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Journal of GeoEngineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.

121-128, September 2019 121



Suched Likitlersuang 1, Chhunla Chheng 2, and Suraparb Keawsawasvong 3

Due to advancements in computation, most deep excavation projects are now designed based on the results of numerical
analysis. However, designers are usually careless about structural modelling. This study presents the effect of structural modelling
on wall deformations of deep excavation. A 3D finite element method was employed to model the problem, and a residential
building project located in Bangkok was selected for the study. Structural models, including diaphragm wall, diagonal braces, and
bored piles, were the focus of study, which indicates that the types of elements used to model the structure system significantly
affect the finite element analysis result.

Key words: Finite element modelling, deep excavation, diaphragm wall, diagonal bracing, bored pile.


Wall deformation during excavation is caused by the active

pressure of surrounding soils acting on walls during the removal
of soils inside the excavation pit. Clough and O’Rourke (1990)
Spandrel type Concave type
explained the behaviour of the wall deformation in response to ex-
cavation stages as presented in Fig. 1. Two types of deformation, Cantilever type
cantilever and deep inward, were identified. The cantilever type
appears at the early stage of excavation, when no struts or slabs
have yet been installed. On the other hand, a deep inward pattern Deep inward or braced excavation type
is exhibited after the bracing systems have been installed and the
excavation has advanced to deeper depth. Each type of defor-
mation leads to a different type of ground settlement profile as de-
picted in Fig. 1. Similar findings were also obtained by Ou et al. He = hieght of the wall, Hp = depth of the embeeded part of the
(1993). They noted that the maximum lateral wall movement (hm) wall, hm = maximum horizontal displacmenet,vm = maximum
often occurred near the excavation surface and fell within the vertical displacmenet and d = distance from the wall to the
range of 0.002 ~ 0.005 of excavation depth. maximum vertical displacmenet
In deep excavation, many structures are employed to support Fig. 1 Types of wall movement and ground surface settlement
the surrounding soils. Specifically, struts, wailings, and exiting (Ou et al. 1993)
piles are required in underground construction. Hsiung et al.
(2016) modelled deep excavation in Taiwan with 3D finite ele- the D-wall. These studies consistently modelled the D-wall with
ment modelling. In their studies, D-walls (diaphragm wall) were plate elements. The simulations projected wall deformation close
modelled with plate elements. The study emphasised the corner to the monitored results. Other studies, including Hsieh et al.
effect, and the results corresponded well with the measured lateral (2012) and Hsieh and Ou (2016), employed linear elastic of beam
wall deformation. Hsieh et al. (2016) studied the effect of buttress to model the diaphragm walls in their 3D analyses. However, the
walls in reducing deformation of the diaphragm walls in two case models of diagonal bracing and piles were ignored in those afore-
studies in Taipei. Several parametric studies were conducted to un- mentioned studies. In addition, Jamsawang et al. (2017) observed
derstand the behaviour of buttress walls in reducing deformation of and simulated lateral movements and strut forces of deep cement
Manuscript received October 6, 2018; revised February 15, 2019; mixing (DCM) walls, which were modelled using non-porous
accepted March 23, 2019. elastic volume elements. Struts were modelled by beam elements
1 Professor, Centre of Excellence in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
while slabs were modelled with plate elements, and the predicted
Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, lateral wall movements agreed well with the measured values. Fur-
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. thermore, Hou et al. (2009) modelled the North Square under-
2 Former Master’s student, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of
ground shopping centre of Shanghai South Railway Station using
Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. 3D FEM in Abaqus software. In the problem, soils were modelled
3* Lecturer (corresponding author), Thammasat School of Engineering,
using 3D linear-order solid element with anisotropic elastic stiff-
Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand (e-mail: suraparb@hot- ness, whereas D-wall was modelled by shell element as an elastic
material. In addition, the FE model incorporates the existing bored
122 Journal of GeoEngineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 2019

