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Twelve Systems Engineering Roles

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Twelve Systems Engineering Roles

Article  in  INCOSE International Symposium · July 1996

DOI: 10.1002/j.2334-5837.1996.tb02042.x

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1 author:

Sarah Sheard
Carnegie Mellon University


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Sarah A. Sheard
Software Productivity Consortium
2214 Rock Hill Rd, Herndon VA 22070, (703) 742-7106

Abstract. Twelve roles are described which are about roles that systems engineers play. More than
occasionally or frequently assumed to constitute the sixty descriptions of roles were collected and grouped
practice of systems engineering. Some roles fit into the twelve groupings presented below. Then four
naturally as life-cycle roles, others fit the Program years of INCOSE symposium proceedings were
Management set of roles, while still others are not scanned to ensure that most of the possible systems
normally thought of in either group. Interactions engineering roles were captured. The intent was to
between the roles are discussed, and the systems include roles applicable both to the typical DOD and
engineering roles assumed by the papers in the aerospace environment and to less standard systems
inaugural issue of Systems Engineering, the Journal of engineering environments such as smaller programs
INCOSE, are compared to these categories. and commercial companies. Finally, the Washington
Post newspaper’s “High Tech” classified advertisement
INTRODUCTION section was examined to determine what the world of
Since its inception, INCOSE has been attempting employers considered systems engineering to be.
to resolve the question of what, exactly, is systems This paper is organized in four sections. First, the
engineering. Several dualities have been explored, meaning of “systems engineering roles” is discussed.
including whether systems engineers are specialists or Next, twelve systems engineering roles are defined.
generalists, and whether systems engineering is a set of These roles are then considered in relation to “life-
life-cycle roles, such as the generation of specifications cycle” and “program management” roles, the two major
and verification programs, or an overall program paradigms of systems engineering responsibility.
management discipline. There has even been a Finally, the roles assumed in the first issue of Systems
discussion on whether systems engineering is a Engineering are characterized with respect to the
discipline or an attitude [Mar 92]. Worthy and wise twelve defined roles.
arguments have been put forth on both sides of each
issue, leaving some to despair of ever being able to pin SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ROLES
down definitions that all can agree on. VERSUS SYSTEMS ENGINEERS’ ROLES
A local chapter presentation on the value of There has been much discussion about whether
systems engineering1 provided the impetus for this INCOSE is about systems engineers or about systems
paper. The presenters seemed to be talking about engineering. The difference here is whether all
entirely different definitions of systems engineering and engineers should be included as systems engineers or
the roles that systems engineers play. A compilation of just those with a “systems engineering” title or job. If
the roles seemed essential to deciding many important all engineers can do systems engineering, it is by
questions in the field of systems engineering. A considering the item they are engineering to be a
companion paper in this volume, “The Value of Twelve system within a larger system, and by investigating
Systems Engineering Roles” [Sheard 96], addresses the operational issues, interfaces, and architecture of both
value of systems engineering from the point of view of systems.
the roles described in this paper. The confusion comes about in part because many
To derive these twelve systems engineering roles, of the companies who have provided the basis for the
papers in the inaugural issue of Systems Engineering, field of systems engineering have done so by creating
the Journal of INCOSE, were reviewed for assumptions “systems engineering” departments or other groups,
and charging them with systems engineering the
“What is the Value of Systems Engineering,” at the product that is delivered to the customer. Within the
Washington Metropolitan Area chapter, October 10, 1995. company, those engineers who work on the subsystems
Panelists included Dorothy McKinney, Andrew Sage, Dale or elements that are integrated to form the larger system
Langston, and John Snoderly. are often not called or considered “systems engineers,”

