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Ielts General Training Volume 4 Listening Practice Test 2 v9 37043

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IELTS General Training

Volume 4
Listening Practice Test 2

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Questions 1-4
Complete the table below.



University Clubs Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Name of club film climbing chess

Extra activities discussions 1 2

Current number of members 3 40 55

Contact Events organiser 4 Maths tutor

Questions 5-10
Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Details of climbing club:

Meets 5

Excursion to France in the 6

Subscriptions paid 7


Discounts on 8

Annual 9

Free entrance to climbing 10 in Cardiff

Questions 11-15
Which features are available at the following halls of residence?

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A -G next
to Questions 11 – 15.

Halls of Residence

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A cleaning included

B all meals included

C private showers

D modern building

E parking spaces

F single sex

G sports facilities

Brown Hall

Blake Residence

Queens Building

Parkway Flats

Temple Rise

Question 16-20
Label the map below.

Write the correct letter A-G next to Question 16 - 20

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Brown Hall

Blake Residence

Queens Building

Parkway Flats

Temple Rise

Questions 21-24
Complete the sentences below.

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Jenna and Marco must complete their project by 21

The project will be a study of the increase in 22

The project will be assessed by 23

Jenna and Marco agree they need a 24 for the project.

Questions 25-27
Choose THREE letters, A-G.

What THREE things do Marco and Jenna have to do now for the project?

A interview some people

B hand out questionnaires

C choose their subjects

D take photographs

E use statistical software

F do some work in the library

G contact some local companies

Questions 28-30
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

28 Why did Jenna and Marco agree to work together?

A because they both wanted to work with someone else

B because they each have different skills

C because they have worked together before

29 Why does Marco suggest that he writes the analysis?

A He needs more practice with his kind of writing

B He is better at English than Jenna

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C He has more experience of this than Jenna

30 Why does Jenna offer to do the presentation?

A Her tutor wants her to do the presentation

B Marco is very nervous about giving presentation

C She wants do divide the work on the project fairly

Questions 31-35
Of which US news source is each of the following statements true?

Write the correct letter A, B or C next to Questions 31–35.

A television

B internet

C the press

It is more popular at the weekend than during the week.

It has affected the popularity of local radio.

It has recently been able to expand internationally

It is offering more varied reporting than previously.

It has suffered from government intervention.

Questions 36-40
Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

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Advertising and Newspapers

In the USA, newspapers are being increasingly inventive about the way

they attract advertisers and their 36 now exceeds that of

other industries. Advertising has increased because of a good relationship with

the 37 sector. In addition, newspapers now run more adverts

which include 38 These have been found to raise readership of

the papers and create more sales for the 39 There are also

an increasing number of more expensive 40 adverts.

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1 weekend trips 2 competitions

3 125 4 club secretary

5 twice a/per month 6 spring

7 weekly 8 equipment

9 magazine 10 exhibition

11 G 12 F

13 C 14 B

15 A 16 B

17 A 18 C

19 E

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20 D 21 March 25th

22 older workers 23 (a) senior lecturer

24 timetable 27

28 B 29 C

30 A 31 C

32 B 33 C

34 A 35 A

36 profit margin 37 retail

38 vouchers 39 clients

40 full-page/full page

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Review and Explanations
1 Answer: weekend trips
the words which lead you to the answer are underlined.
the word/number you must write for the answer is marked.
words which you might wrongly think could be the answer are in italics.

