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Mojza Islamiyat References List

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O'Levels & IGCSE Islamiyat

Reference List

Paper 1

Pg 02 Quranic Passages
Pg 04 History & Importance of Quran
Pg 10 Life and Importance of Prophet pbuh
Pg 17 First Islamic Community

Paper 2

Pg 22 20 set Hadis
Pg 28 History & Importance of Hadis
Pg 29 Pillars of Islam
Pg 34 Articles of Faith
Pg 39 Jihad


Paper 1
Chapter 1: Quranic Passages
Theme: Allah in Himself
➜ “There is no god but He” (2:255)

➜ “There is none like him.” (112:4)

➜ “Surely your Lord is one Lord” (7:4)

➜ “There is nothing whatever like unto him" (42:11)

➜ “Say He is Allah the One the Only. The eternal, the absolute.” (112:1)

➜ “O ye people! Adore your Guardian-Lord who created you and those who came before you
that ye may have the chance to learn righteousness” (2:21)

➜ “To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; it is He who give life and Death;
and He has Power over all things” (57:2)

➜ “Seeing that you were without life, and He gave you life; then will He cause you to die, and
will again bring you to life; and again to Him will you return.” (2:28)

➜ “Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of Night and
Day ---- there are indeed signs for men of understanding.” (3:190)

➜ “But My Mercy extendeth to all things” (7:156)

➜ “He hath inscribed for Himself (the rule of) mercy” (6:12)

➜ “If any one does evil or wrongs his own soul, but afterwards seeks Allah’s forgiveness, he will
find Allah Oft-forgiving Most Merciful.” (4:110)

➜ “Glory to You of knowledge we have none save that You have taught us" (2:32)

➜ “Allah forgives all sins but shirk" (4:48)

➜ “Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every obligatory prayer, nothing stands between him
and paradise except death” (Hadis)

➜ “He begets not, nor is begotten” (112:3)

➜ Allah forgives not that partners be set up with him" (4:48)

➜ "Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of Night and
Day... there are indeed signs for men of understanding." (3:190)

➜ Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him”. (17:23)

➜ "He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor"

➜ “To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth” (3:109)


➜ “ It is He who knows what is open in speech and what ye hide (in your hearts)” (21:110)

➜ “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah the Eternal, the Absolute. He begets not nor is He
begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” (112)

➜ “Allah! There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-Subsisting, the Eternal.” (2:255)

➜ “To Allah belongs the east and the west; wheresoever you turn, there is the presence of Allah.
For Allah is All-Pervading, All-Knowing.” (2:115)

➜ “Whatever being there are in the heavens and the earth (they) do prostrate themselves
before Allah.”

➜ “No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him ……….” (23:91)

➜ “Abdullah bin Masud reported that the Quraish said to the Holy ProphetPBUH, ‘Tell us of the
ancestry of your Lord’ Thereupon this Surah (surah-Ikhlas) was sent down”. (Tabarani)

➜ “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only, Allah the Eternal, Absolute [surah-Ikhlas 112:1 to end] is

equal to one third of the Quran.” (Bukhari)

➜ "His are all things in the heavens and on earth". (2:255)

➜ "You we worship, and You we ask for help". (1:6)

➜ "My mercy overpowers my wrath." (Hadis-e-Qudsi)

➜ "Despair not from the mercy of Allah, for Allah forgives all sins."

➜ "How can He have a son when He has no consort?” (7:101)

➜ "There is no god but I; therefore, worship and serve Me." (21:25)

➜ "Surah Ikhlas is equal to one third of the Quran."

Theme 2: Allah and his created world

➜ “If any one does evil or wrongs his own soul, but afterwards seeks Allah’s forgiveness, he will
find Allah Oft-forgiving Most Merciful.”(Quran)

➜ “There is no prayer without Al-Fatiha.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “He is Allah, the Creator, the inventor”

➜ Allah does not forgive that partners be set up with him.” (4:48)

➜ “You we worship and you we ask for help” (1:6)

➜ “Glory to You of knowledge we have none save that You have taught us.” (2:32)

➜ “Hold tight to the rope of Allah”

➜ “It is He who taught the Quran”

➜ “Do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan. The tiniest evil deed will also be punished on the Last


➜ “This world is nothing but the enjoyment of deception”.

➜ “Every soul will be paid in full the (fruit of) its deeds and Allah knows best all they do.”

➜ “And say, ‘O my Lord! I seek refuge with You from the suggestions of the evil ones.”(Quran)

Theme 3: Allah & His Messengers

➜ “O Lord, we have wronged ourselves and if you do not forgive us surely we will be among the

➜ “My mercy overpowers my wrath.” (Hadis-e-Qudsi)

➜ But seek the forgiveness of Allah; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.” (4:106)

➜ “To Hazrat Ibrahim: Guide us to the straight path.”

➜ “Ibrahim was indeed a model devoutly obedient to Allah (and) true in faith and he joined not
gods with Allah.”(Quran)

➜ “Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore Allah.”

➜ “Shirk is the greatest of all sins.” (Hadis)

➜ For Hazrat Esa: “But they killed him not, nor crucified him.” (4:157)

➜ “You we worship and you we ask for help.” (1:6)

➜ “And He gives you of all that you ask for, But if you count the favours of Allah, never will you
be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude.”

➜ Verily with every hardship there is relief.”

➜ “In Allah alone let the believers put their trust”

➜ “And your hereafter will be better for you than the present.” (Quran)

➜ Successful indeed are the believers.”

Chapter 2: History & Importance of Quran

Revelation of Quran
➜ “He (Jibrael) seized me and squeezed me to such extent that I was exhausted." (Bukhari)

➜ “Proclaim (or read) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created:
● Created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood.
● Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,
● He Who taught (the use of) the pen.
● Taught man what he knew not.” (96:1-5)


➜ “It comes to me sometimes as the ringing of a bell and this is hardest on me, then he (angel)
leaves me and I remember from him what he says; and sometimes the angel comes in the
shape of a man and he talks to me and I remember what he says.” (Bukhari)

➜ Hazrat Aisha ؓ says:“I saw a revelation coming down upon him in the severest cold and when
that condition was over, perspiration ran down his forehead.” (Bukhari)

➜ Aisha ؓ: “The Messenger of Allah was on a camel when he received revelation. The chest of the
camel remained on the ground until the revelation ended. It could not move until the revelation

➜ Zaid bin Thabit ؓ: “The Messenger of Allah was leaning on my knee once when he received a
revelation. I felt such a heavy burden on my knees that I thought my knees would be broken”

➜ “Write this verse in the chapter where such and such verses occur. (Ahmad)

➜ “This day I have perfected your religion, completed my favour upon you, and chosen for you
Islam as your religion.” (5:3)

Compilation of Quran
➜ Hazrat Usman: “Whether revelation consisted of lengthy, successive verses, or a single
verse the Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬would summon one of his scribes and say, ‘place this verse (or these
verses) in surah where such and such is mentioned.

➜ Zaid bin Thabit: “We would compile the Quran in the presence of the Holy Prophet‫”ﷺ‬

➜ Zaid bin Thabit ؓ: “The Holy Prophet‫ ﷺ‬was taken whilst the Quran had not yet been
gathered into a book”

➜ Hazrat Abu Bakr ؓ: “Why should I start a task which was not done by the Prophet‫”ﷺ‬

➜ Hazrat Usman to Hazrat Hafsa ؓ :“Send us the manuscripts of the Quran so that we may
compile the Quranic materials in perfect copies and return the manuscripts to you.” (Bukhari)

➜ Zaid bin Thabit ؓ: “By Allah, if I had been asked to uproot a mountain and put it on another
place it would have been an easier task than the compilation of the Quran”

Quran as a source of legal thinking

➜ “We have, without doubt, sent down the message and it is We who shall guard it” (15:9)

➜ “Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (2:256)

➜ “Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran…”

➜ “This day I have perfected your religion, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen
for you Islam as your religion.” (5:3)

➜ “We have sent down to you the Book in truth so that you may judge between men, as guided
by God.” (4:105))

➜ “We have explained in this Quran for the benefit of mankind.” (17:70)

➜ “Verily this Quran doth guide to that which Is most right (or stable)……….” (17:9)


➜ “We have neglected nothing in the Book.” (6:38)

➜ “And we have sent down to you the Book explaining all things…” (16:89)

➜ “It is He who has sent down to you the Book, in it are verses precise - they are the
foundation of the Book - and others unspecific.” (3:7)

➜ “Judge between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires.”

➜ “This is the Book, in it is sure guidance, without doubt, for those who fear God....” (2:2)

➜ “Whomsoever desired guidance from any other (source) except the Quran, shall go astray.”

➜ “But this is a glorious Quran in a preserved tablet.” (85:21-22)

➜ “Blessed is He who sent down the criterion to His servant that it may be an admonition to all
creatures.” (25:1)

➜ “Indeed upon us is its collection and its recitation” (75:17)

➜ “God has sent down to you the Book and has taught you what you did not know.”

➜ “They ask you about the Wisdom the Hour; when will be its appointed time? Say: 'Knowledge
of it is with my Lord, None but He can reveal when it will occur.” (7:187))

➜ “Who so disbelieves in God, His Angels, and His Books and His Messengers and the Last Day,
he has surely wandered far astray.” (4:136)

➜ “To you we have sent down the scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before
it.” (5:46))

➜ “In what your wives leave, your share is a half, if they leave no child."

