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Child Monitoring System

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Child Monitoring System



ID: 161-15-7514


ID: 161-15-7515

ID: 161-15-7516

This Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.

Supervised By

Md Zahid Hasan
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University


5th November 2019
©Daffodil International University ii
©Daffodil International University iii
First of all, our heartiest thanks and gratefulness to Almighty Allah for His divine
blessing that makes us capable to complete this project successfully.

We would like to thanks to our honorable teacher & project supervisor Md Zahid
Hasan, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Daffodil International University
for his endless patience, scholarly guidance, continual encouragement, constant and
energetic supervision, constructive criticism, valuable advice, reading many inferior
draft and correcting them at all stage have made it possible to complete this project.

We would like to express our heartiest gratitude to Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain, Head,
Department of CSE, for his kind help to finish our project and we are also thankful to
all the other faculty and staff members of our department for their co-operation and

We must acknowledge with due respect the constant support and patients of our
parents. Finally, we would like to thank our entire course mate in Daffodil
International University, who took part in this discuss while completing the course

©Daffodil International University iv


Now days parents are very concerned about their children’s, in this reason parents
want to monitor their children’s every time. That’s why they want a complete track
for their children’s. This is impossible physically ,in this reason we introduce Child
Monitoring system .This system can help parents for monitoring and tracking their
child and it can perform anywhere in the universe .These days one of the main
problem is child missing .This problem can be solved with the help of Child
Monitoring system. It is useful for these parents who want to track their child every
steps .This system can play a vital role for this kind of problem. This android
application uses GPS and telephony services to allocate their child location. Using
this application, it can secretly reclaim all the call logs, messages, contact list and
location without children authorization and child have no knowledge as this
application runs their phone background and the main advantage of this feature is, if
child reboots the phone background process beginning as the reboot is complete, this
process is never ending. Every 15 minutes interval, Children Monitoring system
application sends all the data from the child mobile phone to the parents phone .This
Child Monitoring system Application divided into 2 parts, one is for parents and other
is the child .The parents part where they can see all the activities of their child and the
child part where they only can see a calculator.

©Daffodil International University v


Approval ii
Declaration iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Objectives 1-2
1.4 Expected Outcome 2
1.5 Report Layout 2


2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Related Works 3
2.3 Comparative Studies 3-4
2.4 Scope of the Problems 4
2.5 Challenges 4


3.1 Business Process Model 5
3.2 Use Case Model 5-9
3.3 Implementation & Requirements 10
3.4 Logical Data Model 11


4.1 System Environment 12
4.2 Front-end Design 13-18
4.3 Back-end Design 19-20
4.4 Testing and Integration 21-24


5.1 Conclusion 25
5.2 Future Scope 25


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Figures Page No

Figure: 3.1 Use Case diagram for Child Monitoring System 6

Figure: 3.2 Use Case diagram for Login 7
Figure: 3.3 Use Case diagram for Registration 8
Figure: 3.4 Use Case diagram for Child Profile. 9
Figure: 3.5 Logical Data Model 11
Figure: 4.1 System Environment 12
Figure: 4.2 Child Login Part of the system 13
Figure 4.3 Child Calculator Part of the system 14
Figure 4.4 Parent sign up part of the system 14
Figure 4.5 Parent sign in part of the system 15
Figure 4.6 Child add page part of the system 15
Figure 4.7 Child list page part of the system 16
Figure 4.8 Child information page part of the system 16
Figure: 4.9 Child’s call log page part of the system 17
Figure 4.10 Child’s Contract page part of the system 17
Figure 4.11 Child’s Location page part of the system 18
Figure 4.12 Child’s database page part of the system 19
Figure 4.13 Parent database page part of the system 20
Figure 4.14 Location testing page part of the system 21
Figure 4.15 Contract testing page part of the system 22
Figure 4.16 Massage testing page part of the system 22
Figure: 4.17 Call log testing page part of the system 23
Figure 4.18 Massage testing page part of the system 23
Figure 4.19 Sign up testing page part of the system 24
Figure 4.20 Sign in testing page part of the system 24

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1.1 Introduction
All over the world technology reaches child hands .This world children use mobile
phones for various purposes. Parents worry for their child’s emotional, educational,
social development about the effect of this very open world. Overcome this worried,
parents need to check and track their children device by using some controlling
technology. On our world children used most tablet device. To observe and track the
time and quality of their children device, parents will need to have automated
technologies [2][3].

1.2 Motivation
Nowadays child missing and child Crime is the big issue in the world. So parents are
too much worried about their children. Child Monitoring System app is a app that will
be reduced parents worried because parent can track their child location and they will
be able to see their child’s massage, contact and call log. This is the good news for
parents that they can monitor their child. If a child says parents, mother/father I am
going to school but he/she don’t go. In this case mother/father easily see that where is
their child. If child is kidnaped then parent could be able to track them. So after all we
can say that this app will be help of the parents.

