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Fire Fighting Single Storey

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Smoke Control

Smoke Control in Single Storey

Buildings and Warehouses

Front cover shot

Kellogg’s Distribution, Manchester.

OPV controlled Seefire ventilators are

installed on the roof with Colt
Smokemaster smoke curtains.


When a fire breaks out, the consequences Read the small print. Most insurance
can be devastating. A smoke control companies do not cover business
system will help to reduce the interruption or the legal costs related to a
consequences by preventing roof collapse fire claim.
and providing smoke clearance.
In many cases, this is often equal to
Occupants are provided with a clear or more than the original claim itself.
escape path, permitting them to exit the
building far more quickly and safely,
potentially allowing greater travel
distances to be accepted.

Firefighters can enter the building and

tackle the fire at source, saving
considerable time and damage.

Cleaning up time can also be significantly

reduced, allowing normal activities to
resume as soon as possible.

One in four businesses do not recover

from a large fire.

Between February 2002 to January 2003,

over £126,858,023 of damage was caused
by fires in UK industry and commerce
from reported fires over £250,000. A
frightening thought, made even worse by
the fact that one in three fires are caused
by arson.

Effective smoke control is a small, long

“Smoke logging will seriously
term investment when considering all the
possible consequences.
delay the time it takes
to extinguish a fire”
page 1.
“Estimated loss of warehouses last
year due to fire & smoke damage
was reported to be £11.6M” *


Many regulations and codes have to be met

and the safety and comfort of the building’s
occupants must be the priority.

Reference can be made to the following:

SVA Guide
BR 368
BS 7346 Parts 1,2, 3 & 4
BS EN 12101 Parts 1-10**
BS 7974
Fire Precautions Act
Local Government Acts
Building Regulations,
Approved Document B
Scottish Building Regulations,
Technical Standard D
BS 5588 Parts 1 - 11

These images are taken from live video footage

of Colt-researched tests, that show the effects of
fire and smoke within large industrial buildings
and their interaction with sprinkler systems.

* Source January issue (2004) FP & FEJ

** Some parts still awaiting publishing
page 2.
The Need For Smoke Control


There are various purposes to which

“It has always been Rover
smoke control systems are applied:
policy to protect our
1. It is required in buildings used by the
public to facilitate escape and to people and facilities with
provide smoke free escape routes.

2. In industrial situations, it reduces the

smoke control systems -
likelihood of loss of production and
stock. we think it’s a good policy”
3. If the smoke is kept at high level, Rover Group
firefighters will be able to see the fire
and therefore extinguish it a lot more
easily and effectively.

4. It can permit designers to design in

greater travel distances to exits without
the need for compartmentation.

Using the basic principles of ventilation

and containment, a smoke control system
will keep smoke above head height and
prevent it spreading around the building.

page 3.
“If production is halted for even
just a few hours, it can cost us
millions in lost revenue”


Colt have supplied many automobile Many large commercial ‘superstores’ are
manufacturers throughout the world. The protected with a smoke control system.
very first UK smoke control ventilator was
installed by Colt at the Vauxhall Motors It is paramount in buildings that contain a
plant in Luton in 1956. large number of people that they can
escape quickly and safely.
The motor industry cannot afford to stop
a production line for long, since this can Allowance must be made for the elderly,
result in millions of lost revenue even disabled, and families with children.
after just a few hours. Everything is done
to ensure fires can be put out as early as Where ambient temperatures rise, the roof
possible with minimal clean up time. ventilators can provide natural ventilation,
reducing the cooling loads on air
Smoke control is a valued contributor to conditioning plant. With the use of
the overall fire safety system. transparent louvres, ventilators can
provide natural daylight entry to the

Motor Industry Retail Manufacturing

page 4.
Basic Principles


When a fire starts in a large building, a The smoke can spread laterally at a In an unventilated situation, a building
warehouse for example, it is not like a velocity of up to 5m/s. An average person with a volume of 10,000m3 can become
fire at home. will walk at 1-2m/s and run at 7.5m/s. smoke logged in just a few minutes.

If a fire started at home you would close Once the building roof space is full, the Although the smoke is made up mainly
all the doors and windows and leave the smoke will start to build down. The rate of entrained air, it can contain sufficient
room. Generally this would cause the fire at which this occurs varies significantly toxic substances and asphyxiates to
to be suffocated and reduce rapid growth. with the nature of the combustibles and disorientate and disable within seconds
building geometry. and kill within minutes.
In a large industrial building, the amount
of oxygen available and the amount of This was proven at the Colt test facility in
natural leakage will mean that this would Ghent (with a volume of 13,000m3) where
not be effective. The fire cannot be it was shown that the test building became
sealed off. completely smoke logged in under two
In the early stages, smoke from the fire
will quickly rise into the roof space.

