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Learning Module (English 7) Q2 Week 3-4

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S.Y. 2021 - 2022

English 7
Quarter 2/Weeks 3-4
Prepared by:


For feedback or inquiries, you can reach out through the following:

0955-943-8418 TM

Czarina Ciara R. Andres


Vira, Roxas, Isabela
1 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2
S.Y. 2021-2022

English 7
Second Quarter

W3-W4 Learning Competencies

The learner is able to:
1. Use a search engine to conduct a guided search on a given topic EN7SS-II-c-1.5.3
2. Navigate a website using essential features, e.g. using headings, links, etc. EN7V-IV-d- 23.1

Schedule of Lessons

Week Topics Schedule

Activity 1: A Tough Cookie Day 1-3
Activity 2: On the Ball November 22-24
Activity 3: SCHEMA Map
3-4 Firm Up
Activity 4: The Ball in in Your Court Day 4-6
Activity 5: As right as rain November 25- 29
Activity 6: It’s not Rocket Science
Essential Questions Day 7-9
SCHEMA Map November 30- December
Process Questions 2

Lesson 2: 1896

Good day my dear Salletinian, peace and all good, one with you! Welcome to a new
week of discovery and explorations! This new set of learning module is designed for you
to meet your unique needs and interest. To start this wonderful day, let’s thank our
almighty God first for His blessings by watching the video clip below. You can scan the
QR code or copy the link.

How do you surf the Internet? Have you experienced exploring the vastness of information and magical wonders
of what internet connection can offer?
Internet connection is one of the essential channels to connect, communicate, and create ideas all may be done in
a single sitting. Yes, you may ask how this is possible. Today’s generation finds it handy or easy to use computers,
laptops, tablets, cellphones, or any gadgets and other devices to connect and explore the Internet. Moreover, in just clicks
away, you are far beyond the limits of knowing loads of information and animated motions.
However, in every idea or situation, there are always ups and downs, advantages and disadvantages, pros, and
cons. As a student, an internet connection is a great help to aid you in your studies and other questions in life. Yet, you
have to be very cautious and disciplined to click any information that may harm or poison your mind with fake news or
wrong information. Yet, I am sure you will be very careful in using the Internet and be adventurous in an ethical and wise
As a 21st century learner, you must be fully equipped with knowledge on how to use a search engine to make
learning more effective. Internet and Electronic Search Engine allows you to find the information that is valuable to you.
Essentially, it allows you not only quickly, but also easily, find the information that is essential for your progress.

2 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

As you go along with this module, you will find out that Internet and Electronic Search Engine can provide you
with search results that lead to relevant information. I know that you are now excited, and to start with, think of the
essential questions below:

1. How does Search Engines help you in doing your research activities?
2. Why do you need to learn how to navigate and find information on a website properly?

Week 3-4/ Lesson 2: 1896


In your everyday life, you always encounter questions that need to be answered. Who can answer your questions?
Where can you get answers to your questions? In your class, when your teacher asked you to research, where do you
usually go?
One important skill that you must possess is the ability to gather information from different sources available
especially during this pandemic. In this learning segment, get ready because you will be exploring different forms of
media that will make you a good reader and a good listener when it comes to news or updates on what is happening now.
You will be asking yourself on details that matter the most to you and to everybody.
With the current situation now, your sources of information depend mostly on what is available in your
community. If you live in the city, you may have the access of a good internet connection or if you live in the province,
the television, radio, and newspaper are there for you. There are still lots of other sources that you might be using right
now especially when you are going to research on a certain topic. You don’t only rely into one available source but also
other sources that will be helpful in making your essay, article or research paper. This gives you the challenge on what
will be useful and what might cause harm to you.
Now, let’s see how do you gather information using the different sources available, you may now start exploring
this module. But, keep in mind the essential questions below:

1. How does Search Engines help you in doing your research activities?
2. Why do you need to learn how to navigate and find information on a website properly?

