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Multivariate Calibration For The Development of Vibrational Spec Methods

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Chapter 3

Multivariate Calibration for the Development of

Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods

Ioan Tomuta, Alina Porfire, Tibor Casian and

Alexandru Gavan

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Vibrational spectroscopy, namely near infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy, is based
on the interaction between the electromagnetic radiation and matter. The technique is
sensitive to chemical and physical properties and delivers a wide range of information
about the analyzed sample, but in order to extract the information, multivariate calibra-
tion of the spectral data is required. The main goal of this work will be to present in
detail the available multivariate calibration strategy for development of NIR and Raman
spectroscopic methods, which was successfully applied in pharmaceutics.

Keywords: multivariate calibration, vibrational spectroscopy, NIR spectroscopy, Raman

spectroscopy, design of experiments

1. Introduction

The development and implementation of vibrational spectroscopic methods such as near infra-
red (NIR) or Raman spectroscopy has increased significantly as the use of computer techno-
logy and chemometric methods has become more available. Considering the pharmaceutical
domain, these methods have been extensively applied to quantify active pharmaceutical ingre-
dients, excipients, or physical properties either as offline method for intermediate/final product
characterization [1] or as real-time-monitoring methods implemented within blending [2],
granulation [3], extrusion [4], tableting [5], coating [6], or freeze-drying processes [7].

The high-throughput analysis associated with vibrational spectroscopy favored its application
to gain better process understanding, sustaining the pharmaceutical product development from
a Quality by Design and Process Analytical Technology point of view [8], thus enhancing the
opportunity to develop well-understood, well-controlled, and continuously optimized manu-
facturing processes and products [5]. The nondestructive nature of vibrational spectroscopic

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36 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

methods is of great importance in the quality evaluation of production batches, as they allow
the testing of a high number of samples or the entire process, depending on the type of method.
Using classical methods, such as chromatography the quality of a 1–3 million tablet batch
is certified on 20–30 tablets, and many functional excipients that directly influence product
performance are not quantified. These limitations are exceeded by implementing process
analytical instruments, such as NIR or Raman [9].
Near infrared spectra are generated by molecular vibrations that imply a change of the dipole
moment (dCH, dNH, dOH, dSH) and are further complicated by overtones and combina-
tion bands that reduce the specificity of spectra. In case of Raman spectroscopy, the spectra are
generated by inelastic scattering, caused by chemical groups that undergo a change in polar-
izability when excited with an incident light beam. These differences in molecular contribution
to the generation of spectral data make the two methods complementary [10].

NIR and Raman spectra are considered a source of multivariate data, as they contain informa-
tion related to physical and chemical properties of the analyzed sample. Thus, the application
of chemometric methods for extracting predictive spectral variability and reducing orthogonal
sources of variation is indispensable [11]. The sensitivity to both physical and chemical prop-
erties of the sample can be considered an advantage, if the analyst wants to predict several
quality attributes of a drug product, such as content uniformity and crystalline structure.
However, if only active content characterization is desired and polymorphism is not consid-
ered to be a critical attribute, but it is present, the calibration phase still has to include both
aspects to ensure the accuracy of prediction for active content. The main disadvantage of
vibrational spectroscopic methods relates to the need of an extensive calibration set that needs
to include chemical, physical, instrumental, and environmental variability that is expected in
future prediction sets and analysis conditions.

Vibrational spectroscopy is well suited to the means of multivariate calibration, as each observation
is characterized by analytical signal/absorbance recorded at multiple wavelengths. Using multiple
predictor variables instead of one wavelength overcomes some univariate calibration problems
related to selectivity, precision, and diagnosis, resulting in a more robust calibration model [12].

2. Calibration set development strategies

The milestone in the development of a vibrational spectroscopic method is the chemometric

model that is able to accurately predict the sample properties considered in calibration phase.
Before building a model, there are several key steps that need to be considered, as they directly
influence its quality and predictive performance. The first step would be the specification of
responses along with variation ranges, followed by the selection of instrumental method and
configuration, building a representative calibration set, recording of spectral data, data pre-
processing, and developing the multivariate regression model that is further tested using
external prediction sets. Each step plays an important role; however, a well-built calibration
set is the best starting point to a well-performing model, as it is the source of spectral data that
is used for further processing and model development.
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 37

In the calibration set development phase, the analyst has to incorporate the expected variabil-
ity of future prediction sets, to ensure the representativeness of the samples. This expected
variability is given first by the quality attributes that are to be predicted, for example, the
concentration ranges of important formulation constituents. Frequently, this is not enough for
a robust model, and other type of variability has to be included in the calibration process, such
as process-induced variability or environmental variability. Production samples contain
process-induced variability; however, constructing a calibration set solely on production sam-
ples is not appropriate as the factor ranges do not cover the required interval. A first option
would be to prepare pilot-plant samples reproducing full-scale conditions. As the number of
responses increases, the calibration set becomes larger and quickly becomes unfeasible due to
the high costs of production. The second option would be to prepare laboratory samples in
which the concentration ranges of desired components are varied simultaneously within
appropriate ranges to avoid correlations [13].
The calibration set development strategy applied for the development of quantitative spectro-
scopic methods depends on the sample complexity (the number of responses and the number
of interfering factors included in the calibration) and on the type of method that is developed,
here considering off-line or real-time-monitoring methods. In the following section, a descrip-
tion of calibration opportunities will be provided starting from the simplest cases and heading
toward more complex situations.