1. In the early stages, smoke from the fire will 2. Smoke travels laterally beneath the roof, 3. Even large buildings can become totally smoke
quickly rise into the roof space. remote from the fire source. logged in minutes.

page 5.
Fires do happen!

Snowflakes Factory, Ropley.

A fire involving a store measuring

20m x 40m plus two out-buildings and
near-by equipment was destroyed by
fire. Approximately 60 firefighters
struggled for 2 days to bring the fire
under control.


The basic principle of smoke control is

therefore to limit the spread of smoke
through the building and provide a means
by which the smoke and heat can be

To achieve this requires three elements.

1. Openings or fans at high level to

exhaust the smoke from the building.

2. Barriers to restrict the spread of smoke

through the building.

3. Inlet ventilators to provide a

replacement air supply to balance the
smoke being extracted.
Building with smoke ventilators.

page 6.
Design Considerations


All the items listed below need to be taken
into consideration when designing a
smoke control system for single storey

Fire size Inlet

Steady state, or

Ceiling jet The base dimensions of the largest fire Total heat generated by the fire source.
which a smoke ventilation system should The convective element of this heat output
Heat output of fire be expected to cope with. Calculations drives the smoke flow.
should be based on either steady state or
Clear layer required growing fires. CLEAR LAYER (y)

Smoke zones Steady state The minimum clear layer for industrial
buildings should be 3 m.
The effects of sprinklers The scheme design is based on the
anticipated largest fire size within the The clear layer depth is very important as
Air inlets / replacement air building and therefore the smoke control it permits the escape of personnel and the
scheme will be capable of entry of firefighters.
Depth of smoke layer accommodating any fire up to that size.
Ambient temperature Growing fires
Where the building is considered too large
Plugholing The scheme design is based on a fire it must be divided into separate zones by
changing size over a period of time use of smoke barriers.
depending on the contents of the
building. Smoke zones should not exceed
2000 m2 - 3000 m2 in plan area.

A horizontal flowing of hot gases driven in

part by the kinetic energy of the rising fire
plume. It typically has a depth of
approximately one tenth of the building
page 7. height.
Fires do happen!

Sainsbury’s, Chichester.

The fire started within the buffer store

and travelled up over the fire-wall into the
services section along the ceiling void. It
didn’t take long to spread across the whole
building making fire fighting from the inside,

A smoke control system is now installed

within the buffer stores to release smoke
and heat in the event of a fire.


Sprinklers control the fire. They stop the Inlet or “make-up” air is important for the The smoke layer should not be designed
fire from growing and spreading to other efficient operation of a smoke ventilation to be less than one tenth of the
areas of the building, although it should system to replace air entrained into the floor-to-ceiling height.
be noted that sprinklers do not always smoke plume.
extinguish the fire fully. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE
Automatically opening ventilators, doors
Colt would always recommend the and windows can be used for inlet air. The ambient temperature for the UK is
combined use of sprinklers and smoke However it is important to consider the air conventionally set at 15oC.
ventilators. velocities since if these are too high they
can hinder escape. PLUGHOLING

If the smoke layer is too shallow for the

size of the ventilator used, the ventilators
efficiency may be reduced due to air being
drawn through the middle of the ventilator
instead of smoke.

CFD is used by Colt for building analysis. CFD can predict the temperature within a building (shown above),
or the smoke behaviour patterns. Indeed, CFD is considered so important in the design of effective smoke
control systems that Colt have their own CFD company, Colt Technology BV, based in Holland.
page 8.
Smoke Reservoirs


Smoke containment is critical to the Increases the time available for occupants Colt manufacture the Smokemaster range.
effectiveness of smoke ventilation to escape the building. Smokemaster comprises either fixed
systems. curtains, which are tailored to suit the
Cost effective solution to zoning a particular building structure, or automatic
If the lateral flow of the smoke is not building. drop curtains which are normally hidden
prevented, the ventilators in the fire zone and automatically lowered in an
will be less effective in releasing the hot Assists the emergency services by emergency.
smoke which may cool and fall back to containing or channelling the smoke
ground level, obscuring escape routes and into predetermined areas. SMOKEMASTER - FIXED CURTAIN
endangering life.
Limits travel and overcooling of smoke, When head room is not a requirement,
Acting much as safety curtains do in reducing the risk of cold smoke dropping then a fixed smoke curtain is an ideal
theatres, smoke curtains are now an to low level and obscuring vision. solution to zoning a large building.
established part of smoke control
installations. A single fixed smoke curtain can be
stitched together to provide one large
continuous length, ideal for warehouses
and large commercial units.

page 9.
Fires do happen!