Keywords in Q1 are Climbing, Extra activities

The keywords suggest the answer should be an activity. As the question asks for
‘’extra activities’’, the answer is likely to come with some conjunctions such as and,
also, besides, additionally, furthermore.
After listing all club at the university, the student representative suggests the man
consider extra activities as well. Hence, he looks at the leaflet and finds out that in
addition to the university’s own wall for climbing, climbing club also offers extra
weekend trips for its members. Thus, weekend trip is the answer for Q1

2 Answer: competitions
Keywords in Q2 are Chess, Extra activities
The keywords suggest the answer should be an activity. As the question asks for
‘’extra activities’’, the answer is likely come with some conjunctions such as and,
also, besides, additionally, furthermore.
Moving onto chess club, the man observes that sometimes the clubalso runs
competitions. As we can see, ‘’also’’ signposts to something extra or added. Thus,
competitions is the answer for Q2

3 Answer: 125
Keywords in Q3 are Current number of members, film
The keywords suggest the answer should be a number
When the man questions about the number of members in each club, the woman
points out the different numbers between three clubs. The crowdest one is supposed to
b e film club. Note that the question requires ‘’current number’’ which means the
number at the moment. As the number has risen from 85 to 125, it was 8 5 in the
past but has recently changed into 125. Meanwhile, 150 is the expected number in the
future, not now. Thus, 125 is the answer for Q3

4 Answer: club secretary

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Keywords in Q4 are Contact, climbing club
The keywords suggest the answer should be a person
We listen more carefully when the man asks ‘’who do I see if I want to join these
clubs?’’ which indicates that he is asking about thecontact of these club. In particular
for climbing, he is told to contact theclub secretary. Thus, club secretary is the
answer for Q4

5 Answer: twice a/per month

Keywords in Q5 are Climbing club, meets
The keywords suggest the answer might be a person or an adverb indicating time
or a place
According to the leaflet, members of climbing club ‘’get togethertwice a month’’.
Note that to ‘’get together’’ means to see and meet each other. It means the club
meets twice a month. ‘’Twice a month’’ also matches with our prediction as an
adverb of time/frequency.
Thus, twice a/per month is the answer for Q5

6 Answer: spring
Keywords in Q6 are Excursion to France in the
The keywords suggest that whatever the answer is, it shouldgo with preposition
‘’in’’ and article ‘’the’’.
The woman introduces some activities in climbing club which she has already joined,
including the usual excursion (trip/journey) to France. This year that trip will take
place in spring. ‘’Spring’’ matches perfectly with our guess. Thus, spring s the
answer for Q6

7 Answer: weekly
Keywords in Q7 are Subscriptions paid
The keywords suggest the answer might be an amount of money, a method of
paying, frequency of paying…
The man suggests that the excursion should be expensive so one attempt to reduce
the fee is through subscribing in which subscribers pay weekly instead of monthly
large payment. Thus, weekly is the answer for Q7

8 Answer: equipment

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Keywords in Q8 are benefits, discount
The keywords suggest the answer should be a noun
Thanks to the cooperation between climbing club and local shop, club members are
privileged to get money off equipment when they show their card at the shop. Note
that ‘’get money off’ ’ is similar to ‘’discount’’. Thus, it means club members can buy
equipment at discount price.
Thus, equipment is the answer for Q8. Note that the answer is not ‘’clothes’’ as the
club card is not applied for this item.

9 Answer: magazine
Keywords in Q9 are annual
The keywords suggest the answer should be a noun
The second benefit promoted by the student representative is that club members will
get a magazine once a year. Note that ‘’once a year’’ is similar to annual. Thus,
magazine is the answer for Q9

10 Answer: exhibition
Keywords in Q10 are Free entrance to climbing, Cadiff
The keywords suggest the answer should be a noun
It is said that there will be anexhibition in Cadiff and the member of climbing clubs
will be given a complimentary ticket for it. Note that ‘’complimentary’’ here means
‘’free’’ . ‘’Free ticket’’ is the same as ‘’free entrance’’. Thus, exhibition is the
answer for Q10

11 Answer: G
Keywords in Q11 are Brown Hall
According to the officer, there are many advantages of living in the Brown Hall such as
enjoying the feeling of community or getting new kitchen which has been refurbished.
Furthermore, what distinctive about that residence is a gym located in the
basement. Note that ‘’gym’’ refers to sports facilities. Therefore, G is correct.
One disadvantage of this hall, as pointed out by the officer, is that it isnot the most
modern construction. Hence, D is in correct. Overall, G is correct.