2.1. Different levels of the investigated property

The most simple calibration situations include a low number of responses, one or two, here
considering a chemical and a physical property of a sample. In this case, the calibration set
development strategy simply resumes to the preparation of a sample with different levels of
the investigated property. Mbinze et al. developed quantitative NIR and Raman methods for
the assay of antimalarial oral drops and prepared a calibration set by diluting a stock solution
of quinine to obtain three concentration levels. For each level, three series with three replicates
were prepared resulting in a calibration set with 27 samples [14]. Tomuta et al. used NIR to
characterize meloxicam tablets by evaluating content uniformity, tablet hardness, disintegra-
tion, and friability. For content uniformity assay, the calibration set included active ingredient
concentration range (five levels), days (three), and batches (three) as a source of variation,
whereas in the case of physical properties assay the middle formulation was compressed on
seven levels of compression force, ranging from 5 to 42 kN. Compressing the powder mixture
with different forces yielded tablets with different hardness, disintegration, and friability.
Different settings of a one-process factor were enough to induce variability in physical proper-
ties of the samples [15]. In a similar study, Tomuta et al. developed NIR method for physico-
chemical characterization of low active content indapamide tablets (2%, w/w) [1]. Virtanen
et al. evaluated the crushing strength of theophylline tablets through Raman spectroscopy by
considering both a process factor and a formulation factor to generate variability in tablet
surface roughness. In this case, the tablets were prepared considering two particle sizes of
theophylline, as raw material for the granulation phase, followed by mixing with lubricants
and by compressing each granulate on five different compression forces [16].
38 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

The impact of polymorphism is a well-recognized phenomenon in the pharmaceutical indus-

try, as the differences in crystalline structure of the same active ingredient generate different
physical properties that get reflected in the quality of the final medicinal product. Croker et al.
developed NIR and Raman methods to quantify FII and FIII of nootropic drug-piracetam from
binary mixtures using a calibration set of 15 formulations with FII ranging from 0 to 100% [17].
Gómez et al. calibrated a Raman method for the content uniformity control of low-dosebreak-
scored acenocumarol tablets by under and overdosing the powdered commercial medicinal
product, by adding either lactose or the active pharmaceutical ingredient to the mixture. Two
commercial products with different content uniformity were considered and the two calibra-
tion sets included 7 samples in the range of 1–3% (w/w) and 12 samples in the range of 0.35–
1.50% [18]. Creating calibration sets by under-overdosing samples can result in correlated
concentrations between API and excipients [19]. Collinearity between concentrations leads to
spurious predictions by attributing changes to the correlated formulation component instead
of the real contributor [20].
Changing the production scale generates samples that incorporate different types of variability
from the primary conditions through which the calibration set was prepared. As laboratory-
prepared samples lack manufacturing variability, the accuracy of prediction may be affected
for production prediction sets. This limitation has been exceeded by extending the calibration
set with production samples [13], adjusting the sampling strategy, pre-conditioning the cali-
bration set to future expected environmental conditions [21], or by mathematically adding
process variability to laboratory samples [20].
Blanco et al. developed NIR methods to control individual steps of paracetamol tablet
manufacturing, resuming to an intermediate granulation step and tableting. Prior to building a
calibration model, both laboratory-prepared samples and industrial production samples were
taken into account to evaluate the eventual spectral differences. In case of the granule-active
content assay, the calibration set was built solely on laboratory-prepared samples, whereas in the
case of tablet assay the differences between laboratory and production samples made the cali-
bration set include both, in order to ensure representativeness. For granule particle size charac-
terization, samples collected over a period of 2 years ensured the presence of future expected
variability in prediction set [22].
Blanco et al. used NIR to characterize mirtazapine tablets in terms of content uniformity and
tablet hardness. For active ingredient content, the calibration set included production tablets
from 20 batches and 34 laboratory-prepared samples, whereas for tablet hardness the laboratory
samples were compacted in the range of 300–740 MPa. Including production samples for both
responses reduced the systematic errors and gave better predictions [13]. By adding spectra from
different manufacturing scales to the calibration set, the spectral variability becomes more
representative, an important aspect for prediction accuracy. As the number of manufacturing
samples is lower compared to the initial calibration set, proper weighting is necessary to avoid
the dominating tendency of the larger dataset. To this regard, Farrel et al. applied Tikhonov
regularization as a multi-criterion-based weighting selection method to augment the perfor-
mance of NIR models regarding their ability to predict production scale products [23].
Blanco et al. proposed a method to incorporate physical variability that originates from pro-
duction into the calibration. The concept relies on calculating a process spectrum, which added
to the laboratory sample spectra incorporates process-related physical changes. The process
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 39

spectrum represents the difference between the laboratory sample spectrum and the interme-
diate/final product spectra of an identical composition prepared on a different scale. The vari-
ability given by the process spectra can be further increased by multiplying the data with
different coefficients [20, 24].
In situations where solid-state transformations occur within the manufacturing process, it is
frequently desired to construct the calibration set with components obtained through the same
method to have more representative formulations. Netchacovitch et al. used Raman spectros-
copy to determine crystalline itraconazole in amorphous solid dispersions prepared by hot-
melt extrusion. Calibration set included three levels of concentration and was built by using
crystalline API powder, six batches of grinded extrudates with amorphous API, and placebo-
grinded extrudate [25].

Pan et al. calibrated NIR method for the quantification of low-level Irbesartan Form B from
pharmaceutical tablets. Form B is known to have a limited solubility and is formed from Form
A via a solution-mediated process. To incorporate physical variability into the calibration set,
the sample preparation procedure supposed the use of specifications similar to the manu-
facturing process. The robustness of the method to process induced physical variability, the
effect of tablet hardness, granule size, and atmospheric humidity was evaluated. It was dem-
onstrated that the prediction accuracy was influenced only by relative humidity, generating a
positive bias in samples stored at 50%RH. Therefore, the entire calibration and validation was
reconsidered by pre-conditioning the samples at 25 C and 50%RH for 20 h, prior to recording
the spectra and building the model. This way, the robustness of the method was increased to
future expected variations in environmental conditions [21].

2.2. Design of experiment strategy

As the number of factors increases, the calibration set becomes more complex and different
strategies have to be applied to avoid correlated responses. If two formulation components C1
and C2 are correlated, a change in the concentration of C1 can be spuriously predicted as a
change in C2. In DoE, factors are varied simultaneously in a systematic manner, providing
orthogonality, an essential condition for estimating regression coefficients [26]. There are
several design types that can be used for calibration purposes, starting from the classic full
factorials down to central composite, mixture, or D-optimal designs. Considering more com-
plex formulations, NIR spectroscopy has been applied to determine the amount of amoxicillin
in the presence of seven other excipients. By applying a three-factor (API, saccharose, and
other excipients) experimental design, the concentration of factors was varied orthogonally
[27]. Ferreira et al. used a calibration set prepared according to a DoE with three factors:
hydrochlorothyazide, cellulose, and other excipients to train a NIR method for the quantifica-
tion of the active ingredient in pharmaceutical samples [28].
Li et al. calibrated Raman method to quantify active ingredient content considering the pres-
ence of different sources of variability: degradation compound, relative humidity, change of
scales, and compression force. Laboratory samples were prepared based on a 32 full-factorial
design where the active ingredient ranged between 80 and 120%, from which a subset of
samples were spiked with the degradation product, added in two molar ratios. Each powder
mixture was compacted at 8 and 30 kN in laboratory scale and three design points were
compacted at manufacturing scale [29]. Casian et al. developed NIR and Raman methods for
40 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

