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Correction of The Claw Hand

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C o r re c t i o n o f t h e

Claw Hand
Anthony Sapienza, MDa,*, Steven Green, MDb

 Intrinsic paralysis  Claw hand  Tendon transfers

Intrinsic paralysis can be the manifestation of plate, spasticity or contracture of the intrinsic
a variety of pathologic entities such as stroke, muscles, intrinsic tendon adhesions at the level
cerebral palsy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth, muscular of the MCP joint, fascial or skin contractures (eg,
dystrophy, leprosy, trauma, cervical disease, and burns, scarring, Dupuytren disease). The observa-
compressive and metabolic neuropathies. tion of such rare cases had initially led Zancolli to
Patients may present with a spectrum of clinical propose his capsulodesis in the treatment of
findings dependent on the cause and severity of claw deformity.4
the disease. The 3 main problems caused by Patients may initially present with subtle findings
intrinsic weakness of the fingers are clawing with such as weakness of pinch or an abducted
loss of synchronistic finger flexion, inability to posture of the small finger. A palsied first dorsal in-
abduct and adduct the digits, and weakness of terosseous muscle affects thumb–index finger
grip. Smith1 in 1987 estimated that the intrinsic pinch, and stabilization of the index finger is
musculature contributes up to 60% to grip usually accomplished by bracing it against the
strength. Kozin2 in 1999 simulated low median or middle finger. On some occasions a patient
low ulnar nerve lesions in healthy individuals via requires surgery to restore index finger abduction,
nerve blocks and determined that the average especially when considering transfers to restore
decrease in grip strength was 38% after ulnar thumb-index pinch (see Lee and Wisser elsewhere
nerve block and 32% after median nerve block. in this issue for further exploration of this topic).
Clawing is defined as hyperextension of the meta- Pinch may also be affected by weakness of the
carpophalangeal (MCP) joints and flexion of the adductor pollicis. In these cases, acute flexion of
interphalangeal (IP) joints (Figs. 1 and 2). The the IP joint via the flexor pollicis longus allows
Zancolli classification3 distinguishes between the extensor pollicis longus to exert an adduction
intrinsic paralysis with and without claws. Intrinsic moment on the thumb because the IP extensor
paralysis without claw can occur when the ex- action is blocked (Froment sign,5 Fig. 3). The
trinsic muscles are also paralyzed (as seen in thumb MCP joint may hyperextend during pinch
high ulnar nerve palsy involving the flexor digito- (Jeanne sign6) if there is thumb volar plate laxity
rum profundus (FDP) to the ring and small fingers) and both heads of the flexor pollicis brevis are
or conservation of the activity of the corresponding paralyzed.
finger lumbrical (as seen with the median nerve Chronic abduction of the small finger results
innervated lumbricals of the index and middle from the inability of the palsied third palmar
fingers in ulnar nerve palsy). There may be other interossei to counteract the force of the extensor
rarer causes, which prevent hyperextension of digiti quinti (EDQ). This extrinsic extensor to the
the MCP joint: congenital shortness of the volar small finger exerts an MCP joint extension force

The authors have nothing to disclose.

Hand Surgery Division, Department of Orthopedics, Bellevue Hospital Center, NYU Hospital for Joint
Diseases, 301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003, USA
2 East 88th Street, New York, NY 10128, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Hand Clin 28 (2012) 53–66

0749-0712/12/$ – see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
54 Sapienza & Green

Fig. 3. Froment’s sign.

