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01 ST601 Design of Hydraulic Steel Structures (Miter Gates)

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Design of Hydraulic Steel

Course# ST601
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Ezekiel Enterprises, LLC

CECW-ED Department of the Army EM 1110-2-2105
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer Washington, DC 20314-1000 31 March 1993
Engineering and Design



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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Change 1
CECW-ED Washington, DC 20314-1000

No. 1110-2-2105 31 May 1994

Engineering and Design


1. This Change 1 to EM-1110-2-2105, 31 March 1993, updates Appendix H.

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Colonel, Corps of Engineers
Chief of Staff
CECW-ED Washington, DC 20314-1000

No. 1110-2-2105 31 March 1993

Engineering and Design


1. Purpose. This manual prescribes guidance for designing hydraulic steel structures (HSS) by load
and resistance factor design (LRFD) and guidance for fracture control. Allowable stress design (ASD)
guidance is provided as an alternative design procedure or for those structure types where LRFD
criteria have yet to be developed.

2. Applicability. This manual applies to HQUSACE/OCE elements, major subordinate commands,

districts, laboratories, and field operating activities having responsibility for design of civil works


Colonel, Corps of Engineers
Chief of Staff

This manual supersedes EM 1110-1-2101, 1 November 1963, and ETL 1110-8-4(FR), 28 June 1991.
CECW-ED Washington, DC 20314-1000

No. 1110-2-2105 31 March 1993

Engineering and Design


Table of Contents

Subject Paragraph Page Subject Paragraph Page

Chapter 1 Commentary on Paragraph 3-4,

Introduction Reliability Factors for HSS . . . . . . . . 3-8 3-2
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1-1 Commentary on Paragraph 3-6, Fatigue
Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1-1 and Fracture Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 3-3
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1-1
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1-1 Chapter 4
Commentary on Paragraph 1-4, Allowable Stress Design
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 1-1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-1
Design Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 4-1
Chapter 2 Load and Stress Requirements . . . . . . . 4-3 4-1
General Considerations HSS Types: Modifications for
Limit States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2-1 Allowable Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 4-1
Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2-1 Serviceability Requirements . . . . . . . . 4-5 4-1
Dynamic Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2-1 Fatigue and Fracture Control . . . . . . . . 4-6 4-1
Inspection and Maintenance . . . . . . . . 2-4 2-1 Commentary on Paragraph 4-3, Load and
Deviations from Prescribed Stress Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 4-2
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 2-1 Commentary on Paragraph 4-4, HSS Types:
Commentary on Paragraph 2-2, Modifications for Allowable
Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2-1 Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 4-2
Commentary on Paragraph 2-3, Dynamic
Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 2-2 Chapter 5
Connections and Details
Chapter 3 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5-1
Load and Resistance Factor Design Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5-1
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-1 Bolted Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5-1
Design Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3-1 Welded Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 5-1
Strength Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3-1 Commentary on Paragraph 5-1,
Reliability Factors for HSS . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3-1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5-1
Serviceability Requirements . . . . . . . . 3-5 3-1 Commentary on Paragraph 5-2,
Fatigue and Fracture Control . . . . . . . . 3-6 3-2 Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 5-2
Commentary on Paragraph 3-2, Design
Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 3-2

EM 1110-2-2105
Change 1

31 May 94

Subject Paragraph Page Appendix E

Bulkheads and Stoplogs
Commentary on Paragraph 5-3, Bolted
Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 5-2 Appendix F
Commentary on Paragraph 5-4, Welded Vertical Lift Gates (Lock and Crest)
Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 5-2
Appendix G
Appendix A Hydroelectric and Pumping Plants
* Appendix H
Appendix B Flood Closure Structures
Load and Resistance Factor Design
Criteria for Miter Gates Appendix I
Miscellaneous Hydraulic Steel Structures
Appendix C
Tainter Gates

Appendix D
Tainter Valves

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

List of Figures

Figure Page Figure Page

B-1. Point load impact for miter B-6. Nomenclature for skin plate
gate girders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... B-3 design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... B-11
B-2. Assumptions for intercostal B-7. Sample intercostal section . . . . ....... B-12
end connections . . . . . . . . . . . ..... B-5 B-8. Girder hydrostatic loading and
B-3. Nomenclature and assumed load reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... B-14
area for intercostal design . . . . ..... B-6 B-9. Sample girder cross section . . . ....... B-14
B-4. Vertical cross section for B-10. Example miter leaf torsion loads ....... B-19
example miter gate . . . . . . . . . ..... B-8
B-5. Example miter gate loading . . . ..... B-9

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31 Mar 93

Chapter 1 and should be used for those structure types for which
Introduction LRFD guidance is provided (see Appendixes B through
I). For HSS where LRFD has been developed, ASD may
be used as an alternative design method only with prior
approval of CECW-ED. Chapter 4 includes ASD criteria
1-1. Purpose which are required for those HSS where LRFD has not
yet been developed. For design of a structure, LRFD and
This manual prescribes guidance for (a) designing hydrau- ASD methods shall not be combined; however, use of
lic steel structures (HSS) by load and resistance factor LRFD and ASD methods for the design of separate struc-
design (LRFD) and (b) fracture control. Allowable stress tures on large construction projects is allowed.
design (ASD) guidance is provided as an alternative
design procedure or for those structure types where LRFD d. Structures other than HSS. Designs for alumi-
criteria have yet to be developed. num, timber, and masonry structures, service bridges and
highway structures, building construction, cold-formed
1-2. Applicability steel construction, railroad bridges and other railroad
structures, and open-web steel joist construction shall
This manual applies to HQUSACE/OCE elements, major conform to the respective industry standards and are not
subordinate commands, districts, laboratories, and field included in this manual.
operating activities having responsibility for design of
civil works projects. 1-5. Commentary on Paragraph 1-4, Background
1-3. References Historically, the ASD method has yielded safe and reli-
able structures; however, the method does not recognize
References are listed in Appendix A. differing variability of different load effects (live load,
dead load) and resistances (i.e. bending capacity, shear
1-4. Background capacity, fracture, etc.). For this reason, LRFD is the
preferred method of design. In the ASD method, an
a. Types of HSS. Typical HSS are lock gates, tainter elastic analysis is performed for the structure of interest
gates, tainter valves, bulkheads and stoplogs, vertical lift and the computed stress is compared with an allowable
gates, components of hydroelectric and pumping plants, stress. The allowable stress is the yield stress, buckling
and miscellaneous structures such as lock wall accesso- stress, etc., divided by a single factor of safety (FS). In
ries, local flood protection gates, and outlet works gates. order to obtain structures with a more uniform reliability
HSS may be subject to submergence, wave action, and to achieve economy, a limit states design (LSD)
hydraulic hammer, cavitation, impact, corrosion, and approach such as LRFD has been adopted by most speci-
severe climatic conditions. fication writing committees. The Load and Resistance
Factor Design (LRFD) approach (an LSD approach) rec-
b. Types of steels. Structural grade steels used for ognizes that the loads applied to a structure and resis-
design of HSS are as referred to in CW-05502 and Amer- tances of structural members are random quantities. The
ican Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) (1986, 1989). LRFD method has two main advantages over the ASD
High-strength structural steels may be considered where method. First, in a limit state analysis, one does not have
economy, simplicity of detail, or greater safety of design to assume linearity between load and force, or force and
may result from their use. Instability, local buckling, and stress. Second, multiple load factors can be used to
deflection of members shall be checked regardless of the reflect the degree of uncertainty for different loads (dead,
type of steel used to fabricate the structure. However, live), while application of multiple resistance factors
these design limit states will generally be more critical for reflects differing uncertainties in a particular resistance
structures fabricated from high-strength steel. (bending capacity, shear capacity, etc.). Due to these
advantages of LRFD, more uniform reliability is attained
c. Design policy. Previously, in accordance with in the design process and in many cases a more economi-
EM 1110-1-2101, ASD criteria were specified for design cal structure results.
of all HSS. LRFD is now the preferred method of design

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Chapter 2 (4) Grind slag, weld splatter, or any other deposits

General Considerations off the steel.

(5) Where dissimilar metals are used select the proper

material as recommended by Kumar and Odeh (1989),
2-1. Limit States avoid large cathode-to-anode area ratios, use isolators, and
paint both surfaces.
All possible modes of failure should be considered when
designing HSS. Possible failure modes are: general 2-3. Dynamic Loading
yielding or excessive plastic deformation, buckling or
general instability, subcritical crack growth leading to loss HSS are often subjected to unpredictable dynamic loading
of cross section or unstable crack growth, and unstable due to hydraulic flow. Where dynamic loading is known
crack extension leading to failure of a member. The first to exist, but the loading function is not defined, ASD
two failure modes (general yielding and buckling) are requires an effective increase in the design factor of
addressed by LRFD and ASD principles while the third safety. This increase is to account for unknown dynamic
failure mode (fatigue) and the fourth (brittle fracture) can effects. For the LRFD method such loads are accounted
be addressed using fatigue and fracture mechanics for by assigning a higher load factor. The designer
principles. should provide proper detailing and structural layout to
minimize dynamic loading and cavitation. For example,
2-2. Corrosion proper arrangement of seal details minimizes vibration.

a. Introduction. Painting is the primary method of 2-4. Inspection and Maintenance

preventing corrosion. It may be supplemented with
cathodic protection in severe environments or when other HSS are often difficult to inspect and maintain due to
design considerations so dictate. Design considerations poor access, particularly at submerged locations. Inspec-
for reducing corrosion problems include: tions should be performed in close contact with the
inspected part; however, this is not always possible since
(1) In certain cases, very severe environments may HSS include submerged components which require
warrant an additional thickness added to critical structural dewatering for inspection. Where structures are difficult
members. to inspect and maintain, guidance is provided in para-
graph 3-4 for LRFD and paragraph 4-4 for ASD.
(2) In general, welded connections are more resistant
to corrosion than bolted connections. 2-5. Deviations from Prescribed Design
(3) Intermittent welds are more susceptible to corro- Where special conditions exist, proposed modifications to
sion than are continous welds. the load and resistance factors or allowable stresses speci-
fied herein shall be submitted to CECW-ED for approval
CW-09940, CW-16643, and EM 1110-2-3400 provide prior to completing feasibility phase work.
guidance for preventing corrosion.
2-6. Commentary on Paragraph 2-2, Corrosion
b. Requirements. The structural engineer shall con-
sider corrosion effects throughout the design process. a. Introduction.
Items to consider when designing the HSS include:
(1) Paint systems specified in CW-09940 and
(1) Detail the members as much as possible so there is EM 1110-2-3400 provide a high degree of protection.
access for a sandblasting hose (2-ft minimum bend). For underwater HSS requiring a higher degree of protec-
tion, cathodic protection (impressed current or galvanic
(2) Make provisions for sand to escape where member systems) may be used to supplement the paint system.
connections form open-ended chambers. Impressed current systems for lock gates are often dam-
aged and become inoperative if not carefully maintained;
(3) Try to avoid lap joints but where used, seal weld galvanic systems require less maintenance. However,
the joint.

