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Unit Speciation: Structure

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Concept of Species
Mechanisms of Speciation
Sympatric Speciation
Geographic Speciation
Rassenkreis and Speciation
Genetic Repatterning during Isolation
Isolating Mechanisms
Pre-mating Isolating Mechailisms
Geographical Isolation
Ecological Isolation
Ethological Isolation
Mechanical Isolation
Post-mating Isolating Mechanisms
Interspecific Sterility
Hybrid Sterility
Genetic Drift
Terminal Questions

In Unit 11 and 12 of the course on Evolution we explained to you that adaptations
arise by gradual changes in genotypes, monitored by natural selection. We also
pointed out that natural selection promotes different types of adaptations in different
environmental conditions. Since environmental conditions tend to change from time
to time, and from place to place, it is obvious that changes in genome also occur so
that resulting phenotype is best adapted to the changed environment. Essentially the
diversity of organisms and their characters are a result of natural processes. In this
unit we extend this concept further and explain the origin of species. Also we shall
ask the question 'What is species?' Species, as we shall show later are important that
they represent a significant level of integration in living nature. W e shall define the
concept of biological species and then look into the process of speciation. Speciation
is important in evolution because it adds t o the diversity in nature, and in certain
occcasions leads to progressive evolution.
Ernst Mayr, for whom, species and species problem have been the main concern of
research, points out that speciation, the multiplication of species, that is division of
one parent species into several daughter species is one process responsible for the
evolutionary diversity of organic world. Darwin no where in his book Origin of
Species defined the word species precisely although he interpreted speciation in
terrns of reproductive isolation (Darwin again did not use the term reproductive
isolation in his book.) Darwin did en~phasisethat occupation of an unique ecological
niche by each species could be a major characteristic of speciation. In this unit we
shall briefly analyse the species concept laying emphasis on biological species and
discuss in detail different types of mechanisms of speciation. Further we shall briefly
look into how isolation brings about genetic repatterning and proceed to discuss the
mechanisms of isolation with well chosen examples. As an illustration of how isolating
mechanisms develop gradually, we shall explain the concept of ring species - the
evolution of distinct new species. Finally there will also be a discussion on a
phenomenon called genetic drift which however has no causal connection with
speciation process but explains that in peripheral isolates gene frequencies drift due
24 $@.smapling error.
This unit should enable you to:
comprehend the species concept and define species,
8 describe the major types of speciation,
e explain the formation of ring species by the gradual development of isolating
e explain the concept of-genetic repatrerning during isolation process,
e classify different types of isolating mechanisms, and
e discuss large scale change in gene frequencies in small populations - the genetic
drift phenomenon.


We discussed in Unit 11 of Block 3 the universality of variations among organisms.
In Unit 3 of Block 1, in taxonomical studies you have studied abour the division of
living organisms into different kingdoms. Also each kingdom is further divided into
phylum, class and so on. Such classifications are made taking advat~tsfir,ol varialions
among different groups of organisms, although as we go down the ladder, that is at
lower levels we require more refined methods to establish variations. Starting from
microorganisms to man, although one could see an increasing complexity in
organisation, such a complexity is not a continuous one. The discontinuities in
organisation are illustrative of extinction of certain intermediates. And considering
the fact that amount of extinction is so immense and the fossil record is so i~lcomplete
that it would never be possible to arrange all the organisms that live in this world
into a single assemblage. A t the same time we should remember that a classification
of organisms is possible because discontinuities do exist between varying groups of
organisms. There might b e some differences of opinion as to the inclusion of a
particular organism(s) into one group or another, but there is an overall agreemenl
on the entire classification system. One may split an order into several families and
the other may group these families into an order. But there is indeed an agreement
on what should be split and what should b e grouped. But such a taxonomic
classification of organisms into specific groups is arbitrary rather than natural and is
based on certain.convenience. If this is so, then what is a species?
Many definitions of species have been offered, but none of them proved to be
satisfactory. The definitions did not categorically provide the basis to decide whether
two similar groups are distinct species or only sub-species. Again what is the criterion
to decide the distinctness of a species? Some tried to specify the degree of difference
that would distinguish a species from another. Apart from the difficulty in quantifying
such differences, there are also other problems. Certain forms which show very little
morphological differences proved to be very distinct species. In other cases, such as
Homo sapiens, undoubtedly a single species, different races have pronounced
differences. T h e discontinuity between groups, it appears, depends less on the degree
of differences and more on the constancy of differences.
Another approach to define species was t o distinguish related organisms on their
inability to breed. Many definitions of species have relied upon such interspecific
sterility and sterility of offsprings, that is hybrid sterility. This proposition also has
certain inherent problems. It is not easy to identify cases in which organisms do not
interbreed, and those which can breed, but do not do so for certain reasons. At these
times, sterility cannot be deemed to be an appiopriatc criterion for defining species.
Nevertheless, reproductive isolation or inability to breed has been the commdn
element in the definition of species provided by many evolutionary biologists, be it
Dobzhansky, Goldschmidt or Ernst Mayr. Reproductive isolation, the discussion of
which follows later in this unit, has been the basis for defining the species and
speciation.' Such an isolating mechanism becomes a barrier for the flow of genes
between related populations and the concept of biological species centres around this
More specifically, three types of species concept have been proposed so far. (1) The
typological species concept (2) The nominalistic species concept and (3) The
biological species concept. Let us briefly look into each one of them and find out why
the biological species concept is more appealing for the definition of species than the
other concepts.
1. The Typological species'concept
The typological species concept was suggested by Plato more than 2000 years ago.
According to this concept, the immense variety in nature can be reduced to a few
"types". Individuals may vary but they belong to a single type. In practice this is just
a morphological species concept. Most modern evolutionists find the typological
species inadequate as it is a static concept. It fails to capture the dynamism of
speciation as a significant evolutionary process. .

