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10 Blessed Companions Notes

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The 10 Blessed Companions

Blessed Companion: Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (RA)

Points to be Discussed:

● Name: Abdullah bin Abu Quhafa, Kuniyat: Abu Bakr

● Background: 2 years younger than the Prophet (PBUH); Rich cloth merchant by profession, never
indulged in drinking even before Islam, highly respected for his wisdom
● How he Accepted Islam, the first free adult male: The Prophet’s famous words,
“Whenever I invited anyone to Islam, they thought or hesitated before accepting it; but Abu
Bakr is the only one who accepted my message without any hesitation.”
● How he freed Muslim slaves like Bilal (RA), Amir Bin Fuhairah (RA) etc.
● How he helped many people enter Islam like Uthman bin Affan (RA), Talhah bin Ubaidullah
(RA), Abdur Rahman bin Awf (RA), Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RA) etc. The Prophet (PBUH) said,
“The most compassionate member of my people towards my people is Abu Bakr (RA).”
● The marriage of his daughter Hazrat Aisha to the Prophet
● Chosen by the Prophet during his migration to Madinah, including the 3 day stay in the Cave of
Thawr; how he suffered the sting of a snake in the cave to protect the Prophet.
● Abu Bakr’s fear for the Prophet’s life when the Quraish came close to the entrance of the Cave of
The Quran,
“…when the unbelievers drove him out; he had no more than one companion: the two were in
the cave, and he said to his companion, ‘Have no fear, for Allah is with us.”
● Stood like a rock by the side of the Prophet (PBUH) at all times
● His support to the Prophet (PBUH) in all battles, especially Uhud and Hunain
● His support for the Prophet at the Treaty of Hudaibiyah
● His donations at the Battle of Tabuk, brought all his belongings. The Prophet asked, “Abu Bakr
(RA), what did you leave for your family?” Abu Bakr (RA) replied,
“I have left for them Allah and His Prophet (PBUH)”
● The Prophet’s famous hadith of loving the “father of Aisha” most after Hazrat Aisha (RA)
● His support to the Prophet at Miraj, title: As-Siddiq: ‘Testifier of the truth’
● The Prophet’s desire for Abu Bakr (RA) to be the Imam in his place even though Hazrat Aisha
and Hazrat Hafsa tried to convince him otherwise. The Prophet said,
“Tell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer. Allah and the believers will not have it otherwise.”
● The Prophet’s orders to close all doors entering into Masjid-e-Nabi except the door of Abu Bakr.
He said,
“All doors of Masjid-e-Nabi should be closed except for the door of Abu Bakr.”
● Prophet,
“If I were to take a ‘khalil’ (closest friend) besides Allah, I would choose Abu Bakr…”
● Made Ameer-e-Hajj by the Prophet in 9th year of Hijrah.
● Abu Bakr’s quick comprehension of the situation when the Prophet said,
“A man of Allah has been given a choice between this world and the treasures of the Life After
Death and he has chosen Life After Death.”
When Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) heard these words, he started weeping.
● The unifying and brave role of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) at the death of the Prophet, Hazrat Abu
Bakr said to the Muslims,
“Those of you who worshipped Muhammad (PBUH), let him know that Muhammad (PBUH)
is dead. Those of you who worship Allah, know that Allah never dies and is Ever-Living.”

Blessed Companion: Umar bin al-Khattab (RA)

Points to be Discussed:

● Son of Khattab, from the tribe Banu Adi

● Backgorund: 12-13 years younger than the Prophet (pbuh); Knew how to read & write, very
intelligent, studious, strong, powerful; fond of archery, horse-riding, wrestling
● a trader and visitor of many countries
● an idol-worshipper before Islam
● Kuniat: Abu Hafsa
● Title: Farooq ‘one who differentiates between Truth & Falsehood’. The Prophet (buh) said about
“Allah placed truth upon the tongue of Umar (RA) and his heart.”
● How he converted to Islam:
o 6th Year of Prophethood, 33 years of age at that time
o The Prophet had recently made a special prayer to Allah,
“O Allah! Strengthen Islam with Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA) or Abu Al Hakm (Abu
o Umar (RA) was going to kill the Prophet (pbuh) when on the way he was told that his
own sister, Fatima binte Al-Khattab and her husband Saeed bin Zaid (RA) had accepted
Islam, both were learning verses of Surah Taha when Umar (RA) banged on the door
o beat up his sister and brother in law till they started bleeding
o felt regretful very soon, took a bath upon his sister’s instructions, read the verses
o went to the Prophet (pbuh) and said Kalima Shahadah
o there were jubilant shouts of “Allahu Akbar” in Dar-e-Arqam at that moment
● After Umar’s conversion, Islam was greatly strengthened. Umar (RA) would frequently pray
openly in front of the Kaaba and encourage others to do so as well.
● Muslims were able to pray openly near the Kaaba for the first time ever, as everyone feared
Umar (RA)
● Umar’s (RA) daughter Hazrat Hafsa (RA) was the wife of the Prophet (pbuh)
● While all Muslims migrated to Madina secretly, fearful of their lives, Umar (RA) made a bold
migration announcing near the Kaaba,
“I am now migrating to Madina. Whoever wants his mother to cry for him can try to come and
stop me.”
● Always stood by the Prophet (pbuh) as his advisor, supporter, defender and protector
● Many times Quran verses would be revealed soon after Umar (RA) had suggested something
similar about that issue. e.g. Umar (RA) used to say to the Prophet (pbuh), “Let your wives be
veiled." Soon the verses of Hijab were revealed.
● The Prophet (pbuh) said about him,
“If there were a prophet after me, it would have been Umar (RA).”
● Participated in all battles, all major events (Bait-e-Ridwan, conquest of Makkah etc.) with the
Prophet (pbuh)
● Could not comprehend the wisdom behind the Treaty of Hudaibiyah at that time, felt it extremely
humiliating for Muslims, protested to the Prophet (pbuh). However, later he always regretted his
attitude at the Treaty of Hudaibiyah
● Brought half of all his property at the time of Battle of Tabuk
● always ready to kill traitors and big enemies of Islam
● Reaction of Umar (RA) at the death of the Prophet (pbuh):
o holding a sword in his hand outside the Prophet’s (pbuh) house, he said:
“I will slay anyone who says that the Prophet (pbuh) has died.”
o (He had actually misinterpreted a verse of Quran that the Prophet (pbuh) would not die
before his Companions.)
o When he heard Abu Bakr (RA) recite the verses of Quran, the sword fell from hands, he
felt so weak in his knees that he sat down on the ground helplessly
● Conclusion
Blessed Companion: Uthman Bin Affan (RA)

Points to be Discussed:

● Background: Belonged to the Ummayad tribe; a branch of Quraish

● Well known for his soft nature, kindness, humility & modesty
● Wealthy businessman in Makkah, was able to read & write
● How He Accepted Islam: Heard a call in the middle of the night in the desert when he was
travelling to Syria: "Beware sleepers, for Ahmad has come forth to your land” ; went to Abu
Bakr (RA) along with Talhah bin Ubaidullah (RA) and told him the entire incident; Abu Bakr
(RA) took them both to the Prophet (PBUH) where they accepted Islam
● Was tortured by his uncle after accepting Islam; his uncle used to roll him in a carpet and set it
alight from below
● Uthman (RA) was married to Ruqayyah (RA), the Prophet’s (PBUH) daughter. Both migrated to
Abyssinia in 5th year of Hijrah
● It is said that Uthman and Ruqayyah made a unique pair, as Uthman was the most beautiful
person amongst the men, whereas Ruqayya was the most beautiful amongst the women
● Could not participate in the Battle of Badr due to Hazrat Ruqayyah’s illness. Hazrat Ruqayyah
(RA) passed away during the Battle of Badr.
● Hazrat Uthman (RA) then married the Prophet’s other daughter, Hazrat Umm Kulthum. For being
married to the 2 daughters of the Prophet he was given the title of “Dhul-Qarnain” meaning ‘the
possessor of 2 lights.’
● Umm Kulthum too passed away a few years later. The Prophet noted Uthman’s grief on his face
and said:
“If I had a third daughter, surely, I would have given her in marriage to you.” 
● Helped in strengthening of the Muslim Army at the expedition of Tabuk by giving gold coins,
horses and camels, which earned him the great respect of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬,
Wwho said:
“From this day on nothing will harm Uthman regardless of what he does.”
● Bought a well named “bi’r-i-Rumah” from a Madinan Jew for 20,000 Dirhams and made it free
for use for Muslims of Madina, who had no water to drink at that time
● Paid for the extension of Masjid of the Prophet in Madina
● Was famously known as “Ghani” for his generosity and charity
● He was greatly respected for his kind nature among the Makkans, as he used to help the poor and
remove their troubles
● Role of messenger in Treaty of Hudaibiyah; was sent to speak to the Quraish who offered him
permission to perform Umrah but he said,
“I cannot make Tawaf before the Prophet (PBUH) of Allah.”

