuous leaching and flotation under elevated pressure of oxygen: R, and R, - Column reactors (dh 4 inch, height 48 inch, rnax. pressure 50 psi) R, - Pressure liquidlsolid separator (150 psi) S, and S , - Separators for sedirnented fraction of suspension (50 psi) B - Pulp preparation beaker C - Pressure crystallizer (100 psi) Dland D , - Ffitted-glass discs for oxygen dispersion in reactors (60 psi) F, and F, - Oxygen flow-meters (150 psi) G-G, - Gauges (oxygen, 150 psi) H,-H, Heating tapes H , - Immersion heater (in fused quartz tube) MI and M, - Magnetic stirrers M-H - Hot plate with magnetic stirrer PI-P, - Tubing pumps Masterflex with Norprene tube, adapted to pulp transportation under 50 psi pressure P, - Piston metering pump for solution (150 psi) TI-T, - Thermometers 1-13 and 22-24 - Teflon plug valves joint w i t h teflon pipes (100 psi) 14-19 Teflon needle valves for oxygen flows regulation (100 psi) 20 and 21 - 3-wayvalves for pulp or foam direction (50 psi)

glass disc 0,) under elevated pressure, oxidized ferrous ions to ferric ions. The solution then went through the crystallizer (C) and had to be directed to the bottom of the reactor (R,).

When the zinc extraction is nearly completed, oxygen can be injected into the 1st reactor (R,) and the LeachingFlotation (LF)process k begun. During the Zstep LF process carried out in both reactors (R, and RJ, the flotable fraction from the 2nd reactor ( R , ) is collected in the separator R). The mixed fraction from the bottom part of the second reactor is recycled through a separator S , to the 1streactor (R,). The non-flotable fraction sedirnented in the 1st reactor (R,) is recovered from the separator (S,).

D u r i n g the Fluidized-Bed Leaching process a segregation of solid particles as a function of their specific gravity takes place. The "heavy" fraction is suspended in the fluidized-bed in the 1st reactor. It contains the particles of sulfides, lead sulhte and other m i n e r a l s with a specificgravity higher than 3.5. The "light" fraction, containingparticles of gangue minerals and gypsum having a specific gmvity lower than 3, is accumulated in the sepamtor (SJ and the crystallizer (C). In the crystallizer, additional crystallization of g y p s u m is going on from the solution.
A simplified flowsheet of the suIfate prccess carried out in the installation is shown in Figure 3.6.

The fluidized-bed sulfate leaching conducted under oxygen pressure does not necessarily have to be ended by the leaching-flotation process. It can be continued by chloride leaching, also carried out in the fluidized-bed system, but under of the atmospheric pressure. Such an exchange of the leaching agent can be done immediately by a simple i n ~ u c t i o n o the 1st reactor (for example, through the sampling tube, valve 12, pump P4 and valve 5) or with new chloride solution t intermediate washing by water to diminish the zinc sulfate transfer to chloride solution. During these operations sulfate solution is collected in the separator R).Because of very fast lead and silver leaching,a single pass of the chloridesolution through the 1st reactor is sufficient to complete extraction of these metals. This solution was recovered during experimentation from the sampling tube and valve 24.
Fifteen different experiments were carried out to find the best treatment method.

Figure 3.6. General flowsheets of experiments carried out in pressure installation presented In Figure 3 . 5 .

A schematic flowsheet is presented in Figure 3.7. Generally, the left branch of the flowsheet, beginning with flow #2, joins the fluidized-bed leaching with the leaching-flotation processes. The right branch, beginning with flow #37, is composed of the fluidized-bed leaching process without flotation. Both groups of processes started from direct leachingflotation steps (LF 203-208 left side, and LF 221 right side) to withdraw the non-flotable fractions from the multistage processing. The non-flotable fractionswere further leached together in a calcium chloride solutionin the fluidized-bed system (FBL 225).
The flows of the flotable or "heavy" fractions are shown in Figure 3.7 by coarse lines and the non-flotable, "mixed" or "light" fractions by fine lines. The following symbols are used for the tests identification:


Figure 3.7. Flowsheet of experiments on Fluidized-Bed Leaching and Flotation in sulfate solution in the laboratory installation (Figure 35). Circled numbers of flows correspond to the identification numbers in Table 3,6.


Direct ore leaching-flotation process Fluidized-bed leaching FBL/F Fluidized-bed leaching followed by flotation LF-M Supplementary leaching-flotation of the "mixed" fractions carried out in a separate mn-pressure installation LC Supplementary ferric chloride leaching of final residues after treatment in the continuous installation, carried out in a typical laboratory glass-reactor under atmospheric pressure.
General experimental conditions of the continuous tests are presented in Table 3.5. The runs of experiments performed on the ore-sample-flow #2, and on the flotable hctions of the left branch of flowsheet (Figure 3.7) are shown in Figures 3.8 and 3.9. The feeding time was different and was a function of the quantity of sample and the testing conditions.However. the rate of solution transportation, using the pump P , , was relatively stable. It was varied from80 ml to 160 rnl per minute. Therate of transportationwas adjusted to stabilize the fluidized-bed of solidparticles suspendedinside the reactor for different o 1.18 I/kg with liquid/solid ratios. The average rate was about 114 mvmin. The liquid/solid ratio varied from 2.38 Vkg t an average value of 1.65 Vkg.

D u r i n g the first experimentLF 203-208, the total sample (2,500g) was supplied to the reactor as pulp in 5 equal portions. Each portion of pulp was introduced w i t h sulfuric acid RSO,) (marked by arrows in the graph in Figure 3.8,a). %SO, was added to stop observed iron precipitation from the leaching solution. D u r i n g the entire time of the experiment, the
2-step leaching flotation, including recycling of m i x e d fractions h a m the 2nd and 1st reactor, was carried out. Technical

Table 35. Run ofthe continwus tests in pressure instabtion

Weight of feeding mJid1)(g)

LF 203-208 F E W 209

T i of feeding @in)

Retention time

FBL time (min)

-25 2)

Flotauon time FL time (min) 124 15 60


SCGFigure 3.8a)
-8SC 30 psi 9SC, LF in another nonprcssurereactor

LF-M FBUF210-211 FBUF 212 FBUF 213

2,500.0 n.d3) n.d3)

907,l 700.0

nd 66 212 26



30 98

800.0 1,1025 615.3

15 12

FBLJF 214 FBW 224

FBL 227
FBL 228
FBL 221

15 146 50 6, 20 6, 45

86 70 907,


. .

60 ')
40 160 60 SO 110

See figure 3.8b) 80-IWC; 20 psi 90C, 30 PSI. L-F step in another mnpnssurereacm See Figurc 3 . k ) See Figure 3.9 Single passing of CaC12 leoch solution lhrough fluidized bed (seefigure 3.9) 90C, aun. pressure, single passing of CaCl2 leach solution
75-800.20.36 psi 80-85O. 18-24 psi 90-95O,-10 psi 80-107. 5-10 psi CaCl2 92-95O. 18-24 psi
90C, aun. pressure; single passing of CaCl2 leafh solution

FBL 222
FBW-223 FBL 226 FBLU9
FBL 225

1.050 8024 536.1 513.5 583.7




30 6,

6 0 ' )

2) 3)


6 )

T h i s real weight of solid can be different from mass of Ihc same flowsindicated in Table 3.6. Values in Table 3 . 6are recalculaled from real values to Ihe conect lhwwuifalmassbalaocc. This i s an avmge time fmm 5 feeding opuarions during L-F processing. Nor determined and not analyzed: weight of producls from F B W M in T a b l e 3.6 is determined. Not precise because some inleauptionduring feeding. Experiment stop@ afiw feeding because of technical problems. LF-step in another non-pressure reactor. Corresponds to the time of washing with water. Corresponds to the time of chloride leaching.

problems in transporting pulp to the reactor caused a one-day interruption of processing just after feeding the 1st beaker of ore. Temperature and pressure were controlled during experiments in the points indicated in Figure 3.5. Concentration of ferrous ions, and total iron were analyzed from the samples of solutions. The mass balance in the experiments is presented in Table 3.6. It is based on the analyses of metals in solid samples. Analyses of solutions could not be applied to these calculations because of imprecise measurement of their total volumes. The degrees of metals extraction from LP ore-sample during fluidid-bed leaching and flotation in sulfate and chloride solution at the different stages of the ore treatment are shown in Table 3 3. They are calculated from the mass balance in Table 3.6. Because of relatively low extraction of zinc (84.4%) from ore in sulfate solution, and lead (91.9%)in calcium chloride solution, additional leaching of solid residues with ferric chloride solution were carried out after FBL and FL processing. The following solid samples were submitted to this leaching:

Figure 3.8. Characteristics of the continuous fluidized-bed sulfate leaching tests described as LF 203-209, FBW F-210,211and FBL-214 (Figure 3.7 and Table 3 . 6 ) . Description in the text.

Figure 3.9. Characteristic of the continuous tests FFiL/F-224 in sulfate solution and followed FBL-227 in calcium chloride solution carried out with the flotabie fraction from FBLl224.

Total residue after FBL 225 Total residue after FBL 227 Heavy fraction after FBL 228 Light fraction after FBL 228 Heavy fraction after FBL 229 Light fraction after FBL 229
About 30 g samples of these residues were leached with 0.7 1 of chloride solution containing:

Fe3+ from 21 t o 22 g/l as FeCJ CaZ+ from 16 to 22 g l as CaCJ MgZ+ from 14 to 18 gil as MgC4
and 100 ml of 36% HCl per liter. T h e solution used for leaching samples FBL 228 also contained 6.4 g/l Z n as ZnC1, and 3.3 g/I Pb as PbCJ.

Each leaching was carried out at a temperature of 90-95" C for 4 hours in a glass mctor with stirrer. Results of these supplementary leachings are presented in Tables 3.6 and 3.7.
The behavior of silver, lead and antimony during sulfate treatment, and especially the possibility of their earlier extraction from solid products are important. The silver content in solidresiduesdrops from one step of sulfate treatment

Table 3.6. Fluidized-bed leaching and flotation. M;lss balance of the experiments in sulfate and chloride solution according to the flowsheet in Figure 3.7. Sample LP, fraction 400 mesh x 2oPm.*)


Snmplu Weigh1

Conmt in Solids.

rams (Ag. Au: mg)

2.244 1.580 As

10.0 7.05
n.a. na
n a



173.0 88.0



s !3

ToDl um m p k

h ~nbt UI LF-203-208

3.550 2.5W 909.1


11190.6 241.4 768. 170.0

W.15 217.71
n.n. nr.

34.36 24.20

7.45 5.25

2M.208 3 Mired Flrnon 0from 2 0 3 . 2 4

Nm-nwbb F m K n (NFihrm 203-2M 5 FF~FBUPZOP


".a, n . a .
n ~ ,
18.51 1.51

n . ~

n a

n . s .

n a .



1.147 0.W

18.8 19.9

U.36 8.77

65.81 9.78

0.131 0.047

6.01 0.55

0.981 0.077

2826 15.02
I U . I C I .

16.46 1035


n a

7730 n . a .

3-99 16as'


n s


19.98 46.10



.................................................................................................... InleStaFBUF2U 23 1267.9 2.114 W . 6 25.16 15.83 14338 0.562 15.51 FFfmnFBUPUa 26 m7.8 n& nr. n~ o* . n nl.


233 399.9

0523 IDM



2.74 4M


21.79 0.123 5 7 a 0.222

1.94 3.a

fnna LC-IP
QyNalE flun axding ryrvm


G g




H-bullmhFBL-222 hmd(M)-h



0.933 0.125 0.126 0.965 0.079 0

148.16 29.9 23.4 1614 13.7 1.2


11.01 5.38 2.71 10.16 2.06 0.33




1.001 0.197


46 47 48

11.85 8.49 48.81 4.88 0.031 0.157 0.017 0.54 5.02 0.42



CIysrnlshorn m o m 8s l a w

FBL222 H..-mhFBLZL3 M-klmnfmnFBL213 Gyrmb fmm mling a y a m

Irmn PBLP3

75.2 489.9 45.7 5.7

1.50 11.23 0.96 0.08

1.019 0.133 0.012



- .H-mfmm FBL-Z23

---4 6 0 5 5 0 8.5 63.9


1.019 0232 0070 0.036 -

96.9 *.I

10.23 0.45 0.W

227 0.27 0.55 0.M

2331 1137

0.092 0.013

3.82 0.45

1.082 0.177



hrm LC.137



CrYaJI f& FBL-tT)



0 . 0 7

1.43 0.45



FBL: F h i d # i ~ l % t q
FBUP: RlidnrdMLarbwdLC: ChLndcLc+hng n.l: m&mmid " . a : rnh u h ccnvawwa In rhc LP are * l o : Cu .0382%. Fc 30.74%. a. 6 . m . Pb 3.32% A t - 87.W ppn. Sb 6% ppn, h 0.97%. Au 2.1 m.Ca 0.146% m P 1 m3.1. IdcnullcPm Oow-nmbmwadin# YI rhc rluurl c n r c n r n o or ~ ~w SOIUOW a) Svlfv dm: Zn 21-35 IUI. Cu 1.2 IUI. Fer PA.HzSOd 5% W.L

Table 3.7. Metals extraction during fluidized-bedleaching and flotation in sulfate and chloride solutions; calculated from metals content in solids (see Table 3.6 and Figure 3.7).


Processing Time (min)

Cu 47.37



Extraction (96) Pb Ag






~Extraclion after steps 203-211 and LF-M av 30 Cummulative extraction from 203-214 av 135 Exuaction a h 203-214. 224 P7and228 443 *) Tolal extraction f r o m flow (2) (afw LC-127.128 aad 138) 503 3,
Exoa~tionafter LF 221 Ex~iW after FBL 222 Exvection aflcr steps: 221-223, 226aod229 TO& a m t i o n from flow (37) (dm LC-136 and 137) 220 I)





59.02~) n.d. 66.68 84.14 39.01 58.93 64.312) 62,9 n.d.



-90.979) 95.399)

56.07~) n.d.


93.65 44.78 77.61


n.d. 19.49 n.d. n.d.

.. -.


5 " 2.

: A

26.69 36.90





430 4, 490 5 )

43.612) 84.11 62.g1) 99.27

93.62 97.68

58.941)n.d. 60.12ll)n.d.




Total exmtion from flow (1) aArr *w&lcaching" in FBL 9 225 pad FBL 227-229 wirh CaClz s a l h av 436 6,
T O ~ Iexmction fmm flow (1) after final M I 3 leaching (LC-127, 128. 135-138) av 506 '1

64.28 37.15 ~9.05~) 83.9 40.65







71.8~) 32
99.06 79.44




av: avuagc: n.d: n o t determined 1) T m of processing in sulfate solluion

2) 3)

353 rnin in sulfara solution and 90 mia in CaClz solution

As above with additional 60 min in FeCI3 solution

5) 6) 7)

370 rnin in slllfate solution sad 60 min in CaCl2 solution As abwc with additional 60 min in FeC13 solution Avemge from 2) and 4) Average fmm 3). 5), and simultaneous leaching of NF fractions in: Cd12 solution (FBL-225) - 60 mm, and in FeC13 soluuon (LC-135) -60 min 8) Calculated from metals balance in solutions 9) As yield from flow (25) 10) As yield in FBL 226 from flows (47) to (49) I I) Exudcuon from now (37) after FBL 226 excluding silver in flow (40) 12) Extrachon from flow (37) after FBL 223.

to another. One probable reason of such a silver behavior i s its slow dissolution in the sulfate solution as silver sulfate (A&SQ,). For this reason, the leachability of silver, lead and antimony by a nod-oxidative calcium chloride solution was investigated in ten samples taken Erom different solid residues from the left branch of the flowsheet. The leaching tests were carried out on 20-30 g of samples in 0.7 1 of solution containing 52 to 66 g Call and 10 ml of HC1(36%) during 4 hours at 90-95C in a standard laboratory installation. The results are presented in Table 3.8, The kinetics of leaching for more typical samples is shown in Figures 3.10 and 3.11. General conclusions after sulfate leaching are:
1 .

Sulfateleaching in fluidized-bed coupled with flotation or not, allows for relatively selective zinc exuaction from and its sulfidic form i n complex sulfide ores. Simultaneous extraction of copper depends on its concen~ation the ore.

Table 3.8. Results of control chloride leaching of lead, silver and antimony (see text for experimental conditions) 1.D. No.

No. of Test
. - - ---

Emaction % from sample2)

Solid Sample

of flow1)



---------92.5 62



LC-113 LC- 114 LC-1 15 LC-116 LC-117 LC-118 LC-119 LC-120 LC-121 LC- 122

NF fraction from FBLL 209 M fraction from FBUL 209 NF from FBLlF 210-211 FF fraction from LF-M


85 93.5

11 12 10 FF from FBL/F 210-21 1 20 FF from FBL/F 212 22 FF from FBL/F 213 Heavy fraction f r o m FBL 214 16 Mf r o m F B W 213 and FBL 214 23 NF h r n FBL/F 213 and light fraction from FEiL 214 24 M from LF-Mand FBL/F 210-21 1 13

97.8 >99.9 >99.9 >99.9 98.-

70.3 75.1 74 70
78 72

>99 >80 n.d. n.d. n.d. 62-68 52-93 48 85-92






NF - non-flotablefraction

mixed faction FF - flotable fraction n.d. not &mnined Numbers of flows from Figure 3.7 1) Yield in the cmied out test (not cumulative extraction degree) 2)

T8mm Ihl

Figure 3.10. Leachability of lead, silver and antimony from nonflotable (LC-113) and mixed (LC-114) fractions after FBLIF-209 in calcium chloride solution. For other conditions see text.

Figure 3.11. Leachability of lead, silver and antimony from different fractions after FBI, 212 to 214 in calcium chloride solution: a) from mixed fractions after FBL 213 and 214 (LC-121) b) from flotable fraction after FBL 212 (LC-120) c) from flotable fraction after FBL 213 (LC-119) d) from flotable fraction after FBL 214 (LC-120)


Slow reoxidation of ferrous ions under oxygen pressure of 20-30 psi and low temperature (80-85" C) caused poor zinc extraction. After 7 horn of treatment only 84% of the zinc was extracted. T h i s degree of extraction was lower than in previous classical experiments described in Chapter 2 and in Section 3.2. After an additional hour of femc chlorideleaching the cumulative zinc extraction augmented to an acceptablelevel of 94-99%. The classical experiments were performed on the LPU sample without iron reoxidation by oxygen. The amount of ferric ions was high enough to protect good kinetics of leaching because there were high liquidsolid (WS) ratios from 8 to 11 Vkg. (The exception was one 3-step experiment where L/S was about 3.6 I/kg but final femc ions concentration was high enough: 40.7 g/l in 1st step, 77 in 2nd and 126 &/l in 3rd.) During FBL processing the liquid/solidratio was from 1.18 to 2.38 l/kg and f i n a l ferric ion concentration was often only 7 to 9 g Fe3/l. Leaching with low L/S ratio is important because of diminished reactor volume and higher zinc concentration in solution. u s t be protected by higher oxygen pressure (from 100 to 150 However, the rate of leaching in these conditions m psi) and higher temperature f r o m 90 to 95%.


Lead extraction to the calcium chloride solution during the non-oxidative, fluidized-bed leaching that follows sulfate-FBL processing, achieves 92%. Lead extraction increase ta 99% after one hour of oxidative leaching in ferric chloride solution (Table 3.7). Non-oxidative chloride leaching easily shifts into oxidative leaching by increasing the femc chloride concentration in the leaching solution.


Simultaneous with lead, silver extraction achieves 59% in the non-oxidative conditions and 79.4% in oxidative conditions (Table 3.7).


About 96% of total lead and 71% of total silver contained in LP ore-samples are transformed into soluble compounds in the chloride-non-oxidative solution, during the initial stage of sulfate treatment (Table 3.8). The extraction of lead, silver and in some cases, antimony from different samples is schematically shown in Figure 3.12. It is evident that not more than about 30%of the total silver is dispersed in the non-soluble pyritic matrix.
Sample Lp

to LF


Figure 3.12. Leachability of lead, silver and antimony from solid semi-products at different steps of treatment of the flow (2) (left branch of the flowsheet in Figure 3.9).

3.4 Fluidized-Bed Leaching in Chloride Solutions

Oxidation of ferrous ions in chloride solution & considerably faster under 40-50 psi of oxygen pressure than in sulfate solution and oxidation of cuprous ions in chloride solution is even faster under atmospheric pressure. For this reason leaching by FeCI, and CuC1, solution was chosen as the best attainable at MIRL. Such a demonstration of the Fluidized-Bed Leaching features contributes the 1st "chloride" sub-program conducted in MlRL and another Nerco's engagement in hydrometallurgical chloride technologies.

The tests were carried out according t oaf l o w s h e e t presented in Figure 3.13 in the mini-pilot laboratory installation shown in Figure 3.5. When the ore suspension was introduced to the 1st reactor (R,), the leaching solution circulated from the reactor (R,) to the oxidation reactor R); through valve 20 to the crystallizer (C,); then through the pump p , ) to the
bottom part of the reactor (R,). The particles with specific gravity above 4.5, generally the pyrite fraction of the ore, were retained in the fluidized-bed. Particles with specific gravity b e l o w 4, and all very fine particles were transported w i t h the solution to the second reactor ( R J ,where the heavier fraction with specific gravity 3 4 (FeOOH, jarosite, gangue minerals) sedimented in the separator (SJ, and lighter fraction particles below 3 (gypsum, quartz) sedimented in the crystallizer (C).
It was expected that some part of the lead would crystallize in the form of lead chloride and sediment in the crystallizer also. The continuous reoxidation of the used leaching reagent was carried out by oxygen dispersed under pressure in the



Lmmchlng Solutlon


Smdlmmtatlon Flltratlon

Flnal Leach





Figure 3.13. General flowsheet of experiments carried out in chloride solutions in the pressure installation presented in Figure 3.5.

second reactor (RJ. When leaching was finished the calcium chloride solution had been fed continuously to the 1st reactor, through the valve (12) and the pump CP,) in a volume necessary to dissolve insoluble-in-water metals compounds. At the same time the spent solution previously filling the 1st and 2nd reactors was directed to the collector (R,) and then outside thc installation. The spent CaCI, wash solution was transported, bypassing the 2nd reactor, directly to the crystallizer and then outside the installation. Fluidized-bed calcium chloride (CaClJ washing was conducted under atmosphericpressure but at elevated temperatures (80-9@),and some solution components had crystallized after cooling in the crystallizer. Of course, the spent wash solution could be mixed with the spent leaching solution, but this was not done during the tests. The final fluidized-bed washing with pure water was conducted in the same manner as the first CaC1, washing. A schematic flowsheet of the two experiments is presented in Figure 3.14. Two steps of leaching were carried out with the same solution. The left branch of the flowsheet, beginning from the flow #2correspondsto the Zstepcupric chlorideleaching, r o m the flow #10 corresponds to the 2-step ferric chloride leaching. Two LP ore-samples, 700 the right branch, beginning f g each of the fraction 400 mesh x 20 p, were leached according to the above procedure (Figures 3.13 and 3.14). The tests were carried out in the following steady state conditions:

Figure 3.14. Flowsheet of experiments on the Fluidized-Bed Leaching in cupric and ferric chloride solutions in the laboratory installation (Figure 3.5). Circled numbers of flows correspond to the identification numbers in the Tables 3.9 and 3.10.

