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Moisture Content Determination of Pharmaceutical Pellets by Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Method Development and Validation

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Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 186192

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Moisture content determination of pharmaceutical pellets by near

infrared spectroscopy: Method development and validation
J. Mantanus a,,1 , E. Zimons a,1 , P. Lebrun a , E. Rozet a , R. Klinkenberg b ,
B. Streel b , B. Evrard c , Ph. Hubert a
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, CIRM, University of Lige, 1 Avenue de lHpital, 4000 Lige, Belgium
Galphar Research Center M/F, 39 rue du Parc Industriel, 6900 Marche en Famenne, Belgium
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology, CIRM, University of Lige, 1 Avenue de lHpital, 4000 Lige, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a near infrared method able to accurately deter-
Received 29 July 2008 mine a moisture content of pharmaceutical pellets ranging from 1% to 8% in order to check their moisture
Received in revised form 12 December 2008 content conformity. A calibration and validation set were designed for the conception and evaluation of
Accepted 16 December 2008
the method adequacy. An experimental protocol was then followed, involving two operators, indepen-
Available online 25 December 2008
dent production campaign batches and different temperatures for data acquisition. On the basis of this
protocol, prediction models based on partial least squares (PLS) regression were then carried out. Con-
ventional criteria such as the R2 , the root mean square errors of calibration and prediction (RMSEC and
Near infrared spectroscopy
RMSEP) as well as the number of PLS factors enabled the selection of three preliminary models. However,
Pharmaceutical pellets such criteria did not clearly demonstrate the models ability to give accurate predictions over the whole
Validation analyzed water content range. Consequently, a novel approach based on accuracy proles which allow
Accuracy prole the selection of the most tted model for purpose was used. According to this novel approach, the model
PAT using multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) pre-treatment was obviously the most suitable. Indeed, the
resulting accuracy prole clearly showed that this model was able to determine moisture content over
the range of 18% with a very acceptable accuracy.
The present study conrmed that NIR spectroscopy could be used in the PAT concept as a non-invasive,
non-destructive and fast technique for moisture content determination in pharmaceutical pellets. In
addition, facing the limit of the classical and commonly used criteria, the use of accuracy proles proved
to be useful as a powerful decision tool to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed analytical method.
2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction as well as different environmental constrains. Moreover, given that

great quantity of physical and chemical information are found in
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy belongs to vibrational spec- the NIR spectra, visual spectra interpretation is rendered difcult.
troscopy. This analytical technique offers many advantages such as Indeed, only a small piece of information is relevant with respect
suppression of sample preparation and/or of destruction and fast to the objective investigated. Therefore chemometrical tools are
data acquisition. Besides, the calibration set does not need to be widely used to extract the signicant information arising from the
updated or rebuilt as long as there is an agreement between the physical and chemical data [13]. Two well-known chemometrical
validation results and the quality controls (QCs) results. The use tools for spectral analyses are mathematical pre-treatments and
of optical bres also allows at-line, on-line or in-line analy- regression methods. The rst consists in suppressing the biggest
ses. Moreover, NIR spectra contain both physical (e.g. granulometry, part of the information that is not relevant, i.e. not directly linked
particle shape, polymorphism, etc.) and chemical information (e.g. to the chemical nature of the sample. Examples of mathematical
the active pharmaceutical ingredient, moisture, etc.). However, pre-treatments include the SavitzkyGolay smoothing lter, stan-
each technique has its drawbacks: the NIR system must be carefully dard normal variate (SNV) and multiplicative scatter correction
calibrated and this calibration phase is a time consuming task since (MSC) [3,4]. The second links a spectrum to a given concentra-
the model creation takes into account the use of a reference method tion allowing the creation of a mathematical model. Examples of
regression methods include multiple-linear regression (MLR), par-
tial least squares (PLS) regression and articial neuronal network
Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 4 3664324; fax: +32 4 3664317. (ANN) [3].
E-mail address: (J. Mantanus). In the pharmaceutical eld, conformity analyses realized
These authors contributed equally to this work. between batch production and batch release can be time consuming

