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Human rights are privileges integral to all humankind. They determine associations amid

persons and authority structures, particularly the state. Human privileges determine the power of

the state and, concurrently, want States to undertake positive procedures warranting a setting that

allows all persons to exercise their human privileges. Antiquity in the previous 250 senility has

been moulded by the attempts to make such a setting (Andrews, 2019). Beginning with the

American and French changes in the past 18th era, the knowledge of human privileges has led to

the growth of several revolutionary motions for control and for enablement on the shakers of

power, regimes in particular.

Culture covers various human life parts. Culture directly links to the experiences of

humans irrespective of race, age, and gender. Culture forms a person's relationship. Humankind

chooses to live in groups determined by cultural likenesses. The groups formed based on cultural

similarities become cultural groups (Andrews, 2019). Cultural groups bear common customs,

behavioural patterns, and similar values. Cultural diversity is a combination of race, language,

country or origin region, ethnic background, values, dress, religion and linked practices,

community and social responsibilities, disability, sexuality, family notions, family

responsibilities, and political opinions.

It is mostly accepted that cultural diversity and human rights bear a reciprocally inter-

reliant and beneficial association. Several human rights, including freedom of religion, freedom

of assembly, freedom of expression, and the right to participate in education and cultural life,

directly impact the protection and promotion of cultural diversity. Concurrently, the exercise of

human civil liberties is endorsed by a multicultural society (Andrews, 2019). The common

Assertion on cultural multiplicity, implemented by the UNESCO associate nations in 2001,


ascertains that the defence of cultural multiplicity is inextricable from regard for human self-

esteem and indicates adherence to human privileges and fundamental independence (Andrews,

2019). The UNESCO agreement on the defence and preferment of the variety of cultural

expressions puts out that cultural variety can be promoted and secured only with a guarantee to

human privileges and vital freedoms.

I would wish to offer my services to the community justice under the victim service.

Victim service deals with offering services to crime victims to assist them in handling the

physical and emotional consequences of the crime (Andrews, 2019). I choose to participate in

this exercise in order to gain more knowledge on crime and criminology.

Why I want to study criminology

I tend to find criminology a unique and exciting career. Although young teenagers might

not know the specification, it is tremendously fascinating. When I was a teenager, I always

secretly listened to my parents' discussions concerning the cases Dad had worked on. As I grew

up and heard so much of these cases, I decided to find why people got involved in those deeds.

Therefore, criminology appeared to be the best choice of study for me.

Harmony in the social setup has grown to a very influential and widespread pointer to

asset the quality of life of a population. Consequently, the attitude of people concerning crime

has also grown to an enormously more significant level. Also, the people's growing fears have

interpreted into higher and higher restraining procedures to chastise crimes. As a result,

prevention of crime is seen as a tactical method to reduce the likelihood of criminal actions in a

community founded on politics and to keep societal control due to the heated discussions about

the safety of civilians.


Additionally, for several years since I was young, I have been an honest fan of everything

related to crime, the structure of crime, from the misdemeanour itself, to the scrutiny, and lastly,

the law court for trial and punishment. I liked the process. The internet was an exciting method

for me to seek knowledge on all the various things I wished to know relating to the field of

crime. I would come across something over the media or on television, but I maintained a neutral

perception of technology that was utilized on a package. Talking from a logical point of view, if

a misdemeanour could be resolved in less than an hour and Deoxyribonucleic Acid outcomes

spend weeks or even months, not hours or minutes to synthesize, they would not be logical; to

find solutions for real-life misdemeanours in the sense of immediate crimes? Due to the above

scenario, I would be excited to learn various criminology features in a real-world setting. As I

grew up, I had a feeling that I almost had enough concepts on what forensic science was all

about, although criminology would give me a more incredible view of what I need in life.

For example, a first respondent took images of a wrecked and lifeless body, and all of a

sudden, it is all over the internet, possibly even gaining benefits from the images of videos (in

this scenario, it was merely for sick wit). Dayna Schacht witnessed a fatal car tragedy, and a

resident firefighter had taken video clips of the victim, which he ultimately uploaded to the

internet, spreading all over the internet for the whole globe to see. At some point, people heard

the firefighter saying, "See that portion of head over there in comfort." The code of contact

displayed by the firefighter cannot be accepted in the realm of public safety.

