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Species Concept

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Bernhard Hausdorf1,2
Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany

Received September 15, 2010

Accepted January 3, 2011

New insights in the speciation process and the nature of “species” that accumulated in the past decade demand adjustments of the
species concept. The standing of some of the most broadly accepted or most innovative species concepts in the light of the growing
evidence that reproductive barriers are semipermeable to gene flow, that species can differentiate despite ongoing interbreeding,
that a single species can originate polyphyletically by parallel evolution, and that uniparental organisms are organised in units
that resemble species of biparental organisms is discussed. As a synthesis of ideas in existing concepts and the new insights, a
generalization of the genic concept is proposed that defines species as groups of individuals that are reciprocally characterized by
features that would have negative fitness effects in other groups and that cannot be regularly exchanged between groups upon
contact. The benefits of this differential fitness species concept are that it classifies groups that keep differentiated and keep on
differentiating despite interbreeding as species, that it is not restricted to specific mutations or mechanisms causing speciation,
and that it can be applied to the whole spectrum of organisms from uni- to biparentals.

KEY WORDS: Hybridization, introgression, speciation.

Although the “species” is one of the most important units in result in different conclusions (Isaac et al. 2004). For example, a
biology, the definition of the term is still controversial. Most literature survey revealed a 49% higher count of species in studies
biological information is given with reference to a species. There using a phylogenetic species concept compared with studies ap-
is a whole discipline, taxonomy, dedicated to the delimitation of plying nonphylogenetic concepts on the same organisms and an
species, which requires a species concept. Species concepts do not associated decrease in population size and range (Agapow et al.
only define what a species is, but by defining what a species is, they 2004).
also define what speciation is. Thus, research programs focusing Because of the importance of the definition of the term
on the conditions and factors resulting in speciation depend on “species,” a plethora of species concepts has been proposed (for
the species concept. Many other biological studies depend also review see Mayden 1997; de Queiroz 1998; Harrison 1998; Coyne
on the delimitation of species. For example, many ecological and Orr 2004). However, there is little agreement about the species
and behavioral studies investigate the interactions of species or concept so far. The endless debates about the species concept re-
the relation of species richness with abiotic and biotic factors. sulted in frustration and a decrease of interest in the development
Most efforts in conservation biology focus on species. Even in of the concept. Nevertheless, new insights in the speciation pro-
legislation, the species is one of the most often used biological cess and the nature of “species” that accumulated in the past
units, not only with respect to conservation, but also with regard to decade demand adjustments of the species concept.
agricultural or medical issues. Thus, a clear definition of the term One of the most important new insights with regard to the
“species” is important for a broader audience than just academic species concept is that reproductive barriers are semipermeable to
biologists. gene flow and that species can differentiate despite ongoing inter-
The discussion of different species concepts is not just a breeding (Harrisson 1998; Rieseberg 2001; Wu 2001; Rieseberg
philosophical debate, but different species concepts may actually et al. 2003; Coyne and Orr 2004; Wu and Ting 2004; Mallet 2005,

C 2011 The Author(s). Evolution 
C 2011 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

