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Numerical Study On 3D Effect and Practical Design in Shield Tunneling

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Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209

Numerical study on 3D effect and practical design in shield tunneling

Hossain Md. Shahin a,⇑,1, Teruo Nakai b,c, Tetsuo Okuno d
Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Geo-Research Institute, Japan
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

Received 21 May 2018; received in revised form 27 August 2018; accepted 11 January 2019
Available online 27 March 2019


In practice, different design methods are used in solving geotechnical problems depending on the type of issue such as the tunneling,
braced excavation, or bearing capacity of a foundation, that is, the basic mechanism of the design method differs depending on the prob-
lems even for the same ground. A numerical analysis using the finite element method has recently become familiar owing to an improved
computing performance; however, it is not widely used in the design of geotechnical problems including tunnel excavation owing to the
reliability of the constitutive model of the ground material. If a constitutive model of soils can properly express the properties of the
ground material, a numerical analysis will play a vital role in solving the geotechnical problems. In this paper, the current state of a
numerical analysis and its applicability in tunnel design are discussed. Herein, the simulation of the ground behavior during tunnel exca-
vation is carried out using sandy and clay ground parameters for shallow and deep tunnel excavations. This paper is mainly focused on
the effects of tunnel excavation under three-dimensional (3D) conditions, as well as the current design method. Non-linear 2D and 3D
finite element analyses have been conducted, in which the elastoplastic sub-loading tij model has been used as a constitutive model of the
soil. The performance and acceptability of the constitutive model have already been proven to reproduce the results of various model
tests on different geotechnical problems such as the tunneling, braced excavation, and bearing capacity of a foundation, as well as
the measured field data. It was found that a 2D finite element analysis where the rate of stress release is considered, can be used for
the prediction of the ground deformation and surface settlement; however, it does not provide rational information in the prediction
of tunnel lining forces such as the stress, bending moment, and axial force, which emphasize the necessity of a 3D analysis with a proper
construction process in a tunnel design.
Ó 2019 Tongji University and Tongji University Press. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Owner. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Keywords: Shield tunneling; Finite element analysis; 3D effect

1 Introduction and ground stability in practice are mostly predicted using

a rigid plasticity approach. In this design approach, the
Underground structures, in which open cut excavation is vertical earth pressure is estimated from the over-burden
not possible for overlying structures, or a canal or river, pressure and Terzaghi’s loosening earth pressure theory.
etc., are constructed using a tunneling method. In the tun- The lateral earth pressure is obtained by multiplying the
nel design, the earth pressure acting on the tunnel lining vertical earth pressure by the coefficient of the lateral earth
pressure. A beam-spring model is used to estimate the
⇑ Corresponding author.
deformation and stress acting on the tunnel lining using
E-mail addresses: (H.M. Shahin), nakai.teruo@
the vertical and lateral earth pressures. The surface settle- (T. Nakai), (T. Okuno). ments from tunneling are often predicted using empirical
Formerly Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan. approaches such as Gaussian distribution curve fitting
2467-9674/Ó 2019 Tongji University and Tongji University Press. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Owner.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
202 H.Md. Shahin et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209