0003-2670/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Mantanus et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 186192 187

if most of them are performed after the manufacturing process. 2.3. Thermogravimetric method
From this statement is born FDAs process analytical technology
(PAT) which is also dened in the ICH Q8 documents [5,6]. Indeed, A thermogravimetric balance (HB43S Halogen balance, Mettler
the PAT approach focuses on the monitoring of each critical step of Toledo, Greifensee, Switzerland) was used as reference method.
the fabrication in real time reducing the batch release time. PAT also Pellets samples of approximately 2 g were heated at a 105 C desic-
gives the opportunity to tune manufacturing parameters, avoiding cation temperature that remained constant during the analysis. The
the loss of potential batches. Regarding the non-invasive, non- measurement stopped as soon as the mean weight loss per 90 s was
destructive and fast data acquisition character of NIR spectroscopy, lower than 1 mg. The thermogravimetric method precision is 0.1%
it is increasingly associated with the PAT concept [710]. of moisture.
Pellets preparation is a complex process which is divided
into different operations such as blending, granulation, extru- 2.4. Validation protocol
sion, spheronization and drying. The PAT approach is particularly
indicated to control such a complex process [11,12]. Moisture deter- An experimental protocol was created for the calibration and
mination to control the drying phase of the granulation process is validation steps in order to obtain a robust model.
often performed with time consuming and/or sample destructive Pellet samples were disposed on sieves in a cold room to
techniques such as thermo-gravimetric or KarlFisher methods. reach the targeted moisture levels. As the cold room was sat-
These techniques could be replaced by NIR spectroscopy. Indeed, urated with humidity, the more the pellets samples stayed in
the NIR spectrum of water contains two major absorption bands at the cold room, the more moisture content they retained. The
5155 cm1 and 6895 cm1 making this technique selective enough sieves were agitated every 30 min to obtain homogeneous mois-
to allow a sensitive determination of moisture content [3]. NIR ture content. Samples were rst scanned with the NIR spectrometer
spectroscopy has already been used in different elds such as the before measuring the moisture content with the reference method
pharmaceutical [1318], the food [19] and the fuel industry [20] which is a destructive method. As pellets are not perfect spheri-
to determine moisture content. In the pharmaceutical eld, Ranta- cal structures, three different NIR measurements (i.e. replicates) of
nen et al. [18] described the in-line drying monitoring of a pellet the same sample were taken to catch its physical state variabil-
formulation. However their quantitative approach was not fully ity.
After the development of an analytical method, it is crucial and
mandatory to validate it in order to guarantee that the laboratory 2.5. Data treatment
will obtain accurate results in routine analysis [21]. The accuracy
prole is used to facilitate the analytical interpretation. It also inte- The statistical language R 2.7.1 for Windows [31] has been used
grates all the useful required statistics, such as accuracy, trueness, to implement the signal processing of the near infrared spectra.
precision, quantitative limits, risk and linearity [2224]. In addi- The following packages have been imported into R: signal, pls and
tion, the accuracy prole, using -expectation tolerance intervals, nlme. Each spectrum was the average of 32 scans and the reso-
enables a visual and reliable representation of the future perfor- lution was 8 cm1 over the range from 12500 cm1 to 3600 cm1 .
mances of the analytical method [2530]. The validation results were given by e.noval V2.0 (Arlenda, Lige,
The aim of the present study was rst to develop a robust near Belgium).
infrared model able to determine the moisture content of pharma-
ceutical pellets. The second aim was to fully validate the method 3. Results and discussion
for a moisture content ranging from 1% to 8% by use of the accuracy
prole as decision tool. The nal aim was to demonstrate the ability 3.1. Calibration
of the proposed method to accurately determine a moisture content
below 4% which allows conform liberation of the pharmaceutical As samples analyzed in routine will not all belong to the
pellets. same production batch or production campaign, the prediction
models were built using independent batches of pharmaceuti-
cal pellets from three different production campaigns (C1C3). It
2. Materials and methods
seems important here to dene the difference between a batch
effect and a production campaign effect: the rst effect incorpo-
2.1. Chemicals
rates batch-to-batch variations due to uctuating manufacturing
conditions. Indeed, once a batch is manufactured, all the produc-
Independent batches from three different production campaigns
tion tools are dismantled, cleaned and put together again leading
of pharmaceutical pellets with Active Pharmaceutical Ingredi-
to possible changes in the manufacturing conditions. Besides,
ent (API) T200999 were obtained from Galphar M/F (Marche
different batches of raw materials are likely to be used inside
en Famenne, Belgium). The pellets analyzed are complex phar-
the same production campaign. The second effect also includes
maceutical matrices. Indeed, the pharmaceutical pellets contain
uctuating manufacturing conditions due to the use of the instru-
two coating layers: the rst coating is a subcoating layer while
ments for the production of another pharmaceutical formulation.
the second layer enables the sustained release of the API during
Consequently, when a new production campaign of pharmaceu-
24 h.
tical pellets begins, all the manufacturing parameters have to
be restored, causing possible uctuations in the manufacturing
2.2. FT-NIR equipment conditions. Again, to match the routine conditions, this proto-
col was designed for two operators. In addition, as temperature
Pharmaceutical pellets were analyzed by reexion mode with a changes can induce variations in the spectral response, especially
multipurpose analyzer Fourier transform near infrared spectrom- for the absorption bands of water, samples were scanned under
eter (MPA, Bruker Optics, Ettlingen, Germany) equipped with a two different temperature conditions (5 C and 25 C). Indeed, with
semi-conductor room temperature sulde lead (RT-PbS) detector. increasing temperatures, the water absorption bands are moving
The spectra were collected with the Opus software 6.5 (Bruker to higher wavenumbers and there is an increase in signal height
Optics). [3].
188 J. Mantanus et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 186192