Carpet Right and Focus Do It All, Rugby.

The Focus Do It All store in Rugby, was

forced to close due to smoke damage yet the
store didn’t even have a fire! Carpet Right,
adjoining Focus Do It All was deliberately
set alight to such a large extent, that
Focus Do It All was forced to close due to
smoke damage.

“Smoke curtains help to keep the

smoke buoyant so it remains high”


The Colt Smokemaster is essentially a high If a solid mezzanine floor is to be Where a mezzanine floor is part of the
temperature roller blind incorporating heat installed within a building it can alter the building, it therefore becomes necessary
resistant fabric, similar to fixed smoke fire characteristic, as any fire underneath to provide additional elements to the
curtains. a mezzanine floor changes from a free smoke control system. Due to the nature
burning (bonfire type) to a compartment of the rising smoke plume compared with
The curtains are normally held retracted at fire. that of a simple fire on the floor, the
ceiling level and in the event of a fire, a amount of smoke ventilation required
signal allows the curtain to unroll at a The introduction of mezzanine floors or will be increased.
controlled rate and drop to a preset height. other structures within the building can
have a major impact on the smoke There are various options when dealing
Smokemaster is electrically controlled and ventilation requirement for the building. with the design of a smoke control
can be linked to a OPV control system or system in a building with a mezzanine
building management system. A fire occurring under a mezzanine floor floor. One option is to contain all the
or within a compartment which is open to smoke underneath the mezzanine and
the building will form a long plume of mechanically extract from source,
smoke as it spills out round the edge of another is to allow the smoke to spill
the structure and rises up in to the roof out from a limited width and flow into
level reservoirs. This smoke will not only a smoke zone in the roof of the building.
be greater in volume but will be cooler,
and therefore less buoyant.

Smoke curtains are used to channel

smoke away from particular areas.
In this case, under a mezzanine floor.

For further information

on the Colt Smokemaster,
please see leaflet PD 50,
Smoke & Fire Curtains.

page 10.
Extract Ventilation


Natural and mechanical ventilation each Natural smoke ventilators can offer the Mechanical ventilation requires very
have their own advantages and additional benefit of day-to-day reliable power supplies.
disadvantages: ventilation.
Mechanical systems are designed to
Natural smoke ventilation They are normally positioned on the roof extract a fixed volume of smoke
for smoke and heat extract, and at low regardless of fire size, unlike natural
Advantages level for fresh air inlet, although roof smoke ventilators.
Fail safe operation mounted ventilators in zones not affected
Self regulating by smoke can also be used for air inlet. Consideration should be given to the
Silent operation weight of the fans, as this may lead to
No time or temperature limits A natural ventilator can be designed to structural support issues. A mechanical
Lightweight operate in a fail safe manner, meaning extract system will require a dedicated air
that the ventilators always open when all inlet system.
Disadvantages control/power sources are removed.
Sensitive to wind effects Noise can be a major issue, especially if
For a natural ventilation system, if the fire voice alarm systems are used since the
Mechanical smoke ventilation grows larger than designed, the smoke noise of the fans can reduce intelligibility.
will be hotter and therefore more buoyant
Advantages making the ventilators more efficient. Associated products:
Not wind pressure sensitive
Suitable for ducting However, a natural system may be - Colt mechanical extract unit
Fixed extract volume affected by adverse wind pressure, in
which case mechanical ventilation should
Disadvantages be considered.
Noise and weight
Maintained electrical supply Associated products:
Dedicated air inlet supply
- Seefire

- Meteor

- Condor

Mechanical Extract Fans

page 11.
Fires do happen!

National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham.

Over 500 vintage machines were destroyed

by a carelessly discarded cigarette. Most
motorcycles were said to be priceless and
irreplaceable. The estimated damage is
said to be around £8m.

The fire started outside the building within a

rubbish collection area and spread quickly to
the main building. Firefighters found it difficult
and unsafe to enter the building to tackle the
fire at source.