➜ “Livestock has been made lawful to you except that which shall be recited to you”

➜ “Forbidden to you (for food) are: carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, that which has been
slaughtered for other than Allah....” (5:1)

➜ “And we gave to Isaac and Jacob and ordained among his descendants, prophethood and
books.” (29:27)

➜ “We sent Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the Torah that had came before him.” (5:46)

➜ “We sent aforetime our messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and
the Balance that men may stand forth in justice.” (57:25)

➜ “Worship none but God; treat with kindness your parents and relatives and orphans and
those in need, and speak kindly to the people.”

➜ “If the debtor is in difficulty, grant him time till it is easy for him to repay. But if you remit it
in by way of charity, that is the best for you if you only knew.” (2:280)

➜ “Allah commands justice, doing of good and giving to kith and kin and He forbids all
indecent deeds and evil and rebellion. He instructs you, that you may receive admonition.”


➜ “Marry women of your choice, two or three or four, but if you fear that you shall not be able
to deal justly, then only one.” (4:3)

➜ “Do not eat anything over which Allah's name has not been pronounced, that will be impiety."

➜ “Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom Satan by his touch has
driven to madness. That is because they say: 'Trade is like usury.' But Allah has permitted trade
and forbidden usury.” (2:275)

➜ “God has promised to believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell
there.” (9:72)

➜ “If any do fail to judge by what Allah has revealed, they are unbelievers.” (5:44)

➜ “Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight ……….” (17:35)

➜ “And establish prayer and pay the charity tax.” (73:20)

➜ “The month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed... whosoever of you is present, let
him fast the month.” (2:187)

➜ “Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God - those who can afford the journey.” (3:97)

➜ “Come not nigh to the orphan’s property except to improve it ……….” (17:34)

➜ “Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a fire into their own bodies ……….”

➜ “We ordained therein for them; Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for
tooth and wounds equal for equal ……….” (5:45)

➜ “Lawful unto you (for food) are all the four footed animals with the exception named” (5:1)

➜ “Give measure and weight with justice.” (17:35)

➜ “While he has made trade permissible and interest (riba) prohibited.” (2:275)

➜ “As for the thieves; male or female cut off his or her hands” (5:38)

➜ “You who believe! Strong drink and games of chance and idols and diving arrows are only an
infamy of Satan’s handiwork. Leave it aside, in order that you may succeed.” (5:90)

➜ “Help one another in righteousness and piety, but help not one another in sin and
transgression.” (5:2)

➜ “Obey Allah and obey the messenger and those charged with authority among you.” (4:59)

➜ “The women and man guilty of adultery, flog each of them with a hundred stripes.” (24:2)

➜ “Woe to every (kind of) scandal-monger and back biter.” (104:1)

➜ “And swell not your cheek (for pride) at men nor walk with insolence through the earth for
Allah loves not any arrogant boaster.” (31:18)


➜ “Allah (thus) directs you as regards your children’s (inheritance): to the male a portion equal
to that of two females: if only daughters two or more their share is two-thirds of the
inheritance; if only one her share is half.” (4:11)

➜ “Marry not women whom your fathers married, except what has already passed. Surely this
was an indecency, and hateful act and an evil way.” (4:22)

➜ “Do not go near adultery. Surely, it is filthiness and an evil way.” (17:32)

➜ “So as for the orphan, do not oppress (him).” (93:9)

➜ “Kill not your children in dread of poverty, We provided for both them and you. Killing them
is a great blunder indeed.” (17:31)

- Sunnah as a source of legal thinking

➜ “Verily, in the Messenger of Allah you have the best model to follow.” (33:21)

➜ “Certainly, you have in the messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct).” (33:21)

➜ He who obeys the Apostle, obeys Allah. (4:80)

➜ And you (stand) on an exalted standard of character.” (68:4

➜ And I have left among you a thing which if you adhere you to, you will never be misguided
after this- The Book of Allah and what you get from me by questions. (Muslim)

➜ May Allah be pleased with a servant who heard a thing from me and then broadcast it just
as he heard it. (Mishkat)

➜ While giving farewell pilgrimage sermon, Prophet (PBUH) said: “He who is present here shall
carry this message to the one who is absent.” (Bukhari)

➜ A Muslim may not inherit from a non-Muslim, nor a non-Muslim inherit from a Muslim.

➜ And be steadfast in prayer, practice charity, and bow down with those who down. (2:33)

➜ “Pray as you see me praying” (Agreed)

➜ Allah advises you concerning your children’s (inheritance), the male should get portion equal
to that of two females. If there are only daughters, two or more should get two thirds of the
inheritance and if only one, her share is half. (4:11)

➜ "There is no zakat due on less than five awsaq of dates, there is no zakat due on less than
five awsaq of silver and there is no zakat due on less than five camels" (Muslim)

➜ "Whoever contradicts the Messenger after guidance has become clear to him and follows
other than the believers' way, We shall keep him in the way he has chosen and land him in hell."

➜ And for all, we have made heirs to what is left by parents and relatives" (4:33)

➜ May Allah be pleased with a servant who heard a thing from me and then broadcast it just
as he heard it. (Mishkat)


➜ While giving farewell pilgrimage sermon, Prophet (PBUH) said: “He who is present here shall
carry this message to the one who is absent.” (Bukhari)

Relationship between Quran and Sunnah

➜ He who obeys the Messenger obeys Allah.” (4:18)

“O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority
among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves refer it to Allah and His Apostle if you
do believe in Allah and the Last Day.” (4:59)

➜ “These are the limits set by Allah. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, He will admit him
to the gardens beneath which rivers flow, where he will live forever. That is a great success.
Whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses the limits set by Him, He shall
admit him to the fire, where he will remain forever. For him there is humiliating punishment.”

Ijma as a source of legal thinking

➜ “My community will never agree upon an error.” (Hadis)

➜ “and consult them in affairs (of moment)” (3:159)

➜ “You are the best of the people evolved for mankind enjoining what is right and forbidding
what is evil.(3:110)

➜ If anything comes to you for decision, decide according to the book of Allah

➜ “Gather together the righteous from among my community and decide the matter by their
council and do not decide it by any man’s opinion.”(Abu Daud)

➜ “Who (conduct) affairs by mutual consultation” (42:38)

Qiyas as a source of legal thinking

➜ “Take warning then, O you with eyes (to see).”

➜ “There are signs in this for people who understand.”

➜ “Every intoxicant is Khamr so every intoxicant is haram.”

➜ “Judge upon the Book of Allah, if you do not find in it what you need, upon the Sunnah of the
Holy ProphetPbuh and if you do not find in that also, then use your personal opinion.”

➜ “And, (O man) do not follow that of which you have no (authentic) knowledge.”

➜ "When Azan is proclaimed on Friday then leave your businesses and hasten towards the
mosques for the remembrance of Allah.” (62:9)

➜ The Holy ProphetPbuh asked Muaz bin Jabal when he was deputed to Yemen as a governor,
“How will you decide when a matter comes to you for decision?” He replied, “I shall decide
according to the Book of Allah.” The ProphetPbuh said, “If you do not find it in the Book of
Allah?” Muaz said, “ Then according to the Sunnah of the ProphetPbuh.” He asked, “If you find
nothing therein?” Muaz replied, “ Then I will exert myself to form my own judgment.”


Chapter 3: Life and Importance of the Prophet

Life in Makkah
Life before Prophethood
➜ “Verily I am the most perfect Arab amongst you; my descent is from Quraish and my tongue
is the tongue of Banu Sa’ad.” (Ibn Hisham)

➜ Bahira said, “This is the chief of the universe; this is the messenger of the universe.”

➜ “Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter (and care).” (93:6)

➜ Some people of the Quraish asked him how he knew this and he replied, “When you came
over the hill not a tree or a stone failed to prostate itself in reverence, and they prostrate
themselves only before a prophet.” (Tirmizi)

➜ "I was present in the house of Abdullah ibn Judan at so excellent a pact that I would not
exchange my part in it for a herd of red camels; and if now in islam, I was summoned onto it, I
would gladly respond." (Ibn Hisham)

Call to Prophethood
➜ “O you who wrapped up in the mantle arise and warn!” (74:1-2)

➜ "Therefore declare openly to them, what you are commanded , and turn away from the
pagans” (15:90)

➜ “O Quraish If I were to tell you that a large army has collected on the other side of this
mountain and is ready to attack you, would you believe me?” They said yes.

➜ “O Uncle! Even if they place the sun in my right hand and the moon on my left, to force me to
renounce my mission, I would not stop until Allah fulfils my mission or destroys me in the
process.” (Hadis)

➜ “You have your religion and I have my religion.” (109:6)

➜ “They say, we shall not believe in you until you cause spring to gush forth for us from the
earth.” (17:90)

➜ The unbelievers complained “Is this the one whom Allah has sent as a messenger?” (25:41)

➜ The unbelievers complained “Why is this Quran not sent down to some leading men in either
of the two (chief) cities?” (43:31)

➜ “Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor is displeased. And truly hereafter will be better for you
than the present. And soon your Lord will give you so that you will be pleased.” (93:3)

Isra wa Mairaj
➜ “Glory to Him who carried His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the distant
Mosque, the precincts of which we have blessed in order that we might show him some of our
signs.” (17:1)


➜ “He then took out my heart. Then a gold tray of Belief was brought to me and my heart was
washed and was filled (with Belief) and then returned to its original place.” (Bukhari)

➜ “I have asked my Lord till I am ashamed to face Him.” (Bukhari)

➜ “He was given five prayers, he was given the concluding verses of Surah tul Baqarah, and
remission of serious sins for those among his ummah who associate not anything with Allah.”

