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s71500 Cpu 1517t 3 PNDP Manual en-US en-US

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Documentation guide 1

SIMATIC Product overview

Wiring 3
CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP Interrupts, error messages,
(6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0) diagnostics and system 4

Equipment Manual Technical specifications 5

Dimension drawing A

Legal information
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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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Purpose of the documentation

This manual supplements the system manual of the S7-1500 automation system/ ET 200MP
distributed I/O system as well as the function manuals. This manual contains a description of
the module-specific information. The system-related functions are described in the system
manual. All system-spanning functions are described in the function manuals.
The information provided in this manual and the system manual enables you to commission
the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

STEP 7: In this documentation, "STEP 7" is used as a synonym for all versions of the
configuration and programming software "STEP 7 (TIA Portal)".

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CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 3

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CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

4 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC

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CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 5
Table of contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Documentation guide ............................................................................................................................ 7
2 Product overview ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 New functions ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU ........................................................................................ 14
2.3 Hardware properties .......................................................................................................... 21
2.4 Firmware functions............................................................................................................ 23
2.5 Operator controls and display elements ............................................................................. 27
2.5.1 Front view of the CPU with closed front flap ....................................................................... 27
2.5.2 Front view of the CPU without front flaps ........................................................................... 29
2.5.3 Rear view of the CPU.......................................................................................................... 30
2.6 Mode selector .................................................................................................................... 30
3 Wiring .................................................................................................................................................. 31
4 Interrupts, error messages, diagnostics and system alarms ............................................................... 36
4.1 Status and error displays of the CPU ................................................................................... 36
5 Technical specifications....................................................................................................................... 39
A Dimension drawing ............................................................................................................................. 53

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

6 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Documentation guide 1
The documentation for the SIMATIC S7-1500 automation system and the SIMATIC ET 200MP
distributed I/O system is arranged into three areas.
This arrangement enables you to access the specific content you require.

Basic information
The System Manual and Getting Started describe in detail the configuration, installation,
wiring and commissioning of the SIMATIC S7-1500 and ET 200MP systems. The STEP 7 online
help supports you in the configuration and programming.

Device information
Product manuals contain a compact description of the module-specific information, such as
properties, wiring diagrams, characteristics and technical specifications.

General information
The function manuals contain detailed descriptions on general topics regarding the SIMATIC
S7-1500 and ET 200MP systems, e.g. diagnostics, communication, motion control, Web
server, OPC UA.
You can download the documentation free of charge from the Internet
Changes and supplements to the manuals are documented in a Product Information.
You can download the product information free of charge from the Internet

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 7
Documentation guide

Manual Collection S7-1500/ET 200MP

The Manual Collection contains the complete documentation on the SIMATIC S7-1500
automation system and the ET 200MP distributed I/O system gathered together in one file.
You can find the Manual Collection on the Internet

SIMATIC S7-1500 comparison list for programming languages

The comparison list contains an overview of which instructions and functions you can use for
which controller families.
You can find the comparison list on the Internet

With "mySupport", your personal workspace, you make the best out of your Industry Online
In "mySupport", you can save filters, favorites and tags, request CAx data and compile your
personal library in the Documentation area. In addition, your data is already filled out in
support requests and you can get an overview of your current requests at any time.
You must register once to use the full functionality of "mySupport".
You can find "mySupport" on the Internet (

Application examples
The application examples support you with various tools and examples for solving your
automation tasks. Solutions are shown in interplay with multiple components in the system -
separated from the focus on individual products.
You will find the application examples on the Internet

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

8 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview 2
2.1 New functions
This section contains an overview of the most important firmware functions of the CPU
assigned to your firmware version.

New functions of the CPU in firmware version V2.9

New functions Applications Customer benefits

Communication of the CPU
OPC UA: Alarms & Con- OPC UA clients from any manufacturer can Without further measures, alarms created once
ditions subscribe to alarms of the CPU via OPC UA via OPC UA are available as events and alarms.
Alarms & Conditions. The alarms can be displayed by any display de-
vice with corresponding OPC UA client function-
OPC UA: Certificate Via GDS push management functions: The automation of the certificate management
management via Global eliminates any manual work required for recon-
Discovery Server (GDS) • Automated update of OPC UA certificates figuring the CPU, for example, after a certificate
of an S7-1500 CPU has expired, and a new download to the CPU.
• Transfer of updated certificates and lists in
RUN operating state of the CPU
MRP interconnection in • The MRP interconnection procedure is an There is no limit to the maximum number of 50
PROFINET networks devices in a ring when setting up redundant
extension of MRP.
network topologies.
• MRP interconnection enables the redun- Monitoring of larger topologies with ring redun-
dant coupling of two or more rings with dancy
MRP in PROFINET networks.
DHCP (Dynamic Host The CPU can use the DHCP communication With DHCP, you can integrate the CPU into an
Configuration Protocol) protocol to assign the network configuration existing IT network without having to make addi-
via a DHCP server. tional changes to the PROFINET interface.
The CPU uses a client ID for identification on
the DHCP server.
The following parameters can be obtained:
• IP Suite
• DNS server
• NTP server
The CPU can also send its host name to the
DHCP server.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 9
Product overview
2.1 New functions

New functions Applications Customer benefits

Web server of the CPU
Web applications that • Additional methods to manage web appli- Web applications are also available in STOP mode
can be loaded by the of the CPU
cations via Web API
user Reduced development times of web server user
• You can use all available Web API methods pages
within the web application
New Web API methods • Reading and changing the CPU operating Additional applications for the web server
state via Web API
• Ticket methods for transferring large
amounts of data outside of the JSON RPC
Optimizations to the The feedback messages of the OPC UA server A pool of NTP servers can be addressed.
DNS (Domain Name with the "Application Name" can be sent via
System) functionality DNS.
with OPC UA/Open User The NTP client of the CPU can address its rele-
Communication and on vant NTP servers via DNS.
the web server
The web server can be consistently reached via
DNS addressing. DNS is taken into account
during certificate handling.
Diagnostic information Diagnostic information is available for all Comprehensive diagnostic options by means of
on motion control technology objects motion control applications are possible via the
Improved display and grouping of the tags web server.
Technology functions of the CPU
Axis functions • Backlash compensation The repeat accuracy of a movement is increased
by compensation for the mechanical play of the
• Linear motor real axis.
Easier control of highly dynamic linear motors.
Synchronous operation • A cross-PLC synchronous operation be- • More flexibility in modular machines and
functions (S7-1500T)
tween technology objects with different multi-axis machines (e.g. printing machines)
technology versions on CPUs with different • More synchronous operation functions
firmware versions is possible.
• By shifting leading and following values, it is
• Desynchronization of gearing or camming possible, for example, to correct print marks
at specified positions synchronously to the leading value.
• Leading value or following value shift in • More interpolation points allow for a more
gearing or camming precise design of complex cams.
• Cam with 10,000 points • Detailed diagnostics of cams, both configured
• Diagnostics of the cam offline and created or modified online.
Kinematics functions • Calibrating zones The functions expand the possibilities for realiz-
(S7-1500T) ing complex motion control applications with 2D,
• Dynamic adaptation in the kinematics 3D and 4D kinematics.
control panel
• Simulation of kinematics motions

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

10 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.1 New functions

New functions of the CPU in firmware version V2.8

New functions Applications Customer benefits

IP forwarding IP forwarding forwards IP data through the • Simplified integration of devices for remote
CPU from one IP subnet to another IP subnet.
access, e.g. for diagnostics during remote
During IP forwarding, the CPU automatically maintenance or firmware update
creates an IP route table from the IP configura-
tion in STEP 7. • Simple access from the control level to the
field level for configuration and parameter
assignment of devices