Fig. 1. Clawing of right ring and small fingers with

noted intrinsic muscle and hypothenar atrophy.
muscles of the hand and forearm9 as well as
as well as produces small finger abduction (War- a variety of pathologic causes. The clinical appear-
tenberg sign,7 Fig. 4) because of its ulnar insertion ance of the claw and its severity are also dependent
to the abductor digiti quinti at the level of the prox- on the laxity of the MCP joints. Although IP joint
imal phalanx. extension is primarily via the intrinsic musculature,
The typical finger clawing appearance of the the extrinsic extensors can normally extend the IP
hand is caused by weakness of the intrinsics and joints provided that the MCPs do not hyperextend
unopposed pull of the extrinsic extensors and and the extensor mechanism at the proximal inter-
flexors, because the function of the intrinsic phalangeal (PIP) joint has not become stretched. If
musculature is to flex the MCP joints and extend the MCP joint is hyperextended then the extrinsic
the IP joints. In ulnar nerve paralysis this situation musculature has approached its limit of excursion
typically affects the ring and small finger clawing at this joint and forces cannot be transmitted
deformity (Duchenne sign,8 see Fig. 2) and weak- distally through the central slip to extend the PIP
ness of the flexion of the middle and index MCP joint. If MCP joint hyperextension is prevented,
joints. Clawing of the index and middle fingers the extrinsic extensors can produce IP extension
does not occur in cases of ulnar nerve dysfunction as long as joint contractures and stretching of the
because their lumbricals are innervated by the PIP extensor mechanism have not ensued (Bouvier
median nerve. Complete ulnar nerve palsy may test,10 Fig. 5).
result in clawing of only the small finger because In the absence of intrinsic function, MCP flexion
the ring finger lumbrical has dual innervation in up occurs only after IP joint flexion, rather than simul-
to 50% of the population.1 The level of peripheral taneously, inhibiting the grasp of large objects
nerve dysfunction determines the clinical presenta- (Fig. 6).
tion and may guide treatment options. For This loss of synchronistic flexion of the MCP and
example, a high ulnar nerve palsy (above the motor IP joints makes it difficult for the patient to
branches to the flexor carpi ulnaris and ring and
small finger FDP muscles) involves paralysis of
the flexor digitorum profundi to the ring and small
finger and thus produces less clawing than does
a low ulnar nerve palsy.
Differences in the claw presentation can also be
attributed to anomalous innervations of the

Fig. 2. Clawing of ring and small finger with MCP

joint hyperextension and IP joint flexion. Fig. 4. Wartenberg’s sign.
Correction of the Claw Hand 55

digits and their sensibility. Is there adequate sensi-

bility? The outcomes of surgery can be improved if
sensibility can be restored. Can the claw deformity
be passively corrected? Joint stiffness and
contractures need to be addressed before consid-
ering any tendon transfer procedures. If the MCP
joints are held in flexion, can the patient actively
extend the IP joints? If the MCP joints are taken
out of hyperextension, the extrinsic extensors are
then allowed to exert their force through the
central slip to extend the IP joints (Bouvier test).
Depending on the chronicity of the claw and the
degree of MCP joint hyperextension, the extensor
Fig. 5. Bouvier’s test. mechanism may have stretched out with time. In
this situation, the MCP joints may need to be
flexed beyond neutral to produce enough tension
on the extensor mechanism to allow it to pull
accommodate objects for grasp and results in
through. The degree of MCP joint flexion neces-
a rolling or curling motion of the digits into flexion
sary to allow for IP extension can guide the exam-
(Fig. 7).
iner’s treatment options (Fig. 9).
The clawed fingers grasp large objects only with
If the patient is able to extend the IP joints with
the tips and at the metacarpal heads. Brand11 has
MCP joint flexion up to about 40 , then the Bouvier
estimated that this situation results in a 90%
test is considered positive, and a lumbrical bar
reduction in the contact area and therefore a signif-
splint may be all that is necessary to improve
icant increase in pressure localization. In attempt-
the patient’s function (see the article by Seu and
ing to improve finger extension, the wrist may
Milano elsewhere in this issue for further explora-
assume a flexed position (André-Thomas12 sign,
tion of this topic). If the MCP joints need to be
Fig. 8).
flexed beyond 40 , then significant stretching of
the PIP extensor mechanism has ensued and
CLINICAL EVALUATION dynamic tendon transfers to the lateral bands is
indicated to improve the clawing.
When evaluating a patient who presents with Does the patient complain of reduced grip
intrinsic weakness several questions need to be strength? If so, then dynamic tendon transfers
addressed to guide what, if any, treatment is war- are the only intervention that can correct this
ranted. A lack of patient commitment and compli- problem. If tendon transfer procedures are being
ance results in unfavorable outcomes regardless considered, then what are the expendable and
of the intervention. Along with identifying the motor appropriate motor donors and what is the quality
deficits (claw, thumb-index pinch, Wartenberg of the soft tissues along the path of the tendon
sign, and Froment sign) the examiner should also transfer? In 1988, Brand13 discussed how the
determine the active and passive motion of the mechanical properties of the peritendinous scar
can affect the success of a tendon transfer. If the
condition of the soft tissues is poor then delay of
surgical intervention until the soft tissues mature
or placement of silicon tendon rods to create
a smooth gliding bed for the tendon transfer can
be considered. In 1919, Steindler14 advocated de-
laying tendon transfer surgery until edema is
resolved, joints are supple, and scars are soft.
Is there a changing neurologic condition? If the
patient’s neurologic condition is worsening, then
supportive management (stretching or splinting)
may be all that is warranted until there has been
some stasis of the disease. Likewise, if the
patient’s neurologic condition is improving then
stretching to keep the joints supple and splinting
Fig. 6. Intrinsic paralysis results in failure to accommo- to prevent MCP joint hyperextension may be all
date around large objects. that is necessary until intrinsic function returns.
56 Sapienza & Green

Fig. 7. Rolling and curling of digits to grasp objects.