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both systems require regular maintenance. If cathodic where less oxygen is present. Localized areas where
protection is included as part of the corrosion protection small volumes of stagnant solution may exist include
system, it is imperative that a long-term maintenance plan sharp corners, spot welds, lap joints, and fasteners. Using
be developed, particularly for impressed current systems. butt welds instead of bolts; seal-welding lap joints; using
continuous welds; and grinding weld splatter, slag, or any
(2) General corrosion occurs uniformly over a large other deposits off the steel help to prevent concentration
metallic surface. Specifying a uniform increase in design cell corrosion.
thickness is one means to protect a structure from this
type of corrosion damage. However, the total structural (3) Where dissimilar metals are used (generally car-
cost is increased and the increase in member resistance to bon steel and stainless steel), the relative areas of each
tension, compression, and bending effects is not uniform. metal exposed are very important because the total
The primary concern with corrosion damage in HSS is the amount of current that flows in the cell is dependent on
occurrence of concentration cell corrosion, pitting corro- the total area of both metals exposed. If the anode (car-
sion, or galvanic corrosion. bon steel) is large with respect to the cathode (stainless
steel), the current is distributed over a large area and the
(3) Concentration cell corrosion occurs at small local effect at each point will be slight. Conversely, if the
areas on metal surfaces which are in contact with water. cathode-to-anode ratio is large, the current becomes con-
Concentration cells can result from any number of differ- centrated and severe corrosion can occur. If the carbon
ences in the environment, but the two most common are steel is painted and there is a small defect in the coating
metal ion cells and oxygen cells. Either localized corro- or it becomes damaged, then the relative areas have a
sion cell causes large tubercles of corrosion products to large cathode-to-anode area and rapid corrosion can occur.
grow above the surface, generating a weak area in the Therefore, it is best to paint both surfaces. If the stainless
steel member. Keeping the structure well painted and steel coating has defects or damage, the current will not
clean from mud deposits prevents this type of corrosion. significantly increase even if the carbon steel has metal
exposed. If the distance between the cathode and anode
(4) Pitting corrosion is a form of extremely localized is large, resistance in the circuit will be sufficient to elim-
attack which results in small-diameter holes (in relation to inate the galvanic corrosion problem.
their depth) to appear in the metal. This may be initiated
by a material defect in the steel or a chip in the protective 2-7. Commentary on Paragraph 2-3, Dynamic
coating. Pitting corrosion is highly unpredictable since Loading
there is no means to identify where defects may occur.
Regular inspection and maintenance practices can reduce a. Dynamic loading that may occur in HSS is unpre-
the possibility of pitting corrosion. dictable in the sense that the dynamic forcing function is
unknown. Unpredictable vibrations may be caused by
(5) Galvanic corrosion is generally a result of current imperfections in the operating machinery and guide slots,
generated when two dissimilar metals are in contact and hydraulic flow, and load fluctuation due to passing ice. If
the two metals are in water. the forcing function is known, a dynamic analysis can be
used for design. At present, it is not feasible to define the
b. Requirements. load due to the many factors that affect such loadings and
therefore special attention must be given to structure
(1) Kumar and Odeh (1989) recommend HSS be dry- details. For example, supporting members of seals should
blast cleaned to a grade approaching white metal grade maintain adequate stiffness to limit flexing which results
for surface preparation prior to painting. Therefore, in leakage and flow-induced vibration. The supporting
designers should detail the structure to allow sufficient members and arrangement of the bottom seal on a tainter
room for the hose. Extra large drain holes located in gate can significantly affect its vibration due to flow
areas where the sand may be trapped may be appropriate. conditions. Some of the structure types that have experi-
enced vibration due to dynamic loading include tainter
(2) Most HSS consist of welded construction. Using valves, vertical lift control gates, tainter gates, and miter
welded connections in lieu of bolted connections is advan- gates.
tageous when considering concentration cell corrosion.
Areas on a surface in contact with an electrolyte having a b. Cavitation is also a concern where dynamic
high oxygen content are cathodic relative to those areas hydraulic loading occurs. Cavitation damage is a result of

EM 1110-2-2105
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unpredictable dynamic fluid action which causes extreme good construction practices prevent cavitation from
local negative pressures resulting in pitting and erosion of occurring.
the surface. As for vibration, proper structure details and

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Chapter 3 determining the required strength for buildings are given

Load and Resistance Factor Design in American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (1990)
and AISC (1986). Similar load combinations pertaining
to specific HSS are specified in Appendixes B through I.
Structures shall have design strengths at all sections at
3-1. General least equal to the required strengths calculated for all
combinations of factored loads and forces. The required
This chapter is intended to give a brief synopsis of LRFD strength of structural components shall be determined by
methodology and to provide general guidance on LRFD structural analysis using appropriate factored load combi-
for HSS. Appendixes B through I provide specific guid- nations. Each relevant limit state shall be considered.
ance and examples for different types of HSS. HSS Elastic analysis is permitted unconditionally by this
designed by the LRFD method shall conform to guidance manual. Plastic analysis is permitted only with the
contained in AISC (1986), except as specified herein, and approval of CECW-ED, and is subject to restrictions of
to the engineer manuals referenced in Appendixes B paragraph A5.1 of AISC (1986).
through I.
3-4. Reliability Factors for HSS
3-2. Design Basis
For LRFD of HSS, resistance factors of AISC (1986) are
LRFD is a method of proportioning structures such that multiplied by a reliability factor α. The reliability factor
no applicable limit state is exceeded when the structure is α shall be 0.9 except for the following structures where α
subjected to all appropriate design load combinations. The shall be 0.85:
basic safety check in LRFD may be expressed mathemati-
cally as a. For those HSS where inspection and maintenance
are difficult because the HSS is normally submerged and
γiQni ≤ αφRn (2-1) removal of the HSS causes disruption of a larger project.
Examples of this type of HSS include tainter valves and
where leaves of vertical lift gates which are normally
γi = load factors that account for variability in
loads to which they are assigned b. For those HSS in brackish water or seawater.
Qni = nominal (code-specified) load effects 3-5. Serviceability Requirements
α = reliability factor (see paragraph 3-4) Serviceability is a state of acceptable performance in
which the function of an HSS, its maintainability, durabil-
φ = resistance factor that reflects the uncertainty in ity, and operability are preserved under service or operat-
the resistance for the particular limit state and, ing conditions. Serviceability should be maintained for
in a relative sense, the consequence of attaining the expected life of the project (typically 50 years for
the limit state. navigation and local flood protection projects and 100
years for other projects). The overall structure and the
Rn = nominal resistance individual members, connections, and connectors shall be
checked for serviceability. Limiting values of structural
The expression γiQni is the required strength and the behavior (maximum deflections, vibrations, etc.) to ensure
product αφRn is the design strength. Load factors and serviceability shall be chosen with due regard to the
load combinations for specific structure types are listed in intended function of the structure. Serviceability may
the appropriate appendix. normally be checked using unfactored loads. The follow-
ing limit states shall be considered in design for
3-3. Strength Requirements
a. Deformation in the structural members and sup-
Strength limit states are related to safety and load-carrying ports due to service loads shall not impair the operability
capacity (i.e., the limit states of plastic moment and buck- or performance of the HSS.
ling). Formulas giving the load combinations for

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b. Vibrations of the seals, equipment, or movable according to AASHTO (1978). Designers are referred to
supports shall not impair the operability of the HSS. American Welding Society (AWS) (1990) and AASHTO
(1978) for guidance on developing adequate quality con-
c. Structural components shall be designed to tolerate trol and fabrication procedures that will minimize initial
corrosion or shall be protected against corrosion that may defects.
impair serviceability or operability of the structure during
its design life. Closure provisions shall be made as 3-7. Commentary on Paragraph 3-2, Design Basis
required to maintain the structure.
Load factors and load combinations for structural steel
3-6. Fatigue and Fracture Control design are based upon limit states of steel structures.
Description of the methodology used in developing load
a. Fatigue requirements. Fatigue design shall be in factors and load combinations for buildings and other
accordance with the provisions of Appendix K in AISC structures may be found in ASCE (1990), Ellingwood
(1986) or AISC (1989) except as specified herein. The et al. (1982), Galambos et al. (1982), and McCormac
number and frequency of load cycles is a function of the (1990) and the commentary of AISC (1986). For HSS,
HSS purpose and its environment. Determination of the the load and resistance factors are governed by items dis-
total number of loading cycles shall consider known load cussed in paragraph 3-8 (commentary of paragraph 3-4).
fluctuations such as those due to operating cycles and The magnitude of a particular load factor is primarily a
fluctuations of hydraulic head. For certain HSS, vibration function of the characteristics (predictability and
may result in unknown load magnitudes and number of variability) of the load to which it is assigned and the
cycles; therefore, a quantitative fatigue analysis is not conservatism with which the load is specified. A well
possible. However, for HSS where vibration may produce known load with little variability or a conservatively
significant cycles of stress, the choice of details shall be specified load usually results in a relatively low load
such to minimize susceptible fatigue damage (i.e., details factor. Dead loads and static hydraulic loads are in this
with high fatigue resistance should be used where category. Transient loads are less known and, hence, they
possible). usually have a higher load factor.

Welding processes induce significant residual stresses, 3-8. Commentary on Paragraph 3-4, Reliability
and welded members may include high tensile residual Factors for HSS
stress in the welded region. Therefore, welded members
which include any computed stress variation, whether it is Reliability factors are applied to AISC (1986) resistance
tension or compression, shall be checked for fatigue. factors for HSS design. This is to reflect a higher level
Deviation from this conservative assumption requires the of uncertainty (compared to building design) due to more
approval of CECW-ED. aggressive environments in which HSS are placed. His-
torically, HSS have been designed using a higher factor of
b. Fracture control requirements. For fracture-critical safety than that used for building design to account for
members (FCM) and/or components, the designer shall the unpredictable nature of various items. The variables
enforce controls on fabrication and inspection procedures which require additional consideration for HSS include:
to minimize initial defects and residual stresses, designate facility of inspection; maintenance and repair or replace-
the appropriate temperature zone (see Table 3.1, Note 1), ment (may require dewatering or submerged work by
and specify the related minimum Charpy V-notch (CVN) divers); possibility of corrosion (water may be fresh,
fracture toughness. FCMs shall be defined as "members polluted, brackish, or saline); economic considerations
and their associated connections subjected to tensile stres- (loss of benefits due to shutdown of a larger project if
ses whose failure would cause the structure to be inopera- replacement becomes necessary); possibility of severe
ble." Fracture critical members shall be identified by the vibrations or repeated stress reversals (hydraulic flow may
designer (minimum requirements are given in Appen- cause vibrations and operating procedures may cause
dixes B through I). Minimum allowable CVN values stress reversals); relative importance (HSS may be critical
shall be as given in Table 3.1. Tests to determine mater- in the project operation); and design life of the structure
ial CVN values shall be performed in accordance with the in severe environments (50 to 100 years). For these rea-
requirements of the American Association of State High- sons, reliability factors are applied to the resistance
way and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) (1978). For factors specified by AISC (1986) to effectively increase
construction of FCMs, fabricators, welding inspectors, and the factor of safety.
nondestructive examination personnel shall be certified

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3-9. Commentary on Paragraph 3-6, Fatigue and welded members are near the yield stress in most cases.
Fracture Control The consideration of residual tensile stress is a conserva-
tive assumption for fatigue design. It is not currently a
Fatigue damage and brittle fractures in HSS are rare but uniform practice in the United States; however, it is com-
as structure designs, fabrication, and construction become mon in Europe. The assumption is currently favored by
more complex, the probability of brittle fracture increases. many welding specialists.
Welded construction, with its emphasis on monolithic
structural members, increases the need to add fracture b. Fracture control requirements.
criteria to strength and buckling criteria when designing a
structure. Various HSS have failed due to fatigue and (1) Fracture is the sudden growth of a crack which
brittle fracture. Many of the cracking problems that have may cause failure of a component. Fracture behavior is
occurred in HSS originate from poor weld details or poor governed mainly by nominal stress level, material tough-
fabrication. For control of fatigue and fracture, consider- ness, and geometry of the existing crack or flaw. The
ation must be given to the following parameters: fracture control requirements specified herein are based on
(a) stress range, detailing, and the number and frequency imposing material toughness requirements and limiting
of load cycles to control fatigue and (b) geometry, tough- geometry of initial flaws for FCMs, the most critical
ness, and stress levels to control fracture. structural components. Fracture toughness criteria are
supplemented with welding and inspection requirements to
a. Fatigue requirements. form a complete fracture control plan. The toughness is
controlled by imposing minimum CVN requirements per
(1) Fatigue is the process of formation and growth of Table 3-1 and the geometry of initial flaws is controlled
a crack due to repeated fluctuating loads. The designer by imposing strict fabrication and inspection requirements.
cannot control the number and frequency of load cycles Project specifications should require qualification of fabri-
since this is a function of the operational requirements of cators and welding inspectors according to AASHTO
the HSS. However, design options include selection of (1978), to assure that FCMs and their components are in
larger members to control the stress range and choice of compliance with the requirements specified in
details with low stress concentrations which have a high paragraph 3-6.
fatigue life.
(2) Table 3-1 values are the same as those required
(2) Significant vibration may occur in certain HSS by AASHTO (1978) for steel bridges. The basic require-
due to hydraulic flow, imperfect seals, movable supports ment used in the development of Table 3-1 was to ensure
and operating machinery, and impact of passing ice or elastic-plastic behavior (i.e. prevent brittle fracture) under
debris which may occur during a single operating cycle. service loading at the minimum operating temperature.
For these situations, the magnitude of load and the num- CVN tests were carried out under service load rates to
ber of load cycles are unknown. Unless predictions for determine the minimum CVN requirements to assure
load magnitude and frequency may be made using proba- elastic-plastic behavior for various service temperatures
bilistic methods, a quantitative fatigue analysis is not (AASHTO 1978).
possible. However, the possibility of fatigue damage can
be controlled by considering the design options given in (3) Material toughness is affected by load rate, yield
the previous paragraph. strength, service temperature, component thickness, and
type of detail. Each of these effects was considered in
(3) AISC (1986, 1989) do not require any fatigue the development of Table 3-1, and all but load rate are
check for members with a calculated repetitive stress explicitly accounted for in Table 3-1. The following
variation from zero to compression, since crack propaga- discussion is included to provide a brief explanation of
tion will not occur in the absence of tensile stress. How- toughness requirements for the various categories of
ever, whether a stress variation is tensile or compressive, Table 3-1. A more complete discussion is provided in
paragraph 3-6a does require a fatigue check for welded AASHTO (1978) and Barsom and Rolfe (1987).
members. This is due to the possible presence of large
residual tensile stresses caused by welding processes. For (a) Load rate. The effect of load rate was consid-
example, if a residual tensile stress of 25 ksi exists, a ered in the determination of required test temperatures. A
calculated stress variation from zero to -10 ksi would consistent temperature shift exists between CVN values
actually be a variation from 25 ksi to 15 ksi, which could obtained for specimens subject to a given load rate (less
cause fatigue cracking. Tensile residual stresses for than impact load rate) and those obtained for impact