the quantification of two APIs found in significantly different concentrations from immediate
release tablets. The calibration set was built on a full-factorial design with two factors and five
levels with a total of 25 formulations [10]. The use of full-factorial designs is feasible with two
factors if five levels of variation are used [52]. Adding one more factor will generate 125
experimental runs that are impractical [26, 53].
Netchacovitch et al. calibrated a Raman method to quantify low-level polymorphic impurities
in a pharmaceutical formulation through a 12-run central-composite experimental design [25].
Central composite designs are extensions of the two-level full-factorial designs that are built by
adding symmetrically axial points. Dependent on the position of axial points, factors can be
varied on three levels (central composite face-centered design) or five levels (central composite
circumscribed) [26].
Short et al. used NIR to evaluate relative density and crushing strength of four component
tablets. Compared to other studies, where only the compaction pressure was considered as a
factor to induce variability in the investigated response, in this case formulation composition
was varied also. The calibration set consisted of 29 formulations (mixture design) with each
formulation being compressed at different pressures [30]. Lyndgaard et al. developed a Raman
method to quantify paracetamol content from tablets through blisters. The calibration set
included 18 formulations, selected on the basis of a ternary mixture design (paracetamol,
starch, and sucrose) with each factor being varied on six levels [31]. Igne et al. evaluated the
effect of API physical form, excipient particle size, different manufacturer, and changes in
environmental conditions on the performance of a NIR model. The calibration samples were
prepared according to a 29-run quaternary mixture design with every formulation being
compressed at two of five different forces. Only changes in the particle size of lactose produced
biased predictions in both ambient and chamber conditions. The authors tested variable-
selection methods to increase method robustness to raw material variability [32].

Griffen et al. used Raman spectroscopy to quantify all tablet constituents, three active ingredients
and two excipients. In this case, the calibration set was built on a first-order (linear) five-level,
five-factor mixture design that uniformly covered the concentration ranges of the components.
The concentration of individual components ranged from 1 to 85% (w/w) [33]. Mixture designs
are well suited for formulation application, where the sum of all ingredients adds up to 100%
and where factors cannot be manipulated independently one from another. Porfire et al. used a
D-optimal design with three variables and five levels to build a calibration set with 63 formula-
tions with the purpose of quantifying encapsulated simvastatin and two functional excipients L-
α-phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol from liposomes [34]. Saraguca et al. developed an NIR
method to simultaneously quantify paracetamol and three other excipients from powder blends
using a calibration set constructed on a 40-run D-optimal mixture design [19].

A D-optimal design is frequently applied for a high number of factors as it gives a lower number
of runs compared to factorial designs. The D-letter originates from its criterion of selecting the
best subset of factor combinations from a pool of theoretically possible combinations, which relies
on maximizing the X’X matrix Determinant [26]. In another study, Heinz et al. trained NIR and
Raman to quantify ternary mixtures of alpha, gamma, and amorphous forms of indomethacin
from ternary mixtures using a 13-sample calibration set built on a cubic model experimental
design [35]. Lin et al. developed an at-line blend uniformity NIR method for simultaneous
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 41

quantification of four active ingredients with structural similarity, found in different concentra-
tions. Calibration was built on six formulations, where five factors (four APIs and one diluent)
were varied on six levels while avoiding correlations. The performance of the model was
improved by adding a set of spectral data from a different production scale [43].
When DoE is used, correlations are significantly reduced dependent on the type of design,
number of factors, and experimental runs. However, an increased number of factors will
require a high number of experimental runs to avoid collinearity, which rapidly increases the
costs. Several papers have addressed the question of how many samples are needed to ensure
a robust calibration [19]. The fact that models with similar performance were developed on a
reduced design compared to its full-factorial counterpart suggests the presence of redundant
information in full-factorial designs [36].

Saraguca proposed a method that relies on building the model on a limited number of samples
and uses the remaining formulations to test the predictive performance in terms of RMSECV
and RMSEP. In the following steps, the calibration set was extended by transferring one formu-
lation at a time from the test set until the calculated cross-validation and prediction errors
stabilized. The sample selection procedure focused on maximizing the concentration variability
of all components [19].
Alam et al. proposed a method for calibration set development in spectral space instead of
concentration space. Orthogonality in spectral response will yield a better estimation of coeffi-
cients with a minimum number of samples, while orthogonality in concentration space will not
necessarily translate into spectral orthogonality, as the contribution of each component to the
sample spectrum is different. The method is based on decomposing the pure component
spectra of a formulation into orthogonal directions (scores), which will be varied around a
model tablet score through DoE. The model tablet score represents the score of the spectra
recorded on a target formulation projected onto the orthonormal basis vector of the pure
components spectra. After designing the spectral space calibration set, the composition of each
spectra is retrieved by mathematical means [37].

2.3. Calibration strategy for calibration in-line monitoring methods

The application of vibrational spectroscopy for in-line monitoring implies the use of fiber optic
probes mounted at the interface of the process itself to acquire spectral data with a defined
rate. The simplest way to calibrate an in-line method is to acquire real-time spectra through the
entire process length along with collecting samples at regular intervals. The response values
obtained through reference methods are correlated with the spectral data, considering the
process time as a link between the two [38–40]. More extensive calibrations also evaluate the
effect of sample presentation, changing process, and formulation parameters, to challenge the
robustness of the methods.