1.3 Objectives
The main objectives of child monitoring system is to provide GPS location child part
to parent part .This system is mainly same as spy system.
The goals of our system are:
 Child part provide location to parent part.
 Child part provide massage to parent part.
 Child part provide contact number to parent part.
 Child part provide phone log to parent part.
 Easily locate a missing child.
 Track the real and exact position of the child.

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 Validate and confirm the child’s position.
 Allows parents to keep track on their children [4].

1.4 Expected Outcome

Our Project is Child Monitoring System. So it is a tracking app. In this app we want to
track location, massage, Contract, Call log from child app to parent app. Now a days
child kidnaping and child crime is a common issue. Use this app we can reduce child
kidnaping and parent can know that their child what are doing. So this is our expected

1.5 Report Layout

We all know, practical knowledge is more important than theory. In our graduation
degree we learn a lot of things. This project gives us scope to share our knowledge
and utilize our thought. By doing this project we can implement our skill more
effectively. First Chapter contains the Introduction, Objectives, Motivation, Expected
Outcome and Report layout of the project. Then second chapter contains Project
Introduction, Related Work, Comparative Studies, Scope of the problem and also
Challenges of our project. Our third chapter contain all about Requirement
Specification which are Use Case Modeling and Description, Logical Data Model,
Design Requirements. Fourth Chapter describes our full Mobile application
description which is related to Design Specification like user interface design, Back-
end Design, Implementation Requirements, Interaction Design and UX. Our fifth
chapter is all about Implementation and Testing. This contains Implementation of
Database, Testing Implementation, Front-end Design, Interactions and Test Results
and Reports. Our last chapter contain conclusion of the full project. This report
contains all about our Mobile application system, its problem, solution and use of the

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1.2 Introduction
Child Monitoring is the most popular topic nowadays. There are many papers, reports
and development works are published about this topic. Because of it is a very
important issue. Every parent are worried about their children. Because they can’t
know that their child what is doing in mobile device and outside of the house. A Child
monitoring app will be helpful for parent because parent never monitoring their child
hole day physically. So when I think about my project I always read about Child
security, child monitoring. And I also think that how can we monitor our child every
movement. For this I choose mobile device for developed my project. Because it is a
very common that now a days most of the Children use it [3][4].

2.2 Related Works

There are many related work has published in play Store like as Kaspersky Safe
Kids, EleBaby Simple Baby Activity Tracker with wearsOS, Kid Place-Parental
Control, Parental Control-Screen Time & Location Tracker, Contract and location
tracker etc [9-13].

2.3 Comparative Studies

Table 2.1: Comparative study of several related works

Related Works Description

Kaspersky Safe Kids[9] This is a app that has two part, one is Child part
Another is Parent part. Parent Can add child and
child will be added just his/her name and birthdate
EleBaby Simple Baby Activity This app use for baby caring. Such as timely
Tracker with wearsOS[10] feeding, timely diaper change etc.
Kid Place-Parental Control[11] It is also a tracking app.

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Parental Control-Screen Time & It is a location and time tracking app.
Location Tracker[12]
Contract and location tracker This app can track only Location and Contract
Spyfone[13] The cell phone monitoring application

2.4 Scope of the Problems:

 Data connection must be on.
 Smart phones are a must have.
 Child's phone must have child part installed.
 Parent phones must have the parent part installed.
 The location of the child's phone must be on.

2.5 Challenges
As if it is a common topic but when I thought about this my knowledge was zero
about it.

Programing and Database

At first started to learn Android programing because I don’t know it. So it was my
first challenge. After that I start to learn database.
Message sent Problem
When the child was logged in, the message from the child's part to the parent was not
being sent. That was the big problem. The other challenge was manage a free server
to send message. Because all server want to money for sent free massage. The another
big Challenge was send data right away child's part data to parent part.

©Daffodil International University 4


3.1 Business Process Model

Business process modeling is the analytical and graphical representation of
company’s business process that gives everyone a clear idea that what is the business
plan. But we have no business plan .It will totally free .If it is payable then all class of
people will not use it [14][16].

3.2 Use Case Model

When different types of users interact with the system to solve a problem then we
called this is use case model. In Child Monitoring System application, there are two
types of actors. One actor is a parent and other actor is a child. First of all parent and
child has to do login child monitoring system application. When child login this
application a verification code will send parent’s phone atomically. When login will
complete child can only see a calculator and use this calculator for different
calculation. Parent can see child locations, contacts, call logs, messages. There are
seven use case used in Child Monitoring System application (login, location, message,
call log, contact, verification code, add child).All the information child store in the
firebase database and after ten minutes later this information retrieve parent phone.
From the prospective of the base use cases, parent can observe and monitoring their
children [16][17].