Example: You can access the web server of a

drive connected to the X1 interface of the
CPU from a computer connected to the X2 in-
terface of the CPU.
Direct data exchange In the case of direct data exchange, an The "Direct data exchange" function enables
S7-1500 CPU provides cyclic user data from deterministic, isochronous I/O communication
the I/O area to one or more partners. between multiple S7-1500 CPUs.
API (Application Pro- The CPU has a web-based API (Application • Established standard mechanisms for creating
gramming Interface) Programming Interface) as an interface for
web pages:
reading and writing CPU data.
The API supports all conventional browsers Automation Web Programming commands
and command line programs, such as cURL (AWP commands) are no longer required for
and Wget. output of CPU data
• No dependency between custom web pages
and CPU program:

No synchronization between user program

and web server required by the SFC 99 in-
• Lower communication load:

A smaller data packet is transferred between

server and client (JSON instead of HTML of
the custom web page generated by the CPU).
This improves the communication perfor-
mance. The CPU needs less runtime to gener-
ate the information and make it available.
• Secure data traffic:

API exclusively supports the "HTTPS" transfer


CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 11
Product overview
2.1 New functions

New functions Applications Customer benefits

Technology functions of the CPU
Axis functions Organization block MC-PreInterpolator You can call motion control instructions at the
"MC_Stop" instruction same time as the MC_Interpolator.
You can stop an axis and prevent new jobs to the
Cross-PLC synchronous Leading and following axes can be distributed • Distribution of high axis configuration limits
operation (S7-1500T) over multiple controllers.
over different CPUs
Isochronous coupling between the leading
axis and the following axis via PROFINET IO • Use on modular machines and multi-axis
with IRT. machines (e.g. printing machines)
Compensation of delay times for communica- • Highly precise synchronous operation across
tion and different clock rates. devices
Kinematics functions • Scara 2D is supported as predefined kine- The functions expand the possibilities for realiz-
ing complex motion control applications with 2D,
3D and 4D kinematics.
• New instructions for synchronous point-to-
point movements, conveyor tracking, and
calculation of the forward and backward
• Proactive motion preparation
Project trace Coordination of traces on different devices • Extensive trigger options for faster localiza-
• Support of multiple CPUs tion of sporadically occurring errors
• Support of different device types • Simple combination of related traces
Visualization in a shared chart
Support of alternative trigger sources

New functions of the CPU in firmware version V2.6

New functions Applications Customer benefits

OPC UA client In addition to the OPC UA server, an You can perform, for example, vertical communi-
OPC UA client is integrated in the CPU. cation to MES systems/cloud services or IO con-
Using the corresponding OPC UA communica- troller-IO controller communication.
tion instructions, you can:
• Call methods
• Read and write data
Isochronous mode for Isochronous mode is also possible for modules • Optimized controls through constant, calcu-
central I/O that are inserted next to the CPU in a central-
lable dead times
ized configuration.
In this way, you can implement the following • Determinism, reliable reproducibility of re-
functions, for example: sponse times
• Dynamic control tasks • Consistent (simultaneous) reading in of input
• Measuring input data

• Output cam • Consistent (simultaneous) output of output

• Dosing processes, high-speed analog value
acquisition with oversampling

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

12 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.1 New functions

New functions of the CPU in firmware version V2.5

New functions Applications Customer benefits

New technology object, kinematics Controlling of kinematics, such as You can realize complex Motion Control
applications for controlling 2D, 3D and
• Cartesian portals 4D kinematics.
• Roller pickers
• Delta pickers
Motion specification of paths
Individual motions and motion se-
Kinematics 2D, 3D, with and without
orientation axis
Additional instructions for torque con- You can apply an additives setpoint You can pre-control the torque precisely
trol torque in the drive. for the axes, for example at winders
You can predetermine torque limits in (predetermine traction torque and
the drive cyclically. additionally torque limits in order to
prevent tearing of the material).
The torque actual value of the drive can
be evaluated directly in the TO-DB of You can take the dynamic model of the
the axis. kinematics into consideration, pre-
control the torque to be expected for
each axis and thus improve the preci-
Data adaption for SINAMICS S210 You can also use data adaption for the You gain time during the configuration
new drive SINAMICS S210. of the technology objects and the
MotionIn Through additional instructions motion This means that specific technological
setpoints can be specified cyclically via motion specifications are possible via
the application. the application (for example at wind-
Testing with breakpoints Testing SCL and STL program code with • Localization of logic errors step by
the help of breakpoints. When testing
with breakpoints, you execute a pro-
gram from one breakpoint to another. • Simple and quick analysis of com-
plex programs prior to actual com-
• Recording of current values within
individual executed loops
• Use of breakpoints for program
validation also possible in SCL/STL
networks within LAD/FBD blocks
Arithmetic functions for trace In the case of completed measure- • Generation of unavailable infor-
ments, you can combine the measured
signals mathematically with each other
and thus generate signals that were not • Post-processing of measurements
• Measurement of signal paths (e.g.
mean value)

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 13
Product overview
2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU

New functions Applications Customer benefits

Importing and exporting ASCII files Using the FileReadC function, you can Complex file structures are used in free
read out a binary file (ASCII file) in the ASCII format on the SIMATIC memory
user program which was stored on the card, e.g. to:
SIMATIC memory card of the CPU via
the web server. • Read in recipes for which CSV is not
flexible enough
Using the FileWriteC function, you can
store a binary file (ASCII file) on the • Read in complex parameter assign-
memory card of the CPU using the user ments or configuration files
program; this file can be read via the
web server. • Output complex files for documen-
Sending encrypted emails It is possible to send encrypted emails High security through encrypted trans-
via the integrated interfaces of the CPU mission of data

You can find an overview of all new functions, improvements and revisions in the respective
firmware versions on the Internet

2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU

Area of application
SIMATIC S7-1500 is the modular control system for a wide variety of automation applications
in discrete automation.
The modular and fanless design, simple implementation of distributed structures, and user-
friendly operation make SIMATIC S7-1500 the economic and convenient solution for a variety
of tasks.
Areas of application of the SIMATIC S7-1500 are, for example:
• Special-purpose machines
• Textile machinery
• Packaging machines
• General mechanical engineering
• Controller engineering
• Machine tool engineering
• Installation engineering
• Electrical industry and crafts
• Automobile engineering
• Water/waste water
• Food & Beverage

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

14 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU

Additional areas of application of the SIMATIC S7-1500T with extended Motion Control
functions are, for example:
• Packaging machines
• Converting application
• Assembly automation
Several CPUs with various levels of performance and a comprehensive range of modules with
many convenient features are available. Fail-safe CPUs enable use in fail-safe applications.
The modular design allows you to use only the modules that you need for your application.
The controller can be retrofitted with additional modules at any time to expand its range of
High industrial capability from the high resistance to EMC, shock and vibration enable
universal use of the SIMATIC S7-1500.

Performance segments of standard CPUs

The CPUs can be used for smaller and mid-range applications, as well as for the high-end
range of machine and plant automation.

Table 2- 1 Standard CPUs


interfaces IO RT/IRT IO RT basic func- memory cessing
interfaces interface tionality time for
bit oper-
CPU 1511-1 PN Standard CPU for small -- 1 -- -- 1.15 MB 60 ns
to mid-range applica-
CPU 1513-1 PN Standard CPU for mid- -- 1 -- -- 1.8 MB 40 ns
range applications
CPU 1515-2 PN Standard CPU for mid- -- 1 1 -- 3.5 MB 30 ns
range to large applica-
CPU 1516- Standard CPU for high- 1 1 1 -- 6 MB 10 ns
3 PN/DP end applications and
communication tasks
CPU 1517- Standard CPU for high- 1 1 1 -- 10 MB 2 ns
3 PN/DP end applications and
communication tasks
CPU 1518- Standard CPU for high- 1 1 1 1 24 MB 1 ns
4 PN/DP performance applica-
tions, demanding com-
munication tasks and
very short reaction
CPU 1518- Standard CPU for high- 1 1 1 1 74* MB 1 ns
4 PN/DP MFP performance applica-
tions, demanding com-
munication tasks, very
short reaction times and
C/C++ blocks for the
user program

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 15
Product overview
2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU

Performance segments of compact CPUs

The compact CPUs can be used for smaller to mid-range applications and have an integrated
analog and digital on-board I/O as well as integrated technology functions.