For coating application, the calibration strategy relies on the linear variation of spectral
response as the contribution of the coating material increases and the tablet core contribution
decreases [41]. Moes et al. developed quantitative NIR method using three batches of tablets
by varying the tablet core weight (240–200–160 g) and the amount of coating suspension
resulting in different coating thicknesses [42]. Möltgen et al. used five full-scale experimental
42 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

runs to develop a quantitative NIR method (one run) and to evaluate the effect of changing
exhaust air temperature and spray rate (two runs) and the effect of tablet density and flow
motion in the coater (two runs). For quantitative calibration, samples were collected through
the entire process and analyzed using reference methods [6]. For the quantification of coating
thickness by means of Raman spectroscopy, Kauffman et al. calibrated the method by consid-
ering film thickness and film composition variables. Tablets were coated on five levels ranging
0.5–6% weight gain by varying their residence time in the coater. As for film composition, three
different TiO2 levels were evaluated due to the strong Raman signal of this component offering
the potential for an indirect measure [41]. In the case of thin coatings, the generation of a
calibration set can become a difficult task and can become limited due to the lack of reference
methods. In this situation, an alternative to classical regression methods would be the Science-
Based Calibration (SBC) approach, which allows the calibration without a reference method by
separating spectral variability into orthogonal (covariance matrix) and predictive parts (related
to the coating). Möltgen et al. applied SBC to develop quantitative NIR method for in-line
evaluation of thin hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) coatings through four experimen-
tal runs. For calibration, the pure HPMC spectrum was used as the coating response spectrum
and the covariance matrix included hardware, core, water, and process-related noise. The
method developed without reference samples predicted accurately coating thickness values
in the range of 8–28 μm demonstrating the value of SBC [43].
In order to predict granule moisture content in a six-segmented fluid bed dryer through NIR
spectroscopy, a calibration set of 20 experiments was applied. Granules were prepared with
five moisture levels by varying the drying air temperature and drying time. Each moisture
level had four replicates prepared on two different days [3].

Clavaud et al. developed a global regression model for moisture content estimation from freeze-
dried medicine. As expected, the calibration set was extensive, including three types of active
ingredient with different concentrations, different vial diameters, and excipient amounts. To
include intra- and inter-product variability, 5 batches and 100 samples were used for each product
[44]. Martinez et al. calibrated NIR method for in-line quantification of two active ingredients in a
batch-blending process by investigating the influence of sample presentation. With regard to this,
the high-loading API was used either in the form of a cohesive powder or in a granular form
prepared by melt-extrusion. The observed spectral differences were resumed to the polymer
wavelength absorption band that coincided with the water region. The offline calibration of the
method was built on 13 samples which included both forms of the high-loading API [2].

Wahl et al. evaluated in-line the content uniformity of ternary mixtures with an NIR mounted
on the feed frame of a tablet press. For calibration, the active ingredient and two excipients
concentrations were varied through eight experiments selected by means of a D-optimal
design and two extra runs added to ensure equidistant steps in the content of each component.
Spectral data were recorded in a dynamic acquisition mode, simulating real conditions [5].

Karande et al. developed NIR method for real-time monitoring of tableting based on a 105-
sample calibration set generated through a simplex lattice design with four factors (chlorphen-
iramine maleate, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, and magnesium stearate). Prior to building
the calibration, the effect of sampling was evaluated by recording NIR spectra in both static
and dynamic conditions. The differences between measurements revealed the importance of
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 43

ensuring similar sampling conditions for calibration as for actual real-time monitoring [9]. For
another application, Karande et al. evaluated the effect of different spectral-sampling strategies
on the performance of an NIR model, to accurately predict blend components in quaternary
mixtures. Calibration samples (24 formulations-D-optimal mixture design) were recorded in
three ways: laboratory mixing and static spectral acquisition; IBC (intermediate bulk con-
tainer) mixing and static spectral acquisition; IBC mixing and dynamic spectral acquisition.
Dynamic sampling yielded the best calibration model with highest accuracy, demonstrating
the importance of selecting similar sampling conditions to the actual testing [45].

Based on the presented examples found in literature, the most frequently applied methods to
design a calibration set were as follows:
• One chemical/physical property: formulations with three to five levels of variation for the
response that span the desired range of concentration/physical property.
• One chemical and one physical property: formulations with three to five levels of varia-
tion for the chemical response and for the physical property calibration are considered
only for target formulation (five levels).
• Two chemical/physical properties: any type of DoE (full-factorial, central composite, mix-
ture design, D-optimal) to avoid collinearity and spurious predictions.
• Three chemical/physical properties: simple lattice mixture designs or D-optimal designs.

• In-line methods: models built by correlating sampled product properties with in-line
collected spectra. Most rigorous studies also investigated the effect of process parameters
on the NIR spectra.

3. Handling chemical, physical, and environmental interferences

The dependence of the NIR spectra on the sample’s chemical and physical properties caused
by absorption and scatter effects can be an advantage of this type of spectroscopy, but at the
same time, the scatter effects caused by sample variations or even by environmental phenom-
ena can create a series of analytical problems. In such cases, each type of interferences has to be
considered in the calibration model development. In the following section, the importance of
chemical, physical, and environmental interferences will be described, providing insights on
specific spectral variations produced by each category and highlighting how to handle them in
order to increase model robustness [1, 2].

Generally, a quality NIR analysis should provide a model that manages a correct interconnec-
tion of the spectral variables with the samples properties of interest. At the same time, an ideal
calibration model will not react to instrument variation, environmental changes, background
interferences, and will be mostly focused on the information of interest. Chemometrics is the
science that enables the extraction of relevant information, as well as the reduction of unrelated
information as well as interfering parameters.
Spectral interferences resulting from variable physico-chemical sample properties (e.g., parti-
cle size variation and moisture content) or instrumental effects (e.g., path-length variation,
44 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

light scattering, and random noise) can be reduced, eliminated, or standardized by using
spectral pretreatments, prior to the multivariate data analysis [3]. Since the correct selection of
spectral pretreatment can significantly improve the reliability of the model, this topic will be
discussed in the following paragraphs. The most common pre-processing techniques can be
divided into two groups: pretreatments for spectral normalization and for smoothing/differ-
entiation. The first group achieves spectral normalization through scatter-correction methods.
Scatter effects are common for all spectroscopic techniques and the phenomenon appears
mostly because of the physical variabilities between samples or path-length variations. Two
of those pre-processing concepts are standard normal variate (SNV) and multiplicative scatter
correction (MSC) which also normalize the baseline shifts of different samples [4, 5]. The
second set of pre-processing methods has the capacity to reduce or remove the noise by
smoothing and differentiating the spectral values. The most common spectral derivatives are
based on the Savitzky-Golay (SG) [6] and the Norris-Williams algorithms [7].