© 1996 Software Productivity Consortium, NRP, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. .1
Published in the Proceedings of the INCOSE Sixth Annual International Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
but rather “transmitter engineers,” “electrical another task is creation and maintenance of subsystem
engineers,” or “software engineers.” Conversely, those specifications.
with the title of “systems engineers” work in these The formality of the requirements process may
companies only on the larger system, not the vary significantly with project size, degree of customer-
subsystems or elements. imposed formality, and company culture. Larger
In this paper, the distinction is not really relevant. projects depend on communications among more
Although the author’s experience is primarily in such people and usually develop more formal processes in
organizations with functional departments labeled response.
“systems engineering” departments, it is recognized 2. System Designer (SD) Role. System Designer /
that all engineers can and probably should adopt a owner of “system” product / chief engineer / system
systems engineering approach. Most of the following architect / developer of design architecture / specialty
roles need to be addressed for each system at some engineer (some, such as human-computer interface
time. designers) / “keepers of the holy vision” [Boehm 94].
SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ROLES DEFINED An engineer in this role creates the high-level
system architecture and design and selects major
Role Definitions. Table 1 shows the twelve roles
components. Possible ways of building the system from
described in this section. In the paragraphs below, each
pieces are investigated and compared to the system
of these twelve roles is given a “short name” and
requirements, the system design is selected and fine
abbreviation for convenience. This is followed by
tuned, needs for the next lower subsystems are
related alternative role names, separated by slashes. A
described in detail, and it is confirmed that subsystems
more detailed description of the role follows.
that can meet the specifications are available or can be
developed. Because of the complexity of projects
Table 1. Systems Engineering Roles
employing systems engineers, the emphasis tends to be
Role Abbr. Short Name on architecture, high-level design, integration, and
verification, rather than on low-level development.2
1 RO Requirements Owner This role comes into play conceptually after the
2 SD System Designer requirements and functional architecture are developed
3 SA System Analyst by the RO (Requirements Owner). Of course, in reality
4 VV Validation/Verification Engr. the two tasks overlap, and the two roles interact,
5 LO Logistics/Ops Engineer
6 G Glue Among Subsystems
especially in the selection of subsystems and
7 CI Customer Interface elaboration of subsystem requirements.
8 TM Technical Manager 3. System Analyst (SA) Role. System Analyst /
9 IM Information Manager performance modeler / keeper of technical budgets /
10 PE Process Engineer system modeler and simulator / risk modeler / specialty
11 CO Coordinator
engineer (some, such as electromagnetic compatibility
12 CA Classified Ads SE
1. Requirements Owner (RO) Role. Requirements System analysts confirm that the designed system
Owner / requirements manager, allocater, and will meet requirements. Typical analyses include
maintainer / specifications writer or owner / developer system weight, power, throughput, and output
of functional architecture / developer of system and predictions for hardware systems, and memory usage,
subsystem requirements from customer needs. interface traffic, and response times for software
This role groups several requirements-related tasks systems. Usually the more complex parts of the system
together. The first is translating customer needs into need to be modeled in order to demonstrate that they
specific, well-written requirements to which systems will work properly and interface properly with the
and subsystems (subelements, pieces, software and external world. Modeling also helps the systems
hardware, control items, etc.) can be architected and
designed. Requirements duties include understanding
all external interfaces and ensuring the functional Dr. Eberhardt Rechtin of the University of Southern
architecture correctly captures the need. California (USC) has commented that his “systems architect”
As potential changes are generated, requirements role is distinct from the role of systems engineering. At USC,
there is general agreement that systems architects have the
owners assess impacts to the overall system and to the
roles shown in the “Rechtin” line of Table 2 and systems
subsystems, based on which specific requirements must engineers have the roles in the “Friedman” line. George
be modified. On military-standard-compliant programs, Friedman is also associated with USC.