The motor end plates die off by around 18 months, extended and are therefore indicated only if the
so even in the presence of an improving neurologic Bouvier test is positive. These procedures include
condition, the likelihood that the intrinsics will MCP joint arthrodesis, bone block,15,16 tenodeses,
be reinnervated in a timely fashion must be and volar plate capsulodesis. MCP joint arthrod-
determined. esis of the fingers is rarely performed to prevent
clawing because there are other static procedures
that can inhibit hyperextension and still permit joint
Surgical treatment of a claw hand can involve
either static or dynamic procedures. The appro-
priate choice of procedure should take into In the original Zancolli capsulodesis4 procedure,
account the patient’s complaints, goals, and the volar capsule of the MCP joint is approached
ability to comply with a rehabilitation program. through a longitudinal incision centered over the
Static procedures have the advantage of being A1 pulley of each involved digit. We recommend
simple and do not require significant postoperative using a transverse incision to improve visualization
therapy. The disadvantage of a static procedure is when more than 1 finger requires treatment. The
that it cannot correct weakness. Static procedures A1 pulley is incised (like a trigger finger release)
are designed to prevent MCP joint hyperextension and the flexor tendons reflected laterally to expose
or flex the MCP joint so that the IP joints can be the origin of the volar plate on the metacarpal neck
(Fig. 10).
In Zancolli’s original description the volar plate is
then sharply incised and advanced proximally in
a “vest over pants” imbrication technique. Late
stretching of the capsulodesis and recurrence
of MCP joint hyperextension led to several modifi-
cations of the procedure. A more reliable
technique involves detaching the volar plate off
the metacarpal neck and advancing it proximally.
The volar plate is sharply released from its origin

Fig. 8. André-Thomas sign: the wrist is flexed to

increase tension on the extrinsics and improve finger
extension. Fig. 9. Bouvier’s test.
Correction of the Claw Hand 57

The MCP joint is then flexed down to at least the

flexion necessary to enable IP joint extension
(determined preoperatively by the Bouvier test). In
Zancolli’s own modification of the procedure17
the volar plate is then advanced proximally and
sutured under tension to the surrounding perios-
teum. We recommend a modification to this proce-
dure by using a suture anchor to advance the volar
plate proximally and reattach it to the metacarpal
shaft. The MCP joint can then be flexed to the
appropriate degree as determined preoperatively
by the Bouvier test and pinned in place using a K-
wire. The volar plate can then be advanced under
as much tension as possible, giving the surgeon
more confidence that the capsulodesis is not too
tight or too loose. We also recommend sharply
scoring the metacarpal neck to create a bleeding
bony bed to facilitate volar plate reattachment.
This step would be difficult in the original procedure
because of the necessity to conserve as much peri-
osteum as possible. Once the volar plate is secured
with a suture anchor, the K-wire can be removed to
allow for MCP joint flexion and minimize stiffness.
Fig. 10. Flexor tendons reflected laterally, exposing The capsulodesis should be protected with a dorsal
the volar plate. blocking splint, which prevents the terminal 30
MCP joint extension for 6 weeks. MCP joints are
permitted to flex and IP joints mobilized for the first
6 weeks, followed by 6 weeks of splinting only to
using a transverse incision at its most proximal prevent inadvertent sudden hyperextension of the
border followed by longitudinal incisions extending MCP joints.
distally along the radial and ulnar borders of the
metacarpal neck, which releases the accessory Tenodeses
collateral ligament attachments. Proximal tension
with a forceps on this U-shaped flap should induce Several tenodeses have been described that either
MCP joint flexion (Fig. 11). prevent MCP joint hyperextension or produce PIP
joint extension as the MCP joint extension occurs.
Tenodeses that only prevent MCP joint
hyperextension require tendon grafts and have
not shown an advantage over capsulodesis. If the
proximal portion of the tenodesis is attached at
the wrist level, then finger motion is affected by
wrist position. There are several pearls when insert-
ing a tenodesis or tendon transfer into the lateral
bands. When performing a midaxial incision along
the proximal phalanx, use blunt retractors to keep
the neurovascular bundle safely volar. Handle the
lateral bands gently to minimize adhesions, which
may restrict excursion of the extensor mechanism.