923 Evolution 65-4: 923–931


2008; Lexer and Widmer 2008). Although at least 25% of plant criteria have to be stated directly in the species concept. Different
species and 10% of animal species are known to hybridize with species concepts often refer to different stages during speciation
other species with potential introgression of genes (Mallet 2005), (de Queiroz 1998, 2005a,b, 2007). If a species concept specifies
most species concepts do not adequately consider gene exchange conditions that are generally achieved in a later stage of differen-
between species. The persistence of differentiated species and tiation than the conditions of another concept, then the concepts
ongoing differentiation despite gene exchange challenge these are nested and the conditions of the former concept are sufficient
concepts. criteria of the latter.
Further insights in the nature of “species,” which were not Species concepts are not right or wrong. In principle almost
considered in the context of species concepts so far, were gained every species concept is usable. However, acceptance of a species
by studies of parallel speciation. Parallel speciation is a case of concept entails an appropriate adaptation of the use of the term
parallel evolution in which similar traits that confer reproductive “species” and of species delimitation. If, for example, a species
isolation originate independently in separate closely related lin- concept is adapted that does not implicate that groups of poly-
eages resulting in a polyphyletic entity that evolves independently ploid individuals should be considered as species distinct from
of the ancestral species (Schluter and Nagel 1995; Rundle et al. otherwise similar diploid individuals, current classification has to
2000; Johannesson 2001; Nosil et al. 2002). The traits that deter- be changed accordingly. Thus, species concepts should be rated
mine reproductive isolation may evolve as a byproduct of adap- the higher, the better they fit current usage of the term “species.”
tation to different environments, but they may also originate by
other processes such as independent polyploidization. Actually,
most polyploid entities originated by recurrent polyploidization, Species Concepts
often in different populations of the ancestral species (Soltis and LINEAGE-BASED SPECIES CONCEPTS
Soltis 1999, 2000). The independently derived polyploid individu- de Queiroz (1998, 2005a,b, 2007) argued that all modern species
als may interbreed with each other and form coherent polyphyletic concepts have a common element, namely they either explicitly
entities commonly recognized as species. or implicitly equate species with “separately evolving (segments
Another important finding is that uniparental organisms are of) metapopulation lineages” (de Queiroz 2005). This “general
actually organised in units that resemble species of biparental lineage concept,” which is a re-formulation of the evolutionary
organisms (Holman 1987; Gevers et al. 2005; Cohan and Perry species concept (Simpson 1951, 1961; Wiley 1978), became pop-
2007; Fontaneto et al. 2007; Cohan and Koeppel 2008). The term ular among systematists (Wiens 2007).
“species” is used for all groups of organisms. Thus, the question To understand lineage-based species concepts, the terms “lin-
is whether all phenomena along the continuum of reproductive eage” and “population” have to be defined at first. A lineage
systems from uni- to biparentals that are called species can be is defined as “an ancestral–descendant sequence of populations”
defined in a general species concept. (Simpson 1961). The term population is usually defined as a group
In the following, I will discuss the impact of these insights of conspecific organisms that occupy a more or less well-defined
on some of the most broadly accepted or most innovative species geographical region and exhibit reproductive continuity from gen-
concepts and I will try to develop a synthesis of existing concepts eration to generation (Futuyma 1998). There are several variations
and new insights. of this definition (Waples and Gaggiotti 2006). In any case it has
to be specified which of the individuals that co-occur in an area
form a population. In some definitions of “population” the more
Species Concept and Species usual phrases “conspecific organisms” or “individuals of the same
Criteria species” are replaced by “interbreeding individuals” (e.g., Mayr
de Queiroz (1998) emphasized the distinction between species 1942, 1963; de Queiroz and Donoghue 1988). However, such a
concept and species criteria. However, his definition of “species definition of population introduces the biological species concept
concept” as “idea about the kind of entity represented by the through the back-door by including it into the definition of pop-
species category” is not distinct enough to be helpful. A species ulation. This definition was not used by de Queiroz (1998) when
concept has to state the conditions that are necessary and sufficient he introduced the general lineage concept. Rather, he emphasized
to identify a group of individuals as a species (see also Pigliucci that he uses population “in the general sense of an organizational
2003) Based on this definition, I oppose his view that most of level above that of the organism rather than the specific sense
the earlier formulated species concepts are only species criteria. of a reproductive community of sexual organisms” (de Queiroz
A species criterion is a condition that is necessary or sufficient 1998). He did not specify any properties of this “organizational
to identify a group of individuals as a species. Conditions given level above that of the organism,” leaving the exact definition
in species concepts are species criteria. However, not all valid of population and, thus, lineage and species unclear. The later