© 1996 Software Productivity Consortium, NRP, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. .2
Published in the Proceedings of the INCOSE Sixth Annual International Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
engineer and others understand how the system will be happen at interfaces, this role involves a very close
operated. scrutiny of interfaces, particularly internal, subsystem-
Most systems engineers do some modeling, with to-subsystem interfaces. While the designers of the
the amount increasing with the availability of cheap and subsystems struggle to make their subsystems do what
powerful simulation tools. The extent of analysis varies they are supposed to, the G systems engineer is
with the type of program: the more complex and riskier watching to ensure that each subsystem is not going to
programs need more analysis. interfere with the others.
4. Validation and Verification (VV) Role. Validation In hardware systems, negative effects such as
and Verification engineer / test engineer / test planner / electromagnetic incompatibility and passive
owner of system test program / system selloff engineer. intermodulation products can be caused by designers of
structural subsystems inadvertently employing
VV engineers plan and implement the system
materials that adversely affect the system electronics.
verification program to ensure the system, as designed
Incorrect software module interfaces can result in out-
and built, will meet the specified requirements. In some
of-bounds conditions, race conditions, or inappropriate
organizations, systems engineers also write the detailed
failure recovery sequences. In the G role, systems
system test plans and test procedures. During the
engineers need wide experience, meaningful domain
system verification process, questions usually arise as
knowledge, and an interest in continuous learning to
to what was supposed to have happened during a
stay a step ahead of problems like these.
scenario. VV engineers are responsible for answering
these questions in real time and, to the extent possible, 7. Customer Interface (CI) Role. Customer Interface /
for predicting such behavior in advance. VV engineers customer advocate / customer surrogate / customer
also are required to respond to anomalies with the best contact.
possible understanding of the system design. They must In a pivotal work in the field of systems
also know which experts to call when needed. engineering, [Rechtin 91] defines the Systems Architect
In some organizations, parts of the VV roles are role as a combination of the SD (System Designer) role
performed instead by a separate System Test group, and this role.3 Systems engineers can be asked to
and, in other organizations, both a systems engineering represent the point of view of the customer, and to see
group and a system test group have defined roles in the that it is properly respected throughout the program.
system validation program. They can also serve as the interface to customer
technical personnel in this role, striving to ensure the
5. Logistics and Operations (LO) Role. Logistics,
“right” system is built, and that the details are as
Operations, maintenance, and disposal engineer /
customer-friendly as possible.
developer of users’ manuals and operator training
materials. The CI (Customer Interface) role includes only the
role of the engineers building a customer-deliverable
This role captures the back end of the “cradle-to-
product, not the full marketing process of a business or
grave” or “lust-to-dust” system life cycle. During the
operational phase, systems engineers sometimes
operate the system for the customer; more often, they The CI role is handled quite differently by different
serve “on call” to answer questions and resolve organizations and businesses. Some prohibit engineers
anomalies. from talking to the customer, either because they
believe that a customer would want to talk to someone
In addition to owning primary responsibility in the
at a higher level, i.e., a manager, or because they fear
later phases of programs, LO engineers are usually
that technical people will “give it all away for free,”
expected to bring maintenance, operation, logistics, and
promising a more thorough interpretation of contract
disposal concerns to the requirements, design, and
requirements without negotiating additional funding.
development phases. As creators of users’ manuals,
These organizations do not consider CI to be a systems
they need to understand most design aspects and all
engineering role.
operational aspects of the system, and determine what
users do and do not need to know about the system.
6. Glue (G) Role. Owner of “Glue” among subsystems
/ system integrator / owner of internal interfaces / It should be noted that Dr. Rechtin considers the systems
seeker of issues that fall “in the cracks” / risk identifier architect to be distinct from systems engineers. The systems
/ “technical conscience of the program” [Fisher 92]. architect is a neutral third party who can negotiate with both
the customer and the builder. Many INCOSE systems engi-
In this role, the systems engineer serves as a
neers seem to take on the role of systems architect at some
proactive troubleshooter, looking for problems and time, however, so it is included here as part of systems
arranging to prevent them. Since many problems engineering.

