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Am B. Inggris - KLS 6

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Nama :

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Hari / Tanggal :

Kelas : VI ( Enam )

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c,or d!!!!!

1. She will ... at the airport c. gone to buy
tomorrow at 7 a.m. d. went to buy
a. arrive 5. Lily told that you ... in the
b. arrives Permata School for two
c. be arriving years by this March
d. be arrived a. would have been
2. James ... the choreography studying
in a week. b. would have studied
a. will practice c. would be studying
b. will be practicing d. would study
c. will have practiced 6. Dewi made a plan that
d. would practice she ... the kitchen for the
3. Kalimat positif : My next whole day.
mom said that she would go a. will clean
to the traditional market. b. will be cleaning
Kalimat negatif : ... c. would clean
a. My mom said that she d. would be cleaning
will not go to the traditional 7. Dad said that we ... the task
market. this afternoon.
b. My mom said that she a. shall complete
would not go to the b. should complete
traditional market. c. should be completing
c. My mom said that she d. should have completed
would not be going to the 8. Will you ... here all day
traditional market. long?
d. My mom said that she a. work
would not have gone to the b. be working
traditional market. c. have worked
4. I am ... some new books d. have been working
next Sunday. 9. Cania ... video games in a
a. go to buy year
b. going to buy
a. will not play a. will
b. will not be playing b. shall
c. will not be played c. can
d. will not have been d. must
playing 16.Ara and Dani ….. come to
10.He ... at the dorm for the my house tomorrow
last couple of years. a. Will
a. will stay b. Wills
b. will be staying c. is
c. will have stayed d. are
d. will have been staying 17. I will ….. your ceremony
11.Kalimat positif: The singer a. Attends
will sing three songs. b. Attend
Kalimat interogatif: ... c. Attended
a. will the singer be singing d. be attend
three songs? 18.I will be …. If I don’t ear
b. will the singer sing three a. sleep
songs? b. healthy
c. will the singer have been c. health
singing three songs? d. sick
d. will the singer have sung 19.She will be …… all of this
three songs? taks tomorrow
12.The lecturer ... the lecture a. finish
in English tomorrow. b. finishes
a. would be delivering c. finishing
b. will be delivering d. not finishing
c. would deliver 20. we will ….. my
d. will deliver graduation here
13.Jojo promised that he ... you a. celebrate
a gift. b. celebration
a. would give c. celebrating
b. will give d. celebrates
c. would be giving 21. I __________In Solo last
d. will be giving week.
14. She ... the class tomorrow a. were
at 8 a.m. b. was
a. will attend c. am
b. would attend d. is
c. will be attending 22. My mother was in the
d. would be attending kitchen, she __________ some
15. ... she join the competition cakes for four hours ago.
next month? (Akankah dia a. cooked
mengikuti kompetisi bulan b. cooks
c. cooking gado-gado and grilled fish.His
d. cook sister is watering some flowers
23. He __________ always study beside the house.Ivan is
hard when he was a student. painting. They are very hapy.
a. Did not
28. What is his sister’s
b. Does not
c. Do not hobby ?
d. Did a. Painting
24. Shela: hi mela, what did you b. Cooking
do last night? c. Gardening
Mela: ... d. Cleaning the car
a. I am watching drama series on VIU 29. Is ivan’s mother
last night cooking?
b. I watch drama series on VIU last a. Yes,she is
night b. No,she isn’t
c. I watched drama series on VIU last c. Yes,he is
d. No,he isn’t
d. I watches drama series on VIU last
30. Who is watering the
25. Mr. Angga _____________Mr.
a. Ivan’s sister
Joe yesterday.
a. Meet b. Ivan’s father
b. Have met c. Ivan’s mother
c. Has met d. Ivan’s brother
d. Met
26. The sign means .... 31. The opposite of long
a. we can’t stop here is…..
b. we are not allowed to enter a. Big
c. we are not allowed to turn around b. Short
d. we can’t park here c. Large
27. We are not allowed to turn … d. Small
a. Right 32. Nina always gets the
b. Left
first rank in her class. She
c. Forward
d. Backward is the
a. Clever
b. Cleverest
Read the following c. More clever
conversation to answer d. Cleverer
question 28-30 33. Tina is as …. as sita
A Nice Day a. Taller
This is a bright afternoon. In b. Tallest
Ivan’s home, some peoples are c. Tall
enjoying their activities.They are d. More taller
all busy. His father is repairing 34. We have twenty…..
and cleaning the car.His mother a. Apple
is cooking. She is just making
b. A apple
c. An apple d. Hospital
d. Apples 38. The – cut – don’t – tree
35. The legend of a. Don’t cut the tree
Tangkuban Perahu is from…. b. Cut don’t the tree
a. East java c. The tree cut don’t
b. West java d. Cut tree the don’t
c. Central java 39. Chaca got first rank in
d. Sumatra her class,she is very
36. We will go to Bandung a. Short
a. Yesterday b. Smart
b. Tomorrow c. Bad
c. Two days a go d. Slim
d. Last week 40. …. Rises in the
37. Mr. Sanjaya is my father. He morning.
is a farmer. He works a. Moon
a. Post office b. Star
b. Rice field c. Planet
c. School d. Sun

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