Table 2- 2 Compact CPUs


interfaces IO RT/IRT IO RT basic func- memory cessing
interfaces interface tionality time for
bit oper-
CPU 1511C-1 PN Compact CPU for small -- 1 -- -- 1.175 MB 60 ns
to mid-range applica-
CPU 1512C-1 PN Compact CPU for mid- -- 1 -- -- 1.25 MB 48 ns
range applications

The following table shows the specific properties of the Compact CPUs.

CPU 1511C-1 PN CPU 1512C-1 PN

Integrated analog inputs/outputs 5 inputs/2 outputs 5 inputs/2 outputs
Integrated digital inputs/outputs 16 inputs/16 outputs 32 inputs/32 outputs
High-speed counters 6 6
Frequency meters 6 (max. 100 kHz) 6 (max. 100 kHz)
Period duration measurement 6 channels 6 channels
Pulse width modulation (PWM output)
Max. 4 (up to 100 kHz) Max. 4 (up to 100 kHz)
Pulse Train Output (PTO output) Max. 4 (up to 100 kHz) Max. 4 (up to 100 kHz)
Frequency output Up to 100 kHz Up to 100 kHz

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

16 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU

Performance segments of technology CPUs

The technology CPUs can be used for low and mid-range applications, as well as for the high-
end range of machine and plant automation. Because of their extended motion control
functions, they are primarily used for drive control.

Table 2- 3 Technology CPUs


interfaces IO RT/IRT IO RT basic func- memory cessing
interfaces interface tionality time for
bit oper-
CPU 1511T-1 PN Technology CPU for -- 1 -- -- 1.225 MB 60 ns
small to mid-range
motion control applica-
CPU 1515T-2 PN Technology CPU for -- 1 1 -- 3.75 MB 30 ns
mid-range to large mo-
tion control applications
CPU 1516T-3 PN Technology CPU for 1 1 1 -- 6.5 MB 10 ns
/DP high-end motion con-
trol applications and
communication tasks
CPU 1517T- Technology CPU for 1 1 1 -- 11 MB 2 ns
3 PN/DP high-end motion con-
trol applications and
communication tasks
CPU 1518T- Technology CPU for 1 1 1 1 60 MB 1 ns
4 PN/DP high-performance mo-
tion control applications
with large quantities,
demanding communi-
cation tasks and very
short reaction times
CPU 1511TF- These CPUs are described in the fail-safe CPUs.
1 PN
CPU 1515TF-
2 PN
CPU 1516TF-
CPU 1517TF-
CPU 1518TF-

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 17
Product overview
2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU

Performance segments of fail-safe CPUs

The fail-safe CPUs are intended for users who want to implement demanding standard and
fail-safe applications both centrally and decentrally.
These fail-safe CPUs allow the processing of standard and safety programs on a single CPU.
This allows fail-safe data to be evaluated in the standard user program. The integration
thereby provides the system advantages and the extensive functionality of SIMATIC for fail-
safe applications.
The fail-safe CPUs are certified for use in safety mode up to:
• Safety class (Safety Integrity Level) SIL 3 according to IEC 61508:2010
• Performance Level (PL) e and Category 4 according to ISO 13849-1:2006 or according to
EN ISO 13849-1:2008
Additional password protection for F-configuration and F-program is set up for IT security.

Table 2- 4 Fail-safe CPUs


interfaces IO RT/IRT IO RT basic func- memory cessing
interfaces interface tionality time for
bit oper-
CPU 1511F-1 PN Fail-safe CPU for small -- 1 -- -- 1.225 MB 60 ns
to mid-range applica-
CPU 1511TF- Fail-safe technology -- 1 -- -- 1.225 MB 60 ns
1 PN CPU for small to mid-
range applications
CPU 1513F- Fail-safe CPU for mid- -- 1 -- -- 1.95 MB 40 ns
1 PN range applications
CPU 1515F-2 PN Fail-safe CPU for mid- -- 1 1 -- 3.75 MB 30 ns
range to large applica-
CPU 1515TF- Fail-safe technology -- 1 1 -- 3.75 MB 30 ns
2 PN CPU for demanding
applications and com-
munication tasks
CPU 1516F- Fail-safe CPU for de- 1 1 1 -- 6.5 MB 10 ns
3 PN/DP manding applications
and communication
CPU 1516TF- Fail-safe technology 1 1 1 -- 6.5 MB 10 ns
3 PN/DP CPU for demanding
applications and com-
munication tasks
CPU 1517F- Fail-safe CPU for de- 1 1 1 -- 11 MB 2 ns
3 PN/DP manding applications
and communication

CPU 1517TF- Fail-safe technology 1 1 1 -- 11 MB 2 ns

3 PN/DP CPU for demanding
applications and com-
munication tasks

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

18 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU


interfaces IO RT/IRT IO RT basic func- memory cessing
interfaces interface tionality time for
bit oper-
CPU 1518F- Fail-safe CPU for high- 1 1 1 1 26 MB 1 ns
4 PN/DP performance applica-
tions, demanding com-
munication tasks and
very short reaction
CPU 1518F- Fail-safe CPU for high- 1 1 1 1 76* MB 1 ns
4 PN/DP MFP performance applica-
tions, demanding com-
munication tasks, very
short reaction times and
C/C++ blocks for the
user program
CPU 1518TF- Technology CPU for 1 1 1 1 60 MB 1 ns
4 PN/DP high-performance mo-
tion control applications
with large quantities,
demanding communi-
cation tasks and very
short reaction times

* 50 MB of the integrated work memory is reserved for the function library of CPU runtime

In addition to the CPUs, further components such as SINAMICS drives dispose of integrated
safety functions. Additional information about integrated safety functions in drives can be
found in the manuals for the respective products.

Design and handling

All CPUs of the SIMATIC S7-1500 product series feature a display with plain text information.
The display provides the user with information on the order numbers, firmware version, and
serial number of all connected modules. In addition, the IP address of the CPU and other
network settings can be adapted locally without a programming device. Error messages are
immediately shown on the display in plain text. In the case of servicing, plant downtimes are
minimized by quick access to diagnostics alarms. Detailed information about this and a
multitude of other display functions is available in the SIMATIC S7-1500 Display Simulator
Uniform front connectors for all modules and integrated potential bridges for flexible
formation of potential groups simplifies storage. Additional components such as circuit
breakers, relays, etc., can be installed quickly and easily, since a DIN rail is implemented in
the rail of the S7-1500. The CPUs of the SIMATIC S7-1500 product series can be expanded
centrally and in a modular fashion with signal modules. Space-saving expansion enables
flexible adaptation to each application.
The system cabling for digital signal modules enables fast and clear connection to sensors
and actuators from the field (fully modular connection consisting of front connector
modules, connection cables and I/O modules), as well as easy wiring inside the control
cabinet (flexible connection consisting of front connectors with assembled single

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 19
Product overview
2.2 Applications of the S7-1500 CPU

System diagnostics and alarms

Integrated system diagnostics is activated by default for the CPUs. The different types of
diagnostics are configured instead of programmed. System diagnostics information is shown
uniformly and in plain text on the display of the CPU, in STEP 7, on the HMI and on the web
server, even for alarms related to drives. This information is available in RUN mode, but also
in STOP mode of the CPU. The diagnostic information is updated automatically when you
configure new hardware components.
The CPU is available as a central interrupt server in up to three project languages. The HMI
takes over the display in the project languages specified for the CPU. If you require message
texts in additional languages, you can load these via the configured connection to your HMI.
The CPU, STEP 7 and your HMI guarantee data consistency without additional engineering
steps. The maintenance work is easier.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