12 Answer: F
Keywords in Q12 are Blake Residence
The officer notes that Blake Residence is peaceful not only because of its own garden
but also due to its residents who are all girls. Although boys are entitled to visit,
they are not allowed to live here. It means this accommodation is provided for only a
single sex which is girl. Thus, F is the answer

13 Answer: C

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Keywords in Q13 are Queens Building.
Queen Building, regarded as the largest hall, has undergone an upgradation in which
the old space for parking is replaced. Therefore, there are no more parking space in this
area which means E is incorrect.
In return, a new common room has been constructed in place of the old parking space
and every bedroom is now installed a private shower room. Hence, C is correct.

14 Answer: B
Keywords in Q14 are Parkway Rats
The fourth option is called Parkway Rats. It is more costly than other accommodations
due to the coverage of breakfast, lunch and dinner in the fee, which means that meals
in the self-service restaurant are included in the renting price. Therefore, B is the
Note that:
As parking is not allowed, parking spaces are not available in this hall. Thus, E is
Although this residence offers several facilities such as computer room or library,these
are not facilities for sport. Thus, G is not the answer.Overall, B is correct.

15 Answer: A
Keywords in Q15 are Temple Rise
This hall is highly recommended for messy students since the cleaning staff is
provided. That makes the price higher because it also includes the cleaning fee.
Thus, A is the answer.
Note that: There are totally 6 students who share one bathroom which meansthey are
not provided with private shower. Therefore, the answer can not be C. Hence, A is the

16 Answer: B
Keywords in Q16 are Brown Hall
The first instruction suggests that Brown Hall is located at the first conjunction from
the main entrance and is opposed to the theater. Note that only option B satisfies
both conditions. Hence, the answer is B

17 Answer: A
Keywords in Q17 are Blake Residence
When the instructor says ‘’The same applies to Blake Residence’’, we can infer that
Blake Residence is also built at conjunction number one. As this hall is opposed
directly to the main entrance, it must be A. Thus, A is correct

18 Answer: C

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Keywords in Q18 are Queens Building
For the next residence, the instructor suggests walking along the campus road to the
circle. There are many options here to be considered but he then clarifies by giving the
cue that it just past the library to the north. Note that only option C is northern to
the library.Hence, the correct answer is C

19 Answer: E
Keywords in Q19 are Parkway Flats
The clue to find Parkway Flats is that it is on the opposite corner to the library.
Besides, this hall also faces to the circle. The option to be considered is E. It is
ensured by the information that it can be found when heading to the main
buildings. As E is on the way to the main building, it is definitely the answer.

20 Answer: D
Keywords in Q20 are Temple Rise.
As the Temple Rise is inside the Circle and next to the sports centre, 2 possible
answers for this question are D, G.
The key to decide lies in the instruction that it isfarther to the main buildings of
the university. Hence, D is the correct answer as G is nearer to the main building.

21 Answer: March 25th

Keywords in Q21 are Jenna and Marco must complete their project by
After working out the deadline for the project, Jenna and Marco realise that thelastest
tim e they can submit is on week 8,March 25th. Therefore, March 25th is the
Note that:
The end of term is April 6 but they have to submit it in week 8 which is before the end
of term. Thus, April 6th is wrong answer.
March 21st is mentioned as the beginning date of week 8 which help Jenna calculate the
date for their deadline. Thus, it is not the answer. Overall, March 25th is the answer.

22 Answer: older workers

Keywords in Q22 are study of the increase
A scale study is required for the project. The focus is on therise in the number of
older workers. Note that ‘’rise’’ is the synonym of ‘’increase’’. Thus, older workers
is the answer.