A wide range of fan sizes and The Colt Meteor is a flap ventilator which A sliding lid ventilator which has similar
specifications are available from Colt. can be manufactured with aluminium, performance properties to the Colt
translucent polycarbonate or glass flaps. Meteor. In addition, the Condor provides
As with natural ventilators, mechanical weathered ventilation even in the closed
extract units can be linked into the Colt Meteors have large unobstructed position.
sophisticated Colt OPV 2000 control openings producing high performance
system. levels and high ‘U’ values. The Colt Condor can be attenuated to
provide sound insulation.
SEEFIRE NATURAL VENTILATOR The Colt Meteor can be attenuated to
provide sound insulation. Fixing is horizontal/inclined.
The Colt Seefire is a louvred ventilator
with a low profile. The louvres can be Fixing is horizontal/inclined.
aluminium or translucent polycarbonate
to allow daylight to enter the building.

The Colt Seefire has a flexible size range

with over 200 size variations.

Fixing can be both vertical/inclined or


Colt Seefire Ventilator Colt Meteor Ventilator Colt Condor Ventilator

page 12.
Inlet Ventilation


In order for a smoke ventilation system to Inlet air should be designed as low as
work effectively and efficiently, a supply possible within the building, generally at
of inlet air is required. least 1.5 m below the designed smoke
layer. If this is unachievable due to the
An inlet air supply will basically create height of the smoke layer, then smoke
a ‘chimney effect’ within the building curtains should be considered.
allowing a steady stream of air flow.
Air and gases that are removed by the There are two main solutions for
extract ventilators are replaced by providing inlet air:
the inlet ventilators. This is sometimes
referred to as ‘make up air’. Utilising adjacent non fire zones to
provide inlet (roof level) and/or by
Ventilators are an ideal solution in large automatically opening ventilators,
single storey buildings when doors and windows and doors to provide inlet
windows are at a minimum. ventilation.

Inlet velocities must be below 5m/s as

greater velocities can hinder escape.
Seefire natural louvred
ventilators installed at low level.

Replacement air
via roof mounted
ventilators and
ventilators installed
at low level.

Replacement air
installed at low
level with
mechanical extract
at high level.

page 13.
Fires do happen!

Sainsbury’s, Cheshire.

“We had to knock holes in the roof to allow

the smoke and heat escape, it was the only
way of making the building safe”

Quote from a senior firefighter speaking to

Granada news.

“Fire-fighters must be able

to quickly identify and safely
tackle the fire at source”

Above, standard installation of

Colt Seefire.

Left, installed flush to blend in with

the aluminium cladding.

page 14.
High Bay Warehouses


The potential for fire growth within a Most modern day high bay warehouses
high bay warehouse can be much greater will contain an ‘in rack’ sprinkler system
than normal due to the rapid growth of to control the fire growth.
the fire travelling up the vertical racking.
In sprinklered warehouses, the smoke
For any fire safety strategy to be effective control system objectives must be clearly
it is essential that sprinklers are understood for a design to work
incorporated to control the fire. effectively.

A smoke control system will work in CONSIDERATIONS

conjunction with the sprinklers to remove
the smoke and hence limit damage and Considerations for high racked storage
assist the fire service. buildings are:

The nature of the goods stored

The type of packaging used

The manner of storage

The surface area of any material that can

support combustion

The type of sprinkler system installed

This vast warehouse is split into

separate smoke zones using fixed
Colt Smokemaster smoke curtains.

page 15.
“Its reassuring to know that
we are protected by a Colt
smoke control system”.
Edwards High
Vacuum International

Colt Seefire ventilators installed

into glazing at high level.

page 16.

Inset, fire in racking after 20 seconds.

Main picture, after 90 seconds (before sprinkler

detection). The room is completely darkened by
the smoke as depicted from the rooflights.

A live fire test was constructed to find the

effectiveness of a standard 5mm sprinkler system
found in many warehouses and single story
buildings such as DIY stores and industrial
premises. Normally it should take no more than
four sprinkler heads to ‘activate’ and control a fire.

In this scenario it took nine sprinkler heads to

activate and it still wasn’t enough to control the
spread of the fire. The Fire Service who were on
hand, said that it was unlikely that the sprinklers
would have controlled the fire and that
there was a major threat of building loss.

The clearing up process.

page 17.

In many situations traditional sprinkler systems

have not kept pace with modern retail buildings
and the way that they are stocked. B&Q’s own
project team investigates a solution that
maintained safety standards, was cost effective
and supported the business development needs.