20 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.3 Hardware properties

2.3 Hardware properties

Article number

View of the module

The following figure shows the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

Figure 2-1 CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP

Protective film
Note that a protective film is applied to the display in the delivery state of the CPU. Remove
the protective film if necessary.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 21
Product overview
2.3 Hardware properties

The CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP has the following properties:

Property Description Additional information

CPU display All CPUs of the SIMATIC S7-1500 product series feature • S7-1500, ET 200MP system man-
a display with plain text information. The display pro-
vides information on order numbers, firmware version
and serial numbers of all connected modules. In addi- (https://support.automation.siem
tion, you can set the IP address of the CPU and carry out
further network settings. The display shows occurring • SIMATIC S7-1500 Display Simula-
error messages directly in plain text.
In addition to the functions listed here, a multitude of
other functions that are described in the SIMATIC S7- (https://support.industry.siemens
1500 Display Simulator are shown on the display. .com/cs/ww/en/view/109761758)
Supply voltage The 24 V DC supply voltage is supplied via a 4-pole • Chapter Wiring (Page 31)
connection plug that is located at the front of the CPU.
• S7-1500, ET 200MP system man-
PROFIBUS interface (X3) The interface serves to connect to a PROFIBUS network. PROFIBUS function manual
Operation of the CPU as In the role as a DP master, the CPU addresses the con- (
DP master nected DP slaves. The CPU cannot assume the role of a m/cs/ww/en/view/59193579)
DP slave.
PROFINET interface (X1 P1 The interface has two ports. In addition to basic PROFINET function manual
R, X1 P2 R) PROFINET functionality, its also supports PROFINET IO (
RT (real time) and IRT (isochronous real time). m/cs/ww/en/view/49948856)
PROFINET interface The interface has two ports. In addition to basic
(X2 P1) PROFINET functionality, its also supports PROFINET IO
RT (real time).
Operation of the CPU as • IO controller:
• IO controller As an IO controller the CPU addresses the connected
• I-device IO devices
• I-device:
As an I-device (intelligent IO device) the CPU is as-
signed to a higher-level IO controller and is used in
the process as an intelligent pre-processing unit of

You can find information on "Accessories/spare parts" in the S7-1500, ET 200MP system
manual (

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

22 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.4 Firmware functions

2.4 Firmware functions

The CPU supports the following functions:

Function Description Additional information

Integrated system diag- The system automatically generates the messages for Diagnostics function manual
nostics the system diagnostics and outputs these messages via (https://support.automation.siemens
a programming device/PC, HMI device, the web server .com/WW/view/en/59191792)
or the integrated display. System diagnostics infor-
mation is also available when the CPU is in STOP mode.
Integrated web server The web server lets you access the CPU data by means • Web server function manual
of a network. Evaluations, diagnostics, and modifica-
tions are thus possible over long distances. Monitoring
and evaluation is possible without STEP 7; all you need
is a web browser. Make sure that you take appropriate • Security with SIMATIC S7 control-
measures (e.g. limiting network access, using firewalls) lers system manual
to protect the CPU from being compromised.
Integrated trace func- Trace functionality supports you in troubleshooting Using the trace and logic analyzer
tionality and/or optimizing the user program. function function manual
You record device tags and evaluate the recordings with (https://support.automation.siemens
the trace and logic analyzer function. Tags are, for ex- .com/WW/view/en/64897128)
ample, drive parameters or system and user tags of a
The device saves the recordings. You can read out and
permanently save the recordings with the configuration
system (ES), if required. The trace and logic analyzer
function is therefore suitable for monitoring highly
dynamic processes.
The trace record can also be displayed through the web
With the project trace, you record the variables of mul-
tiple devices within a project, for example, a controller
and a drive.
OPC UA With OPC UA, you can exchange data via an open and Communication function manual
manufacturer-neutral communication protocol. The (
CPU can act as OPC UA server. The CPU acting as the m/cs/ww/en/view/59192925)
OPC UA server can communicate with OPC UA clients.
The OPC UA Companion Specification allows methods
to be specified uniformly and independently of the
manufacturer. Using these specified methods, you can
easily integrate devices from various manufacturers into
your plants and production processes.
Configuration control You can use configuration control to operate different S7-1500, ET 200MP system manual
real hardware configurations with a configured maxi- (https://support.automation.siemens
mum configuration of the hardware. This means that, .com/WW/view/en/59191792)
in series machine manufacturing in particular, you have
the option of operating/configuring different configura-
tion variants of a machine with a single project.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 23
Product overview
2.4 Firmware functions

Function Description Additional information

RT (real time) RT prioritizes PROFINET IO telegrams over standard PROFINET function manual
telegrams. This ensures the required determinism in the (https://support.automation.siemens
automation technology. In this process the data is .com/WW/view/en/49948856)
transferred via prioritized Ethernet telegrams.
IRT (isochronous real time) A reserved bandwidth within the send clock is available
for IRT data. The reserved bandwidth ensures that the
IRT data can be transmitted in time-synchronized inter-
vals, unaffected by other high network loading (e.g.
TCP/IP communication or additional real time communi-
cation). Update times with maximum determinism can
be realized through IRT. Isochronous applications are
possible with IRT.
Isochronous mode The Isochronous mode system property acquires meas-
ured values and process data and processes the signals
in a fixed system clock. Isochronous mode thus contrib-
utes to high control quality and hence to greater manu-
facturing precision. Isochronous mode reduces possible
fluctuations of the process reaction times to a mini-
mum. Time-assured processing makes higher machine
cycles possible.
MRP (Media Redundancy It is possible to establish redundant networks via the
Protocol) Media Redundancy Protocol. Redundant transmission
links (ring topology) ensure that an alternative commu-
nication path is made available if a transmission link
fails. The PROFINET devices that are part of this redun-
dant network form an MRP domain.
RT operation is possible with the use of MRP.
MRPD (Media Redundancy The advantage of the MRP extension MRPD is that, in
with Planned Duplication) the event of a failure of a device or a line in the ring, all
other devices continue to be supplied with IO data
without interruption and with short update times.
MRPD is based on IRT and MRP. To realize media redun-
dancy with short update times, the PROFINET devices
participating in the ring send their data in both direc-
tions. The devices receive this data at both ring ports so
that there is no reconfiguration time.
Shared device The "Shared device" function allows you to divide the
modules or submodules of an IO device up among dif-
ferent IO controllers. Numerous IO controllers are often
used in larger or widely distributed systems. Without
the "Shared device" function, each I/O module of an IO
device is assigned to the same IO controller. If sensors
that are physically close to each other must provide
data to different IO controllers, several IO devices are
required. The "Shared device" function allows the mod-
ules or submodules of an IO device to be divided up
among different IO controllers, thus allowing flexible
automation concepts. You can,
for example, combine I/O modules that are physically
close to each other in one IO device.
PROFIenergy PROFIenergy is a PROFINET-based data interface for
switching off consumers centrally and with full coordi-
nation during pause times regardless of the manufac-
turer or device type. Through this, the process should
only be provided with the energy that is absolutely
required. The majority of the energy is saved by the
process; the PROFINET device itself only contributes a
few watts of savings potential.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