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Table 3-1
Fracture Toughness Requirements for Fracture Critical Members
Welded or
Mechanically Grade Thickness Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
Fastened σys (ksi) (in.) (ft-lb at oF) (ft-lb at oF) (ft-lb at oF)

Welded 36 t ≤ 1.5 25 at 70 25 at 40 25 at 10
1.5 < t ≤ 4.0 25 at 70 25 at 40 25 at -10

Welded 50 t ≤ 1.5 25 at 70 25 at 40 25 at 10
1.5 < t ≤ 2.0 25 at 70 25 at 40 25 at -10
2.0 < t ≤ 4.0 30 at 70 30 at 40 30 at -10

Welded 70 t ≤ 1.5 30 at 20 30 at 20 30 at -10

1.5 < t ≤ 2.5 30 at 20 30 at 20 30 at -30
2.5 < t ≤ 4.0 35 at 20 35 at 20 35 at -30

Welded 100 t ≤ 2.5 35 at 0 35 at 0 35 at -30

2.5 < t ≤ 4.0 45 at 0 45 at 0 Not allowed

Mechanically 36 t ≤ 1.5 25 at 70 25 at 40 25 at 10
Fastened 1.5 < t ≤ 4.0 25 at 70 25 at 40 25 at -10

Mechanically 50 t ≤ 1.5 25 at 70 25 at 40 25 at 10
Fastened 1.5 < t ≤ 4.0 25 at 70 25 at 40 25 at -10

Mechanically 70 t ≤ 1.5 30 at 20 30 at 20 30 at -10

Fastened 1.5 < t ≤ 4.0 30 at 20 30 at 20 30 at -30

Mechanically 100 t ≤ 4.0 35 at 0 35 at 0 35 at -30


1. Zone 1 minimum service temperature is 0oF and above; Zone 2 minimum service temperature is from -1oF to -30oF; and Zone 3 mini-
mum service temperature is from -31o to -60oF.
2. Charpy impact tests are required on each end of each piece tested for Zone 3.

specimens. The CVN value for a specimen tested under a (b) Yield strength. The more stringent requirements
service load rate at service temperature is equivalent to for steels of higher yield strengths are identified by higher
the CVN impact value for a specimen tested at a tempera- CVN requirements and lower test temperatures. The
ture which is a constant magnitude greater (temperature higher CVN requirements for increased yield strengths are
shift) than the service temperature. For example (see due to the fact that the design stress is generally higher
Table 3-1), for welded 36-ksi components of thickness which will result in more elastic stored energy. In order
less than 1.5 in. which are subject to bridge service load to attain the same degree of safety as in the lower yield
rates and minimum service temperature, ductile behavior steels, the CVN requirement is also increased. The
is assured if CVN impact values are at least 25 ft-lb for reduced test temperatures are based primarily on the fact
tests conducted at 70oF higher than the minimum service that the temperature shift between toughness under service
temperature. The temperature shift is dependent on ser- load and impact load decreases with increasing yield
vice load rate. The temperature shift comparing static and strength; thus, lower CVN impact test temperatures are
impact load rates is maximum and as load rate increases, specified to reflect the decrease in temperature shift.
the temperature shift decreases. Adoption of bridge crite-
ria for HSS is generally conservative since loading rates (c) Service temperature. The expected service tem-
on bridges are likely higher than those which occur on perature for a structure is a critical factor in determining
most HSS. toughness requirements since most steels exhibit a

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

transition from ductile to brittle behavior at a certain (e) Detail. Welded details require more conserva-
temperature. As temperature decreases, toughness and tive CVN values than mechanically fastened details for
ductility decrease. Therefore, for lower minimum service certain thicknesses and service temperatures. The heat
temperatures, CVN specimens must be tested at lower input due to welding can reduce toughness properties in
temperatures to ensure that the steel has adequate the heat affected zone (HAZ). The HAZ is the area of
toughness. unmelted parent material adjacent to the weld, which is
sufficiently heated by the welding that its metallurgical
(d) Component thickness. For thick plates under properties are affected. This area may be of special
tensile loading, through-thickness stresses at a crack tip importance in thick members since these usually have
are large due to the through-thickness constraint. This lower toughness and are subject to greater heat input
results in a triaxial stress state which reduces the apparent during welding. Unfortunately, stress concentrations often
ductility of the steel by decreasing the shear stresses. overlap the HAZ of welds, thus combining the adverse
Because yielding is restricted, the constraint ahead of the effects of high stress and low toughness.
notch is increased resulting in reduced toughness. In
order to assure ductile behavior, the CVN requirements of
Table 3-1 are increased for increasing thickness.

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Chapter 4 (1) Ice loads may be considered as Group I (static

Allowable Stress Design load) or Group II (impact; short duration load) loads
depending on circumstances.

(2) When the loading includes Group II loads acting

4-1. General alone or in combination with Group I loads, allowable
stresses may be increased 1/3 above the values otherwise
HSS designed by the ASD method shall conform to speci- provided. However, the section thus provided shall not be
fications contained in AISC (1989), except as specified less than that required for Group I loads when designed
herein, and to the engineer manuals referenced in Appen- with the normal allowable stresses.
dixes B through I.
b. Stresses. It is considered necessary to reduce the
4-2. Design Basis allowable stresses given in AISC (1989) for HSS design
(see commentary for paragraph 4-4 (paragraph 4-8)).
ASD is a method of proportioning structures such that Allowable stresses for three main types of HSS are speci-
allowable stresses are not exceeded when the structure is fied in paragraph 4-4. Examples of each HSS type are
subjected to specified working loads. An elastically com- discussed in the Commentary. If a structure has charac-
puted stress is compared to an allowable stress as repre- teristics of more than one type, the lesser allowable stress
sented by is required.
f( Qi) ≤ Fallow (3-1) 4-4. HSS Types: Modifications for Allowable
a. Type A. HSS which are used for emergency
f( Qi) = elastically computed stress arising from the closures and which are subject to severe dynamic (hydrau-
appropriately combined nominal loads lic) loading or are normally submerged where mainte-
nance is difficult, and removal of the HSS causes disrup-
Fallow = allowable stress (yield stress, buckling tion of the project. For Type A HSS, the allowable stress
stress, shear, net section tension, bearing shall be 0.75 times that allowed by ASIC (1989).
strength, etc. divided by a factor of safety).
b. Type B. HSS which are normally hydraulically
4-3. Load and Stress Requirements loaded and are not subjected to unknown dynamic load-
ing. For Type B HSS, the allowable stress shall be 0.83
a. Loads. Loads are divided into Group I and times that allowed by AISC (1989).
Group II loadings as follows:
c. Type C. HSS which are used for maintenance
Group I and are not considered emergency closures. For Type C
HSS, the allowable stress shall be 1.1 times that allowed
Dead load Buoyancy load by AISC (1989). These allowable stresses are the maxi-
Live load (serviceway) Hydrostatic load mum allowable values and may not be further increased
Thermal stress load Operating equipment load due to Group II loading.
Ice loads (static)
4-5. Serviceability Requirements
Group II
Guidance in paragraph 3-5 is applicable.
Impact (vessel, debris, ice) Water hammer
Wind loads Ice loads (transient) 4-6. Fatigue and Fracture Control
Wave loads Operational basis
earthquake (OBE) Guidance in paragraph 3-6 is applicable.

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

4-7. Commentary on Paragraph 4-3, Load and considered to be the most extreme case, and Type C the
Stress Requirements least extreme case.

a. ASD guidance for HSS considers Groups I and II c. Type A includes those structures which are
loading, and Types A, B, and C stresses. The loading subject to unpredictable dynamic loading, or those which
groups determine which conditions must stay within the are normally submerged where maintenance is difficult.
modified AISC allowable stresses and which loading Unpredictable dynamic loading may occur as a result of
conditions are permitted a 1/3 increase in allowable stress. hydraulic fluctuations in velocity and pressure due to
Because of the environment in which HSS are placed, abrupt changes in structure geometry or gate position as it
modifications to AISC allowable stresses for HSS types is operated. Severe, unpredictable vibrations may also
are applied to increase the factor of safety above that occur on structures subject to significant amounts of pass-
which is used in building design. ing ice. Type A HSS include emergency gates, regulating
gates where the structure passes through moving water
b. Group I loads include those loads which are rela- under full pressure and flow conditions (unpredictable
tively constant for a significant time period, and Group II dynamic loading may occur), tainter and vertical lift crest
loads are those which vary with time. The 1/3 increase in gates used for regulation and subject to unknown dynamic
allowable stress for structures subject to Group II loads hydraulic forces, and lock valves (normally submerged
acting alone or in combination with Group I loads is to and difficult to maintain).
account for the improbability of the simultaneous occur-
rence of maximum lifetime loads. Ice loads may be con- d. Type B includes structures for which dynamic
sidered either Group I or Group II depending on the loading is not significant and maintenance and inspection
circumstances. If ice hanging on the structure is being can be performed on a regular basis. HSS that may be
considered as additional dead load or it is applying a classified as Type B include tainter crest gates, vertical
lateral force due to expansion from thermal effects, it is lift crest gates, power intake gates designed for top of
considered a Group I load. If ice is acting dynamically power pool, lock gates (miter gates, lift gates, and sector
on the structure due to wind or flowing water, it is con- gates), and floodwall closures.
sidered a Group II load.
e. Type C structures include temporary closure items
4-8. Commentary on Paragraph 4-4, HSS Types: which are used to dewater for maintenance or inspection
Modifications for Allowable Stresses of gates, gate slots, and draft tubes. Stoplogs, bulkheads,
draft tube gates, and bulkhead gates are included in this
a. In general, it is considered that HSS are subjected type. Such structures are not considered emergency clo-
to more extreme environments and are subject to less pre- sures and are usually opened and closed under balanced
dictable loads than are buildings. Variables listed in head conditions. The 1.1 factor applied to AISC (1989)
paragraph 3-8 (commentary of paragraph 3-4) are among allowable stresses reflects a 1/3 increase of the Type B
the causes of this additional uncertainty. Therefore, an allowable stresses. This increase is considered appropri-
increase in the design factor of safety over that used for ate due to the fact that such structures are used on a tem-
building design is considered necessary for HSS design. porary basis under essentially constant loading.

b. The grouping by HSS type is a means to distin-

guish characteristics of different HSS. Type A is

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Chapter 5 between connected members remains fixed) or simple