Riordan static tenodesis

The tenodesis of Riordan18 is a hand-based tenod-
esis that uses the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) and
extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) tendons, in
which only a strip of each tendon is removed and
its distal insertion is preserved. The width of each
donor tendon is split in half and the split is carried
proximally, preferably to the musculotendinous
Fig. 11. Volar plate incised and advanced proximally. junction. The graft is then reflected in a distal
58 Sapienza & Green

direction and divided into 2 tails, preserving its

distal attachment on the base of the metacarpals
(Fig. 12). Each tail is then tunneled through the
interosseous space and lumbrical canal to reach
the radial side of the corresponding finger. The
MCP joints are then flexed to the appropriate posi-
tion (determined preoperatively by the Bouvier test)
and the grafts are sutured to the intrinsic lateral
band. A period of postoperative splinting is neces-
sary for 4 weeks, maintaining the MCP joints flexed.
The IP joints are left free to allow immediate
mobilization to prevent stiffness and tendon

Fowler’s dynamic tenodesis

Fowler19,20 described a wrist-based tenodesis that
weaved a 4-tailed tendon graft through the
extensor retinaculum. Each tail of the graft is then
passed deep to the transverse metacarpal ligament
and attached to the lateral band (Fig. 13). The
dynamic concept of the tenodesis was that with Fig. 13. Fowler’s dynamic tenodesis.
wrist flexion the graft would tension and because
it was passed volar to the transverse metacarpal
ligament the tension would produce MCP hyperex- it added a level of complexity in correcting a claw
tension joint flexion and IP joint extension. The deformity without a significant improvement over
tenodesis did not gain widespread favor because the simpler capsulodesis procedure. This tenode-
sis does not improve grip strength because it
does not add a motor unit for finger flexion and it
does not use synergistic wrist extension during
grip activities.

Srinivasan tenodesis
Srinivasan21 described “the extensor diversion graft
operation” for correcting claw deformity and
reducing the disability of the intrinsic minus fingers
seen in leprosy. The procedure was designed to re-
balance the extrinsic extensor dominance at the
MCP joint to improve hyperextension and to allow
the PIP joints to remain moderately extended
when the extrinsic flexors exerted their action on
the fingers. Conceptually, this would allow a more
synchronous grasp by allowing the MCP joints to
flex with the IP joints instead of after as seen with
intrinsic palsy. The procedure inserted a free tendon
graft, which was attached to the extrinsic extensor
just proximal to the MCP joint, passed volar to the
transverse metacarpal ligament, and distally
attached to the lateral bands. The surgery had to
be performed under local anesthetic to set the
Fig. 12. Schematic Riordan tenodesis. One-half of
tension on the graft. One or 2 test stitches were in-
ECRL and one-half of ECU are used (A) and split into
serted and the patient was asked to extend the
a total of 4 tails. Each tail is then routed volar to the
deep transverse metacarpal ligament and attached
finger. If the claw deformity was undercorrected
to the lateral band (B). (Reprinted from Riordan DC. then the finger went into hyperextension at the
Tendon transplantations in median and ulnar-nerve MCP joint and flexion at the IP joint. If the deformity
paralysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1953;35:317; with was overcorrected then the finger assumed an
permission.) intrinsic-plus position, with deficient flexion at the
Correction of the Claw Hand 59