Temperat~re:90-95~C in the lst, FBL-reactor, and 75-9@C in the 2nd, oxidation-reactor


16 psi during CuCI, leaching test, and 17-20 psi during FeCJ leaching test

Time of heating the ore pulp to 90C in the beaker @ulp preparation in B, Figure 3.13): 30-40 min Time of pulp feeding ti, the 1st reactor
CuCI, leaching: 1 step (LC-215) 40 minutes 2 step (LC-217) 34 minutes

FeCL, leaching: 1 step (LC-216) 20 minutes 2 step (LC-219) 25 m i n u t e s

Time of ore retention in the fluidized-bed state (after feeding):

CuCI, leaching: 1 step 83 minutes 2 step 116 minutes

FeCI, leaching: 1 step 100 minutes

2 step 117 minutes
Rate of transportation of the circulating solution during leaching period:

CuCI, leaching: 1st step: 100-150 mUminutes 2nd step: 100-175 rnVminutes FeC1, leaching: 1st step: 120-160 mVminutes 2nd step: 85-125 rnVminutes
Initial composition of the leaching solution: C u q leaching: Cu 35.48 g~l Fe 9.96 g,/l Ca 63.7 gfl FeCI, leaching: Cu 8 m@ Fe 27.28 gll Ca 76.3 g l

Calcium chloride washing solution composition:

CuCl, leaching: Ca 46.4 gfl Fe 4.53 g/l Pb 1.86 g/l Cu 1.26 g/l Zn 0.32 g/l Ag 2.15 ppm

FeCI, leaching: Ca 14.27 g11 Fe 0.02 gfl Pb 2.89 g/l

Cu -

Zn 0.06g/l

Ag 7.18 ppm

Hydrochloric acid (36%HC1) added to the leaching solution:

CuC1, leaching: 1st step: 150 ml 2nd step: 70 rnl

FeCL, leaching: 1st step: 150 ml 2nd step: 100 m l

Liquidsolid ratio in the 1st reactor:
CuC1, leaching: 1st step: 1.75 ykg 2nd step: 2.08 Vkg

FeCl, leaching: 1st step: 2.00 Vkg 2nd step: 2.70 Vkg
Other conditions and data are presented in Tables 3.9 and 3.10 - the mass balances of metals i n solid and in solution. Results of the leaching tests are presented in Table 3.11. Table 39. FJu,idhd-bedleaching. Mass balance of metals content in solids during cupric- and ferricqhloride leaching according to the flowsheetin Figure 3.13.



weight 1.400 700 68.1 680.3


3.948 1.974 0.021 1.425
-----* *


Content in Solids, grams (Ag. Au: mg) Zn Pb Ag Sb 95.2 47.6 0.29 17.03 49.28

As 13.55 6.78 0.13 8.38


Ca 0.2 0.1 14.2 10.8 10.6 0.01 1.40



Total Inlet
Inlet ID LC-215 Crystals from cooling system Oullet from LC-215
* **

430.4 215.2 4.85 271.3 270.4 117.7 57.3 3.9 175.0 215.2 1.02 224.8 223.6 132.9 16.9 16.1 149.8


0.882 0.441 0.005 0.18

--*+---- ----*

2.814 1.407 n.a. n.a.

n.a 0.544 0.390 0.012 0.934


5 ~ ~ = A f t e r J ~ ~ h i n g - l s t n r6 ra A f m k h i n g - 2nd rcacurr 7 Crystals from Cooling System 8 Outlet From 217 9

----------- -.------. ------2 ,s. Inlet to LC-217



* *------------------


------.-* ------- ---** -------..*-------17.05 1.07 0.84 0.002 1.91 47.6 0.02 12.89

0.01 0.45

---- --24.92 4.89 3.92 0.24 8.81

6 0 . 9 6 0.48 24.96

------- - ---------- *
8.29 2.57 1.45 0.06 4.02 6.78 0.04 6.43


6729 285.3 171.8 18.7 457.1 700 47.1 524.2 521.5 358.1 49.9 47.05 408.0

1.416 0.213 0.171 0.098 0.384 1.974 0.007 1.327

* *-+------


0.45 0.183 0.097


0.18 0.055 0.039

24.64 0.061 0,635

0.094 0.441 0.004 0.323


1.4 0.1 3.75 ma.



Ink t o LC-216


" 5

Crystals from cooling system O W from LC-216



10 11 12

6 0 . 9 6 0.21
* -.-------.+

---* -------+

* -*-------------------

* -*------.

-------**.--------.-.----6.40 4.82 0.58 0.U 5.40

n.a. n.a.



r Aftcr Leaching - l a r a t o r After Lathing - 2nd nacm Crystals from cooling system Outlet from LC-219

Inlet ID LC-219

13 14 15 16 17

1.320 0.895 0.074 0.070 0.969

12.82 2.15

0.08 2.29

0.632 0.37 0.04 0.05 0.41

34.91 21.11 1.91 1.76 23.02

0.321 0.166 0.018 0.015 0.184

n.a n.a
n.a. n.a. n . a .

n.a. 0.02 0.003 0.05 0.02


Solid residues from reactors cleaning after LC-217 and 219

Total in solid residues after

18 194.6 0.228 69.78 0.85 0.19 5.33 0.047 1.89 n.a. 0.95 ____..--~1~1_.__-----~***~-~---.~.-+------.~~~.------~~~*.------.**-------

leaching LC-217 and LC-219



i m 3.14.









Identification numbers cotre-

to the f l o w numbus in F

Tabk 3.10. Fluidized-bed leaching. Ma.. balance of metals mntent in sc)lutionsd u r i n ~ cupric- and Rrric.c-hloride leaching according to the nowsheet in Figure 3.13.
Spccirications Inlet t o LC-215 Oullct from LC-215 lnlct to LC-217 Outlct from LC-217 Inlet to LC-216 Outlet from LC-216 Inlct to LC-219 Outlet to LC-219


Volume (liters)



Content in Solution, grams (Ag, Au: mg) Zn Pb Ag Sb





Cupdc Leaching

20 21

23 24

8.38 10.70**) 5.59 6.48**) 8.74 9.02"') 4.50**

7.06 )

147.47 149.35 133.12 117.06 0.038 1.991 1.500 2.228

59.70 56.04 49.01 47.61 122.9 122.5 116.8 114.4

6.32 44.56 31.35 41.20 0.26 37.39 26.98 35.95

12.35 35.59 24.10 21.26 12.32 30.60 17.40 17.65

27.44 72.14 56.95 63.19

0.145 0.5& 0.488 0.482 0.16 0.389 0.165 0.255


n.a. 1.34 n.a. 0.57 n.a. 1.17

451.8 617.4 513.2 235.8 403.8 613.3


Chloride Leaching

26 27

30.89 52.58 26.38 34.05



* **

Identification numbers correspond to the flow numbers in Figure 3.14. Including wash-wa~rs.

Table 3.11. Metals extradim during fluidized bed leaching in chloride.~olutions, calculated rrmn metals content in solids (see Table 3.9 and Figure 3.13).


Leaching Time (rnin)

Extraction, % Cu

1.8 2.7 -26.12) 1.7 -4.52) 16.5





As n.a. n.a. n.a. 28.2

+ 4 " -

Aftcr LC-217~)

IS 37 123 273 120 262

-13.7~) -2.42) 27.8 76.9 32.8 46.7

2.6 11.3 44.2 95.5 72.9 94.7

40.2 73.0 98.2 97.6 97.4 98.1

30.7 40.3 59.0 82.8 42.4 59.4

1.8 25.9 59.2 75.2

26.8 54.7

5.1 7.6


1) 2) 3) 4)

During 1st beaker feeding to the 1st reactor (LC-215); 350 g of solid (LP)in 700 ml of the solution; flow (20). Precipitation from solution. Expressed as excess in solid residue aftet leaching (-13.7 means 13.7% of copper in solid aftcr leaching). During 2nd beaker feeding to the l st reactor (LC-215); 350 g of solid (LP) in 700 ml of the solution: flow (20). Temp: 1st reactor 85.-->96OC: 2nd reactor 78 --> 83OC; average q pressure: 16 psi: solidfliquid ratio ( S L ) in 1st reactor 0.57 k @ . 5) Temp: 1st reactor 95OC; 2nd reactor 80C; 02 pressure: 1642 psi; S/L (1st reactor): 0.48 kg/L. 6) Temp: 1st reactor 9SC;2nd reactor 75OC; average q pressure 20 psi: S L (1st reactor): 0.50 kgL. 7) Temp: 1st reactor 92OC: 2nd rcacmr 90C; average 02 pressure 17 psi; S / L (1st reactor): 0.37 k g & , .

Extraction of m e t a l s after 4 112 hours leaching in both cases attains 94% for zinc and 98% for lead. Extractions of copper and silver are higher in the cupric than in the ferric chloride solution. Copper extraction attains 76.9% and 46.7% in CuCZ and FeC1, solution, respectively; and silver extraction 82.8% and 59.4%, respectively, in the same solutions. The
better extraction in thecupric chloride solution probablyresults from the followingadvantagesof copper over iron in chloride solution:

higher oxidative potential Cu2+/Cu4 than Fek /W+: faster reoxidation of cuprous than ferrous ions by oxygen; catalytic properties of cupric ion; more favorable mechanisms of secondary chemical reactions of copper in solution.

Moreover, in our case, the oxidative capacity of the cupric chloride solution was higher than the ferric chloride solution

because of higher concenmtion of oxidant in the cupric solution. The results of rhe fluidized-bed chlorideleachinggenerally c o n f m the advantages of this system. Probably the most important advantage of the fluidized-bed chloride leaching is the possibility of producing a high concenmtion zinc chloride solution with minimal concentration of oxidant CuC1, or FeCl,, that would be reoxidized continuously under elevated oxygen pressure. For this reason, the tests were carried out on metals extraction from LP ore by a chloride solution in which a low concentration of oxidant and a high zinc concentration were used. The conditions of the leaching tests and some results are presented in Table 3.12. A khetic characteristic of the leaching test LC-125 is shown in Figure 3.15. Excellent results, unexpected by the authors, were obtained. 97% of the zinc extraction after two hours of leaching should be confirmed in the fluidized-bed system with simultaneous reoxidation of the leaching agent under oxygen pressure.

Tabk 3.12 D e b me kachin~ by la* ramntration f&c cblaridc solution with high cancenhtion ofzinc chbride. Sample LP,Fraction 4 mesh, witlunttqclww ciadas brbw ZqM typical laboratory glass reactor, temp 90-9W, leaching time 4 h.

LC 124
Initial Concentration

LC 125


in leaching
solution ( @ I ) SoliMiquid ratio Loss of weight during
leaching (%)
50fl00 ml


Extraction to solution after 4h o w , (5%)

Fc Zn
Pb Ag

Sb As

44.37 10.4 97.38 98.42 71.14 56.28




+ +

* ; C

Figure 3.15. Extraction of metals during leaching of the LP ore sample with zinc chloride1 ferric chloride solution. Experimental conditions see Table 3 . 1 2 .




T l m e Ihl

3.5 Supplementary Tests on the Mixed Chloride/Sulfate Leaching

Two supplementary tests were performed with aluminium chloride solution. In the first test, ferric chloride, and in the second test, ferric sulfate, were used as oxidizing agents. By such a combination the influence of the high concentration of sulfate ions on chloride leaching, without gypsum precipitation occurring because of a calcium chloride solution, was investigated. Results presented in Figure 3.16 indicate good extraction of lead and zinc in chloride solution. At sulfate ion concentrations of about 1.6 mou, no negative impact was observed on the lead extraction (Figure 3.17). However, a retarding effect of sulfate ions on the zinc extraction is visible, although the extraction degree is higher than in pun= ferric sulfate solution under the same leaching conditions.

T i m


Figure 3.16. Kinetic of leaching in ferric chloridealuminum chloride system. Sample LP, kaction 200-270 mesh. Solution concentration: [Fe]= 30 gll; [All = 27 g/l, [Cl] = 5.6 mom; [HCI] = 18 g/l, liquid/solid ratio = 0.7 V50 g, temp.

Figure 3.17. Kinetic of leaching in ferric sulfatealuminum chloride system. Sample LPU (old) fraction 325-400 mesh. Solution concentration: [Fe] = 60 g/l, [Cul= 1 . 7 gh, [All = 40 gll, [ S O : ] = 1.60 moUI, [CI-1 = 3.5 moVI, temp. 95"C, liquidsolid ratio = 0.7 US0 g.

3.6 Sulfur and Gold Extraction from Residues after FBL Processing
Gold extraction ram the residues after Fluidized-Bed sulfate processing was investigated in a function of the pyritic matrix decomposition. For this purpose the solid residues were leached in femc sulfate solution with continuous addition of small quantities of nitric acid. In this condition sulfidic sulfur can be oxidized to the elemental form:

Competitive reaction in stronger oxidative conditions leads to panid oxidation of sulfides to the sulfates.

In both cases the ferrous ions are nearly instantaneously oxidized to the femc ions:

3Fea+ + NO; + 4H+= NO + 3Fe3++ W , O

Results of tests on the gold recovery as a function of the pyritic matrix destruction are presented in Table 3.13. The heavy florable fractionof the sampleLP,after sulfateprocessing and fluidized-bed calcium chloridewashingFBL 227 (Figure 3.7, flow 34), was leached by femc sulfate solution with continuous addition of nitric acid. In the experiments about 32%, and 54% to 72% of pyrite was decomposed, respectively, during 1st (LN-142) and 2nd (LN-2301231) "nitrate" leaching. The solid residues obtained after these leaching tests, as well as the sample from FBL 227 not treated by "nitrate" leaching, i t h cyanide solution under conditions described in Table 3.13. Elemental sulfur generated during "nitrate" were leached w leaching was not extracted from the sample and remained in the solid residues during cyanide leaching. However, in an additional experiment sulfur was extracted by xylene from another portion of the solid residue after "nitrate" leaching LN142; it was then directed t o cyanide leaching under the same conditions as the other samples. A relatively strong increase in the gold recovery with the pyritic matrix destruction (Table 3.13) i s visible. Indeed, only about 80%of gold is extracted if two-thirds of pyrite is decomposed, but this result is not final. The sulfur extraction from the solid residue before cyanidation improves the gold recovery even when a third of pyrite is decomposed. This result confirms previous observations (Chapter 2). Stronger oxidation conditionsdiminish elemental sulfur formation. The amount of elemental sulfur found in the residue sulfur that w a s oxidized in this leaching.

after strong "nitrate" leaching (LN231)comaponds only to 35.4% of total sadic The remaining amount is oxidized to sulfates.

Mild oxidizing conditions promote elemental sulfur formation. During "nimte"leaching with controlled addition of nitric acid (LN-142andLN230) about 66 to 68%of total sulfuris oxidized to the elemental form. but it is difficult to forecast now if more, and how much more pyritic sulfur can be generated in elemental form in technically acceptable conditions.
Cyanide leaching seems to be suitable for gold recovery from residues after sulfate leaching. The degree of the gold extraction indicated in Table 3.13 is attainable after 16 to 26 hours. The fluidized-bed system should be tested for the cyanidation process also.

Table 3.13. GoM recowry ttom treatrd nin functirm ofthe pyritic matrix desbuctionby "nitrate" kaching. Sample LP; heavy, M b l e fmctian after FRL227 (Ilow 34 in Figure 3.7). Cold concentration in the wmple 2.51 ppm.

Solid Sample Sptcifmtion

Loss of weight (%I

Concenvation of m w l s

S (%)


and sulfur after leaching

Fe (%I Zn


Ag ((ppm 6wm)


of pyrite h p sition (46)

Liquidkolid Ratio

Cyanide Leaching Change of Gold pH during exation leaching @H) (%)***)

11.54110.12 11.65110.56 11.78110.31 12.05/10.50 53.7158.1 62.7165.3 69.0178.4 74.81847


(%I 66.6 n.d. 75.4 82.6

Residue h m FBL227
Residue from LN142

19.62 12.07

0.18 0.17 0.19' 0.23

32.40 1.61 27.52 0.36


106.11 117.85'

5.31 9.95

32 32 63f 10

0.71151 0.5/39 0.5133 0.5142

Residue afmsulfur extr. from LN142

30.56. 0.40. 826

Residue fmm LN23W231 52.67

28 ** 0.61 1033

83.1 3 19.98

Leaching conditions Fq(S04)3] 0.12 m o m [H2SO4I = 1.35 moVL; Av. rate of HN@ (70%) fading = 0.6 mumin.: leaching time p~ m~ p s i v c infrom 6S0 to 93OC. 1st step: Fe2(SOdhl= 0.12 205 min: Initial LiqWsolid (US) ratio0.7U101g.; T e m p e r a i ~ m o l k [H2S041= 1/35 rnoVL; Av. rate of FIN% (70%)feeding = 0.3 mumin: Leaching time 140 min; Initial US - 0.35 U100Ag; Temp. 82-92% 2nd step: F q ( S O 4 h l = 0.19 molL [ H N e = ]2.8 mom; Lmching time - 18 min: Initial US ratio = 0.275 V132g. [NaCN] = lg/L [NaOHI Ig/L; Leaching time = 48 h.

-J m :

m :

*) Calculam from balance **) Low accumcy f10% ***) Analytical resultq fmtwo digested solid samples n.d. - not determined

3.7 Summary and Conclusions

3 . 7 . 1 Leachability of LP Ore-samples LPU ore-sample (old sample From 1985) represents better leachability than new LP (1986) sample. The comparison of some results is presented below:
Concentration in LPU (old, 1985 sample) Zn 6.63% Pb 2.83%

(new , 1986 sample) 6.80%



Extraction in comparative conditions Zn Cu

0.38% 92.7 ppm 3-48 ppm


0.28% 87.1 ppm 2.10 ppm

Pb* 96-99
60-84 70-91 AU 70-90"

-96 98-99 -60 60-80


*) **)

in chloride FeC1, leaching in cyanide leaching followed sulfate/chloride and sulfur extraction steps ***) in cyanide leaching after "nitrate" leaching

The comparison of metals extraction from the LP ore-sample is presented for the different leaching processes in Table 3.14. These results should be analyzed carefully because of the differentexperimental systems that were used. Nevertheless,
Table 3.14. Metals extraction from Delta ore (sample LP) in the investigated leaching systems. No. Leaching System

Kind of Time of hocessingProcessing(h)



Cummulative Extraction, % Zn Pb Ag Sb


EeC13 - CaC12,02










FBLF - Fluidized-Bed Leaching and Flo~a~ion FBL - Fluidued-Bcd Leaching LC Non-continuous experiment in classical glass reactor nod.Not dctamincd Ic - cummulative extmction after partial deslruction (-63%) of pyritic matrix (see Table 3.13) Id - cummulativeextrxtion alwr cyanide Imching (see Table 3.13) All experiments, except No. 6: Ore sample LP(1987): Experiment 6: Sample LPU (1986). All experiments. except No. 5 and 6: Fraction -400 mesh, without cyclone cinders -2Op.m; No. 5: 200-270 mesh; No. 6: 325-400 mesh. * Aftcr 2h of leaching; 97% ** Low accuracy f 15%

visible superiority of the silver extraction in CuCI, solution, the total and fast zinc extraction in ZnCpeCl, solution, as well as relatively good results of the fluidized-bed, multistadial, sulfate/chlori& leaching is evident. A high degree of silver and gold recovery is confirmed by cyanide leaching carried out after partial destruction of the pyritic matrix. Probably the same silver recovery (96.8%) can be obtained in chloride leaching conducted after pyrite destruction. 80%of the gold extraction with cyanide solution, from residue left after decomposition of about 60% of the pyrite should be improved in the next experiments.

3.7.2 Fluidized-bed leaching (FBL)reactor The Leaching-Flotation (LF) process was modified by coupling with the Fluidized-Bedleaching W L ) process. This improvement is important because it combines adjustment of long leaching time with fast flotation, under elevated oxygen pressure. The tests on the fluidized-bed leaching accumulated evidence about advantages of this leaching system.
Low capital investment and low operating costs are expected due to the high capacity of the FBL reactor (liquidlsolid ratio: 1: 1.5); its simple construction and the applicabilityof the similar units to different leaching or precipitation processes; easy transport of reactive medias, and segregation of different solid components constrained by their physical and physic* chemical properties also under elevatedpressure of gaseous reagents. The fluidized-bedleaching system mates conditions for producing solutions with high concentration of extracted metals. For production of very concentrated leach solutions the FBL process can be c o n d u c ~ on a semicontinuous cyclic base, like elution from loaded ion exchangers, where the solution only is transported through fluidized-bed, or solids only are transported through the same solution. Fluidized-bed leaching segregates particles according to their specific gravity, shape and size: Heavy Minerals PbS

Specific Gravity Medium Spec. Gravity Minerals

FeS, CuS CuFeS, ZnS F e F e O O H Jarosites 4.9-5.0 4.64.8 4.1-4.3

Light Mineral


7.2-7.4 PbSO, 6.2-6.35 FeAsS 6.1-6.8 PbCJ 5.8 AgCl 5.55

3 . 9 4 . 1 3.34.3 2.9-3.3

For instance, during fluidized-bed sulfate leaching, non-reacted PbS, new formed PbSO,and arsenopyrite FeAsS, were collected in the bottom part of the reactor. Other sulfides were suspended in the fluidized-bed in the ceniral part of the reactor. Elemental sulfur, that is non-agglomerated with sulfides, gypsum and silica were transported with solution outside the reactor and sedimented. The fluidized-bed leaching can be coupled with the flotation under oxygen pressure to segregate the leached particles according to their flotability.
The FBL process can work in any kind of leaching solution, including cyanide, and can be used for recovery of any metal from disintegrated material. The fluidized-bed leaching conducted under oxygen pressure is thought to be a new process. No bibliographical references are known by the author. From an engineering point of view, the fluidized-bed leaching reactor belongs to a group of three phase (solid-liquid-gaseous)reactors.

