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Please Select A For Simple Present and B For Present Continuous

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‫ واحة سواس‬.

‫ د‬- ‫ الفصل الثاني‬- 2020 ‫ دورة‬- 1 ‫حل أسئلة قواعد‬

Grammar 1 - 2nd Term - 2020
1. They (study) for the exam this month.
a. study b. are studying
2. Look, it (rain) heavily.
a. rains b. is raining.
3. Henry (live) in a beautiful suburban house.
a. lives b. is living
4. My mum often (stay up) late.
a. stays up b. is staying up
5. I (work) on my project every weekend.
a. work b. am working
6. Agatha (buy) a new watch every year.
a. buys b. is buying
7. I (travel) on holiday next week.
a. travel b. am travelling
8. Hurry up! The clock (tick).
a. ticks b. is ticking
9. (be) you ready for tomorrow's exam?
a. b. are you being
10. How many pairs of shoes you (have)?
a. do you have b. are you having it
Please Choose the Correct Answer:
11. 'mean':
a. is a stative verb b. is a verb of feeling
c. is an action verb d. all
12. 'believe':
a. is a verb of thinking b. does not come in the continuous
c. both a & b d. none
13. 'feel':
a. comes in simple and continuous tenses b. always simple
c. always continuous d. none
14. The simple past form of the verb 'die' is:
a. dies b. died c. was dying d. dyed
15. The past continuous form of 'plan' is:
a. is planning b. was been planning
c. was planing d. none
16. The present continuous from of 'bake' is:
a. is baking b. is bakeing
c. are baking d. both a &c
17. One of the following expressions can be used in simple present sentences:
a. this Saturday b. next month
c. ever d. none
18. We use 'ever' in:
a. questions b. negative sentences with ‘not’
c. affirmative sentences d. both a & b
19. 'when' is:
a. an adverb of time b. a question word
c. an adverb of place d. both a & b
20. Did you have many friends at school?
a. Yes b. Yes, I have a
c. No, I haven't d. No, I didn't
Please fill in the blanks with the correct answer:
21. My sister ... older than you. color
a. is b. was c. being d. none
22. while I ...., it started to rain.
a. driving b. were driving c. was driving. d. drove
23. I gave you the car keys .... you yesterday.
a. when I saw b. while I saw c. while I was seeing d. when I was seeing
24. Did the children ... early last night?
a. were slept b. were sleeping c. slept d. sleep
25. We .... usually laugh at your jokes because they are not funny.
a. does not b. did not c. does d. do not
26. I... early last weekend because I had swimming practice.
a. wake up b. waking up c. woke up d. does not wake up
27. The sun ... in the East.
a. sets b. rising c. rise d. none
28. No one ... rude people.
a. liking b. doesn't like c. liked d. likes
29. This little puppy ... very cute.
a. has b. is c. were d. are
30. I... my project on Friday morning.
a. submitted b. submit c. submitting d. am submit
31. Tom fell asleep ... the teacher was talking
a. when b. and c. while d. both a &c
32. Cats ... garlic and onion.
a. isn't eat b. doesn't eat c. don't eating d. don't eat
33. It sometimes ... in the spring.
a. rain b. rains c. is raining d. was raining
34. I never ... a deadline.
a. don't miss b. missing c. miss d. none
35. Emily ... help fixing her car right now.
a. need b. needs c. is needing d. needed
Please Select A for True and B for False:
36. The simple present form of 'fly' is 'flys'.
37. We use simple present for news headlines.
38. The plural pronoun for 'it' is 'they'.
39. 'No, she does not.' is a correct possible answer to 'Does Mr. Brooks work here?
40. 'Yes, she has.' is a correct possible answer to 'Does Lucy have a car?'
41. We use the present simple with verb 'be' to say what someone's job is.
42. We use adverbs such as 'ever' and 'never' with present simple.
43. We use 'never' with the negative form of verbs in present simple.
44. 'Serene is cutting the grass in the garden.' is a correct present continuous sentence.
45. 'I am staying home tonight.' refers to a future plan.
46. 'They are working abroad this month.' refers to something happening in the future.
47. 'Yes, he is.' is a possible correct answer to 'Is he working late tonight?'
48. 'Studied' is a regular verb.
49. 'Tom always is late for work.' is a correct sentence.
50. 'I am seeing your brother running fast.' is a correct present continuous sentence.
--------- End of Questions ---------
Answer Key: Grammar 1 (2020-2nd Term)
1. B 11. A 21. A 31. D 41. A
2. B 12. C 22. C 32. D 42. B
3. A 13. A 23. A 33. B 43. B
4. A 14. B 24. D 34. C 44. A
5. A 15. D 25. D 35. B 45. A
6. A 16. D 26. C 36. B 46. A
7. B 17. D 27. D 37. A 47. A
8. B 18. D 28. D 38. A 48. A
9. A 19. D 29. B 39. B 49. B
10. A 20. D 30. A 40. B 50. S
If you have any questions, observations, or you need to attend a private course you can contact me via
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Done by: Mr. N A G E D

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