MCP joint and full extension at the IP joint. Although Dynamic Transfers
the concept of rebalancing the extensor apparatus
Dynamic tendon transfers involve transferring
was novel, and most cases did have a correction
functional muscle-tendon units to restore another
of their claw deformity, the investigator noted that
by transferring the working unit to a new location.
it was not possible to predict the functional effect
The transfer should involve sacrificing an expend-
of the operation on the intrinsic minus hand.
able muscle-tendon unit (eg, 1 wrist extensor
donor, extensor carpi radialis brevis [ECRB];
Smith sling tenodesis whereas 2 remain, ECRL and ECU) so that hand
Smith22 described a sling tenodesis in which a graft function remains balanced. Dynamic procedures
was passed around the deep transverse meta- have the disadvantage of being more complex
carpal ligament and sutured to the lateral bands than static procedures. The advantages of
of adjacent fingers. The lateral bands are ap- dynamic procedures involve correction of the
proached through midaxial incisions on the claw deformity, improving grip strength, restora-
opposing sides of the ring and small or middle tion of power pinch (see the article by Lee and
and index fingers. A tendon graft is passed proxi- Wisser elsewhere in this issue for further explora-
mally through one of the midaxial incisions and tion of this topic), and restoring the synchronistic
dorsal to the deep transverse metacarpal liga- flexion of the fingers. There have been 2 proposed
ment. A curved hemostat is then placed in the tendon transfer routes. The volar route involves
other digital incision to retrieve the graft so that it passing the tendon transfer through the carpal
loops around volar to the deep transverse meta- canal and volar to the deep transverse metacarpal
carpal ligament. The graft is sutured into one of ligaments. This technique has been described by
the lateral bands. The MCP joints are flexed to Brand23–25 using a wrist extensor and Bunnell26
30 , whereas the IP joints are extended and the using a flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS). Brand
graft is secured to the other lateral band while also described his transfer via a dorsal route that
under tension (Fig. 14). This tenodesis produced places the tendon transfer though the intermeta-
PIP joint extension as MCP joint extension carpal spaces, then volar to the deep transverse
occurred but did not have a significant impact on metacarpal ligaments and through the lumbrical
synchronous finger flexion and did not augment canals.
grip strength. There have been 4 described tendon insertion
sites (Fig. 15). Brand and Bunnell attached the
transferred tendon to the lateral band of the
extensor apparatus. Zancolli lassoed his tendon
transfer around the A1 pulley, and Omer27 modi-
fied the procedure to loop around the A2 pulley.
Burkhalter and Strait28 fixed the transferred
tendon to the proximal phalanx via bone tunnels
(Fig. 16).
In deciding which insertion site to use the
surgeon needs to revisit the Bouvier test. If the

Fig. 15. Four digital insertion sites: the A1 pulley, A2

pulley, lateral band, and bone insertion. (Reprinted
from Donald HL, Rodriguez JA. Tendon transfers for
restoring hand intrinsic muscle function: a biomechan-
ical study. J Hand Surg Am 1999;24(3):609–13; with
Fig. 14. Smith sling tenodesis. permission.)
60 Sapienza & Green

Fig. 16. (A–C) 2.0-mm drill hole is used for both cortices, with the near cortex further enlarged with a 2.7-mm
drill. (Reprinted from Hastings H. Ulnar nerve paralysis. In: Strickland JW, Graham TJ, editors. Master techniques
in orthopaedic surgery: the hand. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 224; with

Bouvier test is positive then by definition has the potential of inhibiting FDP gliding because
the extensor mechanism is competent to extend of the increased bulk within the sheath because the
the IP joints and the surgeon can consider insert- FDS tendon is folded back on itself at the level of
ing the tendon transfer into the pulleys of the the Camper chiasm. Another pitfall is that some
tendon sheath or directly into the bone of the prox- patients have significant joint laxity and have hy-
imal phalanx. The advantage of these insertion perextensible PIP joints. In these individuals, if
sites is that it is easier to set the tension of the the FDS tendon is released at its distal insertion
transfer. The usefulness of the bone tunnel inser- on the middle phalanx then the patient may
tion site can also be recognized because it has develop a swan-neck deformity from the unop-
the advantage of a strong bone-tendon interface. posed pull of the extrinsic extensors. In these indi-
If the Bouvier test is negative, then IP joint exten- viduals leaving a stump of the FDS at the level of
sion can be accomplished only if the tendon is the PIP joint allows it to scar down to the sheath
transferred into the lateral bands. and creates a tether to minimize hyperextension,
or the surgeon can suture the stump directly to
the sheath to ensure its tethering action.
FDS Transfers
Zancolli lasso Stiles-Bunnell transfer
The Zancolli17 lasso procedure creates a function- Stiles in 192231 was the first author to describe
ally dynamic tenodesis in which each FDS is a tendon transfer to the lateral bands to restore
divided at its insertion on the middle phalanx, intrinsic function. Bunnell modified the technique
looped around its corresponding A1 pulley, and by transferring all the FDS tendons to the lateral
sutured back onto itself to provide flexion of the bands of both sides of each clawed digit.26,32 He
MCP joints (Fig. 17). By definition this is a dynamic found that this transfer was too powerful and
transfer, but because it involves rerouting the inser- caused swan-neck deformities. Littler33 further
tion of a finger flexor, no change in grip strength modified the technique to use 1 FDS tendon to
occurs.29 This procedure is good for diffuse paral- motor 2 to 4 digits. Midaxial incisions on the radial
ysis or if limited donor tendons are available. The border of each digit are used to expose the lateral
procedure improves the appearance and function band and flexor sheath. A window in the A3 pulley
of a claw hand only if the Bouvier test is positive. is used to divide the middle or ring FDS tendon
A modification of the Zancolli lasso uses only distally. The tendon is then retrieved through
one-half of the FDS tendon of the middle finger.30 a midpalmar incision, split longitudinally into 2 to
Omer27 also modified the procedure to loop the 4 tails, and each tail is passed through the lumbr-
tendon around the A2 pulley. The Zancolli lasso ical canal volar to the deep metacarpal ligament
Correction of the Claw Hand 61