3.73 FBL-Process application in the sulfate system. The proposed flowsheet of processing is schematically shown in Figure 3.18. The principal elements are similar to the flowsheet for the second variant of ore treatment presented in Chapter 2. According to the current version, the sulfate leaching steps are conducted in three 3-phase (solid-liquid-gaseous)reactors (Figure 3.18). In the 1st reactor, production of the purSed zinc sulfate solution with simultaneous separation of solid in two flows is resolved by coupling

the fluidized-bedleaching (FBL) process with flotationO.In the 2ndreactor,three flowsof the solid suspensionsin solution are separated: lst, a flotable fraction with non-reacted sulfides and sulfur; 2nd, a light nonflotable fraction, generally with products of iron hydrolysis, gypsum and quartz; and 3rd, a heavy non-flotable fraction with lead sulfate, silver chloride, some gangue minerals. Probably total gold will also accumulate in the 3rd fraction. In the third reactor, destruction of the pyrite matrix is carried out in the presence of nitric oxides. In this reactor, the 3-phase froth (solid-liquid-gaseous)is the principal reactive medium. Elemental sulfur is separated from this reactor in the flotable fraction. The suspension of the non-flotable particles is directed to the 2nd reactor. The major part of the solid products of iron hydrolysis is precipitated in the 3rd reactor. However,the final formation of easy-to-separate crystalline goethite and jarosite is formed in the 2nd reactor. T h i s occurs in very favorable conditions because about 20 g/l of ferric ions remains in solution after precipitation.

The spontaneous decomposition of pyrite by leaching with nimc acid is known:










Figure 3.18. Simplified flowsheet of the Fluidized-Bed and Flotation Processing in the sulfate solution.

Processes based on this reaction were proposed as one way to recover metals from difficult-to-dissolve sulfides. A disadvantage of these strong oxidative processes is that a considerable portion of the generated sulfur is oxidized to sulfates. This spontaneousreaction can be changed into a controllableaction of nitrous oxides with nitric acid generation under elevated oxygen pressure:

This reaction is attainable in the proposed reactor during leaching-flotation (LF) processing, conducted in the 3rd reactor. At the sametime, small quantitiesof niiric acid transported with the non-notable fraction to the 2nd reactor, and with recycled solution to the 1st reactor, accelerate the relatively slow decomposition of sphalerite.

Lead sulfate and insoluble (in these conditions) gold and silver are accumulated in the heavy nonflotable fraction (2nd reactor). It is worth mentioning that the possible dissolution of silver can be lessened in the sulfate solution by the addition of small quantities of chloride ions.
Lead and silver are recovenble from the heavy nonflotable fraction by short, simplenon-pressurefluidized-bed leaching in calcium chloride solution. Gold can be extracted by the classical cyanidation, taking no longer than 24 hrs, or in the fluidized-bed cyanide leaching under elevated oxygen pressure with an expected retention time from 1 to 2 hours. The gold concentration in the cyanide solution after fluidized-bed leaching i s expected to be higher than 100 ppm.
3.7.4 FBL-Process in the chloride systems. An application of fluidized-bed leaching to known chloride systems, does not change the general flowsheets of the chloride processing. The most important new feahues arising from this modification are:

diminishing the concentrationof the leaching agent. and increasing the concentration of the extracted metals under elevated oxygen pressure; co~ltinuous iron oxidation with partial precipitation of the iron hydrolysis products, under elevated oxygen pressure or by chlorine action; diminishing of the total volume of the leaching installation.

The activation of cupric chloride or femc chloride leaching by nitric oxides accelerates leaching of the scarcely soluble sulfides (CuFeS,, MoS,), allows for decomposition of nearly insoluble pyrite, and dissolves precious metals which form complexes with chloride ions. This is economically sound if reoxidation of nitrous oxide (NO) to nitric oxide (NO3 is carried out. The Fluidized bed leaching/Flotation (FBUF) reactor is particularly useful for this kind of processing.
3.7.5 Zinc-chloride leaching process. Chloride leaching of complex sulfide ores with a high concentration of zinc chloride solution containing ferric chloride is experimentally confmed a t MIRL as one of the best (Table 3.14). The following unexpected laboratory results were obtained:

LP ore leaching by solution with initial concentrations: 1 7 0 uZn (354.6 g/l ZnClJ, 2 0 a Fe (58 g/l FeCl,), and
30gA HCI in the typical conditions flable 3.12) give the following results:
Lead 96.5% extraction after 10 min. Silver - 75% extraction after 1 hour Zinc - 96% extraction after 2 hours

Maximum ZnC1, solubility is very high 48 moles ZnC1, per liter of solution, at a temperature of 25-80C. This solubility is similar to the value for the eutectic mixture in the fused salts systems. The solution containing 7.8 molP ZnC1, has a

freezing point of 62C. Viscosity of the ZnCJ concentrated solution is many times higher than that of water. Specific gravity of concentrated solutions attains 2.5. The solution with 6 mow ZnC1, has pH = 1.

The concentrated solution of ZnCt, is an excellent electrolyte for the electrolysis processes. Maximum conductivity
at 25" C has the ZnCJ solution containing 170 gll Zn. This value is two times higher than ZnSO, solution containing 120 g/l Z n .Also cathodic current efficiency is best at this zinc chloride concentration: 87%efficient for cathodic current density 1.100 A/rn2, and 75% efficient for 2,200 A/rn2. Other electrolysis conditions in the ZnCt, concentrated solution are compared in Table 3.15 with actually known zinc chloride electrolytic cells in which compact, dendrite-free zinc cathodes are electrowon.

4 0 " F ) ,chlorine gas produced at the anode during electrolysis of It is worth mentioning that at a temperature of 9.6C ( chloride solution reacts with water and forms y e l l o w crystalline chlorine hydrate. This solid product can be removed from electrolysis as a sluny in the spent electrolyte, diminishing the risk of environmental contamination by gaseous chlorine.
Zinc deposition fiom concentrated ZnCt, solution (Thomas & Fray) undoubtedly presents the highest advantages; it is simple,represents high yield from the same cathodic surface and operates in the best electrochemical concentration. Only a decrease of the cathodic current density, i.e. to value 1,100 A/m2 (still higher than for comparative processes), increases the current efficiency to a level of 90%. However, in spite of this obvious superiority, none of the known sulfide leaching processes was able to supply a concenmted solution of zinc chloride of suitable quality, Most frequently, the solvent extxaction processes were aimed to purify diluted solution after leaching and to concentrate it, but not so strongly. At the same time, purification of the high l be carried out before zinc electrowinning, without the concentration zinc chloride solution containing 170-200 g Z n ~can

'Table 3.15. Comparison of zinc elertrolysis conditinns from zinc chloridesolutiom, P w three known p r o c e s s

Thomas and Fray - Cambridge Univ. ~ n ~ l a n d l

Zinc conccnvalion in s o i n . fed to electrolysis @ I )
Zinc solution conccnliation i n cathodic comparunent

TamifasRaylidas Ruce?d


3 0

150 142

Zinc concenuatlon in sptnt



HCI in catholytc (g/L)


Current efficiency(C)
c a i h o d d M compartment




dWhWnl type DYNEL

1) B.K.Thomas. DJ. Fray 2) E.D.Nogueira, J.M. Refigc, and M.P.V i e w 3 ) DJ.MacKinon, J.M. Bmnen and R.M. Momson AU from P . D . Parker (Editor), "ChlorideHydrometallwgy" The Metallurgical Society of AIME, New York,

solvent extraction step: iron is easy to precipitate in the form of crystalline goethite f r o m a solution having such a zinc chloride concentration; lead is easy to precipitate by zinc by the method of the last patent of the Tecnicas-Reunidas,or by other known techniques.

The flowsheet of complex sulfide-ore processing based on leaching with a concenmted solution of zinc chloride will be described in the patent application.

Chapter 4
Third Stage Report
F. Letowski and P.D. Rao


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

WSTRACT ...................................................... 82 Induction ...................................................... 83 Description of Experiments .......................................... 87 Arsenic and Antimony Behavior During Chloride Leaching .................... 87 Arsenic and Antimony Precipitation from Chloride Solution ................... 95 Summary and Conclusions ........................................... 101 Supplementary Research ............................................. 103 REFERENCES ................................................... 105


This report contains the results of research on arsenic and antimony removal from chloride leach solutionsprior to solvent extraction treatment and zinc electrowinning. The r e s a h , carried out in a continuous laboratory installation, shows that arsenic concentration in solution depends strongly on the oxidative conditions of leaching. Arsenic removal from solution is relatively fast under elevated oxygen pressure. Arsenic concentration can be reduced to near 100 ppm at pH 2; further reduction requires additional neutralization. Under the experimentalconditions, arsenic precipitated with iron and lead and

the elemental sulfur concentration in the f d residues was 16.1%. Gold recovery from these residues by cyanidation was
from 66 to 77%. A short description of supplementary research and designs and construction of a laboratory electrolyser

are given.

The research described in this report was performed with active participation born the following persons: Mr. Wang Zhao Fang - Laboratory tests of leaching in high concentration zinc chloride solution;

Zinc electrolyser set up;

Analytical help in all experiments

Cyanide leaching tests.

Mr. Winghsiao Yuen

Mrs. Jane Smith

Analytical support in all research.

4.1 Introduction
The knowledge of arsenic and antimony behavior in hydrometallurgicalprocesses is important because of the following reasons:

Arsenic and antimony occur in nearly all complex sulfide ores. The presence of arsenic in aqueous solutions,directed to electrolysis, degrades properties of deposited metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb,etc.) and diminishes current efficiency during electrolysis. Gold and silver are often intimately associated with refractory arsenic-sulfuror antimony-sulfur minerals. Recovery of these precious metals requires destruction of the mineral mamix. Arsenic and antimony are toxic and disposal of solid wastes containing even their relatively stable compounds can be hazardous and subject t o environmental regulation. Arsenic forms many scarcely soluble compounds with several metals and disturbs hydrometallurgical processes. Both elements and their compounds have many technical applications and have high value.

s t h degree oxidation states as the arsenite anion As0;- and the more In aqueous solutions arsenic occurs in third and f stable arsenate anion AsO,f -.
The relative dominant regions of these ions are presented in the E-pH diagram in Figure 4.1 [4.1]. The regions of thermodynamicstability of arsenopyrite FeAsS and ferric arsenate FeAsO, are presented in the E-pH diagram of the system Fe-As-q0 (Figure 4.2)[4.2].

In solutions that do not contain sulfate, phosphate or carbonate ions, arsenic forms many stable solid phases with several metals. Stability of these compounds depends on electrochemical conditions (oxidative-reductivepotential) concentration of dissolved species and pH of solutions [4.3,4.4].
The regions of thermodynamic stability of iron, copper, zinc, lead, silver and calcium arsenates are shown in Figures 4.34.8. These regions can be diminished in chloride solutions because of strong complexation of metal ions by chloride ion.

Figure 4.1.

E-pH diagram for the As-S-H20 system at

25C [4.1].

Figure 4.2.

E-pH diagram for the Fe-As-S-Hz0system

at 25C.

Figure 43.

Stability diagram i n the F@o-As(V)-H20 System at 2SC, for equal activities of iron aud arsenic and p m = 10-Is Wa [42]

Figure 4.4.

Stability diagram i n the Cum-As(V)-Hz0 system at 2SC for equal activities of copper and arsenic and pC02=l~-1s kPa

Figure 4.5.

Stability diagram in the Zn-As(V)-H20 system for equal activities of zinc and arsenic and PCoZ=l~-15 kPa (25C) [43].

Figure 4.6.

Stability diagram in the Pb-As(V)-HtO system for equal activities of lead and arsenic and PCoZ'10*15 kPa (25C) [4.21.

Figure 4.7.

pH Stability diagram in the Ag-As(V)-HtO system for equal activities of silver and arsenic and pC02=10'1s kPa (25OC) 1431.

Figure 4.8,

pH Stability diagram in the Ca-As(V)-HpO system for equal activities of calcium and usenic and pCwl~-15 W a ( W C ) i 4 . 2 1 .

Respective metals arsenites, A s 0 compounds, are more soluble and generally cannot be precipitated from solutions of pH lower than 3 L4.31. Arsenic 0 oxide (As,03) is relatively stable in acidic solution. It can be precipitated from solution with concenuation higher than 0.2 mol/l. The stability diagram of ferrous-arsenite compounds is shown in Figure 4.9. Inuoducing sulfates, phosphates or carbonates to solutions containing As0,J' and As0,3- ions causes formation of new solid phases generally associated with the formation of basic salts [4.5]. Even at low sulfate concentration, precipitation or crystallization of mixed arsenic-sulfate compounds can occur. These are:

Beudantite, PbFe,(AsO,)(SO,)(OH), group compounds, in which lead can be replaced by calcium or hydronium ion NO+). Crandallitc, CaFe,(As04),(OH),IZ0, group compounds in which calcium ion can be replaced by barium or lead.

Beudantite can be associated with scorodite FeAsOi2qO and anglesite-PbS0,. From stoichiometric point of view beudantite corresponds to the following composition of compounds:

Figure 4.9.

Stability diagram i n the Fe(II)-As(III)-H20 s y s t e m for equal activities of calcium and arsenic and PC02=10-15 kPa [4.21.

Despite the similarity of beudantite to the above composition, beudantite has its own distinctive crystallographic syrnmetry.
The application of chloride leaching to metals recovery from Delta-ores has been investigated by MIRL since the fall of 1985. The leachability of sulfides occurring in the Delta ores in chloride solutions at moderate ternperatura (90-104"C), depends on the oxidative conditions of leaching. Easily soluble under nonoxidative conditions, with the evolution of %S, are galena (PbS) and pyrrhotite (FeS). Under mildly oxidative conditions created by ferric ions, galena, pyrrhotite and sphalerite (ZnS) are decomposed with elemental sulfur generation. Decomposition of tetraheadrite ((Cu, Zn, Fe),, Sb,S,J, chalcopyrite (CuFeS,), and other copper-iron sullides requires stronger oxidative conditions created by C u q . FeCL, and elevated oxygen pressure. Under such conditions, greater than 90% of sulfidic sulfur is oxidized to elemental sulfur and not more than 10% to sulfates. Strong oxidative conditions formed by catalytic action of nitric oxides or nihic acid are necessary to decompose pyrite (FeS,), arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and probably tenantite ((Cu, Fe),, AsS,J in a period time comparableto thoseof d y soluble sulfides. At these conditions, more suIfidicsulfuris oxidized to sulfates, whose presence in the chloride solutions strongly affect solubilities of many metallic compounds including compounds of arsenic and antimony. However,only cursory attention was directed at arsenicand antimony behavior during chloride leaching [Chapm 2 and 31.

Results of some previous experiments indicate weak arsenic exmction in chloride or sulfate solutions and higher extraction of antimony. The highest extraction of both metals was observed in the CuCL, - CaClJMgCJ leaching system. The extraction data collected in Table 4.1 corresponds to leaching conditions in which more than 94% of zinc, more than 98% of lead, 50% of silver and not more than 54% of copper were extracted.
In high concentration ferric chloride solutions where a portion of the arsenopyriteis decomposed, the arsenic concenor when the solution uation in solution is contiolled by the precipitation of low solubility femc aresenate (FeAsO;2,0), contains soluble sulfates, by precipitation of scarcely soluble hydroxo-sulfates and arsenates. Good leaching selectivity of nonferrous metals in contrast to arsenic and antimony was observed for the FeCJ-CaCJ system. However, femc arsenate can be dissolved under strongly acidic leaching conditions.

A second important observation was that the decompositionof pyritic, arsenopyritic, or other refractory sulfidic matrices causes an increase in the subsequent gold extraction by cyanidation.

Table 4.1. Approximate data of arsenic and antimony exlraction in different chloride solutions [4.6,4.7].

L e a c m Svstem

Sample of the Delta Ore

Exmtion (%) As
6.2 10.9
6 - 10


FeC13 - CaC12 FeC13 - ZnC12 FeC13 - AlC13 CuC12 - CaC12 Fe2(so4)3 - M a 3







10.7 12.3 - 26.9

4-6 horn

Time of Leaching: Temperature: Size of O r e Sample: Initial Iron Concentration: Liquid/Solid Ratio:

from 200 to 400 mesh 20-30 @ 0.7 Ll50g - 0.7 L/20 g

The following four sections of this report discuss:

1. The identification of conditions controlling arsenic and antimony extraction during chloride leaching of complex sulfide ores, and 2. Arsenic and antimony oxidation and selective precipitation with iron from leach solutions.

4.2 Description of Experiments

AU tests were performed with the TRIO ore sample, which among all other Delta ore samples has the highest arsenic content. The m e t a l s concentration and mineralogical composition of the TRIO sample are presented in Table 4.2.
The tests on arsenic and antimony leaching, oxidation, precipitation and crystallization were performed on a bench scale in both a batch and a continuous manner. All batch experiments were carried out under atmospheric pressure and at a temperature below the boiling point of the solution, in a glass reactor or a beaker with a stirrer. All continuous experiments under elevated oxygen pressure, were carried out in the two column reactor s y s t e m described in Chapter 3 and at the annual AIME meeting in Phoenix, February 1988 [4.8]. Two modifications to the system' are shown in Figure 4.10. The first modification consisted of the addition of a horizontal, cooled separator that improved crystal formation and particle r o m the recirculated solutions. The second modifcation was a horizontal heated separator for the sedimentation f sedimentation/sepaation of hydrolysis product. from oxidized solution.

The solutions used in the laboratory experiments contained variable elemental concentrations:

Fe from 2.5 to 7 1 g/l

Cu from 0.06 to 2.6 g/l Z n from 1.5 to 196 &/I Pb from 0 . 8t o 6.6 g/l Ag born 4 to 2 8 . 1 mg/l Sb from 1.6 to 130 mg/l A s from 0.16 t o1 0 g/l Ca fiom 0.8 to 45 g~l Mg below 1 5 g/l C1 from 3.5 to 8 . 0moll1 S O : from 3 . 5 to 0.15 mom

Table 42. Elemental and rninrrniogiral mmpmitirm of the ore sample used h expaiments. Delta Ore, sample TRIO, size 270-100 mcsh
A) Elemental composition of the ore sample.


2 5 . 0 3 %

Sb Ag

4 . 3 9%
0.14 %
118.8 ppm




3.98 ppm

4.3 Arsenic and Antimony Behavior During Chloride Leaching

The leachability of arsenic and antimony in acidic chloride solutions was tested under the following specific conditions:


Total Sulfur

8 ) Minefalogic composition of the ore sample.

Zns PbS

low temperature (70-80C) leaching under elevated oxygen pressure (p0, = 20-30psig); leaching at higher temperature (90-100C) and under atmospheric pressure of air; leaching at higher temperature and under elevated psig); oxygen pressure (20-30 leaching at higher temperature and under elevated oxygen pressure, activated by a small addition of nitric acid (5g HNOJl solution).

F a 2 k (oxidwi)
Insoluble Residua
Total Identified 91.65%

All pressure leaching tests were carried out in the installation shown in Figure 4.10according to flowsheets presented in Figure 4.1 1 and 4.12. Each experiment was terminated

T e W t e and Tenantia wwe confumed as minor minerah.


Figure 4.10. Laboratory instalhtion for fluidized bed leaching, precipitation and flotation under elevated oxygen p m e . R1 and R2,- Column reactors (dia. 4 inch, height 48 inch, max. pressure 50 psi) R3 Pressure liquid/solid separator (150 psi) S1 and S2 Separators for sedirnented fraction of suspension (50 psi) B Pulp preparation beaker C1 Pressure crystallizer (100 psi) C2 Separator for hydrolysis products sedimentation Dl and D2 Fritted-glass discs for oxygen dispersion in reactors (60 psi) F1 and F2 Oxygen flow-meters (150 psi) G Gauge (oxygen, 150 psi) HI-H5 Heating tapes Hg Immersion heater (in f u s e dquartz tube) M1 and M2 Magnetic stirrers M-H Hot plate with magnetic stirrer Pi-P3 Tubing pumps Masterflex with Norprene tube, adapted to pulp transportation under 40 psi pressure Pq Piston m e t e r i n g pump for solution (150 psi) Ti-T3 Thermometers 1-21-Teflon valves



Leaching and Oxidsrim Stag:



Sepamim of Fld Fractions by Leaching/F10tation


j . I _
2nd Leaching -


1 .




Non Rotable Fraction

Figure 4.11. General flowsheet of experiments on leachinglprecipitatiodflotationcarried out in pressure installation presented in Figure 4.10.