Activity 1: A Tough Cookie

Directions: Let’s start this module by simply doing the activity below. Look closely at the picture and analyze
it. And to test your understanding about the picture, you will the answer the process questions. Do this in your LAS.

Process Questions:
1. What do you think is the student doing?
2. What are the Search Engines that you can see?
3. By simply looking at the picture above, what is an Electronic Search Engine?
4. Which of the used search engines above have you tried using?
5. As a student, how do electronic search engines help you in providing answers to your questions?

Activity 2: On the Ball

Directions: This is now your second activity. In your LAS, fill in the missing letters to come up with the names
of the different component that make the internet works. Then, look for the meaning of each word in the dictionary on in
the web.

3 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

1. C ___ mp___t___r 2. ___ eb Br___w___er 3. R ___ ___ t___ r 4. S ___ r ___ er

5. In ___e___ n ___ t S ___ rv ___ c ___ Pr ___ v ___ d ___ r

Process Questions:
1. Are you familiar with the words you have identified above?
2. What word or phrase comes into your mind when you think about internet?
3. Do you find internet helpful in your daily living? Why?

Activity 3: SCHEMA Map

Directions: Using the Schema Map below try to recall and answer the following questions, you can also use the
information you have written in the previous activity or ask help to your parent/guardian at home. For this activity, you
are supposed to complete the first column only with the things you already know/prior knowledge. Write your answers on
the activity sheet found at the end of the lesson.

What is my prior knowledge about the topic LEARNINGS
What new things
I’ve learned from
the topic
Search Engines
Navigating on website

End of Explore

Well done! You have successfully answered the activities in the first learning segment. Now, brace yourself as
you move on to the second section of this module. Are you ready? You may now start expanding your knowledge about
the topics today. Have fun and good luck!


How was your experience with technology? Does it make your work easier and faster? Nowadays, your
knowledge in the use of internet is already a must. This would help you to search information especially that we are now
in the world of technology.
As you go through, you will experience different individual activities and encounter texts that will help you
answer the questions: How does Electronic Search Engine help you in doing your research activities? And how to
navigate and find information on a website by using the heading, scrolling and links and using browser navigation?
Likewise, your skills in reading, vocabulary development, viewing, listening, language fluency, and grammar awareness
will be enhanced.
In this learning section, let’s try to escalate your understanding about the topics by reading and doing the prepared
activities. You can now start this learning section but, keep on thinking the focal questions below:
1. How does Search Engines help you in doing your research activities?
2. Why do you need to learn how to navigate and find information on a website properly?

LC 1: Define what Electronic Search Engine (ESE) is and identify the most commonly used search engines*

Activity 4: The Ball is in Your Court

Directions: In this activity, with the use of a graphic organizer, write the definition each search engine. And if
you’re done, don’t forget to answer the process questions below.

4 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

Process Questions:
1. Are you familiar with the Electronic Search Engines above?
2. Which of the following ESE you commonly used?
3. Aside from the Search Engines above, what are other Search Engines you know?
4. Are search engines useful in finding information? Why or why not?
LC 2: Use a search engine to conduct a guided search on a given topic (EN7SS-II-c-1.5.3)

Electronic Search Engines like Google can be a resource that saves your time. There are two ways to search for
A. Using keyword/s
B. Using Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

Searching Using Keyword/s

Follow the steps wholeheartedly that are provided for you so you can arrive at the correct output.
Step 1: Turn on the computer. Make sure the device/computer is connected to the internet.
Step 2: Open the page first using Google Chrome and enter the texts or keywords in the search bar
pointed by the red arrow to find relevant information.
Step 3: Type in the search bar the word you want to search. There, you will find out several information about the
Step 4: Click the first search result inside the red box and copy the information.
Step 5: Click the Back Button to go back to the Home Page.
A. If you’re using a cellphone click the x button.
B. If you’re using a computer, click the back button.