Visit to Taif
“Why should I pray for the destruction of these people? I hope that their posterity will certainly
be among the believers in One Allah.” (Muslim)

Pledges of Aqabah
➜ “Come along and give me the pledge of allegiance that you will worship nothing besides
Allah, will not steal, will not commit illegal sexual intercourse, will not kill your children, will not
utter slander invented by yourself, and will not disobey me if I order you to do something good.
Whoever among you will respect and fulfil this pledge, will be rewarded by Allah,” (Bukhari)

Events of Migration
➜ “And We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them and We have covered
them up so that they cannot see.” (Quran)

➜ “O Abu Bakr, how can you fear for two men whose constant companion is Allah Himself?”

➜ “For Allah did indeed help him when the unbelievers drove him out, he had no more than one
companion. They were two in the cave and he said to his companion, have no fear for Allah is
with us.” (9:40)

➜ “Remember how the unbelievers plotted against you, to keep you in bonds, or slay you or get
you out (of your homes). They plot and plan, And Allah too plans, but the best planner is Allah.”

➜ "The two were in the cave, and he said to his companion, have no fear for Allah is with us."

Life in Madinah
➜ “Let her go, for she is under Allah's command”

➜ “We see the turning of your face (for guidance) to the heavens; now shall We turn you to a
Qiblah that shall please you. Turn then your faces in the direction of the Sacred Mosque;
wherever you are turn your faces in that direction.” (2:144)

Battle of Badr
➜ “Permission is given, against those whom war is made (to fight) because they are wronged,
verily Allah is able to help them.” (22:39)


➜ “When the enemy comes near to you, shoot at them but use your arrows sparingly (so that
your arrows should not be wasted.)” (Bukhari)

➜ “This, and that Allah is the weakener of the struggle of the unbelievers.”(22:39)

➜ “Allah had helped you at Badr when you were a contemptible little force.” (3:123)

➜ “He send down water on you from heavens, to purify you thereby and to put away from you
the defilement of Satan, and to strengthen your hearts and to confirm your feet.” (8:11)

➜ “It is not you who slew them; it was Allah: when you thrust (a handful of dust) it was not your
act, but Allah’s: in order that He might test the believers, by a gracious trial from Himself: for
Allah is, He who hears and knows (all things).” (8:17)

➜ “On the day of distinction, the day the two hosts met” (8:41)

Battle of Uhad
➜ “Those of you who turned back on the day the two hosts met, - It was Satan who cause them
fail, because of some (evil) they had done..” (3:155)

➜ “O you who believe! Remember Allah’s blessing on you when hosts came against you , and
we loosed against them a wind, and hosts you did not see. Allah sees what you do.” ( 33:9)

➜ “Allah did indeed fulfil His promise to you when you with His permission, were about to
annihilate your enemy, until you flinched and fell to disputing about the order and you
disobeyed, after He had shown you that for which you had longed, some of you desired the
world, and some of you desired the Hereafter.” (3:152)

➜ “What you suffered on the day the two armies met, was the leave of Allah, in order that He
might test the Believers.” (3:166)

➜ ‘If you look at us from the top that we are all dead and animals feeding on our bodies, still
hold your position’

Treaty of Hudaibiya
➔ ”Verily we have given you a glorious victory, so that Allah may forgive your past faults and
those to follow; fulfil His favour to you and guide you on the straight path” (48:1)

➜ And say truth has come and falsehood has banished. Surely falsehood is bound to perish.

➔ “God has promised you abundant spoils that you will capture and He has hastened you for
this.” (48:20)

➔ ”Allah’s pleasure was with the Believers when they swore loyalty under the tree” (48:18)

Battle of Khyber
“Tomorrow I will give the banner to a man who loves God and His messenger and God and His
messenger love him.” (Hadis)


Conquest of Makkah
➔ “And say the truth has come and falsehood has banished. Surely falsehood is bound to
perish.” (17:81)

➔ “There shall be no reproach against you this day, go, you are free!” (Hadis)
➔ “When comes the help of Allah and victory and you see people entering the religion of Allah
in Throngs.” (110:1-2)

➔ “The Arabs (other than Quraish) delayed their conversion to Islam till the conquest (of
Makkah). They used to say, ‘Let him (i.e. Muhammad) and his people Quraish, if he overpowers
them, then he is a true prophet.’ So, when Makkah was conquered, then every tribe rushed to
accept Islam.” (Bukhari)

Battle of Hunain
➜ “On the day of Hunain, when you rejoiced your numbers, but it availed you naught, and the
earth, vast as it is, was straightened for you, then you turned back in flight, Then Allah did send
His calmness on the Messenger and on the believers and sent down forces which you saw not”

➜ “The Holy ProphetPBUH made a deal with the people of Khyber that they would have half the
fruits and vegetation of the land they cultivated.” (Bukhari)

Tabuk Expedition
➜ “ They say, ‘ Go not forth in the heat.’ Say, ‘The fire of Jahannum is hotter, did they but
understand.’” (9:81)

➜ “O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against
them” (9:73)

Farewell Sermon
➜ “Listen to me very carefully as I might not be with you next year”

➜ “O people! Listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salat), fast
during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford
to.” (Hadis)

➜ “Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest) therefore all interest obligations shall
henceforth be waived” (Hadis)

➜ “You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. You are all equal. Nobody has
superiority over other except by piety and good actions.” (Hadis)

➜ “Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed
helpers.” (Hadis)

➜ “For the safety of your religion, he has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you
astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.” (Hadis)

➜ “Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord,


and that He will indeed reckon your deeds.” (Hadis)

➜ “Remember one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do
not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.” (Hadis)

➜ “O people! No prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born.” (Hadis)

➜ “I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow
these you will never go astray.” (Hadis)

➜ “Let him that is present tell it to him that is absent.” (Hadis)

➜ “His last words were, ‘Now, none but He, the Companion on High is needed.” (Bukhari)

➔At the end of the sermon, the Prophet asked; “O people, have I faithfully delivered unto
you my message?” The Pilgrims said yes. The Prophet raised his right hand and said, “O Allah
be the witness

➜ “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favour upon you and
chose islam for you as your religion.” (5:3)

➜ On his deathbed: "Do not make my tomb a worshipped idol." (Al Muwatta)

Character of the Holy ProphetPBUH

Qualities of the Prophet
➜ Hazrat Aisha narrated, “His habits were in accordance with the teachings of the Quran.”
(Sahih Muslim)

➜ “Certainly, you have in the messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct), for anyone
whose hope is in Allah and the Final day.” (33:21)

➜ “He who obeys the messenger obeys Allah" (4:80).

➜ “We only sent you as a mercy for all the worlds.” (21:107)

➜ "His habits were in accordance with teachings of Quran." (Hazrat Ayesha)

➜ “And you (stand) on an exalted standard of character.” (68:4)

➜ “Allah has sent me to complete the excellent virtues and to perfect the good manners.”

➜ “Do not praise me as the Christians praise the son of Mary. I am a servant of God, call me a
servant and messenger of God.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “Hold to forgiveness; command what is right” (7:199)

➜ “The Holy ProphetPBUH was the best of the men, the most generous, and the bravest of the
individuals.” (Hazrat Anas)

➜ “Allah is not kind to him who does not show kindness to others.” (Bukhari)


➜ “If you show mercy to those who are on the earth, He Who is in the heaven will show mercy
to you.” (Abu Daud)

➜ “If you would like, I will crush these people between these mountains.” The Prophetpbuh
said, “No, but I hope Allah will create from their seed those who will worship none but Allah the
One.” And he further prayed: “O Allah forgive them and guide them, for they know me not”

➜ Prophet said: “O sons of Quraish what do you think I will do to you.”, Quraish replied: “You
are a noble brother and a son of a noble brother”. Holy Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬said, “I will
speak to you as Yousaf spoke to his people. Go you are free. No blame on you be this day.”

➜ O Allah! Forgive my people for they know not.” (Hadis)

➜ “Fear Allah in your treatment of these animals who cannot speak.” (Mishkat)

“O people, if I tell you that an army is standing on the other side of this hill, would you believe
me.” The people said, “Yes, because we have never heard you tell a lie.”

“The people before you were destroyed because they used to inflict the legal punishment on
the poor and forgive the rich. By Him Whose Hand my soul is, if my daughter, Fatimah did this,
I would have cut off her hand.” (Hadis)

“As for the thieves; male or female cut off his or her hands” (5:38)

“I would not like to have gold equal to this mountain of Uhad, unless nothing of it, not even a
single Dinar of it remains with me for more than three days, except something which I will keep
for repaying debts.” (Hadis)

“Before thee We sent (messengers) to many nations, and We inflicted the nations with
suffering and adversity, that they might learn humility.” (6:42)

“Be steadfast in the face of what gives you pain.” (31:17)

Women in Islam
➜ “Paradise lies under the feet of mothers.” (Hadis)

➜ “A man who has two daughters and he brings them up and educates them properly, they
will cause him to enter Paradise.” (Musnad Ahmad)

➜ “According to custom women have rights over men just as men have rights over women.”