piles and girders, which were modelled by beam elements at the

same time. Subsequently, Dong et al. (2013, 2014) modelled the
same site in Shanghai with 3D FE model taking into account of
small strain stiffness of soil. The soil and D-wall were modelled
by solid element using 8-node hexahedral elements with reduced
integration (C3D8R) in Abaqus software. In their studies, the
bored piles were modelled by the beam element, but the girders
were ignored in the model. In general, both predictions of Hou et
al. (2009) and Dong et al. (2013, 2014) agreed well with the field
From the aforementioned studies, although it is not necessary
to model all the structures in the analysis, some structures may
have a greater effect on the analysis while some may have a lesser
effect on the analysis results. Therefore, this study aims to provide
the information on the use of finite element analysis for structural
modelling of deep excavation. The structural models include types
of elements for modelling D-walls as well as choices for modelling
diagonal bracing and bored piles. Underground construction of a
residential building located in downtown Bangkok was selected as Fig. 2 Pore pressure in Bangkok subsoils (Likitlersuang et al.
a case study for verification of the model. A PLAXIS 3D version 2013a)
AE.02 was used for modelling and analysis. Finally, a suggestion
on the choices of finite element analysis for structure modelling of Surarak et al. (2012) studied the HSM soil models for Bang-
deep excavation is provided. kok clays. Based on the results from oedometer and triaxial tests,
the HSM soil parameters were numerically calibrated. Likitler-
suang et al. (2013b, 2018) provided a complete set of HSM pa-
2. BANGKOK SUBSOIL AND CONSTITUTIVE rameters for Bangkok subsoils, with explanations, as tabulated in
MODELLING Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. In this study, the HSM model
adopted from Likitlersuang et al. (2013a) were used to characterise
Bangkok is located on the low flat of the Chao Praya Delta in the soft and stiff Bangkok clays. A list of the input parameters for
the central plain region of Thailand. The soil is generally divided Bangkok subsoils is presented in Table 1.
into 7 different layers, including Made Ground (MG), Bangkok
Soft Clay (BSC), Medium Clay (MC), First Stiff Clay (1st SC),
Clayey Sand (CS), Second Stiff Clay (2nd SC) and Hard Clay 3. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF DEEP
(HC) (Likitlersuang et al. 2013a) as shown in Table 1. Extensive EXCAVATION
studies of Bangkok clay behaviours have been carried out by the
Asian Institute of Technology and Chulalongkorn University The use of numerical methods has recently become more
(Likitlersuang et al. 2013a, 2013b, 2013c, 2018; Surarak et al. powerful tool in geotechnical engineering, however, only two-di-
2012). In terms of groundwater condition, Bangkok suffered from mensional (2D) finite element analysis (FEA) has been extensively
a drawdown of pore water pressure observed by Likitlersuang et employed in practice. Simplified assumptions, such as plane strain
al. (2013b) during the construction of the Bangkok MRT Blue or axi-symmetry, are made in 2D FEA but, only a few cases of
Line, due to the deep well pumping many years ago, and illustrated deep excavation can be reasonably simplified for modelling in 2D
in Fig. 2. The pore water distribution was modelled as a drawdown FEA. For example, the 3D effect can be neglected only for rectan-
condition in this study. gular excavations whose length-to-width ratio (L/W) is larger than
The Hardening Soil Model (HSM) is one of the advanced 6 (Faheem et al. 2004). However, by observation from an excava-
constitutive soil models implemented in commercial finite element tion with L/W is greater than 6 but measurement data near the cor-
software. The model adopts the Duncan-Chang hyperbolic stress ner, the lateral wall displacement is still highly affected by the cor-
strain (Duncan and Chang 1970) where stiffness is stress-depend- ner (Hsiung et al. 2018). In general, the effect of 3D shall be relied
ent. Further details of the model can be found in Schanz et al. on the distance from the corner of excavation. Furthermore, fea-
(1999). tures which cannot be modelled in 2D FEA include corner effect,