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the calibration protocol. D means day. C1, C2 and C3 represent independent batches from production campaign 1, 2 and 3, respectively. A
means that the sample is measured with NIR spectroscopy under low temperature conditions (5 C) whereas B means that the sample is measured with NIR spectroscopy
under ambient temperature conditions (25 C). R1, R2 and R3 represent different NIR measurements of the same sample (repetitions).

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the validation protocol. D means day. C 1, C  1 and C   1 represent independent batches from production campaign 1 which are different
from the batches used in the calibration protocol. A means that the sample is measured with NIR spectroscopy under low temperature conditions (5 C) whereas B means
that the sample is measured with NIR spectroscopy under ambient temperature conditions (25 C). R1, R2 and R3 represent different NIR measurements of the same sample
J. Mantanus et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 186192 189

Fig. 3. NIR spectra used for the calibration set.

Fig. 4. NIR spectra used for the validation set.

As shown in Fig. 1, the calibration protocol covered six different 3.3. Data treatment
moisture levels: 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8% and 10%. The entire calibration
is realized within 2 days, each operator making his own series per Prediction models based on PLS regression were carried out. In
day. Batches belonging to three different production campaigns (C1, PLS [2] method the regressions are computed with least squares
C2 and C3) were chosen. Each sample was measured with the NIR algorithms. The goal of the PLS is to establish a linear link between
spectrometer in triplicate under two different temperature condi- two matrices, the spectral data X and the reference values Y (which
tions. Condition A corresponds to the temperature of the cold room can be of dimension above one). This technique works both on
(5 C) whereas condition B corresponds to ambient temperature
(25 C). Table 1
Type of spectral pre-treatment, R2 calibration, R2 validation, number of PLS factors,
3.2. Validation RMSEP, RMSEC and region selected of different models.

Fig. 2 illustrates the validation protocol which covered ve dif-
(a) (b) (c)
ferent moisture levels: 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4% and 8%. The entire validation
followed the calibration and was realized within 3 days: operator 1 Pre-treatment None First derivative MSC
made one series on days 3 and 5 while operator 2 made one series R2 calibration 0.998 0.996 0.998
R2 validation 0.995 0.995 0.997
on day 4. For the validation protocol, three new batches from pro- PLS factors 9 5 5
duction campaign 1 were chosen. All samples were measured in RMSEC (%) 0.175 0.212 0.163
triplicate under the same two temperature conditions as in the RMSEP (%) 0.193 0.195 0.167
calibration protocol: condition A and condition B (5 C and 25 C, Region (cm1 )
75756117 75756117
54044926 54044926
190 J. Mantanus et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 186192

the MSC pre-treatment reduces the effect of scattered light on dif-

fuse reection NIR spectra [3].