© 1996 Software Productivity Consortium, NRP, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. .3
Published in the Proceedings of the INCOSE Sixth Annual International Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
Other organizations consider program systems important for someone to view the overall information
engineers to be the primary interface for technical needs of the system, and even of the business. Thus,
customers throughout the program. These systems this role may grow to include data management and
engineers are assumed to keep customer technical process asset management.
personnel up to date on design decisions, rationales, Organizations attempting to improve their
issues, and concerns. They also tend to work the capability maturity begin to define and capture metrics.
technical side of change requests, finding out what the The organizational set of program metrics can be
customer intends and why, and communicating the considered information to be managed, preferably by
impacts that are discovered. This is the bulk of the CI someone with an enterprise-wide viewpoint.
10. Process Engineer (PE) Role. Process engineer /
Still other organizations rotate people trained as business process reengineer / business analyst / owner
program systems engineers into a specific role in the of the systems engineering process.
new business development area. These systems
This is a fairly recent systems engineering role.
engineers frequently write proposals, interacting with
Those who do systems engineering are also expected to
the builders of subsystems to assess feasibility and cost
document, follow, own, and improve the project’s and
of various options. This is the CI role as expressed in
the organization’s systems engineering processes. This
the early life-cycle phases. Clearly these engineers need
role also calls for defining and capturing systems
to work closely with those playing the SD (System
engineering metrics.
Designer) role, who are also very active at this time.
These are the “trappers” of the “trappers vs. skinners” Recently the “reengineering” of industry has called
model; they become “skinners” if they continue to work for a cadre of “reengineers” to be developed, and those
the program after contract award. trained in systems engineering have sometimes been
asked to participate, because the skills of designing a
8. Technical Manager (TM) Role. Technical Manager
complex product can be applied to designing business
/ planner, scheduler, and tracker of technical tasks /
processes as well.
owner of risk management plan / product manager /
product engineer. 11. Coordinator (CO) Role. Coordinator of the
disciplines / tiger team head / head of integrated
Technical management is one part of program
product teams (IPTs) / system issue resolver.
management, which also includes controlling cost,
scheduling resources, and maintaining support groups Because systems engineers have a broad
such as configuration management, computer network viewpoint, they are sometimes asked to coordinate
staff, and finance. The technical management part is groups and resolve system issues, at least to the point of
sometimes assigned to a program systems engineering seeking consensus, or making recommendations, when
manager or to engineers responsible for the customer- consensus cannot be achieved among the participants.
deliverable system. Even if there are no “systems engineers,” coordination
can be considered vital to the engineering of a complete
As the reach of systems engineering extends to
system. This role may be permanent, defined in terms
commercial companies, a type of systems engineer
of team or discipline coordination, or transitory,
called the Product Manager or Product Engineer
established to solve a specific problem and then
appears. This role is similar to a Systems Engineering
dissolved. Team leadership and the ability to facilitate
Manager role, with authority over a much smaller
groups in developing their own leadership skills and
group of engineers, maybe only one. On a small
working norms are skills that are more necessary for
project, the Product Manager or Product Engineer may
this role than for others.
wear more of a marketing hat and more of a cost and
schedule hat than technical managers on large programs 12. “Classified Ads Systems Engineering” (CA)
wear. Role.
9. Information Manager (IM) Role. Information This role was added to the first eleven in response to
Manager (including configuration management, data frustration encountered when scanning the classified
management, and metrics). ads, looking for the INCOSE-type of systems
engineering jobs. Approximately half of the
Historically, some authorities have considered
advertisements for “systems engineers” in a recent
configuration management to be a systems engineering
newspaper seemed to be asking for other things. For
role. These are generally the authorities who lean
example, note the words in selected ads:
toward the “program management” view of the systems
“Skills must include shell scripting, SQL,
engineering task. As information systems become more
performance analysis, and network integration.”
complex and more pervasive, it becomes more