Connections and Details (pinned). If the design assumed a pinned connection, the
as-built connection should provide for members to rotate
relative to each other to accommodate simple beam end
rotation (to accomplish this, inelastic deformation is per-
5-1. General mitted).
Connections consist of connecting elements (e.g., stiff- e. Fatigue. Connections shall be designed to mini-
eners, gusset plates, angles, brackets) and connectors mize the possibility of fatigue damage by using proper
(bolts, welds, or for older HSS, rivets). Connection detailing practices (see AISC (1984, 1986, 1989) and
design shall conform to the specifications contained in AASHTO (1978)), and limiting the stress range in accor-
AISC (1986, 1989) and AWS (1990) except as specified dance with Appendix K of AISC (1986, 1989). Corro-
herein. Critical connections should be fully detailed by sion-fatigue shall be controlled with a well designed and
the design engineer. Connections which are considered maintained corrosion protection system.
noncritical may be detailed by the fabricator; however, the
designer shall clearly define the requirements of the non- 5-3. Bolted Connections
critical connection. Any deviation from details originally
specified by the design engineer shall be reviewed and Fully tensioned high-strength bolts shall be used for all
approved by the design engineer. Details that will result HSS structural applications. For nonstructural applica-
in safe economical fabrication methods shall be used. tions, use of A307 bolts or snug-tight high-strength bolts
Special critical connections for specific structure types are is allowed, provided requirements of AISC (1986, 1989)
discussed in the appropriate appendixes. are followed. Bolts shall be proportioned for the sum of
the external load and tension resulting from prying action
5-2. Design Considerations produced by deformation of the connected parts. AISC
(1984, 1986, 1989) and Kulak, Fisher, and Struik (1987)
Connections shall be designed to transfer the required are useful aids to designing bolted connections.
forces obtained from the structural analysis, and shall
maintain sufficient ductility and rotation capacity to 5-4. Welded Connections
satisfy the particular design assumption. Connection
designs must consider stress concentrations, eccentricities, Most HSS are constructed using welded connections.
field splices, imposed restraints (fixity), and fatigue resis- AISC (1984, 1986, 1989) and AWS (1990) are useful aids
tance. Following is a discussion of these design to selecting the connection details. Welding requirements
considerations. of AISC (1986, 1989) and AWS (1990) shall be followed.
Thick plate weldments shall be designed considering heat
a. Stress concentrations. Avoid abrupt transitions in requirements (see Section 4 of AWS (1990)), toughness
thickness or width, sharp corners, notches, and other requirements, and geometric requirements (see Section A3
stress raising conditions. of AISC (1986, 1989) for toughness and geometric
requirements). Intersecting and overlapping welds should
b. Eccentricities. Effects of eccentricity of fastener be avoided. Intermittent welds should be avoided for
groups and intersecting members shall be accounted for in dynamically loaded members and members subject to
the design of connections (see Chapter J of AISC (1986, corrosion. Through-thickness welds should have backing
1989)). bars removed and should be ground smooth. The
designer shall review and approve the contractor’s pro-
c. Splices. Shipping restrictions require large HSS to posed welding processes and shop drawings.
be delivered in sections, which makes field splicing neces-
sary to form the completed structure. Splices should be 5-5. Commentary on Paragraph 5-1, General
located in uncongested areas of low or moderate stress.
When splices are necessary, they should be shown on the Connections for HSS are usually in a more severe envi-
drawings with accompanying splice details or design ronment than connections for buildings. HSS connections
forces. may be exposed to weather, fresh or salt water, flowing
water, and, for many HSS, impacts. AISC (1986 or
d. Restraints. Connections between intersecting 1989) can be used as guidance but should be
members are usually designed to be rigid (original angle

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

supplemented with AASHTO (1989) since many HSS (3) An eccentric connection may be detailed to sim-
members have more in common with bridges (sizes, types plify the design of gusset plates. For example, a member
of connections, and loads) than with steel building frames. may be located such that its line of force passes through
Connection details must be consistent with the assump- the corner of the gusset plate. However, the lines of
tions used in the design analysis of the structure and must action of the force in the intersecting members usually do
be capable of transferring the required forces between not pass through the same point. The axial force acting
connected members. The forces may consist of any com- eccentrically will produce a moment in the connection
bination of axial or shear loads and bending or torsional which must be distributed among the connected members
moments. Connections may also provide stiffness to limit based on their relative stiffness. See AISC (1984) for
relative movement between members. Most HSS use illustrated examples.
welded or bolted connections; however, many older struc-
tures have riveted connections. 5-7. Commentary on Paragraph 5-3, Bolted
5-6. Commentary on Paragraph 5-2, Design
Considerations In the past many HSS have used riveted connections;
however, the use of rivets has largely been replaced by
a. Stress concentrations. Stress concentrations in use of high strength bolts. Per AISC (1986, 1989), full
connections are often ignored in design with no decrease tightening is required for cyclic loads, for bolts in over-
in load-carrying capacity. This is because ductility of the size holes, and when it is necessary to improve water
steel redistributes localized high stresses. However, this tightness, or if corrosion of the joint is a concern. There-
does not mean details that cause stress concentrations can fore, for all HSS structural applications, fully tensioned
be ignored. Attention should be given to areas of large high-strength bolts shall be used. Bolted connections are
change in cross section such as termination of cover much less common on HSS than on buildings or bridges.
plates, welds where backing bars have not been removed, Typically, bolted connections for HSS are limited to
and at sharp discontinuities. These details are critical for machinery and appurtenances, splices, sill plates, thick
fatigue resistance. AWS (1990) shows geometries for plates or jumbo sections (over 1.5 in. thick), steel mem-
welded connections that minimize stress concentrations at bers embedded in or supported by concrete, locations
transitions between members of different thicknesses or where future adjustments may be required, or elements
widths. that may need replacing sometime during the life of the
b. Eccentricities.
5-8. Commentary on Paragraph 5-4, Welded
(1) Axial loads eccentric from fastener group Connections
centroids can significantly increase local stresses or
individual fastener loads due to additional shear and bend- Many HSS contain thick (greater than 1.5 in. thick) plate
ing imposed by the eccentricity. While eccentricities in weldments. Critical connections on HSS often consist of
statically loaded single-angle, double-angle, and similar full penetration or large fillet welds to develop the full
members may be of minor consequence, connections for strength of a part. Heavy welding is labor intensive and
members subject to cyclic loading should be balanced may result in member distortion and large residual
about their gravity axes; if not, provision shall be made stresses. Thick plates and jumbo rolled shapes often
for bending and shearing stresses due to the eccentricity. exhibit low toughness away from rolled surfaces, and
lamellar discontinuities are more prevalent than in thinner
(2) The designer has the option of selecting a con- plates. Thermal effects due to welding further decrease
centric connection or, in some cases, an eccentric connec- material toughness and produce high residual stresses
tion. A concentric connection is detailed so that the which act on these low toughness areas and lamellar
gravity axes of all members framing into the connection discontinuities creating high potential for cracking. The
pass through a common point. This ensures that the axial adverse thermal effects are reduced with gradual heating
force in an intersecting member does not produce an and cooling of the weldment as it is welded, and proper
additional moment in the connection. However, in some selection of weld process and procedures. Residual
cases a concentric connection may be undesirable because stresses in weldments are increased with increasing exter-
it can require poorly shaped elements such as long gusset nal constraint so the designer should detail connections to
plates with a limited buckling capacity that is difficult to minimize constraint.

EM 1110-2-2105
Change 1
31 May 94

Appendix A CW-05502
References Miscellaneous Metal Materials, Standard Articles and
Shop Fabrication Items

A-1. Required Publications Painting: Hydraulic Structures and Appurtenant Works
EM 1110-1-2101 CW-16643
Working Stresses for Structural Design Cathodic Protection Systems (Impressed Current) for Lock
Miter Gates
EM 1110-2-2400
Structural Design of Spillways and Outlet Works American Association of State Highway & Transporta-
tion Officials (AASHTO) 1978
* EM 1110-2-2502 American Association of State Highway & Transportation
Retaining and Flood Walls Officials (AASHTO). 1978. "Guide Specifications for
Fracture Critical Non-Redundant Steel Bridge Members,"
EM 1110-2-2602 * Washington, DC 20001.
Planning and Design of Navigation Lock Walls and
Appurtenances American Association of State Highway & Transporta-
tion Officials (AASHTO) 1989
EM 1110-2-2701 American Association of State Highway & Transportation
Vertical Lift Crest Gates Officials (AASHTO). 1989. "Standard Specifications for
Highway Bridges," Fourteenth Edition, Washington, DC
EM 1110-2-2702 20001.
Design of Spillway Tainter Gates
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) 1984
EM 1110-2-2703 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). 1984.
Lock Gates and Operating Equipment "Engineering for Steel Construction," Chicago
EM 1110-2-2705
Structural Design of Closure Structures for Local Flood American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) 1986
Protection Projects American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). 1986.
"Load and Resistance Factor Design Manual of Steel
EM 1110-2-2901 Construction," First Edition, Chicago 60601-2001.
Tunnels and Shaft in Rock
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) 1989
EM 1110-2-2902 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). 1989.
Conduits, Culverts, and Pipes "Allowable Stress Design Manual of Steel Construction,"
Ninth Edition, Chicago 60601-2001.
EM 1110-2-3001
Planning and Design of Hydroelectric Power Plants American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1990
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 1990.
EM 1110-2-3104 "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Struc-
Structural Design of Pumping Stations tures (ASCE 7-88)," New York 10017-2398.
EM 1110-2-3400 American Welding Society (AWS) 1990
Painting: New Construction and Maintenance American Welding Society (AWS). 1990. "Structural
Welding Code - Steel, 1990," Miami, FL 33135.
Tractor Gates-Broome Type Barsom and Rolfe 1987
Barsom, J., and Rolfe, S. 1987. "Fracture and Fatigue
Dam Gantry Cranes

EM 1110-2-2105
Change 1
31 May 94

Control in Structures, Applications of Fracture to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints," Second
Mechanics," Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632. Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York

Ellingwood, MacGregor, Galambos, and Cornell 1982 Kumar and Odeh 1989
Ellingwood, B., MacGregor, J. G., Galambos, T. V., and Kumar, A., and Odeh, A. A. 1989. "Mechanical Proper-
Cornell, C. A. 1982 (May). "Probability Based Load ties and Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steels for Locks,
Criteria: Load Factors and Load Combinations," ASCE Dams, and Hydroelectric Plant Applications," Technical
Journal of the Structural Division, Vol 108, No. ST5. Report REMR-EM-6. Available from National Technical
Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield,
Galambos, Ellingwood, MacGregor, and Cornell 1982 VA 22161.
Galambos, T. V., Ellingwood, B., MacGregor, J. G., and
Cornell, C. A. 1982 (May). "Probability Based Load McCormac 1990
Criteria: Assessment of Current Design Practice," ASCE McCormac, 1990. "Structural Steel Design LRFD
Journal of the Structural Division, Vol 108, No. ST5. Method," Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc., New York.

Kulak, Fisher, and Struik 1987

Kulak, G.L., Fisher, J.W., and Struik, H.A., 1987. "Guide

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Appendix B (B-1a)
1.4 Hs 1.0 I
Load and Resistance Factor Design
Criteria for Miter Gates 1.4 Hs 1.0 Ht (B-1b)

B-1. Introduction (B-2a)

1.2 D 1.6 (C M) 1.0 Ht
a. Purpose. This appendix provides guidance for
1.2 D 1.6 (C M) 1.2 Q (B-2b)
design of miter gates by the load and resistance factor
design (LRFD) method. Load-carrying members (includ-
ing but not limited to: skin plates, intercostals, girders, 1.2 Hs 1.0 E (B-3)
diagonals, vertical diaphragms, and anchorage systems) The nominal loads are defined as follows:
shall be designed in accordance with the criteria contained
in this appendix and Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5. Miter gate D = dead load
layout, selection of materials, and assumed member load-
ing shall follow guidance specified in EM 1110-2-2703 Q = maximum operating equipment load
unless otherwise stated herein. Mechanical and electrical E = earthquake load
items shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 4 and
guidance specified in EM 1110-2-2703. I = barge impact load
Hs = hydrostatic load
b. References. Required references are listed in
Appendix A. Ht = temporal hydraulic load
C = ice load
c. Background. ASCE (1990) and AISC (1986)
specify load factors and load combinations for buildings; M = mud load
however, for miter gates, unique loads and load combina-
tions exist. The load factors and load combinations speci- b. Load considerations. Loads due to thermal
fied in paragraph B-2a pertain specifically to miter gates. stresses need not be considered. Serviceway loads are not
Development of the load factors included consideration of included in the above combinations due to their low mag-
the respective load variability, definition, and likeness to nitude, and they are counteracted by buoyancy of the
those loads specified in ASCE (1990) and AISC (1986). structure. Walkways are not HSS and should be designed
Some loads I, Ht, and E (discussed in paragraph B-2b) are in accordance with the requirements in AISC (1986).
difficult to predict and are highly variable, yet are
assigned a load factor of 1.0. This is not what might be (1) Hydraulic loads. The temporal hydraulic load Ht
expected for such unpredictable loads. The load factor shall be equal to 1.25 ft of head as specified in paragraph
1.0 for barge impact and temporal hydraulic loads was 3-9 of EM 1110-2-2703. The hydrostatic load Hs shall be
chosen, in part, on the basis that these loads are specified determined based on site-specific conditions for upper and
based on historical experience and are assigned extreme lower pool elevations. The predictability of maximum
values. It is not realistic to use load factors other than 1.0 hydrostatic load justifies using a relatively low load factor
for such arbitrarily designated loads. The 1.0 load factor which reflects the low level of uncertainty in the loading.
for earthquake loading was chosen to remain consistent The 1.4 load factor in Equations B-1a and B-1b is rela-
with what will be presented in the revision to ASCE tively low, yet considering the reduction in resistance due
(1990) and the 2nd edition of AISC (1986). to the resistance factor φ and the reliability factor α, it
provides an adequate overall factor of safety.
B-2. Load and Resistance Factor Design
(2) Gravity loads. Loads D, C, and M shall be
a. Strength requirements. Miter gates shall have determined based on site-specific conditions. Ice loads C
design strengths at all sections at least equal to the are considered as gravity loads; ice acting as lateral loads
required strengths calculated for the factored loads and are not considered in the load combinations (see
forces in the following load combinations. The most paragraph B-2c).
unfavorable effect may occur when one or more of the
loads in a particular load combination is equal to zero.