In most cases, in order to obtain best results, there is the need to apply both types of
pretreatment techniques one after the other. Peeters et al. tested both types of pre-processings
not only to reduce light scattering effects but also to minimize peak shifts of Raman and NIR
spectra. They applied SNV, MSC, and first and second derivatives obtained by calculating 15-
point quadratic Savitzky-Golay filters, in order to develop a method for the off-line prediction
of tablet properties [8]. Sylvester et al. developed an in-line NIR-monitoring method for a
freeze-drying process using the SNV pre-processing in order to remove multiplicative interfer-
ences caused by scatter and particle size variations and the first Savitzky-Golay derivative to
reduce baseline shifts and to improve the spectral resolution [9]. The successful development
of a real-time method for monitoring continuous powder flow from a tableting machine feeder
was described by Alam et al. Savitzky-Golay derivatization was first applied for smoothing,
followed by SNV for scatter correction [10]. Environmental interferences can be caused by
sample, instrument, or even laboratory variations; this type of interferences causes misalign-
ments or shifts of the spectra and is commonly overcome by applying alignment/warping
techniques to the data [3]. Those methods stretch or compress the signal in order to match it
in the best way possible with a given reference spectra [11, 12].

All pre-processing methods have the purpose to reduce the undesirable variability and inter-
ferences from the data, but there is always a risk of choosing an inappropriate type or applying
a severe pre-processing that would also remove valuable information. Because of this, choos-
ing the correct technique is one of the most important steps in data pre-processing and model

A last useful solution to deal with problems caused by interferences is wavelength selection
method. The model development can be done based on the specific spectral domain that
contains the information of interest. In order to select the domain of interest or to eliminate
irrelevant wavelength domains, principal component analysis (PCA) can be performed. Prior
to the PCA, the collected spectra should be pre-processed and column centered, then the
analysis can be performed on the data matrix. Finally, the variables should be selected
according to high peak loadings obtained for all relevant principal components (PCs), and the
position of the resulting features should be compared with the original spectrum to validate
the selection.
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 45

4. Data pre-processing

During the development of a multivariate calibration model, systematic variation such as

baseline shifts and scatter effects, not relevant for the prediction of the response variables (Y),
is present in predictor variables (X). Pre-processing methods are used in order to remove the
systematic variation not related to the Y-matrix, which might impair the interpretation or
predictive ability of the developed model.

The main goals of data-pre-processing are the following:

a. improvement of the robustness and accuracy of subsequent analyses;

b. improved interpretability: raw data are transformed into a format that will be better
understandable by both humans and machines;

c. detection and removal of outliers and trends; and

d. reduction of the dimensionality of the data mining task and removal of irrelevant and
redundant information [46].

The methods generally used for data pre-processing are divided into two categories. The first
consists of classical pre-processing methods, used for normalization, smoothing, and differen-
tiation. The second is represented by methods for variable selection and dimensionality reduc-
tion [47]. Among these methods, the most appropriate has to be chosen, such as to only remove
unwanted variation, without excluding or altering chemically relevant information [48].
When used in an inappropriate way, pre-processing may introduce artifacts or cause loss of
information. Thus, the purpose of the analysis is important for the selection of the most
appropriate pre-processing method, because scattering is disruptive for compound identifica-
tion and quantitation, but is useful to study the physical properties of the sample. As a
consequence, the best pre-processing method, ensuring a correct data analysis and robust
results, has to be chosen by testing and comparing the results of different methods [48].

4.1. Pre-processing methods

4.1.1. Spectral normalization
In many analytical methods, the variables measured for a given sample are increased or
decreased from their true value by a multiplicative factor, which is called the scaling or gain
effect. In spectroscopic methods, the scaling effect arises from path-length effects, scattering
effects, source or detector variations, so the relative value of variables should be used during
multivariate modeling rather than the absolute measured value. The sample normalization is
one of the most important pre-processing methods, which is applied in an attempt to correct
for multiplicative scaling effects, the shifts and the trends in baseline and curvilinearity, by
identifying some aspect for each sample which should be essentially constant from one sample
to the next, and correcting the scaling of all variables based on this characteristic [48].

Normalization methods can be subdivided into two main groups: simple normalization
methods (min-max normalization, one-norm, vector normalization, standard normal variate),
46 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

requiring only the information from the spectrum to be normalized, and normalization
methods requiring the presence of collective spectral data matrices or of reference spectra
(multiplicative scatter correction and extended multiplicative signal correction (EMSC) [46].
Among these, the most used scattering correction algorithms include the SNV and MSC. The
two pretreatments give similar results, being considered exchangeable, but the results
obtained through both algorithms are compared usually, since they may be different [49].
SNV was proposed to reduce multiplicative effects of scattering, particle size, and multicol-
linearity changes over the NIR spectra. This approach starts with mean centering and consists
of dividing mean-centered spectra by the standard deviation over the spectral intensities [50].
SNV normalizes each spectrum returning a mean of 0 and a variance of 1 spectra dataset [48].
The disadvantage is the assumption that multiplicative effects are uniform over the whole
spectral range, so artifacts may be introduced by this transformation.

The de-trend method is another approach to correct for baseline shift, which removes the
baseline curvature by expressing it as a quadratic function of the wavelengths. The modeled
baseline is subtracted from the spectrum, so de-trend can be used after SNV to circumvent any
curvilinear trend, where the baseline drift is a function of wavelength [50]. The MSC
pretreatment performs a linear regression of each spectrum on a reference spectrum, which is
usually the mean of all available spectra, for example, the average spectra of the calibration set,
or a generic reference spectrum can also be applied [49].

4.1.2. Smoothing and differentiation

The smoothing algorithms are used in order to correct the spectral noise, while differentiation
is used to enhance spectral resolution and to eliminate background absorption. The most
common ways to achieve smoothing are the use of noise filters for de-noising and smoothing
and Savitzky-Golay smoothing/derivative filters for smoothing/resolution enhancement.
Noise filters are specific low-pass filters which can be used to reduce random noise. Their
drawback is that the signal-to-noise ratio is increased at the expenses of distorting the signal.
The most popular smoothing filters are the zeroth-order SG-smoothing/derivative filter, the
binomial filter, and the moving average filter [46].