2. The Nominalistic Species Concept

The nominalists deny the existence of Plato's "types". For them only individuals
exist. Species are man-made artificial abstractions.
But naturalists, the biologists who have actually studied plants and animals in their
natural.conditions and have observed them closely for many years, claim that the
nominalistic species concept is simply not true.
3. The Biological Species Concept
The biologicaI species concept claims that species consist of natural populations and
that species are real and objective. They are not man-made subjective abstraction.
According to this concept, the members of a species are a reproductive community.
The species is also an ecological unit. It interacts as a unit with other species with
which it shares the resources of the environment. The species is also a gene pool.
These aspects of the biological species concept are made clear in the famous
definition of the Harvard evolutionist Ernst Mayr. According to Mayr, "Species are
groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from
other such groups". The biological species is not only a distinct unit at any given time,
but it also has the evolutionary capacity to change continuously over long periods of
time, measured in millions of years.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
i) The discontinuity between groups of organisms depends less
on the degree of difference and more on the constancy
of differences. a (TrueIFalse)
ii) Reproductive isolating mechanism has been the basis
for defining the species and speciation. (TrueIFalse)
iii) The typological species concept is most sound and dynamic
concept of speciation. (Truemahe)
iv) Species are groups of interbreeding natural propulations
that are reproductively isolated from other such groups. (TruelFalse)


In the previous section we discussed the concept of species in detail and concluded
that the concept of biological species and Mayr's definition of species have a wide
acceptance among biologists. In this section we shall proceed to discuss the
mechanisms of speciation or the mode of formation of a species. Mayr's definition of
species amply makes it clear that to qualify for the title of the species, the individuals
must b e reproductively isolated from other groups. This naturally raises a question
whether a new species could arise from populations occupying the same territory. I n
other words, should the populations of parent species live in quite separate territories
in the formation of new species? In our earlier discussions.on natural selection, you
have learnt that originmofadaptations is a gradual process, This is much more true of
. speciation. Biologists recognise three different kinds of speciation.

* Sympatric speciation,,+
Peripatric speciation
26 . * Allopatric speciation..
. . ..
As we shallsee later, peripatric and allopatric speciation can be grouped into a single
type, namely geographic speciation. We shall now discuss the different types of

13.3.1 Sympatric Speciation I

Sympatric speciation can be regarded as speciation where parent species gives rise to
a daughter species without the individuals of a species being separated by space or
territory. Both instantaneous and gradual models of sympatric speciation have been
proposed. Barring one mode of instantaneous speciation by a mechanism known as
polyploidy, other modes of sympatric speciation have remained quite controversial.
Polyploidy is quite common among plants. (For a detailed discussion on polyploidy
refer to Unit 10 of Block 2 of LSE-03 of Genetics course). A cross between two
diploid plants could result in a tetraploid hybrid. The hybrid would remain largely
reproductively isolated from its diploid parents. The reason for such isolation is that
due to back-crossing if a triploid individual were to be formed, it will produce a high
proportion of nonviable gametes. There is also a possibility that interbreeding
between deploid and tetraploid forms or between different tetraploids may give rise
to other polyploids.
Polyploidy is rare or virtually non-existent in sexually reproducing organisms which
include almost all animals. In sexually reproducing organisms, if a single mutational
event or chromosomal change such as polyploidy results in reproductive isolation, the
organism will not successfully reproduce unless there is close inbreeding. Among
animals, close inbreeding is quite uncommon. But in a group of hymenopterous
parasites chalcidoidea, there is mating between brothers and sisters that emerge from
a single host. Such matings have facilitated a high species diversity in this group. But
instances of instantaneous speciation in animals is a very rare phenomenon.
Speciation in general is a gradual process and whether or not such speciation can
occur within the confines of a single interbreeding population is a debatable point.
Nevertheless, the possibility of such a speciation is not totally ruled out, as we would
see from the following discussion.
It has been pointed out that sympatric speciation may occur whenever disrbptive or
diversifying selection is active (For a detailed discussion on disruptive selection refer
to Unit 11 of Block 3 of Evolution). For example, take a population of individuals
with genotypes A A and A'A', each of which is adapted to live specifically on plant
species 1 and 2 respectively. The heterozygote AA' is not well adapted to either
species of plants. Essentially it means that each homozygote would have a higher
I fitness if it mated assortatively or non-randomly. By assortative or non-random
mating it is meant that males and females of similar phenotypes (hence genotypes)
tend to mate with each other. Such an assortative mating would very much minimise
I the production of unfit heterozygous progeny. Also the selection process would tend
to establish two different populations, each composed of a distinct genotype. You
may recall from your studies on Unit 11 that this is precisely the role of disruptive or
diversifying selection. Another locus B may be conferrring the assortative mating trait
I on the two genotypes. This locus may influence the mating behaviour or impel the
I organism to choose a specific host species, to find a mate and lay eggs. Genotypes
I BB and Bb may mate and lay egg on host 1 and bb mates and lays e4gs on host 2.
You may observe here that difference in the selection of specific host species isolates
the two genotypes from one another and a reproductive isolation sets in. In many
groups of phytophygous insects such as treehoppers, it is observed that closely related
species are confined to different host plants for feeding and breeding.