(Peck, 1969), assuming a given volume loss from the tun- are modified to predict a deformation of the ground during
neling. In certain cases, an elastic finite element analysis the subsequent construction process using in-situ measured
is used to predict the surface settlement troughs that occur data obtained from preceding construction work.
from the tunneling. However, an elastic analysis cannot In this paper, the current use of numerical analysis in
take into consideration various features of the soil, includ- tunnel design is discussed. The subloading tij model has
ing a nonlinearity and dilatancy. As a result, a practical been used as a constitutive model in such analyses, and
elastic analysis is often used for a crude estimation of the the validity and reliability of the model have been demon-
ground deformation. In a traditional design method, the strated in previous studies (Shahin, Nakai, Hinokio,
parameters of the elastic analysis are revised by fitting the Kurimoto, & Sada, 2004; Shahin, Nakai, Hinokio, &
results with the field data. Usually, the range of influence Yamaguchi, 2004; Shahin et al., 2011) and field results
is overestimated in an elastic finite element analysis, which (Konda, Nagaya, Hashimoto, Shahin, & Nakai, 2013) of
is not limited to the tunnel problem but also other geotech- tunnel excavation problems. Using the subloading tij
nical problems such as a braced excavation. Shahin, Nakai, model, Shahin, Nakai, Hinokio, Kurimoto, et al. (2004)
Zhang, Kikumoto, and Nakahara (2011) showed that an showed that such numerical simulations properly repro-
elastic analysis produces wider surface settlement profiles duce the influence of the excavation sequence in a tunnel
than the experimental results. Because there is no yield construction as compared to the laboratory results
point in a linear elastic model, it cannot express a deforma- obtained from two-dimensional (2D) physical models.
tion that occurs locally. In addition, in elastic analyses, the The results of numerical analyses showed that the constitu-
distributions of the shear strain for varying distances from tive model can precisely reproduce the observed patterns of
the tunnel invert toward the bottom boundary (Shahin surface settlement and earth pressure under 2D conditions,
et al., 2011). including the effects of the existing building load on the
In practice, different design methods are used depending tunnel excavation, as demonstrated by Nakai, Shahin,
on the type of problem, such as the tunneling, braced exca- Hinokio, Sada, and Sung (2005) and Shahin et al. (2011).
vation, or bearing capacity of a foundation, etc. It is some- Sung, Shahin, Nakai, Hinokio, and Yamamoto (2006)
what unfortunate that the basic mechanism of the design showed the capability of the constitutive model to predict
method used in geotechnical engineering differs depending the general patterns of the ground behavior in model tests
on the problem, even for the same ground. Although a with existing piled and raft foundations.
numerical analysis using the finite element method has
become familiar with improvements in the capacity of per- 2 Material properties of sand and clay used in the simulations
sonal computers and their lower costs, such an analysis has
yet to be widely applied to the design of geotechnical prob- Regardless of the tunnel excavation problem, the behav-
lems including a tunnel excavation owing to the reliability ior of the ground largely depends on the material proper-
of the constitutive model of the ground material. There- ties of the ground. Herein, the stress–strain relationships
fore, if a constitutive model that can properly express the of sandy ground (Toyoura sand) and clay ground (Fuji-
properties of the ground material and be used for practical mori clay) are first described. The subloading tij model
applications is developed, the numerical analysis will play a was used as a constitutive model for both sand and clay.
vital role in a tunnel design. During the past decade, con- Detailed features of the model are given in Nakai and
siderable improvements were made in the use of numerical Hinokio (2004) and Nakai (2012), some of which are sum-
methods to simulate a tunnel excavation (Amorosi, marized below:
Boldini, & Falcone, 2014; Augarde & Burd, 2001; Conti,
Viggiani, & Perugini, 2014; Mroueh & Shahrour, 2002), (1) The model can explain the behavior of soil, from the
although many studies still use simple constitutive models, negative dilatancy (volumetric compression during
such as linear elastic or elastic perfectly plastic Mohr– shearing) of normally consolidated clay and loose
Coulomb models. Although strain-hardening type nonlin- sand to the positive dilatancy (volumetric expansion)
ear elastoplastic models such as the Cam clay model are of over-consolidated clay and dense sand using the
used at the research level, in practice they are applied as same material parameters and model framework.
a back-end support for existing design methods. As a result, the soil behavior, from a low stress level
In urban areas, however, many excavations are con- as with a model test, to the stress level in the field,
ducted using tunnels within the vicinity of existing struc- can be described using the same material
tures and tunnels. In these cases, how the deformation of parameters.
the ground, including the existing structure, is controlled (2) To obtain reliable results in the analysis of 3D
and how the safety of the tunnel excavation is ensured problems, it is necessary to express the influence of
are questionable. The same questions are also applicable the intermediate principal stress uniquely (from the
in a braced excavation. In response to the current demands, triaxial compression condition to the plane strain
the current design method is unable to provide persuasive and triaxial extension conditions). This model can
answers. Therefore, in practice, the material parameters describe the 3D behavior using material parameters
used in a finite element analysis (mainly an elastic analysis) obtained under triaxial compression conditions.
H.Md. Shahin et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209 203

(3) The model can explain the influence of the stress-path can easily be obtained from traditional laboratory tests.
dependency of the plastic flow. Figure 1 shows (a) the characteristics of sand under a
triaxial compression condition (stress–strain-dilatancy rela-
Model parameters for sand and clay are shown in tionship) with a varying relative density (Dr) and (b) the
Table 1. The parameters are fundamentally the same as relation between the internal friction angle and relative
those of the Cam clay model except for parameter a, which density obtained from the diagram in (a). Figure 2(b) is
influences the density and confining pressure. Parameter b used for a conventional tunneling design. Figure 2 shows
represents the shape of the yield surface. These parameters the characteristics of triaxial compression ((a) the