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

(3) Operating loads. The load Q shall be the maxi- mass due to structural weight D, ice C, and mud M are
mum load which can be exerted by the operating machin- insignificant compared to the effect of p and need not be
ery (obtained from the mechanical engineer that designed considered.
the machinery). The inertial resistance of water while a
leaf is operated is the hydrodynamic load Hd. Effects of c. Load cases. The following load cases shall be
Hd are included in paragraph B-2f. This load will control considered with the appropriate loading combinations:
fatigue design and shall be equal to 30 pounds per square
ft (psf) or 45 psf based on requirements given in (1) Case 1: Mitered condition. Loads include
Chapter 3 of EM 1110-2-2703. Hd never controls the hydrostatic loads due to upper and lower pools, and barge
strength design when compared with Ht or Q and is not impact or temporal hydraulic loads (Equations B-1a and
included in the load combinations. B-1b). Although not included in Equations B-1a and
B-1b, loads C, D, and M act when the gate is in the
(4) Barge impact load. The barge impact load I shall mitered position. However, in the mitered position their
be specified as a point load as shown in Figure B-1. The effects will not control the member sizes and these loads
load shall be applied in the downstream direction to are accounted for in load case 2 where they may control.
girders above pool level at: (a) the miter point (sym- Lateral ice loads, as discussed in the commentary of para-
metric loading), and (b) anywhere in the girder span at graph 4-3 (paragraph 4-7) are not considered in Equations
which a single barge may impact (unsymmetric loading). B-1a and B-1b. It would be appropriate to include such a
This location is anywhere in the span at least 35 ft, or the load in place of I as specified by Equation B1-a.
standard barge width, from either lock wall. Both impact However, design for a lateral ice load of 5 kips per ft (as
locations shall be investigated to determine the maximum specified by EM 1110-2-2702) with a load factor of 1.0
structural effect. The impact load I shall be equal to 250 will not control when compared to design required by I.
kips for unsymmetric loading and 400 kips for symmetric
loading. (a) Above pool. Equation B1-a is applicable to the
girders located above pool (upper pool elevation for the
(5) Earthquake load. Design loads shall be deter- upper gate and lower pool for the lower gate) where barge
mined based on an operational basis earthquake (OBE) impact may occur. The skin plate and intercostals need
defined as that earthquake having a 50 percent chance of not be designed for barge impact. For design of skin
being exceeded in 100 years. This translates to a proba- plate and intercostals located above pool, a minimum
bility of annual exceedance of 0.0069, or approximately a hydrostatic head of 6 ft shall be assumed.
145-year mean recurrence interval. The earthquake load
E shall be based on inertial hydrodynamic effects of water (b) Below pool. The upper gate shall be designed
moving with the structure. Inertial hydrodynamic loads assuming the lock is dewatered. Loads include hydro-
shall be determined based on Westergaard’s equation static loads due to upper pool only (Equation B-1b;
Ht = 0). The lower gate shall be designed considering
(B-4) normal upper and lower pool elevations including tempo-
ral hydraulic loads Ht. Ht is applicable only to the sub-
where merged part of the gate.

p = lateral pressure at a distance y below the pool (2) Case 2: Gate torsion. Loads include gravity
surface loads (C, M, and D), and operating equipment load Q or
temporal hydraulic load Ht (Equations B-2a and B-2b). In
γ w = unit weight of water this condition there are no differential hydrostatic loads.
ac = maximum acceleration of the supporting lock
wall due to the OBE (expressed as a fraction of (a) Temporal condition. Equation B-2a shall be
gravitational acceleration g) applied to consider gate leaf torsion with the temporal
hydraulic load acting on the submerged part of leaf (the
H = pool depth temporal hydraulic load may act in either direction).
y = distance below the pool surface
(b) Submerged obstruction. Equation B-2b shall be
The lock wall shall be assumed rigid in determination of applied to consider leaf torsion which may be caused by a
ac, and the assumed direction of ac shall be parallel to the
lock centerline. The inertial forces resulting from the

EM 1110-2-2105
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Figure B-1. Point load impact for miter gate girders

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submerged obstruction. For this case, it is assumed that cases, the ends of the intercostals are welded (Figure B-2
the bottom of the leaf is held stationary by a submerged illustrates possible details that may be used). Load cases
obstruction while Q is applied causing the gate leaf to 1 and 3 of paragraph B-2c shall be investigated to deter-
twist. mine the maximum load effect. The assumed loading
distribution for intercostals is the trapezoidal distribution
(3) Case 3: Earthquake. Equation B-3 shall be shown in EM 1110-2-2703 and Figure B-3. The mini-
applied assuming that the gate is mitered, and hydrostatic mum size for intercostals located above the pool level
loads due to upper and lower pools are acting. The earth- shall be determined using an assumed hydrostatic head of
quake acceleration shall be applied in the direction paral- 6 ft.
lel to the lock centerline. Elastic structural analysis shall
be performed with no allowance for ductility. (b) An effective portion of the skin plate is assumed
to act as the intercostal flange. The effective width of
d. Design for individual members. The following is a skin plate is determined assuming the skin plate to be an
brief description of design assumptions, appropriate LRFD unstiffened noncompact member (i.e., λr = 95/ Fy). The
formulas, and load cases for the design of individual gate distance between cross sections braced against twist or
members. These items are further discussed in the design lateral displacement of the compression flange has a con-
examples of paragraph B-4 and EM 1110-2-2703. trolling influence on the member strength. For the design
of a simple beam intercostal the compression flange is
(1) Skin plate. supported continuously by the skin plate. See paragraph
2-1c(2) of EM 1110-2-2703 for additional discussion.
(a) Skin plates shall be sized such that the maximum
calculated stress is less than the yield limit state of αφbFy (3) Girders.
where α is defined in paragraph 3-4 and φb is defined in
AISC (1986). Stresses shall be determined on the basis (a) Horizontal girders are assumed to act as singly
of small deflection thin plate theory using load cases 1 symmetric prismatic members subjected to axial force and
and 3 of paragraph B-2c. Small deflections are assured flexure about their major axis. Girders shall be designed
by limiting deflections per paragraph B-2e (deflections are as beam-columns in accordance with AISC (1986). The
small and significant membrane stresses do not develop). criteria for action about the major axis specified in para-
The minimum size for the skin plate located above the graphs 2-1d(6) and (7) of EM 1110-2-2703 shall be
pool level shall be determined using an assumed hydro- revised as follows. For determination of column action
static head of 6 ft. buckling strength about the major axis, each girder shall
have an effective length equal to the distance from the
(b) The skin plate is designed assuming that each quoin block to the miter block. The ends shall be
panel acts as a rectangular fixed plate. In accordance assumed pinned; the values of K and Cm shall be 1.0.
with paragraph 2-1c(1) of EM 1110-2-2703, the edges of Load cases 1 and 3 of paragraph B-2c shall be investi-
the skin plate panels are assumed to be fixed at the cen- gated for all girders to determine the maximum load
terline of the intercostals or diaphragms and the edge of effect. Additionally, load case 2 shall be investigated for
girder flanges. For rectangular fixed plates subject to girders which resist diagonal loads.
uniform loading, the maximum stress occurs at the cen-
terline of the long edge. The combined interaction of (b) An effective portion of the skin plate is assumed
transverse stress due to intercostal or girder bending (Von to act with the upstream flange. The effective width of
Mises criteria shown in EM 1110-2-2703) need not be skin plate adjacent to each edge of the upstream girder
considered. flange shall be based on a width-to-thickness ratio consis-
tent with design assumptions (i.e., assumption of compact
(2) Intercostals. or noncompact flange). Upstream girder flanges are
braced continuously by the skin plate. Downstream
(a) Intercostals shall be flat bars or plates sized such flanges are braced by vertical diaphragms which resist
that the maximum calculated moment is less than the lateral displacement and twist of the cross section.
nominal bending strength of αφbMn. Intercostals may be
designed as simple or fixed end beams (EM 1110-2-2703 (c) Webs shall be designed using requirements for
specifies fixed end) supported at the centerline of girder uniformly compressed stiffened elements. The use of
webs. The end connections shall be fabricated to match slenderness parameters for webs in combined flexural and
the design assumptions as closely as possible. In most

EM 1110-2-2105
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Figure B-2. Assumptions for intercostal end connections

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Figure B-3. Nomenclature and assumed load area for intercostal design

axial compression in Table B5-1 of AISC (1986) should used with load case 2 of paragraph B-2c.
be avoided since these criteria were developed for rolled
shape beam-columns and may not apply for deep girder e. Serviceability requirements. Miter gates shall be
sections. designed for an expected life of 50 years. Limiting val-
ues of structural behavior to ensure serviceability (e.g.,
(4) Diagonals. Diagonals shall be designed as ten- maximum deflections, vibration considerations, details for
sion members considering the limit states of yielding in ease of maintenance, etc.) shall be chosen with due regard
the gross section or fracture in the net section. The to assure the gate functions for its design life. Normally,
design assumptions shall be based on procedures pre- serviceability can be checked using unfactored loads. As
sented in Chapter 3 of EM 1110-2-2703. Load case 2 of a minimum, the following guidance shall be followed.
paragraph B-2c is applicable.
(1) The overall structure and the individual mem-
(5) Vertical diaphragms. Vertical diaphragms resist- bers, connections, and connectors shall be checked for
ing diagonal loads shall be designed using the same load serviceability. This shall be verified by testing during
case as used for the diagonals design. See paragraph erection as specified in paragraph 2-3q of
2-1c(3) of EM 1110-2-2703 for additional discussion. EM 1110-2-2703.

(6) Anchorage systems. The anchorage systems sup- (2) Gate leaf deflection (twist) shall be limited to a
porting miter gate leafs are discussed in paragraph 2-1g(2) value which is less than 50 percent of the miter bearing
of EM 1110-2-2703. These criteria require components block width.
of the system to be designed as individual units with the
resultant force applied to the units being a combination of (3) The skin plate deflection shall be limited to 0.4
the strut force and the dead weight of the leaf, increased times the plate thickness.
10 percent for impact. These loading criteria should be