The Companions took the Pledge of Ridwan upon hearing that he had been martyred. The Quran says
about the Pledge of Ridwan,

“Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you, [O Muhammad] - they are actually pledging allegiance to

● Escorted the Prophet’s wives along with Abdur Rahman bin Awf at the Farewell Pilgrimage
● The Prophet is reported to have said about him,
“For every messenger, there was a constant companion and my companion in Paradise will be
Uthman (RA).”

● Uthman (RA) was famous for his modesty and shyness. One day the Prophet (PBUH) was
reclining in his house with his lower part of leg bared. Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA) asked to
enter and when they did, the Prophet (PBUH) remained in that position. They conversed with
each other, and then Uthman (RA) asked to enter. Immediately Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) sat
upright, and covered himself. The Prophet (PBUH) and Uthman (RA) conversed. When he left,
Aisha (RA) asked ‘O Messenger of Allah! When Abu Bakr and Umar entered, you did not sit
upright for them. But when Uthman entered, you sat upright and covered yourself??’ The Prophet
(saw) answered,
‘Should I not be shy in front of the man even the angels feel shy of?’… (Muslim)

● was brutally murdered by rebels when he was a caliph

● (conclusion summing up all his famous qualities)

Blessed Companion: Ali Bin Abi Talib (RA)

Points to be Discussed:

● Background: Son of Abu Talib, the Prophet’s uncle

● Prophet (PBUH) brought him to his place to relieve financial burden of his uncle
● Early convert – accepted Islam at age of 10 years, first among children to accept Islam
● The only person to respond to the Messenger’s (PBUH) invitation to Islam when the Prophet
invited his Hashimite family members to Islam at a dinner. He said,
“Oh Prophet (PBUH), I will be your helper in this mission.”

The people had laughed at him

● Slept in Prophet’s (PBUH) bed at the time of migration and returned valuables which people had
left with the Prophet (PBUH)
● Was made brother of the Prophet (PBUH) himself at Muwakhat (the bonding of Ansars with
Muhajireen). Ali (RA) questioned the Prophet (PBUH) “Who will be my brother?” The Prophet
(PBUH) had said to him,
“You are my brother in this world and in the Hereafter.”

● The Prophet (PBUH) said about him

“I am the city of Knowledge and Ali (RA) is its gate.’

● The Prophet (PBUH) said

“The most learned in legal matters is Ali.”

● Married to the Prophet’s (PBUH) youngest daughter – Fatima

● an exceptionally brave and fierce warrior, showed great valour in all battles, known as
“Asadullah” for his bravery meaning ‘the Lion of Allah’
● Carried Muslim banner at Battle of Badr
● Carried Muslim Banner at Battle of Uhud after original bearer was killed
● Formed defensive ring around the Prophet (PBUH) at Uhud
● Single-handedly combatted an enemy at Trench
● When the Muslims were unable to conquer a particular fort of the Jews for many days in the
Battle of Khyber, the Prophet said,
“Tomorrow I will give the flag to a person who loves Allah & His Messenger and Allah and His
Messenger (PBUH) love him.”