Searching Using URL

This time, you will research using Uniform Resource Locator or URL. URL is the page address that you will find
in the long bar at the top of your Web browsers.
Step 1: Click Google Chrome or other search engines in your screen.
Step 2: Type the name of the website in the address page.
Step 3: Press ← Enter key if you are using a computer. Press the Search icon if you are using a cell phone.
Step 4: Click the Back Button to go back to the Home Page.

Activity 5: As right as rain

Directions: For this activity, open your book to pages 111-112 and read the poem entitled “1896” by Aurelio S.
Alvero. And using the google chrome and other search engines available with you answer the questions below. Do this in
your LAS.

Process Questions:
1. What cry awoke Balintawak?
2. In the poem, what groups of people shouted freedom? What did this mean?
3. What trait of Filipinos is being depicted in the poem?
4. What does the entire poem want to convey?
5. What emotions do you feel when reading the poem? Pick out the lines that set the mood.

LC 3: Navigate a website using essential features, e.g. using headings, links, etc. (EN7V-IV-d- 23.1)
 Internet
Is a system architecture that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by allowing
various computer networks around the world to interconnect. The Internet provides a capability that is powerful
and general which can be used for almost any purpose that depends on information, and it is accessible by every
individual who connects to one of its constituent networks. It supports human communication through social
media, electronic mail (e-mail), chat rooms, news, and audio and video transmission and allows people to work
collaboratively wherever they are. It supports access to digital information by many applications, including the
browsers or World Wide Web.

5 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

 Web Browser
An internet browser, also known simply as browser, is a software program that lets you view and navigate
web pages on your computer. The six most popular internet browsers today include: Mozilla Firefox, Google
Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari and Opera. The Web physically consists of your personal computer or
mobile device, web browser software, a connection to an Internet service provider, computers called servers that
host digital data and routers and switches that direct the flow of information.

 Hypertext and hyperlinks

Are the “glue” that holds the Web together. This feature allows electronic files on the Web to be linked so
you can search easily between them.

How do you navigate the Web?

By entering the address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the website in your web browser, or by clicking
links. Here are the steps on how browsers work:
1. You type a website's URL into your browser's address bar; "" is an example of
a URL.
2. The browser locates and requests that page's information from a web server.
3. The browser receives a file in a computer code like HTML or Javascript, which includes instructions
about how to display the information on that page.
4. The browser interprets that file and displays the page for you to read and interact with. And it does all
of this in just a few seconds.

Activity 6: It's not Rocket Science

Directions: In this activity, you are going to navigate the different websites to complete this activity. Accomplish the task
by doing the following:
1. Get a computer or a cellphone or any device that you could use to do this activity.
2. Using Google chrome or other website that you have, type in the address box
3. Write the possible keywords in searching the information. You can search the things that interest you.
4. Copy the URL of your chosen search result and provide a short description about the topic.
5. Use the table in providing your answer.
6. Write the result of your research in your LAS.
Keywords Used URL Short Description about the topic
Example: Calamba was a forested area
Origin of Calamba, Mis. Occ. were the Subanens or Subanons
frequented. They called the place
“Solinog,” after the deep river bank.

Process Questions:
1. How did you find the activity? Did you enjoy it?
2. When is the time you should believe the information you got from the different internet and when is the time you
should not?
3. In doing your assignment, which is helpful to you, the book or the internet? Why?

End of Firm-Up

Good job! You’re finally done with this learning section. I hope that all the topics in this segment are
clear to you now. Continue to dwell in this module because in the end, everything will be paid off. You can now proceed
to the next section. Enjoy!


As a Grade 7 student, you like to explore many things especially that we are in the world of technology. Usually,
when there are things that interest you, you immediately surf the internet for a wider understanding. As you are about to

6 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

end this module, your knowledge will be tested by applying all the things that you have learned from your previous
And let’s start it by answering the essentials questions displayed at the beginning of this module. This is to check
whether you’ve learned everything or not. Answer this in your LAS.
1. How does Search
Engines help you in
doing your research

2. Why do you need to

learn how to navigate
and find information on
a website properly?