EM 1110-2-2105
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(4) Vibration of the seals, equipment, or movable B-4. Design Examples

supports shall not impair the operability of the gate.
a. General. To illustrate LRFD principles for the
(5) Structural components shall be designed to toler- design of a miter gate, example calculations are provided
ate corrosion or be protected against corrosion that may in paragraph B-4b. These calculations are provided to
impair the serviceability or operability of the structure. demonstrate LRFD principles; they do not provide a
Plates shall be used for girder web stiffeners and comprehensive design for the entire gate. Examples are
intercostals (instead of more efficient rolled sections) to limited to the design of the skin plate, an intercostal, a
make it easier to apply the paint system. horizontal girder, and the diagonals for a horizontally
framed miter gate. AISC (1986) equation numbers are
f. Fatigue. Members and their connections subjected identified by "AISC" followed by the appropriate equation
to repeated variation of load shall be designed for fatigue. number.
The total number of loading cycles shall be determined
based on changes in load due to lock operation. The b. Design examples for a horizontally framed miter
range of stresses due to unfactored loads shall be equal to gate. Examples for a horizontally framed downstream
or less than the allowable stress variation given in appen- miter gate that spans a 110-ft-wide lock chamber are
dix K of AISC (1986). The following conditions shall be included. Each leaf is 55 ft high and is required to span
considered for fatigue analysis. 62 ft. A vertical cross section of the leaf is shown in
Figure B-4. All material is assumed to be ASTM A36
(1) Skin plates, intercostals, and girders. Stress vari- steel. The distributions of unfactored loads Hs, Ht, and E
ation shall be determined based on variation in hydrostatic are shown in Figure B-5, and the load magnitudes for
load Hs assuming the gate is in the mitered position and girders and panels are listed in Tables B-1 and B-2,
the hydrostatic load is due to upper and lower pools. respectively. The kips per square foot (ksf) values for Hs
are determined by the hydrostatic head and those for E
(2) Diagonals, vertical diaphragms, strut arm and are calculated by Westergaard’s equation for the corre-
connection, hinge and anchorage arms. These elements sponding depths. The k/ft values for girders are deter-
shall be evaluated based on variation of stress due to mined using the ksf loads distributed over a tributary area
hydrodynamic load Hd acting as the gate operates. between panel center points. Earthquake loading E is
determined based on requirements of paragraph B-2b(5)
g. Fracture. Requirements of paragraph 3-6 shall be assuming a maximum lock wall acceleration of 0.1 g (ac
applied to fracture critical members (FCM). The designer = 0.1). Examples for the skin plate, intercostal, and
shall determine which members are fracture critical for girder are for members located at the lower part of the
the specific miter gate in question. Typically, strut arms gate leaf where the critical loading occurs.
and connections, anchorage arms, and diagonals are con-
sidered to be FCM. Project specifications shall address (1) Skin plate design example. Traditionally, the
the topics which are discussed in the commentary of skin plate is designed as a plate fixed at the centerline of
paragraph 3-6c (paragraph 3-9). the intercostals and the edges of girder flanges. Nomen-
clature for skin plate design is shown in Figure B-6. The
B-3. Connections and Details design loading includes hydrostatic Hs, temporal hydraulic
Ht, and earthquake E loads. Uniform pressure loads are
Chapter 5 provides general guidance for connection assumed to act over the panel surface with a magnitude
design. Connection details shall be consistent with the equal to that of the pressure acting at the center of the
design assumptions. For example, Figure B-2 illustrates panel. Per paragraph B-2d(1), the minimum size (for
the details required for consistency in design of inter- panels at the top of the gate) shall be determined based on
costals for the assumptions of simple and fixed connec- a 6-ft minimum hydrostatic head. For panels 9-12 (see
tions. Paragraphs 1-5a(6) and 1-5a(7) of EM 1110-2- Figure B-4) horizontal girders are spaced 4 ft apart and
2703 discuss the use of bolts, welds, and fabrication of intercostals are spaced on 32-in. centers. With 6-in.-wide
gate leafs, and paragraph 2-1j(3) includes a discussion on girder flanges (conservative approximation) the plate
diagonal connections.

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Figure B-4. Vertical cross section for example miter gate

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Figure B-5. Example miter gate loading

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Table B-1
Girder Loads
Girder Hs Hs Ht E E 1.4Hs+Ht 1.2Hs+E
No. (ksf) (k/ft) (k/ft) (ksf) (k/ft) (k/ft) (k/ft)

1 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00

2 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00
3 0.000 0.28 0.23 0.000 0.065 0.63 0.40
4 0.374 2.24 0.47 0.087 0.522 3.61 3.22
5 0.749 4.12 0.43 0.123 0.674 6.19 5.62
6 1.061 4.77 0.35 0.146 0.657 7.03 6.39
7 1.310 5.24 0.31 0.162 0.649 7.65 6.94
8 1.498 6.00 0.31 0.200 0.800 8.71 7.99
9 1.498 6.00 0.31 0.242 0.969 8.71 8.16
10 1.498 6.00 0.31 0.273 1.091 8.71 8.38
11 1.498 6.00 0.31 0.299 1.195 8.71 8.39
12 1.498 4.49 0.23 0.322 0.960 6.53 6.35

Table B-2
Skin Plate and Intercostal Loads
Panel Hs Ht E 1.4Hs+Ht 1.2Hs+E
No. (ksf) (ksf) (ksf) (ksf) (ksf)

1 0.374 0.000 0.000 0.524 0.449

2 0.374 0.000 0.000 0.524 0.449
3 0.374 0.000 0.000 0.524 0.449
4 0.374 0.078 0.043 0.602 0.492
5 0.563 0.078 0.105 0.866 0.780
6 0.906 0.078 0.134 1.346 1.221
7 1.187 0.078 0.154 1.740 1.578
8 1.437 0.078 0.181 2.090 1.906
9 1.498 0.078 0.221 2.174 2.018
10 1.498 0.078 0.258 2.174 2.054
11 1.498 0.078 0.286 2.174 2.082
12 1.498 0.078 0.310 2.174 2.107

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Figure B-6. Nomenclature for skin plate design

dimensions are a = 42 in. by b = 32 in. Equation B-1b is (b) Deflection check. Per paragraph B-2e, the maxi-
the critical load combination which yields a factored mum deflection δ under service loading (unfactored Hs) is
uniformly distributed load of Wu = 2.174 ksf = 0.0151 ksi. limited to 0.4t. For a rectangular plate fixed on all edges,

(a) Required thickness based yield limit state. For a

rectangular fixed plate with a uniform loading W and a
limiting stress Flim, the required minimum skin plate thick-
ness tmin is calculated using Equation B-5.
With W = 1.498 ksf = 0.0104 ksi and E = 29,000 ksi, the
deflection δ is


Based on yield limit state for plate bending, Flim = αφbFy.

With W = Wu, α = 0.9, and φb = 0.9 the required thick-
ness is (c) Fatigue considerations. The skin plate will be
checked for fatigue considering cyclic bending stresses
along its welded edge. The welds which attach the skin
plate to girder flanges and intercostals are typically
located on the downstream side of the skin plate. Plate
bending stresses due to hydrostatic loading act in com-
pression on the downstream face of the skin plate.
Although the stress range due to plate bending at the
Therefore, select a 1/2-in.-thick plate. welds is always in compression, it is likely that residual
tensile stresses due to welding will exist. Therefore, the

EM 1110-2-2105
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stress range will vary from an initial positive value and in. by 1/2-in. effective skin plate flange. Per Table B5.1
fatigue is a concern. The condition illustrated in of AISC (1986), the stem satisfies noncompact
example 7 of Appendix K, AISC (1986) is assumed. It is requirements.
assumed that the water in the lock chamber will be cycled
between 100,000 and 500,000 times. For stress cate-
gory C and loading condition 2, the allowable stress range
is Fr = 21 ksi. The fatigue stress range will be controlled
In accordance with Equations F1-15 and F1-16 of AISC
by the unfactored hydrostatic load Hs. For this case W =
(1986), the nominal strength Mn equals My; λ < λr and the
0.0104 ksi, and Flim of Equation B-5 is Fr.
compression flange has continuous lateral support (Lb =
0). The chosen section has an area A = 10.4 in.2, a
moment of inertia Ix = 19.7 in.4, a minimum section mod-
ulus Sx = 4.3 in.3, and a yield moment of My = 154.8 kip-
in. The design strength is

Therefore, a 1/2-in.-thick plate is adequate.

which exceeds the required Mu = 104.7 kip-in. Therefore,
(2) Intercostal design example. Intercostals may be a 5-in. by 1/2-in. stem is acceptable.
designed assuming either fixed or pinned ends. However,
the designer must ensure that end connections are
detailed consistent with the assumption (see Figure B-2).
The assumed loading for intercostals consists of a uniform
pressure acting on the load area shown in Figure B-3
(nomenclature for this example is also included). This
example pertains to the design of miter gate intercostals
located on panels 9 through 12 (see Figure B-4) which are
spaced at 32 in. on center and span 4 ft. The ends of the
intercostals are assumed pinned and the load is applied as
an assumed trapezoidal distribution as shown in
Figure B-3. Assuming a 6-in.-wide girder flange (con-
servative assumption), F = 6 in., S = 42 in., G = 48 in.,
a = 16 in., and b = 10 in. For this case, the critical load
combination is determined by Equation B-1b; Wu =
0.0151 ksi. The required factored moment capacity for
the example intercostal subject to the trapezoidal load
distribution is Mu = 104.7 kip-in.
Figure B-7. Sample intercostal section
(a) Intercostal design. The effective width of skin
plate acting as the intercostal flange shall be determined
(b) Fatigue considerations. The fatigue stress range
by treating the skin plate as an unstiffened noncompact
will be controlled by the unfactored load due to the
element under compression (see paragraph B-2d(2)). The
hydrostatic load Hs. For this case W = 0.0104 ksi, and M
limiting width-to-thickness ratio to satisfy noncompact
= 72.1 kip-in. The extreme fiber of the tee stem is a
requirements is
category A detail. Per Appendix K of AISC (1986), the
allowable stress range for a category A detail in load
(AISC Table B5.1) condition 2 is Fr = 37 ksi > Fy = 36 ksi and fatigue will
not control. The intersection of the stem and the skin
The effective width b of a 1/2-in.-thick skin plate is then plate is a category B detail. Per Appendix K of AISC
(1986), the allowable stress range is Fr = 29 ksi for a
category B detail in load condition 2. The stress on the

The chosen intercostal section shown in Figure B-7 is a

tee section composed of a 5-in. by 1/2-in. stem and 15.83-

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

extreme fiber of the skin plate due to M = 72.1 kip-in. is girder flange is based on a 65/ Fy width-to-thickness
-3.3 ksi. The stress range (considering the presence of ratio as required to satisfy compact section requirements
tensile residual stress per paragraph 3-6.a) is fr = 3.3 ksi < of AISC (1986). Based on this geometry, the girder has
Fr = 29 ksi. the following cross-sectional properties;

(3) Girder design example. This example applies to Ix = 35,097.1 in.4

the design of the required cross section at center span of
the critical horizontal girder (girders 9-11 of Figure B-4) rx = 21.81 in.
for the miter gate leaf. The required leaf span from the
quoin block to miter block is 62 ft (744 in.), and framing ry = 4.43 in.
details require that the girder depth be maintained at
55 in. Hydrostatic loading and reactions are shown in Sx1 = 1,727.69 in.3
Figure B-8. The girder is subject to reverse bending;
however, at the center span the upstream flange is in Sx2 = 1,011.86 in.3
compression. The upstream girder flange is laterally
braced continuously along its length by the skin plate. Zx = 1,407.27 in.3
The downstream flange of the girder is braced against
lateral displacement and twist of the cross section by yc = 20.31 in.
intermediate diaphragms every 128 in. Transverse web
stiffeners are placed at 64-in. intervals. Ag = 73.77 in.2

(a) Width-thickness ratios. For this example, the where

member is proportioned with the following width-thick-
ness ratios to satisfy compact section requirements in Ix = moment of inertia about the x axis
order to avoid local buckling:
rx and ry = radius of gyration about the x and y axes,
For girder flanges,
Sx1 = maximum section modulus
Per paragraph B-2d(3), girder webs shall be propor-
tioned using requirements of uniformly compressed stiff- Sx2 = minimum section modulus
ened elements. This ensures compact sections for flexural
behavior. Zx = plastic modulus

yc = distance from outside face of upstream flange

to neutral axis
(b) Design loading. For this girder, the controlling
load combination is given by Equation B-1b. Based on Ag = gross area.
Equation B-1b, the factored uniformly distributed load Wu
= 8.71 kips/ft or 0.726 kips/in. This loading produces an (d) Compact section check. The following calcula-
axial compressive resultant force of Pu = 847 kips and a tions show that the section is compact. With two lines of
moment at center span of Mnt = 24,757 kip-in., such that longitudinal stiffeners located as shown, the maximum
the direction of the moment produces compression in the clear distance of the web is d = 17.5 in. The width-thick-
upstream girder flange. The maximum shear is Vu = 270 ness ratio for the web is acceptable.

(c) Chosen cross section. After several iterations, the

sample girder cross section shown in Figure B-9 was
The upstream flange is compact. For the upstream flange,
selected. This section is composed of 13-in. by 1-in.
the thickness including the skin plate is 1.75 in.
downstream flange, 52-1/4-in. by 7/16-in. web with 4-1/2-
in. by 1/2-in. longitudinal stiffeners located as shown, and
a 16-in. by 1-1/4-in. upstream flange. The effective width
of the skin plate adjacent to each edge of the upstream

EM 1110-2-2105
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Figure B-8. Girder hydrostatic loading and reactions

Figure B-9. Sample girder cross section

EM 1110-2-2105
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The downstream flange is compact.