13.3.2 Geographic Speciation

In almost all animal groups, the mode of speciation is geographic speciation. It is .
essential that a population which is a prospective new species is geographically
isolated from the parental species. Geographical isolation, according to Ernst Mayr,
!s almost invariably necessary for speciation to occur. Geographic speciation, as we
pointed out earlier, in turn can be typed into two categories:
i) 'Allopatric Speciation
, Speciation by populations of parent species which occupy quite separate territories is
the most common mode of species f ~ r m a t i o namong animals. Allopatric speciation
occurs in large continental areas, and perhaps, also in the vast continental slopes and
ocean floors. A once continuous series of population may be divided into two parts
hy a new barrier. The barrier may be a newly formed desert or river or mountain
range. The population on other side of new barrier becomes geographically isolated.
The separation may be gradual as shown in Fig. 13.1. This model of allopatric
speciation is known as dumb-bell model:

Original Developmen! of Complete barrier Separated

populntion P barrier formation nnd spccics
isolated populnlions.

Fig. 13.1 : lllustretion of allopatric speciation.

Essentially in allopatric system, speciation occurs by the more or less equal
subdivision of a large population. It is believed that allopatric speciation is
characteristic of K strategists (see marginal remarks on K strategy) which are highly
mobile, long lived and high in competitive ability.
ii) Peripatric Speciation
K strategy : Populations living in Speciation by small populations isolated on the periphery of the distribution of the
nearly saturated environments are parent population can be described as peripatric speciation. Small, peripheral
said to be K selected. In such populations occupy ecdlogical niches not occupied by parental population and these
populations selection favours the
fine tuning of adaptations. The
founder populations can carry only a small part of the genetic variability of the parent
re~roductiverate of the population. Origin of species by peripatric speciation can be explained as follows:
population may not be high and
the emphasis is on developing Initially species consists of uniformly distributed individuals (Fig. 13.2a). The
better adaptations. !ndividualson individuals are grouped as populations between which there is a limited gene flow.
which K selection is active are This gene flow keeps the populations as an integrated species. As long as there is a
known as K strategists. free flow of genes, even if it were to be limited, a new species cannot be formed.

I Boundary
Peripheral population

Peripheral population
Peripheral populations (13:2b) (individuals living in the periphery of a population)
may experience less gene flow than central populations. But still they will form an
integral part of the species. Only when the population is a peripheral isolate (13.2~)
and not just a peripheral population, that it has the possibility of becoming a new
species (13.24.
A peripheral isolate can be formed in different environments. For instance it may be
formed on an island off the coast of a large subcontinent. The finches that Darwin
observed during his voyage on the ship H.M.S. Beagle were evolved from peripheral
isolates on the Galapagos island, off the west coast of South America.
Before we start discussing in detail the various mechanisms of isolation that in turn
were instrumental for the formation of a new species, we shall look into two concepts:
(1) The concept of ring species -an example which shows beautifully how isolation
af population develops gradually resulting in distinct new species, and (2) the concept
of genetic repatterning during isolation. And prior to that, attempt the following

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text.
i) To qualify for the title of specizs the individual must be .........................
......................... from other groups.
ii) .................................................. refers to the speciation process where
the individuals of a species are not separated by space or territory.
iii) ........................ is a common mechanism of speciation in plants.
iv) Sympatric speciation may occur wherever .........................
............................ isaactive.
v) It is essential that a population which is a prospective new species is
............ .:. ........,. ......................... from the parental species.
vi) .........................speciation refers to speciation by populations of parent
species which occupy quite separate territories. .
vii) Speciation by small populations isolated on the periphery of the distribution of
.. .
parent population is ..............................................


According to the current concept of speciation, a widely distributed species should
break up into partially isolated rule species. The different subspecies become
differentiated further due to the action of selection and other factors. This would
result in a circle or group of races or Rassenkreis. And the terminal members of such
a circle will be sufficiently different from others, so that a sterility barrier sets in. We
shall try t o explain the concept with an example of an amphibian species.

In the west coast of USA there are two high mountain ranges, the Coastal Range
and the Sierra Nevada. A t their northern ends, near the Canadian border they are
united (Fig. 13.3). Proceeding south, they are separatcd by a hot and arid desert,
Further south, close t o the Mexican border, these high mountains meet again. There
is an amphibian species Ensatina eschscholtzii at the place marked as A in Fig. 13.3,
It is supposed that this original species split into two populations, B and G, which
then moved down the two respective mountain ranges. On one range the populations
can be seen to change gradually from B to C to D to E and on to F. On the other
mountain range the population G, like B derived from A, gradualljl moved south
changing into H, I, J and K. While these changes were taking place the two series
were isolated from each other by the desert, and isolating mechanisms were gradually
developing. Since this amphibian Ensatina has poor locomotor powers, it must have
taken hundreds of thousands of years for them to proceed from the Canadian border
to the Mexican border. I t stands t o reason that populations B and G will have the
. least amount of isolating mechanisms. The isolating mechanisms will be more
between D and I. They will be greater between E and J. Remember, both the series,
BCDE and GHIJ, are derived from a single species, Ensatina eschscholtzii,
designated in Fig. 13.3 as A. But when they reach the Mexican border, the two
populations F and K are able to overlap, as seen in the cross-hatched area, without
mating. They have passed the test of sympatry. F and K are now two distinct species.
SimiJar ring species have been shown to occur in sea-gulls forming a circumpolar ring
around the world.


- ,

Fig. 13.3 : Formation of ring species.