23 Answer: (a) senior lecturer

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Keywords in Q23 are be assessed by
As preposition ‘’by’’ appeared in the question, we can infer that the answer can bea
person or a time or a method. Thus, we listen carefully when the boy asks ‘’Who’s
marking it’’ . Although the girl notes that project is sometimes marked byPhD
students, this is confirmed by the boy who observes on the paper thatmarker is
actually a senior lecturer. Thus, (a) senior lecturer is the answer.

24 Answer: timetable
Keywords in Q24 are Jenna and Marco agree they need
While thinking of how they are going to do the project, Macro firstly recommends to
decide how big they want it to be but this idea is refused by Jenna, who then suggests
finding out a timetable instead. As Macro says OK, he agrees that a timetable is
needed. Thus, timetable is the answer.

25-27 Answer: B,D,G

Keywords in Q25, 26, 27 are THREE things do Marco and Jenna have to do now for
the project
The first method of doing project mentioned is option A, which is aboutcarrying out
interviews. Nonetheless, this method is inappropriate due to lots of time required and
the unnecessity to set up a focus group to interview. Therefore, it is omitted by both
students and A is not correct.
Next, Jenna suggests contacting some businesses which is mentioned in option G
(contact local companies). As Macro says ‘’sound good’’, they both agree to do
this task. Hence, G is one correct answer.
In order to get in touch with local firms, Macro’s idea is togive them questionaires
which will be collected later. Note that ‘’give questionaires’’ is similar to ‘’hand out
questionaires’’. Since Jenna says ‘’exactly’’, she totally agrees to do this. Thus, B is
one correct answer.
Although Macro thinks about booking a study room in the library, they finally both
conclude that it is easier for one person to complete it. Hence, it is not needed and F is
The next thing to be discussed is that they have to write all the data instead of using
statistics software as no software is available. Thus, E is incorrect.
Lastly, Macro thinks it is a good idea to have some shots of some staff to support
their citation. Note that ‘’take some shots’’ is the same as take photograph. Jenna
also concurs this idea when she says ‘’Yeah, OK’’. Therefore, D is correct. Overall,
correct answers are B, D, and G.

28 Answer: B

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Keywords in Q28 are Why, Jenna and Marco, work together
The reason for their collaboration in work originates from their different strengths
that can compensate for each other. It means they are good at different skills.
Thus, B is correct.
Jenna then comments that they should have tried working together before which
demonstrates that they have never worked with each other as a group before. Hence, C
is not correct.

Overall, B is the answer

29 Answer: C
Keywords in Q29 are Why, Marco suggest, he writes, analysis
What makes Macro takes responsibility for the analysis is that he is used to do it
in the past which gives him more experience. Therefore, C is correct.
Note that:
Macro English is worse than Jenna so B is wrong answer.
Macro says that he needs more reading practice to improve his English, not saying that
his writing needs to be practised more. Thus, A is incorrect.

Overall, C is the answer

30 Answer: A
Keywords in Q30 are Why, Jenna, do presentation
Jenna suggests that she will be in charge ofpresenting the project. She then
justifies that she has not presented yet and as all students should do presentation once,
her tutor expects/wants her to do it this time. Hence, A is the answer
Note that:
Macro lets Jenna do the presentation because he dislikes preparing notes. Otherwise he
also has the ability to do public-speaking. Therefore, B is false.
C is not given.

Overall, the answer is A

31 Answer: C

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Keywords in Q31 are more popular at the weekend than during the week.
When discussing the popularity of 3 news sources, the speaker note that although
people usually think of the morning newspaper distributed on a daily basis, readers
actually prefer reading newspaper at the weekend when they are free of work.
Thus, it means newspaper is more prominent at weekend than weekday and C is
Note that:
It is suggested that the early evening news on TV are verypopular, but there is no
comparison about the popularity between weekend and weekday. Therefore, A is not
the answer.
The Internet is noted to have no variation (no difference) between weekend and
weekday access. Thus, B it is not the correct answer.