Contrary to the concentration of crime science on looking for the correct answers to end

crimes against humankind, criminology emphasizes the importance of exploring both criminals

and the crimes independently. Since criminology is viewed to find the interpretation for crimes,

then criminology is destined to fix those crimes by finding ways to stop them.

It is now clear to me that criminology favours the connections between the social

climates of a crime and the psychological state of the criminal's mind. As some claim that the

behaviour of the criminal is a consequence of the relationship of the particular person with peer

criminals, others argue that crime is an outcome of a person's genetic weaknesses. I have learned

that standard methods for translating crimes and unlawful behaviours are not yet there.

Nevertheless, there is a guide full of scholarly ideas and personal opinions that have arisen

together with the growth of criminology. Concurrently, the number of contrary viewpoints that I

have come across while exploring criminology has reminded me that our present valuation

schemes' victory is yet to be apprehended. Therefore, the exploration of criminology will be a

suitable practice that will also allow me to carry out a relevant exploration on legal studies and

offer exact and in-depth discoveries in the near future.

Several things have pushed my interest and made assented my desire to acquire more

knowledge on criminology, such as ethics, and social harmony, more significantly, the desire to

be principled in the process of collecting evidence, handling the evidence, and the attestation

which is produced in the trial process. The wish to act in an ethical manner should be projected

as part and parcel of an individual's character, more so when presenting statements that can

determine innocence or guilt, inexperienced as that may seem. Nevertheless, we are living in the

actual world, and somebody's ethical conduct can call for questioning.

Social contract theory

Samuel Pufendorf, John Locke introduced the theory, and Thomas Hobbes to account for

the ancient source of sovereign authority and ethical roots of the values which make sovereign

authority legitimate and just. The social contract model is mostly linked to liberal custom in the

theory of politics since it presumes the vital independence and parity of all those inflowing into a

governmental plan and the related rights that trail from the values of fundamental freedom and

parity. From its notion of the condition of nature, the theory takes account of legitimacy of

politics, based on the notion that naturally unrestricted and partial people are not allowed to

make use of power over the other people, except when there is the principle of standard

agreement to do so.

The social agreement model captures an agreement, at times founded on explicit consent,

at times built on implicit consent, and other times functions as a theoretical explanation of what

participants should agree to if they are thinking well. The theory supposes a state of liberty, and

people are seen as unrestricted to chase their own plans and desires and free from intrusion. The

theory is relatively peaceful due to the rule of nature and the boundaries it enacts upon people.

Under the theory, every person, by complying with a set of guidelines, was guaranteed to

fundamental equality with each other associate, indicating that no person owned extra privileges

than another. The authority is entitled to treat all the people equally in issues of justice and

imposing taxes.

A good theory criminology theory should make sure that human rights and freedoms are

taken care of. It should ascertain that all human beings are treated equally regardless of gender,

age, nationality, race, and cultural beliefs. It should also make sure that equality is practiced in

the exercise of power by the authorities. The social contract model is significant to me since it

imposes the rule of nature, guarantees fundamental equality to all people, and makes sure that no

person was more privileged than the other. It respects human rights and is peaceful in nature. The

theory respects Canadian law and human rights by imposing equal liberties to all the people and

ensuring that all the people are treated with equity and justice.

Influence of Social contract theory on my personal and professional practice

The eventual objective of social agreement philosophy is to indicate that societal

guidelines can be reasonably vindicated. The theory offers various grounds for the definition of

social process and human nature that help model cooperation, compliance, and conflict. The

above ideas will help me to solve the current issues in public administration, particularly in my

career of choice, criminology. Ideas found in social contract theory aid in professionalization and

search for public administration's identity and further help build consensus on mutual ideals and

values and ascertain moral practice limited to a little outward policing. The theory will guide me

to practice ethics in my professional line.

Human rights are concerned with assuring that all humans are treated equally regardless

of gender, sexual orientation, age, race, customary beliefs, and language. Human rights ascertain

that all people are accorded to the same right and just treatment. Likewise, Social contract theory

is set to ensure that all people are equally treated, and no man is accorded more privileges than

the other. On the other hand, diversity deals with human dissimilarities such as gender, age,

language, race, and customary beliefs. The two core learnings relating to diversity and human

rights that can make me able to work with people who face the justice system are gender

diversity and equal treatment. Under gender diversity, I will explore on retention in order to

expound on the issue. Criminal justice institutes should ensure that extra measures are put in

place to take care of the needs of all recruited groups of people. The measures taken should take

into account considerations like training, human resource supervision guidelines, physical

amenities and apparatus, and sexual harassment guidelines and grievances mechanisms. For

instance, in court rooms and police services, amenities should be built to take care of all genders'

needs. The gender-inclusive amenities should include the construction of gender-sensitive


washrooms, among other things, or certifying that equipment and uniforms are appropriate for

feminine workers.