24 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.4 Firmware functions

Function Description Additional information

Integrated technology
Motion Control All CPUs support the S7-1500 Motion Control functions Motion Control topic page
via the technology objects speed axes, positioning axes,
synchronized axes, external encoders, cams, cam tracks
and measuring inputs.
• Speed-controlled axis for controlling a drive with
speed specification
• Positioning axis for position-controlled positioning
of a drive
• Synchronous axis to interconnect with a master
value. The axis is synchronized to the master axis
• External encoder for detecting the actual position of
an encoder and its use as a master value for syn-
chronous operation
• Cams, cam track for position-dependent generation
of switching signals
• Measuring input for fast, accurate and event-
dependent sensing of actual positions
You program the technology objects with Motion Con-
trol instructions according to PLCopen.
Extended Motion Control The technology CPUs of the SIMATIC S7-1500 also Motion Control topic page
functions support extended Motion Control functions with the
additional technology objects cam, leading axis proxy
and kinematics:
• Advanced synchronization functions
– Synchronization with specification of the syn-
chronous position
– Actual value coupling
– Leading value or following value shift in gearing
or camming
– Camming
– Synchronization to specified positions
– Cross-PLC synchronous operation
• Up to 4 encoders or measuring systems as actual
position for position control
• Controlling of kinematics, such as
– Cartesian portals
– Roller pickers
– Delta pickers
Integrated closed-loop • PID Compact (continuous PID controller) PID control function manual
control functionality (
• PID 3Step (step controller for integrating actuators) m/cs/ww/en/view/108210036)
• PID Temp (temperature controller for heating and
cooling with two separate actuators)

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 25
Product overview
2.4 Firmware functions

Function Description Additional information

Integrated safety
Know-how protection The know-how protection protects user blocks against S7-1500, ET 200MP system manual
unauthorized access and modifications. (https://support.automation.siemens
Copy protection Copy protection links user blocks to the serial number .com/WW/view/en/59191792)
of the SIMATIC memory card or to the serial number of
the CPU. User programs cannot run without the corre-
sponding SIMATIC memory card or CPU.
Access protection Extended access protection provides high-quality pro-
tection against unauthorized configuration changes.
You can use authorization levels to assign separate
rights to different user groups.
Integrity protection The CPUs dispose of integrity protection by default.
Integrity protection identifies possible manipulations of
engineering data on the SIMATIC memory card or dur-
ing data transfer between TIA Portal and CPU.
Integrity protection also checks the communication
from a SIMATIC HMI system to the CPU for possible
manipulations of engineering data.
If integrity protection identifies the manipulation of
engineering data, the user receives a corresponding
Password provider As an alternative to manual password input you can
connect a password provider to STEP 7. A password
provider offers the following advantages:
• Convenient handling of passwords. STEP 7 reads the
password automatically for the blocks. This saves
you time.
• Optimum block protection because the users do not
know the password itself.

See also
S7-1500 Motion Control function manual
S7-1500T Motion Control function manual
S7-1500T Kinematics (
Axis functions function manual
Measuring input and cam functions function manual
Synchronous operation functions function manual

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

26 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.5 Operator controls and display elements

2.5 Operator controls and display elements

2.5.1 Front view of the CPU with closed front flap

The figure below shows the front view of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

① LEDs for the current operating mode and diagnostics status of the CPU
② Front panel with display
③ Display
④ Operator control buttons
⑤ Front panel of the PROFIBUS interface

Figure 2-2 View of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (with front panels) - front

Temperature range for display
To increase its service life, the display switches off at a temperature below the permitted
operating temperature of the device. When the display cools down, it automatically switches
itself on again. When the display is switched off, the LEDs continue to show the status of the
For more information on the temperatures at which the display switches itself on and off,
refer to the Technical specifications (Page 39).

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 27
Product overview
2.5 Operator controls and display elements

Removing and attaching the front panel with display

You can remove and attach the front panel with display during operation.

Personal injury and damage to property may occur
If you remove or attach the front panel of an S7-1500 automation system during operation,
personal injury or damage to property can occur in zone 2 hazardous areas.
Before you remove or fit the front panel, always switch off the power supply to the S7-1500
automation system in hazardous area zone 2. The CPU maintains its operating mode.

Locking the front panel

You can lock the wide front panel with display as well as the narrow front panel of the
PROFIBUS interface to protect your CPU against unauthorized access. You can attach a
security seal or a padlock with a diameter of 3 mm to the front panels.

Figure 2-3 Locking latch on the CPU

In addition to the mechanical lock, you can also block access to a password-protected CPU on
the display (local lock) and assign a password for the display. You can find additional
information on the display, the configurable protection levels and local locking in the
S7-1500, ET 200MP ( system

You can find detailed information on the individual display options, a training course and a
simulation of the available menu commands in the SIMATIC S7-1500 Display Simulator

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

28 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Product overview
2.5 Operator controls and display elements

2.5.2 Front view of the CPU without front flaps

The figure below shows the operator controls and connection elements of the
CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

① Mode selector
② No function
③ PROFIBUS interface (X3)
④ Fixing screws
⑤ Connection for supply voltage
⑥ PROFINET IO interface (X2) with 1 port
⑦ PROFINET IO interface (X1) with 2 ports
⑧ MAC addresses of the interfaces
⑨ LEDs for the 3 ports of the PROFINET interfaces X1 and X2
⑩ Slot for the SIMATIC memory card
⑪ Display connection
⑫ LEDs for the current operating mode and diagnostics status of the CPU

Figure 2-4 View of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (without front panels) - front

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 29
Product overview
2.6 Mode selector

2.5.3 Rear view of the CPU

The following figure shows the connection elements on the rear of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

① Shield contact surfaces

② Plug-in connection for power supply
③ Plug-in connection for backplane bus
④ Fixing screws

Figure 2-5 View of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP - rear

2.6 Mode selector

You use the mode selector to set the operating mode of the CPU.
The following table shows the meaning of the corresponding operation of the operating
mode buttons.

Table 2- 5 Meaning of the mode switches

Operation of the mode Meaning Explanation

RUN RUN mode The CPU is executing the user program.
STOP STOP mode The user program is not executed. (STOP ACTIVE LED lights up).
MRES Memory reset Position for CPU memory reset.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

30 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Wiring 3
This section provides information on the pin assignment of the individual interfaces and the
block diagram of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

24 V DC supply voltage (X80)

The connector for the power supply is plugged in when the CPU ships from the factory.
The following table shows the signal names and the descriptions of the pin assignment of
the 24 V DC supply voltage.

Table 3- 1 Pin assignment 24 V DC supply voltage

View Signal name 1) Description

1 1L+ + 24 V DC of the supply voltage
2 1M Ground of the supply voltage
3 2M Ground of the supply voltage for loop-through 2)
4 2L+ + 24 V DC of the supply voltage for loop-through 2)

1) 1L+ and 2L+ as well as 1M and 2M are bridged internally

2) Maximum 10 A permitted

If the CPU is supplied by a system power supply, it is not necessary to connect the 24 V

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 31

PROFINET interface X1 with 2-port switch (X1 P1 R and X1 P2 R)

The assignment corresponds to the Ethernet standard for an RJ45 plug.
• When autonegotiation is deactivated, the RJ45 socket is allocated as a switch (MDI-X).
• When autonegotiation is activated, autocrossing is in effect and the RJ45 socket is
allocated either as data terminal equipment (MDI) or a switch (MDI-X).

Figure 3-1 PROFINET

PROFINET interface X2 with 1 port (X2 P1)

The assignment corresponds to the Ethernet standard for an RJ45 plug.
Autocrossing is always active on X2. This means the RJ45 socket is allocated either as data
terminal equipment (MDI) or a switch (MDI-X).

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

32 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC

PROFIBUS interface X3
The table below shows the pin assignment of the PROFIBUS interface. The assignment
corresponds to the standard assignment of an RS485 interface.

Table 3- 2 PROFIBUS interface pin assignment

View Signal name Description

1 - -
2 - -
3 RxD/TxD-P Data line B
4 RTS Request to send
5 M5V2 Data reference potential (from station)
6 P5V2 Supply plus (from station)
7 - -
8 RxD/TxD-N Data line A
9 - -

Supply of I/O devices
The CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP does not provide a 24 V DC power supply on the PROFIBUS interface.
I/O devices (for example, PC adapter USB) are therefore only operational on the interface in
conjunction with a plug-in power supply set for external power supply.
The innovative successor product, PC adapter USB A2, receives the required power supply via
the USB port. The USB A2 PC adapter therefore does not require a 24 V DC supply voltage and
can be operated without a plug-in power supply set for external power supply.