Table 1 Input parameters for HSM (after Likitlersuang et al. 2013b)

ref ref
Depth b c   E 50 Eoed ref
E ur
Soil type ur m K0nc Rf Rinter
(m) (kN/m3) (kN/m2) () () (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
MG 0.00 ~ 1.29 18.0 1 25 0 45.60 45.60 136.8 0.2 1 0.58 0.9 0.7
BSC 1.29 ~ 10.0 16.5 1 23 0 0.80 0.85 8.0 0.2 1 0.70 0.9 0.7
MC 10.0 ~ 14.5 17.5 10 25 0 1.65 1.65 5.4 0.2 1 0.60 0.9 0.7
1st SC 14.5 ~ 25.0 19.5 25 26 0 8.50 9.00 30.0 0.2 1 0.50 0.9 0.7
CS 25.0 ~ 35.4 19.0 1 27 0 38.00 38.00 115.0 0.2 0.5 0.55 0.9 0.7
2nd SC 35.4 ~ 47.2 20.0 25 26 0 8.50 9.00 30.0 0.2 1 0.50 0.9 0.9
HC 47.2 ~ 80.0 20.0 40 24 0 30.00 30.00 120.0 0.2 1 0.50 0.9 0.9
Likitlersuang et al.: Structural Modelling in Finite Element Analysis of Deep Excavation 123

Table 2 HSM parameters explanation

Parameter symbol Parameter description Parameters evaluation

 Internal friction angle Slope of failure line from Mohr-Coulomb model
c Cohesion y-intercept of failure line from Mohr-Coulomb model
 Dilatancy angle Ratio of dvp and dsp
E 50 Reference secant stiffness from drained triaxial test y-intercept in log(3/pref) – log(E50) curve
Eoed Reference tangent stiffness for oedometer primary loading y-intercept in log(1/pref) – log(Eoed) curve
E ur Reference unloading/reloading stiffness y-intercept in log(3/pref) – log(Eur) curve
ur Unloading/reloading Poisson's ratio 0.2 (default setting)
m Exponential power Slope of trend-line in log(3/pref) – log(E50) curve
K0nc Coefficient of earth pressure at rest (NC state) 1  sin (default setting)
Rf Failure ratio (1 – 3)f / (1 – 3)ulf

Remarks: 1 is major principle stress (kN/m2); 3 is minor principle stress (kN/m2); pref is reference pressure (100 kN/m2)

complex condition, and irregular shape of excavation. Chheng and observing the deformation near boundaries and no boundary effect
Likitlersuang (2018) provided evidence that 3D FE modelling is was observed.
effective for deep excavation analysis in Bangkok. In the previous
study, two deep excavation projects in Bangkok were used to val-
idate the performance of 3D FE modelling. However, there is a
question about the effect of the structural models on the results of
FEA; therefore, this study extends the previous study (Chheng and
Likitlersuang 2018), focusing on the structural modelling of 3D
FEA in a deep excavation.

3.1 General Information about Deep Excavation Project

Silom is a very busy area of Bangkok city, consisting of many
commercial and residential buildings. Underground construction
work for high-rise residential building project in Silom was se-
lected in this study. The top view of the project layout is illustrated
in Fig. 3(a). The construction site is rectangular in shape with 57.4 (a) Top view
m long and 23.5 m wide (L/W = 2.44). The 2D FEA may not be
capable of effectively handling the interconnection of the whole
construction area especially near the movement of wall near the
corner of excavation. The building consists of 3 levels of under-
ground floors as shown in Fig. 3(b). The surrounding soil is sup-
ported by 0.8 m thick diaphragm walls (D-walls), with a depth of
19 m from top to bottom. Some D-wall panels are supported by
barrette piles of the same thickness to a depth of 55 m below
ground level. Noted that the function of barrette pile is to carry the
load of diaphragm wall. Since the barrette pile can be constructed
using the same equipment as diaphragm wall (i.e., grab and cutter).
It is convenient and less time-consuming for the contractor to use
the diaphragm wall and barrette pile system as retaining wall. Two
levels of strut bracing system are used to laterally support the walls.
Bored piles had already been installed before the excavation
started. The maximum depth of excavation was 11.55 m below the
ground surface, and a bottom-up construction method was adopted.
The site was modelled and analysed using 3D FEA. A 10-
noded tetrahedron element with quadratic displacement function
was selected to discretise the soil volumes (Brinkgreve et al. 2015).
The 3D model with a dimension of 140  103  80 m has a total
of 264,163 elements and an average size of 2.005 m as displayed
in Fig. 4. The side boundaries were set as lateral displacement con- (b) Cross section A-A
straints, whereas the bottom boundaries were fixed supports.
Noted that the effect of boundary conditions was studied by Fig. 3 Silom residential project
124 Journal of GeoEngineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 2019