addition of the term metapopulation to the general lineage con- Rieseberg et al. 2003; Coyne and Orr 2004; Wu and Ting 2004;
cept and its definition as “an inclusive population made up of a Mallet 2005, 2008; Lexer and Widmer 2008) indicates that the
set of connected subpopulations” by de Queiroz (2005a,b) did not biological species concept is not in accordance with current use
help to clarify the concept, rather introduced additional undefined of the term species. Acceptance of this concept would require
terms. It has neither been explained how “subpopulations” are lumping many well differentiated and generally accepted species
defined nor how they are “connected.” that nevertheless interbreed regularly. Some authors (Orr 2001;
If the usual definition of population as a group of conspecific Noor 2002; Coyne and Orr 2004) have argued for a relaxed inter-
organisms that occupy a more or less well-defined geographical pretation of the biological species concept to retain it despite the
region is accepted, a population (and hence, a sub- or a metapop- new insights. However, the meaning of a species concept is that it
ulation) can only be delimited if we can decide which organisms defines the conditions under which a group of individuals should
are conspecific. Thus, species must be defined before populations be classified as a species. If we ignore the conditions specified in
can be delimited. It is circular to define a species as a sequence of a species concept, it becomes useless.
(meta-)populations, because it is part of the definition of “popula- Moreover, the biological species concept has originally been
tion” that the organisms that form a population belong to the same formulated exclusively for biparental organisms. Acceptance of
species. The term “population” must not be used in definitions of the biological species concept would entail that the term species
“species” unless it is defined without referring to conspecific or- should not be used for uniparental organisms, although growing
ganisms. Note, that this is necessary to avoid circularity and does evidence indicates that they are organised in units that resem-
not indicate any doubts about the evolutionary importance of ble species of biparental organisms (Holman 1987; Gevers et al.
populations. 2005; Cohan and Perry 2007; Fontaneto et al. 2007; Cohan and
The notion of “separately evolving” units is doubtlessly the Koeppel 2008). It has been suggested that a modification of the
core of all modern species concepts. However, to be a useful biological species concept can be applied to uniparental prokary-
criterion in a species concept, it has to be specified what “sepa- otes (Dykhuizen and Green 1991). This was based on the insight
rately evolving” means. It is unclear how populations connected that prokaryotes are not simple clonal organisms, but that there is
by limited gene flow should be classified. As a result of intro- frequent gene exchange at least in some groups. However, gene
gression, biparental taxa may not evolve separately at some loci, exchange between prokaryotes is not limited to closely related
but do at most others (Harrison 1998; Wu 2001; Coyne and Orr species (Ochman et al. 2005) and, thus, an application of a modi-
2004; Wu and Ting 2004; Mallet 2005). Moreover, coherent poly- fication of the biological species concept would require lumping
phyletic entities that originated by parallel speciation and evolve many well-differentiated and generally accepted species. Further-
separately of the ancestral species cannot be classified as separate more, there are uniparental organisms without gene exchange such
species by lineage-based species concepts. as parthenogenetic species, for which even a modification of the
Lineage-based species concepts shift the problem of defining biological species concept would not be applicable.
the term “species” to the problem of defining the term “popula-
tion” and result in an intricate re-formulization of the biological PHYLOGENETIC SPECIES CONCEPT
species concept or in circular reasoning. Furthermore, the impor- One important alternative to the biological species concept that
tant criterion “separately evolving” in the general lineage concept can principally be applied also to uniparental organisms is the phy-
remained unclear, because it was not specified what this notion logenetic species concept. According to the diagnosable version
means. Thus, lineage-based species concepts present only limited of the phylogenetic species concept, a species is “a diagnosable
progress toward a generally applicable species concept. cluster of individuals within which there is a parental pattern of
ancestry and descent, beyond which there is not, and which ex-
BIOLOGICAL SPECIES CONCEPT hibits a pattern of phylogenetic ancestry and descendent among
The most influential species concept is still the biological units of like kind” (Eldredge and Cracraft 1980). This concept has
species concept that defines species as “groups of actually also been recommended for prokaryotes (Staley 2006) and has
or potentially interbreeding natural populations, which are re- recently been referred to in several DNA barcoding/ DNA taxon-
productively isolated from other such groups” (Mayr 1942, omy studies (e.g., Kelly et al. 2007; Sarkar et al. 2008; Monaghan
1963; “natural populations” in this formulation can be re- et al. 2009).
placed by “individuals” without change of meaning). However, However, there are problems with this concept in uni- as well
two of the new findings challenge the biological species con- as in biparentals. In uniparentals in which there is no or little gene
cept. The finding that reproductive barriers are semipermeable exchange, each clone with a mutation would be classified as a sep-
to gene flow and that species can differentiate despite ongo- arate species (Coyne and Orr 2004). In uniparentals with higher
ing interbreeding (Harrisson 1998; Rieseberg 2001; Wu 2001; levels of gene exchange and in biparentals each substitution will