An island may be colonised by just a few individuals, or just a pair:, or even a single
gravid female. When a new population develops from these early colonisers of the
island, they undergo drastic genetic repatterning. This is sonletirnes described as a
genetic revolution. The founder being small in number, the first major change in the
colonisers is a drastic reduction in the variability (Fig. 13.4 A to B).. Inbreeding
further reduces variability (Fig. 13.4 C). Inbreeding eliminates recessives as
homozygotes and the genetic load is reduced. The decisive change is from a large
open population to a small closed population. In the closed population,
overdominance, that is the superior fitness of the heterozygote (say, Aa) over the
other two homozygotes (AA and aa), increases. Non-allelic epistatic interactions of
genes greatly alter the functioning of the gene complexes. As a result the genetic
cohesiveness is broken and the founder population becomes plastic and pliable
enough to be moulded into a newer one with better adaptations. This, in essence, is
the genetic repatterning or the genetic revolution.
The founder population, the peripheral isolate, usually becomes extinct due to the
greatly reduced variability (Fig. 13.4 C) However, if it survives the genetic
revolution, the population builds up to greater variability and better adaptedness
(Fig, 13,4D). It may even acquire greater variability than the original parental
population and stabilise at a higher level of genetic cohesion as a new species"
(Fig. 13.4E).This status of a new species, distinct from the parental species is made
30 possible by the #developmentof isolating mechanisms during the genetic revolution

Tim +
Fig. 13.4 : Genetic revolution. '

Ans\ker in about 50 words each.
i) Explain briefly the term ring species.


ii) Explain the concept of genetic repatterning during isolation.

In this section we are to discuss the means by which populations get separated or
isolated from each other, first gain the status of'Sub-species and finally evolve
mechanisms which prevent them from mating with local populations to be called as
a distinct species. In ghort, we are to discuss the mechanisms that are responsible for
keeping populations from the access of each other that in turn leads to,origin of new
species. You are aware that local populations generally interbreed among themselves '
with only rare cases of outbreeding. Therefore, the genotypes of different populations
of a single species may show differences in some or many loci. The resulting
phenotypes could be classified into sub-species based on the differences in parts.
These subspecies because of their proximity to other populations tend to meet the
other members with the result that a single generally intermediate and variable
population is formed. This would result in the loss of the status of subspecies for the
population. However, if a sub-species is isolated over a long period of time and the
breeding with its relations is prevented, then by continuing to accumulate the genetic
differences it may lose its ability to interbreed with the parental species. Under such
circumstances, the sub-species gets elevated to the status of a species, satisfying Mayr's
definition of a species. When two groups are geographically separated from each
other, it is often difficult to determine whether they do not interbreed any more. In
other words, could they be referred to as allopatric species? Once they move into the
same territory, fail to interbreed and form intermediates, they may said to have
passed the test of sympatry or they could be regarded as sympatric species. In many
cases it has been noticed that once the species status has been established, selection
tends to promote those characters which act as a deterrent for the formation of
hybrids, since usually hybrid progeny have a reduced fitness.
George Romanes, an American neurologist who evinced a very keen interest in
evolutionary problems once wrote, "without isolation or the prevention of
interbreeding, organic evolution is in no case possible". Many recent studies on origin
of new species have proved that Romanes was largely true in his assessment of the!
problem. Let us now look into the details of mechanisms of isolation.
Ernst Mayr classified isolating mechanisms into two major types. The pre-mating
isolating mechanisms and the post-mating ones. The difference between the two types
of mechanisms is as follows. Pre-mating isolating mechanisms prevent the occurrence
of mating and the post-mating ones ensure failure of such matings once they occur.
In the discussion on pre-mating isolating mechanisms, besides the biological barriers
evolved by the organisms which prevent effectively mating between the individuals,
isolation by space will :Jso be included. We shall also examine how the ecology,
seasons and even the behaviour of individuals could be instrumental in bringing about
the isolation of populations leading to species formqtion. We shall also look into the
details uf post-mating isolating mechanisms which prevent the formation of successful
hybrids, thereby ensuring the distinctness and identity of a species.


We mentioned earlier that pre-mating mechanisms are concerned with the prevention
of occurrence of interspecific crosses. In such cases,
a) the potential mates do not meet in which case the isolation is due to either
geographical, seasonal or habitat reasons.
b) the potential mates do meet but fail to mate in which case the isolation is due to
ethological reasons.
c) the potential mates meet and mate but no transfer of sperm takes place in which
case the isolation is due to mechanical reasons.
Let us have each one of these mechanisms examined in detail.

13.7.1 Geographical Isolation

Many species of organisms are restricted in their distribution even as they may be
found over a vast geographical regions. Studies using distribution maps of organisms
have shown that although species may be continuously found over vast areas, a close
scrutiny would reveal that the distribution is rather restricted to those regions with
. suitable ecological features. For instance, the American plane tree, Platanus
occidentalis although distributed over more than half the United States, the natural
groves of the plants are confined to bottom lands and stream banks. This is true of
several species of organisms whose populations are separated by barriers of territory
32 which they cannot use for ecological reasons. For instance, take the case of ,
amphibians. A small body of salt water could be a barrier for their dispersal. Oceanic
islands are not inhabited by amphibians except as in the case of Hawaii where they
are introduced by man. Salt water is also a barrier for fresh water fishes. Pacificocean
receives many parallel streams of fresh water each of which had its own sub-species
or species of fishes. Only the flooding during the rainy season join the streams and
the fishes may be found together.
Similarly populations of land birds are separated by large bodies of water. Normally
species and sub-species of birds living on opposite banks of rivers are different. Mayr
observed that different sub-species of birds occupy different tropical islands despite
that distances between these islands are not very far. Darwin reported that 21 of the
26 speciesof land birds and only 2 of the 11 species of marine birds are endemic to
Galapagos islands. This is a significant finding in that the land birds could not migrate
to either direction because of the water barrier and were confined to their territories.
More than the birds, it is the mammals which are often stopped by water barriers.
Rodents living in opposite banks of rivers usually belong to different sub-species.
Mountains often separate organisms occupying low lands. Studies on the distribution
of different species of rabbits showed their restricted distribution to specific
geographical regions. Sylvilagus floridanus confines itself to planes while its cousin
the jack rabbit Lepus americanur is found only in mountains in United States.
Similarly the white footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus is found in priaries and its
close relative P. maniculatus has invaded the mountains. Thus every natural feature
could be a barrier to either a plant or an animal paving the way for sub-speciation
and ultimately the speciation process.