Derivatives are used for their capability to remove both additive and multiplicative effects in
the spectra. The first derivative removes only the baseline; the second derivative removes both
baseline and linear trend. The first derivative is estimated as the difference between two
subsequent spectral measurement points, while the second-order derivative is estimated as
the difference between two successive points of the first-order derivative spectra [51]. The most
popular derivation method is SG algorithm, proposed by Golay and Savitzky in 1962 [52]. The
method has the advantage that computation of the derivatives and smoothing are carried out
in a single step. The algorithm used in this method is based on fitting a polynomial in a
symmetric window on the raw data, in order to find the derivative at the center point. The
parameters of the polynomial are calculated and the derivative of this function is found, this
value being used as the derivative estimate for this center point. The same operation is
subsequently applied to all points in the spectra. Two decisions are important to be made
in this algorithm, i.e., the window width (width of the subset of the data) and the fitted
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 47

polynomial order. The highest derivative that can be determined depends on the degree of the
polynomial used during the fitting [51].

4.1.3. Dimensionality-reduction methods

These methods rely on reducing the dimension of the predictor space spanned by a number of
variables or wavelengths, in order to find the subspace mainly containing variations related to
the response matrix. The orthogonal projection and the variable-selection methods are in this
group. Orthogonal signal correction (OSC) and its modified version direct orthogonal signal
correction ((D)OSC) are the most common among this group, developed to remove systematic
variation in the descriptor matrix, that is not correlated to the response matrix. In other words,
the pre-processing is performed in such a way that the removed parts are orthogonal (not
linearly related) to the response matrix [53, 54]. The method has the advantage of correcting at
once multiple artifacts.
An alternative OSC algorithm was developed by Trygg and Wold and is called orthogonal
projection to latent structures (OPLS). The objective of OPLS is the same as of OSC, but the
approach is different, i.e., the OPLS method analyzes the variation explained in each PLS
component. The non-correlated systematic variation in descriptor matrix is removed, making
interpretation of the resulting PLS model easier, and the non-correlated variation can be
analyzed further [55].
Variable-selection techniques consist of selecting particular variables related to the response,
instead of removing the interference modeled as a spectrum, the aim being to identify a subset
of wavelengths that produces the smallest possible error [56]. Selecting the most correlated
wavelengths may lead to better performance in PLS and PCR, but, on the other hand, selection
of the most correlated wavelengths may eliminate those that correct for the influence of
interfering compounds or factors [56].

4.2. Pre-processing strategy

In practical applications, combinations of pre-processing methods are usually employed in

search for the best algorithm, involving more than one pre-processing step. According to
Rinnan et al., several rules may serve as guidelines: scatter correction (except of normalization)
should always be performed prior to differentiation; normalization can be used at both ends of
the correction, but usually is easier to be assessed if it is done prior to any other strategy; MSC
gives a smaller baseline correction than SNV with subsequent de-trending; it is not
recommended to perform de-trending followed by SNV [51].
The ideal pre-processing strategy should only remove artifacts present in the data, without
introducing any unwanted artifacts or variability in the data. When physical properties, that is,
tablets’ crushing strength, are evaluated through vibrational spectroscopy, typical pre-
processing methods such as SNV, MSC, and the derivatives cannot be used, because they lose
the baseline-shifting information, which is relevant for the physical properties. The data in this
case should be modeled as such or after normalization [16]. Three approaches are described in
the literature, for the selection of the most appropriate strategy: the trial-and-error approach;
visual inspection and the use of data-quality parameters [57].
48 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

In the trial-and-error approach, all pre-processing methods are applied to the data and the pre-
processed data are used as an input to a calibration model, which is further used to assess the
quality of the pre-processing strategy by an internal measure, such as RMSEP or RMSECV [57].
For example, Karande et al. chose among various pre-processing methods through comparing
the figures of merit (explained variance, R2, RMSEC, and RMSECV) of the developed partial
least-squares (PLS1) regression models, for the quantification of micronized drug and excipi-
ents in tablets by NIR spectroscopy. The raw calibration spectra were pretreated with SNV
followed by first derivative and SNV followed by second derivative pre-processing. All
models were developed using the entire spectral range or narrow spectral ranges. The best
performance of the calibration method (highest explained variance, lowest RMSEC and
RMSECV) was obtained using the whole spectral range, pretreated with SNV followed by first
derivative spectral pre-processing [9] . The same approach has been used by Porfire et al. in the
attempt to select the best pretreatment method in the development of calibration models for
prediction of chemical composition and crushing strength of sustained-release tablets with
indapamide. PLS regression was performed for non-processed spectra as well as for spectra
treated by various pre-processing methods (i.e., FD, SD, SNV, MSC, FD + SNV, FD + MSC), and
the most suitable pretreatment algorithm was chosen based on the results obtained for PLS
model validation through cross-validation, i.e., based on its RMSECV and bias [58].
In visual inspection method, the effect of pre-processing is assessed before a model is
constructed. Thus, because artifacts have been removed during pre-processing, samples
should show more spectral overlap after pre-processing in visual inspection, and differences
between groups of samples should be more pronounced. However, as visual inspection may
be very difficult and not objective, the data are not usually inspected in “spectral mode” but in
a lower dimensional space, obtained usually through principal component analysis [57]. PCA
reduces the dimensionality of the problem by generating linear combinations of the original
variables returning new “latent” variables. Each original variable is weighted by a loading
representing the importance of the considered variable on the variance of the data. The
variability of the data is expressed by new dimensions called principal components, and the
projection of a pixel onto the PCs is called its score. The result of PCA is the decomposition of
the pre-processed matrix in a score matrix and a loading matrix [48]. PCA is used for data
overview, for example, for detecting outliers, groups, and trends among observations, for
evaluating relationships among variables, and between observations and variables. In PCA,
data in the matrix X are transferred into a new coordinate system defined by principal
components. The direction in variable space occupied by the most varying data points will
define the location of the first PC, and the second PC will be given by the largest variation
orthogonal to the first component. PCs are extracted until only minor variation is left
unexplained by the PC model, each component consisting of a score vector and a loading
vector. Observations close to each other in a score plot have similar properties, and variables
close to each other in a loading plot are correlated. Thus, the score plot is useful for the
detection of strong outliers, clustering, and time trends [59] .