Fig. 17. The Zancolli lasso procedure: the FDS tendon is released from its insertion (B) and sutured back to itself
over the A1 pulley (A, C). (Reprinted from Tse R, Hentz VR, Yao J. Late reconstruction for ulnar nerve palsy. Hand
Clin 2007:23(3):383; with permission.)

and attached to the lateral bands (Figs. 18 and 19). Tension on the graft is set by using 50% of the
A strong muscle that was previously the prime available excursion with the wrist neutral, the
flexor of the PIP joint now becomes the prime MCP joints flexed to 60 , and IP joints extended.
extensor of that same joint and leaves the FDP After transfer into the lateral bands, the wrist
as the only digital flexor. The sublimus and profun- is splinted in neutral with MCP joints flexed
dus no longer act synergistically, and reeducation to 60 and IP joints extended for 1 month. If the
for them to act reciprocally can be difficult. Bouvier test is positive then the tendon can be
sutured into either the A2 pulley34 or inserted into
a bone tunnel on the radial aspect of the proximal
phalanx and tied over a button.28 If the transfer is
into the proximal phalanx or A2 pulley then the IP
joints are allowed to immediately mobilize,
whereas the wrist and MCP joints remain splinted

Fig. 18. Middle FDS split into 2 tails and passed down
the lumbrical canals of ring and small fingers. Fig. 19. FDS tendon transfer into the lateral bands.
62 Sapienza & Green

for 1 month. Brand23 noted that when performing

the FDS tendon transfer the residual stump had
scarred down to the sheath in a sort of bowstring
across the PIP joint, preventing extension. On
excising the bowstring, full joint extension could
be obtained. Based on these findings Brand
recommended sectioning the FDS tendon exactly
at its insertion. A swan-neck deformity can be
a complication of this procedure, especially if the
patient has hyperlax joints. To minimize this defor-
mity in individuals with significant joint laxity we
recommend not sectioning the FDS tendon at its
distal most insertion, but instead leaving a stump
that can scar down to the surrounding sheath
and form a volar tether.

Wrist motor transfers

Using a wrist extensor or flexor can correct claw
deformity and increase grip strength. Whenever
a wrist motor is used it must be prolonged with
a free tendon graft (palmaris longus, plantaris, toe
extensor, fascia lata) to achieve digital insertion. Fig. 20. Brand I transfer.
Brand suggested performing transfers to all digits
because although the median-innervated lumbri-
an interweave suture. This procedure creates
cals can prevent a claw deformity, they may not
a 2-tailed graft that can then be further split longi-
have the strength to produce strong MCP joint
tudinally to create 4 tails. Radial midaxial incisions
flexion when resistance is encountered.
and dorsal metacarpal incisions are created to
allow passage of the tails of the tendon graft
Brand ECRB or ECRL transfer
from the dorsal wrist, through the lumbrical canals
Littler33 initially described and Brand23 popular-
to lie volar to the deep transverse metacarpal
ized the procedure that involved a dorsal-based
ligament (Figs. 21 and 22).
transfer (the so-called Brand I) for the treatment
Depending on the results of the Bouvier test, the
of the paralytic claw hand. The procedure routed
tails can then be inserted into the flexor sheath,
the ECRB prolonged with a 4-tailed graft through
proximal phalanx (Fig. 23), or laterals bands
the intermetacarpal spaces, then volar to the
as discussed earlier.
deep transverse metacarpal ligaments, and
Tensioning of the transfer is obtained using 50%
attached to the lateral bands (Fig. 20). We recom-
of the available excursion and inserting the transfer
mend this transfer because it uses the synergistic
with the wrist held in 30 of extension and the MCP
action of wrist extension, MCP joint flexion, and IP
joints in 45 of flexion. If transferring to the lateral
joint extension. In addition to improving claw
bands, the IP joints should also be held in
deformity and synchronistic finger flexion, it
improves grip strength by transferring a strong
wrist extensor to finger flexor and leaving
balanced wrist extension via the ECRL and ECU.
Like any of the tendon transfers that take a single
motor and split it to empower 4 digits, it can be
difficult to obtain an even distribution of force
to the recipient digits. For this reason the technical
ease of setting the tension to just 2 recipient digits
can be considered (eg, a low ulnar palsy in which
only the ring and small finger show clawing).
The ECRB tendon is divided at the base of the
third metacarpal and mobilized while maintaining
its position under the wrist retinaculum. A plantaris
or toe extensor tendon graft (the palmaris longus is
often too short) is woven through a slit 1 cm from Fig. 21. Tendon passer placed volar to deep meta-
the end of the ECRB secured to the ECRB using carpal ligament.
Correction of the Claw Hand 63