13.7.2 Ecological Isolation

Ecological.isolation is based on the fact that population shows preference to one
habitat over the other. This extensive forests become barriers to the dispersal of
organims living in grasslands. The reverse that priaries being barriers to forest
I organisms is also true. The red tree mousephenocomys 1ongicaudu.s lives on fir needle
i trees and feeds on fir needle. It is understandable that for these mice not only priaries
but the non-fir forests will also be a barrier for dispersal.
You may recall that in unit 11 of this block we discussed extensively MacArthur's
study of five species of warbler birds living in spruce trees. The five species of
Dendroica are effectively isolated by ecological factors although they have a similar
distribution. As a matter of fact, the ecological and food preference of the different
species of warblers are very similar. Under such circumstances one would have
expected a severe competition among them. But each species has carved a well
defined niche and forages at a particular level in the trees. Differences in breeding
dates and occupation of different habitats outside the breeding season are the
contributing factors for the minimum competition and niche overlap among the
species. There are other instances where potential mates keep away from each other
because of their habitat preferences. In these cases there might even be a broad niche
overlap and the individuals may exist in the same general area, but the distinctness
of sub-species and species is maintained. Dice cited an example from United States
where the two sub-species of mice Peromyscus maniculatus have overlapping niches
and do not interbreed in nature, although there is interbreeding in the laboratory.
Similarly showed that the fresh water and salt water races of the water
snake Natrix sipedon may come close together but may not interbreed because of
their habitat preferences.
An interesting study was reported by A. Pictet in Swiss moths Nemeophila
plantaginis. Two races of the moth are known, one living at an altitude of above 2700
meters and the other below 1700 meters, The two races differ by a single gene.
Midway at an altitude of 2200 meters a hybrid population of the two races is found
and all the moths living here are heterozygous. When the two races are brought to
I the laboratory and bred, the offsprings exhibit typical Mendelian inheritance, namely
1 that the F2consisted of both homozygotes and the heterozygote. The fact that at 2200
1 meters only heterozygous genotypes are found showed that there is a severe selection
iI pressure against the homozygotes at this altitude and they are all eliminated. You
may. observe here that differences in habitat .requixements
. act as barriers to random
Breeding between populaJions or races or sub-species may be effectively prevented if
the seasons in which they breed are to be different. This phenomenon appears to be
quite common among plants. A good example comes from the study of five species
of cypress trees belonging to the genes Cupressus. The five species of trees have
distributed themselves as ten groups each one of which could be called a sub-species.
Each group has a limited distribution and may be represented by a few trees. Very
rarely hybrids are formed between any two groups despite'the closeness of their
existence. The reason appears to be that the groups shed their pollen at different
iimes or seasons preventing the occurrence of cross pollination. The rare occurrence
of hybrids is explained by the fact that some trees shed their pollen earlier than or
later than the usual time.
Seasonal isolation is very effective among the animal groups which have a highly
restricted breeding seasons. This is true of all poikilothermic vertebrates and
invertebrates. A revealing example comes from the study of three species of frogs
living and breeding in the same pond in north eastern United States. The three
species R. clamitans, R. pipiens and R. sylvatica have staggered breeding seasons. R.
sylvatica completes breeding before others arrive at the pond and R. clamitans begins
breeding only when all others have completed. The breeding time of each species
appears to be determined by the temperature of the waters of the pond which they
occupy. The following table gives you temperature of the water at which the frogs
begin their breeding.

Species of frog Water temperature at which breeding commences

Rana sylvatica 44°F

R.pipiens 55°F
R. clamitnns >60°F

Further each species has developed specific and elaborate mating call and this again
prevents breeding between syrnpatric forms. Finally even if mating takes place
between species, the development fails beyond the embryonic stage. Thus the
seasonal isolation has led to sterility barrier and the three species have no chance of
forming. hybrids.

13.7.3 Ethological Isolation

Members belonging to different species refrain from mating because of the
behavioural differences between them. Such behavioural differences usually centre
around specific courtship patterns which the species have evolved. The behaviour
patterns are more conspicuous in animals rather than in plants. And among animals,
once again, the courtship behaviour is more pronounced among terrestrial and fresh
water organisms than in marine forms. Mayr points out that in those forms where
there is an elaborate courtship behaviour the interspecific hybrids are rare. Closely
related species that do not have pair-binding courtship rituals do commonly give rise
to hybrids. Mayr is of the opinion that in species where there is a courtship behaviour
pattern, the "engagement" may be broken if the pairs do not belong to the same

A detailed study of the courtship behaviour of six species of Drosophila showed that
courtship and mating could be divided into six phases. If there is incompatibility at
any one of these six phases, the potential mates break off and the courtship is
discontinued. Under laboratory conditions, the interspecific crosses have not been
successful and the courtship was terminated even in the first stage. What is more
interesting here is that even to a trained observer differences in courtship behaviour
exhibited by different species may appear to be trivial and insignificant. But the
species recbgnise the specific signals and respond suitably. In certain other forms
differences in courtship behaviour between species could be very pronounced, The
courtship dances of the different species of Uca (shore crab) could be recognised from
a distance. This is also true of mating dances of salamanders, turtles and birds.

Earlier it appeared that Rana pipiens consisted of a single species. This assumption
34 was based on morphological considerations. But today researches have shown that
there are a number of species and the frogs have no difficulty in recognising their
own species. Both the frogs and researchers could distinguish the characteristic
mating song of each species. Some species of birds which show only minor
morphological differences can be easily differentiated by their songs.