have its own particular distribution and little or no concordance an ancestral species cannot be recognized as separate genotypic
might exist among the sets of individuals diagnosable with inde- clusters and would have to be lumped with the ancestral species
pendently derived mutations except those bounded by barriers to under the genotypic cluster definition.
gene flow (Avise and Ball 1990). Eldredge and Cracraft (1980)
restricted the clusters of individuals that are ranked as “species” COHESION SPECIES CONCEPT
by including the condition “within which there is a parental pat- Templeton (1989) recognized that there is a whole continuum
tern of ancestry and descent, beyond which there is not” in the of reproductive systems from uni- to biparentals and that any a
concept. This condition has the function to restrict the cluster of priori restriction of the scope of a species concept with regard
individuals that are ranked as “species” to those that are bounded to reproduction mode is to some degree artificial. Furthermore,
by barriers to gene flow. However, the insights that hybridization he recognized that evolutionary processes other than reproduc-
between closely related species is frequent and that species can tive isolation contribute also to the formation and maintenance
differentiate despite ongoing interbreeding means that many cur- of coherent entities, especially in uniparentals. Templeton (1989)
rently recognized species do not show separate “parental patterns compiled these processes and classified these “cohesion mech-
of ancestry and descent,” but that some descendants belonging anisms” into mechanisms affecting genetic exchangeability by
to one species may have ancestors belonging to another simul- defining the limits of spread of new genetic variants through gene
taneously existing species and vice versa. Thus, these insights flow and mechanisms affecting demographic exchangeability by
have similar consequences for the application of the phylogenetic defining the fundamental niche and the limits of spread of new
species concept as for the biological species concept. Acceptance genetic variants through genetic drift and natural selection. How-
of the phylogenetic species concept would also require lump- ever, the term “cohesion mechanism” may be misleading, because
ing many well-differentiated and generally accepted species that most biological properties that confer cohesion did probably not
nevertheless interbreed regularly. arise for that purpose (Harrison 1998). Thus, cohesion is an effect,
Moreover, polyphyletic species originating by parallel spe- not a mechanism. Based on the “cohesion mechanisms,” Temple-
ciation will also not show a “parental patterns of ancestry and ton (1989) formulated the cohesion species concept, according to
descent” separate from that of the ancestral species and would which a species is “the most inclusive group of organisms having
have to be lumped under the phylogenetic species concept, too. the potential for genetic and/or demographic exchangeability.”
Coyne and Orr (2004) claimed that the cohesion species
GENOTYPIC CLUSTER DEFINITION concept may fail to provide a decision about the species status
Mallet (1995) recognized that the biological species concept is un- of two groups when the criteria of genetic and demographic ex-
tenable in the face of gene flow between independently evolving changeability conflict, for example, if two groups of biparental
units and proposed a pattern-based species concept. Adding genet- individuals are genetically nonexchangeable but demographically
ics to the phenetic species concept that defines species as groups of exchangeable. This is not the case. The “and/or” between genetic
individuals with few or no intermediates, he formulated the geno- and demographic exchangeability in Templeton’s (1989) formu-
typic cluster definition according to which a species is a “geno- lation of the cohesion concept is a logical “or,” an inclusive dis-
typic cluster that can overlap without fusing with its sibling.” junction. Thus, all individuals connected by any “cohesion mech-
Just as the phylogenetic species concept, this concept is in anism” are classified as one species by the cohesion concept. If
principle applicable also for uniparental organisms. However, ac- there are, for example, groups of biparental individuals that are
ceptance of the genotypic cluster definition would result in the genetically nonexchangeable (i.e., reproductively isolated), but
undesirable consequence that each genetically different clone will demographically exchangeable, the most inclusive group includes
be identified as a separate species (Coyne and Orr 2004). all individuals. Thus, groups of individuals would have to be con-
The prediction that species sooner or later form genotypic sidered conspecific under the cohesion concept, if they occupy the
and phenotypic clusters can be derived from most species con- same fundamental niche, even if they are reproductively isolated.
cepts. Thus, this is doubtlessly a useful criterion for delimiting Acceptance of the cohesion concept would require lumping many
provisional species. However, incipient species might not yet be generally accepted reproductively isolated species. Moreover, the
recognizable as distinct clusters based on a random sample of ge- cohesion concept does not specify which kind of gene flow af-
netic markers. In the case of peripatric speciation, the peripheral fects genetic exchangeability and, thus, will also result in lumping
species will initially often form a cluster with neighboring popula- species that differentiate despite ongoing gene exchange.
tions of the more widespread species so that the more widespread
species does not form a genotypic cluster distinct from the pe- GENIC SPECIES CONCEPT
ripheral species. At least in their initial stages, coherent entities Wu (2001) developed a novel model of speciation based on
originating by parallel speciation from different populations of a consideration of the genetic processes happening during