(Trio Sample)




Figure 4.12. General flowsheet of mixed bathlcontinuous experiment (Table 4.6) carried out in the fluidized bed reactor and in a static reactor (3 liter beaker).
a segregation of solid particles by a leaching/flotationstage, conducred with oxygen dispersed in the solution under elevated

pressure (20-30 psig). For improved separation of the final solids fractions, the leaching/flotation was repeated in some cases under amosphexic pressure of air in the installation described in Chapter 2. The results of six tests are presented in
Tables 4.3 through 4.8. Specific leaching conditions and parameters are given. The atmospheric pressure leaching tests (Tables 4.4 and 4.5) are included in the combined leachinglprecipitation experiments and the general flowsheet is presented in Figure 4.12. These are:

the fluidized bed leaching of ore with the solution identified in Figure 4.12 as flow (I), and bench scale leaching of succeeding intermediate products, flows 2 and 3, conducted in a large beaker (3 liter) with the solutions of flows 13and 15. The nonflotablefractionsfrom both experiments(Tables 4.4 and4.5) were combined, Thisjoint fraction (Flow 5) was divided between two experimentsproportionately to the amount of fresh ore used in both experiments.

Tabk 43. Metalp mncentration in the flows during leaching tcltS mrried out in the laboratory (FBL) imtallation (Figurt 4.10) according to the Ilowsheet in Figurt 4.11. Chloride solution; initial pH = 02; temp. 70-80'C; time 2 hwrs Flow Spcification of Flow No. CONCENTRATION (%) (Au, Ag in pprn) otal Flow Au









S O :


Raw Material (Ole)toRocessing

1 2

Product (Ore)after Lraching

1.35 1.57 0.26 1.73 0.12 0.10


7.30 118.8

0.14 0.18 0.05 0.15 0.02 0.02

8.26 1.2 8.2 0.6 <0.4

0.21 3.2 0.31 7.80 4.52



final Product - Flmbk Fmtion

Light Fraction of Products Non Flotable Fraction of Roducts

4 5

31.4 6.4 32.5 1.9 2.15

1.2 9.3 2.17 8.0

2.60 150
45.2 10.6 28.1 31.5 26 115 10 9.01


Immediate Crystallization and hipitation Roduct Slow C~ystallizatim Producls

Leaching Solution (Inlet)

k h Solution (Outlet)


8 9

1 19.2


0.98 1% 1.25 232

0.8 0.8


0.034 0.077

1.02 0.16






7.4 7.0


Identification numbas in the flowsheet (Figure 4.1 1) Appoxirna~~ weight of fraction (not totally recaveredafta cxpcriment).

Calculated Concenmtim in the Flows (Calculated 6om AA analysts, mass balance &&ra(ions
(1) M 2

and assumptions):

cM2 Insoluble

32.75 15.14 11.18 8.42 3.89 4.67

(4) P

~ Z pbm4 PbS CaS04.2 Hz0



FeAsO4.2 Hz0 FcAsS

55.32 14.6 4.69 13.76 1.59 0.55 1.73

(6) CaS04.2 Hz0 m12

m 0 . 1 FeOOH
FcAsO42 Hz0 ZnS04.7 Hz0

33.54 20.76 7.51 2.3 1 1.82 9.53

(7) M o d

m l 2 CaS04.2 H20 FeOOH

2350 20.68 19.44 3.42

Tabk 4.4. The mmpressure, batch karhing/praipitation test Chloride solution;

initial pH = 0.2, temp. 9 0 - 9 8 ' ~ .time 90 min. Amount of Total Flow Au


CONCENTRATTON (%) (Au,Ag in ppm)


Specification of Flow









S O :



Raw Material (Ore) toRocessing


25.03 24.0

1.35 1.15 1.67


7.30 118.8 1.94 1W.3 19.01 1221

0.14 0.21


3.3 0.04


539 381.8 128**

Intermediate Rnduct After Leaching FlotableFraction AfmProcessing Light Fraction of Solid Particles
Non Flomble Fraction Aftw


12.93 4.57


Processing ImmediateCrystallizationand Precipitation Product Slow Crystallization Roducm

7 VolumeH**
CONCFNTRATTON I NS O 1 . l (Au. An in ppm)

0 -

Leaching Solution (Inlet)

10 11




0.82 1.38

16 27.2

0.124 10

0.80 1.26

2 1.8

Leach Solution (Outlet)


2.13 119



** The part of common flow of 274g. The s~cond part in the same flow in Table 4.4. *** Appmxirnaa amount a volume; not precise enough for a W e calculation.

The numbers as in the flowsheel (Figure 4.12).

Tabk 45. The nonpmure batch lmhing/precipitationtst Chloride sdution, initial pH=08; temp. 90-1M0C, time 60 min.

Flow * 'S~ification of Flow No. Fe

CONCENlRAnON (%) (Au, Ag in ppm)

otal Flow








S O :


Raw Material (Che) to Processing

Intamcdiatc Roduct Aftw Leaching

Flotable Fraction After Rocwsing Light Fraction of Solid Paxticlw Non Flolable Fraction After Roctssing

I m m d a c Crystallizationsnd

Recipitation Product Slow CryslalliiIion Ploducu

Lcaching Solution (Inlet) Leach Soluticm (Ourlet)




2.42 115.6 2.60 103.8

1.46 1.00

20.46 25.30

0.088 0.004

6.59 2.28

1.48 1.70



** ***

The numbers as in h e flowsheet (Figure 4.12). One pan from t d amount of 274g. The d part (128~) is indicated in Table 4.5 (Flow 5). Appoximam vdunm not p c i s cnough for a bakncG calculation.

CalcdatcdConccnwfim in tha Flows (Calculakd f m m AA analym, mass babw considerations and apsumptions): FeAd4'2H20 14.1 F e O O H 4.5
mo4 CaSO4.2H20 20.4


Arsenic was not extracted from the fresh ore to the leach solution when:

fresh ore was leached in a weak oxidative condition at temperatures below 90C;

pH of the solution is higher than 0.2.

Arsenic precipitates rom the leach solution from the previous tests under these conditions and this behavior seems independent of the arsenic concentration in solution. In the above experiments arsenic concentration diminished. from 1.02 g/l to 0,16g/l (experiment: Table 4.3) from 6.59 g/l to 2.28 fl (Table 4.4), and from 10.00 g11 to 4.36 g l (Table 4.5). In moderate oxidative conditionscreated by femc chloride and oxygen under elevated pressure, a slow extraction of arsenic to solution was observed: from 1.97 gfl to 4.80 g/l (Table 4.7), and from 0.39 g/l t o 3.05 g/l (Table 4 . 6 ,Flows 15 and 16). In the second case, i.e. carried out according to the 2nd flowsheet (Figure 4.12) and described in Table 4.6, arsenic was leached from an intermediate product; the solid residue from the previous leaching/precipitationstage. In this case, arsenic extraction to solution can be attributed to dissolution of the precipitated products of hydrolysis and not to decomposition of the primary arsenopyrite or other refractory arsenic-sulfides. Under strongly oxidative conditions, those created by nitric oxides or nitric acid activation, arsenic as welt as antimony are partly extracted to the acid solution. In the experiment described in Table 4.8, their concentrations in the leach solution increased:

Tabk 46. Cumulatiw dam from combined batdmtinuolro nrmquantitadw arprrbnmts mnwd wt Pccwding t o the 2nd Flowsheet (Figure 4.12). Chloride solution, temp. 9 0 - 9 8 ~ ~

Specificalion of Mow

Ore, Sample TRIO

(3rc A

M LeaEhing

Light Fraction

Roducts of Hydrolysis

Light and CrystallineFraction


Leafhiig Solution (Inlet)

Leach Solution AftaCrystallizarion

101. 11 12 13 15 16

31.8 2851 19.43

2.30 118 2.73 148 3.34 156.8 0.07 0.42 0.82 0.80 1.51 14.48


16.0 23.42 28.12


0.124 10.0 0.011 0.012 0.120 0.092




2.31 1.13 6.4 2.n 2.3

5.25 6,79 3.03



Leach Solurion (Outlet)



Washing Solution
2nd h h i n g Solulion

W a s h Solution After C r y s t a l l i z a t i o n 14
2nd Lcsrh Solution After Crystallization

2.52 7.46

0.16 44

4.8 4.7 4.0 4.2

15.40 4.12 6.72



0.3936.0 3.05 21.7




** ***



wmbess rn in Ihc flowin E ~ g w 4.12Cum&vc dala fmm 3 u p m e n u p e d d with fnsh ore: Two simrlar balch leglr documenled in Table 4 . 4 and 4 . 5 as MU as in Figure 4.14; Pad ooe fluidized bed leaching lest (314g fresh TRIO sample) with mixed soluuon afrer both expcrimenls (Table 4.4 and 4.5) and 1.8 litm of Ihe a m c Iolulimm used in above experiments. O n l y lbwl7Mof W flow 3, was dirccd to Ihe next stage of mauncnt (mF i g w 4 . 1 2 ) .

Calculakd Conccntm60~in Ihc Flows (Caleuhd lmm Manalyses, mass balnncc d m l i w and assamptiom):

As from 4.8 g/l to 10 gA Sb from 8 pprn to 124 ppm.

The concentration of antimony decreased in the atmospheric pressure experiments: from 88 pprn to 4 pprn (Table 4.4), and from 124 pprn to 4 pprn (Table 4,5) and increased slowly during leaching under elevated oxygen pressure:

from 34 pprn to 77 ppm (Table 4.3), from 90 pprn to 155 pprn (Table 4.6, Flows 15 and 16), and from 80 pprn to 124 pprn (Table 4.8).
However, the behavior of antimony during chloride leaching is not clear. It was precipitated from solution under oxidative

Tabk 47. Metals m a n h a h in the llosA during kaching md prmipitah I d s rarried out Pccading to the Flowsheet in Figurn 4.11. Chloride soiutlon; initial pH = 02; temp. Y O ' C ; oxygen prssure 20-30psig; time 2 h ~ .

Spefification of Flow


0.12 14.3

Non Flotable Fraction Afta RofGssing Products


0.61 31.36


Leaching Solution (Inla) Leach Solution (Outlet)

21.7 31.6

0.52 126 2.5 144

0.77 0.74

3.18 8.6

0.03 0.08

1.97 4.8



6.6 6.4


Tha numbas as in the flowsheet (Figure 4.1 I). A p x i m a t e amount or volume; not precise enough for a balance calculation.
Calculated Cornnuations in Ihc Horn (CalcuM bom AA analyses. mass balance considaariolu and assumplions):

(4) EaSO4.2H20 FeaiH Pb (as PbCl2 or PbSo4) RM42H20

61.5 35.2 1.9-2.1 0.37


CaSOtZH20 W H W (aPbCl2 or m o d ) FeAdl4.W$

0.6 60.6 19.7-21.4 12.0

(6) CaS04.2H20 FdMH Pb (W WCl2 or wso4) F&4.2Hfl



12.8-14.0 1.8

Tabk48. Metahmnntration in the Flows during leachingand precipitation tes&s, d i n g to the Flowshnt in F i w e 4.11. Cblwldr solution W v a t d by HNOj (SgHNOyl). Initial pH = 0; oxygen prafnrrc 20.30 psi; temp. 9 0 . 9 8 ' C ; t i m e 0 5 hr.
Amount of Total Flow

Flow Spcikation of How



1.45 1.59 0.20 1.47

CONCENTRATION (%) (Au. Ag in ppm) ~n ~b ~g ~b AS ~a




Raw M a t e r i a l (Ore) to Recessing

n I

1 2 3 4 5 6

27.42 42.7 17.29 38.86

1.40 0.41 0.11 0.53

2.91 137.9 0.21 160.3 41.38 0.02 0.39 144.34

0.26 0.23 0.25 0.20

10.57 6.66 5.01 6.74


11.57 16.1


Rcduct ARa Leaching

notable Fraction Afterhocessing Light Fraction of Solid Panicles Non Flotable Fraction A f t a Rocessing Immediate Crystallization and Precipitation Roducl Slow Crystallization Products

6.07 5.67

33.0 108.8

Together With Flow (4)

23.74 0.17 0.11 37.04





35.45 Volume

Leaching Solurion (Inlet)

8 9

31.6 31.8

2.5 2.3

144 118

0.74 0.82



0.97 0.82

Leach Solution (Outla)

0.124 10.0


The numbers a in the flowshcet (E~gure 4.1 1). ** Approximnte amount or volume: not p i s e enough for a balance calculation.
CalculatedConcenmtions in Ihc Flows (Calculated from AA analyses. mass balance considerations and assumptions): (40) (8) (4) PbSo4 60.4 (7) PbSO4 54.1 FeOOH 21.5 Fd)(lH 35.9 F C A & ~ H ~ O 15.4 Fek&2H20 4.7 CaS04.2H20 0.4

conditions (Table 4.7). It seems, that precipitation or dissolution of antimony depends more on pH and other soluble component concenmtions, than of oxidative conditions in solution.

4.4 Arsenic and Antimony Precipitation from Chloride Solution

Arsenic and antimony precipitation with iron by oxidation and hydrolysis of ferric ions were tested in the following experiment.: h i p i t a t i o n from pure solutions without chemical addition and simultaneous precipitation and leaching, under elevated oxygen pressure. 2. Precipitation with iron by fresh ore addition. 3. Precipitation with iron by calcium oxide addition.

Only results of the tests on arsenic and antimony precipitation with calcium oxide are presented in this section. The other tests on arsenic and antimony precipitation are included in the leaching/precipitation experiments carried out according to the flowsheet presented in Figure 4.1 1 and 4.12. Their results are documented in the previous section in Tables 4.3 through 4.8.
The precipitation of arsenic with iron was caused by oxygen dispersed in the second reactor, subsequent to the fluidized bed leaching that had been run in the fxst reactor (Figure 4.10). The solid products of iron hydrolysis and ferric arsenate formed in the second reactor were transported with the solution to sepamtor R,. where larger particles of solids sealed. This portion of the precipitated solids was then sepaated together with other crystallized products as "the light fraction". These are represented by flow (4) in the first flowsheet (Figure 4.1 1) and by flow (6) in the second flowsheet (Figure 4.12). The conceniration of components in the product separated by this manner are given under the numbers of the flows: in Tables 4.3,4.7, and 4.8 - Flow (4), and in Table 4.6 - Flow (6).

T h e iron hydrolysis products and ferric arsenateare also found in the nonflotable fractions after IeachingKIotation stages. However, a part of the fine precipitated particles was not retained in the separator (R,)but were circulated with the solution to the first reactor. These nonflotable particles were further separated by flotation from flotable particles of the leached ore h i s is the case for experimentsdocumented and sulfw, - flow 5 in the first flowsheet and flow 8 in the second flowsheet. T in Tables 4.4 and 4.5 in which a hction of precipitated products was not separated in flow 4 but in the nonflotable fraction flow 5.
Precipitation of arsenic and antimony by fresh ore was also tested in a three stage experiment performed according to the flowsheet presented in Figure 4.13. The initial concentration of other metals was as follows: Fe 31.8 gfl, Zn 118 g/l, Cu 2.3 g/l and Ag 20 m d . Their concentration had not varied significantly during the precipitation tests conducted .N e a r total antimony (97%) and about 60% of arsenic were precipitated during 0.5h of the first stage at the initial pH of 0 of processing. The degree of arsenic precipitation increased to 77% after one hour of the 2nd stage of precipitation. Iron hydrolysis and ferric anenate formation occurs during leaching if hydrogen ion concentration diminishes, thus iron precipitationwas observedin many experiments. However,only in one test, carried out according to the second flowsheet (Figure 4.12). was a quantitativeanalysis of iron and arsenic precipitation made. The data of this experiment are presented in Table 4.6. In this experiment the fresh ore (Flow 1) was contacted in the fluidized bed state with leaching solution having high arsenic concentration (Flow 10). During this leaching&recipitation stage about 65% of total arsenic, and about 95% of antimony were precipitated from solution. During this experiment the concentration of both elements diminished in the solution: arsenic from 10 g/l to 5.25 fl,and antimony from 124 ppm to 11 ppm.
A portion of precipitated arsenicand antimony was separated in the light fraction (Flow 5) together with the gypsum crystals


As 7.0


Sb 0.14 Pb 7.30


AS 10.0 2.0 1 Sb 0.124

Pb 0.82


As 10.o 2.7 i sb Pb0.124 0.82



and Floution


969SC fl Ih kr 659 2.6 I 2.5 1 Sb Pb0.088 1 . 4 6 and FlolPmn

Fbtabk Fncb
% %

ha 228 Sb Pb01.00 .W



F -

As 1239
Sb 0.21 F'b 1.94

As 10.24
Sb 0.19

Pb 3.08


FmOaUfmm 2nd and 3rd

A 4.57
Sb 0.14 Pb 9.01


Figure 4.13. Arsenic and antimony precipitation by fresh ore (sample TRIO)and separation of solid product. in the fllolable and nodlotable fmctions.

and other "light" particles. The rest remained in the flow of partially leached ore (Flow 2) that was subjected to three consecutive leaching stages:

leaching in the same (Flow ll), but reoxidized solution with pH at about 1; leaching in the acidic @H=O)calcium chloride solution, containing only small concentration of fenic ions (Flow 13); leaching in the acidic @Ha)solution with the moderate concentration of ferric chloride (Flow 15), also containing calcium and magnesium chlorides, and ended by separation of solid residue by flotation into flotable fraction (Flow 4) and nonflotable fraction (Flow 9).

The analysis of results presented in Table 4 6 indicates that precipitated arsenic can be eliminated from the flow of leached ore in a separate nonflotable fraction together with iron and lead or by leaching in differentchloride solutionswith respectively low pH. The behavior of antimony cannot be uniquivocally confirmed on the basis of this experiment, because of its very low concentration in solution.

The tests on arsenic and antimony precipitation by addition of calcium oxide were carried out on a bench scale, in a glass beaker. A small portion of powdered CaO had been added gradually to the solution at temperatures 90-98C. After a b u t 2 hours, precipitated solid particles were separated from the solution by filtration. In some cases a flocculant had been added for better separation of solid particles.
The results of the experiments conducted according to the flowsheet shown in Figure 4.14 are presented in Tables 4.9 through 4.12. The degree of precipitation of arsenic, antimony, iron and lead at different final pH of solution are shown in Table 4.13. The results indicate that precipitation of arsenic, antimony and iron depends strongly on pH and does not depend on the chloride ion concenmtion, It seems that observed lead coprecipitation does not depend significantly on pH in the investigated solutions. However, the degree of lead removal from solutions, increases with diminishing chloride ion concentration and the presence of sulfate ion.
the P r


Portionsof solid particles precipitated and crysrallized from the solutions during leaching, oxidation and neutralization had been collected in the separate fractions by three manners:

by classification from the "bulk" suspension being leached in the fluidized bed owing to low specific gravity and small size of the precipitated particles. These were transported with solution beyond the fluidized bed leaching (FBL)-reactor, by selective flotation of flotableparticles of treatedore and sulfur. Precipitated and crystallized nonflotable particles remained in the reactor; by the cooling of filtrated solution and crystallization. Several complexed salts had crystallized from pure solution after some days of retention at ambient temperature.

The newly formed solids were separated in the following fractions:

the products of iron hydrolysis, also named the "light fraction": Flows 4 and 6 in the 1st flowsheet (Figure 4.1 l), and Flows 5 and 6 in the 2nd flowsheet (Figure

4.12); the fast crystallization or precipitation products (Flow 6 in the 1st flowsheet); slow crystallization products (Flow 7 in the 1st flowsheet). nonflotable fraction of solid, mostly products of hydrolysis and other crystals formed during leaching: Flow 5 in the 1st flowsheet, and Flow 9 in the 2nd flowsheet, and different mixed, not precisely defmed, fractions of separated solids: Flows 7 and 8 in the 2nd flowsheet.


~ d m ~
FeAsOr 2Hfl


W S ~

The chemical analysis of each fraction is presented in Tables 4.3 through 4.12. However, because a portion of the precipitates was composed of very fme particles, as well as of amorphousparticles, their crystallographicidentification by x-ray analysis was very difficult. Only compounds that belong to the beaverite group and arsenosiderite were

Figure 4.14. Flowsheet of the precipitation tests carried out with calcium oxide for the data presented in Tables 4.9 through 4.12.

Table 4-9. Metab concentration in the Flows during the test oT pretipitatiim by mlcium oxide carried out according to the Flowsheet in Figure 4.14. Chloride solution, temp. 90-9gCC,time of precipitation 2-3 hr. now Specification of Row


CONCENTRATION IN SOLUTION, g/l (Au, Ag in mgA) cu ~n ~b A* ~b AS ~a : O S

3.43 156.8 4.56 185.8 1.13 28.12 0.012 c0.02 6.79

Volume of Solution

Solution to Precipilauon Stage Solution After 1st Stage hipitation Solution After 2nd Stage Precipitation

1 2

19.43 16.53


13.71 n.a.


1.51 1.05

0.009 38.92

Washing Water
Spend Wash Water

0.49 0.18 7.56 0.25 1.71 c0.8 0.07 0.38 CONCENTRATION IN SOLID,% (Ag, Au - ppm)

6.2 2.2

2.5 2.4 Weight (g)

Roduct of l a Stage Precipitation

Mutt of 2nd Stage Rtcipitation


7 15.25

0.3 0.07

12.2 0.74

1.12 2.44


0.6 0.028

0.6 0.01

Pmipitated Produx After Washing



Curnuhive Degree of Elements









Calculated Conccnuarions m Ihc Flow 8 (Calculated from A.4 analysts. mass balance considerationsand assumptions):
FcAdkW20 FCOOH 28.7 13.2 3.6


Tabk 4.10. Metals emmnbaliw i o thc Fkwa during thc test d precipitation by cakium midt m i e d wt according t the tlawsheet in Figure 4.14. C h M mlulh, temp. 90-98C, time o f precipitation in mcb a g e 2-3hrs.