➜ “The better among you is the one who is better for his wife.” (Ibn-e-Majah)

➜ “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women (4:34)

➜ “And gives the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift” (4:4)

➜ “Whoever has a daughter and does not bury her alive, does not insult her and does not
prefer his son over his daughter, he will be received by Allah in paradise” (Hadis)

➜ “Do not stand up for me as the foreigners do not show respect to others.” (Abu Daud)

➜ “As for the thieves; male or female cut off his or her hands” (5:38)


➜ “If a women dies while her husband is pleased with her, she will enter Paradise” (Tirmizi)

The Holy ProphetPBUH’s behaviour towards others

Behaviour towards Children
➜ “A women said to him, ‘You love children very much. I have ten children and I have never
kissed one of them.’ The Holy ProphetPBUH replied, ‘What can I do if Allah has taken away love
from you.’” (Mishkat)

➜ On killing children of unbelievers, he stated: “Even the children of unbelievers are better
than you. Beware! Do not kill children.” (Hadis)

➜ “Be careful of your duty and be fair and just to your children.” (Bukhari)

➜ “No father can give his child anything better than good manners.” (Tirmizi)

Slaves, Poor, Orphans & Widows

➜ “One who treats his slaves badly and unkindly will not enter Paradise.” (Hadis)

➜ “They are your brothers; give them to eat what you eat; give them to wear what you wear.”
(Bukhari, Muslim)

➜ When Abu Masud was his slave Abu Masud: God has more control over you than you have
over this slave.” (Hadis)

➜ “Give good news to the poor that they will enter Paradise forty years before the rich.”

“Anyone who treats well an orphan girl or boy under his care, he and I will be like these two in
Paradise.” Putting his two fingers together. (Bukhari)

➜ “The best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is well treated and the worst Muslim house
is that in which an orphan is ill-treated.” (Ibn e Majah)

➜ “One who tries to help the widow and the poor is like a warrior in the path of Allah.”

The Holy ProphetPBUH as the Last Messenger

➜ “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets.” (33:40)

➜ “Whenever a prophet perished, another prophet followed him but surely there will be no
prophet after me.” (Bukhari)

➜ “We have sent you only as a herald and a warner to all mankind. But most of the people do
not realise.” (34:28)


➜ “Every prophet who preceded me was sent especially to his own people, but I have been sent
as a prophet to all mankind.” (Bukhari)

First Islamic Community

Hazrat Fatima Zahra
➜ “Fatimah is a part of me; whoever hurts her hurts me whoever holds malice against her
holds malice against me.” (Agreed upon)

➜ Hazrat Aisha’s nephew asked, “ Who among the people is dearest to the apostle of
Allah?” She replied, “Fatimah” and when he asked, “Who among men?” She said, “Her
husband.” (Tirmidhi)

Hazrat Hassan and Hazrat Hussain

➜ “Hassan and Hussain are my flowers in the world.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “O Allah I love him so I beseech you to love him.”(Agreed upon)

➜ “Hassan and Hussain are the leaders of youth in Paradise.” (Hadis)

➜ “Hussain is from me and I am from him. Allah loves him who loves HussainRA.” (Tirmizi)

Mothers of the Faithful

➜ “O consorts of the Prophet! You are not like any of the (other) women.” (33:32)

➜ “And his wives are their mothers.” (33:6)

Hazrat Khadija Bint Khawalid

➜ “And he (God) found you in need and made you (financially) independent.”

➜ “The noblest women of the world are Hazrat Mariam and Hazrat Khadija.” (Agreed upon)

➜ “She believed in me when others disbelieved, and confirmed my truthfulness when others
called me a liar.” (Hadis)

Hazrat Sawdah Zama

➜ Hazrat Aisha said, “Sawdah bint Zam'a gave up her turn to me and so the Holy ProphetPBUH
used to give me (Aisha) both my day and the day of Sawdah,” (Bukhari)


Hazrat Aisha Bint Abu Bakr

➜ Musa bin Talha said, “ I have not seen anybody more eloquent than Aisha.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “Abu Musa Reported that when a tradition appeared doubtful to us (companions of the Holy
ProphetPBUH and we asked Hazrat Aishaabout it, we found exposition of it from her.” (Tirmizi)

Hazrat Zainab bint Jahsh

“Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her We joined her in marriage to thee”
➜ “The longest handed (generous) of my wife shall be the first to join me in Paradise” (Sahih

Ten Blessed Companions

Hazrat Abu Bakr
➜ “Verily, Abu Bakr is the best of the human beings except the prophets.” (Hadis)

➜ “Whenever I offered Islam to anyone, he always showed some reluctance and hesitation and
tried to enter into an argument. Abu Bakr was the only person who accepted Islam without any
reluctance or hesitation, and without any argument.” (Hadis)

➜ “Never has the sun risen or set on a person, except a prophet, greater than Abu Bakr.”

➜ “If I were to take any one as my best friend, I would take Abu Bakr, but he is my brother and
successor.” (Bukhari)

➜ “Allah, show mercy to Abu Bakr! He gave me his daughter as wife, helped me to reach
Dar-ul-Hijrat(Madinah) and gave Bilal freedom.” (Hadis)

Hazrat Umar
➜ “O Allah; strengthen Islam with Umar bin Hisham or Umar bin Khattab.” (Hadis)

➜ A Muslim once said, “We could not pray at the Ka’aba until he became a Muslim, and when
he did so, he fought the Quraish until he could pray there and we joined him.”

➜ “If there were to be a prophet after me, he would be Umar bin Al-Khattab” (Hadis)

➜ “He who hates Umar, hates me and he who loves Umar, loves me.” (Hadis)

➜ Hazrat Ali said, “When the righteous are mentioned, then be quick and mention Umar.”

➜ Upon attaining Khilafat, he said, “O Allah! I am harsh; bless me with leniency. I am weak;
strengthen me.


Hazrat Usman
➜ “The angels are modest before Hazrat Usman.” (Hadis)

➜ “The most genuinely modest is Usman.” (Musnad Ahmad)

➜ “For every apostle of Allah, there was a constant companion and my companion in Paradise
will be Usman.” (Tirmizi)

➜ Hazrat Usman about common people: “I do not fear your poverty and adversity, what I
fear most is your wealth and prosperity.” (Hadis)

➜ “Nothing will do any harm to Usman from this day, whatever he does.” (Musnad Ahmad)

➜ “When Usman stood by a grave, he wept and he wept so bitterly that his beard became wet
with tears” (Tirmizi)

➜ “This one will be wrongfully killed in it.’” (Tirmizi)

Hazrat Talha
➜ “Whoever is pleased to see a martyr on the surface of this earth, let him look at Talha bin
Ubaidullah.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “Talha has made Paradise mandatory for him.” (Hadis)

➜ “Talha and Zubair are my neighbours in Paradise.” (Tirmizi)

Hazrat Zubair Awam

➜ “Talha and Zubair are my neighbours in Paradise.” (Tirmizi)

➜ In the Battle of trench, regarding Banu Quraiza, the Holy ProphetPBUH said, “ Is there anyone
who can bring me the news of that nation (infidels)?”Zubair presented himself forward, the
Holy ProphetPBUH said, “There was a helper for every prophet and my helper is Zubair ” (Hadis)

Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah

➜ “Every nation has an extremely trustworthy man, and the trustworthy man of this nation is
Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

Scribes of Divine Revelation

Zaid bin Sabit
➜ “Zaid is the best expert of Ilm-ul-Faraiz (knowledge of the laws of inheritance) from among
my followers.” (Hadis)


➜ Zaid said, “We used to compile the Quran from small manuscripts in the presence of Allah’s

➜ “By Allah! If you had ordered me to shift one of the mountains from its place, it
would not have been harder for me than what you had ordered me concerning the collection of
the Quran.” (Bukhari)

➜ Zaid said, “ I started locating the Quranic material and collecting it from parchments,
scapula, leaf stalks of date palms and from the memories of men (who knew it by heart).”