(AISC E2-1)

(AISC E2-4)
(e) Web shear. The girder web will be checked for
the maximum shear Vu = 270 kips. Per Section F2 of
AISC (1986)

(AISC E2-2)
(AISC F2-1)


(AISC F2-4)
Given Pu = 847 kips, φc = 0.85, and α = 0.9
unless a/h exceeds 3.0 or [260/(h/tw)]2, in which case
k = 5. With a = 64 in. (transverse stiffener spacing), and
h = 17.5 in. (web maximum clear depth),

(AISC H1-1a)

(AISC H1-2)

(AISC H1-3)
(f) Combined forces. The horizontal girder is consid-
ered a singly symmetric prismatic member subjected to
axial force and flexure about its major axis. This cate-
gory of design is discussed in Chapter H of AISC (1986)
and the section is checked by the following calculations.
Column action is based on requirements of Chapter E of
AISC (1986). Per paragraph B-2d(3), Kx = 1.0, Cm = 1.0
and lx = 744 in. (strong axis; distance between quoin and
miter blocks). Per EM 1110-2-2703 Ky = 0.65 and ly
= 128 in. (weak axis; distance between intermediate


EM 1110-2-2105
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For compact sections, with the beam compression flange previously chosen section will be checked for unsymme-
laterally supported continuously, Mn = Mp. tric and symmetric barge impact. Due to hydrostatic
loading Hs, the uniformly distributed load W is 0.28

For unsymmetric impact, the axial force P and flexural

Substitution into AISC H1-1a: moment M (at the location of impact) are

At the midspan location, the chosen section is adequate

for combined forces. The cross section consists of the
following elements:
and for symmetric impact (P and M are constant along the
girder length)
Upstream flange 16 in. by 1-1/4 in.
Downstream flange 13 in. by 1 in.
Skin plate 1/2 in.
Web 52-1/4 in. by 7/16 in.
where x, a, and e are defined in Figure B-1.
(2 longitudinal stiffeners 4-1/2 in. by 1/2 in.)
For unsymmetric impact, I = 250 kips. With a girder
(g) Fatigue considerations. At the location of a trans- span of 62 ft, a = 58.8 ft (705.6 in.) and assuming a
verse stiffener or intermediate diaphragm, the girder is a barge width of 35 ft, x = 38.8 ft (465.6 in.). The eccen-
category C detail. Per Appendix K of AISC (1986), the tricity between the girder work line and the neutral axis is
allowable stress range for a category C detail under load e = 31.2 in. The impact girder resultant forces at the
condition 2 is Fr = 21 ksi. The compression flange is point of impact are
subject to larger stress variations under hydrostatic load-
ing and will be checked for fatigue due to the probable
tensile residual stress that exists as a result of welding.
For the unfactored load due to hydrostatic load Hs, W =
6 kips/ft, P = 584 kips, and M = 17,054 kip-in. at the
midspan of the girder.

For the distributed loading W = 0.28 kips/ft, P = 27.3 kips

and at the location of impact, M = 632.2 kip-in. By
Equation B-1a:

The stress on the extreme fiber of the upstream flange is

With Pn = 2,497 kips,

The stress range (considering tensile weld residual stress)
is fr = 17.8 ksi < Fr = 21 ksi; acceptable. For locations at
the termination of a welded cover plate, a category E
detail should be assumed.
Therefore, in accordance with Section H1 of AISC
(h) Design for barge impact. For girder number 3, (1986), Equation H1-1b applies.
the controlling load combination is Equation B-1a. The

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

required section at midspan, and the section should be

checked for the appropriate design loading at the girder
(AISC H1-1b)
ends. Longitudinal web stiffeners are placed on only one
side of the web. Compared to the case of placing stiff-
Substitution of the appropriate values into Equation AISC eners on both sides of the web, this requires slightly
H1-1b shows that the section is acceptable for this case larger stiffener plates. However, placing stiffeners on
(unsymmetric impact). only one side of the web is more attractive due to the cost
savings in fabrication and detailing. Furthermore, the
(Acceptable) adverse effects due to welding of additional stiffeners,
such as residual stress, reduced toughness in the heat-
affected zone, and through-thickness tension of the web,
For symmetric impact, I = 400 kips. are avoided.

(4) Diagonal design example. This example pertains

to the design of miter gate diagonal members utilizing
ASTM A36 steel. General guidance for diagonal design
is contained in EM 1110-2-2703. Diagonal design will be
controlled by Equation B-2a or B-2b. Equation B-2a
For the distributed loading W = 0.28 kips/ft, P = 27.3 kips
represents the case where the gate is subject to temporal
and at center span of the girder, M = 798 kip-in. By
hydraulic loading. Equation B-2b represents the case
Equation B-1a:
where a submerged obstruction constrains gate leaf
motion while the maximum operating force Q is applied.
For this particular example, Q is limited by a pressure
relief valve engaged during gate motion and is equal to
125 kips. Plan and elevation views for the gate leaf,
With Pn = 2,497 kips, illustrating the torsional loads, are shown in Figure B-10.
The length of each diagonal is L = 831.6 in. The unfac-
tored loads, the distance from the pintle to the applied
load z, the moment arm of the applied load with respect
to the center of moments (located at the operating strut
Therefore, in accordance with Section H1 of AISC (1986) elevation), and corresponding load torque areas Tz for this
Equation H1-1a applies. Substitution of the appropriate case are estimated as shown in Table B-3. For loads Q,
values into Equation AISC H1-1a shows that the section Ht, and Hd, a positive value for Tz is for the case of gate
is acceptable for this case (symmetric impact). opening and a negative value is for the case of gate clos-
ing. To avoid confusion of nomenclature, the diagonal
(Acceptable) elasticity constant (denoted as Q by EM 1110-2-2703) is
represented as Qʹ′ in the following calculations.

(i) Commentary. For this example, a compact section

was chosen. Noncompact sections are allowed and may
be more economical in some cases. Per AISC (1986), Table B-3
Gate Torsion Load
steel sections are classified as either compact, non- _____________________________________________________
compact, or slender element sections. Compact sections Force Moment
Load (kips) Arm (ft) z (ft) Tz (kip-ft2)
are capable of developing a fully plastic stress distribution _____________________________________________________
prior to element local buckling. Noncompact sections are
D 286.1 3.53 31.0 -31,308
proportioned such that compression elements can develop
C+M 130.0 3.53 31.0 -14,226
yield stress prior to local buckling. In slender element Q 125.0 55.00 19.0 ±130,625
sections, local buckling will occur prior to initial yielding. Ht 93.1 45.38 31.0 ±130,971
Appropriate appendixes of AISC (1986) include require- Hd 33.5 46.00 31.0 ±47,771
ments for the design of members controlled by local
buckling. The above example considered only the

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

The factored loads for Equations B-2a and b are as


Qpʹ′ = 229,629 kip-ft and Qnʹ′ = 210,418 kip-ft

Qoʹ′ = 0 (Conservative assumption)

∑Qʹ′ = 440,047 kip-ft

Since Tz(Q)u is greater than Tz(Ht)u, Equation B-2b will Live load gate opening deflection (critical case is when
control. C + M = 0):

(a) Design. The design strength for tension members

αφtPn is the lower of the following:

Case a. For yielding in the gross section, α = 0.9 Live load gate closing deflection:
and φt = 0.9
(AISC D1-1)

Let Dp = 7.0 in. and Dn = -5.5 in.

Case b. For fracture in the net section, α = 0.9 Qpʹ′Dp + Qnʹ′Dn = 37,509 kip-ft2 ≈ Tz(D)u (Acceptable)
and φt = 0.75
The stress in the diagonals must remain between the ten-
(AISC D1-2)
sile limiting stress of 29.16 ksi and the minimum stress of
1.0 ksi (diagonals must always remain in tension). The
The end connections are welded to gusset plates with maximum tensile stresses will occur as follows:
a total weld length greater than two times the bar
width. Therefore, U = 1.0 and the effective area Ae is For the positive diagonal on gate closing:
the same as the gross area Ag (Section B3 of AISC

Case a controls and the limiting tensile stress is 29.16 ksi.

For the negative diagonal on gate opening:
Per equations of EM 1110-2-2703, the following is

Aʹ′ = 30 in.2, Ro = ±0.11

Ap = 22 in.2 (chosen area of positive diagonal) The minimum tensile stresses will occur as follows:

An = 19 in.2 (chosen area of negative diagonal) For the positive diagonal on gate opening:

EM 1110-2-2105
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For the negative diagonal on gate closing:

The maximum stress is in the negative diagonal (Rn >
Rp). Therefore the stress range is

(b) Deflection serviceability check. Per paragraph B-

2e, the maximum deflection during operation shall not
exceed 4 in. (1/2 contact block width). The controlling
load combination is Equation B-2b with unfactored loads. 6.1 ksi < 13 ksi (Acceptable)
The maximum deflection will occur as Q acts with C and
M (gate closing). Based on the above calculations, Ap = 22 in. and An =
19 in. are adequate and the following sizes are chosen:

Positive diagonal: Select two 7-1/2-in. by 1-1/2-in.

members; Area = 22.5 in2.

Negative diagonal: Select two 6-1/2-in. by 1-1/2-in

(c) Fatigue considerations. The welded connection at members; Area = 19.5 in2.
the end of each diagonal is considered a category E detail.
From appendix K of AISC (1986), the allowable stress (d) Fracture control considerations. The diagonals
range for load condition 2 is Fr = 13 ksi. For each opera- are fracture critical members; therefore it is necessary to
tion of the miter gate, the stress range is calculated con- ensure that the material has adequate toughness as speci-
sidering the absolute difference in opening and closing fied by paragraph 3-6b. Assuming a minimum service
deflection. This deflection is based on the assumed temperature of -10o F (Zone 2) the material specifications
hydrodynamic load Hd of 30 psf acting on the submerged should require a CVN toughness of 25 ft-lb tested at
portion of the leaf during gate operation. 40o F for welded 36-ksi steel 1.5 in. thick.

EM 1110-2-2105
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Figure B-10. Example miter leaf torsion loads

EM 1110-2-2105
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Appendix C C-2. Reference

Tainter Gates
EM 1110-2-2702
Design of Spillway Tainter Gates
C-1. Introduction

Allowable stress design (ASD) criteria shall be used until

load and resistance factor design (LRFD) criteria have
been developed.

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Appendix D load and resistance factor design (LRFD) criteria have

Tainter Valves been developed.

D-1. Introduction

Allowable stress design (ASD) criteria shall be used until

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Appendix E load and resistance factor design (LRFD) criteria have

Bulkheads and Stoplogs been developed.

E-1. Introduction

Allowable stress design (ASD) criteria shall be used until

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Appendix F CE-1507.01
Vertical Lift Gates (Lock and Crest) Tractor Gates-Broome Type

F-1. Introduction
Dam Gantry Cranes
Allowable stress design (ASD) criteria shall be used until
load and resistance factor design (LRFD) criteria have
been developed.

F-2. References

EM 1110-2-2701
Vertical Lift Crest Gates

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Appendix G G-2. References

Hydroelectric and Pumping Plants
EM 1110-2-3001
Planning and Design of Hydroelectric Power Plants
G-1. Introduction
EM 1110-2-3104
Allowable stress design (ASD) criteria shall be used until
Structural Design of Pumping Stations
load and resistance factor design (LRFD) criteria have
been developed.

EM 1110-2-2105
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31 May 94

* Appendix H HSS and is more like building environments than the

Load and Resistance Factor Design Cri- typical HSS environment. Therefore, the reliability factor
for LFPP gates shall be 1.0 unless the structural engineer
teria for Local Flood Protection Project
is aware of extenuating circumstances that require a more
Closure Gates conservative design.