The next day he told Ali (RA) to take the flag.(Hazrat Ali(RA) had an eye infection…). He fought with
the famous warrior Marhab, known to have the strength of a 1000 warriors and Ali (RA) was able to kill

● Scribe of the treaty of Hudaibiyah, tolerated the misbehavior of Suhail bin Amr with immense
patience for the sake of the Prophet’s command
● One of the Scribes of Quran
● Was appointed as a deputy in Madina during the Tabuk expedition; the Jews mocked him that the
Prophet wanted to get rid of him. Ali (RA) ran behind the army, requested the Prophet (PBUH) to
take him too. The Prophet (PBUH) said to him,
“You are to me as Haroon (AS) was to Musa (AS) except that there is no prophet after me.”

● The Prophet (PBUH), out of love, gave him the name of “Abu Turab” which means “Father
of the dust”
● Took the message of the freshly revealed verses in the Hajj of 9 A.H
● Participated in the washing and shrouding of the body of the Prophet (PBUH) at his death
Blessed Companion: Talhah Bin Ubaidullah (RA)

● Background: Belonged to Banu Taim clan of Quraish, a cousin of Abu Bakr (RA)
● Accepted Islam when a Christian monk in Persia asked the people there, “Has Ahmad appeared
in your land?” Then he prophesized to Talhah (RA) that a man named Ahmad, who is the last of
the prophets, will soon come to his land and Talhah (RA) must reach him before anyone else.
Soon Talhah & Usman (RA) together went to his cousin Abu Bakr (RA), who took them both to
the Prophet (PBUH) where they accepted Islam
● Persecuted along with Abu Bakr (RA), both tied together with a rope. Hence both came to be
known as ‘Al-Qareenain” (the two tied together)
● participated in all battles except Badr as he was sent on a spying mission with Saeed bin Zaid
(RA) by the Prophet; the battle was already won by the Muslims when they returned; both were
given equal share of the booty as other soldiers
● In the Battle of Uhud, he became a human shield for the Prophet (PBUH); while seriously being
injured, received 70 wounds on his body in this battle, carried the Prophet (PBUH) on his back up
on higher part of Mt.Uhud, arm paralysed while protecting the Prophet (PBUH), also lost 2
fingers. The Prophet (PBUH) said,
“If anyone wants to look at a living martyr, let him look at Talhah(RA).”

● Abu Bakr (RA) used to remember the day of Battle of Uhud and say wistfully,
“That was a day all for Talhah (RA).”

● Extremely pious & generous, donated wealth to the poor open-heartedly and led a simple life
● awarded the titles of “Al-Khair” (the benevolent) and “Al-Fayyaz” (the generous) by the Holy
● The Prophet (PBUH) said,
“Talhah (RA) and Zubair (RA) are my neighbours in Paradise.”

● was martyred during the caliphate of Ali (RA) in the Battle of Camel

Blessed Companion: Hazrat Abdur Rahman Bin Awf (RA)