desired depth is reached in stage 3). In this study, the simulations

were performed for the construction sequences 1 ~ 3 as denoted in
Table 3. Noted that small movements might occur during casting
the D-wall; however, the effect of the D-wall installation was not
considered in the finite element modelling.

3.3 Structural Modelling Choices

In an underground construction project process, many struc-
tural elements are employed to support the surrounding soils. To
optimise the modelling and calculation efforts, engineers should
minimise or simplify structural models which provide less influ-
ence on the analysis results, especially on load and deformation
characteristics of the D-wall.
In this study, the D-wall modelling options were considered
first. The D-wall is a finite-thickness concrete structure commonly
designed using elastic material. Everaars and Peters (2013) indi-
cated that a D-wall could be modelled with an elastic beam ele-
ment in 2D or a linear elastic non-porous volume element. There-
fore, a simplified elastic structural element (plate element) and a
Fig. 4 Geometry and finite element mesh of excavation problem solid volume element were selected to model the D-wall in this
(264,163 elements with the average size of 2.005 m) study, as shown in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b), respectively. The thickness
of the D-wall is not yet modelled three-dimensionally by plate el-
ements. On the contrary, the thickness of the D-wall is usually ge-
The soil layers beneath the construction side consist of 7 lay-
ometrically modelled for volume elements; therefore, it is not
ers, and are typical of subsoil layers in Bangkok. The Hardening
practical to vary the thickness of the D-wall in this option, unlike
Soil Model (HSM) and its parameters, as shown in Table 1, fol-
in the plate element option. In addition, modelling the D-wall us-
lowing Likitlersuang et al. (2013b), were adopted in this study.
ing volume elements takes more effort. The rigidity of concrete is
mainly controlled by modulus of elasticity (E), Poisson’s ratio (),
3.2 Construction Sequences
thickness (t), and unit weight of plate () (the difference between
The underground construction of this project started with in- the unit weight of concrete and unit weight of soil) to account for
stallation of D-walls surrounding the excavation area and bored
piles. Firstly, the soil was excavated to a level of 1.50 m below
ground level. Before proceeding to the next level of excavation,
bracings were installed at a level of 1.0 m deep (1st level). Then
the excavation continued to 6.5 m below ground level. Again,
bracings were installed; this time, 6.0 m below level 0.00 (2nd
level). Next, the excavation proceeded to the final depth of 11.55
m below ground surface. Then 200 mm of lean concrete was cast
at the bottom of the excavation floor and overlaid by 5,050 mm
thick of concrete mat foundation. The finished depth was 8.65 m.
The excavation was finished, and the bottom-up construction was
started with the removal of the second level bracing system, and
B2 slab was cast at a depth of 5.85 m. Then, the B1 slab was cast
and the 1st level of bracing systems were removed to complete the
underground construction works. All construction sequences are (a) Plate element (b) Volume elements
summarised in Table 3 and Fig. 3(b). Since there are no excavation
Fig. 5 Models of D-wall
activities in the construction sequences 4 ~ 6 (the maximum