These photographs depict the effectiveness of

sprinklers in a disused warehouse. It was
discovered that the standard 5mm sprinkler
system was inadequate.


Most sprinkler systems are not designed to Unfortunately, there has been technical Sprinklers
extinguish fires, they are intended purely controversy for many years regarding the
to control them. interaction of sprinklers and smoke Will limit fire spread and control growth
Sprinklers cannot prevent the building Will not reduce smoke damage
from becoming smoke logged, nor extract The main arguments are that the removal
the huge amount of heat generated from of heat by the smoke vents could delay the Will reduce temperature increase
fires. Indeed, it has been shown that due operation of the sprinkler heads and that within the building
to the drag down of the smoke in by maintaining the oxygen content of the
un-ventilated buildings, sprinklers can building the fire could be allowed to Ventilation
accelerate the rate of smoke logging in burn more fiercely.
the building. Will prevent smoke logging
Now even some of the most sceptical
about ventilation have agreed that its Will reduce building temperature
presence has virtually no impact upon
the performance of standard sprinkler Will assist escape
systems, a fact which has been
demonstrated by research in the UK and Will aid firefighting

Experiments have shown that venting

did not significantly delay the operation
of the first sprinklers, but did reduce
the number of sprinklers operating
unnecessarily away from the seat of
the fire.
This photograph shows racking starting to bend
even after a small fire which was extinguished It is now accepted that when a fire breaks
very quickly. out, the operation of any fire fighting
Subjected to extreme heat, racking will collapse, medium should not be delayed. The
increasing the risk of spreading the fire and earlier the vents open, the greater is the
blocking escape paths. chance of preventing the smoke from
mixing into the layer of cool air near
the floor.

page 18.
OPV Control System


The Colt OPV 2000 is an intelligent

electronic control system, which uses
the latest Echelon Neuron Chip for its
communications network.

OPV 2000 revolutionises the control and

operation of natural smoke ventilators and
readily incorporates all other addressable
equipment into the total smoke control
system. Fire Curtain

As life safety equipment, all OPV 2000 Sensor
components meet the most stringent
manufacturing and test procedures. TS


Ventilators VENT FAULT

Open / Close
This panel is for the day to day control of
ventilators. Use the arrow keys to choose
from the menu the function required.
CANCEL SELECT Press the SELECT key to carry out this
function. To return back through the menu
FIRE SIGNAL press the CANCEL key. Use the diagram
below to guide you.

Main Menu

7 8 9
Vent Status Open / Close Configure

4 5 6
S/W Channel
Open Close

1 2 3 Time Control

Set Points

All Zone Individual

1 //
* Colt International Ltd,
LAMP ALARM New Lane, Havant, Hampshire,
Tel: (01705) 451111

Fire Curtain OVERRIDE







Mains in

page 19.
Fires do happen!

Churchill Files Ltd, Southampton.

This 100 x 80 m warehouse stored

huge quantities of paper files.

“We have done everything we can, the

fire is being left to burn itself out now.
The total building has being lost”.

Fire & Rescue Spokesman

Dave Askew


Each natural ventilator or addressable unit

Rain Sensor can be controlled individually and as part
(when used for day of the specified automatic control system.
to day ventilation)
The control software is configured to suit
the automatic scheme requirements and
should these change, it is a simple matter
Temperature of reprogramming the OPV controller
software to the latest configuration.
High Level Masters
Smoke Extract
Fire Curtain
Mains in





Controlled Smoke


page 20.
Fire Compartments


As well as fixed or controllable smoke Fire curtains stop the spread of fire to The basic principle behind fire curtains is
curtains which are purely used to contain other areas within the building. They to seal off an area to contain the fire and
or channel smoke to specific areas, Colt act like a solid fire wall but with the prevent it from spreading to other areas.
also manufacture and supply fire advantage that the Colt FirePath can be
compartmentation curtains. retracted to allow unobstructed movement An example of this could be an
around the building. unsprinklered shop unit that needs to be
separated from the mall during a fire
The curtains automatically descend upon condition.
receipt of a signal from the fire-alarm
panel, and automatically retract when the Another example is access routes through
signal has stopped. compartment walls. The curtains must
close to seal off the access route, keeping
Fire curtains are ideal for entrances the integrity of the whole wall in a fire
which need to retain fire integrity in an condition.
emergency but will allow daily operation
to continue.