transfer.24,35 Brand’s patient population was

mostly patients with ulnar and median nerve palsy
caused by leprosy. We recommend caution when
using this transfer, especially in patients who do
not have a median nerve palsy, because of the
risk of iatrogenic injury when passing the grafts or
by increasing the contents of the carpal canal.1

Riordan flexor carpi radialis (FCR) transfer

Patients with long-standing claw deformity often
Fig. 22. Dorsal tendon graft routed volar to deep
have a compensatory flexed posture of the wrist in
transverse metacarpal ligament.
attempting finger extension (see Fig. 8). Riordan20
described detaching the FCR from its insertion,
transferring it to the dorsal side of the forearm, pro-
extension. Proper tensioning of the transfer can be longing it with tendon grafts, and then continuing its
assessed with the wrist held in neutral and noting insertion in a similar fashion to the Brand I transfer
the MCP joints resting with a flexion attitude of 75 . described earlier. This transfer overcame the
Brand24 in 1961 described a volar-based transfer compensatory wrist hyperflexion deformity by re-
(Brand II) that routed the prolonged ECRL around routing the wrist flexor dorsally. Alternatively, the
the radial side of the wrist by tunneling it deep to FCR can be left on the volar side of the forearm,
the brachioradialis, then through the carpal tunnel, with the prolonged tails routed through the carpal
and inserting into each digit as described for the tunnel dorsal to the median nerve and flexor
Brand I transfer. The rationale for this modification tendons and inserted in a similar fashion to the
was to overcome the reeducation component of Brand II transfer described earlier. Like the Brand
the Brand I transfer and minimize adhesions that II transfer, there is the potential risk of median nerve
often occurred where the tendon graft perforated dysfunction.
the interosseous membrane in the dorsal-based
Palmaris longus transfer
Antia36 described the benefits of using the palma-
ris longus as the motor donor, prolonged with
tendon grafts, routed through the carpal tunnel,
and inserted in a similar fashion to the Brand II
transfer. The main function of the palmaris longus
is to help cup the hand, and it has a negligible
contribution to wrist flexion. It is present in 75%
to 80% of the population.37 It has the mechanical
advantage of a direct line of pull. Reeducation of
the palmaris transfer after surgery is easy because
it contracts whenever the thumb is opposed to the
extended digits. Taylor38 in 2004 compared the
clinical outcome of the palmaris longus 4-tailed
tendon transfer with the extensor to flexor 4-tailed
transfer (Brand II) to correct intrinsic paralysis of
the hand in leprosy. After an average follow-up of
33 months the study found there was no statisti-
cally significant difference between the 2 groups
in terms of active extension lag at the PIP joint,
technical outcome, and patient satisfaction. The
palmaris longus falls short of providing the
combined strength of the intrinsic muscles of the
hand.35 Although it does not provide a significant
Fig. 23. Tendon graft seated into bone tunnel in prox- improvement in grip strength it can diminish the
imal phalanx and tied over a button. (Reprinted from clawed appearance of 1 or 2 digits.
Hastings H. Ulnar nerve paralysis. In: Strickland JW,
Graham TJ, editors. Master techniques in orthopae- Fowler extensor indicis proprius: EDQ transfer
dic surgery: the hand. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Fowler, in a 1946 personal communication at
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 224; with Valley Forge Hospital as described by Riordan,18,20
permission.) split the extensor indicis proprius (EIP) and EDQ
64 Sapienza & Green