Flow Specifcationof Row , No. Fe


Volume of Solution
$ 0 ;

Z n








Solution t o Precipitation Stage Solution After 1st Stage Rccipitafion

Solruion Afier 2nd Stage Precipitation Washing Warn

19.43 13.86

3.43 156.8 4.36 218

1.13 28.12

0.012 c0.02


0 . 6 0 2.01


0.2 0.36 1.O

0.7 0.77 2.5

2 3

0.004 36.04


Spend Wash - Warn

Roduct of 1st Stage Prtcipiiation

CONCENTRATION IN SOLID,% (Ag. Au - ppm) 6 7 8

Cumulative Degree of Elements

Weight (g)

18.80 31.82


0.72 0.19

1.W 0.03

0.027 0.016



Rorluct of 2nd Stage Pncipir;uion PrccipipiratdProduct After Washing




0.07 11.52




Precipitation Calculated Concentntions in the Flow 8 (Calculated from AA analyses, mass balance considerationsand assumptions):

Table 4,ll. Metalp concentration in the F h during the te& d precipitation by mkium mi& according to the Flowsheet in Figure 4.14. Chloride solution; temp. 90-9aC, time of precipitation 2 hr. Volume of Flow CONCENTRATION IN SOLUTION, giI (Au, Ag in mgA) Solution NO. FC cu ~n ~b ~g ~b AS ~a S O : p~ [I] Specification of Flow

Solution lo Precipitation Stage Solution After 1st Slage Precipitation Solmion Afier 2nd Stage Precipitation

9.7 1

1.71 1.97


0.56 0.04

14.06 15.44


3.39 0.22

0.3 1.77


0.4 1.7

0.7 0.43




Washing Water
Spend Wash Water


R o d m of 1st Slags hipiration

Weight (g)









Roductd2ndSmge RtFipitation FkipitatedF'rcduct After Washing


Cumulative Dcgree of Element








Calculated Concenvarions in the Flow 6 (Calculated h m AA analysts, mass balance consideralionsand assumptions):

FcWZHzO FeOOH ms04

34.6 11.0 3.3

Tabk 4.12 Metals concentratktn in the h during the test d pmipilation by calciumoxide curicd out according to the Flowsheet in Pigun 4.14. Chloride solution; temp. 969SC. t i m e d precipitation t hr.

.Specification of Flow



CONCENTRATION IN SOLUTION, gA (Au, Ag in rngll) cu ~n ~b ~g ~b AS ~a S O :

Volume of Solution p~

Solution to Precipitation Stage Solution After 1st Stage Precipitation Solution After 2nd Stage Precipitation Washing Warn Spend Wash - Water


Plpduct of 1st Stage F'recipitation





Sample Weight (g)


0.025 12.32 ~ 0 . 0 1

Product o f 2nd S l a p Fkecipiration

Precipitated Rcduct After Washing


Cumulative Degree of Element Precipitation



0.04 81.5



Calculated conccnuation in h e Flow 6 (calculated fmm AA analysis, mass balance considerations and assumptions): FeAs042H20 FeOOH PbSO4

37.9 11.2 4.6

Table 4.13. Cumulative degree of some metals precipitation in function of pH, for Merent concentrations of chloride and sulfate ions.

Anions Conc )-

Cumulative deeree of ~recipi&

confmed in this way in some samples of precipitates. In this situation any suggestions about crystallographic structures of compounds w e r e based on the chemical analysis of these products.
The stoichiometric formulas of known complexed hydroxo-saltsthat could precipitate from leach solutions correspond to the following compositions of simple compounds:

Beudantitc substituted by ca:

Fw2H20 CZ&~(A~)~)(SO~)(OH)~ = CaSO#ZH;rO ?SeOOH

Plumbojarositesubsrituted by Zn:


PbS04 3ZnSOa

C u t e :

Ca Fq(A.$l4)z(OH)sHzO = 0.33 fi3(h34hh

1.67 FeOOH

4.5 Summary and Conclusions

Arsenic extraction from Delta complex sulfide ores during typical atmospheric leaching with ferric chloride solution is about 6% [4.4]. Arsenic extraction from the same ore by low concentration ferric chloride solution (below 30g Fell) under 2030 psig of oxygen pressure is about 13% after 2 hours of leaching at 70-80C (Table 4.3). followed by 2 hours of leaching at 90-96C. During the same time, i.e., after running the 4-hour leach, about 86% of zinc was extracted.
Arsenic extraction to the same solution increases sharply to about 60% after 30 minutes of the activated leaching at 90-104"C, in which the catalytic action of nitric oxides and nitric acid is applied (Table 4.5). In the experiment, the concentration of this catalyst was lower than 0.1 mol NO#, that corresponds to about 5g HNO,/l. It was demonstrated that the regeneration of the catalyst is rapid during leaching conducted under elevated oxygen pressure (30 psig).


Simultaneousextractions of antimony, zinc, and leadoreisabout 50%, 96%and 99%respectively. Rough calculations made on the basis of analyticalresults indicate that during this experiment about 23%of the pyritic and other refractory a t r i x ,was decomposed. At the same time about 86% of sulfur liberated from sulfides was oxidized to sulfides m elemental form and 14% to sulfates. The concentration of sulfur in the ftnal flotable frnction was 16.1% and the r o m sufide sulfur oxidation was about 14g S O : per liter. The sulfate concenconcentration of suIfate ion derived f tration in the final solution does not correspond to the total amount of sulfategenerated during processing. According to the mass balance calculations, about 50% of generated sulfate accumulates in solid phases. Sulfate ions cause removal of lead and calcium from the leach solution in amounts relating to the solubilities of their sulfates. Owing to the formation of lead sulfate, the concentration of lead in the leaching solution was controlled at the level of about 1g/l Pb, and lead sulfate as well as crystallized lead chloride, if any, were collected in a separatefraction during fluidized bed leaching and flotation stages (Tables 4.3 through 4.8). Lead extraction from these products to high concentration chloride solution containing CaC4. MgCL, or NaC1, is fast and easy, and pure PbCi was then crystallized from the brine. Silver did accumulate with the lead as any light crystalline or nonflotable fraction.


Gold extraction from the leach residues after by routine cyanide leaching was as follows: - from the nonflotable fraction (Table 4.8. Flow 5): 75.1% - from flotable fraction containing total (16.1%) generated elemental sulfur (Table 4.8, Flow 3): 66.1%; - from flotable fraction after elemental sulfur extraction: 77.2 f 16.6% (average extraction from 3 analyses). Arsenic oxidation in solution from arsenite ion AsO,'- to arsenate As0,3- follows ferrous ion oxidation to ferric ion or to the products of Fe(II1) hydrolysis. Arsenic removal from chloride leach solutions is fast under elevated oxygen pressure by precipitation with iron as mixed hydrolysis products and ferric arsenate. Such a precipitation is accelerated by neutralizing action of fresh ore or calcium oxide. Both neutralizing agents can be applied in a nonpressure process if arsenic and iron are respecions). The degree of arsenic precipitation depends on pH and tively at 5 and 3 states of oxidation (AsOi3and Fe3+ concentration of fenic ion. In this research, only rough precipitation of arsenic from the acidic solution with pH lower than 2 has been performed. The highest degree of the arsenic precipitation achieved during pressure fluidized bed leaching was 84% with a final arsenic concentration of 166 ppm As and pH = 1.83. The highest degree of arsenic removal by calcium oxide addition in the atmospheric pressure experiments was 97% with a final arsenic concentration of 70 ppm at pH=2.




Antimony behavior was different. It is difficult to conclude its precipitation or dissolution behavior in the performed leaching/p~cipitation experiments. However, during the experiments in which maximum of arsenic was precipitated, the concentration of antimony increased from 34 to 77 ppm.

Precipitation of antimony did not exceed 50% in any experiment where neutralization by calcium oxide was employed. Nevertheless, total precipitation of antimony was achieved by dilution of solution during washing of the precipitates (Table 4.9). During this operation antimony chloride hydrolysed to insoluble oxy-chloride: SbCl, + %O = SbOCl + 2HC1

Concerning the selectivity of precipitation, generally the arsenic-iron precipitate is a very good collector for other nonferrous metals. In the concentrated chloride solution containing sulfate ions, generated during oxidative leaching of sulfide ores, a significant portion of lead and calcium are precipitated together with iron and arsenic. In this case, further leaching of lead from this precipitate is required.
Lead coprecipitation does not depend substantially on pH, but coprecipitation of copper and zinc does. However, even at high pH, copper and zinc are precipitated together with iron and arsenic. Both metals can be relatively easily withdrawn from precipitates by simple washing or repulping with acidic chloride solution. In the experiment documented in Table 4.6, initially precipitated zinc was in the next stage of processing washed from the precipitated hydrolysis products. Coprecipitation of zinc does not depend on zinc concentration in solution (Tables 4.10 - 4.13) but on pH. The degree of zinc coprexipitation with arsenic, iron and lead, from the solution containing 157g Znl 1was 0.07% at final p H 4 and 0.2% at final pH=2. T h e concenmtion of zinc in precipitates was 0.19% and 0.74% respectively in the first and second case (Tables 4.9 and 4.10). The precipitation of arsenic from about 100 ppm to several ppm requires increasing pH to about 5. However, it is not possible to avoid in this way, a simultaneous precipitation of zinc and copper. When theFe/As ratio in solution is higher than 12:1, the concentration of arsenic can be diminished to about 1 ppm. The time requited for this precipitation is about 12h [4.8].

If arsenic precipitation is carried out by addition of fresh ore to the- solution, coprecipitation of the hydrolysis products of zinc and copper, having higher solubility than their sufides, can have a secondary importance, because: 1)as a rule, such a process is carried out for the purpose of solution p&cation; and 2) the precipitating agent, fresh ore, must then be leached and the product of precipitation will be dissolved during leaching together with all or only a part of the precipitated arsenic and iron. A portion of the lead, calcium and iron crystallized from leach solutions was retained some days at room temperature. No significant amount of arsenic was identified in these crystalline products, with the exception that a small quantity of arsenic was found in crystalscrystallizedfrom solution containing log As11 (Table 4.8).


It may be possible to avoid dissolution of iron, arsenic, lead and calcium that were precipitated by the addition of fmh ore or were precipitated during leaching under oxygen pressure by a process of leaching, precipitation and flotation in the fluidized-bed reactor. During fluidized bed leaching a portion of precipitated or crystallized particles is selectively transported with solution and separated in the fractions collected beyond the FBL-reactor (Figure 4.10). D u r i n g the leaching-flotation process, the flotable fraction of leached ore is transported in froth beyond the reactor; the nonflotable fraction of precipitated and crystallized compounds =mains in the suspension in the reactor and can be separated by known techniques. Only the chemical composition and not crystallographic structure was calculated from the metal and sulfate concentrations in the raw material and precipitated or crystallized solids. The amounts of principal components correspond to the following chemical formulas: PbSO, or PbCL, CaS0,.2~0 FeAs04.2%0


in proportions given in Tables 4.3 through 4.13. Because the specific gravity of PbSO, and PbCt, is two to three times higher than other components, the most probable explanation for their accumulation in the light fractions is that these compounds are of low density structure of the jarosite-type, beudantite-type or another complexed femc-hydroxo-salt. However, in several cases, and particularly in the fractions separated during the leaching flotation stage as the nonflotable fractions, lead can occur as separate crystals of PbSO, or PbCl,. The PbSO, and PbCl, crystals will be retained in the FBL-reactor together with leached ore because of high specific gravity (from 5.8 to 6.8), The sulfate or lead chloride, as well as other nonflotable particles, settle f r o m the solution and can be separated in the nonflotable fraction. Because the total

concentration of lead in some nonflotable fractions is higher than those corresponding to the stoichiometry of plumbojarotite or beudantite and the calculated total iron in the fractions, a part of the lead must occur as PbSO,, PbCl, or as another unidentified compound. 10. Caution is suggestedin interpreting the experimentaldata of Tables4.3 through 4.12, Though the accuracy of analyses of the metal concentrations in solid and solutions was good, the solid products and spent solutions were not quantitatively recovered following experiments. The described continuous installation and the manner of experimentation were not suitable for collecting data for mass balance calculations and the weight of solids and volumes of solutions presented in the tables are illustrative of the experiments scale. Difficulties in mass balance calculations did not detract from the general purpose of this research.

4.6 Supplementary Research

Routine leaching kinetic tests on the LP ore sample in concentrated zinc chloride solution were performed in a 1 liter glass reactor equipped with a stirrer at temperatures 21,60,90 and 103OC. 50g ore samples of size fraction 325-400 mesh, that contained:

Fe 30.72 % Cu 0 . 2 8% Z n 6.80 % F'b 3.52 %

Ag 87.08 ppm

were leached in 0.7 liters of a solution containing:

Four samples of the solution were taken for analyses during leaching. Amounts of extracted metals were balanced with their concentrations in solid residues. Because of the high zinc concentration in solution, its extraction kinetics were calculated from Zn analyses of solid residues taken at different times during the leach experiments, (30,60, 120 and 240 minutes).

The results of 4 hour leaching tests at 90 and 103C are as follows:




Extraction, % Arr Pb Fe Z n 81 99 n.a. 98

The results c o d m the very good leachability of metals at high ZnCJ concentration, observed in previous experiments [Chapter 31. The average values for the apparent energies of activation, calculated from laboratory data, for the temperature region of 21 to 103OC are as follow: Zinc Sulfide: 1.54 kcaVmol Zn Copper Sulfide: from 4.7 to 5.01 kcal/mol Cu Silver in Sulfidic Matrix: from 2.88 to 3.65 kcal/mol Ag.

Exceptionally low temperature dependence of zinc extraction from ore to the high concentrationsolution that contains 280-45Og of ZnC1, per liter deserves more in depth attention. Documentation of this research has been prepared in the form of a short paper that will be published when disclosure of this material is approved by the research sponsor.
7inc E l e c t r n l v s i s i d e SolUtiQn



A small laboratory electrolyser was designed and constructed. Some research on the stability of different anode materials was performed in this stage of the project. The electrolysisprocess will be carried out according to two systems of electrolyte transportation shown in a simplified sketch in Figure 4.15. In the first system the solution is uzlnsported rom the cathodic to the anodic compartment In the through the high porosity diaphragm (-10 p). second, the elecuolysis process is carried out without direct solution transportation through the low porosity diaphragm (-0.2 pm). The simplified design of the manufactured elecuolyser is presented in Figure 4.16. T h i s project is seen as the future subject of an MS thesis for Mr. Wang Zhao Fang. Mr. Wang is now preparing the electrolysis system.


Figure 4.15. Transport systems of the electrolytic cell:

a) with solution transportation

through high porosity diaphragm; b) without solution transportation through low porosity diaphragm.

Figure 4.16. Simplified design of the electrolytic cell with 4 cathodic and 3 anodic compartment for zinc electrowinning from chloride solution. 1. Electrolyser casing (bath, plexiglass). 2. Diaphragm fmne (polyprophylene). 3. Anodic compartment casing (polypropylene).

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Cover of the anodic compartment (polypropylene). Diaphragm (separator, polypropylene). Zinc cathode. Platinized titanium anode. Catholyte inlet or outlet. Anolyte inlet. Anolyte outlet (connected with flexible pipe with 12). Catholyte inlet. Anolyte pipe outlet. Chlorine/oxygen outlet. Feeder for cathodic current (upper).

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4.4 P. Kondos and G . P .Demopoulos, Arsenic Speciation in Oxi&tive Acid Leaching System, In: G.A. Davies (Editor), Separation Processes in Hydmmerallurgy, pp. 20-33, Soc. Chem. Ind. and EltisHonvood Ltd., U.K., 1987.

4.5 T.T. Chen and LJ. Cabri, Mineralogical Overview of Iron Control in HydrometallurgicalProcessing, In: J . E . Dutrizac, AJ. Monhemius, Iron control in hydrometallurgy, pp. 19-55, Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1986.

4.6 F.Letowski, Leaching/Flotation Processing of Complex Sulfide O r e s ,CIM Bull., Vol. 80, No. 906,1987, p. 82-87. 4 . 7 F.Letowski, Hsing K. L i nand P.D. Rao, Le.ching/FlotationProcess Under Oxygen Pressure,Paper Presented at Annual Meeting AIME, Phoenix, 1988.
4.8 RP. Plasket and G.M.Dunn, Iron Rejection and Impurity Removal horn Nickel Leach Liquor at Impala Platinum Limited, In: JE. Dutrizac, AJ. Monhemius, Iron control in hydrometallurgy. pp. 695-717, Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1986.

Chapter 5

H.K. Lin and P.D. Rao

5.1Introduction ...................................................... 5.2 Experimental Work ................................................. 5.2.1 Ores ....................................................... 5.2.2 Leaching Procedure ........................................... 5.2.3 Gold Dissolution Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 LeachingofSulfideOre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Silver Extraction and Microprobe Examination of its Occurrence. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Gold Dissolution Tests .......................................... 5.4 Summary ......................................................... Acknowledgments .................................................. REFERENCES ....................................................
. .


109 111
111 111 111 114

123 123 123

5 . 1 Introduction
Conventional differential and bulk flotation processes have difficulties in achieving high recoveries with acceptable grades for zinc, lead and copper from the complex sulfide ores found at Tok, Alaska[5,1]. Furthermore, gold and silver, which account for a significantfraction of total value of the ores, are distributed evenly in the flotation tailings andconcentrate. Therefore,processing both flotation tailings and concentratewould be necessary to obtain high recoveries of gold and silver.
A mineralogical study revealed that the economic sulfideminerals are interstitially associated with a large preponderance of pyrite. The economic sulfide minerals are 10 to 40 microns in size. These mineralogical facts explain the difficulties encountered in the flotation process.

A hydrometallurgicalmethod involving fenic chloride leaching and subsequent steps to recover lead, zinc, silver and copper b m the leach liquor has been studied at the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, University of Alaska Fairbanla for the treatment of Deltaom. This alternative is atcractivefor processing complex sulfideores which conventionalflotation and smelting cannot handle. In addition, the liberation of s W in the environmentdly acceptable elemental form, rather than as sulfur dioxide, may prove a major advantage of this hydrometallurgical method because of stringent environmental regulations.
As early as 1923,femc chlorideleachingwas applied to one M i d e mineral[5.2] and was recognized as 4highly efficient process. Chlorideleaching has become more practical during the past decade, as corrosion problems of concentrated chloride solution have been partially overcome by the advent of modern materials of construction. The United States Bureau of Mines has conducted extensive tests on f k c chloride leaching of chalcopyrite concenmtes[S.3,5.4] andgalenaconcentrates[5.5,5.61. A hydrometallurgical test involvingferric chlorideleaching of galena concentrates,pdcation of the resulting solution and direct elecmlysis of the purified lead chloride solution was performed in the Minemet Research Laboratory[5.7]. Lucas and Shimano[5.8] have investigated two-stage ferricchlorideleachingof a pyritic Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag bulk concentrate and found that more than 92%of zinc, lead, copper and silver could be extracted in 7.5 hours. The primary leaching reactions of sulfide minerals have been proposed as:


+ 2FeCL, = PbCL, + 2FeC12+ So


and CuFeS,

+ 4FeC1, = CuC1, + SFeCI,+ 2S0


Many other chloride-based hydrometallurgical processes such as: Clear. Cymet, Elken and Phelps Dodge, have been developed to treat copper or copper-zinc-leadconcentrateson pilot-plant scale. But a direct femc chloride leaching process for complex sulfide ores has yet to be developed. The proposed chloride leaching process for the treatment of Delta complex sulfide ores is shown in Figure 5.1. In the proposed flowsheet, the ores are treated by single and two stage ferric chloride leaching to dissolve zinc, lead, copper and silver. The leach residue is treated for gold recovery while the leach liquor will be directed to lead, copper, silver and zinc recovery steps. Lead chloride will be crystallized first followed by a solvent exmction and electrolysis step to produce metallic copper. Cementation, by adding zinc powder, is then applied to the liquor to precipitate silver. Zinc production is by solvent extraction and electrolysis. The leach solution is regenerated with chlorine gas produced in the electrolysis steps. If a large amount of iron coprecipitates with silver, a hot cementation with metallic lead can be applied prior to the lead chloride crystallization step in order to precipitate both silver and copper. Zinc cementation would then be removed from the process.
The results of a study on chloride leaching and gold recovery from the leaching residue are presented in this report.




1 I
Chloride Leaching


PbCln Crystallization

t .

Cu SX and Electrowinning


Residue Treatment for Au Recovery

0 2

1. .






I n SX and Electrowinning



Figure 5.1. Proposed chloride leach process for treatment of Delta complex sulfide ores.

5.2 Experimental Work

5.2.1 Ores

Six samples of ore were collected from different locations in the Delta Massive sulfide deposit in 1985. These samples were named LPU,LPL, DDS,TRIO, DDN5 and DDN6. Their elemental compositions were presented in Chapter 2.
A sample of LP ore was collected in August, 1986. The sample was representative of the outcrop that was drilled and blasted a year earlier. A total of 1150 lbs of sample was brought to the laboratory. The sample was crushed in stages to 4 mesh. Further size reduction was carried out in a 8" dia x 7" ball mill. After a series of grinding rests a 7 1 1 2 minute grinding was selected. A 4.5 kg charge was used at 60% pulp density. About 170 kg of sample was ground-inthe ball mill and the product was deslimed in a 4" cyclone with a cut point at approximately 15 microns for gangue minerals. The cyclone ovefflow was flocculated,filtered and dried The cyclone underflow was dried and sized using a sieve shaker down to 400 mesh. The minus 400 mesh material was further sized at 20p sieve. These s@edproducts were used in the leaching experiments. The concentrations of metals in various size fractions of the LP-86ore sample are presented in Table 5.1.

The sized products were pelletized in epoxy for microscopic studies. Mineralogical composition was determined by a s conducted by grain point counting. A minimum of 1000 points were counted for each size fraction. Liberation study w counting of h e and locked particles. Table 5.2 shows mineralogical composition of various size fractions.

Table 5.1. Concentration of Metals in the DitTerent Sizes of LP-86Ore.

Ore Sue



Table 5.2. Mineralogical Analysis of LP-86Ore.

--------------- -- ------.

Mineral Composition Wt. 9 %


... . . . - --


M e s h




h e pyrite


Gangue Minerals


This mineralogical study revealed that pyrite comprises at least 60%by weight in every size fraction of ore particles. Sphalerite and galena are the predominant zinc and lead minerals respectively; chalcopyrite the major copper mineral and tennantite the major silver mineral. The gangue minerals consist mainly of quartz and dolomite. Table 5.3 shows volume percent free grains of minerals as well as grains containing 2.3.4, or 5 minerals. Table 5.4 shows liberation of each mineral by size. It shows at 100 x 140 mesh there was no free sphalerite. At 400 x 20 there was only 59.6% free sphalerite. Even at 20 p x 10 p only 78.3% of the sphalerite is liberated. Galena is only 52% liberated even at 20 p x 10 p size. The only mineral that is totally liberated at 400 mesh and finer is arsenopyrite. This study shows that total liberation of valuable minerals is not possible until a 10 micron or finer is reached.