Colt fire curtains will contain a fire for

up to 4 1/2 hours at up to1000 oC
and help maintain the fire integrity of
a compartmentation wall.

page 21.
“Colt FirePath curtains
prevent the spread of
fire to other areas”.

The Colt FirePath is an automatic fire Metal side guides with a fabric retaining
curtain, tested to BS476: Part 22. system provide a seal between the curtain
fabric and the building. Due to the
Wire inserted woven glass fibre fabric is positive or negative pressures created by
wound onto a steel tube, which the fire, it is imperative that this seal
incorporates a motor and an electronic remains in place at all times.
control circuit.
The complete product has been tested in
The roller assembly, incorporating the accordance with BS476: Part 22: 1987,
fabric, is housed in a galvanised mild-steel clause 8 and achieved an integrity rating
head box which is normally bolted to the to BS 476: Part 20: 1987 of 270 minutes. Colt FirePath fire curtains installed at Tate Gallery,

The curtains automatically descend upon For further information on the Colt
receipt of a signal from the fire-alarm FirePath, please see leaflet PD 50,
panel, and automatically retract when the Smoke & Fire Curtains.
signal has stopped. During ascent the
motors are controlled via a synchronised
speed circuit to ensure all curtains are
raised at similar rates. The curtains
descend by gravity at all times, including
total mains and battery back up failure.

Colt FirePath fire curtains installed at Tesco’s in

Glasgow. These are designed to separate the
main shopping area from the storage area.

page 22.

ASDA, 64 Stores throughout UK BAT, Nigeria Part of the Colt Group of companies,
Homebase - 8 Stores throughout UK VW Autocity, Germany Colt Service offers a comprehensive
B&Q - 35 Stores throughout UK Deutsche Bahn, Krefeld, Germany range of maintenance packages
Sainsbury’s - 53 Stores throughout UK Centre of Distribution, Slovak Republic incorporating the maintenance and
Co-op, 20 Stores throughout UK Singapore Expo, Singapore repair of all building services
Tesco, 42 Stores throughout UK Toyota Parts Centre, Belgium equipment including non Colt products.
Allied Carpets, 7 Stores throughout UK BMW Manufacturing Centre, Bavaria
Pfizer, 8 Buildings throughout the UK Volvo, Holland Colt Service provide a 24 hour, 365 day
Ikea, 13 Stores throughout UK Daimler Chrysler, Hanover, Germany emergency cover as standard.
Safeway, Over 48 Stores throughout UK Daimler Chrysler, Fürth, Germany
BOC, 13 Buildings throughout UK Daimler Chrysler, Düsseldorf, Germany MAINTENANCE
BAe, Over 17 Buildings throughout UK Daimler Chrysler, Cologne, Germany
Vauxhall Motors, Ellesmere Port Toyota, France Maintenance of a smoke control system
Landrover T5 Building, Solihull Dinosaur Museum, China is essential. Regular maintenance
Toyota, Derby Zamil Steel, Bahrain protects your investment and brings
BMW, Hams Hall Sony Warehouse, Argentina peace of mind that the system will
Hyundai, Dunfermline Schiphol Airport Buildings, Holland operated effectively in an emergency.
Kelloggs, Manchester Ikea, Czech Republic
BAT, Southampton Opel, Rochum, Germany British Standards, BS 7346,
Tibbett and Britten, Dublin Opel, Rüsselsheim, Germany recommends that smoke control
Lidl Distribution Warehouse, Livingston Coca Cola, Kuwait systems should be serviced at least
Booker Warehouse, Dundee Dong Guan Exhibition Centre, China once a year and tested weekly.

construct a®
Big W, Glasgow Philips, Holland
Bookers, Reading Quelle, Germany
Honda, Swindon Qatar General Petroleum Corp, Qatar
Allsports, Manchester Aldi, Holland Colt is a member of construct-a-shed,
ERF Trucks, Middlewich Aldi, Mortfelden, Germany the worlds first website devoted to
Argos Superstore, Manchester Aldi, Langenfeld, Germany warehouses and distribution centres.
JCB, Wrexham Aldi, Wittlich, Germany
Carlsberg Tetley, Wigan

Architectural Solutions Colt International Limited

New Lane Havant
Climate Control Hampshire PO9 2LY
Tel +44(0)23 9245 1111
Smoke Control Fax +44(0)23 9245 4220
“Colt” and the Colt logo are copyright of Colt International Licensing Limited
Subject to modification. Publication number PD 48: 02/04 Service and Maintenance

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