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Learning Guide: The Ethiopian TVET-System

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The Ethiopian TVET-System

Level III

Learning Guide
Unit of Competence: Maintain Quality System and
Continuous Improvement Processes
Module Title: Maintaining Quality System and
Continuous Improvement Processes

TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department
LO1 Develop and maintain quality framework within work area

Kaizen concept in the process of a quality

Information sheet -1
improvement in the company

Improvement of quality management systems in a company – lean philosophy

More than sixty years ago first institutional systems of quality improvement in the sphere of
organization management were implemented. The literature of the subject (quality improvement)
distinguishes levels of improvement which organization can achieve on the trajectory of improvement.

One of a way of organization improvement is a lean approach and its key part Kaizen concept. Almost
thirty years ago the lean approach was relatively radical, even for large and sophisticated companies.
Now the lean is being adopted outside it traditional automotive, high-volume and manufacturing roots.

The lean approach to managing operations is founded on doing the simple things well, on gradually
doing them better and, above all, on squeezing out waste every step of the way. Often seen as the
practitioner of the lean approach in Japan, the Toyota Motor Company has developed a set of practices
which has shaped what we call lean.

The most significant part of the lean philosophy is focused on the elimination all forms of waste. Waste
can be defined as any activity which does not add value. One “the seven forms of waste” is concerned
with identifying waste as the first step towards eliminating it.

Toyota has identified seven types of waste (Japanese Muda), which have been found to apply in
many different types of operations (service and production) and which form the core of lean
philosophy: over-production, waiting time, transport, process, inventory, motion and defectives
(table 1).

Table 1. Types of Muda

Waste Description
producing more than client needs (frozen capital, used
energy, warehousing expenses); also too much

Date: September, 2017

TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department
they are result of overproduction, accumulate space, create
necessity of transportation
walking, bending, taking, etc.; unnecessary moves make
Motion longer production process and negatively affect on safety
and health of employees
transport of products in the progress, semi-products,
Transport finished products ( trolleys) — causes costs and longer
planning of production process in such a way, that it
Process imposes additional unnecessary activities, what causes
extra costs and longer processes
production and making of deficiencies, organizing post for
deficiencies repairing
waiting of operator for machine, employee for instruction,
Waiting time
employee for decision, machine for repairing, etc.
Source: K. Kobyłecka (2007, pp. 47–49).

1. “The 5S’s” is a simple set of principles for reducing waste”:

sort – eliminate what is not needed and keep what is needed;

straighten – position things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever they are

shine – keep things clean and tidy; no refuse or dirt in work area;

standardize – maintain cleanliness and order;

sustain – develop a commitment and pride in keeping to standards.

Lean management is one of a few ways which a company could go towards improvement of quality

Kaizen – a way to improvement of quality

Kaizen means continuous process of improvement which engages top management of a company,
management staff and all employees. It requires relevant changes in people’s behavior and authority
based on experience, authority of leader. Kaizen is based on assumption that all employees possess
skills which can be used in a better way (Frąś, 2013, p. 264).

Date: September, 2017

TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department
A word of “kaizen” is a combination of two Japanese words: kai – “change” and zen – “good”. In this
translation Kaizen means a change for a good. According to a literature Kaizen is defined as:

—— it means improvement. Moreover, it means continuous improvement in personal life, on social

and work platform.

A big meaning for growth of this philosophy has had enlargement of Total Quality Management
concept, in which originally Kaizen was an element of improvement characteristic for Japanese
techniques of quality management, e.g. zero defects, Deming Cycle, quality circles, prevention system,
Just-in-Time and so on. This approach meant that everything could be done better, that thanks to small
steps planned effects could be achieved. Improvement concerns everything, it should be realized every
day, by everybody, from small improvements to big strategic changes. Kaizen induces employees to
improve their work stand, to bigger independence and self-control. Fundamental goals of Kaizen
concern improvement of: quality, cost and time of delivery.

Improvements can be divided into two groups: innovation and Kaizen. Innovation, which is a domain
of western companies, is perceived as a change caused by breakthrough in technique discipline,
implementation of the newest management concepts and manufacturing techniques. It has rather
revolution character. Sometimes, innovation is defined as an idea, behavior quality different thing from
so far existing, and its typical feature is this, that after its implementation time of discipline collapse
happens, positive effects of innovation have a tendency to disappear. Kaizen is small improvement, but
permanent, with determination and consequence. Improvements have gentle character. A characteristic
feature of this approach is this, that it does not need complicated techniques or the newest technologies.
This what is needed it is conventional techniques (e.g. Pareto diagram, Ishikawa diagram, control
cards) and common sense. Table 2 shows differences between Kaizen and innovation.

Table 2. Kaizen versus innovation

Criteria Kaizen Innovation

Effect Long-term, not Short-term, breakthrough
Steps Small steps Big steps

Time framework Permanent action with Incidental action with

Date: September, 2017

TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department
gradually rising effects immediate effect
Change Gradual and permanent Sudden and single
Engagement All Chosen “leaders”
Approach Team effort, process Individual ideas and
approach actions
Work method Maintenance and “Extinguishing” and
improvement rebuild
Conventional know- Usage of technological
Ideas how and traditional breakthrough, new
technology inventions and theories
Practical Small investments, big Big investments, small
requirements effort effort
Orientation For people For technology
Process and
Assessment engagement in Results directly affect on
criteria achieving of better profits
It exists well in stable It exists better in quickly
developing economy developing economy
Source: M. Imai (2007, p. 54).
The best solution is a combination of Kaizen and innovation. Maintenance of innovation results
requires effort, without it results of innovation disappear. Kaizen protects from degradation, but also
slowly rises standard, treating it as a base to improving process (figures 3) (Frąś, 2013, p. 266)..