Overall, the answer is C

32 Answer: B
Keywords in Q32 are affected, popularity, local radio
The local radio is impacted either by local newspapers or the Internet. Between the
t w o , the Internet has stronger influence and it hits the local radio more

Overall, B is the answer

33 Answer: C
Keywords in Q33 are recently, expand internationally
The factors that substantially affect the spread of news sources are technological
changes. In addition to the increase in online news, these technologies also help printed
editions of newspapers access to worldwide readers. Thus, C is correct.
Note that:
Even though TV has already been globalised, the changes in technological advances
actually slow down this process by supporting the spread of online news. Hence, A is

Overall, the answer is C

34 Answer: A
Keywords in Q34 are offering more varied reporting than previously.
Unlike Internet news in which variety is limited as they are the copied online version of
printed newspapers, the diversity of television is increased with mixed news about
important events, light reports or showbiz news. Thus, A is the answer.

35 Answer: A

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Keywords in Q35 are suffered, government intervention
Reliability of different news sources are monitored differently by the gorvernment. The
most unregulated souce is the Internet where reporters are free to decide which news to
be posted. Journalists, on the other hand, have made great effort to prevent
government from interrupting. The other source, television, however, is suffered from
‘’harsh control’’ which means serious regulation. Therefore, A is the answer.
Overall, the answer is A

36 Answer: profit margin

Keywords in Q36 are exceeds that of other industries
Keywords suggest the answer should be a noun.
The subject for question 36 is advertisement in newspapers. As newpapers rely
mainly on profit made from advertising, they have made great effort to become more
creative and imaginative in order to attract advertisers. As a result, they gain more
profit margin than all the other industries in the USA.

Thus, the answer is profit margin

37 Answer: retail
Keywords in Q37 are Advertising, increased, good relationship, sector.
Keywords suggest the answer should be a noun
According to the tutor, newspapers gain their increased revenue by establish ‘’strong
association’’ with retail sector. Note that ‘’Strong association’’ is similar to ‘’good
relationship’’. Thus, the answer is retail.

38 Answer: vouchers
Keywords in Q38 are newspapers, run more adverts, include
Keywords suggest the answer should be a noun
Advertisement on newspapers, as noted by the tutor, is criticised for thevouchers
featured on it. Thus, the answer is vouchers

39 Answer: clients
Keywords in Q39 are create more sales for
Keywords suggest the answer should be a noun.
Vouchers on advertisement have double effects. On the one hand, it stimulates people
to buy newspapers. On the other hand, it creates more profit for the companies who
advertise on these newspapers, which are called the ‘’clients’’. Thus, the answer is

40 Answer: full-page/full page

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Keywords in Q40 are increasing number of more expensive, adverts.
Keywords suggest the answer should be a noun.
Aggressive sales campaigns conducted by newspapers lead to more and more
advertisers who now have to spend more money on full-page ads, which means full-
page ads are now more expensive. Thus, the answer is full-page or full page

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Audio Script:


You will hear a new student, Tom. talking to a student representative called
Kachel about university clubs.

Rachcl: Hi, welcome to Freshers Week. I’m Rachcl. Can I help you?

Tom: Oh, hi – yes. Erm – I was hoping to find out about some clubs I could join.

Rachcl: Well, all the club stands are here in this hall. What were you interested
in ?

Tom: Um – not sure. I wanted to do something where I could meet people.

Rachcl: Well, take this leaflets with details of all the clubs and see what you
think. It’ll probably depends on what day you’re free. Like on Mondays there’s
the film club, then on Tuesdays you’ve got the climbing club – that’s really
good. I’m in that – then on Wednesdays you’ve got chcss. if you want
something a bit more intellectual ! But you should look through carefully
because all the clubs run extra activities as well as their normal meetings.