Table 1
Parameters used in subloading tij model for sand and clay.
Parameter Notation Value Remarks
Sand Clay
Compression index k 0.070 0.104 Same parameters
Swelling index j 0.004 0.010 as Cam-clay model
Reference void ratio on normally consolidation line at p = 98 kPa and N 1.10 0.922
q = 0 kPa
Critical state stress ratio Rcs = (r1/r3)cs(comp.) Rcs 3.20 3.20
Poisson’s ratio me 0.20 0.20
Shape of yield surface (same as original Cam clay at b = 1) b 1.50 1.50 —
Influence of density and confining pressure a 30 500

(a) Stress–strain-dilatancy curves (b) Internal friction angle vs. relative density

Fig. 1. Simulations of drained triaxial compression tests on sand used in the analyses.

(a) Stress–strain curves (b) Effective stress paths

Fig. 2. Simulations of undrained compression tests on clay used in the analyses.

204 H.Md. Shahin et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209

Table 2 3 Investigation into rate of stress release from 2D and 3D

Undrained strength of clay under different over-consolida- simulations
tion ratio.
OCR cu/p’ Although a tunnel excavation is a 3D problem during
1.04 0.296 construction, it is a 2D (plane strain) problem once the
2.0 0.493 excavation is completed. In other words, in both a shield
4.0 0.911
8.0 1.693
tunnel and NATM, segments or lining are continuously
installed while advancing the cutting (excavation) face. It
is essential to consider this process as a 3D problem,
although in many cases, it is considered a 2D problem.
stress–strain relationship and (b) the effective stress path) In addition, a conventional design method basically deals
of clay with a varying over-consolidation ratio (OCR). with the process as a 2D problem. For this reason, in a
Table 2 shows the undrained strength cu/p’ under different 2D finite element analysis, a lining material such as a seg-
OCRs, which is obtained from the results in Fig. 2. This ment is inserted before releasing the stress of the ground
parameter is also used in a conventional tunneling design at up to 100% when simulating a tunnel excavation. The
for clay ground. The model can express stress–strain- timing at which the lining material is placed is defined as
strength relation and dependency of the stiffness, strength, the rate of stress release. In a 2D plane strain analysis, a
and dilatancy on the density of the soil. The subsequent rate of stress release of 0% means the insertion of the lining
results of the existing design method for both sand and clay before commencement of the tunnel excavation, and a rate
are described using the material parameters listed in of 100% corresponds to the case in which no lining is
Table 1. placed before completion of the tunnel excavation. The
rate of stress release in a 2D analysis corresponds to the
distance between the excavation face and the location of
the lining in the 3D analysis.
Figure 3 shows a typical mesh used for a 3D finite ele-
ment analysis. To check the accuracy, a 2D mesh is
matched with that of a 3D mesh in the cross-sectional
direction of the tunnel (XZ plane). In the analysis, sandy
ground is used with loose fill (Dr = 20%) and dense
ground (Dr = 78%), where Dr is the relative density. Clay
ground is used when considering soft soil (OCR = 2.0)
and stiff soil (OCR = 8.0), where OCR is the over-
consolidation ratio. The tunnel diameter B = 8 m and
the soil cover D = 16 m (D/B = 2.0). Herein, the
analyses have been carried out considering both dry
(cd = 15.5 kN/m3) and saturated conditions in sandy
(csat = 19.4 kN/m3) and clay (csat = 18.7 kN/m3) ground.
In clay ground, undrained conditions are considered dur-
ing the tunnel excavation. Assuming a concrete segment
as the lining material, the thickness is set to 35 cm based
Fig. 3. Mesh used for 3D analysis. on standard practice, which is said to be 4%~4.5% of the

0 0

0.02 0.02
Sand, Dr=78%
Settlement (m)

Sand, Dr=20%
Settlement (m)

2D: Lining at 3D: Interval of 2D: Lining at 3D: Interval of

0.04 stress release Segment
0.04 stress release Segment installation
20% 20% 2.0 m
Installation 40%
40% 2.0 m 4.0 m
0.06 45% 4.0 m 0.06 45% 6.0 m
50% 50% 8.0 m
6.0 m 60%
60% 8.0 m
0.08 0.08
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 0 8 16 24 32 40 48
Distance from tunnel center (m) Distance from tunnel center (m)

(a) For Dr =20% b) For Dr =78 %


Fig. 4. Surface settlement from 2D and 3D simulations for sand.

