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Advertising Within: Video Games

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Video Games

Karl Gookey
The History than shrink during the recession.

Video game advertising, or as it is known in the
gaming industry “in-game advertising”, has been Video Game Advertising has become a lucrative
around for almost as long as gaming itself but only market for companies who want to target the
in the past ten years has it come out as viable people who have cut their time spent watching TV
advertising method for advertising companies. or listening to radio. Surprised! I am talking about
gamers here. A recent survey has shown that a
Early examples of in-game advertising were static. quarter of US gamers have cut the time spent
Some of these consisted of virtual billboards, watching TV and a fifth more will be following in
whereas others could be considered in-game their footsteps. There are many people who become
product placement. These advertisements were too engrossed in video games and can spend hours,
placed directly into the game by artists or playing video games.
programmers and could not be changed later. The
first example was seen in the 1978 computer game Videogame Advertising is becoming more and more
Adventureland by Scott Adams, who inserted an prevalent nowadays because entertainment is being
made available on the Internet and it is supposed to
Console Installed Base
bead free. People are also repulsed by the intrusive
160 nature of TV commercials and simply switch to a
140 different channel to avoid watching ads.
Consoles (millions)
This is causing huge losses for TV advertisers who
80 have started to think of different ways of creating
awareness of their products and services and video
2008 2009 2010 2011 (projected) 2012 (projected)
game advertising is one of the most profitable ones.
A few companies have even announced that video
game advertising has increased their audiences
advertisement for his then forthcoming game Pirate and customers by a few millions and they intend to
Adventure. Examples of in-game advertising of third continue using this form of advertising. Advertisers
party products include the sponsorship of the Zool are using the video game market very cleverly and
series by Chupa Chups, leading to various displays are embedding their products within the video
of the Chupa Chups product and brand in the game, games and have the characters use them. An
including a series of levels set in a Sweet world. example of this is the game Crazy Taxi. In this game
Another early example of in-game advertising can the player has the role of a taxi driver who picks up
be seen in the FIFA International Soccer series, and drops passengers to a few destinations such as
with commercial billboard advertisements featured KFC or McDonald’s.
in-game since 1994, as well as the teams’ own
sponsors and kitmaker brands since 2001, when the Not only does it help the advertisers but it also
series started using authentic kits. adds a touch of reality to the game and makes the
gamer a happy customer. Thus a win win situation
Marketers have traditionally kept their distance is created and we can safely assume that more
from from gaming: violent themes, paired with and more games will contain advertisements and
the perceived user, teenage boys with minimal product placements which would help advertisers to
purchasing power, don’t do much to make games reach more audiences and capture a larger portion
attractive. But while this is actually rarely the case, of the market.
recent studies have shown that in fact the average
gamer is in his early 30s, not mid teens as people
usually believe.
In fact, the gaming industry now generates more
revenue than box office sales, film rentals, and
book and music sales. In 2006, worldwide gaming
industry revenue came to $33 billion (£20.7 billion)
and it was one of the few markets to grow rather
Types of In-Game as those publicizing a movie launch. Information can
be sent back from the player’s machine regarding
Advertising advertisement performance; data such as time spent
looking at advertisements, type of advertisement
and viewing angle may be used to better formulate
Static Advertising future campaigns and also allows the advertising
agency to offer more flexible advertising campaigns
Early examples of in-game advertising were static. to their clients.
Some of these consisted of virtual billboards,
whereas others could be considered in-game American video game publisher, THQ, commented
product placement. These advertisements were in an interview that data collected from in-game
placed directly into the game by artists or advertising had an unexpected benefit as a design
programmers and could not be changed later. tool, “If the character is stuck in front of a brick
wall with an ad poster on it, we know that the
The first example was seen in the 1978 computer level might be too hard. We now see the ad-
game Adventureland by Scott Adams, who inserted tracking system as a way to find ways to improve
an advertisement for his then forthcoming game on a game’s design”. Because dynamic advertising
Pirate Adventure. Examples of in-game advertising campaigns do not have to be hard-coded into the
of third party products include the sponsorship of game by artists and programmers, the need for
the Zool series by Chupa Chups, leading to various advertisers to formulate and insert campaigns
displays of the Chupa Chups product and brand in months in advance of a games launch is negated.
the game, including a series of levels set in a Sweet
world. Examples of dynamic in-game advertising include
Another early example of in-game advertising can the 2005 computer game SWAT 4 by Irrational
be seen in the FIFA International Soccer series, Games. Version 1.1 of the game featured dynamic
with commercial billboard advertisements featured in-game advertisements delivered by Massive
in-game since 1994, as well as the teams’ own Incorporated, these advertisements were used to
sponsors and kitmaker brands since 2001, when the publicize forthcoming television shows targeted at
series started using authentic kits. a US audience. These time and location sensitive
advertisements would not have been effective
Static advertisements allow the advertiser and if delivered through a static in-game advertising
developers to have more influence on how the campaign.
advertisements are displayed in-game and can be
worked to beyond the levels of a pure billboard. In October 2008, billboard ads featuring then US
In Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory for example, a large Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama
glowing advertisement for AXE deodorant appears appeared in the game Burnout Paradise, which was
hard coded in the game, forming an obstacle to the first released in January. Electronic Arts, the game’s
player character. Not only did it allow the developers publisher confirmed that the Obama campaign paid
to experiment with dramatic lighting effects, it also for the advertisements, marking the first time that
drew the players’ attention by providing them with a US presidential candidate has bought in-game
a challenge to overcome. advertising.

Dynamic Advertising
Increasing Internet connectivity has led to the
growth of dynamic in-game advertising. Unlike the
fixed advertisements found in static in-game ads,
dynamic advertisements can be altered remotely by
the advertising agency.

Advertisements can be tailored according to

geographical location or time of day, allowing for the
delivery of time-critical advertising campaigns, such
• Wikipedia: In-Game Advertising

• Media Contacts: MC Insight - Advertising in Video Games

• BBC News: Ads in video games set to rise

• InventorSpot: Advertising in Video Games

• Buzzle: Why Video Game Advertising is becoming the most Popular form of Advertising





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