Apart from the species specific dances and songs evolved by organisms to attiact their
mates, specific scents are produced by certain organisms for purposes of species
recognition. These scents, otherwise known as pheromones have been proved to elicit
selective response from males when left with females of two closely related species
in the same area. A study by B. Patterson in Scandinavian valley has shown that
nearly thirty seven species of moths belonging to a single genus live together without
any interbreeding among them. The author has concluded that despite all minor
morphological differences among the species, conspecific matings are assured
because of the specific scent produced by each species. Essentially the above account
tells you that specific behaviour patterns play a vital role in species recognition and
serve as a powerful isolating mechanism.

13.7.4 Mechanical Isolation

In certain instances differences in the morphology of genitalia between species make
it impossible for normal mating to occur, and sympatric species tend to remain
isolated. When there is no correspondence between the male and female external
genitalia for copulation to occur, the members belonging to different species are
reprod;ctively isolated. When interspecific crosses occur between individuals having
no exact correspondence in their genitalia, it resulted in the death of copulating pairs.
&sects and snails are usually quoted as examples of such fatal rnatings which occur
"due to mechanical differences in their genitalia. It must alao be stated that differences
in cogulatory organs, in many instances, have not proved to be a barrier for
ihterbreeding. Breeding between dogs belonging to different races is an often cited

Mechanical isolation appears to play a more important role in the speciation of plants.
Since many plants are aided by insects and birds in cross pollination, a morphological
compatibility is required between the plants and the pollinating agents. You may
recall the example that has bcen cited in unit 11 in which the flowers of different
species of Pedicularis plant are pollinated differently by bumble bees. Further, queen
bees with their long mouth parts pollinate the nector producing species of Pedicularis
and the other species of the plants are pollinated sternotribically o r nototribically.


The second category of isolating mechanism that may permit interspecific mating but
ensures reduced viability is called post-mating isolating mechanism. This category
could be subdivided into two types.
Interspecific steiility : Organisms belonging to different species may mate, but may
not produce any offspring.
Hybrid sterility :Here the interspecific cross may result in an F1 offspring but the
offspring is invariably sterile.

We shall now briefly look into each one of these sterility mechanisms with plant and
animal examples.

13.8.1 Interspecific Sterility

In interspecific sterility, the failure in mating occurs because of inability of the sperm
to reach the egg in animals and the pollen to reach ovules in plants. I n plailts
interspecific crosses usually result in the non-growing of the pollen tubes or the
slowing down of the growth. If pollen from another species is transferred to a plant
along with the pollen from conspecific individuals, the growth of the pollen tube of
the latter is much faster than the former and all the fertilisation is conspecific.
Evolution-Il In certain cases of interspecific crosses the pollen tube begins to grow but then bursts
ensuring that no fertilisation occurs. Such an event occurs when the chromosome
number of the inale parent is higher than female parent. For instance, three specie:
of tobacco plants are known to occur: Nicotiana tabacum, N, sylvestris and N.
tomentosa. N, tabacutn has 48 chromosomes and the other two species have 24 each.
Probably N. tabacum is a tetraploid produced by a cross between the other two
species. A cross between either of the two species and N. tabacum is success~ulonly
if the latter is used as a female parent. In such a cross the style tissues have 48
chromosomes and the pollen tube has only 12 chromosome, giving a ratio of 4:l.
When the cross is between N. sylvestris and N. tomentosa, the style tissue of both the
species has 24 chromosomes and the pollen tube has 12 chromosomes giving a 2:l
ratio. But if N . tabacum were to be a male parent, and the either of the other two
species a female, then the style tissue has 24 cl~romosomesand the pollen tube has
24 chromosomes giving 1 : l ratio. It is only under these circumstances, that is when
the ratio is close to 1:l the bursting of pollen tube occurs. It is assumed that a high
osmotic pressure in the pollen tube causes it to burst and that this trait is controlled
by a gene. Essentially a genetically coupled physiological mechanism prevents
interspecific crosses in the tobacco plant.
There are other instances where a zygote may be formed but its further development
may not occur beyond a stage. Thus in interspecific crosses of jimson weed plant, the
embryo dies around the eight cell stage. In the case of hybrid plants, it is believed
that there is an inadequate nutritional relationship between the developing embryos
and the endosperm resulting in the death of the embryos.
The genetic basis of interspecific sterility is not clearly understood in many cases.
Yet, one good example comes from studies on the tropical fish of the genus
Xiphophorus. X. maculatus (moon fish) carries a dominant gene (Sd) responsible for
a dark spot on its dorsal fin. The gene produces macromelanophores which are
potential tumors. In a closely related species X. helleri (swordtail), the gene occurs in
recesive form (sd). A cross between the two species produced fertile F, offspring.
The hybrid offspring has the heterozygous genotype Sdsd and in such a condition the
fins are more heavily pigmented than the homozygous (SdSd) genotype. The Sdsd
progeny always have lethal tumors. A backcross of Sdsd fish with the recessive
genotype (sdsd) have shown that half the progeny have lethal genotype (Sdsd). Thus
in Xiphophorus interspecific sterility manifests in the form of production of offsprings
with lethal genes in them.

13.8.2 Hybrid Sterility

Hybrid sterility can be regarded as yet another form of interspecific sterility. The
offspring of the interspecific crosses are mainly sterile. Geological studies have shown
that the chromosomes of the hybrid individuals fail to synapse at the time of meiosis
and thus result in either non-production of gametes or defective gametes. Unless the
chromosomes of parents are accurately separated which might result in viable
gametes,, in most cases the gametes are not produced and if produced they may not
b e fertile. The commonly cited example is the mule, a sterile animal the product of
a cross between a donkey and a horse. Further, the hybrid species in general are
found to have grossly abnormal reproductive system. If normal reproductive system
is present, then meiosis is abnormal and non-viable gametes are produced.
Thus various types of reproductive isolating mechanisms are at work in different
groups of organisms to maintain the distinctness and uniqueness of species.