Tom: Oh, yes I see. (as if reading) So it looks like the film club
has discussions after the films – I’d quite like to go to those. Then climbing
– goodness , it says here that the University has its own climbing wall –
that’s impressive – and they go on Q1 weekend trips . Cool. And it says
the chess club normally just docs games with whoever turn:! up but it also runs
Q2 competitions sometimes. But I bet you’ve got to be pretty good to do that.

Rachcl: Yes, I think so!

Tom: And how many people are in the clubs? Are they all really full?

Rachcl: Well, obviously they’re all different so, for example, the film club has
just increased its membership from 85 to Q3 125 but I think they’re hoping
to extend it to 150. The climbing club’s quite small – 40 people and the chess
club is fairly healthy at 55.

Tom: Right. OK. so who do I see if I want to join these clubs?

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Rachcl:Well, if you go round the stands and speak to the people there. For the
film club that’s the events organizer – um, for climbing you’ll need the
Q4 club secretary and the chcss club is organised by one of the Maths tutors .

Tom: Yup. I think I’ll start with the climbing club – it sounds good.

Rachcl: Oh well, as I said. I’m in that so I might be able to help you a bit.

Tom: OK. It says in the leaflet that they get together Q5 twice a month. Is that

Rachcl: Yes. Oh. you must join. It’s really good fun. We go away quite a bit to
North Wales and every year we have a special excursion , usually to France,
which is where we’re going this year in the Q6 spring. The weather’s
too unpredictable in the autumn.

Tom: Wow! That sounds good – but it must cost a lot.

Rachcl: Yeah, but we try and save up for it through subscriptions so rather than
having a huge sum to pay ill the month wc go we collect those Q7 weekly so
it spreads it out.

Tom: Good idea. I think I’ll definitely join.

Rachcl: There are quite good benefits you get from joining. I mean, you need
that don’t you? And the University clubs normally try and do deals with local
businesses , so it’s really worth joining. Like in the climbing club they’ve got a
special arrangement with one of the shops in town so if you show your card you
can get money off Q8 equipment . Don’t think the discount extends to clothes
though. That’s really worth it then. I’ll go over and talk to them now.

Tom: OK Hope you do join. Oh. and another thing I meant to say. If you do
become a member, yon automatically receive a Q9 magazine once a year. It’s
quite useful and interesting because it goes out to all the national climbing
clubs. And the other thing is, if you come to every session , then you can get a
complimentary ticket to the big Q10 exhibition that’s held in Cardiff even.’
year. So – hope to see you Yeah, thanks … (fade)…

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You will hear an accommodation officer telling students about different halls of

Accommodation Officer:

Good afternoon and welcome to Stanton University. I’m here to tell you about
the various halls of residence we have available should you choose to come
here. We aim to offer accommodation in Halls to all first year students and
you’ll find there’s a good variety to choose from.

First of all, there’s Brown Hall, which, as you’ll see. is not the most modern of
buildings but it is very popular with some students. It’s got a good sense
of community , some nice refurbished kitchens and. unlike the other halls,
Q11 it has recently had a gym built in its basement. Another option is Blake
Residence, which is built like a large house and so everybody cooks and eats
together. It has its own sectioned-off bit of privategarden and is even
more peaceful bccause Q12 this is an all girls residence, although of course
boys are allowed to visit the Hall and, I understand, frequently take part in
cooking dinner! The largest Hall we have is Queens Building and this has
been upgraded recently. The original parking area has been built on so that the
hall now has a large common room and Q13 each bedroom now has its own
shower room, which many students regard as a real bonus. A further option is
the Parkway Rats, which won an award for design in its day and this building
now has a preservationorder on it. This has meant that only a limited amount
could be done to upgrade it and the surrounding area is important so parking is
not permitted around the Flats. However, the Flats do have many
extra facilities such as a special computer room, a small library and
Q14 a self-servicerestaurant. The cost of breakfast, lunch and dinner
is covered in the fees for this ball so it does look a bit more expensive . The last
residence we can offer you is Temple Rise, which again is slightly more
expensive than other Halls as the rooms are larger. This has got very lovely
views across to the coast and this more than compensates for the fact that
bathrooms here are shared between six students. However, Q15 the Hall
has domestic staff who clean the rooms once a week so this is perhaps
an attractive option for the messier amongst you.