Table 3 Underground construction sequences of Silom residential project

Sequences Construction activities

1 Wish-in-place of D-wall, bored piles, and excavation to the depth of 1.5 m
2 Install and preload the 1st level of bracing system at depth of 1.00 m and excavated to the depth of 6.5 m
3 Install and preload the 2nd level of bracing system at depth of 6.00 m and excavate to the depth of 11.55 m
4 Finish lean concrete and mat foundation at depth of 6.50 ~ 11.55 m
5 Remove 2nd level of bracing system and cast B2 slab at depth of 5.85 m
6 Cast B1 slab at depth of 3.05 m and remove the 1st level of bracing system
Remarks: Preloads at both level of struts are 30% of design load; 2) The numerical simulations are only performed for the excavation processes
(sequences 1 to 3)
Likitlersuang et al.: Structural Modelling in Finite Element Analysis of Deep Excavation 125

the non-volume elements (Hsiung et al. 2016a). Input parameters The second consideration in this study focused on diagonal
for plate elements are summarised in Table 4. Nevertheless, for the bracing at the end of each strut. Diagonal braces are used to reduce
volume element modelling option in this study, the D-wall was the spans between the struts, and are usually installed at a 45o angle
modelled by tetrahedral volume elements. The volumes adopted to the struts. Two options were studied: modelling with and with-
linear elastic and non-porous parameters for drainage type as tab- out diagonal bracing, as illustrated in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), respec-
ulated in Table 5. tively. In PLAXIS 3D modelling, the diagonal bracing option can
be activated or deactivated for different cases – those with and
Table 4 Simplified elastic structural element (plate element) without diagonal bracing, respectively. Struts and wailings were
parameters for diaphragm wall system (Chheng and modelled by beam elements, and their input parameters are tabu-
Likitlersuang 2018) lated in Table 6. Noted that to model the diagonal bracing system
more realistic, the beam element was selected instead of a simpli-
Parameters d (m) (kN/m3) E (kN/m2) 12 fied anchor element in this study.
D-wall and barrette pile 0.8 16 24,800 0.15 Lastly, the model for existing bored piles was considered.
Slabs 1.0 23 24,800 0.15 Bored piles are structures which are used to support superstructure
loads. Piles are usually installed before the excavation and they
Table 5 Volume element parameters for diaphragm wall system can reduce both horizontal movements and settlement behind the
(Chheng and Likitlersuang 2018) retaining wall (McNamara 2011). In this study, two optional mod-
els with and without modelling of bore piles were looked at in this
d  E Drainage study as presented in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), respectively. Bored piles
Parameters 
(m) (kN/m3) (kN/m2) 12 type
were modelled by embedded beam elements, which require the in-
D-wall and barrette pile Non-
0.8 23 24,800 0.15 put parameters found in Table 7. The embedded beam consists of
(Linear elastic) porous
beam elements with special interface elements providing the

(a) Model with diagonal braces (b) Model without diagonal braces
Fig. 6 Models of construction work

Table 6 Beam element parameters for bracing system (Chheng and Likitlersuang 2018)

A γ E I3 I2
(m2) (kN/m3) (kN/m2) (m4) (m4)
Steel strut (400  400  172 kg/m) 2.19 × 102 77.15 210 000 2.24 × 104 6.66 × 104
Steel wailings (400  400  172 kg/m) 2.19 × 10-2 77.15 210 000 6.66 × 10-4 2.24 × 10-4

Table 7 Embedded beam parameters for bored piles

Skin End
E γ Diameter
Type resistance resistance
(kN/m2) (kN/m3) (m)
(kN/m) (kN)

24,800 23 1.2 260 2,443
circular pile

24,800 23 0.8 173 1,086
circular pile
(a) Model with bored piles (b) Model without bored piles Remarks: The average skin friction (fs) = 69 kN/m2 and the end bearing
Fig. 7 Models of construction work (qb) = 2,160 kN/m2
126 Journal of GeoEngineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 2019