Table 5.3. Distribution of Locked and Free Grains in Ball Milled LP-86 Ore.

Percent --------------------------------Volume ---------Locked grains - No. of



minerals in a grain

Liberated grains

S& Mesh





----8.9 10.2 12.8 18.0 15,5 18.7 12.5 13.7


42.0 34.7 23.4 13.8 10.2 3.4 2.8 1.4

Sphal- Galena Chalco- Tennan- Arseno- Pyrite erite pyrite tite pyrite
0.5 0 1.7 2.7 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.6 1.3 0 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.7 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0 0.1 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.4

Gangue Minerals

* * * 1 d _ _ _ -

70 x 100 100 x 140 140 x 200 200 x 270 270 x 325 325 x 400 400 x 20u 201.1x 1011

0,9 7.9
1.0 0.1 9.1 4.3 2.4 1.0 0.2 0

29.8 32.3

9.9 12.3 17.8

38.2 29.8 24.1 13.8

5.5 7.4 11.9

23.8 29.3
41.4 51.6 56.6

Table 5.4. Liberation Study of LP-86 Ore,

% Mineral Liberated in Each Size k c t i o n *

Size, Mesh









------------------------------------* concentration of the minerals was determined by point count whereas concentration of free minerals
_ l * l l l



was determined by grain count.

5.2.2 Leaching Procedure

Bench scale leaching tests were performed in a one-liter glass reaction vessel with a removable cover. The whole assembly consisted of a four-necked pyrex flask, a Friedrich's condenser, a sampling device and an agitator. The leach slurry in the reaction vessel was maintained at f1C of desired temperature in a constant temperature jar bath manufactured by Blue M Elecmc Company. Water is used as the medium in the bath when the desired system temperature is lower than 1WC. Prestone antifreeze is used when the temperature is greater than 100C. At the start of each test,lixiviant was added to the reaction vessel and was allowed to reach the thermal equilibrium within the bath. A weighed charge of the solid sample was loaded into the reaction vessel. The slurry temperature would rise as much as 2OC because of the heat evolved by the leaching reactions. However, the slurry temperature returned to the desired temperature rapidly. At the end of each test, the slurry was filtered immediately using a vacuum filter. In a two-stage leaching test, a fresh ore sample was loaded for first stage leaching and the leach residue of first stage was used to charge the second stage. Newly prepared lixiviant was used in the second stage while the resultant leach liquor from the second stage was used as the lixiviant in the first stage.

During the test, solution samples were taken periodically from the reaction vessel.,The soluble zinc, lead, copper, silver, calcium and total iron weredetermined by atomic absorptionspectroscopy. Iron(I1) concentration was determined by titration with standard KMnO, solution. Soluble sulfate concentration was gravirnetrically determined with BaC4 solution. Metal values in the solid were determined by aqua regia digestion followed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Elemental sulfur in the solid was determined using xylene dissolution complimented by evaporation.
5 3 3 Gold Dissolution Tests
Gold dissolution from the leach residue by cyanide or thiourea solution at atmospheric pressure was conducted in a reaction vessel similar to the one described above. An autoclave was used for the pressure leaching of gold. A soliaiquid ratio of 50 flOO ml was applied to all the gold dissolution tests. Gold in solution was determined by extraction using a mixture of DIBK and Aliquat 336 followed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Free cyanide was electrochemically determined using a pWmV meter coupled to free cyanide and reference electrodes.

5.3 Results and Discussion

During leach tests involving the sulfide ore, solid/liquid ratio, particle size, ferric ion concentration and temperature were considered as variables. Cyanide or thiourea concenmtion, particle size and oxygen pressure were considered as variables in gold dissolution for the resulting chloride leach residue of the sulfide ore.
53.1 Leaching of Sulfide Ore Sufficient agitation (400 rpm) for proper suspension of the slurry was applied in all tests. (i) FeCl_c o n c e n m - The stoichiomeiricamount of FeC4 required for dissolving sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite is approximately 0.3 mol/i based on the solid/liquid ratio of 50 g/500 ml. A larger stoichiometric amount was expected when partial dissolutions of pyrite and arsenopyrite were taken into consideration. The experimental results of lead, zinc, copper and silver leaching with femc chloride concentrations of 0.3 mom to 1.0 mow are shown in Figures 5.2 and 5.3. Under these conditions, no significant effect of FeC1, concenmtion on metals extraction was observed from FeCl, concentrations higher than 0.5 mol~l.When a higher solid/liquid ratio is applied, the ferric chloride concenmtion would be adjusted accordingly.

(ii) Effect of solidfliauid r a u - Various solid/liquid ratios were tested while the FeCl,/ore ratio was kept constant. The effect of the solid/liquid ratio on leaching at 90C is shown in Figure 5.4. Particle interference at higher solid/liquid ratios hindered the dissolutionrate of sphalerite significantly while only minor changes in the leaching rates of lead, silver and copper were observed.


7 To study the effect of particle size, two size fractions of the ore were leached.


5.5 indicates that faster dissolution of zinc, silver and copper was observed for finer particle sizes. Dissolution m rapid to be differentiated between these two samples. of lead was t
(iv) Effect of temnerature- It is important to note that zinc is the most valuable component in the Delta ores and it is desirable to recover at least 90% of the zinc values. Acceptable zinc recoveries using a single-stage chloride leach do not seem attainabIe without very fine grinding and/or excessive retention time. Hence, two-stage leaching o improve the zinc extraction. The results, shown in Figure 5.6, indicate that at least 90% at 105'C was tested t of the zinc can be exmcted from LP-86 ore ground to minus 200 mesh and leached in two stages at 105OC with a solid/liquid ratio of 150 g/500 m l .

5 3 3 Silver Extraction and Microprobe Examination of its Occurrence

Silver extraction is low even in saturated NaCl solution (2 moU1). as shown in Figure 5.7. Electron microprobe analysis was conducted for the minerals in LP-86. The results are presented in Table 5.5. They represent the average of several determinations on a single polished section. Arsenopyrite and tennantite data include the determinationsmade on polished sections of leach residue and subsequentcyanidation residue. Sifl~cant in these findings is that tennantite conrains 0.75% silver and this mineral is unaffected during femc chloride leaching as well as cyanidation.

Table 55. Electron Microprobe Analysis of Minerals in LP-86ore,

------% by Weight
-- -.

Sphalerite Galena Chalcopyrite Tennantite Axenopyrite Pynte Boumonite









Oxidation of the silver-containing minerals may be needed for more rapid and complete silver extraction. Roasting the ore prior to leaching is one possibility. The ore was roasted at 750C for 15 minutes before the leaching was conducted. About 75% of silver can be extracted in the first two hours of leaching with roasting compared to 45% of silver extraction without roasting (Figure 5.8). Two-stage leaching was also applied to DDN-5 and TRIO ore samples. The results shown in Figures 5.9 and 5.10 indicate that zinc and lead extraction is greater than 90% for both samples while silver extraction is low on the TRIO ore sample.

~ n = A g


CaCI,: i O M, HCI: 0.1 M

v S/L 50 g/500 ml, 0.5 M Fe(lll),


A 7

3 . 0 M NaCl S / L 150g/500 ml, 1.5 M Fe(lll), 10 M NaCl


Figure 5.4.

Effect of solidlllquld ratio on metal extraction of LP-86 ore.


o = h

A r
0 A

: LP-86 400X20j~ v : LP-86 200x270


S b 150 g/500 ml; 95C Fe(lll): 1.5 M, HCI: 0.1 M NaCI: 7 . 0 M, C&I,:1.0 M

0.0 0









Time (minutes)

Figure 5.5.

Effect of particle size on metal extraction of LP-86 ore.

S ' 150 g h 0 0 ml; 105C Fe(111): 1.0 M, HCI: 0.1 M NaCI: 1.0 M, CaCI2:tO M m a A r :TRIO 325x400 mesh







I 5 0




Time (minutes)
Figure 5.10.

Metal extraction of TRIO ore.

5 3 3 Gold Dissolution Tests

The results of gold dissolution tests are listed in Table 5.6. A l l gold dissolution tests but one (test #1) were conducted using the FeCS leaching residue as the solid feed. The high sulfide content in the ore might make direct cyanidation very difficult (test $1). Higher gold extraction can be obtained using higher cyanide and oxygen concentrations (tests #3,4 and 5).

Increase in chloride leaching temperature to 105C improved gold extraction in the cyanidation to 64% at 24 hours 5 ) . Elemental sulfurextraction from the chloride leachingresidue prior to cyanidation could not improve gold extraction (test # (tests #5 and 6) under these conditions tested. Roasting of the ore at 750C for 15 minutes prior to the chloride leaching was able to increase gold extraction to 71% (test #7) while thiourea leaching (test #8) and cyanidation under high pressure (test #9)did not have positive effects on gold extraction. No significantincrease in gold extraction was observedon increasing the retention time beyond 24 hours.
Free cyanide rne.asurements of the end solution of tests #3 - 7 and #9 indicated that at least 30% of total cyanide was unreacted and remained free in the solution. The lower gold extraction, hence, cannot be amibuted to the insufficiency of the reactant species.

Table 5.6. Experimental Results of Gold Dissolution Tests.

Solid Feed

Leaching Conditions

Au Dissolution Conditions
. . - ---- - - ----

Percent Au


NaCN: CaO: 2)
LP-86 400x20~ with leaching NaW.

0.015% 0.020%

30 (18Hrs)


NaOH: 2gl Air Bubbling

53 (24Hrs) 47 (48Hrs)



LP-86 400x20~ with leaching & S extraction

~ e 3 +2gA : H2S04: 2g/l Thiourea: 2gA NaCN: lg/l NaOH: 2gA 02: 150 psi

50 (24Hrs)
57 (18Hrs) 58 (24Hrs)


An experiment was designed to test the readsorption of the &ssolved gold by carbonaceous matters in leaching residue. A volume of 300 ml aurocyanide solution containing 0.30 ppm gold was purged by nitrogen gas for 30 minutes before 50 gm of chloride leaching residue was charged to the solution. The solution was agitated and nitrogen purging was continued, Gold analysis of the solution samples taken at 2 , 4 and 6 hours showed no significant change of gold concenlration in the solution. Therefore, the possibility of readsorption of gold by the carbonaceous matter in the leach residue was excluded.
Dissemination of very fine gold grains in the pyrite grains was suspected to be the factor which caused the low gold extraction. A microprobe was used to examine the ore and residue for the occurrence of gold. Unfortunately, gold could not be detected in the ore or the leach residue because of its low concentration.

5.4 Summary
Over 95% of lead and90% of zinc were extracted by a two-stage chlorideleach of LP-86,TRIO and DDN-5 ore samples. The two-stage leach had a retention time of 4 hours, a temperature of 105"C, and used minus 200 mesh ore. Silver and copper extractions were below f50% for LP-86 and TRIO ore samples. 85% and 65% extractions for silver and copper respectively were achieved for DDN-5 ore sample. The difficulties with silver and copper extractions are probably attributable to their mineralogical occurrence. About 64% gold extraction was obtained by conventional cyanidation of the chloride leach residue of LP-86 ore. Roasting the ore prior to the chloride leaching could increase the extractions of gold and silver drastically but roasting itself generates SO, and causes environmental problems.

5.1 5.2 5.3

B. Hoffman, Nerco Minerals Co., Vancouver, Washington, private communication.

N.C. Christiansen, "Process of Treating Ores Conraining Galena", U.S.Patent 1,456,784. May 29, 1923.

F.P. Haver, R.D. Baker and M,M. Wong, "Improvements in Ferric Chloride Leaching of Chalcopyrite Concentrate",
USBM RI 8007, 1975.
T.A. Phillips, "Economic Evaluation of a Process for Ferric Chloride Leaching of ChalcopyriteConcentrate", USBM IC 8699, 1976.

5.6 5.7 5.8

F.P. Haver and M.M. Wong, "Ferric Chloride-Brine Leaching of Galena Concentrate", USBM RI 8105, 1976.

M.M. Wong, R.G. Sandberg, C.H. Elges and D.C. Fleck,"Integrated Operation of Femc Chloride Leaching MoltenSalt Elec~olysis Process for Production of Lead", USBM RI 8770, 1983.
J.M. Demartheand A. Georgeaux, "Hydrometallurgical Treatmentof Lead Concenlrates", Lead-Zinc-Tin '80, Edited by J.M. Cigan, T.S. Mackey and T.J. O'Keefe, TMS-AIME 1980, p. 426-444.

B.H. Lucas and D.Y. Shimano, "Two-stage Ferric Chloride Leaching of a Pyritic Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag Bulk Concentrate", Complex Sulfides - Processing of Ores, Concentrates and B y-Products; Edited by A.D. Zunkcl, R.S. Booman, A,E. Monies and R J . Weseley, TMS-AIME 1985, p. 395.

The engineering research on fast hydrometallurgical processes is proposed to conduct at University of AlaskaFairbanks. The domain of the research is development of a new generation, 3-phase (liquid-solid-gas) continuous reactors and its application in following processes: (1) Thermal activation of relkactory minerals by thermal shock and quasi-instantaneous leaching; (2) Leaching and leaching/flotationprocesses conducted under oxygen pressure; and (3) Precipitation of m e t a l s or lower valency metal oxides from aqueous solution under hydrogen pressure. The following systems will be tested: chalcopyrite decomposition and sulfate leaching (1); sulfidecomplex ore leaching/Elokon in sulfatesolution (2); andcopper precipitation from sulfate solution (3). Advanced actually topics (2) and (3) will be carried out in a continuous pilot miniplant.

6 . 1 General Introduction
A number of differentpossibilities of extractive metallurgy is connected both with development of high temperature technologies and their application in pyrometallurgical processes and in chemical metallurgy processes as well as with developmentsof low temperature technologiesand their application in leaching processes, solvent extraction, ionic exchange or ionic flotation processes and all scale of electrochemicalprocesses. These processes are successfully incorporated into technologies of rare metals production. However, regardless of the extremely important contribution of titanium, tungsten, uranium and other rare metals to our modern way of life and technology, their production volume is relatively small and does not compare with other more common nonferrous metals. The application of the above processes to large production of copper, zinc, lead or nickel from its sulfide concentrates are acceptable if conditions of economy and environmental protection will be filled. High capital costs and high sulfur emission characterize the pyrometallurgical smelting processes. Low capital costs characterize hydrometallurgical processes based on heap leaching or "in situ" leaching. Nevertheless, because of relatively low metals recovery, their application is limited to low grade ores. These processes can operate in technically undeveloped regions, but carry somerisksof contaminationof the aquatic systems and cannot opemte successfullyunder the arcticclimatic conditions. At the same time certain hydrometallurgical technologies require a pyrometallwgicalpreparation of the raw material for leaching. Unfortunately there are important disadvantages of such expanded hydrometallurgy: long time of roasting with difficult t o avoid emission of sulfur dioxide in oxidative conditions or with high heat consumption in endothermic nonoxidativeconditions. Eventual commercialsuccess can be expectedfrom "pure" hydrometallurgicalprocesses conducted under elevated pressure of gaseous reagent., which apply compact installations and operate with small volume of circulating leach solutions. In such processes vaditional barriers between mineral processing and metallurgy should disappear, the sulfur dioxide emission must be replaced with the generation of elemental sulfur and the fast, low energy processes should be introduced to the final metal winning stage. The following research topics are proposed for development at the University of Alaska Fairbanks:
1. Thermal activation of refractory minerals of the non-ferrous metals by thermal shock and quasi-instantaneous

leaching, as an alternative route to the pressure leaching techniques.

2. O r e leaching processes conducted under elevated pressure of oxygen, which can considerably simplify or
completely by pass some steps of minerals valorisation.
3. Continuous precipitation of metals (copper, nickel, cobalt and precious metals) or lower oxides of metals (uranium, molybdenum, tungsten, vanadium) from aqueous solutions under hydrogen pressure, as an alternative process to electrowinning and other chemical precipitation techniques.

A large accumulation of basic information is accessible in the scientific literature which makes it possible to omit some physico-chemical laboratory research and focus ow attention on engineering problems and apparatus design. The project concerns research on a new generation of three phase (liquid- solid-gaseous) reactors for hydrometallurgical processes and their particular application in each of the above proposed topics. The same concept of the continuous reactor with similar hydrodynamics problems forresolving is proposed for quasi-instantaneousleaching with "thermal activation", as for leaching or leaching/flotation process conducted under elevated pressure of oxygen and for metals or their ''lower valency" oxides precipitation from leach solutions. In the 1stproposed application of the reactor, the suspension of fine solid particles in gas is injected through a high kmperature zone directly to the leach solution. In the 2nd the liquid/solid/gas mixture is injected under elevated pressure to the leach solution, In the 3rd proposed application of the reactor, only liquidlgasmixture is injected under high pressure to the solution.

The most advanced engineering studies have been carried out recently by the author on the reactor application to copper precipitation under hydrogen pressure and the most detailed is the 3rd research topic described in Section 6.4 of the proposal. The continuous process of copper precipitation by hydrogen is being investigated in the kIbof~toI'y by other authors, t o o .
Only a conceptual engineering outline of the activation of rehctory sulfidesis presented in Section 6.2. No publication about such a process is known and no laboratory research was carried out by the author. Application of the proposed reactor to the leachinglflotation process conducted under elevated pressure of oxygen described in Section 6.3 seems to be nearest to the commercial solution. The research on such processing of complex sulfide ores has been carried on since 1985in the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory of the University of Alaska Fairbanks for @eNerco Minerals Company, Alaska.

The development of rapid leaching processes conducted under oxygen pressure which are promising in arctic climate conditions was recently proposed as one of the research topics of the project "Engineering Center of Arctic Resource Development" submitted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks to the National Science Foundation in September, 1986.
Alaska has enormous mineralresources and the University of AlaskaFairbanks has a good, establishedprogram covering Alaskan needs in geological engineering, mining engineering and mineral process engineering. However, it is not enough to merely discover and classify the mineral &posits and then to keep them as a reserve for the fume. It is also not suffxient to develop the mining and mineral preparation techniques to produce initially enriched raw materials and to prepare them only for exportation. Extractive metallurgy is the missing link for domestic recovery of metals from Alaskan mineral resources and among different possibilities the fast hydrometallurgical processes will probably be the most applicable to climatic conditions in the arctic undeveloped regions. Just for this reason, the research on the fast hydrometallurgical engineering techniques is proposed here. Nevertheless, not every result of laboratory research can be transformed at once into viable technology. Therefore the importance of the engineering research becomes one of the decisive factors in its successful development to a commercial scale.

6.2 Thermal Activation of Refractory Minerals

63.1 Introduction
Many important metals are extremely difficult to produce because of low concentration, high degree of dispersion and chemical properties of their c o m p o u in ~ the ore. These metals are usually inaccessible by the pyrometallurgicalroute, and difficult to extract by a simple leaching. This is the case with some important basic non-ferrous metals which are often recovered from difficult-to-dissolve compounds. For instance,nickel from millerite (NiS)or serpentinite(FeONiOMgO 3SiO,).copper from chalcopyrite(CuFeS,), molybdenum from molybdenite (MoS,) or perovskite (CaMoO,), chromium from chromite (FeOCr,OJ or titanium from ilmenite (FeTiOJ. Many high value metals like gold, silver, platinum group metals or uranium have little chance to come into contact with leach solution because of their dispersion in nonsoluble or difficult-to-dissolve rock-mahx as pyrite (FeS,), chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite (FeAsS), quartz or aluminosilicates.

r concentrate is ineffective, a thermal pretreatment of the raw material can be applied. When direct leaching of the ore o The purpose of such "thermal activation" is to change hardly soluble metals compounds into easily soluble forms.
622 Theoretical Background
Many established processes based on "thermal activation" before leaching are actually applied in industry [6.1]. Long

ago the roasting processes were used to decompose sulfidic, silicate,carbonate and other mineralsprior to leaching. But there is an important disadvantage to the roast processes: environmental pollution by large volume of gases containing sulfur, arsenic, antimony or mercury compounds and high cost of containment. Different kinds of roasting can be applied before

leaching. For instance:

zinc sulfide oxidative roasting







followed by leaching with sulfuric acid and electrolysis. The roasting can be conducted in old-type multi-hearth roasters, drum roasters, flash roasters [6.1] and modem fluidized bed roasters [6.2,6.31, Roasting can take from several minutes in the fluidizedbed roasters to several hours in the older-type roasters;

thermal oxidative decomposition of chalcopyrite sprayed with spent electrolyte in fluidizedbed roaster and then sulfate leaching and electrolysis r6.41; oxidative, selective roasting of arsenical gold ores conducted to facilitate gold recovery by cyanide leaching, which is used in gold mining industry for many years [6.5,6.61; reductive roasting of nickel-containing serpentinite ores:

before arnmoniacal oxidative leaching for the nickel extraction [6.7];

chlorinating roasting with soluble chlorides (CaCJ, NaC1, etc), volatilization of volatile chlorides of non-ferrous metals followed by selective leaching f6.81 or direct leaching of the roasted ore as in the case of uranium and vanadium recovery from carnotite ores [6.9].