speciation, which explains why and what kind of gene exchange gene flow, it is sufficient that such features, which may be heri-
does not affect the persistence of differentiated species and the table traits other than genes, have negative fitness effects in other
further differentiation of species. According to this model, the species. They may be neutral in the species that they characterize.
whole process of speciation depends primarily on the genes re- For example, a Wolbachia infection may be nearly neutral in the
sponsible for differential adaptation to different natural or sex- hosting species but would have a negative fitness effect in other,
ual environments, the “speciation genes” (see also Wu and Ting noninfected species. Groups of individuals become evolutionary
2004). Wu (2001) defined differential adaptation as a form of di- independent only if gene flow is restricted in both directions.
vergence in which the alternative alleles of a gene have opposite Thus, each group must have features that have negative fitness
fitness effects in two groups of individuals. During the process effects in the other species. Based on these ideas, species can be
of speciation the speciation genes may account for only a small defined as groups of individuals that are reciprocally character-
fraction of the genome. Gene exchange is restricted at these loci, ized by features that would have negative fitness effects in other
whereas gene exchange at other loci, the “marker loci,” could groups and that cannot be regularly exchanged between groups
persist for a long period of time even after speciation. Speciation upon contact.
is the stage where the groups of individuals will not lose their This differential fitness species concept considers not only
divergence upon contact and will be able to continue to diverge. mutations in genes, but any differences including, for example,
Based on this model, Wu (2001) defined species as “groups that chromosomal changes (White 1954; Rieseberg 2001), Wolbachia
are differentially adapted and, upon contact, are not able to share infections (Hurst and Schilthuizen 1998; Telschow et al. 2005;
genes controlling these adaptive characters, by direct exchanges Werren et al. 2008), other selfish genetic elements such as trans-
or through intermediate hybrid populations.” Although it was posable elements (Hurst and Schilthuizen 1998; Hurst and Wer-
originally formulated for biparental species, this concept is in ren 2001) or niche-specifying genes or sets of genes acquired by
principle also applicable to uniparentals. horizontal transfer in prokaryotes (Ochman et al. 2005; Cohan
The genic species concept of Wu (2001) has been criti- and Koeppel 2008). The differences may result from differential
cized because it exclusively focuses on differential adaptation adaptation due to natural or sexual selection, but may also be
caused by mutations in genes (Britton-Davidian 2001; Orr 2001; the result of genetic drift or other often nonadaptive processes
Rundle et al. 2001; Noor 2002). Other genetic features that may such as polyploidization or infections by symbionts. The features
result in reproductive isolation such as chromosomal changes may be specifically adaptive for one group’s niche, but maladap-
were classified as “special cases” by Wu (2001). However, the tive for another’s or may be incompatible in the context of the
critics prefer to classify entities that evolve separately because genetic background of another group (like different Wolbachia
they are reproductively isolated due to chromosomal changes or infections). Such incompatibilities could result in lowered fertil-
other nongenic mutations as separate species. Even if differential ity or in unbalanced physiological function. As the genic species
adaptation would be the most frequent process resulting in spe- concept, the differential fitness concept allows for the exchange
ciation, other processes that might also cause the formation of of genes as far as they are not important for the features that have
species such as genetic drift should not be excluded a priori in a negative fitness effects in the other species.
species concept (Britton-Davidian 2001; Orr 2001; Rundle et al. The differential fitness species concept differs from the bi-
2001; Noor 2002). ological species concept in considering that the exchange of the
species-specific features may not only be restricted by reproduc-
DIFFERENTIAL FITNESS SPECIES CONCEPT tive isolation, but also by divergent selection. In this respect, the
Compared to other species concepts, the ability of the genic differential fitness species concept is closer to Darwin’s (1859)
species concept of Wu (2001) to specify in which cases groups of understanding of species than to the biological species concept.
individuals can be classified as species despite gene flow between Darwin (1859: 485) argued “that the only distinction between
these groups represented an important conceptual advance. Thus, species and well-marked varieties is, that the latter are known,
it is worth considering whether the two criticized restrictions or believed, to be connected at the present day by intermediate
of the genic species concept, that it considers only species that gradations, whereas species were formerly thus connected.” The
originated by (1) mutations in genes resulting in (2) differential lack of intermediate gradations in the first differences that charac-
adaptation, can be abolished. Wu (2001) defined differential adap- terize nascent species results from the inability to exchange these
tation by “opposite fitness effects” of alternative alleles. However, features between groups and is not necessarily connected with
the features that cause speciation do not necessarily have to be reproductive isolation. One shortcoming of a purely phenotypic
alternative alleles and their fitness effects do not necessarily have assessment of the ability to exchange potentially species-specific
to be opposite in different species, that is positive in the species features is that groups of individuals characterized by different
that they characterize and negative in the other species. To restrict discrete polymorphisms may be taken for separate species because