Abdullah bin Masud

➜ “If anyone likes to recite the Quran as fresh as it has descended then he must recite it on the
reading of Abdullah bin Masud.” (Ahmad)
➜ “When I am gone copy these two of my companions, Abubakr and Umar, follow the

guidance of Ammar, and hold fast to the injunction of Abdullah bin Masud.” (Tirmizi)

Ubay bin Ka’ab

➜ “The one who knows best how to recite the Quran is Ubbay bin Ka’ab.” (Tirmizi)

➜ Hazrat QutaibahRA narrated, “ I asked Anas bin Malik; ‘Who collected the Quran at the time
of the Holy ProphetPBUH ?’ He replied, ‘Four, all of whom were from the Ansar: Ubay bin Ka’ab,
Muaz bin Jabal, Zaid bin Sabit and Abu Zaid.’” (Bukhari)

➜ The Holy ProphetPBUH said to Ubay bin Ka’ab, “Allah has ordered me to recite the Quran to
you.” Ubay said, “Did Allah mention me by name to you?” The Holy ProphetPBUH said, “Yes”
Ubay said, “ Have I been mentioned by the Lord of the worlds?” Allah’s messenger said, “Yes”
Then Ubay burst into tears. (Bukhari)

Khalid bin Walid

➜ “He is the best slave of Allah, a sword of Allah that he has unsheathed for the disbelievers,
the hypocrites and polytheists.” (Ahmad)

Important Personalities During Prophet’s Life

Abu Talib
➜ “You may go and do whatever you like. I will never withdraw my protection from you and

will never let you down.” Abu Talib)

Hazrat Bilal
➜ “Ahad-Ahad” --- “Allah is one, Allah is one”


➜ “Get up, Bilal, and give us comfort by the prayer .” (Abu Daud)

➜ Abu Hurairah reported , “Once the Holy ProphetPBUH asked Bilal, ‘Tell me of the best deed you
did after embracing Islam for I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise.’ Hazrat Bilal
replied, ‘I did not do anything worth mentioning except that whenever I performed ablution
during the day or night, I prayed after that ablution as much as was written for me.’” (Bukhari)

Hazrat Hamza
➜ “Hamza is my brother by reason of fosterage.” (Muslim)

➜ Before accepting Islam Hazrat Umar holding a sword came to Allah’s Apostle, “Let him
come, if he has any bad intention, I would deal with him.”

➜ Anas bin Malik reported, “ The Holy ProphetPBUH passed by Hamza who was disfigured (after
being killed). He did not offer prayer over any martyr except him.” (Abu Daud)

Abu Sufyan
➜ Abu Sufyan said, “ By Allah! Had I not been afraid of my companions labelling me a liar, I
would not have spoken the truth about the ProphetPBUH.” (Bukhari)

➜ “Anyone who takes refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan will be safe.” (Hadis)


Paper 2
20 Set Hadith
Hadis 1
➜ Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority among you." (Quran)

➜ “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah the Eternal, the Absolute. (112:1)

➜ “The best of the people is one who is the source of benefit for others.” (Bukhari)

➜ “(This Book) is a guidance for the believers.” (2:3)

➜ "Indeed sincerity leads to piety and indeed piety leads to paradise." H

➜ "Verily in the Messenger of Allah you have the best model to follow." (Quran)

➜ “We have without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from
corruption).” (15:9)

➜ “Actions are judged by intentions.” (Bukhari)

➜ “but We have made the (Quran) a light, wherewith We guide such of our servants as we will”

Hadis 2
➜ The one who is kind to the dwellers of earth, the dweller of heaven is kind to them.” (Hadis)

➜ “And hold fast all together the Rope of God and do not be divided.” (3:103)

➜ “The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body feels pain, other parts do not remain
unaffected and they also feel the pain.” (Bukhari)

➜ “Every Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he should neither harm him, nor should he leave
him alone when others treat him unjustly (he should help him).” (Agreed)

➜ “Whoever will fulfil the needs of a fellow brother, Allah will fulfil his needs.” (Agreed)

Hadis 3
➜ "Believer is he from whose tongue and hands other Muslims are safe." (Hadis)

➜ “Treat your neighbours kindly, then you are of those who believe.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “Not a word does he utter but there is a watcher by him ready to record it.” (50:18) 296) “One
who kept himself silent, got success.” (Bukhari)

➜ "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day" (Hadis)

➜ “So avoid the filth of idols and avoid false words.” (22:30)


➜ “It is also charity to utter a good word.” (Agreed)

➜ “They give preference to others first, whoever is saved from the greed of his own soul will be
successful.” (Quran)

➜ “He will not enter Paradise whose neighbour is not secure from his wrongful conduct.”

Hadis 4
➜ “He allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and
impure) .” (7:157)

➜ "Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity." (Quran)

➜ “Between a man and disbelief is discarding prayer.” (Muslim)

➜ “Avoid what I have forbidden you to do and do your utmost in what I have instructed you to
do.” (Agreed)

➜ He who deliberately missed a prayer has indeed disbelieved" (Hadis)

➜ “The flesh grown by forbidden provision shall not enter Paradise.” (Ahmad)

Hadis 5
➜ “Actions are judged by intentions.” (Bukhari)

➜ "Even a smile is charity." (Hadis)

➜ “If you show gratitude I will give you more.” (14:7)

➜ Every good deed is a charity." (Bukhari)

➜ “Charity takes away the Lord’s anger and averts an evil death.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity." (Hadis)

Hadis 6
➜ “When the people see a wrong doer doing wrong and do not seize his hand, it is most likely
that Allah will inflict them with His punishment.” (Quran)

➜ “Help your brother when he does wrong or wrong is being done to him.”

➜ The best type of Jihad is speaking a true word in front of a tyrant ruler.” (Abu Daud)

➜ “When the people see a wrong doer doing wrong and do not seize his hand, it is most likely
that Allah will inflict them with His punishment.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “(Good people) those who do not bear false witness and when they pass by a non-sense,
they pass by nobly.” (25:72)


Hadis 7
➜ “Fire will not touch a foot which trod in the path of Allah.” (Bukhari)

➜ There’s no (amount of money) that you spend in His cause without Him replacing it, for He’s
the best of all providers.” (Quran)

➜ “Spending a day on the frontier in Allah’s way is better than one thousand days in any other
place.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “A single endeavour of fighting in Allah’s cause is better than the world and whatever is in it.”

➜ “To him who fought in the cause of Allah --- whether he is slain or gets victory, soon shall We
give him a reward of great (value).” (4:74)

➜ “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits.” (2:190)

Hadis 8
➜ “And he who fought in the way of Allah and he is killed or if he overcomes then we shall give
him a great reward." (Quran)

➜ “The martyrs are of five kinds, one who dies of plague, one who dies of disease of his belly,
the drowned one, one who dies under the debris (of construction, etc ) and one who dies while
fighting in the cause of Allah.” (Agreed)

➜ “Whoever sincerely desires the rank of martyrdom gets the rank of martyrdom even if he is
not killed.” (Muslim)

➜ "Hold tight to the rope of Allah."

➜ “Nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if they got everything on
the earth, except a Mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be martyred ten
times because of the dignity he receives from Allah.” (Bukhari)

Hadis 9
➜ "He who works with his hand is a friend of Allah." (Hadis)

➜ “A body which has been nourished by unlawful things shall not enter Paradise.” (Ahmad)

➜ “To search for lawful earning is compulsory after the obligatory acts.” (Baihaqi)

➜ “One who earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow is a friend of Allah’s.” (Hadis)

➜ “Allah is pleased with a person who goes to sleep at night tired from the endeavour to earn
lawful bread.” (Hadis)

Hadis 10
➜ "The best among mankind is the one who is a source of benefit for others." (Bukhari)

➜ “Therefore, treat not the orphan with oppression, and repulse not the beggar.” (93:9-10)


➜ “Treat with kindness your parents and kindred and orphans and those in need.” (2:83)

➜ “Treat kindly the dwellers of earth, He Who dwells in the heavens will treat you kindly.”

➜ Prophet to Hazrat Aisha: “O Aisha! love the poor and let them come to you for help. Allah will
surely take you near Him on the Day of Judgment.” (Tirmizi)

➜ "Have you seen the one who denies judgement? and who does not encourage the feeding of
the indigent." (Quran)

Hadis 11
➜ “Those who unjustly eat up the property of the orphans eat up a fire into their own bodies”

➜ “The best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is well treated and the worst Muslim house
is that in which an orphan is ill-treated.” (Ibn-e-Majah)

➜ “Treat with kindness your parents and kindred and orphans and those in need.” (2:83)

➜ “A person who takes care of an orphan and shares his food and drink with him, Allah will
allow him to enter Paradise.” (Sharh-us-Sunnah)

➜ “Treat not the orphan with harshness.” (93:9)

Hadis 12
➜ “Allah wishes ease for you. He does not wish hardship for you.” (2:185)

➜ Your best rulers are those whom you love and they love you.” (Muslim)

➜ “Give ease and not contempt, give tranquillity and not oppression.” (Hadis)

➜ “Make things easy and do not make them hard and cheer up people and do not repel them.”

Hadis 13
➜ “And we have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember.” (Quran)

➜ “Whenever you recite the Quran We place a hidden curtain between you and the disbelievers
in the hereafter.” (7:204)

➜ "The best among you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it." (Hadis)

➜ “Keep refreshing your knowledge of the Quran, for I swear by Him in Whose hand my soul is
that is more liable to escape than camels which are tethered.” (Agreed)

➜ “Treat with kindness your parents and kindred and orphans and those in need.” (2:83)

➜ “Make things easy and do not make them hard and cheer up people and do not repel them.”

➜ “A person who takes care of an orphan and shares his food and drink with him, Allah will
allow him to enter Paradise.” (Sunnah)


➜ “Allah does not listen so attentively, as He listens to the recitation of the Holy Quran.”

➜ “The best Muslim house is in which an orphan is well treated and the worst Muslim house is
that in which an orphan is ill-treated.” (Hadis)

Hadis 14
➜ “Whoever has a claim (like a debt) on a brother which is payable and he allows respite to the
debtor in his payments, he will be given the reward of charity.” (Muslim)

➜ “You should be kind to those on earth and He who is in the heavens will be kind to you.”