© 1996 Software Productivity Consortium, NRP, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. .4
Published in the Proceedings of the INCOSE Sixth Annual International Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
“...five years of solid analytical & debugging terms of individual roles. The “common language”
expertise in a telecommunications environment” sought by [Brill 94] can be facilitated by showing which
“To analyze and develop systems level software in of the twelve roles are life-cycle roles, which are parts
C/C++ and UNIX scripts.” of the program management view, and which belong in
RDBMS (Oracle), ...CICS/PLI, ...STAIRS/ Search Life-Cycle Roles. As INCOSE has attempted to define
Manager...” a standard systems engineering process, specific tasks
have been defined that need to take place during the
“Provide UNIX Administration and service
system life cycle. The roles that describe these tasks
delivery for our ... Internet service”
include RO (Requirements Owner), SD (System
“Provide design, implementation, and ongoing Designer), VV (Validation and Verification engineer),
support for Managed and Non-Managed Private LO (Logistics and Operations engineer), and SA
X.25, Frame Relay, and ATM Networks...” (System Analyst). Here, the first four take place
So this role represents “other,” compared to the approximately in that order, and the SA role is
first eleven systems engineering roles. It is heavily considered to take place either at defined times in the
weighted toward computer systems and may have life cycle or continuously throughout.
developed from the need for programmers to adopt Of course, life-cycle roles no more follow a
broader viewpoints, first as software engineers and later strictly-interpreted waterfall model than the systems
looking at whole computer systems. engineering process does. Rather, the emphasis on the
In some cases, this role may be more of an illusion, roles and the resources devoted to them evolves in time.
when the companies are simply asking for people Program Management Roles. [DSMC 90] describes
trained in the first eleven roles, but who also have systems engineering as primarily program management.
experience working in the computer domains listed. Roles included are TM (Technical Manager), G (Glue),
Another possible explanation is that the term “systems IM (Information Manager), CO (Coordinator), and
engineer” meant, at one time, the person responsible for possibly CI (Customer Interface). In addition, some of
maintaining the mainframe computing system for an the life-cycle roles above might be included, though as
organization, so some advertisers may be looking for a less important roles relegated to lower-level engineers.
similar skill, with updated applications such as Internet
This definition of systems engineering would arise
and client-server architecture. Still other advertisers
naturally from the fact that only complex (which
may be seeking someone less “researchy” and more
usually means large) systems projects tend to have a
“applied” than a “computer scientist,” and yet less
separate systems engineering group, and from the fact
narrowly focused than a programmer. Since there is no
that the technical tying-together of the system is
generally accepted name for this type of person, the
difficult to separate in practice from the business tying-
name “systems engineer” may be attached to this role.
together of groups building the system components.
It is likely that all three of these explanations (and
When a group of systems engineers performs
others not yet considered) represent the truth about this
technical management tasks, it tends to function as the
role. Although the details are unresolved, it is useful to
technical arm of the program manager. One engineer
retain this role as a reminder that there are more
seasoned in this type of systems engineering described
definitions of systems engineering than the first eleven
his role as “making life difficult for the program
manager when the right technical decision costs more.”
ROLE COMBINATIONS Technical advocacy is expected as part of the G (Glue)
role but, of course, any adversarial relationship between
Life-Cycle Versus Program Management Roles.
program management and systems engineering would
Early INCOSE symposia discussed two views of the
be detrimental to program progress and the
role of systems engineering. One view considers the job
achievement of business objectives. Both groups want
of systems engineers to be coordinating, tracking, and
the system to work well and be delivered on time, at a
managing the engineering of the system and its
reasonable profit to the business. On a small program,
subsystems. The other view considers the job to be a set
both these roles might be fulfilled by the same person.
of specific life-cycle tasks. The arguments continue,
and official INCOSE definitions of “system” and ROLE ALLOCATION
“systems engineering” did not appear until mid-1995
Systems engineering is a naturally broad field. No
and early 1996, respectively.
one person will perform all twelve roles at once, and
This paper attempts to describe the current many engineers will never perform all the roles even
understanding as to what systems engineering is in over the course of an entire career. Different