You can find additional information on the topics of "Connecting the CPU" and
"Accessories/spare parts" in the S7-1500, ET 200MP
( system manual.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 33

Assignment of the MAC addresses

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP has two PROFINET interfaces. The first interface has two ports. The
PROFINET interfaces each have a MAC address, and each of the PROFINET ports has its own
MAC address. In total, the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP has five MAC addresses.
The MAC addresses of the PROFINET ports are needed for the LLDP protocol, for example for
the neighborhood discovery function.
The number range of the MAC addresses is sequential. The first and last MAC addresses are
lasered on the rating plate on the right side of each CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.
The table below shows how the MAC addresses are assigned.

Table 3- 3 Assignment of the MAC addresses

Assignment Labeling
MAC address 1 PROFINET interface X1 • Front, lasered
(visible in STEP 7 for accessible devices)
• Right side, lasered
(start of number range)
MAC address 2 Port X1 P1 R (required for LLDP, for example) • Front and right side, not lasered
MAC address 3 Port X1 P2 R (required for LLDP, for example) • Front and right side, not lasered
MAC address 4 PROFINET interface X2 • Front, lasered
(visible in STEP 7 for accessible devices)
• Right side, not lasered
MAC address 5 Port X2 P1 (required for LLDP, for example) • Front, not lasered
• Right side, lasered
(start of number range)

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

34 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC

Block diagram
The figure below shows the block diagram of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

① Display PN X1 P1 R PROFINET interface X1 Port 1

② RUN/STOP/MRES mode selector PN X1 P2 R PROFINET interface X1 Port 2
③ Electronics PN X2 P1 PROFINET interface X2 Port 1
④ PROFINET 2-port switch PB X3 PROFIBUS interface X3
⑤ PROFIBUS DP driver L+ 24 V DC supply voltage
⑥ Backplane bus interface M Ground
⑦ Internal supply voltage R/S RUN/STOP LED (yellow/green)
X50 SIMATIC memory card ER ERROR LED (red)
X80 24 V DC Infeed of supply voltage MT MAINT LED (yellow)
X1 P1, X1 P2, X2 P1 LED Link TX/RX
Figure 3-2 Block diagram of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 35
Interrupts, error messages, diagnostics and
system alarms 4
The status and error displays of the CPU 1517T-3 PN are described below.
You can find additional information on the topic of "Interrupts" in the STEP 7 online help.
You can find additional information on the topic of "Diagnostics" and "System alarms" in the
Diagnostics ( function

4.1 Status and error displays of the CPU

LED display
The figure below shows the LED displays of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

① RUN/STOP LED (yellow/green LED)

③ MAINT LED (yellow LED)
④ No function
⑤ LINK RX/TX LED for port X1 P1 (yellow/green LED)
⑥ LINK RX/TX LED for port X1 P2 (yellow/green LED)
⑦ LINK RX/TX LED for port X2 P1 (yellow/green LED)

Figure 4-1 LED display of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (without front panel)

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

36 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Interrupts, error messages, diagnostics and system alarms
4.1 Status and error displays of the CPU

Meaning of the RUN/STOP, ERROR and MAINT LEDs

The CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP has three LEDs to signal the current operating status and diagnostics
status. The following table shows the meaning of the various combinations of colors for the

Table 4- 1 Meaning of the LEDs


Missing or insufficient power supply on the CPU.
LED off LED off LED off
An error has occurred.
LED off LED flashes red LED off
CPU is in RUN mode.
LED lit green LED off LED off There are no events, requirements, errors, etc.
A diagnostics event is pending.
LED lit green LED flashes red LED off
Maintenance demanded for the plant.
LED lit green LED off LED lit yellow The affected hardware must be checked/replaced
within a short period of time.
Active Force job
Bad configuration
LED lit green LED off LED flashes yellow
A diagnostics event is pending.
LED lit yellow LED flashes red LED off
Firmware update successfully completed.
LED lit yellow LED off LED flashes yellow
CPU is in STOP mode.
LED lit yellow LED off LED off
The program on the SIMATIC memory card is caus-
LED lit yellow ing an error.
LED flashes red LED flashes yellow
Firmware update using SIMATIC memory card has
The CPU has detected an error state. Additional
information is available via the CPU diagnostic
CPU is performing internal activities during STOP,
LED off LED off e.g. startup after STOP.
LED flashes yellow
Download of the user program from the SIMATIC
memory card
CPU carries out a program with active breakpoint.
Startup (transition from STOP → RUN)
LED flashes LED off LED off
Startup (CPU booting)
LED flashes LED flashes red LED flashes yellow Test of LEDs during startup, inserting a module.
yellow/green LED flashing test

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 37
Interrupts, error messages, diagnostics and system alarms
4.1 Status and error displays of the CPU

Meaning of LINK RX/TX LED

Each port has a LINK RX/TX LED. The table below shows the various "LED scenarios" of ports
for the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP.

Table 4- 2 Meaning of the LED


There is no Ethernet connection between the PROFINET interface of the PROFINET device and
LED off the communication partner.
No data is currently being sent/received via the PROFINET interface.
There is no LINK connection.
The "LED flashing test" is being performed.
LED flashes green
There is an Ethernet connection between the PROFINET interface of your PROFINET device
LED lit green and a communication partner.
Data is currently being received from or sent to a communications partner on Ethernet via
the PROFINET interface of the PROFINET device.
LED flashes

"LED" instruction
You can read the status (e.g. "On" or "Off") of LEDs of a CPU or a module using the "LED"
instruction. Note, however, that it is not possible to read the LED status of the LINK RX/TX
LEDs on all S7-1500 CPUs.
You can find additional information on the "LED" instruction in the STEP 7 online help.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

38 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Technical specifications 5
The following table shows the technical specifications as of 12/2017. You can find a data
sheet including daily updated technical specifications on the Internet

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

General information
Product type designation CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP
HW functional status FS10
Firmware version V2.9
Product function
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3

• Isochronous mode Yes; Distributed and central; with minimum OB 6x

cycle of 250 µs (distributed) and 1 ms (central)
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/integrated V17 (FW V2.9) / V14 (FW V2.0) or higher
from version
Configuration control
via dataset Yes
Screen diagonal [cm] 6.1 cm
Control elements
Number of keys 6
Mode selector switch 1
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage 24 V DC
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 19.2 V
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Mains buffering
• Mains/voltage failure stored energy time 5 ms

• Repeat rate, min. 1/s

Input current
Current consumption (rated value) 1.55 A
Inrush current, max. 2.4 A; Rated value
I²t 0.02 A²·s
Infeed power to the backplane bus 12 W
Power consumption from the backplane bus 30 W
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 24 W

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

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Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

Number of slots for SIMATIC memory card 1
SIMATIC memory card required Yes
Work memory
• integrated (for program) 3 Mbyte

• integrated (for data) 8 Mbyte

Load memory
• Plug-in (SIMATIC Memory Card), max. 32 Gbyte

• maintenance-free Yes

CPU processing times

for bit operations, typ. 2 ns
for word operations, typ. 3 ns
for fixed point arithmetic, typ. 3 ns
for floating point arithmetic, typ. 12 ns
Number of elements (total) 12 000; Blocks (OB, FB, FC, DB) and UDTs
• Number range 1 ... 60 999; subdivided into: number range that
can be used by the user: 1 ... 59 999, and number
range of DBs created via SFC 86: 60 000 ... 60 999
• Size, max. 8 Mbyte; For DBs with absolute addressing, the
max. size is 64 KB
• Number range 0 ... 65 535