➜ “Allah is gentle and loves gentleness in all things.” (Agreed)

➜ The one who cheats is not from among us". (Hadis)

➜ “Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight” (17:35)

➜ “If the debtor is in difficulty, grant him time till it is easy for him to repay.” (Bukhari)

Hadis 15
➜ “There is not compulsion in religion.” (2:256)

➜ “You should be kind to those on earth and He who is in the heavens will be kind to you.”

➜ “I was sent only as a mercy.” (Muslim)

➜ “A rude and ill-tempered person shall not enter Paradise.” (Abu Daud)

➜ “Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love that Allah should forgive you?” (24:22)

➜ "He who is devoid of kindness is devoid of (all) good.” (Hadis)

➜ “For thou art the best of those who show mercy.” (23:118)

Hadis 16
➜ "O you who believe be brothers." (Hadis)

➜ “You cannot enter Paradise unless you are believers and you cannot be true believers unless
there is reciprocal love among you.” (Muslim)

➜ “A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim and they form one brotherhood.” (Hadis)

➜ “Believers are but a single brotherhood” (49:10)

➜ “One Muslim is like a building brick to the other, one part strengthens the other.” (Bukhari)


Hadis 17
➜ “Modesty and faith are both companions; when one of them is absent the other follows it.”

➜ Modesty is a part of faith.” (Bukhari)

➜ “Modesty and faith are companions when one is taken away, the other follows it.” (Baihaqi)

➜ “Come not near to shameful deeds, whether open or secret.” (6:152)

➜ “When you feel not shy, then do what you want (i.e. Islam has no regard for you )” (Hadis)

➜ “Every religion has a distinctive quality and the distinctive quality of Islam is modesty.”

➜ “Say to the believing men that they should lower their gazes and guard their modesty."

Hadis 18
➜ “ ………. Allah has endeared faith to you and has adorned it in your heart ……….” (49:7)

➜ "For God does not love the arrogant."(4:36)

➜ “He (Satan) refused (to obey) and was arrogant. He was of those who reject” (Quran)

➜ “Is there not in hell an abode for the haughty.” (39:60)

➜ “Allah has revealed to me that you must be humble, so that no one oppresses another and
boasts over another.” (Abu Daud)

Hadis 19
➜ "The life of this world is nothing but the enjoyment of deception." (Quran)

➜ “Live in this world as a stranger or a traveller.” (Bukhari)

➜ “Enjoyment of this world is short; hereafter is better for the pious.” (4:77)

➜ "This world is a cultivating ground for the hereafter." (Hadis)

➜ This world is the cultivating ground for the hereafter.” (Bukhari)

➜ “The world is the believer’s prison and famine, but when he leaves the world he leaves the
prison and the famine.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “What is the life of this world but play and amusement? But best if the home is hereafter."

➜ “Do not sit besides those who love worldly life and wealth ……….” (Hadis)

Hadis 20
➜ "Whether you hide whatever is in your hearts or reveal it, God knows it all." (3:29)


➜ "Every action is based on the intention (behind it) and everyone shall have what he intended"

➜ “………. And man can get nothing except what he strives for.” (53:27)
➜ “Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous of you.”

History & Importance of Hadis

Collection & Compilation of Hadis

➜ The Prophet said: "Pass on knowledge from me even if it only be one sentence."

➜ The Prophet said on the farewell pilgrimage: "He who is present should convey this
message to him who is absent."

➜ “Take help with your right hand.”

➜ "He who attributes a lie to me should prepare his seat in the Hellfire”.

➜ “Write it for Abu Shah” (Agreed)

➜ “May Allah be pleased with a servant who heard a thing from and then broadcasted it just as
he heard it.” (Mishkat)

Hadith as a source of Islamic law

➜ "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger " (64:12)

➜ "A Muslim may not inherit from a non-muslim. nor a non-muslim inherit from a Muslim."

➜ "So take what the Messenger gives you, and refrain from what he prohibits you." (8:20)

➜ "And And Establish regular Prayer"

➜ "Pray as you see me praying"

➜ "There is no prayer without Fatihah".

➜ "No zakat is payable on a property until a year passes on it".

➜ Allah says: "Forbidden to you are Khabaith (evil things)", the Prophet explained the meaning
of this verse that evil food items are animals that have fangs or claws.”

➜ “Verily, in the Messenger of Allah you have the best model to follow.” (33:21)

➜ “Certainly, you have in the messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct).” (33:21)

➜ He who obeys the Apostle, obeys Allah. (4:80)


➜ And you (stand) on an exalted standard of character.” (68:4)

➜ And I have left among you a thing which if you adhere you to, you will never be misguided
after this- The Book of Allah and what you get from me by questions. (Muslim)

➜ May Allah be pleased with a servant who heard a thing from me and then broadcast it just
as he heard it. (Mishkat)

➜ While giving farewell pilgrimage sermon, Prophet (PBUH) said: “He who is present here shall
carry this message to the one who is absent.” (Bukhari)

➜ A Muslim may not inherit from a non-Muslim, nor a non-Muslim inherit from a Muslim.

➜ “Pray as you see me praying” (Agreed)

➜ "There is no zakat due on less than five awsaq of dates, there is no zakat due on less than
five awsaq of silver and there is no zakat due on less than five camels" (Muslim)

➜ May Allah be pleased with a servant who heard a thing from me and then broadcast it just
as he heard it. (Mishkat)

➜ While giving farewell pilgrimage sermon, Prophetpbuh said: “He who is present here shall carry
this message to the one who is absent.” (Bukhari)

Pillars of Islam
➜ Ibn Umar reported, Allah’s Apostle said, “Islam is based on (the following) five

1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Mohammad is Allah’s
Apostle 2. To offer (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly. 3. To Pay
Zakat (i.e. obligatory charity). 4. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan. 5. To
Perform Hajj (i.e. Pilgrimage to Makkah) [Sahih Bukhari]

➜ "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah; and I bear witness that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah." (Shahadah)

➜ “If anyone testifies that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad(SAW) is Allah’s
messenger, Allah will keep him away from going to Hell.” (Muslim)

➜ “Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek.” (1:5)

➜ “Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him.” (4:36)

➜ “Lord had decreed that you worship none but Him” (17:1)

➜ “Take not (for worship) two gods: for He is just One God.” (16:51)


➜ “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah the Eternal, the Absolute. He begets not nor is He
begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” (112)

➜ “His messengers said: Is there a doubt about Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the
earth.” (14:10)

➜ “Mohammad is not father of any of your men but (he is) the apostle of Allah and the Seal of
the Prophets” (33:40)

➜ And whatsoever the messenger gives you, take it. And whatsoever he forbidden, abstain
(from it)” (59:7)

➜ “Establish regular prayer and pay charity tax and bow down with those who bow down.”

➜ The Prophet said; "What stands between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of salat"

➜ The Prophet said; "The first thing which a person shall be called to account for on the Day of
Judgement is Salat" (Tabarani)

➜ “Prayer, prayer and what your right hand possesses.” (Ahmad)

➜ Allah says; “Establish regular prayer, for prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds.”

➜ Allah says; "Verily the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed times"

➜ “Guard the prayers strictly, especially the middle (Asr) prayer.” (2:238)

➜ “He who gives up prayer has indeed disbelieved.” (Tirmizi)

➜ The Prophet said; “Purification is the key to prayer.”

➜ “Allah loves those who keep themselves pure.” (9:108)

➜ “Purification is one half of faith.” (Muslim)

➜ “Allah does not accept prayer without purification.” (Muslim)

➜ “O you who believe! Do not approach prayer ………. in a state of ceremonial impurity (except
when travelling on the road) until after washing your whole body.” (4:43)

➜ “If you are ill or on a journey And you find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or
earth and rub therewith your faces and hands” (5:6)

➜ “You do we worship and Your aid we seek. Show us the straight way.” (1:5-6)

➜ The Prophet said; “Prayer has been made a coolness for my eyes”


➜ "O you who believe! When you intend to offer Salat, wash your faces and your hands (and
arms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to
your ankles" (5:6)

Friday Prayer
➜ “The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. (On Friday) Adam was created, and on that
day he entered Paradise, and on that day, he was expelled from Paradise. And the hour will
come to pass on Friday.” (Muslim)

➜ “Whoever misses three Friday prayers in a row out of negligence will have a seal put over his
heart by Allah.” (Ibn-e-Majah, Ahmed)

➜ “When you tell your companion on Friday to be silent while the imam is preaching, you are
guilty of idle talk.” (Bukhari)

➜ "O Believers! When you hear the call to the Friday prayer, hasten to the remembrance of
Allah and this is better for you only if you know it" (Quran)

➜ "The name of the person who abandons the Friday Prayer without genuine reason, will be
recorded as a hypocrite in the book whose writing can neither be scraped nor tampered with"

Shortened Prayer
➜ "When you go on a journey, shorten your prayer. It is a kind of mercy from Allah." (Quran)

➜ Prophet said; "This (Qasr) is a favour of Allah to you, so you should accept His favour

Private Prayer (Dua)

➜ “And your Lord says: Call on Me; I will answer (your prayer)” (40:60)

➜ Verily supplication is worship.” (Hadis)

➜ “For Him (alone) is prayer.” (13:14)

➜ “And He gives you all that you ask for.” (14:34)

➜ ““Nothing is dearer to Allah than one’s supplication to Him.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “Nothing can avert the decree of Allah except supplication, and nothing increases life except
virtuous deeds.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “He is ashamed to turn away the hands of His servants when they raise them up before
Him.” (Abu Daud, Tirmizi)

➜ “The servant is nearest to his Lord when he is prostrating to Him, so make supplication in this
state.” (Muslim)

➜ “Allah’s wrath is on the one who does not call upon Him for help.” (Hadis)


Mosque & Congregational Prayer

➜ “The parts of a land dearest to Allah are its Masjid.” (Hadith)

➜ The Prophet said; “A prayer performed in congregation is twenty seven degrees more
excellent than the prayer said by a single person.”