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Figure: 3.1 Use case diagram for Child Monitoring System.

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Use Case for Login
A child, will login through Name, Child phone number and parent phone number.

Figure: 3.2 Use case diagram for login.

Use Case Details

Use case name : Login (For Use Calculator)
Precondition : None
Actor : Child
Primary Path : 1. Enter Name
2. Enter Child phone number
3. Enter parent phone number
4. Click “Login” button
Exceptional path : 5. Invalid Name/ Child phone number, parent phone number
back to step 1 or 2 or 3.

©Daffodil International University 7

Use Case for Registration
A parent, will registration through Name, Email, phone number and Password.

Figure: 3.3 Use case diagram for Ragistration

Use Case Details

Use case name : Registration use case
Precondition : none
Actor : parent

©Daffodil International University 8

Use case for Child Profile
Parents can see child phone’s contacts, call logs, messages and location.

Figure: 3.3 Use case diagram Child Profile.

Use Case Details

Use case name : Child Profile
Precondition : Child must be added
Actor : Parent
Primary path : 1. Phone location must be on
2. Get Location
3. Get massage
4. Get Contract
5. Get Call log
Exceptional path : 1.1 if location is off, back to 1.

©Daffodil International University 9

3.3 Implementation Requirements
There are many programing languages for online applications. At first we need to
make a plan before start a project work. We should select programing Language based
on our project type. This is the Android development project. Java is the official
language of android, kotlin is the cross platform of android. C++, C# and python are
also a programing language of android. In this project we use java as a programing
language and firebase database. Firebase is a real time database.

Java is a high level programing language. Java applications run on most of the
Operating System. Java is the object oriented programing language. Java is a internet
language and it is very simple because it has no space complexities.
It is a case sensitive programing language and class base programing language. Java
is very important for recent IT sector because it is a platform independent Programing
language [18].

Google Map API, Google Place API, Google directions API.

Firebase Database
Firebase Database is the realtime database. It is a Cloud hosted No SQL database for
this reason we can store and sync between user in realtime. Realtime also help user
collaborate with one another .It is a free database for users. Real-time database will
payable when realtime database storage will greater than 1GB [8].

 Intel core i3 processor
 1TB Hard drive

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3.4 Logical Data Model
Figure 3.5 is the Logical Data Model or ER Diagram of this project which
representing the relationship among the entities. They are: Contact, Massage,
Location, Call log, Child part, View Data, Parent part, Registration. Every entity’s has
its own attributes [19][20].

Figure: 3.5 Logical Data Model

©Daffodil International University 11


4.1 System Environment

This system environment design and develop for Child Monitoring System. If Child
connected with internet then all data will be uploaded in database and if Parent also
connect with internet they can see their Child’s current Location, Massage, Contract,
Call log.



Child Part


Parent part

Figure: 4.1 System Environment

©Daffodil International University 12

4.2 Front-end Design
Child Login Page
The child login page need some child information for verification. Such as(Children
name, Children phone number and parent phone number). After submission this
information child can log in and a SMS will sent to parent phone with a code and
parent can added this child in his/her app through this code .

Figure: 4.2 Child Login Part of the system

©Daffodil International University 13

Child Calculator Part
After login this application child can see a calculator. Child can do calculation using
this calculator. Calculator does not need to use for data passing.

Figure 4.3 Child Calculator Part of the system

Parent sign up page
Parent need to sign up first for sign in through name, email, phone, password.

Figure 4.4 Parent sign up part of the system

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Parent Sign in page
Parent need to sign in through email and password this application, for getting child

Figure 4.5 Parent sign in part of the system

Child add page
Parent will add child through code that comes from child's phone in this page.

Figure 4.6 Child add page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 15

Child List Page
This is the child list page. Parent can add more children for monitoring.

Figure 4.7 Child list page part of the system

Child information list page
Parents can see child phone’s contacts, call logs, messages and location.

Figure 4.8 Child information page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 16

Child’s Call Log page
This is the child log page. Parents can see child call logs such as (incoming call,
outgoing call), time, Date and duration of call.

Figure: 4.9 Child’s call log page part of the system

Child’s Contract page
This is the child contract page. Parent will see child’s all Contracts.

Figure 4.10 Child’s Contract page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 17

Child’s Location page
In this page parent can track child location and see where are going their children.

Figure 4.11 Child’s Location page part of the system

Child’s SMS page
Parent can see child’s phone’s messages and see who send message.

Figure 4.11 Child’s Location page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 18

4.3 Back-end Design

Child Database
This is the child database page. In this database, is stored child’s phone call logs,
contacts, messages, location.

Figure 4.12 Child’s database page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 19

Parent Database
This is the parent database page. There is two part one is children and another is user.
In user part are store parent’s email, phone number, user id and User Name. On the
other side in children part are stored all child location, SMS, Contract, Call log.