Now if I can just show on this wall map here where they all are, you might like
to go and have a look round. If you come into the main university entrance , at

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the first junction you’ll find that Q16 Brown Hall is on the corner opposite the
theatre. So you’re nice and near the station here – though I think it can get a
bit noisy with traffic. Q17 The same applies to Blake Residence, which is
directly facing the junction to the university entrance. These Halls are often
used by medical students and such like as they’re out all day so don’t notice
the noise. Q18 Anyway, if you then walk along Campus Road towards the main
Circle, you’ll see the library on the comer and Queens Building is just past that
as you head north.You will find that it is quieter here and you may get
fewer visitors ! By the way the Circle is quite a feature of the campus as it’s set
into the hills and has a brand new sports centre in the middle – it’s worth going
to look around it.
Q19 Now, the Parkway Flats are on the opposite corner to the library, facing
the Circle, as vou head towards the main buildings. The main buildings are only
about a five-minute walk from here and places in these Halls go quickly so
my advice is to reserve your place as soon as possible . Q20 Then Temple Rise
is inside the Circle, next to the sports centre, but further from the main
University buildings. Now. if you’d like to go oft and … (fade)…


You will hear two students, Jenna and Marco, discussing a Business Studies
projcct they have to do.

Jenna: Come on Marco. We’ve got to get on and sort out this project for
Professor Barclay.

Marco: Hang on. I want to make sure we’ve got all the information . Now ..
(sitting down)… where are we?

Jenna: Well, today we need to sort out exactly what we’re going to do and how
wc’rc going to divide the work up.

Marco: OK. How long have we got, by the way?

Jenna: Um .. the end of term is april 6 and he said to hand it in on week 8, so

that’s Q21 March 25th at the latest because the beginning of that week is
21st. So not long!

Marco: Right. Have you got the notes there?

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Jenna: Yes, he wants us to do a fairly small scale study, like the last one, on
whether or not businesses were offering more benefits to staff. We’ve now got
to look at the rise in Q22 older workers. Should be fairly straightforward .

Marco: Yeah, as long as we keep it small. Who’s marking it?

Jenna: Don’t know – sometimes he gets the PhD students to mark it for him.

Marco: Oh actually it just says here ‘ Q23 a senior lecturer and . I suppose it’s
too much for Professor Barclay to do them all.

Jenna: Yeah. Anyway, how arc we going to go about this?

Marco: Well, we have to decide how big we want it to be and who we’re …

Jenna: (cutting him off)… Yeah, but I think we must sort out
a Q24 timetable for the project otherwise nothing will get done.

Marco: OK. Do you want to do that?

Jenna: Alright. I’ll do it as soon as we finish here.

OK – what do we have to do now for the project? What’s the best way to go
about it?

Marco: Um … well. Professor Carter suggested we set up a focus group to get

some in-depth interviews but I think that’ll take a lot of time.

Jenna: Yeah. I agree. If we did a focus group, we’d have to spend

time deciding who to include in it and it’s not necessary to do one anyway.

Marco: Oh. fine.

Jenna: And. if you agree. I think we should Q25 get in touch with the
businesses on the list Professor Carter pave us and ask them if they’re
prepared to participate .

Marco: Sound;, good – then we can go there, Q26 give

them questionnaires and collect them later.

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Jenna: Exactly.

Marco: OK. Then do we need to book one of those study rooms in the library so
we can work together to input the data? Perhaps not, as I guess just one of us
could just sort it out, actually.

Jenna: Yes, that would be easier. A lot of what we’re doing is qualitative and ,
so it’ll be writing up rather than statistics . No software for that I’m afraid!