Kaizen is a continuous process, including all people in organization, every manager and every
employee is engaged in its aspects. Kaizen requires a mission, changes in people’s behavior, dialogue
between managers and employees and orientation on quality process. In assessment of Kaizen
important is not only effect of every action, by effort taken for its realization, every employee tries to
work as good as possible.

Kaizen in practice – analysis of quality improvement based on chosen automotive


Table 3. Characteristic of made analysis

Date: September, 2017
TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department
Assumptions Description
analysis of practical usage of Kaizen, in terms of
Purpose of
elimination of problems and continuous
−—features of Kaizen team,
Research −—basic rules of Kaizen team,
problems −—plan of Kaizen action,
−—tools used during Kaizen action
Research method case study method
Analyzed company from automotive sector, specialized in
company casting of different parts of cars

The company uses in every day practice Kaizen concept and its rules and tools. According to
representatives of management of the company Kaizen is: “lowcosts, common sense and creative
approach to improvement. Kaizen essence are small changes which could minimize losses. The biggest
amount of such ideas are created on the lowest level of organization structure”.

In analyzed company in the framework of Kaizen are organized so called “weeks with Kaizen”.

Fig. 4. Plan of “Kaizen week”

Source: Personal elaboration based on information of analyzed company.

These are groups of employees (8–12 persons) delegated to exact actions, excluded from daily duties.
During such workshop employees work over solutions of selected problems, with use of Kaizen tools.
For example: brain storm, Ishikawa diagram or 5S tool. The purpose of “week with Kaizen” is to create
and implement visible improvements in exact area of a company (often in exact processes).

Features of Kaizen team are as follows:

—— members of different departments,

—— excluded from daily duties,

—— persons out of workshop cannot interfere in project preparation.

Date: September, 2017

TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department
During Kaizen action members of a team obey following rules:

—— open for changes and new ideas,

—— positive attitude,

—— fight with stereotypes,

—— conviction to right of work,

—— respect of team members,

—— one person, one voice,

—— searching for solutions not problems, —— searching for

simple solutions.

In the second quarter of 2014 team of Kaizen worked over implementation of 4S tool in exact places of
analyzed company: weld room, warehouse of parts to cranes and ironworks. In workshop took part
eight employees who constituted mentioned goal about implementation. Plan of week presents figure 4.

During the first day of work the team started observation in analyzed places. The amount of suggested
ideas was 128. After strong discussion and classification of ideas stayed 76 ideas, some of them were
repeated, a few members perceived similar problems. The team decided to implement 53 ideas. The
main criterion to choose ideas was reality of implementation. For them matrix of influences and
difficulties was prepared (figure 5).

Fig. 5. Matrix of influences and difficulties

Source: Personal elaboration based on information of analyzed company.

The table 4 shows perceived chosen problems and ways of their improvement. Examples of problems
mentioned in the table 4 perceived and repaired during Kaizen process are only small percent of total
amount of malfunctions defined by Kaizen team. Only in this selected places of analysis the team was
able to perceive more than fifty problems chosen to improvement. It shows that scale of areas and
problems to improvement in companies and organizations is really big.

Table 4. Problems identified during Kaizen process

Date: September, 2017

TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department
Problems Improvements
lack of descriptions on containers realized proper descriptions
old door to warehouse of cranes restored door
old switching station restored substation
lack of marking of doorstep of
entering door to warehouse of painted doorstep
lack of space for spare parts made stand
designated and described proper
lack of space for welders
space for welders
lack of designated space for used designated place and prepared
parts descriptions
old and dusted instructions prepared new ones
poor light in weld room realized new, better light
old burnt sheet metals on a desk to
realized new sheet metals
gas cutting
Source: Personal elaboration based on information of analyzed company.

At the end of Kaizen action the team prepares a presentation showing a whole week of work, amount
of problems and ideas (solutions) identified by the team. The team presents implemented solutions and
first results of improvements. In analyzed company after Kaizen action is realized so called “after
Kaizen” period. Some of identified problems could be solved immediately, during Kaizen week, but
some of them requires longer action. This is “after Kaizen” time. Designated person (usually a member
of Kaizen team) is responsible for implementation of defined solutions and prepares at the end of all
actions a report documenting achieved results.

There is no better way than Kaizen to reflect organization culture geared towards improvement realizes
by minor steps, step by step, every day, within the framework of all processes. Kaizen derives from
Japan and means gradual, systematic and continuous improvement. This concept pulls in all employees
in improvement process. Kaizen concentrates on elimination of all defects, losses in all systems and
processes. Every employee is obliged to improve his/her individual skills in order to be able to achieve
high quality, low costs and deliveries on time. Kaizen is not based on modern technologies,
revolutionary and expensive investments, but on success achieving by steady minor changes

Date: September, 2017

TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department
The example analyzed in the cognitive part of the article confirms a big meaning of Kaizen in the
process of continuous improvement. A set of tools attributed to this concept, such as: brain storm,
Ishikawa diagram, matrix diagram, 5S tool, and others, help to identify problems (causes of problems)
and suggest possible ways of their elimination. Continuous improvement means also permanent
prevention. Actions taken by a company to prevent before similar problems in the future. J. W. Goethe
said: “A perfection is a measure of the sky, an aspiration to a perfection is a measure of a men”. In a
company, a success in the field of continuous improvement is dependent on employee

1. What are types of muda?5pts

2. What are the seven forms of waste?5pts
3. What is a Kaizen?10pts

Date: September, 2017

TLM Development Manual
Compiled by: business and finance Department

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