© 1996 Software Productivity Consortium, NRP, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. .5
Published in the Proceedings of the INCOSE Sixth Annual International Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
organizations disagree as to whether some of the roles externally-required design reviews, the CI (Customer
are appropriate for a group designated as “systems Interface) role ensures appropriate customer attention,
engineers,” but most will consider some of them to be and the G (Glue) role is involved to ensure that the
vital to their concept of systems engineering. It is design is thoroughly reviewed by appropriate parties.
hoped that these definitions will provide a common Metrics. The PE (Process Engineer) role identifies
language about roles, which may be helpful in needed process metrics, establishes the measurements
discussions about the nature of systems engineering. that need to be taken, and defines the metrics
When systems engineering is performed on a large algorithms. Systems engineers performing life-cycle
program, parts of the entire systems engineering task tasks take the measurements, and technical managers
are usually allocated to individual engineers. Each use the metrics for decision making.
person identified as a systems engineer might, for Customer Interaction. The LO (Logistics and
example, be assigned a subsystem or a software Operations) role is very customer-focused, attempting
component to oversee. In addition, each might be asked to ensure usability and operational suitability. ROs
to coordinate the development of something that (Requirements Owners) need to ensure the specified,
crosses subsystem boundaries, such as an operational designed, and built system will be what the customer
concept document, a test plan, a risk identification wanted, and the CI (Customer Interface) role
document, or a performance budget. encompasses the various interfacing that should be
In a similar manner, the twelve roles are usually done with the customer throughout the program.
allocated among people or groups. For example, a
performance analysis group might be established that THE ROLES IN INCOSE PAPERS
“owns” specific analyses from the set listed under the Table 2 compares the roles above to assumptions
System Analyst role. Or one or a small number of evident in the inaugural issue of Systems Engineering,
senior systems engineers might be assigned to serve as the Journal of INCOSE. Some of the journal papers
the systems architects, included here as part of the addressed systems engineering issues orthogonal to
System Designer role. roles, but a few role assumptions could be deduced.
In addition, because priorities vary from project to Because some roles lack significant support in journal
project, resources for accomplishing the roles will vary. papers, other sources that address these roles more
Systems based on legacy systems will have less directly are also included in the table.
architectural flexibility and less SD (System Designer) Table 2 shows that the first eleven roles are all
effort. High risk systems will require more systems considered to be systems engineering roles by some
analysis (SA). Programs with very involved, technical denizens of the INCOSE community, but no one
customers will need to devote more resources to CI included them all. The “semantic jungle” of [Brill 94]
(Customer Interface). The interactions among the roles has clear causes, given that no two authors have the
mentioned below will also need to be taken into same definition of what roles systems engineers have.
account when planning the systems engineering effort. The most well-covered roles are the ownership of
requirements (RO), the design of the system itself (SD),
ROLE INTERACTIONS and systems analysis (SA), with VV (Validation and
Dividing any complex body of knowledge into Verification) and G (Glue) close behind. These, which
pieces is something of an art, and specifying systems are nearly the same as the life-cycle roles mentioned
engineering roles is no exception. Although the above, are probably the most “basic” systems
boundaries between roles have been chosen for engineering roles, but Table 2 shows there is
cohesion and low communication, significant disagreement about even them.
interactions still occur. Some of the more noteworthy
are as follows: FUTURE EFFORT
Risk. Risk analysis has been included here as part of In addition to resolving underlaps and overlaps
the SA (System Analyst) role, risk identification as part among the roles, more work should be done to
of the G (Glue) role, and the management of risk understand how the commercial arena utilizes systems
(workarounds, mitigation plans) has been included in engineering. Biases in this paper may stem from the
the TM (Technical Manager) role. author’s history working on development programs—
Design Reviews. As part of the TM role, systems differences in the maintenance and COTS integration
engineers set up the reviews and track action items. For environments should be investigated.

© 1996 Software Productivity Consortium, NRP, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. .6
Published in the Proceedings of the INCOSE Sixth Annual International Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
Table 2. Systems Engineering Roles Apparently Assumed in Various INCOSE Papers

Role 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Bahill 94 σ 9
Beam 94 9 9 9 9 9 9
Blanchard 94 9 9 9 9 9 9
Boehm 94 σ σ σ
Dick 94 9 σ 9 9
Fabrycky 94 9 9 σ σ
Friedman 94 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Grady 94 9 9 9 σ 9 9 9
Hatley 94 σ σ σ
Lacy 94 9 σ σ
Lake 94 σ 9 9 σ 9 9 9 9 9 9
Mar 94 σ σ 9 σ 9 σ
Rechtin 94 σ 9 9 σ
Sage 94 9 9 9 9 9 σ
Wymore 94 9 9 9 9 9
Bate 95 (SE-CMM) σ σ σ σ σ 9 σ 9 9 σ
CAWG 95 (SECAM) σ σ σ σ 9 σ 9 σ σ
DSMC 90 σ 9 σ σ σ σ 9 9
Matty 95 σ σ 9 σ σ
McKinney 95 σ 9 σ σ 9 9
Sheard 95 σ 9 σ σ σ 9 σ

