Electrical Safety and Protection of Ehv Substation Including The Effects of Power System Transients
Electrical Safety and Protection of Ehv Substation Including The Effects of Power System Transients
Electrical Safety and Protection of Ehv Substation Including The Effects of Power System Transients
Submitted By
(Roll No.)
All structures, buildings, foundations etc., layout & other details shall be
designed and developed keeping in view the functional requirement of the line and sub-
station facilities.
The site surfacing will be restricted up to 2.0 m beyond the last structure / equipment
foundation. A 100 mm thick base layer of lean concrete of 1:4:8 using coarse aggregate
of 20 mm nominal size shall be provided in the areas with covering with M-20 concrete
layer with minimum thickness of 50mm in the switchyard excluding roads, drains,
cable trenches etc. 30-40 mm Stone / Gravel spreading shall be done in areas presently
in the scope of the scheme. No stone spreading shall for the time being done in the
areas (bays) kept for future expansion. To hold the stone (gravel) from spreading out
of the surfaced / gravel filled area, a 115 mm thick and 300 mm deep toe wall 25 mm
above top of gravel shall be provided. All visible portions of toe-wall shall be plastered
& cement painted.
4. Outside Switchyard Area: Areas lying outside the switch yard shall be
landscaped, developed and maintained in a clean and presentable fashion.
1. Water Supply & Sewerage: Water supply & sewerage system shall be to
meet the total water requirement of the substations, facilities and emergency reserve
for complete performance of the works. The design and construction of septic tanks
and soak pits shall be suitable for a minimum 100 users with a minimum 10 year span.
2. Design of Drainage: The concessionaire shall obtain rainfall data and
design the storm water drainage system including culverts, drains etc. to accommodate
the most intense rainfall that is likely to occur over the catchments area in one hour
period on an average of once per ten years.
Slope of Drainage System: Invert level of drainage system at outfall point
shall be decided in such a way that any water over flow from water harvesting recharge
shafts can easily be discharged outside the substation boundary wall. For easy drainage
of water, minimum slope of 1:1000 shall be provided from the ridge to the nearest
drain. The above slope shall be provided at the top of base layer of cement concrete.
All internal roads, culverts and PCC pavements / parking within the sub-
station area and approach road from main PWD road to the sub-station main entry
gate(s) should be constructed as per transportation of heavy equipments.
Transformer Foundations:
1. General Scope:
RCC foundations & plinths should be designed and constructed having
minimum Grade M-20 laid on base concrete (1:4:8) of minimum thickness 100 mm
along with a pylon support system for supporting the fire fighting system for placing
350 MVA Power Transformers compatible with the type of equipment &fire fighting
systems and manufacturers’ drawings and equipment parameters.
The foundations of transformers and circuit breakers shall be of block
type. Minimum reinforcement shall be governed by IS: 2974 and IS: 456 suitable for
equipment load requirements of transformer including impact load equivalent to 15%
of total transformer load with oil etc. or total Jacking Load whichever is more.
An RCC Rail cum Road system shall be provided duly integrated with
the transformer foundation to enable installation of a new unit and the replacement of
any failed unit. The rails shall be fresh, firstquality 52-kg / meter medium manganese
steel as per Indian railway specification T-12-64 and laid to maintain the required rail
2. Emergency Oil Evacuation System: Design & construction of
Emergency Oil Evacuation System shall be suitable to the type of fire protection &
emergency oil drainage system selected.
1. Fire protection walls in order to protect against the effects of radiant heat
and flying debris from an adjacent fire for 315 MVA Transformers and 100 MVA
Transformers shall be designed & provided in accordance with Tariff Advisory
Committee (TAC) stipulations.
2. A minimum of 2 meters clearance shall be provided between the
equipments and fire walls.
3. The building walls which act as fire walls shall extend at least 1 m above
the roof in order to protect it.
Fencing & Gates shall be provided for Switchyard area as per General
Electrical Layout Plan and any other specified area along the lines shown. Chain link
fence fabric shall have size 75 mm; coated wire shall be of 3.15 mm diameter having
zinc galvanizing after weaving. The barbed wire shall be of 12 SWG galvanized steel
with its weight 155-186 gm/m length of wire. Maximum distance between two barbs
shall be 75mm. The barbs shall carry four points and shall be formed by twisting two
point wires, each two turn tightly round one line wire making altogether 4 complete
turns. The barbs shall have a length of not less than 13 mm and not more than 18 mm.
The points shall be sharp and well pointed and single strand galvanized steel wire
conforming to requirements for fence fabric 4 mm diameter or single strand, high
tensile, galvanized steel wire 4 mm diameter shall be used. Cast aluminum alloy or
galvanized steel malleable iron D-Clamp drop forged with bolt, check nut, thimble
and other clamps & material required shall be supplied and installed for stretching the
Barbed wire complete in all respect.
Boundary and Retaining Walls:
A Boundary wall shall be constructed all around the entire substation land.
The front wall shall be 1.4 m high and in addition 0.600 m galvanized iron grill & the
boundary wall on the other three sides shall be 1.8 m with 0.600 m U/C barbed wire
fencing over the wall. All retaining walls and dual purpose boundary walls shall be
designed to withstand sliding and over turning loads.