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Peyton Meiggs - Lesson Plan Submit Your Written Plan - 3043344

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VTFT Intern Name: Peyton Meiggs

Subject of Lesson: Mesurement

Topic of Lesson: Perimieter of polygons
Grade Level of Students: Third grade
Time/Length of Lesson: 45 mins
Date Taught: 5-13-21
In this lesson students will learn how to determine and estimate the perimeter of
different polygons. They will learn by discussing what perimeter is, watching
Overview two vi-deos on perimeter, and completing an activity on nearpod.

Standards of MA.3.3.7 The student will estimate and determine the perimeter in the U.S.
customary and metric units.
What is perimeter and how is it measured?
Essential Questions
Students will be able to…
● Students will be able to determine what perimeter is and how to measure
Objectives the perimeter of a polygon.

Learning Target I can estimate and determine the perimeter of a polygon.

Necessary Prior Students will need to understand the U.S customary and metric units. (students
haven been exposed to these concepts this year.)
I will need-
● Brainpop JR video on perimeter
● Math antics youtube video on perimeter
● Nearpod activity
● Google Slides
Materials ● Notes (in my notebook) and printed out lesson plan/slides

Students will need-

● Chromebook
● Graph paper
● Pencil

1. First, open the google slides and go over the learning target and EQ.
2. Next, ask the class who has been to a farm or knows what a farm is-
have a student explain (what is a farm? what does a farm look like?) The
Introduction/Hook class will discuss farm animals and how they graze in fields. Discuss
how fences keep the animals safe inside the fence. Ask, “How do
farmers know how much fence to buy?” Explain that the fencing around
the field would go around the perimeter of the yard.
1. After discussing about the farm-

Watch and discuss different parts of the videos-
-Pause the videos at certain points and discuss
-Pause and discuss
-Pause at the units parts, ask “So what do we need to make sure we always write
down for perimeter?” *including units is very important*
-Pause at polygons, ask “So how do we find the perimeter of a shape?” (add up
the length of each side)
Instructional -Pause at 6 sided (retangle shape) polygon, when the numbers move to the other
Activities & side of the shape, ask “What would the lenght of this side be?” (10+5=15 in) ask
why it is 15, have them explain.
2. After watching the two videos on perimeter- The class will complete this
Nearpod activity. We will go over the nearpod slides (perimeter
questions). The students will solve for perimeter using graph paper, they
will draw the amount of rows and columns needed to complete a square
or rectangle and use that information to find the perimeter of the shape. I
will deomstrate on three slides using graph paper and the video cast (the
camera to let the piece of paper show up on the board). After that have
the students complete 2 perimeter questions by themselves. Have a few
students come up and show the class what they did to solve the

Go back to the google slides presentation, and talk about how we first talked
about how farmers use perimeter to find the amount of fence needed for fields at
a farm. Then ask “What other connections can we make using perimeter?”. If
Closure Activity there are crickets- talk about the amount of concrete that goes around a pool, the
amount of wood needed to build a house, fence in our backyard or at school,
when we put Christmas lights up around our house.
● Perimeter: the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed
geometric figure.
● Estimate: roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or
Key Vocabulary or extent of.
● Determine: ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research
Concepts or calculation.
● U.S. Customary: measurements commonly used in the United States.
● Metric: the decimal measuring system based on the meter, liter, and
gram as units of length, capacity, and weight or mass.
Teacher will informally assess the students ability to discuss the EQ and I can
Assessments statements, their ability to come up with real-life situations where perimeter is
needed, and their ability to solve perimeter problems on their own.
Accommodations None needed
google slides

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