Several research programs on the improvement of the "thermal activation" processes have been conducted during the last few years. In general the programs were carried out in response to legislative restrictions introduced in many counmes to deal with environmentalpollution caused during roasting and smelting. They are: oxidative roasting of chalcopyrite with mnsformation of the sulfide sulfur into soluble in water sulfates, as Dowa Min. Co. process, CSlRO (Australia) process, Anaconda-Treadwell process and other described by Subramanian and Jennings [6.10], oxidative roasting of arsenopyritic concentrates conducted for the arsenic, antimony and sulfur recovery 16.111 or platinum group metals and gold recovery [6.12], sulfatizing roasting of refractory uranium ores in an atmosphere containing SO, [6.13] and other [6.14-6.161. The most likely profitable processes are the "thermal activation" processes of the chalcopyrite concentrates enacted in nonoxidative conditions and below the melting point of sulfides which lead to the decompositionof chalcopyrite or cubanite (CuFe,S,) into simple or easy to dissolve sulfides [6.10,6.17-6.211. But the cost of such endothermic processes conducted in the conventional roasters presents a serious economic limitation. In the Sherritt-Comincoprocess r6.141, thermal decomposition of chalcopyriteconsists of the exothermic oxidation in the upper part of the furnace:

and then of endothermic reduction in the lower part:

The two gases are collected and conducted to the catalytic Claus' process: 2%S The solid residue is treated in leaching steps:

+ SO, ->

3s + 2qo

in the lst, the bulk of the iron is removed as follows: FeS + %SO4 -> FeSO, c 3 s

in the 2nd step, referred to as the "activation leach", the iron in the bornite is removed by leaching with copper sulfate solution from the next (3rd) step: Cu,FeS,

+ CuSO, = 2Cu,S + 2CuS + FeSO,

in the 3rd, referred as the "oxidation leach", copper sulfides are dissolved in %SO, and CuSO, solution in the presence of oxygen: Cu,S

+ H,SO, + 1/2 0, = CuSO, + CuS + H20 + 1/2 0, = CuSO, + So+ q o

c u s + &SO,

Copper is deposited by electrolysis. Ferrous sulfate solution had to be subjected to crystallization and the crystals obtained are decomposed for the recovery of Fe20, and SO,. Another proposition, also concerning the treatment of chalcopyrite [6.15] consists of five stages:
1) Thermal activation of chalcopyrite

2CuFeS, = C$S + 2FeS + S

2) Reductive leaching of iron by hydrochloric acid

2FeS + 4HC1= 2FeCL, + 2%S

3) Oxidative conversion

+ 0, = 2Cu + SO,

4) Catalytic Claus process

SO, + 2&S = 3s + 2&0


Chloride oxidation - "pyrohydrolysis"

2FeC1, + 112 0, + 2 q O = Fe,O, + 4HC1

Many rare metals occur in nature as nearly insoluble compounds. For instance, zirconium in silicate ZrSiO,, beryliurn in alurninosilicate 3BeO4OY6Si0,, tungsten in wolframite FeWO, or sheelite CaWO,, tantalum and niobium in tantalite (Fe,Mn)(TaO,), or colurnbite (Fe,Mn)(NbO,),, and other. For their h-ansformation into compounds soluble in water or in fused salts the roasting, the alkaline fusion with hydroxides or carbonates or with fluorides and fluorosilicates is applied in

industry [6.22]. As yet theUthemalactivation" is not generally recognizedasaviablealternativethat can be applied for the metal recovery from sulfide minerals. The "thermal activation" processes are too costly and environmental protection against contamination by SO, is very difficult. The length of time of the processing is the most negative parameter. The most difficult to control are the oxidative roasting processes. In the sulfate roast process [6.16], concentrationof sulfurdioxide in spent gases is from 4 to 6%and residence time of solids in experimental fluidized bed reactor is about 3 hours, In the Shemitt-Cominco oxidative/ reductive roaster [6.14] the control of the temperature dismbution in the reactor is most difficult. The retention time of concentrate in the reactor is about 1.5 h.
6.23 Description of Proposed Research

Research on "activation" of refractory sulfides by the thermal shock and instantaneous leaching is proposed to be developed at University of Alaska Fairbanks.
An idea of the thermal shock used to slacken the refractory structure of solids only, or with followed dissociation of refractory compounds, or their decomposition and formation of new phases in oxidative,reductive or inert conditions is not new 16.23-6.241. Nevertheless many of such fast reactions have a reversible character in steady state conditions. To "freeze" a transistory structure or to direct the reaction equilibrium to the right side, a fast (instantaneous) alteration of parameters or introduction of some gaseous or liquid reagents is necessary. A leaching process in which a dispersed solid raw material is injected through a high temperature zone to a leach solution, is proposed for the refractory sulfides decomposition.

The high temperature zone can be generated in different ways according to the properties of raw mawrial. It could be an electromagneticallyinduced thermal plasma, a high voltage spark, a high current arc, a corona, or a glow- trpe discharge,
a high frequency oscillations or a laser beam. One of the most important, hard to dissolve sulfides is obviously chalcopyrite. Its thermal activation below the melting point leads to different products as a function of additives: Cu,S Cu,S

+ 2FeS +
+ 2FeS +

2CqS + 2FeS
CyS + 3FeS

The thermal decomposition can be more complicated, of course, and a wider spectrum of different compounds can be expected in reaction products [6.211. At the same time the "thermal activation" of solids can be accompanied by activation of hydrogen, sulfur or another reagent used with raw material. It is known for instance, that very stable hydrogen molecules can be "excited by high voltage discharge or can be dissociated into ionic forms in the plasma state, thus strongly increasing their reactivity. The life-time of the thermally activated species is very short. In this case it will probably be important that raw material be contacted with the high temperature zone just before being injected into to the leach solution. 6.2.4 Expected Advantages The following advantages of such an activation technique are expected:

short time of contact with the high temperature (2,000 - 10,000"C)zone expressed in seconds, replaces long heating (minutes to several hours) in classical roasters; instantaneous contact of raw material with aqueous solution in high temperatureforms the conditions like effective pressure leaching with good heat recovery; kinetic energy of the raw material injection, makes good hydrodynamic conditions (mixing); possibility of operatingat elevated pressure allows for the design of acontinuous,compact, three phase (liquid-solidgaseous) reactor, proposed in the next two research topics; compact joint of high temperature generator with leaching,reactoreliminates environmental contamination that characterizes classical roasting processes; possible application for any other thermal activation processes, as well as for precious metals and elemental sulfur recovery from pyrite ores.

6.3 Ore Leaching Processes Under Elevated Pressure of Oxygen

63.1 Introduction
Severalresearch programs on the "pure" hydrometallurgicalprocessing of nonferrous metals flotation concentrateshave been initiated during the past 20 years. In the early 1980's the results of research into this type of technology have not been encouraging due to the high capital and operating cost of hydrometallurgical processes. Several chloride copper winning processes, such as the Cymet [6.25] Duval[6.26,6.27], Elkem [6.28], Minemet [6.29], Tecnicas Reunidas [6.30] and other new copper winning processes such as the nitric-sulfuric-leach process [6.31], Anaconda-Arbiter [6.321 and Parker-Murir [6.331 processes were discontinued after pilot plant studies, chiefly because of economic considerations, less frequently because of technical reasons. The greater part of these processes were then proposed or tested in pilot-plant for complexsulfide-concentrates(Zn-Pb-Fe-Cu)processing [6.27-6.30,6.34-6.361. Some published opinions indicate that the level of energy consumption is higher for hydrometallurgical than for pyrometallurgical processes [6.37,6.381. These analyses pertain to the conversion of copper concentrate to refined copper cathodes, and the energy balance was compared between existing smelting technologies and several hydrometallurgical processes that with one exception (Roast-Leach-ElectrowinProcess) [] were at the experimental stage of development. The chief reason for misjudging the potential of hydrometallurgy falls under two tactic assumptions: 1) that the flotation concentrate produced for smelters and saleable on the open market is also most suitable as a feed material for leaching, and

2) that electrolytic winning of copper is, at present, the best find process for extracting copper from solution.
All the processes mentioned above f6.25-6.341 use the concentrates suitable for pyrometallurgical processes as feed material ,despite the fact that requirements for leaching are not as precise as for smelting. Only two of the above processes [6.25,6.331, do not use electrolytic copper deposition. The flotation consumes about 20% and electrolysis about 20-40% of the total energy used in copperproduction. It is evident that hydrometallurgy associatedwith such expensiveprocedure cannot be economically competitive with the relatively less energy-intensive pyrometallurgy. There is no better situation with the selective flotation of complex-sulfideores. The pyrornetallurgical technologies require production of separate concentrates of copper, zinc and lead and rejecting of pyrite to the tailings. The production of the bulk, cheaper and suitable for leaching concentrate opens the way to economic challenge of hydrometallurgy [6.40,6.41].

6.3.2 Theoretical Background

Leaching of refractory minerals conducted at high temperature and under elevated pressure of gaseous reagents is an alternative to the normal pressure leaching below 10BC proceeded by thermal activation processing. Temperature is the general parameter affectingthe rate of leaching. but at the same time physical and physico-chemical properties of aqueous solutions change considerably with temperature [6.42], The solubility of gases in aqueous solutions usually decreases with temperature and elevated pressure must be applied to keep its high concentration in solution. Gases that react with water, such as ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, show a much higher solubility than oxygen, nitrogen, or hydrogen. Among ionic solids the soluble chlorides increase their solubility with temperature whereas, for instance, solubility of sulfates of many nonferrous me& increase only to 10 0 Cand decrease strongly above this temperature. Only a few of them are soluble at temperatures higher than 20OC [6.43,6.441. The spontaneous precipitation of scarcely soluble solid phases from aqueous solutions is an important phenomenon observed above 100C. As a rule, there are eitherbasic salts, oxides or hydroxides that precipitate because of hydrolysis 16.456.461. The number of physico-chemical data and other fundamental information on the leaching under oxygen pressure [6.21,6.22,6.47-6.501 is probably sufficient to by-pass the study on equilibria, kinetics and reaction mechanisms and concentrate the research on the engineering problems of pressure leaching. Hydrometallurgical processes at high temperature and pressure have been carried out in three general type-reactors:

horizontalcylindricalautoclaves, volume 15-36m3,with 1engWdiameterratio at least 3: 1,equipped with mechanical stirrersand divided into three to five sections, e.g. autoclaves being in use by SherrittGordon for leaching,reduction and other hydrometallurgical processes [6.51]; vertical column-reactors, volume 40-70m3,with heighvdiameter ratio about 5: 1and with mixing by high-pressure steam (25W,650 psi) in use for leaching of nickel laterites (e.g. Moa Bay process) 16.521; horizontal tube autoclaves (VAW-Lurgi pipe reactors), capacity of 60-3M3m3.The liquid-solid suspension,is mixed and msported through the reactor by piston or membrane high-pressurepumps. The tube reactors are in use for bauxite continuous leaching (West Germany) and uranium and gold ore leaching (South Africa) [6.53,6.54].

6.33 Description of Proposed Research

1. Present State of Research A research, transgressing the traditional barriers between mineral processing and metallurgy,joining h t h flotation and direct ore leaching under elevated oxygen pressure is proposed. In such a process direct leaching of complex sulfide ore with femc sulfate solution followed by separation of different components of the solid suspension by flotation is applied. This example of the leaching-flotation association allows for production of zinc sulfate solution; transformation of galena PbS to insoluble lead sulfate PbSO, and its accumulation in non-flotable fraction together with precipitated goethite, hematite or jarosite salt as well as with other insoluble gangue minerals; separation of sulfur and non-decomposedsulfides in the flotable fraction; and regeneration of the leaching agent under elevated oxygen pressure [6.55]. Research on pressure leaching and flotation and possible applicationto the directprocessing of ores rich in nonferrous metals, from some pyrite Alaskan deposits, with special attention to the gold and silver recovery is being carried out since fall 1985 in the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Results [6.561 of the initial research funded by Nerco Minerals Company indicate a good recovery of metals in different products of the leaching-flotation process, applied directly to the ore. Rate of simultaneous ferric sulfate regeneration under 40-140 psig at 70-90C is excellent too.

The laboratory installation actually used for leaching and flotation of the complex-sulfide ore under elevated pressure of oxygen is schematically shown in Fig. 6.1. It is composed of two tubular Coming-glass reactors (diameter 2 in.. height 3 112 in. and 2 112 in. respectively), the peristaltic pump for the ore pulp feeding. the piston pump for recirculating the nonflotable fraction and the steel, teflon lined reservoir for collecting the flotable fraction. The oxygen is dispersed in both reactors by using the glass tubes with porous fritted, pyrex discs. The maximum pressure that can be applied in this glass installation is 50 psig (345 kPa).


Description of Reactor Project The development of the leaching-flotationprocess could be expected to achieve satisfactory results if attention was to be focused on the engineeringresearch and construction of the continuousreactors for leaching under oxygen pressure of 150300 psig (1240-2070 Wa).

The vertical tubular reactor is proposed for an intense leaching-flotation process conducted under an elevated pressure of oxygen. 'Ihe proposed L-Fmulti-step reactor has high/diameterx;ltio about 811. Thevolume of the reactor is divided into sections by special-form elements. The sections are equipped 4th injection systemsof liquid and gaseous phase that assure good centrifugal mixing of fluid and high oxygen dispersion in solution. The consmined hydrodynamics of the reactive liquid-solid-gasmixture atlows fora prolongation of theretention time of the leached oreparticles and assumesthe continuous selective separation of the solid leached particles by flotation. The leaching-flotation reactor will probably be a particular engineering solution of an apparatus due to a group of three phase (solid-liquid-gaseous)continuous reactors. Therefore the application of such reactors not only to other leaching proct%sesbut also to precipitation processes from aqueous solutions with the participation of gaseous reagents can nave important technical sifllcance. The fust application of this kind of reactors, proposed in December 1982for copper precipitation from solution under hydrogen pressure [6.57] is described as the next proposed topic.

Figure 6.1.

Simplified fiowsheet of the laboratory installation used for leaching and flotation under elevated pressure of oxygen: (1) and (2) tubular Corning-glass leaching reactors; (3) 50 psi peristaltic pump; (4) 150 psi piston pump; (5) tefion lined reservoir for the fiotable fraction; (6) and (7) fritted glass tubes for oxygen dispersion. (8) Glass separators for collecting non-flotable fractlon.


63.4 Expected Results and Benefits

We expect that the new continuousreactor proposed here for leaching under oxygen pressure will have some advantages over known pressure reactors applied in industry. This is a simple construction of tubular elements of the reactor in which no mechanical mixing system is used Required hydrodynamics is attained by:

tangential injections of the liquid/gas or liquid/gas/solid mixture into reactor, upwardly directed hydrostatic Wmsport of dispersed gas, and the construction of special form elements inside the reactor that constrain a prolongated retention time of the solid particles in fluidization phase.

The high dispersion of supplied oxygen and its fast and uniform saturation in the leaching solution, acceleratesreactions controlled by oxygen pressure. For instance:

the oxidation of ferrous ions to ferric ions conducted simultaneously with leaching of sulfides:

+ 1 / 2 0 2 + 2 H + = pb2+ +H20+S



the oxidation of ferrous ions and goethite precipitation

the oxidation of cuprous and ferrous chlorides with goethite precipitation

the oxidation of cobaltous to cobaltic ammino-complexes:

and others. Among several possible applications of the proposed reactors leaching of the low grade ores of uranium or precious metals is particularly promising. Actually proposedandindustrially built VAW tube autoclaves [6.58] give goodresults when high pressure of oxygen is applied. For instance:

98%of gold was extracted from the ore containing 10.2g Ault after 15min. of cyanide leaching under 300 psi (2068 kPa) of oxygen pressure at 2@C. Consumption of reactives lrng NaCN/t and 6 mg O,/t ore. Solid liquid ratios 12. The same yield of gold extraction in non-pressure leaching was obtained after 26 hours [6.52];

Of course the oxygen consumption will be higher if pyritic matrix must be broken down before gold extraction [6,59]. We suggest that in such a situation our proposed reactor will be better because the rate of oxygen delivery to the reactive medium and its dispersion in solution is one of the most decisive factors of oxidation.

We hope that the proposed reactor can be successfully applied in hydrometallurgical processes conducted in the Alaskan arctic conditions.

6.4 Continuous Copper Precipitation Under Hydrogen Pressure

6.4.1 Introduction

The continuousprecipitation of metals or lower oxidesof metals from aqueous solutionsunder hydrogen is the last sector of research connected with the new generation of the three phase reactors for hydrometallurgical processes proposed here. The precipitation of copper, nickel, cobalt and precious metals by hydrogen and other gas reducers is an alternativeprocess to electrowinning and cementation [6.60-6.641 and precipitation by hydrogen of uranium dioxide (LJO,), vanadium oxide (V,O,) and lower oxides of molybdenum and tungsten is an alternativeto other chemical precipitation techniques [6.65-6.691.
The reduction of aqueous solutions using gaseous reductors (hydrogen, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide) is a complex engineering problem. Attempts have been made previously to design such a continuous process, but were never carried out beyond laboratory scale models and apparatus [6,70-6.721. Shemtt-Gordon Mines Ltd.. who have pioneered in the field of hydrogen pressure reduction, were applying either a batch process or a semi-continuous process for precipitation of metal powder [6.60,6.64,6.73]. Such methods might be economically viable in the case of well priced nickel and cobalt [6.60,6.64], special composite powders [6.74-6.77 or rare metals "lower oxides" precipitation [6.65-6.691. But for copper powder precipitation as a product alternative to cathodes [6.73,6.78,6.79], the batch process would be too costly.

The greatest difficulties which have stood, so far, in the way of achieving a continuous process are:

the corrosivity of the reactive mixture; technical difficulties associated with the transport of reagents in a continuous process under elevated pressure of hydrogen and at relatively high temperature of aqueous solutions.

In spite of such inconveniences, there is a general consensus among specialists on the advantages of such processes: hydrogen reduction is much faster than the electrolysis and is completely pollution free. Research on the continuous copper precipitation from sulfate solution under hydrogen pressure is proposed to be developed after the following arguments:
1. Chemical andelectrochemical equilibria in the Cu-%SO,-%O system at temperatures up to 200C [6.42-6.45,6.80-

6.831, kinetics and mechanisms of the two-step copper reduction by hydrogen under pressure [6.60,6.64,6.84-6.881 are known. Relatively simple interpretation of experimental results makes it possible to focus the attention on engineering problems and apparatus design. 2. Results obtained from the research on the copper continuous reduction will be carried into effect for other precipitation systems with gaseous reagent participation.

The copper reduction under hydrogen pressure was investigated by the author of this proposal [6.80,6.89,6.90] and process and equipmentfor the continuous procedure were presented in the proprietary report of authors in May 1983 [6.57] (formerly Cunit Hydrometal Inc.). Thereport contains the initial project for pilot plant capacity of 5,000 tons of copper powder per year, produced from a copper-base scrap and the design for a 3-phase pilot CHP-reactor (Copper Hydrogen Precipitation reactor) capacity of 10 kg Cub. Laboratory modeling experimentation and engineering calculation on the new 3- phase (liquid-solid-gas) reactor were completed in September 1983 [6.91].

A temporary caveat No. 83-1280 of the invention entitled "Method and Apparatus for Continuous Copper Precipitation" was deposited on April 12,1983in the names of F. Letowski and N.Korwin in the Canadian Patent Office. Since October 1983the former owner of the research results, Cunit Hydrometal Inc., has been inactive and all rights were transferred t o the partners ( F .Letowslci and M. Korwin). 4.

Continuation of the project according to this propod allows development of a more universal kind of the liquidsolid-gas reactor, based on CHP-reactor, equally for other precipitation processes, as well as for the leaching, the leaching-flotation or the instantaneous leaching preceded with thermal activation processes, described earlier (Sections 6.2 and 6.3).

6.43 Thewetical Background

The separation of copper from a q u a s sulphate solutions obtained from ore, concentrate, or scrap leaching may be carried out in the following ways:
(1) as compact cathodes by classical electrolysis from copper sulphate solution; this type of copper electrowinningis applied or proposed in many hydrometallurgical processes I6.4.6.14,6.16,6.29,,6.39] or by electolysis in diaphragm-electrolyzers from copper sulphate solutions, containing also a significant concentration of ferrous sulphate r6.92.6.931;

(2) asacopperpowderby cementation with iron [6.%1,by two stagepressurereductionwith S0,in ammoniacal solution or l6.336.621 and by hydrogen pressure reduction from ammoniacal solutions [6.73,6.78,6.79,6.84,6.89,6.94-6.98] from sulphate acidic solution containing iron (In, zinc, magnesium or other metal sulphates [6.64,6.88,6.90,6.94, 6.99-6.102].
If c o p w reduction by hydrogen is carried out using acid concentrated solution of CuSO,, the purity of the precipitated capper powder is very high, of the order of 99.96% Cu or more [6.60,6.90,6.99,6.101], but the highly corrosive nature of the solution containing free sulphuric acid formed during the reduction cuso, "ty = c u + %SO4

presents a seriousengineeringproblem. Because of the neutralizing effectof ammonia, copper powder precipitation is carried
out more frequently using ammoniacal sulphate or carbonate solutions

but the reduction is accompanied by the precipitation of solid products of the copper ion hydrolysis, which affect the purity of the precipitated metal [6.44,6.79,6.80,6.84,6.891.
The equilibriaof reduction are influenced by the pH, cuprous and cupric ion concentrations and the concentration of the H , . Thekinetics of reduction is influenced by temperature,hydrogen pressure, hydrodynamicconditions cmplexing agent - N and the nucleation of metal crystals [6.84-6.88]. The slow progress of reduction at a low temperatureand moderate hydrogen pl.essure is due to the great stabilityof I-& molecules; this makes catalytic activation a necessity. The activation of molecular hydrogen is the principal means of controlling the first stage in the precipitation of the metal f r o m solution. The activation energy of hydrogen reduction can be lowered by means of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis. Heterogeneous activationof hydrogen takesplace mainly on solid surfacesthat adsorb molecular hydrogen from solution. The homogeneous activation of hydrogen is an autocatalytic reaction with participation of copper ions in solution.

Another possibility of hydrogen activation by high voltage discharge, just before its injecting to solution was recently investigatedby the author of the proposal [6.1031. In the initial laboratory tests the dischargedelectrodeswere mounted inside a special consuuction injector for hydrogen injection to an autoclave. The results of the initial tests indicate that high voltage hydrogen activation accelerates the reduction of copper. This influence seems to be strong: the average rate of the copper precipitation from cupric sulfate solution under 400 psi (2758 kPa) of hydrogen pressure at 120C is about 0.12 gL1h-I if

20,000 to 30,000 volt dischargewith frequency 5.10' s-Iwas applied, whereas without activation no reduction was observed. Also, the reduction rate with activation at 130-140"C, reached the same level (0.41 gL-'h-I) as at 160-180C without high voltage activation.