After having gone through a series of challenging

activities, have you realized something? Let me see your realization by completing the Schema Map below. In your LAS
write the new learnings that you have acquired after reading and doing the activities in this module. You can write as
many as you can.

What is my prior What new things I’ve learned from the topic
knowledge about the
Search Engines
Navigating on website

Process Question: Answer this in your LAS.

1. As a Slletinian, what should be the school core value that you must apply when using the internet? Why?
2. What do you think is the 21st century skill that you have developed while taking this module? Explain.

End of Deepen

Congratulations! You Your

Congratulations! are completely
week 3-4 done in this
module learning
is already module.
done. Don’tI hope
to through thisyou’ve
share what modulejust
your questions about search engines and navigating websites
learned to your family and to your friends so that even them are all clear. And to end this module, please
remember this simple this:
“It is not technology does to us, it is what we do to technology. Get smart with technology, choose
wisely and use it in a way that benefits both you and those around you. “

Book: Lapid, M., (2018) English Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature-Teachers
Wraparound Edition (pp. 117-118). Phoenix Publishing House.

Prepared by:

7 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2


La Salette of Roxas College

Vira, Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022


English 7
Quarter 2 / Weeks 3-4

Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Grade and Section: ____________________________________________

Activity 1: A Tough Cookie
1. What do you think is the student doing?
2. What are the Search Engines that you can see?
3. By simply looking at the picture above, what is an Electronic Search Engine?
4. Which of the used search engines above have you tried using?
5. As a student, how do electronic search engines help you in providing answers to your questions?

Activity 2: On the ball

1. C ___ mp___t___r 2. ___ eb Br___w___er 3. R ___ ___ t___ r 4. S ___ r ___ er

5. In ___e___ n ___ t S ___ rv ___ c ___ Pr ___ v ___ d ___ r

Process Questions:
1. Are you familiar with the words you have identified above?
2. What word or phrase comes into your mind when you think about internet?

8 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

3. Do you find internet helpful in your daily living? Why?

Activity 3: SCHEMA Map

What is my prior knowledge about the topic LEARNINGS
What new things
I’ve learned from
the topic

Search Engines

Navigating on website

Activity 4: The Ball is in Your Court

9 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

Process Questions:
1. Are you familiar with the Electronic Search Engines above?
2. Which of the following ESE you commonly used?
3. Aside from the Search Engines above, what are other Search Engines you know?
4. Are search engines useful in finding information? Why or why not?
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 5: As right as rain

Process Questions:
1. What cry awoke Balintawak?
2. In the poem, what groups of people shouted freedom? What did this mean?
3. What trait of Filipinos is being depicted in the poem?
4. What does the entire poem want to convey?
5. What emotions do you feel when reading the poem? Pick out the lines that set the mood.

Activity 6: It's not Rocket Science

Keywords Used URL Short Description about the topic

Example: Calamba was a forested area
Origin of Calamba, were the Subanens or Subanons frequented. They called the
Mis. Occ. place “Solinog,” after the deep river bank.


10 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2


Process Questions:
1. How did you find the activity? Did you enjoy it?
2. When is the time you should believe the information you got from the different internet and when is the time you
should not?
3. In doing your assignment, which is helpful to you, the book or the internet? Why?


Essential Questions:

1. How does
Search Engines
help you in doing
your research

2. Why do you
need to learn how
to navigate and
find information on
a website


What is my What new things I’ve learned from the topic
about the

Search Engines

Navigating on website

11 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

Process Question: Answer this in your LAS.
1. As a Slletinian, what should be the school core value that you must apply when using the internet? Why?
2. What do you think is the 21st century skill that you have developed while taking this module? Explain.

Prepared by:

12 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 1-2

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