● Background: from the clan of Banu Zuhrah of Quraish

● Pre-Islamic name was Abd Amr, the Prophet (pbuh) changed it to Abdur Rahman bin Awf (ra)
● Among the first 8 people to accept Islam at the invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)
● Suffered extreme torture and persecution by Quraish during the early days of Islam
● Migrated to Abyssinia, then to Madina
● Made the brother of Ansari Sa’d bin Rabia (ra) during Muwakhaat
● Sa’d bin Rabiah (ra) offered him half of all his wealth but Hazrat Abdur Rahman (RA) said,
“May Allah bless you in your family and property; just show me the way to the market.”
● He preferred to be self-reliant, depending only on Allah to help him out in this difficult time. He
had a keen sense of business. Within a very short span of time, Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) was
blessed with great abundance in his business
● Participated in all battles with the Prophet (pbuh),was severely injured in the Battle of Uhud,
making him lame for the rest of his life
● Was next to the Prophet (pbuh) when his baby son, Ibrahim, passed away in his arms. Hazrat
Abdur Rahman (ra) consoled the Prophet (pbuh) who prayed for him, “ O Allah, give Abdur
Rahman the drink from Salsabil spring in Paradise.”
● Was always there to donate money in the name of Islam; there was no man in Madina who had
not taken loan from him; he donated 200 ounces of silver for the Expedition of Tabuk
● Unique Experience of Leading the Prophet (pbuh) in Prayer : During the Expedition to Tabuk, one
day the Prophet (pbuh) got late in arriving for Fajr prayer. The Muslims began to worry that the
prayer would be missed so they asked Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Awf (ra) to lead the prayers.
When the first Rakat was finished, the Prophet (pbuh) arrived and joined the congregation behind
Abdur Rahman bin Awf (ra). After completion of the prayers, the Prophet (pbuh) said,
“A prophet does not die until he has been led in prayer by a pious person among his people.”
● When the time came for the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet (pbuh) gave Hazrat Abdur Rahman
(ra) and Hazrat Uthman (ra) the responsibility of looking after his wives. It was a big
responsibility taken very seriously by Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra). He continued to look after the
needs of the Prophet’s (pbuh) wives even after the Prophet (pbuh) passed away. He frequently
sent them money and other things for their needs. If any wife wanted to travel or do Hajj or
Umrah, he arranged a Mahram for them.
● Once Hazrat Aisha (ra) said,
“I have heard the Prophet (pbuh) saying that Abdur Rahman bin Awf (ra) will enter Jannah
crawling.” Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) was so happy to hear this that he gave 700 camels laden with
wealth, all in the way of Allah.
● He was chosen among the 6 Companions who would decide the next caliph after the death of
Hazrat Umar (ra). Hazrat Abdur Rahman (ra) however, gave up his own option of being chosen
and instead offered to help finalise who would be the third caliph.
● When he died, he left great amounts of wealth in his will for the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) and
the early Muslims. Even after all the donations, there was agreat amount of wealth left for his
children. Hazrat Uthman (ra) prayed his funeral prayers.

Blessed Companion: Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (RA)

● Backgorund: from the clan of Banu Zuhrah of Quraish, cousin of the Prophet’s (pbuh) mother,
Amina binte Wahab
● learnt to read & write, mastered archery, did not waste his time in frivolous activities even before
● accepted Islam on invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)
● one of the first people to accept Islam, only 17 years old at that time
● he faced extreme psychological torture from his mother in the early period of Islam; she swore
not to eat or drink anything until he left this new religion, “O Sa’d! What is this religion that
you have entered which has taken you away from the religion of your mother and father? By
God, either you leave your new religion or I will not eat or drink anything until I die!” He kept
treating her respectfully, begging her to eat and drink but he did not waver from Islam; several
weeks passed like this, finally one day he told his mother,
“Mother, even if you had a thousand lives and all of them were wasted away like this, I will not forsake
this religion.” Then she realized how devoted he was to Islam and she started eating and drinking again.
● Since Hazrat Sa’d (ra) was a cousin of his mother, his relation to the Prophet (pbuh) was that of
an uncle. So whenever Hazrat Sa’d (ra) used to come to the Prophet (pbuh), the Prophet (pbuh)
used to happily greet him and say, ‘My uncle has arrived,’ or he would say to the other
Companions, ‘Shall I introduce you to my uncle?’ The Prophet (pbuh) felt pride in this relation.
● Hazrat Sa’d (ra) was the first Companion to hit someone in the name of Islam; the early Muslims
were going together when a group of polytheists tried to stop them, abusing them. There was a
scuffle and in defence, Hazrat Sa’d (ra) took the jawbone of a camel and struck one of the
polytheists who started bleeding.
● Also the first to shoot an arrow in the name of Islam. When the Muslims migrated to Madina, the
Prophet (pbuh) used to send them on small expeditions. In one such expedition, Hazrat Sa’d (ra)
faced some non-Muslim Makkans and he shot an arrow at one of them.
“I am the first of Arabs who shot with an arrow in the way of Allah,” said Hazrat Sa’d (ra).
● Hazrat Sa’d (ra) took part in Bait-e-Ridwan. He was also there at the Treaty of Hudaibiyah.
● Participated in all battles with the Prophet (pbuh). His younger brother Umair (ra) was too young
to participate in the Battle of Badr and the Prophet (pbuh) forbid him from fighting. Umair (ra)
started crying and the Prophet (pbuh) felt sorry for him and let him participate; Hazrat Sa’d (ra)
excitedly prepared him for the battle by fitting him with a sword belt for his small size. Umair
(ra), however, was martyred in the battle.
● Hazrat Sa’d played a great role in the Battle of Uhud, protecting the Prophet (pbuh) like a shield
on the Mount of Uhud. The Prophet (pbuh) said at that time, “O Sa’d (ra) ! May my mother and
father be sacrificed for you!” Hazrat Sa’d (ra) later used to say happily that the Prophet (pbuh)
never said about sacrificing both his mother and father to anyone except him. Narrated Hazrat
Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas,
”The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) mentioned both of his parents for me on the Day of Uhud.”
● The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said about him,
“O Allah, answer Sa’d when he supplicates You.”
● Fully supported the caliphs after the Prophet’s (pbuh) death
● Fought in battles during the period of Rightly Guided Caliphs, played the most prominent role in
the Battle of Qadisiyyah during Hazrat Umar’s (ra) caliphate. He was made the commander-in-
chief and was able to defeat the Persians; was made a governor in Persian lands
● Also made governor of Kufa during Uthman’s (ra) caliphate; was greatly disappointed at the
murder of Hazrat Uthman (ra); remained mostly silent and neutral in politics
● Died at the age of 85 years in Madina, buried in Jannat-ul-Baqee
● Humble, God-fearing, selfless, led a very simple life, was steadfast and courageous
Blessed Companion: Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (RA)