H.Md. Shahin et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209 205

tunnel diameter. Figures 4 and 5 show the settlement Figs. 4–8 that the settlement troughs for the stress release
profiles (half section from the tunnel center) of sand of 40%~50% in the 2D analyses nearly correspond to the
and clay grounds, respectively. In the figures, both 2D case in which the lining is set up at 2 m behind the exca-
and 3D analyses are shown for different rates of stress vation face in the 3D analysis for both soil conditions of
release under 2D conditions, and for different locations Dr = 20% and Dr = 78% in sandy ground (Figs. 4 and 6).
of the lining from the excavation face under 3D condi- From the 3D analysis on the soft clay ground
tions. Figures 6 and 7 show the surface settlement at (OCR = 2.0) shown in Fig. 5, it is also understood that
the center (maximum surface settlement) for sand and an early lining is particularly important under such soil
clay, respectively. In these figures, the left vertical axes conditions. In clay ground, the settlement corresponding
represent the rate of stress release for the 2D conditions, to a stress release of 35%~40% in a 2D analysis is
and the right vertical axes represent the position of exca- close to the lining setup after 2 m in the 3D analysis in
vation face for the 3D conditions. It can be seen from the same ground (Figs. 5 and 7). These results also

Clay, OCR=2.0
Settlement (m)

Clay, OCR=8.0

Settlement (m)
2D: Lining at 3D: Interval 2D: Lining at 3D: Interval
stress release of segment 0.04 stress release of segment
0.75 20% installation 20% installation
35% 2.0 m 35% 2.0 m
40% 4.0 m 0.06 40% 4.0 m
1 50% 6.0 m 50% 6.0 m
60% 8.0 m 60% 8.0 m
1.25 0.08
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 0 8 16 24 32 40 48
Distance from tunnel (m) Distance from tunnel (m)
(a) For OC
CR=2.0 (b) For OCR =8.0

Fig. 5. Surface settlement from 2D and 3D simulations for clay.

(a) For Dr =20% (b) For D r =78%

Fig. 6. Surface settlement at center from 2D and 3D simulations for sand.

(a) For OCR=2.0 (b

b) For OCR=88.0

Fig. 7. Surface settlement at center from 2D and 3D simulations for clay.

206 H.Md. Shahin et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209

Fig. 8. Change in stress at the tunnel crown in 3D analysis.

correspond to the rate of stress release normally used in a

design. Nakahori, Inagaki, Ushida, and Okuno (2013)
emphasized the necessity of 3D analyses and properly
produced the effects of an early inverted closure through
3D analyses. Fig. 9. Layout of the analysis.
Figure 8 shows the change in vertical stress (normalized
by the initial stress r0) in the ground above the tunnel
crown as the excavation advances. The abscissa represents
the distance from the tunnel face, and herein, a negative
value means that the excavation face is behind the mea-
sured section. It can be seen from the figure that the stress
significantly decreases when the excavation face
approaches the measured section; however, the stress
increases again after the face crosses the section owing to
the arching effect in the direction of excavation. In addi-
tion, if the setup of the lining is delayed (8 m from the exca-
vation face), a large increase in stress is seen after passing
the excavation face. (a) For Dr =20%

4 Surface settlement in 2D and 3D simulations

Two-dimensional elastoplastic finite element analyses of

shallow and deep tunnels have been conducted on the
sandy and clay ground mentioned above. The differences
in the surface settlements based on the soil types (sand
and clay), ground densities, and tunnel depths were inves-
tigated. In addition, both dry and saturated sand are con-
(b) For Dr =78%
sidered in the sandy ground, where the saturated sand is
modeled as a drained condition with a sufficiently high Fig. 10. Surface settlement profiles for dry sandy ground.
coefficient of permeability. In addition, in clay ground,
the soil–water coupling condition is considered when tak- and saturated sand for soil covers of D/B = 1.0 and 4.0.
ing the undrained condition during excavation and allow- The left half shows the results for a stress release of 40%,
ing a dissipation of the excess pore water pressure after and the right half shows results for 20%. Although there
excavation. As shown in Fig. 9, the tunnel diameter is is no pore water pressure in the dry ground, the excess pore
10 m with soil covers of D/B = 1.0 and D/B = 4.0 in the water pressure dissipates quickly in the soil–water coupling
analyses. The thickness of the lining (assuming a reinforced analysis under drained conditions (static pore water
concrete segment) is 40 cm. A rate of stress release of 40% pressure acts as a water pressure on the lining) in the satu-
is set for the placement of the lining with reference to the rated ground. As shown in Fig. 11, when a shallow tunnel
results described above, and a 20% stress release (early (D/B = 1.0) is excavated in saturated sandy ground, a large
placement of the lining) is also examined. surface subsidence occurs locally unless the lining is applied
Figures 10 and 11 show the profiles of the ground sur- at an early stage. When the lining is installed at a stress
face settlement at the completion of the excavation in dry release of 40%, the maximum values of the surface
H.Md. Shahin et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209 207