σ=Primary Assumption, 9=Secondary Assumption

The paper, “The Value of Twelve Systems • Can an awareness of roles help my organization
Engineering Roles” [Sheard 96], a companion paper in improve its systems engineering capability?
this Proceedings, discusses the value of systems
engineering from the point of view of the twelve roles. REFERENCES
Additional roles that have been identified during Bate, Roger, et. al., A Systems Engineering Capability
discussions of value, such as “Systems Engineering Maturity Model, Version 1.0, Software Engineering
Educator,” and “Systems Engineering Evangelist,” Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
should be considered for inclusion, and their value 1995.
defined. Capability Assessment Working Group (CAWG).
“Systems Engineering Capability Assessment
CONCLUSIONS Model,” Version 1.40, Proceedings of NCOSE, vol.
Because assumptions of the papers in the inaugural 2, 1995
issue of the INCOSE journal can be characterized by Defense Systems Management College, Systems
these roles, the twelve roles listed here are likely to be a Engineering Management Guide. US Government
good starting point for a definition of what systems Printing Office, January 1990.
engineering is and does. Organizations can determine Fisher, Jack. “Systems Engineering for Commercial
whether their definition of systems engineering has Space Programs,” Proceedings of NCOSE, 1992.
more of a life-cycle or a program management outlook. Mar, Brian, “Back to Basics,” Proceedings of NCOSE,
An individual working in, or manager organizing,
Matty, George E., Jr. “The Benefits of the Systems
a systems engineering effort should be prepared to
Engineering Process in Concurrent Engineering,”
answer the following questions:
Proceedings of NCOSE, 1995.
• Which systems engineering roles are vital and McKinney, Dorothy. “The Value That Systems
which are of secondary importance? Engineering Can And Should Provide,” INSIGHT,
• What are the roles of systems engineering INCOSE, Dec. 1995.
considered to be in my organization, and should Rechtin, Eberhardt. Systems Architecting, Creating and
we consider other roles as well? Building Complex Systems, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New
Jersey, 1991

© 1996 Software Productivity Consortium, NRP, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. .7
Published in the Proceedings of the INCOSE Sixth Annual International Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
Sheard, Sarah A. Team Structures for Systems Grady, Jeffrey O. “System Engineering Dichotomies.”
Engineering in an IPT Environment, Proceedings of Hatley, Derek J. “Current System Development
NCOSE, 1995. Practices Using The Hatley/Pirbhai Methods.”
Sheard, Sarah A. The Value of Twelve Systems Lacy, James A. “Visualizing Systems Engineering.”
Engineering Roles, Proceedings of INCOSE, 1996. Lake, Jerome G. “Axioms for Systems Engineering.”
Mar, Brian W. “Systems Engineering Basics.”
The following papers are all from Systems Rechtin, Eberhardt. “Foundations of Systems
Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1994: Architecting.”
Bahill, A. Terry and Chapman, William L. Sage, Andrew P. “The Many Faces of Systems
“Understanding Systems Engineering Through Case Engineering.”
Studies.” Wymore, A. Wayne. “Model Based Systems
Beam, Walter R. “Evolutionary Systems: Arguments Engineering.”
for Altered Processes and Practices.”
Blanchard, Benjamin S. “The System Engineering BIOGRAPHY
Process: An Application for the Identification of
Resource Requirements.” Sarah A. Sheard has sixteen years’ experience in
Boehm, Barry. “Integrating Software Engineering and systems engineering. Ms. Sheard worked as a satellite
Systems Engineering.” engineer at Hughes Aircraft Space and
Brill, James H. “Systems Engineering—A Semantics Communications Group, and in software systems at
Jungle.” Loral Federal Systems. Currently she manages the
Dick, Michael J. “System Thinking: Breaking Murphy's systems engineering effort at the Software Productivity
Law.” Consortium in Herndon, Virginia, where she also
Fabrycky, Wolter J. “Simulation and Direct consults and teaches in systems engineering, process
Experimentation in System Design Evaluation.” improvement, and teams. Ms. Sheard received her MS
Friedman, George J. “Systems Engineering's Crucial in chemistry from the California Institute of
Juncture.” Technology in 1979.


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technical needs of customers with the goal of providing a quality product that meets the user needs.

© 1996 Software Productivity Consortium, NRP, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. .8
Published in the Proceedings of the INCOSE Sixth Annual International Symposium (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).

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