of the lack of intermediate gradations. However, this does not and requires intrinsic reproductive isolation. The phylogenetic
affect the differential fitness species concept that does not focus species concept differs from the other concepts in that it classifies
on the lack of intermediate gradations as such, but is based on the groups that are only extrinsically (e.g., geographically) isolated as
inability to exchange species-specific features between groups. As species. This results in considerable taxonomic inflation (Agapow
long as groups of individuals characterized by different discrete et al. 2004; Isaac et al. 2004). Moreover, it classifies also diagnos-
polymorphisms are able to exchange these polymorphisms, that able groups of uniparentals that are not characterized by features
is the underlying genes, these groups are not considered species that would have negative fitness effects in other groups as species
under the differential fitness species concept. But when this abil- what would result in an even larger inflation in prokaryote taxon-
ity disappears, groups of individuals characterized by different omy. Such groups might often be classified as species also using
features become species under this concept. the genotypic cluster definition. With respect to the classification
The differential fitness species concept can be applied to the of other groups, the genotypic cluster definition is most similar to
whole spectrum of organisms from uni- to biparentals. The differ- the differential fitness species concept. However, its outcome can-
ential fitness species concept classifies groups as species if they not be predicted unequivocally based on the conditions specified
are characterized by features that would have negative fitness ef- in Table 1, because genotypic clusters are expected to emerge un-
fects in other such groups and that cannot be regularly exchanged der all of the specified conditions, but may come about only in later
between these groups. In biparentals these features include be- stages of differentiation. Note that genotypic clusters may arise
sides adaptations to different environments also modifications of also in only extrinsically isolated groups, but that such clusters
the reproductive system that decide with which other individu- do not qualify as species under the genotypic cluster definition,
als an individual can produce fertile descendants. For example, because they will fuse upon contact. The most unusual feature
polyploidy has a negative fitness effect in a group of diploid indi- of the cohesion concept is that groups of biparental individuals
viduals, because it would result in reproductive incompatibility. are considered conspecific if they occupy the same fundamental
Likewise, diploidy has a negative fitness effect in a group of poly- niche, even if they are reproductively isolated. The conceptual
ploid individuals. Thus, these groups are classified as different advance of the genic and the differential fitness species concepts
species under the differential fitness concept, even if they occupy is that they do not demand complete reproductive isolation, but
the same niche. Uniparental groups characterized by features that tolerate the exchange of features except those that are causal for
would have negative fitness effects in other groups occupy dif- the differentiation. Groups that are classified as species under the
ferent niches in most cases. Thus, in uniparentals species as de- genic species concept are also considered species under the more
fined by the differential fitness concept correspond usually to eco- general differential fitness species concept. The same is true for
types, which were actually considered the equivalent of biparental groups that are classified as species under the biological species
species in prokaryotes (Gevers et al. 2005; Cohan and Perry 2007; concept, because the features that cause reproductive isolation
Cohan and Koeppel 2008). However, mutations in different genes in biparentals have negative fitness effects in other groups and
in different strains, each of which is selectively neutral on its cannot be regularly exchanged.
own, might result in genic incompatibilities, that is, might have
negative fitness effects in strains with incompatible mutations in
other genes, so that such strains qualify as different species under Species Concept and Species
the differential fitness concept, even if they are not ecologically Delimitation
differentiated. It is questionable whether neutral mutations often The formulation of a species concept and the development of ap-
persist long enough in prokaryotes that such genic incompatibil- proaches for delimiting species are two different tasks (de Queiroz
ities can arise or whether they are usually eliminated by periodic 2005b, 2007). A species concept has to be formulated in such a
selection before genic incompatibilities can originate. way that also the earliest stages after speciation are covered. Ac-
tually, the species concept defines what speciation is. The earliest
stages after speciation may differ only in a few properties. After
Comparison of Species Concepts divergence differentiation of the resulting species continues so
For an easier comparison of the consequences resulting from that it becomes easier to distinguish later stages.
different species concepts, some illustrative groupings and their Approaches for delimiting species should ideally be based
classification under different species concepts are listed in Table 1. on the conditions specified in the favored species concept. Then
The general lineage concept could not be considered because of the delimited species should correspond exactly to the species
the problems discussed above. concept. However, often properties acquired later during dif-
The biological species concept differs from the other dis- ferentiation can be observed more easily than the few proper-
cussed concepts in that it is formulated exclusively for biparentals ties acquired directly at the speciation stage. Thus, delimitation