➜ “The whole earth is a Masjid, with the exception of a graveyard and a bath.” (Hadis)

➜ “Whoso builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him an abode in Paradise.” (Agreed)

➜ “One reward is recorded for prayer at home, 25 for praying in a tribal mosque, 500 for
praying in a public mosque, 1000 for praying at the Holy ProphetPBUH’s mosque at Madinah,
50,000 for praying in the mosque of Jerusalem and 100,000 for praying in the Ka’abah.”

➜ “The Holy ProphetPBUH prohibited retaliation being taken in the mosque on recitation of
poems therein and executing ordained sentences (hudd) therein.” (Abu Daud)

➜ “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so
that you may learn self-restraint.” (2:183)

➜ Allah says; "The month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran was revealed"

➜ “During Ramadan, the provisions of the believers are increased.” (Mishkat)

➜ “Allah says, Fasting is for Me and I shall certainly compensate it.” (Hadis-e-Qudsi)

➜ “If a person does not abstain from telling lies or doing wrong when he is observing fast, let it
be known to him that Allah does not want that he should stop taking his food.” (Bukhari)

➜ “And eat and drink until the white thread of dawn appears to you distinct from its black
thread, then complete your fast till night appears.” (2:187)

➜ “Take Sahri as there is a blessing in it.” (Agreed)

➜ “All deeds of Adam’s sons (people) are for them, except fasting which is for Me” (Agreed)

➜ Dua for Suhoor: “I intend to keep tomorrow’s fast of Ramadan.”

➜ Dua of Iftar: “O Allah! I observed the Fast for Your sake and I believe in You, and I put my
trust in You and broken it with the provision You have bestowed me with.”

➜ “If one of you is fasting, he should break his fast with dates. If dates are not available, then
with water, for water is purifying.” (Ahmed, Tirmizi)

➜ “But if anyone is ill or on a journey the prescribed period (should be made up) by days later.”

➜ "When the month of Ramadan comes, the doors of heavens and opened and the doors of
hell are closed and the devils are chained" (Hadith)


➜ The Prophet said; “If one of you is fasting, he should break his fast with dates. If dates are
not available, then with water, for water is purifying.”

➜ “Whoever prays during the nights of Ramadan (Tarawih) with a firm belief and hoping for
reward, all of his previous sins will be forgotten.” (Bukhari)

➜ "Establish regular prayer and pay zakat" (2:110)

➜ The Prophet said; "Give in charity because there will come a time on the people when a
person will go out with his zakat from place to place but will not find anybody to accept it"

➜ “Allah has enjoined Zakat upon you so that the rest of your wealth is cleansed through it.”

➜ “Spend, and do not calculate, or otherwise Allah would also calculate in your case.”

➜ “It (Zakat) should be collected from the well-to-do and distributed to the poor.” (Hadis)

➜ Every day two angels descend on a person, one says. “O Allah! Give him more than he spends
(for Allah’s sake)” and the other says, “O Allah! Bring destruction to the one who withholds.”

➜ “Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer and spend of what We have provided for
them.” (2:3)

➜ “Alms are for the poor and the needy and those employed to administer the (funds); for
those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to truth), for those in bondage and in debt,
in the cause of Allah, and for the wayfarer.” (9:60)

➜ "No zakat is due on less than five aswaq of date, no zakat is due on less than five awsaq of
silver ad no zakat is due on less than five camels." (Hadith)

➜ “Save yourself from Hell-fire even by giving half a date-fruit in charity.” (Bukhari)

➜ “These Sadaqat are only people’s impurity, and they are not lawful for Muhammad(SAW) or
Muhammad(SAW)’s family.” (Muslim)

➜ “Sadaqah may not be given to a rich man, or to one who has strength and is sound in limb.”

➜ Allah says; “Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah – those who can afford the

➜ “And remember, Ibrahim and Ismail raised the foundations of the house (2:127)


➜ “If a person is not hampered by any disease, real necessities or a tyrannical ruler and yet
does not perform Hajj, his death and the death of a Jew or a Christian are the same.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “Hajj which is free from sins and defects is rewarded with Paradise.” (Agreed)

➜ “Anyone who visits the House of Allah, does not indulge in foul language and avoids the
disobedience of Allah, will become as pure and free from sins as a child.” (Muslim)

➜ “Pilgrimage has been ordained for you people, so perform it.” (Hadith)

➜ Allah says; "Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah. So those who visit the
House in the season or at other times, should compass them around (2:158)

➜ “Pilgrimage has been ordained for you people, so perform it.” (Muslim)

➜ “Umra is expiation for sins committed between it and the next, but Hajj which is accepted
will receive no less reward than Paradise.” (Bukhari)

➜ “Whoever wears the Ihram for Hajj or Umra from Aqsa Masjid to the Sacred Mosque shall be
forgiven all his past and future sins.” (Abu Daud)

➜ “He who performs the Pilgrimage and visits my grave after my death will be like him who
visited me in my lifetime.” (Shuab-ul-Iman)

➜ “ When ye pour down from Arafat, celebrate the praises of Allah at the Sacred Monument.”

➜ “An Umra in the month of Ramadan is equal (in reward) to performing a Hajj.” (Ibn-e-Majah,

➜ “There are angels on the mountain roads of Madinah, so neither plague nor Dajjal can enter
it.” (Bukhari)

➜ “Recite Talbiyah in a loud voice.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “The first House of worship appointed for men was that at Bakka (Makkah), full of blessing
and guidance for all.” (3:96)

➜ “Tawaf of the House, is like prayer, except that you speak while performing it, but he who
speaks must speak only what is good.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “All the Tashriq days (11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hajj) are days of slaughtering.” (Ahmad)

Articles of Faith
➜ “I believe in Allah, in His angels, in His books, in His messengers, in the Last Day and in the
fact that everything, good or bad, is decided by Allah, the Almighty, and in life after death.”

➜ “It is righteous to believe in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the books and the
messengers” (2:177)


O you who believed, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Book that He sent down upon
His Messenger and whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His books, His Messengers, and the
Last Day has certainly gone far astray.”

Oneness of Allah
Covered Under Theme 1 in Paper 1

➜ “and the angels celebrate the praises of their Lord and pray for forgiveness for beings on
earth.” (42:5)

➜ “In it descend angels and rooh with the permission of their Lord.” (Surah Al Qadr)

➜ "Kiraman Katibeen writing down your deeds, they know all you do."

➜ Nakirain (an angel) will ask the dead in graves, “Who is your Lord?” “What is your faith?”
“What did you use to say about this man, Muhammad(SAW)?”

➜ “And they make the angels themselves are the slaves of The Most Gracious (Allah) females.
Did they witness their creation? Their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned!”
(43: 191)

➜ “who disobey not (from executing) the commands they receive from Allah, but do that which
they are commanded.” (66: 6)

➜ angels said: “Glorified are You, we have no knowledge except what you have taught us,
Verily it is you, The All Knower, All Wise.” (2: 32)

➜ “If they are to be proud (to do prostration), then there are those who are with your
Lord(angels) glorify Him night and day, and never they are tired.” (41: 38)

➜ “And we (angels) glorify You with praises and prostrate before you.” (2: 30)

➜ “(Remember) when you sought help of your Lord and He answered you (saying): “I will help
you with a thousands of the angels ranks on ranks.” (8: 9)

➜ “And truly this (Quran) is a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds. Which the RuhulAmeen
(Angel Jibrail) has brought down.” (26: 192-193)

➜ “Seventy thousand angels enter it every day and never have the chance to reenter it again.”
He also said, “Hell, on the day of Resurrection will be dragged forth having 70,000 chains and
every chain will be held by 70000 angels.” (Hadis)

➜ “Over it (Hell-fire) are nineteen. And we have appointed only angels to be wardens of the
fire.” (74:30-31)

➜ “Who (Allah) made the angels with wings, two or three or four.” (35: 1)

➜ “If they are to be proud (to do prostration), then there are those who are with your
Lord(angels) glorify Him night and day, and never they are tired.” (41: 38)


➜ “And we (angels) glorify You with praises and prostrate before you.” (2: 30)

➜ “Therein came down the angels and the spirit by Allah’s permission on every errand.” (97:4)

➜ “But verily over your (are appointed angels) to protect you, kind and honourable, writing
down (your deeds).” (82:10)

➜ “He doth send down His angels with inspiration of His command to such of His servants as
He pleaseth” (16:2)

➜ “They celebrate His praises and bow down before Him.” (7:206)

➜ “Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and apostles to Gabriel and Michael Lo! Allah
is an enemy to those who reject faith.” (2:98)