• Size, max. 1 Mbyte

• Number range 0 ... 65 535

• Size, max. 1 Mbyte

• Size, max. 1 Mbyte

• Number of free cycle OBs 100

• Number of time alarm OBs 20

• Number of delay alarm OBs 20

• Number of cyclic interrupt OBs 20; with minimum OB 3x cycle of 100 µs

• Number of process alarm OBs 50

• Number of DPV1 alarm OBs 3

• Number of isochronous mode OBs 3

• Number of technology synchronous alarm 2


• Number of startup OBs 100

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

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Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

• Number of asynchronous error OBs 4

• Number of synchronous error OBs 2

• Number of diagnostic alarm OBs 1

Nesting depth
• per priority class 24

Counters, timers and their retentivity

S7 counter
• Number 2 048

– adjustable Yes
IEC counter
• Number Any (only limited by the main memory)

– adjustable Yes
S7 times
• Number 2 048

– adjustable Yes
IEC timer
• Number Any (only limited by the main memory)

– adjustable Yes
Data areas and their retentivity
Retentive data area (incl. timers, counters, 768 kbyte; In total; available retentive memory for
flags), max. bit memories, timers, counters, DBs, and technol-
ogy data (axes): 700 KB
Extended retentive data area (incl. timers, 8 Mbyte; When using PS 6 0W 24/48/60 V DC HF
counters, flags), max.
• Size, max. 16 kbyte

• Number of clock memories 8; 8 clock memory bit, grouped into one clock
memory byte
Data blocks
• Retentivity adjustable Yes

• Retentivity preset No

Local data
• per priority class, max. 64 kbyte; max. 16 KB per block

Address area
Number of IO modules 16 384; max. number of modules / submodules

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

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Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

I/O address area
• Inputs 32 kbyte; All inputs are in the process image

• Outputs 32 kbyte; All outputs are in the process image

per integrated IO subsystem

– Inputs (volume) 32 kbyte; Max. 32 KB via X1; max. 8 KB via X2 or
– Outputs (volume) 32 kbyte; Max. 32 KB via X1; max. 8 KB via X2 or
per CM/CP
– Inputs (volume) 8 kbyte

– Outputs (volume) 8 kbyte

Subprocess images
• Number of subprocess images, max. 32

Hardware configuration
Number of distributed IO systems 64; A distributed I/O system is characterized not
only by the integration of distributed I/O via
PROFINET or PROFIBUS communication modules,
but also by the connection of I/O via AS-i master
modules or links (e.g. IE/PB-Link)
Number of DP masters
• integrated 1

• Via CM 8; A maximum of 8 CMs/CPs (PROFIBUS,

PROFINET, Ethernet) can be inserted in total
Number of IO Controllers
• integrated 2

• Via CM 8; A maximum of 8 CMs/CPs (PROFIBUS,

PROFINET, Ethernet) can be inserted in total
• Modules per rack, max. 32; CPU + 31 modules

• Number of lines, max. 1

• Number of PtP CMs the number of connectable PtP CMs is only limited
by the number of available slots
Time of day
• Type Hardware clock

• Backup time 6 wk; At 40 °C ambient temperature, typically

• Deviation per day, max. 10 s; Typ.: 2 s

Operating hours counter

• Number 16

Clock synchronization
• supported Yes

• to DP, master Yes

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

42 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

• in AS, master Yes

• in AS, slave Yes

• on Ethernet via NTP Yes

Number of PROFINET interfaces 2
Number of PROFIBUS interfaces 1
1. Interface
Interface types
• RJ 45 (Ethernet) Yes; X1

• Number of ports 2

• integrated switch Yes

• IP protocol Yes; IPv4

• PROFINET IO Controller Yes

• PROFINET IO Device Yes

• SIMATIC communication Yes

• Open IE communication Yes; Optionally also encrypted

• Web server Yes

• Media redundancy Yes

PROFINET IO Controller
– PG/OP communication Yes

– Isochronous mode Yes

– Direct data exchange Yes; Requirement: IRT and isochronous mode

(MRPD optional)
– IRT Yes

– PROFIenergy Yes; per user program

– Prioritized startup Yes; Max. 32 PROFINET devices

– Number of connectable IO Devices, 512; In total, up to 1 000 distributed I/O devices

max. can be connected via AS-i, PROFIBUS or PROFINET

– Of which IO devices with IRT, max. 64

– Number of connectable IO Devices for 512

RT, max.
– of which in line, max. 512

– Number of IO Devices that can be simul- 8; in total across all interfaces

taneously activated/deactivated, max.
– Number of IO Devices per tool, max. 8

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 43
Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

– Updating times The minimum value of the update time also de-
pends on communication share set for PROFINET
IO, on the number of IO devices, and on the
quantity of configured user data
Update time for IRT
– for send cycle of 250 µs 250 µs to 4 ms

– for send cycle of 500 µs 500 µs to 8 ms

– for send cycle of 1 ms 1 ms to 16 ms

– for send cycle of 2 ms 2 ms to 32 ms

– for send cycle of 4 ms 4 ms to 64 ms

– With IRT and parameterization of "odd" Update time = set "odd" send clock (any multiple
send cycles of 125 µs: 375 µs, 625 µs ... 3 875 µs)

Update time for RT

– for send cycle of 250 µs 250 µs to 128 ms

– for send cycle of 500 µs 500 µs to 256 ms

– for send cycle of 1 ms 1 ms to 512 ms

– for send cycle of 2 ms 2 ms to 512 ms

– for send cycle of 4 ms 4 ms to 512 ms

– PG/OP communication Yes

– Isochronous mode No

– IRT Yes

– PROFIenergy Yes; per user program

– Shared device Yes

– Number of IO Controllers with shared 4

device, max.
– activation/deactivation of I-devices Yes; per user program

– Asset management record Yes; per user program

2. Interface
Interface types
• RJ 45 (Ethernet) Yes; X2

• Number of ports 1

• integrated switch No

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

44 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

• IP protocol Yes; IPv4

• PROFINET IO Controller Yes

• PROFINET IO Device Yes

• SIMATIC communication Yes

• Open IE communication Yes; Optionally also encrypted

• Web server Yes

• Media redundancy No

PROFINET IO Controller
– PG/OP communication Yes

– Isochronous mode No

– Direct data exchange No

– IRT No

– PROFIenergy Yes; per user program

– Prioritized startup No

– Number of connectable IO Devices, 128; In total, up to 1 000 distributed I/O devices

max. can be connected via AS-i, PROFIBUS or PROFINET

– Number of connectable IO Devices for 128

RT, max.
– of which in line, max. 128

– Number of IO Devices that can be simul- 8; in total across all interfaces

taneously activated/deactivated, max.
– Number of IO Devices per tool, max. 8

– Updating times The minimum value of the update time also de-
pends on communication share set for PROFINET
IO, on the number of IO devices, and on the
quantity of configured user data
Update time for RT
– for send cycle of 1 ms 1 ms to 512 ms
– PG/OP communication Yes

– Isochronous mode No

– IRT No

– PROFIenergy Yes; per user program

– Prioritized startup No

– Shared device Yes

– Number of IO Controllers with shared 4

device, max.