1) Match the following:
Column1 -- Column I1

a) Non-meeting of the potential mates i) Ethological isolation

b) Potential mates d o meet but fail to I ii) Mechanical~isolation
mate I
c) Potential mates meet and mate but iii) Geographical, seasonal o r
no transfer of sperms habitat isolation
Answer in about 50 words each.
a) Explain the concept of geographical isolation with suitable examples.

b) How does habitat preference of organisms promote speciation process?

c) Cite an example to show that highly restricted breeding seasons of

populations contribute to isolation process.

d) Discuss thc role played by courtship behaviour and scents in the isolation

e) Distinguish the terms interspecific sterility and hybrid sterility.
~ " . ~ " " ~ . ~.......................................................................


In this section we shall be discussing a phenomenon associated with small
populations. You may recall from your studies in Genetics (LSE-03, Block 4,
Unit 2) that in large populations the frequencies of alleles lend to remain constant
generation after generation provided the populations do not experience any
mutation, genetic recombination, gene migration and selection. You may further
recall that this phenomenon is known as Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium. But evolution
essentially depends on changing gene frequencies. In the unit on 'Behaviour of Genes
in Populations' in Block 4 of LSE-03 Course, you may find illustrations of how gene
frequencies are altered in natural populations by factors such as mutations and
natural selection. Such factors although they affect gene frequencies, do it in a small
way. But genetic drift is a phenomenon that causes a large change or a drift in the
frequencies of genes in small populations. The phenomenon was first investigated by
the American population geneticist Sewall Wright and therefore is also known as
Sewall Wright effect.
It is generally believed that genetic drift occurs as a result of sampling error. As we
said earlier it occurs in small populations such as peripheral isolates. We may
demonstrate genetic drift by a small experiment. Take beads of same size but
different colours, say blue, red, green and yellow. Take a thousand of each colour
and mix them well in a bag or mug. The 4000 beads now constitute a population.
Now put your hand in without looking, pick up just four beads with your finger tips.
Let us say that you get two blues, one red and one green. This will mean that the
blues have increased from 25% to 50% but the yellows are reduced to zero. You
could see that the random drifting or large scale changes in the frequencies of
coloured beads is a result of sampling error. Just as the frequencies of coloured beads
drift randomly in the experiment, in small populations or peripheral isolates gene
frequencies may drift due to sampling error. Hence the phenomenon is known as
genetic drift.
Can such drift be observed in natural populations? The answer appears to be yes.
Let us take a small population of mice living in the rice barn of a farmer as four or
five extended families. The farmer tries a variety of methods like setting up of traps,
use of a shot gun, surprise visits, cats etc, to eradicate them. Such acts of the farmer ,'
exert a severe selection pressure on the mice. Under such circumstances the trails
that would be selected are the swiftness, short tail, hearirig acuity, cautiousness etc.
Naturally the frequencies of the alleles that control thcsc traits would tend to be high
in the population as only those mice which possess such traits can survive in an hostile
environment. After a couple of months, let us say there is an environmental change
and a severe winter sets in. The farmer confines himself to a fire place and as a result
the selection pressure on those traits we mentioned earlier is now liftcd. And in order
to survive in a changed environment, the mice need to possess totally a different set
of traits and essentially mice with such traits would be selected for. Thus swiftness
and visual acuity are no more the trails that would be selected for, but the mice with
a thick fur on them and similar such traits which would protect them from the severity
of the winter would be selected. The net result is that the frequencies of the alleles
that controlled the traits in the earlier environment undergo a drift - (i.e.) their
frequencies become significantly low in the new environment. It should be
emphasised that such a drift is characteristic of only small populations.
Sewall Wright suggested that genetic drift may have important consequences for
evolution. At one time he even seemed to have suggested that, in special
circumstances, genetic drift may override Darwinian natural selection. This view'was
criticised by the Oxford biologists R.A. Fisher and E.B. Ford who showed that
natural selectibn is the chief agent of evolutionary change not only in large and
medium populations, but also in very small populations. E.B. Ford demonstrated the
occurrence of wingspot polymorphism in small populations of Meadow Brown
butterflies in the lsles of Scylly, at the South Western tip of England. For, where the
polymorphism occurs, it is the surest indication that natural selection is operating at
its highest potential. Sewall Wright also found such arguments t o be true and has now
modified his genetic drift theory into a more acceptable shifting balance theory.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
i) In large populations the factors which tend to alter the gene frequencies are
......................, ............................................. and .......................
ii) ............................................
that causes a large change in gene frequencies
is characteristic of small populations.
iii) In small populations or peripheral isolates the genetic drift usually occurs because

iv) The genetic drift is also come to be known as ...................... effect.

v) Sewell Wright has modified his genetic drift theory into ......................
...................... theory.

