Irc SP 112 2017
Irc SP 112 2017
Irc SP 112 2017
to be rectified. Generally, the contract specifies a definite time period of rectification for each
type of distress. Accordingly, the Contiactor shall prepare a maintenance programme and
carry out the rectification accordingly'
Engineer shall inspect the works at all the 3 stages i.e. before, during and after rectification
anj verify compliance to the requirements of the Specifications. The requirements of sub-
section A.S of this Manual shall apply mutatis mutandis to the various inspection and test
rcquirements during O&M.
Any other tests or surveys required during O&M viz., visual condition surveys, BBD/FWD
and roughness tests shali be carried out in accordance with relevant codes and conformance
to the rJquirements of the agreement shall be verified and ensured. Any non-conformance
shall be processed as per Section 11 of this Manual.
8.8 SamPling
Sampling of the materials should be done with utmost care as the right product may fail on
account of preparing and / or testing a wrong sample and vice versa. Moreover, the consituent
materials of road ire of heterogeneous quality and further subjected to heterogeneous
processes. Hence, sampling done at adjacent locations may still yield different results.
il"nc", statistical procedureJ shall oe appiied for sampling and testing as per Section 10 of
this Manual.
which the
with an excavator if possible. Sample should represent the entire depth up to C
depth of such
contractor proposes to extract. Approval shall indicate the plot number and the
plot. e
8.8.3 SamPling of Stock Piles
Material is generally segregated in the stock
the size of the stock pile. Well Stocked piles u s
But, huge stock piles of 10 to 20 m also are A
collection of samples from such piles' Samp t-
from deep inside the stock pile. Surface samples are generaly segregated. Alternatively,
end loaders can be used to take out samples from deep inside and the required quantity can e
to quartering
be collected from each such scoop. The material so collected shall be subjected €
number and quantity of sample
and coning to arrive at the required sample for testing. The ;
shall be as per lS:383. u
8.8.4 Sampling of Trucks and Pavers
Segregation is possible ateach location in the tA
in the trucks or pavers to avoid segregation. t,
ease if such loading process is followed. lt is
behind the Paver than the hoPPer' t
8.8.5 SamPling on laYers
Sample of b layerwithout affecting the size of the aggregates. \t
In sampling it tter to cut a rectangular section than the core, if
we want g bitumen content. Core, cuts the aggregates and
the gradation or bitumen content found from such samples is not correct. I
Annexure 8.1