3.4. Validation results

According to the type of data pre-treatment and region selected,

plenty of models can be generated. Conventional criteria such as the
R2 , the root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC), the root mean
square error of prediction (RMSEP) and the number of PLS factors
were used to suppress the model candidates with the less predictive
potential. Accuracy proles were then used to nally evaluate the
quantitative performances of the retained models in order to select
the most adequate one.
Concerning the selected spectral regions (see Figs. 3 and 4),
it is obvious that two regions are water content sensitive
(75756117 cm1 and 54044926 cm1 ). In fact, these zones corre-
spond to the location of the water bands as told in the introduction.
Either one or both of these regions were included in the potential
Table 1 shows the conventional parameters of three potentially
interesting models. Regarding the number of PLS factors, it is impor-
tant to choose a model with a small number of factors in order
to avoid overtting the model. Hence, model (a) seems to use too
many factors to predict the water content with good robustness.
However, neither R2 of calibration nor R2 of validation allow the
differentiation between the three models as they are very close.
Considering RMSEC and RMSEP, model (c) has the smallest val-
ues and the difference between its RMSEP and RMSEC values is
smaller than those of other models indicating the good robustness
of this model. According to the above criteria, model (c) seems
to be slightly better than the two others. However, those crite-
ria do not allow the assessment of the model ability to quantify
accurately over the analyzed water content range. Consequently,
accuracy proles were used as nal decision tool to select the most
appropriate model. Hubert et al. [2224] showed that the accuracy

Table 2
ICH Q2R1 validation criteria of the model (c).


Concentration level (% H2 O) Relative bias (%)

0.5 8.5
1.0 0.3
2.0 0.1
4.0 0.6
8.0 0.5


Concentration Repeatability Intermediate precision

level (% H2 O) (R.S.D.%) (R.S.D.%)

0.5 9.2 19.8

1.0 6.2 6.4
Fig. 5. Accuracy proles of models (a), (b) and (c). The plain line is the relative bias, 2.0 4.6 6.8
the dashed lines are the -expectations tolerance limits ( = 95%) and the dotted 4.0 3.5 3.5
lines represent the acceptance limits (20%). 8.0 2.9 3.3

X and Y in order to nd out the variables in the X matrix that
will best describe the Y matrix through linear combinations of Concentration level (% H2 O) Relative -expectation tolerance limits (%)

wavelengths, called factors, which describe best the studied prop- 0.5 [78.4, 61.4]
erties. 1.0 [13.8, 13.1]
2.0 [18.7, 18.8]
The spectra acquired during the calibration were integrated in
4.0 [6.7, 7.9]
the calibration set while those acquired during the validation phase 8.0 [7.0, 8.1]
were in the test set. In our study, two different types of data pre-
treatment were used: rst derivative and MSC pre-treatments. The Limits of quantication (LOQ)
rst derivative pre-treatment rstly smoothes the spectra using the Lower LOQ (% H2 O) Upper LOQ (% H2 O)
SavitzkyGolay smoothing lter and then performs the rst deriva-
1.0 8.0
tive transformation on the smoothed spectra [4]. On the other hand,
J. Mantanus et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 186192 191

Table 3
Model (c): estimates of measurement uncertainties related to moisture content results in pellets at each concentration level investigated.

Concentration Uncertainty of the bias (% H2 O) Uncertainty (% H2 O) Expanded uncertainty (% H2 O) Relative expanded uncertainty (%)
level (% H2 O)

0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 44.5

1.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 13.0
2.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 14.9
4.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 7.1
8.0 0.1 0.3 0.6 7.0