H-2. Load and Resistance Factor Design

H-1. Introduction
a. Strength requirements. LFPP gates shall have
a. Purpose. This appendix provides structural design design strengths at all sections at least equal to the
guidance for gate closure openings in levees and flood- required strengths calculated for the factored loads and
walls for inland local flood protection projects (LFPP) forces in the following load combinations. The most
using the load and resistance factor design method. Load unfavorable effect may occur when one or more of the
carrying members (including but not limited to: skin loads in a particular load combination are equal to zero.
plates, intercostals, girders, diagonals, and vertical dia-
phragms) shall be designed in accordance with the criteria 1.4 Hs + 1.2 D (H-1)
contained in this appendix, as well as criteria in Chap-
ters 1, 2, 3, and 5 where applicable. Gate layout, selec- 1.2 D + 1.3 (Q or W) (H-2)
tion of materials, and assumed member loading shall
follow guidance in EM 1110-2-2705 unless otherwise The nominal loads are defined as follows:
stated herein. Mechanical and electrical items shall be
designed in accordance with Chapter 4 and guidance Hs = hydrostatic load
specified in EM 1110-2-2705.
D = dead load
b. Background.
Q = maximum operating load (draw bar pull or
(1) Types of LFPP closure structures. Closure struc- operating equipment capacity)
tures for openings in levee and floodwall systems of
LFPPs are usually either stoplog or gate type closures. W = wind load
The guidance presented in this appendix is limited to
swing, miter, rolling, and trolley gates since these are the b. Load considerations. Loads due to thermal effects
most commonly used LFPP gate types. Many gate details need not be considered. Earthquake loads need not be
are shown in EM 1110-2-2705. considered for the gate members since the probability of
an earthquake occurring when the gate is closed is very
(2) Load combinations and load factors. remote. However, the seismic design for the concrete
ASCE (1990) and AISC (1986) specify load factors and monolith supporting the open gate must include the iner-
load combinations for buildings; however, for LFPP clo- tial effects. This appendix addresses only inland struc-
sures, unique loads and load combinations exist. The load tures; therefore, other special loading conditions may be
factors and load combinations specified in paragraph H-2a necessary for gate closures in hurricane flood protection
pertain specifically to LFPP closure gates. Development projects. For example, gates could be subjected to large
of the load factors considered variability, definition, and wave loads during closing operations before the main
likeness to those loads specified in ASCE (1990) and hurricane storm strikes.
AISC (1986).
(1) Hydraulic loads. Hydrostatic load Hs shall be
(3) A discussion of the need for using reliability determined based on water to the top of the gate on the
factor α for HSS design is given in paragraph 3-8. LFPP unprotected side and at or below the gate sill elevation on
gates are considered hydraulic steel structures; however, the protected side.
the environment they function in is not as severe as other *

EM 1110-2-2105
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31 May 94

* (2) Gravity loads. Dead load1 D shall be determined design of individual gate members. Further design guid-
based on site-specific conditions. Ice and mud loads are ance is presented in EM 1110-2-2705.
generally not considered in LFPP gate load combinations.
(1) Skin plate.
(3) Wind loads. Wind load W shall consist of a
wind load of 15 psf when the gate is opening or closing (a) Skin plates shall be sized such that the maximum
(gate operating). When the gate is in the latched closed calculated stress is less than the yield limit state of αφFy
or open positions (gate stationary), a wind load as speci- where α is 1 as per paragraph H-1b(3), and φ is defined
fied in EM 1110-2-2502 shall be used. in AISC (1986). Skin plates shall be designed for hydro-
static loading only. Stresses shall be determined on the
(4) Operating loads. Load Q shall be the maximum basis of small deflection thin plate theory using load case
load that can be exerted by the operator (stalling torque of 1(a) of paragraph H-2c. Deflection shall be limited to 0.4
motorized winch, capacity of manually operated winch, of the plate thickness to prevent the development of sig-
etc. This value should be obtained from the mechanical nificant membrane stresses. More than one thickness of
engineer that designed the machinery or other equipment). plate may be desirable for taller gates. The minimum
plate thickness shall be 1/4 in.
c. Load cases. The following load cases shall be
considered with the appropriate loading combinations: (b) With requirements of paragraph H-2d(1)(a)
above, design per paragraph B-2d(1)(b).
(1) Case 1: Gate stationary.
(2) Intercostals.
(a) Closed under hydrostatic loads. (Eq. H-1 with
D = 0 would apply.) (a) Intercostals shall be sized so the maximum calcu-
lated moment is less than the nominal bending strength of
(b) Open or closed, no hydrostatic load. (Eq. H-2, αφbMn where α is 1 as per paragraph H-1b(3) and φb is
Q = 0 would apply.) defined in AISC (1986). Intercostals shall be designed
for hydrostatic loading only. They may be flat bars or
(2) Case 2: Gate operating. plates, tee sections, or angle sections. Load case 1(a) or
paragraph H-2c shall be investigated to determine the
(a) Hinge gates. This loading condition results in the maximum load effect.
maximum torsion load. Hinge gates shall be designed for
a uniform wind load of 15 psf (refer to paragraph 9b(4) (b) With requirements of paragraph H-2d(2)(a)
of EM 1110-2-2705) and an equal and opposite reaction above, design per the applicable requirements of para-
load at the operator (usually a draw bar) connection. graph B-2d(2).
(Eq. H-2 with Q = 0 would apply.)
(3) Girders. Horizontal girders for LFPP miter gates
(b) Wheel gates. The maximum load for determining shall be designed in accordance with the principles dis-
the localized stresses for designing the operator connec- cussed in paragraph B-2d(3).2 Horizontal girders for
tion (usually a winch plate) shall be the limiting load for swing gates that support components of the diagonal loads
the operator. (Eq. H-2 with W = 0 would apply.) shall be designed for flexure due to hydrostatic loading
plus flexure and axial load induced by dead load in the
d. Design for individual members. The following diagonals. Rolling and trolley gate girders shall be
paragraphs include a brief description of design assump- designed for flexure due to hydrostatic loading only. For
tions, appropriate LRFD formulas, and load cases for the all types of LFPP gates, load case 1(a) of paragraph H-2c

Paragraph B-2d(3) is written with emphasis on
Miter gate design includes ice and mud in the dead built-up sections. LFPP gates generally use rolled
load. LFPP gates usually do not consider these loads sections.
because of their environment. If the designer has an *
unusual situation and wants to consider these loads, he
should refer to paragraph B-2b(2).

EM 1110-2-2105
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31 May 94

* shall be investigated to determine the maximum load not damaged in the latched open position, etc.) shall be
effect. The maximum design wind loading acting against chosen so that the closure functions properly throughout
the exposed gate surface is insignificant when compared its design life.
with the hydrostatic loading.
f. Fatigue. Fatigue is not a concern for LFPP
(4) Diagonals. Diagonals shall be designed in accor- closure structures due to the small number of stress cycles
dance with the principles discussed in paragraph B-2d(4). over the life of the structure.
They shall be designed to resist gate torsion to the dead
load as well as the torsion resulting from closing or open- g. Fracture. Requirements of paragraph 3-6 shall be
ing the gate against a 15-psf uniform wind loading. Load applied to fracture critical members (FCM). The designer
case 2(a) of paragraph H-2c is applicable. shall determine which members are fracture critical for
the specific gate in question in accordance with para-
(5) Vertical diaphragms. Vertical diaphragms for graph 3-6b. Typically, hinges, wheels, trolley gate
hinge gates shall be designed to resist diagonal loads as hangers, and their associated connections are considered
well as flexure loads. Vertical diaphragms for wheel to be FCM.
gates shall be designed to resist flexure loads only, except
those diaphragms in line with wheels or trolley hangars. H-3. Connections and Details
They shall include axial and bending due to the forces
from the wheels or trolley hangars. Load case 1(a) is Chapter 5 provides general guidance for connection
applicable. The minimum thickness of any diaphragm design. Connection details shall be consistent with the
element shall be 1/4 in. design assumptions. For example, Figure B-2 illustrates
the details required for consistency in intercostal design
(6) Stabilizing systems. The hinges, wheels, trolleys, for simple or fixed connections. Paragraphs 1-5a(6) and
latching devices, closing links, gate tie-down assemblies, 1-5a(7) of EM 1110-2-2703 discuss the use of bolts,
gate hooks, or other stabilizing systems for the various welds, and fabrication of miter gate leafs, and para-
types of LFPP gates are shown in the plates in EM 1110- graph 2-1j(3) includes a discussion of diagonal connec-
2-2705. Components of the system shall be designed as tions. Although EM 1110-2-2703 is written for lock
individual units. The force applied to the units may be gates, the guidance is generally applicable for LFPP gates.
from hydrostatic, dead, operating, or wind or a combina-
tion of these loads. Components of the gate being used to H-4. Design Example
stabilize the gate in the closed position with hydrostatic
load shall be designed using load case 1(a). For example, Specific LFPP gate design examples are not included in
the gates hooks for the L-frame rolling gate would use this appendix. Appendices B and C demonstrate LRFD
this load case. Other gate components that are designed principles for the design of miter and tainter gate ele-
to resist dead, operating, or wind load (depending on the ments, respectively. The calculations are provided to
component’s function) shall be designed using load demonstrate LRFD principles; they do not provide com-
case 2. prehensive design for entire gates. Examples in the two
appendices are limited to the design of skin plates, inter-
e. Serviceability requirements. Serviceability require- costals, and girders. Also, design of the diagonals for a
ments shall be as specified in paragraph 3-5. LFPP gates horizontally framed miter gate is shown in Appendix B.
shall be designed for an expected life of 50 years. Limit- These examples should be used for guidance when
ing values of structural behavior to ensure serviceability designing similar structural members for LFPP gates.
(e.g., maximum deflections, details for ease of mainte-
nance, details for ease of operation, ensuring the gate is *

EM 1110-2-2105
31 Mar 93

Appendix I I-2. References

Miscellaneous Hydraulic Steel Structures
EM 1110-2-2400
Structural Design of Spilways and Outlet Works
I-1. Introduction
EM 1110-2-2901
rMiscellaneous HSS include lock wall accessories, outlet
Tunnels and Shaft in Rock
works gates, penstocks, and sector gates. Allowable
stress design (ASD) criteria shall be used until load and
EM 1110-2-2902
resistance factor design (LRFD) criteria have been
Conduits, Culverts, and Pipes

1. Possible'failure'modes'for'hydraulic'steel'structures'(HSS)'include'__________.'
a) yielding'
b) excessive'plastic'deformation'
c) buckling'or'general'instability'
d) all'of'the'above'
2. LRFD'is'a'method'of'proportioning'structures'such'that'no'applicable'limit'
a) True'
b) False'
3. Serviceability'is'a'state'of'acceptable'performance'in'which'the'function'of'an'
a) maintainability'
b) durability'
c) operability'
d) all'of'the'above'
4. For'__________,'the'designer'shall'enforce'controls'on'fabrication'and'
a) compression'members'
b) fractureTcritical'members'(FCM)'
c) flexural'members'
d) all'of'the'above'
5. As'temperature'decreases,'toughness'and'ductility'decrease.'
a) True'
b) False'
6. __________'is'a'method'of'proportioning'structures'such'that'allowable'stresses'
a) Imperial'design'
b) LRFD'
c) LSD'
d) ASD'
7. In'general,'it'is'considered'that'hydraulic'steel'structures'(HSS)'are'subjected'
a) True'
b) False'
8. Connections'that'are'considered'__________'may'be'detailed'by'the'fabricator.'
a) slip'connections'
b) critical'
c) noncritical'
d) none'of'the'above'
9. Connection'designs'must'consider'__________.'
a) stress'concentrations'
b) eccentricities'
c) field'splices'
d) all'of'the'above'
10. __________'welds'should'be'avoided'for'dynamically'loade'members'and'
a) Groove'
b) Fillet'
c) Full'depth'
d) Intermittent'
11. __________'is'required'for'cyclic'loads,'for'bolts'in'oversize'holes,'and'when'it'is'
a) Full'tightening'
b) Hand'tightening'
c) Snug'tightening'
d) Must'be'welded'connection'
12. Thermal'effects'due'to'welding'further'decrease'material'toughness'and'
a) high'residual'stresses'
b) high'bending'stresses'
c) high'compression'stresses'
d) all'of'the'above'
13. The'barge'impact'load'shall'be'specified'as'a'__________.'
a) distributed'load'
b) line'load'
c) point'load'
d) moment'force'
14. Horizontal'girders'are'assume'to'act'as'singly'symmetric'prismatic'members'
a) beamTcolumn'
b) beam'
c) column'
d) tension'member'
15. Closure'structures'for'openings'in'levee'and'floodTwall'systems'of'LFPPs'are'
a) True'
b) False'
16. Fatigue'is'not'a'concern'for'LFPP'closure'structures'due'to'the'__________.'
a) low'forces'acting'upon'it'
b) high'strength'of'the'structural'members'
c) low'importance'of'structure'
d) small'number'of'stress'cycles'over'the'life'of'the'structure'
17. The'diagonals'are'fracture'critical'members.'
a) True'
b) False'
18. __________'sections'are'capable'of'developing'a'fully'plastic'stress'distribution'
a) High'strength'
b) Slender'
c) NonTcompact'
d) Compact'
19. Structural'components'shall'be'designed'to'tolerate'corrosion'or'be'
a) True'
b) False'
20. Normally'for'LRFD,'serviceability'can'be'checked'using'__________'loads.'
a) dead'
b) factored'
c) unfactored'
d) live'

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