Table 1. Classification of groups of individuals as species (+), usually species (±) or not separate species (−) by different species concepts
(na, concept not applicable). BSC=biological species concept; PSC=phylogenetic species concept; GCD=genotypic cluster definition;
CSC=cohesion species concept; GSC=genic species concept; DFSC=differential fitness species concept.


Groups of uniparentals that are characterized by features that would na + ± + + +

have negative fitness effects in other groups
Diagnosable groups that are not characterized by features that cannot − + − − − −
be exchanged with other groups, but do not exchange genes with
other groups because of geographical isolation
Diagnosable groups of uniparentals that are not characterized by na + ± − − −
features that would have negative fitness effects in other groups
Groups of biparentals that are reproductively isolated but occupy the + + ± − + +
same niche
Groups that are differentially adapted and are not able to share the − − ± − + +
genes controlling these adaptive characters, although they are
Groups of biparentals that are reproductively isolated due to + + ± ± − +
non-genic mutations or processes other than differential adaptation

approaches are often based on such properties. If an approach other groups might be difficult especially in uniparental groups.
for delimiting species is based on properties which were acquired However, this does not disqualify the concept as such. In prin-
in later stages, the approach may result in false negatives, that ciple, fitness effects of genes of other species can be tested by
is, species in early stages of speciation that are not recognized as experimental transformation also in uniparentals.
such, but no false positives. If the properties on which an approach If nothing is known about the fitness effects of features
is based may be acquired also prior to speciation, false positives and their exchangeability, a standard approach for delimiting
may result as well. Because methods that are not directly based species is determining phenotypic or genotypic clusters (Sites and
on the conditions specified in a species concept will sometimes Marshall 2004; Hausdorf and Hennig 2010). This approach is
fail to delimit species boundaries properly, an eclectic approach justified at least in biparental species by our understanding of
to delimiting species is necessary (Sites and Marshall 2004). differentiation processes. After speciation more and more alle-
If species delimitation should be based directly on the con- les become restricted to one of the descendant species, so that
ditions specified in the differential fitness concept, it has to be the individuals belonging to one species will form genotypic and
demonstrated that groups of individuals are reciprocally charac- phenotypic clusters sooner or later even if they were initially para-
terized by features that (1) have negative fitness effects in other phyletic (e.g., as a result of peripatric speciation) or polyphyletic
groups and that (2) cannot be regularly exchanged between groups (e.g., because of parallel speciation).
upon contact. In many cases features that would have negative fit-
ness effects in other groups, such as different beak sizes or forms
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