Additionally, LGBTI and Feminine work groups in criminal justice institutes play a vital

role in refuting such deeds of bias-based of tokenism assignments; via lobbying, advocacy, and

mentoring of associations, they are in lieu of (Gaanderse, 2010). At the global level, the global

group of female Judges records the significance of matters such as the enablement of females on

the bench, teaching, equivalent admittance in justice offering networking institutes, and methods

to reinforce leadership and unite judges (UNODC, 2018). Despite having understood the two

issues above, I need to comprehend more on the topic of youth in the criminal fairness system

and discrimination in conciliation courses.


I am well educated, able-bodied, and I am also a Christian. I present as an able-bodied

man. As such, I do not have to worry about the time I take to look for an open entrance and

resolve how I will reach where I am heading. I have never asked for lodgings, for additional time

to accomplish a test, for giant print, or for instantaneous captioning. I understand the privilege of

individuals presuming that I bear full reasoning ability only because of my bodily appearance.

However, as a being of colour, I can narrate on being gaped at and gazed at by individuals who

are not familiar with "my type." Nevertheless, I can stereotypically look for spaces where I can

intermingle or where my dissimilarity is viewed as an advantage.

As an individual who was brought up as Christian and presently categorizes as a sceptic, I

bear the privilege of benefiting from religious breaks related to Christianity and recognize that

nobody will expect to see me working during these holidays. Nobody wonders whether I am

linked to terrorists due to my beliefs or feels frightened if I board the same plane with him or her.

When I face carollers, I do not feel offended. Actually, I do not listen anymore. Nobody

presumes that I am from a sect, that I might to cast evil incantations, or refers to me as a hippie

due to my spirituality.

Additionally, my education level has raised my status as a kid rising up in a poor

neighbourhood in a middle-class expert staying in a better neighbourhood. I am privileged with

the capacity to select the "right" locality and the "right" institutes for my kids will to get the best

opportunity in life. I recall the shame I used to feel when I remembered my locality as a kid and

the embarrassment of using food moulds, and what the public would contemplate of me if I did

not purchase the inexpensive brands. Nowadays, I have figured out what it feels like to use the

equal of another home's weekly, or monthly, grocery expenditure on a single meal. Additionally,

I have access to the means of purchasing fair trade commodities and deliberate whether the

fashion I am purchasing was manufactured in factories. However, paradoxically I don't deliberate

this on an even base or when it does not prove to be convenient.

Strategies to promote diversity in work

The acknowledgment of the fundamental objective of inclusiveness in community service

is old, though it is facing more significant inquiry in the milieu of the 2020 summer protests

calling for racial justice. In a report published in 2018, the Board of Specialists on Community

Administration of the United States recorded the elementary parts and steps of an inclusive

community administration. They resolved that public organizations should ascertain that all

people can achieve their potential in equality and dignity, taking into account their requirements

and ambitions and excluding any sector or individuals.

To achieve this goal, I will promote equal social and fiscal policies; I will depend on

reliable, disaggregated, and valid data when making policies. I will ascertain that organized

follow-ups and reviews of the organization's practices, policies, and outcomes are conducted.

Additionally, I will ensure that all people, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, and language, are

accorded equal freedoms and rights of access to the community justice services. I will take

unbiased actions to ensure the inclusiveness of all the people, including the marginalized. The

actions will include the promotion of diversity in the workplace, prevention of discrimination in

the delivery of public services, use of multi-languages when delivering services, ensuring

accessibility excellence, and ensuring cultural inspections of the institution.


There are several areas to study when dealing with criminology. Although I have read a

lot when doing this assignment, I have not been able to exhaust it. However, this assignment has

given me the bigger picture of criminology, the contemporary issues in the criminal justice

system, and I have also been able to evaluate myself by reflecting on my potentials as a future

criminologist and my failures in fighting prejudice and discrimination. 



Andrews, K. (2019). Book Review: Human Rights and Global Diversity: Basic Ethics in

Action. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research, 1(1), 71-74.

Clare, E. (2003). Digging deep: Thinking about privilege. Unpublished paper, by permission.

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