The detection of strong outliers through PCA is done by analyzing the score plot. The strong
outliers are removed, as they may have a degrading impact on model quality. A statistic tool
called Hotteling’s T2 may be used in conjunction with the score plot for the detection of
strong outliers. This tool is a multivariate generalization of Student’s t-test, defining the
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 49

normal area corresponding to 95 or 99% confidence. Subsequently, for a better understand-

ing of the properties of grouped data, a splitting of data into smaller groups according to the
nature of the clustering is done, and separate PCA models may be fitted. For the detection of
weakly deviating observations (moderate outliers), which are not strong enough to show up
as outliers in score plots, the residuals of each observation are used. The detection tool is
called DmodX (a notation for distance to the model in X-space). A value of Dmodx is
calculated for each observation, and the values are plotted in a control chart where the
maximum tolerable distance (Dcrit) for the dataset is given. The plot of DmodX enables an
overview of the unsystematic process variation, as moderate outliers have DmodX values
higher than Dcrit [59].

Before PCA, scaling of data is usually performed, because variables have different numerical
ranges so they will have different variance and they will weight differently in the data
analysis. The most common approach is the unit variance (UV) scaling, consisting in divid-
ing each variable by its standard deviation. The result is that each variable has equal vari-
ance, meaning that the “length” of each variable is identical, although the mean values still
remain different [59].

Tôrres et al. used Hotelling’s T2 chart to analyze the NIR spectra of a training (calibration) set
for the development of a monitoring method for the stability of captopril in tablets. Before
being analyzed by PCA, NIR spectra were smoothed as described by Savitzky-Golay with a
21-point window and second-order polynomial and were processed by MSC for the correction
of baseline variation due to non-homogeneity of particle’s distribution [60]. The Hotelling’s T2
chart measures the distance from an observation to the center of the samples under normal
operating conditions and evaluates whether a particular sample has a systematic deviation
from the samples considered to be under statistical control [61]. As all samples from the
training set were assumed to be normal, the training chart was not expected to identify
systematic deviations in these samples in the training phase, so the number of PC retained in
the model was selected to minimize the number of false alarms (false positives and false
negatives) during the training phase of the control charts [60].

5. Regression methods

Regression analysis is a modeling technique used to investigate the relationship between

dependent variables (responses or y’s variables) and independent variables (predictor, factors
or x’s variables). According to the number of variable, three cases can be distinguished:

1. Simple linear regression—one y and one x variable.

2. Univariate linear regression—one y and several x’s variables.

3. Multivariate linear regression—several y’s and several x’s variables [62].

The objective of a regression method can be achieved by means of a model where the observed
result (dependent variables, response, y’s variables) is described as a function of independent
variables (x’s variables) and the noise is left as residual.
50 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

In a regression analysis, the relationship between two data matrix X (BxK) and Y (NxM) are
related to each other. A regression model can be written as in a matrix form as

Y ¼ XB (1)

where Y is the matrix of x’s variables; X is the matrix of y’s variables; B is the matrix of
regression coefficient, B(KxM).
A good estimate of regression coefficient (B matrix) provides a good fit to Y and good
prediction of future unknown parameters yT. More, the regression coefficient vector should be
of mechanistic understanding and interpretable [59, 63, 64].
A large number of regression methods were developed, all with the goal of finding the best
estimation of B. In the calibration of spectroscopic methods, only multivariate regression
techniques can be applied, and the most used are (1) multiple linear regression (MLR), (2)
principal component regression, (3) partial least-squares regression, and (4) orthogonal partial
least-squares regression (O-PLS). In the last years, some advanced regression methods as (5)
Bayesian ridge regression (Bayes-RR) (6) support vector regression (SVR) or (7) decision tree
regression (DTR) have started to be used.

5.1. Multiple linear regression

Multiple linear regression is an extension of simple linear regression model. In the case of MLR
determination, the relationship between x’s—variables and y’s—variables is achieved by
means of a model where the responses (y’s—variables) are described as a function of analyzed
factors (x’s—variables) and the noise is left in the residual (ε) (Eq. (1)) [65]

y ¼ f ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 …:; xn Þ þ ε (2)

The function f is approximated by a polynomial equation (Eq. (3)),

y ¼ b0 þ b1 x0 þ b0 x2 þ … þ b0 xn þ ε (3)

where bi (i = 1, 2, 3, …,n) are the regression coefficients and describe the effect of each term on
the response y.

The polynomial equation (Eq. (3)) can be written in matrix way as follows:

y ¼ Xb þ ε (4)

where X are the matrix of x’s variables and b the vector, and the multiple linear regression is
used to determinate vector b.
If there are orthogonalities between x’s variables, Eq. (4) can be written as

b ¼ XT X XT y


In this equation, matrix XTX become a diagonal matrix and b is easily calculated.
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 51

If not all the x’s variables can be controlled, the number of x’s variables extends the number of
experimental runs or the number of experimental runs is larger than the number of x’s vari-
ables, the co-linearity between x’s variables arises and the orthogonality no longer exists, so the
inverse of XTX cannot be applied.
Except the cases when the calibration of spectroscopic methods is performed following the
design of experiment strategy in the other multivariate calibration, the orthogonalities do not
exist and the MLR cannot be applied. That is the reason why other regression methods based
on latent variables as partial last squares are preferred and become popular. When the calibra-
tions are performed based on latent variables, inside of using the original variables in the
regression, a new set of orthogonal (latent) variables is calculated and leads to reduction of
the original dimension of x’s variables matrix and performs the least-square estimation.

5.2. Principal component regression

Principal component regression is a regression method based on principal component analysis
and it is used when datasets are highly collinear. In a PCA regression, the original set of
collinear variables is transformed to a new set of correlated variables. So, the principal compo-
nent analysis is used to decompose the x’s variables into a principal component (orthogonal
basis) and a subset of components in order to predict y’s variables. The basic idea of the
principal component regression is to calculate the principal components and then use some of
these components as predictors in a linear regression model fitted using the typical least-
squares procedure [66, 67].
In the case of PCR determination, the relationship between x’s variables and y’s variables is
achieved by means of a matrix of lower dimension (TPT), called principal components, and a
matrix of residuals (E).