prole which uses the total error concept meets the ICH Q2(R1) most important to guarantee the pharmaceutical pellets confor-
guideline requirements [21]. Due to the confusion found between mity.
accuracy and trueness in the ICH document, it seems therefore Again, as noticed by the observation of the accuracy prole, the
important to remind that accuracy represents the total error which LLOQ is 1.0% while the upper limit of quantication (ULOQ) is 8.0%.
is the sum of the trueness (systematic error) and precision (random Fig. 6 is showing the linear prole of the model (c). A linear model
error) [2224]. was tted on the calculated concentrations of the validation stan-
Fig. 5 shows accuracy proles obtained with models (a), (b) and dards for all series as a function of the introduced concentrations.
(c), respectively. The acceptance limits were set at 20% while the The intercept, the slope and the R2 values are also presented in Fig. 6.
maximum risk (1 ) to obtain results outside these acceptance The slope and intercept are close to 1 and 0 respectively conrming
limits was set at 5%. As mentioned before, the thermogravimetric the absence of proportional and constant systematic error of the
method precision is 0.1% of moisture, which means for example model (c). The linearity of the method for the 1.08.0% moisture
that, the method can give a result of 0.9% for an amount of moisture content range is demonstrated since the -expectation tolerance
content of 1%, representing a 10% error. 95% of the results obtained limits were included in the absolute acceptance limits.
with this reference method are thus expected to be included into
the interval of 20% obtained using 2 as coverage factor. This 20% 3.5. Uncertainty assessment
interval was nally selected as acceptance limits for the validation
of the NIR method. The uncertainty characterizes the dispersion of the values that
As can be seen in Fig. 5, model (c) has the smallest lower limit could reasonably be attributed to the measurand [32,33]. Sev-
of quantication (LLOQ). Indeed its -expectation tolerance limits eral uncertainty results of the model (c) were generated and are
cross the acceptance limits when the moisture content is lower than presented in Table 3: the uncertainty of bias of the method at
1% (Fig. 5). each concentration level of the validation standard, the uncertainty
Moreover, model (c) clearly shows the smallest bias: it is stable which combines the uncertainty of the bias with the uncertainty of
and points towards zero from a moisture content ranging from 1% the method obtained during the validation step, i.e. the interme-
to 8%. Under a moisture content of 1%, the bias of the 3 models diate precision standard deviation, and the expanded uncertainty
becomes more important. which equals to the uncertainty multiplied by a coverage fac-
Model (c) is thus the most adequate one regarding our objective tor k = 2 representing an interval around the results where the
as it guarantees, on average, that at least 95% of the future results unknown true value can be observed with a condence level of
obtained using the developed method will be included within the 95% [3236]. In addition, the relative expanded uncertainties (%) for
acceptance limits over the 18% moisture content range. However, moisture content obtained by dividing the corresponding expanded
as the bias becomes more important and the -expectation tol- uncertainties with the corresponding introduced concentrations
erance intervals fall outside the acceptance limits for a moisture (Table 3) are not higher than 15%, which means that with a con-
content below 1%, model (c) should not be used to predict a mois- dence level of 95%, the unknown true value is located at a maximum
ture content below 1%. of 15% around the measured result. Only for the rst concentration
Furthermore, considering all the models, model (c) is based on
the lowest number of PLS factors: ve. This relatively high value
can be explained by the complexity of the sample matrix. Moreover,
all the loadings were checked: even the fth loading did not show
signicant noise.
Table 2 shows the ICH Q2R1 validation criteria of the model (c).
As seen in the accuracy prole, the bias is low and stable: the rela-
tive bias does not exceed 0.6% over the 1.08.0% moisture content
range but becomes more important below 1%.
The precision of the method was estimated by measuring
repeatability and intermediate precision at the ve concentration
levels shown in the validation protocol. The repeatability and inter-
mediate precision improve with growing moisture content but are
still satisfactory from the 1% moisture content level. Under this
level, the repeatability in R.S.D.% increases as well as the interme-
diate precision in R.S.D.% which increases even more indicating a
general lack of precision for the 0.5% moisture content level.
As shown with the accuracy prole, the accuracy is good for
the 1.08.0% moisture content range as the values of the rela-
tive -expectation tolerance limit never exceed 20%: the worst
Fig. 6. Linear prole of the model (c). The dashed limits on this graph correspond
case being the 2% moisture content level where the relative -
to the accuracy prole, i.e. the -expectation tolerance limits expressed in absolute
expectation tolerance limit is [18.7, 18.8]%. Moreover, the accuracy values. The dotted curves represent the acceptance limit at 20% expressed in the
is the best for the 4% moisture content level, the level that is the concentration unit. The continuous line is the identity line y = x.
192 J. Mantanus et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 642 (2009) 186192

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