into 2 tails each and passed the tails volar to the

transverse metacarpal ligaments through
the lumbrical canals and inserted into the lateral
bands of each digit. In an isolated ulnar nerve
palsy, Riordan20 modified the procedure to split
the EIP into 2 tails and transfer it to the ring and
small finger lateral bands only. In a combined
median and ulnar nerve palsy, Riordan added
a tendon graft to the EIP to create a 4-tailed graft
and transfer it to the lateral bands of each digit.
Like the other dynamic procedures, the tendon
transfer can also be inserted into the proximal
phalanx or flexor sheath depending on the Bouvier
test. A pearl to the procedure is that the tendons
should be harvested with a portion of the extensor
hood to provide enough length for reinsertion.
Careful closure of the extensor hood is necessary
to prevent MCP joint extensor lag and extensor
tendon subluxation. The disadvantage of these
transfers is that they lack the strength to signifi-
cantly affect grip, and because they are antago-
nists to digital flexion, reeducation may also be Fig. 24. The ulnar slip of the extensor digiti minimi is
passed deep to the transverse metacarpal ligament
and inserted into the radial collateral ligament. If
the finger is clawed as well as abducted, it can be in-
serted into the flexor sheath, a bone tunnel in the
Correction of Wartenberg Sign proximal phalanx, or the lateral band. (Reprinted
from Davis TR. Median and ulnar nerve palsy. In:
Several anatomic studies have noted significant Wolfe SW, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC, et al, editors.
variation in the extensor apparatus to the small Green’s operative hand surgery. 6th edition. Philadel-
finger involving the extensor digitorum communis phia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2011. p. 1131;
(EDC), junctura, and EDQ.39–41 The most frequent with permission.)
pattern of the extensor tendons to the small finger
are an absent EDC and a double EDQ with
a double insertion39; another study reported
a similar EDQ pattern, although the EDC to the Chung and colleagues43 reported on the clinical
small finger was present 70% of the time.40 Black- results of the procedure described by Hoch44 in
er and colleagues41 reported that the ulnar slip of which the abducted small finger is corrected by
the duplicated EDQ inserted into the ulnar side of transferring EIP to the distal and radial portion of
the extensor hood at its attachment to the the extensor hood of the MCP joint of the small
abductor tubercle on the proximal phalanx. The finger. The EIP is detached just proximal to the
insertion of the extrinsic extensor ulnar to midline metacarpal head and then the tendinous portion
creates an abduction vector at the MCP joint is elongated by splitting it longitudinally except
when the joint is in extension. If clawing is not for the most distal 1 cm, where a stay suture is
present, small finger abduction deformity can be placed to prevent splitting. The split is carried
corrected by release of the ulnar slip of the EDQ proximally and 1 limb is cut at the musculotendi-
at its insertion, passing it beneath the radial slip, nous junction and turned distally to double the
and inserting it into the radial collateral ligament length of the transferred tendon. Multiple sutures
or radial extensor hood42 of the small finger MCP are used to reinforce the 1-cm junction of the split
joint (Fig. 24). If clawing is present, then the claw tendon limb (Fig. 25). The investigators then in-
and small finger abduction deformities can be cor- serted the transfer to the radial lateral band, but
rected by transfer of the ulnar slip of the EDQ volar it could also be transferred to the flexor sheath
to the deep metacarpal ligament and inserting or bone tunnels in the proximal phalanx as
it into either a bone tunnel in the proximal phalanx, described earlier. The transfer is protected in
the flexor sheath, or the radial lateral band (de- a short-arm splint with the wrist extended 30
pending on the Bouvier test). If the Bouvier test and MCP joints in 70 of flexion. After 2 weeks,
is negative, then IP joint extension can be active motion is then allowed. At a mean follow-
improved by an insertion into the lateral band. up of 23 months all patients had obtained active
Correction of the Claw Hand 65

Fig. 25. The EIP tendon is splint longitudinally into 2

parts except for the most distal 1 cm, where a stay
suture is placed to prevent splitting. One of the 2 parts Fig. 26. Tenodesis of the paralyzed ulnar-innervated
is cut at the musculotendinous junction and turned flexor digitorum profundus tendons of the small
distally to double the length of the transferred and ring finger to the median-innervated middle
tendon. The junction of the split tendon limb is rein- finger FDP to restore distal IP joint finger flexion. (Re-
forced with multiple sutures. The vector of its pull printed from Davis TR. Median and ulnar nerve palsy.
(arrow) is almost parallel to the third palmar inteross- In: Wolfe SW, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC, et al,
eous muscle (vessel loop). (Reprinted from Chung MS, editors. Green’s operative hand surgery. 6th edition.
Baek GH, Oh JH, et al. Extensor indicis proprius trans- Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2011.
fer for the abducted small finger. J Hand Surg Am p. 1131; with permission.)
2008;33(3):395; with permission.)

adduction of the small finger without any loss of REFERENCES

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