X ¼ 1X þ TPT þ E (6)

where X contains X average; T is a matrix of scores that summarizes the X variables; P is a

matrix of loadings showing the influence of the X variables; E is a matrix of residuals (the
deviations between the original and the predicted values) [66].
The main idea of principal regression is to replace X matrix of row date to a smaller orthogonal
score—loading matrix (TPT matrix) that summarized the original X matrix, and then to relate
the T-scores to y’s variables.
The core of PCR is that a small number of principal components is enough to explain the
variability into the data. In most of the cases, it might be found out that four to six principal
components are enough to explain more that 90% of the variance into the data.

5.3. Partial least squares

The partial least-squares regression is the most popular method for the creation of models used
in the development of NIR and Raman spectrometric methods and is used to develop a linear
link between two matrices, the NIR/Raman spectral data and the reference values.
52 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

The PLS approach was first proposed by Herman Wold around 1975 for the modeling of
complicated datasets in terms of chains of matrices, the so-called path models. PLS regression
is preferable to develop calibration models because unlike MLR, it can analyze data with
strongly collinear, noisy, and numerous X-variables, and also simultaneously model several
response variables [68]. PLS was developed for situation in which the data have more inde-
pendent variables than observations (the “small n, large p”) or/and where collinearity is
present among dataset [69].
The PLS finds a multivariate model (linear or polynomial) that describes the relationship
between Y matrix (dependent variables) and X matrix (predictor variables) expressed as
Y ¼ fðXÞ þ E (7)

PLS may be easily understood geometrically if we imagine the matrices X and Y as N points in
two spaces. The X-space with K axes, and the Y-space with M axes, where K is the number of
columns in X matrix and M the number of columns in Y matrix. The objectives of PLS is to find
a latent variable so that the best approximate X-space, the best approximate Y–space, and the
greatest possible correlation between X-space and Y space.
A PLS model can be written as

X ¼ 1X þ TPT þ E (8)

Y ¼ 1Y þ UCT þ F (9)

T ¼UþH (10)

where X contains the X average; Y contains the Y average; T is a matrix of scores that summa-
rizes the X variables; U is a matrix of scores that summarizes the Y variables; E, F, H is a matrix of
residuals (the deviations between the original and the predicted values) [12].
In a PLS algorithm, there are additional loading called weight. P is the matrix of weigh
expressing the correlation between X and U and is used to calculate T. C is the matrix of weigh
expressing the correlation between Y and T and is used to calculate U [12, 70].

5.4. Orthogonal partial least squares

OPLS has been developed in order to separate information in the X matrix that is correlated
with Y matrix form Y-uncorrelated information. The idea of O-PLS algorithm was to remove
systematic variation uncorrelated with the response with the goal and to reduce the number of
components in order to increase interpretability of the model [55, 69, 71].
The main idea of O-PLS is to separate the systematic variation in X into two parts, one which is
related to both X and Y (co-varying noise) and one which is orthogonal to Y (structured noise).
Two O-PLS algorithms were developed, the first (O1-PLS) is unidirectional X ) Y and the
second (O2-PLS) is bi-directional X ⇔ Y and is able to separate these different types of varia-
tions in both X and Y matrices [63, 64]. The practical result of using O-PLS algorithms inside of
PLS is cleaner models that are easier to display and interpret.
Multivariate Calibration for the Development of Vibrational Spectroscopic Methods 53

An O2-PLS model can be written as

X ¼ 1X0 þ TPT þ T o PTo þ E (11)

Y ¼ 1Y0 þ UCT þ U o CTO þ F (12)

T ¼ UBu þ H TU (13)

U ¼ TBT þ H UT (14)

where X is a contain de X average; Y is a contain de Y average; T is a matrix of scores that

summarizes the X variables; U is a matrix of scores that summarizes the Y variables; P is a
matrix of weigh that express the correlation between X and U; C is a matrix of weigh that
express the correlation between Y and T; E, F, HTU, HUT are the matrixes of residuals.

The matrixes TPT and UCT hold the joint X/Y information overlap [12, 63, 64].
In the last years, O2-PLS has become the preferred regression technique for the development of
calibration models in NIR and Raman spectroscopy.

5.5. Bayesian ridge regression

Another regression method recently proposed for multivariate calibration of spectroscopic
methods is Bayesian ridge regression. The method presents similarities with least squares,
and the estimated coefficients tend toward zero in order to avoid collinearity [44].
In a Bayes-RR regression model, higher-level prior Gaussian distributions can be introduced
over α2 and α, and the prediction can be performed by integrating over α2, α, and the regression
parameters w. Since this prior distribution is conjugate to the likelihood function, the predictive
distribution is also Gaussian [72]
p yjα, α ¼ p yjw, α2 pðwjαÞdw

The Bayes-RR is a widely used regression technique in machine learning based on the ridge
regression [73], and in the last years its performance for the development of excellent models
for spectroscopic calibration has been proved [72, 74, 75].

5.6. Support vector regression (SVR)

The support vector machines (SVMs) are a set of learning methods mostly used for classifica-
tion that can be used as a regression technique which is called the support vector regression. In
the last years, SVM started to be used in chemometrics for NIR spectra classification and
multivariate calibration. The SVR uses the same principles as the SVM and is based on finding
the hyperplane maximizing the margin between classes. The hyperplane maximizing the
margin is justified by statistical learning theory endowed with a probabilistic test error bound
that is minimized when the margin is maximized. The regression is performed using kernel
functions that transform the data into a higher dimensional feature space to make a linear
54 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches

separation possible. The models obtained by SVR are more complex and difficult to interpret
in comparison with those obtained by other regression techniques [44, 76, 77].

5.7. Decision tree regression

Decision tree regression is a type of decision tree algorithm that can be applied to solve regres-
sion problems. Decision trees represent one of the main techniques used for discriminant analy-
sis, classification, and prediction in knowledge discovery. It is widely used because it closely
resembles human reasoning and is easy to understand. The principle is to compute a regression
in a tree structure from breaking down a dataset into smaller and smaller subsets. Recently, some
applications in multivariate calibration of spectroscopic methods have been proposed [44, 77–79].


This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research
and Innovation, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0201.

Author details

Ioan Tomuta*, Alina Porfire, Tibor Casian and Alexandru Gavan

*Address all correspondence to:

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, University of Medicine and

Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


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