Marco: And I think it would look better if Q27 we had actual shots .of some of
the staff because we’re citing appearance as a factor in employability, aren’t

Jenna: Yeah. OK. I’ll factor that all in when I son everything out tonight.

Marco: I’m glad we decided to work together. I think it’s going to work out well.

Jenna: Yes. well, given that we had to work in pairs on this project, I think we
were right to choose each other. Wc complement each other academically as
Q28 we’re each good at what the other isn’t! In fact, we should
have tried working together before!

Marco: Yes! Now, how shall we split the work? I’ll do the analysis , shall I?

Jenna: Oh – OK.

Marco: ILii iust that it might be faster because Q29 I’m used to doing it –
although your english is better than mine. I need more practice at reading,

Jenna: OK. I’ll do the presentation then. If that’s OK with you?

Marco: Yeah. sure. I don’t mind speaking in public but I hate preparing all the
notes for them.

Jenna: Thing is, Q30 the tutor said one person should do the
whole presentation and he’s said he expects me to do ir because I haven’t
done one yet.

Marco: No. that’s tine. Now … (fade)…

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Yon will hear a media studies tutor giving a lecture about news sources.

Lecturer: OK. now many of you will have heard about the predicted death of
newspapers as people increasingly access the TV and the internet for their
news. Today I want to look at the USA. which has very advanced news sources,
to see if this is actually true.

In the USA the main news sources without doubt are TV, the internet and the
press – that is traditional newspapers . And, although they
are cach surviving and growing, they are also changing. Obviously TV news has
been around for a while, and the early evening bulletins when people get in
from work are very popular. I suppose we traditionally think of the morning
newspaper arriving on our doorstep with the daily news. Q31 Interestingly,
this is not borne out by the statistics, which show that readership in the US is
much higher when people have time to relax , when they’re not
working, especially on Sundays. The internet is also a popular weekend activity
but shows no variation with weekday access . So people are using the different
sources in different ways. Interestingly, Q32 local radio has been hit less by
the grip of quite strong local newspapers than by the internet, which is seen to
offer a better regional service. But just because the internet is seen as the new
force in news media does not mean it is dominant a . Television has, of course,
been global for a while, but now technological changes, which have fueled the
rise of online news, Q33 have also allowed newspapers to print
and distribute editions across the world. In fact, internet news, which is seen as
the big competitorfor traditional markets, does not offer that much variety .
Often the sources are the online versions of the newspapers, Q34 whereas
television, in order to offer something different-has had to come up with a
much more mixed bag of reporting from hard news to light reports
on celebrityevents. Another issue is reliability – the internet is
virtually unregulated so anything can be reported there, whether true or
not. journalists on newspapers have fought a long hard battle to
fight intervention and to retain the freedom of the press. Q35 Television,
however, is seen as critical to political power and has become subject
to harsh controls about what it can or cannot say.

Now one very critical factor in keeping newspapers alive and well in the USA
has been their approach to advertising. Obviously newspapers are heavily
dependent on advertising revenue and they have become more and

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more imaginative in what they offer, in order to make sure that advertisers use
them, and not other news sources. This has meant that, contrary to
popular belief , newspapers now have a significantly higher Q36 profit margin
than the rest of american industry

So how have they managed to raise advertising revenue in this way? Well, they
have put a lot of effort into developing and maintaining a very
strong association with the Q37 retail trade. And they’ve come up with a
winner. A critical tool in their sales plan has been suggesting that
the adverts they run can have Q38 vouchers. This has
been enormously effective because they have found that, not only do more
people,buy the paper to get the discounts but also that this inevitably means
much higher sales for the Q39 clients who advertised. As well as doing this,
the newspapers have also introduced aggressive sales campaigns over the last
few years. This has resulted in a significant and continuing rise in the number
of advertisers prepared to pay the extra for Q40 full-page ads. So, what I
would like … (fade)…

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