interaction between pile and the surrounding soil. The interaction 4.2 Diagonal Bracing Modelling
may involve a skin resistance (fs) and an end resistance (qend).
Noted that the skin friction and end resistance were approximated Figure 9 presents the numerical results of the wall defor-
from fs = su,aveD and qend = 9su,end D2/4, where su,ave and su,end are mation for each construction stage for both optional models of di-
the average undrained shear strength of soil through the plie length agonal bracing (i.e., with and without modelling the diagonal
and the undrained shear strength of soil at pile tip location, respec- braces), in which the symbol numbers in circle are referred to the
tively. construction stages as described in Table 3 and Fig. 3(b). The sim-
ulations are also compared with the data measured from inclinom-
eters at IN1 and IN2. The results indicate that the differences are
4. ANALYSIS RESULTS very insignificant. In this study, it was found that the diagonal
braces can be ignored in order to reduce the effort required and the
4.1 D-wall Modelling calculation time. However, in a complicated excavation site, such
as one with an irregular shape and heavier diagonal bracing mod-
This section aims to show the results of wall deformation elling may be required.
from the different methods used for modelling the D-walls. The
simulations were performed following the construction sequence 4.3 Bored Pile Modelling
as described in Table 3 and Fig. 3(b). For the plate elements and
volume elements modelling of D-walls, the wall movements are The bored pile modelling results are extracted and plotted
plotted and compared with monitoring data as shown in Fig. 8, in in Fig. 10 for both options (i.e., with and without piles
which the symbol numbers in circle are referred to the construction modelling), in which the symbol numbers in circle are referred
stages as described in Table 3 and Fig. 3(b). The stages 2 and 3 to the construction stages as described in Table 3 and Fig. 3(b).
data, measured by inclinometers (IN1 and IN2) are included in Fig. The simulations are also compared with the data measured from
8, while the locations of the inclinometers are referred to in Fig. inclinometers at IN1 and IN2 as shown in Figs. 10(a) and 10(b),
3(a). The results reveal that the estimated D-wall deformation respectively. Noted that the IN1 is closed to the group of bored
modelled by plate elements tends to be a little larger than that mod- piles, whereas the IN2 is located far from the bored piles. In
elled by volume elements in all stages of construction. Addition- general, the model including bored piles was found to reduce
ally, the modelling D-wall by plate elements is more convenient the horizontal movements of wall, which also agree with
for the designer. Since bending moment and shear force can be McNamara (2001). In fact, the wall deformation was influenced
obtained directly from the plate elements, whereas the volume el- by the presence of the bored piles only near the tip of the D-wall
ements present the internal stresses. To calculate the bending mo- (Fig. 10(a)). In the models, most of the pile heads were at levels
ment and shear force from the internal stresses requires more ef- lower than the excavation depth. However, the presence of piles
forts on post-processing calculation. A separated numerical code under the excavation site could affect the heaving stability as
may be required for the calculation. Therefore, the selection of pointed out by McNamara (2001). This may need further study
which type of model to use for predicting D-wall deformation is a in the future.
decision for the engineers on a case-by-case basis.

Wall movement, h (mm) Wall movement, h (mm) Wall movement, h (mm) Wall movement, h (mm)
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 0 0 0

2 2 2 2
4 4 1 4 4

6 6 6 6
1 1
8 8 8 8
2 2
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Depth (m)

Depth (m)

10 10 10 10
3 3
12 12 12 12

14 14 14 14

16 16 16 16

18 18 18 18

20 20 20 20
Case 1: 3D FEA - Plate element Case 1: 3D FEA - Plate Element
Case 1: 3D FEA - With diagonal bracing Case 1: 3D FEA - With diagonal bracing
Case 2: 3D FEA - Volume element Case 2: 3D FEA - Volume element
Case 3: 3D FEA - Without diagonal bracing Case 3: 3D FEA - Without diagonal bracing
IN1 - Stage 2 IN2 - Stage 2
IN1 - Stage 2 IN2 - Stage 2
IN1 - Stage 3 IN2 - Stage 3
IN1 - Stage 3 IN2 - Stage 3

(a) IN1 (b) IN2 (a) IN1 (b) IN2

Fig. 8 Effect of D-wall modelling on lateral wall movement Fig. 9 Comparison between models with and without diagonal
Likitlersuang et al.: Structural Modelling in Finite Element Analysis of Deep Excavation 127