Revealed Books
➜ We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent
down to Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Ya’qub, and to Al-Asbat [the twelve sons of Ya’qub], and that
which has been given to Musa and Isa, and that which has been given to the Prophets from
their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in
Islam).” (2:136)

“This is a glorious Quran, in a Tablet preserved.” (85:21-22)

➜ “He revealed the Taurat and Injil (which were) the guidance for mankind before (you)”

➜ “And before this was the book of Moses as a guide and a mercy” (46:12)

➜ “Nay you prefer the life of this world, although the Hereafter is the better and more lasting.
Verily, this is in the former sculptures. The sculptures of Ibrahim and Musa.” (87: 16- 19)

➜ “Verily, We did send down the Torah (to Moses), therein was the guidance and light.” (5: 44)

➜ “And in their footsteps, We sent Jesus, son of Mary confirming the Torah that had come
before him, and we gave him the Gospel in which was guidance and light and confirmation of
the Torah that had come before it, a guidance and an admonition for Al Mutaqqin (the pious)”
(5: 46)

➜ “They change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the Message that
was sent.” (5:13)

➜ “We make no distinction between any of them” (2:285)

➜ “And We bestowed the Zubur on Daud” (4:163)

➜ “And We bestowed Injil upon Isa.” (57:27)

➜ “And in their footsteps We sent Jesus son of Mary, confirming the law that had come before
him: We sent him the gospel: therein was guidance and light” (5:46)

➜ “This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah” (Quran)

➜ "Verily, it is we who have sent down the Quran and we will guard it." (15:9)


➜ “It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from
behind a veil or by sending a Messenger to reveal with Allah’s permission what Allah wills.

➜ “And before thee also the messengers We sent were but men, to whom We granted
inspiration; If ye realise this not, ask of those who possess the Message.” (16:43)

➜ “Then woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say, “This is from
Allah,” to purchase with it a little price!” (2: 79)

➜ “I am for you a trustworthy messenger, so serve you God, and you obey me. I ask no wage
for this; my wage falls only upon the Lord of the Worlds.” (26:107-110)

➜ “For we assuredly sent amongst every people a Messenger (with the command), ‘Serve God
and eschew evil.’”

Belief in Prophets
➜ “We sent not a messenger, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah.” (4:64)

➜ “Every prophet who preceded me was sent especially to his own people but I have been sent
as a prophet for all mankind.” (Hadis)

➜ “But he is the messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets.” (33:40)

➜ “Every nation was sent a Rasool. Once their Rasool came, judgement was passed between
them with all fairness and they were not wronged in the least” (10:47)

➜ “They ate food and walked in the market.” (25:20)

➜ “And Indeed We sent messengers before you and We appointed for them wives and
offspring’s.” (13: 381)

➜ “And there is not a nation, but a warner has passed among them.” (35: 24)

➜ “Whenever a prophet perished, another prophet followed him and surely there will be no
prophet after me.” (Bukhari)

➜ “It is not conceivable that a prophet should deceive (people).” (3:161)

➜ They All said: “O my people I do not ask of you any reward of it (preaching), my reward is
from the Lord of the worlds.”

➜ “And we sent not before you any messenger but men.” (Quran)

➜ “Allah knows better with whom to place his message.” (6:125)

➜ “He does not speak of (his own) desire. It is an inspiration that is inspired.” (53:3–4)

➜ “We have sent no messenger save with the tongue of his people.” (14:4)

➜ “Not one of the populations which we destroyed believed (in the Message)...” (21:6)

➜ “And Noah’s folks, when they denied the messengers, We drowned them.” (25:37)

➜ “And We send the messengers only as heralds of glad tidings and as warners.” (6:48)


Belief in Last Day

➜ “Every human being is bound to taste death; we test you through the bad and the good by
way of trial and unto us you all must return”. (21:35)

➜ “The Calamity! What is the Calamity? What will make you know what the calamity is? That
day mankind will be like scattered moths. And mountains will be like carded wool.” (101: 1-5)

➜ “When the heaven is cleft asunder. And when the stars have fallen and scattered. And when
the seas are burst forth. And when the graves are turned upside down. A person will know what
he has sent forward and left behind.” (82: 1-5)

➜ “And if you could see when the angels take away the souls of those who disbelieve (at
death); they smile their faces and backs (saying): “Taste the punishment of blazing fire.” (8: 50)

➜ “Your grave is either a garden of paradise or a ditch of Hell.” (Hadis)

➜ “ Any who believe in Allah and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward
with their Lord” (2:62)

➜ “When a man dies, his abode (in next life) is brought before him morning and evening, in
Paradise if he is one of the inmates of Paradise, and in fire if he is one of the inmates of Hell.”

➜ “The fire of (the wrath of) Allah kindled (to a blaze) which doth mount (right) to the hearts.”

➜ “Allah will raise those who are in graves”. (22:7)

➜ “O you who believe! Spend of that which we have provided for you, before a Day comes
when there will be no bargaining, nor friendship, nor intercession.” (2: 254)

➜ “That day shall a man flee from his brother and from his mother and his father and from his
wife and children? Every man, that Day, will have enough to make him careless of others.”
(80: 30-37)

➜ “It is a day whereon Men will be like moths scattered about. And the mountains will be
carded like wool.”

➜ Then as for him whose balance (of good deeds) will be heavy. He will be in the life of bliss but
as for him whose balance (of good deeds) will be light he will have his home in the bottomless
pit.” (101: 6-9)

➜ “They are the companions of the fire, they will abide therein.” (10:27)

➜ “they are the companions of the garden, they will abide therein.” (10:26)

➜ “Everyone will be worried about their own sufferings and problems. No one will care for
anyone else.” (80:34-37)

Belief in Allah’s Predestination & Decree

➜ “the decree continues to descend among them, that you may know that Allah has power
over all things and that Allah indeed encompasses all things in knowledge.” (65:12)


➜ “The truth is from your lord; let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject (it).” (18:29)

➜ “There is no ability or power except through Allah.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

➜ “Verily, the first thing Allah created was the pen. He said to it: ‘Write.’ It replied: ‘My Lord,
what should I write?’ So He said: ‘Write all that will occur and all that has occurred.’ So in that
hour, everything that will occur until the Day of Recompense was recorded.” (Hadis)

➜ “Allah recorded the fates of all creatures 50,000 years before creating the heavens and the
earth, and His throne was upon the water.” (Muslim)

➜ “It is not permitted to the sun to catch up the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; each
just swims along in its own orbit (according to the Divine Will)” (36:40)

➜ “Angels and the spirit descend in this night with the permission of their Lord with all
decrees.” (97: 4)

➜ “The first thing Allah created was the pen. He told it to write and when it asked Him what it
should write He told it to write what was decreed, so it wrote what had taken place and what
would take place to all eternity.” (Tirmizi)

➜ “A humble prayer (Du’a) can even alter your destinies” (Hadis)

➜ “Charity repulses the calamity.” (Hadis)

➜ “Man can have nothing but what he strives for.” (53: 39)

➜ “Verily, We showed him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful” (76: 31)

➜ “Surely, We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).”

➜ “Verily, we have created all things from divine will.” (54:49)

➜ “The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth. When he decrees a matter, He only says to it:
‘Be!’ - and it is” (2:117)

“We have shown him the two high ways (of good and evil).” (90:10)

➜ “Be satisfied with what Allah has apportioned for you, you will be the richest of people.”

➜ Believer says: “Only what God has decreed will happen to us.”

➜ Allah says: "No doubt the one who purifies his soul gets success"

➜ “And whoever strives hard does so for his own soul; for Allah is free of all needs from all
creations.” (29:6)

➜ “If your enemy inclines towards peace, then you should seek peace and trust in Allah” (8:61)

➜ “Fight in the cause of Allah, those who fight you but do not transgress limits” (2:190)


➜ Allah says: "Who can be better than the one who called the people to Allah and did
righteous deeds and said verily I am from the muslims"

➜ “And spend (of your wealth) in the cause of Allah” (9:41)

➜ “The best of the believers is he who fights in the way of Allah with his wealth and his life.”

➜ “Fire will not touch a foot which trod in the path of Allah.” (Bukhari)

➜ Allah says: "And do Jihad in the way of Allah physically and financially"

➜ “Fight the pagans all together as they fight you altogether. But know that Allah is with those
who restrain themselves.” (9:36)

➜ “Being stationed on the frontier in God’s path for a day is better than the world and what is
in it.” (Agreed

➜ Allah says: "Fight in the way of Allah with those who fight you"

➜ “The greatest Jihad is to fight against the evil passions of one self.” (Kanz-ul-Amaal)

➜ “The best fighting (Jihad) in the path of Allah is (to speak) a word of justice to an oppressive
ruler.” (Muslim)

➜ "And he who fought in the way of Allah and he is killed or if he overcomes then We shall give
him a great reward"



A Note from Mojza

This resource for Islamiyat (2058) has been Acknowledgements
prepared by Team Mojza, covering the content
for O Level 2023-25 syllabus. The content of Author:
this resource has been prepared with utmost Abdul Haleem
care. We apologise for any issues overlooked;
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that you benefit from these and find them Abdul Haleem
useful towards achieving your goals for your Aroosham Mujahid
Cambridge examinations. Miraal Omer

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