ground surface can be considerably suppressed. Figure 12

shows the results of the surface settlement profiles in the
clay grounds for an OCR of 2 and 8 in the same manner
as with sandy ground. Herein, the maximum surface settle-
ment is 2.210 m when the lining is set up at a stress release
of 40% in ground with an OCR of 2.0. Because the clay
ground is simulated when considering undrained condi-
tions, the immediate settlement after excavation is as
shown in the figure. Again, when a shallow tunnel is exca-
vated in soft clay ground, an early lining is effective. In
addition, for the deep tunneling in stiff clay soil, the
amount of surface settlement of the ground does not
increase much regardless of the timing of the lining setup,
which is rational.

5 Descriptions of 2D finite element analysis and practical


From the results of 2D and 3D analyses as shown in

Figs. 4 and 5, and the results of different stress releases as
shown in Figs. 10–12, the tunnel construction processes
in a 2D analysis were evaluated. For convenience, we dis-
cuss the case of shallow tunnel excavation in soft saturated
clay ground (OCR of 2.0, with rates of stress release of 40%
Fig. 11. Surface settlement profiles for saturated sandy ground. and 20%, and D/B = 1.0, as shown in Fig. 12).
Figure 13 shows the surface settlement profiles immedi-
ately before the lining, upon completion of the excavation,
and after 50 years have elapsed since the tunnel excavation
(after a complete dissipation of excess pore water pressure).
The left half of the figure shows the results of a finite ele-
ment analysis for a stress release of 40%, and the right half
shows the results for a stress release of 20%. It can be seen
from the figure that, regardless of the rate of stress release,
the surface settlement of the ground upon completion of
the excavation is determined based on the settlement before
setting the lining, and almost no surface settlement occurs
from the placement of the lining until the completion of the
excavation in the 2D analysis. Therefore, subsequent settle-
(a) For OCR=2.0
ment occurs owing to a consolidation of the soil associated
with the dissipation of excess pore water pressure that
develops during a tunnel excavation.
Figure 14 shows the total earth pressure distribution
acting on the tunnel (normal stress acting on the lining).

(b) For OCR=8.0

Fig. 12. Surface settlement profiles for saturated clay ground.

settlement are 1.128 and 0.368 m for relative densities of Fig. 13. Surface settlement profiles at the time of the lining, completion of
20% and 78%, respectively. When the rate of the stress the excavation, and after complete dissipation of excess pore water
release is set to 20% (early lining), the subsidence of the pressure (D/B = 1.0).
208 H.Md. Shahin et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209

S cale: 300 kN

Fiel d Field
Analysis Analysis
desig n design

(a) Lining at 40% stress release (b) Lining at 20% stress release

Fig. 16. Axial force on lining from analysis and field design (clay,
OCR = 2.0, D/B = 1.0).