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

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Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

– activation/deactivation of I-devices Yes; per user program

– Asset management record Yes; per user program

3. Interface
Interface types
• RS 485 Yes; X3

• Number of ports 1

• PROFIBUS DP master Yes

• PROFIBUS DP slave No

• SIMATIC communication Yes

• Number of connections, max. 48; for the integrated PROFIBUS DP interface

• Number of DP slaves, max. 125; In total, up to 1 000 distributed I/O devices

can be connected via AS-i, PROFIBUS or PROFINET
– PG/OP communication Yes

– Equidistance Yes

– Isochronous mode Yes

– Activation/deactivation of DP slaves Yes

Interface types
RJ 45 (Ethernet)
• 100 Mbps Yes

• Autonegotiation Yes

• Autocrossing Yes

• Industrial Ethernet status LED Yes

RS 485
• Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s

Number of connections
• Number of connections, max. 320; via integrated interfaces of the CPU and
connected CPs / CMs
• Number of connections reserved for 10

• Number of connections via integrated inter- 288


• Number of S7 routing paths 64; in total, only 16 S7-Routing connections are

supported via PROFIBUS

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

46 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

Redundancy mode
• H-Sync forwarding Yes

Media redundancy
– Media redundancy only via 1st interface (X1)

– MRP Yes; MRP Automanager according to IEC 62439-2

Edition 2.0, MRP Manager; MRP Client
– MRP interconnection, supported Yes; as MRP ring node according to IEC 62439-2
Edition 3.0
– MRPD Yes; Requirement: IRT

– Switchover time on line break, typ. 200 ms; For MRP, bumpless for MRPD

– Number of stations in the ring, max. 50

SIMATIC communication
• PG/OP communication Yes; encryption with TLS V1.3 pre-selected

• S7 routing Yes

• Data record routing Yes

• S7 communication, as server Yes

• S7 communication, as client Yes

• User data per job, max. See online help (S7 communication, user data
Open IE communication
• TCP/IP Yes

– Data length, max. 64 kbyte

– several passive connections per port, Yes

• ISO-on-TCP (RFC1006) Yes

– Data length, max. 64 kbyte

• UDP Yes

– Data length, max. 2 kbyte; 1 472 bytes for UDP broadcast

– UDP multicast Yes; 128 multicast circuits (of which max. 5 via
• DHCP Yes

• DNS Yes

• SNMP Yes

• DCP Yes

• LLDP Yes

• Encryption Yes; Optional

Web server
• HTTP Yes; Standard and user pages

• HTTPS Yes; Standard and user pages

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

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Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

• Runtime license required Yes; "Large" license required

• OPC UA Client Yes

– Application authentication Yes

– Security policies Available security policies: None, Basic128Rsa15,

Basic256Rsa15, Basic256Sha256
– User authentication "anonymous" or by user name & password

– Number of connections, max. 40

– Number of nodes of the client interfac- 5 000

es, max.
– Number of elements for one call of 300
eadList/OPC_UA_WriteList, max.
– Number of elements for one call of 20
OPC_UA_NameSpaceGetIndexList, max.
– Number of elements for one call of 100
OPC_UA_MethodGetHandleList, max.
– Number of simultaneous calls of the cli- 1
ent instructions per connection (except
C_UA_MethodCall), max.
– Number of simultaneous calls of the cli- 5
ent instructions
and OPC_UA_MethodCall, max.
– Number of registerable nodes, max. 5 000

– Number of registerable method calls of 100

OPC_UA_MethodCall, max.
– Number of inputs/outputs when calling 20
OPC_UA_MethodCall, max.
• OPC UA Server Yes; Data access (read, write, subscribe), method
call, custom address space
– Application authentication Yes

– Security policies Available security policies: None, Basic128Rsa15,

Basic256Rsa15, Basic256Sha256
– User authentication "anonymous" or by user name & password

– GDS support (certificate management) Yes

– Number of sessions, max. 64

– Number of accessible variables, max. 200 000

– Number of registerable nodes, max. 50 000

– Number of subscriptions per session, 20

– Sampling interval, min. 10 ms

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

48 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

– Publishing interval, min. 10 ms

– Number of server methods, max. 100

– Number of inputs/outputs per server 20

method, max.
– Number of monitored items, max. 10 000; for 1 s sampling interval and 1 s send
– Number of nodes for user-defined serv- 30 000
er interfaces, max.
• Alarms and Conditions Yes

– Number of program alarms 400

– Number of alarms for system diagnos- 200

Further protocols

Isochronous mode
Equidistance Yes
S7 message functions
Number of login stations for message func- 64
tions, max.
Program alarms Yes
Number of configurable program messages, 10 000; Program messages are generated by the
max. "Program_Alarm" block, ProDiag or GRAPH
Number of loadable program messages in RUN, 5 000
Number of simultaneously active program
• Number of program alarms 2 000

• Number of alarms for system diagnostics 1 000

• Number of alarms for motion technology 480

Test commissioning functions
Joint commission (Team Engineering) Yes; Parallel online access possible for up to 10
engineering systems
Status block Yes; Up to 16 simultaneously (in total across all ES
Single step No
Number of breakpoints 20
• Status/control variable Yes

• Variables Inputs/outputs, memory bits, DBs, distributed

I/Os, timers, counters
• Number of variables, max.
– of which status variables, max. 200; per job

– of which control variables, max. 200; per job

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

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Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

• Forcing Yes

• Forcing, variables Peripheral inputs/outputs

• Number of variables, max. 200

Diagnostic buffer
• present Yes

• Number of entries, max. 3 200

– of which powerfail-proof 1 000

• Number of configurable Traces 8; Up to 512 KB of data per trace are possible

Interrupts/diagnostics/status information
Diagnostics indication LED



• Connection display LINK TX/RX Yes

Supported technology objects

Motion Control Yes; Note: The number of technology objects
affects the cycle time of the PLC program; selec-
tion guide via the TIA Selection Tool
• Number of available Motion Control re- 10 240
sources for technology objects

• Required Motion Control resources

– per speed-controlled axis 40

– per positioning axis 80

– per synchronous axis 160

– per external encoder 80

– per output cam 20

– per cam track 160

– per probe 40

• Number of available Extended Motion Con- 256

trol resources for technology objects

• Required Extended Motion Control re-

– per cam (1 000 points and 50 seg- 2
– per cam (10 000 points and 50 seg- 20
– for each set of kinematics 30

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

50 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

– Per leading axis proxy 3

• Positioning axis
– Number of positioning axes at motion 70
control cycle of 4 ms (typical value)
– Number of positioning axes at motion 128
control cycle of 8 ms (typical value)
• PID_Compact Yes; Universal PID controller with integrated op-
• PID_3Step Yes; PID controller with integrated optimization
for valves
• PID-Temp Yes; PID controller with integrated optimization
for temperature
Counting and measuring
• High-speed counter Yes

Standards, approvals, certificates

Suitable for safety functions No
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during operation
• horizontal installation, min. 0 °C

• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C; Display: 50 °C, at an operating temperature

of typically 50 °C, the display is switched off
• vertical installation, min. 0 °C

• vertical installation, max. 40 °C; Display: 40 °C, at an operating temperature

of typically 40 °C, the display is switched off
Ambient temperature during stor-
• min. -40 °C

• max. 70 °C

Altitude during operation relating to sea level

• Installation altitude above sea level, max. 5 000 m; Restrictions for installation altitudes > 2
000 m, see manual
Programming language
– LAD Yes

– FBD Yes

– STL Yes

– SCL Yes


CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 51
Technical specifications

Article number 6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0

Know-how protection
• User program protection/password protec- Yes

• Copy protection Yes

• Block protection Yes

Access protection
• protection of confidential configuration Yes

• Password for display Yes

• Protection level: Write protection Yes

• Protection level: Read/write protection Yes

• Protection level: Complete protection Yes

Cycle time monitoring

• lower limit adjustable minimum cycle time

• upper limit adjustable maximum cycle time

Width 175 mm
Height 147 mm
Depth 129 mm
Weight, approx. 1 978 g

General technical specifications

You can find information on the general technical specifications, such as standards and
approvals, electromagnetic compatibility, protection class, etc., in the S7-1500, ET 200MP
system manual (

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

52 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC
Dimension drawing A
This section contains the dimension drawing of the module on the mounting rail, as well as a
dimension drawing with the front panel open. Always observe the specified dimensions for
installation in cabinets, control rooms, etc.

Dimension drawings for CPU 1517-3 PN/DP

Figure A-1 Dimension drawing of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP, front and side view

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC 53
Dimension drawing

Figure A-2 Dimension drawing of the CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP, side view with open front panel

CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP (6ES7517-3TP00-0AB0)

54 Equipment Manual, 05/2021, A5E36285525-AC

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