In this unit you have learnt:
The concept of species and the definition that the species are a group of
interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such
groups. The biological species concept is more realistic than the typological or
nominalistic species concept. It explains species as a distinct unit of time, with a
capacity to change continuously over loiig periods of time. In short, species has an
evolutionary capacity.
0 The different modes of speciation. (a) The sympatric speciation refers to speciation
among populations living together. (b) Allopatric speciation refers to speciation in
populations separated by space and (c) Peripatric speciation refers to speciation of
individuals isolated as a peripheral population.
e Concept of ring species in which a population becomes isolated, changes gradually,
passes the test of sympatry and becomes a distinct species.
e The concept of genetic repatterning in which a new population develops from the
early colonisers of the island by a process of genetic revolution. Reduction in
variability, elimination of homozygote recessives by inbreeding process,
overdominance resulting in heterozygote superiority and non-allelic epistatic
interactions are sorne of the genetic events that break the genetic cohesiveness of
populations. Such events render the founder population more plastic and pliable
arid move it into a new species with better adaptations.
The different types of isolating mechanisms-the geographical, ecological,
mechanical, ethological and reproductive (both pre-mating and post-mating) all of
which promote the formation and distinctness of species.
That genetic drift is a process that may operate in small populations bringing about
large scale changes in gene frequencies. Also known as Sewall Wright effect, in
small populations the drift is due to sampling error.

1 Briefly comment on the three types of species concept.

, 2) Distinguish the terms sympatric, peripatric and allopatric speciation. , '
3) What do you understand by the term ring species? Illustrate your answer with
suitable example.

4) To what type of isolation the following barriers contribute to?

a) Oceanic islands inhabited by amphibians .......................
b) Salt water as a barrier for fresh water organisms .......................
c) Large bodies of water as barrier for land birds ........................
d) Priaries as barrier for forest organisins .......................
e) Mountains as barriers for low land organisms .......................
f) Restricted breeding seasons .......................
g) Courtship patterns ...................,...
h) Specific mating calls .......................
i) Specific scents .......................
j) Distinct morphology of genitalia .......................
k) Hybrid sterility .......................
1) Higher chromosome number of male parent .......................
5 ) In small populations the gene frequencies often tend to drift. Justify the logic of
the statement with a suitable example.

Self-assessment Questions
1) i) T, iii) T, iii) F, iv) T.
2) i) Reproductively isolated
ii) Sympatric speciation
iii) Polyploidy
iv) Disruptive selection
v) Geographically isolated
vi) Allopatric
vii) Peripatric speciation.
3) i) It is quite possible that the action of selection could differentiate the different
sub-species further resulting in a circle or group of races. The terminal
members of such a ring or circle sufficiently different from others evolve into
a species - the ring species.
ii) When a new population develops from early colonisers of the islands they
undergo a variety of genetic changes by way of reduced variability,
elimination of recessive homozygotes, reduction in genetic load, superior
fitness of heterozygotes and non-allelic epistatic interactions, all of which
result in a genetic revolution or more precisely the genetic repattering.
1 4) i) a) iii), b) i), c) ii)
ii) a) The concept of geographical isolation refers to the restriction of organisms
to certain specific geographical regions with suitable ecological features.
For instance oceanic islands are not inhabited by amphibians. Pacific
ocean receives many parallel streams of fresh water each of which has its
own species or sub-species of fishes which live isolated.
b) Habitat preference do promote speciation process. In Swiss moth
Nemeophila plantagenis the habitat preference of the two races appears
to con'tribute to the speciation process. One race of the moth lives at an
altitude of about 2700 meters and the other race below 1700 meters.
Although the two races breed in the laboratory the hybrid population is
confined at an altitude of 2200 meters.
c) The five species of cypress trees of the genus Cupressus are divided into
10 groups. Each one of these could be called as sub-species. Very rarely
hybrids are formed between two groups although the groups live close
1 enough. The reason appears to be that the groups shed their pollens at
1 different times or season, preventing the occurrence of cross pollination.
d) Courtship behaviour patterns which are very specific for each species act
as a deterrent for the members belonging to different species. Mayr
opines that where there is courtship behaviour pattern the engagement
may be broken if the pairs do not belong to the same species. Similarly
specific scents produced by certain organisms to attract their mates help
in the process of species recognition.
e) Interspecific sterility: Organisms belonging to two different species may
mate but may not produce any offspring.
I Hybrid sterility : The interspecific cross may result in a sterile F1
5) i) Selection, mutation, genetic recombination and gene migration.
ii) Genetic drift
iii) Sampling error
iv) Sewall wright
v) Shifting balance.
i Terminal Questions
! 1) Three types of species concept have been proposed.
a) The typological species concent, as suggested by Plato, reduces the immense
variety of organisms in nature to a few "types". It proposed that individuals
might vary but belonged to a single type.
b) The nominalistic species concept regarded species as man-made abstraction.
c) The biological species concept, a more realistic and objective approach to the
problem of species conceived species as members'belonging t o a reproductive
community and as an ecological unit. It also regarded species as a genetic
unit where individuals are held as a large, strongly united gene pool.
2) Syrnpatric speciation refers to speciation where parent species give rise to a
daughter species without the individuals of the species being separated,
Speciation by populations of parent species which occupy quite separate
territories is the allopatric speciation and the most common mode of species
formation. Speciation by small populations isolated on the periphery of the
distribution of the parent population can be described as peripatric speciation.
3) Ring species refers to a concept of speciation in which a widely distributed species
breaks up into partially isolated species and then acted by selection and other
factors results in a circle or group of races or Rassenkreise. For the example refer
to section 13.4.
4) a) Geographic isolation
b) Geographic isolation
c) Geographic isolation
d) Ecological isolation
e) Ecological isolation
f) Ecological isolation
g) Ethological isolation
h) Ethological isolation
i) Ethological isolation
j) Mechanical isolation
k) Reproductive isolation
1) Reproductive isolation

5) In small populations genetic drift occurs due to sampling error. It refers to

accidental but pronounced fluctuations in the frequency of a particular allele. In
a population consisting of 100 individuals, assuming an allele is present only in
one individual, the chances are that either the allele is irrevocably eliminated
from the population in one or two generations or the frequency of allele may
increase by 10%. In other words, due to genetic drift, the genes may be
consequently lost or completely fixed in small populations. For an example refer
to section 14.3.

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