Wall movement, h (mm) Wall movement, h (mm)

model (approximately calculation time was reduced by half)
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 as presented in Table 8.
0 0
(2) In practice, diagonal bracing is commonly used to prevent the
2 2
damage from bucking, which can occur at the wales, con-
4 4
nected to the D-wall. In this exercise, it was found that the
diagonal bracing could be ignored to reduce the modelling
6 6
efforts and time consumption, since the braces did not con-
8 8 2 tribute much to wall deformation. Even though the calcula-
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
2 tion times for the cases with and without diagonal bracing are
10 10
3 not much different (see Table 8), the modelling of diagonal
12 12 braces may be required for more complex sites, such as one
with an irregular shape and heavier diagonal bracing. This
should be elaborated in the future.
16 16
(3) In general, the small differences of wall movements were ob-
18 18 served when including bored piles in the model. However, the
bored piles can be significantly influenced in the modelling
20 20
especially at the deeper excavation zone, where the D-walls
Case 1: 3D FEA - With piles Case 1: 3D FEA - With piles
Case 4: 3D FEA - Without piles Case 4: 3D FEA - Without piles
are near the pile head. Moreover, when bored piles are acti-
IN1 - Stage 2 IN2 - Stage 2 vated in the model, the calculation time can be significantly
IN2 - Stage 3
IN1 - Stage 3
increased compared to cases in which bored piles are deac-
(a) IN1 (b) IN2 tivated. Based on this study, the simulations took 70 minutes
for the model with bored poles, while the simulations took
Fig. 10 Comparison between models with and without bored piles only 54 minutes for the model without bored pile (16 minutes
difference) as shown in Table 8. It is recommended that the
study of bored piles modelling should be elaborated in the fu-
5. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ture such as modelling of heaving problem and the effect of
pile head location.
3D Finite Element Analysis (3D FEA) has become an im-
(4) It is aware from Figs. 8 to 10 that it has significant differences
portant numerical tool in the geotechnical engineering field due to
between field measurements and numerical results for vari-
the power of today’s computer resources. A great deal of calcula-
ous stages of different sections, no matter which model used
tion effort is required in 3D analysis; hence, an optimised model
for the diaphragm wall, with or without modelling diagonal
is needed in order to reduce the calculation time. Table 8 summar-
bracing and simulating the piling works inside the excavation
ies the calculation times influenced by the structural modelling op-
or not. Thus, these factors are recognised not to be main rea-
tions. In this study, which looked at the underground construction
sons for the difference. Therefore, it is suggested that explo-
of a residential building, a project in downtown Bangkok was se-
rations on impacts from small strain characteristics of soils
lected as the focus of a case study to investigate the effects of struc-
(Likitlersuang et al. 2013c) and axial stiffness of the strut
tural modelling, including D-wall modelling, diagonal struts and
shall be carried out in the future. Moreover, the difference of
existing bored piles. Some highlights from this study can be con-
locations of selected cross section for analyses and monitor-
cluded and discussed as follow:
ing is also a possible reason leading to the difference.
(1) D-walls can be modelled by plate elements or volume ele-
ments. It was found that the wall deflection is larger when the
wall is modelled by plate elements. This difference of wall ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
movements between modelling D-wall by plate elements and
volume elements agrees well with previous studies such as This research was supported by the Thailand Research Fund
Zdravkovic et al. (2005) and Dong et al. (2014). However, Grant No. DBG-6180004 and the Ratchadapisek Sompoch En-
the use of volume elements requires more effort for model- dowment Fund (2019), Chulalongkorn University (762003-CC).
ling the D-wall than plate elements. Such effort includes the The authors would like to thank Lt. Col. Dr. Chanaton Surarak and
modelling time, complexity, calculation time, and results ex- Dr. Boonlert Siribumrungwong for providing useful information
traction (Chheng and Likitlersuang 2018). In this study, the throughout the research. The second author wishes to thank the
calculations took 124 minutes for the volume element model, AUN/SEED-Net (JICA) for a scholarship during his study.
while the calculations took 70 minutes for the plate element

Table 8 Calculation time influenced by structural modelling

Case D-wall model Diagonal bracing Bored piles Calculation time (minutes)
1 Plate element Yes Yes 70
2 Volume element Yes Yes 124
3 Plate element No Yes 65
4 Plate element Yes No 54
Remarks: 3D FE calculations were conducted using Intel® Core™ i7-6500U CPU@2.50GHz
128 Journal of GeoEngineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 2019

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