excavation in which the dissipation of the excess pore water

pressure is completely achieved. Figure 16 shows a similar
(a) Lining at 40% stress release (b) Lining at 20% stress release arrangement for the axial forces of the lining members.
From these figures, it can be seen that, even if a large defor-
Fig. 14. Earth pressure on lining based on analysis and field design (clay,
OCR = 2.0, D/B = 1.0).
mation occurs in the ground with a stress release of 40%,
the lining force immediately after the excavation does not
differ much from the result of a stress release of 20%, where
The left half shows the results obtained from the 2D finite the surface settlement is remarkably less. Although a 2D
analysis. Herein, the dotted line shows the initial earth finite element analysis, in which the rate of stress release
pressure distribution, the broken line shows the result is considered, is used for the prediction of the ground
immediately after the lining is set up, and the solid line deformation, surface settlement, and other factors, it does
shows the result upon completion of the excavation; in not provide rational information regarding the tunnel sta-
addition, the earth pressure after 50 years (complete dissi- bility (prediction of the member forces), whereas the anal-
pation of excess pore water pressure) obtained from the ysis requires a reasonable estimation of the rate of stress
finite element analyses is also included in the figure. The release. In contrast, in the current design practice, com-
right half of the figure shows the earth pressure distribution pletely different considerations are applied for the evalua-
upon completion of excavation obtained from the existing tion of the stability of the tunnel and in the deformation
design method (beam-spring model) using the parameters of the ground. From such a perspective, a proper evalua-
of Fig. 2. The left half of Figs. 15(a) and (b) shows the tion of the properties of the ground materials and struc-
bending moment distribution of the lining obtained from tures, as well as a 3D analysis with proper construction
the finite element analysis when the stress releases are process, is necessary in the tunnel excavation problem.
40% and 20%, respectively. The right half of each figure
shows the bending moment distribution obtained from 6 Conclusions
the existing design method upon completion of the excava-
tion. The existing design method uses structural analysis In this paper, we mainly described the role of a numer-
with the assumption that the earth pressure on the tunnel ical analysis in a tunnel excavation problem in order to ful-
lining does not depend on the rate of stress release. In fill the current demand of tunnel design. Finite element
figures showing the results of the finite element analyses, analyses have been carried out for the evaluation of various
the solid line indicates the result immediately after excava- properties of ground materials by reproducing the ground
tion, and the broken line shows the result 50 years after the behavior during a tunnel excavation, including the arching
effect. Two-dimensional and 3D finite element analyses on
a tunnel excavation were conducted on sand and clay, and
Scale: 300 kN-m
the design method used in practice including the rate of
stress release was discussed.
Field Field
Analysis It is found that a 2D finite element analysis, where the
rate of the stress release is considered, can be used for
the prediction of the ground deformation and surface set-
tlement; however, it does not provide rational information
for the prediction of tunnel lining forces, such as the stress,
(a) Lining at 40% stress re lease (b) Lining at 20% stress release bending moment, and axial force, which emphasize the
Fig.15. Bending moment on lining based on analysis and field design necessity of a 3D analysis with a proper construction pro-
(clay, OCR = 2.0, D/B = 1.0). cess in the tunnel design.
H.Md. Shahin et al. / Underground Space 4 (2019) 201–209 209

From the viewpoint of a numerical analysis, the tunnel conference on computational methods in tunnelling and subsurface
engineering, Germany, April (pp. 191–202).
excavation problem is not a special problem and is instead Mroueh, H., & Shahrour, I. (2002). Three-dimensional finite element
a boundary value problem that can be solved in the same analysis of the interaction between tunneling and pile foundations.
way as several other geotechnical problems. However, to International Journal for Numerical and analytical Methods in Geome-
chanics, 26(3), 217–230.
obtain reliable results from a numerical analysis, a sophis- Nakahori, C., Inagaki, T., Ushida, k., & Okuno, T. (2013). Construction
ticated constitutive model is indispensable for soils, which of extremely binocular tunnels without drift and with early invert
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Underground, 44(1), 15–22, in Japanese.
ground material; in addition, a proper construction process Nakai, T. (2012). Constitutive modeling of geomaterials – principles and
needs to be formulated in the simulation technique. It can applications. Boca Raton London New York: CRC Press.
be stated that, if the mechanical properties of the ground Nakai, T., & Hinokio, M. (2004). A simple elastoplastic model for
normally and over consolidated soils with unified material parameters.
material and the construction process are treated properly, Soils and Foundations, 44(2), 53–70.
the ground movements and earth pressure around the lin- Nakai, T., Shahin, H. M., Hinokio, M., Sada, T., & Sung, E. (2005).
ing can be predicted with sufficient accuracy through such Influence of existing building load on the deformation and earth
pressure of ground due to tunneling. In Proceeding of the 16th
numerical simulations. ICSMGE, Osaka (pp. 1633–1638).
Peck, R. B. (1969). Deep excavations and tunnelling in soft ground. In
Acknowledgements Proceedings of the 7th international conference on soil mechanics and
foundation engineering, Mexico City (pp. 225–290).
Shahin, H. M., Nakai, T., Hinokio, M., Kurimoto, T., & Sada, T. (2004).
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Influence of surface loads and construction sequence on ground
Advanced Construction Technology Center (ACTEC), response due to tunnelling. Soils and Foundation, 44(2), 71–84.
Shahin, H. M., Nakai, T., Hinokio, M., & Yamaguchi, D. (2004). 3D
Japan for a portion of the numerical simulation. effects on earth pressure and displacements during tunnel excavation.
Soils and Foundations, 44(5), 37–49.
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