Because of good activation of hydrogen on solid surfaces, an amount of fine copper powder is most frequently added to the reduced solution of copper sulfate. If the amount of such nucleating centers suspended in the solution is too small, some copper is deposited on the walls of the reactor and on other surfaces in contact with solution.
/ i Cu, 15 gh FeZ', and The reduction of copper fmm solution after acid leaching of a copper concenmte containing 68 g about 20 g/l &SO, is quite easy at 150-180C and under partial hydrogen pressure of 510-560 psi (3550-3850 Wa) [ 6 . 9 0 ] . The effect of temperature and hydrogen pressure on the rate of reduction from this solution is presented in Fig.6.2. Even though the rate of reaction increases with temperature and pressure, it depends much inore on the mixing of the gaseous (hydrogen), liquid (solution) and solid (copper powder) phases.

The selectivity of copper precipitation, as compared to less noble metals, is very gwd. It is a little less in ammoniacal solution in comparison to other amminocomplex-formingmetals, such as nickel and cobalt [6.60,6.a,6.84,6.94,6.97]. One of the first processes, developed by Sherritt-GordonMines L t d . in the years 1956-1959,precipitated copperpowder from the arnmoniacal solution obtained from the Lynn Lake sulphidic copper concentrate by ammonia pressure leaching [6.73]. Copperpowder has alsobeen precipitateddirectly from amrninosulphateor amminocarbonatesolutionsafter leaching of copper scrap [6.60,6.78,6.79] or from an acidic sulphate solution obtained after solvent extraction from amminosulphate solution after leaching [6.1011. Other flowsheets of copper precipitation from acid solutions after sulphide concentrate leaching were proposed too,as an alternative to copper deposition, in elecmlyzers with diaphragm [6,104-6.106].
As it was mentioned before copper reduction using hydrogen is carriedout by a batch process. The possibility of metals reduction on acontinuousbasis is r e f d to in somepatents [6.97,6.107-6.1101 but no continuousprocesshas been described. The study of the continuous process using a laboratory model was carried out at the University of Oklahoma [6.72,6.1111.

Figure 6.2.

Effect of Temperature (a) and Hydrogen Pressure (b) on the Rate of Reduction from Acid Solutions [6.91]: (a) Progress of reduction at 150, 165 and 180C, PH = 490-530psi, nucleation 80 gpl Cu powder, Fe++ = 3 gpl, n 600 Rpm, (b) Effect of hydrogen pressure on reduction rate: 200250 psi, 350-400 psi, and 490-530 psi. Temp. 165OC, Cu++ 68 gpl, nucleation 80 gpl Cu powder, Fe++ = 3 gpl, n = 600 Rpm.

Copper reduction [6.72] had been performed in a vertical tubular reactor 72 in. height and 1in. in diameter. The flow of the o the upwardly directed flow of hydrogen acidified copper sulfate solution was directed concurrent with, or countercurrent t under the total pressure of 413-512 psig (2850-3536 kPa)and at temperatures from 149 to 204C. The amount of hydrogen is in excess of that required for stoichiometric reduction of copper and this circumstance provides sufficient mixing of the solid-liquid-gasmixture. A schematicdiagram of the continuousreactor installation according to Sistaand Sliepcevich [6.72] is given in Fig. 6.3. The copper powder suspensionleaves the tubular reactor and after cooling in a heat-exchanger is collected in the liquid-solid separator. The results presented by Sista and Sliepcevich confirm the high purity of the product, if the pH of the reduced solution is below 1.8 units, and the high rate of continuous reduction, permitting 70-80%of coppertoprecipitate within the residence time of 10-20minutes. The rate of reduction increaseswith increasing temperature(Fig. 6.4) but at the same time the co-precipitation of basic copper sulphate Cu,(OH),SO, from the solution with high copper concentration requires its limiting to 12-22g/l Cu. The basic copper sulphate precipitation as a function of temperature is shown i n Fig.6.5 f6.451. In spite of the clear superiority of the continuous process over batch or semi-continuousprocedures, there still remain some difficulties in implementing the known continuous processes r6.70-6.72,6.11 I] on an industrial scale, and namely:

troublesome excess of reducing gas under pressure;

undesirable precipitated copper powder due to the short residence time of the particles and the unregulated motion of the solid-liquid-gas mixture; excessive surface resulting from high length-ttxliameter ratio causes metal deposition on internal reactor walls.

6.43 Description of the Proposed Research

1. General Engineering Requirements [6.57] The aim of the project is to study and develop the continuous process of the high purity copperpowder precipitation under hydrogen pressure from solutions after leaching. The process will be developed on the basis of the 3-phase pressure reactor, which concept was proposed and investigated previously [6.57,6.91]. The study on application of the same kind of reactor for the pressure leaching was proposed too [Chapter 21, and it is presented in the 2nd part of the Proposal.
It has been stated in Section 6.4.2 that problems in the previously described, continuous precipitation processes r6.706.72,6.111] are of an engineering nature. In order to overcame them an essential change in the continuous copper reduction concept is required. The following conditions must be met for the CHP process to become viable: a. The precipitation process must be carried out with a significant excess of copper in the solution than the amount required for almost total consumption of the supplied hydrogen, in order to eliminate its recycling.

b. A high rate, of hydrogen supply to the solution is required, in order to assure good mixing of the solid-liquid-gas mixhue, a high rate of hydrogen dissolution in solution, and a high rate of copper precipitation from solution.
c. Hydrodynamic conditions must assure the continuous selective separation of a given fraction of the copper powder particles.

2. Reactor Description [6.91] The proposed reactor is a vertical column, whose height to diameter ratio does not exceed 10:1. The volume of the reactor is divided into sections by special-fm elements. These sections are equipped with injection systems of liquid and gaseous phase, that assure goodcentrifugal mixing of fluid and high hydrogen dispersion in solution. The constrained hydrodynamics of the reactiveliquid-solid-gasmixture allows to prolong the retention time of a given sizecopperpowder particles and assures the continuous selective separation of the copper powder particles with a sufficiently large size, as a final product. The hydrogen gas is fed into the reactor in a sufficient quantity to assure constant pressure. The copper sulphate solution is fed into the reactor continuously through an inlet in the lower part, and is spent from the top of the reactor. The total quantity of the hydrogen gas which is supplied to the reactor. should m c t with the copper ions and precipitate 40 to 70% of copper

Figure 6 . 3 . Schematic diagram of the laboratory continuous hydrogen reduction installation according to Sista and Sliepcevich [6.73].

Figure 6.4.

Effect of temperature on rate of hydrogen reduction (Sista and Sliepcevich) [6.73].

Figure 6.5.

Effect of temperature on hydrolysis of copper sulphate solution. (CuS04) = 1 molll. [6.45].

from solution. Only a small proportion of unreacted hydrogen leaves the reactor in the form of the gas dissolved in the spent solution.

The copper powder particles growing inside the reactor during the reduction are subjected to a motion in two different flows of the solid-liquid-gas mixture:

the smallcopperpowder particles are carried off in the central part of thereactor, with the vertical flow of the solutiongas fluid flowing from the bottom to the top of the reactor;

the larger copperpowderparticles move with aresultant of the gravitationaland centrifugal forces and subsequently
go down along the reactor w a l l .In every section the flow of larger copper powder particles is directed by the special form elements to the central part of the reactor, where cenirifugal segregation of the copper particles is repeated. Finally, the largest particles leave the active mixing area and pass through the outlet in the bottom of the reactor to the separator, which is emptied periodically.

3. General Assumptions and Elementary Engineering Data [6.91] The copper precipitation occurs according to the reaction:

For the temperature range from 150 to 180C the equilibrium constant expressed as

is equal to 101 [6.901. The high value of K indicates that the reaction of copper reduction by hydrogen is practically irreversible. However, at low temperatures, i.e. below l W C , the rate of copper reduction is extremely slow. The rate of reduction becomes sufficiently high to be used as a process of copper winning from solution, only when the temperature is above 130-15W and the partial pressure of hydrogen is not less than 200 psi (1380 kPa). The product of reduction - copper powder, has a suitable purity (99.96% Cu) if:

the concentration of copper ions during the reduction exceeds 20-30 g/l Cu; the yield of copper precipitation does not exceed 50-70%; the growth of the copper particles develops on a suitably high surface of copper powder suspended in solution; and the rate of the nucleation centers arising in the solution is sufficiently high and constant.

The activation energy of the reaction equals to 11,5kcaVmo1 E6.901 and the initial rate of reduction under 390-450 psi (2690-3100 kPa) of partial pressure of hydrogen, and with nucleation by 80 grams of copper powder (size 100-160pm) per liter is equal:

4.3 x lB4mol L-Is-' (150C)

6.6 x l o 4rnol L'sl(165C)

9.3 x l o 4mol L-'s-I (180C) According to Sista and Sliepcevich [6.72] the rate of continuous copper precipitation under hydrogen pressure 450 psi (3100 kPa) fiom solution containing 70 gfl Cu, and at temperature 17WC is 7.5 x to 1.2 x 10.' krnol m3s-'. These values were accepted in the assumptions.

The CHP process is carried out according to the following mass balance:

CuSOd = 274 kg (Cu = 70 kg)

CuSO 4 = 138 kg

> solution

CHPRcactor '1

lm3 > soluuon

(Cu = 35 kg)

H 2SO4 = 88 kg
copper powder Cu = 35 kg

The residence time of the solution in the CHP reactor required to precipitate 35 kg of copper with the rate accepted below (7.5. kmol m-3s-1), could vary from 7.65 to 12.2 min:

22 =

35 = 4.59 x 1 02~ = 7,6min 63.5 x 1.2 x 10 -3

For the process conducted under total pressure of 560 psi (3860 kPa), at temperatwe 17@C,0.5 m3of hydrogen must be supplied to 1 m3of solution. This volume is equal to 0.65 of the hydrogen solubility in pure water in the same conditions. (0.86 cm3KIgKO under 50 atm (5066 kPa) at 170C). The proposed experimental reactor has a height of 57 inches and inside diameter of 5.7 inches. Its volume is 18.2 1. For the residence time from 7.6 to 12.2 rnin the rate of copper powder precipitation is from 2.5 to 4 kg Cu per hour if the average transportof thereactive medias through reactor (liquiwgasvolumetric ratio is 2 and the volume of copperpowder is neglected) is from 3x105m3s1to 4.8x105 m3s-' at the inlet and from 2 ~ 1 0m3s-I . ~ to 3.2x105m3s-Iat the outlet. The rate of hydrogen ' . supply is from 2.22x102g s-' to 3.55 g s
4. Reactor Design [6.91]

Laboratory modeling experiments for the process of continuous copper precipitation by hydrogen [6.91] were carried out in the glass reactor (volume 20 1) with water air modeling fluid. Some qualitative tests were performed also with sand fractions used as a solid phase, The results of these experimentations as well as the engineering calculations on the hydrodynamicsin the CHP reactor, particularly on the fluid injection systems,vertical and centrifugal fluid transport, gaseous bubbles and solid particles classifications, were the basis for the reactor design.

The reactor of the volume and geometry described in assumptions (Section 6.4.3) is divided into three sections. The details of the sectionsare described in the Caveat. Three liquid-gas injectors and two high pressure injectors are set up inside the reactor. Hydrogen gas is injected in the pressure range from 900 psi (opening) to 800 psi (closing), and the rate of its injection by one injector is calculated. The type and size of nozzle will be adapted during the proposed research.
*) Copper-Hydrogen-Precipitation Reactor

The liquid phase is discharged only from the top of the reactor with an average rate of 1.20-1.92 1min-' if the assumed total hydrogen-gas consumption will be confirmed.

The solid product in the form of copper powder particle size minus 200 mesh goes down to the liquid-solid pressure separator with the rate of 42-67.2 g miti1. The residence time of the copper powder particles in the reactor is considerably higher than the residence time of the solution and this circumstance is very important for a good growth of crystals. Nevertheless, at the same time a relatively high concentration of fine copper particles in the highest section of the reactor can cause an over-loading for the liquid-solid filter at the solution outlet. If this circumstance were disadvantageous,a change in the heightldiameterratio of the reactor or only the higher part of reactor, could be necessary.

5. Project Development The proposed reactor application to copper precipitation from sulfate solution by hydrogen should be continued according to the following program:
a. Construction and tests of the gas injectors and gaslliquid injectors.

b. Construction of the experimentalpilot-unit for melals reduction by hydrogen.


Tests of continuous copper precipitation by hydrogen.

6.4.4 Expected Results and Benefits

At the present time it is still difficult to place the hydrogen reduction method in relation to other processes of copper reduction from solution. A great deal of additional research is needed into the engineering problems due to the continuous process. Nevertheless, it was felt that a qualitative comparison made on the basis of certain criteria might be useful at this stage. This comparison is presented in Table 6.1,

Table 6.1. Comparative cWication of the methods of separation of copper from sulphate solutions

Criteria of
Classification Industrial application Intensity of process Technical difficulty

Classical Electrowinning

Electrolysis with diaphragm

Hyd-WFn Reduction by pressure reduction sulphur dioxide

+++ +

+ +

Materials / corrosion
Energy consumption Purity of product Environmental pollution


Positive criteria: Do not occur: 0

+++, ++, +

Negative criteria: ---, --, -

Industriallv Known ADDlicati~~ Classical electrowinning of copper is the currently used industrial practice. The diaphragm-electrolysis is more frequently used in winning other nonferrous metals, e.g. Ni, Mn, but it is not often used in the electrowinning of copper from sulphate solution. Copper reduction by hydrogen pressure is a rarely used method in industry its application is limited to fine copper powder or to the composite powders production. Precipitation by SO, is not used in industrial practice.

Intensitv of P

Classical and diaphragm-cells electrolysisprocesses are the slowest, whereas processes using copper precipitation with SO, are faster. Hydrogen reduction is a very fast process. It is approximately 20 times faster than electrolysis. Technical Difficulty The processes are rated as follow in the order of technical difficulty:

hydrogen reduction, because of high pressure (300-700 psi), high temperature (140-2WC) and hydrogen gas utilization; reduction by sulphur dioxide, due to moderate pressure (100-180 psi), moderate temperature (100-120C) and sulphur dioxide utilization; electrolysis with diaphragm; classical electrolysis.

The process with S0,reduction is characterized by the highest corrosivity of the gaseous phase, while corrosivity at the liquid phase presents a moderate problem. The higher corrosivity of solution is associated w i t h the process of hydrogen reduction from sulphate solution. Electrolytic processes have the lowest corrosion levels.

The principal sourcesof energy are fuels, electricity and chemicals. Electrowinningprocesses have the highest electrical energy requirement, Energy consumption expected in gaseous reduction processes will be lower, because of the high rate of metal precipitation. Environmental Pollution Because in every process solutions are recirculated in closed circuits, the greatest environmental threat is due to the emission of vapors, liquid suspensions in the air and gases during electrolysis processes. The possibility of environmental contamination during the SO, reduction process results hom accidental. anomalous utilization of sulphur dioxide. The hydrogen reduction process does not threaten the environment. The final conclusions deriving from this comparative analysis are very favorable to the hydrogen reduction process. It appears to be technically superior and more economical than other copper separation methods. It can be much better adapted to the climatic conditions in the arctic because of the compact and small installation. However, the reduction of copper by hydrogen is technically the most difficult process, and its indusmal application as an alternativeprocess of copper winning requires some non-conventional engineering solutions. The anticipated benefits associated with the commercial application of the proposed reactor to copper precipitation by hydrogen are:

1. The Copper Hydrogen Precipitation (CHP) reactor will be capable of replacing classical electrolyzers in many known hydrometallurgical processes. The produced coarse size copper powder can be converted by casting into copper ingots. The proposed CHP process is less energy-intensive than copper electrolysis. The capital costs of the CHP unit built and operating cost. of the CHP process will be smaller than these for the electrowinning tankhouse of the same capacity. A comparison of anticipated technical and economic factors of the hypothetical CHP-process proposed by CUNIT Hydrometal Inc. to copper recovery from copper scrap [6.57] with data of copper electrowinning from the solution after heap leaching and solvent extraction is presented in Table 6.2.

2. Minimal financial risk is associated with gradual development of the CHP process, step by step through its less hazardous experimental application for the composite copper scrap processing, to future large-scale for the Concentrate processing.
3. The application of such reactors to other precipitation processes from aqueous or non-aqueous solutions with the participation of gaseous reagents other than hydrogen evidently acquires a commercial significance. The following applications for the such reactors could be taken into account

nickel and wbalt powders precipitation h m amminosulfate solutions by hydrogen; precious metals precipitation from chloride solution by hydrogen; nickel and cobalt sulfide precipitation by gaseous hydrogen sulfide; copper powder or a double cupric-cuprous sulfite precipitation by sulfur dioxide; uranium(1V) oxide -UO,, precipitation from carbonate-uranyl- complex solution by hydrogen; lower valency oxides of vanadium molybdenum and tungsten precipitation by hydrogen; i r o n 0 oxide precipitation, i.e. as goethite F e w , during oxidation of ferrous sulfate and partial hydrolysis of iron(II1) by oxygen.

6.5 Example of the Reactor Application

The simplifiedflowsheetof an hypothetical hydrometallurgicalprocessingof achalcopyriteconcentrateis an illusbation of possible applications of the proposed kind of reactors (Fig.6.6). This kind of reactors is applied in the following unit

the fast thermal activation in the nonoxidativeconditions (1) and instantaneous leaching (2) with spent solution after the hydrogen reduction process;
the leaching-flotation process and iron hydrolysis (3) under elevated oxygen pressure (50-150 psi) at temperature

90-102C; the principal leaching-flotationprocess (4) under the same conditions as (3); and

the copper precipitation process (5) under hydrogen pressure of 400 psi (2756 kPa) at 1 7 K .

All unit processes are technically realizable. Very simplified chemistry of the processes can be described with the following principal reactions:
1. The fast thermal activation chalcopyrite decomposition in the nonoxidative conditions:
2CuFeS, ->

cys + 2FeS + S

Table 62. Comparison of some anticipated techniml and economic factors of the hypothetical CHP-processwith data of copper electrowinning,
Classical electrolysis BLUEBIRD, Miami (Arizona) Tankhouse for S.OOQUbIvear*)
Unit capacity Hydrogen reduction,

CHP Process; project

for 5.000 t Culvear
640 kg Cu/h 18 m3/h 70135 gpl 15-20 gpl 28/87 gpl

625 kg Cufi
208 m3/h

Rate of solution recirculation

Concentrations in solution (inleVoutlet)



36/33 gpl 1.5 gpl 1461151 gpl

Principal elements of installation

48 cells (total volume 240m3, 40 cathodes,4 1 anodes; weight of one cathode 5 to 60 kg after 8 days

2 pressure reactors of total volume 2x1.2=2.4m3. 2 pressure liquid/solid separators of 0.1m3, pumps, compressors,other pressure equipment
Copper powder, size 200 um 99.96% Cu Cost of heating and hydre gen only, $0.094/kg CU CHP unit only, $1,359,000.

Product, form and purity Costs of direct energy and chemicals **) Capital costs of the copper winning section section only. Approximate surface of the copper winning section

Coppet cathodes 99.9% Cu

Electricity in the electrolysis only, $0.1 17Fg Cu Electrowinning tankhouse only. $2,532.300.

1970 data, according to A.K. Biswas and W.G. Davenport, "Extractive Metallurgy of Copper", Pergamon Press 1976.

**) In constant Canadian dollars 1983 Estimated by MJ. Convin Cunit Hydrometal Inc., Sept. 1983.


The instantaneous leaching of iron with copper precipitation in sulfidic form:

FeS + CuSO, = FeSO,

3. The fast leaching of easy to decompose copper sulfides:

+ CuS


+ Fe,(SO,),

= CuS + CuSO,

+ 2FeS0,

c B % lk q





F* 1sq/t 11~50. 767/L





Cu 7lq/L r. lh/L n,so, 229/L

r . Q O n




Figure 6.6.

Simplified flowsheet of a

hypothetical processing of chalcopyrite concentrate.

with partial precipitation of goethite (or jarosite-type salts):

2ClqS + 2FeS0,

+ 312 0, + q O = 2FeOOH + 2CuS + 2CuS0,

and with simultaneous separation of solid particles by flotation with oxygen:

sulfur and non-decomposed sulfides in the flotable fraction, and goethite (or jarosite-type salts) and some gangue minerals in the nonflotable friction.

4 . The principal leaching of non-decomposed s u l f i d e s from flotable fraction:

CuS + F e , ( S O , ) , = CuSO, + 2FeS0, + S

with the simultaneous iron oxidation:

and the sulfur separation from nonflotable gangue minerals by flotation with oxygen.

5. Copper precipitation under hydrogen pressure:

The concentrations of copper, iron and sulfuric acid in solution calculated horn the theoretical mass-balance of above chemical reactions are indicated in Figure 6.6. An example of application of this kind of reactors in different unit processes is shown in Figure 6.7. Numbers in circles correspond to the unit process numbers in Figure 6.6.

Figure 6.7.

An idea of application of the new generation reactors in the chalcopyrite processing according to the flowsheet shown in Fig. 6.6.


A process designed for treating metal sulfides.





Appendix 5
Design of a reactor for larger pilot installation.

Legends: 1: 6" pipe, 8 1/2" long 2: 1" pipe, 1' long 3: Reducing tee,6 x 2" 4: Reducing tee, 2" x 1". 5: Reducing elbow, 2"x 1" 6: Tee, 2" 7: Tee, 1" 8: Inseument tee, 6", R = 2", S = 718" 9: Concentric Taper Reducer, 6" x 2" 10: Full face spacer, 6" C = 2 112. 11: Standard full face spacer, 2". 12: Standard full face spacer, 1" 13: b o r e d full face spacer, 6".C=2
14: 112" Standardblind full face spacer, 6",C=1/2" Blind Flange, 6" Blind Flange, 2" Blind Flange, 1" Bull's eye sight flow, 2".

15: 16: 17: 18:

Appendix 7
Design of reactive medias injector.

Appendix 9
Detail design of a leachinflotation column.

B G 2 7 x dia. BC=1/3 BG A B = 1 / 7 BG' CD=1/2 BG F G < D E < 1/14

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