Figure 4.13 Parent database page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 20

4.4 Testing and Integration
Testing and integration is most important because app already working or not this
kind information we can get using this. That means all functionality of project must
be checked. It is the software testing phase. Integration testing is conducted to
evaluate the compliance of a system or component with specified functional
requirements. It is occurs after unit testing and before validation testing.

Location Testing
Parent shall tracking children location through add child in his app.

Figure 4.14 Location testing page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 21

Contact Testing
Parent can know child’s phone’s contact doing contact testing. Figure 4.15 shows the
Contract testing of the system.

Figure 4.15 Contract testing page part of the system

Massage Testing
Because of message testing parent can see child’s phone messages.

Figure 4.16 Massage testing page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 22

Call log Testing
Doing call log testing we know child’s phone’s incoming and outgoing call with date,
time and duration.

Figure: 4.17 Call log testing page part of the system

Massage Verification Testing
This is the Massage verification testing page of the system. When child will login
his/her application then a verification code will go to parent phone.

Figure 4.18 Massage testing page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 23

Sign Up Testing
This is the parent sign up page. Parent will sign up through Name, Email, Phone
Number and Password.

Figure 4.19 Sign up testing page part of the system

Sign in Testing
This is the sign in page. Parent must sign in for see child data.

Figure 4.20 Sign in testing page part of the system

©Daffodil International University 24


5.1 Conclusion
Child Monitoring System application exhibited a discussion on developing systems
and accesses to control, manage and monitor the use of different electronic devices
this. This project talking about some of monitoring mobile devices and some of
developed techniques .Similarly, this project resolved main challenges when
researching this area including trouble to maintain privacy and providing clear data
when the mobile device using Besides, the sowing of the monitoring system the
project is included that’s called Time’s up application, this will help parents to control
and track their child use of mobile devices [3].

5.2 Future Scope

Our Project is Child Monitoring System. It has four kinds of features. That was our
Primary idea. In Future it will upgraded with some new features.
1. File Manager Tracking.
2. Gallery Tracking.
3. Browser history Tracking.

©Daffodil International University 25

[1] Nevonprojects, “Child Monitoring System App”, 2019 [Online], Available: [Accessed: 01
October, 2019].
[2] ReserchGate, “Developing a Children Monitoring System for Mobile Devices”, May 2016 [Online],Available:
[Accessed 01 October 2019].
[3] Rita H. Pawade, Dr. Arun N. Gaikwad,”Android Based Children Tracking System”, International Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR),Year : June 2015.
[4] Dr/Ayman Mohamed Afif," Using of Tracking systems for devices designing to face children Kidnapping Phenomenon
", International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Year : October 2013.
[5] Ahmed M. Elmogy, Khawater Elkhowiter," Parental Control System for Mobile Devices", International Journal of
Computer Applications, Year : November 2017.
[6] Maghade Satish, Chavhan Nandlal, Gore Sandip," Child Tracking System using Android phones", International Journal
of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), Year : April 2015.
[7] Fairuz Rauf, Gothiswary Subramaniam, Zuraidy Adnan," Child Tracking System", International Journal of Computer
Applications, Year: July 2018.
[8] Firebase,”Firebase Realtime Database”,[Online], Available: [Accessed 03
November 2019].
[9] Google Play,”EleBaby Simple Baby Activity Tracker with WearOS”, 12 October 2019 [Online],Available: [Accessed 03 November
[10] Kaspersky, “Designed to help you protect your kids online and beyond”,[Online],Available:
/safe-kids [Accessed 03 November 2019].

[11] Google Play,”Kids Place - Parental Control”,[Online],Available:

doware.kidsplace&hl=en [Accessed 03 November 2019].
[12] Google Play,” Parental Control - Screen Time & Location Tracker”,[Online],Available: [Accessed 03 November 2019].
[13] Spyfone,”Cell phone monitoring app”,[Online].Available:
IVmgsrCh0KgwnBEAAYASAAEgLOe_D_BwE [Accessed 15 October 2019].

[14] Tallyfy,”Business Process Modeling”,[Online],Available: [Accessed 15

October 2019].
[15] Wikipedia,”Business Process Modeling”,[Online],Available:
[Accessed 15 October 2019].

©Daffodil International University 26

[16] Google,”Use Case Model”,[Online],Available:
el&aqs.[Accessed 15 October 2019].
[17] Wikipedia,”Use Case Model “,[Online],Available: [Accessed 01 November
[18] Wikipedia,”Java Programing Language“,[Online].Available: [Accessed 01 November
[19] 1keydata,” Logical Data Model,”[Online].Available:
model.html [Accessed 26 November 2019].
[20] Wikipedia,” Logical Data Model ,”[Online].Available: [Accessed 30
November 2019].

©Daffodil International University 27

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