● Background: Born in Makkah, belonged to Banu Fahar clan of Quraish.

● Real Name: Amr
● One of the very first converts to Islam, accepted Islam at the encouragement of Hazrat Abu
Bakr (ra) at the age of 29 years
● An extremely pious, humble and wise Muslim
● Underwent the early, extreme persecution by Quraish
● Migrated to Abyssinia and later to Madina
● The Prophet (pbuh) said about him,
“Every nation has an Ameen (extremely trustworthy man), and the Ameen of this Ummah is Abu
Ubaidah (ra).”
● Participated in all battles with the Prophet (pbuh)
● Battle of Badr: His non-Muslim father kept trying to confront him and to block his way while
he fought other non-Muslims. At first, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) avoided him; finally when it
was unavoidable, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) brought his sword down with force, striking his
father’s head and killing him instantly. A revelation was revealed about this,
“You will not find those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who oppose Allah, even
though they may be their fathers or sons…” (58:18)
● In the Battle of Uhud, he stood close to the Prophet (pbuh); later when 2 metal pieces had
pierced the Prophet’s(pbuh) cheek, he lost 2 of his front teeth while trying to remove those
● He led many delegations against non-Muslims under the directions of the Prophet (pbuh)
● When the Prophet (pbuh) planned the conquest of Makkah, he was made the commander of
one of the 4 army units.
● When a Christian delegation came from Najran, they asked the Prophet (pbuh) to send
someone as a judge between them. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “I will send to you an honest
man who is really trustworthy.” He chose Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra).
● When the Prophet (pbuh) died, Umar (ra) and Abu Bakr (ra) wanted to choose Hazrat Abu
Ubaidah (ra) as the first caliph as they claimed the Prophet (pbuh) had called him the ‘Ameen
of the Ummah.’ But Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) gave preference to Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra).
● During the caliphate of Hazrat Umar (ra), he fell victim to the deadly plague which had
spread in Syrian Empire while he was waging Jihad there; he passed away and was buried in
Hazrat Zubair bin Al-Awwam (ra)

 He was a cousin of (p.b.u.h), the son of his aunt Safiyah.

 He accepted Islam at the age of 15, shortly after Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a).
 Due to brutalities he migrated twice:
o First to abyssinia
o Later to madina
 He played major roles in the battles of Badr and along with the expedition to Khyber
 He was in favor of his cousin Hazrat Ali (r.a)
 Though when Hazrat Ali (r.a) became the caliph Hazrat Zubayr (r.a) opposed him on account of
his delay in punishing the murderers of Hazrat Uthman(r.a)
 In the end he fought against him and was martyred in the Battle of Camel.

Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid (ra)

 He searched for the truth about one true God and refused to bow down before idols
 He died before the revelation of Islam
 Though his son and his wife were amongst the first Muslims.
 He has a brave soldier and did not seek fame or recognition.

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